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Full text of "AWord For Word Meaning Ot The Quran"

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Vo. I.! 





Vol. Ill 




VOL. m 

Surahs 36 ( Ya-Sin ) to 114 ( al-Nas ) 



(Formerly Professor of the History of Islam, Madina Islamic University. Madina, and Imam Muljammnd Islamic 

University, Riyadh. Saudi Arabia. 

Author of Strut al-Nabi arid the Orientalists. History of the Muslims of Bengal. The Bengali Reaction to Christian 
Missionary Activities, A Brief Survey of Muslim Rule in India, The Quran and the Cutest Orientalist Assumptions, 

etc. etc.) 



ct**" dJi r *-• 

•t dT j Lj j Uju- ^l t> J' j <u .u>J\ 


All the praise is for Allah who has enabled me to complete the preparation of this 
Word for Word Meaning of the Qur’an. The method and purpose of the work have 
been explained in the preface to the first part of this work which was published in 
1998. That preface is reproduced hereafter for convenience of reference. 

I started the project casually while working at the Madina Islamic University, 
translating the first few 'ayahs of surat al-Baqarqah on 5. 11. 91 sitting in the 
Prophet’s Mosque after the maghrib prayer. Since that date I regularly translated a 
few ’ayahs each day, mostly at the Prophet's Mosque between the maghrib and 
’ish& ’ prayers. In this way the first draft of the work was completed on 8. 10. 1996, a 
few months after my retirement from Madina. During this first phase of the work I 
made only the translation, making it follow as closely as possible the sequence of the 
Arabic text in respect of syntax and order of words and phrases in the 'ayah. Thus 
completing the first draft I modified and expanded the plan and started revising the 
translation, adding word meanings and explanatory notes, wherever necessary, and 
grammatical hints, typesetting these on the computer. In this second phase it was a 
sustained and full-time work, devoting on an average six to seven hours a day 
continually for a little over six years since 1996. As already mentioned, the first part 
of this work consisting of surahs al-Fdtihah and al-Baqarah was published in early 
1998. Four other parts appeared in succession till March 2001. By the mercy of Allah 
the completed work is now ready for publication. 

Throughout this long and sustained work my wife. Rosy, and sons, Monu (Abfl 
Munta§ir), Ma'rflf and Man§flr, have constantly helped and encouraged me. A 
number of friends and readers have also helped and encouraged me in various ways. I 
am grateful to all of them. Above all, it is Allah's help and support that has enabled 
me to continue and complete this work despite my serious ailment and ill health. May 
He accept this humble effort; and peace and blessings of Allah be on His Prophet 
Muhammad, his family and followers. 

M. M. Ali 

London, 5 February 2003 

♦U' (►—< 

<JT j L— _. j li-X* J' J j W»J <ii JU^Jl 

PREFACE to the First Part 

There are a number of English meanings of the Qur’an in circulation. The method 
followed in these works is generally that the text of the ’ayah is placed in one column 
and its meaning is placed side by side in another column. This arrangement of course 
enables the reader to know the meaning of the 'ayah as a whole; but a non-Arab 
reader not having some knowledge of Arabic is unable to identify which English 
words or phrases represent the meaning of which words in the Arabic text. The 
present work aims at removing this difficulty. It places one or a couple of words of 
the 'ayah in one line of a column and gives their meanings side by side in another 
column, taking care to see that the flow and intelligibility of the English meanings 
are not thereby lost. This method has the additional advantage of keeping the 
meaning strictly to the wording of the text and it militates against omitting the 
meaning of any word of the text or importing in the meaning any word or expression 
that has no correspondence with anything in the text. 

To further facilitate the understanding of the text, the meanings of almost all 
important words in the text have been given separately. To do this a number has 
been placed on the English word which represents the meaning of the particular word 
in the text and then the meanings of that word have been given under that number in 
another column by the side of the general meaning of the text. The numbering has 
been kept individual for each page. Also grammatical notes, particularly verb forms 
and verbal nouns, have been given as far as practicable. As the words recur at 
different pages, so their meanings and grammatical notes also have been repeated, 
giving cross reference to at least one previous occurrence of the word, indicating the 
page on which and the number under which the word has been explained before. 
Such repetition has been deemed helpful for habituating the reader with the particular 
word and its meanings. As is the case with other languages, many words in Arabic 
language also each bears a number of meanings. An attempt has been made to 
indicate such different meanings for a particular word. Similarly, a number of 
English meanings have been given for a word so that a reader may well understand 
the different shades of meaning of the particular term in an '&yah. The aim has been 
to enable a non-Arab reader to understand the Qur’an as well as to improve his 
knowledge of Arabic, particularly the Qur’anic Arabic. Along with word meanings 
explanatory notes also have been given wherever necessary; but these have been kept 
to the minimum and have been based on classical and authoritative commentaries to 
which reference has been made at the appropriate places. 


Many words in the Qur’an bear special meanings. In explaining these words help 
has been taken, besides the standard dictionaries, lexicons, and commentaries paying 
special attention to word meanings, of the following works dealing specifically with 
the Qur’anic vocabulary: 

1. AI-Damaghani, Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad (5th century H.?), Qamus al-Qur'an 
'aw 'Isldh al-Wujuh wa al-Naza’ir Fi al-Qur'an al-Karim (ed. ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Sayyid 
al-’Ahl), Beirut, fifth print, April, 1985 

2. Al-Firuzabadi, Majd al-Din Muhammad ibn Ya’qub (d. 817 H.), Baya'ir Dhawi 
al-Tamyiz Fi Ixita'if al-Kitab al-'Aziz (ed. Muhammad 'All al-Najjar), 6 vols., 
Beirut, n.d. 

3. Al-Isfahani, ’Abu al-Qasim al-Husayn ibn Muhammad, al-Raghib (d. 502 H.), 
Al-Mufradat Fi Gharib al-Qur'an al-Karim (ed. Muhammad Sayyid Kaylani), 
Beirut, n.d. 

4. Al-TaymT, ’Abu ‘Ubaydah Ma’mar ibn al-Muthanna (d. 210 H.), Majdz 
al-Qur’an (ed. Muhammad Fuwad Sizkin), 2 vols., second print, Beirut, 1401/1981. 

5. Al-Yazidi, 'Abfl ‘Abd al-Rahman ‘Abd Allah ibn Yahya ibn al-Mubarak (d. 237 
H.), Gharib al-Qur'an wa Tafsiruhu (ed. Muhammad Salim al-Hajj), first print, 
Beirut, 1405/1985 

6. Al-Zajjaj, ’Abfl Ishaq Ibrahim ibn al-Sarri, Ma'ani al-Qur'an wa Trabuhu (ed. 
‘Abd al-Jalll ‘Abduhu Shalbi), 5 vols., first print, Beirut, 1408/1988 

7. Ibn al-Jawzt, Jamal al-Drn ’Abfl al-Faraj ‘Abd al-Rahman (d. 597 H.), Nuzhai 
al-'A'yiui al-Nawazir Fi ‘ilm al-Wujuh wa al-Naza'ir (ed. Muhammad ‘Abd 
al-Karim Kazim al-Radi), second print, Beirut, 1405 H. /1 985 

8. Muhammad Fuwad ’Abd al-B3qi, Mu' jam Gharib al-Quran Mustakhrajan min 
§ahih al- Bukhari, second print, Beirut, n.d. 

9. Mu' jam 'Alfai al-Qur'an al-Karim, prepared by Mujamma' al-Lughat 
al-'Arabiyyah of Cairo, Cairo, n.d. (ISBN 977). 

May Allah accept this humble effort and enable us to do what pleases Him and 
meets with His approval. And peace and blessings of Allah be on His Prophet 
Muhammad, his family and those who follow him. 

M. M. Ali 

London, 21 Shawwal 1418 H. 
(18. 2. 1998) 


Acc. = 

Act. = 

Al-Bahr. = 

Al-Bayddwi = 

Al-Tabari = 

Al-Tafslr al-Kabir 



Basd 'ir - 



Fall) al-Qadir ■■ 




Ibn Kathir 



List Of Abbreviations 



'Abfl HayySn al-Andalusi, Muhammad ibn YAsuf (654 - 754 H. ), Al-Bahr 
al-Muhit Ft al-Tafsir (ed. Sadqi Muhammad Jamil and others), new print, 
Al-Maktabat al-Tijariyyah, Makka, n.d., 10+1 vols. 

Al-BaydSwi, Najir al-Din 'Abfl Sa'id 'Abd Allah ibn ‘Umar ibn 
Muhammad al-Shiraji, al-Qadi (d. 791 H.), Tafsir al-Baydawi 

al-Musamma Anwar al-Tanzil wa 'Asrar al-Ta’wil, 2 vols., Dar al-Kutub 
al-'Ilmiyyah, first print, Beirut, 1408 H7 1988. 

: Al-Jabrari, 'Abfl Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir (d. 310 H.), J&mi ' al-Bayan 
‘an Ta'wil ‘Ay al-Qur'dn, 15 Vols., Dar al-Fikr, Beirut, 1408 H./1988. 

= Muhammad Al-Razi, Fakhr al-Din ibn al-'Allamah Diya' al-Din ‘Umar, 
al-Imam (544-604 H.), Tafsir al-Fakhr al-Rdzi al-Mushtahar bi al-Tafsir 
al-Kabir wa Mafdtih al-Ghayb (ed. Khalil Muhyi al-Din al-Mays), 17 vols. 
(the pagination is by parts), Dar al-Fikr, first print, Beirut, 1414 H. / 1993. 
= Al-Zamakhshari, al-Khawarizmi, ’Abfl al-Qasim Jar Allah Mahmfld ibn 
‘Umar (467-538 H.), Al-Kashshdf an Haqa'iq al-Tanzil wa ‘Uyun 
al-'Aqawil Fi Wujuh al-Ta’wil , 2 vols., Maktabat al-Ma'arif, Riyadh and 
Dar al-Ma‘rifah, Beirut, n.d. 

= Al-Samarqandi, 'Abu al-Layth Nasr ibn Muhammad ibn 'Ahmad ibn 
Ibrahim (d. 375 H.), Tafsir al-Samarqandi al-Musamma Baljr al-'Ul&m 
(ed. ‘All Muhammad Mu'awwid and others), 3 vols., first print, Dar 
al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1413 H. /1993. 

Al-Firflzabadi, Majd al-Din Muhammad ibn Ya'qflb, Bafd ir Dhawi 
al-Tamyiz Fi Lata' if Kitdb al'Aziz (ed. Muhammad ' Ali al-Najjar), 6 vols., 
Beirut, n.d. 

Al-Bukhari, 'Abfl 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Isma‘11, Sahih al-Bukhdri, 
the number refers to the number of hadith as in Fall ) al-Bdrt. 

■ feminine 

= Al-Shawkani, Muhammad ibn 'Ali ibn Muhammad (d. 1250 H.) , Falh 
al-Qadir al-Jami' Bayn Fannay al-Riwdyah wa al-Dirdyah min 'llm 
al-Tafsir, 5 vols., Dar al-Fikr, Beirut, 1409 H./1989. 

= Genitive 
= first person 
= second person 
= third person 

= Ibn Kathir. al-Hafiz ( 700-774 H.) Tafsir al-Qur'dn al-'Azim (ed. 'Abd 
al-'Aziz Ghunaym and others), 7 vols., Dar al-Sha‘b, Cairo, n.d. 

= imperfect 
= masculine 


= Isfahan!. ’Abd al-Qasim al-Husayn ibn Muhammad, al-Raghib ( d. 502), 
Al-Mufraddt Fi Gharib al-Qur'dn (ed. Muhammad Sayyid Kaylani), Dar 
al-Ma‘rifah, Beirut, n.d. 

Muslim = Abu al-Husayn Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Qushayri al-NaysSburi, Sahih 

Muslim, the number refers to the number of hadith as numbered by 
Muhammad FuwSd 'Abd al-Baq! in the Istanbul edition, 
n. = Note 

pi. = plural 

s. = singular 

Safwat = Husayn Muhammad Makhluf, $afwat al-Baydn li Ma'dni al-Qur'dn, third 

print, Kuwait, 1407 H71987. 

Tafsir al-Mawardi = Al-Mawardi, 'AbO al-Hasan ‘Ali ibn Muhammad, al-Basri (364-450), 
Al-Nukai wa al-'Uy&n Tafsir al-Mdwardi, (ed. Al-Sayyid ibn Abd 
al-Maqjud ibn ‘Abd al-Rabim), 6 vols., Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyyah and 
Mu’assasat al-Kutub al-ThaqSfiyyah, first print, Beirut, 1412 H71992. 
v. = verb 

Form II j«i =fa ' 'ala ( j-i; tafil) 

III J*i* = fd 'ala mufd ‘alah) 

” IV jjl = 'of' ala (juit 'If' at) 

"V J«i: = tafa ‘ ‘ala (J-ut; tafa ' ' ul) 

VI j*u = tafa 'ala (J*u tafa 'ul) 

VII J-ii = infa 'ala infi'al) 

VIII = ifta ‘ ala ( ifti 'at) 

" IX = if alia (j5Uit if ilat) 

X = istafala (Ju*l-i istifal) 

There arc a few more verb forms, but they of rare occurrence. 


► = ’ (hamzah) 

= S/s 

, = W/w 

T = A/a (as long vowel) 




j = fl (as long vowel) 


-u = j/t 

^ = Y/y 

c =H/h 

* = Z/z 

if = I/i (as long vowel) 

> = Dh/dh 

t= ‘ 

j = ZJz 

£ = Gh/gh 



Preface to the First Part 

List of Abbreviations 

Key to Verb Forms 


List of SOrahs 





1 . S&rat al-Fdtihah (The Opening) 

.. page 


2. " 

al-Baqarah (The Cow) 



3. " 

'Al ‘Imran (The Family of ‘Imran) .. 



4. " 

al-Nisa ’ (The Women) 



5. " 

al-Md 'idah (The Table) 



6. " 

al- ’An ‘am (The Cattle) 



7. " 

al- 'A ‘rdf (The Heights) 



8. " 

al- ’Anfdl (The spoils of War) 



9. " 

al-Tawbah (Repentance) 



10. " 








12. " 




13. " 

al-Ra'd (The Thunder) 











16. " 

al-Nahl (The Bees) 



17. " 

al-Isrd' (The Night Journey) 



18. " 

al-Kahf( The Cave) 



19. " 






20. Surat Td-Hd 




21. " 

al- Anbiya’ (The Prophets) .. 




22. " 

al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) 




23. " 

al-Mu ’mitiun (The Believers) 




24. " 

al-Nur (The Light) 

• • 



25. " 

al-Furqan (The Distinguishment) .. 




26. " 

al-Shu ‘ara ’ (The Poets) 




27. " 

al-Naml (The ants) 



28. " 

al-Qasas (The Narrative) 



29. " 

al- 'Ankabut (The Spider) 



30. " 

al-Rum (The Romans) 




31. " 





32. " 

al-Sijdah (Prostration) 



33. " 

al- 'Ahzab (The Confederates) 

• • 


34. " 

Saba ’ (Sheba) 




35. " 

Fatir (The Originator) 


• • 


36. " 


• • 



37. " 

al-Sdffat (Those Standing on Rows).. 

• • 


38. " 


• • 


39. " 

al-Zumar (The Groups) 




40. " 

al-Ghafir/al-Mu ’rtiinun (The Forgiver/The Believers) 


41. " 

Fussilat (Elucidated) 


• • 


42. " 

al-Shurd (Consultation) 


• • 


43. " 

al-Zukhruf (The Ornament) .. 





44. Surat al-Dukhdn (The Smoke) .. 

45. " al-Jathiyah (The Down on the Knees) 

46. " al-Ahqaf (The Winding Sandy Tracts) 

47. " Muhammad 

48. al-Fath (The Victory) .. 

49. " al-Hujurat (The Chambers) .. 

50. *' Qaf 

51. " al-Dhariyat (The Scattering Winds) .. 

52. " al-Tur (The Mount) 

53. " al-Najm (The Star) 

54. " al-Qamar (The Moon) 

55. " al-Rahman (The Most Compassionate) 

56. " al- Waqi'ah (The Inevitable Event) .. 

57. " al-Hadid (Iron) 

58. " al-Mujadilah (The Arguing Lady) 

59. " al-Hashr (The Gathering) 

60. " al-Mumtahinah (The Woman to be Eaxamined) 

61. " al-Saff (The Row) 

62. " al-Jumu'ah (Friday) 

63. " al-Mundfiqun (The Hypocrites) 

64. " al-Taghabun (Mutual Gain and Loss).. 

65. " al-Talaq (Divorce) 

66. " al-Tahrim (The Prohibition) .. 

67. " al-Mulk (The Dominion) 

page 1 606 
" 1618 

" 1631 

" 1647 

" 1661 

" 1676 

" 1685 

" 1696 

" 1707 

" 1717 

" 1729 

" 1741 

" 1753 

" 1767 

" 1782 

" 1794 

" 1806 

" 1814 

" 1820 

" 1825 

" 1830 

" 1837 

" 1844 

" 1850 


68. Surat al- Qalam (The Pen) 



69. " 

al-Haqqah (The Inevitable) .. 



70. " 

al-Ma'drij (The Ways of Acsent) 



71. ” 




72. " 

al-Jinn (The Jinn) 



73. " 

al-Muzzammil (The Enwrapped) 



74. " 

al-Muddaththir (The One Shrouded) .. 



75. " 

al-Qiydmah (The Resurrection) 



76. " 

al-Insan (Man) 



77. " 

al-Mursaldt (The Despatched) 



78. " 

al-Naba ' (The News) 



79. " 

al-Nazi 'at (The Divesters) 



80. " 

'Abasa (He Frowned) 



81. H 

al-Takwir (The Rolling Up) .. 



82. " 

al-Infitar (The Cleaving Asunder) 



83. " 

al-Mutaffifin (The Defrauders) 



84. " 

al-lnshiqdq (The Splitting) 



85. " 

al-Buruj (The Constellations) .. 



86. " 

al-Tariq (The Nocturnal Visitor) 



87. " 

al- ’A ‘Id (The Most Exalted) .. 



88. " 

al-Ghdshiyah (The Overwhelming Event) 



89. " 

al-Fajr (The Daybreak) 



90. " 

al-Balad (The City) 



91. " 

al-Sharns (The Sun) 




92. Surat al-Layl (The Night) 




93. " 

al-Duha (The Forenoon) 




94. " 

al-Sharh (The Exposition) 



95. " 

al-Tin (The Fig) 



96. " 

al- ‘Alaq (The Sticking Clot) .. 



97. " 

al-Qadr (Decree) 




98. " 

al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence) 



99. " 

al-Zilzal (The Earthquake) 



100. " 

al - ‘Adiyat (The Galloping Studs) 





al-Qari‘ah (The Calamity) 



102. " 

al-Takathur (The Vying for More) .. 



103. " 

al- 'Asr (The Time) 




104. " 

al-Humazah (The Slanderer) .. 



105. " 

al-Fil (The Elephant) 



106. " 

Quraysh (Quraysh) 




107. " 

al-Ma'un (Petty things) 



108. " 

al-Kawthar (Abundance) 



109. " 

al-Kdfirun (The Unbelievers) .. 




110. " 

al-Nasr (The Help) 




al-Masad (The Palm Fibres) .. 



112. " 

al- ’lkhlas (Sincerity) 




113. " 

al-Falaq (The Daybreak) 



1 14. " 

al-Nas (Mankind) 






36 . SOrat YA-SIn 
Makkan: 83 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah which deals with the fundamentals of the faith, namely, tawhid 
(monotheism), the truth of wahy and the Prophethood of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on 
him. Resurrection, Judgement, reward and punishment. It starts with an oath by the Qur'an that 
Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, is indeed a Messenger of Allah and that the Qur’an 
is indeed sent down by the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. It then refers to the unbelief and opposition of the 
Makkans and in this context mention is made of the inhabitants of a township ( qaryah ) who disbelieved 
the Messengers sent to them. Attention is then drawn to Allah's creation of the universe and the various 
aspects of nature like the sky, the stars, the sun. the fortnightly course of the moon, the night and day 
each succeeding and merging into the other and the running of ships on the seas by way of illustrating 
the Power (qudrah) of Allah and His Absolute Oneness. Emphasis is then laid on the truth of 
Resurrection. Judgement, punishment and reward. 

The surah is named Ya-Sin after the disjointed letters with which it starts and which is one of the 
miracles of the Qur'an. This surah is regarded as the "heart" ( qalb ) of the Qur'an and it is 
recommended that every Muslim should get it by heart. 

1. Allah Alone knows the meaning and 
significance of these disjointed letters See 2:1. p 
4, n. I. 

2. i. e., full of wise guidance, rules and 

injunctions. hakim (s.; pi. hukarnU ') = 

All-Wise, judicious, full of wisdom (active 
poniciple in the scale of fa'il from hakuma 
[/lufcm], to pass judgement Sec at 35:2. p. 1390. 

3. Allah swears by the Qur'dn. full of wisdom, 

that Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be 
on him. is His Messenger mursalin 

(accusative /genitive of mursalun, sing, mursal) = 
messengers, those sent out. despatched, delegated 
(passive participle from ’arsula , form IV of ratila 
[ ), to be long and flowing Sec at 26:160. p. 
1 190. n. 2). 

4. lira/ = way, path. road. See at 34:6, p. 
1369, n. 8. 

5. fJ, - .. — rnustaqim = straight, upright, erect, 

correct, right, proper (active participle from 
islaqdma. form X of qumu [ quninah/qiydm]. to 
stand up. to get up). Sec at 26: 182, p. 1 193. n. 9). 

6. Allah also swears that this Qur'&n is sent down 
by Him. Jtyl lanzil = sending down, bringing 
down, something sent down (verbal noun in form 
II of nazala [nuzitl], to come down. See at 32:2, 
p. 1324, n. 2. 


1. Ya-Sin.' 

2. By the Qur’an, 

full of wisdom. 2 

3. You indeed are of 

the Messengers; 


4. On a way 4 

straight and right. 5 


5. A sent-down 6 


of the All-Mighty, 



Surah 36: Yd Stn ( Pan (Juz ) 22 1 


the Most Merciful. 

6. That you may warn 1 


a people 


no warning was given 

to their fathers. 

so they are heedless. 2 

7. Due indeed has become’ 

the word 4 on most of them 

so they do not believe. 

8. Verily We have put 5 

in their necks 6 fetters 7 

and these are upto their chins, 8 

so they are forced-up of heads. 

9. And We have put 

- • ,~r 

in front of them a barrier 10 

and in their rear a barrier 

''h w 

and have put a cover 1 'over 

jC+* them so they cannot see. 12 

1. ji; tundhira(u) = you warn, caution (v. ii ra. 
impfct from 'andhara. form IV of nadhara 
[nudhr /nudhur], to dedicate, to vow The final 
letter takes faihuh because of a hidden on in the 
li (of motivation) coming before the verb See 
19:97. p. 975. n. 7. 

2. i. e., heedless about Allah oy** ghafildn 

negligent, unmindful, heedless, inattentive, 
ignorant, unaware (act. paniciplc from ghafula 
[ghaflah/ ghuful J. to neglect, to ignore See 
30:7. p. 1291. n. 9 

3. i. e.. because of their unbelief, intransigence 
and wrong-doing. haqqa = he or it became 
true, correct, due, right, incumbent (v iii. m ». 
past from haqq. See at 32:13. p 1328. n. 2) 

4. i. e.. sentence of punishment. 

5 This is an illustration of the stale of the 
unbelievers They are like those in whose necki 
fetters have been put so that their heads are 
forced upwards and they cannot sec what is in 
front of ihem (See Ibn Kalhir, Tafsir, VI, p. 549). 

ja alnd = we made, set, put. appointed. 

rendered (v. i. pi. past from ja'ala ( ja‘l J. lo make, 
to scl See at 34: 1 8. p. 1 374. n. 9). 

6. 'a'ndq (pi.; s. J* ‘ unuq ) » necks. See at 

34:33. p. 1380. n il. 

7. 'aghlal (p|.; s. ghult) = fetters, shackles, 
manacles. Sec at 34:33. p. 1380, n. 10. 

8 Oliit ‘ adhqan (pi.; s dhaqn/dhiqn ) = chins See 
at 17:107, p 908. n. 8. 

9. Oy — C. muqmahun (pi.; s. muqmah) = those 
whose heads are forced up so that they cannot see 
in front of them ( pass, participle from ’aqmaha, 
form IV of qamuhti | qumuh |, to raise the head). 

10. a- sadd (s. ; pi. sudud/usdiid) = barrier. 

obstruction, obstacle, mound, dam. barrage, 
hurdle. Sec uuidayn at 18:94, p. 944. n. 7. 

1 1 'aghshaynd - we covered, put a cover, 
overcame, overwhelmed, cast the shade (v. i, p|. s. 
past from ‘aghshd, form IV of ghashiya \ghiuhv/ 
ghishdwah], to cover. See yughshd at 33:19, p 
1342, n I). 

12. 0 yubsiruna = they see. realize, 
comprehend (v. iii. m. pi, impfet from 'absara, 
form IV of btuura/bayira \y* bayar], to look, to 
see. See at 7:195. p. 541, n. 8). 

Suruh 36: YdStn I Part (Jut) 22 | 


■ -Z 


10. And it is the same' on them 
whether you warn 2 them 
or you do not warn them, 
they will not believe. 



>• ^ 


1 1. You can but warn 
such as follow' the reminder* 
and fear' the Most Merciful 
in the unseen. 

So give him the glad tidings 6 

of forgiveness 

and a reward very generous. 


. * ,x, . 

12. Verily it is We Who 

give life 7 to the dead 

and write down 

all that they send forward 8 

and their vestiges;* 1 

and everything 

We compute 10 

in a record" quite clear. 

Section (Ruki 2‘) 2 

1 3. And strike for them 

1. *i f~ sawd’ = straight, even, equal, same, 
alike See at 30:28. p. 1298, n 13. 

2. o jiit ' andharta = you warned, cautioned (v. 

iii. m. s. past from ‘undhura. form IV of nadhara 
\nudhr /nudhur], to dedicate, to vow. In its form 
IV (‘indhdr ) die verb means to warn with a 
mention of the consequences of disregarding the 
warning. See tundhiru at 36:6, p. 1410, n. I). 

3. ittaba'a = he followed, pursued (v. iii. m. 

s. past in form VIII of tubi’a [tabu'/ l abd'ah). to 
follow. See at 30:29, p. 1299. n. 6). 

4 i. e.. the Qur’an The Qur’Sn is repeatedly 
referred to as ddhikr. Sec for instance 15:6, 15:9, 
16:44. 21:50. 23:71, 25:29. 26:5, 38:49. 38:87. 
41:41. 54:25. 68:51-52. 81:27. /i dhikr = 

citation, recollection, remembrance, mention, 
reminder, also scripture . Sec at 20:124, p. 1007, 
n. 4. 

5 khas hiya - he feared, was afraid of. 

apprehended (v. iii. m. s. past from khashy 
/ khashyah . to fear See at 4:25, p. 251. n. 12). 

6 jli bashshir = give glad tidings, announce 

good news (v. ii. m. s. imperative from bashshara, 
form II of bashara /bushira | blshr / bushr ). to 
rejoice, be happy. See at 33:47. p. 1354, n. 7). 

7. nuhyt = we give life, animate, enliven (v. 

t. pi. impfet. from ahyu. form IV of haviyu 
[hayah], to live. Sec at 15:22. p. 812. n. 5). 

8. i. e.. of deeds, t y~d qaddamd = they sent 

ahead, forwarded, advanced (v. iii. m. pi. past 
from qaddama. form II of qadama / qadtmn ( 
i fadm /qudum /qidmtut /muqdam] to precede, to 
arrive. See qadama! at 28:47. p. 1248. n. 12). 

9. Such as continuing charily ( suduqah jdriyah). 
fiu 'Ath&r (pi.; s. } uihtir) = tracks, traces, 
vestiges, antiquities, marks, remnants, effects, 
results. See at 18:64, p. 935. n 12. 

10. 'ahfayni = we computed, calculated. 

counted, reckoned, took into account (v. I. pi. 
past from 'tihsd. form IV from the root 
hasy/hasun See 'uh\<i at 1 8:49, p. 929, n. 7). 

11. fU imam (pi. a'immab) = leader, guide, 
model, highway, guide ( in the sense of book of 
guidance/deeds, record), record. See at 25:74. p. 
1 160. n. 9 


Surah 36: Yd-SIn [ Pari {Jut) 22 ) 


% 3l_2 



an instance, 1 

of the inmates 2 of the town.' 
when there came to it 
the Messengers. 4 

14. When We sent 
to them two 5 

and they disbelieved 6 them; 
then We reinforced 7 
with a third 

and they said; "Indeed we are 
unto you Messngers." 

15. They said: "Your are not 
but human beings 8 like us; 
nor has there sent down 9 
the Most Merciful anything. 
You are not but lying." 10 

16. They said: "Our Lord 
knows" that we are unto you 
indeed Messengers." 

I i. e . the instance of unbelief and intransigence. 
mathal (pi. Ju-t amthdl ) = simile, likeness. 

example, parable, instance, model, ideal See at 
30:58. p. 1309. n. 10. 

2. 'as-h&b (pi.; sing, sahib) - 

inmates, dwellers, companions, associates, 
followers, owners See at 35:6, p. 1391. n. 8). 

3. i. e , the town to which messengers were sent 
to call them to the faith but they refused to accept 
the call and were in consequence destroyed by 
Allah. The town is generally identified with 
Antioch but it is not certain. qaryah (s.; pi. 
a/ Huron) = habitation, town, village, hamlet See 
at 34:34. p 1381. n. 2. 

4. mursalun (pi.; s. mursal) = those sent 

out. messengers (passive participle from arsala, 
from IV of rasila [nun/), to be long and flowing. 
See at 27:10. p 1205. n 3. 

5. i. e., two messengers. 

6. ijt-iS" kadhdhahu = they cried lies to. thought 

untrue, disbelieved (v. iii. m. pi past from 
kadhdhaba, form II of kudhaba ( kidhb /kudhib 
/ kudhbah / kulhbah). to lie. See at 30:16. p, 
1294. n. 7). 

7. Uj/- 'azzazna = we reinforced, strengthened, 
made rcspccted/dcar (v. i. pi. past from ’ azzaza , 
form II of azzu \'iuJ 'ivuM "uzdzuh], to be 
strong/ respected/ dear/ rare See tu'izzu at 3:26, 
p. 165. n. 4). 

8. bashar = marc human being, mankind. 
See at 30:20, p. 1296, n. I. 

9. Jjjl ' anzala = he sent down, brought down (v. 
iii. m. s. past in form IV | ’ inzdl] of nazala [nmii/]. 
to come down, get down. See at 33:26, p 1345. 
n I). 

10. takdhibuna = you lie, tell an untruth. 

are untrue (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from kudhaba 
( kidhb /kodhih /kudhbah / kidhbali], to lie Sec n. 
6 above). 

1 1 . This is very significant; for the coming of 
wahy to a Mcssnger of Allah is an intimate affair 
between him and Allah and no ousider can 
witness or testify that Allah Alone is the witness 
for His Messenger (J*, ya'lamaiu) = he knows, is 
aware of, is cognizant of (v. iii m. s. impfet. 
from ahma [ 7/m), to know See at 14:9. p. 789. n. 


Surah 36: Ya Stn { Pan Uuz ) 22 ) 


liii cXa'j 17. "And no duty is on us 
except to convey 1 
openly and clearly." 2 

18. They said: "Indeed We 
see an evil omen' in you. 
ij&Jjii If you desist 4 not 

we shall surely stone 5 you 
/HlJ j and there shall afflict 6 you 
ir'i* llj from us a punishment 
most painful." 

i 19. They said: 

j "Your evil omen 7 is with you. 
> Is it that you are reminded? 8 
fjijilj;' Nay, you are a people 
exceeding all bounds." 9 

20. And there came from the 
iluiO remotest part 10 of the town 

<>-> a man running. 

He said: "O my people 

lhe Messengers." 

1 . baldgh (pi baltlghtll ) = communication, 
proclamation. announcement. communique, 
information, notification, to convey. See at 29:18, 
p. 1271. n. 4 

2. j-r rnuhin = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 
patent, open and clear. See at 34:24, p. 1377, n. 5. 

3. d jy tatayyarnd = we saw an evil omen, 
augured ill ( v. i. pi past from tatuyyara, form V 
of jura [layr/ layrdn], to fly (The verb is derived 
from the pir-Islamic practice of determining the 
propriety of a deed by the omen of birds flying 
right or left ]. See yattayyani at 7: 131. p. 513, n. 

4. tanlahti(na) = you (all) cease, refrain. 

desist, terminate (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from tnuiha, 
form VIII of ruiha [nahy/nahw], to forbid, 
prohibit. The terminal nun is dropped for the verb 
is in a conditional clause and also preceded by the 
particle lam. See at 8:19, p. 553, n. 5). 

5. i. e.. kill you by stoning, 
la+narjumanna = we shall surely stone, damn (v. 
i. pi impfet. emphatic from rajama Irajm], to 
stone (someone). See la+'arjumaima at 19:46. p. 

962, n. 8). 

6. la-yamassanna = he or it will surely 

afflict, touch . hit (v. iii. m. s. emphatic impfet. 
from massa [iwur /masts], to touch. See at 5:73, 
p. 366. n. 8). 

7. ti’ir is used here metaphorically to mean evil 
omen . See n. 3 above), yd* t&'ir = flying, bird. 
See at 17:13. p 877. 2. 

8. i. e.. do you call it bad omen because you are 
reminded of the truth communicated by Allah 
through His Messengers? fi/’s dhukkirtum = you 
are reminded (v. iii. m. pi past passive from 
dhukkuru. form II of dhakura [dhikr/ladhkdr], to 
remember. See dhakkir at 14:5. p. 787. n. 5). 

9. — • musrifun (pi; s. musrif) = those who 

commit excesses, exceed all bounds, extravagant, 
prodigal, wasteful. Active participle from ’ asrafu . 
form IV of samfa/sarifa \sarf/ saraf], to corrode, 
to spoil, to neglect. See at 7:81. p, 497, n. 7). 

10. j-*»t ’aqsa - farther, remoter, more distant. 

farthest, remotest part (elalive of i/ayiy). See at 
28:20. p 1238. n. 3 


Stirah 36: Yd-Sin [Purl Ouz) 23 ] 

21. "Follow 1 those who 
£1 ask 2 of you not 

any remuneration 1 

QojJsiZpjkj and they are guided aright." 4 

Part C/i/z’) 23 

3U Vy 22. "And what reason have I 
ixlV that I should not worship 
SJLi Jjjf Him Who has created 5 me 
and to Him 

you shall all be taken back?" 6 

23. "Shall I take 7 besides Him 
ilJJll deities? 

0^ If the Most Merciful intends 8 
to me any harm 

' — there shall not avail 9 me 
their intercession aught 
% nor shall they rescue 10 me." 

24. "Surely I shall then be 
in an error 

quite clear." 

I ittabi'A = you (all) follow, obey (v. ii. m. 

pi. imperative from itllaba'a, form VIII of labi'a 
[tuba/ tuhd'uh). to follow. See al 2:170. p 80. n. 
2 ). 

2. Jt — , yas’alu = he asks, enquires, demands, 
claims (v. iii. m. s. impfcl. from sa'tda | su'al/ 
nuts' alah/tas’dl ]. to ask. See at 4:153, p. 312, n. 

3. yrt ‘ajr (pi jy< iijur) = reward, recompense, 
remuneration, due See al 35:7. p. 1391. n. 14). 

4. dj x*. muhladun (sing, muhtudin ) = those in 
receipt of guidance, those on the right track, those 
guided aright, led on the right way (active 
participle from ihtadd. form VIII of luidd 
[hiddyah/hudun/hady ) . to lead, to guide. See at 
7:30. p 475. n 7). 

5. >» fatara = he created, originated, brought 
into being, initiated (v. iii. m. s post from fair, to 
split, to create See at 30:30. p 1299, n 12) 

6. i. e., after Resurrection for Judgement, reward 

and punishment. turja’Ana - you (all) are 

returned, sent back (v. ii. m. pi impfet. passive 
from ruju'u [ rujA '). to return See at 32:11, p. 
1327. n 4). 

7. 'attakhidhu = I take, lake for myself, 
adopt, assume (v. i. s. impfet. from ittakhadha, 
form VIII of ’akhudhu [akhdh], to take. Sec at 
6:14, p 3%. n. 7). 

8. Sjt yurid ( vuridu)- he intends, desires, has in 
mind (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from ardda, form IV of 
rada [rawd], to walk about. The final letter is 
vowclless and so the medial yd' is dropped 
because the verb is in a conditional clause 
preceded by 'in . See al 10: 107, p. 675, n. 6). 

9. jU tughni(t) = she or it suffices, makes free 
from warn, makes rich, avails, helps (v. iii. f. s. 
impfet. from 'aghnd. form IV of ghaniya [g/iinan 
/ ghund' ]. to be free from want, to be rich. The 
final yd' is vowclless and hence dropped because 
the verb is conclusion of a conditional clause. See 
at 9:25. p. 587. n I). 

10. yunqidhAni (originally yunqtdhuna+ni). 
Cij-U* yunqidhAna = they rescue, save, salvage 

recover, deliver (v. iii. m. pi impfet from 
anqadha. form IV of naqadha [naqdh], to save, 
to rescue See 'anqadha at 3:103. p. 196. n. 12). 

Surah 36: Yd Sin | Part (Jut') 23 1 


25. "I do indeed believe 
in your Lord. 

So listen 1 to me." 

j-i 26. It was said: 2 

"Enter' the garden." 
jii He said: "Ah, would that 
my people knew.!" 

27. "That 

•XjSJak my Lord has forgiven 4 me 
J&j and has made 5 me 

°f l ^e honoured ones!" 6 

id 28. And We sent down 7 not 
..a against his people after him 
any army* from the heaven 
nor are We to send down. 9 

29. It was naught but 
a single thunderous blast"’ 
|Ulj^ and lo, they were 
dead and still." 

1. i. e . listen lo my advice and believe in Allah 
and His Messengers, isma'uni (originally 
ixma'6+nf). y — ' isma'il = you (all) listen, give 
car. pay attention (v. ii. m pi imperative from 
sami' u ( sam'/samd'/masma |. to hear. Sec at 
5:108. p 384. n. 5). 

2. The unbelievers killed hitn and it was said to 
him after his death. 

3. JajI udkhul = enter, go in (v. ii. m s. 
imperative from dakhala | dukhdl] . lo enter. See 
udkhuli at 27.44. p 1215. n. 6). 

4 >*• ghafara = he forgave, pardoned (v. iii. m. 
s. past from ghafr /nuighfirah ghujrdn, to forgive. 
See yaghfira 26:82. p. 1 177. n 6). 

5. J»» ja'ala = he made / set / put / placed / 
appointed (v. iii. s. past from ja'U to make, to put. 
See at 35: 38. p. 1404, n. 2) 

6. mukramfn (pi.; accVgen. of makramun, 

s. mukrum) = those honoured (passive participle 
from akrama. form IV of karumu [kariun/ 
kurumuh/ karumuh], to be noble, generous. See 
karim at 34:4. p. 1369, n. I). 

7. 'anzalna = we sent down (v. i. pi, past 

from anzala. form IV of na:ula [ nuzul ]. to come 
down. Sec at 29:47, p 1282, n. 2). 

8. jund (s.; pi. junud/ajndd ) = army, 
soldiers. Sec at 19:75. p. 970. n 13. 

9. jJ?* munzilin (pi.; acc./gen. of munzdun . s. 

munzil) = those who send down, make (someone/ 
something) descend, receive guests, hosts (act. 
participle from 'anzala. form IV of nazulu 
[nuzul], to come down Sec at 12:59, p. 744, n. 
6 ). 

10. sayhah (s.; pi suyhAt) = outcry, 
piercing sound, thunderous blast. See at 29:40. p. 
1279. n 5). 

11. OjjUx khamidun (pi.; s. khtimtd) = those 

who are dead and still, quiet, calm, dying, 
extinguished (act. participle from khamada 
[ khumd/khumud ], to go out. to die Sec khdmidin 
at 21:15. p. 1016. n. 7). 


Surah 36: YU Sin [Part (Juz ) 23 ] 

I $<^vr-!‘4e 

30. Oh, what a pity 1 
on the servants. 

There comes not to them 
any Messenger 
but they use to 
mock 2 at him. 

’*'S . 

3 1 . Do they not see 
how many We destroyed' 
before them 

of the generations 4 that they 
to them will not return? 5 

32. And surely all, 
yet all together shall 
before Us be brought along. 6 

Section (Ruku ‘) 3 

£LI SCJ 33. And a sign 7 for them 
is the lifeless 8 land. 

L We give it life 9 

and produce l0 out of it com;" 
then of it they eat. 12 


1. fiasrah (pi. oi,— hasar&t) ~ regret, 
lamentation, grief, soitow. distress, pity. Sec at 
19:39. p 960. n. 7) 

2. yastahzi 'una = they scoff, dcndc. 
mock, ridicule (v. iii. m pi. impfcL from 
istahza'a. from X of haza'a \haz'/ hui'/ hum'/ 
huzi/mahwah], to mock, to make fun. Sec at 
26:6. p. 1 163. n. 10). 

3. ’ ahlakna - we destroyed, annihilated (v. 

i. pi past from ’ahhika. form IV of halaka [ hoik / 
hulk/ hul&k /tahlukah], to perish. See at 32:26. p. 
1332. n I). 

4 of the unbelieving and sinful generations, the 
rums of many of whom are visible in the Arabian 
peninsula. qurirn (pi ; s. qurn) = 

generations, centuries, horns. See at 32:26, p. 
1332. n 2 

5. i. e., those destroyed notions will never return to 
the earth, oy^ji yarji'tina = they return, come 
back, revert (v. iii. m. pi impfet. from ruja'a 
|t)., ruju ] to come back, return. See at 32:21. p. 
1330. n. 9). 

6. i. e.. after Resurrection for judgement. 

muhfar&n (pi ; s. muhdar ) those presented, pul 
up. brought face to face, brought along, fetched 
(passive participle from ahtfura. form IV of 
batfura | hudur ]. to be present. See at 34:38. p 
1382. n 10). 

7. i. e , for the Power and Sovereignty of Allah. 

Vk ayah (pi ilyill) s sign, revelation, 

miracle, evidence. Sec at 29:44. p. 1280. n. 10. 

8. i. e.. barren and dry. maylah = corpse. 

carcass, dead, lifeless. Sec at 16:1 13. p. 867. n. 6. 

9. i. e.. make lively by sending down rains and by 
vegetation, t— »-l 'ahyaynd = we brought to life. 

gave life (v. i. pi past from ahyd, form IV of 
hayiya [hayah], to live. Sec at 33:9. p. 1392, n. 
12 ). 

10. ’akhrajnd = we produced, brought out 
(v. i. pi. past from 'ukhraja, form IV of kharaja 
[ khuruj ]. to go out. See at 20:53. p. 987. n. 3). 

11. vo- habh (s ; pi hubuh) = gram. com. seed, 
cereal. Sec at 6:95, p. 43 1. n. 2. 

12. oysl , ya’kuldna = they eat. consume, devour 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from akala ( 'ukl/ma'kal]. to 
cat. Sec at 9:35. p. 591. n. 1). 

Surah 36: Ya Sm | Pan ( Juz ) 23 ] 


l_f jlJ&rj 34. And We make' therein 
gardens 2 of date palms' 
yl and vines 4 

and cause to flow 5 therein 
of springs. 6 

35. That they may eat 
of its produce. 7 
And their hands do that not. 
Will they not then be grateful? 8 


jL- 36. Sancrosanct 9 is He Who 

*-#4^=>£i>V' created the pairs l0 all of them, 
J*jS/\Lc;lL« of what the earth produces" 
and of themselves 
and of what they know not. 


37. And a sign for them 
Jdf is the night. 

jl We strip' 2 off it the day; 
and lo they then 
i$4A iw fall in darkness. 13 

1. IU ja'alna - we made, set. put. appointed. 

rendered (v. i. pi. post from ja'ula [ ja'I]. to moke, 
to set Sec at 36:8. p. 1410, n 5). 

2. oU jannai (sing jannuh), orchards, gardens, 
paradise. Sec at 26:147. p. 1 187, n. II. 

3. Jj>c. nakhil = palm, date palm. See at 23:18. 
p. 1079, n. 6. 

4. v'U*! 'a ‘nab (pi. ; sing, 'i nab) = grapes, vines 
Sec at 23: 18. p. 1079. n 7 

5. U /J fajjarna = we burst, caused to break up. 

caused to flow, exploded (v. i. pi. past from 
fajjara, form II of fajara [fajr], to cleave, break 
up. See at 18:33. p. 924. n. I). 

6. JjJ- 'uyun (pi ; s. ’avn) = springs, fountains, 
eyes. See at 26:147. p. 1 187, n. 12). 

7. y i thamar = fruit, fruits, yield, produce, crops, 
gain, result. See at 1 8:42. p. 926. n. 9. 

8. yashkuruna = they express gratitude. 

give thanks (v. iii. rn. pi. impfet. from shakara 
[shukr/ shukr&n], to thank Sec at 27:72. p. 1224, 
n. 8). 

9. 0C~— Suhhan is derived from sabbahu, form 
II of ,t abaha [sabh/sihahah], lo swim. In its form 
II the vert) means to praise, to sing the glory. 
Subhan is generally rendered as "Glory be lo 
Him": but "Sacrosanct " conveys the meaning 
better. See at 34:41. p. 138.3, n. 7, 

10. gljjt ’azwaj (sing. - ... zxiwj) = husbands. 

wives, spouses, partners, pairs, kinds, zawj is used 
in Arabic for one of a pair and is applied to either 
husband or wife. Sec at 35 1 1 . p 1 393, n. 12. 

11. c-3 tunbitu ~ she or il causes lo sprout. 

makes grow, germinates, produces (v. iii. f. s. 
impfet. from 'anbaia. form IV of nabala | nabi). 
lo grow, lo sprout. Sec at 2:61. p 28, n. 14). 

12. i. c„ gradually take away, withdraw. jJ— : 
naslakhu = we strip, strip off. flay ( v. i. pi. 
impfet. form salakha [sulkh\, lo strip off. lo flay. 
See insalukha at 7:175. p. 534, n. 2). 

13. jyllkr muzlimun (pi . s. muzlim) = f ii«. 
muzlim = those that grow dark, fall in darkness, 
those darkening (act. participle from 'ajlama, 
form IV of zalima (m/m], lo be dark. Sec muzlim 
al 10:27, p. 647. n. 14). 


Sarah 36: YA-Stn [Pan (Juz') 23 ] 

38. And the sun runs on 1 
to a resting place 2 for it. 
That is the ordaining’ of 
the All-Mighty, 
the All-Knowing. 

39. And the moon 
We have ordained for it 
stages 4 till it reverts 5 
like the date-leaf stalk 6 

$ grown old. 

40. Neither is it necessary 7 
Wli for the sun to overtake 8 the 

'VjJljT moon nor is the night 
to outstrip 9 the day. 
eli* JJS, And all in an orbit 10 
are floating." 


fL+Wj 41. And a sign for them is 
t lii-Ql that We carried 
their progeny 
in the Ark laden. 12 



1 . lajrf = she runs, flows, streams, proceeds 
(v iii. f. s. impfet. from yard [jary ], to flow See at 
29:58. p. 1 286. n. 2). 

2. i. e . for a specified time and destination 
muslaqarr = time or place to settle, appointed 

time, resting place, abode (adverb of placc/timc 
from isiaqarra, form X of (farm [ qardr], to 
settle down, to abide See at 25:76. p 1 161, n 3). 

3. >ai! taqdir = ordaining, determining, 
estimation, appraisal, decree Verbal noun in form 
II of qadara [qadr/ qadar qudrahJ maqdurah], to 
decree, to have power See at 6:96, p. 431, n. II). 

4. JjU. manazil (pi.; s. manat) = stopping 
places, way stations, stages, houses (adverb of 
place from nuzuta \nuzul\. to come down. See at 
10:5. p. 637. n 8) 

5. jU- 'Ada = he reverted, returned, relapsed (v. iii. 

m. s. past from 'awd/'awdah, to return. Sec at 
5:95. p. 777. il 10). 

6. by/- 'urjun (s.; pi. ‘ardjin) = date-leaf stalk. 

7. /-M yanbaghi = he or it behoves, is 

appropriate, is meet, is seemly, is necessary (v. iii 
m. s. impfet from inbagha, form VII of bagha 
[bughiY ). to seek, to desire. See at 26:211. p. 
1 198. a 7). 

8. djj; tudrika(u) = she catches up, overtakes, 
attains, teaches (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from 'udraka. 
form IV of daraka [darak/dark], to attain. The 
final letter takes falhah for the particle ’ an 
coming before the verb. Sec tudriku at 6:103, p. 
434, n. 8). 

9. sibiq ( s.; pi. subiqun) = preceding one. 
he who gets ahead/ outstrips (act. participle from 
sabaqa [subq], to be or get ahead or before). See 
at 35:32, p. 1401, n. 9 

10. ill* falak ($.; pi. 1 aflak ) = celestial sphere, 
orbit, star. Sec at 21:33. p. 1021. n. 5). 

11. < yasbahuna = they swim, float (v. iii. 

m. pi impfet. from sabaha [sabh/ sihdhah] to 
swim, to float See yusabbihunu at 21:20, p. 
1017, n. 6). 

12. i. e , the Ark of Nflh. peace be on him. by±* 

mash-bun = laden, freighted, consigned (passive 
participle from shahana. shahn], to load. lade, 
freight See at 26:1 19. p 1 183. n. 7). 

Sarah 36: Yd-Sin [ Part (Juz ) 23 1 


L iU-3 42. And We have created for 
. 4 ^ 0 ^ them its like 1 

which they embark on. 2 

43. And if We will 
Ja We may drown’ them 

\ and no crying'will avail them 
'pjtfj nor will they be rescued.' 

44. Except as mercy from Us 
and an enjoyment 6 till a time. 

I^ijj \'ȣ 45. And when it is said to them: 
"Beware 7 of 
what is in front 8 of you 
£&X>j and what is behind 9 you, 
so that you may 
have mercy on you." 10 

^ Jfc' 46. And there comes not to 
them any sign 

IJjcijCi; of the signs of their Lord 
but they use to 

I i. e„ ships like the Ark of NQh. peace be on 

2. jt yarkabuna = they ride, board, embark 

on. mount (v. iii. m. pi. impfcl from rakiba 
[nritiife], to ride, mount Sec rakibu at 29:65. p. 
1288. n. 5). 

3. J>i nughriq(u) =we drown, sink (v. i. pi. 

impfet. from 'aghraqu. form IV of ghanqa 
[gharaq], to be drowned The final letter is 
vowellcss because the verb is conclusion of a 
conditional clause See 'aghraqnd at 29:40. p. 
1279. n. 7). 

4. r+s-e sarikh crying, yelling, screaming. Sec 
yaslarikbuna at 35:37. 1403, n.5 

5. i. e.. rescued by anyone else. Oy-ii, 
yunqadhdna = they are rescued, saved, salvaged, 
recovered, delivered (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. passive 
from 'anqudha. form IV of naqadlui [nuqdh], to 
save, to rescue. See yunqidhuna at 36:23, p. 
1414. n. 10) 

6. i. e.. a grant of enjoyment of life. maid' 

(pi. 'amn'ah) = goods, wares, baggage, 
equipment, gear, necessities of life, chattel, needs, 
utensils, enjoyment. See at 33:53, p. 1359, n. Z 

7. utaqu = you (all) beware, be on your 

guard, fear, be afraid of (v. it. m. pi. imperative 
from iuaqd, form VIII of wuqd ( waqy/wiqdyah), 
to guard, safeguard. Sec at 33:70, p 1365, n. 1). 

8. i. e.. in front of you of the instances of how the 
previously unbelieving and sinful people were 
punished and destroyed. ^ bayna ’aydikum - 

(lit. between your hands] is an idiom meaning 
"before or in front of you" See bayna yaduyhi at 
34:31, p 1379. n. 3. 

9. i. e . of the judgement and punishment in the 
hereafter. „il*- khalf = rear, rear part, behind. 

successors, those behind See at 34:9. p. 1370, n. 

10. Of-*- j turhamuna - you (all) are bestowed 

mercy (v. ii m. pi. impfet. passive from ruhimu 
[ rahmah / marl/amuh], to have mercy. See at 
6:155. p 459. n II). 


Surah 36: Yd-Sin (Part (Juz) 23 ] 

X ■ > f 



r * . 


turn away 1 from it. 

47. And if it is said to them: 
"Spend 2 out of what 

Allah has provided for you", 
there say those who disbelieve 
to those who believe: 

"Shall we feed' those whom, 
if Allah wished. 

He would have fed? 4 
You are not but in 
an error' quite obvious." 6 

48. And they say: 

"When will this promise 7 be, 
if you are truthful?" 8 

49. They await 9 not but 

a single thunderous blast 10 
that will gel hold 11 of them 
while they are disputing! 12 

50. So they shall not be able 13 

1 mu'ridln (acc./gcn. of mu' rulin', sing 

mu’rid ) = those turning away, averting, falling 
back (active participle from a ratfu, form IV 
of 'arujla ( jr^'ard], to be broad, wide, to appear 
See at 26:5, p 1 163, n. 7). 

2. Ijiil ' anfiqu = you (all) spend, expend. 

disburse, lay out (v. ii. m pi imperative from 
anfaqa, form IV of nafaqa/nafiqa \nafaq\, to be 
used up. be spent Sec at 9:53, p. 600, n. 1). 

3. nul'imu - we feed, give food, provide 
sustenance (v. i. pi. tmpfet. from 'ul'ama, form 
IV of ta’ima (ru m), to cat, to taste. Sec yui'imu at 
26:79, p. 1176, n. 10). 

4. (►«!»! al'ama = he fed. gave food (v. hi m. s. 
past in form IV of la 'ima. See n. 3 above 

5 J5L» daldl = error, straying from the right path, 
going astray. See at 34:24, p. 1377, n. 4 
6- mubln = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 
patent, open and clear. See at 36:17, p. 1413, n. 2 
7. i. c.. when will the promise of Resurrection 
come true? wa'd (s.; pi. wu'dd ) = promise. 
Sec at 35:5, p. 1391, n. I 

8 sadiqln (pi.; acc /gen of sadtqun; s. 

fddiq) = truthful, those who speak the truth 
(active participle from fadaqa Isadq/ j idq], to 
speak the truth. Sec at 33:35. p 1349, n. 3) 

9. d)Jmq yanzuruna = they look, look 

expectantly, wait for, await (v. iii. m. pi irnpfct. 
from nazaru [nazr/manzar]. to see. view, look at 
Sec at 35:43, p. i406, n' 10). 

10 sayhah (s.; pi xayhdi) = outcry, 

thunderous blast. See at 36:29, p 1415. n. 10). 

11. Jitb ta’khudhu - she or it takes, seizes, 
grabs, lakes hold of, grips (v. iii f s. impfcl from 
'ukhadhu \'akhdh], to take See tukhudhu at 
2:255. p. 131. n I) 

1 2. yakhifsimdna (originally 
yakhlaximuna) = they quarrel, dispute, argue, (v. 
iii. m. pi irnpfct. from ikhlaxama, form VIII of 
khajama ( khasm/ khi.uim/khusumuh). to defeat in 
argument See at 26:96. p. 1 179, n 7) 

13. yaxtati'una = they are able to, are 

capable of (v. iii. m. pi irnpfct. from istatd a, 
form X of id' a [(aw'], to obey. See at 26:211. p. 
1198. n. 8) 

Surah 36: Yd-Sm [ Part (Juz ) 23 ] 


to making a will' 
nor to their families 
$ shall they return. 2 

Section ( Ruku‘ ) 4 
51. And blown will be- 
j the trumpet 4 
and lo, they will 
from the graves' 
t+fpdl to their Lord 

be issuing forth. 6 

G$)£ 52.They will say:"Woe to us! 
Who has raised 7 us 
from our sleeping beds?" 8 

Ulii ’This is what there had 

promised 1 ' the Most Merciful 
and had said truly 10 
the Messengers." 11 

53. There will be naught 
ij*.^ but a s ' n gl e thunderous blast 1 

^ * ili^ and lo, they will all together 

1. X- 0 jl lawsiyah ($.; pi luwsiydi/lawdsin'H = 

recommendation. suggestion. instruction, 
commission, mandate, to make bequests, lo make 
will, to entrust (verbal noun in form II of nurd 
[tvury], to diminish, lo regain weight). 

2. 0j*»> yarji'una - they return, come back, 
revert (v. iii. m. pi. impfet from raja'a 
rujti') to come back, return. Sec at 36:31. p. 1416. 
n. 5). 

3. That will be the second blowing of the Trumpet 
for Resurrection. £i< nuftkha = it was blown, 
inflated, breathed (v. iii. m. s past passive from 
nafakha [ no/kh ). to blow. See at 23:101, p. 1099. 
n. 10). 

4 sir = horn, bugle, trumpet. See at 27:87, 
p. 1228, n. 4. 

5. ’ajdaih (pi.; s.judaih) = graves, tombs. 

6. 0 ji— i yansiluna - they issue forth, fall out. 
procreate (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from nasulu 
(mud/], to fall out. See at 21 :96. 1039. n. 4). 

7. Cjs ha at ha = he sent, dispatched, raised, 
raised up (v. iii. m. s. past from ha lh, to send, to 
raise. See at 25:41, p. 1 150, n. 9). 

8 -tijA marqad (s.; pi. murdijid) = bed. couch. 

resting place, sleeping bed (name of place from 
raqadu \raqd/ruqud/ruqdd\. to sleep, to rest, to 
subside- See ruqud, at 18:18. p 916, n. 5). 

9. -u-j wa'ada - he promised, pledged, gave word 

(v. iii. m. s. past from wa'd. to make a promise. 
Sec at 33:22, p. 1343. n 7). 

10. 1 3a-» sadaqa = he said the truth, was truthful, 
proved to be true (v. iii. m. s. past from sadq/sidq, 
to speak the truth. Sec at 33:22, p. 1343, n. 8). 

11. mursalOn (pi.; s mursal ) = those sent 
out, messengers (passive participle from ‘arsula. 
from IV of rtui/u [ rasa ! ], to be long and flowing. 
See at 36:13, p 1412, n. 4. 

12. sayhah (s.; pi. sayhdl) = outcry, 
piercing sound, thunderous blast Sec at 36:49. p. 
1420, n. 10). 


SOrah 36: Ya-Sin [Part Uuz) 23 1 

be before Us brought along. 1 

p£J*l» 54. So today 

no injustice will be done 2 
to any person’ in anything 
nor shall you be requited 4 
except for what you had been 
doing. 5 

55. Verily the inmates 6 
of the paradise toady 
will be busy 7 enjoying. 8 

'/^r'jo'Sf 56. They and their consorts’ 
jitj will be in shades 10 

on canopied couches" 
reclining. 12 

57. They will have therein 

Aj and they will have 

whatever they ask for. 1 ’ 

1. muhdarun (pi.; t. muhdar) those 
presented, put up. brought face to face, brought 
along, fetched (passive participle from ahdura. 
form IV of hadara | hudur ), to be present See at 
36:32, p 1416. n 6).' 

2. pliV luzlamu = she is wronged, done injustice. 

transgressed, suppressed (v. iii. f. s. impfet. 
passive from zulama [zalm/zulm\. to do wrong. 
See tuzlamuna at 17:71,’p. 896, n. 8). 

3. ,j~*i nafs (s.; pi nufus/'imfust= living being. 

person, individual, nature, self. See at 31:28. p. 
1320. n. 12. 

4. lujzawna = you are recompensed, 
requited, rewarded, repaid (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. 
passive from jaza \jazd'\, to recompense Sec at 
27:90. p 1229. n. 7). 

5. OjUru la’maluna = you all do, act. perform ( v. 

ii. m. pi. impfet. from ‘amila ( ' amal ]. to do. See 
at 10:61, p. 659. n. 6). 

6. 'as-hdb (pi.; sing. tu/jib) = 

inmates, dwellers, companions, associates, 
followers, owners. Sec at 36:13. p. 1412. n. 2). 

7 J»4 shugul = to be busy/ preoccupied, activity, 

8. fakihun (pi.; s. jdkih ) = those 
enjoying, cheerful, merry (act. participle from 
fakiha [fakah/fakdhuh], to be cheerful, merry, 

9. 'azwdj (sing, -j, zawj) = husbands, 
wives, spouses, partners, pairs, kinds zawj is used 
in Arabic for one of a pair and is applied to cither 
husband or wife. See at 36:36, p. 1417. n, 10. 

10. i. e., shades of gardens. JVt zilal (pi,; s. all) 
= shadows, shades Sec at 16:81, p. 854, n. 8 

11. lid'jt 'ard’ik (pi,; s. } urikuh) = raised 

thrones, canopied couches, sofas. See at 18:31. p. 
923, n 7. 

1 2 muttaki'un (pi ; s. mulluki) = those 

reclining, supporting, resting (act. participle from 
ittakaa. form VIII of waka'a. See mulluki ’in at 
18:31, p. 923. n 6). 

13. yadda'una = they ask for. claim, 

maintain, allege (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
idda'd. for VIII of da '<1 [</u '<]'], to call, to 
summon. See yad'una at 29:42, p. 1280. n 4). 

Surah 36: Yd-Sin | Part )Juz) 23 | 


pL. 58. "’Peace" will be 

an address from a Lord 
Most Merciful. 

\ 59. "And isolate yourselves* 
fjj\ today, 

$ O you the sinful." 1 

60. "Did I not enjoin 4 on you, 
f O children of Adam, 
yj that you never worship 1 
l&ll\ Satan?" 

Verily he is for you 
an enemy 6 open and clear. 7 

61 .And that you worship Me. 
This is a way 8 

Qt J Li i l Z straight and right ? 

jjJjdj 62. But he indeed led astray 111 

from among you 
creatures many." 

Did you not then use to 
QjjtZ understand? 12 

I Allah will address the inmates of paradise with 
.ionium, and that will be the highest bliss. 

2. i. c.. isolate yourselves from the righteous 
l jj w imiazu = isolate yourselves, separate 

yourselves. distinguish yourselves. mark 
yourselves out (v. ii. m. pi imperative from 
imldza. form VIII of maza [ mm>r|. to separate, to 
distinguish. See yumfca at 8:36. p. SS9. n. 10). 

3. o y mujrimiin (pi.; s. mujrim ) = sinful. 

culprits, evildoers (act participle from 'ajrama. 
form IV of jarama [jarm \ . lo commit a crime. See 
at 32: 1 2. p 1327. n. 3). 

4. 'a'had(u) [ ild)]= I assign, commit to. 

entrust to, enjoin on (v. i pi impfet from ahtda 
1‘aU), to delegate, to entrust, to commit. The 
final letter is vowclless because the verb is 
preceded by the particle turn Sec ahidnd at 
20:1 15. p 1004. n. 10). 

5. \jXfl V Id la'budd = you (all) worship not, 
never worship (v. ii. m. pi imperative 
(prohibition) from ’abada | ihdduh / ubudah / 
' ubudivah ). to worship, to serve. Sec u'budd at 
29:56, p. 1285. n. 8). 

6. ya* ‘aduw (s.; pi. ,u»t a dd ) m foe. enemy, 
adversary Sec at 35:6. p. 1391. n. 4 

7. mubin = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 

patent, open and clear, that which makes clear 
(act. participle from 'abdna. form IV of b&na 
| feu v<in). to be clear, evident See at 36:47, p 
1420. n. 6). 

8. ^r 0 rirdr = way. path, road. See at 36:4. p 
1409. n. 4. 

9. (..«—< mustaqlm m straight, upright, erect, 
correct, right, proper (active participle from 
istaqUma. form X of qdma Iqawiruih/qiydm], to 
stand up, to get up). Sec at 36:4, p. 1409. n. 5). 

10. JjJ 1 at/alla = he led astray, misled (v. iii. m. 

s. past in from IV of ifalla \d<ddl/ duldlah], to go 
astray. See at 30:29. p. 1299. n. 9). 

11. Jjt jibill (pi.; s. jibilluh ) = creatures. 

generations, nature. See jibillah at 26:184. p. 
1 194. n. 3. 

12. JyUC la'qiluna = you (all) understand. 

realize, be reasonable, comprehend (v. ii. m. pi. 
impfet. from uqala I'aql). to be endowed with 
reason. Sec at 26:60. p. 1253. n. 12). 


S6rah 36: YSSin [Pari (Jut’) 23 ) 

I byit- y Hi * adiina = you are promised, assured, 

threatened, (v. ii m pi. impfct. passive from 
wa'uda (also from 'aw 'ado. form IV of wa'ada) 
Iwa'd], to make a promise. See at 21:109, p. 
1042, n. 10) 

2. islaw = you (all) bum. broil, enter into 

fire (v. ii. m. pi imperative from said [ salon/ 
suliy/ fits'), to roast, to bum, to be exposed to (he 
blaze. Sec taslaluna at 28:29, p. 1242, n. S). 

3. lakfuruna = you (all) disbelieve, deny 

(v. ii. m. pi. impfct. from kafara. \kufr ). to 
disbelieve. Sec at 4:89. p. 280, n. 1 1). 

4 nakhlimu = we put a seal, seal, close (v. 

i. pi. impfct from khuluma ( khaim/khudm |. to 
seal. See khaiuma at 2:7, p. 6. n. 4). 

5. 'afwSh (pi.; sing, uy fuhah) = mouths, 
vents. Sec at 33:4, p. 1335, n. 10. 

6. tukaltimu = she speaks, talks, addresses 

(v iii. f. s. impfct from kallama. form II of 
kalama ( knlm ), to wound See lukallima at 27:82, 
p. 1226, n. 13). 

7. a+zj tash-hadu - she testifies, bears witness. 

witnesses (v. iii. f. s. impfct from shahida 
[shuhud/ shaluidah], to witness, lo testify. See 
tash-hada a( 24:24. p 1 1 14. n. I). 

8. Allah will seal the mouths and will enable the 
hands and feet to speak and testify about what 
man acquired of merits or sins by his deeds. 
byS* yaksihuna = they (all) acquire, cam. gain. 

attain, achieve (v. iii. m. pi. impfct. from kasaba 
[kar/>], lo gain, to acquire Sec at 15:84, p. 824, n. 
8 ). 

9. L — J> lamasnS = we obliterated, effaced, 

erased, wiped off, eradicated (v. i. pi. post from 
lamasa [lams/lumus], to be effaced, to efface. See 
nalmisa at 4:47, p. 262, n. 6 ). 

10. istabaqd = they vie with one another, 

try to get ahead of one another, compete, race for 
[here, grope) (v. iii m pi impfct from istuhaqa. 
form VIII of sahaqa \sahq], lo get before, to 
precede, to go ahead See isiuhaqd at 12:25, p. 
730, n. II). 

If. byy^t yubsirdna = they sec. realize, 
comprehend (v. iii. m. pi. impfct from absara, 
form IV of Itasuru/basira [ym husrrr). to look, to 
see. See at 36:9, p. 1410, n. 12). 

Surah 36: Yd-Sln ( Pan (Jut) 23 ] 


67. And if We willed 

We could have transmuted 
them in their places 

(^-1 so they would not be able to 2 
move forward' 

1$) nor could they come back. 4 

Section ( Ruku‘ ) 5 

68. And whoever 
we prolong in life' 

We retract 6 him 

s^L'ii in the constitution. 7 
1$ Will they not then understand? 8 

69. And We have not taught 
: .ti him poetry 1 ' 

iil jJu'liJ nor is it meet 10 for him. 

ViyJJl ft < s naught but 

a reminder 1 1 and a Qur’an 
1$) ^vJ open and explicit. 

JjcJ 70 That he may warn 12 
him who is alive 12 

1 . masakhnd = we transformed, transmuted, 
converted, distorted (v. i. pi past from masakha 
[muU], to transform, transmute) 

2. Li lata’ li = they were able to. were 

capable of (v. iii. m. pi. past from istatd'a, form X 
of id 'a (Taw'], to obey. See at 18:97. p 945. n.6). 

3. rnudiy = to move forward, leave, depart 
Sec umdi at 1 8:60, p. 934. n. 8 

4. djiurj , yarji’una ~ they return, come back, 
revert (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from raja a ( {_y*j 
ruji ') to return. Sec at 36:50, p 1421, n. 2). 

5. j- ~ rw'ammir(u) = we let live, prolong life. 

grant long life, give life span, populate, construct 
(v. i. pi. impfet. from 'ammura. form II of 'amara 
[ • amr/'umr ]. to live long The final letter is 
vowelless because the verb is in a conditional 
clause. See at 26:35, p. 37. p, 1403, n 8) 

6. nunakkisLu ) = we invert, reverse, retract. 

till, bend (v. i. pi. impfet. from nakkasu. form II 
of naka.ta (rurJtr), to invert, to turn over. The final 
letter is vowelless because the verb is conclusion 
of a conditional clause. See ndkisd at 32:12, p. 
1327. n. 6). 

7 jU khalq = creation, ongination. making, 
creatures, constitution. See at 23:14, p 1078. n. 5. 

8 OjUuf ya'qiluna = they realize, understand. 

comprehend, exercise reason (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. 
from 'aqala ['«<//] . to understand, to have 
intelligence. See at 30:28. p. 1299, n. 5). 

9. />4. shi'r (s.; pi. ash ’ur) ~ poetry, poems. 

10. yanhaght = he or it behoves, is 

appropriate, is meet, is seemly, is necessary (v. iii. 
m. s. impfet. from inbaghd. form VII of bagha 
[fcug/uJ']. to seek, to desire See at 36:40. p. 
1198. n. 7). 

1 1 . Note that the word "Qur'an" is in apposition 
to dhikr f > dhikr = citation, recollection. 

remembrance, mention, reminder, also scripture. 
Sec at 36: 1 1. p. 1411. n. 4. 

12. yds, yundhira(u) - he warns, cautions (v. iii. 

m. s. impfet. from 'undhura. form IV of nadhara 
| nadhr /nudhur], to dedicate, to vow. The final 
letter takes faif/ah for a hidden 'an in li (of 
motivation) coming before the verb. See at 18:2. 
p. 910. n. 6) 

13. i. e . whose heart is alive to the truth 


S6rah 36: YdSin |Part Uui ) 23 ] 

and that due may become 1 
jjsjf the word 2 

on the unbelievers. 

7 1 . Do they not see that We 
,*iJLi£.bf have created for them, 

out of what Our hands did, 5 
LliSil the cattle 4 

so they are of these 
the owners?’ 

~ij 72. And We have tamed' 1 these 
for them so some of them 
rrjZ are their mount 7 

anc j 0 f them they eat. 8 

I 'fjfo 73. And they have in them 
du&jgZ* benefits 9 and drinks. 10 
ytf Will they not then 
express gratitude?" 

i>l*£ 74. And they take 12 
JAjjjj* besides Allah 

1. = yahiqqa(u) - he Of il becomes true, 
correct, due. right, incumbent (v. iii. in. s. impfet. 
from haqqa , The final letter takes futljah because 
of an implied 'an in li (of motivation) coming 
before the verb. See haqqa at 36:7. p. 1410. n. 

3 ). 

2. i. e.. sentence of punishment 

3. i. e„ it is exclusively Our creation: there is no 
partner in it. 

4. fWt 'art ‘dm (pf; s. ^ rui'am) = grazing 

livestock (sheep, cattle, camels, goals), animals. 
See at 32:27. p 1332. n 10. 

5. i. e„ you possess and use them as you like. 
i>j£j malikun (pi.; s. mtillk ) = ownres, 
possessors (act. participle from nuilaka 
[malk/mulk/milk]. to take in possession. See 
yamlikuna at 35:13, p. 1395, n. 7), 

6. UJi dhallalna = we humiliated, made low, 
subdued tamed (v. i. pi. past from dhallalu, form 
U of dhalla | dhalll dhulll dhuldlah I dhtllahJ 
nuidhalluh ], to be low. humble. See nadhilla at 
20:134. p 101 l.n. 3). 

7. wfj rakdb = mount, riding animal See 
y arkabuna at 36:42. p. 1419, n. 2. 

8. i. c.. of their incat. oySl< ya'kuluna - they 

cat. consume, devour (v, iii. in pi impfet. from 
'akala [ akl/mu'kal], to cal. See at 36:72. p. 1426. 
n. 8). 

9. i. e.. other uses of their wool, hyde, bones, etc 

mandfx • (sing, manfa ah) = uses, benefits. 
See at 23:21. p 1080. n 3 

10. i e., of their milk v/i* mash&rib (pi.; s. 
mashrab ) - drinks, drinking places. See shardh 
at 16:69. p 841. n I). 

1 1. yashkurUna = they express gratitude, 
give (hanks (v. iii. m. pi impfet. from shakuru 
[shukr/ shukran], to thank Sec at 36:35. p, 1417, 
n. 8). 

12. i. e.. in spite of these graces and clear 
evidences about Allah they take gods besides 
Him Ijijiw'i ittakhadhu - they took, took up. 

took to themselves, assumed ( v. iii. m. pi past 
from ittukhudha, form VIII of alchadha I ' akhdh ), 
to take Sec at 29:41, p. 1279, n, 10). 

Surah 36: Ya-Srn | Part (Juz) 23 ) 


* £ f I 

gods that they may 
be helped.' 

75. They are not capable of 1 
^2 helping them; 

Pft and they will be for them 
a host 4 brought up. 5 


< ' -iL Ljt 

76. So let ihere not grieve 6 you 
their saying. 7 

Verily We know 
what they conceal 6 
and what they disclose.' 7 

77. Does not man see 
that We created him 
from a drop? 10 

And lo, he is a disputant" 
open and clear! 

78. And he strikes for Us 
an instance 

and forgets 12 his creation: 

1. i. c , a number or gods. i*JI> ’aliltah (pi.; s. 

Huh) = gods, deities, objects of worship. See at 
25:42. p. 1 150. n. II. 

2. i. e.. in their affairs and needs. J },** 

yunsaruna = they are helped, assisted (v. ill. m 
pi. impfet. passive from rutfaru \imyr Musur], to 
help See at 28:41. p 1246. n. 10) 

3. yaslati'Sna - they are able to. arc 

capable of (v. iii. m pi. impfet. from isla/S'a, 
form X of la’a [raw'), to obey. Sec at 36:50, p. 
1420. n. 13). 

4 Ja» jund ($.; pi jun&it/ajndd ) = army. 

soldiers, host. See at 36:28, p 1415, n. 8. 

5. i. e„ on the Day of Judgement for punishment. 
c > muhdarun (pi . s muhtjur ) those 

presented, put up. brought face to face, brought 
along, fetched (passive participle from 'ahdara. 
form IV of hadara [htujur], to be present See at 
36:54. p 1422.' n. I).’ 

6. op* IS vahzun = let him or it not make sad. 
grieve (v. iii. in s. imperative [prohibition] from 
huzana [huzn/hazun). lo make sad Sec at 31:23, 
p 1719. n I). 

7. i. e.. the words of unbelief, criticism and 

8. iijj-v yusirrSna = they (all) hide, conceal. 

keep secret (v. iii. m pi impfet. from 'aztarra, 
form IV of surra [surOr/tasirrah/nuLtanah], to 
gladden, to delight. Sec at 1 1:5. p. 679, n. I). 

9. oyly yu'lia&na = they (all) declare, disclose 

(v. iii. in. pi impfet. from 'a'lana. form IV of 
' aUma/'ulunu [ alamyyah]. to be or become 
known, evident. See at 36:76, p 1427, n. 9). 

10. i. e„ of the parents. Ufa nulfah (s.; pi. 
nulaf) = drop, sperm. See at 35: 1 1 . p. 1 393, n. 1 1 

11. i. e„ he doubts and denies the resurrection 
and judgement, forgetting his origin of how Allah 
brought him into being and made him grow 
P—**- khayim (s.; pi. khuyamSV khusman)= 
advocate, defender, one who controverts and 
argues, disputant (active participle in the scale of 
fa'll from khasama. to defeat in argument, to 
discount. See at 16:4. p. 828, n. 10 

12. nasiya = he forgot, became oblivious (v. 

iii. m. s. past from nusy/nisytin . to forget. See at 
20:88, p. 997. n il). 


S&ruh 36: YiSin [Pan (7a; ) 23 ) 

He says: "Who will give life 1 
to the bones 2 when they are 
decayed and rotten?" 2 

79. Say: "There will give life 
CsJjT to them the' One Who 

l* til produced 4 them 
for the first time;' 
and He is of every creation 
X-Jc- All-Knowing." 

80. "He Who makes 6 for you 
out of the green 7 vegetation K 

r^lT fire; 9 

Hi and lo, you then do out of it 

£)ojj iy set fire!" 10 

8 1 . Is not then the One Who 
■ ••y' *'ijfc created the heavens 
and the earth 
jjci All-Capable" 
of creating 
the like of them? 12 

1. yuhvf = he gives life, revivifies, brings lo 
life, enlivens, animates, vitalizes (v. in m. s. 
impfet. from ahyd, form IV of hayiya |6av«A|. to 
live See at 30:50. p 1307, n 2)’ 

2. fUi * 'izdm (pi ; sing, uzm ) = bones Sec al 
23:82. p. 1095. n 8 

3. i. e , when not only the skins and muscles but 
also the hardest parts of the corpses, the bones, 
will be rotten and reduced lo dust. ^ j ramim = 
rotten, decayed 

4 liit 'am ha "a = he produced, brought into 

being, caused lo rise (v. iii. s. past in form IV of 
nasha’a [ nash'/ nmhu'/ nash'ah], lo rise, to 
emerge. Sec at 6:141, p. 451, n. 5). 

5. i marrah (s.; pi. marral/mirar ) = time, turn, 
once. See al 20:37. p. 982, n. 8 

6. J»» ja'ala = he made / set / put / placed / 

appointed (v. iii. s. past from ju'l, lo make, lo put. 
See al 36: 27. p. 1415. n. 5). 

7. ' akhdar (s.. pi. khudr ) = green 

8 s ha jar (s.; pi. tuhj&r ) = trees, plants, 

vegetation See shajarah at :35, p 19, n. 4 

9. Not only do trees and plants serve as fuel for 
fire even when green, it is Ihrough the green trees 
and vegetation that Allah provides oxygen without 
which no Ore can be kindled 

10. iijJdy Idqiduna = you kindle, set fire (v. iii 

m. pi impfet from 'awqadu, form IV of waqadu 
[waqd./wuqadJ* , uqud], lo take fire, to bum See 
ydqidOna at 13:17. p. 771. n. 10). 

1 1 . jM qddir = capable, one who has power. 
All-Capable (act. participle from qudura 
| qadr/qudar ). to ordain, to measure, to have 
power. Sec at 17:99. p 905. n. 12). 

12. I. e.. to resurrect them by creating them 

Surah 36: Y& Sin f Part Ouz ) 23 ] 


$ O yes, and He is 
jiilf the Supreme Creator, 1 
$) the All-Knowing. : 

ri^IlSl 82. It is but His Command 3 
lljLlffiil when He intends 4 anything 
JZtijjiZj that He says for it "Be" 
and it comes into being. 5 



83. So Sacrosanct 6 is He 
in Whose Hand is 
the dominion 7 of everything; 
and to Him 

you all will be returned. 8 

1 . if** 1 Khallaq = Creator, Supreme Maker (act. 

participle in the intensive form of fa ' dl from 
khaluqa [Unite/ ). to create. Sec khulaqna at 15:86. 
p 825. n. I. 

2. ‘alim (*.; pi ulama ') - well informed. 

erudite, learned, more knowing. All-Knowing. 
Omniscient. Sec at 34:26. p. 1377. n 12. 

3. See 35:41. y\ ’amr (s., pi r 'j' 'awtimir / Jy J 
umur ) = order, command, decree/ matter, issue. 

affair See at 30:25. p 1297. n. 12. 

4. iljl 'ar&da = he intended, desired, had in 

mind, willed (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of rdda 
[rawd 1, to walk about. See at 18:82. p. 941, n. 2). 

5. uSh yaktinu - he or it becomes, comes into 
being, happens, takes place (v iii. m. s. impfet 
from kuna [ luiwn/kiydn/kaynunah ). to be, to 

6 OUw Suhhdn is derived from sabbaha, form II 
of rubahu [wbh/xihuhuh]. to swim. In its form II 
the verb means to praise, to sing the glory Subhdn 
is generally rendered as 'Glory be to Him"; but 
"Sacrosanct " conveys the meaning better. See at 
36:36. p. 1417. n. 9. 

7. malakut = empire, realm, kingdom. 

dominion. See at 23:88. p. 1096. n 4 
8 i. e.. after Resurrection for judgement, reward 
and punishment, by**} turja'una = you (all) are 

relumed, sent back (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. passive 
from raja'a [ruju’\, to return See at 32:11. p. 
1327. n 4). 

37: Surat al-Saffat (Those Standing in Rows) 

Makkan : 1 82 'ayahs 

This is also an early Makkan surah which, like the other Makkan surahs, deals with taw{iid 
(monotheism), wahy, Resurrection, Judgement, reward and punishment. It starts with an oath by the 
angels who line up in prayers and in obeying Allah's commands. Reference is next made to the rebellious 
Satan and the unbelievers' doubts about the Resurrection and their persistence in polytheism. Mention is 
then made of the punishment and despicable life of the unbelievers in the hereafter and, in contrast, the 
reward and honourable life of the believers. Emphasis is then made on the fact that Allah has sent 
Messengers from time to time to guide mankind to the truth and the worship of Allah Alone; and 
mention is made in this connection of Prophets NGh, Ibrahim and his sacrificing his son Isma'fl in 
obedience to Allah's command, Ishaq, MGs3 and Martin. Ilyas, LOt and Yunus, peace be on them all. It 
ends with an emphasis again on tawhid and the polytheists' persistence in setting partners with Allah and 
their mistaken notion of jinn being Allah's daughters. 

The surah is named after the oath by the angels who line up ( al-saffat ) with which it starts. 

’> 1. By those lining up 1 
in rows; 

2. And those driving away 2 
in a drive; 

3. And those reciting 3 
m a reminder. 4 

4 - Verily your God is 
Qj+3 the One 5 — 

5. Lord of the heavens 

1. Allah makes an oath by the angels, one of His 
wonderful creations, who line up in prayer and to 
obey His command, in order to emphaize His 
Greatness and Glory. oia_» saffdl (f pi.; s 
sdffah; m. stiff ) = those standing in a row, ranging 
in ranks (act. participle from saffa [stiff], to set up 
in a row. to line up range, classify, compose). 

2. This is a description of another duty assigned 

by Allah to the angels, that of driving away and 
pushing the clouds or men from bad deeds or 
Satans from their evil manoeuvres [AIBuyddwl, 
11. p. 289). zajirat (f. pi.; s. zdjindr, ra. 

zijir ) = those giving a push, driving away (acL 
participle from zajara | zajr], to drive away, push, 
hold back, restrain). 

3. This is another function assigned to the angels, 
namely, to recite the Book sent down by Allah to 
His Messenger oQU laliydt (f. pi.; s. Idliyah;, m 

lalin ) s those rcciung. reading aloud (act. 
participle from laid [ lildwah |. to recite See vutld 
at 33:34, p. 1348, n 8). 

4. i. e . the Book sent down by Allah, the Qur'an 
fs dhikr = citation, recollection, remembrance. 

mention, reminder, also scripture, the Qur'an The 
Qur'Sn is repeatedly referred to as ddhikr See for 
instance 15:6, 15:9. 16:44. 21:50, 23:71. 25:29, 
26:5, 38:49, 38:87, 41:41, 54.25, 68:51-52, 81:27. 
See at 36:69, p. 1425. n. 10. 

5. This is the conclusion of the oath contained in 
the preceding three Ayahs and a reminding by 
Allah that there is no god Except He 


Sirah 37: Al-SaflOl ( Part Uuz ) 23 ) 


and the earth and all that is 
QiZ between the two; 
and Lord of 
the points of sun-rise. 1 

6. Verily We have adorned 7 
Gill ; \£\ the nearest 1 sky 

ko with an adornment 4 — 

* y; 

the stars. 5 

Uu*-j 7. And as protection 6 
against every Satan 
turning rebellious. 7 

8. They cannot overhear 8 
JeV'ylQj the Higher Council; 9 
oyjij for they are hurled at 10 
from every side. 



9. Being driven away; 11 

and they shall have 
a punishment in perpetuity. 12 

1. Jjl4- mashariq (pi.; s. mtuhriq) = the points 

of sun-rise ( noun of place from sharaqa 
[sluirq/shuruq], to rise, to radiate See mushriqin 
at 26:60. p. 1173. n II). 

2. Wj zayyannd = we adorned, embellished. 

decorated. ornamented. bcautirted, made 
charming (v. i. pi. past from zayyana, form II of 
zAnu (myn). to decorate, adorn. Sec at 27:4. p. 
1203. n. 4). 

3. The sun and all the stars arc set by Allah in the 
sky nearest to the earth. Beyond this there is a 
vast dark zone. V» dunyd (f.; m. udnu ) = 
nearer, nearest, lower, lowest, this world, earth 
See VwM at 33:59. p. 1361. n 13. 

4 Kij zinah = adornment, embellishment, 

ornament, finery, grandeur, decoration, beauty 
See at 33:28. p. 1346. n 2. 

5. kawakih (pi ; s. kuwtuib) = stars. Sec 
kimkub at 24:36. p. 1 120, n. 6. 

6. i. e., of the sky. 

7. a jU marid (s.; pi maraduh/murrdd) = rebel, 

one who turns rebellious, refractory, recalcitrant, 
defiant (act. participle from muradu (murudj, to 
be refractory, to rebel. See mumarrad at 27:44. p, 
1215. n. II) 

8. dy—~i yassamma'una (originally 

yiiuisumma'dnu ) = they lend their ear. listen 
secretly, overhear (v. iii. m. pi impfcl. from 
tusummu'a, form V of sami’a ( sum '/ s amdV 
nuisma j to hear. See Lima'6 at 36:25. p 1415. n. 

9. i. e . the angels in the high heaven. b* mala' 

- crowd, host, grandees, council of ciders, chiefs, 
nobles. See at 28:38, p. 1245, n. 8). 

10. i. e.. by shooting stars and meteors. Jyiii 

yuqdhafuna = they are hurled, hurled at. 
launched, thrown, flung, cast, tossed down, sent 
down ( v. iii. m pi. intpfet. passive from qadhufa 
\qadhf], to throw, to cast. Sec yaqdhifina at 
34:53. p 1388. n. I). 

1 1. i. e., in the hereafter duhur - to drive 

away, rout, expel (verbal noun). See mad-hdr at 
17:39. 885, n. 6. 

12. v~**j - permanent, lasting, perpetual. 

for ever (act. participle from wasuba [wu.ttih). to 
last. See at 16:52, p. 844, n. 5) 


Surah 37: Al-Saffat [ Part (Jut ) 23 1 

10. Except such as grabs' 
a grab but there pursues 2 him 
a blaze 3 very piercing. 4 

:* \ 

1 1 . So ask their opinion. 3 
Are they harder in creation or 
those 6 that We have created. 
Verily We have created them 
of clay 8 quite sticky. 9 

12. Nay, you are surprised, 10 
but they deride." 

13. And if they are reminded 12 
they remeber not. 


14. And if they see a sign, 1 1 
they burst out in ridicule. 14 

15. And they say: 

'This is naught but 
sorcery 1 ' quite obvious." 

1 . i. e., listens stealthily a little. od*»- khalifa = 
he grabbed, snatched, seized, wrested away (v. in 
m. s. post from khatf, to snatch. Sec 
yutakhattafuna at 29:67. p. 1 289. n. 3). 

2. 'alha'a - he subordinated, made to 
follow, followed, pursued (v. iii. m. s. past in form 
IV of labi'a llaba'/iabd'ah], to follow. See at 
20:78. p. 994. n. 6). 

3. vi*- shihab (s., pi. shuhub)= blaze, burning, 
luminous meteor, shooting star, flame See at 
27:7. p 1204 n. 2. 

4. vJC lhaqib = piercing, penetrating, sharp (act 
participle from thaqaba [ihaqb], to bore, to drill 

5. i. e.. ihc opinion of those who deny 
Resurrection istafti = ask the opinion/legal 

opinion, consult (v. ii. m. s. imperative from 
islafta'a, form X of fatiya \faui'\, to be youthful. 
Sec la taslafti at 18:22, p. 919. n. 5). 

6. i. e.. the earth, the heavens, the stars, the sun, 
ihc moon, etc. 

7. i. e.. mankind, including those that disbelieve. 

8. (in = day, soil. Sec at 32:7, p. 1326, n 4. 

9. vjV l&zib = sticky, adhering, firmly fixed (act 

participle from luzaba [luziib], to cling, adhere). 

10. i. e.. at their disbelief and denial of the 
Resurrection ojj ‘ajibta - you wondered, were 

surprised, astonished (v. ii. m. s. past from ujiba 
[ ’ajab], to wonder, to be astonished. See la jab at 
13:5, p. 765, n. 9). 

11. Oj j*~-i yaskharuna = they deride, ridicule, 

laugh at. mock, scoff at. jeer (v. iii. m. pi impfet. 
from saklura \rukhr/muskhar\. to ridicule, deride. 
See at 9.79. p .611, n 13). 

12. ijjTi dhukkiru = they were reminded (v. iii. 
m pi past passive from dhakkara. form II of 
dhakara {dhikr/ladhkdr], to remember Sec at 
32:15, p. 1328, n. 9). 

13. i. e . any sign or miracle proving the truth of 
your Messcngership. 

14. yasiaskliiruna sr they burst out in 

ridicule, turn to scoffing at (v. iii. m. pi impfet. 
from Maikhara. form X of sakhira See n. 1 1 

15. j > w sihr (pi ashdr) = sorcery, magic. See at 
34:43. p 1384, n 12 

Suruh 37: AlSuff&t | Pan (Jut') 23 ] 1433 

1. i. e„ decomposed and reduced lo dust. v'V 

lurab (s.; pi. atribah/ urban) = soil. dusl. dirt, 
earth. See al 35:1 1. p. 1393. n. 10. 

2. fdi* ‘izbm (pi.; sing, aun) = bones. See a( 
36:78. p. 1428. n. 2. 

3. Oy y^ mab'uthtin = (pi.; s mab'uth ) = (hose 
resurrected, raised, raised up. sent out (passive 
participle from ba'atha [fcu'rii], to send, (o raise). 
See at 23:82, p 1095, n. 9). 

4. i. e., our fathers and ancestors who died long 
before us? In Arabic (he term "fathers" means 
fathers, grandfathers and ancestors. 

5. dakhirun (pi.; s. diikhir) = those who 

become small, humble, lowly, humiliated (act. 
participle from dakhura [dkhar/dukhur], to be 
small, humble). 

6. i. e„ the second blowing of the trumpet by the 
angel Isrdfil whereupon all will be resurrected 
iyrj zajrah = blast, piercing sound. See vljirdi 
al 37:2, p. 1430. n. 2. 

7. i. e., they will be resurrected and will be 
looking one to another in astonishment and 
bewilderment. yanzuruna = they look, look 
expectantly, gaze, wait for. await (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. from nazara [nazr/manrar], to see, view, 
look at Sec at 36:49, p 1420. n. - 9). 

8. din = religion, creed, faith, code. law. 

worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital. See at 31 :32. p. 1322, n. 8. 

9. i. e„ decision regarding the deeds of all. J-d 

fa f/ (s., pi fujul) = detachment, division, 
partition, decision, chapter, class. 

10. tukadhdhibuna = you (all) cry lies to, 

disbelieve, think untrue (v. ii. m. pi impfet. from 
kudhdhaba. form II of kadhubu [kuihb /kudhih 
/kudhbuh /kidhbah], to lie. Sec at 34:43, p. 1384, 
n. 5). 


Sirah 37: M-S&ffto [ Pan (Jut') 23 ] 

Section ( Ruku •) 2 
+ 22. Assemble 1 those who 
ijjit committed wrong 2 

and their sorts 3 and what 
they used to worship 

-if ojijt 23. Besides Allah. 

And direct 4 them to 
the way 5 of hell. 

24. And halt 6 them; 
indeed they shall be asked. 7 

25. What is the matter with you, 
you help not one another? 8 

26. Nay, they are today 
QjJXLiJJ in complete surrender. 9 

j 'Jj 27. And there will turn 10 
-ftlZ one to another 

mutually making queries. 

1. i. e.. it will be ordered uhshuru = you 

(all) assemble, gather, collect, muster, rally (v it. 
m. pi. imperative from hashara [AusAr], to gather. 
See nahshuru at 34:40, p. 1 383. n. 4). 

2. ijJJ* zalamd = they did wrong/injustice, 
transgressed, committed shirk [note that at 31:13 
shirk ( setting partners with Allah ) is called a 
grave zulm ] (v. iii. m. pi. past from zolama 
Ualm/julm). to do wrong. Sec at 34:19. p. 1375, 
it. 3). 

3. i. e.. their likes and partners, ^lyjt azwaj (sing. 

any/) = husbands, wives, spouses, partners, 
pairs, kinds, sorts. Sec at 36:36. p. 1417. n. 10. 

4. Ijj*i ihdA = you (all) show the way. guide, 

lead, direct ( v. ii. m. pi. imperative from hiutii 
[hudy / hudan / hiddyah ). to guide, to show See 
yahddna at 32:24, p. 1 33 1 , n. 7). 

5. it j* sirdi = way, path. road. See at 36:61, p 
1423. n. 8. 

6. i. e.. before they reach hell iyd qifu = you (all) 
halt, slop, make stand, detain (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative from waqafa [h aqffcuquf). to come 
to a stop, to stand still. See nuiwqufun at 34:31, 
p. 1379, p. n. 5 ). 

7. i. e . about their deeds. iij)y>_> mas'&ldn (pi.; 

s. mas'dl ) = those who are questioned/ asked/ 
enquired, responsible, accountable, answerable 
(passive participle from sa 'ala [,ru dU mas alah], 
to ask. to enquire, to implore. See mas'dl 33:15, p 
1340, n. 10). 

8. i. e . it will be said to them, why do you not 

help one another as you used to help one another 
in the worldly life? tandsaruna < originally 

lutandsardna ) = you (all) render mutual help, 
help one another (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 
landsara. from IV of nasara [war Musiir], to 
help. See yansuru at 30:5, p 1291, n. 4). 

9. mustaslimun (pi. s. muslaslim) = 

those who make submission, surrender, capitulate, 
yield, give themselves up (act. participle from 
islaslama. form X of satima \saldmah/suldm], to 
be safe. See yuslim 31:22. p. 1318. n. 8). 

10. Jjl 'aqbala = he turned to. approached, 

advanced (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of qabila 
[qabul/qubdl). to accept. See aqbald at 12:71, p. 
748. n. 14). 

Surah 37: AlSdffdl | Pari Uuz) 23 ) 

28. They will say:' 

"Indeed you had been 
coming to us by the right." 2 

29. They will say: 3 "Nay, 
you had not been 

30. "Nor had we over you 
any authority. 4 

Nay, you had been a people 
transgressing." 5 

L& jiu 3 1 . "So due 6 has become on 




us the word 7 of our Lord. 

We indeed are going to taste."* 

32. "For we led you astray. 9 
Indeed we had gone astray." 10 

33. So surely they 11 shall 
that day in the punishment 
be partners. 12 

1 . i.e . those who had followed the unbelieving 
leaders will say lo (he leaders 

2. i. e.. with power and authority: and also in the 
name of the established religion and custom, < 
yamin (s.; pi. tiyman) = right, right hand 

3. i. e.. the leaders will say in reply. 

4. JtU- sullan = authority, power, mandate, rule, 
sanction. See at 34:20, p. 1375. n. 12. 

5. IdghSn (pi.; acc/gen. of tdghdn; s. 
tdghm) = transgressors, oppressors, tyrants, those 
exceeding the bounds (act. participle from laghd 
[lag hart/ lughydn], to exceed all bounds Sec 
lagha at 20:43. 984. n. 10). 

6. jr haqqa = he or it became true, correct, due. 

right, incumbent (v. iii. m. s. past from haqq See 
at 36:17. p. 1410. n. 3). 

7. i. e„ sentence of punishment 

8. i. e., going to taste the punishment, 

dh&’iqun (pi.; s. dhd’iq) = those who taste, arc 
going to taste (act participle from dhdqa [dhdqa 
{dhawq/ madhdq], lo taste. Sec dhd’iqah at 
29:57. p 1285. n 10) 

9. 'aghwayna = we led astray, misled, lured 

(v. i. pi past from 'aghwt i, form IV of ghawd 
Ighayy /ghuwdvah], to go astray. See at 28:63, p. 

1 254, n il). 

10 jiyU ghdwtn (pi.; acc /gen. of ghdwdn, s. 
ghdwin ) = those who go astray, misguided ones, 
seducers, tempters (act. participle from ghawd 
[ghayy/ gluiwdyah], to go astray. See n. 9 above 
and at 26:91. p. Il78.n II). 

1 1 . i. c.. the leaders and the followers 

12. df mushlarikdn (pi.; s mushlarik) = 

those sharing, taking pan. being partners, 
cooperating, participating (act. participle from 
is hlaraka. form VIII of sharika [shirk/ shirkah/ 
jharikuh). to share, to lake part. See muthnkin at 
30:31. p. 1 300, n. 4). 


Surah 37: Al-Saffnt | Pan Out') 23 ] 

34. Verily suchwise We deal 
with the sinful.' 

35. Indeed they had been, 
when it was said to them 
"There is no God but Allah", 
turning arrogant. 2 

*» Jl > 

oj}>iy 36. And they said: 

"Are we indeed to abandon' 
our gods 

^ll) for the sake of a poet 4 
gone off his head.?" 11 

iUJ? 37. Nay, he has come 
$■[ with the truth and he 

confirms 6 the Messengers. 7 


38. You shall surely 
yCuSfi^Jjj be tasting 8 the punishment 
QjJ Vf most painful. 

39. And you will not be requited 9 

1. mujrimin (pi.; acc./gcn. of mujnmw i; 
s. mujrim ) = those who commit sins, sinners, 
culprits, sinful (act. participle from ajranui. form 
IV of jarama [/arm), to commit a crime. See at 
34:32. p. 1380. n. 2). 

2. i yastakbirdna - they turn arrogant/ 

proud/haughty, are puffed up ( v. iii. m. s impfcL 
from istakbaru. form X of kabura | kubr / kibdr/ 
kabdruh) to become big, large, great See at 
32:15. p 1328. n. 13). 

3. >/■>' (drikd(n)[ pi. ; s. tdrik) = those who 

abandon, give up. forsake, leave (act participle 
from taraka (lark), to leave. The terminal min is 
dropped because of the genitive construction. See 
Idriki at 11:53. p.697. n. 2). 

4. The allusion is to the Prophet Muhammad, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him The 
polytheists of Makka used to allege that he had 
turned a poet and that he had gone off his head 
because of his giving out the passages of the 
Qur'an and asking them to abandon their gods 
and goddesses and worship Allah Alone. ,*U 
j/id‘/r(s. . pi shu ard ' ) = poet 

5. See also 34:46. p. 1386. ii>~ majnun (s.; pi. 
majdnin) = possessed, insane, mad. one gone off 
his head (pass, paiticiple from janna (yumin). to 
cover, to hide. See at 26:27, p. 1 167. n. 10). 

6. iiJ-r xaddaqa - he proved true, verified, 
substantiated, confirmed (v. iii. m. s. past in form 
II of sadaqa [sadq/sidq], to speak the truth. See at 
34:20. p. 1375. n. 9). 

7. i. e., the previous Messengers of Allah. This is 
an cmphais on the fact that all the Messengers of 
Allah delivered the same religion. Islam and that 

the Qur'an completes and finalizes it. 

8. i. e . you. who set partners with Allah and do 
the deeds forbidden by Him. lyiu dha’iqu (n) (pi.; 
s. dhd'iq] = those who taste, arc going to taste 
(act participle from dhdqa \dhdqa [dhawq/ 
nuidhdq], to taste. The terminal nun is dropped 
because of the genitive construction. See 
dhd'iqdn at 37:31. p. 1435, n. 8). 

9. lujzawna = you arc recompensed, 
requited, rewarded, repaid (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. 
passive from jazd [/ard'). to recompense Sec at 
36:54, p 1422, n 4). 

Sarah 37: At-Sdffal ( Part (7uz ) 23 1 


'Jjfcy j except for what you had been 
($1 DjiUi doing. 

40. Except the servants of 
Allah, the select ones. 1 

^ 4 1 . Such ones shall have 
($5 provision 2 specified.' 

42. Fruits; 4 

QjyJZfZj and they will be honoured.' 

43. In the gardens of bliss. 6 

j^je- 44. On couches 7 
$ facing one another. 8 

45. Passed round'' them will be 
a cup 10 from 
a running spring." 

-&Z, 46. Crystal white, 12 
($) a delight" to the drinkers. 

I i. e., they will not taste the punishment. , 

mukhlasin (pi.; acc ./ genitive of mukhlaj&n;, s. 
mukhlas) = rendered unblemished, pure-hearted, 
select ones (pass, participle from 'akhlasa, form 
IV of khalusa \khulus], to be pure, unmixed. 
unadulterated See at 15:40, p. 815. n. 11). 

2. i. e„ in paradise, given morning and evening, 
as staled in 19:62, p. 967, Jjj rizq (pi. Jljjl 
arzAq) = sustenance, subsistence, livelihood, 
means of livelihood, provision, boon. See at 1 1 :6, 
p. 679, n. 5. 

3. ma'lum = known, determined, fixed, 

specified (pass, participle from 'alima ( i/m], to 
know. Sec at 26:155, p. 1189. n. 3. 

4. 1. e.. all types of good and delicious fruits. 
faw&kih (pi.; s.fakihah ) = fruits See at 23:19. p. 
1079, n. 8 

5. dy mukramun (pi.; s. mukram ) = those 

honoured (passive participle from 'akranui, form 
IV of karuma ( karam/ karamuh/ kardmuh], to be 
noble, generous. Sec karim at 34:4, p. 1369. n 1). 

6. na'im = bliss, felicity, comfort, happiness, 
delight See at 31:8, p. 1313. n 3. 

7. jy surur (pi.; s. jiy sarir) = bedsteads, 
thrones, couches. See at 15:47, p. 817, n. 5. 

8. mutaq&bilin (pi.; accigcn of 
rnukiqdhilun. s. mutaqubit ) = facing one another, 
confronting one another, meeting one another (act. 
participle from tuq&balu, form VI of qabila 
j qabui/qubul ]. to accept, to receive. See at 15:47, 
p. 817, n. 6). 

9. yutdfu = he or it is taken/passed round, 
circumambulated, taken on a circuit ( v. iii. m. s. 
impfcL passive from tafu [ Uiw&f/tawf/tawf&n ] , to 
go about, run around. See yallawwafa at 2: 1 58, p. 
74. n. 8). 

10 JS ka's (s.; pi. ku us/ki ddka sdl) = cup. 
tumbler, drinking glass, 

11. jju- ma in = spring, running spring, source of 
water. Sec ‘ayn at 23:50. p. 1088, n. 3. 

12. baydCt' (f.; in 'abytuf) = while, crystal 
white, bright, clean. See at 28:32, p. 1243. n. 17. 

13. U! ladhdhah (s. ; pi ladhdhdl) = delight, 
pleasure, bliss, joy. 


Surah 37: Al-Qdffdl ( Part (Juz) 23 1 

47. Neither is therein 
Jji. any intoxication. 1 

nor will they be due to it 
(3 exhausted. 2 

48. And beside them will be 
maidens restraining 2 of glance, 4 

{£j attractively wide-eyed. 5 

49. As if they were 
QjJ&JoL, eggs well-kept.® 

jyfr 50. So there will turn 7 
some to others 
asking one another. 8 

Jli 5 1 . Someone of them will say: 
$ "I indeed had an associate."’ 

iiU j>i>' 52. "He used to say:" Are you 
really of those believing?" 10 

&UJ 53. "Is it that when we are dead 

I Jy ghaut (s.; p|. aghwdt) = intoxication, 
fatality, malignity. 

2. Oyx yunzafdna = they arc exhausted. 

debilitated (v. iii. m. pi impfet. passive from 
nazafa | naz/]. to drain, to exhaust). 

3. Oi qthiral (f. pi ; s. qduruh) = restricted, 
confined, reserved, resnaining (act participle 
from qasura/ qasura | qisar/qasr/qas<)rah/qusSr\ 
become short, to fall short. Sec yuqstruna at 
7:202. p 543. n 12). 

4 i. c , chaste women not looking at anyone else 
except their husbands _>> tarf = glance, look, 
eye. See at 27:40, p. 12014, n. 2. 

5 j* tn (f. pi;, s. 'ayn/i') = attractively wide 

6. J y£* maknun = covered, sheltered, hidden, 

well-kept (passive participle from karma 
\kann/kunun], to conceal, cover See uknuntum at 
2:235, p. 1 18. n. 7). 

7. Jjt ’aqhala = he turned to. approached, 
advanced (v. iii. m. s past in from form IV of 
qabita [qabuUqubul), to accept See at 37:27, p. 
1434. n 10). 

8. OjVLx yatas&’al&na = they ask one another, 
enquire of one another, make queries, make 
claims, demand (v. iii. m pi. impfet. from 
ULUi ala. form VI of sa 'ala [ ru'd/), to ask. See at 
23:101. p. 1099. n 13). 

9. jiJ qarin (s.; pi. qurima ) = associate. 

comrade, consort connected, joined ( act. 
participle in the scale of fa 'll from qarana 
l qurn\. to connect, to associate See muqarranin 
at 25:13. p. 1 141. n. 9). 

10 i. e.. believing in Resurrection and life in the 
hereafter ^ : »i.jl- musaddiqtn (pi.; acc./gen. of 

masaddiqun, s musaddiq ) = those who confirm, 
verify, attest, giving credence, believing (active 
participle from saddaqa. form II of rudaqa 
[sadq/udq], to speak the truih See musaddiq at 
35:31. p. 1401. n. I). 


Surah 37: Al-Sdffdt [ Fort (Juz) 23 ] 


and became dusi 1 and bones, 2 
QoyJj ^ shall we be really requited?' 

54. He 4 will say: "Are you 
(3 going to look out?" , 

55. So he will look out 
itiy and will see him 

in the midst of hellfire. 

aj&ju 56. He will say: "By Allah, 
oXjJ you were indeed about to 6 
ruin me!" 7 

yjij 57. "And were it not for 
the grace of my Lord 
I would surely have been 
of those brought along." 8 

58. "Are we then not 
to die?" 9 

1. v' 1 / lurdh (s.; pi. atribah/ urban) = soil. dust, 
dirt earth. See at 37:16. p. 1433, n. I. 

2. ‘izam (pi.; sing Vfm) = bones. Sec at 
37:16. p 1433. n. 2. 

3. i. c„ resurrected and requited. madinun 
(pi ; s. madin) = those judged and requited (pass, 
participle from dunu ( dayn ) to borrow, to take a 
loan. Sec laddyanlum at 2:282, p. 147. n. 3). 

4. I. e . the person spoken to will say to the 

5. i. e.. are you going to look out for the state of 

that associate of yours? muttali'un (pi.; s. 

muiiuli ) = those who look out. look into, inspect, 
become acquainted (act. participle from mala a, 
form VIII of (ala'a [iulO/nuil!a'\. to rise. See 
ittala'al at 18:18, p. 916, n. 10). 

6. orT kidla = you were about to. on the point 
of. almost (v ii. m. s. past from kudu [ kawd)), to 
be on the point of See at 17:74, p. 897, n. 9). 

7. i. e.. by misguiding me into unbelief, lurdini 
(originally turdi+nD : i f>/ turdi = you ruin, 
destroy, bring about the fall of (v. ii. m. s. impfet. 
from ardil. form IV of radiya radon], to 
perish, be destroyed See yurdi at 6:137. p. 449, 
n. 6). 

8. i. c.. for trial and punishment. 

muhdarin (pi ; accVgcn. of muhdarun; s. 
muhdar) = those presented, put up. brought face 
to face, brought along, fetched (passive participle 
from 'ul)4ara. form IV of hadara [ hudur ], to be 
present. See at 28:61. p. 1254, n. 5). 

9. The person in paradise will ask himself this 
question out of wonder and satisfaction. 

10. i. e.. the death after the wordly life. 

jjVl 59. "Except our first death 1 " 


SUrah 37: At-Sdffai I Part Uui ) 23 | 

nor shall we be punished?" 1 

' $ 

60. "This indeed is 

0 the success 2 most grand."' 

6 1 . For the like of this 4 
let there act those acting. 5 


‘iXiU'il 62. Is this the better 
as entertainment 6 or 
the Tree of Zaqqflm. 7 

liuili-Ui 63. Verily We have set 8 it as 
(£) ouHLUili a trial 9 for the transgressors. 10 

64. Verily it is a tree 

that grows" in 

the base l2 of the hellfire. 11 

.A-fay.l]. 65. Its fruits 14 are as if 
jvklfJ the heads of satans. 15 


jiJiVi 66. And indeed they shall 

1. mu'adhdhabtn (pi , acc/gemnvc of 
mu 'udhdhahUn: %. muuilhdhab) = those who arc 
chastised, punished (passive participle from 
adhdhaba. form II \la‘dhib] of ’adhaba ( udhb], 
to obstruct. Sec at 34:35, p. 1 38 1 . n. 8). 

2. jji fawz = success, triumph, victory, 
achievement. See at 10:64. p. 660. n. 8. 

3. ‘azfm = great, magnificent, splendid, big, 

stupendous, most grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, grave. Sec at 33:7 1 , p. 1365, n. 7) 

4. This success in attaining Allah's pleasure and 

5. 'dmiltin (pi.; s. Vi/m/) = workers, 
collectors, practising ones, those who do/act (act 
participle from 'amila [ 'amul). to do Sec a milin 
at 29:58. p. 1286, n. 6). 

6. J > nuzul (a.; pi. anzdl = that which is 

prepared for a guest, entertainment, hospitality. 
Sec at 32:19, p 1329. n 12. 

7. A specially vicious tree in hell, as described in 
'ayah 65 below 

8 u»» ja'alnd = we made. set. put. appointed, 

rendered (v. i. pi. past from ju'ala \ji i'/], to make, 
to scl Sec at 36:34. p. 1417, n I). 

9. fitnah (pi. Jilan) = trial, temptation, 
enticement, discord, sedition, plea (on trial) See 
■it 1 1 14. p. 1340, n. 4. 

10. i. c.. the polytheists (note that at 31:13 shirk 

or setting partners with Allah is called a grave 
zulm). zalimin (accVgen. of pi limun, sing. 

zatim) = transgressors, wrong-doers ( active 
participle front zaluma [zulm], to transgress, do 
wrong. See at 28:50. p. 1250, n. 4). 

1 1. lanbulu = she grows, sprouts (v. iii. f. s. 
impfet from nabala \nabl\, to grow, to sprout. 
Sec at 23:20. p 1079, n. 10) 

12. 'afl (s.; pi usul) = root, origin, source, 
basis, base See 'axil at 33:42, p. 1353. n. 3. 

13. jahtm = hellfire. hell Sec at 22:51. p. 
1063. n. II. 

14. £il» lal' s spadix or inflorescence of the palm 
tree, pollen, spathc. fruits. See at 26:148, p 1188. 
n. 2. 

15. i. e„ very vicious and ugly. 

Surah 37: AlSdffdi ( Part Uuz') 23 ] 


be eating of these 

and shall be filling 1 of these 

the bellies. 2 

67. Then they shall have 
over these a sure blend' 
0 of boiling water. 4 

68. Then verily their return 5 
will be to the hellfire. 

69. Verily they had found 6 
their fathers gone astray. 7 

70. So they were on their 
Q&Jz footsteps 8 rushed along. 9 

7 1 . And there had strayed 
before them 

50jVi^U=1 most of those of old. 10 


72. And We had indeed sent” 
among them warners. 12 

1. oyJt- mah 'tin (pi . s. mill’) - those who fill. 

Tillers (act participle from mulu'u \malV maVah 
/mil 'ah), to fill, to fill up. Sec la amla’anna at 
32:13. p. 1328. n. 4). 

2. Jji% bulun (pi.; sing, jh, bain ) = stomachs. 

bellies, abdomens, wombs, inner parts. Sec at 
23:21. p. 1080. n 2 

3. v>p shawb = mixture, blend, blemish, flaw 

4. i. e„ as their drink. (*-o- liamtin = boiling 

water, close friend, intimate friend (act. participle 
in the scale of fa ’ll from humma [ hamm I . to heat. 

moke hot. Sec at 26:101. p. 1180. n. S. 

5. £» y marji ‘ (s.; pi. j»v maraji') - return, 
place of return. resort, authority to which 
reference is made (verbal noun/adverb of place 
from ruja'a Sec at 31:23. p. 1319. n. 2). 

6. lyilt 'atfaw = they found (v. iii. m. pi. past from 

alfd. form IV of lafd [lafw], to find. See alfaynd 
at 2:170, p. 80. n. 5. 

7. j/-* d dllin (pi.; acc./gen. of ddllun) = those 
gone astray, those who go astray by abandoning 
monotheism and the "straight path" (active 
participle from dalla Idaldt/daUUah], to go astray. 

to stray, to err. See at 2:198, p. 96. n. 12). 

8 >1* 'dlhir (pi.; s. / 'uthar) = tracks, traces. 

footsteps, vestiges, antiquities, marks, remnants, 
effects, results. Sec at 36: 1 2, p 1 4 1 1 . n. 9. 

9. i. e.. they did not use their reason nor did they 
listen to admonition but practised polytheism and 
the false religion simply on the ground that it was 
the religion of their fathers, o jf-jtt yuhra'una = 
they were rushed, rushed along, hastened (v. iii. 
m. pi. impfet. passive from ’ uhra'a , form IV of 
hara'a [hara ], to rush, hasten) 

10. Ojlyl ’awwaldn (pi.; s. ’awnal) = first ones, 
those of old, ancients. See at 27:68, p. 1223, n. 10. 

11. U— jl 'arsalnS - we sent out, sent, despatched, 
discharged (v. i. pi. past from ar.iala. form IV of 
rastla [ratal], to be long and flowing. See at 
35:24. p 1398, n 4). 

12. i. e.. Messengers. mundhirin (pi.; 

accusative/ gen. of mundhirun, sing, mundhir) = 
warners. those giving warning (act. participle 
from ’andhara, to warn, form IV of nadhara, 
[nadhr /nudhur], to dedicate, to make a vow. See 
at 27:92. p 1230. n. 4). 


Sarah 37: M-Sdffdl ( Part <M') 23 ) 

73. So see 1 how was 
O'j-Lili’iliu. the end 2 of those warned . 1 


74. Except the servants of 
Allah, the select ones . 4 

Section ( Ruku' ) 3 

jjj 75. And Nfih had called 5 Us, 
and Excellent indeed 
are the Answerers . 6 

76. And We rescued 7 him 
and his people 
from the distress 8 
most stupendous . 9 

77. And made his progeny 
the ones surviving . 10 

78. And We left" on him 
among the later generations. 

£*£ 79 . Peace be on Nflh, 

among all beings. 

1. >' uniur = you see. look at. observe (v. ii. m. 
s. imperative from nuzara [namr/ manzar], to see. 
See unzuru at 30:42, p. 1304, n. 13). 

2. Mi* ‘ dqihah (s.; pi. ***** ’ awdqib ) = end, 

ultimate outcome, upshot, consequence, effect, 
result. See at 35:44, p. 1407, n. 2. 

3. The emphasis is on that they were not punished 
before giving adequate warning. jijki* 

mundharin (pi . accusative/ gen of mundhurin. 
sing, mundhur ) = those who ore warned, (pass, 
participle from andhara. to worn, form IV of 
nadhara. [nadhr / nudhur ]. to dedicate, to make a 
vow. Sec at 26:173. p. 1 192, n 4). 

4. i. e., they were not punished, jr*^* mukhlastn 
(pi ; acc ./ genitive of mukhUuUn.-. s. mukhlas ) = 
rendered unblemished, pure-hearted, select ones 
(pass, participle from ' akhlasa , form IV of 
khuiaja [k/tu/u.t), to be pure, unmixed, 
unadulterated Sec at 37:40. p. 1437, n. I). 

5. i. e.. called for help, ifsti nddd ~ he called 

out, called, summoned, cried out, (v. iii. m. s. past 
in form III of nad& [nadw], to call. See at 26:10, p. 
1164. n. 2). 

6. The plural form is used to indicate Allah's 
Majesty, mujihun (pi.; s. mujib) = those who 
respond, answerers, the responsive (act participle 
from ajdba. form IV of juba [juwb J, to travel, to 
explore. See mujib at 1 1:61, p. 700, n. 5). 

7. najjayna = we rescued, saved, delivered 
(v. i. pi. past from najjd, form II of nujd [nujw 
Maj&‘ Majah], to make for safety, to be saved. 
See at 26:170, p. 1 191, n 9). 

8. i. e„ the Deluge. *** f karb (s.; pi. ** } f 
kurub)= distress, worry, concern, apprehension, 
anxiety, trouble. See at 21:76, p. 1302, n. 13. 

9. .J v- 'azSm = great, magnificent, splendid, big, 

stupendous, most grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, grave See at 37:60. p. 1440. n. 3). 

10. Jp* biqin (pi.; accVgen. of buqiin. s. baqin ) 

= the rest, remaining ones, survivors (act. 
participle from baqiya [IxtqJ ' ]. to remain, to 
continue to be. See at 26:120, p. 1 183, n. 9). 

11. i. c.. left the good memories and praise (see 
Ibn Kathir, VII. pp. 19-20). Lf / larakna = we 

left, abandoned, gave up, forsook (v. i. pi. past 
from taraka (fork], to leave. Sec at 29:35. p. 
1277, n. 6. 

Surah 37: Al-Saffat [ Pan (Jui ) 23 ) 


ilbTci 80. Verily suchwise 

We reward 1 the righteous. 2 

8 1 . Indeed he was of 
Our believing servants. 1 

82. Then We drowned 4 
$ the others. 5 

83. And verily of his sect 6 
was Ibrahim. 

.Ajj'&l 84. When he came to his Lord 
with a heart unblemished. 7 

jlii[ 85. When he said 

to his father and his people: 
"What is that you worship?"* 

fcul 86. "Is it a falsehood 9 — 
gods besides Allah 10 — 

{£) 4>jJ that you have in mind?” 11 

1 . l£>~ najzi = we reward, recompense, require. 

repay, punish ( v. i. pi. imptcl. from jaw [ jazA 1 ), 
lo recompense See al 35:36, p. 1403. n. 4). 

2. , > —»*» muhsinin = (pi.; acc. /gen. of 

mujismun . sing, mulvtn ) = those who do nght 
dungs, righteous, charitable, generous (active 
participle from 'alysana. form IV of husuna 
(/turn), to be good. See at 31:3, p. 1311. n. 5). 

3. jU "ib&d (sing, jl t'abd) = servants (of Allah), 
human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. See at 
25:63. p. 1157. n. 5). 

4. t. e.. by the Deluge, la^t 'aghraqnd = we 

drowned, sunk (v. i. pi past from 'aqhraqa, form 
IV of ghartqu Igharaq), to be drowned. Sec al 
29:40. p. 1279. n. 7). 

5. i. e . the unbelievers who refused to accept the 
message delivered by Nflh, peace be on him. 

6. L e.. of the Messengers and believers. 
sht'ah (s.; pi. ihiya') = sect, party, faction, 
followers, adherents. See at 28:15, p. 1236. n. 3. 

7. i. e„ neither impaired by unbelief and sin, nor 
by any physical weakness ^4- salim is.; pi 

r ulunui) = unblemished, faultless, unimpaired, 
sound, safe and sound, free from defect (act. 
participle in the scale of fa'il from .talima 
[saldmah/saldm], to be sound, free from blemish 
See at 26:89. p. Il78.n. 7). 

8. Oyaau ta'buduna = you (all) worship, serve (v. 

ii. m. pi impfet from 'abadu [ ibiidah /‘ubtldah 
/’ubudiyah], to worship. Sec al 26:92, p. 1179, n. 

9 diH ifk (s.; pi. ’ afa'ik ) = calumny, slander, 
libel, falsehood, lie. See at 34:43. p. 1384. n. 10. 

10. Polytheism, t. e . setting of partners with Allah 
and worshipping many gods and goddesses, is a 
falsehood fabricated by misguided minds. 

11. Jfi iy turiddna = you (all) intend, wish, 
desire, want, have in mind (v. ii. m. pi. impfet 
from 'ardda, form IV of rdda | rawd], to walk 
about. See al 8:67. p. 572, n. 3). 


Surah 37: M-Sdffdl | Pan (Juz) 23 | 

87.Then what is your view 1 
about the Lord of all beings? 

O r *i >•✓ 

88. Then he cast a glance 2 
at the stars. 1 

89. And he said: "I am sick.”'' 

90. Then they withdrew* 
from him, turning back. 6 

££ 91. Then he furtively went 7 
to their gods and said: 

"Will you not eat?” 8 

92. "What is the matter with 
you that you speak not?" 9 

93. Then he turned on them 
striking with the right hand. 

ajiyjti 94. So they came'°to him, 
making haste." 

1. jt zann ($.; pi zunun) = conjecture, surmise, 
supposition, assumption, view. idea, opinion, 
belief. See at 4:157. p. 315. n. 6). 

2. jkj nazara = he glanced, looked, viewed, saw 

(v. iii. m s. past from napar. See at 9:127, p. 633, 
n. 9), 

3. i. c., in reflection about their worship of the 
stars and the images representing them (sec I bn 
Kathir. VIII, p. 21). (y~ nujdm (pi.; s. najm ) a 
starts. See at 22:18. p. 1051, n. 7 

4. i. e., he was either sick of their worship of idols 
and the stars or he intended to avoid 
accompanying them to their polytheistic feast. 

saqtm - sick, ill (act participle in the scale 

of fa'il from saqima/ suquma | saqam / suqm/ 
saqdm], to be ill. 

5. ijJy taw allow = they turned away, withdrew. 

desisted, refrained (v. iii m pi. past from lawalld, 
form V of wultya. to be near. See at 24:54, p. 
1128. n. 8). 

6. Jiji-t- mudhirin (pi.; acc./gcn. of mudhirun; s. 
mudhir) = those who turn their backs, flee, run 
away, retreat (act. participle from 'adhara, form 
IV of dabara [duhur], to turn one's back. See at 
30:52. p 1307, n 13) 

7. rdgha = he furtively went, swerved, turned 

away (v. iii. nt. s. past from rawgh/rawghdn. to 
swerve, to turn away furtively). 

8. i. e.. the foods, fruits, etc offered to them by 
their worshippers JjiSt ta’kuluna = you (all) 

cat. consume (v. ii. in. pi. impfet. from akala | 
akl/ma'kal\, to eat. Sec at 3:49, p 175. n. 8). 

9. This 'dyah and the last clause of the previous 
'ayah emphasize the fact that the images the 
polytheists worship are lifeless objects incapable 
of speaking or taking food jyU.: tantiquna - 

you (all) speak, talk, pronounce, articulate (v. ii. 
m. pi. impfet. from na[aqa [nuiq/nutuq/mantjq], 
to talk, speak, articulate. Sec y antiquna at 27:85, 
p. 1227, n 10). 

10. tjjLjf ' aqhalu = they turned to. turned 
forward, approached, came (v. iii m pi past from 

aqbala. form IV of qabila Iqubul/qubul], to 
accept, to receive. See at 12:71, p 748, n. 14). 

11. yaziffuna = they hurry, make haste (v. 

iii. m pi, impfet. from zaffa [zaff/zufuf], to hurry, 
make haste. 

Surah 37: Al Sdff&l ( Part (Jut') 23 ] 



95. He said:"Do you worship 

what you sculpture? 1 


96. But Allah created you 

and what you work out? 2 

97 .They said: "Build’ for him 

a structure 4 and throw 5 him 

in the blazing fire." 6 

98. So they designed 7 for him 

a plot 8 but We made them 

the most degraded. 9 

99. And he said: "1 am going 

to my Lord; 10 

He will guide me." 11 

100. "My Lord grant 12 me 

of the righteous ones." 1 ' 

101 . So We gave him the 

good tidings 14 

1 . tanhituna = you carve, hew. sculpture (v. 

11. m pi. impfet. from iwffata [nal/i], to carve, to 
hew. Sec at 7:74. p. 495. n. 6). 

2. i. e.. your deeds as well as those you make 
images of. 

3. i><< ihnu = build, construct, erect, set up (v. 
ti. m. pi. imperative from band [bmd'/bun\dn]. to 
build, to creel See at 18:21. p 918. n. 6. 

4. i. e„ a fireplace, as is clear from the concluding 
clause of the 'dy ah. 01* hunyan = building. 

structure, edifice, construction. See n. 3 above and 
at 9:109. p. 624, n. 13. 

5. lyii I 'alqd = you (all) throw, cast. (ling, deliver, 

submit (v. ii. ni. pi. imperative from 'alqd, form 
IV of laqiya [liqd' /luqydn /luqy /luqyah/luqan], 
to meet Sec at 26:43, p. 1170. n. 4). 

6. jal/im = hcllfirc, hell, blazing fire. See 
at 37:64. p. 1440. n. 13. 

7. lyiijl ‘aradu = they intended, desired, had in 
mind, wanted, designed (v. iii, m. pi. past from 
'ardda form IV of rdda (ratwf). to walk about. 
See at 32:20, p. 1330, n. II). 

8. uS kayd = scheme, plot. plan, stratagem, trick. 
See at 22:15. p. 1050. n. 12. 

9. Sec 21:69. 'asfatin (pi.; acc/gen. of 

'asfaldn: s. asfal) = lowest, most degraded, at 
the bottom, deepest; also (as preposition) below, 
under Elative of sdfil (low/base/mean). See ’asfal 
at 4:145. p. 309. n 9. 

10. i. e . migrating to the land He asked me to do. 

1 1 vahdini (originally vahdi*ni) : ifJ+t yahdi = 
he guides, shows the way (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
from hadd [ hady / hudanf hiddyah], to guide, to 
lead. See at 34:6. p. 1369. n. 7). 

12. hab = you bestow, give, grant, donate (v. 

11. m. s. imperative from wahaba \wahb], to grant. 
See at 26:83. p 1 177. n. 9). 

13. i. e . of children. sdhhin (pi.; acc /gen 

of sblihun ; s. sdlih) = righteous, virtuous, good 
ones, right and fit ones (act. participle from 
salahu {saldh/ sulbh/ maslahah], to be good, 
right, proper. See at 29:26, p 1274. n. II). 

14 UjCy bashsharnd = we gave good tidings (v. 

i. pi. past from bashshara . form II of basharu/ 
bashira ( bishr/bushr / , to be happy. See at 1 1:71. 
p. 703. n. II). 


Surah 37: Al-Saffat [ Part Uuz) 23 ) 

$).> of a son, 1 most forbearing. 2 





102. Then when he attained’ 
with him running ability 4 
he said : "O my sonny, 

I have seen in a dream’ 
that 1 am sacrificing 6 you. 

So consider 7 what you think." 
He said: "O my father, 
do what you are bidden. 8 
You shall find me, 

Allah willing, 

(j£i of the patient ones." 

li 103. So when they submitted 1 ' 
,i£;J and he threw him down 10 
by the forehead;" 

104. And We called out 12 to 

i$I JLjkyLi Ji him: "O Ibrahim 

105. "You have just proved 
\>\)\ true 1 ' to the dream. 14 

t. i. e.. IstnS'il. ihc first-born son of Prophet 
Ibrahim. peace be on him. fib ghulam (pi. 

ghilmdn/ghilmuh) - boy. lad. son, youth, slave. 
See at 19:7. p.952.n 12. 

2. Halim - forbearing. Most Forbearing, most 
clement. See at 22:59. p. 1066. n. 12. 

3. jli halaglia = he or it reached, came to. 

attained (v. iii. m. s. past from hulugh, to reach. 
Sec at 28: 14. p 1435. n. 6). 

4. i. e.. he grew up as a boy. sa'y = to move 

speedily, to run. to proceed hurriedly, to strive/ 
endeavour. See at 18:10. p. 947. n. 8). 

5. Saw in sleep, i. c., in dream. fU man&m = 

sleep, place to sleep . The dream of a Prophet is a 
type of waky. See at 30:23. p. 1296. n. 12. 

6. £<it 'adhbahu - I sacrifice, slaughter (v. i. s. 
impfet emphatic from dluibaha | dhabh], to 
slaughter. See dluibaha at 2:71. p. 34. n. 3). 

7. unzur = you see. look at. consider (v. ii. m. 
s. imperative from nazara [nazar/ manzar], to sec. 
See at 37:73. p I442. n l). 

8. tu’maru - you arc commanded, ordered. 

enjoined, bidden (v. ii. m s. impfet. passive from 
amura I ’amr], order, command. Sec at 15:94, p. 
826. n. 3). 

9. i. e„ both father and son submitted to the 
command of Allah, 'aslamd = they (two) 
submitred, surrendered, gave themselves up (v. iii. 
m. dual, past from 'aslama. form IV of ,t alima 
[salumah/saltim], to be safe, secure. See 'aslama 
at 6: 14. p. 396. n. 12). 

10. i. e„ laid him on the ground for the purpose of 
sacrificing lalla = he threw down, felled (v. iii. 
m. s. past from tall, to throw, to fall. 

11. Cm" jubin (*.; pi. jubun/' ujbinuh/' ajbun) = 
forehead, brow, front, face 

12. tjsti nadayna = we addressed, called out. 
summoned, announced (v. i. s. past from nada, 
form 111 of nadd [nudwj. to call. Sec at 28:46. p. 
1248, n.3). 

13. i. e„ you have indeed carried out what you 
have been commanded. c.ii a saddaqta = you 

proved true, confirmed, verified, substantiated (v. 
ii. m. s. past in form II of sadaqa | uuiij/ruiq). to 
speak the truth See at 34:20. p. I375 - , n. 9). 

14. I<jj ru’yd (s. ; pi. ru'an) = dream, vision. 

Surah 37: Al-Stlffiit | Part (Jut) 23 ] 





Verily We thus reward 1 
the righteous." 2 

106. Indeed this is 
the trial 3 quite clear. 4 

107. And We ransomed 5 him 
with a scarifice 6 very great. 7 

1 . ijj»J najzi - wc reward, recompense, requite. 

repay, punish ( v. i, pi impfet from jazA [jam '), 
to recompense. Sec at 37:80, p 1443, n. I). 

2. muhsinin - (pi.; acc. /gen. of 

muhsinun; sing, muhsin) = those who do right 
things, righteous, charitable, generous (active 
participle from aljjanu. form IV of hasuna 
( hu.w ]. to be good Sec at 37:80, d 1443. n. 2). 

3. i. e.. this sacrificing of your son is a clear trial, 
if. kata’ = trial, test, tribulation (This word is 
used in respect of both good and bad things). See 
at 14:6. p. 788. n. I). 

4. mubln = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 
patent open and clear, that which makes clear 
(act. participle from abtlna. form IV of hdna 
[bo van], to be clear. See at 36:60, p. 1423. n, 7). 

5. WJi fadaynd = we ransomed, redeemed. 

108. And We left 8 on him 
among the later generations. 9 

109. Peace be on Ibrahim. 

1 10. Thus do We reward 
the righteous. 

1 1 1 . He indeed was of 
Our believing servants. 10 

1 12. And We gave him the 
good tidings" of Ishaq, 

a Prophet, of the righteous. 

sacrificed (v. i. pi past from (add \fidan/fida’\, to 
redeem, to ransom See iftadaw at 13:17, p. 722. 
n. 6). 

6. i. c . rescued him by substituting for him a 
lamb, pi dhibh = sacrificial animal, sacrifice, 
slaughtered one. See 'adhbahu at 37:102, p. 
1446. n. 6. 

7. fjut ‘ azim - great, magnificent, splendid, big, 

stupendous, most grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, grave. Sec at 37:76. p, 1442, n. 9). 

8. i. e . left good memories and praise on him 
l £ / tarakna = we left, abandoned, gave up, 
forsook (v. i. pi. past from luraku | lark ]. to 
leave. See at 37:78. p. 1442, n. 1 1 

9 ’ Akhirin (pi.; occVgcn. of ’dkhirdn; s. 

' dkhir ) = last ones, those coming later, later 
generations, others. 

10. st* 'ibid (sing, xr'abd) = servants (of Allah), 

human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. See at 
37:81. p. 1443, n. 3). 

1 1 After Prophet Ibrahim, peace be on him, had 
passed the test of the command to sacrifice his 
first and eldest son Isma'il. peace be on him, 
Allah rewarded him with another son. Ishaq, 
peace be on him bashsharnd = wc gave 

good tidings (v. i. pi. past from bashshura from 
bashshara, form II of basharu/bashira 
[ bi.ihr/bushr /. to be happy See at 37:101, p. 
1415. n. 14). 


SQrah 37: Al Stiffut | Part (Juz ) 23 ] 

1 13. And We gave blessings' 


on him and on Ishaq. 

And of their progeny 2 
are some righteous 1 
pLUj and some commit wrong 4 
to themselves quite clearly. 

Section ( Ruku' ) 4 
JLllJ 1 14. And We had indeed 
bestowed favour 5 on Mflsa 

» . r *'T 

and Harun. 

1 15. And We rescued 6 them 
and their people 

from the distress 7 most grave. 

1 16. And We helped 8 them 
so they were the ones 
victorious. 9 

1 17. And We gave the two 
[if the Book most explicit. 10 

I . LfjV, barakna = we blessed, gave blessings (v. 

1. pi past from bdraka. form III of txiruka, to 
kneel down. Sec at 34: 18. p 1374. n. 12). 

2. »r> dhurriyah (p| dhurrtyvt/ dhartrly) * 

offspring, progeny, children, descendants See at 
29 26. p 1274, n 9) 

3. muhsin (s. pi. muhunCtn) = those who 

do right things, righteous, charitable, generous 
(active participle from ahsana. form IV of 
hasuna |(|i/ui|. to be good See muhstnin at 
37: 105. p 1447. n 2). 

4. i. e„ by unbelieving and setting partners with 
Allah (note that at 31: 13 shirk (setting partners 
with Allah) is called a grave jir/m). (Jit $ Him 

(s.; pi. ailimun) = unjust person, transgressor, 
wrong-doer (act. participle from zulumu ({uJW 
ru/m). to do wrong See at 25:27. p. 1 146. n. 3). 

5. i. e.. by selecting them as Prophets and 
Messengers and by helping them U. mananni - 
we bestowed grace, graced, favoured, (v. i p| 
past from manna |monn]. to be kind, gracious 
See namunnu at 28:5. p 1232. n 8). 

6. najjayna = we rescued, saved, delivered 

(v. i. pi. past from najja. form II of naju {najw 
/najd' /najdh], to make for safety, to be saved. 
Sec at 37:76. p 1442, n. 7). 

7. i. c„ from the bondage and persecution of the 

Pharaoh and from being drowned when escaping 
from Egypt karb (s.; pi. kurtibfs 

distress, worry, concern, apprehension, anxiety, 
agony, (rouble See at 37:76, p 1442, n 8. 

8. I ij*i nasarna = we helped, assisted (v. m m 

pi. irnpfct. from ruisara (nair /nujtrr], to help. 
Sec yunsaruna at 36:74. p 1427, n. 2) 

9- ghalihin (acc /gen of yhalibun ) s 

winners, those winning, victors, victorious, 
conquerors, dominant (active participle from 
ghalaba [ghalb/ghalbah], to subdue, to conquer. 
See at 26:40. p Il70.n I). 

10 jr—’ muslabtn = that which becomes clear. 

explicit, plain, evident, perceives, notices (act 
participle from islabdna, form X of bona 
[buvdnj. to be clear, evident See lusiabina at 
6:55. p 412, n. 10). 

Surah 37: Al SaffHt [ Part (J U z') 23 ) 




($ <^^>4 





$s£& 3 t 

1 18. And We guided 1 them to 
the way : right and straight.' 

1 19. And We leff'on the two 
among the later generations. 

1 20. Peace be on 
MQsa and Harun. 

121. Verily suchwise 

We reward 5 the righteous. 6 

122. Verily they were of 
Our believing servants. 7 

123. And verily Ilyas was 
of the Messengers." 

1 24. When he said 
to his people : 

"Will you not fear Allah?" 9 

yiZjje jtf 125. "Do you invoke 10 Ba‘l 11 

1. l,j* hadaynd = we showed, guided, gave 

guidance (v. i. pi. past from h/ulti [hady/hiddyah], 
to guide. See at 19:58. p. 965. n. 6). 

2. sirdt = way. path. road. See at 37:23, p. 
1434. n. 5. 

3. i. e., Islam. f ■» mustaqim = straight, 

upright, cicct. correct, right, proper (active 
participle from istaqdnia, form X of qdma 
[quwnuih/qiwim], to stand up, to get up). Sec at 
36:61. p. 1423. n. 3). 

4. i. e.. left good memories and praise. IS" / 
tarakna = we left, abandoned, gave up, forsook 
(v. i. pi. past from laraka [lark], to leave. See at 
37; 108, p. 1447, n. 8. 

5. najzt = we reward, recompense, requite. 

repay, punish ( v. i. pi impfet. from juzti \jazd'). 
to recompense. See at 37:105. p. 1447, n. I). 

6. ~ muhsinin = (pi.; acc. /gen. of 

muhswun, sing, muhsin) = those who do right 
things, righteous, charitable, generous (active 
participle from ah.uma. form IV of hasuna 
|hu.rn|, to be good See at 37:105. p. 1447, n. 2). 

7. sU- 'ibad (sing xt'abd) = servants (of Allah). 

human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. See at 
37:1 1 1, p. 1447, n. 10). 

8 / mursalin (accusative /genitive of 

munalun, sing mursal) = messengers, those sent 
out. despatched, delegated (passive participle from 
'unala, form IV of rasila ( rasal ]. to be long and 
flowing. Sec at 36:3. p. 1409, n. 3). 

9. oyL, latlaqdna = you are on your guard, 
protect yourselves, fear Allah, fear (v. ii. m. pi. 
iinpfcl. from illaqd. form VIII of wuqd 
[waqy/wiqdyah], to guard, to protect. Sec at 
26: 177, p 1 192. n. 9). 

10. i, e.. worship. Jy-a; tad'una = you (all) call. 

call upon, invoke, invite (v. ii. in pi. impfet. from 
dad \dud'], to call See at 35:40. p. 1404, nil). 

1 1 . Name of the image of their principal god. 
among the many gods they worshipped. 


Surah 37: AlSdffdl f Part (Jut ) 23 ] 

^L>X)j ij and abandon 1 
OjiLilLr the Best of Creators, 


126. Allah, your Lord 

and the Lord of your fathers 2 
of old?" 1 

127. But they disbelieved 4 
him. So they shall surely 
be brought along. 5 

128. Except the servants 6 
of Allah, the select ones. 7 

129. And We left 8 on him 
among the later generations. 9 

130. Peace be on Ilyas. 

3$$ 131. Verily suchwise We 
do reward 10 the righteous." 

ii 132. Verily he was of 

1. Ojji; ladharuna = you (all) leave, leave alone, 

abandon (v. ii m pi. impfcl. from wadhr. See at 
26:166, p 1 190, n. II). 

2. *l«T aha' (pi.; s. ub ) = fathers, ancestors, 
forefathers. In Arabic ■'fathers” include 
grandfathers and great-grandfathers, howsoever 
upwards. See at 26:26, p. 1 167, n. 6. 

3. jJj' 'awwalin (pi ; acc /gen of awwalun, 

s.'awwal) = first ones, foremost, those of old, 
ancients See at 28:36, p. 1245, n. I. 

4. kadhdhabO = they cried lies, thought 

untrue, disbelieved (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
kadhdhuba, font) II of kadhuba \kidhb /kadhib 
ftuulhbah / kidhbah), to lie. See at 26:117, p. 
1 1 83. n I). 

5. i. c„ on the Day of Judgement for ludgcmenl 
and punishment. jj^**** rnuhdarun (pi . s. 
muhdar) those presented, put up. brought face to 
face, brought along, fetched (passive participle 
from 'ahdara. form IV of hadaru [ hudur ], to be 
present. Sec at 36:75, p 1427, n. 5). 

6. jU- 'ihdd (sing xr'abd) = servants (of Allah), 

human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. See at 
37:122, p. 1449, n. 7). 

7. mukhlastn (pi., accV genitive of 

mukhlasun; s. mukhlas) = rendered unblemished, 
pure-hearted, select ones (pass, participle from 
'akhlusu. form IV of khulu^a (Wiu/iirl, to be pure, 
unmixed, unadulterated See at 37:74, p. 1442, n, 

8. i. e . left good memories and praise. 'dS } 
tarakna = we left, abandoned, gave up. forsook 
(v i pl past from taraka [writ), (o leave See at 
37:1 19, p 1449, n 4 

9. ’dkhirin (pi.; occVgcn. of ukhiriin. s. 

‘ akhir ) = last ones, those coming later, later 
generations, others. See at 37:108, p 1447, n 9 

10. najzl = we reward, recompense, requite, 

repay, punish ( v. i. pi impfet. from jazA [/am '], 
to recompense. See at 37:80. p. 1443, n ) 

II muhsintn = (pi.; acc. /gen. of 

mulj.unua; sing, mu/ = those who do nghl 
things, righteous, charitable, generous (active 
participle from ’aljsanu, form IV of hasuna 
[J|iait]. to be good. See at 37:121. p. 1449, n. 6). 

Surah 37: Al Saffal [ Part (Jut) 23 ] 


Our believing servanats. 1 

133. And verily Lflt was 
of the Messengers. 2 

1 34. Lo, We rescued' him 
and his family 4 altogether; 

1 35. Except an old woman 5 

^ among those staying behind. 6 

li^jp 136. Then We destroyed 7 
the others. 

1 37. And indeed you pass 8 
by them by morning time'' 

1 38. And by night. 

!$! Will you not then undertsand? 10 

Section (RukQ ‘) 5 

S-i&Qi 139. And indeed Yunus was 
of the Messengers. 

1. jU. ’iftdd (sing. u'oM) = servants (of Allah). 

human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. See al 
37:128. p 1450. n. 6). 

2. mursalin (accusative /genitive of 
mursulun. sing, mursul) = messengers, those sent 
out. despatched, delegated (passive participle from 
'arsalti . form IV of rusila ( ). to be long and 
flowing. Sec al 37:123, p. 1449. n. 8). 

3. najjayn& = we rescued, saved, delivered 

(v. i. pi. past from nujji 1. form II of naj& \najw 
/nuju ' MajOh], to make for safety, to be saved 
See at 37: 1 15. p. 1448. n. 6). 

4. J»t ’ahl (s.; pi. a^ul 'u/i/un/Jt»< ’uhahn) = 
family, wife, relatives, kinsfolk, inhabitants, 
followers, adherents, inmates, owner, author. Sec 
at 35:43. p. 1406, n. 10. 

5. i. c., his wife who was an unbeliever. jy*u- 

‘ajuz (s.; pi. ' aju'tzl'ujuz ) = old woman, old man. 
advanced in years. See at 26:171, p. 1 191. n. 10. 

6. ji/Ks- ghabirin (pi.; acc./gcn. of ghUbiriln; s. 

Xhtibir) = those staying behind, the bygone ones 
(active participle from ghuburu [g/iuhiir). to stay, 
to remain, to pass away. Sec at 29:33, 1277. n. 1). 

7. The whole land by the side of the Dead Sea 
was turned upside down by Allah’s Command, 
accompanied by showers of sijjU (stones of 
baked clay), as mentioned at 1 1 82, p 707; 15:74. 
p. 822 and 26:172-173, p. 1192. dammarna 
= we devastated, annihilated, destroyed, ruined, 
demolished (v. i. pi. past from dammura. form II 
of dumura to perish. Sec at 27:51. p. 1218. n. I) 

8. Jjj-u tazmurruna = you pass by. pass . walk 

past, elapse, run out (v. iii. m pi impfet. from 
murru \ nuirr/murur/mumurr], to pass, go by. Sec 
yumurruna at 12:105, p. 760. n. 7). 

9. The Makkans and the other Arabs used to pass 

regularly by the land of the people of LOt, peace 
be on him, in the course of their trade journeys to 
Syria and back musbihln (pi.: acc /gcn 

of musbihun; s. musbih) = those becoming/ rising 
in the morning (act. participle from 'asbssha. 
form IV of sabahu [suh/j], to lie in the morning. 
See at 15:83! p 824. n 6) 

10. oyiu ta’qiluna = you (all) understand, 
realize, be reasonable, comprehend (v. ii. m. pi. 
impfet. from 'uqalu I’aql], to be endowed with 
reason, Sec at 36:62, p 1423, n 12). 


Surah 37; Al-Sa/Jal | Part Uuz) 23 ] 

140. When he ran away 1 to 
ifijl the ship fully laden . 2 


141 . Then he cast lots ? 
and was of the defeated . 4 

iliiu 142. So there swallowed' him 
csjlS the big fish, 

$£££ and he was blameworthy . 6 

ijVSfju 143. But had it not not been 
that he was of the glorifiers ; 7 


SJ 144. He would have stayed* 
4 in its belly till the day 
they would be resurrected. 

145. So We hurled 9 him 
JpJl at the bare tract 10 
0 iajryb and he was sick. 

(• -,; !j 146. And We caused to grow 

i < -f/ 


over him a tree of gourd. 

1 . He was enraged on account of the disbelief and 
disobedience of his people and fled with his 
followers withoul wailing for any dircclive from 
Allah In the meantime his people regretted and 
asked forgiveness of Allah So they were forgiven 
and spared (see 21:87, p. 1036 and 10:98, p 672). 
j/ 'ahaqa = he fled, ran away, escaped (v. iii. m. 
s. past from 'ibq. to ran away). 

2. j mash-hun - laden. freighted, 

consigned (passive participle from shatfana 
[sho^f/i], to load. lade, freight Sec at 26:119, p. 
1 183, n. 7). 

3. i. e„ to determine who should be cast off the 
ship, r »'— sahama = he cast lots, participated (v. 
iii. m. s. past in form III of sahama [ .minim j. to 
look grave). 

4. So he was cast off the ship mudhadSn 

(pi. accVgen. of mudlfatjun. s. mudhad ) = those 
refuted, disproved, invalidated, defeated (in 
argument) (pasive participle from 'ud-hada. form 
IV of daluufa [dahatf], to refute, disprove, 
invalidate. See yudliidu at 18:56, p. 932, n. 8). 

5. fid' illaqama = he swallowed, devoured (v. iii. 

m. s. past in form VIII of laqima \laqm). to 
swallow, to devour). 

6. mutim = one deserving blame, 

balmcworthy, one who is to blame (pass, 
participle from 'uhimu. form IV of lama [lawm/ 
mu lam/ maldmah). to blame, to censure See 
/d im at 5:54, p. 357, n. 9). 

7. i. c„ he used to glorify Allah while in ihe belly 
of ihe fish (sec 21:87. p. 1036). 

musabbihln (pi.; acc./gen. of musabbihin, s. 
musabbih = those who glorify Allah, declare the 
sanctity of Allah (act. participle from sabbaha. 
form II of sabaha [sabh/ sibuhuh\ to swim, to 
float See yusubhih&na at 21:20, p. 1017. n. 6). 

8. <1-1 labilha =. he stayed, remained, lingered, 

(v. iii. m. s. past from labih / lublh/ lubdth, to 
remain See labilhlu at 29:14, p. 1269, n. 10). 

9. OJl, nabadhna = we threw, hurled, rejected (v. 

i. pi. past from nabadha \nubdh\. to hurl. See at 
28:40. p. 1246, n. 16). 

10 . df ‘ar&’ = bare tract , open space, nakedness. 

Surah 37: M Saffiil [ Part iJul') 23 1 


147. And We sent 1 him to 
.jj'iSL a hundred thousand 2 
(£) or they were more.’ 

iyHI* 148. And they believed; 
so We gave them to enjoy 4 
0 9*^,’ till a time. 

149. So ask their opinion: 5 
Are there for your Lord 
i»Of the daughters 

and for them the sons? 


lliL-Jil 1 50. Or did We create 
the angels as females 6 
and they were witnessing? 7 


jvjilVf 151. Beware, verily they are 
out of their falsehood 1 * 
speaking out: 

& j}j 152. "Allah procreates"; 9 
Q and they indeed are liars. 10 

1 . U - } ’ arsalnd - wc sent out. sent, despatched, 
discharged (v. i. pi past from ’arsala. form IV of 
rasila train/], to be long and flowing. Sec at 
37:72, p 1441. n II). 

2. i. c.. of his people at Nineveh, near Mosul, 
from whom he had fled. 

3. oy*iji yazlduna = they increase, augment, add 

to. be more ( v. iii. tn. pi. impfet. from zuda 
[zayd/vyddah\. to be more. See yuzidu at 35:39, 
p. 1404, n. 6) 

4. te> matla'na = wc made (someone) enjoy,, 

granted enjoyment, gave them to enjoy, furnished 
(v. i. pi. past from mala a. form II of mala' a 
[mat/ mul'uh), to take away. Sec at 28:61, 
p. 1254. n. 4). 

5. i. e . the opinion of the polytheists, particularly 
of Makka. They used to say that the angels were 
Allah's daughters, c-xcl istofti = ask the 

opinion/lcgol opinion, consult (v. ii. m, s. 
imperative from it tafia' a. form X of fatiya 
[/ufii'l, to be youthful. See at 37:1 1, p. 1432, n. 

6. C;ti ‘inaih (pi.; s. ' unthd ) = females. See at 
4:117, p 296. n. 6 

7. iSjOaCl shahidun (pi.; s. shahid ) — those 

witnessing, witnesses, bearers of witness (active 
participle from shahidu [shuhud], to witness Sec 
shdhidin at 28: 44. p. 1247, n. 8). 

8. ciii ifk (s.; pi. afu'tk) = calumny, slander, 
libel, falsehood, lie See at 37:86. p 1443, n. 9 

9 jJj walada = he procreated, begot, gave birth 
[to] (v. iii. m. s. past from wilddah. Iidah/mawlid. 
to beget, to give birth to. Sec wulida at 19:15, p 
954, n I). 

10. OASIS' kadhihun (pi , sing. kddhib) = 

those that lie. liars, untruthful (active participle 
from kadhubu [kidhb/ kadhib/ kudhbah/ ktdhbah). 
to lie. See at 29:12. p. 1269, n 4). 


Surah 37: Al Saffat [ Pari (Jut ) 23 J 

153. Has He chosen 1 daughters 

over sons? 

1 54. What is the matter with 
QjJ&SZ you; how do you judge? 2 

155. Will you not take heed? 3 

156. Or have you 

JLrSj&L any authority 4 quite clear? 5 

157. Then bring your book 
0 if you are truthful. 

.il^i 158. And they set between 
C-> Him and the jinn a kinship; 6 

ilXfc-IltaiJj but the jinn indeed know that 
0u_i^i«^l Jpjit they shall be brought along. 7 

159. Sacrosanct 8 is Allah 
tf- from what they describe. 9 

,-uiIjCWi j 60. Except the servants of 
0jv-ulif Allah, the select ones. 10 

1 . 'astafi (originally 'a+ isiafad) jik*l isiafi 

= he chose, selected, picked out, singled out (v. 
iii. m. s. past in form VIII of mfi 
[safw/sufuw/jafa ’J. io be clear. See al 27:59, p 
1219. n. 10). 

2. lahkumurta = you (all) judge, adjudge, 
pass judgement, give decision (v. ii. m pi iinpfcl. 
from httkuma \l\ukm\. to pass judgement See al 
29:4. p 1 226, n. 8). 

3. Oj/li tadhakkariina (originally 

tatadhakkurina ) = you bear in mind, remember, 
receive admonition, lake heed (v. ii m. pi impfcL 
from tudhukkuru. form V of dhakara [tihikrj 
tadhkAr\. io remember See al 27:62, p. 1221 n 

d. CitU- suhan = authority, power, mandate, rule, 
sanction. See al 37:30, p 1435. n. 4. 

5. jr» mubin = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 

patent, open and clear, that which makes clear 
(act. participle from ‘abdnu. form IV of buna 
Ibaydn], to be clear. Sec at 36:60, p. 1423, n 7). 

6. s — > nasab (s.; pi. 'ansib) = relationship by 

blood, pedigree, lineage, descent, kinship, 
affinity Sec at 25:54, p. 1154. n. 10. 

7. i. e.. they know that they arc created beings 

and they shall be brought along for judgement on 
the Day of Judgement. muhdarun (pi , 

s. rnuhi/ar ) those presented, put up, brought face 
to face, brought along, fetched (passive participle 
from 'uhtjura. form IV of luulara [ hutlur J. to be 
present. See at 37: 1 27, p 1450. n. 5).’ 

8 CA**— Subhdn is derived from sabbahu, form 

II of sabahtt \sabh/sibdhah\, to swim. In its form 
II the verb means to praise, to sing the glory. 
Subliiin is generally rendered as "Glory be to 
Him"; but "Sacrosanct * conveys the meaning 
better. Sec at 36:83, p 1429, n. 6. 

9. i. c . describe about Allah dy*-*, yasifuna = 

they describe, depict, ascribe, attribute, praise (v. 
iii. m. pi impfet from wayaf lwa<f\, to describe, 
to praise. See at 23:91. p. 1097, n. 7), 

10. i. e.. they do not so describe Allah j, «lw. 

mukhlasin (pi.; accV genitive of mukhlasun.; s, 
mukhlas ) = rendered unblemished, pure-hearted, 
select ones (pass participle from akhlasa. form 
IV of khalasa Ikhulfo], to be pure, unmixed, 
unadulterated. See at 37:74. p. 1442, n. 4). 

Surah 37: Al-Stifftil | Part (Jui) 23 ) 


161. So indeed you 
and what you worship; 1 

162. You cannot on it 
be able to seduce. 2 

yLjiVj 163. Except the one who 

is going to enter the hellfire. 

ILUJ 164. "And none is there from 
.4 us 4 except he has for him 
a place' specified." 6 

165. "And surely we 
(3 Joyti!' do stand in rows." 7 

166. "And indeed we 

® if do declare His sanctity." 8 

167. And indeed they 9 used 
to say: 

168. "Had there been with us 

1. i. e„ all that you worship of gods and 
goddesses besides Allah. Oyx»l ta buduna = you 

(all) worship, serve (v. ii. in pi. impfct. from 
'abada [ 'ibddah /'ubudah /'ubudiyah), to 
worship. Sec at 37:85, p. 1443. n. 8). 

2. i. c.. seduce from the right way. f&tinin 

(pi.; occ7gcn. of fdimun, s. (Ann) = those who 
seduce, allure, beguile, tempt, try (act. participle 
from faianu [fatn/fuiun], to try. to tempt. Sec 
yuftaninu at 29:2, p, 1265. n. 4). 

3. t. e . those who are destined to go to hell JL* 

salin <s.. pi. = one who becomes exposed 

to the blaze, enters hcllfne. is broiled (act. 
participle from said [sulan/ sully/ .\ild'), to roast, 
to bum. to be exposed to the blaze. Sec islaw at 
36:64. p. 1424. n. 2). 

4. i. c. the angels will say this, thus 
acknowledging their servitude to Allah. 

5. fU. maqam (s. ; pi. maqdmdt) = place. 

position, satnding, station, location, spot (noun 
of ploce/timc from qdma Iqawmah/qiydm], to 
stand up. to get up. to rise. See at 27:39, p. 1213. 
n 9) 

6. ma lum = known, determined, fixed, 

specified (pass, participle from 'ulimu to 

know. Sec at 37:41. p 1437, n. 3). 

7. i. e.. in prayer and in attendance to Allah's 
commands. OyL. stiff un (pi., s stiff) = those 

standing in a row. ranging in ranks (act. participle 
from saffa [sajf], to set up in a row. to line up 
range, classify, compose. See fdffdt at 37:1. p 
1430. n. I). 

8. Oy**- — • musabbih&n (pi.; s. musabbih ) = those 

who glorify Allah, declare the sanctity of Allah 
(act. participle from subbaha. form II of sabaha 
[ sabh J sibdhuh ] to swim, to float. Sec musabbihin 
at 37:143. p. 1452, n. 7). 

9. i. e., the unbelievers of Makka used to say. See 
6:57 (p. 460) and 35:42. (pp 1405-1406). 


Sirah 37: M Saffal | Pan (Juz ) 23 1 

a scripture 1 of those of old, 2 

l2J 169. "We would surely have 
been the servants 1 of Allah, 
the select ones.” 4 

170. But they disbelieve 1 in it; 
so they will know. 6 

oiJj 171. And there indeed has 
l preceded 7 Our Word 
EjQ for Our servants, 
the Messengers. 

172. That they will indeed be 
the ones given victory. 8 

I fJul ^ 173. And that verily Our host,' 
00^7^ they shall be the victorious. 10 

174. So turn away" from 
them till a time. 

1. f* dhikr = citation, recollection, 
remembrance, mention, reminder, also scripture, 
the Qur'&n The Qur'an is repeatedly referred to as 
ddhikr See for instance 15:6, 15:9, 16:44, 21:50, 
23:71. 25:29, 26:5, 38:49. 38:87. 41:41. 54:25, 
68:51-52. 81 :27. Sec at 37:3, p 1430.0.4. 

2. i. e„ a scripture like that of those of old 

’awwalin (pi., acc/gen of owwulun. s.'rntwuf) 
= first ones, foremost, those of old. ancients. See 
at 37:71. p 1441, n. 9 

3. >U- 'ib&d (sing, -m ubd) = servants (of Allah), 
human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. Sec at 
37:132. p. 1451. n I). 

4 i. e . believing and worshipping Allah sincerely 
with pure heart, mukhlasin (pi.; accJ 

genitive of mukhluu'in s. mukhlus ) - rendered 
unblemished, pure-hearted, select ones (pass, 
participle from 'ukhUisa. form IV of khulafa 
[/Wiu/u.t], to be pure, unmixed. unadulterated See 
at 37:74. p 1442. n. 4). 

5. But when in fact a Book has come to them, they 
disbelieve in it. tj/if kafari 2 = they disbelieved, 

became ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m. pi pasl 
from ktifura | kufr], to cover. See at 35:7, p. 1391, 
n. 10). 

6. i e.. they will know the consequences of their 

7. c-i— sabaqal = she or it preceded, happened 

before (v. iii. f. s. past from tabaqu to be 

or act before Sec at 21:101, p. 1040, n. 5). 

8. This is a clear prophecy about the ultimate 
success and victory of Prophet Muhammad, peace 
and blessings of Allah be on. Jjj numsurun 
(pi. : s. mansur) = those given help, given victory 
(pass participle from nauira ( nasr /nu.sur], lo 
help Sec lamlwruna at 37:25. p. 1434, n. 8). 

9 jc* jund (s ; pi junud/tijnad ) - army, soldiers, 

host. Sec at 36:75. p. 1627. n. 4. 

10. ghdlibdn (pi.; s. ghdltb ) = victorious, 
conquerors, dominant (active participle from 
ghulaba Ighulb/ghtilbah], to subdue, to conquer. 
Sec al 5:23. p. 340. n. 10). 

11. i. e.. let them alone for sometime. Jy lawalla 

= you turn away (v. ii. m. s. imperative from 
lultmalld. form V of waliya. lo be near See at 
27:28. p 1210, n 10). 

Surah 37; Al-Saffat [ Part (Juz ) 23 1 


175. And watch them; 1 
jp for soon they shall see. 2 

llUcil 1 76. Is it Our punishment 
they seek to hasten.' 

177. So when it will descend' 1 
on their compound, 5 
tCS bad 6 will be the morning of 
$OyJulT those warned. 7 

178. And turn away" from them 
iSyOrJ 3 - till a time. 

179. And watch, 

irfr-. and soon they will see. 

1 80. Sacrosanct'' is your Lord, 
Lord of Might and Prestige, 10 
© from what they describe." 

181. And peace be on 
the Messengers. 

1. "abyir = look, see, watch (v. ii. m. s. 
imperative from ‘absaru. form IV of bayuru/ 
basira | I basar], to look, to see. See n 2 

2. i. c, they will see what befalls them, 

yuhfiruna = they sec, realize, comprehend (v. iii. 
m. pi. itnpfct from ‘absaru. form IV of 
basura/basira [y* basar], to look, to sec. Sec at 
36:66. p 1424. n. II). 

3. yasla'jiltina = they seek to hasten, 
expedite, hurry (v. iii. m. pi. impfcL from 
isla'jala. form X of 'ajila | ‘ajat/ajalah). to 
hasten. See at 29:53. p. 1284, n 5). 

4 J/ nazala = he came down, descended (v. iii. 
m. s. past from nuzul, to come down, to descend 
See ‘anzulnu at 36:28, p. 1415. n. 7), 

5. i. e„ when it will befall them. *»-U sdhah (s ; 

pi sahut/sah - courtyard, compound, arena, 
forum, field. 

6. «U sa'a = he or it became foul, bad, evil (v. iii. 

m. s. past from su '/saw', to be bad. See at 27:58, 
p 1219. n. 8). 

7. i. e„ they have been duly wamined. jo-ic 

mundharin (pi.; accusative/ gen. of mundhurun. 
sing mundhur) - those who are warned, (pass, 
participle from ‘andhura. to warn, form IV of 
nadhara. [ nadhr Mudhur ), to dedicate, to make a 
vow. See at 37:73. p. 1442, n. 3). 

8. i. e., let them alone for sometime J y ta walla = 

you turn away (v. ii. m s. imperative from 
latawallu. form V of wall ya. to be near Sec at 
37:174, p. 1456, n, II). 

9. 0t~— • \ u h ha n is derived from sabbaha. form 
II of Sahara [sabh/sibdhuh], to swim. In its form 
II the verb means to praise, to sing the glory 
Sublfim is generally rendered os "Glory be to 
Him"; but "Sacrosanct ’ conveys the meaning 
better. Sec at 37:159. p. 1454, n 8 

10. ij* ‘izzah = might, power, respect, 

self-respect, prestige, honour, fame See at 35:10, 
p. 1393. n. 2. 

11. i. e.. describe about Allah. yayifuna = 

they describe, depict, ascribe, attribute, praise (v. 
iii. m. pi impfet. from wayafa | wayfl, to describe, 
to praise. See at 37: 159, p. 1454, n. 9). 


Surah 37: AlSaffM [ Part (Juz‘) 23 ] 

4 i>XjSj 182. And all the praise is for 
Allah, Lord of all beings. 1 

I. 'Mamin (acc/gen of jyju ‘Mamin: 

sing. -A* ‘dlam. i.e„ any being or object that points 
to its Creator; sing. ‘Mam) = oil beings, creatures. 
See at 32:2. p. 1324. n. 4). 

38 . Surat $ad 

Makkan: 88 ’ayahs 

This is also an early Makkan surah which, like the other Makkan surahs, deals with the 
fundamentals of the faith — tawhld (monthcism), the truth of the Qur'an and the Prophethood of 
Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, Resurrection. Judgement and life in the hereafter. 
It starts by emphazing that the Qur'an is truly a Book sent down by Allah and then refers to the 
amazement of the unbelievers of Makka at the coming of a Messenger of Allah from among them and at 
the concept of One Only God instead of a multilicity of deities to which they had been used to. It then 

I ntakes mention, by way of warning the unbelievers, of what befell the previously unbelieving nations of 
Allah's retribution. In this context it mentions the stories of some of previous Messengers of Allah, like 
Dadd. Sulayman. Ayyub, Ishaq, Ya'qflb, Ism3'il and Dhu al-Kifl, peace be on them, and the trials and 
tribulations they had to undergo, by way of consoling the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on 
him. Along with these the surah points to some of the wonderful aspects of this unversc by way of 
bringing home the theme of the Absolute Oneness of Allah. 

( The surah is named Sad after the disjointed letter with which it starts and which is one of the 

miracles of the Qur’an. 

1. Allah Alone knows the meaning and 
significance of these disjointed letters Sec 2:1, p. 
4. n. I. 

2. i. e.. reminding men of their indifference to the 
life in the hereafter and of their rights and duties. 
/"> dhikr = citation, recollection, remembrance, 
mention, reminder, also scripture, the Qur'an, 
See at 37:168, p. 1456, n. 1. 

3. ‘izzah - might, power, respect, 
self-respect, prestige, honour, fame, pride. Sec at 
37:180. p 1457. n. 10. 

4. i. e„ they turn away from it in pride and are in 
discord about it. JUA shiqdq = discord, 
dissension, schism, rift, breach, split. Sec at 
22:53. p. 1064, n. 11). 

5. uSjjI 'ahlakna = we destroyed, annihilated (v. 

i. pi. past from ahlaka, form IV of halaka [hulk/ 
hulk/ haldk /lahlukah], to perish. See at 36:30, p. 
1416. n. 3). 

6. i. e.. because of their unbelief and persistent 
sinning, oy qarn (s.; pi. j,y qurun) - generation, 
century, hom. See at 23:31. p. 1083. n. 7. 

7. rnanas = escape, way out. avoidance 

(verbal noun of ndsu [naws/miinds\. to evade, to 
escape) ISla htna man&s is an idiom meaning 
"there was no time left for escape." 


U 1 .Sad! 

by the Qur’an 
full of reminding. 2 

2. Nay, those who disbelieve 
are in pride' and discord. 4 

3. How many We destroyed 5 
oJJ-pqisj* before them of a generation 6 
I and they cried out; 

but it was too late to escape! 7 



Surah 38: Sad | Part (Jut') 23 ] 

5 '■£') 4. And they wonder 1 
f J that there has come to them 
a wamer 2 from among them. 
And the unbelievers say: 
"This is a sorcerer, 3 
$ a liar." 4 

5. "Does he make the deities 
one god? 

This is indeed a thing 
extremely strange." 

JlLifj 6. And there burst out 6 
l*ri *0 the chiefs 7 of them 

that you go on” and persevere 9 

*• 4 , , 

on your deities. 

"Indeed this is a thing 
$ j£. designed. 10 

7. "Never did we hear of it 
b+.y\£j\j in the religion" of late. 

This is naught but 
£ jiLJ something made-up." 12 

I ‘ajibu = they wondered, were surprised 
astonished (v. iii. m pi. past from ajibu { ajah). 
to wonder, to be astonished Sec 'ujibta at 37:12. 
p 1432, n. 10). 

2. i. e.. a Messenger of Allah. mundhir = 
wamer, one who warns (act participle from 
’andhara, to warn, form IV of nadhara. [ nadhr 
/nudhur], to dedicate, to make a vow See 
mundhirin at 37:72. p. 1441, n. 12). 

3. y»-U saliir (s.; pi sa!)aruh/sul))\d r ) = sorcerer, 

magician, enchanter (act. participle from Sahara 
|.r/Ar). to enchant. See at 26:34. p. 1 168. n. 13). 

4 vUf kadhdhdb = a liar, untruthful (act 
participle in the intensive scale of fa ‘ 'at from 
kadhaba [ kidhb /kadhib / kudhhuh / kidhbah ). to 
lie. Sec lukadhdhibdna at 37:21. p. 1433. n. 10). 

5. 'ujdb = extremely strange, astonishing, 

wondcrous, marvellous 

6 jliut infalaqa = he or it departed, set out. was 
free, burned, proceeded, burst out [shouting] (v 
iii. m s. past in form VII of latuqa/mluqa 
Iraldq/ialdqah] to be frcc/divorced. to be happy 
Sec yanialiifu at 26:13, p. 1 164. n. 8). 

7. V. mala' = crowd, host, grandees, council of 
elders, chiefs, nobles Sec at 37:8, p 1231. n. 9). 

8. i. e., go on worshipping the gods and 
goddesses. V-' imshu = you (all) go on. proceed, 
move along, walk (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 
masha [ ^ mashy], to go on foot, to walk. See 
yamshuna at 32:26. p. 1332. n. 3). 

9 isbird = (you all) be patient, have 

patience, bear calmly, persevere, (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative from Sahara \sabr], to be patient, to 
bind. See at 8:46. p 564. n. 5). 

10. i. e., designed for some selfish motives^ 

yur&du = he or it is intended, desired, designed, 
planned, aimed at (v. iii. m. s. impfet. passive 
from a radii, form IV of rdda [mmf], to walk 
about See turidiina at 37:86, p 1443. n. II). 

11. U* millah (s.; pi. milat) = religion, creed, 

religious community, denomination Sec at 22:78. 
p. 1073. n. 14). 

12. i35fc*l ikhtildq * fabrication, invention, 
contrivance, device, something made-up (verbal 
noun in form VIII of khalaqa [ kahlq ], to create, 
to make. Sec khalq at 36:69, p 1425. n. 7. 

Surah 38: Sad [ Part Ouz) 23 ] 




8. "Has there been sent down 
on him the dhikr 1 (Scripture) 
of all of us?" 

Nay, they are in doubt 
about Our Scripture. 

Nay, they have not yet tasted 3 
My retribution.’ 

aL $ 9. Or are there with them 
the vaults 4 of the mercy of 
your Lord, the All-Mighty, 5 
the All-Bounteous? 6 



0 * 2*4 

10. Or do they have 
the dominion of the heavens 
and the earth and all that 
is between the two? 

Then let them go up 7 
in the means.* 

JjJlUkC xJ- 1 1 . A host 9 in there, 
vanquished, 10 
of the parties." 

1 . This is a clear instance of the word dhikr being 
used to refer to the Qur'an; for the unbelievers of 
Makka used this term to refer to the Qur’an which 
was being given out to them, /'i dhikr = 

recollection, remembrance, mention, reminder, 
scripture, the Qur'an See at 37:168. p. 1456, n. I. 

2. lyy* yadhuqdina ) = they taste (v. iii. m. pi 
impfcl. from dhdqa [dhawq/dhuwdq/nutdhdq], to 
taste. See dhuqu at 3:181, p. 227, n. 5. The 
terminal nun is dropped for the particle lam 
coming before the verb. See at 4 56, p 265, n. 9. 

3. i. c.. if they had tasted they would not have so 

4. i. e.. do the vaults of mercy lie with them so 

that they can bestow Prophcthood and other 
graces on whom they like? khazd 'in (pi.; s. 

khizdnah) - treasuries, vaults, coffers, stores. See 
at 17:100, p. 906. n. 2. 

5. jij* ’azb = All-Mighty, Invincibly Powerful, 

before Whom everyone else is powerless; also 
respected, distinguished, dear, beloved, strong, 
mighty, difficult, hard. See at 35:28, p. 1400, n. I. 

6. wahhdh = Very Generous Giver, he who 
gives profusely, All-Bounteous (active participle 
in the intensive form of fa"dl from wahaba. See 
at 3:8, p. 157, n.6). 

7. ’ydjJ U+yarlaqu = let them ascend, go up. 
mount. rise, climb (v. iii. m. pi. 
imperative/cmpahlic impfet. from iriaqd, form 
VIII of raqiya [raqy fruqiy) = to ascend, to 
climb. See larqa at 17:93. p. 903, n. 4). 

8. i. e.. means taking them to the heavens. (See 
Tafsir al-Jaldlayn). w'W-l asbah (sing sabab) = 
relations, ties, connections (between people), 
means, reasons. See at 2:166. p. 78. n. 9. 

9. i. e.. the Makkan unbelievers jund (s.; pi. 
junud/ajndd ) = army, host. Sec at 37:173. p. 
1456, n. 9. 

10. i. e . they would be vanquished. This is a clear 
prophecy that the Makkan unbelievers would be 
defeated. mahzum (s.; pi. mahzumdn) = 
defeated, vanquished, routed (passive partriciplc 
from hazuma [ hazm ]. to put to flight. See huzamu 
at 2:251. p. 128. n I). 

1 1 . i. e.. of the sort of the parties of old who were 

destroyed. 'ahz&b (pi. ; s. v-y frizb) = 

groups, bands, parties. See at 33:22. p. 1343. n. 6. 


Sarah 38: Sdd ( Part (Juz') 23 ) 

1 2. There did disbelieve 1 
r® before them 
gy the people of Nflh 

and the ’Ad and the Pharaoh 
possessing stakes. 2 


13. And the Thamud 
and the people of Lflt and 
the dwelleres 1 of the Wood. 4 
Those were the parties. 5 



14. Verily they all did naught 
but disbelieve 6 

the Messengers. 

So due became 7 
My retribution.* 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 2 

1 5. And these await 9 not but 
a single thunderous blast. 10 
There shall not be for it 
any pause." 

I otiT kadhdhabat - she disbelieved, cried lies 
to. regarded as false (v. iii f. s. past in form II of 
kudhabt i | kidhb /kadhib /kadhbah / kidhbah], lo 
lie. See at 26:160. p. 1). 

2. They were so-called cither because of their toll 
and gigantic buildings or because they used lo 
torture lo death the disobedient ones by means of 
stakes (see AI-BaytUM, II, 308). jU'J 'a mad (pi., 
s. naiad) = pegs, poles, stakes. 

3. yU as-hdh (pi.; sing, sahib) = 

inmates, dwellers, companions, associates, 
followers, owners. See at 36:55. p. 1422. n. 6). 

4. i. c„ the people of Prophet Shu'ayb, peace be 
on him They were so-called because they lived in 
a region full of trees and forest, most probably in 
the region of Tabuk. sSyt ’aykah = wood, forest, 
thicket, jungle. 

5. i. e.. those were the peoples disbelieving and 
opposing the Messengers. This dyah also 
explains the "parties" mentioned at 'Ayah II 

’at)zdb (pi. ; s. —y hub) - groups, bands, 
parties See at 38: 1 1 . p. 1461. n II. 

6. v-IS” kadhdhaba - he cried lies lo. regarded as 
false, disbelieved (v. iii. m. s. post in form II of 
kadhuba [kidhb /kadhib /kadhbah / kidhbah], to 
lie Sec n. I. above and at 29:68, p. 1285. n. 9). 

7. jr- haqqa = he or it became true, correct, due, 

right, incumbent (v. iii. m. s past from haqq. See 
at 37:31, p. 1435. n. 6). 

8. 'iqabl (originally 'iqdhi ): tyU* 'iqdb = 

infliction of punishment, punishment, penalty, 
retribution. See at 13:32, p. 778, n. 9. 

9. i. e.. these unbelievers and polythesists await 
not but a single thunderous blast. yanzuru = 

he looks, sees, views, glances, looks expectantly, 
awaits, waits for (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from nuzara 
[nayira [najr/mun{ar]. lo see, view, look at. See 
yanzuruna at 37:19, p. 1433. n. 7). 

10. i. e.. the blowing in the trumpet by Isrdfil. 
l~,-» say hah (s.; pi. sayhdl ) = outcry, piercing 

sound, thunderous blast. See at 36:53, p. 1421, n. 

12 ). 

11. J'y fawdq = time for the accumulation of 
milk in the udder of the cow or camel between 
two milkings or sucklings. return, pause, 
delaying, gasping of a dying person. 

Surah 38: Sad | Part (Juz‘) 23 ] 


16. And they say: "Our Lord, 
hasten 1 for us our lot 2 before 
the Day of Reckoning. 

17. Have patience' over 
SjSjiC what they say 

taijTi'j and remember Our servant 
Daud, possessing strength. 4 
He was indeed ever penitent.' 

1 8. Verily We subjected to 
jCJLt order 6 the mountains, 

with him they glorifying 1 
by the late evening 8 
0 and at day-break. 1 

jdjfJ 19. And the birds 

were brought together, 10 
all to him being obedient. 

lijJkSj 20. And We made strong 
ii his kingdom and gave him 

and right judgement." 

1. 'ajjil = hasten, quicken, expedite, hurry. 

rush, accelerate (v. ii. m s. imperative from 
'ajjala form II of 'ajila [’ajal/'ajalah], to harry 
See 'ajjalnd at 17:18. p. 878. n. 12). 

2. The unbelievers of Makka said so disbelieving 
and ridiculing the idea of Resurrection and 
Judgement. iti qifl ($.; pi. qtull/qilalah/qiuu) - 

fate. lot. account book. book, male cat. 

3. i. e.. have patience over the unbelievers' 
ridiculing . j-A ifbir = be patient, have patience. 

bear calmly, persevere, (v. ii m. s. imperative 
from sabara (rahr). to be patient, to bind. See at 
30:60,’ p. 1310. n. 7). 

4. aj 'aydin (sing, yad) = hands, power, strength. 

control, authority, influence Sec at 2:79, p. 37. n. 


5. v*J^ 'awwab (s.; pi. 'awwdbdn) = 

oft-retuming. oft-rctummg in penitence, ever 
penitent, ever-obedient (act participle in the 
intensive scale of fa "HI from 'Ciha ( ‘awb/ 
'aw bah/ iydb], to return. See awwibi at 34:10, 
p. 1371. n .3). 

6. U j > w sakhkharnd = we brought to 
submission. made subservient, subjected, 
subjected to order, subdued, made serviceable (v. 
i. pi past from sakhkhara, form II of sakhira 
[sukhr/muskhar], to ridicule, deride Sec at 
22:36. p 1058. n 15) 

7. i. e.. the mountains also prayed when DS'ud 

did so; so also did the birds yusabbihna - 

they (f.) declare the sanctity, glorify, declare 
immunity from blemish (v. iii. f. pi. impfet. from 
subbaha. form II of sabahu 1 sabh / sibdhah] to 
swim, to float. See at 21:79, p 1034. n. 1). 

8. ‘ajhty = evening, early night. See at 
30:18. p 1295. n. 4. 

9. d'j-' ’ ishrdq = day-break, sun-nse. radiation. 

radiance (verbal noun in form IV of sharaqa 
\sharq/shuruq\ to rise, to shine. Sec mashurtq at 
37:5. p. 1431. n. I. 

10. • mahshurah (f. s.. pi. mahshurdt. m. 

mahsliur ) = gathered, collected, mustered. brought 
together (pass, participle from l/ashara [hashr], 
to gather. Sec nuhshuru at 34:40. p 1383. n. 4). 

1 1 . J-*» fast = parting, section, decision, fast 
ul-khildb = decisive say. right judgement. 


Surah 38: Sad { Part (Juz ) 23 ) 

21. And has there come to 
pJtZJliys you the news'of the litigants 2 

!£S: when they scaled the wall 1 
of the chamber? 4 

22. When they entered 
3 jljjc upon Daud 


rrt 'fe* and he took fright 5 of them? 
They said: "Be not afraid; 
two litigants 6 — 
one of us has wronged 7 
the other. 

tjZ jZSi So judge 8 between us 

if. with justice and be not unjust* 
and guide us to 
the straight 10 way. 11 

23. Verily this my brother 
has ninety-nine ewes 12 
and I have one ewe; 

JU» but he says: 

\' c I f 1 "Put her in my charge 1 ' 
and he prevailed on 14 me 

1. U naba’ (s.. pi anbd') = news, tidings See at 
28:3. p. 1231. n. 6. 

2. — »»- khasm (s.; pi. khasimdn I 
khufdm/'akhsdm) - litigant, litigants, adversaria, 
opponents in a law-sun. See khasnuin at 22: 1 9. p. 
1052. n. I. 

3. Ijjj— ; lasawwarA = they scaled the wall (v. in 
m. pi. past from lasawwara. form V of rtira 
(sawr/ sawrah), to leap, to jump, to raise a wall. 

4 mihrdb (pi. mahdrib ) - prayer 

niche, private chamber. See at 19:1 1. p. 953, n. 2. 

5. fazi'a = he was terrified/ seated/ alarmed/ 

panic-stricken/ afraid, took fright (v. iii. m s. 
past from /rtf ', to be scared See at 27:87, p. 
1228. n. 6). 

6. JU- •»- khasmdn (dual; s. khasm ) = two 

litigants See n. 2 above. 

7. ^ bagha = he committed outrage, oppressed. 

wronged (v. iii. m s. past from baghy. to wrong, 
oppress. See at 28:76, p. 1259. n. 1). 

8. uhkum = give verdict, judge, decide (v. 

ii. m. s. imperative from tjtikama [/firtm], to pass 
judgement. See at 21:1 12. p 1043, n. 7). 

9. UuZS V Id lush(H = do not be unjust, do not 

cross the limit, do not go to the extreme (v. ii. m. 
s. imperative {prohibition) from ashalla, form IV 
of shalta (i/iriinr/ shuiuQ, to go to extrema, to 

10. .ty- sawd' = straight, even, equal, same, 
alike Sec at 36:10. p. 141 1. n. I. 

1 1. J»l s* sirdl = way. path, rood See at 37:118. 
p. 1449. n. 2. 

12. na'jah (f. s.; pi na'jdl/ni'dj) - female 
sheep, ewe. 

13. 'akfil = entrust, put in charge, appoint 

os security (v. ii. m. s. imperative from akfala. 
form IV of kafala [ kaflAufdl/kafdlah ), to be 
guarantee, to be responsible. Sec yakfulina at 
28 :12, p 1235. n I). 

14. ye 'etfja = he became strong, prevailed on, 

became dear/rcspected (v. iii. m. s past from 'iul 
' iaah/ ' ardzah , to be strong, respected. See 
‘azzuznd at 36:14, p. 1412. n 7). 

S&rah 38: Sad [ Pan (Jut) 23 J 


Lii^ in the speech." 1 




^ 3 £ 

" . . • r 




24. He said: 

"He has indeed wronged 2 you 
by asking your ewe 
to be added to his ewes. 

And indeed many 

of the partners 2 do wrong 4 

one to another, 

except those who believe 

and do the good deeds;' 

and how very few they are!" 

And Dafld thought 6 

that We have but tried 7 him. 

So he asked forgiveness 8 

of his Lord 

and fell down' bowing 10 
and turned in repentance." * 

.hylwh.'t* 25. So We forgave him that. 
And verily he has with Us 
JJJj a close position 12 

and a good place of return. 1 ' 


1. vU** khitdb (s.; pi. khildbtU/'akhtibah ) = 

speech, public address, oration, letter. See 
khdiaba at 25:63. p 1157, n.8 

2. t. e.. DSfld said. {Mi zalama = he transgressed, 
did wrong, committed injustice (v. iii. m s. past 
from zalm/zulm, to do wrong. Sec at 27:11, p. 
1205. n. 4).' 

3. khulafd' (pi.: s. khalit ) = associates, 
comrades, companions, partners (act. participle in 
the scale of fa'il from khalnta [kliah], to mix. 
mingle. See ikhialaia at 18:45. p. 927. n. 10). 

4. ji* yabght = he commits outrage, oppresses, 
wrongs (v. iij. in. s. impfet from baghd [baghy], 
to wrong. See baghd at 38:22. p. 1464, n. 7). 

5. sdlihdl ((.: sing, sAUJfah; m. sdhh) = 
good ones, good decds/things ( approved by the 
Qur'an and runnah). See at 35:7. p. 1391. n. 12. 

6. Ji zanna = he thought, supposed, believed, 
presumed (v. iii. m. s. post from J- {turn, to think, 
to suppose. Sec at 24:12, p. 1 109. n. 9). 

7. l=> fatanna = we tried, put on trial, tested (v. i. 
pi past from fatana (fain/ fulun). to turn away, to 
put to trial. See at 29:3. p. 1265. n. 5). 

8. istaghfara = he asked forgiveness. 

prayed for pardon (v. iii. m. s. post in form X of 
ghafara ( ghafr /maghftrah /ghufran], to forgive. 
See tastaghfirtina at 27:46. p 1216. n 10). 

9. y kharra - he or it collapsed, fell down, fell, 

dropped (v. iii. m s. past from kharr/khurUr, to 
fall, fall down. See at 34:14. p 1373. n. 3). 

10. jS ”' j rdki ‘ (s.; pi. rdkiun/rukka') he who 

bows in submission (active participle from raka'a 
(ruku'), to bow, bend the body, especially in 
prayer. See rukka' at 22:27. p 1054. n. 12. 

1 1 ,-Ait ’andba = he turned in repentance. 

deputed (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of ndba 
( runb/rruvuib/niydbuh ) to represent, to return 
from time to time. Sec at 31:15. p. 1315, n. II). 

* One should prostrate oneself on reading this 

12. tulfd = proximity, nearness and position. 
See at 34:37. p I382.n 2. 

13. v<l» ma'6b= place to which one returns. 

return (as verbal noun). Sec at 13:36. p. 780. n. 



Sarah 38: Sad | Pan Uuz') 23 ) 

ijli: 26. O Daud, 

<j\i indeed We have made' you 
a successor 2 in the earth; 
so adjudicate 1 between men 
with justice 

and follow not 4 the desire 5 
eJJ-jxj lest it should lead you astray 6 
from the way of Allah. 

Verily those who go astray 
from the way of Allah, 
v'jcjhJ they shall have a punishment 
very severe 7 for they forget 8 
‘y the Day of Reckoning. 9 

Section (Ruk& ‘) 3 

Lili-lij 27. And We have not created 
jSjRyfclti the heaven and the earth 

and all that is between them 
in vain. 10 

fri Such is the surmise"of those 

C ^ 

! who disbelieve. 12 

So woe to those who disbelieve 
0 j&'o; on account of the fire. 

1. ja'alnd = wc made. set. put, appointed, 
rendered (v. i. pi past from ja'ala (jaV), to make, 
to sel See at 37:63. p 1440, n. 8). 

2. i. e.. successor to the kingdom and authority. 
khalifah (s ; pi khulafd ) = khulafd' (pi . 

s. khalifah ) = successor. See khulafd' at 27:62, p. 
1221, n. 8 

3. (£*-' uhkum- give verdict, judge, decide (v. 

ii. m. s imperative from fyakama \hukm], to pass 
judgement. Sec at 38:22. p. 1464, n. 8). 

4. ^3 1 Id lattabi * — do not follow, obey, pursue 

(v. ii. m. s. imperative {prohibition) from 
iilaba'a, form VII! of tabi'a llaba'/taba'ah], to 
follow. See at 7:142, p. 517. n. 10). 

5. i. e., the desire of yourself tjy* ha wan (s.; pi, 

' ahwd ') = affection, desire, craving, whims See at 
25:43. p. 1 151, n. 5. 

6. i. e„ your doing so might lead you astray. Ja* 

yutfilla(u) = he makes go astray, misguides, 
deludes (v. iii. m. s. impfet from 'adalta. form IV 
of dalla [daldU datdlah], to go astray The last 
letter takes faihah for a hidden 'an in the causal 
fd' coming before the verb. Sec at 31:6, p. 1312, 

7. J*aa shadtd (pi. ,ua> 'ashiddd 7>ui shidad) = 

most severe, stem, rigorous, hard, harsh, strong. 
See at 35:7. p. 1391. n. II). 

8 lj— i nasd - they forgot, became oblivious (v 

iii. in pi. past from nasiya (narv/nitwin), to 
forget. See at 25: 18. p. 1 143, n. 5). 

9. i. e., the reckoning of one's good and bad 

deeds on the Day of Judgement. hisdb (pi. 

hisabal)— calculation. reckoning, 
accounting, taking of account. Sec at 26: 1 1 3. p. 
1182, n. 3. 

10. i. e„ aimlessly and without purpose and use. 
JWr bdtil = vain, futile, untruth, that which is 

untrue, false, falsehood, baseless, void. See at 
16:72. p. 850. n. II. 

11. Ji zarm - conjecture, surmise, supposition, 
assumption See at 34:20, p. 1375. n. 10. 

12. kafard = they disbelieved, became 

ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m. pi. past from kafara 
I kufr], to cover. See at 37:170. p 1456. n. 5). 

Surah 38: Sad [ Pan (Jut ) 23 | 


28. Or shall We make 1 
those who believe 
and do the good deeds 

jo-ill^ like the mischief-makers 2 
n the earth; 

ooHlIjikil or shall We make the righteous’ 
$1 jUilS' like the immoral ones?* 

29. A Book, 5 

We have sent it down to you, 
2jZ full of blessings, 

j that they may reflect*’ on 
u&U its signs and 
JZZlj, that there may take heed the 
owners of understanding. 8 

j.jQCiJJ 30. And We gifted 9 to Daud 


if-'Y- Sulayman. 


How excellent was the servant! 
0 He was indeed ever penitent. 

3 1 . When displayed 10 were 
to him by the evening 

1. J— naj'alu = we lay. make, set, put. place, 

appoint, assign (v. i. pi. impfct. from ja ala (/aTJ, 
to make Sec at 28:83. p. 1262. n 5). 

2. jct—L. mufsidin (acc. /gen of mufxidun. sing. 

mufsid) = mischief-makers, trouble-makers ( act 
participle from ‘afsada, form IV of fasada [fasdd/ 
fusud], to be bad Sec at 29:30. p 1275. n. 9). 

3. jja* mutlaqSn (acc /gen of munaqun: sing. 

mullaqin ) = those who are on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e., by carrying out the injunctions 
of the Qur'an and sunnah). godfearing, righteous 
(active participle from ittaqd. form VIII of way & 
[t* aqy/ wiqdvah], to guard. 10 protect. Sec al 
28:83. p. 1262, n. 10). 

4. i. e.. Allah will never place the believers and 
the righteous al par with the unbelieving and 
sinful ones jUj fujjar (pi , s. fdjir ) = immoral 

ones, depraved, libertine, licentious (act 
participle from fujara [fujur\, to act immorally, 
to commit adultery, sin). 

5. i. e., the Qur'dn. 

6. * yaddahbani(na) (originally 
yatadabbarUna, id’ and ddl having been 
amalgamated ) = they reflect, contemplate, ponder, 
meditate, consider (v. iti. m pi. impfct. from 
tadabbara, form V of dabara [dubur], to turn 
one's back, to elapse The terminal min is dropped 
for a hidden 'rut in li (of motivation) coming 
before the verb. Sec at 23:68, p, 1091. n. II). 

7. a, yatadhakkara(u) = he takes heed, bears in 

mind, remembers, receives admonition (v. iii. m. 
s. impfct. from ludhakkara. form V of dhakuru 
( dhikr / tadhkdr], to remember The final letter 
takes falhah because of a hidden 'an in U (of 
motivation) coming before the verb See 
yaladhakkara at 35:37, p. 1403. n. 9). 

8. _Aj! ’alb&b (pi.; sing. —1 lubb) = heart, 
acumen, understanding See at 14:52, p. 806. n. 
2 ). 

9. U»j wahabnd = we gifted, bestowed, 
presented (v. I pi past from wahaba (wu/i/>). to 
give, to donate See at 29:26, p. 1274, n. 6). 

10. Jrf ‘urida = he or it was displayed. 

exhibited, set forth, laid, laid before, 
demonstrated (v. iii. m. s. past passive from ’ard. 
to show, to be visible. Sec ’uradna at 33:72. p. 
1365. n. 8. 


Surah 38: Slid | Pan ( Juz ' ) 23 ] 

x«l' the well-bred steeds' 
of the highest speed. 2 

jCii 32. So he said: 
xj[ "Indeed I have preferred 1 
the love of wealth 4 
to remembering my Lord 
till she disappeared 5 
0 behind the veil." 6 

33. "Bring them back 7 to me." 
And he started" stroking 9 

by the legs 10 and necks. 11 


34. And We indeed put to 
ouii test l2 Sulayman 

and cast" on his throne 
a body, 14 

then he turned in repentance. 

yjjli 35. He said: "My Lord, 

J yuS forgive me 

£l* J C-*j and bestow on me a kingdom 

1 ■ fifin&t (pi. ; s. sdfm) - well-bred steedi. 
horses standing on three legs and the extremity 
of the hoop of the fourth leg 

2. jiyad (pi.; ». jawud ) = of the highest 
speed, extremely speedy, race horse 

3 o_»-t ‘ahbablu = I liked, loved, preferred (v t 

s. past from ahabba. form IV of fyaltba |Auhh|, 
to love. Sec at 4:148. p 310, n 8). 

4 J* khayr = good /better/ best, chanty, wealth, 
property, affluence. See at 34:39. p 1383. n. 1 

5. i. e.. the sun set and he missed the time of 
asr prayer (see Tafsir alJalalayn). oyy 

lawdral = she disappeared, went out of sight, hid 
herself (v iii. f, s. past from lawdrd, from VI of 
ward ( wary), l0 hide, to conceal, to kindle Sec 
yatawdrd at 16:59. p. 846, n. 2), 

6. hijab ($.; p|. hujub/ahjibah ) = screen, 

curtain, partition, cover, barrier, veil See at 3V53 
p. 1359, n. 3. 

7. Sulayman.. peace be on him. ordered the horses 
to be brought back to him and sacrificed them for 
Allah since they had engrossed his attention away 
from His remembrance. y>j ruddu = you (all) 

return, bring back, send back, revert (v. ii. m pi. 
imperative from radda )radd], to pul back See 
at 4:59, p 267, n. I). 

8. Jib ( aflqa = he set out (to do something 

suddenly), began, started (v iii. m. s past from 
lafaii. to set out, to begin Sec ta/iqd at 20 121 p 
1006. n. 8). 

9. i. e., slaughtered £ — ■ mash = to stroke with 

the hand, to wipe off See inurahi at 6:6, p. 33|, 
n. 6. 

10. jj- suq (pi.; S. sdq) = thighs, legs, trunks, 

11. juf " a'naq (pi.; s. Jo. unuq) = necks. See at 
36:8. p 1410, n. 6. 

1 2. tax fatannd = we tried, put on trial, tested (v. 
i. pi past from faiana [fatn/fuiin]. to tum away, 
to pul to trial See at 38:24, p 1465. n 7). 

13. Mt 'alqaynd = we cast, flung, plunged, 
posed, set forth, offered (v. i. pi. past, in from IV 
of tuqiya [Uqu /luqydn /luqy /luqyah /luqrn). to 
meet. Sec at 15:19, p. 81 1, n. 5). 

14. i. e , a lifeless body 

Surah 38: Sdd ( Pan (Juz) 23 ) 


j that behoves 1 not anyone 
after me. Verily You are 
the All-Bounteous. 2 

36. So We subjected' to him 
^)\ the wind, 

running at his command 
gently 4 

whithersoever he struck. 5 

, 37. And the devils, 6 
every builder 7 and diver. 8 

38. And others tied together 9 
$) in fetters. 10 

lyili* 39. "This is Our gift;" 

so give away 12 or retain, 
without reckoning." 

.iljjJ 40. And indeed he has 
cc with Us a close position 
S^-J and a good place of return. 

1. Jhri yanbaghi = he or it behoves, is 

appropriate, is meet, is seemly, is necessary (v. iii. 
m. s. iinpfct from mbaghd, form Vll of baghi 2 
[bughd'). to seek, to desire. Sec at 36:69. p. 
1 42$. n. 10). 

2. vi * } vahhab = Very Generous Giver, he who 

gives profusely. All-Bounteous (active participle 
in the intensive scale of fa ’ dl from h uhaba. See 
at 38:9. p 1461. n. 6). 

3. U sakhkharnd = we brought to 

submission. made subservient, subjected, 
subjected to order, subdued, made serviceable (v. 
i. pi. post from takhkhara. form II of sakhim 
[sukhr/muskhur], to ridicule, deride. See at 
38:18. p. 1463. n. 6). 

4 ,U-j rukhd ' - gentle breeze 

5. i. e„ intended. vU.1 'as&ba = he or it afflicted. 

befell, hit. stmek. reached, made (something) fall, 
bestowed, allotted, (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 
sdba . Sec at 22:35, p. I0S8. n. 3). 

6. i. e. the devils of jinn were made to work for 
him as builders and divers in the sea to collect 
pearls and corals. 

7. *1* bannd’ (s.; pi bannd lin ) = builder, mason 

(act participle in the scale of fa" iii from band 
[bind Vbunydn], to build. See bunydn at 16:26, p. 
834. n. 12). 

8 gbawH’df (s.; pi. ghawwdsun) = diver 

(act. participle in the scale of fa "dl from ghdsa 
{ghaws/mughds/ghtyds/ghiydsah], to dive, to 
plunge. See yaghd^una at 21:82, p. 1034. n. 14). 

9. i. e„ the others who were disobedient were tied 
together, j* muqarranln (pi.; acc /genitive of 
mugarranun, s. mugarran) = coupled, bound 
together, joined together, yoked together (passive 
participle from qarrana, from II of garana 
( gam], to link, to combine, to join, to couple. Sec 
at 25:13. p Il4l.n. 9). 

10. 'as fad (pi . s. uj-* safad) = fetters, 
shackles. See at 14:49. p 805. n. 4 

11. 'aid' (s.; pi. * a'liyab ) = gift, present, 
offer. Sec at 11:108. p. 716, n. 4. 

12 umnun - bestow, give away, show 
kindness (v. ii. in. s. imperative from manna 
I mam], to be kind. See manna at 28:83. p. 
1262. n. I). 


Surah 38: Slid [ Part (7uz'( 23 ] 

Section (Rukti 1 ) 4 

41. And remember 
Our servant ’ Ayyub. 

When he cried out 1 to his Lord: 
"Indeed Satan has afflicted 2 
me with distress 3 and torment." 

42. "Strike the ground 4 


otUy. with your foot. 5 
* This is a bath 6 quite cool 7 
and a drink." 


0y4Vfu \ji 

43. And We bestowed 8 on 

him his family 1 ' 

and a like of them 

along with them, 

as mercy from Us 

and as a reminder"’ 

for people of understanding." 

Il-u.ii.j 44."And take with your hand 
a bundle of twigs 12 
•ivrifX and strike therewith 

1 . ifdi ndda = he called out. colled, lummooed, 
cried out, (v. iii. m. s. past in form III of niuH 
[nadw], to call. Sec at 37:75. p 1442. n. 5). 

2. massa = he touched, affected, hit. afflicted 

(v. iii. m. s past from mass/ masis. to feel, to 
touch. Sec at 30:33. p. 1300. n 9). 

3. nusb (pi., s. nasab )= distress, hardship, 
fatigue, weariness, exhaustion See nasab at 
35:35. p 1402. n 12. 

4 i. c. Allah said to him. Ji£ } urkud - strike the 

ground with foot, run away, gallop, race (v. iii in 
pi. impfet from rakada [rakif], to race, to run 

5. J»j rijl (s.; pi. arjul) - fool, leg See arjul ai 
29:55. p 1 285. n. 4 

6. i. e.. he struck the ground os directed and iheie 
gushed forth a cool spring from the ground for 
taking bath and for drinking which removed all 
his ailments (Al-Tabari . pt XXIII. pp 166 -168; 
Ibn Kathir. VII. pp. 66-67). J-ak. mughlasal * 
bath, washroom (noun of place from ighiasala, 
form VIII of ghusala (gAujf). to wash). See igAnfii 
at 5:6. p. 330. n. 6). 

7. ajlt bdrid = cool, cold, chilly (act participle 
from baradalbarudu, to be cold, to cool. See 
barad at 24:43. p. 1 1 24, n. 9. 

8. wahabnd = we gifted, bestowed, 

presented (v. i. pi. past from wahaba (ku/iA), to 
give, to donate. See at 38:30. p 1467, n. 9). 

9. i. e. restored to him his family. Jxt 'ah! (s . pi 
j,ul 'uA/in/Jul ' ahdlin ) = family, wife, relatives, 
kinsfolk, inhabitants, followers, inmates, owner, 
author See at 37:134. p. 1451. n 4. 

10. i. e., a reminder of the blessings of patience 
and dependence on Allah. f > dhikri = 

recollection, remembrance, memory, reminder. 
See at 26:209. p 1198, n. 4. 

11. 'albab (pi.; sing. •—! lubb) = heart, 
acumen, understanding See at 38:29, p. 1467, n. 
8 ). 

12. And Allah further asked him to take a bundle 
of grass or light twigs and to strike therewith his 
wife in fulfilment of his vow (Al-Tabari, Pi. 
XXIII. p. 169) dighth (s. pi adghdlh) a 

bunch, bundle, mixed, muddled, confused. See 
udghiUh at 12:44. p. 738. n. 14. 

Siirah 38: Sad ( Part (Jut ) 23 ) 



and do not break the oath. 1 
Verily We found him patient. 2 
How excellent was the servant! 
Verily he was ever penitent. ' 

45. And call to mind 
Etg Our servants 4 Ibrahim 
and Ishaq and Ya'qflb, 
is£i \ Jjl possessors of power 5 
(»} and insight. 6 


-5 a /• 


46. Verily We selected 7 them 
with a pure characteristic, 8 
the remembrance of the abode.” 

47. And indeed they are to 
Us of the chosen 10 

and the best ones." 

48. And call to mind IsmS'il 
and Al-Yasa* and Dhu al-Kifl; 
and all were of the best. 

1. i. e„ strike your wife as you had vowed and do 
not break it V Id tahnalh = do not break 

the oath, vow (v. ii m. s. imperative 
(prohibition) from harulha |AinrA). to break 
one's oath). 

2. i. e.. throughout his sufferings and distress. 
/-• sabir (s.; pi. sAbirun) = patient, persevering 

steadfast, enduring (act. participle from sabara 
[sabr], to be patient, to forbear. See sAbirin at 
28:80. p. 1261. n. 5). 

3. «^lyl 'awwab (s.; pi. awwabdn) = 
oft-reluming, oft-returning in penitence, ever 
penitent, ever-obedient (acL participle in the 
intensive scale of fa"AI from Aba \'awb/ 
aw bah/ tyab), to return Sec at 38:17, p. 1463, n. 

4. sU. 'ihad (sing s+’abd) = servants (of Allah). 

human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. Sec at 
37:169. p 1456. n. 3). 

5. a! 'aydin (sing, yad ) = hands, power, strength, 
control, authority, influence See at 38:17. p 
1463. n. 4. 

6. jUa.1 'absAr (sing. basar ) = visions, sights, 
eyes, insight, discernment, perception. See at 
32:9. p. 1 326. n. 13). 

7. l— «i*l ’akhlasna = we made pure, selected, 
exclusively devoted, dedicated, were sincere (v. i. 
pi past from akhlaja, form IV of khalasa 
[ khulus ]. to be pure, unadulterated See mukblasin 
at 37:74. p.1442, n. 4). 

8. khAlisah (f.; m khalts) = pure, 
unadulterated, sincere (act. participle from 
khalasa (i/iu/iii), to be pure. Sec n. 7 above 

9. i. e., the abode of the hereafter. /> dAr ($.; 
pl.jt<s diyAr) = abode, home, house, edifice, 
habitation, land, country. Sec at 29:64. p. 1288, n. 
2 . 

10. must a fin (pi. acc/gcn of mustafun ; 
s. mus/afA) = chosen ones, selected ones (passive 
participle from iftafA, form VIII of safA 
(ju/w/fu/uiv/ja/d'). to be clear See ista/A at 

37:153. p 1454. n. I). 

11. jL»d 'akhyAr (pi.; s. khayr) = best ones, 
excellent ones, outstanding ones. See khayr at 
38:32, p. 1468, n. 4 


SHrah 38: Sad ( Part {Jut) 23 ) 


49. This is a reminder. 1 
And indeed for the righteous 2 
is a good place of return.' 

50. Gardens of eternity, 4 
opened 5 for them will be 
$ the gates. 6 

51. They will be reclining 7 
therein and asking" therein 
for fruits in abundance 
and drink. 

52. And beside them will be 
s»JUic>>ai maidens restraining v of glance, 10 
equal in age." 

Uui 53. This is what 
j/Sky you are promised 12 

for the Day of Reckoning. 

'iiui 54. Verily this will be 

9 4t 

lay Our provision. 

t. dhikr = citation, recollection, 

remembrance, mention, reminder, also scripture, 
the Qur'an Sec at 38:8, p. 1461, n. I. 

2. jfer muttaqin (acc./gen. of muuaqun. sing 

muttaqm) = those who are on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e.. by carrying out the injunctions 
of the Qur'an and sunnah), godfearing, righteous 
(active participle from inaqd. form VIII of waqd 
{waqy/ wiqdyabj. to guard, to protect. Sec at 
38:28. p. 1467. n. 3). 

3. vt» ma'db= place to which one returns, 
return See at 38:25, p. 1465, n. 13. 

4 oo* ‘adn = Eden, eternity, paradise. dJ* oU» 
jannat • adn is explained by Ibn Kalhir as junn&l 
where the inmates will abide for ever (Ibn Kalhir, 
IV. 372) Sec at 35:33, p 1401. n 12 

5. »*•!*• mufattahah (f.; pi mufalluMl) - that 
which is opened ( passive participle from fatlalta, 
form II of falalia [falh]. to open. Sec tufuttahu at 
7:40. p. 480. n. 3). 

6. vV "abw&b (sing, bob) = doors, gates, 
sections. Sec at 2:189, p 91, n 8 

7. i. e.. they will be reclining on couches therein 
(see 18:31; 36:56 and 76:13). muttaki’in 

(pi.; acc./gen of mutlaki'un ; s. muiiaki ') = those 
reclining, supporting, testing (act. participle from 
ittalui'u, form VIII of waka’a. See at 18:31, p. 
923, n. 6). 

8 djt-di yad'iina = they invoke, call, call upon, 

invite, summon, pray, ask (v. iii. m pi impfcl 
from da' U \dud'\, to call, to summon. See at 
29:42. p 1 280. n 4). 

9 qdfirdl (f. pi ; s qdsirab) = restricted, 
confined, restraining (net participle from qasura/ 
qasara [ qifar/qusr/qauirtih/quiur\ become short, 
to fall short See at 37 48. p 1438, n. 3). 

10. i. e . chaste women not looking at anyone else 
except ihcir husbands, j > larf = glance, look, 
eye. See at 37:48. p 1438. n. 4 

11. ' atrdb (pi.; s. tiro) = persons of the 
same age. 

1 2. dyit-y li 1 ‘addna - you are promised, assured, 
threatened, (v li. m. pi impfet passive from 
wa'ada (also from aw ada, form IV of wa'ada} 
[wa'd\, to make a promise. See at 36:63, p. 1424. 
n. I). 

Suruh 38: Sdd | Part (Juz ) 23 ] 


-JU There shall not be of it 
C«J jUj; any running out. 1 


55. This; and indeed 

for the transgressors 2 will be 

the worst 3 place of return/ 

56. Hell; 

l^jL^ they will broil 5 therein, 
and bad* will be the bed. 7 

lii 57. This; so let them taste" it, 
boiling water 9 and pus. 10 

JiiiJ 58. And another 
of the same sort." 
matching pairs. 12 

£j*Uu 59. This is a band, 13 


plunging 14 along with you. 
No welcome will be for them. 
j£j?i Indeed they will be 
broiling in the fire. 

1 . jU; nafdd = lo run out. to be exhausted, used 
up. depleted (verbal noun of nufida. See nafidai 
at 31:27, p. 1320. n. 8. 

2. i. e„ (hose who disregard and violate the 
injunctions of the Qur’Sn and sunnah. jMt 

laghin (pi.; accVgcn. of tdghun; s. tdghin) = 
transgressors, oppressors, tyrants, those exceeding 
the bounds (act. participle from taghd [laghan/ 
tughydn], to exceed all bounds. Sec at 37:30. 
1435, n. 5). 

3. /• sharr (pi. J/A as hr dr) = bad, worse, worst, 
evil, wicked. See at 25:34. p. 1 148, n. 4. 

4. vt* ma'ab= place to which one returns, 
return . See at 38:49. p. 1472. n. 3. 

5. o yt-*i yaylawna - they bum. broil, be exposed 

to fire (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from said ( salan / 
sully/ ftld ), lo roast, to bum, to be exposed to the 
blaze. See at 14:29, p. 798. n. 2). 

6. j-ii bi’s = evil, wretched, bad Sec at 24:57, p 
1 130. n 6. 

7. >4> mihdd = bed. place of rest, fold that holds 
something. See at 13:18. p. 772, n. 10. 

8. tjij-U U v adh&qd = let them taste, they 

must taste, (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. emphatic/ 
imperative from dhdqa [dhawq/ dhawdq/madhdq], 
to taste. See at 38:8, p. 1461, n 2. 

9. f-**- hamlrn = boiling water, close fnend, 

intimate friend, (act. participle in the scale of fa ‘II 
from hamma Iharnm], to heat, moke hot. See at 
37:67. p. 1442. n. 4. 

10. J' — * gkass&q - secretion of the body. pus. 

11. shakl (s.; pi ’ ashkdl ) = similarity. 

likeness, form, shape, type, pattern, sort. See 
shdktlah at 17:84, p. 900. n. 9. 

12. ^ijjt ’azwaj (sing. ~u zuwj) - husbands, 

wives, spouses, partners, pairs, kinds, sorts. See 
at 37:22. p. 1434. n. 13. 

13. jry fawj (s.; pi. ’ ufwdj ) = band, troop, 

group, detachment, regiment. See at 27:83, p. 
1227. n. 3. 

14 muqiahim = he who plunges, rushes in. 

burst into, breaks in. storms, intrudes, defies (act 
participle from iqlalfama. form VIII of qahanui 
[qahm/ quhum] to throw oneself, to come near). 


Surah 38: Sad [ Part (/«') 23 ] 

60. They will say: "Nay, you; 
no welcome 1 is for you. 

You had forwarded 2 it for us. 
0 So bad is the abode!" 3 

fyjl i 61. They will say: "Our Lord, 
who forwarded it for us, 

•■ 0 j increase 4 for him 

a punishment in double 5 
$ in the fire." 

ijlij 62. And they will say: 

UU "What is the matter with us, 
we see 6 not the men 
we used to count 7 them 
of the bad ones?" 8 

l*^* 1 63. "We took 9 them 

as objects of ridicule, 10 

or have there deviated" from 
them the eyes?" 

1 64. Such indeed will be true, 
the mutual recrimination 12 
(£} °f the inmates of hell. 

*• »• >he followers of the transgressing leaden 
| will say to the latter L *- y marhahan - welcome. 

2. i. e.. you have made us suffer hellfirc by 
misleading us qaddamtum = you (all) 
advanced, laid in advance, sent ahead, forwarded 
(v. ii. m. pi. past from quddama, form II of 
qadama / qadima [ qadm /qudum /qidmdn 
/maqdam) to precede, to arrive See at 12 48 p 
740. n. 4). 

3. /> qarar = stability, steadiness, firmness, 

' solidity, to settle down, to rest, place of rest, 
abode. See at 27:61. p. 1220. n. 13. 

4. >j zid = increase, augment, enlarge, make 
more (v. ii. pi. m s. imperative from zdda [zayd/ 
nyddah), to increase See yaziddna 37:147 p 
1453. n. 3). 

5. jc dif (s.; pi. dc/'df) = double, a multiple. 
Sec at 34:37. p. 1 382. n 4 

6. i. c.. the punished leaders will say about the 
believers whom they used to ridicule and look 
down on in the worldly life, i # y nara - we sec, 
consider, are of the view (v. i. pi. impfet from 
ru'd | ray. ru 'yah], to see. See at 12:78. p. 751. n. 

7. o«i na'uddu - we count, number, reckon (v. i. 

pi. impfet. from ad da | 'add), to count, to 

number See at 19:84, p. 972, n. 9 

8. jl^it ’as hr dr (pi.; s. sharr ) = ihe 

bod/worsc/worst ones. evil, wicked See sharr at 
38:55. p 1473, n. 3. 

| 9. UtaJi ittakhadhna = we took, took up. took to 

ourselves, assumed ( v. i. pi. past from 
makhadha. form VIII of 'akhadha [' akhdh ), to 
lake. See iltakhadhd at 36:74, p 1426. n 12). 

10. sikhriy = object of ridicule, 
laughingstock See at 23:1 10. p 1 102. n 10. 

11. zdgliat = she or it deviated, stared, 
wandered, strayed, turned away (v. iii. f. s past 
from zagha | taygh). to turn aside, to swerve See 
at 33:10. p. 1338, n. 8). 

12. takh&sum = mutual recrimination, 
arguing, disputing, litigation (verbal noun in form 
VI of khasama. to defeat, to deduct. See 
yakhissim&na at 36:49, p. 1420. n. 12). 

Surah 38: Sad [ Pari (Juz ) 23 ) 


Section ( Ruku' ) 5 

'jj 65. Say: "I am but a wamer; 
and no deity is there 
except Allah, the One, 
the All-Subduer. 2 

■j.jv-jlV. 66. Lord of the heavens 
l Ajjptij and the earth and all that is 
between the two, 
jCfb the All-Mighty, 3 
ffiyllif the Most Forgiving. 4 

67. Say: "It is an intelligence 
($5^ most momentous." 6 

mpi 68. "You are from it 
turning away." 7 

69. "I have no knowledge 
^cVr0. of the Highest Council 8 

when they debate." 9 

70. "Naught is communicated 

1. i. e.. a Messenger of Allah, giving warning 
against Allah’s displeasure and His punishment in 
the hereafter for setting partners with Him and 
worshipping other gods and goddesses besides 
Him. mundhir - wamer. one who warns (act. 

participle from andhara, to warn, form IV of 
nadhara. [ nadhr Mudhur), to dedicate, to make a 
vow. See at 38:4. p. 1460. n. 2). 

2. qahhar = the All-Subduer, the 
All-Mighty (act. participle in the intensive scale of 

fa ' dl from qahara [qu/ir], to overpower, 
subjugate, vanquish. See at 14:48, p. 80S. p. n I ). 

3. jl/- ‘adz = All-Mighty. Invincibly Powerful, 
before Whom everyone else is powerless; also 
respected, distinguished, dear, beloved, strong, 
mighty, difficult, hard See at 38:9, p. 1461, n. 5. 

4. jU* ghaffar - Most Forgiving, the Intensely 
Forgiving (act participle in the intensive scale of 
fa ' 'til from ghafara Ighufr /maghfirah /ghufrdn], 
to forgive Sec istaghfara at 38:24. p. 1465, n. 8). 

5. i. e.. the Qur’Sn. L naba’ (s.; pl.rrnW) = 
news, tidings, information, intelligence, dispatch 
See at 38:21. p. 1464, n. I. 

6. '** ‘afim = great, magnificent, splendid, big. 

stupendous, most grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, grave, most momentous. See at 
37:76. p. 1442. n. 9). 

7. mu'ridun (sing, mu'ritj ) = those who 
turn away / avert/ evade/ fall back (active 
participle from ’a'ra4a, form IV of 'arudu 1‘urd], 
to be broad, wide, to appear, to show. See at 
24:48. p. 1126, n. 7). 

8. i. e.. of the angels. Vo mala’ - crowd, host, 
grandees, council of elders, chiefs, nobles. See at 
38:6. p. 1460. n. 7). 

9. The allusion is to the debate of the angels 

about Allah's creation of Adam, which the 
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. 
could have no knowledge of except what was 
communicated to him by Allah (see Al-Tabari, pt. 
XXIII. pp. 183-184). yakhtasim&na = 

they quarrel, dispute, argue, debate, contest one 
another (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from ikhtu.\ama, 
form VIII of khafama I khasm/ khtsdrn 
khujumah], to defeat in argument. See at 26:96. p. 
1 179, n. 7). 


Surah 38: Slid [ Part (Jut') 23 | 

to me except that I am 
a wamer 1 open and clear. 2 

7 1 . When your Lord said 
to the angels: "Indeed I am 
going to create man 

of clay." 3 

72. "So when I have made 
Ajcijoj him up 4 and blown 5 in him 

ct-Joi of My life-giving spirit, 6 
you all fall down 7 to him 
prostrating yourselves." 8 

73. So there prostrated 
instil' themselves the angels, 

all of them together. 

74. Except IblTs. 
j&U’ He turned arrogant 9 

and became of 
those disbelieving. 10 

1. jfa nadhir (pi nudhur ) = wamer (active 
participle in the scale of fa ’it from nadhara 
\nadlir/ nudhur], to vow. to pledge). See at 35:37. 
p. 1403. n. 10. 

2. j** mubin = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 

patent, open and clear, that which makes clear 
(act. participle from ‘ubOnu. form IV of buna 
[bayun], to be clear. See at 37:156, p. 1454. n. 5). 

3. tin = clay. soil. See at 37:1 1. p. 1432. n. 8. 

4. sawwayru = I made up. smoothed, 
levelled, equalized, made regular (v. i. s. past from 
sawwd. form II of sawiya , to be equal 

5. ojei. nafakhtu = I blew, breathed, inflated. 

filled with air (v. i. s. past from nafakha \nafkh\, 
to blow. See at 15:28, p. 813, n. 7). 

6. £_u r &h (s,; pi VrmdA) = breath of life, soul. 

spirit, life-giving spirit, wahy, Jibril. See at 32:9, 
p 1326. n. II. 

7. IjoJ qa'6 - you (all) fall down (v. ii. m pi 

imperative from taqa'Ona. waqu'a (wui/ii']. to 
fall. Sec at 15:28. p. 813. n. 8). 

8. ji-WU sajidtn (pi.; accVgen. of sdjidurt, j. 
sdjtd) = those who prostrate themselves, prostrate 
(act participle from r ajada |r ujud], to prostrate 
oneself, to make obeisance. See at 26:219. p. 

1 199. n. 12). 

9. istakbara = he turned arrogant, became 

proud/ haughty, was puffed up ( v. iii m s past 
in form X of kabura [ kubr / kibdr/ kabdrah ] to 
become big, large, great. See ymtakbir&na at 
37:35, p 1436. n. 2). 

• 0. jl/S kdfirin ( p4 ; acc /genitive of kdfirun, %. 
kafir) = unbelievers, infidels, those disbelieving, 
ungrateful (active participle from kafara \kufr 
/kufn'm / ku/ur). to disbelieve, to cover. See at 
27:43. p 1215. n. 5). 

Surah 38: Sad [ Part (Juz) 23 | 


1 £> mana'a = he prevented, forbade, barred, 
held back (v. iii. m. s. past from man to prevent. 
Sec at 20:92, p. 998, n 8) 

2. lasjuda(u) = you prostrate yourself, bow 

respectfully, pay obeisance (v. ii. m. s. impfet 
from sajada [ sujud ), to prostrate oneself. The 
final letter lakes faihah because of the particle 'an 
coming before the verb. Sec yasjuduna at 27:24. 
p 1209. n 9). 

3. c-il* khalaqtu = I created, originated, mode 
(v. i. s. post from khalaqa [khalq], to create. Sec 
at 19:9. p. 1952. n. 7). 

4. ‘astakharta (originally ' a+istakbarta ): 
islakbarta = you became proud, turned arrogant, 
haughty (v. ii. m. s. past from islakbara, form X 
of kabura [kubr/ kibdr/ kabdruh] to become big, 
large, great Sec islakbara at 38:74, p. 1476, n. 

5. ‘6 tin (pi.; acc./gcn. of 'dliydn . s. ‘iilin) = 
those who are high, lofty, exalted, self-exalting, 
supercilious See at 23:46, p 1087, n. 3. 

6. p yr\ ukhruj = come out. leave, move out. get 
out (v. ii. m. s. imperative from khuraju [khuruj], 
to go out. See at 28:20. p. 1238. n. 7). 

7. rajim - accursed, damned, stoned (pass, 
participle in the scale of fu’il from rajama [rajm], 
to stone, to curse. See at 16:98. p. 861. n. 4). 

8. tad la’nah (s.; pi. la nd l) = curse, banishment 
from mercy, imprecation. See at 28:42. p. 1246. n. 
12 . 

9. ji* din = religion, creed, faith, code, law, 
worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital. Sec at 37:20, p 1433. n 8. 

10. Jii\ ’anzir - give a respite (v. ii. m s. 

imperative from 'anzara, form IV of nazara 
[nazar/manzar], to sec. See at 15:36. p. 815. n. 2). 

11. Oyw* yub'athdna = they are resurrected, 
raised, raised up. revived, sent out (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet passive from ba’ulha \ha r/i], to send out. 
to raise. Sec at 27:65, p. 1222, n. 13). 

ft 75. He said: "O Iblts, 
what prevented' you from 
prostrating yourself 2 
cit-Q to what I have created 7 
isZ, with My Two Hands? 

Have you turned arrogant 4 
or are you of the high ones? 5 


76. He said: "1 am better than 
him. You created me of fire 

jyL&’&Z.j and created him of clay." 


77. He said: "Then get out 6 
idlifcu of there; for you indeed are 
!$)£«y damned." 7 

78. "And verily upon you is 
My curse 8 

j&dl till the Day of Judgement." 9 

vJJli 79. He said: "My Lord, 

give me a respite'°till the day 
QoJZi they will be resurrected."" 


SOrah 38: Sdd [ Pari Uuz ) 23 ) 

80. He said: "You indeed are 
'j* of those given respite." 1 

81. "Till the day 

.J of the time specified." 2 


82. He said: "By Your Glory.’ 
ZfcJN I shall surely lead them astray, 4 

0o^] all of them." 

dijCc^l 83. "Except Your servants 5 
from among them, 
the select ones."* 

jyi-Sjlj 84. He said: "Then the truth, 
‘$3^ and the truth I say:" 

85. "I shall surely fill 7 hell 
with you and with those who 
ft? iiUi follow 8 you of them, 
all together." 

ji 86. Say: " I ask 9 of you not 

1. jt _3»_. munzartn (pi ; acc./gcn of rmmzarm, 
s. munziir ) = those given respite (passive 
participle from aniara [na^ir/manfar], to see. 
See at 15:36. p. 815, it 4). 

2. (jU* ma'liim = known, determined, fixed, 

specified (pass, paniciplc from 'alima | i/mj. to 
know. See at 37: 164, p. 1455. n. 6). 

3. ij® ‘iz 2 nh = might, power, respect, self-respect, 
prestige, honour, fame, pride, glory See at 38:2, 
p 1459. n. 3. 

4. jiyk'i la ’ughviyanna = I shall surely lead 
astray, beguile, lure, mislead (v. i. s. unpfcL 
emphatic from 'ughwd. form IV of ghawA \ghayy/ 
ghawAyah ] . to go astray. See 'aghwayla at 7:16. 
p. 469, n. 7). 

5. A? 'ihdd (sing, j -j'abd) = servants (of Allah). 

human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. See at 
38:45. p. 1471. n. 4). 

6. mukhlasin (pi.; accV genitive of 
mukhlasin.. t. mukhtas) = rendered unblemished, 
pure-hearted, select ones (pass participle from 
akhlasa, form IV of khalata ( Jc/im/uj], to be pure, 
unmixed. unadulterated. See at 37: 160. p. 1454. a 
10 ). 

7. cfyJi la-’amla'anna = I shall surely fill (v i 
s. impfet. emphatic from mala’a \mal'/ mat ah 
/mil ‘ah], to fill, to fill up. See at 32:13. p. 1328, 
n. 4). 

8. tabi'a = he followed, pursued (v. iii. m. s. 

past from tuba /tuba ah, to follow. See alba'a at 
37:10. p. 1432. n. 2). 

9. The address is to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. jLI ’as'alu = I ask. 

beg, enquire ( v. i. m. s. impfet. from m ala [ 
ru at/ mus’alah/tas'AI]], to ask See at 6:90, p. 
427, n. 6). 

Surah 38: Slid [ Part [Jut) 23 ] 


on it 1 any remunerationr 
nor am I of the imposters." 5 

87. "It is naught but 
a reminder 4 for all beings." 5 

88. "And surely you will know 
its news 6 after a while." 

1 . i. e„ for my calling you to the right way. 

2. y' 'ajr (pi. jyd ' ujur ) = reward, recompense, 
remuneration, due. Sec at 36:21. p. 1414. n. 3). 

3. mulakallijln (pi.; acc/gen of 
muiakallifun . s. mulakallif ) = those burdening 
themselves, ceremonious, false ones, pretenders, 
imposters (act. participle from lakallafa. from V 
of kalifa [ kaluj] . to be brownish, to be fond of/ 
keen. See nukallifu at 23:62. p 1090. n. 6). 

4. i. e.. the Qur'an which is given out to you. /> 

dhikr = citation, recollection, remembrance, 
mention, reminder, also scripture, the Qur'an. The 
Qur’an is repeatedly referred to as ddhikr. See for 
instance 15:6, 15:9, 16:44. 21:50, 23:71. 25:29. 
26:5. 38:49, 38:87,41:41, 54:25, 68:51-52. 81:27. 
See at 38:49, p 1472. n I . 

5. 'dlamin (acc./gen. of dlumun . 

sing. 'dlam, i.e., any being or object that points 
to its Creator, sing, 'dlx im) = all beings, creatures. 
See at 37: 1 82. p 1458. n. I). 

6. i. e.. the truth about the Qur'an. L naba' (s.. 

pi unbd ) = news, tidings, information, 

intelligence, dispatch. Sec at 38:67, p 1475. n. 5. 

39. Surat al-Zumar ( the Groups) 

Makkan: 75 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah which, like the other Makkan surahs, deals with the fundamentals of the 
faith, particularly the truth of the Qur'an and the Prophclhood of Muljammad, peace and blessings of 
Allah be on him. monotheism. Resurrection. Judgement, reward and punishment. It starts with an 
emphasis on the fact that Allah has sent down the Qur’an and that He is exclusively entitled to worship 
and devotion. Attention is then drawn to His creation of the heavens and the earth, the subjection of the 
sun and the moon to order, the making of night and day and. above all. the creation and development of 
man in the mother's womb and the provisions for his sustenance, all of which point to Allah's Absolute 
Lordship (rububiyah and exclusive entitlement to worship ( 'uluhiyah). Yet man becomes ungrateful and 
sets partners with Allah. The sin of setting partners with Allah (shirk) is pointed out and it is ) 
emphasized that it has been communicated through all the Prophets that if you set partners with Allah all 
your deeds will be in vain and you will certainly be among the losers in the hereafter ( ayah 65). But it is ! 
never too late to repent and to seek Allah's forgiveness and mercy. Never be despaired of Allah's J 
forgiveness and mercy ( ayah 53). In this context the facts of Resurrection, Judgement, reward and 
punishment are mentioned. The surah ends by pointing out how the unbelievers and sinful will be led in 
groups ( zumar ) to hell and how the believers and the righteous will be led in groups to paradise and 
welcomed there. The surah is named al-zumar (The Groups) after these concluding 'ayahs. 

1. lanzil = sending down, bnnging down, 
something sent down (verbal noun in form II of 
nazala [muitf], to come down. See at 36:5. p 
1409. n. 6. 

2. i. e.. the Qur'an This and the next Ayah 
clearly and emphatically assert lhal Allah sent 
down the Qur'iin on the Prophet Muhammad, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him ll was no 
composition of his. 

3. i. e.. containing true guidance and right and just 
injunctions and prohibitions 

4. i. e., worship Allah Alone and none else. This is 
an injunction of monotheism The implication is 
made further clear in the next clause of the 'Ayah. 
•M-I ubud = worship (v. ii. m. s imperative from 
abada | 'tbadah /'ubCiduh / uhudiyah], to 
worship, to serve. See at 19:65. p. 967. n. 8). 

5. mukhlisin (pi.; acc /gen. of mukhlisun; 
sing, mukhlif ) = those who make (something) 
exclusive and pure, sincere, loyal, faithful (act 
participle from 'akhlaya. form IV of khatasa 
[Miu/iij], to be pure. See at 31:32. p 1322. n. 6). 

6. jt> din = religion, creed, faith, code. law. 
worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital Sec at 38:78, p 1477, n. 9. 

■ ACl'fJ^; 1 . The sending down' of the 
Book 2 is from Allah, 
the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. 

U/ity 2. Verily We have sent down 
to you the Book 
JpjC with the truth. ' 
iiLuLU So worship 4 Allah, 
iJtluc making exclusive 5 for Him 
the worship. 6 


Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) [ Part (Juz') 23 ) 


-4 3. O yes, to Allah is due the 

worship pure and exclusive! 1 
! Ar| d those who take 2 
raijj^ in lieu of Him 


"We worship them not but for 
that they may take us close 4 
Ui to A ** a h > n proximity." 5 
Verily Allah will judge 
‘j+Z> between them about what 
they are in disagreement. 6 

Verily Allah guides not 

» . ^ ... .... ? 

any that is a liar, 

an arch-unbeliever. 8 

ilfjijSjJ 4. Were Allah to intend 
Qjl _icT 0 1 10 take a son 

He could have chosen’’ 

^>Li£ out of what He created 
whatever He willed. 
Sacrosanct 10 is He. 

He is Allah the One, 
the All-Subduer." 

1. i. e., free from any shade of shirk ^ khalis 

pure, exclusive, unadulterated, sincere (acl. 
participle from khalasa [*/iu/u.i|, to be pure Sec 
mukhlisin at 39:2, p. 1480. n. 5. 

2. ittakhadhu = they look, took up. took to 
themselves, assumed ( v. iii. m. pi. past from 
iuakhadha. form VIII of 'akhadha ( akhdh), to 
take. See at 36:74. p. 1426, n, 12). 

3. i. e„ gods and goddesses. 'awliyS' (pi.; 
sing. waliy) = helpers, friends, allies, patrons, 
protectors, legal guardians. See at 33:6. p. 1337. 
n. 3. 

4 i. e . they offer this wrong plea for their worship 
of the gods and goddesses yuqarribtiina) = 

they bring ncar/closc. approximate, offer, present 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from qarraba, form II of 
qariba \ qurb/maqrabah), to get close, to come 
near The terminal n&n is dropped because of a 
hidden ’an in li (of motivation) coming before the 
verb. Sec tuqarribu at 34:37, p. 1382. n. I). 

5. zulfd = proximity, nearness, close position. 
See at 38:25, p 1465, n. 12. 

6. dyiias yakhtaliftina = they disagree, differ 
(from one another), arc at variance, are in 
disagreement, dispute, quarrel (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. from ikhtalafa, form VIII of khalafa 
[kimlf ) to follow, to succeed Sec at 32:25, p. 
1331, n. 12). 

7. i. e.. liar against Allah saying that He has 
associates and sons and daughters. 

8. jUS" kaffar = arch-unbeliever, extremely 

ungrateful, ingralc ( active participle in the 
intensive from of fa "dl from kafara [ kufr ]. to 
disbelieve, to be ungrateful, to cover. See at 2:276, 
p. 145, n. 4). 

9. ylwi istafa = he chose, selected (v. iii. m. s. 

past in form VIII of ru/d [saf*/sufuw/safd'\, to be 
clear, pure. See at 3:33, p. 168. n.4) 

10. OU*- Suhhdn is derived from sabbaha. form 
II of sabaha [ sabh/sibdhuh ]. to swim. In its form 
It the verb means to praise, to sing the glory 
Suhhdn is generally rendered as "Glory be to 
Him"; but "Sacrosanct " conveys the meaning 
better. See at 37:180, p. 1457. n 9. 

11. jl|i qahhdr = the All-Subduer, the 
All-Mighty (act. participle in the scale of fa"dl 


Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) [ Part (•/«’) 23 ) 

5. He created the heavens 
and the earth for just cause. 1 
He rolls the night : 

^KlfJ* over the day 

and rolls the day 

over the night; 

and He subjected 3 to order 


the sun and the moon, 
each going on 4 
for a period 5 specified.* 1 
Oh yes. He is the All-Mighty, 
the Most Forgiving. 7 

jCaU. 6. He created you 

from a single individual; 8 
then made from that 
Lfi-jj his consort;’ 

Spj and He sent down for you 
of the grazing livestock 10 
eight units of pairs. 1 1 

Us He creates you 
in the wombs 12 of 
your mothers, 

1. i. c„ (or a just cause and purpose and not 
aimlessly and (or nothing ,>► haqq - nghl. truth, 

liability, justice, just cause Sec at 34:26, p. 1377, 
n. 10. 

2. The expression yukawtviru used here in 
connection with the rotation of the night and day 
clearly indicates the roundness of the earth. j£t 

yukawwiru = he rolls, coils, rolls into a ball, 
makes round, rounds (v. iii. m s. impfcl from 
knwwaru. form II of kora (farwr), to hurry ). 

3. /<- sakhkhara = he brought to submission, , 

made subservient, subjected, subdued, subjected 
to service/order (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of 
sakhira [sukhr/maskhur], to ridicule, deride See 
at 35:13, p. 1395, n.l). 

4 ts y—' tajri = she runs, goes on, (lows, streams. 

proceeds (v iii. f. s. impfcl. from jara \jary ), to 
(low. Sec at 36:38. p. 1418. n. I). 

5. J»t 'a jot (pi 'd/d/) = appointed time, period, 
term. date, deadline See at 35:13. p 1395, n. 3. 

6. j - — • musamman (s.; pi. musammaydt)* 
specified, stipulated, named, designated, defined 
(passive participle (m. s. ) from uimmti (to 
name), form II of sanui (.rirmiiw/ rii/nd'J, to be 
high. See at 35:45. p. 1407, n. II), 

7- ghaff&r = Most Forgiving, the Intensely 

Forgiving (act. participle in (he intcasivc scale of 
/a "d/ from ghafara [ghajr /mnghftrah /ghufrdn], 
to forgive. Sec at 38:66, p 1475, n. 4). 

8. L e„ from 'Adam. ^Ju nafs (s.; pi. 

nufus/'anfus) = living being, person, individual, 
nature, self, life, soul See at 36:54, p 1422, n. 3. 

9. £ }j zawj (pi -ijjl azu'd/) = wife, husband, 

spouse, one of a pair, consort, kind. sort, umj is 
used in Arabic for one of a pair and is applied to 
cither husband or wife. See at 31:10, p. 1313, n. 


10. fl»it 'anam (pi.; s. na'am ) = grazing 

livestock (sheep, cattle, camels, goats), animals. 
See at 36:71, p. 1426, n. 4. 

11. i. e , males and females each of sheep, cattle, 
camel and goat. 

12. Oykv butun (pi.; sing. bain ) = stomachs, 

bellies, abdomens, wombs, inner parts. See at 
37:66. p. 1441, n 2. 

Surah 39: Al-'/jimur (The Groups) [ Pari iJuz) 23 ] 


in creation after creation, 1 
in darkness 2 three. 

Such is Allah, your Lord. 


aJ His is the dominion. 

There is no deity but He. 
How then arc you deluded? 1 






P *>i 


* '•$ * • 


> •• 

^ JjiilCyU- 

7. If you disbelieve, 4 
then indeed Allah is 
Above Want 5 of you; 
and He likes 6 not 
in His servants unbelief; 
and if you be grateful 
He is pleased with you. 
And there will carry 7 not 
any bearer 8 

the burden 9 of another; 
then to Your Lord will be 
your return 10 
and He will inform" you 
of what you use to do. 
Verily He is All-Knowing 
of the secrets of hearts. 

1. i. c , in successive stages of creation and 

2. Modem science acknowledges that human 
foetus develops in the mother’s womb successively 
through three dark chambers. oLJi zulumit (pi , 

s. zulnuih ) = darkness, layers of darkness. See at 
35*20, p 1397, n. 10. 

3. i. c., from the right course of monotheism to 

the error of polytheism, tusrafdna = you 

arc deluded, diverted, turned away (v. ii. m pi. 
impfet. passive from sarafa [surf], to turn, to turn 
away. Sec at 10:32, p. 649, n. 10). 

4. takfuru(na) = you (all) disbelieve, deny 
(v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from kafara, [ kufr ]. to 
disbelieve, to cover. The terminal nun is dropped 
because the verb is in a conditional clause 
preceded by 'in. See lakfuruna at 36:64, p. 1424, 
n. 3). 

5. Allah is not in need of man’s belief and 
worship; he is ever in need of Allah. ghaniy 
(s.; pi. 'ughniyd') = above want, free from want, 
rich. See at 35:15, p. 1396, n. 2. 

6. > yardd = he is happy, is satisfied, is 

pleased, agrees, approves, likes (v. iii. in. s. 
impfet from ratfiya [ ridun /rujwun /mardah], to 
agree, to be satisfied. See lardawna at 2:282. p. 
148. n. 6). 

7. Everyone will be individually responsible for 
one’s deeds and none will come to one’s help See 
also 17:15, p. 877. yj taziru = she carries, bears 
(v. iii, f, s. impfet. from wazara [wizr], to carry. 
See at 35:18, p 1396. n. 7). 

8. • jjlj wazirah (f. ; m. wdzir) = bearer, carrier, 

one burdened (act. participle from wazara). Sec 
n. 8 above. 

9. i. e.. the load of sins, jjj wizr (s.; pi. ’ awziir ) = 

burden, load, encumbrance, sin Sec at 20:100. p 
1001, n. 4. See also ns 7 and 8 above 

10. i. e„ after Resurrection on the Day of 
Judgement. £» y marji' (s.; pi. j»v maraji') = 

return, place of return, resort, authority to which 
reference is made (verbal noun/adverb of place 
from raja'a. See at 37:68, p. 1441. n. 5). 

11. .j* yunabhi’u = he apprises, informs. 

notifies, advises, makes known (v. iii. s. impfet. 
from nabba'a. form II of naba'a Inah/nubu']. to 
be prominent Sec at 35:14. p. 1395, n. II). 


Surah 39: M-Zumar (The Groups) 1 Part (Juz ) 23 ) 

8. And if there afflicts 1 man 
any distress, 2 

he calls' his Lord 

iChCul turning in repentance 4 to Him. 
Jtj then when He confers 5 on him 
a grace from Him, 
he forgets 6 what he had been 
calling to before 
ferj and sets for Allah equals 7 
jL*j in order to lead astray* 

c ^ , 

-*'h^*o* from His way. 

Say: "Enjoy 9 your infidelity 10 
a little. 

You shall indeed be of 

& ■ .^* >1 the inmates 1 ‘of the fire." 

^ > 

9. Or is the one who is 
submissive 12 by night hours 

\jJl, prostrating himslef 
and standing, 1 ' 

\s^i\ jli fearing 14 the hereafter 
and hoping for 
the mercy of his Lord? 

I massa s he touched, affected, hit. afflicted 
(v. iii. m. s. past from muss/ mush, to feel, to 
touch. See at 38:41, p 1470, n. 2). 

2. Such as disease, physical danger, material and 
mental distress and the like. durr - harm, 
damage, detriment, disadvantage, depnvatkm. 
distress See at 23:75, p. 1093. n. 9. 

3. I *» da' A = he called, invoked, prayed, claimed. 

propagated, implored (v. iii. m. s. past from du'A', 
to call, to summon. Sec da' aw at 30:33. p. 1300, 
n. II). 

4. i— a* munib = one who turns in repentance. 

penitent (act. participle from 'anAba, form IV of 
nAba [nawb/ntyAbah], to return, to come near, to 
represent See at 34:9. p. 1370, n. 13). 

5. Jj* khawwala = he bestowed, conferred, 

granted (v. i. pi post in form II of khAula | khawl ). 
to manage, to suffice. See khawwalnA al 6:94, p 
430. n 6). 

6. j— , nasiya = he forgot became oblivious (v 
iii. m. s past from luisy/nisyAn. to forget See at 
36:78. p 1427. n 12). 

7. aUt andAd (sing, nidd) = equals, compeers, 
partners, rivals. Sec at 34:33. p. 1380. n. 7. 

8. i. c , lead astray others. 

9. lamatla ‘ = you enjoy (v. ii. m, s. 

imperative from lamaua a. form V of maia’a 
[rruil/mut'ah], to carry away. See iamalla'6 al 
30:34. p 1301. n. 5). 

10. /£ kufr = unbelief, disbelief, ungratefulness, 
infidelity. Sec at 3:52, p 176, n.6). 

11. 'as-hab (pi.; sing. sAhib) = 

inmates, dwellers, companions, associates, 
followers, owners. See at 38:13. p. 1462, n. 3). 

12. i. c.. is the infidel better or the one who is 
submissive to Allah cJU qanit (*.; pi. qdnitun) 

= constant in obedience, devoutly dutiful, 
submissive, humble (active participle from qunaia 
Iqun&l). to be obedient). See at 16:120. p. 869, 

13. i. e., in prayer. 

14 jJws yahdharu ~ he fears, apprehends, is 
wary, warns, is on his guard (v. iii. m. s. irnpfct. 
from hadliara [hidhr/hadhar], to be cautious, to 
be on one's guard See at 9:64. p. 604. n.5). 

Surah 39: Al-Zumur (The Groups) [ Part (Vuz') 23 ] 


Say: " Do there equalize 1 
those who know 

oj+hy and those who do not know?" 

yxXj\ There but take heed 2 the 
$ possessors of intelligence.' 

Section (Ruki i‘) 2 
10. Say: "O My servants 
[£•'* who believe, 

beware 4 of your Lord. 

For those who do good 5 
in this world 


will be a good thing; 6 
and Allah's earth is vast. 7 
jy\Z\ Fully will but be given 8 
'o£&\ the persevering ones 
their reward 

Oy without calculation. 

ji 1 1 . Say: "Indeed I have been 
that I worship Allah 

id l 'J* making exclusive'' for Him 
the worship." 10 

1. cS>— i yaslawt = he becomes equal, equalizes, 
becomes even/ straight/ regular/ upright (v. iii. m 
s. impfet. from isiawd. form VIII of sawiya 
[.rnvfin], to be equal. See at 35: 19. p. 1397, n. 7). 

2. yatadhakkaru = he takes heed, bears in 

mind, remembers, receives admonition (v. iii. m, 
s. impfet. from ladhakkara. form V of dhakara 
[dhikr/ tadhkdr], to remember. Sec al 35:37, p. 
1403. n. 9). 

3. -vQl ’athah (pi.; sing. — 1 lubb) = heart. 

acumen, intelligence, understanding See at 38:43, 
p. 1470. n il). 

4. I yh iltaqu = you (all) beware, be on your 

guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m pi. imperative 
from itiaqd. form VIII of waqd ( wai/yAviqdyah), 
to guard, safeguard. See at 36:45. p. 1419, n. 7). 

5. 1. e.. who believe and act according to the 
Qur’an and sunnah <>— >-t 'ahsanu = they did 
good, performed well, acted rightly (v. iii. m. pi 
past from aha ana, form IV of hasunu [Aura], to 
be good, handsome. See at 16:30. p. 836, n. 9) . 

6. i. e., merit and reward in the hereafter fc— »■ 
hasanah (f. s.; pi. oi— hasanal; rn haunt ) = 

nice, excellent, exquisite, good thing, merit, good 
deed (deed enjoined and approved by the Qur’an 
and sunnah). benefaction. See at 28:84, p. 1262. 
n. II. 

7. So you may migrate to another place if you arc 

prevented from worshipping Allah Alone and 
obeying His commandments. wisi'ah (f.; 

m. writ! ') = wide. vast, extensive, far-reaching, 
all-reaching, abounding (active participle from 
won't) Acoru'u (woid'uA], to be wide. Sec at 
29.56. p. 1285. n 7). 

8. yuwaffd = he is given in full, repaid fully 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet. passive form waff a. form II of 
wufd [waf(V] to redeem, fulfil, live up to. See 
yuwaffa at 8:60, p. 569. n. 7). 

9. mukhlis (s.; pi. mukhhsun ) = one who 
makes (something) exclusive and pure, sincere, 
loyal, faithful (act. participle from akhlasa. form 
IV of khatusa \khulus], to be pure Sec mukhlisin 
at 39:2. p. 1480. n 5). 

10. jt> din = religion, creed, faith, code. law. 
worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital. Sec al 39:2. p 1480, n. 6. 


Surah 39: AIZumar (The Groups) | Part (Juz) 23 ) 

JjjJj 12. "And I have been bidden' 
S} jjftjv that I be the first 2 of 

those making submission. " , 

13. Say: "Indeed I dread, 4 
. if I disobeyed' my Lord, 

the punishment of a day 
$ very grave."* 

juJsfji 14. Say: "Allah 1 do worship, 
'uW'.CJ making exclusive 7 for Him 
my worship." 

15. "So worship whatever 
you wish 8 besides Him." 

Say: "Verily losers’ will be 
those who lose 10 themselves 

(ipUl ij and their families" 

on the Day of Resurrection. 

O yes, that will be the loss 
most obvious." 12 

16. They shall have above them 

1. 'umirtu = I was bidden, commanded, 
ordered, (v. i. s. past passive from 'amaru I'amr], 
to command. See at 27:191, p. 1229, n. 8). 

2. i. e., of my people. 

3. Mustimin (pi.; acc/gcn. of Muslimdn; 
sing. Muslim ) = a Muslim is one who surrenders 
himself completely and exclusively to Allah, 
(active participle from 'aslama. form IV of salima 
[saUimah/saldm]. to be safe, safe and sound, 
secure, faultless. See at 10:84, p. 667, n. 7). 

4. i-itjil ' akhdfu - I fear, am afraid, dread, 

apprehend, (v. i. s. tmpfet. from khdfu \khawf], to 
fear See at 26:135. p Il85.n. II). 

5. • asaylu = I disobeyed, rebelled, defied 
(v. i. s. past from usd | 'isyan/ mu 'tiva/i], to 
disobey, to defy Sec at 1 1:63. p. 701. n. I). 

6. fji* ‘azim = great, magnificent, splendid, big, 
stupendous, most grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, grave See at 38:67, p. 1475. n. 5). 

7. mukhlis (s.; pi mukhhsun ) = one who 
makes (something) exclusive and pure, sincere, 
loyal, faithful (act. participle from 'akhlusa. form 
IV of khalasa [khulus], to be pure. Sec at 39: 1 1, p. 
1485, n. 9).' 

8. This is by way of threatening the polytheists, 
pointing out in the next clause the consequences 
of their polytheism, pasi shi’tum = you (all) 

wished, wanted (v. ii. m. pi. past from shd’a 
[mashVuh], to wish. See at 2:58, p. 27. n. 4). 

9. i. e.. the real and ultimate losers. 
khdsirin (acc/gcn. of khdsirun. sing, khdsir) = 
losers, those in loss (active participle from 
khusara Ikhus r /khasdr /khastiruh /khusrdn] to 
lose. See at 1 1:97. p. 695. n. I). 

10. khasird = they lost, suffered damage 

(v. iii. m pi. past from khasira ( /khasdr/ 
khasdrah/ khusrdn], to lose. See at 23:102, p. 
1 100. n. 5). 

11. jUl 'ahtl(n) [pi.; ncc/gen. of ’ahlin: s. ' aht) 
= families, wives, relatives, kinsfolk, inhabitants, 
followers, inmates, owners, authors The terminal 
nlrn is dropped because of the genitive 
construction. See uhl at 38:43. p. 1470, n. 9. 

12. jr* muhtn = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 
patent, open and clear, that which makes clear 
(act. participle from abdna. form IV of bdna 
[baydn], to be clear. Sec at 38:170, p 1476, n. 2). 

Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) [ Part (Juz‘) 23 ) 





5 ® 



canopies 1 of the fire 
and below 2 them canopies. 
This is 

wherewith Allah alarms' 
His servants. 

"O My servants, 
therefore beware 4 of Me." 

17. And those who abstain' 
from the false god 6 

by not worshipping that, 
and turn in repentance 7 
to Allah, 

theirs is the good news. 8 
So give the good tidings 9 
to My servants, 

18. Who pay attention 10 
to the word' 1 and 

then follow 12 the best of it." 
Those are they whom 

Allah has shown the way 

and those are they 
that possess intelligence. 14 

1. Jib zutal (sing, zullah ) = shades, canopies, 
tents See at 31:32. p. 1322, n. 5 

2. om taht = under, below, beneath, underneath 
See at 33 : 10. p 1338. n 7 

3. yukhawwifu = he holds out threat. 

threatens, frightens, scares, alarms (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet from khawwafa. form II of khiifa [khawf 
/ makhdfah /khlfah], to be afraid See at 3:175. p 
224. n 5). 

4. illaqunH originally ittat/6+nf] : Ijill ittaqu = 

you (all) beware, be on your guard, fear, be afraid 
of (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from ittaqu. form VIII 
of waqd ( waqyfwiq&yah), to guard, safeguard 
See at 39:10, p. 1485, n. 4). 

5. ijlanabu = they shunned, avoided, kept 
away, refrained, abstained from (v. iii. m. pi. past 
from ijtanaba. form VIII of janaba \junb). to 
avert. See ijtanibi at 22:30, p. 1056, n. 5). 

6. o>jMb tdghdt (s.; pi. o-»'jb (awdghtl ) = false 
god. evil one. Salon. See at 16:36. p. 839, n. 8). 

7. t^tl 'anibu = they tamed in repentance. 

deputed (v. iii. m. pi. past from 'andba. form IV 
of nuba | nawh/mandb/niydbah} to represent, to 
return from time to time. See ’andba at 38:24. p. 
1465, n. II). 

8. i. c . of success and happiness in this world, 
and Allah's forgiveness, pleasure and reward in 
the hereafter if jit bushrd = glad tidings, good 
news. See at 29:31, p. 1275. nil. 

9. ft* bashshir - give glad tidings, announce 
good news (v. ii. m. s. imperative from bashshara. 
form II of bashara /bashira [bizhr /bus hr], to 
rejoice, be happy. Sec at 36:1 1. p. 141 1, n. 6). 

10. j y -— t yastami'dna = they listen, hear, pay 
attention (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from btuma'u, form 
VIII of sumi'u [sum' /sumd' /samd'ah /masnut'], 
to hear See at 10:42. p. 653, n I ). 

lit e.. whatever is said to them 

12. yattabi'una = they follow, obey, pursue 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from ittab'a, form VIII of 
tabi'a [tuba'/labd'ah], to follow. See at 20: 108. p. 
1002. n. II). 

13. i. e.. the injunctions of the Qur'an and sunnah. 
See 'd yah 23 below 

14 ,^(4 'albdb (pi.: sing. I lubb) = heart, 

acumen, intelligence, understanding Sec at 39:9, 
p. 1485. n. 3). 


Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) ( Part Muz') 23 ) 

19. Is then the one 

*2c.,y~ on whom has become due 1 

yCuftlllT the word of punishment 2 — 
jtiJoJii! Are you to rescue 3 
$ the one who is in the fire? 

20. But those who 
fear 4 their Lord. 

J&'A they shall have lofty rooms 5 
yji above which are lofty rooms 
built up, 6 

>sji- flowing 7 beneath them 
the rivers, 

Jitej a promise by Allah. 

Allah breaks 8 not 
0 the promise. 9 

^I*j1 2 1 . Do you not see that Allah 
sends down from the sky 
water and channels 10 it 
as springs" in the earth, 
then produces therewith 
plantation 12 diverse l3 in hue. 

1. i c.. because of his persistence in unbelief, and 
sinning. haqqa = he or il became true, correct, 

due. right, incumbent (v. in m. s. past from haqq. 

Sec at 38:14. p 1462. n 7). 

2. The reply to the question is implied in the nett 
clause of ihe ayah, i c . you caimot guide him. 

3. .Us tunqidhu = you rescue, save, salvage 

recover (v. ii. m. s. impfet from unqadhu, form 
IV of naqadhu \naqdh], to save, to rescue. See 
yunqadhuna at 36:43. p. 1419. n. 5). 

4 iltaqaw = they feared, were on their guard, 

feared Allah, were righteous (v. iii. m. pi past 
from iliaqd. form VIII of » aqa [waqyAviqdyah\, 
to guard, to preserve. See at 19: 72, p. 969. n 8). 

5 i. e . in paradise. ■-> y- ghuraf (pi.; s. ghirfah) - 
lofty chambers, upstairs rooms, compartments, 
wards. See at 29:58. p. 1286. n. I. 

6 V-* mabniyyah (f.; m mabnty) = built, set up. 

erected, founded, based, established ( passive 
participle from hand [bind/bunydn], to build, to 
erect. Sec ibnu at 37:97, p. 1415. n. 3. 

7. isyJ tajri = she runs, goes on. flows, streams, 

proceeds (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from jard lyory), to 
flow. Sec at 39:5. p. 1482, n. 4). 

8. w»U< yukhtifu = he leaves (offspring). 

compensates, replaces, he breaks, fails to keep, 
goes back on his word (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
ukhlafa. from IV of khalafa \khal)/khuluf\ to lag 
behind, to come after, to succeed, to change, to 
become bad Sec at 34:41, p. 1383, n. I). 

9. mi' ad (pi. vy maud 'id) = promise, time 
agreed on. See at 34:30. p 1378, n. 9. 

10. dUL. salaka = he channelled, threaded, 

passed, inserted (v. iii. m. s. post from xatk/iuluk 
to insert Sec at 20:53. p 987. n. I). 

1 1 (Vit, yandhi ' <p| ; s. y anbu')= springs, wells. | 
sources. See vanbu ' at 17:90, p. 902. n. 3. 

12. zar' (s.; pi. zuru' ) = seed, green crop, 
plantation, cultivation, corn-field. See at 32:27, p. 
1332. n. 9 

13 >>! •* • mukhlalif = diverse, different, varying. 

divergent (act. participle from ikhlalafa. form 
VIII of khulafa | khulf] to follow, to succeed. See 
at 35:27. p. I399.n 7) 

Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) ( Part (Juz') 23 ] 


l ^ en ' l W ' l h ers ' anC * y°U s ee 

{j'LXr it turned yellow, 2 
1M '"}> then He makes it a debris.’ 
Verily therein is 
Csf'ji a reminder 4 

for the possessors of acumen. 

Section ( Ruku‘ ) 3 
^ 22. Is then the one 
qL Allah has opened' 1 his heart 6 
to Islam 

/s&M* so he is on a light 7 
from his Lord? 

Jij* So woe to 

those whose hearts 8 are hard 
all' to the remembrance'' of Allah. 
Such ones are in an error 10 
quite manifest." 

23 . Allah has sent down 
the best of speech 12 
I4 as a Book, analogous," 

oft-repeated. 14 

1. -v* yahtju = he or il withers, dries up, is 

agitated, stirred (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from hdja 
[hayj/ haujdn/ hiydj], to be agialcd, stirred up). 

2. /«-** musfarr = yellow, turned yellow (pass, 
participle from usfarra. form IX of fafara/safira 
[sufir/sufar], to whistle, to be empty). 

3. fU*»- hut&m = broken pieces, crumbled, debris, 
See yahtimanna at 27:12. p. 1207, n. II. 

4. ii/i dhikrd = recollection, remembrance, 
memory, reminder. See at 38:43. p. 1470. n. 10. 

5. sharalfa = he opened, laid bate, exposed. 

expounded, explained, elucidated, cut to slices (v. 
iii. m. s. past from 1 hurl}, to cut. to open. Sec 
yashrah at 16:106. p. 863. n. II). 

6. jJar sadr (s., pi sudir) = breast, chest, bosom. 

heart, front. Sec at 16: 106. p. 864. n. I . 

7. i. e . in receipt of insight and understanding . 

8. 1 — U qisiyah (f. . m. t/asin) = hard, harsh, 
stem, relentless, inexorable (act. participle from 
qasd [qasKah/ qasawuh], to be harsh, stem. Sec 
at 22:53. p. 1064, n. 9). 

9. jfs dhikr = citation, recollection, 
remembrance, mention, reminder, also scripture, 
the Qur'an The Qur'in is repeatedly referred to as 
ddhikr Sec for instance 15:6, 15:9, 16:44, 21:50. 
23:71. 25:29. 26:5. 38:49, 38:87. 41:41, 54:25. 
68:51-52. 81:27 Sec at 38:87, p. 1479, n 4 

10. J5U» dalal = error, straying from the right 
path, going astray. See at 34:24. p 1377, n. 4. 

1 1 je* mubtn = all too clear, obvious, manifest. 

patent, that which makes clear (act participle 
from abdna, form IV of bdna [baydn], to be 
clear, evident. See at 36:60. p. 1423. n. 7). 

12. See ayah 18 of the surah hadith (s.; 

pi. ' ahddilh ) = speech, talk, narrative, 

report, account. See at 31:6, p. 1312, n. 14 

1 3. i. e . many of its ayahs are similar in wording 
and meaning mutashdbih - similar to one 
another, resembling one another, alike, analogous 
(active participle from tashahahu, form VI from 
shibh / shabah, resemblance, likeness, See at 
6:141. p 451. n 9). 

14. 1 e., the teachings are repeatedly presented. 
jAi. mathdni = oft-repeated Sec at 15:87. p. 825, 
n. 3. 


Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) ( Part iJuz') 23 ] 

There shiver 1 at it 

the skins 2 of those who 

fear 1 their Lord; 

then soft becomes 4 their skins 

and their hearts 

to the remembrance of Allah. 

That is Allah's guidance. 5 

He guides 6 therewith 

whomsoever He will. 

And whoever 

Allah lets stray 7 

he shall not have any guide. 8 

24. Is then he who protects 
himself with his face from 
i the evil of the punishment 
on the Day of Judgement ? 10 
JjJ And it will be said 
cjuk&i to the transgressors: 1 ' 

"Taste 12 what you had been 
^ acquiring. 

25. There did disbelieve 

1. i. c. out of awc.y^l: laqsha'irru = she 
shivers, trembles, shudders, shakes (v. iii. f. s. 
impfet. from tqsha’arru, fonn IV of qash'ara). 

2. julfid (pi.; s. .a. jild) = skins, hides See 
at 22:20. p. 1052. n. 9 

3. yakhshawna = they fear, arc afraid of. 

apprehend, dread (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
khashiya | khashy/kluishyah ). to fear, to dread). 
See at 35: 1 8, p. 1397. n. 3). 

4. i. e., because of the effect of understandiR| 
the Qur'an j+i lalinu = she becomes soft, tender. 

mild, pliable, supple, yields (v. iii. f. s impfet 
from Uina \lin/laydn), to become soft, nuld See 
lima at 3 : 1 59. p. 2 1 8. n. 4). 

5. i. e„ this Qur'an is Allah's guidance. 

6. yahdt = he guides, shows the way (v. iii. 
m. s impfet. from hudil [hady/ hudan/ hiddyah], 
to guide, to lead. See at 37:99, p. 1415. n. 1 1). 

7. i. e , because of bis unbelief and rejection of 
the truth. JLa, yudtil (yudtllu) = he lets stray, 
makes go astray, deludes (v. iii. m. s. impfet from 
tidal in. form IV of (fu/fa [daluUdaldlah], to go 
astray. The last letter is vowelless for the vetb is in 
a conditional clause preceded by man See at 
17:97, p. 904. n. 8). 

8. aU hadin ( hudi) = a guide, one who 

shows the way. leader (act. participle from hudi 
[hiuly/ hudun / halavah), to guide, to lead. See at 
25:31. p. 1 147, n. 6). 

9. yattaqi * he is on his guard, protects 

himself, fears Allah, fears (v. iii m. s. impfet 
from itlaqd. form VIII of waqd | waqy/wiqdyah). 
to guard, to protect. Sec laiiaquna at 37:124. p 
1449. n. 9). 

10. The conclusion of the interrogation is kept 
silent, which is. is he who is thrown in hell better 
or the one who is admitted into paradise? 

11. i. e.. the polytheists (note that at 3 1 : 1 3 shirk 

or setting partners with Allah is called a grave 
ru/m) zdlimin (acc /gen. of zdltmun. sing 

zd/im) = transgressors, wrongdoers < active 
participle from :alama \zulm), to transgress, do 
wrong. See at 37:63. p. 1440. n. 10). 

12. tjlji dhtiqO - you (all) taste, have the taste (v. 
ii. m. pi. imperative from dhdqa [dhawq/ 
inadhdq], to taste. Sec at 35:37. p. 1403, n. II). 

Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Croups) [ Part (Juz ) 23 ] 


h# those before them. 

l So the punishment came to 

them from where 

$ 0 ^ 11 jV they could not be aware. 1 

26. So Allah made them taste ; 
the disgrace' 

in the wordly life; and indeed 
m {f~R the punishment of the hereafter 

C - 

will be more enormous, 
if they are wont to know.' 

27. And We have indeed struck'' 
for men > n l h> s Qur’an 
every type of instance, 7 
maybe that they bear in mind." 


28. A Qur’an in Arabic, 9 
without any crookedness, 10 

$ maybe that they fear Allah." 

29. Allah strikes the instance 
of a man in whom are sharers" 

1. JjyLii yash'uruna = they realize, notice. 

perceive, feel, sense, come to know, arc aware (v. 
iii. m. pi. impfet. from sha'nra [shu'dr\, to 
realize, to know. Sec at 29:53. p. 1 284, n. 9). 

2. Jb( adhaqa = he made (someone) taste (v. iii. 
m. s. past in form IV of dhdqa [dhawq/ mitdhdq), 
to taste. Sec at 30:33, p. 1301. n. 1). 

3. tsy* khizy = disgrace, ignominy, humiliation, 
degradation, abasement. See at 22:9. p. 1048. n. 5. 
4 ^ akhar = bigger, greater, graver, more 

serious, more enormous. Also, the Greatest. 
Sublime (elative of kuhir , big. great. See at 
2:217. p. 105. n 6). 

5. i. e.. if they care to know what happened to the 

previous peoples who disbelieved and persisted in 
their unbelief and sins. ya'lamuna - they 

know (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from ’alimal 'i/m], to 
know, be aware of. Sec at 29:64, p. 1288, n. 4). 

6. darabna = we struck, hit. beat (v. i. pi. 

past from tfaraba | darb ). to beat, at 30:58. p. 
1309, n. 9. 

7. i. •„ every kind of evidence and argument to 
elucidate and bring home the truth. Ji» malhal (pi 
ju.t amthiil) = simile, likeness, example, parable, 
instance, model, ideal. See at 36:13, p. 1412. n. I. 

8. Oj/'-ii yatadhakkaruna = they take heed, bear 
in mind, remember, receive admonition ( v. iii. m. 
pi. impfet. from tadhakkaru, form V of dhakara 
\dhikr/tadhkAr\. to remember Sec at 28:51. p. 
1250. n. 7). 

9. i. e.. We have sent down this Qur'an in Arabic. 

10. i. e.. there is no ambiguity or inconsistency. 
£ y ‘iwaj = crookedness, twist, bend, curvature. 
See at 20:107. p. 2002, n 10 

1 1 . i. c.. they fear Allah and be on their guard by 
understanding the Qur'in and following its 
injunctions, jy yaitaqtina - they arc on their 
guard, protect themselves, fear Allah (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. from iriac/d. form VIII of waqd 
[waqy/wiqrlyah]. to guard, to protect. Sec at 
10:63, p. 660. n. 2). 

12. i. e.. he belongs to a number of masters. 
•IS - y shuraka ’ (pi.; s sharik ) partners, sharers, 
associates. See at 35:40. p. 1404. n. 10. 


Surah 39: Al-Xurnar (The Groups) | Pan <Juz ) 23 | 



falling out one with another, 1 
and of a man 
solely 2 for one man. 

Do the two equalize’ 
in instance? 

All the praise is for Allah; 
but most of them 
do not know. 

^ *** y 'i«| 


fi : 

30. Verily you will die; 4 
and verily they will die. 

31. Then verily you will 
on the Day of Judgement 
before your Lord 
be quarrelling.’ 




Part ( Juz’)2A 
32. Then who is a worse 
transgressor 6 than the one 
who lies 7 against Allah 
and disbelieves 7 the truth 4 
when it comes to him? 

| mutashakisun (pi.; s. mulmhiikis) * 

quarrelling with one another, falling oul with one 
another, quarrelsome (act participle from 
tashakasu, form VI of ihakasa |.rfuibinih], to be 
malicious, quarrelsome) 

2. i. e . he is not divided in his allegiance and not 
al pains lo please a number of quarrelling masters 
but belongs solely and with peace of mind to one 
master whose likes and dislikes he easily 
understands and whom he can serve with 
satisfaction and peace of mind The comparisons 
between a polytheist and a monotheist — 
salaman = belonging solely and indisputably lo 

3. Chy—t yastawiydni = they (two| become 
equal, even, straight, upright, equalize (v Hi m 
dual impfcl from islawti. form VIII of laniyu 
[siwrrn], to be equal Sec at 1 1 24. p. 686. n 9). 

4. o-. mayyil <s.; pi 'amwAUmayyiriht) = dead. 

lifeless, deceased, inanimate. Sec unradt at 
3; 169. p 222. n 6 and mayyilSn ai 23:15. p 
1078. n. 6. 

5. i. e. quarrelling with one another about who 

misled whom and about your conduct in the 
worldly life, takhtaumuna - you 

quarrel, dispute, argue, debate, contest one 
another (v. ii. m pi. impfet. from ikhtasama, form 
VIII of khasama [ kluism/ khisdm/ khu.u'tmah), to 
defeat in argument. See yakhlasimina at 38:69. 
p. 1475. n. 9). 

6. 'azlamu = more unjust, more iniquitous, 
more tyrannical, viler, gloomier, darker, worse 
transgressor (elalive of tfUim See at 32:22, p 
1330, n. 10). 

7. i. e . by attributing partners with Him and by 
saying He has sons and dauhters or by saying that 
it has been sent down by Allah while in reality it 
has not been so. kadhaba - he lied, told a 
falsehood (v. iii. m. s. past from II kidhb Aadhib 
/kadhbah / kidhlrah. to lie). 

8. vi-iS" kadhdhaha = he cried lies to. regarded as 

false, disbelieved (v. iii. m. s past in form II of 
kadhaha \ kidhb /kudhih /kadhbah / kidhlrah], to 
lie Sec n. 7 above and al 38:14, p. 1462. n. 6). 

9. i. c . the truth sent down to Muhammad, peace 
and blessings of Allah be on him Jj-» sidq s 
truth, truthfulness, veracity. See at 10:93. p. 670. 
n. 6. 

Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) | Pan (•/«') 24 ) 


Is not in hell an 
O'yiiCB abode 1 for the unbelievers? 


^ jfj 33. And he who 
jaJUt. has brought the truth 
l^xZity and believed 2 in it, 
such people, 

0 they are the godfearing.’ 

pii 34. They shall have 
all that they want 4 


prjj-Lt with their Lord. 

That is the reward’ 

(0 -of the righteous. 6 

J 35. That Allah may remit 7 
for them 

the worst 8 of what they did 
a °d reward’ them their due 
,c \\ for the best of what 
they use to do. 


36. Is not Allah Sufficient 


1. math wan (s.; pi yo* malhdwin) = abode. 

dwelling place, nesting place. See at 29:68. p. 
1289. n. 10. 

2. Jj-» saddaqa = he proved true, verified, 
substantiated, confirmed, accepted as true, 
believed (v. iii. m s. past in form II of sadaqa 
[sudq/sidq], to speak the truth. See at 37:37, p. 
1436. n. 6). 

3. muttaqun (sing muttaqin) - godfeanng. 

those who ore on their guard, righteous (active 
participle from maqd (to be on one's guard), form 
VIII of wuqa [waqy/wiqdyah], to guard, to 
protect). See at 25:15. p. 1 142. n. 3. 

4. Split yashd’tino = they wish, desire, want (v. 

iii. m. pi. impfet. from shd'a [mashiah], to wish. 
See at 25: 16. p. 1 142. n 6). 

5. t'j* jaz4' = retribution, penalty, repayment. 

recompense, requital, reword. See at 18:106, p. 
948. n I). 

6. » »» mutysinin - (pi.: acc /gen of 

muktmun, sing, muhsin) = those who do right 
things, righteous, charitable, generous (active 
participle from 'atysana. form IV of tyusunu 
[/nun), to be good. See at 37:131. p. 1450. n. 1 1). 

7. j*£-t yukaffira(u) = he forgives, he pardons, 
grants remission, remits, covers, effaces, hides, 
makes infidel (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from kaffaru. 
form II of kafara \kufr\. to cover, to hide The 
final letter takes fathah because of a hidden 'an in 
H (of motivation) coming before the verb. See 
yukuffir at 8:29. p. 556. n. 8). 

8. IjJ ’aswa’ = worse, worst (elative of sayyi'). 
Sec sayyi ' at 9: 102, p. 642, n. 4. 

9. cS>*s yajziya(zi) = he rewards, recompenses, 
requites, repays (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from juzd 
[•'/• jaz/l' ). to reward The final letter takes fathah 
because the verb is conjunctive to a previous verb 
( yukaffira ) governed by a hidden 'an in fi (of 
motivation) coming before it See at 34:4. p. 
1368. n.8). 

10. «-W kafin (s.; pi. iUS" kufilh) = sufficeienl. 

enough, adequate, one who suffices (act. 
participle from kafd ( kifdyah ). to be enough. See 
kafU at 33:39, p. 1352. n. 7). 


Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) [ Pan Uuz') 24 ] 

for His servant? 

But they threaten 1 you 
with those 2 besides Him. 
And whoever 

!ojI Ji ->j Allah makes go astray’ 

he shall not have any guide. 4 

' e 

1 •' ++ 

(3} jud\s} 

37. And whoever Allah guides 
there can never be for him 
anyone to lead astray. 5 
Is not Allay All-Mighty, 6 
Lord of Retribution? 7 


*21 1 

it t 



i oJrSS 
\' •> 

38. And if you ask them: 
"Who created the heavens 
and the earth", 

they will indeed say "Allah". 
Say: "Do you then see 8 what 
you invoke 9 besides Allah? 

If Allah intends 10 to do me 
any harm, 11 are they 
able to remove 12 His harm? 
Or if He intends for me 

1. jy.yS yukhawwifuna - they threaten, fhgten. 
alarm, scare (v. iii. m pi impfcl. from khawwafa, 
form II of khafa [khawf /makhafah Ahifah), to he 
afraid. See yukhawwifu at 39: 16. p 1487, n. 3). {■ 

2. i. c . the gods and goddesses the polythcnti 
worship besides Allah 

3. i. e . because of his unbelief and rejection of 
the truth JL*, yudlil (yuddlu) = he lets stray. 

makes go astray, deludes (v. iii. m. s. impfcL from 
adalla, form IV of dulla [dalal/dalulah], to go 
astray The last letter is vowelless for the verb is to 
a conditional clause preceded by man See it 
39:23, p. 1490, n. 7). 

4. jU Addin ( ^al» had!) = a guide, one who 
shows the way, leader (act. participle from hadA 
(Andy/ hudan/ hiddyah). to guide, to lead. See it 
39:23, p. 1490, n. 8). 

5. J-~ mudill (s., pi. muddltin) a one who 

misleads, misguides, leads astray (act. participle 
from adalla. form IV of tfalla [duldU dalalah], to 
go astray. See at 28:16, p 1236, n. 8). 

6. ‘ aziz = All-Mtghly. Invincibly Powerful, 
before Whom everyone else is powerless; also 
respected, distinguished, dear, beloved, strong, 
mighty, difficult, hard. See at 38:66, p. 1475. n. 3. 

7. fUii inliqAm = revenge, retribution, vengeance. 

Verbal noun in form VIII of nai/umw'noquna 
[naqm/nuqam], to take revenge. See at 14:47, p, 
804. n. 9. 

8. i. e.. do you not reflect and consider that whit 
you worship of the gods and goddesses do not 
have any power to do harm or good. 

9. i. c . worship JjtaJ tad'una = you (all) call, 

call upon, invoke, invite (v. ii. m. pi impfcl front 
da’a [du '<!’], to call. Sec at 37:125. p 1449. n. 
10 ). 

10. alyl ’arAda = he intended, desired, willed (v. 

iii. m. s. past, in form IV of rada [rawd], to walk 
about. Sec at 33:50, p 1356, n. 5). 

11. _r» durr = harm, damage, dclnnienl. 

disadvantage, deprivation, distress See at 39:8. p. 
1484. n. 2. 

12. oUAtT kAshifat (f.; pi.; s kAshifah. m 

kashif) - those who remove, discoverers, 
investigators ( active participle from kashafa 
[kashf], to remove, to throw open). Sec kihhtf at 
10:107. p. 675. n. 5. 

Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) ( Part (Ji «') 24 ) 


any mercy, 
are they 

able to wihthold'His mercy?" 
iif Say:"Sufficient J for me is Allah. 

On Him must rely' 

{$) 'oj&3 the relying ones." 4 

39. Say: "O my people, act 

according to your position; 5 
\ ^ . , 

c.^\ I am going to act, 
lii and soon you will know" 

I © 

40. "To whom comes 
a punishment 
that will disgrace 6 him 
and will descend ; on him 
a punishment that lasts."* 

1. olSL— . mumsikat (f.; pi ; s. mumsikah; m. ) = those who hold, withhold, grasp, retain 
(act participle from amsaka, form IV of masaka 
[mart), to grasp See mumsik at 35.2. p 1 389, n 

2. - hash! = He or it suffices me. is enough 
for me. See basbund at 9:59. p. 602. n. 5. 

3 Ji’ yj li yalawakkal = let him/he must rely, 

depend, put his trust in. appoint as representative 
(v. iii. m, s. impfet. emphatic/imperative from 
tawakkula, form V of wakata \wakU»uk6l]. to 
entrust) Sec at 14: 1 1 1 . p. 79 1 . n 

4. mutawakkil&n (pi.; s. mutawakkil) = 

relying ones ( active participle from luwakknla. 
Sec n.3 above. See also at 14:1 1, p. 791. n. 7). 

5. i. e , the position with which you are in your 
polytheism WSU mukdnah (s.; pi makdndl ) = 
position, standing, rank, situation, location. See at 
11:121, p. 721. n. 2. 

6. \S/h yukhzi = he disgraces, humiliates. 

debases (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from akhzd. form IV 
of khaziya [khizy/kkaztin]. to be base, ashamed. 
See at 16:27, p. 835. n. 4). 

7. J»h yahillu = he or it alights, comes down, 
descends, settles down, befalls (v. iii. m s. impfet 
from halla [hulQf], to alight, to settle down See 
yahilla at 20:81, p. 995, n. 4. 

8. fJu muqSm = one or that which lasts, abiding. 

lasting, persistent, enduring, permanent, resident, 
he who sets up. performer (active participle from 
uqumu. form IV of quma [qiyum/qawmah], to get 
up Sec at 14:40, p. 802. n. 3). 

9. ldj)l ’anzalna = we sent down (v. i. pi. past 

4 1 . Verily We have sent down" 
on you the Book 10 
for mankind with the truth. 1 1 
So whoever receives guidance 1 * 
IaJ# it is for himself; 1 ' 

from armita. form IV of mizalu \nuzul], to come 
down See at 36:28. p. 1415. n. 7). 

10. i. e. the Qur'an 

11. i. e. with the right guidance. J>- haqq = right, 
truth, liability, justice, just cause. See at 39:5. p. 
1482, n. I. 

12 ihladd - he received guidance, was on 
the right way (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of 
hadtt [hiddyah/hudun/hudy\. to lead, to guide See 
at 27:92. p. 1230, n. 2). 

13. i. e.. for his benefit and good 


Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) | Part Out') 24 ] 


and whoever goes astray, 1 
then he but goes astray 
against himself. 2 
And you are not over them 
a guardian.' 





illLi -Jilj jia 




Section (Ruktt‘) 5 

42. Allah takes 4 the lives' 
at the time of their death 
and those that do not die 
in their sleep; 6 

then He withholds 7 those that 
He decrees 8 death upon, 
and despatches the others 
till a time 9 specified. 10 
Verily therein are 
signs for a people 
that reflect." 

43. Or do they take in 

lieu of Allah intercessors? 12 

Say: "Even if they use to 
have no power over anything 

nor have intelligence?" 1 ' 

1 . J-> dalla = he got lost, losl way. went astray, 

strayed from (v. iii. m. s. past from duIaUijiilatah, 
to loose one's way. Sec at 33:36, p. 1350, n. 8). 

2. i. e.. to hts own detriment and loss 

3. JS * waktl (s.; pi. wukalA) = an authorized 
agent, deputy, care-taker, trustee, guardian, 
custodian (act. participle in the scale of fa'U from 
wakala \wakl AvukAt], to entrust. See at 33:3, p. 
1335. n 4). 

4. J>y< yalawaffS - he takes fully, receives in 

full, causes to die (v. iii. m. s impfcL from 
tawaffH, from V of wafa ( wafa Awr/v], to be 
perfect, to fulfil See al 32: 1 1. p 1327. n. 2). 

5. 'anfus (sing, nafi) = lives, persons, living 
beings, individuals. See at 4:95, p. 285, n. 8. 

6. fU. man&m = sleep, place lo sleep . See at 
37:102, p 1446, n. 5. 

7. C 3 --< yumsHu = he retains, holds, withholds, 
grasps (v. iii. m s. impfet from amsuka, form 
IV of masaka (imuk], to hold, to grab. Sec ai 
35:41. p. 1405. n. 7). 

8. j->i qada = he decreed, decided, judged, 

executed, fulfilled, terminated, concluded (v. iii. 
m. s. past from qiufd', to conclude Sec al 33:37, 
p. 1351. n 4) 

9. J*t 'ajal (pi ajal) = appointed time, period, 
term, dale, deadline. See at 39:5. p. 1482, n. 5. 

10. u— * musamman (s.; pi. muuimmuy&l)* 
specified, stipulated, named, designated, defined 
(passive pafliciplc (m s } from wound (to 
name), form II of samA [sumAw/ ramu'J, to be 
high. Sec at 39:5, p. 1482. n. 6). 

11. yatafakkaruna - they reflect, 
meditate, ponder, muse, speculate (v. iii m. pi. 
impfet. from lafakkara. form V of fakura \Jakr\ 
to reflect. Sec at 30:21. p.1296, n. 7). 

12. *UAi shufa'A ' (pi.; s. jaa j hafi' ) = 

intercessors, advocates (active participle in the 
scale of fa'U from shafa'a Uhaf'). to subjoin, to 
attach Sec al 30:13, p. 1294. n. 2). 

13. Ciyliu ya'qiluna - they realize, understand, 
comprehend, exercise reason, have intelligence (v. 
iii. m pi. impfet. from ‘uqalu ( at/l], to 
understand, to have intelligence See at 36:68. p. 
1425. n 8) 

Surah 39: At-Zumar (The Groups) [ Part (Juz") 24 ) 


-ujjii 44. Say: "To Allah belongs 
h \ intercession 1 altogether. 

His is the dominion 2 of 
the heavens and the earth. 

4^jj 'jl Moreover, to Him 
£uj ^>y^> you shall all be taken back.' 

45. And when mention is made 
of Allah Alone, 4 
disgusted become' the hearts 
of those who do not believe 
in the hereafter; 

and when mention is made 
<j\ of those besides Him, 
lo, they rejoice! 6 

' 0 

46. Say: "O Allah, 

Originator 7 of the heavens 
and fhe earth, All-Knowing 
of the unseen 8 and the seen, 1 ' 

You will judge 10 

between Your servants" 
\y£\Zj regarding what they use to 
(§ ' n disagreement about. 12 


1. i. c . His is (he absolute nghi and authority in 

the matter of intercession None can intercede 
without His leave. shafa ‘ah = intercession, 

advocacy, pleading. See at 19:87. p. 973. n 5. 

2. i. e„ His is the sovereignty and absolute 
possession and authority over everything. dAU 

mulk = dominion, kingship, monarchy, right of 
possession, ownership. See at 35:13, p. 1395, n.5. 

3. i. e . after Resurrection for judgement, reward 

and punishment. turja’una - you (all) are 

returned, sent back (v. ii. m. pi impfet. passive 
from raja' a [ruju'\, lo return See at 36:83. p. 
1429, n 8) 

4 i. e . Allah being the One and Only God to (he 
exclusion of (he imaginary gods and goddesses . 

5. ojLai ishma’azzat = she becomes disgusted, 
recoils, detests, feels rcpugnancc/aversion (v. iii. f. 
past from ishma'azza. form XI of shamaza 
[r/uimz], to feel aversion ). 

6. Oj j~—i yastahshiruna - they rejoice, 
welcome, be happy (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
istabshara. form X of bashura /bashira | bishr / 
bushrj, to be happy. Sec at 30:48. p. 1306, n. 12). 

7. JAk /Stir = Creator. Maker. Originator. 
Initiator, one who splits, one who brings into 
being (active participle from fatara [fair], to 
split, to create). Sec at 35: 1 . p. 1 389, n. I 

8 ghayh (s.; pi ghuyib) = unseen, invisible, 
hidden, divine secret See at 27:65, p. 1222, n. 1 1. 

9. i. e., the seen and unseen, among other things, 
of the deeds and intentions of the crcalcd beings 

shahddah = testimony, evidence, witness, 
visible, that which is open to the senses/ is seen. 
See at 32:6, p 1325, n. 12. 

10. lahkumu = you adjudicate, judge, 

decide (v. ii. m s. from b akamu [hukm], to pass 
judgement See tahkumuna at 37:154, p. 1454, n. 
2 . 

1 1 sU- ’ibid (sing, x* abd) = servants (of Allah). 

human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. Sec at 
38:83. p. 1478, n.5). 

12. i. c . in the matter of lawhid jjjJos 

yakhtalifuna = they disagree, differ (from one 
another), are at variance, are in disagreement, 
dispute, quarrel (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
ikhiala/a. form VIII of khalafa [ khalf ] to follow, 
lo succeed. See at 39:3, p. 1481, n. 6). 


Sdrah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) [ Part (Juz') 24 ] 




K £ i"- 

47. And had it been that 
those who transgress 1 had 
all that is in the earth entirely 
and its equivalent 2 with it 
they would ransom themselves 3 
therewith from 

the evil of the punishment 
on the Day of Judgement. 
And obvious will be 4 to them 
from Allah 

what they had not been 
taking into account. 5 

48. And clear to them will be 
the evils 6 of what 

they acquired; 7 and 

(*-*Z oU-J there will surround 8 them 
ijilTli what they had been 
mocking 9 at. 

49. And when there afflicts 10 
man any harm" 

III cj he calls 12 Us. 

1. i. e . committed shirk i>*J* zalamu - they did 
wrong/injustice. transgressed, committed r , htrk 
(note that at 31:13 shirk or setting partners with 
Allah is called a grave zulml (v. iii. m. pi past 
from uilama [za Im/fulm], to do wrong. See at 
34:42. p. 1384. n. 3). 

2. milhl (*.; pl.Ju.' amt hat) = like, similar, 
equivalent. Sec at 28:79, p. 1260. n. 12. 

3. ijoai iftadaw = they ransomed themselves, 
redeemed themselves. freed themselves, 
sacrificed (v. iii. m. pi. past from ifiadd, form 
VIII of (add \ftdtm/ftdti'\, to redeem, ransom. See 
iftadal at 13:17, p. 722. n 7). 

4. U, badS = he or it came to view, became 
clcar/obvious. came to light, became bare (v. iii. 
m s. past from hud&ww/ budd*, to appear, to 
come to light Sec at 6:28. p. 401, n 9) 

5. i, e.. Allah’s judgement and punishment which 

they had not been believing yahlasibuna 

= they anticipate, take into account, take into 
consideration (v. iii m. pi impfet. from thuisaba, 
form VIII of t)usiba \hisbdn/ mahsabahl 
mahsthah], to consider, to deem. See tahsabu at 
25:44. p. 1 151. n. 7). 

6- sayyi'it (pi.; s. *v sayyi'ah) - evils, evil 
deeds, sins See at 35:10, p. 1393. n 8. 

7. i. c., sins, ly-f kasabd = they earned, 

acquired, gained (v. iii, m. pi. past from knsaba 
Itofc). to gain. See at 35:45. p 1407. n. 6). 

8. Jl»- haqu = he or it surrounded, enclosed. 

hemmed in. encircled (v. iii. m. s. past from Ifawq, 
to surround Sec at 21:41. p 1023. n. 10). 

9. i. c„ the punishment of which they had been 
warned but which they used to mock at •'j'jt' i 

yastahzi'una = they scoff, deride, mock, ndicule 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfet from islahza'a, from X of 
huza'a | haz'/ hutV huzu'/ huzu'/mahzaah], to 
mock, to make fun Sec at 36:30, p. 1416, n. 2) 

10. mass a e he touched, affected, hit. afflicted 

(v. iii. in. s. past from muss/ musts, to feel, to 
touch. See at 39:8. p. 1484. n. 8). 

11. durr - harm, damage, detriment, distress. 
See at 39:38, p 1494, n II. 

12. i. e.. prays for help and relief. Us da'A = he 
called, invoked, implored (v. iii. m. s. past from 
du '<5 '. to call, to summon. See da' aw at 30:33, p. 
1300. n II). 

Surah 39: At-Zumar (The Groups) ( Part (Juz ) 24 | 


Then when We confer 1 on 
dilLL him a favour 2 from Us 

he says: " It has but been 
given me on knowledge." 3 
Nay, it is a trial, 4 
but most of them 
(fo.yir.-j do not know. 

lili j* 50. There indeed said that 5 
those before them; 
tjni* but it availed 6 them not 7 

jjLJ&iyili what they used to acquire. 8 


5 1 . So there befeir them 
the evils 10 of 

^ > 

what they acquired. 

And those who transgress" 
from among these people, 12 
i Z * there will befall them 

the evils of what they acquire, 
and they cannot frustrate." 


ZpJ 52. Do they not know that 

I Uy khawwalnd = we bestowed, conferred. 

granted (v. i. pi. past from khuwwala |W«jm 7], to 
take care, manage See at 6:94, p. 430. n. 6). 

2. i. e , relief and removal of the distress. 

nr mah (s.; pi. m ain) = blessing, grace, favour, 
benefaction. See at 26:22, p. 1 166, n. 10. 

3. i. c . on Allah’s knowledge that I deserve it. 
Such attitude is the height of ingratitude 

4. i. e . trial for man’s belief and gratitude, lai 

fitnah (pi /iron) = trial, temptation, enticement, 
discord, sedition, plea (on trial). See at 37:63. p. 
1440, n 9 

5. i. e.. such words of ingratitude and unbelief 

6. ,y*l ‘aghna = he or it availed, became of use. 

enriched, sufficed (v. iii. tn s. past in form IV of 
ghaniya [ ghinan / ghana ’ ], to be free from want, 
to be nch. Sec at 26:207. p. 1 197. n. 8). 

7. i. e.. against Allah's retribution. 

8. i. e.. of wealth and manpower OfS* 
yaksibUna = they (all) acquire, earn, gain, attain, 
achieve (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from kasuba [luisb], 
to gain, to acquire See at 36:65, p. 1424. n. 8). 

9. vA-el ’asaba = he or it afflicted, befell, hit. 

struck, reached, made (something) fall, bestowed, 
allotted, (v. iii. tn s. past in form IV of saba . See 
at 38:36. p. 1469. n. 5). 

10. i. e„ the evil effects in disgrace and 
punishment, olv sayyi'bl (pi ; s. a*- suyyi'ah ) 
= evils, evil deeds, sms. Sec at 39:48, p. 1498. n. 

11. i. e . committed shirk. zalamu = they 

did wrong/injustice, transgressed, committed shirk 
[note that at 31:13 shirk or setting partners with 
Allah is called a grave ;ulm] (v. iii. m pi. past 
from zalamu [zalm/zMlm], to do wrong. See at 
39:47," p 1498. n. I).' 

12. i. e.. the people to whom the Qur’Sn is being 

13. i. c , the plans of Allah, escaping His 

retribution. mu'jiztn (pi.; aceVgen. of 

mu'jizun: s. mu'jiz ) = those who incapacitate, 
invalidate, disable, frustrate, weaken, paralyze, 
cripple (active participle from 'a' jam, from IV of 
'ajaza/’ajim [ ’ajz], to be weak, incapable. Sec at 
29:22. p. 1272. n. 4). 


Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) [ Part (Jut) 24 | 

Allah spreads' the provision 2 
f° r w hom He will 
JjjuJ and measures out.’ 

Verily therein are 
signs 4 for a people 
who believe. 

Section ( Rukii •) 6 

53. Say: "O My servants 
who have trangressed 5 
^ jp against themselves, 
be not in despair 6 
0; of the mercy of Allah, 
jiiailoj Verily Allah forgives 7 
the sins altogether. 

Verily He is the Most 

1. Ai — « yabsutu - he stretches, stretches out. 
unfolds, spreads, spreads out. extends, expands 
(v. iii. in. s. impfet. from basafa [husfl. to spread. 
Sec at 34:36, p. 1381, n. 9). 

2. Jjj rtzq (p|. Jljji array ) = sustenance, 

subsistence, livelihood, means of livelihood, 
provision, boon See al 37.41 , p. 1437. n. 2. 

3. i. e . gives in limited measures jJu, yaqdiru b 
he measures out. ordains, is able to (v. iii. m. $. 
impfet from qadara | quilr/qudar). to ordain, to 
measure, to have power. See at 34:39. p 1382. n. 
11 ). 

4. ot/ ‘ayit (sing, ayah) = signs, miracles, 
revelations, evidences. Sec at 28:2. p. 1 23 1 . n. 2. 

5. 'asrafu ■ they committed an excess, 
were extravagant/wasteful, transgressed (v iii. m. 
pi. past from ’asrafu, form IV of sarafa/ sari/a 
[surf/ saruf], to corrode, to spoil, to neglect. See 
yusnfu at 25:67, p. 1158. n. 5) 

6. 1 jl»iC V Id laqnali = you (all) do not despair. 

be not in despair, do not give up hope, do not 
become disheartened/ hopclcss/disappointcd (v. ii. 
m. pi. imperative (prohibition) from qanita/ 
qanata/ qaau(a \qanaU quail/ qantllah], to 
despair. See yaqnu(ina al 30:36, p 1301, n, 12). 

7. i. e., on your sicerely turning to Him in 
repentance, y it yaghfiru = he forgives, pardons 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet from ghafara | ghqfr 
/maghfirah ghufrdn], to forgive. Sec yaghfira at 

J' Forgiving.the Most Merciful. 


54. And turn in repentance 8 
to your Lord 

'J)j and surrender 9 to Him 

before that there comes to you 
/. t'fc ji punishment; 

then you will not be helped. 10 


26:82, p. 1 177. n 6). 

8. Ijyl ’anthu = you (all) turn in repentance, 
return penitently, depute (v. ii. m pi imperative 
from 'andba, form IV of miba 
( naub/mandb/niydbah ) to represent, to return 
from time to time See anubu at 39:17. p 1487. 

9. <_>— i— t 'aslimi = you (all) surrender, submit, 
resign yourselves (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 
aslanui, form IV of salirnu ( saldmah/salam ). to 
be safe, secure See al 22:34. p 1057, n 12 ). 

10 . lunsaruna = you are helped, assisted, 
aided, given victory (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. passive 
from tuqaru ( /nusir], to help See at 23:65. 
p. 1091. n. 4). 

Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) I Part (Juz') 24 ) 


55. And follow 1 
the best of what 

|i3[ Jj has been sent down 2 to you 
pj~=CjJ. from your Lord 
du&Ji before that 
jl£=C:b there comes* on you 
Hi i'HJ' the punishment suddenly 4 
jXZiilj and you realize 5 not. 

I $ 

1. lykJ itiabi'u = you (all) follow, pursue, be on 

the track (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from inaba'a. 
form VIII of labi'a llaba'/tabd'ah], to follow. See 
at 31 :2I. p 1318. n.3). 

2. i. c., the Qur’an. Jjit 'unzila = he or it wax 

sent down, brought down (v. iii. m. s. past passive 
from anzalu. form IV [inzAl] of nazala [nuzul], 
to come down, get down See at 25:21. p. 1 144. n. 


3. ya ‘liya (if) = he comes, arrives (v. iii. m. s. 

impfet- from 'aid \itydn/aty/ma'tdh], to come. 
The final letter takes faihali because of the 
panicle 'an coming before the verb. See 'aid at 
28:46, p. 1248. n. 6). 

4. is, baghtatan (baghiah surprise) = all of a 
sudden, by surprise. See at 29:53. p. 1284. n. 8. 

5. OyyciJ tash'uruna — you (all) realize, perceive. 

JLi; jpjJ 56. Lest a person should say: 
Alas to me 

jt on what I neglected 6 
ai in respect 7 Allah; 

a nd indeed 1 had been of 
those ridiculing. 8 

57. Or he should say: 

"If only that Allah 
had guided 9 me 
1 would surely have been 

are aware of (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from sha'ara 
[shu‘6r\. to know, to realize. See at 26:113. p. 

1 182. n 4). 

6 farrattu - I failed, missed, neglected. 

forsook (v. i. s. past from farrata, form II of 
faraia | fart/furui). to rush, to escape. Sec 
farrapum at 12:80. p. 752. n. 2). 

7. i. e., in respect of the duty and obedience to 
Allah janb (s.; pi junub ) = side, beside. 

next to. in relation to. in respect of. 

8. i. e., ridiculing the Prophet, the Qur'an and its 

teachings. sdkhuin (pi., act /gen of 

sdkhirun ; s. sdkhir) = those who ridicule/ mock 
/jeer at/ deride/ laugh at (act. paniciple from 
sakhira [sakbar/ sakhr/ sukhur/ sukhruh 
/maskhar], to ridicule, deride. See at 9:79. p. 611. 
n. 13). 

9. hada = he guided, gave guidance, showed 
the way (v. iii. m. s. past from hady/ hudun/ 
hiddyah, to guide, to lead. See at 16:9, p. 830, n. 

of the righteous." 10 
Jyiljil 58. Or he should say 

10. multaqin (acc /gen of muitaqun: sing. 

muitaqin) = those who are on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e.. by carrying out the injunctions 
of the Qur'in and sunn ah), godfearing, righteous 
(active participle from inaqd, form VIII of » aqd 
[waqy/ wiqdyah], to guard, to protect. See at 
38:49. p 1472, n. 2). 


Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) [ Pan (Jut') 24 ) 

when he sees the punishment: 
"If I had a going back, 1 
I would have become 
($) of the doers of good." 2 

J»ji» 59. O yes, there had come to 
^li you My signs' 

but you disbelieved 4 them 

and turned arrogant 5 
and were of 

$ the ungrateful ones. 6 

yj 60. And on the Day of 

Judgement you will see those 
4j)fjoij)ST who lie 7 against Allah, 

^{"•5 > > >> 

— *( 

their faces turned black. 8 

J' 1 I s not > n hell 

an abode 9 for the arrogant. 


61. And Allah will save 10 those 
who are on their guard" 
because of their success. 12 
There will not touch them 

I. i. e.. a return to the worldly life. ! / karrah (».; 

pi. karrat)= return, comeback, going back, 
recurrence, once, attack 

2 _ r— ~ muhsintn = (pi,; acc /gen. of 

muh.anun: sing, muhsin ) = those who do goocV 
right things, righteous, charitable, generous 
(active participle from ahsana. form IV of 
hasuna (Ausn). to be good. Sec at 39:34, p. 1493. 
n. 6). 

3. olj VS ySl (sing 'ayah) = signs, miracles, 
revelations. Sec at 34:34. p. 1382. n. 8. 

4. c-i-if kadhdhahia = you disbelieved, cried lies 

to (v. it in s. past passive from kudhdluiba. form 
II of kadhaba | ludhh /kudhib /, luidhbah / kidhbah\. 
to lie See kudhdhabd at 37: 1 27. p. 1 450. n. 4). 

5. islakbarta = you became proud, turned 
arrogant, haughty (v. it. m. s. post from isiukbunt, 
form X of kabura [ kubr / kibdr/ kabaruh | to 
become big. great See at 38:75. p 1477. n. 4), 

6- kdfirfn ( pi.; acc./genitivc of kdfirun; t 
kafir) = unbelievers, infidels, those disbelieving, 
ungrateful (active participle from kafara | kufr 
/kufran / kufur], to disbelieve, to cover See at 
38:74. p 1476. n. 10). 

7. i. e.. by speaking against Him that which does 
not befit Him. such as saying He has partners or 
sons or daughters. 

8 iiy— musvaddah = turned black, blackened 
(pass participle from iswadda. form IX of suwida 
[sawd], to be black. See sud at 35:28. p. 1399, n 

9. iSjZ* mathwan (s.; pi. y\z* mathdwin) = abode, 
dwelling place, resting place (noun of place from 
lhawiya (/Arm'd']. to stay, abide). See at 39:32, p 
1493, n I. 

10. yunjt = he saves, rescues, brings to 
safety, delivers (v. iii. m. s. unpfet from Viryd, 
form IV of najad {najw/ najd'/ najiih], to be 
saved Sec anjaynd at 29:15. p 1269. n 12). 

1 1 \yS> ittaqaw = they feared, were on their 
guard, feared Allah, were righteous (v. iii m. pi 
past from iliaqd, form VIII of waqd 
[waqyMqdyah], to guard, to preserve. See at 39: 
19. p 1488. n. 4). 

1 2. • jU. mafaiah = success, escape, to run away, 
to slip away. See at 3:188, p. 230. n. 7. 

Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) | Part Uuz ) 24 | 


l^£}\ the evil 1 

nor will they grieve.' 


& 62. Allah is the Creator 3 

of everything; 
and He is over everything 
the Guardian-Disposer. 4 

63.To Him belongs the reins 5 


.-/ j, < \ \ of the heavens 
and the earth. 

And lhose who disbelieve 6 
& in the signs of Allah, 
they will be the ones 
in loss. 7 

Section (Ruku‘)l 

Ji 64. Say: 

"Is then other than Allah" you 
enjoin 9 me that I worship, 10 
O you the ignorant ones"? 11 

Jjjj 65. But it has indeed been 

1. i. e. punishment of hell. su' (s.; pi. 

’onwT) = evil, ill, badness, malignity, offence, 
bad deed, injury, harm, calamity, misfortune, 
distress. See at 33:17, p, 1341, n. 2). 

2. iiyjrs yahzanina = they grieve, become sad 

(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from hazina \huzn/haian\. to 
grieve. See at 10:62, p. 659. n. 16). 

3. jk*- khaliq = Creator, Maker (act participle 
from khalaqa | khalq], to create Sec khalaqa at 
31:25. p 1319. n. 9). 

4. J/j waktt (s.; pi. wukalii ) = an authorized 

agent, deputy, care-taker, trustee, guardian, 
custodian (act. participle in the scale of fu'U from 
wakala [h old /wukil], to entrust. See at 39:41. p 
1496. n. 3). 

5. 1. e„ sovereignty. maq&lid (pi.; s. 

miqltut) = keys, reins, powers. 

6. Ij/if kafaru = they disbelieved, became 

ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m. pi. past from kafaru 
[ kufr ). to cover. Sec at 38:27. p 1466. n. 12). 

7. i. e.. in this worldly life and in the hereafter 

khasirun (pi.; s. khusir) = losers, those in 

loss, those doomed to loss (active participle from 
kluLiara [ Ahasdr /khasdruh /khusrtin] to 
lose. See at 29:52. p. 1284. n. 4). 

8 i e . gods and goddesses other than Allah. 

9 la'murunni (originally la 'murhna +nl) = 

ta’muruna = you (all) enjoin, command, give 
orders, advise (v. ii. m. pi. impfet- from ‘amara 
[ ’amr], to order. Sec at 34:33. p. 1 380, n. 6). 

10. 'a 'buda (u) = I worship, serve, adore (v. 

i. s. impfet, from ‘ubadu | 'ibddah /'ubudah 
/ ubudiyuh], to worship, serve. The final letter 
takes faihuli because of the particle 'an coming 
before the verb. See at 27:91. p. 1229. n. 9). 

11. jahildn (pi.; sing jdhil) = ignorant 

ones, fools (active participle from jahala Dahl], to 
be ignorant. See at 12:89, p. 755. n. 9). 


Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) ( Part (Jui') 24 ] 

communicated' to you and to 
those before you 2 
that if you set partners/ 
jHZXl certainly futile will be 4 
your deed and you will 
{$) indeed be of the losers. 5 

SZcfc 66. Nay, Allah you worship* 
ar| d be of 

$ Ocelli’ those expressing gratitude. 

67. And they esteem' not Allah 
the estimation due to Him. 
And the earth will be entirely 
1- '1\ in His grasp 8 
iujuiKpi on the Day of Resurrection, 

. - > y' ~.\ \j and the heavens will be 
folded up 1 ' 

',4^. in His Right Hand. 

A-x' 4 Sacrosanct is He, 
l 'SfcZj and All-Exalted is He from 
w b at ^ey set as partners. 

1. ’uhiya = he or il was communicated, (v. 
iii. in s. past passive from uwM, form IV of 
wuAd (hoAv), lo communicate. See al 29:45, p 
1281. n. 2) Technically wo^y means Allah's 
communication to His Prophets and Messengca 
by various means. Some of these means are 
mentioned at 2:92. 16:2, 16:102. 26:193 and 
42:51 See also Bukhari, nos. 2-4). 

2. All the Prophets were given the same message 
of tawhid (monotheism) and all of them warned 
Ihcir respective peoples against the sin of selUng 
partners with Allah 

3. i. e., with Allah cS ji t 'ashrakta = you set 
partners, gave a share (v. ii. m. s. past from 
'ashraku, form IV of sharika l shirk/ shankah), to 
share See ashraklum at 14:22. p. 795, n. 8). 

4. yahbitanna= he or it will certainly hill 
Ihrough. go in vain, be futile/frustratcd/foiled (v. 
iii. m. s. impfet emphatic from habota/Jubiu 
[AuAirrj, to come to nothing. See 'uhbaia at 33:19. 
p 1342, n. 6). 

5 khasirin (accJgcn. of khdsirin. sing 

khasir) = losers, those in loss (active participle 
from khusuru (JtAurr A has a r /khusdrah /khusrin] 
to lose. See at 39: 1 5. p. I486, n. 9). 

6. This is an unequivocal command lo worship 
Allah Alone to the exclusion of all imaginary gods 
and goddesses. -l»i u'bud = worship (v. n . m s 

imperative from abada [ ’ibAdah /ubudah / 
ubudimh], to worship, to serve. See at 39:2, p. 
1480. n. 4). 

7. IjjJd qadaru - they measured, valued, 

appraised, esteemed, ordained, were able to(v iii 
m s. post from qadaru ( qadr/qadar], to ordain, 
to measure, to have power. See yaqdiru at 39:52, 
p. 1500, n. 3). 

8. i. e . the polytheists do not properly appreciate 
the Power and Glory of Allah in setting partners 
with Him, while His is the Absolute Power and 
sovcngnly so much so that the entire world mil 
be in His grip and the heavens will be folded up 
at His command on the Day of Resurrection ui 
qahdali IS., pi. qabuijiil) = seizure, grasp, gnp, 
handful. See at 25:46. p. 1 152, n. 4 

9. ^Aijlw mafwiyydt (f. pi.; s. muiwiyyah; ra 

mafyviy ) = folded, rolled up (pass participle from 
lawd llrmvl. to fold up. roll up Sec nalwi at 
21:104, p 1041. n 4). 

Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) { Pan (Jui ) 24 ] 


68.And a blow will be given 1 
1'4 in the trumpet 2 
j. y whereon will fall unconscious 3 
all those in the heavens 




and all those in the earth 
except those that Allah will. 
Then a blow will be given in 
it a second time, 
and lo, they will be standing 4 
up, looking on. 5 

69. And the earth will radiate* 
with the Light of its Lord; 
and placed 7 will be the Book 8 
and brought up will be 

the Prophets and witnesses; 9 
and decision will be given 10 
between them with justice 
and they will not be wronged. 11 

70. And fully paid 12 will 
be every person 


oy" J 6 

for what he did. 

I nufikha - it was blown, inflated, breathed 
(v. iii. m. s. past passive from nafakha [nafkh], 
to blow. See at 36:51. p. 1421, n. 3). 

2. jy sur = horn, bugle, trumpet. See at 36:5 1 . p. 
1421, n. 4. 

3. i. c . will die. y sa'iqa - he fell unconscious, 
became dumbfounded/thunderstruck (v. iii. m. s. 
past from sa'aq/sa'qah], to be thunderstruck, lose 
consciousness. Sec fa'iq at 7:143, p. 518. n. 5. 

4. fU qiydm - subsistence, means of support. 

standing, rising, existence. See at 4:5. p. 238. n. 8. 

5. i. e„ in bewilderment and expectation of what 

is to come for them. yanzuruna = they 

look, look expectantly, gaze, wait for. await (v. iii. 
m. pi. impfet. from nazara [nazr/manzar], to see. 
view, look at. See at 37: 19, p. 1433. n. 7). 

6. cJ yit ’ashraqat = she or it radiated, glowed, 

shone (v. iii. f. s. past from 'asraqa, form IV of 
s haraqa [sharq/ shurOq] to rise, lo shine. See 
'ishrAq at 38: 1 8, p. 1463. n. 9. 

7. £*} wudi'a = it was set up. erected, laid, laid 

down, placed (v. iii. m. s. past passive from 
watfa'a to lay. See at 18:48, p. 929, n. 2). 

8. i. e., the Book of Deeds of everyone. The 
righteous will have his book placed in his right 
hand, and the sinful will have it in his left hand or 
on his back (sec 69:19 425 and 84:7-12). wAd" 
kildb = writing, writ, prescript, book, document, 
contract. See at 34:3, p. 1368. n. 6. 

9. i. e., of angels who record the deeds of the 
servants of Allah (Ibn Kathir, VII, p. 108). 

«u*4 shuhadA' (pi.; s. shahid) = witnesses, 
martyrs. See at 24:4, p. 1 107. n. I. 

10. yi qudiya = it is settled, adjudicated, 
decreed, passed, spent, concluded, decided (v. iii. 
m. s. past passive from qudd IqatjA ']. to settle, to 
decide. Sec at 19:39, p. 969, n. 8). 

11. Sec also 4:40. p. 258 and 21:47. p. 1025. 

yuzlamuna * they are wronged, done 

injustice, oppressed (v. iii. m pi. impfet. passive 
from zalama | zalm/zulm], to do wrong. See at 
23:62.’ p. 1090. n. 10). 

12. c_»j wuffiyat = she was paid fully, given in 

full (v. iii. f. s. past passive from waffA. form II of 
w afA [wafA'/wafy], to fulfil, to be perfect. See at 
3:25. p. 164. n. 8). 


Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) ( Part (Jut') 24 ] 

And He is Best Aware 
of what they do. 


Section (Rukii‘) 8 
71. And conducted 1 will be 
those who disbelieve 
towards hell in groups 2 
till when they come to it 
opened will be 3 its gates 4 and 
its keepers 5 will say to them: 
"Did there not come to you 
Messengeres from among you, 
reciting 6 unto you 
the signs 7 of your Lord 
and warning 8 you of the 
meeting 1 ' of this day of yours?" 
They will say: "Yes, 
but due became 10 
the sentence" of punishment 
on the unbelievers." 

72. It will be said: "Enter 12 
'''-vrC*y\ the gates of hell, 

■)-! abiding forever 11 therein." 

1 . j_- stqa = he or it is conducted, led on. driven 

(v. iii. m. s. post passive from sdqa [any 
.» lydqah/ masdq). to drive, lo urge on. See ruuuqu 
32:27. p 1332. n. 6). 

2. _r*j jumar (pi.; s. iyj jumruh ) = groups, 
troops, parties 

3. Jj vi futihal - she was opened, released, 

unleashed, conquered (v. iii. f. past from faiaha 
[futh\. to open. See 21:96. p. 1039. n. I). 

4. 'abwdb (sing, bob) - doors, gates, 
sections See at 38:50. p. 1472, n. 6. 

5. khazanah (pi.; s. khdztn) = treasurers, 

stewards, keepers (act. participle from khazuna 
t khuzn ]. to store, to stock. See khaid in at 38:9, 
p 1461. n. 4). 

6. Jjkqyatldna = they read aloud, recite (v. iii. m 

pi tmpfcl. from laid [ri/duuh). to recite. See at 
35:29. p 1400. n. 2). 

7. i. c„ His scriptures that were sent down to the 
Messengers. otjl 'dydl (sing dyah ) = signs, 

miracles, revelations, evidences Sec at 39:52. p 
1500. n. 4. 

8. dyjM yundhiruna, they warn, caution, (v. Hi 
m. pi impfet. from andharu, form IV of 
nadhara [tuulhr /nudhur], to dedicate, to vow See 
at 6:130. p. 446. n. 4). 

9. *UJ liqa ' = meeting, encounter. See at 32'23, p. 
1331. n. 4 

10. i. e„ because of their unbelief and rejection 
of the truth. baqqat = she or it became due. 
proved true/corrcct/right/ incumbent (v. iii. f. s. 
past from huqqa See at 16:36, p. 839, n 10). 

11. UlT kalimah (pi. kali mat) = word, speech, 

saying, maxim, formula, brief statement, 
sentence. Sec at 3:64. p. 180, n. 3. 

12. lyUsl udkhulu = you (all) enter, go in. join (v 

ii. m. pi imperative from dakhala [dukhiil], to 
enter See at 16:29, p, 836, n. 3). 

13. jraJU khalidtn (pi ; acc./gen. of khdlidin. s 

khdlid) - living for ever, abiding for ever, 
everlasting, eternal, immortals (active participle 
from khalada [ khulud ]. to live for ever. See at 
33:65. p 1363. n 10. 

Surah 39: Al-Zumar (The Groups) ( Pan (Jui') 24 ) 


So bad 1 will be the abode 2 
of the arrogant.’ 

73. And conducted 11 will be 
those who fear 5 their Lord 
'^\ to the Garden in groups 6 
till when they come to it and 
opened will be its gates and 
its keepers 7 will say to them: 
"Peace be on you, 
you have done well,® 
so enter it 

i^LjJ 74. And they will say: 
au "All the praise is for Allah 

Who has proved true 1 ' to us 
His promise and has 
made us inherit 10 the land." 
We may settle i:! in the Garden 
wherever we wish." 

Hence excellent" will be the 
^ C-\ reward of the practising ones. 

I j-i hi't = evil, wretched, bad. See at 38:56, p. 
1473. n. 6. 

2. stf* math wan (s.; pi, ;li* nuithawin) = abode, 
dwelling place, resting place (noun of place from 
thawiya [Ihtiwd ], to stay, abide). Sec at 39:60, p. 
1502. n 9. 

3. mutakabbirin (pi.; occVgen. of 

mutakabbirin ) = proud, haughty, arrogant (act. 
participle from lukabbura. from V of kubural 
kabara fkubr/ la bar/ kubdrah/kabrj, to become 
great, to be older. See at 16:29. p. 836. n. 7). 

4 J-. s iqa = he or it is conducled. led on. driven 

(v. iii. m. s. past passive from saqa [sang/ 
styaqah/ mauiq\. to drive, to urge on See at 
39:71. p 1506. n. I). 

5. ijia itlagaw = they feared, were on their 

guard, feared Allah, were righteous (v. iii. m. pi. 
past from itlaqil form VIII of wagd 
[wuqy/mq&yah], to guard, to preserve. See at 39: 
61. p 1502. n II). 

6 jrj jumar (pi.; s. • jumrah) = groups, 
troops, parties. See at 39:71, p. 1506. n. 2 
7. khazanah (pi.; s. khtlzin ) = treasurers, 
stewards, keepers (act. participle from kbazana 
| khazn ). to store, to stock See at 39:71. p 1506. 
n 5). 

8 filr liblum m you became good, did well, were 
pleased (v. ii. m pi. past from tuba [ (ib/tjbah ]. to 
be good. Sec tabu at 4:3, p. 237. n. 8). 

9. Jj-» sadaqa = he said the truth, was truthful, 
proved to be true (v. iii. m. s. past from sadq/sidq, 
to speak the truth. See at 36:52. p 1321. n. 10). 

10. Ujjl a ur at hand = we made over, make 
(someone) inherit, bequeathed, gave as 
inheritance, made heir (v. i pi past from 
'awralha. form IV of waritha ['irth/ 'irthahl 
Hirathuh/ nthah/ turdlb], to be heir, to inherit. 
See at 35:52. p. 1401, n. 5). 

1 1 . i. e . the land of paradise. 

12. tja, natabawwa'u = we provide, settle down 

(v. i. pi. impfet. from tabawwu'u. form V of bit a 
(fcuw'J. to return, to be back See yatabawwa'u 
12:56. p. 743. n 2). 

13. fju ni'ma = excellent or how excellent it is 
(an irregular verb of praise). Sec at 16:30. p 837. 
n. I. 


Surah 39: Al-Zunuir (The Groups) [ Pan ( Juz ') 24 ] 

75. And you will see 
the angels' thronging 2 
around' the Throne, 4 
oy>i^i declaring the sanctity 5 


-ui with the praise of their Lord. 
is&J And decision will be given" 
between them with justice 
J-ij and it will be said: 

JijSJS "All the praise is for Allah, 
Lord of all beings.” 7 

1. mal&’ikah (sing, malak ) - angels See ai 
34:40. p. 1383. n. 5. 

2. h&ffin (pi.; acc /gcn of IfAffOn. s. haff) 

- those Ihrongc round, surround, border, enclose, 
encompass (act. participle from haffa \huff\. lo 

3. iiy hawl = around, about, roughly; also year, 
might, power, change See 26:25. p. 1 167. n. 3. 

4. J /■ 'arsh = throne Sec at 27:42, p. 1215, n. 

5. Jy — i yusahhihuna = they sing the glory, 

proclaim the sanctity, declare immunity from 
blemish (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from sabbalfa form 
II of sabalia [sablf/ .ubuhaff] to swim, to float. See 
at 21:20. p. 1017. n. 6). 

6. j-»> qudiya = it is settled, adjudicated, decreed, 
passed, spent, concluded, decided (v. iii. m s past 
passive from qadd [quefd'], to settle, to decide 
See at 39:69. p 1505. n. 10). 

7. ‘dlamin (acc./gen. of a,Ju 'a lamun, 
sing, r** 'Atom, ie. any being or object that points 
to its Creator; sing. ‘ Siam ) = all beings, creatures. 
See at 38:87, p 1479. n 5). 

40. Surat Ghafir/Al-Mu 'min (Theforgiver/the Believer) 

Makkan: 85 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. It deals with the fundamentals of the faith, namely, the truth of the Qur'an. 
tawbid (monotheism). Resurrection, Judgement, reward and punishment. It starts with an emphasis that 
this Qur’an has been sent down by Allah the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing and the Forgiver of sins. It 
then points out that none but the unbelievers dispute about the truth sent down by Allah and that the 
previous nations similarly disbelieved the truth delivered by their respective Messengers . In this context 
the story of Fir'aun's [ the Pharaoh's) rejection of the message delivered by Musa, peace be on him. is 
related with particular reference to a believer among Fir'aun's people who tried to persuade them to 
accept the truth and was in consequence the target of the Pharaoh's plot and persecution; but Allah 
protected him and caused the destruction of Fir'aun and his unbelieving followers. The surah also refers 
to some of the scenes of the Day of Judgement and concludes by drawing attention to Allah's making 
provision for His creation in various ways. 

The surah is named Ghafir (Forgiver) by which Allah refers to Himself at its beginning. It is also 
called al-Mu 'mirt (the Believer) with reference to the story of the believer among Fir'aun's family which 
the surah describes. 

1 . Ha- Mini . 1 

2. The sending down 2 of 
the Book' is from Allah, 
the All-Mighty, 

0*2$ the All-Knowing; 

villf j \b 3. The Forgiver 4 of sin, 

the Accepter' of penitence, 6 
yLaJUai Severe 7 in retribution, 8 
Full of Munificence. 9 
There is no deity except He. 

1. Allah Alone knows the meaning and 
significance of these disjointed letters. Sec 2:1. p. 
4, n. I . 

2. lanzlt = sending down, bringing down. 

something sent down (verbal noun in form II of 
naiula [nurd/], to come down Sec at 39:1. p. 
1480. n. I. 

3 i e.. the Qur'in This is an emphatic assertion 
that the Qur'in is sent down by Allah. 

4. jt* ghdfir = forgiver. one who pardons (act. 

participle from ghafara \ghafr /maghfirah 
ghufrdn], to forgive. See yaghfiru at 39:53. p 
1500. n. 7). 

5. J<t» qabil = accpeter. receiver, approver (act. 
particple from qabilu [qabul/quhut], lo accept, lo 
recicve. See Id laqbald at 24:4. p. 1 107. n. 3). 

6. la»'b = to repent, to be pcnintent (verbal 
noun of liiba). 

7. SfXi shadSd (pi. .ual ‘ ushidild' h'xs shiddd) = 

severe, stem, rigorous, hard, harsh, strong. See at 
38:26. p 1466, n. 7). 

8. w/U* ‘iqdb = infliction of punishment, 
punishment, penalty, retribution. Sec at 38:14. p 
1462. n. 8. 

9. Jjl» fowl = material means, affluence, power, 
munificence. See at 4:4, p. 250. n. 15. 



Surah 40: Ghdftr/Mu'mm [ Part {Juz') 24 ) 

$ To Him is the destination. 1 

JxjiC 4. There disputes 2 not anyone 
about the signs’ of Allah 
ilr&yJN} except those who disbelieve. 

So let there not deceive 4 you 
their moving about 5 
$ jJJ '4 'n the countries. 

v£Jj^= 5. Disbelieved 6 
(4G before them 
gy y? the people of NOb 
and the parties 1 


after them. 

vlli} And there designed 8 
J*S=> every people 

about their Messenger 
to get hold 9 of him; 
and they contested 10 
by means of the falsehood 
AjlyjtfXj to disprove 11 therewith 
jil the truth. 

So I seized them. 

I. i. e.. after resurrection So you shall then be 
colled to account and requited accordingly. 

mas ir = destination, place at which one arrives, 
destiny. Sec at 3 1 : 1 8. p. 1 397, n. 6). 

2 JsUy vujadilu = he argues, debates. 

controverts, disputes (v. iii. in. s. impfcL from 
jadala, form III of jadalu (J-u. jadl |, to tighten 
See at 31:20. p 1318. n. I) 

3. i. c.. about the Qur’an. 

4 .j/t'ili yaghrur = let he or it not deceive, he or 

it must not dcceive/bcguile/dclude (v. iii. m. s 
imperative! prohibition) from ghurra [ghurur], to 
deceive See Id taghurrana at 35:5. p. 1391, n 2). 

5. i. e , in connection with then trade. w-U! 

taqallub = moving/tuming about, fluctuation ( 
verbal noun in form V of qulaba [qalb], to turn 
round See at 26:219. p. 1 199. n. 1 1 ) 

6. This is a by way of consoling the Prophet, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him. and (he 
Muslims c-tiS" kadhdhahai = she disbelieved. 

cried lies to. regarded as false (v. iii. f. s past 
from kadhdhaba, form II of kadhaba | kidhb 
/kadhib /kadhbah / kidhbah).lo\ic. See at 38:12, 
p 1462. n. I). 

7. i. e.. other unbelieving peoples like the 'Ad. the 
ThornQd and the people of Lflt. See 38:11.13 at 
pp. 1461-62. v 1 )*-' ’ahzdb (pi. ; s. hizb) = 
groups, bands, parties. Sec at 38:13, p. 1462. n. 3. 

8. hammat a she designed, she thought of 

doing, desired, was concerned, worried (v. iii. f. s. 
past from hummu \hamm], to worry, to be 
important. Sec at 12:24. p. 730, n. 6). 

9. i. e.. to kill him. yakhudhu (no) = they 

take, seize, get hold (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
'akhadha [ akhdh |, to take The terminal min ts 
dropped because of a hidden ’ an in U (of 
motivation) coming before the verb. See 
iltakhadhu at 39:3. p. 1481. n. 2). 

10. tjlsta- j&dald - they quarrelled, disputed, 
wrangled, argued, debated (v. iii. m. pi past from 
jadala, form III of jadala [Ja» jadl], to tighten. 
Sec at 22:68. p 1069. n. 12. Sec also n. 2 above). 

II. yudhujtHna ) = they refute, disprove. 

invalidate (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from ud hatja. 
form IV of dahada [duhad], to refute The 
terminal nun is dropped for the reason stated at n. 
9 above. See at 18:56. p. 932, n. 8. 

Surah 40: Ghafir/Mu mm [ Pan (Juz') 24 ] 

151 1 


'j lr&jd\ 



. ' > 

✓ / 


✓ . 


Then how was My retribution? 1 

6. And thus becomes due 2 
the sentence 3 of your Lord 
on those who disbelieve 
that they will be the inmates 4 
of the fire. 

7. Those who bear the Throne 6 
and those who are around it 
proclaim the sanctity 7 

with the praise of their Lord 
and believe in Him; 
and they seek forgiveness 8 
for those who believe: 

"Our Lord, You encompass 9 

in mercy and knowledge. 

So forgive those who repent 10 
and follow 11 Your way, 
and save 12 them 
from the punishment 
of the blazing fire." 

1. ‘iq&bi (originally iqiibi ): yU> 'iq&b = 

infliction of punishment, punishment, penalty, 
retribution. See at 40:3, p. 1509, n. 8 

2. i.c.. because of such persistent disbelief as was 
on the part of the previously punished nations 
d~i*- haqqal = she or it became due. proved 

Iruc/correct/right/ incumbent (v. iii. f. s. past from 
haqqa See at 39:71, p. 1506. n. 10). 

3. i— S' kalimah (pi. kalimut) = word, speech. 

saying, maxim, formula, brief statement, 
sentence. Sec at 39:71, p. 1506. n. 1 1. 

4. ’as-liAb <pl.; sing. ^-u. sAhib ) = 

inmates, dwellers, companions, associates, 
followers, owners. See at 39:8. p. 1484. n. II). 

5. i. c., those angels who bear. d yahmiluna 
= they carry, bear, lake the load (v. iii. m. pi 
impfet from hamala [haml], to carry See at 6:3 1 . 
p. 403.n.2). ‘ 

6. Jjt- ‘arsh = throne. See at 59:75. p 1508. n. 4. 

7. dy , yusabbihuna - they sing (he glory, 

proclaim the sanctity, declare immunity from 
blemish (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from sabbahu form 
II of .t abaha [sabh/ stbAhah] to swim, to float. Sec 
at 39:75. p 1 508.' n. 5). 

8. dy y— i yastaghfiruna ~ they seek 

forgiveness, ask for pardon (v. iii. m. pi impfet 
from istaghfara, form X of ghafara I ghafr 
/maghfirah /ghufriin], to forgive See at 8:33. p 
558, n 7). 

9. wasi’la = you encompassed, enclosed, 
held, accommodated, contained, (v. ii. m. s. past 
from wasi’a I wasii'h/sa'h], to be wide. See 
wasi'a at 7:89, p. 501, n. 2). 

10. ijfU tabu = they returned, turned in 

repentance (v. iii. m. pi past from tuba [ tawh/ 
law bah / matdb). Technically tawbah means, for 
man. to tum to Allah in penitence and for Allah, 
to tum in forgiveness See at 24:5. p. 1 107, n. 6). 

11. lyui ittaba'u = they pursued, went after, 
followed, obeyed (v. iii. m. pi past from ittaba a, 
form VIII of tabi'a [taba /taba ah], to follow. See 
at 9:1 17. p. 629. n. I). 

12. id qi = (you) save, protect, guard (v. ii. m. s. 

imperative form w uqA [waqy/wiqayah], to protect 
See at 3:101. p. 231, n. 13). 


Surah 40: Ghufir/Mu 'min | Pari (Jui ') 24 | 

'Sjl':' 8."Our Lord,and admit 1 them 
in the Gardens of Eternity 2 
jjf which You have promised them, 
and those who were 
righteous 1 
of their fathers 
and ^eir consorts 4 
} 4 - ''•'J'j and their progeny. 5 
Verily You are the 
Jip’f All-Mighty, the All-Wise." 


9."And save 6 them the evils; 7 
and any whom You save 
j^y the evils on that day, 


him You indeed do grace. 
And that is the 

yl \jjA\ success 8 most magnificent." 9 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 2 
t>[ 10. Those who disbelieve 
will be addressed; 10 
"Indeed the aversion" of 
Allah was more enormous 12 
f than the aversion of yours 

1 . J*->t ' adkhtl - enter (in the transitive seme), 
admit (v. ii. m. s imperative from udkhala. fora 
IV of dakhala \dukhul\, to enter. See at 27:19, p. 
1208. n. 6). 

2. o-u- 'adn = Eden, eternity, paradise. 
jann&t ’adn is explained by Ibn Kathir as jaimat 
where the inmates wilt abide for ever (Ibn Kathir. 
IV. 372). Sec at 38:50. p 1432. n. 4 

3. salaha = he or it became right, was good, 
proper, righteous (v. iii. m. s. past from 
salah/suluh/ma.\la>\ah See at 13:23. p 774, n 8. 

4. £ijjt 'azwSj (sing. - tJ lawj) = husbands, 
wives, spouses, consorts, partners, pairs, kinds, 
sorts Sec at 38:58. p. 1473, n 12. 

5. dhurriyal (pi . s dhurriyah)= progeny, 
descendants, offspring, children. Sec at 13:23, p. 
774. n. 9. 

6 J qi - (you) save, protect, guard (v. ii. m. s 

imperative form wuqd [ waqy/wiqdyah]. lo 
protect See at 40:7, p. 151 1, n. 12). 

7. i. e.. the punisment for thetr bad deeds, olv 

sayyi'dt (pi.; s. uiyyi'ah) = evils, evil deeds. 

sins See at 39:51. p 1499. n 10 

8. i. e . to be saved from the punishment and to 
get Allah's mercy is the success, jy [awi = 

success, triumph, victory, achievement See at 
37:60. p 1440, n. 2. 

9. fju- ’aztm = great, magnificent, splendid, big. 

stupendous, most grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, grave See at 39: 1 3. p. I486, a 6), 

10. 0 jsb, yun&dawna = they are addressed, called, 
summoned (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. passive from 
nddd. form III of nadd [nadw], to call Sec nddd at 
37:75. p. 1442, n 5) 

11. maqt = abomination, hateful, aversion, 
detestation, odious Sec at 35:39, p. 1404. n. 7. 

12. When faced with the reality of punishment for 
their unbelief the unbetievres will be full of 
abersion towards themselves and their deeds in the 
world Hence they will be addressed and told that 
Allah's aversion was more enormous at their 
rejection of the truth when it was presented to 
them in the world. jS\ akhar = bigger, greater, 

graver, more serious, more enormous. Also, the 
Greatest. Sublime (dative of kabir. big. great See 
at 39:26. p 1491. n 4) 

Surah 40: Ghdfir/Mu'min | Part (Juz") 24 ] 


towards yourselves, 

when you were called 1 

to the faith 

but you disbelieved.' 0 


11. They will say: 

"Our Lord, 

You put us to death 1 twice 4 

** 'It 

and gave us life 5 twice; 6 

and we confess 7 our sins. 8 

So is there to an exit 9 

any way?" 10 

12. "This 11 is because when 

Allah was invoked 12 Alone 13 

you did disbelieve; 

and if partners 14 were set 

with Him, you believed. 


But the Decree belongs to 

sP* 1 " k 

Allah, the All-Exalted, 15 

the All-Great." 

13. He it is Who 

1. Jjtju tud'awna = you (all) arc called/ called 
upon/ invoked/ inviled (v. li. m. pi. impfet. 
passive from da d (r/i/'u']. to call. See vud'awna 
at 3:23. p. 163. n. 10). 

2. Ojyifc lakfurdna = you (all) disbelieve, deny 

(v. ii. m pi. impfet. from kafara, [kufr], to 
disbelieve. See at 36:64. p. 1424. n. 3). 

3. c— I 'amalla = you put to death, made die (v. ii. 

m. s. past from aindla, form IV of mala \mawt], 
to die. Sec yumilu at 30:40. p. 1 304. n. 3). 

4. i. c . once in the mother's womb before the 
blowing in of the spirit of life and again at the end 
of the worldly life 

5. c— »■) 'ahyahla = you gave life, brought to life 

(v.ii. m. s past from ahyd. form IV of tfayiya 
[/umr/i). to live. See 'ahya\nd at 36:33. p. 1416, 
n" 9). 

6. i. e., at birth in the world and at resurrection 

7. Ui ysS i'tarafnd = we admitted, confessed. 

acknowledged, avowed, recognized (v i. pi past 
from i tara/a. form VIII of arafa [ ma'rifuh / 
’irfdn), to know, to recognize. See i'lurufu at 
9:102. p. 621. n. 14). 

8. dhundb (pi.; sing, dhanb) = sins, 
offences, crimes. See at 33:7 1 , p. 1 365. n. 4. 

9 khuruj = exit, to go out (verbal noun of 
kharaja. See akhrajnd at 36:33. p. 1416. n. 10.), 

10. i. e., they prayed for their return to worldly 

life again so they could do righteous deeds J~- 

sahil (pi. subul/asbilah) = way. path. road, means, 
course. See at 33:67. p. 1364. n. 7, 

11. i. e . this punishment is given. 

12. j-s du'iya = he was invoked, called, invited, 
summoned, implored (v. iii. m. s. past passive 
from du d ( du d ], to call, to summon. See daU 3 
at 39:8, p. 1484. n. 3). 

13. i. c., without setting any partners with Him. 

14 d yushrak(u) = he is associated, set as a 
partner, given shore to (v. iii. tn. s. impfet. passive 
from ashraka, form IV of sharika [ shirk/ 
sharikah], to share The final letter is vowelless 
because the verb is in a conditional clause 
preceded by 'in. See yushnku at 18:26, p. 920. n. 

15. 'aliy = high, exalted, lofty, elevated, 
sublime. All-Exalted. See at 34:23, p. 1376. n. 
12 . 


S&rah 40: GhAfir/Mu min [ Part (Juz') 24 ] 

shows' you His signs 2 
-iijvj and sends down' for you 
from the sky provision; 4 
but none takes heed 5 except 
he that turns in repentance. 0 

14. So invoke Allah 
making exclusive 7 for Him 

Ou)f the worship, 

•Ji; even if there detest 8 
the unbelievers. 

15. Exalted’ in State, 10 
jj Lord of the Throne. 

He casts" the spirit 12 
of His command 

52 on whomsoever He wills 
of His servants 
that he may warn 
about the Day of the Meeting. 15 

I *i£> 16. The day they shall be 

1 tfjt run = he shows, makes sec (v. iii, m. s. 

impfcl from Viol, form IV of ra t 1 [ray/ru'yah], 

10 see. Sec al 30:24. p 1297, n. 2. 

2 i c . of His Power of creation and sustenance. 

3. J ft yunazzilu = he sends down, causes to 
descend (v. iii in. s. past from nazjala, form II of 
nazala (nu.-ii/], to come down See at 31:34, p, 
1323. n. 7). 

4 i. c . by means of sending down rams and 
causing thereby the growth of plants and crops. 

5 f yatadhakkaru = he takes heed, hears in 

mind, receives admonition (v iii. m s impfcl 
from tadhakJuira, form V of dlutkara \dhiM 
tadhkAr], lo remember See at 39:9, p 1485. n. 2). 

6. yrt yunibu = he turns in repentance, deputes 
(v. iii. in s impfcl from antiba. form IV of n&ba 
| nawh/manAb/niyAbah ] to represent, to return 
often See anAbi at 39. 17. p 1487, n. 7). 

7. mukhlistn (pi.; acc /gen of mukhluun: 

sing, mukhlis ) = those who make (something) 
exclusive and pure, sincere, loyal, faithful (act 
participle from akhlasa. form IV of khalata 
[Wiu/iis), to be pure. Sec at 39 2. p. 1480, n. 5). 

8 ■/" kariha = he detested, disliked, abhorred, 
loathed, fell disgust (v in m s past from karh/ 
kurh/ karahuhJ karahiyah, to detest See at 10:82, 
p 666. n 12). 

9 gtj rajt‘ - high, exalted, lofty, sublime (au. 
participle in the scale of fa il from rafa a [fqf), 
to raise Sec rafa na at 19:56. p 965. n. 2). 

10. oU ji daraj&t (sing darajah) = ranks, 

positions, grades, degrees, state, stairs, flight of 
steps See at 20 75, p, 993. n. 4). 

1 1 ■ t/k jmfgf = he throws, casts, flings (v. iii. m. 
s. impfcl. from alqit. form IV of laqiya |/(</<iV 
lut/yan/ tuqy /tut/ yah/ luqan] to meet. Sec yuhji 
al 28:86. p 1263. n. 7). 

12. i. e„ wuhy £jj ruh (s., pi VinsilA) = breath 

of life. soul, spirit, life-giving spirit, trail y. fibril. 
See at 38:32. p. 1476. n 6. 

13 37- talaqin = meeting, encounter 

14. Ojj > barizAn (pi.; s. bam) = those thai ore 

distinct, prominent, coining to view, emerging, 
exposed (act participle from baruza (fcunlr), to 
come into view Sec barizuh al 18:47. p 928, n. 

Surah 40: Ghafir/Mu 'mm ( Pan (Juz) 24 J 


There shall not hide' 


from Allah anything of them. 
fy. I'lil&f-jJ Whose is the dominion 2 today? 
It is Allah's, the One, 
the All-Subduer.’ 


+ • 

17. Today requited will be 4 
every person 

for what he acquired.' 

No injustice will be there 

Verily Allah is 
Prompt 6 in taking account. 

18. And warn 7 them 
of the Day Imminent" 
when the hearts will be 
by the throats’' 
choking. 10 

The transgressors shall not 
have any close friend" 
nor any intercessor 
to be heeded. 12 

1 . yakhfa = he or it hides, remains unseen or 

concealed (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from khafiya 
\khafd' /khifyah /khufyah], lo be hidden. Sec at 
3:4, p. 155. n. 6). 

2. i. e . sovereignly and absolute possession and 
authority. .ill* mulk = dominion, kingship, 
monarchy, right of possession, ownership. Sec at 
39:44. p 1497. n.2. 

3. jlfi qahhar = the All-Subduer, the All-Mighty 

(act. participle in the scale of fa ' dl from qahuru 
[qahr], to overpower, subjugate, vanquish. See at 
39:4. p. 1481, n. II). 

4 j j tujza = she is requited, rewarded, 

recompensed, rewarded, repaid (v. iii. f. s. impfet. 
passive from jazA []uzA ']. to recompense. See al 
20:15. p. 979. n. 4). 

5. i. c., of good deeds and sins and misdeeds. 
c,.f kasabat = she or it earned, acquired, 
gained (v. iii. f. s. past from kasaba (bub), to 
gain. Sec at 30:42. p. 1303, n. II). 

6. gj- sari ‘ = prompt, expeditious, quick, 
speedy, rapid, swift. Sec at 24:39, p. 1 122. n. II. 

7. jit ’andhir = warn, caution (v. ii. m s. 
imperative from ‘andharu, form IV of nadhara 
[nadhr/nudhur], lo dedicate, to make a vow. See 
at 26:214. p Il99.n I). 

8. i. c.. the Day of Resurrection and Judgement 
ttjt 'Azifah = that which is very near, imminent 

(act. participle from ajifa [ 'uzaf/'uzuf\. to come, 
to draw near. 10 approach) 

9. i. e.. because of panic and consternation. 
handjir (pi.; s. Ijanjarah ) = throats, larynxes. Sec 
at 33:10. p. I338.n 10 

10. kdfimln (accVgen. of kdpmun. sing. 

kupm = those who keep calm ( in anger), arc in 
control (of anger), suppressing, choking (active 
participle from kazama \kazm/kuzum\. lo conceal 
or suppress. See at 3:134. p. 207, n. 13). 

11. r -~>- hamim - boiling water, close friend. 

intimate friend (act. participle in the scale of fall 
from hamma [luimm], to heat, make hot. See at 

37:67, p 1442. n 4 

12. yut&'u = he is obeyed, followed, heeded 
lo (v. iii. m. s. impfet. passive from ala a, form 
IV of Id a [tow'), 10 obey. Sec yuld'a at 4:64. p. 
269, n. 3). 


Sdrah 40: Gh&fir/Mu' min [ Pan (Juz') 24 | 

fiZ 19. He knows 

j the betrayer 1 of eyes 2 and 

all that the hearts conceal. 3 


20. And Allah decrees 4 
jaji with justice. 

0j&X,yj5ij And those whom they invoke' 
besides Him 

y decree 6 not anything. 

Verily Allah, He is the 
-i f All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. 


Section (Ruku‘) 3 

21. Do they not travel 7 
)jL iJ ' n the earth and see 8 

'IK how was the end 9 of 
iylf'ZM those that had been 

C ^ 

before them? 

They had been those stronger 10 
than them in power 
a °d * n vestiges" in the land. 
But Allah seized them 
nfy\ because of their sins. 

1. i. e . the eyes that betray and stealthily glance 
at that which is forbidden to look at. UU 

kh&'inah (f.; s. ; m khd'in ; pi. kluiwwan) = 
traitor, treacherous, betrayer, perfidious (act 
participle from khdnu Ikahwn/kJtiydnah], to be 
disloyal, to betray See khawwdn at 22:58. p. 
1059. n 10). 

2. 'a’yun (f. ; pi.; s. ’ ayn ) = eyes. See 'uyun 
at 56:54. p. 1417, n 6). 

5. tukhji = she conceals, secretes, hides (v. 

ii. f. s. impfet. from akhfa. form IV of khafiya 
[khufa / khifah/ khufyah). to be hidden See at 
35:37. p 1351. n I). 

4. yaqdl = he spends, settles, concludes, 
decides, decrees (v. iii. m s impfet. from qarfd 
lqada'1, to settle, to decide. See at 27:78. p. 1225, 
n. 7). 

5. i. e„ of the imaginary gods and goddesses. 

yad'dna = they invoke, call, call upon, 

invite, summon, pray, ask (v. iii. m. pi impfet 
from du’d [du d ], to coll, to summon. Sec at 
38:51. p 1472. n 8) 

6. yaqduna = they spend, settle, conclude, 
decide, decree (v. iii. m pi. impfet from qudd 
\qadu I. to settle, to decide. Sec n 4 above). 

7. I )j—h yasiru(nu) = they travel, go about. 

journey (v. iii. m. pi impfet. from sura [sayr 
/sayruruh /musir /masirah /lasydr] to move, to 
travel. The terminal nun is dropped for Ihe particle 
turn coming before the verb. Sec at 35:44. 
p. 1407. n. I). 

8 Ijjk, yanzurdinu ) = they sec. look expectantly. 

gaze, wait for, await (v. iii. m pi. impfet from 
nazara Iruijr/manfur]. to see. view, look at The 
terminal nun is dropped because of on implied an 
in the causal fa' coming before the verb See 
yanzur&nu at 39:68. p. 1505. n. 5). 

9. kJk* 'dqlbah (s.; pi. _J>>» ' awdqlb ) = end. 

ultimate outcome, upshot, consequence, effect, 
result. See at 37:73. p. 1442, n. 2. 

10. jlsI ashadd = morc/most intense, stronger/ 
strongest, severer /severest, fiercer/ fiercest, 
stcmcr/slemesl. tougher/toughest. (clative of 
shadid). See at 35:44, p 1407. n. 3. 

1 1. 'dthdr (pi.; s. / ulhar) = tracks, traces, 
footsteps, vestiges, antiquities, marks, remnants, 
effects, results See at 37:70. p. 1441. n. 8. 

Surah 40: Ghdfir/Mu'min | Pari (Jui ) 24 ] 


And they could not have for 

them against Allah 

any protector. 1 

22. That was so 

because they were such as 


there used to come to them 

their Messengers 2 

with the clear evidences’ 

but they disbelieved. 4 

So Allah seized 5 them. 

Verily He is All-Powerful, 



Severe 6 in retribution. 7 

23. And indeed We had sent 8 

Musa with Our signs’ 

and an authority 10 

quite clear, 11 

24. To Fir'aun 

/ X ' * s /y 


and Haman and Qartin. 12 

» -M.;r 

j* J-lyiii 

But they said: "A sorcerer,” 

a liar." 14 

1 . J'j wdqin ~ protector, guard, preserver (act. 

participle from wqd [watiyAviqdyah). to guard, to 
protect. See at 13:37, p. 781. n. 5. 

2. J-j rusul (pi , s. J rusul ) = messengers. 

envoys, emissaries, delegates. See at 35:1. p. 
1389. n. 3. 

3. i. c., miracles and other evidences proving the 
truth of their mission and of the message they 
delivered, oAu* bayyindt (pi.; sing, bayyinah) = 

clear proofs, indisputable evidences. See at 30:47. 
p.1305. n. II). 

4. ' kafaru = they disbelieved, became 

ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m pi past from kafara 
[kufr], to cover See at 39:63, p 1503. n. 6). 

5. i. c . punished them A*! 'akhadha = he took, 
caught, got hold of. seized (v iii. m. s. past from 
akhdh See at 26:189, p 1 194. n. 13). 

6. shatfid (pi. .us< ‘ushiddd’lrui shidud ) = 

most severe, stem, rigorous, hard, harsh, strong 
See at 40:3. p. I509,n 7). 

7. vAi* Hqdb - infliction of punishment, 
punishment, penalty, retribution. See at 40:5. p 
1511. n. I. 

8. UUjt arsalna = we sent out. sent, despatched, 
discharged (v. i. pi past from 'unala. form IV of 
rasila [ rasul ]. to be long and flowing. See at 
37:147. p. 1453. n. I). 

9. i. c.. miracles and other evidences. <i\t ’ayat 

(sing ,'dyah) = signs, miracles, revelations. Sec at 
39:59, p 1502. n. 3. 

10. jdJL- sultan = authority, power, mandate, 
rule, sanction. See at 37: 156, p. 1454. n. 4. 

1 1 . jr* mubin = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 
patent, that which makes clear (act. participle 
from ubdna. form IV of bdna |(«jy<ln]. to be 
clear, evident. See at 39:22. p. 1489. n. II). 

12. They were respectively the minister and 
treasurer of Fir'aun. 

13. f'— sdhir (s.: pi. suharali/suhluir) - sorcerer. 

magician, enchanter (act. participle from Sahara 
[r/'Ar], to enchant. See at 38:4. p. 1460. n. 3). 

14. vt-iS* kadhdhdb - a liar, untruthful (act. 

participle in the intensive scale of fa "dl from 
kadhuba [ kidhb /kudhib /kadhhah / kidhbah], to 
lie. See at 38:4. p. 1460, n. 4). 

1518 Siirah 40: Ohdftr/Mu 'min | Pan ( Jut' ) 24 ) 

1. tjkii uqtulu - you (all) kill, slay (v. ii. m pi 
imperative from quialu l qall] , to kill. slay. See 
at 4:89. p. 281. n. 3). 

2. islahyd = you (all) keep alive (v. ii. m 

pi. imperative from iitahyd, fonn X of 
fyayiya/hayya |/uiy<i/i), to live. See yastuhyi 33:53, * 
p I358.n. 12) 

3. .1— . ni.rd ' (sing, imra'ah) = women, wives. 
Sec at 33:55. p 1360. n. 3. 

4. jS kayd = scheme, plot. plan, stratagem, trick 
See at 37:98. p 1415. n 8 
5 JV-» daldl = error, straying from the right path 
fi (fatal = in vain. Sec at 39:22, p. 1489. n 10. 

6. i. c.. he said to his chiefs and nobles. ly> 
dharu = you (all) shun, give up, abandon, 
renounce, forsake, leave, let alone, cease (v. ii. m. 
pi imperative from yadharu [wadhr] See at 

11:64. p. 701. n 6). 

7. U yad'u (d) = let him call/ pray, invoke. 

invite (v. iii. m. s. imperative from da'd \du‘u'\, 
to call. Sec yad'u at 23:1 17. p 1 103, n. 8). 

8 cjul "akhdfu = I fear, am afraid, dread. 

apprehend, (v i. s impfet from khdfu [khawf], to 
fear. See at 39:13. p I486, n. 4). 

9. Ja* yubaddila(u) = he exchanges, changes, 

alters, replaces, substitutes (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
from baddala. fonn II of haduta | badal 1. to 
replace The final letter takes faihah because of 
the particle an coming before the verb. See 
yubaddilu at 25:70, p. 1 159, n. 5 ). 

10. yuzhiraiu) = he makes prevail, grants 

victory, manifests, makes visible, exposes, 
demonstrates (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from azhura, 
fonn IV of zuharulzuhdr], to be visible. The final 
letter takes faihah for the reason mentioned in the 
previous note See at 9:33, p 590. n. 10. 

11. ‘udhiu = | took refuge, sought protection 

(V. i. s. past from ddha | 'awdh/ lyudh/ mu ddh], 
to take refuge, to seek protection. See 'u udhu at 
23:97. p 1098. n. 10), 

12. mutakahhir (s.; pi mulakabbirun) = 
proud, haughty, anogant (act. participle from 
lakabbara. from V of kabural kabara [ kubr i 
ktbar/ kabdrah/kabrf to become great, to be 
older See at 16:29, p. 836. n. 7). 







25. So when he came to them 
with the truth from Us 
they said: "Kill 1 the sons 2 of 
those who believe with him 
and keep alive’ 

their womenfolk;" 4 
but the scheme' of 
the unbelievers was nought 
but in vain. 6 

26. And Fir'aun said: 

"Leave 7 me, I shall kill Mflsa, 
and let him call” his Lord. 

I indeed apprehend'' that 
he will change 10 your religion 
or that he will make prevail" 
in the land all the mischief. 

27. And Musa said: 

"I take refuge 12 in my Lord 

and the Lord of you all 
against everyone arrogant" 
that believes not 
in the Day of Reckoning." 


Surah 40: Ghufir/Mu'min | Part {Jut') 24 J 




*v ^ 



< / i 


^ •> 


Section (Ruku ‘) 4 
28. And there said a believing 
man of Fir'aun’s family 
who concealed 1 his faith: 
"Will you kill 2 a man 
because he says: 

My Lord is Allah, 
and he has brought you 
the clear evidences’ 
from the Lord of you all? 
And if he is a liar 4 
on him will be his lie; 5 
but if he is truthful 6 
there will befall 7 you 
some of that which 
he threatens 8 you with. 
Verily Allah guides not the 
one who is a transgressor, 9 
a liar."' 0 

29. "O my people, 
yours is the dominion' 'today, 
you being triumphant" 
in the land. 

1 . yaktumu = he conceals, hides, secretes (v. 

iii. m. s. impfet from kaiama[katm / kuman], to 
hide See lakiumuna at 24:29. p. 1 1 16. n. 3). 

2. iijks taqtuluna = they kill. slay, murder, 
assassinate (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from qaiala |</a//|. 
to kill. See yaqtul&na at 26: 14. p 1164. n. 2). 

3. ou, bayyinal (pi.; sing, bayyinuh) a clear 
proofs, indisputable evidences See at 40:2, 
p.1517. n. 3). 

4 vislT kadhib (s.: pi. kadhibun) = one who tells 

lies, liar, untruthful ( act. participle from kadhaba 
[kidltb/ kadhib/ kadhbah/ kidhbah ]. to lie Sec at 
11:93. p. 71 1. n. II). 

5. 1, e.. the consequences of his lie. 

6. sadiq (s.. pi. xddiqun ) = truthful, he who 
speaks the truth, is true to his word (act. 
participle from sadaqa [}adq/ iidq], to speak the 
truth. Sec at 19:54. p. 964, n. 6). 

7. yufib(slbu) = he or it hits, reaches. 

afflicts, befalls (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'afubu. 
Sec n. 2 above. The final leltcr is vowellcss 
because the verb is conclusion of a conditional 
clause preceded by 'in. See lusib al 30:36, p. 130. 
n. II). 

8. i. e.. of Allah's retribution with which he 
threatens you. -w ya ‘idu = he promises, assures. 

threatens, (v. iii. m. s. impfet from w'ada [wa'd], 
to make a promise. Sec al 35:40. p 1405, n 4). 

9. >_» j—r musrif ($., pi. muxrifOn ) - he who 

commits excesses, exceeds all bounds, 
transgressor, extravagant, prodigal, wasteful ( 
active participle from 'asrafa, form IV of 
xarufa/sarifa ]sarf/ saraf], to corrode, to spoil, to 
neglect. See musrifun at 36:19, p. 1413. n. 9). 

10. v'-tf’ kadhdhab - a liar, untruthful (act. 

participle in the intensive scale of fa"dl from 
kadhaba \kidhb /kadhib /kadhbah / kidhbah], to 
lie See at 40:24. p. 1517, n. 14) 

11. 4JU, mulk = dominion, kingship, monarchy, 
right of possession, ownership. See at 40:16. p. 
1515, n.Z 

12. zdhirin (pi.; accVgcn. of ifihirun\ 
s-zdhir ) - manifest, visible, patent, obvious, 
conspicuous, apparent, triumphant, victorious 
(act. participle from uihara (zu/iir), to be visible, 
to triumph. See zAhir at 30:7. p, 1 29 1 . n. 8). 


Sarah 40: Ghdfir/Mu'mm [ Pan (M ') 24 | 





I £&cjL5 - 3 ] 



But who will help 1 us 
against Allah's punishment 2 
if it comes on us?" 

Fir'aun said: 

"I show’ you not 

but what I see; 4 

and I guide 5 you not but 

to the way 6 of good sense." 7 

30. And there said 
the one who believed: 

"O my people, 

Indeed I fear 8 against you the 
like of the day of the hosts." 9 

31. "Like the practice 10 in 
respect of the people of Nuh 
and the ‘Ad and the Thamfid 
and those after them. 

And Allah is not to intend" 
any wrong to the servants." 12 

■f'yk) 32. And O my people, 

1. yansuru = he helps, gives victory (v lii 
m. s. impfet from nasara [nasr /nusur\. lo help. 
Sec at 30:5, p 1291, n 4). 

2. ha’s = might, strength, courage, 
intrepidity, prowess, righting, punishment ( alio, 
as verbal noun of ha 'sa, hurt. harm, violence) See 
at 33:18. p 1341.0.8 

3. cSjt 'uri = I show, make see (v. i. s. impfet. 

from (ini. form IV of ru'd [ra'y/ru'y<ih], to see. 
See yuri at 40: 1 3. p. 1514. n I). 

4. 1 c.. what I consider nght and proper, 

5. ts-ul 'ahdS = 1 guide, show the way. lead (v, i, 

s. impfcl. from hadd [hudy/ liudan/ hiddyah], to 
guide, to lead. See y ahdi at 39:23. p. 1490, n 6). 

6. Jr— sahil (pi subul/ashilahl = way. path, toad, 
means. course. Sec at 40:1 1. p 1513, n. 10. 

7. alij rashad = good sense, integrity of conduct, 
reason, maturity. 

8. ciw! 'akhSfu = I fear, am afraid, dread, 
apprehend, (v. i. s. impfet. from khdja [khawf], to 
fear Sec at 40:26. p. 1518. n. 8) 

9. i. e . other unbelieving peoples like the 'Ad. the 
Thamud and the people of Nuh and LOt. See the 
next 'Oyah and 38:11,13 at pp 1461-62. 

'ahzah (pi. ; s. (fizb) = groups, bands, panics. 
See at 40:5. p 1510. n. 7 

10. vfa da’b - habit, wont, usual practice, 
persistence, eagerness. Sec at 8:54, p. 567. n. 6. 

1 1. -Hji yuridu - he intends, desires (v. iii. m. s. 

impfet. form 'urdda. form IV of rdda [raterf], to 
walk about. Sec at 35:10. p 1393. n I). 

12. i. e. Allah does not punish without just cause 
jL* ’ib&d (sing. ±*'abd) = servants (of Allah). 

human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. See at 
39:46, p. 1497. n. 1 1). 

Surah 40: Ghafir/Mu'min [ Pari (Juz) 24 | 




/ •> 











indeed I fear 1 against you 
the day of mutual calling. 2 

33. "The day you will flee 
away* turning your back.'* 
You shall not have 
against Allah any defender. 5 
And whoever 

Allah makes go astray, 6 
he cannot have any guide.” 

34. And there had indeed 
come to you 

Yflsuf before 

with the clear evidences, 7 

but you ceased 8 not to be in 

doubt 9 about what 

he had brought to you, 10 

till when he died" 
you said: 

"Allah will not send out 12 
after him any Messenger." 

1. kjut ’akhafu - I fear, am afraid, dread, 
apprehend (v. i. $. impfet. from khdfa [khawf], 10 
fear See at 40:30, p. 1520. n. 8). 

2. i. e. the Day of Resurrection when everyone 
will call the other out of panic and anxiety. aU 

tanadin = mutual calling, meeting one another, 
getting together (verbal noun in form VI of nadu ( 
nadw], to call to convene. See yunddawna at 
40:10. p 1512, n. 10). 

3. i. e,, you will try to flee. Ojl y tuwalluna = you 

turn, turn away, go away, avoid, flee (v. ii. m. pi. 
impfet from walla, form II of wultya. to follow, 
to lie next, to be near. See y uwallunu at 33:15. p. 
1340. n. 8). 

4. mudbirin (pi., accVgen. of mudblriin, s. 
mudbir) = those who turn their backs, flee, run 
away (act participle from adbara. form IV of 
dabara | dubir ), to turn one's back. See at 37:90, 
p 1444. n. 6). 

5. ‘asim - protector, defender ( act. 
participle from ’a.umia ( 'arm], to restrain, to 
defend, to hold back. See at 1 1 43. p. 693, n. 4). 

6. i. e„ because of his unbelief and rejection of 
the truth. Jlan yudlil (vudillu) = he lets stray. 

makes go astray, deludes (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
tujalla, form IV of <jalla [tjaldl/duldlah], to go 
astray. The last letter is vowelless for the verb is in 
a conditional clause preceded by man See at 
39:23. p. 1490, n. 7). 

7. C/U* bayyindt (pi.; sing, bayyinah) = clear 

proofs, indisputable evidences. See at 40:28, 
p 1519, n. 3). 

8. fdj zillum = you ceased, discontinued to be 

(v. ii m. pi. past from zdla [zawrl/|. to go away, 
disappear. Sec md zdtai al 21:15, p. 1016. n. 3). 

9. >ii~ shakk (s.; pi. shukuk ) - doubt, uncertainly, 
suspicion, misgiving. See at 34:54, p. 1388, n. 6. 

10. i. e . about his mission and message. 

11. >iU» halaka = he died, perished, was 
destroyed (v. iii. m. s. past from hulk/ hulk/ haluk/ 
lahlukah See at 4:176, p. 324, n. 3). 

12. yab'alhalu) = he raises, raises up. 
resurrects, revives, sends out (v. iii. rn. s. impfet. 
from ba'iha ( ba'th J. to send out, to raise. The 
final letter takes falhah because of the particle Ian 
coming before the verb See at 28:59, p. 1253, n. 


S&rah 40: Ghdfir/Mu' min ( Part Uui ) 24 | 

ioii J Allah makes go astray 1 the 
one who is a transgressor, 2 
$ 4>£2 a skeptic/ 



35. Those who dispute 4 
about the signs of Allah 
without any authority 5 
having come to them, 
grave it is in detestation 6 
to Allah and to 
those who believe. 

Thus Allah puts a seal 7 
on the heart of everyone 
arrogant, 8 tyrant. 1 ' 

36. And Fir'aun said: 

"O Human, build 10 for me 
a tower 11 that I may 
reach the ways" 12 — 

37. "The ways of the heavens 
and then look into 15 
the god of Mflsa; 

1. i. e.. because of his transgression and unhelid 
J-*< yuijillu = he makes go astray, misguidn, 

deludes (v. iii m. s. impfct. from 'lufallu. form IV 
of dallu \dalul/ tialalah], to go astray. See at 151, 
1392. n. 2). 

2. -*r ~ » muirif (*.; pi. musrifun) - he »ho 
commits excesses, transgressor. cxitavagaM, 
prodigal, wasteful ( act. participle from innx/a. 
form IV of surufa/sunfu [surf/ utraf\, to corrode, 
to spoil, to neglect Sec at 40:28. p 1519. n. 9). 

3. murlab m one who doubts, skeptic (act 

participle from irtdba, form VIII of rdba [nryfrl. 
to doubt. Sec trtdbu at 24:50, p 1 127. n. 2). 

4 OyaU* yujddildna - they dispute, qiuuid, 
controvert, argue, debate, wrangle (v. iii. m pi 
impfct. from jddalu. form 111 of jadala [Ja« /adi], 
to tighten See at 13:13. p. 769, n 4), 

5 oUd- sut(an = authority, power, mandate, rale, 
sanction See at 40:23. p 1517. n, 10. 

6. cJU maql = abomination, hateful, avetunn. 
detestation, odious. Sec at 40:10. p 1512, n. II. 

7. i. e . makes impervious to the truth. ^ 

ya(ba‘u = he puts a seal, imprints, impresses (v 
iii. m. s. impfct from laba'a ( lab’], to imprest, to 
seta seal. See at 7:101. p. 505. n 6). 

8. mutakahbir (s.: pi mulakubbirin ) - 
proud, haughty, arrogant (act. participle (nxa 
lakabbara. from V of kttbura/ kubara (lain 1 
kibar/ kabdrab/kabrj. to become great to be 
older. Sec at 40:27, p 1518. n 12). 

9. jt» jahb&r (s.; pi. jubbir&n/ jabibbf 

jabdbirnh) = of overwhelming power, tyrant 
oppressor See at 28:19, p 1237, n. 12) 

10. ibni = build, construct, erect, set up(v. I, 

m. s. imperative from band (bind Tfwnrdii]. lo 
build, to erect. Sec ibnu at 37:97, p. 1445. nil 

11. sarh (s.; pi. suruh) = palace, edifice, 
lofty structure, castle, tower See at 28:38. p II. 

12. vV-t asbab (sing, uibab) = ties, connection 
(between people), means, reasons, ways. See a 
38:10. p. 1461, n. 8. 

13. jiVl ’ alUili'u = I look into, am acquainted 

with, come to know . have access to. ascend (v. t 
s. impfct. from ittula a, form VIII of tub a 
[ru/u '). to rise. Sec illala'a at 19:78. p. 971. n. 3). 

Surah 40: Ghdftr/Mu mw [ Pari (Jui ) 24 ] 


and indeed I consider 1 him 
, a liar." 2 
And thus 

oJ&lcjrj was embellished' to Fir'un 
the evil 4 of his deed; 
and he was barred' 
from the way. 6 
Ju^aUj And the plot 7 of 

Fir'aun did naught 
$ but end in ruin. 8 

Section ( Kuku ') 5 

38. And there said the one 
-t&CLyX* w ho believed: "O my people, 

follow’ me, 

1 shall guide 10 you to 
the way of good sense." 11 

39. "O my people, 

:'xmCj\ verily this 

worldly life is but 

££ an enjoyment 12 

while indeed the hereafter 
is the abode of stability." 1 ' 


1. jfc t 'azunnu- I think, suppose, conjecture; 

also, firmly believe, deem, consider (v. i. s. 
impfcl. from zanna Izann], to firmly believe, to 
suppose. Sec at 28:38. p. 1245. n. 13). 

2. vitf” kddhib (s.; pi. kAdhibun ) = one who tells 

lies, liar, untruthful ( act participle from kadluiba 
[ktdhb/ kadhib/ kadhbah/ ktdhbah], lo lie See al 
40:28. p. 1519. n. 4). 

3. jij zuyyina - he or it was embellished, 

beautified, ornamented, adorned, decorated (v. iii. 
tn s. past passive from zayyana. form II of zana 
Izayn). to adorn. See at 35:8, p. 1392. n. I). 

4. it?’ (s.; pi. 'aswd') = evil, ill, badness. 

offence, bod deed, injury, harm, calamity, 
misfortune, distress. Sec at 39:61, p. 1503. n. I). 

5. Ju. sadda = he was prevented, hindered, barred, 
repulsed, obstructed, resisted (v. iii. in. s. past 
passive from sadda ( fadd/sudud ), to turn away, 
debar See sadda at 27.24, p. 1209, n. 10). 

6. i. e.. the way of the truth. J— « sabil (pi. 

subul/asbiluh) = way. path. road, means, course. 
See at 40:29. p 1520. n 6. 

7. sf kayd = scheme, plot, plan, stratagem, trick. 
See at 40:25, p 1418. n. 4 

8. vV tabdb - to perish, be ruined, be destroyed, 
(verbal noun of labba). 

9. ij»J ittabi 'li = you (all) follow, obey (v. ii m 

pi. imperative from iillaba'a, form VIII of labi'a 
[tabaV tabdah], to follow. See at 39:55. p. 1501, 
n. I). 

10. a»t 'ahdi <f) = I guide, show the way. lead (v. 

i. s. impfet. from hadd | body / hudan/ halavah], 
to guide, to lead. The final yd' is dropped because 
the verb is conclusion of a conditional clause. See 
ahdi at 40:29. p 1520. n. 5). 

11. jLIj r as had = good sense, integrity of 
conduct, maturity. Sec at 40:29. p. 1520. n. 7. 

12. maid' (pi amu'ah) = goods, wares, 
baggage, equipment, gear, necessities of life, 
chattel, needs, utensils, enjoyment. Sec at 36:44. 
p. 1419. n. 6. 

13. i. c . the place to settle down and stay for 
ever. qarbr = stability, steadiness, firmness, 
solidity, to settle down, to rest, place of rest, 
abode See at 38:60. p. 1474. n. 3 


Surah 40: CMfir/Mumin | Part {Jut) 24 ) 

40. "Whoever does a bad deed 
will not be requited 2 
j except its equivalent;' and 

whoever does a good deed, 4 
of male 5 or female 6 
and he is a believer, 
such ones 

will enter 7 the garden, 8 
wherein they will be given 
$ provision 1 ' without calculation." 

♦ 41. "And O my people, 
how is it that I call 10 you 
towards salvation" 
while you call me to the fire?" 





a iiJi 

42. "You call me 
that I be ungrateful 12 to Allah 
and associate 11 with Him 
that of which 1 have no 


but I call you 
to the All-Mighty, 
the Most Forgiving." 14 

I u-. sayyi’ah (pi. aav .tuyyi'd/)= sin. offence, 
had deed, evil Sec ai 28 54, p 1251. n. 5. 

2. yujzA - be is recompensed, rewarded, 

requited, repaid (v. iii. m s. impfcl. passive from 
jazu [yuzd'l. to repay, to reward Sec at 6:160. p, 
462. n 4). 

3. Jtr milhl (».; plju-' ’ amthd I) = like, similar, 
equivalent. Sec at 39:47, p. 1498, n. 2. 

4 i. e„ deed approved by the Qur'Sn and runout. 

i&lih = good, right, proper (act participk 
from uila/ut/raluha [xaluh/ \uluhJ maslakjah], lo 
be good, right See at 35:37. p 1403, n. 7). 

5. jTj dhakar is.; pi. dhukur/dhukuruki/Jhukrin) 
= male See at 16:97, p 860. n. 9. 

6. jit ’ unlhd (s.; pi ’indth/undthd) = female, 
feminine. See al 16:97. p. 860, n. 10. 

7. OjU-q yadkhutuna = they enter, go in (v iii 
m pi. impfcl from dakhala \dukhul]. to enter 
See at 16:32. p. 837. n 4). 

8 i-» junnah (s.; pi. jannut ) = orchard, garden, 
paradise Sec janndl ai 36:34, p 1417. n. 2 

9 yurzaqdna = they arc given provision, 
provided (v. iii, in. pi. impfcl. passive from 
ruzaqa [n.-</]. to give the means of subsistence. 
See at 3:169. p. 222. n 8) 

10. lyai Wii = I pray. call, invoke, beseech, 

invite (v i s. impfet. from da a | du VI ']. to call. U> 
summon See 'ad d at 19:48, p 96.3. n. I). > 

1 1 . iUJ najah = escape, deliverance, salvation 
See najjaynd at 37 : 1 34. p 1 45 1 . n. 3. 

12. /Si ’akfura(u) = I become ungrateful, cover, 
disbelieve (v. i. s impfet. from kafaru \kufr], to 
cover The final letter takes fuiluih because of an 
implied an in li (of motivation) coming before 
the verb. See 'akfuru at 27 40. p 1214. n. 6). 

13. ’ushrikaiu) - 1 set a partner, associate, 

give a share (v i. s. impfet. from ushraka. form 
IV of s harika | shirk / shankah], to share. The 
final letter lakes fathah because the verb ii 
conjunctive to the previous verb governed by an 
implied an Sec at 13:35. p 780. n II). 

14 jU* ghaffdr = Most Forgiving, the Intensely 

Forgiving (act participle in the intensive scale of 
fa"dl from yhufaru [ghafr /mayhfirah /yhufrdn], 
to forgive. Sec al 39:5, p 1482. n. 7), 

Surah 40: Ghdfir/Mu min [ Part ( Juz ) 24 ] 




rt ^.1 

•y-^^r fj 









f *CJ&* 

43. "No doubt, 1 

that to which you call 2 me 
deserves no invocation 2 
in the world 
nor in the hereafter, 
and that our return 4 shall be 
to Allah 

and that the transgressors’ 

shall be the ones 

to be inmates 6 of the fire." 

44. "And soon you will recall 7 
what I say to you. 

And I entrust* my affair 9 
to Allah. Verily Allah is 
All-Seeing of His servants." 


45. So Allah saved 10 him 
from the evils" of 
what they schemed; 12 
and there encircled 12 
the people of Fir'aun 
the evil of punishment. 

1 . f/> V/d jarama = no doubt, surely, certainly. 

of course. See at 16:109. p. 864. n. 10. 

2. i. e. the imaginary gods and goddesses to 
whom you call me. Oyw tad'una = you (all) call, 
call upon, invoke, invite (v. ii. m. pi. impfct. from 
da'u | du'd']. to call. See at 39:38. p. 1494. n. 9). 

3. da'wah = call, invitation, summons, 

summoning. claim. demand. invocation, 

supplication, propagation. 

4. i. e , after death and resurrection for final 
judgement and requital. r? maradd — place of 
return, return, repulsion, resistance Sec at 30:43. 
p. 1304. n. 8. 

5. i. e . those who transgress the limits set by 

Allah and violate His injunctions ntusrijin 

(pi; accVgen. of musri/un; t. musrif) = those who 
commit excesses, exceed all bounds, extravagant, 
prodigal, wasteful, transgressors (active participle 
from 'asrafa. form IV of sarafu/surifa [surf/ 
sura/], to corrode, to spoil, to neglect. See at 
26:151. p. 1 188. n. 9). 

6. 'as-f\ab (pi.; sing. —u. sahib) = 

inmates, dwellers, companions, associates, 

followers, owners. See at 40:6. p. 151 1. n. 4). 

7. by/'il tadhkuruna= you remember, recall. 

mention, talk about (v. ii. m. pi. impfct. from 
dhakura [ dhikr / ladhkar], to remember, to 
mention. Sec at 2:235. p. 118. n. 8). 

8 Jr ? I 'ufawwidu = I entrust, commit, consign 

(v. i. s. impfct. from fawwada, form II from the 
root fawd). 

9. ? I 'amr (s.; pi. 'awdmir / ’umir) = 

order, command, decree / matter, issue, affair. 
Sec at 33:36. p. 1350. n. 5. 

10. waqa - he saved, protected, guarded (v. 
iii. m. s. past from waqy/wiqdyah. to guard, to 
preserve. See ittuqu at 39: 73. p. 1507, n. 5). 

11. cAi— sayyi'&t (pi.; s. sayyi'ah) - evils, 
evil deeds, sins. Sec at 40:9. p. 1512, n. 7. 

12. makaru = they schemed, plotted. 

planned, had recourse to a ruse, devised (v. iii. m. 
pi. past from makaru [mukr], to deceive, to 
delude. See at 27:50. p. 1217. nil). 

13. Jl»- hdqa = he or it surrounded, enclosed. 

hemmed in, encircled (v. iii. m. s. past from hawq. 
to surround. Sec at 39:48. p. 1498, n. 8). 

Surah 40: Ghdfir/Mu 'min ( Part (Juz ) 24 ] 


& f 


jy&fc SM 

jUjf ti 


£3 \&i\ 

&--j* 'A\ y^ j >_ 

46. The fire, 

they shall be laid 1 on it 
by morning 2 and evening. 3 
And the day 

the Hour shall take place: 
"Enter 4 the people of Fir'aun 
in the severest 5 of punishment." 

47. And lo, they will quarrel 6 
in the fire. 

The weak ones 7 will say 

to those who 

had turned arrogant:® 

"Indeed we had been of you 
the followers. 9 
So will you be 
relieving 10 us 
of a portion" of the fire?" 

48. There will say those 
who had turned arrogant: 
"Indeed we all are in it. 

Verily Allah has decided" 
between the servants." 

l. yu'raddna * they arc displayed, 
exposed, submitted, placcd/sct before, laid (» ui 

m. pi, impfet. passive from 'arada/’arudti I'urd], 
to become visible, to be wide. See at 11:18. p. 
684, n 8). 

2 yik ghuduv = morning, coming /running ii 
the morning See at 34:12, p 1371, n. 10. 

3. ‘ashiy = evening, early night See a 
38:18. p. 146.7. n. 8. 

4. i. e.. it will said. iy>ot 'adkhdi- you (all) 

enter (in the transitive sense), insert, put in. adroit 
(v. ii. m. pi imperative from adkhala, forni IV of 
dakhula \dukhul], lo enter See 'udkhil at 40 II 
p 1512. n I) 

5. xil ashadd - more/most intense, stronger/ 
strongest, severer /severest, fiercer/ fiercest, 
sterner/sternest. tougher/toughest, (dative of 
Shadht). Sec at 40:21. p 1516, n. 10. 

6. \ij~Uc, yatah&jjdna = they quarrel, dispute. 

argue, debate (v. iii. m pi. irnpfct. from tu/ui jje. 
from VI of hajja ( hijj/hajjj], to aim at, Id 
overcome See luMJjina at 6:79. p 423, n. 7). 1 

7. >Uv< du'afd' (pi,; s da ’if) = the weak, frail, 
feeble, debilitated, deficient (act participle in the 
scale of fa'll from da'ufu [ du'f/da f ), to be weak. 
See at 14:21. p. 794, n. 3. 

8. i. c . the leaders who had misguided them 

iitakharu - they boasted, became proud, 

turned arrogant, haughty (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
islakbara, form X of kaburaJkahara [kubr/ ktbarl 
kabiirah/kabr], to become great, to be older. See 
at 25:21. p. 1 144. n. 9). 

9. laba' = followers, following, dependency, 
succession See at 14:21, p. 794, n 5. 

10. mughnun (pi., s. mughnui ) = 

those who avail, make free from want, enneh, 
suffice, relieve, be of use (act. participle ftom 
Vig/md, form IV of ghamya [glunun /ghaut’ J. 
to be free from want, to be rich Sec aghnal a. 
14:21. p 794. n. 6) 

1 1 v> naslb (s . pi. nujub /an.uW / unxibak ) 
= share, portion, luck, chance, fate, dividend See 
at 28:77, p. 1259, n, 10. 

12. hakarna m he decided, adjudged, passed 

judgement (v. iii. m s. past from hukm. to pass 
judgement See lahkumu at 39:46, p. 1 497. n. 10). 

Surah 40: Ghiifir/Mu 'him [ Pari (Juz) 24 ) 


j&'joyJUlij 49. And those in the fire will 
iajiJ say to the keepers 1 of hell: 
j&jjijijf "Pray 2 your Lord 
[\1 . W'l that He lighten' for us 
‘»y a day of the punishment." 


50. They will say: 

"Did there not use to 
Jofc come to you 
,v^=lL1,j your Messengers 4 
c-'f-T-lL with the clear evidences?" 5 
jll \J\J They will say: "Yes." 
'y’jijijJu They will say: "Then pray." 
ijicil a'j But the prayer 

ft of the unbelievers will not be 
but in vain. 6 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 6 

JvlJLji 5 1 . Verily We will help 7 
l'1'J Our Messengers 
| and those who believe 
in the worldly life 
and on the day 
the witnesses 8 will come up. 

1. by khazanah (pi.; s. khdzin) = treasurers, 
stewards, keepers (act participle from khazana 
[k/iazfl]. to store, to slock. See al 39:73, p. 1507. 
it- 7). 

2. tjfrat ud‘u - you (all) pray. call, invoke, 
beseech (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from du a 
[du d'), lo call. See al 34:22. p 1376. n I). 

3. _iuu*s yukhaffiflu ) = he makes light, lightens, 
eases, softens (v. iii. m s. impfet. from khuffafa, 
form II of khaffa [ khiffah ]. lo be light See 
yukhaffifu al 4:28. p. 252, n. 12). 

4. J-j rusul (pi.; s. J yj rasul ) = messengers, 
envoys, emissaries, delegates. See at 40:22. p. 
1517, n. 2. 

5. i. e . miracles and other evidences proving the 
truth of their mission and of the message they 
delivered. oU* bayyinat (pi.; sing, bayyinuh) = 
clear proofs, indisputable evidences. Sec at 40:22, 
p. 1517. n. 3). 

6. No believing and praying will avail when faced 
with the punishment (see the last ’Ayah of this 
jtSraA) (fatal = error, straying from the right 

path fi datdt = in vain. See at 39:22. p 1489, n. 

7. juai nansuru = we help, assist, give victory 
(v. i. pi itnpfct. from nasaru [nasr /nusOr). lo 
help Sec najarna at 37:1 16. p 1448. n. 8). 

8. i. e„ on the Day of Judgement when the 

angels, the Mcsscwngercs and the believers will 
testify against the nations that disbelieved their 
respective Messengers and to the effect that the 
Messengers had duly delivered the message to 
their respective peoples 'as had (pi.; $. 

shahid) = witnesses. See at 1 1 : 1 8. p. 684. n. 9. 


Surah 40: (jhufir/Mu mm [ Pan {Jut) 24 | 

j5> 52. That day 
fey there will avail 1 not 
the transgressors 2 
fejjSS their excuse; 3 
iLil and they will have the curse 4 
feJj and they will have 

$ the evil 5 of the abode.'’ 

Jy>£u£jjJJ 53. And We had given Musa 

the guidance 

C-IytJ and gave as inheritance 7 to 
the Chlidren of Isra’tl 
the Book, 

54. As guidance and 
reminder 8 

$ to those having intelligence. 9 

55. So have patience. 10 
Verily Allah's promise" 
is true. 

j hi'. -S j And seek forgiveness 12 
jj of your sin; 

1. yanfa'u = he (or il) benefits. is of me, 

avails (v. iii. in s. impfct from ruifu a [nuf|. lo 
be useful, be of use. Sec al 32:29. p. 1332. n. 13). 

2. i. e.. the polytheists (note that at 3 1 : 1 3 shirk or 

setting partners with Allah is called a grave rulm 
). zdhmin (accVgen. of pdltmun, sing 

zxitim) - transgressors, wrongdoers, unjust 
persons, polytheists ( active participle from 
zalama (zu/m), to transgress, do wrong. See at 
35 40. p . I405.n. 5). 

3. ijJu* ma'dhirah (s.; pi. maddhir) = excuse, 
pardon, forgiveness Sec al 30:57. p 1 309. n. 7. 

4 laJ la'nah (s ; pi. la'ndl ) = curse, banishment 
from mercy, imprecation See at 38:78. p. 1477, n. 
8 . 

5. si' (*.; pi. Viswd') = evil. ill. badness, 

offence, bad deed, injury, harm, calamity, 
misfortune, distress. See at 40 37, p 1523, n. 4) 

6. i. e . the abode of the hereafter /> dir (i. 

pl.jV* diydr) = abode, home, house, edifice, 
habitation, land, country. Sec at 38:47. p 1471. n. 

7. Uijjf 'awrathni = we made over, make 
(someone) inherit. bequeathed, gave as 
inheritance, made heir (v. i. pi. past from 
'awrulha, form IV of wanlha ( irih/ irthaU 
wirdihah/ rilhah/ lurdih], lo be heir, to inherit 
See at 39:74. p. 1507. n 10), 

8 ls dhikri - recollection, remembrance, 
memory, reminder Sec at 39:21, p 1489. n. 4. 

9. v Ut 'alh&h (pi.; sing. -J lubb) = heart, 
acumen, intelligence, understanding Sec at 39:18, 
p. 1487. n. 14). 

10. i. e.. have patience over the unbelieven' 
opposition and ndiculing * isbir = be patient, 
have patience, bear calmly, persevere, (v. ii. in s. 
imperative from sabaru | sabr). lo be patient, to 
bind. See at 38:17. p. 1463, n 3). 

11. as j wa'd (s.. pi. us 'ud) = promise. See al 
36:48. p 1420. n. 7. 

12. islaghflr = ask forgiveness, pray (or 

pardon (v. ii. m. s. imperative from islaghfaru. 
form X of ghafara \ghafr /mughfirah /ghufrin], 
to forgive Sec al 24:62. p. 1135. n. I). 

Suruh 40: CMfxr/Mu'min [ Part {Juz') 24 ] 


And proclaim the sanctity 1 
aUJuIi with the praise 2 of your Lord 
by the evening 1 
and the morning. 4 

56. Verily those who 

ajuf about the signs of Allah 

without any sanction 6 
having come to them, 
there is naught in their hearts 7 
except arrogance. 8 
<-t They shall not attain 9 it. 

^ So seek refuge 10 with Allah. 

^ :; '"'r l 'iyL,£5t Verily He is the All-Hearing, 
the All-Seeing. 

jLJ 57. Surely the creation" of 
u ^jVfj -.j - fJi the heavens and the earth 
:+* a2—S is greater than 

the creation of man; 
c&j but 

. most men 
0 do not know. 12 

1. jv— sabbih - proclaim the sanctity, glorify. 

declare immunity from blemish (v. ii. s. 
imperative from ,r ubbaha. form II of i ahaha 
[sabli/ xi ha halt ] to swim, to float, See at 25:58. p. 

1 155, n. 8).’ 

2. Ju>- hamd = praise with reverence and love. 

humd for Allah, i. e.. praising Him by a creature 
means expressing gratitude to Him and 
worshipping Him it is used generally in respect of 
Allah See at 6:1. p. 391, n 1. 

3. 'ashiy = evening, early night. Sec at 
40:46. p 1526. n 3, 

4 j&t' 'ibk&r = morning (before sunrise). Sec 
bukrah at 33:42, p. 1353, n. 2. 

5. OjIjU* yujadiluna = they dispute, quarrel, 
controvert, argue, debate, wrangle (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. from j&dula, form III of jadula (Jo* jadl \ . 
to tighten. See at 40:35, p. 1522. n. 4). 

6. oiU- sultin = authority, power, mandate, rule, 
sanction. See at 40:35. p. 1522. n. 5. 

7. jj jl» sudkr (pi.; sing. yu. sadr) = breasts. 

chests, bosoms, hearts, front, beginning. Sec at 
35:38. p. 1404. n I. 

8. i. e.. arrogance which prevents them from 
recognizing the truth and accepting the 
Prophcthood of Muhammad, peace and blessings 
of Allah be on him. jS kibr - bigness, magnitude. 

pride, arrogance, leading pan. major role. Sec at 
24:1 1. p 1109. n. 7. 

9. i. e„ the unbelievers shall never attain that 
position of special favour. Prophcthood. which 
Allah bestows only on His chosen one. 

bdlighi(n) (pi.; acc./gcn. of baligh&n ; s. bdligh ) 
= those who reach, attain (act. poniciple from 
balaghu [bulugh], to reach. The terminal ntfn is 
dropped because of the genitive construction Sec 
at 16:7, p. 829. n. 9). 

10. ista'idh = seek protection, take refuge 
(v. ii. m. s. imperative from islu adha. form X of 
ddha [awdh/’iyddh / ma'ddh], to seek protection. 
Sec at 16:98. p 861. n. 3). 

11. jU khalq = creation, origination, making. 

creatures, constitution See at 36:69. p. 1425, n. 7. 

12. i. e.. most men do not know that everything, 
including their recreation and resurrection, is cosy 
for Allah. 


Surah 40: GhAfir/Mu' nun ( Part (Juz ) 24 1 

58. And there equalize 1 not 
the blind 2 and the seeing one 3 
and those who believe 

\JjJ-j and do the good deeds, 4 
nor the one doing evil. 5 
U5Lli Little is that 

j you bear in mind. 6 

59. Verily the Hour 7 
*1$ is sure to come. 

There is no doubt 8 in it. 


most men 

$ believe not. 

60. And your Lord says: 
siASt "Call 9 Me, 


I shall respond 10 to you. 
l Verily those 
who turn arrogantly" 
from worshipping Me 
shall enter hell 
$ in disgrace. 12 

I ■ <Sy—t yaslawt - he becomes equal, cqualiies. 
becomes even/ straight/ regular/ upright (v. iii, m. 
s. impfet. from islawA, form VIII of sawiya 
|n»®t|. to be equal. Sec at 39:9, p. 1485. n. I). , 

2. ' ,j»*t ’a'mA (s.; pi. • umy ) = blind. See it 
35:19. p. 1 397. n. 8 

3. jp* i baytr = one who sees/obscrvcs. All-Seeing 
(act. participle in the scale of fa’tt from 
hasura/husira (ho-jur), to sec). See at 35: 45. p 
1408. n I 

4. oUX* salihat (f.; sing. sAlihah; m. sAlth) s 

good ones, good deeds/thtngs ( approved by the 
Qur'Sn and sunnah). See at 38:24. p 1465, n 5. 

5. » LJ — - must' = one who does evil, evil-doer (act. 
participle from 'ord'a . form IV of jrl'u |jerw], to 
be bad/foul/cvil. Sec 'aid'd at 30:10. p. 1293, a 

6. Ojjf Ac tutadhakkaruna - you bear in mind. 

remember ( v. ii. m. pi. impfcl from tadhakkam, 
form V of dhakara [dhikr/ tadhkAr], to remember. 
Sec at 32:4. p.1325. n. 6). 

7. i. e., the hour of resurrection and judgement. 
*•*- sd'ali (s.; pi. id'd/) = hour. lime, clock, the 
Hour of Resurrection Sec at 30:14, p. 1293, n. 
10 . 

8. v<j r ayb = doubt, suspicion, misgivings. See 
at 32:2 p. 1324, n 3. 

9. I>*at ud ' ri = you (all) pray, call, invoke, 
beseech (v. ii. m. pi imperative from dud 
[du 'd'], to call See at 40:49, p. 1527, n. 2). 

10. s-c-t 'astajib(jibu) = I respond, answer (v I. 

s. impfet. from isiajAba. form X of juba [jawbl 
to travel The final letter is vowelless (hence the 
medial yd' is dropped) because the vetb n 
conclusion of a conditional clause See yastajM 
at 28:64. p. 1255. n. 5. 

I I • 0j j S - ' — i yastakbiruna = they turn arrogant/ 

proud/haughty, are pufTed up ( v. iii. m. s. impfcl 
from islakbara, form X of luibura | kubr/ kihir/ 
kabAruh ). to become big. large, great. See at 
37:35, p. 1436. n. 2). 

12. la dakhirin (pi.; acc /gcn of dakhirun ; s. 

dakhir) = those who become small, humble, 
lowly, are humiliated, are in disgrace (acL 
participle from dukharu [dkhur/dukhir], to be 
small, humble. See at 27:87. p 1228, n 7). 

Surah 40: Ghaftr/Mu min 1 Part (Jut ) 24 ] 

Section (Ruku‘)7 
^ Jibuti 61. Allah is He Who 

has made 1 for you the night 
A-j ’i\ that you may repose 2 therein, 

c 3 

and the day giving visibility/ 
J-iijjJ Verily Allah is Full of Grace 4 
ojUl'Jc on man. but 
most men 

£ do not express gratitude. 5 

& 62. Such is Allah, 

i ^oJ, your Lord, 

Creator 6 of everything. 
ytiljdff There is no deity except He. 
^ Then how are you deluded? 7 

63. Thus were deluded 11 
jyfclcj' those who had been 

at the signs 6 of Allah 

$ hurling rejection.' 

64. Allah is He Who 

has made for you 

1 J»» ja'ala = he made / set / pul / placed / 

appointed (v. iii. s. past from yd 7, to make, to pul. 
See at 36: 80. p. 1428. n. S). 

2. ly£—i laskunu(na) = you (all) repose, rest, be 

tranquil, calm (v. ii. m pi impfet. from sakuna 
(.tukun], to be calm, still. The terminal nun is 
dropped because of a hidden 'an in h ( of 
motivation) coming before the verb. See at 30:31, 
p. 1296. n. 4). 

3. So you may work and cam livelihood, 

mubsir (s.; pi. mubsirun) = one who sees 
through/perccives/ discerns, gives visibility, (act. 
participle from abxura, form IV of basura/ basira 
[baxar], to sec. to understand See at 10:67, p. 
661. n. 8). 

4. Jau fad I (pi. fudul) = grace, favour, kindness, 
bounty; also surplus, excess, superiority, merit, 
excellence. See at 34:10. p. 1371. n. I. 

5. yashkuruna = they express gratitude, 

give thanks (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from shakura 
[shukr/ shukrdn), to thank. See at 36:73. p. 1426, 
n. II). 

6. jlw khdliq = Creator, Maker (act participle 
from khalaqa Ikhalq], to create. See khalaqa at 
39:62. p. 1523, n. 3). 

7. i. e., into worshipping others who arc only 

created beings, m lieu of Allah. tu fakuna 

= you are deluded, deceived, beguiled, turned 
away (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. passive from 'afaka 
\'ifk/'afk/'afak/'ufuk\. to lie. to deceive. Sec at 
35:3, p. 1390. n. 9). 

8. i. e.. just as many of you do not heed the signs 
of Allah and express gratitude for His graces and 
thus be deluded, likewise others before you were 
deluded .lliji yu'faku - he is deluded, beguiled. 

deceived, turned away (v. iii. m. s. impfet. passive 
from 'afaka. Sec n 7 above). 

9. oj 'ayat (sing dyah) = signs, miracles. 

revelations Sec at 40:23. p. 1517. n. 9. 

10. yajhad&na = they reject, negate. 

deny, disavow, repudiate, refuse, refuse to 
acknowledge, renounce (v. iii. m. pi impfet. from 
jahada | jahdJjuhud], to reject, to deny. See at 
7:51. p 485. n. 7).’ 


5<3r<j/i 40: GhAftr/Mu 'rrun ( Part ( Juz ’) 24 J 

ai, -£a(; 

✓ / > 





the earth as a resting place 1 
and the sky as a setup; 2 
and He has shaped 3 you 
and has perfected 4 
your makes; 5 

and He has provided 6 for you 
of the good things. 7 
Such is Allah, 
your Lord. 

So Blessed 8 is Allah, 

Lord of all beings. 9 

i 65. He is the Ever-Living. 
yb'fyoJp/ There is no deity except He. 
So invoke 10 Him, 

^ou-Aic making exclusive" for Him 

I - , / 

the worship. 

All the praise is for Allah, 
$ oyiiJ'yj Lord of all beings. 

^ ji i# 66. Say: "Indeed I have been 
4 A forbidden 12 

to worship those whom 

1. j'y varar = stability, steadiness, firmness, 
solidity, to settle down, to rest, place of rest, 
abode. See at 40:39, p. 1523. n. 13. 

2. *la bind’ (s.; pi banna'in ) = building, setup, 

structure, edifice also verbal noun of Nina, to 
build . Sec at 2:21, p II. n. 8) 

3. J)-* saw war a = he shaped, gave form, formed, 

moulded, fashioned (v. iii. m s. past in. form R 
from the root surah, shape See noiHumd l| 
7:1 1, p 468. n. 3). 

4 j—r-\ ' ahsana = he made good, perfected, did 
favours, acted rightly, was chantable (v. iii m. », 
past in form IV of hasuna [/turn], to be good. See 
at 32:7. p. 1326. n . I). 

5. jyr suwar (pi., s. surah ) = shapes, males, 
forms, figures, pictures, statues, copies. 

6. i. ©., with the means of subsistence, 
nourishment and wellbeing. Jj j razaqa = he 

provided with the means of subsistence, 
bestowed, gave provision, endowed, blessed (v. 
iii. m s. past from razq, to provide, bestow See 
at 16:114. p 866. n. 13). 

7- layyibdl (f.; pi., sing, layyibah. m 

layyib) = good women, good things, agreeable 
things, pleasant things (things lawful and 
salutary) Sec at 24:26. p. 1 1 14. n. 9. 

8. djU tahbraka = he became blessed, praised, 

exalted (v. iii. m. s past in form VI of haraka. to 
kneel down See at 25: 61, p 1156. n 6). 

9 dlamin (acc./gcn of dlamun; sing. 

dlam, i.e.. any being or object that points to 
its Creator, sing dlam ) = all beings, creature! 
See at 39:75. p. 1508. n. 7). 

10. ijt-sl ud'd = you (all) pray. call, invoke, 
beseech <v. ii. m pi imperative from da'i 
Idu'd'l. to call. Sec at 40 60. p 1530. n. 9). 

H i. c.. without associating anyone with Him 
J .- * 1 * * mukhlisin (pi.; accVgcn. of mukhliftn. 

sing, mukhlif) = those who make (something) 
exclusive and pure, sincere, loyal, (act participle 
from 'akhlafu. form IV of klialaya [khulusl, to be 
pure. Sec at 40:14, p. 1514. n. 7). 

12. c-rfi nuhitu - I was forbidden, prohibited, 

banned, interdicted (v. i. s. past passive from 
nuhd \nahy], to forbid). 

Surah 40: Ghafir/Mu mm | Pan (Juz ) 24 | 


WojiOiZy^ y° u invoke 1 besides Allah, 
since there has come to me 

t r.rt f the clear evidences 2 


tijo- from my Lord 

and I have been commanded' 
1 that I surrender 4 
$ to the Lord of all beings. 

67. He it is Who 

y(j>ji^==g&. created you of dust;' 

then out of a drop, 6 
then of a sticking clot, 7 
then He produces 8 you 
til as a baby; 9 

i>l 3^ then that you may attain 10 
(it-iqil your maturity," 

then that you become old; 
and among you are those 
that are made to die 12 

4 * 


and that you may reach 

JLli’&Jl a term specified 11 

and in order that you may 

1. i. c . worship. Oyai lad'una = you (all) call. 

call upon, invoke, invite (v. ii. m pi. impfet. from 
da a (du '<!'], to call. See at 40:42. p. 1525, n. 2). 

2. cfc, bayyinal (pi.; sing bayjmah) - clear 
proofs, indisputable evidences. See at 40:50, 
p.1527. n 5). 

3. O/I ’umirtu = 1 was bidden, commanded, 

ordered, (v. i. s. past passive from ’amara l ’umr], 
to command. Sec at 39:12, p. I486, n. I). 

4. i. e., completely and with undivided loyalty, 
shunning all imaginary gods and goddesses, |0-! 

'uslima(u) = I surrender, submit, commit myself, 
resign myself (v. i. s. itnpfct. from aslama. from 
IV of salima [saldmah/saldm]. to be safe, secure. 
See aslamlu at 27:44. p. 1215. n. 13). 

5. v -' / turab (s.; pi. atribah / lirhdn ) - soil. dust, 
dirt, earth. See at 37:54, p. 1439. n. I. 

6. i. e.. of the parents, Uk; nutjah (s.; pi. nulaf) 
= drop, sperm. See at 36:77, p 1427. n. 10. 

7. i. e.. as the next stage in the development. Ul* 
‘alaqah = sticking clot. See at 23: 14. p, 1077. n. 

8 yukhriju = he brings out, produces, 

expels, drives out (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
from 'akhraja, form IV of kharaja [khurQj], to go 
out, to leave. See at 30:19. p. 1295. n. 6). 

9. JiU lifl (s.; pi 'atfdl) = infant, baby, child. 
See at 24:31. p. 1 1 17. n. 13. 

10. Then Allah makes you grow . lyJU tahlughu 

( na ) = you (all) attain, reach, arrive at (v. ii. m. 
pl impfet. from balagha [bulugh], to reach, to 
attain. The terminal nun is dropped because of a 
hidden 'an in Ii (of motivation) coming before the 
veib. See at 22:5. p. 1046. n. II). 

11. Ail 'ashudd = physical maturity, virility, 
majority See at 28:14. p. 1235, n. 7. 

12 jiy, yutawaffi = he is taken fully, received 

in full, caused to die (v. iii. m. s. impfet. passive 
from lawafla, from V of wafd | wuf&'/wafy \ . to be 
perfect, to fulfil. See at 22:5. p. 1046, n. 13). 
13.,j«— musamman (s.; pi musammaydt)= 

specified, stipulated, named, designated, defined 
(passive participle (m s. ) from sammd (to 
name), form II of samii [surmlw/ sam/i'), to be 
high. See at 39:42. p. 1496. n. 10). 


Surah 40: Ghafir/Mu'mm [ Part (Jut ) 24 ) 

68. He it is Who gives life 1 
and causes to die. 2 

liU So when He decrees’a matter 
He but say for it "Be" 
and it comes into being. 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 8 

69. Do you not see those 
OjLjjii who dispute 4 

a 6out the signs of Allah? 5 
$ tt How are they deluded? 6 


X- — ’ »<» < »<*< 


$ UyOtLj 

70. Those who disbelieve 7 
in the Book 11 and in that with 
which We have sent out 9 
Our Messengers — 

but soon the will know. 10 

71. When the fetters" will be 
at their necks, 12 

and the chains, 
they will be dragged 13 

I u*n juhyt = he gives life, revivifies, brings to 
life, enlivens, animates, vitalizes (v. ill. m. s. 
impfet. from ahyd. form IV of hayiya [/wwj/i|, to 
live See at 36:78, p 1428, n I) 

2. yumtiu = he causes to die. puts tn death 
(v. iii. in s. impfet. from amaia. form IV of nulla 
[mawl], to die. Sec at 30:40, p. 1304, n. 3). 

3. u-*J qadd = he decreed, decided, judged, 
executed, fulfilled, terminated, concluded (v. iii 
m. s. past from qadd to conclude. See at 39:42, 
p. 1496, n. 8). 

4 0 >bu, yujadiluna = they dispute, quanej. 

controverl. argue, debate, wrangle (v. iii. in pi 
impfet. from jddala, form III of jadula [Ja» judl). 
to tighten. See at 40:56. p. 1529. n. 5). 

5. It is a question of surprise, i. e.. how do they 
dispute about the signs of Allah while they arc so 

6. i. e., from the right course of monotheism to the 

error of polytheism. yusrafuna = they arc 

deluded, diverted, turned away (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. passive from sarafa [surf], to turn, to turn 
away. Sec lusrafuna at 39:6. p 1483. n. 3). 

7. kadhdhabu = they cried lies, thought 
untrue, disbelieved (v. iii. m. pi. post from 
kadhdhabu, form II of kadhaha \kidhb Audhib 
Aadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. See at 37:127, p 
1450, n. 4). 

8. i. e.. the Qur'iln. 

9. Allah sent the same message through all the 
previous Prophets So a Muslim must believe in 
all the previous Prophets and the message they 
delivered. LL*/ "arsalnd - we sent out. sent, 
despatched, discharged (v. i. pi past from arxah, 
form IV of rari/rr [rasa/], to be long and (lowing. 
See at 37: 147, p. 1453. n. 1). 

10. i. e.. the consequences of their unbelief and 

1 1. Jv*t 'aghlal (pi ; s. ghult) = fetters, shackles, 
manacles. Sec at 36:8, p. 1410. n. 7. 

12. i. c.. on the Day of Judgement jl»I ’a'niq 
(pl.i s. unuq) = necks. See at 38:33, p. 1468. 
n. II. 

13. , yushabuna = they arc dragged, drawn, 
pulled, withdrawn (v. iii. m. pi impfet. passive 
from xaliuba [sahb], to drag, to trail on the 

Surah 40: Ghafir/Mu 'nun | Part (Juz) 24 ) 


, IT .i 72. Into the boiling water; 
jUlf then in the fire 

they will be burned. 2 

73. Then it will be said to 

U them: "Where are those that 
$ y° u used to set as partners 1 

74. "Besides Allah?" 

|>JLj They will say: 

"They have strayed 4 from us. 
’)<y. Nay. we did not use to 
[lllljlij_y.ijf.jl invoke 1 afore anything." 

Thus Allah makes go astray 6 
the unbelievers. 7 

75. That is so because 
you had been rejoicing 8 
in the earth 

without justification' 
r&v and because you used to 
be exultant. 10 

1. r -^- hamim = boiling water, close friend. 

intimate friend, (act. participle in the scale of fa'il 
from hamma (/iu/foti). to heat, make hot. See at 
40:18. p II. 

2. 0 )/*-*. yusjardna * they arc burned, fired up. 
heated (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from sajara . to fire 

3. i. e„ in your worship, afi ^ tushrikuna = 
you (all) associate, set partners (v. ii. m. pi. 
impfet- from ashruka. form IV of sluirika | shirk/ 
sharikah). to share. Sec at 1 1 :54. p. 697. n. 6). 

4. dallu = they went astray, strayed, lost way. 
erred (v. iii. m. pi. past from <faila 
[daUil/daltilah). to loose one's way. Sec at 20:92. 
p 998. n. 9). 

5. tjPO. nad'uai & )= we call, invoke, invite (v. i. 
pi. impfet. from da'd (lin'd'], to call, to summon 
See at 17:71. p. 896. n. 6). 

6. i. e.. because of their unbelief and setting 
partners with Allah J-a< yudillu - he makes go 

astray, misguides, deludes (v. iii. m s. impfet. 
from 'udalla. form IV of dulla [daldt/ duldlah). to 
go astray. Sec yudillu at 38:26. p. 1466, n. 6). 

7. Ji/i kdfirin ( pi.; accigemtive of kdftrun. s. 
kdfir) = unbelievers, infidels, those disbelieving, 
ungrateful (active participle from kufuru \kufr 
Aufrdn / kufur], to disbelieve, to cover. See at 
39:59. p. 1 502. n. 6). 

8. i. e.. at what you did of sins and misdeeds. 
Jy-jii tafrahuna = rejoice, become happy, arc 
delighted (v. ii. m. pi. impfet from fanha [farah], 
to be glad. See at 27:36, p. 1212. n. 13). 

9. Jr- haqq = right, truth, liability, justice, just 
cause Sec at 39:4 1 . p. 1 495, n II 

10. f e., at your unbelief and disobedience to 
Allah C> y/J tamrahdna = you be exultant/ 
merry/ hilarious (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from marihu 
[mart i/j], to he merry, exultant. Sec mu rah at 
31:18. p. 1317. n. 4). 


Surah 40: GMfir/Mu min [ Part (Juz") 24 | 







^*c -r.r 


- > .* 

< .» • - 

0 4 (*4 i i> 

V, ■f.' » 

s 12 ! oW 

76. Enter you all 1 
the gates 2 of hell 
abiding for ever* therein. 

So bad is 4 

the abode 5 of the arrogant. 6 

77. So be patient. 7 
Verily Allah’s promise 
is true. 

So whether We show 8 you 
some of what 
We have promised 0 them 
or We make you die, 10 
to Us they will be returned." 

78. And indeed We had sent 
Messengers before you. 

Of them are those that 
We have narrated 12 to you 
and of them are those that 
We have not narrated to you. 
And it lies not with a Mes- 
senger that he brings a sign 

I. i. e.. it will be said (o (hem. <jUi< udkhuU- 

you (all) enter, go in. join (v it m pi impcnDt*! 
from dakhala \dukhul], to enter See at 39:72, p 
1506. n 12). 

2. ylyl 'abw&b (sing, bdb) - doors, gam, 
sections. Sec at 39:7 1, p 1 506. n. 4. 

3. jralU khalidin (pi.; accVgen of ktuUuHn. h' 

khdhd ) = living for ever, abiding for em. 
everlasting, eternal, immortals (active participle 
from khalada [khutOd], to live for cm. See U 
39:72. p. 1506. n. 13. 

4. bi’s = evil, wretched, bad. Sec at 39:72, |k 

1507. n. 1. 

5. iS } malhwan (s.; pi. jU. mr/A4wui) ■ 

abode, dwelling place, resting place (notm o( 
place from thawiya \ihawd']. to stay, abide) See 
at 39:72, p. 1507, n. 2. 

6. mutakabbirin (pi.; acc./gca. of 
mutakabbirin) = proud, haughty, arrogant (act. 
participle from lakabbara, from V of katmnl 
kabara \kubr/ kibar/ kuMrah/kabrl. to became 
great, to be older. Sec at 39:72, p. 1507, n. 3). J 

7. i. e.. have patience over the unbelievers 
opposition and ridiculing yd Isbir = be patten, 
have patience, bear calmly, persevere, (v. it. m. t 
imperative from { abara [sabr], to be patient, to 
bind. See at 40:55. p. 1528. n 10). 

8. Jiy nuriyanna = we show, make (soiKoee) 

see (v. t. pi emphatic impfet. in form IV of ru'd 
[ ra'y/ru vrr/i), to sec at 1 3:40. p. 782, n. I). 

9. i. e.. of disgrace and punishment. a«i naiiu * 
we promise, assure, threaten, (v. i. s. impfet, from 
w'ada (wn'rf), to promise. Sec at 23:95. p 1098. 
n. 6). 

10. natawaffayanna - we take fully, cause 
to die (v. i. pi. emphatic impfet. from imaffi, 
from V of wufn [u«/ri7»u/v|, to be perfect, to 
fulfil Sec at 13:40, p. 782. n. 3). 

II.I. c . after death and resurrection for final 
judgement and requital Oy~y yurja'una = they 

(all) arc returned, taken back, sent back (v. iii m 
pi. impfet. passive from raja a |rujii'|, to mum. 
Sec at 28:39. p 1246. n 4). 

12. qasasnd = we related, narrated, gave an 

account, told (v. i. pi. past from qassa |y<um), to 
relate, narrate Sec at 16: 1 1 8. p 868. n. 6). 

Surah 40 Ghafir/Mu nun [ Part (Juz) 24 ] 


except by the leave' of Allah. 
So when there comes 
the command 2 of Allah 
^ decree will be given* 

'^i with justice 

Jjlbi and thereat will suffer loss 4 

the followers of falsehood. 5 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 9 

tsjiiotf 79. Allah is He Who 
j£j has made for you 

the grazing livestock 6 that 
g *. j you may ride 7 on some of them 
and of some of them you eat. 


80. And you have in them 
£$£ uses; 8 

i JLl ' " 'J and that you may reach’ 
on them an object 10 
j you have in your hearts; 
and on them 

tiiUJ' ^ and on the ships" 

{£) you are carried. 1 2 

1. The Messengers have no power to perform a 
miracle It is Allah Who causes miracles to 
happen at their hands. i»' 'idhn (pi. jj>’ udltun 
/oCjjI ’udhundt) = leave, permission, See at 34:12, 
p, 1372, n. I). 

2. i. e.. for the punishment of the disbelievers. /■ 
'amr (s.; pi. andnur I jr A ‘umSr) = order, 

command, decree / matter, issue, affair. See at 
40:44, p. 1525. n. 9. 

3. qudiya = it is settled, adjudicated, decreed. 

passed, spent, concluded, decided (v. iii. m. s. past 
passive from qadti [qad/i'], to settle, to decide. 
See at 39:75. p 1508. n. 6). 

4. j—r khasira = he suffered loss, lost, incurred 
damage (v. iii. m. s. past from /khas&r 
fkhautrah /khusr&n. See at 22:11. p. 1049, n. 4). 

5. jjlV- mubtilCtn (pi .; s. mublit) = lying ones, 

followers of falsehood, prattlers (act. participle 
from abtula, form IV of batata Ibuft /bull an], 
to be null/ false. See at 30:58, p 1310, n. 3). 

6. fUt ’an ‘dm (pi.; s. rut ’am) = grazing 
livestock (sheep, cattle, camels, goats), animals. 
See at 39:6, p. 1482 n. 10. 

7. \yf j tarkabu(na) = you ride, embark, mount. 

board (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from raktba [ru/ciih]. to 
ride, mount. The terminal ntln is dropped because 
of a hidden "an in li (of motivation) coming 
before the verb. See at 16:8, p. 829, n. II). 

8. i. e.. other uses, such as of their wool. hyde. 
bones, etc. man&fi’ (sing, manfa'ah ) = uses, 
benefits. See at 36:73. p. 1426, n. 9. 

9. lyJJ tablugha (no) = you (all) attain, reach. 

arrive at (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from batagha 
[bulugh]. to reach, to attain. The terminal min is 
dropped for the reason stated at n. 8 above. Sec at 
40:67. p. 1533. n. 10). 

10. i. c.. of carrying something to a distant 
destination. hajah (s.; pi hdjdi/>]au.u if) - 
need, object, desire, wish, concern. Sec at 12:68, 
p. 747, n. 7. 

11. dJdi fulk (mas. and fem.; sing, and pi.) = 
ships. (Noah's) Ark. See at 35:12, p. 1394, n. 12. 

12. tuhmal&na = you (all) arc carried, 

borne (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. passive from hamala 
[hum/], to carry. See at 23:21. p. 1080, n. 6). 


Surah 40: Ghdfir/Mu' min [ Part (Jut ) 24 ] 

I 8 1 . And He shows' you 
His signs. 

-oil Then which of Allah’s signs 

($) do you deny? 2 

82. Do they not travel’ 
a ^jV '4 in the earth 

3&S±)k~» and see 4 how was 
the end 5 of those 
I before them? 6 
\?& They had been 

more numerous than they 
•j* xAj and stronger 7 in power 
jlSCj and vestiges 8 in the land; 
but there availed 9 them not 
6jLJ3ly£U what they used to acquire. 10 

83. Then when there came to 
,41# them their Messengers 

■ •Ari f, with the clear evidences 

" >* > 

LL.) ij '*.J» they rejoiced" at what 
they had with them 
jA-l'Si of knowledge; 12 

1. yurt = he shows, makes see (v in m. i. 
impfet from tint, form IV of ru'd [ru'v/ru'wrtj, 
to see. Sec at 40: 13, p 1514, n I. 

2. Jj/— ' lunkiruna = you disavow, deny, pretend 

not to know (v. ii. in pi unpfet. from unkara, 
fonn IV of nakira \nukur/ nukr/ nukur/ nukir], not 
to know See yunkiruna at 16:83, p 855. n. 4). 

3. i. e.. in connection with their trade journeys. 

yasiru(nu) = they travel, go about, (mimey 
(v iii. in pi impfet from nira |.t ayr /uiyrurak 
/mash /masirali /tasytir] to move, to travel The 
terminal nun is dropped for the particle lam being 
before the verb Sec at 40:21. p. 1516. n. 7). 

4 ']J*i yanfurtiinu) = they sec. look expectantly, 

gaze, wait for. await (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
na;ura | nazr/man^ar). to sec. view, look at The 
terminal min is dropped because of an implied on 
in the causal /d' coming before the verb See at 
40:21. p 1516. n. 8). 

5. liU ‘aqibah (s.; pi. 'uwaqib) - end. 
ultimate outcome, upshot, consequence, effect, 
result. See at 40:21. p. 1516, n. 9, 

6. i c . of the disbelieving nations, such as the 
'Ad, Thamfld. the people of Lul. etc. 

7 ail ashadd - morc/most intense, stronger/ 

strongest, severer /severest, fiercer/ fiercest, 
stcmer/slcmest. toughcr/toughcst. (dative of 
shadid) See at 40:67, p. 1533. n. 1 1 . 

8. jdl, 'alhar (pi.; s. ,1 ' alhur ) = tracks, traces, I 

footsteps, vestiges, antiquities, marks, remnants, 
effects, results. See at 40:21, p. 1516. n il. 

9. i. e., at the lime of Allah's retribution. I 
uikl 'aghnd = he or it availed, became of use. j 

enriched, sufficed (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 
ghaniya [glunun / ghami' ), to be free from want. I 
to be rich. See at 39:50, p. 1499. n. 6). 

10. i. e.. of wealth, power and grandeur. JyS i I 
yaksibuna = they (all) acquire, cam. gain, attain, I 
achieve (v. iii. m pi. impfet from kasubu |in.ih), I 
to gain, to acquire. Sec at 39:50, p. 1499. n. 8). 

11. tj»-> farihd = they became happy, rejoiced, I 
were glad, were delighted, were elated with joy (v. I 
iii. m. pi past from fartha [/iir/i), to be glad See 
30:36, p. 1301, n. 10) 

12 i. c.. the knowledge of theirs regarding the ] 
conduct of life running counter to the message ] 
delivered to them 

Surah 40: Ghafir/Mu'nun [ Pari (Juz) 24 ) 


y£) and there encircled' them 
that at which which they had 
been mocking. 2 

ijfj lli 84. So when they saw 

Our punishment 2 they said: 
■•-w-jju "W e believe in Allah Alone 
and we disbelieve 4 
fifc, in all that we had been 
(«) with Him setting partners." 5 


85. But there was not to 
benefit 6 them their believing 
ij^£j when they had seen 


Our punishment — 

*»\ the practice 7 of Allah 

which had already passed" 
regarding His servants. 9 
And thereat suffered loss 10 
the disbelievers. 

1. JU haqa = he or it surrounded, enclosed, 
hemmed in. encircled (v. iii. m s. past from hawq, 
to suiTound. See at 40:45. p 1525, n. 13). 

2. i. e . the punishment of which they had been 
warned bul which they used lo mock al. J 

yaslahzi’Qna = they scoff, deride, mock, ndicule 
(v. iii. m. pi impfet. from isiahza a. from X of 
haul' a [hat'/ liuz'/ huzu 7 huzu'/mahzu'ah], to 
mock, to make fun. Sec at 39:48. p, 1498, n. 9). 

3. jX, ha’s = might, strength, courage, 

intrepidity, prowess, fighting, punishment ( also, 
as verbal noun of ha so. hun. harm, violence). See 
at 40:29, p 1520. n. 2. 

4. \j jtf kufumd = we disbelieved, denied, 

became ungrateful, covered ( v. i. pi. past from 
kufuru [ kufr ] . to cover. See at 14:9, p. 789. n. 5). 

5. {/f JL* mushriktn (m. pi.: accusative /genitive 

of mushrikin. sing, mushrik ) = polytheists, those 
who set partners with Allah (active participle from 
' ushraka. form IV of sharika [shirk/ shirkuh/ 
shartkah ). to share. Sec at 33:73, p. 1 366, n. 4). 

6. yanfa’u = he (or it) benefits, is of use. 

avails (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from nafa'u [ naf], lo 
be useful, be of use See at 40:52, p 1528, n. I). 

7. i. e„ such is the practice of Allah, ii- sunnah 

(s . pi. sunart ) = way of dealing, usage, practice, 
norm Sec al 35:43, p. 1406, n II). 

8. c-U khalat = she passed, passed away, 

became empty, became alone, went privately (v. 
iii. f. s. past from khatii [khulu’/khaW]. See at 
35:24. p 1398. n. 7). 

9. i. c., the past disbelieving peoples. sLt ’ib&d 
(sing. -e» ‘abd) = servants (of Allah), human 
beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. See at 40:31, p. 
1520, n. 12). 

10. j-r- khasira = he suffered loss. lost, incurred 

damage (v. iii. m. s. past from khusr /khasdr 
/ khasdrah /khusran See at 40:78, p. 1537. n. 5). 

4 1 . Surat Fussilat (Elucidated) 
[Also called Ha-Mim al-Sajdah] 
Makkan: 54 'ayahs 

This is another Makkan surah which, like the other Makkan surahs deals with the fundamentals of 
the faith — tawhid (monotheism), Prophethood of Mubammad. peace and blessings of Allah be on him. 
the truth of the Qur’an. Resurrection, reward and punishment. It starts with an emphasis that the Qur'k 
has been sent down by Allah and that its ayaks arc elucidated and set out in detail. It then refers to the 
attitude of the unbelievers and draws attention to Allah's creation of the heavens and the earth by way of 
bringing home the theme of monotheism ; and to the fate of the Thamud and Ad peoples who, despite 
their being the most powerful nations of the time, met with destruction and ruin because of their unbelief 
and rejection of the truth. It then points out that on the Day of Judgement the eyes, cars and skins of the 
sinful will bear testimony against them because Allah will enable these to speak out. This is followed by 
an indication of the fate and position that await the righteous and the believers The surah ends by 
pointing out that Allah will show men His signs in the universe and in themselves and will prove that 
the Qur'an is the truth ( 'ayah 53). 

The surah is named Fussilat (Elucidated) after its second 'ayah which states that the ayahs of the 
Qur'an have been elucidated and set out in detail. It is also called Ha-Mim al-Sajdah because it sums 
with the disjointed letters Ha-Mim, the expression al-Sajdah being added to distinguish it from the other 
surahs that have lire same disjointed letters at their respective beginnings. 

^ 1. Ha-Mim.' 

tfjyyf 2. A sent-down 2 from 
Ji ? if the Most Compsassionate, 
0 the Most Merciful. 

3. A Book, 5 
elucidated 4 have been 
its ’ayahs,' 

as a Qur’an in Arabic 

for people that know. 6 

1. Allah Alone knows the meaning and 
significance of these disjointed letters See 2:1. p 

4. n. I. 

2. This is a reiteration that the Qur'an was sent 
down by Allah It is no composition of the 
Prophet's, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. 
nor of anyone else. J tys tanzil - sending down, 
bringing down, something sent down, a sent down 
(verbal noun in form II of nazala [nuriif], to come 
down. Sec at 32:2, p 1 324. n. 2. 

3. i. e., the Qur'Sn 

4 i. e., its instructions are made clear and 
distinct, and many a statement or expression a 
repeated and explained at different places, dab 
fussilat = she or it was set out in detail, 
elaborated, elucidated, explained (v. iii. f. I. past 
from fassala. form II of [ajata [/off], to separate, 
set apart See yufassilu at 10:5. p 637. n. 11). 

5. i e.. the statements and texts of the Qur'Sn od 

ay&t (sing ayah) = signs, miracles, revelations, 
evidences. Sec at 39:71, p. 1506, n. 7 

6. i. e.. those who have understanding and also 
know ledge of the Arabic language 


Surah 41: Fussilut [ Part (Juz') 24) 


{ ^4 4. Conveying good tidings' 
5/iij and giving warning; 2 
r*A^=l j>jc . li but most of them turn away, 
so they listen not. 4 

ijlij 5. And they say: 

"Our hearts are in coverings 5 
against what you call us to, 
and in our ears is deafness; 6 
and between us and you 
is a screen." 7 
JltS So you act; 8 

we indeed are going to act. 

klT^ji 6. Say: "I am but 

a human being 8 like you. 
UlZf-Jt It is communicated 9 to me 
;£*J|T2i that your god is but 
One God. 

U So be upright 10 to Him 


and seek His forgiveness." 
Jjy And woe 

$ to the polytheists. 

1 . i. e.. for (he righicous. of bliss and rewords in 
(he hereafter. ^ bashshir = give glad tidings. 

announce good news (v. ii. in. s. imperative from 
bushshura. form II of btuhura Axishtra {bis hr 
/bushr], to rejoice, be happy. See at 39:17. p. 
1487, n. 9). 

2. i. e.. of Allah's displeasure and retribution, yki 

nadhtr (pi. nudhur) = wamcr. one or that which 
gives warning (active participle in the scale of 
fa’il from nadhura [nadhr/ nudhur], to vow, to 
pledge). Sec at 38:70. p. 1476. n. I. 

3. i. e.. most of men. Jtjd 'a'rada = he turned 
away, averted, evaded (v. ii. m. pi past in form 
IV of anula I'anf], to be broad, wide, to appear, 
to show. See at 32:22. p. 1330. n. II). 

4. i. e.. do not pay heed to. Oy— , yasma'una - 
they listen, hear, pay attention (v. lii. m. pi. 
impfet. from sami'a [sum' /samd' / samd'uh 
/musma'], to hear. See at 32:26. p. 1332, n. 5). 

5. fcfl 'akinnah (pi.; s. ur kann/kinnah) = 

covers, coverings, shelters, nests, veils. Sec at 
18:57, p. 933. n. 4 

6. waqr = deafness, heaviness, hollowness. See 
at 18:57. p. 933. n. 6. 

7. hijah (s.; pi. frujub/ahjibah) = screen. 

curtain, partition, cover, barrier, veil. Sec at 38:32. 
p 1468. n. 6. 

8. This is an instruction to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. ^ hashar = man. 
human being. See at 36:15. p. 1412. n. 8. 

9. yOhd = it is communicated (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. passive from awhd, form IV of wahd 
[wohy], to communicate. Sec at 33:2. p.1334, n. 
6.Technically wuhy means Allah's communication 
to His Prophets by various means. Some of these 
means are mentioned in 2:92, 16:2,16: 102. 26:193 
and 42:51. See also Bukhari, nos. 2-4). 

10. i. e. worship Him Alone and obey His 

injunctions, istaqimu a be steadfast, 

upright, straight, proper (v. ii. m s. imperative 
from i sraquma. form X of qdma [qan rnah/qiydm], 
to stand up. Sec tslaqim at 11:112, p. 717, n. II). 

1 1 . ty/fcut istaghfirti = you all ask for 

forgiveness, seek forgiveness (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative from isiaghfara, form X of ghafara 
[ghafr /maghfirah /ghufrdn), to forgive. See at 
1161. p. 700, n. 2). 


SQrah 41 : Fussilal I Pan (Juz') 24| 

I Oyj. yu ‘lOna = they give, pay. bestow, gam 

(v. iii. m. pi. impfct. from did, form IV of urd 
[ilydn/ ary/ ma'iah], lo come. Sec at 23:60. p. 
1090. n. 1). 

2. i/'j zakdh = purity, growth. Technically it 
means the prescribed charitable contributions for 
specified purposes, of a certain percentage of 
surplus wealth held for a full year. It is so called 
because it purifies wealth and makes for its proper 
growth See at 27:3. p. 1203. n. 2. 

3. i. e.. they neither believe in resurrection nor in 

reward and punishment, AyJkS’ kafirun - 
unbelievers, disbelievers, infidels, ungrateful 
(active participle from kafara [kufr /kufrt h / 
kufur], to disbelieve, to cover. Sec at 30:8, p 
1292. n. 6). 

4. oUJL, fAlihdt (f.; sing. sMIja/i: m. ;d/tk) = 
good ones, good deeds/things ( approved by the 
Qur'an and sunnah). Sec at 40:58. p. 1530, n 4. 

5. ‘ajr (pi ^ ’ujir) = reward, recompense. 

remuneration, due See at 38:87. p 1479, n. 2). j 

6. i. c., it will neither be exhausted nor stopped. 

7 ' Those who pay ' n0t 
the zakah, 2 and they are 
iS-b-% in the hereafter 

the ones disbelieving.' 

I 8. Verily those who believe 
■ and do the good deeds 4 

Jil they shall have a reward 5 
without cessation. 6 

Section (Ruku')l 

9. Say: "Do you then really 
disbelieve in Him Who 
ju. created the earth 
in two days 

and set 7 for Him equals? 8 
That is the Lord of all beings 

cut off, ceased, obliged, grateful, 
weak (pass, participle from manna (imuut). to be 
kind, to bestow favour, to cut off. to be weak See 
mananna at 37:1 14, p. 1448, n. 5). 

7. OjW laj'aluna = you set. make, place, put. 

appoint (v. ii. m. pi. impfct. from ja'ala l/fl'f) to 
make, to put. See at 6:91. p. 428. n. I). 

8. i. e.. by worshipping others as gods and 
goddesses, aUil anddd (sing, nidd) - equals, 
compeers, partners, rivals. Sec at 34:33, p 1380. 
n. 7. 

9. i. e.. that Creator is the Lord of all bangs. 
jrJij. ■ alamin (acc /gen of 'alam&n; stag 
j* Alum, i.e.. any being or object that points to 
its Creator; sing. 'Alam) = all beings, creatures 
See at 39:75. p. 1 508. n. 7). 

10. i. e.. to stabilize the earth's crust, y, }J nnrdria 
firm, anchored, fixed. 

10 ' And He ^ therein 
firm and high mountains 
above it" 

%}>> and gave blessings in it, 
and assigned 12 therein 

(pi.; s. rAsin/rAsiyah ) 
towering mountains See at 27:61. p. 1220. n. 10, 

1 1 . i. e.. on its surface. 

12. jOi qaddara - he determined, decreed, 

assessed, estimated, evaluated, enabled, assigned, 
(v iii. m s past in form II of qadara faudrl. to 
estimate, to decree, to have power See at 25:2. p 
1138. n. 2). 

Surah 4 1 : Fust Hat | Part (Juz ’) 24] 


: & 

its nutriments' 

X. \ 

in four days. 

This is for those that ask. 2 

1 1 . Moreover He turned His 


attention’ to the sky 


and it was then smoke, 4 


and said to it and the earth: 


"You two come on 

G 35'£> 

willingly 5 or unwillingly." 6 


They said: 

"We come willingly." 7 

; > 

12. Then He decreed 8 them 

into seven skies 


in two days; 

and ordered 9 in every sky 

its affair. 10 

And We adorned" 

the nearest sky 

if* + " + + 

with lights ,2 and as protection. 


That is the ordaining 13 


of the All-Mighty, 

the All-Knowing. 

1. olyl 'aqndt (pi. ; s. qul) = foods, nutriments, 
means of subsistence. 

2. sd'itin (accusative/genitive of sd'ildn, 
sing, sa'il; active participle from sa ala [ su'uU 
mas'alah/ius'al]. to ask) = beggars, petitioners, 
questioners, enquirers, those that ask See at 12:7. 
p. 724. n. 6. 

3. cfy- 1 island = he became even (i. e„ took 
position), well balanced, straight, equal, regular, 
upright: followed by ’Ud this form of the verb 
means "to intend, to turn attention to" (v. iii. m. s. 
past in form VIII of sawiya [.riwrut], to he equal 
See at 32:4. p 1325. n. 2). 

4. dukhdm s : pi. ' adkhinah ) = smoke, 

fume, vapour 

5. U,!* {aw 'an = willingly, obediently (from law". 
to obey, be obedient. See at 13:15. p. 770. n. 3). 

6. karhan = against will, unwillingly. 

grudgingly (from karh. to feel disgust, to hate, to 
abhor). See at 13:15, p. 770, n. 4. 

7. fd’i'in (pi : acc /gcn of td’i'un; s. id V) 

= obedient, submissive, willing (act. participle 
from Ida (raw - ), to obey. See n. 5 above. Also 
see yastati'una at 36:75, p. 1427. n. 3). 

8. qadd m he decreed, decided, judged. 

executed, fulfilled, terminated, concluded, 
consummated (v. iii. m. s. past from qatjd' . to 
conclude. Sec at 40:68. p. 1534, n. 3). 

9. ’awl/d = he communicated, ordered, 
signalled (v. iii. m. s. past, in form IV of wahd 
l*al}y], to communicate. See at 19:11. p. 953, n. 

10. yf 'amr (s.; pi. yl/ ' awdmtr / ty i limin') = 

order, command, decree / matter, issue, affair. 
See at 40:78. p. 1537, n 2. 

11. Uij zayyannd = we adorned, embellished. 

decorated, ornamented, beautified (v. i. pi. past 
from zayyana, form II of t&na [ zayn ] . to 
decorate, adorn Sec at 37:6, p. 1431. n. 2). 

12. i. e., stars, masdbih (pi., s. misbdh) = lamps, 
lights. See misbdh at 24:35. p. II 20. n. 4. 

13. jtsis taqdir = ordaining, determining, 
estimation, appraisal, decree ( verbal noun in form 
II of qadara [ qadr / qadar qudrah/ maqdurah], to 
decree, to have power. See at 36:38, p. 1418, n. 


Surah 4 1 Fussilal [ Pan (Vitt') 24] 

13. So if they turn away 1 
then say: "I have warned 2 you 
of a thunderbolt 5 
like the thunderbolt 

0 of the ‘Ad and the Thamud." 

• *1 . •''f 

m + 

a ^ 

14. When there came to them 
the Messengers 
from their front 4 
and from their rear 5 
that you worship not 6 
but Allah, 

they said: "If our Lord willed 
He would have sent down' 
angels. 8 

So we indeed are in what 
you have been sent 9 with 
disbelievers." 10 

15. Then as regards the ‘Ad, 
they turned arrogant" 


in the land unjustly 
and said: 

|. Ij_s jA ’a ‘raja = they turned away. I verted 

evaded (v. iii. m pi past from ‘ uruifa. font) IV 
of aruja ( ar<J\, to be broad, wide, to appeal. Ip 
show See at 34: 16. p 137.3. n. 10). 

2. The address is to the Prophet, peat* md 
blessings of Allah be on him. o^Jiit 'andhartn = 

I warned, cautioned (v. i. s. past from andham, 
form IV of nadhara \nadhr / hudhir |, to dedicate, 
to vow In its form IV ( ' indhdr ) the verb means IP 
warn with a mention of the consequences Ilf 
disregarding the warning Sec undhartu at 36:10. 
p 141 1, n. 2). 

3. i. e., a terrible and devastating punishment 
liiU» sd'tqah (s.. pi yawaiq) = thunderbolt holt 
of lightning. See at 2:55. p. 26. n 4 

4. j, bayna 'aydShim [lit. between their 

hands] is an idiom meaning "before or in front el 
them". See at 22:76. p, 1073. n I 

5. i. e.. from all sides and attempting to guide 
them to the right way in all possible ways, 
khalf = rear, rear part, behind, successors, those 
behind Sec at 36:45, p 1419, n 9 

6. \yXfl V la ta'budu - you (all) worship not 
never worship (v. ii. m pi. impenln* 
[prohibition] from 'abada [ ibidah /ub&Mt 
ubudiyah], to worship, to serve. See at 36 60,p 
1423. n. 5). 

7 J>' 'anzala = he sent down (v iii m. t past n 
fonn IV [ inzdl) of nazala ( nuzdl ]. to come down, 
get down Sec at 35:27. p 1399. n. 3). 

8. This they said because of their peculiar moon 
that no human being could be a Messenger of 
Allah efcc. maid ikah (sing malak) • angdi 
Sec at 39:75, p 1508. n. I 

9. fd-} 'ursiltum = you were sent, despatched 

(v ii. in pi past passive from Ursula, from IV ef 
rust la [ rasa ! ]. to be long and Ho wing. Set 
'arsulnd at 40:70, p. 1534, n, 9), 

10. kdfirun - unbelievers, disbebewn, 
infidels, ungrateful (active participle from hdura 
\kufr /kufrdn / kufiir], to disbelieve, to cover. Set 
at 4 1 7. p 1542, n 3). 

11. Ij istakharu = they boasted, hecant 
proud, turned arrogant, haughty (v. iii. m. pi pH 
from istakbara, fonn X of kuhurulkabara (t»W 
kihar/ kabarahAubr]. to become gran, to be 
older See at 40:27, p. 1526, n. 8). 

Surah 41 : Fussilat | Part (Juz) 24] 

"Who are the stronger 1 


iyu. than us in might?" 

Did they not see that Allah 
jK Who created them, 

He is the Stronger than they 
iy in might? 

§ And they had been at Our 
signs 2 hurling rejection.' 

1 6. So We sent 4 on them a 
wind 5 quite cold and furious 6 
during days very disastrous, 7 
that We might make them taste 8 
the punishment of disgrace 9 
in the worldly life; 
but the punishment 
of the hereafter will be 
more disgraceful; 10 
and they will not be helped." 

I 'r*s*\*2 

•>C M 


km - 


ijl&s 17. And as for the ThamOd, 
^ ivV * we g' vcn them guidance 
'.£ but they preferred" blindness 1 ' 


1. as hadd = more/most intense, stronger/ 

strongest, severer /severest, fiercer/ fiercest, 
stemer/stemesl, tougher/toughest, (elative of 
shadid). See at 40:82. p. 1538. n. 7. 

2. ot<t "dydt (sing ayah) = signs, miracles, 
revelations. See at 40:63, p. 1531. n. 9. 

3. yajhaddna - they reject, negate, 
deny, disavow, repudiate, refuse, refuse to 
acknowledge, renounce (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
jatyidu [ jahd/juhid], to reject, to deny. See at 
7:51. p 485, n. 7). 

4. U-_,t ’arsalnd = we sent out, sent, despatched, 
discharged (v. i. pi past from 'arsala, form IV of 
rasila (rasa/], to be long and flowing. See at 
40:170. p. 1534. n. 9). 

5. jvj rih (s.; pi. riydh/arwdh/urydld) = wind, 
smell, spirit. See at 34: 1 2. p. 1371. n. 9). 

6. See 69:6. sarfar = shrill, piercing sound. 

violently noisy, extremely cold.^^w jvj rih 

saryar = icy gale, extremely cold and furious 
stormy wind. 

7. c/t— nahisdt (pi., s. nahis ) = ominous, 
luckless, calamitous, disastrous. 

8. jii, nudhtqaiu) = we make (someone) taste 
(v. i. pi. impfet. from 'adhdqa. form IV of dhdqa 
[dhawq/ nuidhdq], to taste.The final letter takes 
fathah because of an implied 'an in /» (of 
motivation) coming before the verb. See nudhiqu 
at 22:9. p. 1045. n. 6). 

9. sSj* khiiy = disgrace, ignominy, humiliation. 

degradation, abasement. See at 39:26. p. 1491. n. 


10. sSj * t 'akhzA = more disgraceful/ humiliating/ 
degrading/ abasing 

It. i. e. none will be able to help them. 

yunsardna = they arc helped, assisted (v. iii. m. 
pi. impfet. passive from noprra \najr /nuyur). to 
help. See at 28:41. p. 1246. n. 10). 

12. istahabbd m they preferred, liked. 

deemed desirable (v. iii. rn. pi past from 
ista/]abba. form X of habba \hubh], to love. Sec 
at 16:107. p 864. n. 4) ’ 

13. i. e„ blindness to the truth and unwilling to 
sec it. j-t- ‘aman = blindness See at 27:80, p. 
1226. n. 6). 


Sdrah 41: Fussilal [ Part (Juz ) 24) 

CSj1\ > to guidance, 
fpsa So there siezed 1 them 
the thunderbolt 2 of 
IJJI the punishment of ignominy 5 
because of what 

{£} 0^-33$^ they had been acquiring. 4 

18. And We saved 65 
those who believed and 

I$5 used to be on their guard. 6 

Section ( Ruku ‘) 3 

19. And on the day 7 
ym, herded will be 8 

aililkl the enemies 9 of Allah 
j] towards the fire, 

Qoj&jyy+s then they will be restrained. 10 

20. Till when they come to it 
jyi there will testify 11 against them 

their ears 12 and their eyes 15 

and their skins 14 

about what they used to do. 

1. oJUl 'akhadhat = she took, caught, jot bold 
of. seized (v. iii. f s. past from akbdh, to uk 
See at 7:78. p 496, n. 5). 

2. i. e.. the devastation sa'iqah («,; ft 

sawa i(j) = thunderbolt, bolt of lightning. Set ■ 
41:13. p 1544, n. 3. 

3. o v» hurt = disgrace, degradation, abasement, 
ignominy. See at 16:59, p. 846. n. 4 

4. i. e„ of sins and displeasure of Allah jy-i, 
yaksibuna = they (all) acquire, cam, gain, stum, 
achieve (v. iii. m. pi. impfet from ktisaba [huh), 
(o gain, to acquire Sec at 40:82. p 1 538. It 10). 

5. najjayna - we rescued, saved, delivered 

(v. i. pi. past from najjd. form II of naju [ruy« 
Maju ' /najdh], to make for safety, to be saved 
See at 37: 1 15, p. 1448. n. 6). 

6 i. e.. by fearing Allah and following His 
guidance and injunctions jyi, yaitaquna a they 

arc on their guard, protect themselves, fear Allah 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from i nuqtt. form VIII of 
waqfi [ waqyAviqdyah ], to guard, to protect Set 4 
39:28. p 1491, n il). 

7. i. e„ on the Day of Judgement 

8. yuhsharu = he is gathered, rallied, 

mustered, collected, assembled, herded (v iii a 
s. impfet. passive from hashara [luishr). to gutter 
See yulishara at 20:59, p 988. n. 9). 

9. i. e„ the sinful disbelievers and polylhdfl 
.U*l ’a'dd’ (pi.; j.jju Wiiw) = enemies, foes, 
adversaries. Sec at 7:150. p. 522. n. I. 

10. Oyv yuza'Ona = they ore set in battle snsy, 

restrained (v. iii. rn pi. impfet passive from 
waza'u (war'], to restrain). See at 27:83, p 1227, 
n. 5). 

11. a+a. shahida = he bore witness, lutifnd. 

witnessed (v. iii. m. s. past from ihubid, to 
witness. Sec at 12: 26, p. 731. n. 4), 

12. tarn" - hearing, to listen, sense of 
hearing, cars. See at 32.9. p 1 326. n 12. 

13. jl-wl 'abs&r (sing. basar ) = visions, sighn, 
eyes, insight, discernment, perception. See 4 
38:45. p.1471. n. 6). 

14. ijU julud (pi., s. jj- jild) = skins, hides. See 
at 39:23. p. 1490. n. 2. 

Surah 41: Fussilat ( Part { Jut ) 24) 


Ijlij 21. And they will say 
to their skins: 

"Why did you testify 1 


£& against us?" 

Qli They will say: 
iiflliLit "There made us speak 2 Allah 
jLI ZiJ\ Who gives speech 
to everything; 

l and He created' you 

Jjl for the first time^and to Him 
you were to be taken back." 5 

1. sliahidtum = you bone witness, 

witnessed, attested, testified (v. ii. m. pi past from 
zhahida, [shuhud], to witness See shahida at 
41:20, p. 1546. n. II 

2. jkt 'an(aqa = he made (someone) speak, 
caused to speak, gave the power of speech (v iii. 
m s. past in form IV of nalaqa [nutq Muluq 
/numliq). to talk, speak, articulate. Sec lamiquna 
at 37:92, p. 1444. n. 9). 

3. khalaqa = he created, made, originated (v. 
iii. m. s past from khalq, to create. Sec at 32:4. p. 
1325. n. I). 

4. iy marrah (s.; pi marrai/mirdr) = lime. turn, 
once. Sec at 36:79, p. 1428. n. 5. 

5. *~J turja'una = you (all) are relumed, sent 

back (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. passive from ruja'a 
(ru/ii'j. to return See at 39:44, p. 1497, n. 3). 

6. i. e . from your limbs and skins thinking that 
they cannot speak out and therefore will not 
testify. OjjS-: tastatiruna = you cover/hidc 

o_)js i 

s'*' 1 

22. "And you did not use to 
cover yourselves 6 
that there will not testify 7 
against you your ears, 8 
nor your eyes'* 

yourselves, be covered/ veiled (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. 
from istatara, form V of sauira f uur ]. to cover, 
to hide. See masl&r at 17:45, p. 887. n. 5). 

7. yash-hada(u) = he bears witness, 

witnesses, attests, testifies (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
from shahida, \shuhud\. to witness The final 
letter takes falluih because of the particle 'an 
coming before the verb. See n. I above and 
yashhadu at 9:107, p. 624, n. 5). 

nor your skins; 10 
but you thought" 
that Allah knew not 
much of what you did." 

23. "And that is 

8. ram* = hearing, to listen, sense of hearing, 
cars. See at 41:20. p. 1546. n. 12. 

9. jL. aft 'abidr (sing, r* basar) = visions, sights, 

eyes, insight, discernment, perception. See at 
40:20. p. 1 546. n. 13). 

10. ijU julud (pi.; s. jJ» jild) = skins, hides. 
See at 41:20, p 1546. n. 14 

11. pzd* zanantum = you thought, assumed, 
conjectured, supposed, firmly believed (v. ii. m. 
pi past from jonna Iju/in], to firmly believe, to 
suppose. See a^unnu at 40:37, p. 1523. n. I). 


Surah 4 1 Fussilal [ Part (Juz) 24J 

the surmise of yours which 
you thought about your Lord 
ruined 1 you; 

Jt so you have become 2 of 

{$) Otr-3-i those in loss. 1 

1 24. So if they bear calmly, 4 
the fire will be an abode 5 


^ for them; 

and if they seek to appease, 6 
&A Q they shall not be of those 
SuUiif allowed to appease. 7 

\- .'Jij * 25. And We destined 8 for 
them close associates 9 
and they decorated 10 for them 
what was in front of them 
and what was behind them. 

i t (\r. And due became against 
jjiff them the word 11 
jAj as in regard to the nations 
rfLtjilJi.ji that had passed before them 
of jinn and men. 

I 1 ‘ard& = he ruined, destroyed, brought 

about the fall (v. iii. m. s. past in font! IV of 
radiya la), radan], to perish, be destroyed. Set 
lurdii at 37:56. p 1439, n. 7). 

2. i ^— asbahlum = you (all) became, became 
in the morning (v ii. m pi post from aibaJu. 
form IV of luhalja [ruMi). to be in the morning. 
See at 3:103. p. 196, n 9) 

3. kh&sirin (accVgen of khaurin. ring 
kluiiir) - losers, those tn loss (active participle 
from khusara [khrnr /khasur /khasdrah /Wwirdn) 
to lose Sec at 39:65, p. 1504, n. 5). 

4 yasbiri (nu) = they he patient, 

persevere, bear calmly (v. iii in. pi unpfet from 
jabura [.tubrj. to be patient, to bind. The terminal 
nin is dropped because the verb is in a 
conditional clause preceded by in SecipfttrM 
at 40:77. p. 1536. n. 7). 

5. <££* mathwan <s.; pi jita murhiln in) = abode, 

dwelling place, resting place (noun of place from 
lhawiya [tluiwu ], to stay, abide) Sec el 40:76. p, 
1536. n. 5. 

6. i. e.. by being allowd to go back to the worldly 
life for doing good deeds I yasta’tibi(na)* 
they seek to please (after being censured), they 
seek to make amends, seek to propitiate, seek to 
appease (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from isla taba. form 
X of aiaba [ ‘aib/mulab], to blame, censure. Sec 
yusta labuna at 30:57, p. 1309, n. 8) 

7. mu'tabin (pi.; accVgen of ntutabiin; i 

mu ’tab) = those allowed to appease/ propitiate! 
please (pass participle from ' u'laba . form IV of 
aiaba See n. 6 above), 

8. ' as qayyadna - we foreordained, destined (v. 

i. pi. past from qayyada. form II of qddu lynyfl, 
to break, to crack). 

9. quraruV (pi.; s. qarin) - associates, 

comrades, consorts, connected, joined ( act. 
participle in the scale of fa "it from qaram 
\qam], to connect, to associate. Sec qarin at 

37:51. p. 1438, n 9). 

10. 'yo zayyanu = they adorned, embellished, 
decorated, ornamented, beautified (v. iii. m. pi 
past from zuyyana. form 11 of zAna Iruvn), to 
decorate, adorn See zayyannd at 41.12. p. 1543, 
n. II). 

1 1 . the word of punishment. 

Surah 41 : Fussilal ( Part (Juz ) 24) 


Indeed they will be 


Section (Ruku ‘) 4 
26. And there say those who 
y disbelieve : "Do not lend ear 2 
gCydfljc^ to this Qur’an 

and make noise’ in its midst 
so that you may subdue.” 4 

&& 27. So We shall surely give a 
taste 5 to those who disbelieve 
of a punishment very severe 
(iyydj and shall surely requite 6 them 
cSJdtfjJ for the worst 7 of what 
®i>juZ\y£ they use to do. 

28. That is the requital for the 
% liyljCil enemies 8 of Allah: the fire. 
They shall have therein 

^ 0 

jiiifjli the abode 9 of eternity; 10 
as a requital, 
jyftc for they use to 

, deny" Our signs. 

1. khasirin (accVgcn of khdsiiUn. sing. 

khAsir) = losers, those in loss (active participle 
from khasara [ /khasar /khasarah /khusran ) 
to lose. See at 41:23, p. 1 548. n. 3). 

2. The Ayah refers especially to the attitude of the 
Makkan unbelievers, t 1 la lasma'u = do not 
hear/ lend ear/ listen/ pay attention (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative (prohibition) from sami'a [.ram' 
A amA' / samA'ah /masma']. to hear. See 
yasma 'Una at 41 :4. p. 1541, n. 4). 

3. The Makkan unbelieving leaders used to ask 
their followers to create noise in the midst of the 
recitation of the Qur'an to prevent its being heard 
and undertsood by the audience. >>)• ilghaw = 
make noise, talk nonsense, talk at random (v. ii. 

m. pi. imperative from laghiya [tughan/ 
lAghiyah / malghah). to talk nonsense Sec laghw 
at 28:55, p 1251. n. 9). 

4. i. e., subdue the recitation and make yourselves 
prevail, oyj taghlibAna = you (all) defeat, 
overcome, overpower, subdue, conquer, vanquish 
(v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from ghalaba [ghalb/ 
ghalbah], to conquer, to defeat. Sec ghalabu at 
18:21. p 418, n. 8). 

5. yid la nudhlqanna = we shall surely make 

(someone) taste, give a taste (v. i. pi. impfet. 
emphatic from 'adhAqu. form IV of dhAqu 
[dhawq/ madhaq], to taste. See at 32:21, p. 1330, 

n. 7). 

6. jijoJ la najziyanna = we shall surely 

award/reward . recompense, requite, repay, punish 
( v. i. pi. emphatic impfet- from jazA []aia'\, to 
recompense. Sec at 29:7, p. 1267, n. 3). 

7. tj-t ’aswa’ - worse, worst (elative of joyyi'). 
See sayyi' at 39:35. p. 1493. n. 8. 

8. «UpI ’a ‘da ' (pi.; s.jj* 'aduww) = enemies, foes, 
adversaries. See at 4 1 : 19, p. 1 546. n. 9. 

9. jb ddr (s.; pl jV> diyAr) = abode, home, house, 
edifice, habitation, land, country. See at 40:52. p. 
1528. n. 6. 

10. ala khuld = eternity, endless duration, 
perpetuity. See at 32:14. p. 1328, n. 8. 

11. yajhaduna = they reject, negate. 

deny, disavow, repudiate, refuse, renounce (v. iii. 
m. pi. impfet. from jahada [ jahd/juhud], to 
reject, to deny. See at 41:15. p. 1545. n. 3). 


Surah 41 : Fussilat ( Part Out') 24) 

29. And there will say those 
who disbelieve: "Our Lord, 

gjiftJ show 1 us those who 
led us astray 2 
-JS'ot °f J‘ nn ar, d men, 

L * t \"J we shall put them 
under 1 our feet 4 
1 j£$j so that they be 

i$J of the most degraded ones. 5 

30. Verily those who say: 
"Our Lord is Allah" 

and then remain upright, 6 
there will descend 7 on to 
i £ — , vi-i f them the angels, 
that you fear not 8 
nor grieve 9 

and get the good tidings 10 
of the garden which 
you had been promised." 11 


3 1 ."We are your friends 
CJolliJCiJTcj in the worldly life 

1. Ujt ’ari + nd = show + us (v. ii m s. 

imperative from ra d [ru'y/ru vah], to see. nonce. 
See at 4:153, p. 312, n. 7). 

2. 'adalld they (two) led astray, misguided, 
misled, made go astray (v. iii. m. dual, post from 
adalla. from IV of tfulla {datal/ </t ildlah], to go 
astray. Sec aijultu at 33.67. p 1 364. n. 5). 

3. c«i laht - under, below, beneath, unde modi 
Sec at 39: 16. p 1487. n. 2. 

4 flail aqdam (pi.; sing, i/adam) = feet, steps. 
Sec at 3:147. p.212,n. 12. 

5. ’ asfaRn (pi.; accVgcn of utfulSn. s. 
asfal) = lowest, most degraded, at the bottom, 
deepest; also (as preposition) below, under, 
Elative of sdfil (low/basc/mean). Sec at 37:98, p. 
1415. n 9 

6. i. e . in their faith and deeds isiaqimi 

= they straightened up. stood upright, became 
straight, were right/proper (v. ni. m pi post from 
ruaqdma. form X of qdmu [qawmah/qiydm\. lo 
get up. lo stand up Sec at 9:7, p. 579. n. 8). 

7. i. e„ at the time of death. J p- latanazzatu = 

she decsends. gets down, lowers herself, gives up 
(v. iii. f. s. impfet. from lanaiiala, form V of 
nazala [nucu/]. to come down, get down See 
lunazzalai at 26:210, p 1 198, n 6). 

8. I. e , saying that you fear not. etc 'yUJ 7 II 

takhdfu - you (all) do not fear/ be afraid of/ be 
frightened of (v. U. m. pi. imperative 
(prohibition) from takhdfuna. khdfa \kha»j). to 
fear Sec at 3:175. p. 224, n. 7). 

9 l yyJ 'I IS tahzanu = (you all) do not grieve, 
be not sad (v. ii. m. pi. imperative (prohibition] 
from hazma ) huzn/ /juzu/i). to grieve. See at 
29:33, p. I276.n 12). 

10. ij^l 'ahshiru = (you all) get the good 

tidings, rejoice, be delighted (v. ii. m pi 
impcrartive from abthara, form IV of biuhara/ 
bashira [buhr /bushr], to rejoice, be happy. See 
basluhir at 4 1 :4, p. 1 54 1 , n. I ). 

1 1 . j) M-y tu ‘ aduna - you are promised, assured, 

threatened, (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. passive from 
wa'ada (also from 'aw'ada. form IV of »u 'ada | 
(vta'rf), to make a promise. See at 38:53. p. 1472, 
n 12). 

Surah 41 : FussUat | Pan {Jut ) 24| 


and in the hereafter. 

1 And you shall have therein 
■^C^JLij^whatever your selves desire; 1 

and you shall have therein 
$ SydlC whatever you ask for." 2 

32. "As hospitality 3 from 

*•- ■ - the One Most Forgiving, 



Most Merciful." 

Section (Ruku') 5 

33. And who is the better J 
in speech than the one who 
calls 5 towards Allah 

and acts rightly 6 
<3liJ and says: "Verily I am of 
{$<SuI.2lh the Muslims." 7 

34. And there equalize 8 not 
the good 9 and the bad. 10 
Repel" with that which is 

j, the better; 
iS&ty then lo, the one 

1. lashlaht = she desires, wishes, covets. 

craves, longs for (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from ishtahd. 
form VIII of shahd/ shahtya [shahw/ sluihy/ 
shahwah], to desire, to wish See yashiahunu at 
34:54. p. 1388. n. 5). 

2. jy-x ladda'una = you (all) ask for. claim. 

maintain, allege (v. ii. in pi. impfet. from idda <3, 
for VIII of da'd [dud], to call, to summon. See 
yadda'una at 36:57, p. 1422. n 13). 

3. Jj> nuzul = hospitality, food and lodge 
prepared for guest.. See at 3:198. p. 234, n. 4. 

4. j— 'ahsan = better, faircr/fairest. more/most 
handsome, more/most befitting, best. Elativc of 
ffasan. good, beautiful. Sec at 29:7, p.1267, n. 4. 

5. Us da d = he called, invoked, prayed, 
claimed, propagated, implored (v. iii. m. s. past 
from du d’, to call, to summon. Sec at 39:8. p. 
1484, n. 3). 

6 i. e.. does deeds approved by the Qur'an and 
sunnah jJU. fdlih = good, right, proper (act. 
participle from salaha/salul)a [suldfa/ suluh/ 
mafluhah], to be good, right. See at 40:40. p. 
1524, n 4). 

7. j-.l Muslimin (pi.; acc./gen. of MusUmun; 

sing Muslim) = a Muslim is one who surrenders 
himself completely and exclusively to Allah, 
(active participle from 'uslanui. form IV of salima 
[saliumh/saldm], to be safe, safe and sound, 
secure, faultless. See at 39:12. p. I486, n. 3). 

8. sif— • laslawt = she becomes equal, equalizes. 

becomes even/ straight/ regular/ upright (v. iii. f. 
s. impfet. from isiawd, form VIII of sawiya 
[riwun], to be equal. Sec yastawi at 40:50. p. 
1530. n. 8). 

9. l—«- hasanah (f. s.; pi -rA— hasandl: m. 

inis an ) = nice, excellent, exquisite, good thing, 
merit, good deed (deed enjoined and approved by 
the Qur'an and sunnah), benefaction See at 
39:10. p 1485. n. 6, 

10. sayyi'ah (pi. sayyi'dt)= sin, offence, 
bad deed. evil. Sec at 40:40. p. 1 524, n. I 

11. i. e.. the evil and wrong £«> idfa‘ = ward 
off. repel, defend, push back, drive away, repel; 
also pay, deliver, make over (v. ii. m. s. 
imperative from dafa'a Ida/'], to push, push 
away. See at 23:96. p. 1098, n. 8). 


Surah 41 ; Fussilat [ Part (Jut) 24) 

XZj &Z between whom and you is 

enmity 'has become as if he is 

a friend 2 most intimate.' 

35. And none is granted 4 it 
save those who bear calmly 5 
and none is granted it save 
the one having a great luck. 6 



$ jL 

36. And if ever there urges’on 
you from Satan any prompting,* 
seek refuge’' with Allah. 
Verily He is the All-Hearing, 
the All-Knowing. 

37. And of His signs 10 are 
the day and the night, 
and the sun and the moon. 

Do not prostrate yourselves" 
to the sun nor to the moon; 
but prostrate yourselves 

to Allah Who created them, 
if it is Him you use to 

I ijU* ‘addwah = cnrnily, hostility, animosity, 
antagonism See at 5:90. p. 374, n 14 

2. waliy (*.; pi. .Ojl uwliyd) s guardian, 

legal guardian, friend, patron friend, sponsor, 
protector. Lord- Protector, relative, ncat-of-km 
Sec at 34:41. p 1383. n. 8 

3. i. e„ if you return a bad deed or behaviour on 
die part of another with good behaviour and kind 
consideration he will tum your close friend 

hamim = boiling water, close friend, intimate 
friend, (act. participle in the scale of fa'll from 
(uimma [hanun\. to heat, make hot. Sec at 40:72. 
p. 1535. n. I. 

4. i. e.. none is granted such good outcome 

yulaqqd = he or it is caused to mcet/reeeivc. 
granted, allotted (v. lii. in s. tmpfcl. passive front 
laqqd. form II of laqtva | liqSV luqvdn/ luqy 
/luqyah/ luqan] to meet. See at 25:8. p 1 140. n 

5. tabard - they bore calmly, had patience, 

persevered, endured (v. iii. in. pi. past from 
sabara [sabr], to be patient. Sec at 32:24, p 
1331, n. 9). 

6. £»- hajz (s.; pi tyuzuz) = portion, share, lot. 
good luck, good thing, fonunc. See at 28:79. 
pi 260, nl 3. 

7. j»X yanzaghanna = he urges, prompts, 
incites evil or discord (v. iii. m. s. impfet 
emphatic from nazagha (naeg/i), to incite evil I 
discord. Sec at 7:200. p. 543. n. 1). 

8 nazgh = incitement to evil, evil prompting. 
See at 7:200, p 543, n. Z 

9. u*i»l ista'idh = seek protection, lake refuge 

(v. ii. m. s, imperative from uia'adhu. form X of 
iidha \uwdh/'iyddh / ma’ddh], to seek protection. 
See al 40:56. p 1519. n 10). 

10. ot,l 'SySt (sing ‘ayah) = signs, miracles. 

revelations, evidences. See al 39:71. p. 1506, a. 

11. This is directed specially to the worshippea 
of Nature, of the sun. the moon and the stars in 
general, tji i - t "J IS tasjudu = do not prostrate 

yourselves, do not bow respectfully/ pay 
obeisance (v. iii. m. pi imperative ( prohibition) 
from sajada [ sujQd ). to prostrate oneself. See 
lasjudu at 38:75. p. 1477, n. 2). 

Surah 4 1 : Fusxilat [ Part {Jut ') 24] 


38. So if they turn arrogant 1 
Ojijl* then those who are 

<4_/ AJ-fr near your Lord 

proclaim His sanctity' 

b y ni 8bt and day 

and they feel not bored. 4 * 


39. And of His signs are 
that you see the earth 

iLi dry and barren; 5 
U$ty but when We send down 6 
on it water 7 
it pulsates* and grows. 9 
Verily He Who gives life 1 " to it 
can surely make alive the dead. 
Verily He is over everything 

40. Verily those who distort" 
Our signs 

cannot hide 12 from Us. 
jj] Is the one who is thrown 
into the fire better 

1. ixtakbaru — they boasted, became 

proud, turned arrogant, haughty (v. iii. m. pi. past 
from isiakbara. form X of kaburalkubaro [kuhr/ 
ktbar/ kabdrah/kabrl, to become great, to be 
older See at 41:14. p 1544. n II). 

2. i. e„ the angels. 

3. j y — < yusabbihuna = they sing the glory, 
proclaim the sanctity, declare immunity from 
blemish (v. iii. m. pi. impfcL from xabbaftu form 
II of xabutfu [subh/ sibdhab ] to swim, to float. Sec 
at 40;7, p. 1 5 1 1 . n. 7). 

4. byu — i yax'amuna = they detest, loathe, 
dislike, be weary of. be fed up. be bored (v. iii. m. 
pi. impfet. form sa'ima [sa’m /sa'iinuih], to be 
weary, to dislike. See la las’ am u at 2:282. p. 148, 
n 10). 

One should prostrate oneself on reading this 

5. ui» kh&xhi'ah — submissive, humble, dry 

and barren (active participle from kluisha a 
Ikhuxhd'], to be submissive, humble, dry and 
barren. See khdshi 'in at 33:35, p. 1349, n. 7). 

6. U;lt 'anzalm S = we sent down (v. i. pi. past 
from 'anzala, form IV of nazala [nu:i}/|, to come 
down. Sec at 39:41. p. 1495, n. 9). 

7. i. e.. rains. 

8. oywi ihtazzal - she or it shook up. was 
agitated/ animatcd/cnlivened, pulsated (v. iii. f. s. 
past from ihlazia. form VIII of huzza [Artzz]. to 
shake, to rock. See at 22:5. p. 1047, n. 2). 

9. i. e . it produces plants and crops, c-ij rabat - 

she or it grew, swelled, increased (v. iii. f. s. past 
from raba [rabd'/rubuw\, to increase, to grow 
Sec at 22:5, p 1047. n. 3). 

10. 'ahyd m he gave life, revivified, saved 

life, (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of {my iya 
({myrrh], to live. See at 29:63. p. 1387. n. 6). 

11. CiyjA yulhiddna = blaspheme, deviate. 

digress, pervert, twist, diston. profane, unjustly 
hint, insinuate (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from alluidu. 
form IV of lahudu, [a>J luljd). to dig a grave, to 
deviate, to apostatize. See at 16: 103. p. 862, n. 8.). 

12. by** yukhfawna = they hide, be concealed, 
disappear (v. iii m. pi. impfet. from khuflyu 
[khafd'/khifah/khufyah], to be hidden Sec yakhfd 
at 40:16, p. 1515. n. I). 


SOrah 41 : Fussilal [ Pan Uui') 24) 

1. i. e„ safe from punishment j*\> '4mm ( i.;p| 

dminun) = peaceful, safe and secure (act 
participle from am, nut. form IV of amina 

| ’ amnj' amiirj anulnah ) . lo be safe. See at 14:35, | 
p. 800, n. 6). 

2. This is a threat to the unbelievers ,»*i shi turn 

= you (all) wished, wanted (v ii m, pi past from 
xha'a [masht'uh], to wish. Sec at 39:15, p. I486, 
n. 8). 

3. i. e„ of all deeds and events, open or secret 
r-* hasir = one who sces/observcs. All-Seeing 

(act participle in the scale of fa'il front 
bafura/bafira [burur], to sec) See at 35: 45, p, 
1408. n. 1. 

4. i. e„ the Qur'an The sense is made further 
clear in the next clause where it is stated that it ii 
indeed a Book, The Qur'an is repeatedly referred 
lo as ddhikr. See for instance 15:6, 15:9, 16:44, 
21:50, 23:71, 25:29, 26:5, 38:49, 38:87, 54:25. 
68:51-52 and 81:27. /j dhikr s citation, 

recollection, remembrance, mention, reminder, 
also scripture, the Qur’an See at 39:22, p 1489, 
n. 9. 

5. jtj t. 'azfz = All-Mighty, Invincibly Powerful, 
before Whom everyone else is powerless: also 
respected, distinguished, dear, beloved, strong, 
mighty, difficult, hard See at 39:37. p 1494, n. 6. 

6 JU, bdtil = vain, futile, untruth, that which is 

untrue, false, falsehood, baseless, void. See at 
38:27. p. 1466, n. 10. 

7. i. e., from any direction and in any way. 

8. This is a reiteration that the Qur'an was sent 
down by Allah It is no composition of the 
Prophet's, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, 
nor of anyone else. JrjS lanztl = sending down, 
bringing down, something sent down, a sent down 
(verbal noun in form II of nazala [nuzul], to come 
down. Sec at 32:2, p. 1324, n. 2. 

9. This is addressed to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. consoling him that 
what the unbelievers said about him and his 
mission was the same as the unbelievers of the 
past had said about their respective Messengers 

or the one who comes safe 1 
ailJw on the Day of Judgement? 
Do whatever you wish. 2 
Verily He is of what you do 
u All-Seeing. 1 

4 1 .Verily those who disbelieve 
M in the Reminder 4 
(UClIl when it has come to them — 
and indeed it is a Book 
Q'ty most distinguised. 5 

jJiy 42. There cannot approach it 
jiff falsehood 6 
aIxojJo* from the front of it 
XjU-oWj nor from behind 7 it. 

It is a sent-down 8 from the 
All-Wise, All-Praiseworthy. 

ciU jliii 43. Nothing is said to you 9 
fcZti 1 save what had been said to 
the Messengers before you. 
Verily your Lord is 

Surah 41 : Fussilat | Part {Juz ) 24) 


■yyy the Owner of Forgiveness 
jij and the Owner of retribution' 
Qy} most painful. 2 





44. And had We made' it 

a Qur’an non-Arabic 4 

they’ would surely have said: 

"Why are not explained 6 

its ’ayahs? 1 

Is it non- Arabic 

and an Arab?" 8 

Say: "It is for those who 


a guidance 9 and a remedy. 10 

1. ‘iqdb - infliction of punishment, 
punishment, penalty, retribution Sec at 40:22, p. 
1517. n. 7. 

2. ,jl ’atim = agonizing, anguishing. 

excruciating, most painful (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa’ll from alima [ alam). to be 
in pain, to feel pain). Sec at 34:5. p. 1369, n. S). 

3. ja’atna m we made, set, appointed. 

rendered (v. i. pi past from ja’ala [ ju’l ]. to make, 
to set See at 27:86. p. 1228. n. 1). 

4 'a’jamt = non-Arabic. non-Arab, 


5. i. e.. the Arabs among whom the Prophet, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him. was sent. 

6. c-L>» fussilat = she or it was set out in detail, 

elaborated, elucidated, explained (v. iii. f. s. past 
passive from fassala. form II of fasala [fast], to 
separate, set apart. See yufassilu at 10:5. p. 637, n. 

7. i. e., the texts of the Qur'An 'aydl (sing 
’ayah) = signs, miracles, revelations See at 
41:15. p 1545. n. 2. 

8. i. e„ they would have expressed their surprise 
that how could a non-Arabic Qur'An be given to a 
Prophet who was an Arab. 

9. tS-r* hudan = guidance, right way, true 

And those who 
do not believe, 

jiSCtj in their ears is deafness;" 
ij and it is on them blindness. 12 
Such ones are called 1 ' 
from a place far away." 14 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 6 

QCjSAj 45- And We indeed had given 

religion See at 34:24. p. 1377. n. 3. 

10. i c . for both physical and spiritual ailment. 
.Us shifi ' = remedy, cure, healing. See ai 17:82. 
p 900. n 2. 

1 1. i. e.. they are unwilling to listen to the truth 
j) h aqr = deafness, heaviness, hollowness. Sec at 
18:57, p. 933, n 6. 

12. i. e.. the Qur'An is for them blindness, for they 
shut their eyes at it. ‘aman = blindness. Sec 
at 41:17. p. 1545. n 13). 

13. i. e.. they are like those who are called from a 
distant place so cannot hear the call. 
yunddawna = they arc addressed, called, 
summoned (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. passive from 
n&dd, form III of nadd [nadw], to call. See at 
40:10. p. 1512. n. 10). 

14 juv ba’ld = (s.; pi. bu’udu' Am' id /bu’ddn 

Am ad) - for, far away, far-reaching, distant, 
remote, unlikely See at 34:52, p. 1387. n. II). 


Surah 41 : Fusstlat | Pan Uuz') 24] 

Mflsa the Book; 

but disagreement arose 1 


about it. 

And had not a word 2 

preceded' from your Lord 

decided would have been 4 

(* 4 'i J . 

between them. 

* -*fl / 


And they were indeed 

in doubt' about it. 

arousing suspicion. 6 

46. Whoever acts rightly, 7 

tm *+ + 

it is for himslef; 8 

and whoever does evil 1 ' 

it is against himself. 10 


And your Lord is not 


unjust to the servants. 

Part C/t/z’) 25 

47. To Him is referred 12 

the knowledge of the Hour. 1 


And there come out 14 not of 

fruits from their covers" 

nor there carry 16 of females, 

I ukhtulifa = he or il was differed in. was 

disagreed about, disputed (v. iii. in. s. past passive 
from ikhlalufa, form VIII of khahifa [khalf], I) 
come after Sec at 1 1:1 10. p. 717, n. 2). 

2. i. e.. for giving them respite ttll a time 

3. c_»r- sabaqal = she or it preceded, happened 
before (v. iii. f. s. past from sabaqa |j<d></|. io be 
or act before. Sec at 37:171. p 1456. n. 7). 

4. qudiya = it is settled, adjudicated, decreed, 
passed, spent, concluded, adjudged, decided (v. 
iii. m. I. past passive from qaila Iqudd'], to settle, 
to decide See at 40:78, p. 1537, n. 3). 

5. dii shakk (*.; pi. shukuk) - doubt, uncertainty, 
suspicion, misgiving. Sec at 40 34. p. 1521, n 9. 

6. This expression is used to emphasize the fact 
and intensity of their doubt, vs/* murib = that 

which arouses suspicion, suspicious fact 
participle from drdba. form IV of rilba [ rayb]. to 
doubt, disquiet. Sec at 34:54. p 1388. n. 7). 

7. L e . docs deeds approved by the Qur'an and 
sunnah ^Jt-» sdlih = good, right, proper (act 

participle from saluba/suluba [saldlf/ Juliik/ 
nuislahah). to be good, right- Sec at 41:33, p 
1551. n. 6). 

8 i e., its good effects will be for his benefit. 

9. »t-l "as A ‘a = he did evil, committed foulness (v. 

iii. m. s. past from in form IV of sa'a (taw), to 
be bad/foul/cvil Sec asd u at 30:10. p. 1293, it 

10. i e„ its effects will be to his detriment. 

11. f'kl* zallam- unjust, oppressor (act participle 

in the scale of fa" u! from zalanui [:alm/:ulm\, to 
do wrong Sec at 22:10. p, 1048, n 9). 

12. i. e., Allah Alone has the knowledge of the 
hour of Resurrection. a> yuraddu = he or it u 
repulsed, relumed, reverted, referred (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet passive from radda [radd], to send back. 
Sec at 18:87. p. 942, n. 10). 

13. i. e„ the Hour of Resurrection 

14. takhruju = she comes out. goes out 
leaves (v. iii. m f. impfet. from kharuja (tfiunijj. 
to go out, to leave. Sec at 23:20. p. 1089. n. 9). 

1 5 ft-Sl akmdm (pi ; s. kumt re) = coven. 

16. tahmilu - she carries, bean, transports 

mounts (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from humala Ifyind). 
to cany. See at 35: 1 1 , p. 1 393. n. 13). 

Surah 4 1 Fussilai [ Part Uuz‘) 25] 


nor do they give birth to 1 
except with His knowledge. 
}sj And the day 
pr.ifZ He will call out 2 to them: 
$ "Where are My partners?" 3 
$li They will say: 

"We declare 4 to You, 
l !*£ there is none among us 
any witness." 3 

48. And there shall get lost 6 
to them all that they used 


to invoke 7 before, 

[££j and they will realize 8 
they have no escape. 9 


49. Man is not weary 1 
jjiJf *&>jt of asking for well-being; 
but if there afflicts him 
jill the adversity 

he becomes despaired," 
despondent. 12 

1. tada'u = she lays down, gives birth to. 

unburdens, gets rid of, places, puts down (v. iii. f. 
s. impfct. from w tida'a [wad'], to place, to put 
down. See at 35:1 1. p. 1393. n. 14). 

2. ifJW yunddi = he calls, calls out, summons (v. 
iii. m. s. impfct. from nudi i. form 111 of nadd 
[nadw], to call. See at 28:74, p. 1258. n, 4). 

3. i. e., the partners you used to set with Me. dS /. 

shurakd ’ (pi.; s. sharik ) partners, sharers, 

associates. See at 35:40. p. 1404, n. 10. 

4. UW 'ddhannd m we made known, announced, 
declared, notified (v, i. pi. past from ddhunu, 
form IV of ‘adhina ( ‘ idhn ], to allow, to permit, to 
listen. See 'ddhantu at 21:109. p. 1042, n. 8). 

5. i. e.. none of us now testifies that there is any 
partner with You. shahid (s.; pi. shuhadd') = 
All-Witnessing, onlooker, spectator, witness, 
martyr, (act. participle in the scale of fa'il from 
shahida [shuhdd], to see. to witness. Sec at 
29:53, p 1283. n. 10). 

6. i. c., they will not appear to them. dalta = 
he got lost, lost way. went astray, strayed (v. iii. 
m. s. past from daldl/dululah. to loose one's way. 
Sec at 39:41. p .1495. 0 . I). 

7. i. c., of imaginary gods and goddesses they 

used to invoke. yad’dna = they invoke. 

call, call upon, invite, summon, pray, ask (v. iii. 
m. pi. impfct. from dad [du d'], to call, to 
summon. Sec at 40:20, p. 1516. n. 5). 

8. i yl* zannu = they thought, thought for certain, 
supposed, believed, presumed, realized (v. iii. m. 
pi. past from zanna |J» zann ]. to think, to 
suppose. See at 28:39. p. 1246. n. 3). 

9. mahis = escape, flight, place of retreat, 
sanctuary (verbal noun, also noun of place, of 
hdsa. [hays/ haysahlmaljis], to escape, to flee). 

10. fA-i yas’amu = he detests, loathes, dislikes, is 

weary of, is fed up. is bored (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. 
form sa'ima [sa'm /su'dmah], to be weary, to 
dislike. See ys'amina at 41:38. p. 1553, n. 4). 

11. ya 'us = despondent, despairing, 
hopeless. See at 17:84. p. 900, n. 8. 

12. iryi qandf = despondent, disheartened, 
discouraged, desdpairing. See Id taqnalu at 
39:53, p. 1500. n. 6. 


Siruh 4 1 : Fussilal [ Part (Juz f ) 25] 

-r' i" r 



4; jiivj 




50. And if We give him a 
taste 1 of mercy from Us 
after an adversity 2 
that afflicted' him, 
he indeed says: 

" This is my due; 

and 1 do not think 4 the Hour 5 

shall take place. 

And if indeed 

I am taken back 6 to My Lord 
I shall have for me with Him 
indeed the best thing." 7 
But We shall certainly inform" 
those who disbelieve 
of what they do and shall 
surely make them taste 9 
some punishment very tough. 10 


^ • •- J 

$ ^ 

51. And if We bestow grace" 
on man he turns away 12 

and leans aloof 13 on his side; 

but if the evil afflicts him 
he is full of supplication 
continuing for long. 14 

1 . Uit ’ adhaqnd - we made (someone) taste, gave 
taste (v. i. pi past from adhdqa. form IV of 
dhdqa [dhawq / madhdq |, to taste. See at 17:75, 
p. 897, n. 1 1). 

2. .•>> darri’ = affliction, suffering, illness, 
distress Sec at 11:10, p. 681. n. 2. 

3. c — > massal = she or it touched, afflicted, 

affected (v. iii. f. j. past from massa [nuui/moriil 
to feel, to touch. See at 21:46, p. 1025, n. 6). 

4 jbt ' azunnu = I think, suppose, conjecture; 

also, firmly believe, deem, consider (v. i. i. 
impfet. from lannu [zarw]. to firmly believe, to 
suppose. See at 40:37. p. 1523. n. 1). 

5. i, c„ the Hour of Resurrection and Judgement. 

6. ruji'tu - I was returned, taken back (v i 

s. past passive from raja'a [ruju‘], to return. See 
lurju iirui at 41:21. p. 1547, n. 5). 

7. i. e.. paradise, j — » husnd (f.; m. ahum) the 
best, most beautiful Sec at 20:8, p. 977, n. 9. 

8. la nunabbi'anna = we will surely inform, 
notify, make know (v. i. pi. impfet emphatic 
from nabba'a, form II of nab<i'a [ nab'/nubu ’J. to 
be prominent. Sec la lunabbi'ann at 12:15, p 
726. n. II). 

9. la nudhiqanna = we shall surely make 

(someone) taste, give a taste (v. i. pi impfet. 
emphatic from 'adhdqa, form IV of dhdqa 
[dhawq/ madluiq), to taste Sec n 1 above). 

10. ghatiz (s., pi. g/u/dj)= sacred, inviolable. 

solid, tough, harsh, severe, dire. See at 33:7, p. 
1337, n. 7. 

1 1 IujJ 'an 'amnd - we bestowed grace, graced, 
blessed (v. i. pi. past from an'ama. form IV of 
na'ama/na'ima [ na'mah/man'am], to be happy, 
to be in ease. See at 17:83, p. 900, n. 5). 

12. 'a'rada « he turned away, averted, 
evaded (v. ii. m. pi. past from - a'rada . form IV 
ol'unufa I'ard), to be broad, wide, to appear, to 
show. Sec at 4 1 :4. p. 1 54 1 , n. 3). 

13. cst nu Vi = he moved away, remained aloof (v 
iii. m. s. past from na'y, to keep away See at 
17:83, p 900. n. 7). 

14. Jin/- ‘arid = extensive, prolonged, continuing 

for long (act. participle in the scale of fa'll from 
'aradu/aruda ( 'ard\. to be visible, to be broad. 
See n. 1 2 above 

Surah 4 1 Fiusilal | Part Oui ) 25) 


ji 52. Say: "Do you see 
if it is 
from Allah 

«*; then you disbelieve 1 in it, 

who is more astray 2 
than the one who is in 
$ discord 3 far away?" 4 

53. We shall show 3 them 
Our signs in the horizons 6 
and in themselves 

till evident becomes 7 to them 
that it 8 is the truth. 

Does it not suffice'' 
with your Lord that He is 
}&$& over everything 
(£) !_/- All-Witnessing? 10 

54. O yes, they indeed are 

; ^jTylvj. about meeting 12 their Lord. 
ijjVl O yes. He indeed is 
of everything 

r j_ J All-Encompassing. n 

1. pi jif kafartum — you disbelieved, turned 

ungrateful, denied, covered (v. ii m. pi past from 
kafara lkufr\. to disbelieve, to cover. See at 14:7. 
p.788, n. 6). 

2. J-*t adallu = further astray, worst astray, more 
misguided (clative of Jo drill) See at 25:34. p 
1 148. n. 6. 

3. i. e . with the truth. JUa. shiqdq - discord, 

dissension, schism, rift, bleach, split. Sec at 
22:53. p 1064. n. 11). 

4. -u* ba'ld - (s.; pi. hu ada A’uud Atu'ddn 
/hi' art) = far, far away, far-reaching, distant, 
remote, unlikely. See at 41:44, p. 1555. n. 14). 

5. <Sy nun = we show (v. i. pi. impfcl. in form IV 
of ro'd [ra'y/ruyah], to see at 6:75. p. 421. n. 
10 ). 

6. i. e„ in the universe, 'dfaq (pi.; s. ufuq) = 
horizons, distant lands, remote regions. 

7. je* yatabayyana(u) = he or U becomes clear, 
manifest, open, evident, obvious (v. iii. m. s. 
impfcl. from Uibayyana. form V of bdnu 
[bayn/baydn]. to be clear, evident. The final letter 
takes falhrih because of a hidden 'an in hand 
coming before the verb. See at 9:43. p. 5%. n. 9). 

8. i. e.» this Qur'in 

9. yakfUT) = he or it suffices, is enough (v. 

iii. m. s. impfcl. from kafd ( kifdvah], to be 
enough The final yd' is dropped because of the 
particle lam coming before (he vetb. See at 29:51. 
p. 1283, n.6) 

10. shahid <s.: pi. shuhadd’) m 

All-Witnessing, on-looker, spectator, witness, 
martyr, (act. participle in the scale of fa'il from 
shahida | shuhud ]. to see, to witness See at 
41:47, p 1557. n. 5). 

1 1 . miry ah = doubt, misgivings. See at 32:23. 
p. 1331. n. 3. 

12. *Ul liqd ’ = meeting, encounter See at 39:71. 
p. 1506. n. 9. 

13. i. e., in knowledge and power. So none can 
escape His judgement and requital. muhit = 

one who or that which closes in on. surrounds, 
encompasses, comprehensive, All-Encompassing 
(active participle from ahdia. form IV of hdla 
Ihawt/hitah/hiydlah], to encircle, enclose, guard. 
See at 1 1 :84. p 708. n. 6). 

42. SOrat al-ShOra (Consultation) 
Makkan: 53 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah which deals with the fundamentals of the faith, namely, monotheism, tie 
truth of wahy and risalah (Messengership of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him) 
Resurrection, Judgement, reward and punishment. It starts with an emphasis that Allah sent wafiy to (he 
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, as He had sent wal/y to the previous 
Prophets and that it is the same message of monotheism and Islam which had been delivered through ill 
the Prophets. It then draws attention to the Absolute Oneness and Uniqueness of Allah - 'There is not 
the like of Him anything “( 'ayah 1 1 ) and that to Him belongs the keys of the heavens and the earth. This 
theme of monotheism is further illustrated with reference to His favours and graces upon His creatiaa 
and His signs visible throughout the universe. The facts of Resurrection, Judgement, reward and 
punishment are reiterated and man is called upon to respond to Allah's message before the coming of die 
day when there will be neither any defence against it nor any refuge from it. The surah ends by 
indicating the nature of Allah's communication to His Prophets and Messengers: "It is not for any humaa 
being that Allah should speak to him except by wahy. or from behind a veil or by sending a messenger 
(an angel) who communicates by His leave what He wills." ('ayah 51). 

The surah is called al-shura (consultation) with reference to its 'ayah 38 wherein Muslims ore 
required to conduct their affairs by mutual consultation. 

1. Allah Alone knows Ihc meaning aad 
significance of these disjoined letters See 2: 1 . p 

4. n. I. 

2. This is an emphasis on the fact that Allah had 

sent Messengers from I i rise lo lime and that Ihc 
coming of wahy to Prophcl Muhammad, peace 
and blessings of Allah be on him, was nothing 
unprecedented, ytihi = he prompt!, 

communicates, inspires (v. iii m. s. iinpfcl from 
awhi. form IV of wahA |wuhv], to communioluJ 
(Technically wahy means Allah's communal 
to His Prophcls and Messengers by various mean. 
Some of these means arc mcnlioncd at 2 : 92 , 16£ 
16:102, 26:193 and 42:51 Sec also Bukhdrl, not 
2-4| See at 34:50, p. |387.n. 3). 

3 i. e . of Prophcls and Messengers 

4 ’aziz = All-Mighty, Invincibly Powerfal 
before Whom everyone else is powerless: aha 
respected, distinguished, dear, beloved, strong, 
mighty, difficult, hard Sec al 39:37. p. 1494, n. 6 

5. i. e . in His creation, commandments and 
decrees hakim (s.; pi hukamA') a All-Wuc, 

judicious, full of wisdom (active participle in die 
scale of fa'il from hakanui |huJtm], lo past 
judgement Sec al 36:2, p 1409, n 2). 

6. i. e.. His is the absolute ownership, possession, 
dominion and Lordship and sovereignty 

3. Thus does communicate 2 
ijjijljluj to you and to those before 
you’ Allah, the All-Mighty 
the All-Wise. 5 

£} 4. To Him belongs 
all that is in the heavens 
and all that is in the earth 


Surah 42: Al-Shurd (Consultation) ( Part (Juz') 25 ) 1561 

1. 'ally - high, lofty, elevated, sublime, 
All-Exalted. See at 40:l2,p. 1513. n 15. 

2. f-Skr- 'a’im = great, magnificent, splendid, big. 

stupendous, most grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, grave. All-Great See at 39:13. p. 
I486, n. 6). 

3. takadu = she or it is close to, about to (v. 

iii. f. s. impfet. from kdda [kund\ to be about to. 
See at 19:90. p. 973, n. 9). 

4. i. e . due to His Glory and on account of the 
enormity of what the unbelievers and polytheists 
say about Allah's having sons and daughters (see 
19:88-90. at p. 973). Ojk C, y atafattama = they 

(fern.) are rent asunder, split, broken into pieces 
(v. iii. f. pi. impfet. from lafatlara. form V of 
famra \}a{r], to split, to create See at 19:90. p. 
973. n 10). 

5. j y — i yusahhihuna = they sing the glory. 

proclaim the sanctity, declare immunity from 
blemish (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from sabbatyi. form 
II of sabalya \sabh/ sibahah) to swim, to float. See 
at 41:38. p. 1 553.’ n. 2). 

6. JyjUc—i yastaghfiruna = they seek 

forgiveness, ask for pardon (v. iii. m. pi. impfet 
from tstaghfara. form X of ghafara Ighafr 
/mag lift rah /ghufrdn], to forgive. See at 40:7, p. 
151 l.n. 8). 

7. i. e.. those who are believers in the Oneness of 
Allah and who act according His commandments. 
8 IjJUji ittakhadhd = they took, took up. took to 

themselves, assumed ( v. iii. m. pi. past from 
illakhadha, form VIII of 'akhadha [ akhdh], to 
take. See at 39:3. p. 1481, n. 2). 

9. i. e., gods and goddesses. "a why a ’ (pi.; 

sing. J; walty) = friends, allies, patrons, legal 
guardians, protectors. . See at 39:3. p, 1481. n. 3. 

10. i. e . He keeps watch over them and causes 
their deeds to be recorded, kj*- hafiz = attentive. 

mindful, preserving, guarding, guard, (act. 
participle in the scale of fa it from hafiza [Ar/z], 
to preserve, to guard. See at 12:55, p. 742. n. io, 

11. J fy waktl (*.: pi. wukaUl') = an authorized 

agent, deputy, care-taker, trustee, guardian, 
custodian (act. participle in the scale of fa'tt from 
wakula \wakl Av ukut], to entrust. Sec at 39:62, p. 
1503. n. 4). 


Surah 42: Al-Shura [ Pan (Jiu‘) 25 ] 

a Qur’an in Arabic 

that you may warn 1 


the Mother of Habitations 2 


and those around' it, 

and may warn about 

the Day of Gathering 4 

in which there is no doubt. 5 

A group 6 will be in the garden 

» </ 

and a group will be 

in the blazing furnace. 7 

8. And were Allah to will 

He would have made them" 

a single community, 9 


but He admits 10 

whom He wills to His mercy. 

And the transgressors 


shall not have 


any protector 11 nor any helper. 12 

9. Or do they take” 

in lieu of Him protectors. 

But Allah is the Protector 

1. jj-' tundhira(u) = you warn, caution (v. ii. m. j. 
impfct. from 'andhara. form IV of nadhara 
[ nadhr / nudhur ]. to dedicate, to vow The fuul 
letter takes falhah because of a hidden ‘an in the 
li (of motivation) coming before the veib See it 
36:6. p. 1410. n. I. 

2. i. e.. Makka ijJ t/uran (pi.; s. qaryak) a 

villages, towns, habitations. See at 34:18. p. 
1374. n. II. 

3. i. e , the people of all other peoples. J f hawl a 

around, about, roughly; also year, might, power, 
change. See 39:75, p. 1508, n. 3. 

4 i. e., the Day of Resurrection and Judgement. 

£— » jam' = amassment, accumulation, gathering. 

collection, aggregation Sec at 28:78, p. 1260, n. 


5. vsj n ayb = doubt, suspicion, misgivings. See 
at 40:59 p 1530. n. 8 

6. i. e„ the believers and righteous, j,/ fariq (s ; 

pi furuq, u>l afriqah) = section, group 

faction, party, band Sec at 33:26. p. 1345. n. 7). 

7. i. e.. hell ta'tr = burning blare, blazing 

furnace, inferno. See at 35:6, p 1391, n. 9. 

8. i. e., all the creatures. 

9. i. e., in guidance and righteousness. U 
‘ummah (pi. fj umam) = community, people, 
group, nation, generation, species, category, faun, 
religion, model, model leader, period of time. See 
at 35:24, p 1398, n. 6. 

10. yudkhilu ■= he admits, makes enter. 

enters, puts in. inserts (v. iii. m. s. impfct. from 
‘adkhala, form IV of dakhala (dukhQl), lo enter, 
to go in See at 22:23, p. 1053, n. I). 

II *alty (s.; pi. 'mWiyd') = guardian. 

legal guardian, friend, patron friend, sponsor, 
protector. Lord- Protector, relative, next-of-km. 
See at 4 1 34, p. 1552. n. 2. 

12. jr*i naifr - (s.; pi. nuyarcl ') s helper, 

defender, supporter, ally, protector, patron (act. 
participle in the scale of fa 7/ from najara [ 
/nusur], to help. See at 33:65, p. 1363. n. 12). 

13. ittakhadhu = they took, look up, look 
to themselves, assumed ( v. iii. m. pi. past from 
ittukhudha. form VIII of ‘ukhudhu ( akhdh], to 
take. See at 42:6. p. 1561. n 8) 

Surah 42: Al-Shuri) (Consultation) ( Part (Juz‘) 25 1 


and He gives life 1 to the dead 
y>j and He is over everything 

10. And whatever you differ 2 
in of anything, 

its decision 3 is 
to Allah. 

Such is Allah, my Lord. 

On Him I rely 4 
and to Him 

04^ I turn in penitence. 5 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 2 

1 1 . The Creator 6 of the heavens 
and the earth, 

jC) He has made 7 for you 

from amongst yourselves 
spouses, 8 

j£i \ and of the grazing livestock 1 ' 
£$ pairs. 

He multiplies 10 you thereby. 
There is not the like 1 ’of Him 

1 . yuhyl = he gives life, revivifies, brings to 

life, enlivens, animates, vitalizes (v. in. m. s. 
impfcl. from ahyd. form IV of lutytya [Auyu/i). to 
live. See at 40:68. p. 1534, n. I). 

2. i. e., in the mailer of the din. f t i h * 1 

ikhtalaftum = you differed, disagreed, failed (v. 
ii. m. pi past from ikhtalafa. form VIII of 
khalafa [khalj/khilafah], to come after, to follow, 
to succeed. See at 8:42. p. 562, n. 6). 

3. i. e.. to be referred to the Book of Allah and the 
sunnah of His Messenger. fS~>- hukm (pi. fi£»' 
’ahkam) = judgement, order, decree, command, 
authority, rule. law. decision. See at 28:88. p. 
1264. n. 6. 

4 vii f y lawakkaltu = I put my trust, depended, 
relied, appointed as representative (v. i. s. past 
from tawakkala. form V of wakala [waklAvukul]. 
to entrust. See at 13:30. p. 777, n. 3). 

5. vv' ‘untbu = I turn, turn in repentance/ 

penitence (v. i. s. impfet. from undba. form IV of 
ndba [nawb/ mydbaf i], to return, to come near, to 
represent. See at 1 1 :88. p. 710, n. 2). 

6. >0 ftifir = Creator, Maker. Originator. 

Initiator, one who splits, one who bnngs into 
being (active participle from fatara [fatr\ , to 
split, to create). See at 39:46. p 1497. n. 7. 

7. J«» ja 'ala = he made / set / put / placed / 
appointed (v. iii. s. past from ja'I. to nuke, to put 
See at 40: 61. p. 1531. n. 1). 

8. ^Ijjt 'azwaj (sing. towj) = husbands, 
wives, spouses, consorts, partners, pairs, kinds, 
sorts. See at 40:8, p. 1512, n. 4. 

9. ft~t ’an ‘am (pi.; s. y na'am ) = grazing 
livestock (sheep, cattle, camels, goals), animals 
Sec at 40:79. p. 1537. n. 6. 

10. } jii yadhra’u = he creates, scatters, grows 

(v. iii. m. s. impfet. from dhara'a [dhar'\, to 
create, scatter, grow. See dhara'a at 23:79. p. 

1094. n. 12). 

11. i. e.. no created being can be like Him. neither 
in self, nor in attributes, names and deeds. Js- 
mithl (s.; pi JuJ 'am: halt = like, similar, 
equivalent. See at 40:40, p. 1 524. n. 3. 


Surah 42: Al-ShOn J [Pan ( Juz ') 25 ] 

and He is the All-Hearing, 
the All-Seeing. 

12. To Him belong the keys' 
-,y' -.ll of the heavens and the earth. 
He spreads’ the provision 1 
for whomsoever He will 
Jjiy and measures out. 4 

He indeed is of everything 

, «' -.I 


13. He has enacted 5 for you 

of the religion 

what he had commissioned 6 

Nflh with, 

and that which 

We have communicated 7 to you 

and what We had committed 

to Ibrahim and Musa 

and *ls§ — 

that you establish* the religion 
and be not divided 9 
about it. 

1. i. e . He possesses the powers of regulating and 
disposing of ihe affairs and treasures of lie 
heavens and the earth aJU. maqatii (pi.; l 

miqlAd) = keys, reins, powers. See at 39:63, p 
1503. n. 6. 

2. i. e.. He gives in profusion and withoM 
measure -L— < yabsutu - he stretches, s 

out. unfolds, spreads, spreads out. ex 
expands (v. iii. m. s impfet. from hasata {iuifj, 
to spread Sec at 39:52. p. 1500, n. I). 

3. Jjj rizq (pi J'jj 1 arziiq) = suste: 
subsistence, livelihood, means of live 
provision, boon. Sec at 39:52. p. 1500. n. 2. 

4. i. e , gives in limited measures, yaqiint » 

he measures out. ordains, is able to (v. iii. m L 
impfet. from qadara [ qadr/qadur\. to ordain, lo 
meature. to have power See at 39:52, p. 1 500, a 

5. £ shara'a = he introduced, enacted 

prescribed, ordained (v. iii. in. s past from thar\ 
lo enact [laws), lo introduce). 

6. Here is an emphasis on the fact that Allah 
communicated the same religion of luvthhl and 
Islam through all His Messengers, wassi - 
he enjoined, made a behest, directed, made 
incumbent, committed, commissioned (v. iii. m i 
past in form II of} [wary], lo be touted, 
lightened, degraded See at 6: 1 5 1 , p 457. n. 9). j 

7. ’awhayni = we communicated, prompted, 
inspired (v. i. pi. past, from ‘awhi. form IV of 
waha (wafry), to communicate. (Technically wahy 
means Allah's communication to His Prophets and 
Messengers by various means Some of thete 
means are mentioned at 2:92. 16:2, 16:102, 
26:193 and 42:51. See also Bukhari, nos. 2-4). 
Sec at 35:31, p 1400. n. 12). 

8 'aqimu = you (all) properly perform, set, 

set up. establish (v. ii. m. pi imperative from 
aqama. form IV of qiima. {qa*mah/qiyAm\, lo 
stand up See at 30:31. p. 1300, n. 3). 

9. i e . do not be divided into different sects and 
factions, 'ji/is V Id tatafarraqu = you (all) he 

not divided, separated from one another (v. ii m. 
pi. imperative [prohibition) from lufarraqa. form 
V of faraqa [farq/furqun], to separate. Set Ii 
lafarraqu at 3:103, p. 196 . n 6). 

Surah 42: Al-Sliura (Consultation) ( Part (Juz ) 25 ] 


1 . kabura = he or it became big. grave, heavy 
(v. iii. m. s. past from kubr/ktbir/kabirah. to be 
big. See at 10:71, p 669, n. 1) 

2. i. e. monotheism and the abandonment of the 
imaginary gods and goddesses to which they arc 
called is a grave matter for the polytheists. 

fad'd = you (all) call, call upon, invoke, invite (v. 

ii. m. s. impfet. from da d [du‘ d'], to call, to 
summon. See at 23:73, p. 1093, n 4). 

3. yajtabi = he selects, picks, chooses (v. iii. 

m. s. impfet. from ijtabi. form VIII of jabi 
\jibiyah\. to collect. See at 12:6. p. 723, n. 10). 

4. i. e„ for monotheism ( tawhid ). 

5. *~-ri yunSbu = he turns in repentance, deputes 

(v. iii. m s. impfet. from unaha, form IV of ndba 
[nawb/nuinib/niyibah] to represent, to return 
often. See at 40:13, p. 1514. n 6). 

6. i. e„ divided into followers of different 
religions, lyi/if tafarraqu = they became divided. 

separated (v. iii. m. pi. past from tufarraqa. form 
V of faraqa [farq/furqin ), to divide, to separate. 
See at 3:105, p 197. n. 9). 

7. L e.. knowledge of the true din — Islam and 
monotheism, through their respective Prophets 

8. banhy = oppression, injustice, outrage. 

defiance, transgression. See at 16:90. p. 857, It 

9. ■- ; i - iabaqat = she or it preceded, happened 

before (v. iii. f. s. past from sabaqa (,t abq], to be 
or act before. See at 4 1 :45. p. 1556, n. 3). 

10. i. e. respite up to a time. J»l 'ajal (pi. ’ijil) = 
appointed time, period, term, dale, deadline. See 
at 39:43. p. 1496, n. 9. 

11. j*— • musamman (s.; pi. musammayal)= 

specified, stipulated, named, designated, defined 
(passive participle (m s. ) from sammi (to 
name), form II of sami ( sumuw / < ami'], to be 
high. See at 40:67, p. 1433. n 13). 

12. i. e.. the Jews and the Christians, 'jljjl "urithu 
= they were made to inherit, given inheritance ( v. 
iii m. pi past passive from 'awnalha, form IV of 
warilha [’irlh/ 'irlhahl wirilhahJ rithahJ lurilh], 
to be heir, to inherit. Sec 'uriiliium at 7:43. p 
481. n. 12). 

13. s-c> murib = that which arouses suspicion 
(act. participle from ariba, form IV of riba 
Irayb], to doubt See at 34:54. p. 1388, n. 7). 


Grave' is on the polytheists 

what you call 3 them to. 

kbr* iSf 

Allah selects' for Him 4 

whom He will 

and guides towards Him 

any that turns in penitence. 5 

14 . And they were not divided 6 

but after that there had come 


to them the knowledge, 7 


out of transgression 8 

amongst themselves. 

And had not a word 

preceded 9 from your Lord 

J' — 

up to a time 10 specified." 


adjudged would have been 

l -KZ 

rri 1 . 

between them. 

And verily those who 

were given inheritance 13 


of the Book 

• **"f 

after them 

are in doubt about it 

| 0 5fV* 

arousing suspicion." 


Stirah 42: AlShurd | Part ( Jui ') 25 ) 


- * 1 " 




15. So to this 1 make the call 2 
and be steadfast 1 
as you are commanded; 4 
and follow not 5 their whims 6 
and say: " I believe 
in what Allah has sent down 
of a Book; 

and 1 have been bidden 
that I do justice 7 between you. 
Allah is our Lord 
and your Lord. 

For us are our deeds 8 
and for you are your deeds. 
There is no plea 9 
between us and you. 

Allah will get us together 10 
and to Him is the destination." 


16. And those who dispute 12 
about Allah 11 

i ' .. 

after that 

He was responded l4 to, 
their plea will be invalid 15 

1 . i. e„ to this (An of Islam and monotheism. 

2. ud'u = you call, make the call. pray, invite 

(v. ii. m. s. imperative from da'd \dud), to call, 
to summon. See at 28:87. p. 1264. n. 2). 

3. i. e„ in your mission. fk*\ itiaqim = be 
steadfast, upnght (v. ii. m. s. imperative from 
islaqdma, form X of qdnui Iqawmah/qiydm], to 
stand up. See at 11:112. p. 717, n. II). 

4. ’umirta = you were bidden, commanded, 
ordered, (v. ii. s. past passive from amura | umr), 
to command. Sec 'umiriu at 40:66. p. 1533. n. 3). 

5. f Id lattabr = do not follow, obey, pursue 

(v. ii. m. s. imperative (prohibition) from 
ittaba a. form VIII of labi'a llaba'Aabd'ah], to 
follow. See at 38:26. p. 1466, a 5). 

6. ah wd ’ (sing, ay Imwan) = desires, 

fancies, caprices, whims. Sec at 30:29, p. 1299, 
n. 8). 

7. Jaat ’a'dila(u) = I make equal, equalize, 

equate, act justly, do justice (v. iii. m. pi impfet. 
from adala ['adWaddlah\, to be just/equal The 
final letter takes falhah because of a hidden ‘an in 
Ii (of motivation) coming before the verb. See 
ya'dildna at 27:60, p 1220. n. II). 

8. L e . to our accounts will be our deeds and to 
your account will be your deeds 

9. i. c . dispute. i«» hujjah (j.; p hujaj) = 

argument, pretext, pretence, proof, plea. See at 
6: 149, p 456. n I 

10. i. e., on the Day of Judgement, and will 
decide between us. 

1 1 .*-** maftr = destination, place at which one 
arrives, destiny. Sec at 40:3, p 1510, n. I). 

12. oy-Uv yuhdjj&na = they dispute, debate. 

argue, contest (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. form hdjja. 
form III of hajja [hajj/hijj], to defeat, to intend, to 
aim at. See yuhdjju at 3:73. p 183. n. 10). 

13. i. e„ about the din of Allah. Islam. 

14. i. c.. people embraced Islam. uslujtba 

= he was responded to. answered (v. iii. m. s past 
passive from islajdba, form X of jdba [jawb], to 
travel See yasiajtbu at 28:64. p. 1255. n. 5). 

15. ddhidah (f. s.) = invalid, void, 

disproved, refuted (act. participle from dahada, to 
be invalid, to disprove, refute. See yud-hidu at 
40:5. p. 1510. n. II). 

Surah 42: Al Shurd (Consultation) ( Pan (Juz‘) 25 ] 


prjjc . jt before their Lord, 

and on them shall be wrath' 
& and they shall have 

a punishment most severe. 2 

17. Allah is He Who 
has sent down 1 the Book 
with the truth, 1 * 


■Sbjjfj and the balance; 5 

and what will make you know* 
that perhaps the Hour 
0 vv-* close by. 7 

18. There seek to hasten 8 it 
those who do not believe 

L+j in it; 

!>-*’* t> ut those who believe 
are apprehensive' of it 
and they know 
that it is the truth. 

Oh yes, verily those who 
wrangle 10 

icHl'ti about the Hour 

1 . i. e.. wrath of Allah gharfab = wrath, 

fury, anger, indignation. See at 24:9, p. 1 108, n. 8. 

2. J«xi shadid (pi. .usl 'ashidM'/*JC. shiddd) = 
most severe, stem, rigorous, hard, harsh, strong. 
See at 40:22. p. 1517. n 6). 

3. Jjil ’aitzala = he sent down, brought down (v. 

aii. m. s. past in form IV [ 'inz/U] of nazuta |mi;il(]. 
to come down, get down. See at 36:15, p. 1412. 

4. i. e.. true guidance. j»- haqq = right, truth, 
liability, justice, just cause. Sec at 40:75. p. 1535. 
n. 9. 

5. i. e.. equity and justice. mizun (s.; pi 
rnawddn) = balance, scales, measure, weight 
(noun of instrument from wazana [ wazn/zinah ]. to 
balance, to weigh out. See at 1 1 :84. p. 708. n. 4). 

6. ifj+iyudrl - he or it mokes (someone) realize. 

informs, leu know, notirics (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
from udrd. form IV of dnrd | dirdyah], to know 
See at 63:l363.642.n. 5). 

7. v«.i* qarSb = near, proximate, not far away, 
dose by. Ever Near. Sec at 34:50. p. 1 387. n. 5. 

8. i. e.. the unbelievers ask. by way of mocking 
at it. for hastening the Day of Judgement 
yaita’jilu = he seeks to hasten, expedites (v. iii. 
m s. impfet- from isui'jatu. form X of 'ajila 
[ ‘njiil/'ujaUih), to hasten. See at 10:50, p. 655, n. 
10 ). 

9. JjiiX mushfiqOn (pi.; s. mushfiq) = those 

who ate apprehensive, anxious, worried, 
concerned (act participle from ashfaqa. form IV 
of shufaqu \shJfuq], to fear, to pity. See at 23:57. 
p. 1089, n. 10). 

10. Jjjk* yumaruna = they wrangle, argue, 
dispute, resist (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from rruird. 
form III from mini’). 


Surah 42: At-Shurd [ Pan (Juz ) 25 ) 

are indeed astray 1 
{£}o~* faraway. 2 

vlLiJiif 19. Allah is Gracious’ 

..j Cm to His servants. 

<ij>. He gives provision 4 to 
iCEIo- whomsoever He will; 
vic^j and He is the All-Powerful, 5 
$ the All-Mighty. 6 

Section ( Ruku ‘) 3 
20. Whoever is wont to desire 7 
is±3\£>j»- the tilth 8 of the hereafter 
•^iLP-4,4)^ We increase for him in his tilth; 

and whoever is wont to desire 
the tilth of this world. 

We give him thereof, 

.iiCy and he will not have 
yi in the hereafter any share. 9 

1> 2 1 .Or do they have partners 10 
that have enacted 11 for them 
>^>uKSj of the religion 12 

1. J5L» (fatal = error, straying from the right 
path, fi daldl = in error, astray, in vain. See it 
40:50. p 1527. n. 6. 

2. i. e.. from the truth x«, ba'id = ($.; p) 
bu'uda /bu 'iid /bu 'dan /hi '(id) - far. far away, 
far-reaching, distant, remote, unlikely. See at 
41:52, p. 1559, n. 4). 

3. laftf = All-Graceful. All-Subtle. Kind, 
Gracious, fine, delicate, refined (active participle 
in the scale of fa’ll from laiufaAafvfa] 
[lutf/latufah], to be kind and friendly, to be fine, 
delicate. See at 33:34, p. 1348, n. II). 

4. i. e„ in profusion. 6/ji yarzuqu = he provides, 
provides with the means of subsistence, bestows : 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet. from razaqo[razq). to 
provide, bestow. See at 24:38, p. 1 122. n. 4). 

5. igy qawly (s.: pi. aqwiyd ’) = strong, mighty, | 

powerful, potent, All-Powerful (act. participle j 
from qawiya [qHwa], to be strong, powerful). 

6. jijt- ’ azfz = All-Mighty, Invincibly Powerful, 
before Whom everyone else is powerless: also 
respected, distinguished, dear, beloved, strong, 
mighty, difficult, hard See at 42:3. p 1560, n. 4. 

7. -Wji yuridu - he intends, desires (v. iii. m «. 

impfet. form ardda, form IV of rdda (rawi/J. to 
walk about. Sec at 40:31, p. 1520, n. II). 

8. i. e.. men! and benefits. •!> f harth = tillage, 

cultivation, tilth, crops Sec at 21:78. p. 1033. n 

9. i. e.. of merit and benefits • ^ north (s.; pi. , 

nusub /anqibd ' /aitubah) = share, portion, luck, 
chance, fate, dividend. See at 40:47. p. 1226. n. ’ 


10. i. e. partners in their misguidance. »i S’ jk 

shurakd’ (pi.; s. sharlk) partners, sharers, 
associates (act participle in the scale of fa'll from ’ 
(kanaka (rA/rik), to share, to be a partner. See at 
41:47. p. I557.n. 3). 

II 'fr- shara'd = they introduced, enacted, 
prescribed, ordained (v. iii m. pi past from | 
sham’ a (rhor'l. to enact [laws], to introduce. See ] 
shara'a at 42:13, p. 1564, n. 5), 

12. din = religion, creed, faith, code, law, I 
worship, judgement, awarding of reward and j 
punishment, requital Sec at 39: 1 1, p 1485. n 10. I 

Surah 42: MShurt i (Consultation) [ Part (/«') 25 ) 

which Allah did not allow 1 of? 
And had there not been 
a word of decree, 2 
adjudged 3 would have been 

rr? between them; 


and verily the transgressors 4 
shall have a punishment 
very painful. 5 

/f nj'lll 22. You will see 6 the trans- 
gressors apprehensive 7 
— . i: . because of what they earn," 


and it will befall 9 them; 
and those who believe 
and do the good deeds 10 
will be in the meadows 11 
of the gardens. 12 
They will have whatever 
they wish for 13 

with their Lord. 

01 ® 

That is the grace 
most magnificent. 

1. i»tj ya’dhan(u) = he gives leave, permits. 

allows (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from ’adhina ( idhn ). 
to allow, to listen. The final letter is vowelless 
because of the particle lam coming before the 
verb. Sec ya'dhana at 12:80. p. 752, n. 4). 

2. i. e., had not a word for giving respite till a time 
been decreed, 

2. J-»» fay I (s.; pi. fusdl) = parting, discharge, 
decision, final decision, decree, section, chapter. 

3. j-u qudiya = it is settled, adjudicated, decreed. 

passed, spent, concluded, adjudged, decided (v. 
iii. ro. s. past passive from qadd [qada], to settle, 
to decide. See at 41:45. p. 1556, n. 4). 

4. i. e„ the polytheists (note that at 3 1 : 1 3 shirk or 
setting partners with Allah is called a grave zulm). 
jjJtb zdlimin (accVgcn. of zAlimun. sing, zultm) 
= transgressors, wrong-doers ( active participle 
from zalama [zulm], to transgress, do wrong. See 
at 39:24, p. 1490. n. 1 1). 

5. pi ‘atim = agonizing, anguishing, 
excruciating, most painful (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa'U from alima ( ’alum], to be 
in pain, to feel pain) Sec at 41:43, p. 1555, n. 2). 

6. i.c . on the Day of Judgement 

7. mushfiqtn (pi.; acc /gen of mushfiq&n, 

s. mushfiq) = those who are apprehensive, 
anxious, worried, concerned (act. participle from 
'ashfaqa from shufaqa [ shafuq ] , to fear, to pity. 
Sec at 18:49, p. 929. n. 5). 

8. i. e., of sins. 'yr-f kasahu = they earned, 
acquired, gained (v. iii. m pi. past from kasab<i 
|buf>). to gain. See at 39:48, p. 1498, n. 7). 

9. i. e„ the punishment shall befall them 
wdqi‘ = that which falls/befnlls. is about to fall, is 
going to occur (act. participle from i vaqa'a ( 

h uqii * ] , to fall. See at 7: 171. p. 532. n. II). 

10. sdlihdt (f.; sing, sdlihah ; m, sdlih) - 

good ones, good deeds/ things ( approved by the 
Qur’iin and sunnah). See at 41:8, p. 1542. n. 4. 

1 1 . ot>jj rawddt (f. pi.; s. ruwdah) = meadows, 

12. i.e.. paradise. 

13. yashd'una = they wish, desire, want 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from shd'a [ mashi’ah J, to 
wish. See at 39:34, p. 1493, n. 4). 


Surah 42: Al-Shurd \ Pan ( Jui ') 25 ] 







4 «r.iv 


i'- 'i '■’• 



23. That is whereof 

Allah gives the good tidings 1 
to His servants 2 who believe 
and do the good deeds. 

Say: "I ask' of you not 
for it a remuneration 4 
except the love 5 
in respect of kinship." 6 
And whoever acquires 7 
a merit, 

We increase 8 for him in it 

Verily Allah is Most Forgiving, 
Most Appreciative. 

24. Or do they say: 

"He has fabricated 9 
against Allah a lie"? 10 

But if Allah wills 
He may put a seal 
on your heart. 

And Allah effaces 11 falshood 
and establishes the truth 

1 . r~t yubashshiru = he gives good tidings (v. tu. 
m. s. impfet. from bashshara, form U of 
bashura/bashira [bishr/bushr], to rejoice, to be 
happy. See at 3:39. p. 171. n. 1). 

2. Aj. (bad (sing, s+’abd) = servants (of Allah), 
human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers See it 
41:46, p. 1556, n. II). 

3. The address is to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him JUI ’as ‘alu = I ask. 
beg. enquire ( v. i. m. s. impfet. from sa'ala J 
su ’d!/ mas'alah/las'dH], to ask. See at 38:86, p. 
1478. n. 9). 

4 i. e., for this work of preaching and delivering 
the Qur'Sn /*! ’ajr (pi. ' ujur ) = reward, 

recompense, remuneration, due See at 418, p 
1542. n. 5). 

5. • >y manaddah = love, affection, friendship. 
See at 30:21. p. 1296. n 6. 

6. Those of the Makkan leaders who opposed the 
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, 
were related to the Prophet by blood or by 
marriage They were asked to treat him with the 
consideration due to kinship. qurba = near 

relationship kinship. Sec ii/i al-qurba at 24:22, p. 
1113. n. 4. 

7. viyi, yaqtariftu ) = he commits, performs, 

acquires (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from iqtarafa. form 
VIII of qarafa/ qarifa [qarf/ qaraj], to peel, to 
feel disgust. The final letter is vowcllcss became 
the verb is in a conditional clause preceded by 
man Sec yaqturifino at 6: 120, p. 442, n. I). 

8 a> nazid ( naitdu ) = we increase, enhance, give 

more (v. i. pi. impfet. from zdda |;iwWuh), to 
grow, to increase. The final letter is vowelless 
(and hence the medial yd' is dropped) because the 
verb is conclusion of a conditional clause See 
nazjdu at 7:161, p. 528. n. 5). 

9. rf /it Ifiari S = he fabricated, invented falsely, 

trumped up. slandered, forged (v. iii. m. s. past, in 
form VIII of fard (/dry), to cut lengthwise See at 
34:8. p. 1370. n 3). 

10. i. e . by saying that the Qur'Sn has been sent 
down to him. 

11. ^ yamhu = he effaces, obliterates, erases, 
blots out. wipes off. eliminates, eradicates (v iu 
m. s. impfet. from mafia ( matin ], to wipe off. 
Sec mahawnd at 17:12, p. 876, n. 7). 

Surah 42; Al-Shurd (Consultation) ( Part (Juz ) 25 ] 


AvIkT, by His words. 

'Zjf-Q Verily He is All-Knowing 
of the secrets of hearts. 1 

isjtiyrj 25. And He it is Who 
accepts 2 repentance’ 
of His servants 
and forgives 4 the sins; 5 
pZj and He knows 
!$) all that you do. 

26. And He responds 6 to 
those who believe 
and do the good deeds 7 
and gives them more* 
of His grace; 9 
and the unbelievers 
shall have a punishment 


1 . •* . 

$ li- 

very severe. 


iafXjjiij + 27. And were Allah to spread" 
the provision for His servants 
i>J they would have outraged 12 

I. j)Xu> sudur (pi.; sing, yc sadr) - breasts, 

chests, bosoms, hearts, front, beginning, dhdi 
al-suddr = that which possesses the hearts, 
secrets of the hearts See at 40;56, p. 1529, n. 7. 

2. JJj yaqhalu = he accepts, receives (v. iii. m. 
s. impfet. from qabila [qabul/qubul], to accept 
See at 9: 104. p. 622. n II). 

3. t,y lawhah = repentance, penitence, to return 
with repentance (Technically law hah means, for 
man. to turn to Allah in penitence and for Allah, 
to turn in forgiveness]. See !dbU at 40:7. p. ISO. 
n. 10). 

4. iy*,ya‘fti = he waives, excuses, effaces (v. 

iii. m. s. impfet. from ajd [ af*/afti ].lo be 
effaced. See at 5:15, p. 336. n. 4). 

5. ot v sayyi'&t (pi.; s. ti- sayyi'ah) = evils, evil 
deeds, sins. See at 40:45. p 1525. n. II. 

6. i. e.. to the prayers of, i yasUylbu = he 
responds, answers complies with, accedes to (v. 
iii. ni. s. impfet. from istajuba, from X of juba 
fyowb], to travel, to explore. See at 6:36. p 405, 
n. I). 

7. oUJL. stilihtit (f.; sing xalihah. m. sdlih) = 
good ones, good dccds/things ( approved by the 
Qur’Sn and sunnah). See at 42:22, p. 1569. n. 10. 

8. yaztdu — he increases, augments, adds to, 
gives more ( v. iii. m. s. impfet. from zuda 
[zayd/uyadah\, to be more Sec at 35:39. p. 1404. 
n. 6). 

9. J-*» fadl (pi. fudut) = grace, favour, kindness, 
bounty, also surplus, excess, superiority, merit, 
excellence. See at 40:61, p. 1531, n. 4 

10. j«jls shadid (pi. .usl 'ashtdda'h us shiddd) = 
most severe, stem, rigorous, hard, harsh, strong. 
See at 42: 16. p 1567. n. 2). 

II. L e.. for all in profusion and without 

measure yabsutu = he stretches, stretches 

out, unfolds, spreads, spreads out, extends, 
expands (v. in. m. s. impfet. from basalu I burr], 
to spread. See at 42:12, p. 1564. n. 2). 

12. baghaw - they committed outrage, 
oppressed, wronged (v. iii. m pi. past from baghd 
( baghy ], to wrong, oppress. See baghd at 38:22. 
p. 1464 n 7). 


Surah 42: AlShurd | Pan (Jui ) 25 ] 

in the earth; 
but He sends down 1 


iGjUyji in a measure 2 as He wills. 

Verily He is of His servants 
All-Aware, 3 All-Seeing. 4 

iXjJfykJ 28. And He it is Who 
sends down the rain 5 
after that they give up hope 6 
and spreads out 7 His mercy. 
f*S And He ' s f he Lord-Protector, “ 
the All Praisworthy. 

29. And of His signs are 
jiL the creation of the heavens 

Jrji'j and the earth 
l and all that He spreads’ in 
t&ot them of a moving creature. 10 

And He is on gathering them 
C\£a\ whenever He wills 

Section (Ruku *) 4 

30. And whatever afflicts 12 you 
ot of misfortune 13 

1. J yunazzilu - he sends down, causes to 
descend (v. iii. m. s past from nazzula. foim II of 
nazala |nuzii/|, to come down See at 40:13, p. 
1414. n. 3). 

2. jJa qadar = measure, quantity, destiny. Sec at 
15:21. p. 811, n. II 

3. ,?*■ khabtr = All- Aware. All-Convemnli 
All-Acquainted (active participle in the scale of 
fa'll from khabara ( khubr / khtbrah ] to be 
acquainted). See at 35:31. p 1401, n. 3 

4 i. e.. of all deeds and events, open or secret 
sr* bastr = one who sces/obscrvcs. All-Seeing 

(act. participle in the scale of fa'il (ton 
basura/bafira ( basur ]. to sec). Sec at 41: 41, p. 
1554. n. 3. 

5. nhayihm ; pi. ghuy&lh ) = rain, rain in 
profusion See at 31:34, p. 1323. n. 8, 

6. i jVi qanafu = they despaired, gave up hope. 

became disheartened, were hopeless, disappoilllM 
(v. iii. m pi past from qanija/ qanala/ qanuta 
[qanuf/ qunul/ qanatuh). to despair See lil 
laqnalu at 39:53, p 1 500, n. 6. 

7. yanshuru = he spreads out. unfolds (v iii 
m. s impfet from nashara (navAr], to spread out. 
See yanshuru 18:16. p. 915. n 3). 

8. Jj waliy (s.; pi. .Mr 1 'awliyd') = guardian. 

legal guardian, fnend. patron friend, sponsor, 
protector, Lord-Protector, relative, next-of-km. 
See at 42:8. p. 1562, n. II. 

9. iti baththa - he spread, scattered abroad, 

disseminated (v. iii. m s. past from balhth. to 
scatter. Sec at 31:10. p. 1313, n. 10). 

10. VO d&bbah (pi. duwabb) = animal, riding 
beast, crawling/moving crcatuie/worm See at 
35:45. p 1407. n. 9. 

1 1. ji-ii qadir = Omnipotent, All-Powerful. See at 
35:1, p. 1389. n. 7. 

12 'asaba = he or it afflicted, befell, hit. 

struck, leached, made (something) fall, bestowed, 
allotted, (v. iii. in. s. past in form IV of suba . See 
at 39:51, p 1499. n. 9). 

1 3. C _, mustbah (pi. _ru«. musa ' ib ) = calamity, 
disaster, misfortune, affliction. See at 9:50, p 
599, n. 3. 

Surah 42: AlShurd (Consultation) ( Part (Jut ) 25 ] 


\' \ that is due to what 
your hands acquire; 1 
and He forgives 2 a lot. 3 



3 1 . And you cannot 
frustrate'* in the earth, 
nor is there for you 
besides Allah 
any Guardian-Protector 
nor any helper. 5 

32. And of His signs are 
jjyi\ the ships 6 in the sea 
like mountains. 7 


33. If He wills 
He can make still* the wind 
so they would become 9 
immobile 10 on its surface." 
Verily therein are signs 
for everyone persevering, 

1. i. e., of sins and misdeeds . :.-f kasabat — 
she or it earned, acquired, gained (v. iii. f. s. past 
from kasaba [fcub], to gain See at 40:17. p. 
1515. n. 5). 

2. 'y*tya‘fii = he waives, excuses, effaces (v. iii. 

m. s. impfet. from 'afd ( ‘afw/afd’). to be effaced. 
See at 42:25, p. 1571. n. 4). 

3. i. e.. He forgives and does not take to task for 
many sins. 

4. i. e., the plans of Allah, escaping His 
retribution, jiy** mujizin (pi.; accVgen. of 
mu Jilin, s. mu' jit) — those who incapacitate, 
invalidate, disable, frustrate, weaken, paralyze, 
cripple (active participle from a'jut/i, from IV of 
‘ajuza/'ajiza ( tyz], to be weak, incapable. Sec at 
39:51. p 1499. n. 13). 

5. i. e.. against Allah's retribution, neither in this 
world nor in the hereafter, nasir = (s.; pi. 

nusard) = helper, defender, supporter, ally, 
protector, patron (act. participle in the scale of 
fa 'll from nasara [nasr /nut dr], to help. See at 
42:8, p 1562. n. 12). 

6. jl y jawdr (f. pi.; s, jurtyah) = ships, those that 

move on/flow (act. participle from jard [jury], to 
(low. A ship is called jdriyah because it flows on 
the surface of the sea. Sec lajri at 39:20, p. 1488. 

n. 7). 

7. 'a’ldm (pi.; s. 'alam ) = signs, marks, 
signposts, distinguishing features, outstanding 
personalities, flags, mountains 

8. yuskin (u) = he makes still, lodges. 

settles, makes (someone) inhabit (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from ’askarui, form IV of sakana 
[ sukun ), to be calm, still. The final letter is 
vowelless because the verb is conclusion of a 
conditional clause. See 'askannd at 23:18. p. 
1079. n. 3). 

9 jiifa, yazlalna = they (fern.) become, continue 

to be. remain, stay (v. iii. f. pi. impfet. from txilla 
(z all/zuldl], to be. to continue Sec zallO at 30:51. 
p 1367. n. 8). 

10. aflj j raw&kid (f. pi.; s. rdkidah ; m. rdkid) = 

stationary, still, motionless, stagnant, immobile 
(act. participle from rakada ( rukud ]. to be still). 

1 1. jil* tahri s.; pi zuhur) - back, rear, rear 
side, loin, spine, surface. Sec at 35:45, p. 1407. n. 


Surah 42: Al Shura ( Pari (Jut') 25 1 

34. Or He may destroy 1 them 
for what they acquire; 2 
but He forgives 1 a lot. 

35. And let there know 
those who dispute 4 
about Our signs 
that they do not have 
any place of escape. 5 





36. So whatever you are given 
of anything is an enjoyment 6 
of the worldly life; 

but what lies with Allah 7 
is better* and more enduring 9 
for those who believe 
and do on their Lord rely. 

37. And who abstain 10 from 
the enormities" of sin 

and the obscenities, 12 
and if they get angry 
they forgive. 

1. i. e . destroy the sips. y yilbiqu- destroys, 
ruins, annihilates (v. iii. m s impfet. ring 
'awbaqa, form IV of wabaqu [wabaq/ wubib/ 
mawbiq], to perish, to go to ruin. Sec rnaubiq g 
18:52. p. 931, n. 5). 

2. i. e. what the owners and inmates of the ships 
acquire of sins, l y—S kasabu = they earned, 

acquired, gained (v. iii. m. pi. past from ktuakt 
[Jtarfr], to gain Sec at 42:22. p 1 569, n. 8). 1 

3. Jau ya'fu(u) = he waives, excuses, effaces (v. ' 

iii. m s. impfet. from afd ['ufw/afb']. to be 
effaced The final waw is dropped because the 
verb is conjunctive to conclusion of a conditions! 
clause See ya'/fi at 42:30. p 1573, n. 2). 

4 yujddiluna - they dispute, quarrel, 

controvcn, argue, debate, wrangle (v iii m pi 
impfet. from jddalu, form III of jadala |, — /ad/], 
to tighten Sec at 40:69, p 1534, n. 4). 

5. i. c„ from Allah's retribution. mahis = 

escape, flight, place of refuge, retreat Iveital 
noun: also noun of place from hiu 
[ huyfjhayfah/mahb] . to escape, to flee See it 
4:121. p. 297, n. II.' 

6. i. e.. temporary enjoyment in (his worldly life 

maid' (pi amu ah) = goods, wares, baggage, 

equipment, gear, necessities of life, chattel, needs, 
utensils, enjoyment. Sec at 40:39, p 1523, n. 12 

7. i. e.. of rewards and graces in the hereafter. 1 
8 khayr - good /better/ best, charity, wealth, 
property, affluence. Sec at 38:32. p 1468, n. 4, 

9. 'abqa = more lasting, everlasting, more 

enduring, more permanent (dative of bdqui. act 
participle from baqiya [baqu ], to remain, to 
continue to be. See at 28:60, p 1253, n. II). 

10. yajianibtina = they abstain, refrain, 

shun, keep away (v. iii. m pi impfet. from 
ijianuba, form VIII of janaba (junh), to avert See 
ijianabd at 39:17, p 1487, n. 5). 

II fS kabd'ir (pi , s. kabirah ) major sins, 
atrocious enmes, enormities. Sec at 4:30. p. 253. 
n. 12. 

12. i. e.. adulteries and fornication, j**} 
fawahish (pi.; s. fuhishah) = vile deeds, 

grave sins, monstrosities, atrocities, adulteries, 
fornication See at 7:33, p 476. n. 6). 

Surah 42: Al-Shdra (Consultation) | Part (Juz') 25 J 1575 

1. i. e.. believe in monotheism (tawhid) and obey 

His injunctions. isiaj&bd = they 

responded, answered, complied with, acceded to. 
listened to (v. iii. m. pi. post from istajdba. form 
X of jdba Ijawb], to travel, to explore. See at 
35:14. p. 1395. n. 10). 

2. s' ’amr (s.; pi ?'} 'awamir / umur) = 

order, command, decree / matter, issue, affair. 
See at 41:12, p. 1543. n. 10. 

3. i. e.. they run their affairs by mutual 
consultation. tSjyS shitra = consultation, 
deliberation, taking counsel. Sec shdwir at 3:159, 
p. 218. n. 9 

4. i. e.. in paying zukd and spending in approved 
charities. Oyii, yunfiquna = they spend, expend 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from anfaqa, form IV of 
nafaqa [nafaq], to be used up. See at 32:16, p. 
1329, n. 5) 

5. 'aydba = he or it afflicted, befell, hit. 

struck, reached, made (something) fall, bestowed, 
allotted, (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of .; Abu . Sec 
at 42:30, p. 1572, n. 12). 

6. baghy = oppression, injustice, outrage. 

defiance, transgression. Sec at 42:14. p. 1565. n 


7. i. e . they do not submit to wrong and injustice 
and defend themselves. dy <r ^ i yanlasmina = they 

help themselves, be helped, defend themselves, 
be victorious (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from inlasara, 
form VIII of nayara [ Musur], to help. See at 
26:93, p 1 179, n. 3). 

8. It is reminded that retribution should not be 
more than the wrong done. »lj» jazd' = 

retribution, penalty, repayment, recompense, 
requital, reward. See ai 39:34. p. 1493, n. 5). 

9. U* ’a/S a he effaced, wiped out, obliterated, 
exempted, relieved, forgave, excused (v. iii. m. s. 
past from 'afw/ a/d ' Sec at 9:43. p. 596. n. 7). 

10. 'aylaha = he reformed, made good, made 

amends, settled, adjusted, reconciled (v. iii. m. s. 
past in form IV of xaiaha/saluha [saldh/ ruluh / 
maslahah/ saUihiyah], to be good, right). 

1 1 . v»s V Id+yuhihhu a he does not like, does 

not love (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from dhubba, form 
IV of habba (/iuMj), to love. See at 30:45, p. 
1305. n. 4). 

38. And who respond 1 
nP. to their Lord 

and duly perform the prayer, 
£$ and whose affair 2 is 
ij&L mutual consultation' 
amongst them, 
and out of what We provide 
QjJil for them they spend. 4 

39. And who, 

when there afflicts 5 them 
^vJ*f the oppression, 4 
{$) they defend themselves. 7 

i 40. And the retribution" 

for an evil is an evil like it; 
but whoever forgives’ 
and effects a reconciliation 
his r ewar d is on Allah. 
Verily He likes" not 
the transgressors. 


,>3> 41. And surely he who 
7 y-. f defends himself 


Surah 42: At-Shura [Pan (Jui ) 25 ] 

after a wrong done to him, 
Agfa such ones, 

there lies not against them 
any suit. 1 

42. The suit lies but 
'opSL against those who do wrong 2 
Oyvy t° people and commit outrage 3 
^'^o^jV '4 in the earth without right. 4 

Such people shall have 
a punishment most painful. 5 

Jjj 43. And indeed he who 
bears calmly 6 and forgives, 7 
that surely is of the 
{£) definitive 8 of affairs. 9 

Section ( Ruku‘ ) 5 
£> 44. And whomsoever 
JaiT.jiJ* Allah makes go astray 10 

he shall have no guardian" 
after Him. 

Sj 3 And you will see 

1. J_- tabil (pi. subul/asbilah ) = way. path, 
road, means, course, course of legal action, sal 
See at 33:4. p, 1335. n. II. 

2. o j.iU, yazlimuna = they transgress, do wrong, 
treat unjustly, oppress (v. iii. m. pi impfct. front 
zalumu \wlm/fulm], to do wrong Sec at 30:10, p 
1292. n. i). 

3. j ji* yabghUna = they commit outrage, 

oppress, wrong (v. iii. m. pi. post from bayhA 
[bughy J. to wrong, oppress. See bagha* at 
42:27. p 1571 n 12). 

4. j»- haqq = nghl. truth, liability, justice, jot 
cause. Sec at 42:17. p 1567, n 4 

5. ’alim = agonizing. anguishing, 
excruciating, most painful (act participle in the 
intensive scale of fa’U from ’alima ( a/um). to be 
in pain, to feel pain). Sec at 42:21. p 1569,n 5). 

6. j-r sabara = he bore calmly, had patience, 

persevered (v. iii. m. s. past from sabr, la be 
patient See yasbirS at 41:24. p. 1548. n. 4). 

7. jti- ghafara = he forgave, pardoned (v in. m. 
s. past from ghafr Anaghfirah ghufrim. to forgive 
See 36:27. p 1415. n 4) 

8. (jt- ‘ajm = determination, resolution, decision, 
firm will, resolute, definitive See at 31:17, p 
1316. n 13. 

9. i. e . this is of matters definitively enjoined Ml 
are desired to be abided by. jy I 'umiir (pi.; s. ) 
’ amr ) = affairs, matters, issues, concerns See at 
22:76. p. 1073. n. 4 

10. i. e„ because of his unbelief and 
wrong-doing. JL* yudlil ( yudillu ) = he lets stray. 

mokes go astray, deludes (v. iii m. s impfct from 
udalla. form IV of dalla \daUH/duUUah\, to go 
astray. The last letter is vowelless for die vert is in 
a conditional clause preceded by man. See at 
40:33. p 1521. n. 6). 

11. ^ly waliy (».; pi. -Cijl ' awhya - ) = guardian, 

legal guardian, friend, patron fnend. sponsor, 
protector. Lord- Protector, relative, nexl-of-km. 
See at 42:28. p 1572. n 8 

• > 


i ' Sf' >'•> 

- >t'.' 



.{ .<' . 


>' > > ' 

F*lr* i 

**f. > . 

Surah 42: Al-Shdrd (Consultation) [ Part (Juz - ) 25 J 


the transgressors 

when they saw the punishment 


"Is there to a return 1 
any way?" 

45. And you will see them 
laid 2 on it 

humble' in disgrace 4 
and looking 5 

with a glance 6 concealed. 7 
And those who believe will 
say: "Verily the losers 8 are 
they who lost 9 themselves 
and their families 
on the Day of Judgement. 

Oh yes, the transgressors will 
be in a punishment to last." 10 

46. And they will not have 
any guardian-friends" 
helping 12 them 

against Allah. 13 

1. i. c„ return to the worldly life for doing good 
deeds and making amends for past sins, r y 

maradd = place of return, return, repulsion, 
resistance See at 40:43. p. 1325. n. 4. 

2. i. e . put on the fire of hell, o y* yu'raduna = 

they are displayed, exposed, submitted, placed/sct 
before, laid (v. iii. m. pi, impfcL passive from 
arada/'aruda [ ard], to become visible, to be 
wide See al'40:46. p 1526. n. I). 

3. khashi'in (m. pi.; acc J gen. of 

khdshi'dn. sing khashi') = the submissive/ 
humble ones, humble (active participle from 
khasha'a [khuthu '], to be submissive, humble. 
See at 33:35, p 1349. n. 7). 

4. Ji dhull = lowliness, humility, ignominy. 

disgrace, humbleness, meekness. Sec at 17:111, 
p 909. n. II. 

5. djji-t yanzuruna = they look, look expectantly, 
gaze, wait for. await (v. iii. m. pi. nnpfct. from 
nazara Inazr/man^ar], to see. view, look at Sec at 
39:68. p 1 505. n. 5). 

6. tarf = glance, look, eye See at 38:53. p. 
1472. n. 10. 

7. i. e.. out of fear and disgrace. ^ khafty = 

secret, unseen, invisible, concealed See at 19:3, p. 
950. n. 5. 

8. jiyAn- khdsirin (acc./gen of khastrun, sing. 
khAsir) - losers, those in loss (active participle 
from khasara [khusr /khasdr /khasdrah /khusrdn] 
to lose. Sec at 4 1 :25. p. 1 549, n. I ). 

9. khasird = they lost, suffered damage (v, 
iii. m. pi. post from khasira ( khusr /khasdr/ 
khas&rah / khusrdn], to lose. See n. 8 above: and 
also see at 23: 102. p. 1100, n. 5). 

10. p-i* muqtm = abiding, lasting, persistent, 
endunng. lingering, permanent, resident, long 
established, he who sets up. performer (active 
participle from aqdmu, form IV of qdmu [qiy&m/ 
qawmah], to get up. See at 15:76. p. 823. n. 2). 

11. ’awliyd' (pi.: sing. J 3 terrify) = friends, 
allies, patrons, legal guardians, protectors. . Sec at 
42:6. p 1561, n 9. 

12. Ay,** yansurdna = they help, assist (v. iii. 

m. pi. impfet. from nasura [nasr /nusur], to help. 
See at 28:81, p 1261, n. 8). 

13. i. e., against Allah's punishment 


SOrah 42: Al-Shurd [Part Vuz ) 25 1 

I i. c . because of his unbelief and wrong-doing 
JLj* yudlil ( yudtllu ) m he lets stray, makes p 

astray, deludes (v. iii. m. s. impfct from ddallt, 
form IV of dalla [tfalril/daldlnh], to go astray TV 
last letter is vowcllcss for the verb is la s 
conditional clause preceded by man. See at 42 44 
p. 1576. n. 10). 

2. i. e., to the truth. sabtl (pi subul/asbilaki 
= way. path. road, means, course, course of lepl 
action, suit. Sec at 42:4 1 , p 1 576, n. I . 

3. i. e„ by believing in His Oneness (luwhid) and 

abiding by His guidance. isuijibi = yot 

(all) respond, answer (v. ii. m. pi. imperative faun 
istaj&ba, form X of fOba [/tnvb], to travel Sec at 
8:24, p. 554. n. 10) 

4. maradd = place of return, return, repulsion, 
resistance See at 42:44, p 1577. n, I, 

5. t»L> malja ' = refuge, shelter, retreat t advert) of 

place from laja'a [laj'AujO'], to take refuge. See 
at 9:1 18. p, 629. n. II. 

6. naktr = denial, disapproval, disavowal, 
disapprobation, rejection. Sec at 35:26. p, 1399, a. 

And whoever 

Allah makes go astray, 1 

he will not have any way. 2 

[jiojUT 47. Respond’ to your Lord 

before that there comes a day 
no repulsion 4 is there for it, 
from Allah. 

You shall have no refuge 5 
that day nor shall you have 
any way to disavow. 6 

7. i, c., from the truth and the guidance, l.ji/1 

'a'radu - they turned away, averted, evaded (v. 
iii m pi past from a ratfa. form IV of aruda 
f'ard], to be broad, wide, to appear, to show See 
at 41:13, p. 1544. n. I). 

8 hafiz = attentive, mindful, preserving, 

guarding, guard, (act. participle in the scale of 
fa'il from hafna \hifz). to preserve, to guard See 
at 42:6. p. 1561*. n. 10). 

9. halagh (pi. baldghdi) = to convey, 
communication, proclamation, nnnounccmenl. 

48. So if they turn away, 7 
then We have sent you not 


IJa.jCLik. over them as a guard. 8 
Your duty is naught 
but to convey. 9 

Ts]I And indeed when We 
make man taste 10 
mercy from Us 
4 he rejoices 11 at it; 
fr-'+’dij but if there befalls them 
& •oLi- any evil 12 because of what 

Surah 42: Al-Sh&rd (Consultation) | Part (Juz ) 25 ) 


ihcir hands had advanced, 1 
$ then indeed man is 
extremely ungrateful. 2 

49. To Allah belongs 

vJjJi the dominion of the heavens 
ufjjtj and the earth. 
jU He creates 

whatever He will. 

He bestows 4 

on whomsoever He wills 
v4a> females 5 and bestows 
V&CjA. on whomsoever He wills 
{£} jjGjf the males. 6 

50. Or He couples 7 them 
males and females. 

And He makes* 
whomsoever He wills barren. 9 
Verily He is All-Knowing, 
Omnipotent. 10 

ofo', + 51. And it is not 
Jij for a human being 10 

1. i. e„ of sins, qaddamat = she sent ahead. 

forwarded, advanced (v. iii. f. s. past from 
i qaddama. form II of qadama / qadinui [ qadm 
/qudum /qidnuin l maqdam ) to precede, to amve. 
See at 28:47. p. I248.n. 11). 

2. jjd" kaftir = extremely ungrateful, wantonly 

unbelieving, arch infidel (act. participle in the 
scale of fa' til from ktifara [ kufr ). to cover, to be 
an infidel. See at 35:36. p. 1403, n. 4). 

3. yakhluqu = he creates, makes, brings into 
being, originates, shapes (v. iii: m. s. impfet. from 
khalaqa {khalq], to create See at 7: 191 . p. 540. n. 

4. . — h yahabu = he bestows, grants, gifts ( v. iii. 

m. s. impfet. from wahaba |» ahh\, to give, to 
donate. See wahabnd at 38:43. p 1470. n. 8). 

5. OUl 'inSth (pi.; s. unlha) = females See at 
37:150. p. 1453. n. 6. 

6. jjS'j dhukur = (pi.; s. fi dhukar ) = males. 
Sec at 6: 1 39, p. 450. n. 7. 

7. yuzawtviju= he couples, pairs, doubles, 
gives in marriage (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
umwaja, form II of zdja [zdwj], to incite, to 
instigate. Sec zawwajnd at 33:37, p 1351. n. 6 

8 Ja>s yaj'alu = he sets, makes, places, puts, 
appoints (v. iii m. s. impfet. from ja'ala [/a'f] to 
make, to put. See at 10:100. p. 673, n. 2). 

9. rJa- 'aqim = unavailing, barren, sterile, futile, 
unproductive, fruitless (active participle in the 
scale of fa’ll from aqama/aquma [ ’aqm/'uqm ]. 
to be barren, sterile. See at 22:55, p. 1065, n. 10). 

10. j,ai qadir - Omnipotent. All-Powerful. See at 
42:29. p. 1572. n. II. 

1 1 . i. e.. it neither behoves a human being nor is it 
necessary for him. jd-t bashar = man. human 
being. Sec at 41:6. p. 1541. n. 8. 


Surah 42: Al-Shurd | Part ( Jia ') 25 ] 

SjUiKoJ that Allah speak 1 to him 
fc.j'fl except by communication 2 
or from behind a veil' 
or He sends a messenger 4 
and he communicates 5 
by His leave 6 
$££ what He wills. 

Verily He is All-Exalted, 

52. And thus 

We have communicated to you 
a s Ptrit 7 of Our command. 
dyjCcJfG You did not use to know 8 
what the Book is 
nor the faith; 9 

\jy but We have made it a light 10 
wherewith We guide" 
iulo* whomsoever We will 
j* of Our servants. 

XsJQ&'y And you indeed do guide 12 
to a way 1 ' 

0 right and straight. 14 

l. i. e.. in a direct address face to face. A 
yukallima(u) = he speaks, talks, addresses (v at 

m. s. impfet. from kallama, form II of kulai m 
(fcufm). to wound The final letter tikes fatheh 
because of the panicle an coming before the 
verb See lukallima at 19: 10, p 952. n. 10). 

I The word wahy bears a variety of 

meanings, but technically it means Allah's 
communication to His Prophets by various mesas, 
such as true dreams of the Prophets as was the 
case with Prophet Ibrahim, peace be on him Some 
of these means arc indicated in this ayah and at 
2:92, 16:2. 16:102 and 26:193. See also BukUri. 
nos. 2-4. 

3. As was the case with Allah's address to Musk 
peace be on him. ~A~- hijah ($.; pi 
hujub/uhjtbah ) = screen, curtain, partition, cover, 
burner, veil. Sec at 41 :5, p. 1541. n 7. 

4 i. e. an angel messenger. Jibrfl 

5. i. e., ihe angel messenger communicate! by 
Allah's leave and direction j- j, y&hl ~ he 

prompts, communicates, inspires (v. iii. m s 
impfet from 'awlu i. form IV of waha |wuAy), to 
communicate. Sec at 42:3, p 1560, n. 2. 

6. ilul ulhn (p|. j,jt udhun /ca., 4 udhunit) a] 
leave, permission Sec at 40:78, p 1537. n. 1). j 

7. i. e.. the Qur'fin. rtilf (s.; pi. unwtt) = 

breath of life, soul, spirit, life-giving spirit, wahy, 
libril Sec at 40:46. p 1514, n. 12 

8. i. c.. previously to the receipt of ihc Qur'inic 
wahy. cf tadri - you know, are aware (v ii as 

s. impfet. from dura [ dirayah], to know. See 
yudri at 42:7, 1 567, n. 6). 

9. i e . Ihc rules of imdn and of shari’ah in detail 
10 i c . made (he Qur'an a light of guidance. 

I I cS-c*« nahdi - we guide, show the way (v. i 

pi. impfet from htuiu [hudy/ hutkm/ hduyah\,m 
guide, to lead. Sec yahdi at 39:23. p. 1490, n. 6) 

12. The address is to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. assuring him that he 
guides by Allah's leave to the straight path. Islam 

13. i. e„ IsISm. sir&t = way. path, road See 
at 38:22. p. 1464. n II. 

14. f j : — muUaqim = straight, upright, creel 
correct, right, proper (active participle from 
islaqdnui. form X of qama [qawmah/qiydm), to 
stand up. to get up). See at 37: 1 1 8. p. 1 449. n 3). 

Surah 42: Al-ShOri ! (Consultation) [ Pan (Juz ) 25 ) 


1. taffni = she becomes, gets to the point, 
comes to. amvcs at. ends up (v. iii. f. s. impfct. 
from sdru [ uiyr/suyruruh/masir ), to become, to 
amve. See marir at 40:3, p 1510. n. 1). 

2. i. e.. all affairs and deeds of His creatures and 
He will judge and requite them accordingly. jy\ 
’umur (pi.; s. / amr) = affairs, matters, issues, 
concerns. See at 42:43, p. 1576. n. 9. 

43 : SOratal-Zukhruf( The Ornament) 
Makkan: 89 'ayahs 

This is another Makkan surah which, like the other Makkan surahs, deals with the fundamentals of 
the faith — tawhid (monotheism), wahy and the truth of the Qur’an, risdlah (Mcsscngcrship of 
Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him), Resurrection, Judgement, reward and punishment 
It starts with an emphasis that Allah has sent down the Qur'an and it is preserved in the Mother of the 
Book (al-Lawb al-mahfu j). It is then pointed out that Allah created the heavens and the earth and all 
things and beings that exist. It is He Who has created the pairs in all living beings and it is He Who 
provides for all; and we all have to return to Him. Yet man sets partners with Him and attributes sons 
and daughters to Him. The surah particularly dispels the wrong notion of the pre-lslamic Arabs that the 
angels were Allah's daughters. Similarly polytheism and the worship of idols are disapproved and it is 
emphasized that Prophet Ibrahim, whom the Arabs considered as their progenitor, preached against the 
worship of idols and the objects of nature. It also gives a reply to the misgivings of the then Arabs as in 
why the Qur'an was not sent down on someone wealthy and influential among them. It is pointed M 
that worldly wealth, power and grandeur are not the criteria for greatness and righteousness in the sight 
of Allah and that He selects for His special favour of Messcngership whomsoever He wills. Also the; 
unreasonableness of the unbelievers' opposition to the truth of the Qur'an is illustrated by a reference to 
the story of Fir'aun and Musa, peace be on him. The fallacy of worshipping 'Isa. peace be on him, as a 
god is also mentioned and it is pointed out that he was only a chosen servant of Allah. Towards the end 
of the surah mention is made of some aspects of the respective positions of the believers and the 
unbelievers in the hereafter. The surah is named al-zukhruf (The ornament) with reference to its dvah 
35 which points out that the ornament of this worldly life is only temporary while the life of the 
hereafter is permanent for the godfearing (muttaqin). 


j 2 . By the Book most explicit. 2 


3. Verily We have made 3 it 
a Qur'an in Arabic 
that you may understand. 4 


££ 4. And verily it is 
j in the Mother of Book 5 

1. Allah Alone knows the meaning aid 
significance of these disjointed letters. See 2:1, p, 

4. n. 1. 

2. i. c . this Qur’An which is clear and cipliai 
both in text and meaning, mubtn • all too 
clear, obvious, manifest, patent, explicit, open 
and clear, that which makes clear (act participle 
from ub&na, form IV of bona [fvndn]. to be 
clear. Sec at 39:1 15, p I486.n 12). 

3. Ul»» ja'alnd = we made. set. appointed. 

rendered (v i pi past from ja'ala \Ja'l], to mate, 
to set. Sec at 4 1 44. p. 1 555. n. 3). 

4 i. e„ you may understand, reflect and accept 
the guidance contained therein U'qih lna - 

you (all) understand, realize, be reasonable, 
comprehend (v. ii. m. pi impfet. from a/ala 
| at//], to be endowed with reason See at 37:138. 
p 1451. n. 10). 

5. i. e.. al-Lawh al-Mah/Of. 


Surah 43: Al-Zukhruf [ Pan (Juz‘) 25 1 




>: '''\ 

s " 


with Us, 
indeed exalted, 1 
full of wisdom. 2 

5. Shall We then strike 3 off you 
the reminder 4 in a turning 
away 5 because you are a people 
committing excesses. 6 

6. And how many We sent 
of a Prophet 

among the people of old! 

7. And there came not to them 
any Prophet but they used to 
mock 7 at him. 

8. So We destroyed 8 
those stronger 9 than they 
in might; 10 

and there has passed 

the instance" of those of old. 

1. ‘ally - high, lofty, elevated, sublime, 

exalted. All-Exalted. See at 42:4, p. 1561, n. I. 

2. i. e„ full of wise and right instructions and 

guidance hakim (s ; pi hukanui ' ) = 

All-Wise, judicious, full of wisdom (active 
participle in the scale of fa il from hakama 
(/lutm), to pass judgement. Sec at 36:2. p. 1409, 
n 2). 

3. nadrihu = we beat, strike, hit. (v. i. pi. 

impfet. from rfaraha [ tlarb). to beat. See 
4arulma at 29:43. p 1280, n. 16). 

4 i. c., the Qur'an. The Qur'an is repeatedly 
referred to as ddhikr. See for instance 15:6. 15:9. 
16:44. 21:50. 23:71. 25:29. 26:5, 38:49. 38:87, 
41:41. 54:25. 68:51-52 and 81:27. /i dhikr = 

citation, recollection, remembrance, mention, 
reminder, also scripture, the Qur'in. See at 
41:41. p 1554. n. 4 

5. fafh = pardon, daraba anhu sufhun is an 
idiom meaning: to turn away from, ignore or pass 
over him. See isfah at 15:85, p. 824. n. 12. 

6. i. e . persisting in unbelief and evil deeds. 
jij-r mmrifin (pi; accVgen. of miarifun ; s 
musrif) = those who commit excesses, exceed all 
bounds. extravagant. prodigal. wasteful, 
transgressors (active participle from asrafa. form 
IV of surafa/sarifa [surf/ saraf). to corrode, to 
spoil, to neglect See at 40:43, p. 1525, n. 5). 

7. j y rf—t yaslahzi una = they scoff, deride. 

mock, ridicule (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
istahza’a, from X of haza a [haz / huzV huzu'/ 
huzu /mahza ah), to mock, to make fun. See at 
40:83. p. 1539,0.2). 

8. uSjL»t ’ahlakna = we destroyed, annihilated (v. 
i. pi. past from uhtaka, form IV of halaka [ hulk / 
hulk / haUtk /tahlukah], to pensh. Sec at 38:3. p. 
1459. n. 5) 

9. i. c., stronger than the Mokkan unbelievers Ait 
ashadd - more/most intense, stronger/ strongest, 
severer /severest, fiercer/ fiercest, stemer/stemest. 
tougher/ toughest, (clativc of rhatlid). See at 
41:15. p 1545. n. I. 

10. jSt, balsh = power, might, strength, force. 

valour. See yabnsha at 28:19, p 1237, n. 1 1. 

11. i. e.. the instance of retribution inflicted on 
those of old because of their disbelief and 


SOrah 43: Al-Zukhruf [ Fart ( Jut ) 25 ] 

9. And indeed if you ask them 
who created the heavens 
ass&s and the earth they will say: 

"There created these the 
0 All-Mighty, 1 the All-Knowing. 2 

10. He Who has made for you 
the earth a cradle' 
and has made for you therein 
routes 4 that you may 
find way. 5 








Vx ///«' 

>J J-w 

1 1 . And He Who sends down 6 
from the sky water 7 

in a measure. 8 

Thus We bring to life 9 therewith 
a dead land. 111 

Likewise you will be brought out." 

12. And He Who has created 
the kinds 12 all of them 

and has made for you 

of the ships 1 ' and the livestock 

1. >/• "azlz = All-Mighty. InvtnciNy 
Powerful before Whom everyone else u 
powerless, also respected, dotinginshed, 
dear, beloved, strong, mighty. Jifficnfc 
hard Sec at 42:19, p 1568. n 6 

2. {4 * ‘off mi (s ; pi. ultima’) - »dl 
informed, erudite, learned, more knowing, 
All-Knowing. Omniscient. See at 20:53,9 
1429. n 2. 

3. i. e.. suitable for residing and testing 
mahd (pi. >*■ muhud) = cradle See a 
20:53. p 986. n 10 

4 J— s uhul (pi . s. sabil) = ways, raitn. 
roads, means. Sec at 21:31. p 1020, n. 9. (I 
5. i e . for getting to different dcsunatro»,y 
JyJCii lahladuna = you (all) recent 
guidance, are on the nght track, find wiy(v. 
ii. m. pi impfet. from ihuidii, form Vlil o( 
hath) [halavah/ hudan/ hady), to lead, ID 
guide Sec at 16:15. p. 832. n 4). 

6 J> nazzala - he sent down (v. ui m s. 

past in form II of nazala (nuzll). >0 con 
down Sec at 29 63. p. 1287. n. 7). 

7. i. e . rain. 

8. i.. e.. the measure needed by the creatwa, 
jjj qadar = measure, quantity, destiny. See 
at 42:27. p I572,n. 2. 

9. Ujiil ’amharnd a we spread nil, 

unfolded, published, resurrected (v. i. pi. 
past from anshara. form IV ol nailurt 
[niLihr/ nushQr), to spread out. to resurrect 
Sec vanshuru at 42:28. p. 1572. n. 7). 

10. i. e . a barren and unproductive land, 
•air baldah = town, city, village, land, 
community. See at 34: 1 5. p 1 373. n 9. 

1 1. i. e.. on the Day of Resurrection 
tukhrajuna = you are brought out. produced 
(v. ii. m. pi tmpfct passive from akhra/a, 
form IV of kharaja [ khuruuj] to go ooL 
See at 30: 1 9. p 1295, n, 10). 

12. c *jjt ’azw&j (sing. Z1J amj) m 
husbands, wives, spouses, consorts, partners, 
pairs, kinds Sec at 40 8. p 1512. n. 4 

13. dii» fa Ik (mas and fern .. sing and pi.) 
= ships, (Noah's) Ark. See at 40:80, p. 
1537, n II 

Surah 43: Al-Zukhnf [ Pan ( Jut ) 25 1 


what you ride on. 1 



13. That you may take position 2 
on the backs 1 thereof 

and then remember 4 
the grace of your Lord 
when you have taken position 
on them and say: 

"Sacrosanct 5 is He Who has 
brought this to service 6 for us 
and we are not for this 
the ones to put under yoke." 7 

14. "And indeed we are to our 
Lord going to be turned over." 8 


15. And they set for him 
from among His servants 
a portion.'’ 

Indeed man is 

very ungrateful, blatantly. 

Section ( Rukii ‘) 2 

ojtff J 1 6. Or has He taken 

1. Off j tar kahuna = you ride, embark. 

mount, board (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 
rakiba | rukuh], to ride, mount. See turkabu 
at 40:79. p. 1537. n. 7). 

2. Ijp-k lastawu (no) = you equalize, are at 
par. take position (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 
istawd, form VIII of sawiya [.trowi], to be 
equal The terminal nun is dropped because 
of a hidden an in Ii (of motivation) coming 
before the verb. See yaxtawdna 32:18. p. 
1329, n. 9). 

3. jy& zuh&r (sing, zahr ) = backs. 

rears, rear sides, loins, spines. See at 21:39, 
p. 1023, n 2). 

4. tj^S'-kr tadhkuru(na)= you remember, 
recall, mention, talk about (v. ii. m. pi. 
impfet. from dhakura [dliikr/ tadhkdr], to 
remember, to mention The terminal ndn is 
dropped because the verb is conjunctive to a 
previous verb governed by a hidden 'an. See 
tadhkurunu at Sec at 40:44, p. 1525. n. 7). 

5. oU*- Subhbn is derived from sabbuhu. 
form II of xabaha [sabh/sibdhah], to swim. 
In its form II the verb means: to declare 
sanctity, to praise, to sing the glory. Subhiin 
is generally rendered as "Glory be to Him"; 
but "Sacrosanct ’ conveys the meaning 
better See at 39:4, p. 1481. n. 10. 

6. takhkhara = he brought to 

submission, subjected, subdued, brought to 
scrvicc/order (v. iii m. s. past in form II of 
sakhira [ sukhr / muxkhar), to ridicule, 
deride. See at 39:5. p. 1482. n. 3). 

7. jJjio muqrinin (pi.; accVgen. of 

muqrinun. s. muqrin) = those combining, 
linking, putting under yoke (act. participle 
from 'aqrana. form IV of t/aranu [ yarn], 
to connect, link. yoke. Sec muqarranin at 
38:38. p. 1469. n 9). 

8. i. e.. after resurrection. 
munqalibun (pi.; s. munqultb) = those 
turned over, turned about, upturned, 
capsized, overturned (act. participle from 
tnqalaba. to be turned round, form VII of 
qalaba [ qalb |, to turn round. Sec at 26:150. 
p 1 172. n. 4) 

9. i. e„ they set sons and daughters for 


Surah 43: Al Zukhruf [ Part (Ji a') 25 | 

j&.lLi out of what He has created 
yC daughters 

and has singled you out 1 
0 .SuJl to have sons? 

'Jy\ 17. And if news is given 2 to 
Ju.1 one of them of that which he 
strikes'for the Most Merciful 
:&£ a simile, 4 
Ji his face becomes 5 blackened 6 
and he is depressed. 7 

1 1 8. Is then the one brought up" 
idjl in adornment, 9 

and he is in disputation 10 


19. And they set the angels, 
jytjiiJ-jT who are the servants of the 
££) j£Jlf Most Merciful, females?" 
Did they witness 12 

* .... 

their creation? 

Written down will be 

I This and the following ayah expose the folly of 
(hose polytheists who loved to have only sons tad 
alleged that the angels were Allah's daughters, 
'di/d = he selected, chose, singled out (v 

iii. m s. past in form IV of sujd \sa/w/ 
sufuw/fqfd']. to be clear, pure See at 17:40, p 
885. n, 7). 

2. bushshira = he was given glad tidings, sm 
given news, was informed (v. iii. m. s. past 
passive from bashshara, form II of bashara 
/bashiru [fri.tfir /bushr), to rejoice, be happy See 
bashshir at 4 1 :4. p. 1541, n I). 

3. daraba = he struck, hit. beat (v. iii. m. t 
past from darb. to beat. See at 30:28. p 1 298, n 

4. i. e.. their saying that He has daughters. Ja 
malhal (pi. JuJ amthdl ) = simile. likeness, 
example, parable, instance, model, ideal See at 
39:27, p. 1491, n. 7. 

5. Jb villa = he or it became, continued, 
remained, ceased not. (v. iii. m. s. past from taW 
rulul. to be. to continue. Sec yazlalna at 42:33, p 
1573, n. 9). 

6. i. e„ he becomes unhappy. muswatU = 
turned black, blackened (pass, participle from 
ixwadda. form IX of sawida [sawd], to be black 
See muswaddah at 39:60, p 1502, n. 8). 

7. fJtS kazim = one who suppresses angctfgrirf, 

depressed (act participle in the scale of fa'll from 
kafama [kapn/kupim], to suppress, conceal. See 
at 16:58, p. 846. n. 1). 

8 i c . do you then attribute to Allah the one who 
is brought up in adornment, etc U-, yunaikika’a 
= he is brought up, reared up, made to grow (v. in 
m. s. impfet passive from nashsha'a, form II of 
naslut'u [ nosh'/ nuihu/ nurfi'aA], to rise, to 
emerge. Sec ansha'u at 36:79, p 1428, n 4). 

9. U>- hilyah (s.; pi. hilar) = ornament, 
decoration . See at 35: 1 2, p. 1 394, nil. 

10. ft-** khisdm = controversy, disputation, feud, 
quarrel, altercation See at 2:204, p 99. n. 4. 

11. edit 'math (pi.; s. unthd) = females. See M 
42:49, p 1579.0.5. 

12. lya*4 shahidu = they bore witness, witnessed, 

testified (v. iii. m. pi. past from thahida 
\shuhdd]. to witness Sec at 3 86. p 190. n. I). 

Surah 43: Al-Zukhruf [ Part (Jui ) 25 ] 


j ir-cil their testimony 1 
£ and they will be questioned. 2 

IjSliJ 20. And they say: 

"If the Most Merciful willed, 
P&ZcC we would not have worshipped 1 
them." They do not have 
of it any knowledge. 

The do naught but tell lies. 4 


£jj 21. Or have We given them 
.aki a book before it 

so they are to it 
($5ojC_lLLi holding fast? 5 

$lij? 22. Nay, they say: 

"Indeed We found 6 
our fathers on a religion 1 
and indeed we are 
by their footsteps 8 
0Sjj^ guided aright." 9 

23. And thus We sent 10 not 

1. shahddah = testimony, evidence. 

witness, visible, that which is open to the senses/ 
is seen See at 39:46. p. 1497. n. 9. 

2. i. e.. on the Day of Judgement J^Jl— , yus 'aluna 
= the are asked, enquired, questioned (v. iii. m. pi 
impfet from sa'ulu [ su'd U mas alah/las'dl], to 

ask. See la yus alurma at 29: 1 3. p. 1 269. n. 7). 

3. This argument of the unbelievers is invalid: for 
Allah has already warned against the grave sin of 
setting partners with Him through all His Prophets 
and Messengers. Ua* ‘abadna = we worshipped 

(v. i. pi. past from 'ahadu ['ibddah / ubudah / 
‘ubudiyah], to worship, to serve. Sec Id ta'budu at 
41:14. p 1544. n. 6) at 39:2, p 1480. n. 4). 

4 yakhmsdna = they tell lies, surmise. 

conjecture (v, iii. m. pi. impfet. from kharasa 
[JUurrj], to guess, to tcli an untruth. Sec at 10:66, 
p 66i.n. 5). 

5. mustamsikun (pl.t s. mustamsik ) = 
those who hold fast, grasp, grab, clutch, seize, 
(act. participle from islamsaka. form X of 
masaka [murk], to grab. Sec islamsaka at 3 1 :22. 
p. 1318. n. II). 

6. Ui»j wajadnd = we found, got (v. i. pi. past 

from wajada [wujdd], to find. See at 31:21, p. 
1318. n 4). 

7. 'urnrnah (pi. fj ’umam) - community. 

people, group, nation, generation, species, 
category, faith, religion, model, model leader, 
penod of time. See at 42:8, p. 1562. n. 9. 

8. jOv 'dlhdr (pi.; s. / ' athar ) = tracks, traces. 

footsteps, vestiges, antiquities, marks, remnants, 
effects, results See at 40:82. p. 1538, n. 8. 

9. Adherence to the religion of the ancestors has 

ever been an argument of the polytheists in 
defence of their religion. muhtadun (sing 

muhtadux ) = those in receipt of guidance, those on 
the right track, those guided aright, led on the 
right way (active participle from ihladd. form 
VIII of hadd [hiddyah/hudan/hady]. to lead, to 
guide. Sec at 36:21. p. 1414. n. 4). 

10. UL-jl 'arsalnd = we sent out. sent. 

despatched, discharged (v. i. pi. past from ’arsala, 
form IV of rusila [ rasal ]. to be long and flowing. 
Sec at 41:16, p. 1545. n. 4). 



Surah 43: Al-Zukhruf ( Part ( Jui ') 25 ] 

before you in a habitation 1 
any wamer 2 except 

•es * + 

there said its affluent ones:’ 
foTjUfca^bJ "Indeed we found our fathers 
on a religion and indeed we 
are by their footsteps 
guided." 4 

j $ ♦ 24. He said: "Even if 
I have come to you 
with a better guide 5 
than what you found 6 
your fathers on?" 

They said: "Indeed we are 
in what you have beent sent 
with disbelievers." 7 

1. iijf qaryah (!.; pi. quran) t habitaaov 
lown. village, hamlet Sec al 36:13, p. 1412, a. 3 

2. i. e.. a Messenger or Prophel giving warniq 
against unbelief and Allah's retribution for that 
yX nadhtr (pi. nudhur) = wamer. one or th* 
which gives warning (active participle in the leak 
of fa'U from nadhara [nadhr/ nudhur\, to vow. k 
pledge) See at 41 :4. p. 1541. n. 2. 

3. mutrafuint (pi ; s. muiruf (the termwl 

nun is dropped because of the genitive 
construction); s mutraj) = those made to live n 
luxury, affluent ones, the opulent (pass participle: 
from 'utrafa. form IV of tara/it, to live in luxury, 
opulence). Sec at 34:34. p 1381. n. 4) 

4 JyXi. muqtadun (pi.; s.. muqladtn) *| 

emulators, followers, those that are guided (act. 
participle from iquidd. form VIII of qadd. \qud*J 
qadimJ qaduwah], to be tasty. See iqUidih al 69Q.J 
p. n. 5). 

5. vs-ut ' ahdi = more in the right, belter guided,: 

better guide (clative of hddin). Sec at 28 49, p 
1249. n. 6. 

6. wajadtum = you (all) found, got (v It, 

m pi. past from wajada [wujud]. to find See at 
9:5. p. 578, n. 7). 

7. kafirun = unbelievers, disbclieven. 
infidels, ungrateful (active participle from kafitra 
[kufr Aufr&n / kufur). to disbelieve, to cover. See 
at 41:14. p. 1544. n 10). 

8. intaqamnd = we revenged, took 

vengeance, avenged ourselves. inflicted 
retribution (v. i. pi. past from intaquma. form 
VIII of nuqama/ naqinut ( nuqm/ nuqam]. to 
revenge. Sec at 30:47. p. 1306. n. I). 

9. unzur = you sec, look at, consider (v. ii. m. 
s. imperative from nazara [nuzar/ numzar], to see 
See al 37:102, p. 1446. n. 7). 

10. IJU ‘Aqibah (s.; pi vSy ‘ uwaqib ) = end. 

ultimate outcome, upshot, consequence, effect, 
result. See at 40:82. p. 1538. n. 5. 

II The allusion is to the ruins of the previous 
disbelieving nations mukadhdhibin 

(accVgen of mukadhdhibun, sing mukudhdhib ) = 
those who cry lies (to), disbelievers (active 
participle from ktidhdhalw, form II of kxidhiba 
\ktdhb /kmlhib /kudhbuh / kidhbuh], to lie. See at 
6:1 1, p. 395, n. 8) 

25. So We inflicted retribution" 


on them. 

Then see, 9 how was 

the end l0 of the disbelievers." 


Section (Rukb ‘) 3 

26. And when Ibrahim said 


$ 0 4 ’4 

Surah 43: AIZukhruf ( Part (Juz ) 25 ] 


to his father and his people: 
"Indeed I am innocent 1 of 
what you worship." 2 

27. "Except Him Who 
created' me. 

And verily He will guide' me." 

28. And he made it a word' 
4-*C enduring 6 

among his posterity 7 
that they might return. 8 

v/jlicJo j? 29.Nay,I gave these to enjoy 9 
J/kitXJ and their fathers 

till there has come to them 
( the truth 10 and a Messenger 11 
making clear. 12 

30. And when the truth came 
\J\i to them they said: 

"This is sorcery 1 ' and indeed 

i? we are in it disbelievers." 

I «ly bard ’ = exempt, free, innocent. Sec ban' at 
26:216. p.697. n. 5. 

2. i. e.. of all that you worship of gods and 
goddesses besides Allah. jjOA ta'huduna = you 
(all) worship, serve (v. it. m. pi. impfet from 
abada ( 'ibddah /ubuduh /ubudivah). to 
worship. Sec at 37:161, p. 1455, n. 1). 

3. Ju fatara = he created, originated, brought 
into being, initiated (v. iii. m. s. past from fair, to 
split, to create. Sec at 36:22. p. 1414. n. 5). 

4. yahdSni (yahdi+ni) : yahdt = he guides, 

shows the way (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from hudd 
[body/ hudan/ hiddyah). to guide, to lead See at 
37:99. p 1415. n. II). 

5. i. e., the kalimah of tawhid (d)i VI dl V). 

6. Uti bdqiyyah (f. s.; pi. bdqiyyat; in. bdqin ) = 

remaining, lasting, enduring, permanent (act 
participle from baqiya to stay. See 

bdqiyydtM 1 8:46. p. 928. n. 2). 

7. yi> 'aqib (s.; pi. a ’qdb) = heel. end. that 
which follows subsequently, offspring, progeny, 
posterity. See 'u'qdb at 23:66. p. 1091, n 6. 

8. I. e.. from their wrong way to the truth of 

tawhid (monotheism). Oyu * ji yarji'dna = they 
return, come back, revert (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. 
from raja 'a rujO'] to return. See at 36:67. 

p. 1425. n. 3). 

9. i. e., gave the unbelievers to enjoy their worldly 

life, matta'tu ~ I made (someone) enjoy. 

gave to enjoy, furnished (v. i. s. past from 
mattu'a, form II of mula'a ImalV mut'ah). to take 
away. See matta'nd at 37:148, p. 1453. n. 4). 

10. i. e . the Qur'fin containing the true guidance. 

1 1. i. e . the Messenger Muhammad, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. 

12. i. e . making clear everything for guidance 

mubtn = all loo clear, obvious, manifest. 

patent, explicit, open and clear, he who or that 
which makes clear (act participle from abdrui, 
form IV of buna [bayun], to be clear. See at 43:2. 
p 1582. n I). 

13. The immediate reference is to what the 
Mokkan unbelievers said. sihr (pi. ashdr) = 
sorcery, magic. See at 37:15. p. 1432, n. 15. 


Surah 43: MZukhruf [ Part (Juz) 25 ] 

3 1 . And they say: 


"Why was not sent down 1 

$ SGSIhfc 

this Qur’an on 

a man of the two habitaions, 2 

a great one?" 5 

< * Z' 


32. Do they distribute 4 

the mercy of your Lord? 

We do distribute 


amongst them 

their livelihood 5 

in the worldly life; 

(vr***; 1 

and we raise 6 some of them 

above others in ranks 7 

that some of them may take 8 

others in service. 9 

But the mercy 10 of your Lord 

is better" than what 

they accumulate. 12 

33. And were it not that 

mankind would become 

one community 15 

1 . Jy nuzzita m he or it was sent down, descended 
(v. iii. m. s. past passive from nauala. form Uef 
nazata [nuru/], to come down. See at 25 32, f 
1 147. n. 8). 

2. i. c.. Makka and Ta'if, jft/ qaryatayn (dual: t 
qaryah) - two habitations, towns, villages, 
hamlets. See qaryah at 43:23. p 1588, n. I. 

3. The Makkan unbelievers laboured under Ik 

wrong notion that a Messenger of Allah should k 
from among the wealthy and great leaden »( 
society. ‘azim = great, magnificat 

splendid, big. stupendous, most grand, hup. 
immense, monstrous, grave. All-Great See a 
42:4. p. 1561. n. 2). 

4 The unbelievers do not distribute the office of > 
Messenger, which is a special mercy of Allah. 
Cty—Ju yaqsimuna = they distribute, deal oak 

divide, partrition (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
qasuma (</orm], to divide. See 'aqsami at 35:41 
p. 1405. n. 10). 

5. ma'ishah (s.; pi. ma'Ayish) = life, way of 
living, subsistence, means of living, livelihood, 
See nut dyish at 20:124, p. 1007. n. 10. 

6. Uij rafa'nA = we raised, lifted up, elevated (», 
i. pi. past from rafa’a | raf], to raise, to lilt up 
See at 19:56. p. 965. n. 2). 

7. oW/ daraj&i (sing. darajah ) = ranks 

positions, grades, degrees, state, stairs, flight of 
steps. See at 40:15. p. 1514. n. 10). 

8. itu, yattakhidhaiu) = he takes, he lakes to 

himself (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from itiakhaJki. 
form VIII of akhadha [akhdh], to take The final 
letter takes fathah because of a hidden an in II (of 
motivation) coming before the verb. See at 25:57, 
p. 1 155. n. 5). 

9. ts sukhriy = service, labour, target o( 
ridicule See sukhkhura at 43: 1 3. p 1585, n. 6 

10. i. e„ the special mercy of Prophelhood as well 
as rewrods in the hereafter. 

1 1 . Jft khayr = good /better/ best, chanty, wealth, 
property, affluence Sec at 42:36, p. 1574. n. 8. I 

12. i. e., of worldly wealth and resources, which 
are in fact only ephemeral oy^, yajma'untt a 
they (all) accumulate, gather, collect, amass, bnng 
together (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from jama'u [yam j. 
to gather, to collect. Sec at 10:58, p. 658, n. 3). 

13. i. e.. of unbelievers 

Surah 43: Al-Tukhruf [ Part {Juz) 25 ] 


<. -i '*> 





{£) JviLil 


We would surely have set 1 
for those that disbelieve 
in the Most Merciful 
at their houses 2 
roofs 3 of silver 4 
and elevators 3 on which 
they would acsend. 6 

34. And at their houses 
doors 7 and couches 8 on 
which they would recline. 9 

35. And ornament of gold; 10 
and all these are naught but 

of the wordly life. 

And the herefater 
with your Lord 
is for the righteous. 12 
Section ( Ruku ‘) 4 

36. And whoever 
becomes night-blind" 
to the reminder 14 

1. U*» ja'alna = wc made. set. appointed. 

rendered (v. i. pi past from ja'ala \ja'l\. to make, 
to set. See at 43:3. p. 1582. n. 3). 

2. Oj* buyut (pi ; s. buy!) - houses, homes Sec 
at 33:53. p 1358. n. 3. 

3. •JJu. suquf (pi.: s. suqf) = roofs, ceilings. See 
suqj at 21:32, p. 1021, n. I. 

4. cju fiddah - silver See at 3:14, p. 159, n. 14. 

5. - jU. ma'&rij (pi.; s. mi'rtij) = ladders, stairs. 

elevators (noun of instrument from 'uraja ( uruj], 
to ascend, to go up. Sec ya'ruju at 34:2, p. 1368. 
n 1). 

6. I )j \k i yazharuna- they become visible, 
appear, overcome, ascend, mount (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfcL from zahara [zuAur], to be visible, clear. 

7. v'jit ’abwSb (sing, b&b) = doors, gates, 
sections. See at 40:76, p. 1536. n. 2. 

8. surur (pi.; s. jts* sarir ) = bedsteads, 
thrones, couches See at 37:44, p. 1437, n. 7. 

9. IiyjS-h yattaki'dna = they recline, rest (v. iii. m. 
pi. impfcl. from illaka’a, form VIII of waka’a. 
See mutiaki’in at 38:51, p. 1472, n. 7). 

10. -» zukhruf (s.; pi. zakhanf) = omarnenl, 

ornament of gold, decoration, embellishment, 
finery, adornment. See at 17:93. p. 903, n. 3. 

11. £ls» mala' ( p\.'amli'ah ) = goods, wares, 

baggage, equipment, gear, necessities of life, 
chattel, needs, utensils, enjoyment. See at 42:36. 
p. 1574. n. 6. 

12. jii* muttaqin (act ./gen of muuaqun , sing. 

muttuqin) = those who arc on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e„ by canying out the injunctions 
of the Qur’Sn and sunnah), godfearing, righteous 
(active participle from illaqa. form VIII of waqd 
[waqy/ wiqdyah], to guard, to protect. See at 
39:57, p. 1501. n. 10). 

13. J-h ya'shu(u) = he becomes dim-sighted, 

night-blind (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from ashaJ 
'ashiya I'aihw/'ashn], to be dim-sighlcd. 

14. i. e., the Qur’an /"i dhikr = citation, 

recollection, remembrance, mention, reminder, 
also scripture, the Qur'an. Sec at 43:5, p. 1583, 
n. 4. 


Surah 43: Al-Zukhruf | Part (Juz ) 25 ] 

of the Most Merciful 

We destine 1 for him a Satan 

so he becoms his comrade. 2 

•A*. < 


37. And indeed they ' 

prevent 4 them 5 

from the way, 6 

and they think 7 that they are 


guided aright. 8 

38. Till when he comes to Us 

he says: "Would that there 

was between me and you the 

distance 9 of the two easts." 10 

So evil is the comrade. 

39. And it shall avail 1 ‘you not 

today as you did wrong 

that your arc in the punishment 

partners. 12 

40. Can you then 

make the deaf hear 13 

1. nuqayyid(u) = we destine, ordain (». i 
pi. impfd. from quyyatfa. form II of qAh 
[qayd], to break, to cleave. The final hum is 
dropped for the verb is conclusion of I 
conditional clause). 

2. j qarin (s ; pi. ,c> qurana) - connected, 

linked, companion, associate, mate, fellou, 
comrade, spouse. Sec at 4:38. p 258. n. I. 

3. i. e.. Salons. 

4 yasuddOna - they prevent, deter, tuni 

away, reject, restrain, dissuade (v. in m. pi 
impfct. from saddu [sudd/sudQd], to turn away 
Sec at 22:25. p. 1053. n. 14). 

5. i c., those who turn away from the Qur'in 

6. i. e , the way of the truth - lawhtd and Islam 

Jrr- sabtl (pi. subul/usbilah) = way, path, road, 
means, course See at 42:46. p. 1 578. n. 2. 

7. Oj — yalysabtina = they think, consider, 
deem, suppose (v. m m. pi impfct. from haulm 
[htsban/ nuihsabah f mahsibah], to consider, to 
deem Sec at 33:20. p. 1342. n 7) 

8. OyJc+- muhtadun (sing, muhtadin ) - those in 
receipt of guidance, those on the right track, those 
guided aright, led on the right way (active 
participle from ihtadil, form VIII of hadi 
| hiddyah/hudan/hady | , to lead, to guide. See at 
43:22, p. 1587. n 9). 

9. a>v bu'd (s.; pi. ' ab’&d) = distance, 
remoteness. Sec at 23:44. p. 1086. nil. 

10. i. e , the east and the west. The doubling of 
the term ( mushriq ) is used to intensify the seme of 
distance. See (Ibn Kathir. VII, p 215). 

11. yanfa'a (u)= he (or it) benefits, is of use. 

avails (v. iii. ill s impfct. from nufa'a [no/’), to 
be of use. The final letter takes fathah because of 
the panicle tun coming before the vetb. See at 

33:16. p. 1340. n. II). 

12. mushlarikun (pi ; s. muxhltmh = 

those sharing, taking pan. being pannen. (act. 
paniciplc from ishiaraka, form VIII of i (write 
[shirk/ shirkah / sharikah], to share, to take part. 
See at 37:33. p. 1435. n 12). 

13 . £■ — I lus mi ‘u = you make (someone) bear, 
pay attention (v. li. m. s. impfct. from asmau. 
form IV of sami'a [sum' Isamu' /uimd'oh 
Alumna'], to hear See at 30:52. p 1307, n. 9). ' 

SBrah 43: AI Zukhruf ( Part (Juz ) 25 1 


and show way to the blind 1 
or the one who is in 
$ an error 2 quite obvious? 3 

viij 05 *.i r Uji 4 1 . So even if We take you 
away 4 We shall surely on 
$ <!>£££ them inflict retribution. 5 

42. Or We shall surely show 6 
jgSf you that which 

We have promised 7 them; 
for We indeed are over them 
QjjJxU All-capable. 8 

43. So hold fast 9 
ocJC by that which 

tf4 is communicated 10 to you. 
•rlr*df-da\ You indeed are on a way 
right and straight." 

44. And it is indeed 
a reminder for you 

and for your people. 

' ^ t , And you shall be questioned. 

1. i. e.. ihc blind to (he truth and unwilling to see 
it. ’umy (sing, a ’md) = blind. See at 30:52. 
p. 1307. n. 14). 

2. JSL» data! = error, straying from the right path 
ft 4aldt = in error, astray, in vain. See at 42:18. 
p. 1568. n. I. 

3. jr* mubtn = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 
patent, explicit, open and clear, he who or that 
which makes clear (act. participle from ’ abdna . 
form IV of bdna [boydnl. to be clear. See at 
43:29. p. 1589, n. II). 

4. jjsi nadhhabanna- we surely go [followed 

by the preposition bi the vert) means to lake 
away ) (v. i. pi impfet. emphatic from dhahaba 
[ dhihdb /madh-hab), to go. See la nadh-habanna 
at 17:86. p 901, n 3). 

5. j muntaqimun (pi.; s. murtlaqim ) = those 

who take revenge, innict retribution (act. 
participle from mlaqama. from VII] of naqama/ 
naqima [naqm/ naqam], to revenge. Sec at 32:22, 
p 1331. n 2). 

6. ji> nuriyanna = we show, make (someone) 

see (V. i. pi. emphatic impfet. from ard, form IV 
of ru'd [ra'y/ru'yah], to sec at 40:77. p. 1536. n. 
8 ). 

7. i. e . of disgrace and punishment. 

8. OjjJai* muqtadirun (pi.; s. muqtadir) = 
capable. All-Capable, All-Competent (act. 
participle from iqladara, form VIII of qadara [ 
qadr/ qadar/ qudrah/ muwdurah). to ordain, to 
measure, to have power. See qadtr at 42:50. p. 
1 579. n. 10). 

9. d).— -»l istamsik = takc/gct hold of. hold fast. 

grasp, seize, (v. ii. m. s. imperative from 
islamsaka. form X of masaka [nuuk], to grab. See 
i s tarns aka at 31:22, p. 1318, n. It). 

10. 'tihiya = he or it was communicated, (v. 
iii. m. s. past passive from awhd, form IV of 
k aha [wuhy], to communicate Sec at 39:65, p. 
1504, n. 1). 

11. The address is to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him — mustaqim = 

straight, upright, erect, correct, right, proper 
(active participle from islaqdma. form X of qdmu 
Iqawmah/qiydm], to stand up. to get up). Sec at 
42:52. p. 1 580. n. 14). 


SQrah 43: Al-Zukhruf [ Part ( Jut ') 25 ) 

jilj 45. And ask 1 

those whom We had sent 2 
before you 
of Our Messengers: 1 
l£*-1 Did We appoint 4 

besides the Most Merciui 
gods 5 to be worshipped? 6 

Section (Rukd‘) 5 

46. And indeed We had sent 
k^Scr*?* Musa with Our signs 7 

to Fir'aun 

and his chiefs 8 and he said: 
*3 j-j 4l "Indeed I am the Messenger 
$<> of the Lord of all beings.” 9 

47. But when he brought to 
T&£> them Our signs 

lo, they were at them 
0<Sjka*i: laughing. 10 

48. And We showed" them not 
of a sign but it was 

1 . Jt-l is’al = ask. enquire, question (v. ii. m i 

imperative from sa'ala ( ui'al/ mas'aleh/ 
rat'd/], to ask. See 'at o/u at 42:23, p. 1 570. a 

2. kiL—jt ’ ansalnd = we sent out. sent, despatched, 
discharged (v. i. pi past from anala, form IV of 
rasila [rasa/], lo be long and flowing. See U 
43:23. p 1587. n. 10) 

3. i. e.. the followers of those Messcngen who 
have a knowledge of their teachings 

4. U» ja'alna = we made. set. appointed. 

rendered (v. L pi past from ja'ala [/a 7], lo make 
to scL See at 43:33. p. 1591. n. I). 

5. ’dlihah (pi.; s. iluh) = gods, deities, 
objects of worship Sec at 36:74. p 1427. n. I. 1 

6. Allah sent the same message of rnonotheoa 
through all His Messengers. None of them advised 
the worship of gods other than Allah dyU 

lu'baddna = they (fern.) are worshipped, served 
(v. iii. f pi impfct. passive from ubuda [ ibodak 
/’ubudah /ubOdiyah], lo worship See hi budidia 
at 43:26. p. 1589, n. 2). 

7. ohl 'dydr (sing, dyah) = signs, miracles, 

revelations, evidences See at 41:37. p. 1552. n 

8. ^ mala ' = crowd, host, grandees, council of 
ciders, chiefs, nobles. See at 38:69, p. 1475. n I). 

9. j-Jlr ' alamln (acc /gen of ' dlum&n ; sing 

'dlam, i.e.. any being or object that points lo 
its Creator; sing, 'dlam) = all beings, creatures. 
See at 4 1 :9, p. 1542. n 9). 

10. i yad-hakuna = they laugh, smile (v. 

iii. m pi. impfct. from dulftku Ididfk/dihh/tfahdl 
to laugh Sec ladhakdnu at 23: 1 10. p. 1 102. n 41. 


11. n«rf * we show (v. i. pi impfct from 

ard, form IV of ra'd [ray/ruyah], to see. See 
nuriyanna at 43:42, p 1593. n. 6). 

Sarah 43: Al-Zukhruf ( Part (Juz ) 25 1 


1. i. e.. Ihe one shown previously. 'ukhl (s. ; 
pi akhawdl) = sister, cognate, counterpart See 
akhawdl at 33:55, p. 1 360, n. 2. 

2. 'akhadhna = we took, received, seized 
(V. i. pi past from akhadhu [j»I akhdh], to take. 

See at 29:40, p 1279, n. 2). 

3. i. c., from their wrong way to the truth of 
taw hid (monotheism). dy~jt yarji'una = they 
return, come back, revert (v. iii. in. pi. impfet. 
from raja'u l^yj rw/VJ'] to return. See at 43:28, 
p 1589. n. 7). 

4 /-L. sahir (s.; pi. saharah/suhhdr) = sorcerer. 

magician, enchanter (act. participle from Sahara 
[, sihr ], to enchant. See at 38:4. p. 1460, n. 3). 

5. Seized with punishment they asked MisS, 
peace be on him. to pray to Allah for removing the 
punishment. ud'u = you call, make the call, 

pray, invite (v. ii. m. s. imperative from dad 
[du d'], to call, to summon. Sec at 42: IS. p. 1566. 
n 2). 

6 i. e„ by your position of being His Messenger 
and His promise of responding to your prayer. 
Xti • ahida ( i/d) = he assigned, committed, 

commissioned, entrusted, charged, delegated (v. 
iii. m. s. post from ‘ahd, to delegate, to entrust, to 
commit. See at 7:134. p. 514. n 5). 

7. dyiiy* muhladdn (sing, muhtadin ) = those in 
receipt of guidance, those on the right track, those 
guided aright, led on the right way (active 
participle from ihtadd. form VIII of hudd 
[hiddyah/hudan/lmdy], to lead, to guide. See at 
43:37. p 1592, n. 8). 

8. t-« kashafnd = we removed, lifted, disclosed, 
exposed (v. i. pt. past from kashafu [kashf], to 
remove. Sec at 23:75, p. 1093, n. 8). 

9. I. e„ they were violating their promise to be 
guided. yankuthuna = the violate, infringe, 
break (v. iii. m. pi. impfet from nukatha [nukth\, 
to break, violate. See at 7:135, p. 514, n. 10). 

10. cfsti nddd = he called out, called, summoned, 

cried out (v. iii. m. s. past in form 111 of nadd 
[nadw], to call. See at 38:41, p. 1470, n. I). 

1 1. isyj tajrt = she runs, goes on, flows, streams, 
proceeds (v. iii. f. s. impfcL from jard (/aryl, to 
flow. See at 39:20. p. 1488, n. 7). 

greater than its cognate. 1 
And We seized 2 them 
vjiU with the punishment, 

might be they would return. 3 

Ijlij 49. And they said: 

"O you the magician, 4 
dZj pray 5 for us to your Lord 

.i^ll a by what He has committed 6 
to you. We shall indeed 
receive guidance." 7 

50. But when We removed 8 
from them the punishment 
lo, they were violating. 9 


5 1 . And Fir'aun made a call 1 " 
among his people. 

He said: "O my people, 
is it not mine 
the dominion of Egypt, 
and these rivers 
flowing" below me? 


Surah 43: AI Zukhruf [ Pan (Juz ) 25 1 

{£) Do you not then see?"' 

*j& 1;1 52. "Or am I not better 
ys&fay than this one who is 
ovfi despicable 2 

0 4?r and can hardly express clearly. 3 

53. "Then why are not cast 4 
upon him 

*r**o*ij>^ bracelets 5 of gold 
JuZ or there come with him 

the angels 

$ j as associates?" 6 

. kl- '. fi 54. Thus he carried away 7 
his people 


iy iLli and they obeyed 8 him. 

Indeed they were a people 
$ defiantly sinful. 9 

55. So when they angered 10 
lllli;! Us We inflicted retribution" 
on them and drowned 12 them 
3 all together. 

I- i. c., iny power and position? tubsiriut 

= you see. see through, understand, (v h. ra. pi 
impfet from absara, form IV of busura/b^U 
Ifxrjijr], to sec. Sec at 28:72. p 1257. n. 8). 

2 nuih in = despicable, weak, mean, pnltty. 

little See at 32:8. p 1326, n. 8, 

3. cn yubinu = he makes clear, expresses dart), 
explains, clarifies (v. iii. m. s. impfcL from 
abana. form IV of bona [ bayun\, to be dear See 
mubin at 43:40. p. 1593, n. 3). 

4 jill ’ ulqiya = he was thrown, flung, cast ( v m 

m. s past passive from ’alqd. from IV of Ijqnt 
| liqd' /luqyun Auqy Auqyah/luqan), to meet Set 
at 27:29. p 121 l.n’ I). 

5. i. e., why is he not made a nch man. 

'aswirah (pi., s. siwdr) = bracelets, bangles, 
armlets See djdwtra at 35:33. p 1402, It I { 

6. juyi, muqlarinln (pi.; acc /gat. of I 
mULjhirmun ; s. muqlarin ) = companion 
associates, entourage (act participle fna 
iqlarana (to be connected), form VIII of qanut 
[qam, to join, link, connect, associate. Sec ipiria 
43:36. p. 1 592. n. 2. 

7. istakhaffa = lie deemed light. Iw* 

lightly, disdained, earned away (v. iii. m. t pan 
in form X of khaffa. to be light See 
ymlakhifaana at 30:60, p 1390, n. 9). 

8. Iy0»t 'ali'6 = they obeyed, complied with tv 
iii. m. pi past from 'aid a . form IV of td'ii 
Irow'l. to obey See aid a at 4 80. p, 276, n II). 

9 fdriqin (pi,, acc/gen. of fasiqun, unj 

fdsiq) = those that disobey, disobedient, defun. 
defiantly sinful, (active participle from ftuaft 
Ifttq], to stray from the right course, to rrnoiuKC 
obedience. See at 21:74, p 1032. n. 7). 

10. i. e.. by defying the guidance and disobeying 
thre Messenger. ly-U 'isa/u * they angered, 

enraged, (v iii. m. pi. past from dsaja, form IV 
of 'asi/a [ 'asaf), to be sorry, regret) 

11. t-Jii muiqamna = we revenged, avenged 
ourselves, inflicted retribution (v i. pi. past from 
imaqurrui form VIII of nuquma/ miqtma jiuu/n 1 
naqum], to revenge Sec at 43:25. p 1 588. n 8). 

1 2 Ui>t 'aghraqni - we drowned, sunk (v. j pf 

past from iigliraqa, form IV of glmriqu Igharug). 
to be drowned Sec at 37:82, p 1443, n 4). 

Sirah 43: At-Zukhruf | Part Uuz ) 25 1 


56. And We made 1 them 
a precedent 2 and an example' 
0 for subsequent generations. 4 

Section ( Ruku ‘) 6 
t 57. And when struck 5 was the 
son of Mary as an example 6 
lo, your people do about him 
$ ■CHyX-u raise a hue and cry. 7 

VjSljj 58. And they say: 
iLifl'fc "Are our deities 8 better 
Jijj of is he?" 

They cite him not to you 
but by way of disputation. 9 
Nay, they are a people 
1$) absorbed in quarrelling. 10 

ji 59. He is naught 
but a servant 

jdciHil We bestowed favour 11 on 
and made him an example 
for the Children of Isra’il. 


1. U>» ja'alna = we made, set, appointed. 

rendered (v. i. pi past from ja'ala [/a 7], to make, 
to set See at 43:45, p. 1594. n. 4). 

2. yjL. salaf ( pi,; s. sdlif ) = predecessors, 

forefathers, forebears, precedent (act. participle 
from salafa [salaf], to precede, to be bygone. See 
'aslafia at 10:30. p. 648. n. 12. 

3. Ji. malhal (pi. JuJ amihal) = simile, likeness, 
example, parable, instance, model, ideal. See at 
43:17. p 1586, n. 4. 

4. 'Skhirtn (pi.. accVgen. of akhirun ; s. 

■ akhir ) = last ones, those coming later, later 
generations, others. See at 37:129, p. 1450, n. 9. 

5. v r* dunba = he or it was struck, hit. beaten 
(v. iii. m. s. past passive from daraba [darh ]. to 
beat. See at 22:73, p. 1071. n. 12. 

6. i. e., of how entities other than Allah were 
being worshipped. 

7. i. e . the Makkan polytheists raised a hue and 
cry in support of their worship of the idols by 
pointing out the practice of the Christian, the Jews 
and others of worshipping ‘IsS (peace be on him). 
‘Uzayr and of the angels. (Ibn Kathir, VII. p. 
220). yasidduna = they raise a hue and cry. 

deter, turn away, reject, restrain, dissuade (v. iii. 
m. pi. impfet. from sadda [sadd/sudud], to turn 
away. See yasudduna at 43:37. p. 1592. n. 4). 

8. 'dhhah (pi.; s. 'iUlh) = gods, deities, 
objects of worship. See at 43:45, p. 1594. n. 5. 

9. Ju» jid&l = quarrel, quarrelling, dispute, 
debate. See at 1 1 :32, p. 689, n 6. 

10. khasimun (pi.; s. khasim) = 

quarrelling people. absorbed in quarrelling, 
litigants, disputants. See yakblasimuna at 39:31. 
p. 1492. n. 5. 

11. v^oil 'an'amnd = we bestowed grace. 

favoured, blessed (v. i. pi. past from 'an'ama, 
form IV of na'ama/na'ima ( nu'mah/mun'am]. to 
be happy, to be in ease. Sec at 41:51. p. 1558, n. 


SHrah 43: Al-Zukhruf I Part Uuz ) 25 ] 

iSjJj 60. And were We to will, 
LLoL We would have made 
in lieu of you angels 
in the earth succeeding. 1 

' 0 

■ty 61. And indeed he will be an 
information 2 about the Hour. 1 
So let you have no doubt 4 
about it 5 and follow 6 me. 

This is a way 

$ right and straight. 7 

62. And let there not hinder 8 
■jfcj if you Satan. 

Verily he is for you 

($) jSj'Si an enemy 9 open and clear. 10 

63. And when ‘Isa came 
with the clear evidences" 

ji jfc he said: "I have come to you 
with the wisdom 12 

* + 5 

(XlojfVj and that 1 may clarify" to you 
some of that which 

1. i. e.. succeeding you on the earth; aha 
succeeding one generation the other. oyu, 

yakhlufuna = they come after, follow, succeed, 
take the place of (v. iii. m pi. impfcl. from 
khalafu [khalf/khildfah). to come after, to folio*, 
to succeed. Sec khalafu at 19:59, p 966, n, I). 

2. |J* ‘Urn (s.; pi. uldm) = knowledge, 

information, cognition. Sec ya'lamu at 34:2, p 
1368. n. 4. 

3. i. c . his coming will be an indication of the 
approach of the Hour of Resurrection 

4. 1 1d tamtarunna = let you not doubt, you 

must not doubt (v. ii. m. s. imperative 
(prohibition) from imiard, form VIII from miryah/ 
nuiryah. doubt, dispute. See yamlanina at 19:34. 
p. 959. n. 2). 

5. i. e.. about the coming of the Hour 

6. '/v* iuabi'd = you (all) follow, obey (v. ii 

m. pi. imperative from illlaba'a, form Vin of 
labi'a [tuba/ labd'uh], to follow. See at 40:38, p. 
1523. n. 9). 

7. mustaqtm = straight, upright, erect, 
correct, right, proper (active participle from 
istaqdma, form X of qdma [qawmuh/qiydm], to 
stand up, to gel up). See at 43:43, p. 1593. n. II). 

8. V Id yuqaddanna = let him not hinder/ 
prevent/ bar/ turn away/debar/rcstrain (v. iii. m s. 
emphatic imperative (prohibition) from ju dda 
(.r add/sudud). to turn away See yiuuddina n 
43:37, p. 1592. n. 4). 

9. yu- addw ($.; p|. .cut 'a'dd') - foe, enemy, 
adversary See at 36:60. p. 1423, n 6. 

10. mubin - all too clear, obvious, manifest, 
patent, open and clear, that which makes dear 
(act. participle from abunu. form IV of bdna 
[buydn], to be clear, evident. Sec at 43:40, p 
1593, n. 3). 

11. wb, bayyindt (f. pi.; sing, bayyinah, nr 

bayyin) = clear, evident, proofs, indisputable 
evidences. See at 35:40, p. 1405, n. 3). 

12. i. e , as a Prophet with the message of Allah. 

hikmah (pi. hikarn) = wisdom, sagacity. See 
at 33:34. p. 1348, n. 10). 

13. ’ubayyina(u) = I make clear, esplam, 
elucidate (v. i. s. impfet from bayyana, form II of 
bdna ( baydn], to be clear. See yubinu at 43:52 
p. 1596. n. 3). 

Surah 43: Al-Zukhruf | Pari (Juz ' ) 25 ) 


* you disagree in. 
aaljpuii So beware 7 of Allah 
0 and obey ' me. 

64. Verily Allah, He is 
my Lord and your Lord. 


oxcU So you worship Him. 

This is a way 

{$) * -i r '-i right and straight. 

. 'X-Lt 65. But there disagreed 
the parties 5 

* . 

from among them. 

So woe 6 to those who 
\JSS> transgress 7 

on account of the punishment 
of a day most painful. 8 

66. Do they wait 6 for aught 
but the Hour 

it of that it should come on them 
Z all of a sudden" 1 

and they realize" not? 


1. i. e.. mailers of the din. takhlalifuna 

you (all) disagree, differ (from one another), 
are at variance, dispute, quarrel (v. ii. m pi. 
impfcl. from ikhlaUtfa, form Vlll of khalafa 
[ khalj ] to follow, lo succeed. See at 22:69. p. 
1070. n. 2). 

2. lj» ittaqu = you (all) beware, be on your 
guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m pi. imperative 
from illaqd. form VIII of waqd ( waqy/wiqdyah). 
lo guard, safeguard. See at 39:16. p. 1487. n. 4). 

3. ' ali'uni Cati’S+ni) : 'ail'd = you (all) 

obey, be obedient (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 

ala ‘a. form IV of id 'a (raw'], to obey. See at 
26:179. p 1 193. n. 3). 

4. 'isa. peace be on him. never asked people to 

worship him. He asked them to worship Allah 
Alone. u'budd = you (all) worship (v. ii. 

m. pi imperative from ' ahadu ( 'ibddah /'uhudah 
/ 'ubddiyah), to worship, to serve. See at 29:56. p. 
1285. n 8). 

5. i. e„ they disagreed about the teachings of ‘Isa. 
peace be on him. v'j*-' ’ahzdb (pi. ; s. —>»■ hizb) 
= groups, bands, parties. Sec at 40:30, p. 1520. n. 

6. Jo way/ = woe. distress, the deepest depth of 
ruin and degradation. See at 14:3. p. 786. n. I. 

7. i, e„ set partners with Allah zalamu = 

they did wrong/injustice, transgressed, committed 
shirk (note that at 31:13 shirk or setting partners 
with Allah is called a grave zulm] (v. iii. m. pi. 
past from piluma | ztdm/zulm], to do wrong. See at 
39:51. p. 1499. n. II). 

8. 'alim = most painful, agonizing. 

anguishing, excruciating (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa 'il from 'alinui [ ' alum ). to be 
in pain, to feel pain). See at 42:42. p. 1576, n. 5). 

9. OjJk* yanzuruna s they look. gaze, look 

expectantly, wait for, await (v. iii. m pi impfet. 
from napara ( nazr/manpar] , to see. view, look at 
See at 37: 19. p. 1433. n. 7). 

10. ta* baghtalan (baghlah surprise) = all of a 
sudden, by surprise. See at 39:55. p. 1501, n. 4. 

11. yash'uruna « they realize, notice, 

perceive, feel, sense, come to know, are aware (v. 
iii. m. pi. impfet. from shu'ara (.r/iu'ilr], to 
realize, to know. See at 39:25. p. 1491, n. I). 


Surah 43: Al-Zukhruf ( Pan Uuz‘) 25 ) 

pj^yjaSL^Vf 67. The friends' on that day 
j * will be one to another 

" 2 

jj* an enemy, 

VJ except the righteous.' 

Section (Ruku 0 7 

i&uLi 68. "O My servants, 4 
no fear is on you today 
nor shall you grieve 5 — 


\pC'cj&\ 69. "Who believed 

la£lL in Our signs 6 and had been 
{^caJ. 12 Muslims." 

iliJffjtijT 70. "Enter 7 the garden, 
you and your consorts .* 

You shall be made happy. ’’ 

Jlii 7 1 . Passed round 10 them 
will be platters" of gold 
and cups; 12 and therein will 
J^ST\ a. /‘''I" be all that the selves desire 1 ' 
and the eyes relish; 14 

I 'akhilld ’ (p|.; s. khattl) = friends, intmuk 
friends See khulil al 25:28, p 1 146, n. 6. 

2. yi* ‘adiiw (j.; p|. ,u»1 a dd ) = foe, enemy, 
adversary. Sec at 43:62. p 1598, n. 9. 

3. mutlaqun (sing, mullaqm) = godfcai!* 
those who are on their guard, righteous (acme 
participle from ittai/u ( to be on one's guard), funs 
VIII of waqd [waqyMiqdyah], to guild. It 
protect). See at 39:33, p 1493, n. 3. 

4 i. e.. the righteous will be addressed thus. jU 
'ihdd (sing, v ahd) = servants (of Allah), hum* 
beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers See at 42:23,, 
1570. n. 2). 

5. tahzanuna - you grieve, become at 

(v. ii m. pi impfet from hazina (Awiftanl. u> 
grieve See yahzununu at 39:61. p 1503. n. 2) 1 

6. aA} 'dy&t (sing, ayah) = signs, miracles, 
revelations, evidences See at 43:46, p 1594, il 7. 

7. udkhuld = you (all) enter, go in, join (v, 
ii. m. pi imperative from dakhala [duthd/J, * 
enter Sec at 40:76, p. 1536. n I). 

8. ^ijjt 'azwdj (sing. zawj) = husbands, 

wives, spouses, consorts, partners, pans, kinds, 
sorts . Sec at 43:12. p 1584. n. 12. 

9. dj/M luhharuna s you are made happy, 

gladdened, delighted (V. ii. m. pi impfet passiv* 
from Sahara [hubr], to gladden, make happy. See 
yuhharuna at 30: 1 5. p. 1 294, n. 5). 

10. jli, yutdfu = he or it is taken round (v iii. 
m. s. impfet. passive from tufa [ law// tuudff 
luwfdn ]. to go about, to run around. Sec lan wifi* 
at 24:58. p. 1 131, n. 3). 

1 1 . i. c . with delicious foods on. vjtM sih&{ (pi.; 
s. sahfuh ) = dishes, bowls, platters 

12. i. e.. full of suitable drinks. ’akwib 

(pi . s hub) = cups, drinking glass, tumblers. 

13. j+iTj lashlaht = she desires, wishes, covets, 

craves, longs for(v. iii. f s. impfet from i.iAruM, 
form VIII of shuhd/ shahiya | shahw t shahyf 
shahwah], to desire, to wish. See at 4|;3I, p 
1551. n 1). 

14 at taladhdhu = she relishes, finds delicious/ 

pleasant (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from ladhdha 
[ladliddh/ ladhddhah], to be sweet, pleasant). 

S&rah 43: AI Zukhruf [ Part (Juz ) 25 ] 


and you will be therein 
abiding for ever. 1 

J 72. And this is the paradise 

li **. : 1 

/ y *• *> 


« c*j 
$ 0 ^ 


you have been made to inherit 2 
for what you used to do.' 

73. You will have therein 
fruits 4 in profusion 5 

of which you will eat. 6 

74. Verily the sinful 7 will be 
in the punishment of hell 
abiding for ever. 

75. No mitigation will be made* 
in respect of them 

and they will be therein 
in despair. 1 ' 

pf'.' JiCj 76 . We wronged 10 them not, 
P* ytjQj but they had been the ones 
committing wrongs." 

1. oyJl*- khdlidun (sing, kluihd) = living or 
remaining for ever, everlasting, eternal (active 
participle from khalada lkhulid\, to live or 
remain for ever. See at 23: 103. p. 1100, n. 6). 

2. j$ ’Qrith-tum = you were made to inherit ( 

v. ii. m. pi. past passive from ‘awratha. form IV 
of wurilha I'irlh/ ‘irihahl wir&thahJ rilhah/ 
luruih], to be heir, to inherit. See at 7:43. p . 481. 
n. 12). 

3. ta 'muluna = you all do. act. perform ( v. 

ii. m. pi. impfet from 'amila [ amal], to do. Sec 
at 36:54. p. 1422, n. 5). 

4. «J"I jk faw&kih (pi.; s filkihuh) = fruits. See at 
37:42. p. 1437, n. 4. 

5. i. e., all types of good and delicious fruits and 
in great quantities, i jf£ kathtrah (f.; m. kathir ) 
a many, much, plentiful, abundant, in abundance, 
amply, in profusion. See at 20:33, p 982, n. 3. 

6. jyft- la’kuluna = you (all) eat. consume (v. ii. 
m. pi. impfet. from 'akula ( 'ukl/ma ’kul}, to eat. 
See at 37:91, p. 1444. n 8). 

7 mujrimln (pi ; acc/gen of mujrimun, 

s. mujrim ) = those who commit sins, sinners, 
culprits, sinful (act. participle from ajrama, form 
IV of jurama Harm], to commit a crime. See at 
34:32. p. 1380. n. 2). 

8. i. e., in the punishment. yufattaru = he or it 
is mitigated, abated, subsided, eased (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. passive from fallaru. form II of falara 
\fulur], to abate, subside. See yafturuna at 21:20. 
p 1017. n 7). 

9. i. e.. of getting any relief. jr-K» mubilisin (pi.; 

acc/gen. of mublisin, s. mublis) = those in 
despair, despaired, disheartened, hopeless (acL 
participle from ’ablasa, form IV of balasa. See 
mublisin at 30:49, p. 1306. n. 13). 

10. Uik zalamnS = we did wrong, transgressed 

(v. i. pi. past from zulamu [zaim/ zutm), to do 
wrong. Sec at 1 1:101. p. 714. n. I). 

11. i. e„ by associating partners with Allah and 
by disobeying the guidance given them through 
the Prophets. zAlimin (acc /gcn of tfilimun, 
sing. zdiim) = transgressors, wrong-doers, unjust 
persons, those committing wrongs, polytheists ( 
active participle from zalama [;u/m], to 
transgress, do wrong. See at 40:52, p. 1528, n. 2). 


SQrali 43: AIZukbruf | Pan Uuz ) 25 ) 

\j&j 77. And they will call out: 1 
"O Malik, 2 

let there do away with' us 
your Lord." 

He will say: "You indeed are 
• going to stay on." 4 

78. We had indeed brought 
£ Li to you the truth; 5 

but most of you were 
jii of the truth 
disdainful. 6 

79. Or have they settled 7 
an affair? 8 

liji Then We indeed are 
going to settle. 9 

80. Or do they think 10 that 
We hear not their secret" 

^4 'J£j and their confidential talk? 12 
CL-jj ji O yes, and Our messengers 1 ' 
with them do write down. 14 

1 . IjjU nadu = they summoned, called out. (v, 
iil. m pi. past from ndda. form 111 of nodi 
[nadw], to call See vundduiui at 4 144. p i 555. 
n 13). 

2. i. e . the angel in charge of hell. 

3. li yaqdi - let him decree, decide, judge, 

execute, fulfill, terminate, conclude (v. iii. m. s. 
imperative from qadd'. to conclude. Followed by 
‘aid the verb means: to do away with, finish off, 
to put an end to. Sec qadd at 41:12. p. 1543, n 8). 
4 jyfU mdkuhun (pi.; s. nulluth ) = those who 

stay on /abidc/rrmain/livc/residc. Active participle 
from makutha ( maklh/mukuth J. to remain, reside. 
See mdkjthin at 18:3, p. 911. n. 4). 

5. i. e.. the truth of lawhtd through the Prophets 
and Messengers j*- haqq = right, truth, liability, 
justice, just cause. See at 42:17. p. 1567. n 4. 

6. Jysj if kdrihdn (pi.; s. kdrih ) = unwilling, 

reluctant, averse, hateful, disdainful (act 

participle from kariha [karh /kurh 

/kardhah/kardhiyah], to detest, dislike). See it 
11:28. p. 688. n 3. 

7. 'abrama = they concluded, settled, 

confirmed, ratified (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
‘abrama. form IV of barumu (burnt), to shape, to 
settle, to twist). 

8. i. e , have the enemies of the truth settled a 
plan and concluded an intrigue against it? ^ 
'amr (s.; pi. /»} 'uwdmir / jyl 'umur) = order, 
command, decree / matter, issue, affair. See at 
42:38. p. 1575. n. 2. 

9. i. e.. foil their intrigue by Our plans. 0 
mubrtmun (pi.; s. mubrtm ) = those who settle, 
conclude, confirm, ratify (act. paruciple from 
abrama. See n. 7 above). 

10. yahsabtina = they think, consider, 
deem, suppose (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from baslba 
[hisbdn/ mahtabah/ mahsibah], to consider, to 
deem. See at 43:37. p. 1592. n. 7). 

11. j* sirr (s.; pi. JjJ ’asrdr) * secret, hidden 
thing. See at 25:5. p. 1139, n. 8. 

12. i najwa (s.; pi. najdwd ) = secret 

talk, confidential conversation. See at 21:2, p. 
1013, n. 3. 

13. i e . the angels appointed for the purpose 

14. i. e . all that they do and plan to do 

Surah 43: Al-Zukhruf \ Pan (Juz ) 25 ] 



81. Say: "If there is for 

the Most Merciful a son. 


then 1 shall be the first of 

the worshippers." 1 

82. Sacrosanct 2 is the Lord 


of the heavens and the earth, 

ft ^ 

the Lord of the Throne, 1 

Oji-uuA. Ii 

from what they ascribe. 4 

83. So let them alone 1 to 

"t > >' 

be engrossed 6 and play 7 

till they confront 8 their day 9 



they have been promised. 10 


84. And He it is Who is 

in the heaven the God 

and in the earth the God; 11 

and He is the All-Wise, 


the All-Knowing. 


85. And Blessed is He 

1. i. e.. there is no son or daughter of Allah as the 

polytheists presume. ‘Abidin (pi , acc/gcn 

of dbidun; s. ’ibid) = worshippers, adorers, 
worshipful, subservient (act. participle from 
'abada [’ibddah /'ubudtih / ' ubudiyah ]. to 
worship, to serve. Sec at 23:47. p. 1087, n. 5). 

2. 0Uv-> Subhdn is derived from .t abbaha. form 
II of sabaha [sabh/sib&huh], to swim. In its form 
II the verb means to praise, to declare the sanctity, 
to sing the glory. Subhdn is generally rendered as 
"Glory be to Him"; but "Sacrosanct " conveys the 
meaning better. See at 43: 1 3. p. 1 585. n. 5. 

3 ■ JJ- ‘arsh = throne. Sec at 59:75, p. 1508. n. 4. 
See at 40:7. p 151 l.n. 6 

4 i. e , of sons and daughters yasifuna = 

they describe, depict, ascribe, attnbule. praise (v. 
iii. m. pi. impfet. from wusaf [tvorf], to describe, 
to praise. See at 37:180. p. 1457. n. 11). 

5. ji dhar = shun, leave, let alone (v. ii. m. s. 

imperative from wadhuraAadharu, to leave. See 
at 23:54. p. 1089. n. I). 

6. i. e., engrossed in their error. 

yakhuduina) = they go into, wade into, deal with, 
embark on. rush into, be absorbed in, be 
engrossed in, take up (v, iii. m pl. impfet. from 
khdrfu [khawd/ khiydfl, to rush, dive into. The 
terminal nun is dropped for a hidden 'an before 
the verb. Sec at 4: 140, p. 307. n I ). 

7. i. e . in their worldly life. yal'abuinu ) = 

they play, ore at play, make fun (v. iii. m. pl. 
impfet. from la'iba [lu'b/ li'b/ la'ib tal'db). to 
play, to have fun. The terminal nun is dropped for 
the reason stated at n. 6 above. Sec yal'ab&na at 
7:98. p 504, n 4). 

8. 'yV, yuldqti (no) = they confront, meet one 
another (v. iii. m. pl. impfcL from Idqd. form 111 
of laqiya lliqd'/luqydn/luqy/iuqyah/luqan), to 
meet, to encounter The terminal nun is dropped 
because of an implied an in hand coming before 
the verb. Sec muldqu at 1 1:29. p 688. n. 6). 

9. i. e„ the Day of Judgement 

10. byU’ji yu ‘add nn = they are promised. 

assured, threatened, (v. iii. m. pl. impfet. passive 
from w'ada \wa‘d], to make a promise See at 
26:206, p. 1197. n. 7). 

11. i e. He Alone is deserving of worship 
everywhere in the entire universe. 


Surah 43: AI Zukhruf | Pan Urn ) 25 ) 

to Whom belongs 

the dominion 1 of the heavens 

and the earth 

and all that is between them; 

and with Him is 

the knowledge 2 of the Hour; 

and to Him 

you shall be returned. ' 


86. And there possess 4 not 
those that they invoke 5 
in lieu of Him 
any power of intercession 6 
except those that testify 7 
to the truth 8 
and they know.’ 

87- And if you ask 10 them 
who created them 

tfjyd they will surely say: "Allah". 
dfc Then how 

(3 are they deluded?" 

1. dJLL mulk - dominion, kingship, monarchy, 
nghl of possession, ownership See at 40:29. p. 
1519. n il. 

2. i. e . He Alone has (he knowledge of the time 
when the Resurrection and Judgement will take 
place, and He Alone will cause them lo happen. 

3. i. e„ after resurrection, for judgement and 
requital. j turja'una = you (all) are returned, 

sent back (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. passive from raja’a 
[ru/u ']. to return. Sec at 41:21. p. 1547, n. 5). 

4. dd* yamliku = he possesses, holds, 

dominates, owns, has power (v in m. s. impfcl 
from mulaku | malk/mulk/nulk], to lake in 
possession. See at 34:42. p. 1383, n. 10). 

5. i. e . of imaginary gods and goddesses, jya, 

yad'Ona = they invoke, call, call upon, tnvite, 
summon, pray, ask (v. iii. in pi. impfet. from 
da'A \du a], to call, to summon. Sec at 41:48, p. 
1557, n. 7). 

6. UUi shaf&'ah = intercession, advocacy, 

pleading See at 39:44. p. 1497, n I. 

7. i. e.. except such one as testifies to the Oneness 
of Allah and whom Allah gives leave to intercede, 
a+s fhahida = he bore witness, testified, 
witnessed (v. iii. m. s. past from shuh&d, lo 
witness. Sec at 41 : 20. p. 1546, n. II). 

8. i. e„ the truth of lawhid and of the 
Prophethood of Muhammad, peace and blessings 
of Allah be on hun. haqq = nght, truth, 
liability, justice, just cause. See at 43:78. p 1602, 
n. 5. 

9. i. e., they are fully aware of what they testify 
0 yd* ya'lamdna = they know, arc aware (v. iii 
m. pi. impfet. from 'alimu\'Um], lo know, be 
aware of. Sec at 39:26, p. 1491, n. 5). 

10. cJL- sa'alta = you asked, enquired. 

implored, abjured (v. ii. m. s. past from sa'ala 
[su'd!/ mas'alah], to ask, to enquire, to implore 
See at 31:25. p. 1319. n. 8). 

11. The polytheists recognize Allah as the 

Creator-Lord (ruhubtyyah). but they set partners 
with Him in worship and invocation and say that 
these will intercede for them yu fakuna > 

they are beguiled, deluded, deceived, turned away 
(v. iii m. pi impfet. passive from ufaka 
[ ‘iJV aflL/'ufai/'uftik], to lie. to deceive. See at 
5:75, p. 367. n. 8). 

SOruh 43: Al-Zukhruf ( Part (Vie - ) 25 ] 


j 88. And his saying:' 

$j "0 my Lord, indeed these are 


a people 

who do not believe." 

1. i. c.. the complaint of the Prophet Muhammad, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him. about his 
unbelieving people to Allah 

2. i. e . pass over the ridicule and opposition of 

the unbelievers. isfah = forbear, leave 

alone, overlook, pass over (v. ii. m s. imperative 
from sufahu [suflt], to forbear, overlook, broaden, 
flatten. See at 15:85. p. 824. n. 12). 

89. So forbear 2 with them 
and say "Peace". 

But soon they shall know. 

44. Surat al-Dukhan (The Smoke) 

Makkan: 59 'ayahs 

This is another Makkan Surah which deals with the fundamentals of the faith, namely, taw hii 
(montheism), the truth of the Qur'an and risalah (Messengership of Muhammad, peace and blessings of 
Allah be on him). Resurrection, Judgement, reward and punishment. It starts by emphasizing that Allah 
sent down the Qur'an in a "Blessed Night" (i. e. laylat al-qadr) and that there is none worthy of worship 
except He and that He gives life and causes death and He is the Lord of all, present and past generations 

( 'ayah 8). It then refers to the attitude of the polytheists and unbelievers to the Qur’an and its message. 
In this context the story of the attitude of Fir'aun and his people to the truth delivered to them and tbdr 
ultimate punishment by Allah is related. Reference is then made specially to the Makkan unbelievers' 
altitude to Resurrection and the life in the hereafter. The surah ends by reiterating that Resurrection and 
the life in the hereafter are true and by pointing out the positions respectively of the sinful and the 
righteous therein. 

The surah is named al-dukhdn (the smoke) which is mentioned in its ‘ayah 10 and which Allah sent 
as a therat and punishment for the unbelievers of Makka. 

1. Allah Alone knows the meaning and 
significance of these disjointed letters. See II, p 

4. n. I. 

2. i. e . the Qur'&n. 

3. i. e , most clear in text, meaning and teachings. 
4 i. e . sent down the Book, the Qur'dn 

5. i. e.. in the Night of al-qadr (see sirah 97) 
J S jU muh&arakah ( f ; mas nwMrak) = blessed, 

full of blessings (passive participle from binke. 
form III of baraka. to kneel down. See at 24 61. 
p 1 1 34. n. 2). 

6. i. e.. by sending Messengers and Scriptures. 
jijSiA mundhirin (pi.; accusative/ gen. of 
mundhiriin, sing, mundhir ) = women, 
giving warning (act. participle from andhara, to 
warn, form IV of nadhara, ( nadhr /nudhir], to 
dedicate, to make a vow See at 37:72, p. 1441, n 

7. i. c„ in that night. J > yufraqu = he or it is 

separated, distinguished (v. iii. m s. rnipfct 
passive from faraqa [farq/furqdn ], to separate, to 
distinguish See lafurraqu at 42:14, p. 1565. a 6) 

8. i. e„ every matter decreed by Divine Witdore 
for the creatures (sec the next ayah) {£*■ hakim 

(s.; pi. tiukanuV) = All-Wise, judicious, fall of 
wisdom, (acuvc participle in the scale of fall 
from tuikama [bukm\. to pass judgement. See U 
36:2. p. 1409, n. 2). 

0j^. 1 .Ha-Mim.' 

2. By the Book 2 
0 most clear. 1 

3. Verily We sent it down 4 
in a night full of blessings. 5 
We indeed have been 

$ Qy-Ai- giving warnings. 6 

4. Therein is distinguished 6 
0J^»\ % every matter of wisdom.' 


Sirah 44: Al-Dukhan [ Part Uuz) 25 ] 


5. As a decree 1 from Us. 
Indeed We use to send out. 2 

> >/- 

6. As a mercy 3 from your Lord. 
Verily He is the 
All-Hearing/the All-Knowing. 5 

7. Lord of the heavens 
and the earth 

and all that is between them; 
if you are firm believers. 6 

8. There is no deity 7 but He. 
He gives life 8 

and causes to die 9 — 

Lord of you all and Lord of 
your fathers of old. 

9. Nay, they are in doubt, 10 
making fun." 

ifcafjb j£ 

10. So be on the watch 12 
for a day the sky will bring 

1. /•! 'amr (s.; pi. /»} 'awamir I jy‘ 'umur) = 

order, command, decree / matter, issue, affair. 
See al 43:78, p 1602. n. 8. 

2. i. e.. the Messengers and wahy for the guidance 
of mankind . jJ-y* mursilin (accusative /genilive 

of mursilun. sing, mursit) = those who send, send 
out senders (act. participle from 'arsala . form 
IV of rasila [nun/], to be long and flowing. See al 
28:45, p. 1248. n I). 

3. i. e.. the sending of Messengers and scriptures 
is Allah's mercy lo His crcalcd beings. 

4. i. e.. of all that is uttered or sounded, openly or 

secretly. samV = one who hears. 

All-Hearing (active participle in the scale of fa'tl 
from sami'a [ sum ‘ Isamu ' Isamu 'ah Inuismu ']. to 
hear See at 31:28. p. 1320. n. 13. 

5. i. e . of all events and deeds, open or secret 
pJ* 'alim (s.; pi. 'ir/iimd') = well informed. 

erudite, learned, more knowing, All-Knowing. 
Omniscient. See at 43:9. p. 1584. n. 2. 

6. jAy mtiqinin (pi . acc/gen of mOqinun, s. 
muqm)— those believing with certitude, firmly 
convinced, firm believers, those who arc sure ( 
active participle from ayqana. form IV of 
yaqina [yaqn/yaqtn], to be sure, be certain. See at 
26:24. p. 1 167. n.6). 

7. i. e., there is none worthy of worship. *)l 'il&h 
(pi ahhah) = deity, god. particularly one 
deserving of worship . See at 4:87, p. 279, n. 1 1 . 

8. yulfyt = he gives life, revivifies, brings to 
life, enlivens, animates, vitalizes (v. iii. m. s. 
impfcL from al)\a, form IV of hayiya [harah). to 
five. See at 42:9. p. 1563. n. 1). 

9. cm yumtlu = he causes lo die. puts to death 

(v. iii. m. s. irapfet. from amaia. form IV of 
mala | miner], lo die. Sec at 40:68, p. 1534, n. 2). 

10. i. e . about Resurrection and Judgement. 

1 1 . i. e.. with the truth. 1< yal'ahuna - they 
play, are at play, make fun (v. iii. m. pi. impfet 
from la'iha [lu'bl li'bl la ib tal'ah\, to play, to 
have fun See at 7:98. p. 504. n. 4). 

12. f irtaqih = you be on the watch. 

anticipate, wait (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 
inaqaba, form VIII of raqaba [ruqublruqabah], 
to watch See irtaqibu at 1 1:93. p. 711. n. 12). 


Sarah 44: Al-Dukhan | Part (7w’) 25 | 

Oyh-y^t a smoke 1 quite manifest. 2 


1. It will overwhelm' men. 
his will be a puni 
most anguishing. 4 

This will be a punishment 

12. "Our Lord, 

l IcJLSt remove 5 from us 
^ijuif the punishment. 

Indeed we are unbelievers." 

13. How could avail them 
the recollection, 6 

and already there has come 
to them a Messenger 7 
making clear. 

j*S^ 14. Then they turned away 8 
IjJUjii* from him and said: 

$ I "A tutored person, 9 mad!" 10 

15. Verily We are going 
v CuIi to remove the punishment 

1 . The reference is to the punishment of druffr 

and smoke which was sent down on Ac 
unbelieving Makkans for a time (see Ihn KuMt, 
VII. pp 232-233). 0U> dukMMi pi 

’ adkhmah ) = smoke, fume, vapour See ol 411 1. 
p. 1 543. n. 4. 

2. jr* mubtn = all too clear, obvious, mamfca, 
patent, open and clear, that which makes de 
(act. participle from ‘abana, form IV of Mm 
( bayOn], to be clear, evident See at 43:62 p 
1 598, n. 10). 

3. yaghsha = he covers. 

overwhelms, casts the shade (v. iii m s. impfn 
from ghashiya. [ghashv/ ghishawah], to cow. 
See at 29:55. p 1285, n. 1) 

4. yJ ’altm = most painful, agonaag 
anguishing, excruciating (act. participle m 
intensive scale of fa'il from alimo [ atom] lobe 
in pain, to feel pain). Sec at 43:65, p. 1599, n l| ' 

5. i. e.. they will say. "Our Lord remove,. 

ikshif = remove, lift, disclose, expose (v ii. ml 
imperative from kashafa [tar 6/]. to remove. 1 
kashafnH at 43:50, p. 1595. n. 8). 

6. i. e. remembering the admonition, ts/idhibi 

- recollection, remembrance, memory, reminder. 
See at 40:54. p. 1528. n 8. 

7. i. e.. Muhammad, peace and blessings of Altai 
be on him. 

8. IjJji la walla w - they turned away, withdrew, 
desisted, refrained (v. iii m pi past from in- 
form V of waliya, to be near. See at 37:90, j 
1414. n. 5). 

9. The Makkan unbelievers alleged that 
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on tun, 
had been tutored by some persons to produce Ike 
Qur'an (J** mu'allam (s : pi mu altamiu )■ 

one who is taught, tutored, instructed (paum 
participle from 'ullama. form II of Winn 1 1 rimL 
to know. Sec allamnH at 21:80, p. 1034, n 4) 

10 The Makkan unbelievers also alleged that 
Propohct. peace and blessings of Allah be on him, 
had gone mad or was possessed by jim. [See also 
34.46. p. 1386 and 37:36, p 1436) 
majnun (s , pi. majjntn ) = possessed, Inure, 
mod. one gone off his head (pass, participle from 
junnu [junun], to cover, to hide. See at 37 36. p. 
1436. n. 5). 

Surah 44: Al- Dukhan [ Pan Uuz) 25 ] 


•>Ui a little. 

You will indeed relapse.' 

16. The day We shall seize 2 

I the greatest seizure — 

ill Verily We shall 
$ jJLii* inflict retribution. 3 

17. And indeed We had tried 4 
before them 

the people of Fir‘aun 
f and there had come to them 
0 k*= 3A> a Messenger 5 most noble. 6 

18. "That you deliver 7 to me 


the servants 8 of Allah. 

Pi) I am indeed to you a 
| 0 Messenger worthy of trust." 9 

!>!*«&!> 1 9. "And that you wax not 
high 10 against Allah. 

Indeed I have come to you 
^yi^yiLL with an authority 1 1 most clear." 

1. i. c.. into unbelief and disobcdicnce.iiyuA* 
'a’idun (pi.; s. 'd id) = those that return, revert, 
relapse, fall back (act participle from 'd da ->U { 
'awd /'awdah], to return. See <3 da at 36:39, p. 
1418. n. 5). at 5:95. p 377, n. 10). 

2. I. e„ on the Day of Judgement, jda- nabtishu 

= we seize, grasp, take hold of. catch ( v. i. pi. 
impfet. from battalia [batsh], to seize, to attack 
with violence. See yabttsha al 28:19. p. 1237, n. 

3. HyJar muntaqimun (pi.: s. muntaqim ) = 

those who take revenge, inflict retribution (act. 
participle from mtaqama, from VIII of naqama/ 
naqima [naqm/ nai/am], to revenge. See al 43:41, 
p. 1593. n. 5). 

4. Ua fatannb - we tried, put on trial, tested (v. t. 
pi. past from falana [Jatn/ fulun\. to turn away, to 
put to trial. See at 38:34, p. 1468, n. 12). 

5. i. e . Musa, peace be on him 

6. (HjT kartm (s.; pi. kirdm/kuramiV) = Most 
Noble, noble, generous, liberal, munificent (act. 
participle in the scale of fa'il from karuma ( 
karam/kardmuh], to be noblc/gencrous. See al 
33:44, p 1353. n. 12). 

7. i. e.. he said to them, tyil 'addt 2 = you (oil) 

deliver, pay up, fulfil, cany out (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative from addd, form II [ta'dlyah] of 'add 
[ 'uduwwf ady], to go. to proceed. See tu addd at 
4:50, p. 266. n. 6. 

8. i. e.. the Children of Isra'tl who were being 
oppressed by Fir'aun >1^ 'ibid (sing. x> abd) = 
servants (of Allah), human beings, slaves, serfs, 
worshippers. See at 43:68. p. 1600, n. 4). 

9. jP 'amin = faithful, trustworthy, trusted, 
trustee, loyal, honest (active participle in the scale 
of fa'U from amuna [’ amtmah ]. to be faithful. 
See at 28:26, p 1240. n 10). 

10. i. e.. be not arrogant IjU; V Id ta'ld = be not 
high, do not rise / go up/ ascend/ wax high 
[figuratively, turn anogant and disobedient] (v. 

11. m. pi. imperative (prohibition) from 'aid 
['u/iiw], to go up. rise. See 'aid al 28:4. p. 1231. 
n. 8). 

1 1 . sultan = authority, power, mandate, 

rule, sanction. See at 40:35, p 1522. n. 5. 

SHrah 44: Al-Dukhdn | Part ( Jug' ) 25 ] 



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*>' Cx 



20. "And indeed I seek refuge 1 
with my Lord and your Lord 
that you might stone me." 2 

21 . "And if you believe me not, 
then keep away from me." 3 

22. Then he prayed 4 

to his Lord that these are 
a people committing sins. 3 

23. "So set out 6 

with my servants by night. 
Indeed you will be pursued." 7 

24. "And leave 8 the 

sea quietly.’ Indeed they are 
a host 10 to be drowned." 11 

25. How many they left 
of gardens and springs; 

26. And corn-fields 

1. o4* ‘udhtu = I look refuge, sought protection 
(v. i. s. past from Yulha | 'awdh/ ‘xyddh/ ma'ddh], 
to take refuge, to seek protection. Sec at 40:27. p. 
1518. n. II). 

2. I. c., stone me to death, larjumuni ( 

tarjumti+ni) : } tarjumti{na) = you (all) 

stone, damn (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from rajama 
| rajm J. to stone The terminal ruin is dropped 
because of the particle an coming before the 
verb. Sec la narjumanna at 36:18, p. 1413, n. 5). | 

3. i. e . leave me alone i ‘laziluniU umlu+ni) 

i'lazilu = you (all) isolate yourselves. 

seclude yourselves, keep away (v. ii. m pi 
imperative from I'lazala. form VIII of azala 
['«/], to set aside, to isolate. See at 2:222, p. 109. 

4. i. e. when they disbelieved him he prayed to 
his Lord for help l*a da'i = he called, invoked, 
prayed, claimed, propagated, implored (v. iii. m. s 
past from du a, to call, to summon. Sec at 41:33. 
p. 1551. n. 5). 

5. mujrimun (pi.; s mujnm ) m sinful. 

those committing sins, culprits, evildoers (act 
participle from 'ajrama. form IV of jarama 
[jarm\, to commit a crime. Sec at 36:59, p. 1423. , 
n 3). 

6. i. e. Allah directed him. ^ 'asri = you set 

out. travel, depart by night (v. ii. m. s. imperative 
from 'asrd. form IV of sard [ suran / sarayin/ 
morranj. to travel/ set out by night. See at 26:52, 
p. 1 172. n. 10). 

7. 0 muttaba'dn = those who are followed. 

pursued ones (passive participle from r tlaba’a. 
form VIII of labi'a [ tuba ' /tuba ah), to follow 
Sec at 26:52, p H72.n. 12). 
fl si/ utruk = leave, abandon, give up, forsake (v 

ii. m. s. imperative from laraka \lark), to leave 
See laraknd at 37:129, p. 1450. n. 9. 

9. i. e., as it is. ysj rahw = quiet, still, calm, 

10. jund (s.; pi. junOd/ajndd ) = army, host 
Sec at 38:1 l.p. 1461. n. 9 

11. Ojkjhr mughraqun (pi.; s mughraq) = those 

who are drowned, immersed, sunk (passive 
participle from ’aghraqa, form IV of ghahqa 
( gharaq ], to be drowned See at 23:27, p, 1082, 

n u 

Sarah 44: M-Dukhdn | Part (Jta ) 25 ) 


and a station 1 quite noble. 

27. And a life of ease 2 
wherein they had been 
OiXjfCi cheerful.' 

28. Such was it. 

And We made heirs 4 to these 
another people. 


29. And there shed not tears 5 
over them 

the sky and the earth 
nor were they given respite. 6 

Section (Rukti') 2 

lli jjJj 30. And We indeed rescued 7 
the Children of Isra’Tl 
from the punishment 
most humiliating 8 — 

31. From Fir'aun. 

Ujcjl? Q Indeed he was outstanding 9 
of those transgressing. 10 

1. i. c.. habitat fU. maqam (s, ; pi muqdmdt) = 

place, position, standing, station, location, spot, 
habitat (noun of placc/time from qdma 
Iqawmah/tfiydm]. to stand up. to gel up. to rise. 
See at 37: 164, p 1455. n. 14). 

2. na’mah = comfort, ease, life of ease, 
prosperity, amenity. 

3. /<S*rA£i»(pl.; accigen of fakihun: s. 
fdkih) = those enjoying, cheerful, merry (act. 
participle from fakiha [fakah/fakdhah ] , to be 
cheerful, merry, sportive). 

4. Cjj! awralhna = we made over, made 

(someone) inherit. bequeathed, gave os 
inheritance, made heir (v. i. pi. post from 
"awralha, form IV of warilha [ "irlh/ irthahl 
wirdihah/ rithah/ luraih], to be heir, to inherit. 
See at 40:53. p 1528, n. 17) 

5. bakat = she wept, cried, shed tears (v. iii. 

f. s. past from bakd [ bukd'/bukan ]. to cry. Sec 
yabkdna at 17:109, p. 909, n. I). 

6. Jijk> muniarin (pi.; accVgen. of munyir&n, 

s. munyir) - those given respite (passive 
participle from ‘anfura, form IV of nazara 
[nmar/manzar], to see. to look expectantly. Sec at 
15:36. p. 815. n. 4). 

7. najjaynd = we rescued, saved, delivered 

(v. i. pi. past from najjd. form II of najd [najw 
Majd ’ /najdh], to make for safety, to be saved. 
See at 41 : 18, p I546,n 5). 

8. muhln = humiliating, disgraceful. 

debasing, ignominious, (active participle from 
'ahdna, form IV of hdna (hawn), to be of little 
importance. See at 34:14, p. 1373, n. 6). 

9. Jw • dlin = high. tall, outstanding, arrogant, 

self-exalting (act participle from ' aid [ ‘u/irwj. to 
go up. rise. Sec dlin at 38:75, p. 1477, n. 5). 

10. i. e„ persisting in unbelief nnd evil deeds 

musrijin (pi; acc./gen of musrifOn ; s. 

musrif) - those who commit excesses, exceed all 
bounds. extravagant, prodigal. wasteful, 
transgressors (active participle from 'asrafa. form 
IV of sarafa/sarifa ( saif/ saraf ), to corrode, to 
spoil, to neglect. See at 43:5, p. 1583, n. 6). 


Surah 44: Al-Dukhdn | Part ( Jut ) 25 | 

32. And We had chosen 1 them ; 


on knowledge 3 
i jc over all the beings. ^ 

33. And We had given them 
of the signs 5 wherein was 

0 a trial 6 quite manifest. 7 

34. Verily these people 8 
do say: 

w 35. "There is naught but 
our first death: 

o* L.J and we are not 

going to be resurrected." 9 

[ jit 36. "Then bring 10 
our fathers, 
if you are truthful." 11 


*£- 37. Are they better 12 

or the people of Tubba* 13 
piijsj’Jij and those before them? 

1. U^l ikhlarna = we selected, chose, picked, 
elected (v. i, pi. past from ikhidra. form VII] of 
khdra [khayr], to chose, to prefer. Sec dhtartua 
20:13. p. 978, n. 10). 

2. i. e.. the Children of Isrd'n 

3. i. e . knowing about them and their condition } 

4. i. e.. of their time. j-JLt 'Mamin (acc/gea of 

dlamdn. sing. Mam. i.e.. any being or 
object that points to its Creator; sing atom) * all 
beings, creatures. See at 4 1 9. p 1 542, n. 9). 

5. i. c., miracles at the hand of Musa, peace be oa 
him. cA.t 'dy&t (sing, dyah) = signs, miracles, 
revelations, evidences. See at 43:69, p. 1600, n.6. 

6. .5C bald’ = trial, test, tribulation [This wotdii 
used in respect of both good and bad things], S« 
at 37:106. p 1447, n. 3). 

7. jsr- mubtn = all too clear, obvious, manifest. 

patent, open and clear, that which makes deer 
(act. participle from 'ubdna. form IV of Arina 
[twvdn], to be clear. Sec at 44 10. p. 1608, n 2). 

8. i. e., the unbelievers; particularly of Malcka to 
whom the Qur'an was immediately addressed. 

9 munsharin(p\ . acc /gen of mans harm. 

munshar ) = those resurrected, raised, brought 
up. spread out (passive participle from anshan, 
form IV of nashara [nashr/nushur], to spread out. 
to resurrect- Sec 'aruihamd at 43:11, p |5g4 

10. i. c„ bring back our dead fathers. lyi i'ri a 
you (all) come. give, (followed by bi) bring (v, u 

m. pi, imperative from 'aid [itydn/ aty/ mu'tdhl 
to come. Sec yu tuna at 4 1 :7 p 1 542, n I ). 

11. i. e.. if your are truthful in saying that there 
will be resurrection jdiLn sddiqtn (pi . aec/gen. 

of sddiqdn; s. sddiq) = truthful, those who speak 
the truth (active participle from jadaqa [soda/ 
lidr/l. to speak the truth Sec at 36:48, p 1420, n 
8 ). 

12. ^ khayr = good /better/ best, charity, 

wealth, property, affluence. Sec at 43:32, p 1590 

n. II. 

13 The name of an ancient people or a ruling 
dynasty in Yaman 

Surah 44: Al-Dukhdn [ Pan {Jut') 25 | 


We did destroy 1 them. 

Indeed they were sinful. 2 

iTiLrlj 38. And We have created 3 not 
if the heavens and the earth 
and all that is between them 
making fun. 4 

39. We did not create them 
except for just cause; 5 
I but most of them 
$1 do not know. 6 

[ 40. Verily the Day of Decision 7 
JLiio.. is the appointed time* of 
$ 4 them, one and all. 9 

4 1 . That day there shall avail 10 
4 ^ 0 * Jy not any friend 1 1 for a friend 


nor shall they be helped.' 2 


42. Except the one that 

I. u£i*t ’ahtakna = we destroyed, annihilated (v. 

1. pi past from uhluka. form IV of halaka [hulk/ 
hulk/ haldk /luhlukah], to perish. Sec at 43:8. p. 
1583. n. 8). 

2. mujrimln (pi.; accVgen of mujrimun. 

s. mujrim) = those who commit sins, sinners, 
culprits, sinful (act participle from ajrama. form 
IV of jarama \jarm], to commit a crime. See at 
43:74. p. 1601, n. 7). 

3. tail* khalaqna = we created, made, originated 

(v. i. pi. past from khalaqa [khalq], to create. See 
at 23:1 15. p. 1 103. n. 2) 

4. Jrt.'i la'tbin (pi.; accVgen. of Id tbiin ; s. 

Id' ib) = players, those that make fun (act. 
participle from la'iba [lu'b/ li'b/ la'ib /tal'db], to 
play, to have fun. See at 21:55. p 1027. n. 8). 

5. Jp- haqq = right, truth, liability, justice, just 
cause. See at 43:78, p. 1602, n. 5. 

6. jyd*, ya'lamuna = they know, are aware (v. 

iii. m. pi impfet. from 'alinui ['(bn], to know, be 
aware of. See at 43:86, p. 1604. n. 9). 

7. i. e.. the Day of Judgement J~«» fast = 
parting, section, decision. See at 38:20. p. 1463. 

8. oLv mSqdt (sing.; pi muwdqil ) = appointed 

time/ term, meeting point, venue, deadline, 
timetable. Sec at 26:38. p. 1 169, n. 9. 

9. 'ajma'ln (pi., accVgen of 'ujmu'&n ; s. 
ajma 1 ) = all. one and all. whole, entire. Sec at 
32:13, p 1328. n. 5. 

10. yu yughnt = he suffices. makes free from 

want, enriches, makes rich, avails, helps (v. iii. m. 
s. impfet. from ughnd. form IV of ghwuya 
[ghman / ghand' ], to be free from want, to be 
rich. See at 24:32, p 1118. n. 7). 

II. jl y mould = Patron-Protector. Guardian- 

Protector. Sovereign, friend, companion. See at 
22:13. p. 1049, n. 12. 

12 i. c . none shall be able to help them 

yuruardna = they are helped, assisted (v. iii m. 
pi. impfet. passive from nasara [nusr Musur], to 
help. See at 41:16. p. 1545, n. II). 


Surah 44: M-Dukhdn ( Part ( Jui ) 25 | 

Allah has mercy on. 

Verily He is the All-Mighty. 1 
the All-Merciful. 

Section ( Ruku ') 3 
43. Indeed the tree of 
Zaqqflm, 2 

pUi].' 44. Will be the food' 

$ ^Vf of the sinful. 4 

45. Like molten brass' 

it will boil 6 in the bellies. 7 

46. Like the boiling of 

{£) the hot water. 8 

• jjL 47. "Seize 9 him, 

then carry 10 him towards the 
midst of the blazing fire." 11 

\*£ jr 48. "Then pour 12 

over his head 


some punishment 

1. azh = All-Mighty. Invincibly Powerful 
before Whom everyone else is powerless, also 
respected, distinguished, dear, beloved, strong, 
mighty, difficult, hard See at 43:9, p I $84, n. I. 

2. A specially vicious tree in hell, os described in 
37:65. p. 1440 

3. fl«l> to ‘dm (s.; pi. »~J.t al'imah ) - food, diet, 
meal See at 25:7, p. 1 139. n. 10. 

4. pJf 'athim <s. ; pi. uthamd') = sinful, criminal. 

evil (active participle in the form of fa'll from 
aihima ['iihm/uiham / nui’lham], to sin. See It 
26:222. p. 1200. n. 4). 

5. Jr- muhl = molten metal, molten brass. Sec at 
18:29. p 922. n 6. 

6. jJA yaghti = it boils, bubbles up (v. iii. tn. s. 
impfet from ghali) [ ghaly/ghalydn ]. to boil). 

7. Ojk, butun (p|.; sing, j* bam ) = stomachs. 

bellies, abdomens, wombs, inner parts. See at 
39:6. p. 1482. n. 12. 

8. |»*»- harnim = hot water . close friend, 
intimate friend, (act. participle in the scale of fa'll 
from hamma ( hamm ]. to heat, make hot. See it 
41:34.” p. 1552, n. 3. 

9. i. e.. it will be said to the angel sentinels. 
khucthu = you all take, receive, seize (v. ii. tn. pi. 
imperative from 'akhadha ( akhdh). to take See 
at 9:5, p. 578, n. 8). 

10. i'lUO - you (all) carry, port (v. it. in. pi 
imperative from alula ( all ). to carry) 

11. jahim = hellftre. hell, blazing fire See 
at 37:97. p 1445. n 6 

12. subbu = you (all) pour, pour forth (v. u 

m. pi. imperative from sabba [sabb], to pour, 
pour forth. See yu.jabbu at 22: 19. p. 1052, n. 5). 

Surah 44; Al- Dukhan [ Pan (Jui) 25 ) 


£) of the boiling water." 

49. "Have the taste; 1 
indeed you were mighty, 2 
held in esteem." 5 

50. "Verily this is 
what you used to 

0 entertain doubt about." 4 

51. Verily the righteous 5 
will be in a place 6 

safe and secure. 7 

.v'll g 52. Amidst gardens 
0 and springs. 8 

z>jZ4i 54. They will be wearing' 7 
of silk 

\'J- \}j and brocade, 

{£) facing one another.' 


55. Such will it be. 

1. dhuq= taste, have the taste (v. ii. m. s. 

impertaive from dhaqa [dhawq/ madhaq ). to 
taste See dhuqu at 39:24. p. 1490. n. 12). 

2. jtjr- 'aziz = All-Mighty. Invincibly Powerful 
before Whom everyone else is powerless; also 
respected, distinguished, dear, beloved, strong, 
mighty, difficult, hard. See at 44:42. p. 1614. n. I. 

3. karim = noble, kind, generous, 
munificent, respectable, held in esteem, decent ( 
act participle in the scale of fa'll from karuma 
[kurani/ karamah/ karamah), to be noble, to be 
generous. See at 33:31, p. 1347, n. 5). 

4. CijjUi larnlaruna = you (all) harbour/ 

entertain doubts, be sceptical (v. ii. m. pi impfct 
from imtarA, form VIII from miryah/ muryah, 
doubt, dispute. See at 6:2. p. 392, n. 5). 

5. jyt- muttaqin (accVgen of mullaqun. sing. 

muttaqin) = those who are on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e.. by carrying out the injunctions 
of the Qur'an and sunnah), godfearing, righteous 
(active participle from ittaqa. form VIU of waqA 
[ H uqy/ wiqAyah], to guard, to protect. See at 
43:35. p 1551. n. 12). 

6. fli* maqdm (s. ; pi. maqAmat) = place. 

position, standing, station, location, spot, habitat 
(noun of place/timc from qama [qawmah/qiydm], 
to stand up. to get up. to rise See at 44:26. p 
1611. n. I). 

7. ’amln = faithful, trustworthy, trusted, 
trustee, loyal, honest, safe, secure (active 
participle in the scale of fa il from 'amuna 
| 'amanah). to be faithful. See al 28:26. p. 1240. n. 

8. Ayf- 'uyrrn (pi.; s. '«>■«) = springs, fountains, 
eyes. See at 36:34. p. 1417, n. 6). 

9. 0 4r yalhastina = they wear, put on (v. iii. m. 
pi. impfct. from labtsa (fuh.r], to wear. See al 
18:31. p.923. n. 3). 

10. i. e.. sitting on couches. mutaqabilin 

(pi., acc./gen of mulaqAbilun, s. mutuqabil) = 
facing one another, confronting one another, 
meeting one another (act participle from 
laqabala, form VI of qabila ( qabul/qubul ]. to 
accept, to receive. See at 37:44, p. 1437. n. 8). 


Sirah 44: Al-DukhAn [ Pan ( Juz ) 25 J 


and We shall pair 1 them with 
hur* attractively wide eyed. 3 

55. They will ask 4 therein 
for every kind of fruit, 5 
being in peace and security. 6 

1. zawwajnd = we coupled, paired, doubled, 

gave in marriage (V. i. pi. pasl from zanwya, 
form 11 of zAja | zawj], to incite, to instigate. See a 
33:37. p 1351. n. 6 

2. jy hur (f. pi.; s. hiriyah ) = exquisitely 
beautiful damsels of paradise 

3. Hi (f. pi;, s. 'uynA') = attractively wide 
eyed See at 37:48, p. 1438, n. 5. 

4. oyM yad'una = they invoke, call, call upon, 

invite, summon, pray, ask (v. iii. in pi. tmpftl. 
from da" A | du'A'], to call, to summon. Set si 
43 86. p. 1604. n. 5). 

5 fakihah (s., pi fawAkih ) = fruit. 

56. They will taste 7 not 

therein death. 

except the first death;" 

and He will save 8 them 

from the punishment of 

the blazing fire." 1 



57. As a grace 11 


from your Lord. 

That is the success 17 

most magificent. 1 ' 

58. So indeed 

We have but made it easy 

in your tongue 

so that they may take heed. 15 

I j3> 

6. jr'W ’Amintn (pi.; acc/gcn. of liminia; ■ 

’ Amin ) = peaceful, safe and secure (act participle 
from ilmuna. form IV of 'amma [ umn/ 'am An/ 
'umunuh], lobe safe. See at 28:31, p 1243. n. 3). 

7. jyyi, yadhuquna = they taste (v. iii m. pL 

impfet. from dhuqa [dhuwq/ dhawAq/madk&$ to 
taste See dhuq at 44:49. p 1615, n 1. 

8 i c , death at the end of their worldly life. 

9. jy waqa = he saved, protected, guarded (v iii 

m. s. past from waqy/wiqAyah, to guard, to 
preserve See at 40: 45. p 1525, n 10). 

10. juhim = hcllfirc. hell, blazing fire Sec 
at 44:47. p. 1614. n. II. 

1 1 . Jju fad! (pi. fuiful) = grace, favour, kindneo, 
bounty; also surplus, excess, superiority, moil 
excellence. See at 42:26. p 1571. n 9. 

12. i. e.. to be saved from the punishment and la 
get Allah's mercy is the success, jy fa wt = 

success, triumph, victory, achievement. See at 
40:9. p 1512. n 8 

13. fjkt- ‘aztm = great, magniricent. splendid. 

big. stupendous, most grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, grave Sec at 43:31. p 1590. it 3). 

14. i. e., made (he Qur'&n easy. miiamd* 

we cased, mode easy, smoothened. facilitated (v. 
i. pi past from yassara. form II of yaiira I msnr^ 
to be easy. Sec at 19:97. p 975. n. 3). 

15. Ay/’j c, yatadhakkarina - they take heed, 
hear in mind, remember, receive admonition ( v 
iii. m. pi. impfet. from tadhakkara, form V of 
dhiikaru Idhikr/uidhkAr], to remember See it 
39:27. p 1491. n 8). 

Surah 44. Al-Dukhdn | Pan (Juz) 25 ] 


1. i. e.. wail anti watch for Allah's mercy and 

help, irtaqib = you be on the watch, 

anticipate, wail (v. ii. m pi. imperative from 
irtaqaba. form VIII of ruqaba [ruqub/raqiibah], 
to watch. See at 44:10. p. 1607. n. 12). 

2. i. c . waiting and watching for their turn to 
overcome you. ^ muriaqibun (pi.; s. 

murtaqib) = those who wait, anticipate, watch 
(act. participle from irtaqaba. Sec n. 1 above). 

45. SOratal-Jathiyah (The down on the knees) 

Makkan: 37 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah (except its 'ayah 14 which is Madinan). It deals mainly with belief in Allah 
and His Absolute Oneness (tawbid) together with the themes of the truth of the Qur'an, the 
Messengership of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Resurrection. Judgement, 
reward and punishment. It starts by emphasizing that the sending down of the Qur'an is from Allah ami 
that the heavens, the earth, the creation of man and all other living and moving beings, the alternation of 
day and night, the sending down of the rain and the enlivening of the earth thereby, the movement of the 
air, and how Allah has reduced everything to service and to the benefit of His creatures, all point to (heir 
Creator and Lord Allah and His Powers. It then refers to the attitude of the unbelievers to the Qur'&n, its 
message and the Messenger, particularly their disbelief in Resurrection and the life after death. It then 
stresses that Resurrection is true and that everyone will be requited according to one's deeds. "Say, Allah 
gives life to you and will cause you to die. then He will gather you towards the Day of Judgement in 
which there is no doubt; but most men do not know... And you will sec every nation bowing down on 
the knees (i. e.. submitting — jathiyah), and being called towards their record." (’ayahs 26-28). The 
surah is named al-jaihiyah with reference to these 'ayahs. 

1. Allah Alone knows the meaning and 
significance of these disjointed letters See 2:1, p 
4., n. I. 

2. Ji ys tanzil = sending down, bringing down. 

something sent down (verbal noun in form II of 
nazala (nuzuf], to come down Sec at 40:2, p 
1509, n. 2. 

3 i. c.. the Qur'an This is an emphatic assertion 
that the Qur'an is sent down by Allah. It is no 
composition of the Prophet's or of anyone else, ns 
the unbelievers allege 

4. j ip 'aih = All-Mighty, Invincibly Powerful 
before Whom everyone else is powerless, also 
respected, distinguished, dear, beloved, strong, 
mighty, difficult, hard. Sec at 44:49, p 1615, n. 2. 

5. i. c , in His deeds and commandments. 

hakim (s.. pi. hukuma ' ) = All-Wise, judicious, full 
of wisdom (active participle in the scale of fall 
from hakamu Ihukm], to pass judgement. See at 
36:2, p 1409. n'. 2). 

6. The earth, the heavens, the entire creation and 
the creatures point to the existence. Lordship and 
Omnipotence of Allah. ol<l ’tiydt (sing. ’Ayah) - 

signs, miracles, revelations, statements of the 
Qur'an, evidences. See at 43:69, p 1600. n. 6. 

7. jl* khalq = creation, origination, making, 
creatures, constitution Sec at 36.69. p 1425. n. 7. 


Surah 45: Al-Jdihiyah | Pan (Jut') 25 ] 



iU-y and all that He scatters abroad 
&j. of moving creatures 2 
IX are signs for people 
\ that believe with certitude.’ 

5. And in the alternation 4 
of the night and the day 
and what Allah sends down 
from the sky of provision 5 
and gives life 6 therewith 

to the earth after it is dead, 7 
and in the dispatch* of winds 
are signs for people 
that understand. 9 

6. These are the signs of 
Allah that We recite 10 
to you in truth. 

Then in which speech" 
after Allah's and His signs 
will they believe? 

7. Woe to every arch-liar 12 
engrossed in sins 1 ’ — 



1 . ^ yabuthlhu = he spreads, scatters abroad. 

disseminates (v.iii. m. s. past from balhtha 
[bath] to scatter. See Ixilhtha at 42:29. p. 1572. 

2. V 4 ddbbah (pi. dawdbb) = animal, riding 

beast, crawling/moving creature/worm Sec at 
42:29. p. 1572. n. 10. 

3. o yjy yuqinuna - they believe with certitude, 
have firm conviction, know for certain, are sure 
(v. iii. m. pi. tmpfet. form ’ayqarui, form IV of 
yaqina \yaqnlyaqtn], to be sure, be certain. See at 
32:24. p. 1331. n 10) 

4. JOUr-i ikhnlaf = alternation, coming of one 
after another, variation, disagreement, diversity 
(verbal noun in form VIII of khalafa \khalf). to 
come after, to follow. See at 30:22. p. 1 296. n. 8). 

5. i. e., rain water. Jjj rizq (pl.J^jl andq) = 
provision, means of livelihood, food, sustenance. 
See at 20:131, p 1010. n. 1). 

6. i. e„ makes it productive. ahyd = he gave 
life, revivified, saved life. (v. iii. m. s. past in form 
IV of hayiya [/umi/i]. to live. See at 41:39, p. 
1553. n 10). 

7. i. e.. dry and barren 

8. tasrif = to make flow, to turn about, to 

circulate, to dispatch, to distnbute: verbal noun in 
form II of f arafa [sarf\, to tum. to divert. See at 
2:164. p 77. n 8).' 

9. iiyU* ya'qiluna = they realize, understand. 

comprehend, exercise reason (v. iii. in. pi. impfet 
from aqala ( aqt], to understand, to have 
intelligence See at 36:68, p. 1425. n. 8). 

10. jb nalld = we recite, read, read aloud (v. i. 
pi. impfcL from laid \iildwah), to recite. Sec at 
28:3. p. 1231. n 5). 

11. hadtlh (s.; pi. ' ahddilh ) = 

speech, talk, narrative, report, account. See at 
39:23. p 1489. n. 12. 

12. dill affdk = arch liar, calumniator, fabricator 

(act. participle in the intensive scale of fa"dt 
from ’afaka ['ifk/ ’a/k/ 'afakJ 'ufOk], to lie. to 
deceive. See at 26:222. p. 1200. n 3). 

13. ’athim (s. ; pi 'mhamd ’) = sinful, 
criminal, evil (active participle in the form of fa 'll 
from alhima | ilhm/'alham / ma 'tham\. to sin. 
Sec at 44:44. p 1614. n. 4). 


S6rah 45: Al-Jdthiyah [ Fart (Juz) 25 ) 


8. Who hears 1 Allah's signs 2 

rcited to him. 


then persists' in arrogance'* 

as if he heard them not. 

So give him the good news 5 

of a punishment very painful. 

9. And if he comes to know 

of Our signs anything 

he takes 6 it in jest. 7 

Such people will have 

a punishment very debasing. 8 

• T// « 

10. Close on their heels 9 


is hell; 


and there will avail 10 them not 

what they earn" whatsoever. 


nor those that they take 

«r. * 

0 ; 

in lieu of Allah 


as guardian-friends; 12 


and they will have 


a punishment very grave. 

I < yasma'u = he listens, bean. paj» 
attention (v in in s. irnpfct from tanu'a [hm* 
/sama' / sama'ah /manna ], to hear See at 21 : 45 , 
p 1025. n. 3). 

2. i. e„ texts of the Qur'4n 

cA«t Vivti/ (sing, ayah ) = signs, mirada, 
revelations, statements of the Qur'an, cvidema. 
See at 45:3. p 1618. n 6 

3. r-v yusirru = he persists, insists (v in. m. s 
iinpfct. from asarra, form IV of mrm 
( sarr/sarir J. to creak, to tic up See viairri it 
3: 1 35! p 208, n. 8) 

4 ^ — • mustakhir = arrogant, haughty, proud, 
one in arrogance (act participle from luakban , 
form X of kahura ( kuhr/ kihar/ kaharah] lo 
become big Sceat31:7,p 1312. n II). 

5 hashthir = give glad tidings, announce 
good news (v ii m s imperative from bashtMm 
form II of hashara Axtshira (ftir/ir /bu.ihr], to 
rejoice, be happy See at 41:4. p 1541, n I). 

6 iiiakhadha = he took, took for him. took 
up. assumed (v lii in s. past in form VIII of 
'akhadha | aklulh], to take See at 25:43. p. 1151, 
n. 4). 

7 '}>» huzuwan (is huzu‘) = in jest, m 
mockery, in ridicule, as a laughing stock See tt 
31:6. p 1312. n 8 

8 j** muhin = humiliating, disgraceful, 
debasing, ignominious, (active participle from 
uhdna. form IV of luina [Amvn], to he of little 
importance See at 44:30. p 161 1. n. 8). 

9. .'jj ward ' = m the rear of. after, at the back 
of, behind, dose on (one's) heels, beyond See at 
23:100, p. 1099. n. 7. 

10, yughni = he suffices, makes free from 

want, enriches, makes nch. avails, helps (v. iii m. 
s. impfet from aghnd. form IV of ^tiiuiya 
[ghman / ghand ]. to be free from want, to he 
rich. See at 44:41, p. 1613, n 10). 

II l e.. of wealth, power and influence 
ka.uihu - ihey earned, acquired, gained (v iii. m 
pl past from kasaha (facth). to gain See at 42:34. 
p 1574. n 2). 

12. .Qjt 'awliyd ' (pi.; sing J, walty) - fnends, 
allies, patrons, legal guardians, protectors. Seen 
42:46. p 1577. n II 

Surah 45: M-JAthiyah 1 Pan (.Juz ) 25 ] 


iSjj> Uci 11. This is guidance . 1 

And those who disbelieve 2 
in the signs of their Lord, 
they shall have the torment 
of a retribution' 


- ' 

« A M 

.ajiii Jf 

most agonizing. 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 2 
12. Allah is He Who has 
reduced to service' for you 
the sea that ships may go on 6 
therein by His command 
and that you may seek 7 
of His bounty 8 and that you 
may express gratitude. 1 ' 

13. And He has reduced to 
jo service for you 

all that is in the heavens 
uSV’f 4 Cj and all that is in the earth. 
’QZjt: all from Him. 

Verily therein are signs 10 
\ for people that reflect . 11 

1. i. e . (his Qur'Sn. hudan = guidance. See 
a( 20: 1 23. p. 1007. n. 4 

2. ij/iS" kafaru = they disbelieved, became 
ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m. pi. past from kafaru 
[kufr], to cover. See at 40:22. p. 1 517. n. 4). 

3. y*j ryz = retribution, punishment, scourge, 
dirt, filth. See at 34:5, p. 1 369. n 4. 

4. 'alim = agonizing, anguishing, excruciating, 
most painful (act participle in the intensive scale 
of fa'll from 'ulima [ alumi. to be in pain, to feel 
pain). Sec at 44:1 1. p. 1608. n. 8) 

5. sakhkhara = he brought to submission. 

subjected, subdued, reduced to scrvicc/order (v. 
iii. m. s. past in form II of sakhira [sukhr/ 
maskhar], to ridicule, deride. See at 43:13, p. 
1585. n. 6). 

6 . lajrt - she runs, goes on. flows, streams. 

proceeds (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from jarO l/tiry], to 
flow. See at 43:51. p. 1595. n. II). 

7. i. e„ by carrying on sea-borne trade. lyfcJ 
tahtaghu[na\ = you (all) seek, desire, (v. ii. m. pi 
impfet. from iblaghd, form VIII of baghd 
[bughd], to seek, to desire. The terminal min is 
dropped for a hidden ‘an in li (of motivation) 
coming before the verb: See at 35:12. p, 1394. n 

8. J-u fadl (pi furjlH) = grace, favour, kindness. 

bounty: also surplus, excess, superiority, merit, 
excellence. Sec at 44:57. p. 1616. nil. 

9. i. c . by obeying and worshipping Him Alone 

tashkuruna = you (all) express gratitude. 

be thankful, be grateful (v. ii. m pi. impfet. from 
shakara [ shukr/shukran J, to thank, express 
gratitude. See at 32: 9. p. 1326. n 15). 

10. i. e . signs pointing to the existence of Allah. 
His Lordship. Power of sustaining and 
maintaining, and His Omnipotence. 

11. yatafakkaruna = they reflect. 

meditate, ponder, muse, speculate (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. from lufukkara. form V of fakaru ( fakr). 
to reflect See at 39:42, p. 1496. nil). 


Surah 45: Al-Jathiyah [ Part ( Juz ') 25 J 

14. Say to those who believe 
that they forgive 1 those who 
do not look forward to 2 
the days of Allah,’ 
that He may requite 4 a people 
for what they use to acquire. 5 

15. Whoever acts rightly, 6 
it is for himself; 
and whoever does an evil, 7 
it is against himself. 

Then to your Lord 
you shall all be returned. 8 







16. And We had given 
the Children of Isra’tl 
the Book and judgement 
and Prophethood; 
and gave them provision 

of the good things 9 
and favoured 10 them 
over all the beings." 

1. i. e., the oppression and troubles given by the 
unbelievers This instruction was given before tic 
permission given for jihdd (fighting back). 

yaghfird ( na ) = they forgive, portion (v. iii. m. pi 
impfcl. from ghafara \ghafr /maghfirah ghufrin\, 
to forgive. The terminal nun is dropped because of 
a hidden 'an before the verb. See yaghfiru at 
39:53. p 1500. n. 7). 

2. yarjuna = they hope, expect, have hope 

for, look forward to (v. iii. m. pi. impfcl. from 
raja [ raja Vrajdh/nuirjdh } , to hope, to expect. See 
at 35:29, p. 1400. n 8). 

3. i. e.. the Days of Resurrection. Judgement and 

4. yajziyaU!) = he rewards, rccompesies. 

requites, repays (v. iii. m. s. impfcl from /aid 
(•V jaza ). to reward. The final letter lakes fathak 
because of a hidden 'an in It (of motivanoa) 1 
coming before the verb Sec at 39:35, p. 1493, n. 

5. i. e , of sins and displeasure of Allah, as well as 
of merits and His pleasure. dj—S, yakubina - 
they (all) acquire, earn, gain, attain, achieve (v. 
iii. m. pi. impfcl. from ka.taba [karb], to gun, to 
acquire. See at 40:82, p 1538, n. 10). 

6. i. c . docs deeds approved by the Qur'in and 
sunnah. idlih = good, right, proper (act 

participle from salaha/ialuha [suldU sulM 
masluhuh), to be good, right. See at 41:46, p 
1556. n. 7). 

7. ii-t ’aid ’a = he did evil, committed foulnen 

(v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of sd'a (raw), to be 
bad/foul/evil. Sec at 41 :46. p. 1556. n. 9). 

8. i. e.. after resurrection, for judgement and 
requital. dyj turja'una = you (all) arc relumed, 

sent back (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. passive from ra/a'a 
( nr/u']. to return See at 43:85, p. 1604, n. 3). 

9. 'i'U* tayyibdt (f.; pi.; sing. layyibaK m. 

tayyib) = good women, good things, agreeable 
things, pleasant things (things lawful and 
salutary) See at 40:64, p. 1532. n 7. 

10. Uai faddalnd — we gave precedence, 
preferred, favoured | somconc/somethrng ) over(v. 
i. pi. post from faddala, form II of fadata [faji 
/fudut], to excel, surpass, to be in excess. See at 
17:70, p. 896. n. 10). 

1 1. i. c.. of their time 

Surah 45: Al-Jdlhiyah ( Part (Juz ) 25 1 


- -Xjt' - 

> * 

r** • 

17. And We gave them 
clear proofs' of the matter; 2 
and they disagreed' not but 
after there had come to them 



the knowledge, 
out of transgression 4 
among themselves. 

Verily your Lord 
shall decide 5 between them 
on the Day of Judgement 
regarding what they use to 
disagree in. 

; 1 8. Therefater We have set 6 
y° u on a c °de of law 7 
about the matter.® 

So follow 9 it 
and do not follow 
oM'SJA the whims 10 of those who 
£ do not know. 

oJfr 19. Verily they shall not 
avail" you against Allah 

I. cA* bayyinat (pi.; sing, bayyinah) = clear 
proofs, indisputable evidences. Sec at 40:66, 
p. 1533. n. 2). 

Z i. e.. of the din. in the Scripture {Taw rah), 
explaining the lawful and unlawful relating to all 

3. i e , they disagreed about the teachings of the 

Tawrdh. ikhtalafu = they differed. 

disagreed, were at variance, disputed (v. iii. in pi 
past from i khtalafa, form VIII of khala/a [ khalf ], 
to come after See at 16:64. p. 847, n. 9). 

4. yu baghy = oppression, injustice, outrage, 
defiance, transgression. Sec at 42:14. p 1565. n 

5. yWit yaqdi = he spends, settles, concludes, 
decides, decrees (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from qa^d 
\qadd \. to settle, to decide. See at 40:20. p. 1516. 
n. 4). 

6. ja'alna = we made. set. appointed, 
rendered (v. i. pi past from ja ula (jn'f). to make, 
to scl See at 43:56. p. 1597. n 1). 

T.itUji shari ah law, code of Islamic law. 

8. i. e.. about the matter of the din. y I 'amr (s., 
pi. ,»} 'awdmir / jyl ' umur ) = order, command, 
decree / matter, issue, affair. Sec at 44:5. p. 1607. 
n. I. 

9. £ji ittabi ‘ = follow, obey (v. ii. m. s. 

imperative from irr laba'a. form VIII of labi'a 
\taba'/ tabd'ah). to follow See at 33:2. p. 1334. 
n. 5) 

10. ah wa ' (sing. huwun) = desires, 
fancies, caprices, whims See at 30:29. p 1299, 
n. 8). 

II. i. e.. the unbelievers and polytheists will not 
avail. J ji«f yughnitna - they suffice, make free 

from want, enrich, make rich, avail, help (v. iii. m 
pi impfcL from 'aghnd. form IV of ghaniya 
[y hi rum / ghand ' ]. to be free from want, to be 
rich See yughni at 45: 1 0. p. 1 620. n. 1 0). 

1624 Surah 4S: AlJdthiyah [ Part (Jut ') 25 ] 

1 . te. the polytheists [note that at 3 lit shirk or 
setting partners with Allah is called a grave zulnl 

(accVgen of p alimun . sing = 
transgressors, wrong-doers, unjust persons, thoao 
committing wrongs, polytheists ( active participle 
from pituma [zu/m), to transgress, do wrong. Sec 
at 43:76. p 1601. n. II) 

2. •Vj l 'awliyd ’ (pi.; sing. J, waliy ) = fnemh. 

allies, patrons, legal guardians, protectors. See a 
45; 10, p. 1620. n. 12. 

3. jjc* muttaqin (acc /gen of muttaqun. surg. 

muttaqin ) = those who are on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e . by carrying out the injunctioM 
of the Qur'&n and surmah). godfearing, nghleoa 
(active participle from ittaqd, fonn VIII of waqi 
[ waqy/ wiqdyah], to guard, to protect See at 
44:51. p 1615, n. 5). 

4. i. e . this Qur'dn is enlightenment basi'ir 

( pi.; s. hast rah) = enlightenment, insight 
perspicacity. See at 28:43, p 1247. n. 3. 

5. Ofiy yuqinuna = they believe with certitude, 
have firm conviction, know for certain, ate sure 
(v. in m. pi., impfet. form ayquna. form IV of 
yaqma [xaqnJyaqin], to be sure, be certain See at 
45:4. p 1619, n.3). 

6. w — - kfasiha - thought deemed, regarded, 

supposed (v. lit in. s. past from fyusiba [IirtMaf 
mahsahuh). to deem, to regard Sec at 29:4. p 
1266, n 4). 

7. 'y ijtarahti = they committed [a cnme/ia 
outrage) (v. iii. m pi. past from ijlaraha. form 
VIII of jaraha [jarh]. to wound, to injure. See 
jarahlum at 6:61 , p. 4 1 5. n. 3). 

8. tayyi'dl (pi.; s. it— utyyt'ah) = evils, 
evil deeds, sins. See at 42:25, p. 1571, n. 5. 

9. naj'ala(u) = we make, set. appoint (v. i 

pi impfet. from ja ala (ju'/J. to make, to set The 
final letter takes futhuh because of the particle 'an 
coming before the verb. See at 19:21, p. 955. n. 

10. Jy sawd’ = straight, even, equal, same, 
alike, on a par See at 36:10. p 141 1, n. 1. 

1 1 j yS^i yuhkumuna = they judge, adjudge, 

pass judgement, give decision (v. iii. m pi. 
impfet from hakama (iiukm), to pass judgement 
See at 29:4, p, 1266, n. 8), 

jyj&lfy and indeed the transgressors' 
are one to another friends; 2 
and Allah is the Guardian- 
$ oAib' Protector of the righteous. 3 

J.vr. u-1 20. This is enlightenment 4 
for mankind, 

sju>j and guidance and mercy 
for people 

$ that believe with certitude. 3 

2 1 . Or do there think 6 those 
who commit 7 the evil deeds 8 
that We shall set 9 them 

[A-* 1 * iJtM like those who believe 
and do the good deeds, 
on a par 10 in their life 
and in their death? 
fc. Bad is what they judge." 

Section 3 

22. And Allah created 
jsSilj.-.y'r.ti the heavens and the earth 

Surah 45: AIJAthiyah [ Part (Jut) 25 J 1625 

I. i. e , for right causes and purposes and with 
just considerations. 

2 is lujzd - she is requited, rewarded. 

recompensed, rewarded, repaid (v. iii. f. s. impfet. 
passive from jazu [jozo ']. to recompense. Sec at 
40:17. p. 1515, n. 4). 

3. i. e„ of merits and demerits. c --< ~ kasabat = 

she or it earned, acquired, gained (v. iii. f. s. past 
from kasaba | kasb], to gain See at 42:30, p. 
1573. n. 5). 

4. i~i ittakhadha = he look . took for him, took 
up. assumed (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of 
akhadha [ akbdh), to lake. Sec at 45:9. p. 1620. 
n. 6). 

5. i. e.. he is guided by his desires and whims 

(Al-Bahr, IX, p. 422). hawan (s.; pi 

ahwd) - affection, desire, craving, whims. See at 
38:26. p. 1466. n. 5. 

6. i. c., because of his following his desires in 
disregard of the revealed knowledge and guidance 

'adalla = he led astray, misled, made go 
astray (v. iii. m. s. past in from IV of rfalla [daldU 
daldlah], to go astray. See at 36:62. p. 1423, n. 

7. i. e . makes impervious to the truth. 

khalama = he sealed, put a seal, closes (v. iii. m. 
s. past from khaim/khildm, to seal. Sec at 2:7, p. 6, 
n. 4). 

8. £— ram* = hearing, to listen, sense of hearing, 
cars. See at 18:101. p. 946. n. 12. 

9. basar (s.; pi. abjdr) = eye. sight, vision, 
glance, look, insight. See at 16:77, p. 852, n. 1 1. 

10. ijU* ghish&wah = covering, cover, veil (sec 

at 2:7, p. 6, n. 8). The putting of a seal on the 
heart and hearing and a veil on the sight means 
that on account of obstinate unbelief these are 
rendered incapable of receiving the truth. 

II. dy/'ii ladhakkar&na (originally 

tuiadhukkarunu) = you bear in mind, remember, 
receive admonition, take heed (v ii m pi. impfet. 
from tadhakkara. form V of dhakura [ dhikr / 
tadhkdr], to remember. See at 37 :I55. p. 1454, 
n. 3). 

12. yuhliku = he destroys, annihilates, 

ruins, (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'ahlaka. form IV 
of halaka [Iwlk/hulk/tuhlukah], to perish, to die. 
Sec yuhlika at 1 1:1 17, p. 719, n 10). 


SQrah 45: M-J&thiyah I Part (Jut ) 25 ) 

1 . Because of Iheir unbelief in Allah and in Ik 
life in (he hereafter, the unbelievers think they do 
nol have lo bother about anything but the worldly 
life and that they die only by the process of line. 

dahr (s.; pi. duhur) = time, age, epoch. 

2. yazunnuna = they suppose, con/ectMc. 

presume, think; also, they firmly believe (v m 
m pi impfet. from zanna [en/ui). to firmly 
believe, lo suppose. Sec at 2:249, p. 127. n. i). 1 

3. jis lulls m it (fem.) is recited, read out, lead 
aloud (v. iii. f. s. impfet. passive from tali 
|ri/dHu/il, to recite. Sec at 23: 105, p. 1 100, n. 1 1) 

4. i. e„ texts of the Qur'ftn relating lo 
Resurrection, ol/ 'SySt (sing. ’Syah) = sigm, 

miracles, revelations, statements of the Qur'ta, 
evidences. See at 45:8, p. 1620, n. 2. 

5. c/U* bayyinal (pi.; sing bayyinah) - clear, 
clear proofs, indisputable evidences. See at 45:|7, 
pi 623, n. 1). 

6. *»»• hujjah (s.; p hujaj ) = argmneH. 

pretext, pretence, proof, plea. See at 42 15. p 
1566, n. 9. 

7. i. e„ bring back our dead fathers, lyS i ni = 
you (all) come, give, (followed by bi ) bring (v it 
m. pi. imperative from aid {ilySn/ aly/ ma'lSh\. 
lo come. Sec at 44:36 p. 1612, n. 10). 

8. The fact is that Allah. Who gives life and 
causes to die. can give life again ^ yuhyt - he 
gives life, revivifies, brings to life, enliven, 
animates, vitalizes (v. iii. m. s impfet. from 
'ahyS, form IV of hayiya [AavuA). to live. See at 
44:8. p 1607, n 8). 

9. u-w yumitu = he causes to die, puts lo death 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet. from unuiia. form IV of 
mSiu [mawfj, to die See at 44:8, p. 1607, n. 9), J 

10. yajma'u = he collects, gathers, 
accumulates, amasses, bnngs together (v. in m. s 
impfet. from janui'a (/am'), lo gather, to colleet. 
See yajnui 'unu at 43:32. p. 1590, n. 12). 

1 1. vo ra yb = doubt, suspicion, misgiving! See 
al 42:7 p. 1562, n. 5. 

I2ie„ that Allah Alone gives life and causes to 
die and can give life again to the one who is dead 
13. dUL> mulk = dominion, kingship, monarch). 

right of possession, ownership See al 43:85. p. 
1604, n I. 

except time." 1 

1 d&J 

And they do not have 

of that any knowledge. 

They do naught but presume. 2 

25. And when recited 1 are to 

them Our signs 4 most clear 1 

their argument 6 is nothing 

except that they say: 

"Bring' our fathers 

■f . 

if you are truthful." 


26,Say: Allah gives you life, 8 

then He will make you die, 9 

then He will gather 10 you 

to the Day of Judgement 

in which there is no doubt; 11 

but most men 


do not know. 12 

Section ( Ruku‘ ) 4 


27. And to Allah belongs 

the dominion l? of the heavens 

and the earth. 

Sarah 45: Al-Jdthiyah [ Part (Jut ) 25 ] 


1. fji; taqumu - she or it stands, gets up. takes 

place (v. iii. f. s. impfct from qitma [qiyam 
/qawmah). to get up. to stand up. to be erect. See 
taqumu at 50:25. p. 1 297. n. 1 1 

2. f—r- khasira = he suffered loss, lost, incurred 

damage (v. iii. m. s. past from khusr /khasiir 
/kluuarah Ahu.iran See at 40:85, p. 1539. n. 10). 

3. jyk- muhtilun (pi.; s. mubtil) = lying ones, 
followers of falsehood, prattlers (act. participle 
from 'abtala. form IV of balula [ butt Ibatlan], 
to be null/ false. See at 40:78, p. 1 537. n. 5). 

4. ummah (pi. ’ umum ) = community. 

people, group, nation, generation, species, 
category, faith, religion, model, model leader, 
period of time. See at 43:22, p. 1587, n. 7. 

5. tJW jathiyah (f.. m. jalhtn ) * she that kneels, 
falling on the knees, is down on the knees (act 
portciple from jatha [juthuw ). to kneel, to bend on 
the knees). 

6. tud‘6 = she is called, summoned, invoked/ 

invited (v. iii. f. s. impfct. passive from da'd 
[rfu'd'l. to call. See tudawna at 40:10. p. 1513. n. 
1 ) 

7. i. e., the record of their deeds. 

8. Jj tujzawna = you are recompensed. 

requited, rewarded, repaid (v. ii. m pi. impfct. 
passive from jazd (/aid '1. to recompense Sec at 
37:39. p 1436. n. 9). 

9. i. e.. the Record of Deeds with Allah, jk, 
yanfiqu = he speaks, talks, pronounces, 
articulates (v. iii. m. s. impfct from nutaqa 
[nutq/nuluq/mwutq). to talk, speak, articulate. Sec 
at 23 .62. p. 1090, n. 9). 

10. i. e. had these written down, fc.- ~ .-i 

nastansikhu = we transcribe, copy (v. i. pi 
impfct. from istansakha. form X of nasakhu 
[ruuDi). to delete, to abolish, to abrogate. See 
yansakhu at 22:52. p. 1064. n. 4). 

1 1 . o-uJL# sdlihal (f.; sing, sdlihah . m sdlih) = 

good ones, good decds/things ( approved by the 
Qur'ftn and xunnah). Sec at 42:26. p. 1571, n. 17. 

{jj And the day 

*Z\3V{ji the Hour shall take place, 1 
on that day will suffer loss 2 
{£) the followers of falsehood.’ 

igjj 28. And you will see 
£\JT every people 4 


XSCr down on their knees. 

Every people will be called 6 
to their book. 7 
Today you will be requited 8 
‘jSC f or w hat you used to do. 

29. This Book of Ours speaks* 
about you with the truth. 

&2i Indeed We had been 
transcribing 10 
all that you used to do. 

30. So as to those who 
\ju£ believe 

and do the good deeds, 1 1 
llLXl their Lord will admit 12 them 

12. yudkhitu = he admits, makes enter. 

enters, puls in. inserts (v. iii. in. s. impfct. from 
adkhaia, form IV of dakhala ( dukhul ). to enter, 
to go in. See at 42:8. p. 1562. n. 10). 


Surah 45: Al-JOthiyah ( Part Uuz') 25 ) 

to His mercy. 

jyi That will be the success 1 
$ oj-llt most conspicuous. 2 

oJf 0(, 31. And as for those who 
disbelieved 1 — 

"Were not then My signs 4 
recited 5 to you, 
but you turned arrogant 6 
l and were a people 
committing sins?" 7 


32. And when it was said: 
"Verily Allah's promise is true; 


and the Hour, 8 
there is no doubt 1 ’ about it", 
you said: " We know 10 not 
what is the Hour. 

We do not consider" it aught 
but a conjecture 
nor are we 
firmly convinced." 12 

1. J> fawi = success, tnumph. victoty. 
achievement. Sec at 44:57, p 1616. n. 12. 

2. jr* mubln - all too dear, obvious, manifest, 

patent, open and clear, conspicuous, that uWck 
makes clear (act. participle from alulna, form IV 
of buna (bovciri), to be clear. See at 44 33, p 
1612 n. 7). 

3. Ij/tf kafari = they disbelieved, hecaoc 

ungrateful, covered (v. iii m pi. past from mm 
|*u/r|. to cover. Sec at 45. 1 1 . p. 1621. a. 2). t 

4. i. e , tuts of the Qur'in ol,t anir lung 

Ayah) = signs, miracles, revelations. stalcmenBuf 
the yut'an. evidences. See at 45:25. p 1626. a 4. 

5. jz tutld = it (fern.) is recited, read out, read 
aloud (v. iii. f. s. impfet passive from iM 
(rildwaA). to recite Sec at 45:25. p 1626. n. 3). | 

6 islakbartum - you became proud. 

turned arrogant, haughty (v ii. m. pi past fiom 
islakbara. form X of kaburu \kubr/ lubirt 
kabdrah] to become fug. great Sec itlulibana0 
39:59. p 1 502. n. 5). 

7. mujrimin (pi ; acc./gcn of in/iunii; 

s. mujrim ) = those who commit sins, smuts, 
culprits, sinful (act. participle from ajruma. form 
IV of jarama [/arm], to commit a crime See ■ 
44:37, p. 1613. n. 2). 

8 ie. the Hour of Resurrection s*i~ rd'nkdj 
pi sa’at) - hour. tunc, clock, the Hour of 
Resurrection. Sec at 40 59. p 1530, n 7 

9 wij rayb = doubt, suspicion, misgivings. See « 
45:26 p. 1626. n il 

If) nadri = we know, are aware (v. t pi 

irnpfcl from darn ( dirdyah], to know See Uuldri 
at 42:52. 1580. n 7). 

1 1. nazunnu = we think, believe, suppoue, 

consider (v i pi impfet. from -anna | ,v«m |, to 
think, to suppose Sec at 26:186. p 1 194, n 7). I 

12 j / i. - ■ muMayqinin (pi , accVgen. of 

muxlayqini . s mustayqun) = firmly convinced, 
arc sure (act. participle from utayqima, form X 
of yaqina lyaqn/yaqan], to be sure, to know for 
certain See islayqanal at 27:14. p 1 206. n. 5). I 

Surah 45: Al-Jdthiyah [ Part (Juz ) 25 1 




0 / ^ 

33. And clear will 1 be to them 
the evils 2 of what they did; 
and there will encircle- them 
what they used to mock at. 4 

34. And it will be said: 
"Today We forget 5 you as 
you did forget 6 the meeting 
of this day of yours. 

And your abode 7 is the fire, 
and you shall not have 
any helper." 8 

35. This is so because you 
took 9 Allah's signs in jest 10 
and there deceived" you 
the worldly life. 

So this day 

they shall not be brought out 
from there nor will they be 
allowed to make amends. 12 

36. So, to Allah belongs 

1. U< bada = he or it came to view, became 
ciear/obvious. came to light, became bare (v. iii. 

m. s. past from buduw/ bada, to appear, to come 
to light. See at 39:47. p 1498. n. 4). 

2. oil,- tayyi’at (pi.; s. sayyt'ah) = evils, evil 
deeds, sins. See at 45:21, p. 1624. n. 8. 

3. JU- haqa = he or it surrounded, enclosed, 
hemmed in. encircled (v. iii. m. s. past from hawq, 
to surround. See at 40:83. p. 1539, n. I). 

4 i. e . the punishment of which they had been 
warned but which they used to mock at. 
yaiiahzi'Ona = they scoff, deride, mock, ridicule 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfct. from islahza a, from X of 
haza'a [ haz V buz'/ huzuV huzdVmahza'ah\, to 
mock, to make fun. See at 43:7, p. 1583, n. 7). 

5. j—i nansa = we forget, become oblivious ( v. i. 
pi. impfct. from nasiya[nasy/ntsydn). to forget. 
See at 7:51. p.485. n. 4). 

6. fSr-> nostrum = you (all) forgot, became 
oblivious (v. ii. m. pi. past from nostya ( nosy / 
nisydn], to forget. See at 32:14. p. 1328. p. 7). 

7. i sjU mo ’wan (s.; pi. ma (twin) = habitation, 
abode, dwelling, shelter (adverb of place from 
'and ['aw/y], to seek shelter. See at 32:19, p. 
1329. n. 7). 

8. ndsirtn (accigcn of ndstrun. sing. 

ndfir) = helpers, protectors, assistants (active 
participle from nusara [ nusur], to help Sec 
at 29:24. p. 1274. n. 2). 

9. pi-hut ittukhadhtum * you (all) took, took up. 

assumed, adopted (v. ii. m. pi, past from 
itlakhadha. form VIII of 'akhadhu [’akhdh], to 

take. Sec at 29:25, p. 1273, n. 6). 

10. t yj» huzuwan (),» huzu ’) = in jest, in 
mockery, in ridicule, as a laughing stock. See at 
45:9. p. 1620. n. 7. 

11. Wj) gharral = she or it deceived, deluded. 

misled, beguiled (v. iii. f. s. past from gharra 
[ghurur], to deceive, delude Sec at 7:51. p. 485. 

n. 3). 

12. i. e., to please Allah by making amends and 
doing good deeds. Jjpa-t yusla'tabuna = they 
arc allowed to please (after being censured), to 
make amends (v. iii. m. pi. impfct. passive from 
isla'laba. form X of 'alaba ['atb/ma’lab], to 
blame, censure Sec at 30:57, p. 1309. n. 8). 


Surah 45: Al-Jdlhiyah [ Part ( Juz ’) 25 ] 

£U all the praise, 

Lord of the heavens 
and Lord of the earth, 

Lord of all beings. 1 

ilj 37. And His is the Majesty 2 
in the heavens and the earth; 
and He is the All-Mighty/ 
®jL£ji the All-Wise. 4 

1. 'atamin (OCC./gen. of jyJu 'alamix, 
sing. Atom, ic. any being or object that points 
to its Creator, sing. ’Alam) = all beings, creatures 
See at 44:32, p 1612. n 4). 

2. kibriyi ’ = greatness, magnificence. 
Majesty, pride, arrogance. See at 10:78, p. 665. a 

3. yjt 'azb = All-Mighty. Invincibly Powerful 

before Whom everyone else is powerless; also 
respected, distinguished, dear, beloved, strong 
mighty, difficult, hard Sec at 45:2. p. 1618, a, 4 

4. i. e . in His deeds and commandments. 
hakim (*.; pi. hukamd') = All- Wise, judicious, full 
of wisdom (active participle in the scale of fat 
from hakama [hukm\. to pass judgement. See at 
45:2. p. 1618. n. 4). 

46. SOrat al-Ahqaf ( The Winding Sandy Tracts) 
Makkan: 35 ’ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah which deals with law Ijid (monotheism), risalah (the Messengership of 
Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Resurrection, Judgement and requital. It starts by 
'(crating that the Qur'an is sent down by Allah and by denouncing the worship of imaginary gods and 
goddesses in lieu of Allah. It then points out the attitude of the unbelievers to the Qur'an and the 
Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, and gives appropriate replies to their 
umptions. Along with these mention is made of the two types of human beings, one righteous and 
dient to parents and the other not righteous and disobedient. The consequence of unbelief and 
lion of the truth is then pointed by a mention of the punishment that awaits the unbelievers in the 
after and of the punishment that was inflicted on the unbelieving ‘Ad people of Prophet Hud, peace 
be on him. who inhabited al-Ahqaf. i. c.. the winding sandy tracts of the eastern region of Yaman. The 
surah is named after this incident of the destruction of the 'Ad people. 

JWB ' 

(J)jU \.Ha-Mim. 1 

2. The sending down 2 
of the Book 3 is from Allah, 
the All-Mighty .the All-Wise. 

i-u-i: 3. We have created 4 not 
jffij.-Ss'tfi the heavens and the earth 

and all that is between them 
JILYI except for the just cause’ 
and a term 6 specified. 7 
But those who disbelieve do 
\jjjRLp from what they are warned 8 
0 turn away. 9 

1. Allah Alone knows the meaning and 
significance of these disjointed letters. Sec 2:1. p 
4.. n. I. 

2. JijJ = sending down, bringing down, 
something sent down (vcibal noun in form II of 
nazala ( nuzul ], to come down. See at 45:2. p. 
1618. n. 2. 

3. i. e„ the Qur'an 

4. uii* khalaqnd = we created, mode, 
originated (V. i. pi past from khalaqa [kJtalq], to 
create. See at 44:38, p. 1613, n. 3). 

5. J*- haqq = nghl. truth, liability, justice, just 
cause. See at 44:38. p. 1613, n. 5 

6. i. c.. for a term. ’ajal (pi. ’djil) = appointed 
time. term. date. See at 42:14. p. 1565, n. 10. 

7. j- — • musamman (s.: pi, mu3ammaydl)= 
specified, stipulated, named, designated, defined 
(passive participle |m. s. ) from .tammd (to 
name), form II of sumd [sums itv/ rumii j, to be 
high. See at 42:14. p. 1565, n. 11). 

8. tjjJcl ‘undhiru = they were warned, cautioned 

(v. iii. m. pi. past from ’andahra, form IV of 
nadhara [nadhr, nudhur], to dedicate, to make a 
vow Sec at 18:56, p. 932, n. 9) 

9. mu ‘ridun (sing, mu ’rid ) = those who 

turn away/ avert/ evade/ fall back (active 
participle from 'a'rada. form IV of 'artufa ( ur<J], 
to be broad, wide, to appear, to show See at 
24:48. p. 1 1 26, n. 7). 



Surah 46: Al-Ahqdf (Part (Jut ) 26 ] 

4. Say: "Do you see 
X\S what you invoke 1 

j*, besides Allah? 

Show me what is that 
J&U \$L they created 2 of the earth 
or do they have any share' 
in the heavens? 
yulCjffi Bring 4 me a book 5 
anterior to this 
or any trace 6 of knowledge, 7 
if you are truthful. 8 


5. And who is worse astray 9 
IjpjujL than the one who invokes 

besides Allah 

4 - 5 ^ 0 ? & those that will respond 10 not 
to him till the day of Judgement 
and they are of their invocation 

6. And when gathered 12 will 
iyl&lllf be mankind, they will be 

for them enemies 1 ' 

1. i. c . worship, oyu; tad'&na = you (all) call, 
call upon, invoke, invite (v. ii. m pi. impfcl from 
da <5 [<fu Vi ’). to call See at 40:66. p 1 533. a 1 ). 

2. ' I yU khalaqu = they created, made, originated 

(v. iii. m pi past from khaiaqa \khalq], to create. 
Sec khataqnd at 46:3. p 1631. n 4). 

3. i. e.. in the creation and running of the affairs of 
the heavens. Jl ji shirk = to share, partnership, 
polytheism, idolatry. See at 35:40, p 1405, a I. 

4. lyji i’tt i = you (all) corae, give, (followed by 

bi ) bring (v. ii. m pi. imperative from 'au i [irydaf 
an/ ma /ah], to come. See at 45:Z5 p 1626, n 1), 

5. i. e., a book revealed by Allah that supports the 
worship of other beings than Allah. 

6. ijd ’athdrah = track, trace, footstep, vestige, 

mark, remnant, effect, result See aihar ai JO 82, 
p. 1 538. n. 8 

7 i. e , of revealed knowledge 

8. i. e.. in saying that entities other than Allak 

deserve worship s&diqin (pi . accVgea. of 

uidiqun. s. sddiq) = truthful, those who speak the 
truth (active participle from sudaqa [sadq/ sidq], 
to speak the truth Sec at 44:36, p 1612. n 7). j 

9. ’adallu = further astray, worst astray, tome 
misguided (dative of Jo dull) Sec at 41:52, p. 
1559. n. 2. 

10. i. e., to the prayers. ^ yastajibu = he 

responds, answers complies with, accedes to (*. 
iii m s. impfet from isiajdba. from X of jiba 
[jawb], to travel, to explore. Sec at 42:26. p, 
1571, n. 6). 

11. oyjt* gh/iftlun * negligent, unmindful, 
heedless, inattentive, ignorant, unaware (act 
participle from ghafala [ghaflah/ Rhu/il J, id 
neglect, to ignore Sec at 36:6, p 1410. n. 2). 

12. L e.. after Resurrection on the Day of 
Judgement, j/-*- hushira * he or it wji 

assembled, gathered, mustered, collected, milled, 
herded (v. iii. m. s. past passive from hashan 
(Ad-rAr). to gather See at 27:17, p 1207. n. 5). | 

13. i. e.. those imaginary gods whom they used to 

worship will turn enemies for them «ij*t Vdd’ 
(pi.: s. ’ aduww ) = enemies, foes. adversaries 

See at 41:28. p. 1549. n. 8, 

Surah 46: Al-AhqAf (Part (Juz) 26 ) 


and will 

of the worship of them 

be disbelieving. 1 


7. And if recited 2 are to them 

Our signs' quite clear, 4 

ISKejUi i 

those who disbelieve say 

of the truth' 

when it has come to them: 


'This is sorcery 6 quite clear." 

8. Or do they say: 

"He has fabricated 7 it"? 

Say: "If I have fabricated it. 

then you have no power* for me 


against Allah whatsoever. 


He knows best of what 

a' ' * * 

*-£Oj*J* k4> 

you are spreading 9 about. 


Sufficient 10 ^ He 

as a witness 11 

between me and you; 

and He is the Most Forgiving, 

the Most Merciful. 

1. ji kafirin ( pi.; acc/gcmtive of kAfirun: s. 
kAfir) = unbelievers, infidels, (hose disbelieving, 
ungrateful (active participle from kafara [ kufr 
/kufran / kufUr J, to disbelieve, to cover. Sec at 
40:74. p. 1535. n. 7). 

2. jli tuild = it (fern.) is recited, read out, read 

aloud (v. iii. f. s. tmpfet. passive from laid 
[ tilAwah ]. to recite. Sec at 45:31. p. 1628, n. 5). 

3. i. e„ texts of the Qur'an . 'Ay At (sing. 

'Ayah) = signs, miracles, revelations, statements of 
the Qur’fin, evidences Sec at 45:31. p. 1628, n. 4 

4. o<Ij* bayyindt (pi.; sing, bayyinah) = clear. 

clear proofs, indisputable evidences. See at 45:25. 
p.1626. n. 5). 

5. i. e.. the Qur'Sn and the truth contained in it. 

6. The Makkan unbelievers considered the giving 
out of the Qur'an by the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. sorcery because its 
text appeared to them unusual and magical and 
its giving out was quite unthought of on his part. 

sihr (pi. ashar) = sorcery, magic. See at 
43:30. p. 1589. n. 13. 

I. ijjU> iftara = he fabricated, invented falsely, 
trumped up, slandered, forged (v. iii. m. s. past, in 
form VIII of farA [/dry], to cut lengthwise. See at 
42:24. p. 1570, n. 9). 

8. i. e.. you cannot be of avail to me against 
Allah's displeasure and retribution 
tamlikuna = you possess, hold, dominate, own. 
have power (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from nuilaka 
[malk/mulk/milk]. to lake in possession. Sec at 
17:100. p 906. n. I). 

9. i. e„ of false rumours about the Qur'an and the 
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. 

tufujuna - you (all) are engaged, take pan, 
undenakc. spread, bruit abroad (v. ii. m. pi. 
impfet. from 'afada, form IV of fA<fa 
[fayd/favdun], to flow, overflow, inundate. See at 
10:8*. p. 659. n. 8). 

10. ji*" kafa = he suffices, is sufficient, is 

enough (v. iii. m. s. past from kifOyah. to be 
enough. See at 33:39, p. 1352. n. 7). 

II. shahid (s.; pi. shuhudA ') = on looker. 

spectator, witness, martyr. All-Witnessing (act. 
participle in the scale of fa V from shahida 
[shuhud], to see, to witness. See at 34:47. p. 
1386. n. 8). 


Surah 46: Al-Ahqdf (Pan (Juz ) 26 ) 






&4 m 4 


9. Say: "I am no novelty 1 
of the Messengers, 2 

nor do I know’ 

what will be done with me 

or with you. 

I follow 4 naught but what 
is communicated 5 to me; 
nor am I aught but 
a wamcr 6 open and clear." 7 

10. Say: "Do you see, 
if it is from Allah, 

and you bisbelicve 7 in it 
while there testifies* a witness 
of the Children of Isra’Tl 


2 to its likeness 7 and believes 

while you turn arrogant? 10 
Verily Allah guides" not 
the people that transgress. 12 

Section (Ruku‘) 2 

o$3\ »j 1 1 . And there say those who 
!££=» disbelieve 

of those who believe: 

I £-9 bid' = new. novel, novelty, unprecedented, 

2. i. e.. there had been Messengers before. 

3. eiji t ‘adri = I know, am aware (v. i. s. impfet. 

from dari [ dirdyah], to know. See tudruna >1 
21:109. 1042, n. 9). 

4. 'attabi'u = I follow, obey, succeed (v. i. i 

impfci. from imaba'a. form VIII of tabi'a [ rainy 
tabd'ah], (o follow. See at 18:66, p. 936, n. 2). 

5 yuhd = it is communicated (v. iii. m >. 

impfet. passive from awhd. form IV of *uhd 
[wo/ty], to communicate. See at 41:6, p.1641. n 9. 
Technically wahy means Allah's coinmunicahoa 
to His Prophets by various means. Some of these 
means are mentioned in 2:92, 16:2,16:102. 26:193 
and 42:51 . See also Bukhdri. nos. 2-4). 

6. i. e . against Allah's displeasure and retribution. 
jtii nadhir (pi. nudhur ) = Warner, one or that 
which gives warning (active participle in the scale 
of fa 'il from nadhara [nadhr/ nudhur], to vow, to 
pledge). See at 43:23, p. 1 588. n. 2). 

7. i. e, do you see what will happen to you ? ^sjS 
kafartum - you disbelieved, turned ungrateful, 
denied, covered (v. ii. m. pi. past from kafara 
[kufr], to disbelieve, to cover. Sec at 41:52, 
p.1559. n. I). 

8. J+i shaltida - he bore witness, testified, 

witnessed (v. iii. m. s. past from shuhud. to 
witness. See at 43: 86. p. 1604, n. 7). 

9. i. e . its likeness to what is in the Taw r Ah Ja, 
mithl (s.; pi. JuJ amihd!) = like, similar, 
equivalent. Sec at 42:1 1, p. 1563, n. 1 1. 

10. istakbartum = you became proud, 
turned arrogant, haughty (v. ii. m. pi. past from 
istakbara, form X of kabura [ kubr/ kibirt 
kabdrah j to become big. great See at 45:31, p. 
1628, n. 6). 

1 1 ■ sf- 4 * yahdi = he guides, shows the way (v. 

iii. in. s. impfet from hadd \hudy/ hudan/ 
htddyah], to guide. Sec at 43:27. p 1589. n. 4), 

12. i. e.. the polytheists (note that at 31:13 shirk 
or setting partners with Allah is called a grave 
zulm\ zaltmin (accVgen of zaltmun, sing. 

zdlim) = transgressors, wrong doers, unjust 
persons, those committing wrongs, polytheists ( 
active participle from palama |ailm], to 
transgress, do wrong. Sec at 43:76, p. 1601, n. 

Surah 46: AlAhqdf (Part (Juz ) 26 ] 


•r ^ 

OjJyU— ft 

m "*•**', 


"Were it a good thing, 
they would not have got ahead' 
of us to it." 

And as they be not guided 2 
by it they will say: 

"This is a lie 3 of old." 

..tjj 12. And before this was 




the Book of Musa 
as a guide 4 and mercy; 
and this is a Book 
confirming 5 
in Arabic language, 
that he may warn 6 
those who transgress; 7 
and good news 8 
for the righteous. 

1 3. Verily those who say: 
iif "Our Lord is Allah" 
then remain upright, 9 
Sy^Ct no fear will be on them 
nor W 'N they grive. IH 

' $ 

1. lyk- sabaqu = they got ahead, outstripped. 

forestalled, preceded (v. iii m pi. past from 
sabaqu to go or act before. See at 8:59. p. 

568. n. It). 

2. ux* yahtadu (no) = they be guided, are in 

receipt of guidance (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
iluadd. form VIII of hadti ( body/ hudan 
/hiddyah). to guide, to show the way. The terminal 
nun is dropped for the particle lam coming before 
the verb See at 18:57. p. 933, n 7). 

3. dJdl iflt (s.; pi. a/d it) = calumny, slander, 
libel, falsehood, lie See at 37:151, p. 1453. n. 8. 

4. i. e.. before this Qur'Sn there was sent down 
the Book of Musa ( Tawrdh ) ns a guide and mercy. 

fU imam (pi. a'immah) - leader, model, 
highway, guide ( in the sense of book of 
guidanccAlceds, record), record. See at 36:12, p. 
1411. n. II 

5. t. .e. confirming the teachings of the previous 
Books. mufaddiq = one who or that which 

confirms, verifies, attests (active participle from 
sadduqa. form II of ;adaqa [sadq/sidq], to speak 
the truth. See at 35:31. p. 1401. n. I). 

6. jX, yundhiralu) = he warns, cautions (v. iii. 
m. s. impfet. from 'andhura, form IV of nadhara 
\nudhr / nudhur ]. to dedicate, to vow. The final 
letter takes falhali for a hidden 'an in li (of 
motivation ) coming before the verb See at 36:70, 
p. 1425. n. 12). 

7. i. e., set partners with Allah, 'yilt zalamu a 
they did wrong/injustice, transgressed, committed 
shirk (note that at 31:13 shirk ( setting partners 
with Allah ) is called a grave zulm.] (v. iii. m. pi. 
past from zalama [ zalm/zulm ). to do wrong. Sec at 
37:122, p.' 1434. n.2). 

8 i. e„ of rewards and happy life in the hereafter. 

_rS< Inn hr a = glad tidings, good news. See at 
39:17, p. 1487. n. 8. 

9. i. e., in their faith and deeds istaqdmu 

- they straightened up. stood upnght. became 
straight, were right/proper (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
isiaqdma, form X of qdma Iqawmah/qiydm], to 
get up. to stand up. See at 41 30. p. 1 550, n. 6). 

10. i. e., in the hereafter dyyrn yahzanuna = 

they grieve, become sad (v. iii. m pi. impfet. 
from hazsna [huzn/hazun], to grieve. See at 39:61. 
p. 1503. n. 2).’ 


Surah 46: Al-Ahqdf (Part (Jut ) 26 ) 

*/. ■» V 

14. They will be 
the inmates 1 of the garden 
abiding for ever 2 therein, 
as a reward’ for what 
they use to do. 

15. And We have enjoined 4 
on man about his parents 
to be good and benevolent. 5 
His mother carried 6 him 
with hardship 7 
and delivered 8 him 
with hardship; 
and carrying him 
and weaning 9 him 
are thirty months; 
till when he attains 10 
his maturity" and reaches 
forty years he says; 

"My Lord, give it to my lot 12 
that I express gratitude 13 for 
Your grace which 
You have bestowed on me 


CjftyZi 1 

" x " 

. *-»t - ' 

1. ‘as-hdb (pi.; sing. ^-u. sdlub) a | 

inmates, dwellers, companions, associatt, 
followers, owners Sec at 40:43, p 1 525, n. 6), ] 

2. ^u)U kh&lidin (pi ; acc./gcn. of Utithdin, i 

khdltd) = living for ever, abiding for evet 
everlasting, eternal, immortals (active participle 
from khalada [khulud], to live for ever. See u 
40:76. p 1536. n. 2. 

3. »l y, jazd’ c retribution, penalty, re pa; 

recompense, requital, reward. See at 42:40. p 
1575. n. 8). 

4 was ray nd - we enjoined, made a beheit, 

directed, made incumbent (v. i pi past in form 0 
of wasd [wary], to be joined, lightened, degraded. 
See at 31:14. p. 1315. n. 4). 

5. o' — "ihsdn = doing good things, being good. 

chanty, benevolence, righteousness See at 17.23, 
p. 880, n.5. 

6. c-U>- hamalai = she earned, bore, took the 
load of, became pregnant, conceived (v iii. f. j, 
past from hanuilu | huml ). to carry. See at 31:14. 
p. 1315, n. 4). 

7. kurh - loathsome, loathing, dispit, 

aversion. detestation. hatred. abhorrence, 
repugnance, hardship See at 2:216, p I04.n 8. 

8 wada'al = she laid, laid down, delivered, 

gave birth to (v. iii f. s. past from wada’u (wa^j 
to lay. to put down. Sec al 3:36, p. 169. n 3). 

9. JUu fisal = weaning, to wean See at 31 14, p, 
1315. n. 6. 

10. fii balagha = he or it reached, came to. 
attained (v. iii. m. s. past from hulugh. lo react 
Sec at 37: 102. p. 1446, n 3). 

11. xsl ’ashudd = physical matunty, virility. 

balagha ' ushuddahu he came of age, attained 
majority See at 28: 14. p. 1235. n 7, 

•2- 'awzi‘ = allot, give it to the lot. 

distribute, incite, inspire (v ii rn s. imperative 
from awm a, form IV of waza’a (nor'], to 
restrain See at 27:19, p. 1208, n I). 

13 'ashkura(u) = I express gratitude, give 

■hanks, am grateful (v. i s iinpfct from ihukan 
[shukr/shukran J, to thank, express gratitude The 
final letter is vowcllcss because of the panicle ’an 
coming before the verb Sec at 27:19, p 1208.1 
2 ). 

Surah 46: Al-Ahqiif (Part ( Juz ') 26 ] 


*, 'S\ 

*•<-> . 

and on my parents 
and that I do good deeds 
that You be pleased 1 with, 
and make good 2 for me 
in my progeny.* 

Indeed I turn in repentance 4 
to You and indeed I am 
of the Muslims." 

s <►>/.//// 



16. Such are the ones 
of whom We shall accept 5 
the best 6 of what they do 
and pass over 7 their sins. 8 
They will be among the 
inmates of the garden — 
a promise of truth which 
they have been assured. 9 



cJii- aij 

17. But he who says 
to his parents: " Fie on you. 
Do you threaten 10 me 
that I shall be brought out" 
while there have passed away 

1. larda = you like, are pleased, arc 

satisfied, agree, approve (v. ii. m s. impfet. from 
radtxa [ridan/ridwiin/nuirdtih]. to be satisfied. 
Sec at 27:19. p. 1208. n. 5). 

2. jOlJ 'as lih = put right, put in order, moke 

good, reform (v. ii. m. s. imperative from ’aslaha. 
form IV of salaha ( salah/ suluh/ maslahah], to 
be good, proper. Sec at 7: 142, p. 517. n. 9). 

3. i. e„ make my children good and righteous. »i> 

dhurriyah (pi. dhurriydt/ dlwrurix) = offspring, 
progeny, children, descendants. See at 37:113, p. 
1448. n. 2). 

4. tubtu- I turned in repentance, turned, 

repented (v. iii m. s. past from taka 
luwbah / matab], to repent. Sec taka at 5:39, p. 
347, n. 7). Technically tdba means, in respect of 
man. to turn to Allah in penitence and with 
resolve to reform, and in respect of Allah, to turn 
in forgiveness See at 7:143. p 518. n. 7. 

5. Jyt; nataqahhalu = we accept, receive, grant 
(v. i. pi impfet. from taqabbala. form V of qabila 
[qabul/qubul], to accept See taqabbal at 14:40. p 
802, n. 4). 

6. j— »-l 'ahsan - better, fairer/fnircst, more/most 
handsome, more/most befitting, best Elative of 
hwtan. good, beautiful. See at 41:33, p. 1 551 . n. 4 

7. jjWa; natajdwazu = we pass over, leave 
behind, exceed, sutpass, overstep, disregard, 
forgo (v. i. pi. impfet. from tajuwaza. from VI of 
jdza ( iawaz/muj&z ]. to pass, to be allowed. See 
jdwaznd at 1 8:62, p. 934, n. 12). 

8. oti- sayyi'&t (pL; s. iv- tuyyt ah) = evils, 
evil deeds, sins. See at 45:33, p. 1629, n. 2. 

9. Oyis-p yd 'aduna = they arc promised, assured, 
threatened, (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. passive from 
w'ada [wir'd], to make a promise. Sec at 43:83. p 
1603, n 10). 

10. i)U«; ta'iddni = you (two) promise, assure. 

threaten (v. ii. m. dual, impfet. from w'ada 
[wil'd], to make a promise. See ta'idu at 1 1:32, p. 
689, n. 7. See also n. 9 above). 

1 1 . i. e., from the grave. £ ukhraj(u) = I am 
ousted, dislodged, brought out. produced (v. i. s. 
impfet. passive from akhraja, form IV of 
kharaja ( khuruj ], to go out. to leave See at 14:32, 
p. 799, n.2). 


Surah 46: Al-Ahqdf (Pari Uui) 26 ) 

the generations' before me?" 


And the two 

,e r ' 

pray to Allah for help.* 

"Woe to you, believe/ 



Verily Allah's promise is true." 

But he says: 

"This is naught but 

legends 4 of the ancients.” 5 

1 8. They are the ones 

on whom becomes due 6 the 

word 7 in the group of nations 8 

that have passed away’before 


them of jinn and men. 

Indeed they will be 

losers. 10 


19. And for everyone 

will be grades" 

according to what they did 

and that He might repay fully 12 

for their deeds; 

and they will not be wronged. 

1. qurdn (pi.; s. qam) = gcnerinous, < 
cenluncs. boras. See al 36:30. p 1416. a 4 

2. yaslaghtth&ni = they (two) seek relief, 

pray for help (v. iii. m. dual impfcl. from 
tsiaghdtha, form X from the root ghawih, help, 
aid. See iuaghdttha at 28.15, p 1236, a 5. 

3. i. c.. the parents ask their son to believe jA 
'dm in = you believe, have faith (v. ii m. a, 
imperative from ‘dmtma. form IV of umuia 
[ 'amnJ amiinJ amdnah], to be safe, feel safe Sa 
dmmu at 4:47. p.262, n. 2). 

4. jJA-l 'asdlir (pi.; s. ' us tu rah ) = legends, myths, 
fables, talcs. See at 27:68. p 1223, n 9 

5. jJy' 'awwattn (pi.; acc./gen of 'owwatlh; 

s. awwaf) = first ones, foremost, those of old. 
ancients Sec at 37:168, p 1456. n. 2. 

6. i. c . because of his persistence in unbelief, and 
sinning. Jr- haqqa - he or it become true, correct, 

due. right, incumbent (v. iii. m. s. past from haqq 
See at 39:19, p 1488. n. I) 

7. i. e„ the sentence of punishment. J y qawl U ; 

pi ’aqua!) = word, speech, saying, statement. 
See at 28:51. p. 1250, n. 6. 

8. i. e.. the unbelieving and sinful nations 

'umam (pi.; s. »J ' umnuih ) = communities 

nations, peoples, generations. Sec at 35:42, p. 
1406. a 3. 

9. cJa khalal = she passed, passed away, 
became empty, became alone, went privately |v. 
iii. f. s. past from khald 1 khuluVkhald ']. See al 
40:85. p 1539. n 8). 

10. khdurin (acc./gen of kluhtrin. sing 

khdsir) = losers, those in loss (active participle 
from khasara [khusr /khusdr /khasdrah /khuirdn] 
to lose. See at 41:25. p. 1549, n. 1). 

1 1. liar a] At (sing. darajah) c ranks, 
positions, grades, degrees, stale, stairs, flight of 
steps. See at 43:32, p 1590, n. 7). 

1 2 - yuwafpya (/F) = he gives in full, fulfill, 
lives up to (v. iii. m. s. impfet. form waffd, form II 
of wafS [ wafd '] to redeem, fulfil, live up to The 
final letter takes fathah for on implied an in h 
(of motivation) coming before the verb. See at 
35.30. p. 1400. n. 10). 

Surah 46: Al Ahqdf (Pan (Juz) 26 ] 


C ' t 



3 &j 

•If 7' 

“f >-*■4,'' 



20. And on the day 
laid 1 will be those who 
disbelieve on the fire. 

"You took away 2 
your good things 

in your worldly life 
and enjoyed 3 it. 

So today you are requited 4 
with the torment of disgrace 5 
for you used to turn arrogant 6 
in the land 
without right 

and because you had been 
sinning defiantly." 7 

Section ( Rukii ‘) 3 

21. And recall 

the Brother of ‘Ad. 8 
When he warned’ his people 
in the winding sand tracts. 10 
and there had gone by 
the wamers" before him 
and after him. 

I Jr st yu'radu = he or il is exposed, displayed, 

exhibited, set forth, laid, laid before, 
demonstrated (v. iii. nt. s. impfet passive from 
'ara4a\'ard\, lo be visible. Sec 'unda at 38:31. 
p. 1467. n. 10. 

2. i. e„ it will be said to them, 'adh-habtum 

= you removed, caused to go away, took away, 
eliminated (v. ii. m. pi. past from 'udh-haba. form 
IV of dhuhaba [dhihdb /madh-hab], to go. See 
adh haba at 35:34, p. 1404. n. 5). 

3. .awfal istamta'tum = you (all) enjoyed, 

relished (v. ii. in pi. past from istamia'a, form X 
of mala' a [mal’/mul'ah], to take away. See al 
4:24. p. 250. n. 10). 

4. tujzawna = you are recompensed, 
requited, rewarded, repaid (v, ii. m. pi. impfet. 
passive from jazd [/aid'], to recompense Sec al 
45:28. p 1627. n. 8). 

5. him = disgrace, degradation, abasement, 
ignominy. See al 41:18, p. 1546, n. 3. 

6. (Jj tastakbiruna - you pride yourself on, 

turn arrogant, wax proud, become haughty, arc 
puffed up (v. ii, m. pi. impfcl. from istakbaru, 
form X of kabura ( kubr / ktb&r/ kabdrah] to 
become big, large, great. See at 7:48. p 484, n. 

7. dyi-Ji tafsuqdna - you lum defiant, sin 
defiantly, disobeyed, strayed from the right 
course, rebelled (v. ii. m pi. impfet. from fasaqa 
[ftsq/fusdq]. lo stray from the right course, to 
renounce obedience. See Jasaqd at 32:20, p. 
81330. n. I). 

8. i. e . Prophet Hud. peace be on him. who was 
sent the 'Ad people. The Arabs use to refer to a 
mcmebcr of a tribe or clan as the brother or sister 
of that particular tribe or clan. 

9. jjit 'andhara = he warned, cautioned (v. iii. m. 
s. past in form IV of nadhara \nudhr/nudhur), to 
dedicate, to make a vow. See andhartu at 41:13. 
p 1544. n. 2). 

10. al-Ahqdf - the winding sand tracts in 
southern Arabia. It was the habitat of the 'Ad 

1 1 . jJj nudhur (pi ; s nadhir) = wamers (active 

participle in the scale of fa'U from nadhara 
Inadhr/ nudhur]. to vow. to pledge). See at 
10:101, p.673, n. 7. Sec also n 10 above). 

1. All the Prophets delivered the message of 
monotheism, that of worshipping Allah Alone 
iyL«; V Id la'budi = you (all) worship not. ana 

worship (v. ii. m. pi. imperative I prohibit**) 
from abuda [ 'ibddah /'ubudah / uMdiyd*), to 
worship, to serve See at 41 14. p 1544, n. 6). 1 

2. yjut 'akhafu = I fear, am afraid, dread. 

apprehend (v. i. s. impfet. from khdfa | thaw/), to 
fear. See at 40:32. p. 1521. n. I). 

3. —W ‘aztm = great, magmficcnt. splendid, 1% 

stupendous, most grand, huge, immear 
monstrous, grave. See at 44:57. p. 1616, n. 13), 

4. dJit la’fika(u) = you delude, deceive, begmk. 
turn away, divert (v. it. m. s. impfet from i/faiu 
[ 'ifk/'aflt/afak/'ufuk]. to lie, to deceive The hmi 
letter takes fal-hah because of an implied an mi 
(of motivation) coming before the verb. Six 
yu'fakuna at 43:87. p. 1604. n 1 1). 

5. i. e.. Alla's punishment with which yon 
threaten us. ju« ta'idu 

that you worship' none 
except Allah. 

Indeed I fear 2 against you 
Ui the punishment of a day 
very grave. 3 

$li 22. They said: 
i"-J "Have you come to us 
L&Q that you may divert 4 us 
£££&■ from our deities? 

Qli Then bring us 
t-U UL what you threaten 3 us with 
if you are 
of the truthful." 6 

you promise, assure. 

threaten (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from w'ada |wn a 1 ], 
to make a promise Sec at 11:32. p 689. a 7). j 

6. saditjin (pi.: accVgen of uidiqin; s. 
uidiq) = truthful, those who speak the truth 
(active participle from sadaqa [uidqJ udq\, to 
speak the truth. See at 46:4, p 1632. n. 8). 

7. i. e , the knowledge of the time whea 
punishment will be given. 

8. Aj»l ’u ballighu = I convey, communktot, 

inform, notify (v. i. ». impfet from balltgkt, 
form II of balagha [bulugh], to reach. Set a 
7:68. p 492. n. I). 

9. c-L- jl 'ursiltu = I was sent, sent out. 
despatched, (v. i. s. past passive from iiriala. 
from IV of rasila ( rasa ! ]. to be long and flowing 
See 'urtiltum at 41:14. p. 1544. n. 9). 

10. i. e . ignoring the message and the truth, 
j/tad tajhaluna = you ignore, do not know, at 

foolish (v. ii. m. pi impfet. from jaaiki 
{juhl/jahalah\. to be ignorant See at 7:138, p 

516, n. 3. 

11. The ‘Ad people were destroyed by I 

devastating tempest. drid = that which 

appears, becomes visible, dense cloud appearing 
in the honzon, demonstrator, obstacle, anomaioa 
condition (act. participle from arada\ ’ard], to he 
visible. Sec yu radu at 46:20, p 9, n I). 

JlJOjli 23. He said: 'The knowledge 
jute* is but with Allah; 

and I convey 8 to you 
what I have been sent 9 with 
but I see you are a people 

ajljllE 24. Then when they saw it 
a dense cloud" 

Surah 46: Al-Ahqdf (Part (Juz') 26 ] 


'» \ r 

approaching 1 their valleys 2 
they said: ’This is a cloud 
that will rain 1 on us." 

Nay, it is what 
you had sought to hasten, 4 
a wind 5 wherein is 
a punishment most painful. 


25. It will destroy 6 everything 
by the command of its Lord. 
So they became 7 such as 
nothing could be seen 
except their dwellings. 8 
Thus do We requite 9 the 
people committing sins. 10 

26. And indeed We had 
establised" them in that which 
We have not establised you in 
and had set for them ears 
and sights 12 and hearts; 
but there availed 11 them not 
their ears 

1. J ; i' . -» muslaqbil = one or that which 

approaches, welcomes, receives, faces (act 
participle from staqbalu. form X of qabilu 
Iqabul/quhul). to accept, to receive See 
nataqabbalu at 46: IS, p. 1637, n. S). 

2. Ijj jt ’awdiyah (pi.; s. addin) = ravines, 
riverbeds, valleys. See at 13:17, p. 771. n. 5. 

3. mumtir - that which rains, causes rain, 
(act. participle from umlara. form IV of malara, 
to rain. See 'amiamd at 27:58. p. 1219, n. 7). 

4. , ista'jaltum = you sought to hasten, 

expedite, hurry (v. ii. m. pi. past from isla'jala, 
form X of 'ajila [’ajaWajaluh], to hasten. See 
yasla'jildrui at 37:176. p. 1457. n. 3). 

5. £<j rih (s.; pi. nydh/aradh/arydhA = wind, 
smell, spirit. Sec at 41:16, p. 1545, n. 5). 

6. tudammiru = she or it destroys, devastates. 

annihilates, demolishes ( v. iii. f. s. impfet. from 
dammara. form II of damara. to perish Sec 
dummamd at 37:136, p. 1451, n. 7). 

7. ’asbahu = they became, became in the 

morning (v. ii. m pi. past in form IV of sabahu 
| sab ))), to be in the morning. See at 29:37, p. 
1278. n. 4). 

8. — ■ masakin (pi.; s. masktui) = dwellings, 
abodes, habitats. Sec at 27:18, p. 1207. n. 10. 

9. iSj^ naJzS = we reward, recompense, requite. 

repay, punish ( v. i. pi. impfet. from jazd \jazd']. 
to recompense. See at 37:121. p, 1449, n. 5). 

10. j? mujrimtn (pi.; accVgcn of mujnmbn : 
s. mujrim) - those who commit sins, sinners, 
culprits, sinful (act. participle from ajrama, form 
IV of jarama [/arm], to commit a crime. Sec at 
45:31, p. I628.n.7). 

1 1 . L C. makkannd = we put in a position. 

established firmly, strengthened (v. i. pi. past from 
makkanu. form II of makurut [maktlnah], to be 
strong. Sec at 22:41, p. 1060, n. 10 ). 

12. jL*|1 ’ absdr (sing. basar ) = visions, sights. 

eyes, insight, discernment, perception. See at 
41:22, p.1547. n. 9). 

13. 'aghnd - he or it availed, became of 

use. enriched, sufficed (v. iii. m. s. past in form 
IV of ghaniya [ghtnan / ghand ' ]. to be free from 
want, to be rich. Sec at 40:82, p. 1 538, n. 9). 


Surah 46: Al-Ahqdf (Part ( Juz ’) 26 ] 

nor their sights 
fc/J nor their hearts 1 

whatsoever as they had been 
rejecting 2 

aLi^IL the signs’ of Allah; 

and there encircled 4 them 
what they had been 
($5 iiftjrfLll mocking 5 at. 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 4 


27. And indeed 
We have destroyed 6 what is 
around you of habitations; 7 
and We had spelt out* the signs 
so that they might return. 9 

* \<>>s "i 


✓ >'Y 

28. Then why did there not 
help them those whom 
they took besides Allah 
as approaching 10 gods? 
Nay, they strayed from them. 
And that was their lie" 

and that which they used 
to fabricate. 12 

1. i-u»t ’afidah (pi.; s. fu'dd) = hcata. Set M 
32:9. p 1326. n 14 

2. yajhaduna = (hey reject negjfc, 

deny, disavow, repudiate, refuse, renounce (v n 
in pi impfet. from jaliadu | jahd/juhU], • 
reject, to deny. Sec at 4 1 28. p 1 549, n. I lj, 

3. cAi' ‘dydl (sing, ’ayah) = signs, mind*. 

marks, revelations, tests of the Qur'in. Set u 
41:44. p 1555. n. 7. 

4. JV hdqa - he or it surrounded, enclosed, 
hemmed in, encircled (v. iii. m. s. past from kny 
to surround Sec at 45:33, p 1629. n 3). 

5. i. e„ the threatened punishment which they had 
been mocking at dy j*—, yaslahzi'dna = tley 
scoff, deride, mock, ridicule (v. iii m pi, impfa 
from islahza’a, from X of haza a [hat! it k'I 
hu;u / huzu'/mahm'ah], to mock, to make fun 
See at 45:33. p 1629. n. 4). 

6. "ahlaknd = we destroyed, annihilated u 

i. pi. post from uhlaka. form IV of halaka [hat/ 
hulk/ huldk /tahlukah], to perish Sec at 44:37. p 
1613. n 1). 

7. i. e.. besides that of the 'Ad, those of ThamOd. 
the Inhabitants of 'Aykah, the people of Lflt, at 

qurun (pi.; s. qaryah) = villages, lowut 
habitations. Sec at 42:7, p 1562, n 2. 

8 kky* xarrafnd = we spell out. set out in detail. 

explained, elucidated, inflected, distributed, 
circulated, caused to flow, disposed of (v i pi 
past from sarrafa, form II of .tarafa Itaifl, to 
turn, to turn away See at 25:49. p. 1 153. n. 4). I 1 

9. i. c„ from their wrong way to the truth of 
lawhid (monotheism). Oyu*.* yarji'una » they 
return, come back, revert (v. iii. m. pi. impfet 
from raja'a ({_>*., rujCt ') to return See at 43 41, 
p. 1595. n 3). 

10. Jt<y qurh&n = to come near, to bring near, to 

approach, communion, sacrifice (verbal noun of 
qtiruha, to come near. See vuqarribO at 39:3, p 
1481. n. 4) 

11. Clii ijk ($.; pi ’af&'ik) = calumny, slander, 
libel, falsehood, lie See at 46: 1 1 , p. 1635. n. 3. 

12. 0 yji, yaftarthta = they fabricate, make up. 
invent falsely, calumniate (v. iii. m pi. impfet 
from if lard, form VIII of fard (jy /ary], to cut 
lengthwise Sec at 29: 1 3 p. 1 269. n. 8 ). 

Sarah 46: AlAhqdf (Part (Jut ) 26 ] 


29. And when We despatched 1 
to you a group 2 of jinn 
listening’ to 
the Qur’an. 

‘is*- US So when they attended 4 it 

they said: "Pay rapt attention." 5 
Then when it was concluded*’ 
jllpi they retumed 7 to their people 

$ Os^xi as wamers . 8 

tuyiSyii 30. They said: "O our people, 
indeed we have heard a Book 
sent down after Mflsa, 
confirming 9 

&*>££} what was before it. 

It guides to the truth 
and to a way 
right and straight." 

3 1 . "O our people, respond 10 
to the summoner" of Allah 
and believe in him. 

He will forgive you 

1. This 73 yah refers (o (he listening by a group of 

jinn lo the recitation of (he Qur’&n by the Prophet, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him. and their 
acceptance of Islam. sarrafni - we spelt 

out. set out in detail, explained, elucidated, 
inflected, distributed, circulated, caused to flow, 
despatched (v. i. pi. past, from sarrafa. form II of 
sarafa [surf], to turn, to turn away. Sec at 46:27. 
p 1642. n. 8). 

2. jii nafar = band, party, troops, man power. See 
at 18:34, p. 924. n. 6. 

3. Ojo. t yaUami'una - (hey listen, hear, pay 
attention (v. iii. m. pi impfet. from islama'a, form 
VIII of sami ‘u | j am ‘ /sama ' hama 'ah Immma ']. 
to hear. See at 39:18. p. 1487, n. 10). 

4 hadaru = the attended, appeared, were 

present (v. iii. m pi. past from hadura ( hudur], 
to be present See yahduru at 23:98. p. 1099, n.l). 

5. iy-wl ansitd - you (all) pay rapt attention, 
hearken, give car (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 
ansala. form IV of nasala (najl). to hearken. Sec 
at 7:204, p. 544, n. 4). 

6. ,jii qudiya = it is settled, decreed, passed, 
spent, concluded, adjudged, decided (v. iii. m. s. 
past passive from qadd [qadtV], to settle, to 
decide. See at 42:21, p. IS69, n. 3). 

7. tjly wallow = they retreated, turned away, 
turned back, relumed (v. iii. in. pi. past from 
walla, form II of waliya, to follow, to lie next, to 
be near See at 27:80. p. 1226, n. 4). 

8. mundhirin (pi.: accusative/ gen. of 

mundhirun, sing, mundhir ) = wamers (act. 
participle from 'andhara. to warn, form IV of 
nadhara. [nadhr /nudhurj. to dedicate, to make a 
vow. See at 44:3, p. 1606, n. 6). 

9. J-u*. musaddiq = one who or that which 

confirms, verifies, attests (active participle from 
saddaqa. form II of sadaqa \sadq/udq\, to speak 
the truth. Sec at 46:12. p. 1635, n. 5). 

10. "ajihu = you (all) respond, answer, give 

reply (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from ajaha . form 
IV of jdba (/uivhl, 10 travel, lo explore. See 
mujibun at 37:75. p 1442. n. 6). 

1 1 jpb/ dd'in (s.; pi du'ah ) - caller, inviter. 
summoner (act. participle from da ’a [duu’], to 
call, to summon. See at 33:46. p. 1354, n. 13). 

Surah 46: Al Ahqaf (Part {Juz') 26 ] 

u? your sins' 

and will protect 2 you from 
(£}.xjL>U* a punishment most painful." 3 

cM & 32.And he who responds 4 not 

to the summoner of Allah 

cannot frustrate 5 

in the earth 

and he shall not have 

besides Him any guardians. 6 

Such ones are in an error 7 

most conspicuous. 8 






0 _ 

33. Do they not see 
that Allah Who 
created the heavens 
and the earth 
and did not get tired 9 
by creating them 
is All-Capable 
to give life 10 to the dead? 

O yes. He indeed is 
over everything Omnipotent. 

t. dhunub (pi.; sing dhanb) = sins, 

offences, crimes See at 40:1 1. p. 1513. n 8. 

2. j»u yujir (yujiru) = he gives protection, 
protects, shelters, grants asylum (v. iii. m s. 
impfet. from ajura. form IV of jura [juwr] . to 
deviate, to oppress. The final letter is vowclien 
(and hence the medial yd' is dropped) because the 
verb is conclusion of a conditional clause. See 
yujiru at 23:88, p 1096, n 5). 

3. (Jt ‘alim = agonizing, anguishing, 
excruciating, most painful (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa'il from ahnui [ atom), to be 
in pain, to feel pain) Sec at 45:1 1. p. 1621. n. 4) 
4 y*! yujib ( yujibu ) = he responds, answers, 
replies (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from ‘ajiiba. form IV 
of juha (/owfc), to travel. The final letter ts 
vowelless (and hence the medial yd' is dropped) 
because the verb is in a conditional clause. 
See yujibu at 27:62 p. 1 221 . n. 4). 

5. i. e . cannot frustrate Allah's grasp and escape. 

mu'jiz (s. pi. mu'jiiOn ) - one who 
incapacitates, invalidates, disables, frustrates, 
weakens, paralyzes (active participle from 'ajaza, 
from IV of 'ajaza/'ajiza [ ‘ajl], to be weak, 
incapable. Sec mu’jizin at 42:31. p. 1573. n. 4). 

6. »t,iy ' awliya ’ (pi.; sing. waliy) = friends, 
allies, patrons, legal guardians, protectors. See at 
45:19. p. 1624. n. 2. 

7. dalal = error, straying from the right path 

Ji data! = in error, astray, in vain See at 43:40. 
p. 1593. n.2. 

8 j~* mubin = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 
patent, explicit, open and dear, conspicuous, he 
who or that which makes clear (act. participle 
from abana. form IV of buna [6u\rin], to be 
clear. See at 45:30, p. 1628, n. 2). 

9. jN ya'ya ( U<) = he became tired, was 
fatigued, lost the strength (v. iii. m. s. impfet 
from ‘ayya Is'iyy], to lack the strength. The 
final ’alif is dropped because of the particle lam 
coming before the verb). 

10. yuhyia (yf) = he gives life, revivifies, 
brings to life, enlivens, animates, vitalizes (v. iii. 
m. s. impfet. from ahya, form IV of hayiya 
[ hayah ). to live. The final letter takes faihuh for 
the particle ‘an coming before the verb See yuhyi 
at 45:26. p. 1626. n. 8) 

Surah 46: Al-Ahqdf (Pan Uuz) 26 ] 


> «*/<• 

34. And on the day laid 1 will 
be those who disbelieve 2 
on the fire. 

"Is it not the truth?” 

1 . JrjHfu 'radu = he or it is exposed, displayed, 
exhibited, set forth, laid, laid before, 
demonstrated (v. iii. in s. impfet. passive from 
'arada I’ard], to be visible. See at 46:20. p 
1639. n. 1. 

2. lyyiT kafaru = they disbelieved, become 

ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m. pi. past from kafaru 
[ kufr ], to cover. See at 45:31, p. 1628. n. 3). 



They will say: 

"Yes, by our Lord." 

He will say: 

"Then taste’ the punishment, 
because you used to 

35. So persevere, 4 
as did persevere the 
possessors of determination 5 
of the Messengers; 
and seek not to hasten 6 
for them. 

It will seem to them 
the day they see 7 
what they are promised 8 
that they had not lived 9 
except an hour of a day. 

A notification! 10 

3. 'yy dhuqu = you (all) taste, have the taste (v. 

ii. m. pi. imperative from dhuqu [ dhawq / 
madhdq], to taste Sec at 39:24, p, 1490, n. 12). 

4. i. e , against the opposition and harassment of 

the unbelievers and enemies of Islam. This is an 
advice to the Prophet, peace and blessings of 
Allah be on him. isbir - be patient, have 

patience, bear calmly, persevere, (v. ii. m. s. 
imperative from Sahara | sabr ), to be patient, to 
bind See at 40:77. p 1536. n. 7). 

5. f jt ‘ajm = determination, resolution, decision, 
firm will, resolute, definitive See at 42:43, p. 
1576. n. 8 

6. i. c . hasten punishment for them. V Id 

las la 'jil = do not seek to hasten, expedite, hurry 
(v. ii. m. s. imperative (prohibition) from 
ista'jala, form X of ajila [ 'ajal/ ' ajalah ]. to 
hasten Sec Id tusta jilu at 16:1. p. 827, n.3). 

7. C>)ji yarawna - they see, observe with their 

eyes, realize (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from ru'd 
[ ra'y/ru’yah ]. to see. Sec at 2:165. p. 78. n. 3). 

8. i. e.. of the punishment. OjJ** yu'aduna = 

they are promised, assured, threatened, (v. iii. m. 
pi. impfet. passive from w’uda [wa d], to make a 
promise. See at 46: 16. p. 1637. n. 9). 

9. iyi< yatbalhu (na) = they stayed, remained. 

lingered, persisted, tamed (v. iii. m. pi. impfcL 
from labilha [labih.lubih/lubdili], to remain. The 
terminal nun is dropped for the particle turn 
coming before the verb. See at 10:45, p. 653. n. 
10 ). 

10 This is a notification to all. {_■*. baldgh (pi. 

baldghdt ) = communication, proclamation, 
announcement. communique. information, 
notification, to convey. See at 36:17, p. 1413. n. 

Surah 46: Al-Ahq&f (Part I, Jut ) 26 ) 

kil&J-is So will there be destroyed 1 
any except the people 
($3 uft defiantly sinful? 2 

1. dii* yuhlaku = he is destroyed, anmhili 
ruined (v. iii. s. impfet. passive from ahlah. 
form IV of halaka \halk/ hulk / halak Aahlt 
lo perish. See at 6:47. p. 409. n. 6). 

2. OjA-U fasiqun I pi ; sing fasiq) m dtso 
defionl, defiantly sinful, (active participle MB 
faitaqa [fisq], to stray from the right coarse, tt 
renounce obedience Sec at 24:4. p 1 107. n 5). 

47. SO rat Muhammad 
Madinan: 38 'Ayahs 

This is an early Madinan surah which, like other Madinan surahs, lays down important rules of 
shari’ah. Its main theme is fighting in defence of Islam and the Muslims, particularly against the 
Makkan unbelievers who persecuted the Makkan Muslims and drove them and the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. out of it. In this connection it lays down rules regarding jihad in the "Way 
of Allah", war prisoners and booty, and refers to some unbelieving nations of the past who were 
destroyed by Allah because of their persistent unbelief and disobedience. It also refers to the character 
and conduct of the hypocrites (munafiqun) who attempted to sabotage the nascent Muslim community 
and state. 

1. I y/S kafarii - they disbelieved, became 

ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m. pi. past from kafara 
[kufr\, to cover. See at 46:34. p. 1645, n. 2). 

2. i. e„ prevent others. >>>-» saddu = they turned 
away, diverted, deterred, dissuaded, repelled, 
prevented, barred (v. iii. m pi. past from sadda 
[sudd], to turn away. See at 16:88, p 8S6, n. 9). 

3. J— » sabil (pi. subul/asbilah) = way. path, 
road, means, course. See at 43:37. p. 1 592. n. 6. 

4. ’adalla = he led astray, misled, made go 

astray, made go in vain (v. iii. m. s. past in from 
IV of dalUt [daldl/ daldlah], to go astray. Sec at 
36:62. p. 1423. n. 10). 

5. ot*JU» satihal (f.; sing, sdlihah: m. sdlih) = 
good ones, good deeds/things ( approved by the 
Qur'an and sunnab). See at 45:30. p. 1627, n. 1 1 . 

6. Jji nuzzila = he or it was sent down, 
descended (v. iii. m. s. past passive from nazzala. 
form II of nazala [nuzul). to come down See at 
43:31. p. 1590. n. 1). 

l. ji S’ kaffara = he forgave, he pardoned, remitted, 
covered, effaced, obliterated, made infidel (v. iii 

m. s. post in form II of kafara \kufr], to cover, to 
hide. See yukaffira at 39:35. p. 1493. n. 7). 

8. 'aslaha = he reformed, made good, set 

right, settled, adjusted, reconciled (v. iii. m s. 
past in form IV of salaha/saluha [saldh/ suluh/ 
maslahah/ saldhiyah). to be good, right. See at 
42:40. p. 1575. n. 10). 

9. Jli Ml = slate, condition, mind, attention. See 
at 20:51. 986. n. 5. 

1 . Those who disbelieve' 
and prevent 2 

ait from the way 3 of Allah 
He makes go in vain 4 
YJ&A their deeds. 


\pu 2- And those who believe 

and do the good deeds' 
and believe in what has been 
sent down 6 on Muhammad, 
and it is the truth 
from their Lord, 

He will obliterate 7 from them 
their sins and will set right* 
their condition. 9 





Surah 47: Muhammad (Part (Jut') 26 | 

"S* * * 

oUiJb 3. That is so because 
! those who disbelieve 
follow 1 falsehood 2 
and that those who believe 
follow the truth 

C x 

Hoc* from their Lord. 

$ Thus does Allah strike 1 

for men their instances. 4 

4. So when you encounter 5 
those who disbelieve. 

then to strike the necks 6 


till when 

■> >>'?. 

you have exhausted 7 them 

then tighten 8 the bond. 9 

Then either to show grace 10 

afterwards or to take ransom," 

till the war 12 lays down 11 

its loads. 14 


This is to be so; 


and if Allah willed 


He could have taken revenge 1 ' 


on them; 

1. tjajt ittaba't i = they pursued. went iher. 
followed, obeyed (v. iii m. pi past from i naba ‘4 
form VIII of labi'u | tabu /talxi ah], to follow. Set 
at 40.7, p. 1511. n. II). 

2. JU< b&til = vain, false, falsehood, unreal (art 
participle from batata [bull/ batl&n], to be 
invalid, false See al 29:67. p 1289. n. 5). 

3. yadribu = he strikes, beau, hits (v. m 

m s. impfet from daraba | darb]. to tut Set 
yadriblina al 13:17, p 772, n 2). 

4. JUsI 'amthal (pi., s. malhal/mithl) = likeneno, 
similarities, instances See al 29:43, p. 1480. n. 5). 

5. i. e.. encounter in the battlefield, pvJ laqllum a 

you (all) met. came across, encounter (v. ii. m pi 
post from laqtya [liqdV tuqydn/luqy Auqytdd 
luqan) to meet See ol 8:45. p 563. n. 10). 

6. ’a'naq (pi.; s. j* unuq) = ncclut. See* 
40:71. p. 1534. n. 12. 

7. ‘athkhantum = you carried havoc 

exhausted, weakened, wore out (v. iii. m. a 
impfet. from uthkhuna, form IV of lhakkmt 
[thukhunah/ thukhunah), lo be thick, intense See 
yuthkhma al 8:67, p. 572, n. 2). 

8. Ijjj shuddO - you (all) make firm, tighten, 
fasten, harden (v. ii. m. pi. imperative front 
sahdda [shadd], to make firm, strengthen, tighten. 
See nashuddu at 28:35. p. 1244, n. 7). 

9. i. e., take prisoners. JCj wathSq (s.; pi. 
wuthuq ) = he, bond, fetter. 

10. jr mann = to show grace, to be kind, favout; 
benefaction. See al 2:262, p. 137, n. 4. 

1 1. ,u> fidii ’ = to redeem, to ransom. See iftadaw 
al 39:47, p. 1498, n. 3. 

12. vo*- harb (s. ; pi. hurub ) = war. fight, 
battle, combat. See at 2:279, p. 146. n. 2. 

13. i. e.. comes to an end. tada'u = she lays 
down, gives birth to, puts down (v. iii. f. s. 
impfet. from wada'a [wad ], to place, to put 
down See at 41 :47. p. 1557, n I). 

14 j'jjt ’awzdr (pi.; s„ u) wizr) - heavy loads, 
burdens, sms. crimes. Sec at 20:87, p. 997, n. 2 
15. intasara = helped themselves, gained 
victory, took revenge (v. iii. m. pi. past in form 
VIII of nasaru | n/itr /nusur], lo help. See 
yantasirOna at 42:39. p 1575, n. 7), 

Surah 47: Muhammad [Part (Juz‘) 26 | 


but in order to try 1 


some of you by the others. 

And those who are killed 

in the way 2 of Allah, 

He shall not make go in vain' 

their deeds. 


rr.-i TC- 

S. He will guide them and 

set right 4 their condition. 5 

6. And will admit 6 them into 

1 m 

the garden 

He has specified 7 to them. 

7. O you who believe, 

if you help 8 Allah 


He will help you 

and make firm 1 ' your feet. 10 


8. And those who disbelieve. 


theirs shall be ruin" 


and He will make go in vain 

their deeds. 

1 . i. e. try by means of the injunction about jihad, 
jit yabluwa(lu) = he tests, tries, (v. iii. m. s. 

itnpfcl. from bald [bafw / bald'], to test, to try. 
The final letter takes falhah because of a hidden 
’an in li (Idm of motivation) coming before the 
verb. See at 27:40. p, 1214. n. 4). 

2. i. e.. for the sake of the din. Jr— sabil (pi. 

subul/asbilah) = way. path. road, means, course. 
See at 47:1, p. 1647. n 3. 

3. J— < yudilla(u) = he makes go astray, makes go 
in vain, misguides, deludes (v. iii. m. s. impfct. 
from ‘adalla, form IV of dalla [daldl/ daldlah], to 
go astray. The last letter takes falhah for the 
particle Ian coming before the verb. Sec at 31:6. 
p 1312. n. 5). 

4. jU— , yuslihu = he makes good, reforms, 

amends, sets right, rectifies (v. iii. m. s. impfct. 
from 'aslaha form IV of salaha | saldh/suluh/ 
maslahah], to be good, proper. See at 10:81, p. 
666. n" 8) 

5. Ju hSI = state, condition, mind, attention. See 
at 47:2. 1647. n. 9. 

6. J^-9 yudkhilu = he admits, makes enter, enters, 
puts in. inserts (v. iii. m. s. impfct from 'adkhala. 
form IV of dakhata ( dukliul ), to enter, to go in. 
See at 45:30. p. 1627. n. 12). 

7. J/ 'arrafa = he defined, specified, made 
definite, determined, announced, informed, 
appraised (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of 'an fa 
[ma rifah/'trfdn). to know. See i larafnd at 40:1 1, 
p. 1513, n. 7). 

8. i. e.. the cause of His din. 'j^ tansuru (na) = 

you help, assist (v. li, m. pi. impfct. from nasara 
[nasr /nusur], to help. The terminal ndn is 
dropped because the verb is in a conditional 
clause. See yunsarOna at 44:41. p. 1613, n. 12). 

9. c~Si yuthabbinu ) = he makes firm, stabilizes. 

fastens, establishes (v. iii. m. s. impfct. from 
ihabbatu. form II of thahatu \thabdl/ ihubut], to 
be firm, fixed. The final letter is vowellcss 
because the verb is conclusion of a conditional 
clause. See yulhabbitu at 14:27. p. 797. n. 5). 

10. i. e , your stand against your enemies in the 
fighting fUit ’ aqddm (pi., sing, qadam) = feet, 
steps. See at 3:147, p. 212, n 12. 

II la's = misery, wretchedness, ruin. 


Sirah 47: Muhammad [Pan (Juz) 26 ] 

9. That will be so 

because they abhor 1 

what Allah has sent down. 2 

So He nullifies 3 their deeds. 


10. Do they not travel 4 

in the land 

and see 5 how was 

the end 6 of those who 

were before them. 


Allah wrought devastation 7 

on them. 

And for the disbelievers 

will be the likes 8 thereof. 

4m' vjtiiiJ’j 

1 1 . That is so because Allah 


is the Guardian-Protector 9 

of those who believe 

and that the disbelievers 

have no guardian-protector. 

Section (Ruk&‘) 2 

12. Verily Allah will admit 10 

1. 'y f kanhu s they detested, disliked, 
abhorred, loathed, felt disgust (v. iii. m. pi past 
from kariha [ karh / kurh/ karahah/ kardhiyah], to 
detest. See at 9:81, p. 612, n. 9). 

2. i. e.. the Qur'dn and the rules of conduct 
contained therein — Islam. Jjil ’antala - he 

sent down, brought down (v. iii. m s. past in fora 
IV I'inzd/] of naiakt (mini/), to come down, get 
down. See at 42:17, p. 1567, n. 3). 

3. V>-t ’ahbata = he made go in vain, made fall 

through, made futile, frustrated, nullified (v iii. 
m. s. past in form IV of habata/habifa [Au/xif), lo 
come to nothing. See habitat at 18:105. p. 947, a 

4. i. e„ in connection with their trade journeys. 
1 yaitrUtna) = they travel, go about, journey 
(v. iii. m pi impfet. from sdra [sayr /sayrirah 
/mastr /mast rah /tasydr] to move, to travel The 
terminal nin is dropped for the particle lam 
coming hwefore the verb. See at 40:82. p. 1538, n. 


5. 'yja* yanzurtlina) = they see. look expectantly, 

gaze, wait for. await (v. iii m. pi. impfet. from 
rutzuru Inuzr/manzar], to see. view, look at The 
terminal nun is dropped because the verb u 
conjunctive to the previous verb governed by the 
particle lam. See at 40:82, p. 1538, n. 4). 

6. ‘dqibah (s.; pi. vJ>,» awiiqib) = end. 

ultimate outcome, upshot, consequence, effect 
result. See at 43:25, p. 1 588. n. 10. 

7. /i dammara = he wrought devastation, 

destroyed, demolished, annihilated, ruined (v iii. 
m. s. past in form II of damara to pensh. See 
dammamd at 37:136. p. 1451, n. 7). 

8. i. e.. similar punishments Jls*l 'amthdl (pi.; s 

mathal/mithl ) = likenesses, similarities, instances. 
Sec at 47:3. p 1648. n. 4) 

9. Jy maw Id = Patron- Protector. Guardian- 
Protector. Sovereign, friend, companion See at 
44:41. p. 1613, n. II. 

10. t. e.. against Allah's retribution. J*J( 

yudkhilu = he admits, makes enter, enters, puts in. 
inserts (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'adkhala, form 
IV of dakhala ( dukhul ), to enter, to go in See M 
47:6. p 1649. n. 6). 

Surah 47: Mul>ammad [Part Out') 26 ] 


those who believe 
and do the good deeds' 

y£. in gardens 

| . , 

\ff- flowing* below them 

f j&\ the rivers. 

And those who disbelieve 
do enjoy'* and eat 
l s&utfcr as the animals 5 eat; 

■I s 

and the fire shall be 
the abode 6 for them. 

13. And how many a habitat ’ 
that was stronger 8 in might 

iul/o; than your township 9 

which has driven you out 10 
££$ did We destroy" them, 
and no helper 12 they had. 

14. Is then the one who is 
on a clear evidence" 
from his Lord, 

like those 

j*> to whom embellished 14 is 

1. idtihal (f ; sing, sdliluih; m sdlih) = 

good ones, good deeds/lhings ( approved by the 
Qur'an and sunnah). Sec at 47:2. p. 1647. n. 5. 

2. iSj~ tajrt = she runs, goes on, flows, streams. 

proceeds (v. iii. f. s. impfct. from jard Ijary], to 
flow See at 45:12, p. 1621. n. 6) 

3. c«l laht = under, below, beneath, underneath 
Sec at 41:29, p. 1550, n. 3. 

4 yatamaua'una = they enjoy, relish, (v. 

iii. m. pi. impfct. from lamatla'a, form V of 
mala’a [ mat’/mut'ah ), to carry away. See 
yalamatl‘6 at 29:66. p. 1288. n. 12). 

5. fl*it 'an ‘dm (pi.; s. ^ nti'am ) = grazing 

livestock (sheep, cattle, camels, goats), animals. 
See at 42: 1 1 . p. 1 563, n. 9. 

6. tSf' mathwan (s.; pi. jti> mathdwin) - abode. 

dwelling place, testing place (noun of place from 
thawiya [thawd '], to stay, abide). See at 41:24, p. 
1548. n. 5. 

7. ti/ qaryah (s.; pi. a/ quran) = habitation, 
town, village, hamlet. Sec at 43:23, p. 1588, n. I. 

8. J-il ashadd = more/most intense, stronger/ 
strongest, severer /severest, fiercer/ fiercest, 
stemer/stemest. tougher/ toughest, (dative of 
shadid ). Sec at 43:8, p 1583, n. 9. 

9. i. c . the unbelieving leaders of your township, 

10. cj>/ t ‘akhrajat = she drove out. expelled. 

dislodged, brought out. ousted, produced (v. iii. f. 
s. past from 'akhraja. form IV of kharaja 
[khuruj], to go out. to leave. See 'akhraja at 
20:88. p. 997. n.7). 

1 1 L£ut ‘ahlaknd = we destroyed, annihilated 
(v. i. pi. past from 'ahluka, form IV of halaka 
[ halk / hulk / luildk Aahlukah]. to perish. See at 
46:27. p. 1642. n. 6). 

12. ndsir (s.; pi. nasi run ) = helper, 

assistant, (act. participle from nasara (neufr/ 
nusur), to help. See ndsirin at 16:37, p, 840, n, 2). 

13. L* bayyinah ( f. s.; pi. bayymdlj - clear, clear 

proof, clear evidence, obvious, manifest. Sec at 
29:36. p. 1 277. n. 8. 

14. zuyyina = he or it was embellished, 

beautified, ornamented, adorned, decorated (v. iii. 
m. s. past passive from zayyana, form II of zona 
Izayn). to adorn. See at 40:37. p. 1523. n. 3). 


Surah 47: Muhammad [Part {Jut') 26 ] 

the evil of their deed 

and they follow 1 their whims? 2 

15. The simile of the garden 

which has been promised 3 to 


the righteous 4 is: 

therein are rivers of water 

not brackish 5 

and rivers of milk 

that changes 6 not in taste, 7 

and rivers of wine 

up 5 

a delight 8 to drinkers. 

and rivers of honey"' 


clear and pure. 10 

And they will have therein 

of every fruits and 

• - - •+* 

forgiveness of their Lord. 

Is it like those who will 

dwell for ever" in the fire 

and be given to drink 12 

boiling water 


that will lacerate 13 


their intestines? 14 

1. 'j**' 1 ittaba‘6 = they pursued, went after, 
followed, obeyed (v. ill. m. pi. past from itlaba'a. 
form VIII of tabi’u [laba'/tabd'ah], to follow See 
at 47:3, p 1648. n. I). 

2. ahwt' (sing, hattan) = desires, 
fancies, caprices, whims See at 30:29, p 1299, 
n. 8). 

3. ■>*) nu'ida = he or it was promised, pledged, 

given word (v. iii. m s. past passive from hu d. 
to make a promise. See at 25:15, p. 1 142, n. 2). 

4. ij> i> muttaqun (sing, mullaqm) = godfearing, 

those who are on their guard, righteous (active 
participle from niaqa (to be on one's guard), form 
VIII of waqd [nm/v/u iqdyah], to guard, to 
protect). Sec at 43:67, p. 1600, n. 3. 

5. j-W ’diin = brackish ( act. participle from 
'asana/asma. to become brackish). 

6. yalaghayyar(u) = he or it changes, 

becomes different, vanes, be modified (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from laghayyara, form V of gh&ra 
[ghayrah], to be jealous. The final letter is 
vowelless for the particle lam coming before the 
verb See yughyyiru at 13:1 1, p. 768. n. 3). 

7. fit ta'm (s.; pi lu'um) = taste, flavour See 
la am at 44:44, p. 1614, n. 3. 

8. U) ladhdhah (s.; pi. ladhdhdl) = delight. 

pleasure, bliss. See laladhdhu at 43:71, p. 1600, 
n 14). 

9. J— * ‘asaJ (s.; pi. 'a'sdl/usQl) = honey 

10. mufaffan = pure, purified, clarified 
(pass participle from ui/fa. form II of j«/<2 (iq/W 
sufuw/ jufd ), to become clear. Sec isiafd at 39:4. 
p. 9) 

11. JilU khdltd (s.; pi. khdhdun ) s eternal, 

everlasting, abiding, living for ever (active 
participle from khalada \khulud], to live for ever 
See at 9:63, p. 604, n. 2. 

12. i/i- sut/u = they were given to drink (v. in 

m. pi past passive from saqd |.ia</v). to give a 
drink See yasqina at 28:23. p 1239, n. 6). 

13. (d ■» qatta'a = he cut. lacerated, ripped (v in 

m. s. past in form II of qala'a [rja('|. to cut. Sec 
qaita 'iw at 12:50. p. 741. n. 2). 

14. «U*I 'ant’d’ (pi.; s. mi'un/ma'y/mi'a) = 
intestines, bowels 

Surah 47: Muslim mad [Pan ( Jut ') 26 ] 







.A '?«.*, <.~ 





1 6. And among them are 
those who listen 1 to you 
till when they go out 2 
from your presence they say 
to those who have been given 
the knowledge: 3 

"What is that he said 
just now?'” 4 
Those are they, 

Allah has put a seal' 

on their hearts 

and they follow 6 their whims. 7 

17. And those who 
receive guidance 8 
He increases 9 them 
in guidance 10 

and gives them their piety." 

18. So do they wait 12 for aught 
but the Hour" 

that it should come on them 
all of a sudden? 14 

1. The allusion is to the hypocrites. go—, 

yastami'u - he listens, hears, lends ear (v. iii. m. 
s. impfct from ultima a, form VIII of sami'a 
[sum’ /samd' /samd'ah /masma']. to hear. Sec at 
6:25. p. 400. n. 3). 

2. ' y*j+ kharajO = they (all) went out, left. 

emerged, set out (v. iii. m. pi. past from khuraju 
[khuruj], to go out. See at 8:47. p. 564, n. 6). 

3. i. e„ the knowledge of the Book of Allah. 

4. tJuV 'inif - preceding, just now, previous. 

5. i. e.. because of their unbelief Allah has 
tendered their hearts incapable of realizing and 
understanding the truth. £> taba'a = he set a seal. 

imprinted, impressed (v. iii. m. s. past from tab'. 
to impress, to set a seal. Sec at 16:108. p. 864, n. 

6. lyvil ittaba‘0 = they pursued, went after. 

followed, obeyed (v. iii. m. pi. past from ittaba'a. 
form VIII of labi a [laba’/taM ah], to follow. See 
at 4714, p. 1622. n. I). 

7. And thus fall into unbelief and error. 

ahwd ' (sing, hawan ) = desires, fancies, 

caprices, whims. Sec at 47:14, p. 1652. n. 2). 

8. ijjual ihtadaw n they received guidance, were 

on the right way. were guided (v. iii. rn pi. past 
from thludii. form VIII of hadd [ hady/ hudan 
/hiddyah], to guide. See at 19:76, p. 970, n. 15). 

9. slj zdda = he increased, grew, became more, 

added, enlarged, (v. iii. m. s. past from zayd/ 
uyadah. to be more. See at 35:42, p. 1406, n. 4). 

10. i. c . strengthens their faith and helps them in 
remaining on the right path. 

11. tSyii lag H'd = godliness, piety, righteousness, 

fear of Allah (verbal noun in form V/VIII of waqd 
( waqy/wiqtiyah). to guard, beware, be on one's 
guard. Sec at 22:37, p. 1059, n. 4. 

12. i. e., do the unbelievers wait? dyjmq 

yaniurdna = they look. gaze, look expectantly, 
wait for, await (v. iii. m. pi. impfct. from na^ara 
[nu$r/manzur\, to see. view, look at. See at 43:66. 
p. 1599, n 9). 

13. i. e . the Hour of Resurrection. UJ— sd'ah (*.; 
pi sd'dl) = hour, time, clock, the Hour of 
Resurrection. See at 40:59. p. 1530, n. 7. 

14. baghtatan ( baghlah surprise) = all of a 
sudden, by surprise. See at 43:66, p. 1599, n. 10. 


Sirah 47: Muhammad [Part (luz ) 26 ] 


But already there have come 


its portents. 1 

So how will it avail 2 them 

when it has come to them 

their remembering? 3 

19. Know therefore 


that there is no deity 4 

except Allah; 

and ask forgiveness 3 

for your sin, 6 


and for the believing men 

and for the believing women. 


And Allah knows 

your movement 7 


and your resting place. 6 

Section (Ruku ‘) 3 

20. And there say those who 


believe; "Why is there not 

sent down 9 a surah?’ 

But when there is sent down 

a surah clear and precise 10 

and mention is made" therein 

1. U t 'ashrit (pi.; s sharal ) = portents, signs 

2. jil ’annd = whence, wherefrom, how. when. 
('annd lahum: how will it avail them).Sec at 35 J, 
p 1390. n 8) 

3. i. their remembering the admonition and 
believing after the Hour has come will not avail 
them, if/’i dliikra = recollection, remembering, 
memory, reminder. See at 40:54. p 1528. n. 8. 

4. i. e.. there is none worthy of worship. «ll 'i/d* 

(pi. dlihah) = deity, god. particularly one 
deserving of worship . See at 44:8, p. 1607, n 7. 

5. yttt.1 istaghfir * ask forgiveness, pray foe 

pardon (v. ii. m. s imperative from istagh/ara, 
form X of ghafara [ ghafr /maghfirah /ghufrdn\, 
to forgive. See at 40:55, p. 1528, n. 12). 

6. v** dhanb (s.; pi. dhunub) = sin. offence, 
crime, wrong. See at 26: 14. p. 1164. n. 9. 

7. i. c , your conduct and deeds in this world, 
.-■tic, mutaqallah = time or place of movcmenl, 

turning about (noun of place or time from 
taqallub [fluctuation, variation, turning about, 
moving about), verbal noun in form V of qutuba 
[qalb], to turn, turn around. Sec taqallub at 40:4, 
p 1510. n. 5). 

8. i. e.. your final destination and state in the 
hereafter. math wan (s.; pi jit* nuilhdwin) = 
abode, dwelling place, resting place (noun of 
place from lhawiya [thawd'], to stay, abide). See 
at 47:12. p 1651. n. 6. 

9. cJji nuzzilal - she or it was sent down, 
descended (v. iii. f. s. past passive from nazuila, 
form II of nazalii [nu:ul], to come down See 
nuzzila at 47:2, p. 1647, n. 6). 

10. uix. muhakamah (f. s.; pi. muhkamdl ) = 

clear, exact, precise, firm, made perfect I passive 
participle from ‘ahkama (to make firm, to do 
property), form IV of lyikama [Ifukm], to pass 
judgement. See muhkamdl at 3:7. p, 156, n. 3). j 

11. i. e., ordained. f > dhukira - he or it was 

mentioned, talked about, remembered (v. iii. m t. 
past passive from dhakara [[ dhikr / ladhkdr), to 
remember, to mention. See vatadhakkar&na at 
44:58. p. 1616. n. 15). 

S&rah 47: Muhammad (Part (Juz) 26 ] 



». ' < ** 

0 $$$ 

of fighting,' 
you see those 

in whose hearts is a disease 2 
looking at you with a glance 3 of 
one on whom is the swoon 4 
of death. 

But it was better 5 for them - 

21. Obedience 6 
and fair 7 words. 

So when decided became 8 
jSfl the matter, 9 

1. Ju» qiial = righting, battle, fight, struggle. Sec 
yuqdtduna at 22:39. p. 1059. n. 12. 

2. i. e., the disease of doubt and hypocrisy. y* y 

marad (pi. umrad) = disease, sickness, ailment, 
illness, malady. See at 33:60, p. 1 362, n. 4. 

3. • jJii nazrah (s.; pi nazarit ) = look, glance, 
view. See yanzuruna at 43:66. p 1599, n. 9. 

4. maghshty = one on whom is swoon. 

unconscious, fainted (pass, participle from 
ghashiya [ghashy/ ghushy], to faint. See vaghshd 
at 44:1 1, p. 1608. m3). 

5. ’awld = closer, more entitled,, better suited, 
more appropriate, worthier (elative of waliy. near, 
close, patron friend. See at 33:6, p. 1336, n. 8). 

6. i. c., obedience to Allah and His Messenger. 
i*U>ld‘ah = obedience. See at 4:81, p. 276. n. 14 

7. ma’rtif = known, well-known. 

recognized, conventional, appropriate, fairness, 
equity, kindness, beneficence, approved by 
shari ah (pass, participle from arafu/anfa 
[mu'rifah / 'irfdn], to know, to recognize. Sec at 
33:6. p 1337, n. 4). 

8. fj* 'azama = he took a decision, resolved. 


’^Si s 

then if they were true 10 to 
Allah it was better for them. 

22. So would you then, 
if you took charge," 

that you would make mischief 12 
in the land and cut off 1 ' 
your ties of kinship? 14 

23. Those are they 
whom Allah has cursed 

determined, made up your mind. (v. iii. m. s. past 
from 'az/n/'azimah, to resolve See uzamla at 
3:159. p! 218. n. 10). 

9. i. e., when the command to fight came from 

10. i. e., in their belief and deed 

11. f^y lawallaytum = you (all) turned 
away/back: also took charge of. took possession 
of (v. ii. m. pi. past from utwalld. form V of 
waliya [wa/y], to be near, to lie next. See at 
10:72, p. 663. n. 10). 

12. I yJt—U tufsidd (no) = you (all) make mischief. 

cause disorder, spoil (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 
'ufsada. form W of Jasuda \JasddJ /usud), to be 
bad. The terminal nun is dropped for the particle 
’on coming before the verb. See yufsiddna at 
27:48. p. 1217, n. 3). 

1 3. ' ykz tuqalti 'u (nu ) = you cut. sever (v. ii. m 

pi. impfet. from qar/a a, form II of qala ajo cut. 
Sec quita 'a at 47: 15, p. 1652, n. 13). 

14. fb- jt ’arh&m (pi., sing, y, ralfim/rihm) = 
wombs, uterus, kinship, ties of kinship, blood 
relationships. See at 33:6, p. 1336. nil. 


Surah 47: Muhammad |Poit (Jut) 26 ] 

and made them deaf 
and has blinded 2 their eyes. 3 

jv-joyil 24. Do they not reflect 4 about 
the Qur’an 

y-Ajejl or are on the hearts 
the locks 5 thereof? 

*$\j[ 25. Verily those who 
retreat6 ° n their backs 7 
ujJUjJu Ja after that clear had become 8 
to them the guidance, 

>1 Satan enticed 9 them 
and dictated 10 to them. 

26. That was so because 
iJlJ they said to those who 

detested" what Allah had sent 
' down: "We shall obey 12 you 
in some part of the matter". 
But Allah knows their secrets. 

1 $ 


27. Then how will it be when 

1 . i. e., made (hem incapable of understnAig 
what (hey heard. ^ ’asamma = he made delt 
deafened (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of Mama 
[samm/tamam], to be deaf. Sec sammu at 5:71. a 
365, n 8). 

2. i e.. made them unable to sec the truth. jJ 

'a'md - he made blind, blinded (v. iii, m. i. pan 
in form IV of arnya \’amun\, to be blind. See 
‘amiyal at 28:66. p 1256, n. 19). 

3. .,(-*<1 ‘absdr (sing. boyar) = visions, sights 

eyes, insight, discernment, perception. Sec H 
46:26. p. 164 1, n. 12). 

4. 9 yaladabbaruna = they reflect 
contemplate, ponder, meditate, consider (v. iii a 
pi impfet. from ladabbara, form V of datum 
[dubur], to turn one's back, to elapse. See at 4 82 
p 277. n. 8) 

5. Jliil ’aqfal (pi.; s. qufl) = locks, padlocks, 

6 i e . relapse into unbelief ijJJji irtaddd - they 
reverted, relumed, relapsed, retreated, went back 
(v. iii. m. pi. past from irtadda. form VIII g( 
radda [radd], to send back See inadda a 
12:96. p. 757. n. 6). 

7. ‘adhar (pi.; sing. dubr/ dubur) m 
backs, rear parts, rear. See at 33:15, p. 1 340. at 

8. j# labayyana = he or it became clear /opetf 
evident/ manifcst/plain/obvious (v. iii. m s put 
in form V of buna [bayn/baydn], to be dear, 
evident. Sec at 29:38. p. 1278. n.8), 

9. sawwala -- seduced, enliced (v. iii. m t. 

past in form II of lawila [raw/), to become loose, 
soft. Sec sawwaUu at 20:96, p 999. n. 14) 

10. i. c., their wrong course of conduct 

'amid = he dictated, gave respite, rein to (v. i. i 
past, in form IV of mu/d [mu/tv], to race, to walk 
briskly. Sec at 22:44, p. 1061, n. 10). 

H i. c., the hypocrites said to the Jews who 
detested whal Allah had sent down. f kariht 

they detested, disliked, abhorred, loathed, felt 
disgust (v. iii. rn. pi. past from kurtha [ karh/ 
kurh / kardhuh/ kardhiyah], to detest See at 47:9. 
p. 1650, n. I). 

12. nutt'u = we obey, comply with (v. i. pi. 

impfet from 'urd'u. form IV of id'a [row - ], to 
obey See 'aid’d at 43:54. p. 1596. n. 8) 

Surah 47: Muhammad (Pan (Jut ) 26 ] 


there will take them fully 1 
iSCiilK the angels 
■ZLtXjSv striking 2 at 
their faces 1 

0 and their backs? 



28. That is so because they 
follow 4 

*ilJa±«_LTCi what angers 5 Allah 

and detest 6 His pleasure. 

So He nullifies 7 their deeds. 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 4 
29. Or do there think K those 
in whose hearts is a disease 9 
that Allah will not expose 10 
their rancour?" 

itiijjJ 30. And were We to will, 

Wc could have shown IJ them to you 

. and you would have known 

them by their marks; 11 
jL+Jjld j but you will surely know them 
g in the tone 14 of talk. 

1. i. e.. will pul them to death e-iy tawaffat = 

she look fully, causes to die. (v. iii. f. s. past from 
tawaffa, form V of wafd [wa/a'/wafy], to be 
perfect, to fulfil. Sec laiawaffd at 16:33. p. 837, n. 
10 ). 

2. Op,*! yadribuna = they strike, beat, hit ( v. 
iii. m. pi impfet. from tfaraba [tjarb], to beat. 
See nadribu at 43:5. p. 1583. n. 3. 

3. tyy wujuh (sing. t vajh) - faces, 

countenances. See at 33:66. p. 1364. n. I). 

4. \y» ittaba '<3 = they pursued, went after, 
followed, obeyed (v. iii. m. pi. past from Utuba'a. 
form VIII of labi'a [laba'/labd'ah]. to follow. See 
at 47:16. p 1653. n. 7). 

5. V- 1 'askhala = he angered, enraged, 
embittered, exasperated, displeased (v. iii. m. s. 
past in form IV of sakhila [sakhut], to be angry. 
Sec yaskhalurui at 9:58. p. 602. n. 4. 

6. 1 y / karihu = they detested, disliked. 

abhorred, loathed, felt disgust (v. iii. m. pi past 
from kariha | karh/ kurh/ kardhah/ kardhiyah], to 
detest. See at 47:26. p. 1656, n. II). 

7. sty' 'ahbata - he made go in vain, made fall 
through, made futile, frustrated, nullified (v. iii. 
m. s. past in form IV of habaia/hubitu \hubui), to 
come to nothing. See at 47:9. p. 1650. n. 3). 

8 ^ — »- hasiba = thought, deemed, regarded, 
supposed (v. iii. m. s. past from hasiba [hisbdn/ 
mahsabah], to deem, to regard. See at 45:21, p. 
1624. n. 6). 

9. i. e.. of hypocrisy and doubt 

10. £ yukhrijaiu ) = he expels, drives out. 

brings out. ousts, produces, exposes (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from 'akhraja. form IV of kharaja 
[khuruj], to go out. to leave. The final letter takes 
falhah because of the particle Ian coming before 
the verb. See at 33:43. p. 1353. n. 6). 

1 1. 'adghdn (pi.; s dighn ) = rancour, spite, 
malice, malevolence. . 

12. btj ’araynd= we showed, (v. i. pi. past from 

ard form IV of ra d [ra y/ru yah]. see nuriyanna 
at 43:42, p. 1593, n. 6). 

13. W- slmd (s.; pi. siyam) = mark. sign, 
characteristic. Sec at 7:46. p. 483. n. 5. 

14. lahn (s.; pi. ' alhan ) = tone, melody 

Surah 47: Muhammad (Pan (Jut ) 26 ] 


1. . e.. by disobedience, ijlki V Id lubtild = you 

(all) do not nullify, tender void, annul, make 
ineffective (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 'ablala, 
form IV of hatala [butl/batldn). to be null. void, 
invalid. See at 2:264, p. 137. n. 14). 

2. i. e.. prevent others. >yu» saddu = they turned 
away, deterred, dissuaded, repelled, prevented, 
barred (v. iii m. pi. past from sadda | sadd ), to 
turn away. See at 47:32, p. 1658, n. 6). 

3. mdtu = they died (v. iii. m pi. past from 
mdia (maw/), to die. See at 7:84, p. 614. n. 2). 

4 jU5" kuffdr (sing, kdfir) = unbelievers, infidels, 

ungrateful ones (act. participle from kufaru 
| kufr], to cover. See at 2: 109. p. 52. n. 1). 

5. >m yaghfira(u) = he forgives, pardons (v. iii. 

m. s. impfet from ghafara [ghafr /maghfirah 
ghu/rdn). to forgive. The final letter takes fathah 
for the particle lan coming before the verb. See at 
26:82. p 1 177. n. 6). 

6. i. e., in confronting those who fight you. lyy V 
Id tahinu = do not feel small (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative (prohibition] from hdna [huwn], to be 
easy, be of little importance. Sec at 3: 1 39, p. 209. 

n. 10). 

7. i. e„ and do not ask for peace lya; tad‘6(na) 

- you (all) call, ask. invoke, invite (v. ii. m pi. 
imperative (prohibition, being conjunctive to the 
previous prohibition) from da'd [du'd to call, to 
summon. See Id lad'6 at 25:14, p. 1 141, n. 12). 

8. 0 ’a'lawna (pi.; sing. Jd 'a’ld ) = higher 

ones, superiors. See at 3: 1 39. p. 209. n. 1 2. 

9. i. e.. Allah's mercy and help arc with you. 

10. j, yatira\u) = he decreases, depreciates, 
harms, wrongs (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from walara 
[ira/r], to wrong, to decrease). 

II la'ib ($.; pi. ‘al'db) = play. game, sport, 
fun, joke. jest. See at 29:64. p. 1288. n. I. 

12. yd lahw = fun. play, diversion, distraction, 
pleasure, amusement. See at 31:6, p. 1312. n. 3. 

13. tattaquina) = you (all) beware, be on 
your guard, act righteously, fear Allah (v. ii. m pi. 
unpfet from utaqa. form VIII of waqd ( waqy 
/wufdvah), to guard The terminal nun is dropped 
because the vetb is in a conditional clause, being 
conjunctive to a previous verb preceded by ‘in 
See at 8:28. p. 556. n. 6). 

and obey the Messenger 
fyg&j and do not nullify 1 
your deeds. 

34. Verily those who 
disbelieve and prevent 2 
from the way of Allah, 
then die' while they are 
unbelievers, 4 

Allah will not forgive’ them. 


35. So do not feel small 6 
and ask 7 for peace 

while you are the superiors 8 
J&’&j and Allah is with you, 9 

and He shall not decrease 10 you 
{ft) in your deeds. 

36. The worldly life is but 
a P^y" and a diversion; 12 
and if you believe 

and fear Allah 11 

He will give you your rewards 


Sirah 47: Muhammad (Part (/uz) 26 ] 

jfciuf ) And Allah knows 
lil your deeds. 

31. And surely We shall try 1 
y°u till We know 2 

the fighters' among you 
JQ&tj and the persevering ones, 4 
IJJjj and We put to test 
Q£Cill the facts about you. 5 

32. Verily those who 
>j& disbelieve and prevent 6 

from the way 7 of Allah 
and oppose 8 the Messenger 
after that clear has become 9 
to them the guidance, 
they will not harm 10 Allah 
fcj. whatsoever 

and He will make go in vain" 

their deeds. 

t^Cy$($s033. O you who believe, 
obey 12 Allah 

1 . ojlr) la nabluwanna = we shall surely lest. try. 

put to lest ((v. i. pi. impfet. emphatic from bali 
Ibalw/baW], to test, to try. See at 2:154, p. 73, it 

2. i. e„ make known; for Allah knows everything 
open or secret. 

3. jiXsLw muj&hidSn (pi.; accVgen. of 

mujdhidQn ; s. mujdhtd ) = lighten., warriors, 
stragglers (act. participle from jdhuda. form 111 of 
jahada \juhd\, to endeavour, to strive. See jdhadi 
at 3:142. p. 210. n. 8). 

4. L e.. against odds and difficulties 
sdbirin (pl .acc /gcn of sdbirun; s. sdbir ) = the 
patient persevering, steadfast (active participle 
from sabara \sabr], patience, forbearance. Sec at 
33:3S! p 1 349 ! n. 5). 

5. 'akhbar (pi.; s. khabar) = news, 
information, stories, facts. 

6. i. e.. prevent others. saddd = they turned 

away, diverted, deterred, dissuaded, repelled, 
prevented, barred (v. iii. m. pi. past from sadda 
[sudd], to turn away. Sec at 47: 1, p. 1647. n. 2). 

7. i. e„ His din - rawhid and Islam J— - sabil (pi 

subut/asbilah) = way. path, road, means, course. 
See at 40:37. p. 1523. n. 6. 

8. 'yti shaqqu = the turned against, turned 

hostile, opposed, broke away (v. iii. m. pi past 
from shdqqa. form III of shaqqu \shaqq! 
nuishaqqah]. to be hard, also to split. Sec at 8: 13. 
p. 551, n. 5). 

9. labayyana = he or it became clear /open/ 

evident/ manifest/plain/obvious (v. iii. m. s past 
in form V of bdna [bayn/baydn], to be clear, 
evident. See at 47:25. p. 1656. n.8). 

10. ijj-iw yadurriUna) = they harm, damage 
injure, hurt (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from darn 
[durr J. to harm. The terminal min is dropped 
because of the particle Ian coming before the 
verb. See ladurruna at 1 1 : 57. p. 698, n.9). 

1 1 . yuhbitu= he makes go m vain, frustrates, 

nullifies (v. iii. in. s. impfet. from ‘ahbata, form 
IV of hahara/habila ( hubui r). to come to nothing. 
See 'akbata at 47:28, p. 1657, n. 7). 

12. ’aft'O = you (all) obey, be obedient (v. 

ii. m. pi. imperative from 'aid'a, form IV of td'a 
[law'), to obey. See at 43:63. p. 1599, n. 3). 


Surah 47: Muhammad [Pan {Juz') 26 1 

and He will not ask of you 

your wealth. 

37. Were He to ask you of it 

and importune 1 you. 


you will be stingy 2 

and He will expose' 

your malevolence. 4 

38. Lo, you are those who 

are called upon 5 to spend 6 

in the way of Allah; 

yet among you are those 

that act miserly; 

and whoever is miserly 

he but becomes miserly 

1 ^ 

about himself; 

but Allah is Above want 7 

while you are the needy; 8 

and if you turn away 9 

He will substitute 10 a people 

other than you, then 

they will not be 

your likes. 

1 . yuhfni) = he insists. presses, importunes 
(v. iii. m. s. tmpfet. from ahfa, form IV of hufiya 
[ haf&'/hafy ). lo be familiar, (o receive kindly. The 
final yd' is dropped because ihe verb is in a 
conditional clause, being conjunctive to the 
previous verb preceded by 'in. See ha/ly ai 
7:187. p 538, n. 8). 

2. labkhald(na) = you become miserly, 

stingy, niggardly (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 
bakhila [ bakhul /hukhl], to be niggardly The 
terminal nun is dropped because the verb is 
conclusion of a conditional clause. See bakhuld at 
9:75. p. 610. n. II). 

3. yukhrijiu)= he brings out, produces, 

expels, drives out, exposes (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
from 'akhraja. form IV of kharaja ( khuruj |. to go 
out. to leave. See yukhriju at 40:67. p. 1533, n. 8), 
4 ’tufghdn (pi.; s. dighn) = rancour, spite, 

malice, malevolence. See at 47:29, p. 1657, n. 1 1 

5. tud'awna = you (all) are called/ called 
upon/ invoked/ invited (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. 
passive from da ti [du d’], to call. Sec at 40:10. p. 
1513, n. I). 

6. Ijii; lunfiqd(na) = you (all) spend, expend, 
disburse, lay out (v. ii. m. pi impfet. from 
'anfaqa. form IV of nafaqa/nafiqa \nafaq], to be 
used up The terminal nun is dropped because of 
an implied 'an in U (of motivation) coming 
before the verb. See at 8:60. p. 569. n. 6). 

7. Allah is not in need of man's charity and 
worship; he is ever in need of Allah. ghanty 

(s.; pi. 'aghniyd') = above want free from want, 
rich. See at 39:7. p. 1483, n. 5. 

8. i. e . everyone is in need of Allah's grace and 
help, djii fuqard ' (pi.; s. faqir) = the poor, 
indigent. See at 35:15, p. 1396. n. I. 

9 ijlys lalawallawina) = you (all) turn away, 
desist, refrain (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from luwalld. 
form V of waliya. to be near. Sec tawalluylum at 
47:22. p 1655. n II). 

10. i. e . substitute for you. J-v_< yaUabdiHu ) = 
he substitutes, replaces, exchanges (v. iii. m s. 
impfet. from istabdala. form X of badala. lo 
change, to replace. The final letter is vowelless 
because the verb is conclusion of a conditional 
clause preceded by 'in. See at 9:39, p. 594. n, 4). 

48. SOratal-Fath (The Victory) 
Madinan: 29 'ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah which was revealed shortly after the conclusion of the Treaty of 
al-Hudaybiyah in 6 Hijrf between the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, and the Makkan 
leaders and which it calls The Conspicuous Victory" (al-fatlj al-muhin) because it led in fact to the 
conquest of Makka and the acceptance of Islam by all its population. The surah is named with reference 
to this treaty. It also refers to the jihad of the Muslims, particularly the Bay 'at al-Ridwan which took 
place before the conclusion of the treaty, whereby the Muslims pledged themselves to fight till death in 
the way of Allah. The surah refers also to the hypocrites and the Bedouin tribes who lagged behind and 
did not go out for jihad and exposes their character. Further, it refers to the conquest of Khaybar, the 
dream of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, about the conquest of Makka and the 
entry of the Muslims therein in happiness and safety. The surah ends with an eulogy for the Prophet, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him, and his companions, may Allah be pleased with them. 

1 . Verily We have given 
victory 1 to you, 
a victory quite conspicuous. 2 



ii f 

‘ <■ 

</ •/< 

2. That Allah may forgive you 
of whatever has preceded 3 
of your sin and 
whatever may come later; 4 
and complete 3 His favour 
on you and guide you to 
a way right and straight. 

iSyjuTj 3. And that Allah may help 
you an overwhelming 6 help. 

1 . The allusion is lo ihe Treaty of Hudaybiyah in 6 
Hijri which led to the conquest of Makka. Im 
fatahna = we opened, disclosed, gave victory (v. 
i. pi. past from faiahu [fail]]. to open See at 
23:77. p. 1094. n. 2). 

2 mubin = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 
patent, explicit, open and clear, conspicuous, he 
who or that which mokes clear (act. participle 
from abana. form IV of bdna \bayAn], to be 
clear See at 46:32. p. 1644. n. 8). 

3. fJi' (aqaddama = be or it preceded, went 

before, approached, moved forward (v. in. m. s. 
past in form V of qadama/qadima [ qadm 
/qudim /qtdmim / itmqdam ) to precede, to arrive. 
See qiuldanuu at 42:48. p. I S78. n. I ). 

4. ^1? ta'akhkhara = he delayed, lagged behind. 

came later, (v. iii. m. s. past in form V from the 
root akhr See at 2:203, p. 98. n. 7). 

5. p* yutimma(u) = he completes, makes full ( v. 
iii. m. s. impfet. from 'alamma, form IV of tamrmi 
[lamdm). to be completed The last letter lakes 
falhah because the verb is conjunctive to a 
previous verb governed by an implied 'an in li of 
motivation. Sec at 9 32, p. 580. n. 6). 

6. 'aztz = All-Mighty. Invincibly Powerful 
before Whom everyone else is powerless: mighty, 
overwhelming, also respected, distinguished, 
dear, beloved, strong, mighty, difficult, hard. Sec 
at 45:37. p. 1630. n. 3. 



Sdrah 48: Al-Falh { Part (Juz') 26 ] 

' -A/T 

4. He it is Who 
sent down tranquillity 1 
in the hearts of the believers 
that they may grow 2 in faith 
along with their faith.' 

And to Allah belong 
the hosts 4 of the heavens 
and the earth; 
and Allah is All-Knowing 5 
All-Wise. 6 

5. That He may admit 7 
the believing men 
and the believing women 
into gardens flowing 8 
beneath 9 them the rivers, 
abiding for ever 10 therein; 
and that He may obliterate" 
from them their sins. 

And that is to Allah 
a success 12 most magnificent. 

• • -5 -* 

>'•* rr,'.*- 

*■ ■> >* 


it, * 

(p liJit'jjS 

SiJoj 6. And that He may punish 

1. i. e„ on the occasion of the Treaty of 
Hudaybiyah. sakinah (pi. sakdin) = peace 
of mind, tranquillity See at 2:248, p 125. nil. fl 

2. yazdddd(na) = they increase, grow. 

compound (v. iii. m. pi impfct. from nddda, 
form VIII of zAda [ziyddah], to increase. The 
terminal nun is dropped because of an implied ‘or 
in li of motivation coming before the verb. See at 
3:178. p 225. n. 5). 

3. i. e.. they may increase in their faith and follow 
the injunctions of Allah and His Messengers with 
firm conviction. 

4. i. c , of angels, jinn, thunder, lightning and all 
the forces of nature are under His command 
wherewith He may help whom He will and may 
punish whom He will. >y~jundd (pi . sing. junJ) 

- troops, soldiers, army, hosts See at 33:9, p. 
1338. n 2). 

5. L e . of the deeds, affairs and matters of 
well-being of His creation. 

6. i. e„ in His creation, it management and in His 

7. yudkhila (u) = he admits, makes enter. 

enters, puts in. includes (v. iii. m s. impfct from 
'iidkhala, form IV of dakhala (dukhul). to enter, 
to go in. The last letter lakes fathuh for the reason 
stated at n. 2 above. See at 5:84, p. 371. n. 10). | 

8. is fq/rf = she runs, goes on. flows, streams, 

proceeds (v. iii. f. s. impfct. from jard (jury), to 
flow See at 47:12, p, 1651. n. 2). 

9. lahl = under, below, beneath, underneath. 
See at 47:12. p 1651. n. 3. 

10. ji-dU khdlidtn (pi : acc /gcn of khdlidin. i 
khdhd) = living for ever, abiding for ever, 
everlasting, eternal, immortals (active participle 
from khalada [khulud], to live for ever. See at 
46:14. p. 1636. n. 2. 

11. yukaffira{u) = he forgives, he pardons, 

grants remission, remits, covers, effaces, 
obliterates, hides, makes infidel (v. iii. m. t 
impfct. from kaffaru, form II of kufara \kufr\. to 
cover, to hide The Anal letter takes Jaihak 
because the verb is conjunctive to a previous verb 
governed by an implied 'an [see n. 7 above). See 
at 39:35, p 1493, n 7). 

12. jji fawz = success, triumph, victory, 
achievement. Sec at 45:30. p. 1628. n. I. 

Surah 48: Al-Fatl) [ Part (Juz') 26 ] 


the hypocrite men 1 
oUjillf and the hypocrite women, 
and the polytheist men 2 
and the polytheist women — 
cScUili’ the conjecturers' about Allah 
the conjecture of evil 4 — 
(ijdc on them shall be 
> the circle 5 of evil; 6 
* and Allah's wrath 7 shall fall 



on them; 

and He has cursed 8 them 
and has made ready’ for 
them hell; and 

evil is 10 it as a destination. 11 

jJJr&j 7. And Allah’s are the hosts 
of the heavens and the earth; 
1 and Allah is All-Mighty, 

$li£. All-Wise. 

8. Verily We have sent you 
\\ ( as a witness 12 and as 

a conveyer of good tidings 15 

1. mundfiqin (m. acc./gen of munuftq&n. s 

mundfiq) = hypocrites, dissemblers (active 
participle from ndfaqa. form III of nafaqu [nafaq/ 
nu/Oq], to be used up, to pensh. Sec at 33:73, p 
1366. n. 2). 

2. jf mushrikln (m. pi.; accusative /genitive 

of mushrik&n, sing, mushrik ) = polytheists, those 
who set partners with Allah (active participle from 
'ashraka, form IV of sharika [shirk/ shirkah/ 
sharikah], to shaic. See at 40:84. p. 1539, n. 5). 

3. jvVI* zAnntn (pi. accVgen. of jdnndn: s. man)) 
a conjecturers. supposers. thinkers (act. participle 
from zanna | Jr fan/i), to think, to suppose. See 
zmnSi at 41 :48. p 1557, n. 8). 

4. i. e . they thought that Allah will not help the 
Muslims, ry. saw’ = to be bad. evil, foul, 
wicked. See at 25:40, p. 1 150, it 4. 

5. ijk» da 'irah (s.; pi. dtrwatr) = round, circle, 

circuit. See at 5:52, p. 356, n. 5. 

6. i. c , the evil of Allah's punishment. 

7. g hatjiba = he was angry, wrathful, furious 
(v. lii. m s. past from ghudab. to be angry. Sec at 
5:61, p 360. n. 2). 

8. la 'ana = he condemned, damned, cursed. 

banished from mercy (v. iii. m. s. past from la'n. 
Sec at 33:64, p. 1363. n. 7). 

9. apt ’ a'adda = he prepared, mode ready, got 

ready (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of adda [ add], 
to count. Sec at 33:63, p. 1363, n. 8). 

10. o,L. si'at = she/it became foul, bad, evil (v. 
iii. f. s. past from id a | si'/saw], to be bad. See 
at 18:29. p. 922, n. 9). 

1 1 maflr = destination, place at which one 
arrives, destiny. See at 40:3, p. 1510, n. 1). 

12. i. c„ of Allah's forgiveness and reward for the 
righteous. mubashshir (s ; pi. mubshshirun ) 

3 deliverer of good tidings, harbinger of good 
news (active participle from bashshara. form II of 
bashuru/bashira [btshr/bushr], to rejoice, be 
happy. See at 25:56. p. 1155. n. 2. 

13. i. e„ against the 'ummah that the message 
has been delivered to them. shahid (s.; pi. 
shuhud/'ashhdd/shuwalud) = witness ( active 
participle from shahidu [shuhudl shahddah], to 
witness, to testify). See at 33:45. p. 1354. n. I. 


Surah 48: Al-Faih [ Pan (Juz‘) 26 1 

0 an( * as a warner -' 

[J £-\ 9. That you may believe 

in Allah and His Messenger 
and support 2 Him 
and rerverence Him 
and declare His sanctity 4 
morning and evening. 


* * -'i' 

* > . 'i - 

XJ* c 

10. Verily those who 
pledge allegiance 5 to you 
do but pledge allegiance 
to Allah, 

the Hand of Allah is 
on their hands. 

So whoever violates 6 
he but violates 
against himself; 
and whoever fulfils 7 that 
on which he has made the 
covenant 8 with Allah, 

He will give him a 
$ tL-L^-1 reward 9 most magnificent. 10 


l - if 

1. i. e„ against Allah's displeasure and 
retribution ji-L nadhir (pi nudhur ) = w artier, one 

or that which gives warning (active participle is 
the scale of fall from nadhura [nadhr/ nudhir], 
to vow. to pledge) Sec at 43:23. p 1 588, n. 2). 1 

2. i. e . by supporting and helping the cause of Hit 
din 'jjyu lu ‘azziru (no) = you suppport and help 

(V. ii. m. pi. impfet. from Unzaru, form II of 
‘amra ( ’azr\, to censure, to prevent The tcrmlml 
ruin is dropped because the verb is conjunct!!* In 
a previous verb governed by an implied 'dn in If 
of motivation coming before it), 

3. IjjJy tuvaqqirii (no) = you reverence, respect, 

honour, sedate (v. ii. m. pi impfet. from » M/qara, 
form II of waqura (wur/r], to break, to settle. The 
terminal nun is dropped for Ihc reason stated in a 
2above,Sec waqr a(4l:44.p. 1555. n. 11). 1 
4 tusabbihii (no) = you sing the flory. 

proclaim the sanctity, declare immunity (rant 
blemish (v. ii. in pi impfet. from sabbal)a. farm 
II of sahidui [sabh/ sibdhah] to swim, to float. 
The terminal nun is dropped for the reason staled 
in n 2 above Sec yusabbihuna at 41:38. p. 1553. 
n. 2). 

5. The allusion is to the bay ‘at al-ridiM al 

Hudaybiyah. yubayi’una = they pledge 

allegiance, take oath of fealty, pay homage (v. in 
m. pi impfet from fwlyu'o. form HI of bi’e 
[bay/mabi']. to sell Sec bdya 'lum at 9:111, p 
626, n. 6). 

6. i. c . violates the pledge and docs not act 
according to it. dSi nakatha = he broke, 

violated, infringed (v. iii. in. s. post from nuttk,, 
to break, to violate. See nakathu at 9: 1 2, p 581, t 

7. jij! 'awfS - he fulfilled, gave to the full Iv. ui 

m. s. past in form IV of waf& [ arr/d ’). to be 
perfect, to live up to. Sec at 3:76, p 185. n. 5k I 

8. aliada = he covenanted, made a treaty, 

concluded a pact ( v. iii. m s. past in fntm 111 of 
'uhida [ alul] to know, to commit). See at 9:74, 
p. 610. n. 8) 

9. j»t ‘ajr (pi. j,»l ujur) = reward, recompense, 
remuneration, due Sec at 42:23. p 1570, n. 4k 

10. pji* 'affm = great, magnificent, splendid, 

big. stupendous, most grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, grave Sec at 46 21. p 1640. n. 3. J 

Sarah 48: Al-Fath ( Pan (Juz') 26 ] 




Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 2 
1 1 . There will say to you 
those that lagged behind' 
of the bedouins: 2 
"There preoccupied' us 
our properties 
and our families. 

So ask forgiveness 4 for us." 
They say with their tongues 5 
what is not in their hearts. 
Say: "Who can then avail 6 you 
against Allah anything 
if He intends 7 to you 
any harm 8 or intends to you 
any benefit?" 9 
Nay, but Allah is 
of what you do All-Aware. 10 

12. Nay, but you thought" 
that there never will return 12 
the Messenger 
and the believers 
to their people ever; 

1. i. e., those hypocrite bedouin tribes who did 

not accompany the Prophet on his campaign to 
Hudaybiyah. mukhallaftin (pi.; s. 

mukhullaf) = those left behind, lagging behind 
(pass, participle from khallafa, form II of khala/a 
[khalf/ khilAfah), to come after, to follow, to 
succeed. See khalafa at 19:59. p. 966. n. 1). 

2. ’a'r&b (pi ; s. ' arabi) = bedouins, desert 
Arabs Sec at 33:20. p. 1342. n. 1 1. 

3. cJii shaghalat = she or it occupied. 

preoccupied, kept busy (v. iii. f. s. post from 
shaghula [ihughl/shughl], to occupy, to keep 
busy. See shughul at 36:55. p. 1422. n. 7). 

4. /uc-i islaghfir = ask forgiveness, pray for 

pardon (v. ii. m. s. imperative from isiaghfara. 
form X of ghafara \ghafr /maghfirah /ghufrdn], 
to forgive. See at 47:19. p. 1654. n. 5). 

5. fc— It 'alslnah (pi.; sing, olj /win) = tongues, 
languages See at 33:19, p. 1342, n. 3. 

6. ciU, yamtiku = he possesses, holds, 
dominates, owns, has power [ has power for you 
= i. e., can avail you) (v. iii. m s. impfct from 
malaka [ malk/mulk/milk ]. to lake in possession. 
Sec at 43:86. p 1604. n. 4). 

7. aljl ’ar&da = he intended, desired, willed (v. iii. 
m. s. past, in form IV of rddu \ruwd). to walk 
about See at 39:38, p. 1494, n. 10). 

8. dart - harm, damage, injury, distress. See 
at 25:3. p. 1 138. n. 6. 

9. £* nap = benefit, use. usefulness, profit. See 
at 34:42. p 1384. n. I. 

10. je* khahir - All- Aware. All-Conversant, 

All-Acquainted (active participle in the scale of 
fa'SI from khabara [ khubr / khibrah ] to be 
acquainted). See at 42:27. p. 1572. n. 3. 

11. zanaatum = you thought, assumed, 
conjectured, supposed, firmly believed (v. ii. m. 
pi. past from zanna [zann], to firmly believe, to 
suppose. See at 4 1 :22. p. 1 547. n. II). 

12. i. e , you thought they will be destroyed by 
their enemies. yanqaliba (u)= he turns 

round, turns about, returns (v. iii. m. s. impfct. 
from mt/alaba, form VII of qalaha [ qalb], to 
turn around. The final letter takes fathuh because 
of the particle Ian coming before the verb. See 
y anqalib at 22: 1 1 . p. 1049, n. 2). 


Surah 48: Al-Falh [ Part (Juz) 26 ] 

a nd that was made charming 1 
‘ n your hearts 2 
and you assumed 1 
a thought of evil; 4 
£ and you are a people 
$ doomed to ruin. 5 

13. And whoever believes not 
* n Allah and His Messenger, 
k-u^l l^i then indeed We have got ready 6 
jt^SGl for the unbelievers 
a blazing furnace. 7 

aij 14. And to Allah belongs 
the dominion 8 of the heavens 
and the earth. 

J-i-i He forgives 9 

whomsoever 10 He will 
and punishes" 

iHjJi whomsoever He will. 

And Allah is Most Forgiving, 
$ Most Merciful. 

*• JO zuyyina = he or it was embellished 
beautified, ornamented, adorned, decorated, matfc 
charming (v. iii. m. s. past passive from zayyati 
form II of zana Izayn]. to adorn. See at 47:14 p 
1651. n. 14). 

2. vjd qulub (sing. vi» qalb) = hearts, minds. 
See at 30:59, p 1310. n 5. 

3 !►=* zananlum = you thought assumed, 
conjectured, supposed, firmly believed (v. ii. m 
pi past from .•anna (am/t). to firmly believe, to 
suppose Sec at 48 12. p. 1665, n 11) 

4 saw’ s to be bad. evil. foul, wicked See si 
48:6. p. 1663. n. 4. 

f 3. jy bur - wasteland, fallow, allowed to perish, 
doomed to ruin. Sec at 25:15, p. 1 107. n. 7. 

6 Utwl 'a ‘ladnd we prepared, got ready (y. i. 1 

pi past in form IV of alada [ 'aiud], to be read). 
See at 33:31. p 1347.0.4). 

7. i. e„ hell. sa'tr = burning blaze, hlazng 
furnace, inferno See at 42:7, p 1562. n 7. 

8. i. e , His is the absolute ownership, possession 
sovereignty and power of dispensation Jli. mult 

= dominion, kingship, monarchy, nght of 
possession, ownership Sec at 45:27, p. 1624 
n 13. 

9 yaghfiru = be forgives, pardons (v. iii. m 
s. impfet. from ghafara [ghafr /maghfink 
ghufrdn]. to forgive Sec at 39:53. p 1 500. n 7). ] 

10. i. e.. of those who repentantly seek Hit 

II v-w yu’adhdhihu = be punishes, chastuei, 
torments (v iii. m s. impfet. from adhdhabt, 
form II I la'dhib ) of adhitba \ adhb\, to impede, 
to obstruct See yu adhdhiba at 33:73. p. 1366 a. 


Siirah 48: Al-Fath ( Part (Juz') 26 ] 


15. There will say 
those that lagged behind' 
iiiiLflij when you set out 2 
'jXX. towards the booties’ 
lijJu-Ul in order to capture 4 them: 
"Let* us follow 6 you." 

They intend 

to change 7 Allah’s word, 
i 'j-y JS‘ Sa y ; "You shah not follow us. 

Thus has said 

Allah before." 

JJoJyCi Then they will say: "Nay, but 
you envy® us." 

[£££ Nay, but they are wont 
not to understand 9 
except a little. 

1 6. Say to those that lagged 
behind of the bedouins: 

Hy&l. "You will be called 10 
to a people possessing 
intrepedity 1 ‘very tough. 
You will fight them 


Sarah 48: Al-Fath [ Part Uuz) 26 1 

or they will surrender.' 

So if you obey, 2 
Allah will give you 
real'l l 'JJ\ a reward’ very handsome, 4 
but if you turn back 5 
as you did turn back before, 
^3 jiu He will punish 6 you with 
S^JlljtCUs a punishment most painful. 7 




AT. •* 

1 "'. " 


17. There is not 
on the blind 8 any sin 9 
nor on the lame 10 
any sin 

nor on the sick 1 1 
any sin. 

And whoever obeys Allah 
and His Messenger 
He will admit 12 him in gardens 
flowing below them 
the rivers; 

and whoever turns back 
He will punish him with 
a punishment most painful. 

1. Oj~i — < yuslimOna = they surrender, submit 
themselves, resign themselves (v in pi imptet 
from 'aslama. from IV of salima [salamah 
/sal am], to be safe, secure. See luslimina at 
16:81. p 854. n 14). 

2. tuti'dina) = you (all) obey, comply with. 

accede to (v ii. m pi. impfet from aid a, form 
IV of fd'ti [ taw '1, to obey. The terminal nun is 
dropped because the verb is in a conditional 
clause preceded by "in. See at 3: 149, p 213. n. I. 

3 ‘ajr (pi. j,J ' ujur ) = reward, recompense, 
remuneration, due Sec at 48: 1 0, p. 1 664, n. 9). ' 

4. j — *• hasan (s.; pi. hisdn) = beautiful. 

handsome, lovely, pretty. Sec ahsana at 46:16. p. 
1637. n. 6. 

5. 'jJjS lalawallaw(na) - you (all) turn away. 

desist, refrain (v. ii. tn. pi. impfet. from lanulli, 
form V of watiya, to be near, the terminal min is 
dropped for the verb is in a conditional clause 
preceded by 'in. See at 47:38, p 1660, n. 9). 

6. v-**, yu'adhdhibUi) = he punishes, chastises, 

torments (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from adhdhaba, 
form II [ta'dhib] of 'adhaba | adlib], to impede, 
to obstruct. The final letter is vowclless because 
the verb is conclusion of a conditional clause . See 
at 17:54. p 890. n I). 

7. pJ ’alim = agonizing, anguishing, 
excruciating, most painful (act participle in the 
intensive scale of fa'll from 'alima | ' alum ). to be 
in pain, to feel pain). See at 46:31. p. 1644, n. 3). 

8. 'a'ma (s.; pi. 'umy) = blind. See at 40:58. 
p 1 530. n. 2. 

9. haraj - restriction, constriction, tightness. 

difficulty, anguish, uneasiness, sin. Sec at 33:50, 
p 1356, n 9 

10. 'a 'raj (s,; pi. 'urjl'urjdn) = lame, 
limping. See at 24:61, p. 1132, n. II 

11. Jhs murid (s. ; pi. mardd) = sick, ailing, 

diseased, unwell, indisposed. Sec at 24:61, p. 
H32.n. 12. 

12. J*4i yudkhiHu) = he admits, enters (in the 
transitive sense), puts in. inscrls.(v iii. m. s. 
itnpfcl. from adkhulu. form IV of dakhala 
[dakhul], to enter. The final letter is vowelless 
because the verb is the conclusion of a conditional 
clause. See at 4:13, p. 244. n. 6). 

Surah 48: Al-Fuih ( Pan (Juz') 26 ] 


Section ( Ruku ‘) 3 

18. Indeed Allah was pleased 1 
about the believers when 
they pledged allegiance 2 to 
you under the tree 

<*£ and He knew 
l^jii jC what was in their hearts; 3 

so He sent down tranquillity 4 
upon them and rewarded 5 
them with a victory 6 close by. 7 

19. And spoils 8 in abundance 
that they will capture. 9 

And Allah is All-Mighty, 
$ll£- All-Wise. 

20. Allah has promised 10 you 
spoils in plenty 
that you will capture 
and has hastened" for you 
these and has restrained 12 
the hands l3 of men 14 from you 
and in order that these 15 may be 

1 . radiya = he was pleased, became happy 

(v. iii m s. past [from ridan/ ridwan/ mardilh. to 
he satisfied). Sec al 20:109. p. 1003. n. 4). 

2. The reference is lo the bay'ut at-ridwan a( 
Hodaybiyah. oyu'-t yub&yi'tina = they pledge 

allegiance, take oath of fealty, pay homage (v. iii. 

m. pi. iinpfct. from bdya'a, form til of bd 'a 
Ibay'Anabt'], to sell. See at 48:10, p. 1664. n. 5). 

3. i. e . of faith and sincerity, quldb (sing. 
vB qalb) = hearts, minds. Sec at 48:12. p. 1666. 

n. 2. 

4. sakinah (pi. soldi' in ) = peace of mind, 
tranquillity. Sec at 48:4, p. 1662, n. I. 

5. 'athdba = he requited, rewarded, repaid, 
(v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of thdba |;tiuwfc), to 
come back. See at 5:85, p. 372, n. I ). 

6. fath (s.. pi. fuluhdt) = 

decision, opening, victory, final decree. See a! 
32:28. p.1332, n. It. 

7. i. e., the victory of Khaybar. — qarib = near, 

proximate, not far away, close by. Ever Near. See 
at 42:17. p. 1567. n. 7. 

8. J\i* maghanim (pi.; s. maghnum ) - booties, 
spoils, gains, profits. See at 48:15. p. 1667, n. 3. 

9. yakhudhuna = they take, seize, capture 

(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from ' akhadha [ ukhdh], to 
take. Sec yakhudhu at 40:5, p. 1510, n. 9). 

10. J*j wa'ada = he promised, pledged, gave 

word (v. iii. m. s. past from wa d, to make a 
promise. See at 36:52. p. 1421. n. 9). 

1 1 . Jft- ‘ajjala = he hastened, hurried, expedited. 

quickened, rushed, speeded up. accelerated (v. iii. 
m. s. past in form It of ‘ujila [ 'ajal/'ajalah], to 
hurry. See at 18:58, p. 933, n. 10). 

12. kaffa = he restrained, desisted, refrained, 
prevented, checked, held back (v. iii. m. past from 
kaff. to desist. See at 5: 1 1. p. 333, n. 8). 

13. .qt 'aydin (sing, yad) = hands, power, 
strength, control, authority, influence. See at 
38:45. p. 1471, n. 5. 

14. i. e , the men of Khaybar who surrendered 
without a fight, and the hypocrites at Madina who 
could not do any harm to the Muslims. 

15. i. e . the victory, the spoils and the inability of 
the enemies to fight the Muslims. 


Surah 48: Al-Fulh ( Pari (Juz) 26 ) 

a sign 1 for the believers 
j and that He may guide you to 
L- :';'— • a way right 3 and straight. 1 


2 1 . And others 4 

iojjujl you have not the power 5 
& over them; 

Allah has encircled 6 them; 
and Allah is 
over everything 

22. And if there fight 7 you 
l£&cyj\ those who disbelieve they 

JljaVlfJljl will surely turn 8 their backs; 
then they shall not find 13 
Qj any guardian-protector 10 
(£} i j nor any helper. 1 1 

*L-L 23. As the practice 13 of Allah 
which has already passed 

^ ** 


and you shall not find 

1 . i. e.. a sign of Allah's help and Power. i<V 'ay ok 
(pi. . 10 , 1 , 'Ml) = sign, revelation. mirade, 
evidence See at 36:33, p. 1416. n 7. 

2. tiral = way, path, road. See at 42:52. p. 
1580. n. 13. 

3. mustaqim = straight, upnght, creel, 

correct, right, proper (active participle (ram 
ittaqdma, form X of quma [qawmah/qiyim], to 
stand up, to get up) See at 43:6 1 , p. 1 598. n. 7). 

4. i. e.. Allah promises other victories and spoils 

5. 'jy-W taqdiriJ[na] = you (all) have power, gain 
mastery, are able, are capable (v. ii. m pi tmpfcl 
from qadara /qadira [qudrah/ maqdunU 
maqdarah/ qadar], to have power, to be master. 
The terminal min is dropped because of the 
particle lam coming before the verb. See at 5:34, 
p. 345. n. 8). 

6. i. e., in His Power J*ut 'ahdta = he or * 

encompassed, surrounded, encircled, contained, 
comprehended, closed in on from all sides (v. in 
m. s. past in form IV of hdta Ihaui/hifah/hiydiak^ j 
to guard, to protect, to encircle. See at i8:29, p 
922, n.2). 

7. Jni qalala = he fought, battled, waged war (v 

iii. m. s. past in form III of qalala [quit], to kill 
See at 3:146. p. 212. n. 1). 

8. tylj wallaw = they retreated, turned away, 
turned back, relumed (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
walla, form II of waliya. to follow, to lie neat, to 
be near See at 46:29, p 1643, n. 7). 

9. 0 yo», yajiduna = they find. get. come across 

(v. iii. in pi impfet from wajada \wujid], to 
find See at 33: 17. p. 1341, n 3). 

10. watty (s.; pi. ,\)f 'awliyd') = guardian. 

legal guardian, friend, patron friend, sponsor, 
protector. Lord-Protector, relative, neat-of-ldn. 
Sec at 42:44. p 1576. n. II. 

11. jta ; naylr = ($.; pL nusarA ' ) = helper. 

defender, supporter, ally, protector, patron (act 
participle in the scale of fa'll from nasara [rum 
MusOr |. to help Sec at 42:31, p 1573, n. 5), 

12. i. e.. such has been the practice of Allah 
regarding the opponents of the truth t- xunnah 

(s.; pi. sunan) = way of dealing, usage, practice, 
norm Sec at 40:85. p. 1539, n. 7). 

Surah 48: Al-Fath ( Part (Juz*> 26 ] 


jiULij in the practice of Allah 
$ any alteration. 1 



' V 

r t 


•i 4 



24. And He it is Who 
restrained 2 their hands’ 
from you 

and your hands from them 
in the inner part 4 of Makka 
after that 

he had granted you victory 5 
over them. 

And Allah is 

of what you do All-Seeing. 6 

25. They are the ones who 
disbelieved 7 

and barred" you 
from the Sacred Mosque 9 
while the sacrifical animals 10 
were detained "from reaching 12 
the place of sacrifice 1 ’ thereof. 
And had there not been 
believing men 

1. Jjjq; tabdil = to vary, to change, exchange, 

alteration, (verbal noun in form II of badala. to 
replace. See at 35:43. p 1406, n. 12). 

2. kaffa = he restrained, desisted, refrained. 

prevented, checked, held back (v. iii. in. past from 
kaff. to desist. See at 48: 20, p. 1669. n. 12). 

3. V ’aydin (sing, y ad) = hands, power, strength, 
control, authority, influence. Sec at 48:20, p. 
1669. n. 13. 

4. i. e., on the occasion of the conquest of 
Makka (s.: pi. buliln ) = belly, stomach, 
abdomen, womb, inner pan. See buiun at 24:45, 
p 1 125. n. 9. 

5. jibt ’tvjara- he granted victory, made 

triumphant/victorious (v. iii. m s. past in form IV 
of zafira [wfar], to be victorious/successful). 

6. i. e.. of all deeds and events, open or secret. 

basSr = one who sees/observes. All-Seeing 
(act. participle in the scale of fa'll from 
basura/basira | basar ]. to see) See at 42: 27, p. 
1572. n. 4.' 

7. The reference is to the unbelievers of Makka 
before their acceptance of Islam. \y/£ kafan 2 = 

they disbelieved, became ungrateful, covered (v. 
iii. m. pi past from kufara [kufr\. to cover. See at 
47:1. p. 1647. n. 1). 

8. i. e.. particularly in the year of the treaty of 

Hudaybiyah saddii = they turned away, 

deterred, dissuaded, repelled, prevented, barred (v. 
iii. tn. pi. past from sadda ( sadd ], to turn away. 
Sec at 47:34. p I659.'n. 2). 

9. i. e.. the Ka'ba 

10. ifu* hady = what is offered as sacrifice, 
sacrifice, sacrificial animals. Sec at 5:97. p.378. n. 

11. ma'kuf - detained, held back, 

restrained, kept (pass, participle from 'akafa 
I’ukf], to hold back). 

12. £1* yabtughalu ) = he or it reaches, matures, 
brings to completion, comes of age, attains 
puberty (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from balagha 
[bulQgh], to reach. The final letter lakes falhah for 
the particle an coming before the verb. Sec at 
13:14. p. 769, n. II). 

13. mahill = the place of sacrifice. Sec at 
22:33, p. 1057, n. 7. 


Surah 48: Al-Fath | Pan (■/«’) 26 ] 

and believing women 1 

d'|V U 

whom you knew not, that 


you would have trampled 2 them 

so there would have afflicted 3 

you on account of them 

a stigma 4 

X ^5* > 

without knowing — 5 

that Allah may admit 

to His mercy whom He will. 


If they had got separated 6 


We would have punished 7 

those who disbelieved 

of them with a punishment 


most painful. 8 

26. When there had set 9 


those who disbelieved 

in their hearts 

the heat of rage, 10 

the heat of ignorance, 11 

then Allah had sent down 

His tranquillity 12 

on His Messenger 

1. i. e , among the unbelievers of Malta, 
concealing their faith for fear of oppression by the 

2. lal’O(na) = you trample, tread underfoot 

(v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from wali'a [ wa;'). io 
trample, to have sexual intercourse. The terminal 
min is dropped because of the panicle 'on entniog 
before the verb. Sec yala’una at 9:120, p 631, 

3. vr* lusibaiu) = she or it has. reaches, afflicts, 

befalls (v. iii. f. s. impfet from asaba, form IV of 
sdba Irani) / saybubah), to hit the mark, to be 
right. The final letter takes fattfah because the 
verb is conjunctive to a previous verb governed by 
the particle an See at 28:47, p 1248, a 10). ' 

4. iyf ma'arrah = stain, stigma, disgrace, 

5. The conclusion of the condition is kept silesM. 
which is: We would not have restrained your 
hands from them while entering Makka 

6. I lazayyatu = they got separated, were 

distinguished (v. iii. m. pi. past from lazayyak. 
form V of z&la [zayl/zxml\, to disappear, to 
vanish See zayyalnd al 10:28. p. 648, n. 6). 

7. U,.U ‘adhdhabnd - we punished, chastised, 

tormented (v. i. pi. impfet. from adhdluiba, foira 

11 I la 'dltib ) of tidluiba I'adhb], to impede, to 
obstruct. See yu'adhdhibu at 48:14, p, 1666, a. 
11 ). 

8. fjl tiltm = agonizing, .uigunhiag, 

excruciating, mosl painful (act participle in die 
intensive scale of fa 7/ from ahma [ 'ufam), to be 
in pain, to feel pain) See at 48:16, p 1668. n. 7). 

9. i. e . at the time of wnling the Treaty of 
Hudaybiyah when they refused to have 
"Messenger of Allah" written after the name of 
the Prophet, pace and blessings of Allah be on 
him J«>r ja'ala = he made / set / put / placed I 
appointed (v. iii. s. past from ja'I, to make, to po'. 
See at 42: 1 1, p 1563. n 7). 

10. s-j- fyamiyyah = heat of excitement, 
temperament, rage. fury. 

11. jahiliyyah = stale of ignorance, 
pre-ls!amic paganism See at 33:33, p. 1348, n. 2 

12 sakinah (pi sakd'in ) = peace of mad, 
tranquillity Sec at 48:18, p 1669, n. 4 

Surah 48: Al-Falh | Part (Juz‘) 26 ] 


and on the believers. 

and had made them adhere 1 

to the word of piety, 2 


and they were 


the most deserving 1 of it 


and worthy 4 of it. 

And Allah is 

of everything All-Knowing. 


Section ( Ruku‘ ) 4 

27. Indeed Allah will prove 

true 1 to His Messenger 

the dream 6 in fact. 

Surely you will enter 7 

the Sacred Mosque, 

if Allah wills, 

safe and secure, 8 

shaving 1 * your heads 

< • 

and making the hair short, 10 

having no fear." 


For He knew 

what you did not know, 

and He set 

1. 'alzama = he forced, compelled, imposed. 

obligated, made to stick/adhere, attached (v. iii. 

m. s. past in form IV of lazima [fuziim], to ding, 
to stick, to be incumbent. See alzamnd al 17:13, 
p. 877. n. I). 

2. i. e.. to the word of lawhid — «Ul V* «J* 'si. if y! 
laqwd = godliness, piety, righteousness, fear of 
Allah (verbal noun in form V/ VIU of waqd 
Iwuqy/wiqdyah). to guard, beware, be on one's 
guard. See at 47:17, p. 1653, n. 1 1. 

3. 'ahaqq - morc/most entitled, more/most 
deserving. Sec at 10:35. p. 650, n. 7. 

4. 'ahl ($., pi. ojUl 'uA/ii/Vjut ahalin) = 

family, wife, relatives, kinsfolk, inhabitants, 
followers, inmates, owner, author, worthy. See at 
38:43. p 1470, n 9 

5. sadaqa = he said the truth, was truthful. 

proved to be true (v. iii. m. s. past from sadq/sidq, 
to speak the truth. Sec at 39:74. p. 1507. n. 9). 

6. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings 
of Allah be on him, saw a dream that he was 
entering the Ka'ba Mosque along with his 
companions. VJj ru’yd (s. ; pi ru'an) = dream, 
vision. See at 37:105. p. 1446, n. 14. 

7. jl^ad la tadkhukunna = you will surely enter. 

go in (v. ii. m. s impfet. emphatic from dakhala 
[(dukhul). to enter, to go in See la nudkJulanna 
at 29:8. p. 1267. n. 12). 

8. 'dmintn (pi.; acc./gen. of 'dmmun; s. 

’drum) - peaceful, safe and secure (act participle 
from amanu. form IV of 'amma [ amn/ amimJ 
amdruih). to be safe. See at 44:55. p. 1616, n. 6). 

9. muhalliqtn (pi. accVgcn. of mulyalliqun: 
s. muhalliq ) = those having a shave (of head or 
face] (act. participle from hallaqa, form II of 
halaqa lhalq]. to shave. Sec Id tuhliqu at 2:196, p. 
94. n. 6).' 

10. muqassirin (pi. acc/gen of 
muqassirdn ; s. muqaxsjr ) = those that make 
short shorten, reduce [the hair, etc.] (act. 
participle from qassara. form II of qasuraJ 
qasara [ qisar/ qasr/ qaxdrah / qusur ] become 
short to fall short See qdsirdt al 38:52, p. 1472, 

n. 9). 

1 1 . OytA; takhdfuna = you (all) fear, are afraid of 

(v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from khdfa [khawf /makhdfah 
/khifah \ , to fear. See at 30:28, p. 1299, n. I). 


Surah 48: Al-Fath [ Part Uuz) 26 ) 

before' that 
a victory 2 close by. 3 

28. He it is Who has sent 4 
•*[£> His Messenger 
dd+JL with the guidance 
4*^' i and the religion of the truth, 
ZA in order to make it prevail' 
je over all the faiths. 

And Sufficient 6 is Allah 
{$) li — as a Witness. 7 

V.'J 29. Muhammad is 
$ Sji the Messenger of Allah; 
i and those who are with him 

*L +-J 

{H - \ " 

i<« > 


>-*•» JjiCai 

ft* • - 

** . 

are stem 8 upon the unbelievers, 
kind 9 amongst themselves. 
You see them bowing down 10 
and prostrating themselves, 
seeking" grace from Allah 
and Pleasure. 

Their distinctive marks 12 are 
in their faces 

1. Oja duna = below, under, without, more Ilia 

jji min duns = without, with the exclusion o(, 

instead of. besides, before, in advance of. See a 
34:41, p. 1383. n. 9. 

2. fath (s. pi. fitlQb/ah-j* futuhUi) * 

decision, opening, victory, final decree. See a 
48:18, p. 1669, n. 6. 

3. i. e„ the victory of Khaybar _ / qarih - ne*. 

proximate, not far away, dose by. Ever Near. See 
at 48:18, p. 1669, n 7. 

4. J-j! 'arsala = he sent, sent out, despatched 
discharged (v. iii. s. past in form IV of mniu 
[nuuf], to be long and flowing. See at 35:0, p 
1 392. n. 7). 

5. yuzhira(u) = he makes prevail, gram 

victory, manifests, makes visible, exposer 
demonstrates (v. iii m. s. impfet. from 'retain 
form IV of paharalzuhir), to be visible. The fua! 
letter takes fathah because of a hidden an in li of 
motivation coming before the verb. See at 40 27. 
p. 1518, n. 10). 

6. jS kafi = he suffices, is sufficient, is enough 

(v. iii. m. s. past from kifdyah. to be enough. See 
at 46:9. p 1633. n. 10). 

7. 1. c . that you arc His Messenger, shahid 

(s.. pi. shuhadd ') = on-looker, spectator, witnes, 
martyr. All-Witnessing (act. participle in the scale 
of fa it from shahida [ihuhud]. to see. to witness 
Sec at 41:53. p. 1559, n. 10). 

8. »Uil ’ ashiddd ’ (pi.; s. shadid ) = most severe. 

stem, rigorous, hard, harsh, strong. See shadid it 
42:26. p. 1571. n. 10). 

9. ruhama' (pi.; s. rahim ) = kind. 

compassionate, merciful (act. participle in the 
scale of fa'U from rahima [ j ruhmah I 
marhamah], to have mercy. See rdhimin u 
23:118. p 1 104, n. 4). 

10. rukka ‘ (sing. rdki‘) = those bowing n 
submission (active participle from rater ‘a Iruiii'), 
to bow. bend the body, especially in prayer. See 
at 22:27. p. 1054. n. 12. 

1 1. djiia yabtaghuna = they seek, desire , wish 

(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from ibmghd, form VIII of 
baghd [bughd']. to seek, desire Sec at 24:33, p 
1118. n. II). 

12. t~r- sima = marks, distinctive marks. 

Surah 48: Al-Falh | Pari (Juz') 26 ] 


* *>. 




0 . 

. { ' -i 


S' I." 

from the trace' of prostration. 
This is their model 2 
in the Tawr&h; 
and their model 
in the lnjil is 

like a seed* that produces 4 
its spout’and strengthens 6 it, 
then it becomes thick 7 and 
stands erect 8 on its stem , 9 
impressing 10 the farmers ; 11 
in order that He may enrage 12 
by them the disbelievers. 
Allah promises those who 

and do the good deeds' ' 
from among them 
forgiveness and a reward 
most magnificent. 

1. / ' athar <*.; pi. AlhAr) = trace, mark, track, 
vestiges, relics. See at 20:84, p. 995, n. 1 1 . 

2. Ji- mathal (pi. Ju.t amt hal ) = simile, likeness, 

example, parable, instance, model, ideal. See at 
43:56. p 1597. n. 3. 

3. (_jj iar‘ (s.: pi. zs*r«}' ) = seed, green crop. 

plantation, cultivation, corn-field See at 39:21. p. 
1488. n 12. 

4. £ ’akhraja = he ousted, drove out, 

expelled, dislodged, got out. produced (v. iii m. 
s. past in form IV of kharaja [khuruj], to go out, 
to leave. See at 9:40, p. 594. n.6). 

5. «V; shat’ (s.; pi ashtd ) = spout, shoot 

6. jjW ’Azara - he strengthened, made strong (v. 
iii. m. s. past in form IV of ‘azara\ ’air), to 
surround, to strengthen). 

7. JkUi-l isiaghlaga = he or it became thick/ 

rugged (v. iii. rn. s. past in form X of ghaluza/ 
ghalaza\ghiUiz/ghilzah/glulAzah\, to become 
thick. See ghaliz at 41:50. p. 1558, n. 10). 

8. iSf-r 1 istawA = he became even (i. e.. took 

position), well balanced, straight, equal, regular, 
upright (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of sawiyu 
Iriwun). to be equal. Sec at 4 1 : 1 1 . p. 1 543, n. 3). 

9 suq (pi ; s. sAq) = (high, leg, trunk, stem. 
Sec at 38:33. p 1468, n. 10. 

10. —-»■«( yujibu = he impresses, amazes. 

pleases, delights (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from ‘a'jaba, 
form IV of ajtba ( ujuh\, to wonder, to marvel 

See at 2:204. p. 99. n. I). 

11. zurra' (pi,; s. zArx') = sowers. 

peasants, farmers. (acL participle from zara'a 
Iznr'). to sow. to spread. Sec zjir' at n.3 above). 

12. ies yaghiza(u) = he angers, enrages, vexes, 
infuriates, exasperates (v. iii. m s. impfet. from 
ghAza [g/ujyz). to anger. The final letter takes 
falhah because of a hidden 'an in li of motivation 
coming before the verb. See yaghizu at 22: 1 5. p. 
61050. n. 13). 

13. sdlihAl (f.; sing, rd/i/ju/i. m. sAhh) - 

good ones, good deeds/things ( approved by the 
Qur'5n and sunnah ). See at 47: 12, p. 1651. n. I . 

49. SCjrat al-Hujurat (The Chambers) 

Madinan: 18 'ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah. I( is a short surah; but it is full of important rules of manners and 
etiquette. It starts by directing that no decision should be made nor any opinion on any matter be 
expressed in advance of Allah's and His Messenger’s. Then it directs that Muslims should not cany on 
conversations in raised voices in the presence of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah 
be on him. and should address him with due respect and courtesy. Next it deals with a very important 
matter of social harmony and peace, namely, not to lend ear to gossips and rumours and to ascertain the 
truth before jumping to a conclusion on any information given by a person of doubtful integrity. It then 
directs the Muslims to settle their differences and quarrels mutually and reminds that they arc brethren. 
Another equally important teaching given in the surah is that no group of people should ridicule another 
group of people, males or females, nor defame one another. Further it is advised not to surmise or 
entertain unnecessary suspicion about any matter, not to spy on or backbite anyone. It also emphasizes 
that races, tribes and nations are made by Allah so that they may know one another and that real honour 
and merit lie in righteousness and fear of Allah, not in birth, race or colour. The surah ends by indicating 
the qualities of a true believer and by stressing that the act of believing is for one's own benefit not a 
favour done to Allah and His Messenger. 

The surah is called al-hujurai (The Chambers) with reference to its fifth ‘ayah wherein Muslims 
were advised not to call the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. from behind 
his dwelling chambers but to wait for him till he came out. 

I* e . in word and deed, nor pass judgement on 
any matter except in accordance with the 
injunctions of the Qur'an and sunnah. y a 

tuqaddimu a you (all) do not advance/ send in 
advance/ push forward (v. ii, m. pi. imperative 
(prohibition) from qaddumu , form II of qudum a 
Iquddm). to precede. See tuqaddimi 3 at 2: 1 10. p. 52, 
n. 10). 

2. IjSI itlaqu = you (all) beware, be on your 

guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m. pi imperative 
from illaqd. form VIII of waqd ( waqy/wiq&yah), to 
guard, safeguard Sec al 43:63, p 1599. n. 2). 

3. i. e.. of your words, deeds and thoughts, open or 

4. i yty M U larfa‘0 = you (all) do not raisc/make 
high/Iifl up (v. ii m. pi. imperative ( prohibition] 
from rafa'a \raf ]. to raise, to lift up See rafa'iia 
43:32. p 1 590, n 6). 

5. i. e.. while talking to or addressing the 
Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah 
be on him. This is an important instruction 
regarding the manner and etiquette of speaking to 
superiors and in assemblies, oi^t 'aswdi (p|.; s. 
sawt) = voices, sounds. See al 31:19, p 1317, n. 10. 

1 . O you who believe, 
do not push forward 1 

i&esl'ji in the presence of Allah 
and his Messenger, 
and beware 2 of Allah. 

Verily Allah is All-Hearing, 

2. O you who believe, 
do not raise 4 your voices 5 


Surah 49: Al-Hujurdt [ Pan (Jui ) 26 1 


above 1 the voice of the Prophet 
31 nor shout 2 to him 
in the talk 

as the shouting of some of 

you to the others; 

lest futile should become 3 

your deeds 

and you realize 4 not. 


. rs 

3. Verily those who 

lower 5 their voices 

in the presence of 

the Messenger of Allah, 

they are the ones 

Allah has tested 6 their hearts 

for righteousness. 7 

For them is forgiveness 

and a reward 8 very great. 1 ' 

4. Verily those who call you 10 
o y&JjJcs, fr° m behind" the chambers, 12 
most of them 
V. v do not undertsand. 13 

1. dy>fawq = above, over, on lop See at 33:10, 
p. 1338. n. 6. 

2. v Id tajharu = do not shout/ make loud/ 
public (v. ii. m pi. imperative (prohibition) from 
jahara [ jahr/jihdr], lo declare publicly, to come 
out. See U tajhar at 17:1 10. p. 909. n. 5). 

3. iyw tahbata = she or it falls through. 

miscarries, goes in vain, is futile, is of no avail (v. 
iii. f. s. past from habata [hub lit), lo come lo 
nothing. The final letter takes fnthah because of 
the particle ‘an coming before the verb See 
yuhbitu at 47:32, p. 1658. n. 1 1) 

4. Ojy-sr las h ' u run a = you (all) realize. 

perceive, are aware of (v. ii. m pi impfet. from 
sha'ara [rhu tir], to know, to realize. Sec at 
39:55, p. 1501. n 5). 

5. yaghudduna = they lower, cast down 

(v. iii. m. pi. imperative from ghadda 
Ighadd/ghadadah]. to lower, cast down. See 
ughdud at 31:19, p. 1317, n. 8). 

6. j»oi imtahana = he tried, tested, examined 

(v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of mahana [mahn\, 
to try. to lest). 

7. tfji laqwd = godliness, piety, righteousness. 

fear of Allah (verbal noun in form V/ VIII of 
waqd {waqyAviqdyah), lo guard, beware, be on 
one's guard. See at 48:25, p. 1673. n. 2. 

8. y*l ‘ajr (pi. ’ujur) = reward, recompense, 
remuneration, due. See at 48:10. p. 1664, n. 9). 

9. ‘azirn = great, magnificent, splendid, big. 

stupendous, most grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, grave. See at 48:10. p. 1664, n. 10. 

10. The allusion is to certain bedouin Arabs. 
Ojatit yundduna - they call out. call, address, 
summon (v. iii. m. pi impfet. from nddd. form III 
of nadd \nadw], to call. See nddd at 43:51. p. 
1595, n. 10). 

11. djy ward' = in the rear of. after, at the back 
of. behind, close on (one's) heels, beyond. Sec at 
45:10, p. 1620, n. 9. 

12. cj\ yw hujurdi (pi.; s. fi ujrah) = rooms, 
chambers, compartments. 

13. oyliis ya'qiluna = they realize, understand, 
comprehend, exercise reason (v, iii. m. pi. impfet. 
from ‘aqala [ aql\, to understand, to have 
intelligence. See at 45:5. p. 1619. n. 9). 


Surah 49: Al-Hujurdl [ Part (Juz) 26 ] 

1 . I j j -0 tabard ~ they were patient, persevered, 
endured (v. iii. m. pi. past from \abara (safer], to 
be patient. See at 41:35. p. 1552, n. 5). 

2. £ takhruja(u) = you come out. go 001 , 

leave (v. ii. m. s. impfet. from kharaja [Wwrii;l 
to go out. to leave The final letter takes faihak 
because of an implied 'an in hand coming 
before the verb Sec lakhrujdna at 30:25, p. 1297 
n. 14). 

3. s* khayr = good/better/ best, charity, weilft. 
property, affluence See at 44:37. p. 1612. n. 12 ! 

4 J-Ij fdsiq (s.; pi. fdsiqun) = disobedient. 

defiant, defiantly sinful, (active participle (rota 
fasaqa [fisq\. to stray from the right course, lo 
renounce obedience. See at 32:18. p. 1329. n I) 

5. U naba’ (s.; pi unfed') = news, information, 
intelligence. Sec at 38:88. p 1479. a 6. 

6. I>*J tabayyanu = you (all) make sure, moke 

clear, ascertain the fact (v. ii. m. pi imperative 
from tubayyana. form V of fednu [feuywt], to he 
evident. See at 4:94, p. 285. n. 2). 

7. t \y~ai tusihd (rur) = you (all) hit. teach, afflict, 

befall (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from ’asdba. form IV 
of tabu [sawb / saybdbah). to hit the mark, lo be 
right. The terminal ndn is dropped because of the 
particle an coming before the verb. Sec tusiba u 
48:25. p. 1672. n. 3). 

8. ijrv* lusbihd(na) = you (all) enter into the 
morning, become in the morning, become (v. it 
m. pi. impfet. from ’asbaha. form IV of utbaht 
[jufefe], to be in the morning The terminal min is 
dropped because the verb is conjunctive lo I 
previous verb governed by the panicle 'an See 
lusbihuna at 30: 17. p 1295, n. 3. 

9. jc»sU nddimin (acc /gen of nddimin; i I 

niulim ) - repentant, remorseful (active participle 
from nudima (nadam/naddmah), to repent See* 
26:157. p. 1 189. n. 9). 

10. yuti’u = he obeys, complies with (v. in 
m. s. impfet. from aid a, form IV of Id 'a ( dm '). 
to obey. See y uli' at 33:71. p. 1365. n. 5. 

1 1 . fX* * anittum = you suffered adversely, were 

in distress, grieved, (v. ii. m. pi past from drum 
[’anal], to be in distress, to suffer adversely See 
at 9:128. p. 634, n. 6). 

5 . And had they been patient 1 

till you came our to them 


it would have been 

better 1 for them. 

And Allah is Most Forgiving, 

Most Merciful. 

6. O you who believe. 


if there comes to you 

a sinful person 4 with a news, 5 

ascertain the fact 6 , 

lest you should hit 7 a people 

in ignorance 

then become 8 

on what you have done 

repentant. 9 

7. And know that amidst you 

is the Messenger of Allah. 

If he were to obey 10 you 

in most of the matter, 


you will be in distress;" 

but Allah 

Surah 49: AI Hujurai [ Part Uuz) 26 | 



endeared 1 to you 


the faith 

and adorned 2 it in your hearts. 


and made repugnant 1 to you 

unbelief, outrage 4 

and disobedience. 5 

Such are the ones 

rightly guided. 6 

8. As a grace 7 from Allah, 

and as a favour. 

And Allah is All-Knowing, 


9. And if two groups 8 

of the believers 


fight amongst themselves, 9 

make reconciliation 10 


between the two. 

So if one of them commits 

outrage" on the other, 

then fight 12 the one 

that commits the outrage 

1. >—•»- habbaba = he made dear/ attractive/ 

loveable, endeared (v. iii. m. s. past in form 11 of 
habba [hubb\. to love. Sec tstahabbu at 41:17, p 
1 545. n. 12). 

2. orj zayyana = he embellished, decorated. 

ornamented, beautified, made charming, adorned 
(v. iii. m. s. past in form II of ;dno [aryn), to 
decorate, adorn. See at 29:38. p. 1278, n. 10). 

3. •/” karraha = he made repugnant/ detestable, 
disliking /abhorrent (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of 
kanha [ karh/ kurhJ kardhuhi kardhiyah). to 
detest. Sec kariha at 40:14. p. 1514. n. 8). 

4. iij~k fusuq = outrage, iniquity, foul play. See 
at 2:282, p 149. n. 11. 

■5. 'isybn = disobedience, insubordination, 
rebellion. See usuylu at 39: 13, p. 1486, n. 5. 

6. dyiilj rash id tin (pi.; s. rushid ) = those 

rightly guided, following the right way, 
reasonable, of full legal age (act participle from 
rashuda [rus/u/J. to be on the right way. to be 
mature. See rushd at 21:51. p. 1026. n. 11). 

7. i. e.. the above mentioned qualities are given as 
a grace from Allah. J-ai fadl (pi fudul) = grace, 
favour, kindness, bounty; also surplus, excess, 
superiority, merit, excellence. See at 45:12, p 
1621. n. 8. 

8 OCUJU* Id' if atari (dual; s. if) 

= two parts/ portions/ groups/ bands. See id if ah 
at 33: 1 3. p 1339, n. 5. 

9. iqtalalO = they fought amongst 
themselves (v. iii. m. pi past from iqlalata. form 
Vfll of qatala [quit], to kill. Sec at 2:2S3p. 130, 
n. I). 

10. 'ashhu = you (all) set right, put in 

order, make peace, make reconciliation, settle, (v. 

11. m. pi. imperative from ‘asluha, form IV of 
iuluhu/suluhu[iuluh/.tu!uh/nuLiluhuk/ saluhiyuh], 
to be good, right. See sdlihdt at 48:29. p. 1675. 
n. 13). 

11. c-s i bag hat = she committed outrage, 

outraged, oppressed, wronged (v. iii. f. s. past 
from btighu ( bughy], to wrong, oppress. See 
baghaw at 42:27, p. 1571. n. 12). 

12. 'yin* qatilu = you (all) fight, wage war (v. ii. 

m. pi imperative from qululu. form III of quiulu 
Iqail], to kill, slay. See at 9:123. p. 632. n. 5). 


Surah 49: Al-Hujurai [ Part IJui') 26 1 

until it returns' 
to the command of Allah. 
Then if it returns, 
make peace 2 between the two 
JJ^ with justice 3 

and deal equitably. 4 

44^oj Verily Allah loves 
0 ^vL-iS just persons. 5 

SJgXGl 10. The believers are but 
brethren. 6 

\j>*LSX So make peace 

between your two brethren; 

and beware 7 of Allah that 
you may have mercy on you. 1 

Section (RukH 0 2 
1 1 . O you who believe, 
there must not mock 1 ' 
one people at another. 
Maybe they are better 10 
^ than those; 

ICLiVj nor must any women 

1. iyi tajl'a (u) = she returns, turns herself, 
inclines (v. ill. m. s. impfct. from f&'a \Jay 1, to 
mum. to shift from west to east. The final letter 
takes fa i hah because of an implied 'an in hast 
coming before the verb. See yalafayya'n at 
16:48. p 843. n. 4). 

2. yjJ ’as til jii = you (all) set right, put m 

order, make peace, make reconciliation settle, (v. 
ii. m. pi imperative from ’uxluha. form IV of 
salaha/xaluha [salt'th/suluh/maylahah/saUihiyalm 
to be good, right. See at 49:9. p 1679, n 10). ] 

3. J as adl = impartiality, equity, justice, 
fairness, equivalence, equivalent See at 16 90, p. 
857. n 9). 

4. Ijk-il 'aqsitu = deal equitably/ impartially) j 

justly (v. ii. m pi. imperative from aqsala, farm 
IV of qauila [qast/qist/quxit), to act justly. See 
tuqxiiQ at 4:3, p. 237, n. 6). 

5 «• muqsilin = just, equitable, daen of 

justice (active participle from ‘aqsala, fomt IV 
of qasa(a [qusl/qtst/qusut). to act justly See at 
5:42. p 350. n.'3). 

6. ’ikhwah (pi.; s. akh) = brothers. brettoetL 
See ikhtvAn at 33:55. p. 1360. n. I 

7. i jin ittaqu = you (all) beware, be on your 
guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. in. pl. i mperatn* 5* 
from illaqA. form VIII of waqa ( waqy/tvtqiyak), 
to guard, safeguard Sec at 49 I . p. 1646, n. 2). 

8 dy-f/ lurhamuna = you (all) are bestowed 

mercy on (v. ii. m. pl impfct passive (rom 
rahimu ( ralimah / mari)unmh], to have mercy. 
See at 36:46. p 1419. n 10) 

9. j*— t 'll IS yaskhar - he must not make fun. el 
him not ridicule/ mock/ dendc (v. iii nr i 
imperative (prohibition! from sakhira \iukM 
maskhar), to ridicule, deride See sakhirin a 
39:56. p 1501. n 8). 

10 khayr - good/hetter/ best, chanty, wealdi, 
property, affluence Sec at 49:5. p 1678, n. 3. l 

Surah 49: Al-Hujurdt [ Part iJuz) 26 ] 


at other women. 

Maybe that they are better 
than those. 


And defame 'not one another, 
nor insult 2 by nicknames . 1 
How bad is the name 4 
"outrage " 1 after the believing! 
CZfi&j And those that repent 6 not, 
they are the ones 
$ OjiUiif the transgressors. 

® y° u w h° believe, 
(J£j refrain 7 from 

mos t surmising . 8 
Indeed some surmising is sin 
\ j'. And do not spy , 9 
(jr^fvr^Vj nor backbite 10 some of you 
iSw the others. 

Will one of you like 
|UJ to eat the flesh 

of his brother when dead? 
‘•JljjZt But you hate" it. 

And beware 12 of Allah. 

1. \j)JS V Id talmizl 1 - do not defame, vilify, 

slander, libel (v. ii. m pi, imperative 
{prohibition) from lamaza ( lamz ), to vilify, 
slander. See yalmizuna at 9:79, p. 61 1. n. 9). 

2. ij>U Id landbazu = do not insult by calling 
names (v. ii m. pi. imperative (prohibition) from 

landbazu. form VI of nabazu [nabz], to give 
insulting names). 

3. ^Ult 'alqdb (pi.; s. luqab) = nicknames, titles 
4 — i ism (s.; pi. 'asmd') = name, apcllation. 

5. i. e., how bad is the outrage of mocking at one 
another, defaming and insulting by nicknames! 
J y-t fusuq = outrage, iniquity, foul play. Sec at 
2:282. p. 149. n il. 

6. V* yatub ( yaluhu ) = he forgives, he turns to. 

turns in forgiveness, returns in repentance (v. iii. 
m. s. impfet. from tdba | luwb/ rawbah / maidb], 
to turn The final letter is vowclless and hence 
the medial wow is dropped because of the 
particle lam coming before the verb. See tabu at 
40:7. p 151 1, n. 10). 

7. ijtanibd = you (all) shun, avoid, keep 
away, refrain, abstain (v. ii. m. pi. imperative 
from ijlanaba. form VIII of janaba \janb), to 
avert. See at 22:30, p. 1056, n. 5). 

8. J» zann (s.; pi zunun) = conjecture, surmise, 
supposition, assumption, view, idea, opinion, 
belief. See at 37:87. p. 1444. n. I). 

9. i. c . on one another ij — «j V Id tajassasd = 

do not spy, pry on (v. ii. m. pi. imperative 
(prohibition) from lajassasa, form V of jassa 
[jass/majassah), to touch, probe, spy). 

10. v-iv V Id yaghtab = he must not/ley him not 

backbite, slander, calumniate (v. iii. m. s. 
imperative from ightdba, form VIII of ghdba 
[gluiyb/gluiybah/ghiydb/ghaybubah/maghih], to 
be absent. See ghayb at 39:46. p. 1497, n. 8). 

1 1 fi*/’ karihlum = you (all) disliked, detested, 
abhorred, hated (v. ii. m. pi. past from karihu 
[karh/kurh/kardhiyah], to dislike, to detest See at 
4:19, p. 247. n. 8). 

12. Ijit ittaqu = you (all) beware, be on your 

guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m. pi. imperative 
from i llaqd, form VIII of waqd ( waqy/wiqdyah). 
to guard, safeguard. See at 49:10. p. 1680. n. 7). 


Surah 49: Al-Hujurdl ( Part IJuz') 26 ] 

Verily is Allah Oft-Forgiving, 
$5 Most Merciful. 





<» ? 




>r > " 

13. O mankind, 

indeed We have created 1 you 
from a male 2 and a female’ 
and have made 4 you 
peoples' 1 and tribes 6 that 
you may know one another. 7 
Verily the most honourable 8 
in the sight of Allah is 
the one most righteous 9 of you. 
Verily Allah is All-Knowing, 
All-Aware. 10 

14. The bedouins say: 

"We believe." 

Say: "You have not believed; 
but say:’We have surrendered'; 11 
and there has not yet entered 
the faith in your hearts. 

And if you obey 12 Allah 
and His Messenger 

1. Lil>. khalaqna = wc created, made, 
originated (v. i. pi. past from khalaqa [khalq], to 
create. See at 46:3. p. 1631. n. 4). 

2. dhakar (*.; pi. dhukdr/dhukdrah/dhukrdn ) 
= male. Sec at 40:40. p. 1524. n 5. 

3. i. e.. initially from Adam and HawwS', and 
then from father and mother. So all men arc 
basically equal, yit 'unlhd (s.; pi. ’ indlh/'andthd ) 
= female, feminine. See at 40:40, p. 1524. n. 6. 

4. ti«» ja'alnd = we made. set. appointed. 

tendered (v. I pi past from ja'ula (/a 7], to make, 
to sel Sec at 45: 18. p. 1623. n. 6). 

5. vy-l shu'db (pi,; s sha h) = peoples, folks, 
nations, races. 

6. JAJ qabd'U (pi. ; s qahtlah) - tnbes 

7. 'yjU; ta ‘drafu (originally lata drufuna) = you 

(all) know one another, become acquainted with 
one another (v. ii. m. pi impfet. from ta'urafa. 
form VI of 'arafa ( ma'njahJ irfdn], to know, to 
recognize. The terminal nun is dropped for a 
hidden 'an in li of motivation coming before the 
verb. Sec yala drafCma at 10:45, p. 653. n. 1 1). 

8. f/1 ’akrarn = mote/most honourable, 
esteemed, noble, generous (dative of karim, ( 
act. participle in the scale of fa'il from karuma 
[karamf karamah/ kurdmah], to be noble, to be 
generous. See kwim at 44:49. p. 1615. n. 3). 

9. i. e„ honour and distinction is by 
righteousness and moral quality, not by birth, 
race or nationality. 'atqa = more/most 

righteous, godfearing, pious (dative of laqty). 
See ittaqd at 49: 12, p. 1681. n. 12. 

10. js* khabir = All-Aware. All-Conversant, 

All-Acquainted (active participle in the scale of 
fa'il from khabara ( khubr Ahihrah] to be 
acquainted). See at 48:1 1. p. 1665, n. 10). 

1 1. t-yUt ’aslamnd = wc surrendered, submitted, 
gave ourselves up (v. i. pi past from 'aslama. 
form IV of [saldmah/saidm], to be safe, secure. 
See aslama at 37:103, p 1446. n, 9). 

13. lyjst tuti'uina) = you (all) obey, comply 

with, accede to (v. ii. m pi. impfet. from 'aid ‘a, 
form IV of id ‘a [raw'], to obey. The terminal nun 
is dropped because the verb is in a conditional 
clause preceded by 'in. See at 48:16. p. 1668. n. 
2 . 

Surah 49: Al-Hujurdl | Part ( Jut ' ) 26 | 


He will not discount 1 
from your deeds anything. 
Verily Allah is 
Most Forgiving, 

Most Merciful. 


1 5. The believers are but 
those who believe in Allah 
and His Messenger 
and thereafter do not doubt 2 
and fight' with their wealth 4 
and persons 5 
in the way 6 of Allah. 

Such ones are 
the truthful. 7 

16. Say: "Do you inform 8 
1,^1 Allah about your religion, 9 
jUl ijfJ while Allah knows 
oyLSl'cjli all that is in the heavens 

and all that is in the earth?" 
And Allah is of everything 
$ All-Knowing. 10 

1 . cJ, yalit ( yaliiu ) = he diminishes, discounts 

(v. iii. m. s. impfct. from Mia [layl], to diminish. 
The final letter is vowelless (hence the medial yd' 
is dropped] because the verb is conclusion of a 
conditional clause) . 

2. i. e., do not vacillate in their faith, t 
yartdbu (no) = they entertain doubts, doubt, are 
sceptical, are in doubt, suspect, have misgivings 
(v. iii. m. pi. past from irtdba form VU1 (^vy 
irtiydb ) of rdba ( rayb ), to doubt, to suspect. The 
terminal min is dropped because of the particle 
lam coming before the verb. Sec irtdbu at 24:50. 
p. 1 127. n. 2). 

3. l^aaU jahadti = they fought, struggled hard. 

strove (v. iii. m pi. past from jtVuida, form III of 
jahada ( jahd ]. to suave. See at 29:69. p 1289. n. 

4. i. e.. help the cause of fighting in the way of 
Allah with their wealth. Jlj«t am Hal (pi . . sing. 
nidi) = riches, wealth, properties, goods. See at 
34:35. p. 1381.0. 7. 

5. i. e., by personally taking part in the jihdd in 
the way of Allah, I anfus (sing, nafs) = lives, 

persons, living beings, individuals, selves. See al 
39:42. p. 1496. n. 5. 

6. J— - sabtl (pi. subul/asbilah) = way, path, 
road, means, course. See at 47:32. p. 1658. n. 7. 

7. i. e . in their belief s&diqtin = truthful. 

those who speak the truth (act. participle from 
sadaqa {.iadq/ sidq], to speak the truth. Sec at 
15:64, p. 820. n. 4). 

8. The address is to the bedouin Arabs and such 
others who outwardly professed the faith but 
inwardly entertained doubts. lu'allimuna = 
you (all) teach, instruct, educate, inform (v. ii. m 
pi. impfct. (mm'altama. form II of 'alima fifai], 
to know. See at 5:4. p. 328. n. 12). 

9. jii din = religion, creed, faith, code, law. 

worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital. Sec at 42:21. p. 1568. n. 12. 

10. i. e., of all events, words, deeds and thoughts 
of His creatures, open or secret, pj* 'alim (s.; pi 

uUimd’) = well informed, erudite, learned, more 
knowing, All-Knowing. Omniscient. Sec at 44:6. 
p. 1607. n. 5. 


Surah 49: AI Hujurat | Pan (Juz‘) 26 ) 

* j 

& Stf 




1 ,< rv 


f j 



(^1 o^ll »)U-i 

17. They think they do favour 1 
to you 

that they enbraced Islam. 2 
Say: "You bestow no favour on 
me by your embracing Islam. 3 
Nay, Allah bestows favour 
on you that He has guided 4 
you to the faith, 
if you are truthful. 5 

18. Verily Allah knows 
the unseen 6 of the heavens 
and the earth. 

And Allah is All-Seeing 7 
of what you do. 

1 . 0>s yamunnuna = they bestow grace, grace, 
favour, (v. iii. tn. s. impfet from manna [man*], 
to be land, gracious. See vamunnu at 12:90, p. 
755. n. 10). 

2. aslamU = they surrendered, submitted, 
gave themselves up. embraced Islam (v. iii. m. p|. 
past from aslama. form IV of sahma ( sutamM 
saldm], to be safe, secure. See 'aslamnd at 49:14, 
p. 1672. n. 12). 

3. For the benefit of your faith is for you. 

4. hadd = he guided, gave guidance, showed 
the way (v. iii. m. s. past from hady/ hudan/ 
hiddvah. to guide, to lead. See at 39:57, p. 1501, 
n. 9). 

5. i. e„ in your profession of the faith 
s&diqin (pi.; accVgcn. of sudiqun: s. sddiq ) = 
truthful, those who speak the truth (active 
participle from sadaqa \sadq/ itdq], to speak the 
truth. See at 46:22. p. 1640. n. 6). 

6 yi ghayb (s.; pi. yhuyub) = unseen, invisible, 
hidden, divine secret See at 39:46. p 1497. n. 8. 

7. jr*< basir = one who secs/ observes. 

All-Seeing (act. paniciple in the scale of fa'il 
from basura/basira [bauir], to sec) See at 48: 
24. p. 1671. n. 4 ' 

50 . SOratQaf 
Makkan: 45 ’ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah which, like the other Makkan surahs, deals with the fundamentals of the 
faith, namely, tawhid (monotheism), the Messengership (risalah) of Muhammad, peace and blessings of 
Allah be on him. Resurrection and the life after death. The main emphasis of the surah is. however, on 
jssurrection and the attitude of the unbelievers to it. It brings home this theme by referring to Allah's 
creation of the heavens and the earth and all that exists and also His providing for the creatures in 
various ways. In this connection reference is also made to what happened to the unbelieving nations of 
the past. It ends by mentioning some circumstances of death, Resurrection and the Day of Judgement. 

The surah is named after the disjointed letter with which it starts. 

t — 

1 Qdf 1 

By the Qur’an, most glorious. 2 

' 0 

2. Nay, they wonder 3 

that there has come to them 
a wamer 4 from among them. 
JUi So the unbelievers say: 

"This is a thing very strange." 5 


3. "Is it that when we are dead 
and become dust? 6 

» , t . 

That is a return quite remote. 


4. We already know 
what the earth diminishes 9 

1. Allah Alone knows the meaning and 
significance of these disjointed letters. See 2:1. p. 
4, n. 1. 

2. -v~ mafid = glorious, illustrious, splendid, 
exalted. All-Glorious (act participle in the 
intensive scale of fa'tl from majada/majuda 
[ majd/majaduh ], to be glorious, illustrious. See at 
1 1:73. p, 704. n. 5). 

3. 'ajibCi = they wondered, were surprised/ 
astonished (v. ill. m pi. past from 'ajiba [ ajub], 
to wonder, to be astonished. See at 38:4, p. 1460. 
n. 1). 

4. mundhir = wamer, one who warns (act. 

participle from 'andhara. to warn, form IV of 
nadhara. [nadhr / nudhur ]. to dedicate, to make a 
vow. See at 38.4, p. 1460, n. 2). 

5. i. e.. the unbelievers expressed surprise at the 
rise of a wamer from among them and at the idea 
of Resurrection and Judgement. 

6. i. e.. shall we be raised after we have become 
dead and dust? v'j< tur&b (s.; pi ambiM urban) 
= soil, dust, dirt, earth. See at 37:54, p. 1439, n. 1. 

7. £»j ra/‘ = return, coming back. See yarji’inu 
at 46:27, p. 1642. n.9. 

8. ba'id - (s.; pi. bu'add' dm' ut! !bu dun 
/hi (id) = far. far away, far-reaching, distant, 
remote, unlikely. See at 42:18, p 1568, n. 2). 

9. yud lanqusu a she or it diminishes, reduces, 
lessens, decreases (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from naqaju 
[naqs! nuqsdn], to decrease, diminish. Sec 
yunqasu at 35:1 1, p. 1394. n. 1). 



Surah 50: Qdf [ Part <7 uz‘) 26 ) 


of them; 

and with Us is a Book 

preserving. 1 

5. Nay, they disbelieve 2 

the truth 

when it has come to them. 

So they are in a state 

0 fgj- 

confused and disturbed. 1 


6. Do they not look at 

the sky above them 

how We have set it up 

and adorned 4 it 

and it has no breaches? 5 


7. And the earth, 

We have spread 6 it out 

and have cast 7 therein 


high and firm mountains, 8 

and have grown 9 therein of 



every sort 10 quite delightful." 

1. i. e., in which everything is recorded tnd 
preserved. A haftz = atlcntivc. mindful. 

preserving, guarding, guard, (act participle in tfe 
scale of fa'il from tyafiza (hi/rj, to preserve, to 
guard. See at 42:48. p. 1578, n. 18). 

2. iji-tS' kadhdhahu = they cried lies, thought 

untrue, disbelieved (v. iii. m. pi past from 
kadhdhaba. form II of kadhaba [kidhb /kadhib 
/kadhhah / kidhbah], to lie. Sec at 40:70, p. 
1534, n. 7). 

3. go* marij = confused and disturbed, 

confounded (act. participle in the scale of full 
from nuiraja [ marj/muruj ], to rise, to let loom, to 
mix. See maraja at 25:53, p. 1 154, n. 1). 

4. l*j zayyannA = we adorned, embellished, 
decorated, ornamented, beautified (v. i. pi past 
from zayyana, form 11 of zAna Izayn], to 
decorate, adorn. See at 41:12. p. 1543. n II). A 

5. f uri> j (pl • s- far]) = private parts. 

openings, apertures, breaches. See at 33:35, p 
1349. n 12. 

6. The earth, though spherical, is made habitable 
by being planed and spread out (See Al-Taftb 
ul-Kuhir, XIX, 179). Uaa* madadna - we spread 

out. extended, laid out. stretched out. lengthened, 
prolonged (v. i. pl. past from madda from modi. 
to extend. See at 15:19. p. 81 1. n. 4). 

7. l^iJl 'alqaynd = we cast, flung, plunged, posed, 
set forth, offered (v. i. pl. past, in from IV of 
laqiya (liqd' AuqyAn Auqy Auqyah Auqan], lo 
meet See at 38:34, p. 1468, n. 13). 

8. rawdsin (pl.; s. rAsin/rAsiyah ) = film, 

anchored, fixed, towering mountains. See al 
41:10. p. 1542. n. 10. 

9. IsJ ’anhatna = we caused to grow, produced, 

sprouted, grew, germinated (v. i. pl past from 
7 inbatti . form IV of nabala [ nahi ). to grow, to 
sprout. See at 31:10. p. 1313, n. 12). 

10. gjj zawj (pl. -ijjt az*aj) = wife, husband, 

spouse, one of a pair, consort, kind. sort, zawj a 
used in Arabic for one of a pair and is applied to 
cither husband or wife. See at 39:6. p. 1482, n. 9. 

11. bahtj = delightful, joyful, splendid, 

magnificent, beautiful (act parttiplc in the scale 
of fa 'll from huhaja/bahuja, to be happy, to be 
beautiful Sec bahjah at 27:60. p 1220, n. 

Surah 50: Qdf I Part (Jut) 26 ] 


8. As an insight' and reminder 2 
for every servant 
turning in repentance.' 

9. And We send down 
from the sky 
water full of blessings, 4 
then grow therewith gardens 
and cereal 5 of harvest. 6 

c 10. And date palm 7 tall 8 

having spadix 9 in layers. 10 

fa 1 1. As provision 
TllJ for the servants. 

And We give life" therewith 
iLiijji' to a land dead and barren. 
ctU’jtf' Likewise will be 
4 the coming out. 12 

Mli 12. Disbelieved before them 

the people of Nuh and 
l ^ c '^habitants" of al-Rass 14 
and the Thamud. 

1. • lahsirah = insight, enlightenment, 
instruction. See basir at 49:18. p. 1684. n. 7. 

2. i. c.. reminder of the Power and Omnipotence 

of the Creator, Allah, and of the inevitability of 
return to Him. dhikrd = recollection. 

remembrance, memory, reminder. Sec at 40:54. 
p. 1528. n. 8. 

3. i. e., to Allah, for forgiveness and mercy, vr* 

muntb ~ one who turns in repentance, penitent 
(act. participle from ‘an&ba, form IV of n&ba 
[nawb/ruydbah], to return, to come near, to 
represent. See at 34:9, p. 1370, n. 13). 

4 r) mub&rak = blessed, full of blessings 

(passive participle from bdraka. form III of 
baraka. to kneel down. See at 23:29. p. 1083, n. 
2 ). 

5. ya JJ tabb (s.; pi hubib ) = grain, com. seed, 
cereal. See at 36:33. p. 1416. n It 

6. s-a*- hand - mown, reaped, harvested. 

harvest, crop (act. participle from hasada 
[hasd/hasdd/hisdd], to harvest, to reap. Sec at 

21:15. p 1016. n. 6). 

7. nakhl = date palm. See at 26:148. p. 
1 188. n. I. 

8. oUA bdsiqat (f. pi.; s. bdsufah; m. bdnq) = 
tall, towering. 

9. lal‘ = spadix or inflorescence of the palm 
tree, pollen, spathe. See at 37:65. p. 1440, n 14 

10. a^j. nadid = in layers, arranged one above 

the other (pass, participle in the scale of fu’il 
from nadada [natjd], to pile up. See numdud at 
11:82. p 707, n. 9) 

11. i. c.. make lively by vegetation 4-»-< 

’ahyaynd = brought to life, gave life (v. i. pi. 
past from alyya. form IV of hayiya (/iovo/i|, to 
live. See at 36:33, p. 1416, n. 9). 

12. i. .e. of the dead on the Day of Resurrection 

13. ’as-hab (pi.; sing. sahib) - 

inmates, inhabitants, dwellers, companions, 
associates, followers, owners Sec at 40:43, p. 
1525, n. 6). 

14 A remnant of the Thamud people 


Surah SO: Qaf | Pail (Jut) 26 1 

13. And ‘Ad and Fir'awn 
$ and the brethren 1 of LGt. 

14. And the inhabitants 
&V" of the Wood 2 

and the people of Tubba'.’ 
Each disbelieved 
Jijli the Messengers. 

0 -i So there came true’ My threats.’' 


15. Are We then tired 7 
with the creation 
in the first instance? 8 
Nay, they are in confusion 9 
about the creation anew. 10 

Section (Ruku ‘) 2 

£&£ ff 


,4— A 

16. And indeed We have 
created man and We know 
wherewith there tempts" him 
his self; 

and We are nearer 12 to him 
than the jugular vein." 

I. In Arabic ihc tribe of a particular person u 
generally referred to as his brethren, .aid 
vice-versa. 0ly«s1 ’ikhwdn (pi.; sing. *t "akh ) a -j 

brothers, brethren. See at 33:55. p 1360, n. I. ] 
Z i. e„ the people of Prophet Shu'ayb. peace be 
on him. They were so-called because they lived in 
a region full of trees and forest, most probably in- 
the region of Tabuk. t£jl ’aykah = wood, forest. 

thicket, jungle See at 38:13, p 1462. n 4 

3. The name of an ancient people or a ruling 
dynasty in Yaman See at 44:37, p. 1612. n. 13. J 

4. v-sf kadhdhaba = he cried lies to. regarded as 

false, disbelieved (v. iii. m. s past in form II of 
kadhaba [kidlib /kadliib /kadhbah / kidhbah], to 
lie Sec at 34:45, p. 1385, n 4). 

5. haqqa = he or it became true, correct, due. 
right, incumbent (v. iii. m. s. past from haqq. See 
at 46: 1 8. p. 1638. n.6). 

6. i. e.. the punishment with which they had been 
threatened was inflicted on them. wa'idt 
(originally wa'id!) : J^y wa'td = threats, 
promises. Sec at 14:14. p. 792. n. 5. 

7. U_p 'ayina = we became tired, was fatigued, 
lost the strength (v. i. pi past from 'ayya \y'iyy\. 
to lack the strength. Sec ya’ya at 46:33. p. 1644. 
n. 10). 

8. i. e„ do the unbelievers then think that We are 
tired by creating in the first instance so that We 
cannot create again? 

9. j—l labs = confusion, perplexity, uncertainly;: 

tangle, muddle. See yalbas&na at 44:54. p. 1615, 
n. 9. 

10. i. e.. about the Resurrection. j*ju» jadid (s.; 
pi. judud/judad) = new, novel See at 35:16. p. 
1396. n. 5. 

I I . y tuwaswisu = she whispers, tempts with 
wicked suggestions ( v. iii. f. s. impfct. from 
waswusu at 20:120, p. 1006, n. I). 

12. 'aqrab = closer, closest, nearer, nearest, 
morc/most likely (elalive of qarib Sec al 18:81, 
p. 940. n 12). 

13. J-»- habl (pi hiMI/ahhul/ahluWhubit) a 

rope, cord, string, vein. smew. Ajj* Jr>- (|oM 
al-wurid = jugular vein. See habl at 3:103, p. 
196, n. 5. 


SOrah 54: Al-Qanuir | Part (Jut ) 27 1 

ij. 5. A wisdom 1 most perfect; 2 
jiiCi but there avail’ not 
(§) jxi\ the wamers. 4 

- 6- So turn away 5 from them. 

'y On the day the caller will call 
! to a l ^' n 8 most terrible. 6 


7. Their eyes humbled, 7 
they will come out 

of the graves 8 
as if they are locusts 9 
0Z& spreading abroad. 10 

8. Running in haste" 
towards the caller. 

The unbelievers will say: 
"This is a day most hard." 12 

(i+M 9. Disbelieved before them 
gSfj the people of Ntlh. 

\jj& So they cried lies to 
fjHiJlLu. Our servant and said: 

1. i. e , this Qur'ln contains the most petted 
wisdom and guidance hikmah (pt. titan): 
wisdom, sagacity See at 43:63. p 1598. n. 12). ’ 

2. iiKt balighah - she or that which stain, 

reaches, is major, intense, perfect, prolong 
far-reaching (active participle from huicjht 
[buligh], to reach. Sec built gh at 5:67, p 363. » 
4 ). 

3. i. e., there avail not the unbelieven Ae 
warnings of the wamers js tughnid) = shear! 
suffices, makes free from want, makes rich. avnh. 
helps (v. iii. f. s impfet. from 'aghni. (ormlVol 
ghuntya ( ghinan / ghund ). to be free from na. 
to be rich. See at 36:23. p 1414. a 9). 

4. jii nudhur (pi.; s. nudhir) = wamen Isom 

participle in the scale of /a 'll from isu than 
( nudhr / nudhur], to vow, to pledge). See II <631. 
p 1639. n II). 

5. i. e.. let them alone for sometime JyinwBi: 
you turn away (v. ii. m t. imperative fi n 
talawalld, form V of wa/iya, to be near. See M 
51:54. p 1705, n 5). 

6. i. e , on the Day of Judgement all will be called 

to account for their deeds and it will be i Icmklt 
situation. nukur (s.; pi. ankir) : 

disagreeable, detestable, terrible, not rrcopound 
(i. e.. unprecedented). 

7. khushsha 4 (pi , s khtisht ") = submisme. 

humbled (act. participle from t hadn't 

[khushu']. to be submissive, humble See 
khdshi uh at 41:39. p 1553, n. 5). 

8. 'ajdath (pi.; s. jadtuh) = graves, unfa. 
See at 36:51. p. 1421, n. 6. 

9. sty* jardd = locusts. See at 7:133, p. 513. n f. 

10 muntashir (s.; pi mumajhinm) = heor 

that which spreads abroad, is scattered, dlspnscd 
(act. participle from mlashara. form VIA of 
mishara fnosAr], to spread out. See mioihiri u 
33:53. p. 1358. n. 9). 

It. muhli'tn ( pi., occ/gen of mafia da; 

s. muhti) = those who protrude theu necks a 
running, rushing, running in haste (act. particiffc 
from 'ahta'a, to protrude or outstretch the neck 
See at 14.43. p. 803. n. I). 

12. j—r- 'asir = hard, most hard, difficult, trunj. 
See 'asir at 25:26, p, 1 146, n. I . 

SOrah 50: Qdf | Pail {luz') 26 ] 


17. Lo, there receive 1 
the two receivers 2 
from the right 3 

and from the left, 4 sitting. 5 

1 8. He utters 6 not of a word 
but there is by him 

an overseer 7 quite ready. 8 

19. And there shall come 
the agony 9 of death 

in truth. 

That is what you use to 
turn away' n from. 

20. And blown shall be" 
the Trumpet. 12 

That will be the 
Day of the Threats. 13 

21. And there shall come 
every person; 

with him will be one driving 14 
and a witness. 15 

1 . jit, yatalaqqa = he receives, acccple ( v. iii. 

m. s. impfet. from lalaqqd. form V of laqiya 
[liqd' Auqyin l luqan Auqy /luqyah] to meet with. 
Sec talaqqd at 2:37, p. 19, n. 12). 

2. i. e„ two specially appointed angels. JUh* 

muatlaqqiy&n (dual; s. mtaluqqin : pi. mulalqqan 
) = two receivers (act. participle from lalaqqa. 
See n. I above). 

3. jri yamtn (s.; pi ay man ) = right, right hand. 
See at 37:28. p. 1435. n. 2. 

4. Jua shimal = north, left hand, left side, left. 

5. i. e.. each sitting on one side. -v«> qaid = one 

who sits down, sitting, infirm (act. particple in the 
scale of fa'il from qa'ada [qu'ud], to sit down. 
See qawd'id at 2:127. p. 60, n. 10). 

6. Jiii, yalfizu = he speaks, utters, articlulales. 

pronounces, spits out (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
lafaza ( lafi ], to emit, to speak, to spit out). 

7. vt * j raqtb = Ever- Watchful, vigilant, overseer. 

supervisor (active participle in the scale of fa'il 
from raqaba [ruqub/raqdbah], to watch, to 
control. See at 33:52, p. 1358, n. I). 

8. i. e.. ready to record -u* ‘attd= ready. 

prepared (pass, partciple from ‘atada [ aldd], to 
be ready. See 'a'tadnd at 48:13. p. 1666. n, 6), 

9. • sakrah (f s., pi. sakur&t ) = intoxication, 
agony. See sakardl 15:72. p. 822. n. 4. 

10. lahtdu = you deviate, depart, avoid, turn 

away (v. ii. m. s. impfet. from hdda | hayd/ 
huyud/ hayddn/ muhid] , to deviate, to avoid). 

11. £i. nufikha = it was blown, inflated, breathed 
(v. iii. m. s. past passive from nafakha [nafkh], 
to blow. See at 39:68, p. 1505, n. I). 

12. i. e., for the Resurrection. This will be the 
second blowing of the Trumpet . fiJr = horn. 

bugle, trumpet. See at 39:68. p. 1505. n. 2. 

13. i. e.. the Day of Resurrection about which 
threats are given, wa'id = threats, promises. 
See at 50:14. p. 1688. n. 6 

14. i. e., an angel will be driving them to the 
judgement arena jft- ta’iq = one who drives, 
urges on, pilots (acl participle from sdqa \suwq/ 
siydqah / ma.idq], to drive, to urge on. Sec suq at 
48:29, p. 1675. n. 9). 

15. i. e . another angel as witness. 


SArah 50: Qdf [ Pan (Jut ) 26 ) 


22. "You had indeed been 

in indifference 1 to this. 


So We have removed 2 


from you your covering.' 

Hence your sight 4 today is 


sharp." 5 


23. And there will say 


his companion: 6 

"This is what I have with me 

ready." 7 


24. "You two throw 8 

in hell 

everyone infidel, 9 

stubbornly defiant." 10 

25. "Preventer 11 of the good, 

transgressor, 12 skeptic.” 13 

26. He who set with Allah 

another god. 

So you two throw him 

1. ghaflah - negligence, tniiiffcreaod 
carelessness, inadvertence. Sec al 28:15. p. I2X 
n. 1. 

2. U dS kashafnd = we removed, lifted. 

disclosed, exposed (v. i. pi. past from iaiftqk 
[hash]], to remove Sec at 43:50, p. 1595, n. 8) j 

3. ghitd’ (s.; pi. ' aghtiyah ) = cow, 

covering, wrap, wrapping, envelop, lid. Sec « 
18:100, p. 946, n. 9. 

4. s* basar (s.; pi. absdr) = eye. sight, siskb, 
glance, look, insight Sec al 45:23. p. 1625, n. 9. 

5. 0 ,- 0 - hadid (s.; pi. hadd id/hidad) = iron, 
ironware, sharp See at 17:50. p 888. n. II. 

6. i. e.. the angel accompanying as witness j) 

qarin (s.; pi. qurand') = associate, companion 
comrade, consort, connected, joined ( act 
participle in the scale of fa'll from r/anm 
[qam], to connect, to associate. Sec muqamuk 
at 25:13, p. I14l,n.9). 

7. i. e„ the record of his deeds. Xf» 'odd: 

ready, prepared (pass, participle from Hindi 
I’utdiU, lobe ready See at 50:18, p 1689. n. 7). (J 
8 i e„ Allah will say to the two angels y> 

'alqiyd - you (two) throw, fling, cast, deliver (t 
ii. m. dual imperative from ’alqd, form IV' el 
laqiya lliqd’ /luqydn /luqy /luq\ah/luqm). a 
meet Sec alqu at 37:97. p 1415, n. 5). 

9. jUS" kaffdr = infidel, unbeliever See tuiffdrq 
47:34. p 1659. n. 4. 

10. ayt ‘anid = obstinate, stubborn, resisting 

stubbornly, stubbornly defiant (act. participle a 
the scale of fa'll from anada ( ‘ unud ], lo deviate, 
to resist stubbornly Sec at 14:515. p. 792. n 9). t 

11. manna’ = one who prevents, fotbilb. 

defends, resists, bars, blocks (act participle in Ac 
scale of fa" Al from mana a [ mun \, lo prevat 
See mana'a at 38:75. p 1477. n. 1). 

12. -ow. mu’tadin (s.; pi. mu'ladinl a 

transgressor, aggressor, assailant (active partioplt 
from i'ladd. form VIII of 'add ( 'odw], to speed, 
to run. See mu ratlin at 10:74. p. 664. n. 9). 

13. mu rib (s.; pi. muribdn) - one who 

arouses suspicion/misgivings, startler tact 
participle from 'urdba, form IV of rdba (nuti 
to disquiet, doubt See murtdb at 40:35. p 152}, 
n. 3). 

Surah 50: Qdf [ Pan Um ) 26 J 


yUlKti >n the punishment 

most rigorous. 

JU+ 27. There will say 

his comrade: 2 "Our Lord, 
“CJiUC 1 did not make him transgress,' 
| but he was astray 4 

{$5^ faraway." 5 

JU 28. He will say: 

"Do not quarrel 6 
in My Presence; and 
jij I had given you in advance' 
the threats." 

'&X 29. "Altered 8 shall not be 
CfjS&ift the sentence on My part, 
A&tiZj nor am 1 unjust 9 
{$) jJ$ to the servants." 1 ' 

• 10 

Section ( Ruku ‘) 3 

jyuj5 30. On the day We shall say 
to hell: 

| 4 tXS shadid (pi .ual 'ashiddd'l *xz shtdad) = 
mosl severe, stern, rigorous, hard, harsh, strong. 
See at 42:26. p. 1567. n. 2) 

2. i. e„ his evil comrade in the worldly life. Satan. 
ji} qarin ($.; pi. qurana ’) = associate, 

companion, comrade, consort, connected, joined ( 
act. participle in the scale of fa’ll from qurana 
[qam\, to connect, to associate. See muqarranin 

at 25:13. p. 1 141, n. 9). 

3. c. jU 'alghaylu ■ I made (someone) 
transgress/cxceed all bounds/rcbcl (v. i. s. past 
from 'alght 3. form IV of laghli [laghan/ 
lughydn]. to exceed all bounds. See at 37:30, 
1435. n. 5). 

4. J5U dalal = error, straying from the right 
path fl daldl = in error, astray, in vain. See at 
46:32, pi 1644, n. 7. 

5. i. e., from the right course and the truth. x»i 

ba'td = (s.; pi bu'add' /bu'Qd fbu'ddn /bl'ad) = 
far. far away, far-reaching, distant, remote, 
unlikely. See at 50:3. p 1685. n. 8). 

6. i. e.. Allah will say to them. S Id 

takhtasimu s You (all) do nol quarrel, dispute, 
argue, debate, contest one another (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative (prohibition! from ikhtajuma. form 
Vlil of khasuma ( khayrn/ khiydm/ khujumuh). to 
defeat in argument. See lakhlafimOna at 39:31, p. 
1492. n 5) 

7. c— -ii qaddamlu - I sent ahead, forwarded. 

advanced, given in advance (v. i. s. past from 
qaddama, form II of qadama / qadima [ qadm 
/qudum /qidmdn /maqdam\ to precede, to amve. 
See at 42:48. p. 1579, n. I). 

8. Jjl, yubaddalu- he or it is exchanged, 
changed, altered, replaced, substituted (v. in m. s. 
impfet. passive from baddala, form II of badala 
[ badal ], to replace. See yubaddilu at 48:15. p. 
1667, n. 7). 

9. fib zallam- unjust, oppressor, evildoer (act. 

participle in the scale of fa"&l from zaltuna 
[zalm/julm). to do wrong Sec at 41:46, p. 1556. 
n. II). 

10. ‘abtd (pi ; s. -c* ’abd) = serfs, servants, 
slaves, bondsmen See at 22:10, p. 1048, n. 10. 


surah 50: Qaf [ Part (Jut) 26 J 

"Have you become full?" 1 

And she will say: 

"Is there any more?" 2 

31. And brought near’ will be 

paradise for the righteous, 4 

not far away. 5 

32. "This is what 

you were promised 6 — 


for everyone oft-retuming, 7 

attentive." 8 

33. "Who feared 9 the 

Most Merciful in the unseen. 

and came with a heart 

turning in repentance." 10 

34. "Enter you all in it 

1 *, 

in peace." 

This is the Day of Eternity." 


35. They shall have 

1. imtala 'ti= you (fcm) became M, 

filled yourself (v. iii. f. s. past from imtala < 
form VIII of mala'a [mat'/ mal'ah /mil'ahl to 
fill. !o fill up See la 'amla'anna at .18 85. p 
1478. n. 7). 

2. Jyy majld = excess, more, additional (vethd 

noun of jdda, also passive participle from tH i 
Sec zdda at 47:17. p. 1653. n. 9). 

3. cJSjl 'uzlifat = she or il was brought near, 
advanced (v. iii. f. s past passive from u'Jafc 
form IV of zalafa [mlf/ztilaf/zalij], to go tar, 
approach, advance See 'azla/nd at 26:9ft f 
1 178. n. 

4. muttaqfn (ac eigen of muuaq&n, ling 

muiraqin ) = those who arc on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. c . by canying out the injunction j 
of the Qur'an and sunnah), godfearing. nghtaM . 
(active participle from ittaqi, form VIII of wofi 
[waqy/ wiqdyah], to guard, to protect Sec » 
45:19, p 1624. n. 3). 

5. -u>v ba'id = (s.; pi. bu'add’ /bu'ud dm’dbi 
/bi'tld) = far. far away, far-reaching, diuat, 
remote, unlikely Sec at 50:27. p 1691. n. 5). ] 

6. j_>ar.y it 2 • adilna - you are promised, tuuml 
threatened, (v. ti. ni. pi impfcl pasuvt Irva 
wu Wu (also from ’aw’ada. fonn IV of waaiul | 
(wo '</]. to promise Sccat4l:30.p 1550, ri lljl 

7. ’awwdb (*.; pi. 'awwdMi) il 

oft-reluming. oftretuming in penitence, cut 
penitent, ever -obedient (act participle in lie sc* 
of fa’ dl from aba [TnvV ’awbahf 
return. See at 38:44. p. 1471, n 3). 

8 i c . to tlic injunctions of the Qur'in ad 

sunnah /ia/Fp = attentive, mindful, 

preserving, guarding, guard, (act participle ■ Ae 
scale of fa'il from hafiyi ( hifi ]. to preserve, 
guard See at 42:48. p, 1 578. n. i8). 

9. khashiya = he feared, was afnid < 

apprehended (v. iii. tn. s. past from Marti 
/khashyah, to fear See at 36:1 1, p 1411, n 5). 1 

10. munib = one who turns in repentant, 
penitent (act participle from andba, form IV of 
nuba [nawb/mydbah\, to return, to come near, o 
represent Sec at 50:8, p 1687, n. 2). 

II. JjLh khulud = to last for cstr, to lit 

everlasting/ eternal (verbal noun of IhaUuk fa 
khalidin at 48:5. p. 1662. n. 10. 

Siirah 50: Qdf I Pan <7uz) 26 ] 


QojiSl; all that they desire 1 therein; 

| and with Us will be more. 2 

^ 36. And how many 
| We destroyed’ before them 

of a generation 4 
who were stronger' ’han they 
lllu im might 6 
ijX» and they had penetrated 7 
4 into the land. 
j> Was there 

any palce of escape? 8 

‘4*4^1 37. Verily therein is 
i a reminder 9 

| f° r anyone that has a heart 10 

or casts 1 1 ear to 
$1 and he is heedful. 12 

38. And indeed We created 
the heavens and the earth 

and all that is between them 
in six days, 

[' and there touched” Us not 

1 . 0^.14* yasha’una = they wish, desire, want (v. 

iii. m pi. irapfct. from s hi' a (mruA/aA). to wish. 
Sec at 42:22. p. 1569. n 13). 

2. J ty majtd = excess, more, additional (verbal 

noun of jdda, also passive participle from zitdu 
See at 50:35. p. 1693. n. 2) 

3. ' ahlakna = we destroyed, annihilated (v. 

i. pi. past from 'ahlaka. form IV of halaku [hulk/ 
hulk/ haldk t iahlukah ]. to perish. See at 47: 13. p. 
1651. n 11). 

4. i. c . because of their unbelief and persistent 
sinning, o / qarn (*.; pi. qurun) = generation, 
century, horn. See at 38:3, p. 1459. n. 6. 

5. J-it ashadd = more/most intense, stronger/ 

strongest, severer /severest, fiercer/ fiercest, 
stemer/sternest. toughcr/loughest. (elative of 
shadid). See at 40:46, p 1526. n. 5. 

6. jSlw batsh = power, might, strength, force. 

valour. See at 43:8. p 1583. n. 10. 

7. i. e . by travels, settlement and building. 
naqqabu = they penetrated, drilled, examined 
thoroughly, travelled (v. iii. m. pi. post from 
naqqabu , form II of naqaba | naqb), to bore, 
pierce. See naqb at 18:97. p. 945. n. 7). 

8. i. e., from death and Allah's retribution? 

mahis - escape, flight, place of retreat, sanctuary 
(verbal noun of. also noun of place from 
[hays/ hayyahlnuihiy], to escape, to flec.Sec at 
41:48, p. 1557. n. 9). 

9. i. e.. reminder of Allah's Power and of the 
inevitability of return to Him. ij/’s dhikrd = 

recollection, remembrance, memory, reminder. 
See at 50:8, p. 1687, n. 2. 

10. i. c . to understand and realize. 

1 1. i. e., lends ear to the admonitions and listens 
carefully jill ’alqi = he cast, flung, threw, posed, 
set forth, offered (v. iii. m. s. past, in from IV of 
laqiya [liqd' /luqydn /luqy /luqyah/luqan], to 
meet. See at 31:10. p. 1313. n 7). 

12. shahid (s.; pi shuluidd') = on looker, 
spectator, witness, heedful, martyr. All-Witnessing 
(act. participle in the scale of fa'il from shahida 
[shuhiid], to see, to witness. See at 48:28. p. 
1674. n. 17). 

13. massa - he touched, affected, hit. 
afflicted (v. iii. m. s. past from moss/ masts, to 
feel, to touch. Sec at 39:49, p. 1498, n. 10) 


SQrah 50: Qdf [ Part (Juz) 26 ) 

any weariness. 1 

39. So have patience 2 
je over what they say, 3 

and declare sanctity 4 
with the praise of your Lord 
before the rise 5 of the sun 
and before the sunset. 6 

40. And in part of the night' 
Zips declare His sanctity, 

and in the wake 8 
of prostrations. 

4 1 . And listen 9 on the day 
there will call 10 the caller" 

(£) from a place quite near. 

42. On the day they will hear 
the thunderous blast 12 

in truth. 

\j&s That will be the day of 
the coming out. 13 

I. So. il is not at all difTicull on Allah's 

pan • 

resurrect and create anew. vy* lughub a 

exhaustion, weariness. See at 35:35. p. 1401 a 

2. The address is to the Prophet, pace mi 

blessings of Allah be on him. and through him k 
the believers. isbir = be patient, hre 

patience, bear calmly, persevere, (v. ii. a i 
imperative from sabara [johr), to be patient, a 
bind See at 30:60. p. 1310, n 7). 

3. i. e., what the unbelievers say in respect of At 
Qur'an and its message 

4. £— sabbih = proclaim the sanctity, glonfr, 

declare immunity from blemish (v. u i 
imperative from sabbaha. form II of dabo^a 
[sabh/ sibdhah) to swim, to float. Sec 
1529. n. I). 

5. i. e.. at dawn (Jajr ). tuM'a to me 

ascend See at 20:130, p. 1009, n, 7. 

6. i e.. the late afternoon Carr) prayer vj/ 
ghurub = setting, sunset Sec at 18 17. p. 915, a 
8 . 

7 i. c . mugrib, ishd ' and tahajjud prayers. 

8. i. c . after completing the prayers WMr 

(pi.; sing. /•> dubr/ dubur) = backs, rear pam 
tear, in the wake. See at 47:24. p 7. j 
9 A-o-i island ‘ = listen, hear, pay attention (v a 

m. s imperative from is lama 'a, form VH tf 
Si ami 'a |.rom' /samd ' /sama’ah /masma '), to he* 
See island u at 22:73, p. 1071, n. 13). 

10. cJsIh yunadi = he calls, calls out. summon (*.y 

iii. m. s. impfet from ndda. form III of naU 
[nadw], to call See at 4 1 47. p. 1 557. n. 2). 1 

11. i. c. the angel IsrafTL on the occasional 
Resurrection (sS)ats> munidin s summon*, 

caller ( active participle from ndda. form II] of 
nadd. [ nadw ], to call Sec at 3:193. p. 232.(1 1)^ 

12. i. e.. the blowing in the trumpet by litiS. 
sayhah (s.; pi. sayhdt) = outcry, piemaj 

sound, thunderous blast See at 38:15. p. 1 462 a 
10 ). 

13. t. c . i. e . the coming into existence alive tat 
of the dead on the Day of Resurrection - 

khuruj = going out. coming out. departure (vcthl 
noun of kharaja See yukhriju at 47:37. p I6M 

n. 3). 

Surah 50; Qaf [ Pan Ouz) 26 1 


o* \ 1 \ 43. Verily it is We Who 
j. Jc give life 1 and cause to die; 2 
and to Us is the destination.' 




44. On the Day 

rent asunder 4 will be the earth 
off them in haste. 5 
That will be the assembling 6 
on Our part quite easy. 7 

45. We do know best 8 
what they say, 

and you are not over them 
a compeller. 11 
So remind" 1 
by means of the Qur’an 
those that fear" 

My threats. 12 

I . nuhyt = we give life, animate, enliven (v. 

1. pi. impfcL from 'ahyu. form IV of hayiya 
[ ha yah | , to live. See at 36:12. p. 1411. n. 7). 

2. So. it is nothing unusual for Him to resurrect 
the dead, o-w numtlu = we cause to die, put to 

death (v. i. pi. impfct. from anuita. form IV of 
mdla [miner], to die. See at 15:23. p. 812. n. 6). 

3. j-v maslr = destination, place at which one 
arrives, destiny. See at 48:7. p. 1663. n. II). 

4. tashaqqaqu (originally ratashaqqaqu) = 

she gets split, is rent asunder, cleft, npped. tom 
(v. iii. f. s. impfct from rashaqqaqa. form V of 
shaqqa \shaqq], to split, cleave. See at 25:25, p. 

1 145, n. II). 

5. So the dead will come out alive from the earth. 
rirS ‘ (pi.; s. sari')= those in haste, sir&’an = in 
haste, quickly, in a hurry. 

6. />■ hashr m to gather, assemble, rally (verbal 
noun of hashara. See huslura at 46:6. p. 1632. n 
12 . 

7. jr-t yasur = easy, gentle, simple, insignificant. 
See at 29:19, p 1271, n. 8 

8. ‘ a'lamu = better-knowing, best aware 

(elativc of Ohm, active participle from 'alinui 
['i/m), to know See at 29:32. p. 1276, n. 5). 

9. jabh&r (s.; pi. jahharun/ jabObir/ 

jababirah ) = of overwhelming power, tyrant, 
oppressor, compeller (act. participle in the scale of 
fa ' ‘01 from jabara [jabr/jubOr], to set. to restore, 
to force. See at 28:19. p. 1237, n. 12). 

10. /s dhakkir = remind, call to attention (v. m 
s. imperative from dhakkara, form II of dhakara 
\dh:kr/tadhkar\, to remember See at 14:5, p 787. 
n. 5). 

I I. jtis yakh&fu = he fears, dreads, is afraid (v. 

iii. m. s. impfct. from khafa [khawf/ makhii/ah J 
khifahj. to fear. See at 27. 10. p. 1204, n. 2). 

12. k a'tdi (originally wa'tdi) = wa'id = 
threats, promises. See at 50:20, p. 1689, n. 13. 

5 1 . SCjrat Al-Dhamyat (The Scattering Winds) 
Makkan: 60 'ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah. It deals with the fundamentals of the faith, mainly imrttf 
(monotheism), Resurrection. Judgement and the life in the hereafter. It starts by emphasizing that lit 
Resurrection and Judgement shall lake place. Next it refers to the unbelievers who disbelieve in tie I 
Qur'an and the Resurrection and their condition in the hereafter. In contrast the condition of the 
believers and the righteous is then mentioned. It then refers to the heavens and the earth and all that eta 
as signs of Allah's Power of creation and His Lordship and Absolute Oneness. In this context reference 
is made to some of the Messengers whom Allah had sent with the message of monotheism and worship 
of Allah Alone and how the previous nations had been destroyed because of their unbelief and persutaid 
disobedience to Allah. 

1 . By the scattering winds' 
0 £* blowing away; 

-Adt 2. And the carriers 2 
$ (Aj of heavy load;’ 

3. And those that move on 4 
&£ at ease; 5 

4. And the distributors 6 
by command; 7 

5. Verily what you are 
promised 8 is true. 

1 . dhariyat (f pi.; s. dhdriyah) ~ soiltamj 

winds, scattcrcrs. dispersers, those that blot 
away/carry off (act. participle from dkrt 
[ dharn ■]. lo scatter, to blow away See 'adhri 1 1 
18:45, p. 927. n. 13). 

2. i. e.. the clouds. hamilAt (f. pi: il 

hanulat : m. hdmtl) = those who cany , amen, 
bearers (act. participle from hamalu See (lamik 
at 29:12. p I269.n. 3). 

3. wiqr = heavy load, burden 

4. i. e.. the ships. ol<jW j&riy&t (f. pi , s. I 
= those that move on/flow (ships) (act. pamqfc | 
from jura \jar y). lo flow A ship is called ,wndl 
because il flows on the surface of the sea See 
jawdrin al 42:32, p. 1573. n. 6) 

5. j-t yusr = case, facility. See al 18:88, p W, 1 
n. 2. 

6. i. c.. the angels who distnbutc Align 
assignments and graces among the cratmj 
ol.-j< muqassimdt (f. pi.; s niuyuniiMt) s j 

distributors, dividers, those that parcel uct/bud . 
up (act. paniciplc from qussama, form 0 4 1 
qasama \q asm], lo divide Sec vui/iuniae ■ 
43:32, p. 1590. n 4). 

7. A amr t s 'l pL W ‘awdmirl lt i ««ir)»j 
order, command, decree / matter, issue, ifia 
See at 45:18. p 1623. n. 8 

8. i. e. . the Resurrection and Judgement, j ytj 

tu'aduna = you are promised, assured, ihroKn^l 
(v ii in pi impfet passive from wa’a da (ila 
from 'aw'uda. form IV of wa'ada) Inu'dlH 
promise. Sec at 50:32. p 1692. n. 6). 


Surah 5 1 : Al Dhariyai [ Part (Jui ') 26 ] 


iijfy 6. And verily the Judgement 
0$ shall take place. 2 

7. By the sky 
full of routes. 3 

8. Indeed you are in a talk 
quite divergent. 4 

iy 9. Deluded 5 from it is 
I? the one who is deluded. 

1. ji i din = religion, creed, faith, code. law. 
worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital. Sec at 49:16. p. 1683, n, 9. 

2. «i>j waqi' = that which falls/befalls, is about to 
fall, is going to occur/take place (act participle 
from h aqa'a [ y ■ hui/u ']. to fall. See at 42:22. 
p. 1569. n. 9). 

3. dV- hubuk (p.; s. Ijabikah) = routes, ways, 
paths, orbits of the celestial bodies. 

4. 1. c„ you express divergent opinions and make 
contradictory statements about the Qur'Sn and the 
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. 
Thus sometimes you say he is a poet, sometimes 
you say he is possessed, again you say he has 
fabricated the Qur'Sn, then you say someone else 
has composed it for him. and the like. Jd a c. 

mukhlalij = diverse, different, varying, divergent 
(act. participle from ikhlulafa. form VIII of 
khalafa [khalf ] to follow, to succeed. See at 
39:21. p. 1488. n 13). 

10. Doomed are the liars. 6 

1 1 . Those that are 

in heedlessness 7 distracted.* 


oCtjJq 1 2. They ask: "When 9 is 
the day of Judgement? 

13. The day they shall be 
on the fire put to trial. 10 

5. i. c , deluded from the Qur'&n are by such talks 
those who are deluded diiji yu'faku = he is 

deluded, beguiled, deceived, turned away (v. iii. 
m. s. impfet. passive from ufaka. See at 40:63, p. 
1531. n. 8 above). 

6. y* kharrdsun (pi.; s. khurrdf ) = liars. 

surmisers, conjccturers (act participle in the scale 
of fa ' ’at from kharasu |*/wr.j|. to guess, to tell an 
untruth. See yakhrusuna 43:20, p. 1587, n. 4). 

7. • ghamrah (s.; pi. ghumar ) = perplexity, 

bewilderment, confusion, error, heedlessness, 
hardship, pangs. Sec at 23:54. p. 1089. n. 2. 

8. 0y>U sahun (pi., s. sdhin) = unmindful, 
heedless, inattentive, distracted, negligent (act. 
participle from sahtl | sahw/suhHw ]. to overlook, 
to forget). 

9. 'ayydn= when, at what time. Sec at 16:21, 
p. 833, n. 5. 

10. yuftanuna - they are tried, put to test 

(v. iii. m. pi. impfet passive from fatanu [fain/ 
futun ). to turn away, to put to trial. See at 29:2, p. 
1265. n. 4). 


Surah 51: Al-Dhdnyat [ Part (Juz ') 26 ] 

U/j 14. "Taste 1 your trial. 2 
^^cfjllijjt This is what you had been 
wishing to hasten.” 3 

jj 15. Verily the righteous 4 
c&di shall be amidst gardens 
an ^ springs. 3 16. Receiving 6 

all that there will give 7 them 

their Lord. 


Indeed they had been 
before that doing good deeds. 8 


\y£ 17. The had been 

for very little of the night 
$o^'U that they slept. 9 

18. And by the pre-dawn 
^ hours 10 they had been 
{£) OjjiiLj praying for forgiveness. 11 

Jl> 19. And in their properties 

1. i. e.. it will be said to them 'yy dhuqi - y* 
(all) taste, have the taste (v. ii. m. pi. impcmm 
from dhdqa [dhawq/ madhilq], to taste See a 
46:34. p. 1646. a 3). 

2. fca funah (pi. fitan) = trial, temptation, I 
enticement, discord, sedition, plea (on trial) See 
at 39:49, p. 1499. n. 4 

3. liijUc-; tasta 'jiltina a you hasten, trulr 

haste, hurry, wish to expedite (v. ii. m pi i triplet 
from isla'Jala, form X of ‘ajila [ 'ajal/ujalah }. to 
hasten. Sec at 27:72, p. 1 224. n. 6). 

4. jyz* muttaqin (accVgen. of muttaqin: lag 
muttaqin) = those who arc on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e.. by carrying out the injunction 
of the Qur'an and sunnah), godfearing, nghteota 
(active participle from itlaqd form VIII of wg| j 
[waqy/ wiqdyah], to guard, to protccL Set ai 
50:3 1 . p. 1692. n. 4). 

5. dyf- ‘tty in (p|.; s. ‘ayn) = springs, fountain 
eyes. See at 44:52, p. 1615, n 8). 

6. jfia-W 'dkhidhln (pi. acc/gen of Wadit. 

s 'ukludh) = those who take, seize, recent i« 
participle from tikhadha ( ’aklidh], to lake See 
akhidh 11:56. p. 698. n. 2). 

7. ’(3rd = he or it came. gave, broujh, 

afforded (v. iii, m s. past from itydn/aty/mtik, 
to come. bnng. give Sec at 28:46, p. 1258. n 6) 

8 ~ muhsintn = (pi.; acc. /gen of 

muhsinun ; sing, muhsm) = those who do good 
right things, righteous, charitable, generate 
(active participle from ahstma. form IV ef 
hasuna [Aum], to be good See at 39:58, p 1582, 
n. 2). 

9. yahja'una = they sleep peacefully (g 

night, become quiet (v. iii. m. pi impfcl Craa 
haja'a [huju ). to sleep peacefully, to calm 

10. ' as-hdr (sing.,— uthar) = time before 

daybreak, pre-dawn hours See at 3:17, p 161 L 


11. i. e., tahajjud prayers, jj jUu-, yauaghfirim 

= they pray for forgiveness, ask for pardon (v. i. 
m pi. impfet. from tstaghfara, form X of ghafm 
[ghafr / maghfiruh /ghufrdn], to forgive. See ■ 
40:7. p. 151 1, n. 8) 

Surah SI : Al-Dhanyat [ Pari Uuz ) 26 ] 


was a right 1 for the beggar 2 
Q-fJs&j and the deprived.' 

20. And in the earth are signs 
OojhPI for the firm believers. 4 

21. And in your selves. 
Qciir-fZ'W Will you not then see? 5 

22. And in the heaven 
is your provision 6 

fajJejtj and what you are promised. 7 

^5 23. So. by the Lord of 
the heaven and the earth, 
verily it is true,® 
ji; like’ that you 
do speak.'" 

Section ( Ruku ‘) 2 

^3 j> 24. Has there come to you 

i-ji the account 1 ‘of 

the guests of Ibrahim, 
the honoured ones? 12 

1. i. c„ they regularly paid zakAh and sadaqah. 

haqq = right, truth, liability, justice, just 
cause. Sec at 44:38, p. 1613, n. S. 

2. Jsv- s&’il (s.; pi. sa'ilAn ) = beggar, petiuoncr, 

questioner, enquirer ( active participle from sa’ala 
[ su'AI/ mas'alalt/las'AI], to ask. See sA'ilin at 
41:10. p. 1543. n. 2). 

3. f mahrum (s ; pi mahrumun ) - deprived, 
precluded, excluded, divested, bereaved (pass, 
participle from harama [Ijirm/ljirman}. to 
deprive, to dispossess). 

4. jAy muqinSn (pi.: acc7gen. of muqmiln. s. 
muqm ) = those believing with certitude, lirmly 
convinced, firm believers, those who are sure 
(active participle from uyqana, form IV of 
yaqina [yaqn/yaqin). to be sure, be certain. See at 
44:7, p. 1607, n.6). 

5. tubsirAna = you sec, see through. 

understand, (v. ii. m pi. impfet. from absara. 
form IV of bajura/bavra | basar ], to see. See at 
43:51. p. 1596. n. 1). 

6. i. e.. the means for your provision, such as 
rain, sunshine, air. oxygen, etc. Jjj rizq (pl.J*jj f 
arzAq) = provision, means of livelihood, food, 
sustenance. See at 45:5, p. 1619. n. 5). 

7. i. e.. of rewards and punishment, recorded in 
al-lawh al-mahfuz 0yc*.y tu ‘aduna = you are 

promised, assured, threatened, (v. ii. m pi. impfet. 
passive from wa'ada (also from 'aw 'ada. form 
IV of hu ada ) [wu'rf], to promise. See at 51:5, p. 
1696. n. 8). 

8. i. e.. the Resurrection. Judgement, rewards and 
punishment are true. 

9. Ji» milhl (s.; pi. Jo.' umlhdl) = like, similar, 
equivalent. See at 46: 10. p 1634. n. 9. 

10. 0>ik; tantiquna = you (all) speak, talk, 
pronounce, articulate (v. ii m. pi. impfet. from 
nulaqa [nuiq/nutuq/mantiq], to talk, speak, 
articulate. See at 37:92, p. 1444, n. 19). 

11. hadilh (s.; pi. ahadith ) = speech, 
talk, narrative, report, account. See at 45:6. p, 
1619. n. II. 

12. Ay£* mukramun (pi ; s, mukram) - those 

honoured (passive participle from akrama form 
IV of karuma | karam/ karamah/ kur&mah], to be 
noble, generous. Sec at 37:42, p. 1437. n. 5). 


Surah 5 1 : Al-Dhdnyat [ Pari (Jui ) 26 ) 

25. When they entered 1 on 
him and said: "Salam", 

££ ju he said "Salam ... 

a people unknown!" 2 


> > 

26. Then he slipped away ' 
to his family and came 
with a calf* fleshy and fatty. 5 

27. Then he brought it near 6 
to them saying: 

"Will you not eat.?" 7 

28. Then he got apprehensive 8 
of them in fear. 

They said: "Do not be afraid" 
and gave him the good news 9 of 

® ^(*iL a son well informed. 

,-rlV 29. Then there came forward 10 


his wife crying" 

and beat her 12 face 

and said: "An old woman, 

barren." 11 

I . i ji«- j dakhalu = (hey entered, went in. afci 

on (v. iii. m. pi. past from dakhalu 
enter Sec at 15:52. p 818, n, 2). 

2 Ibrahim, peace be on him. could not ttcopmn 
them because they were angels in the form d 
human beings u)j£~- munkarun (pi ; s rauUar) 

= those not known, unrecognized, a mp 
unknown (pass, paniciplc from ankaru. form IV 
of nakira [nakar/ nukr/ nukur/ nakir]. not H I 
know See at 15:61. p. 820. n I 

3. j_tj rdgha = he went away, furtively turned 

away, slipped away (v iii. m. s. past front nwjk 
to go away, to go out of the way) 

4 i. e.. a roasted calf. 'ijt (14 pi 
ujul/ijalah) = calf See at 20:88, p 997, all 
5. j-w samin (s.; pi. simAn) - fat, fleshy, ate*. 
See sirnan at 12:43. p 718. n. 7). 

6 vy qarraha = he brought near, made 

someone/ something close. .ipprouanH^I 
advanced (v. iii. in. s past in form II of qmkq 
\qurb/ maqrabah], to be near See qurmbni $ 
19:52. p. 964, n. 3). 

7. ta'kuluna = you (all) cal, consume (v. U 

in pi iinpfcl. from akala ( akl/ma'kul), In a 
Sec at 43:73. p, 1601, n. 6). 

8 Because they did not partake of the food V ~.J 

'awjasa = he became apprehensive, afraid (*.4 
m s. past in form IV of wajisa | wajs Ma/uiHi \ 
to be afraid, worried 'awjasa khifatan is in id™ 
meaning * had a sense of fear. hecia* 
apprehensive’". Sec at 20:67, p 990, n. 10). 

9. bashsharu = they gave good news (v nr 

in pi past from bashsharu, form II cl bushm/ I 
bashira [ bishr/bushr /. to be happy See 
bashshamA at 37:1 12. p 1447, n 1 1). 

10. c-Lil 'aqbalal = she came forward, turned la I 

approached, advanced (v iii f. s past in from IV 
of quin la [ qabul/qubul ). to accept Sec aqbala g 
37:50, p. 1438. n. 7). 

I I . sarrah = yell, sharp cry. 

12. sakkat - she beat, struck, shut <v. iii, ( 
s past from sakka [fuM], to beat, to strike), 

13. ‘aqim = unavailing, barren, stcnle, limit, 
unproductive, fruitless (active participle in the 
scale of (ail from aqama/uqumu [ 'aqm/’uqm l 
to be barren, sterile Sec at 42:50, p 1579. n. 9). '] 

Surah 51: Al-Dbdriydl [ Part {Jut) 27 1 


30. They said: "Even so, 
Idjjb says your Lord. 

Verily He is the All-Wise, 1 
0 ' i'S \ the All-Knowing." 2 

Part (Juz’) 27 

31. He said: 'Then what is 
the matter' with you, 

O you the Messengers?" 

32. They said: "Indeed we 
have been sent 4 to a people 
committing sins." 5 

33. That we discharge 6 on 
them stones 7 of clay." 8 

dfcitipf 34. "Marked 9 with your Lord 
$ for the transgressors." 10 

35. So We brought out 
whoever was therein 
of the believers. 

I i. c.. in His deeds, commandments and 
dispensation. {-£*- hakim (s.; pi. hukanui’) = 
All-Wise, judicious, full of wisdom (active 
participle in the scale of fall from hakumu 
t/iufonj. to pass judgement Sec at 45:37. p. 1630, 
n. 4). 

2. i. e., of all events, words, deeds and thoughts of 
His creatures, open or secret, and of what is good 
and suitable for His creatures. f-M- 'atim (s.: pi. 
'ulanui') = well informed, erudite, learned, more 
knowing. All-Knowing. Omniscient. See at 49:16, 
p, 1683. n. 10. 

3. —W- khatb (%.. pi. khutub) = matter, affair, 
conditions, circumstances, situation, concern. See 
at 28:23, p. 1239. n 8. 

4. U- jl 'ursilna = we were sent out. sent, 
despatched (v. i. pi past passive from ' arsala . 
form IV of rasila. Sec at 15:58. p. 819. n. 5). 

5. i. e.. the sinful people of Prophet Ult. peace be 
on him. jr- mujrimtn (pi.; acc./gen of 

mujrimHn: s. mujnm) = those who commit sins, 
sinners, culprits, sinful (act. participle from 
ajrama. form IV of jarama (/amt) . to commit a 
crime. Sec at 46:25. p. 1641, n. 10). 

6. y* j nursila(u) - we send, despatch. 

discharge (v. i. pi. impfet from 'arsala. form IV 
of rasila (rusof], to be long and flowing The final 
letter takes falhah because of a hidden 'on in li 
of motivation coming before the verb. Sec nursilu 
at 6:48. p 409, n 8). 

7. i.e.. of hardened clay. ijl~- hijarah ( pi ; sing 
lutjar) = stones. Sec at 17:50, p. 888, n. 10. 

8. ffn = clay. soil. See at 38:71. p. 1476, n. 3. 

9. Each stone was marked with the name of the 

person it hit (Ibn Kathir. IV, 271). — . 

musawwamah = beautiful, marked for goodness, 
marked, branded, (passive participle from 
suwwama. form II of sama (tuum], to mark, to 
brand Sec at 11:83. p. 707. n. 10). 

10. i. e„ persisting in unbelief and evil deeds 
jjj—> musrifin (pi; acc./gen of musri/On; s. 

musrif) = those who commit excesses, exceed all 
bounds. extravagant, prodigal. wasteful, 
transgressors (active participle from 'usrafa. form 
IV of sarafa/sarifa [surf/ saraf\. to corrode, to 
spoil, to neglect Sec at 44:31. p. 161 1, n. 10). 


SOrah 51: AI Dhariyat [ Part (Juz ) 27 ) 

36. But We found'not therein 

except one household 

of the Muslims. 2 


37. And We left’ therein 

a sign for those who 

fear 4 the punishment 

most painful. 5 

38. And in MOsa, 

when We sent him to Fir‘aun 

with an authority' 1 quite clear. 7 

o[ y* 

39. But he turned away" 

with his force and said: 

"A sorcerer 9 or an insane." 10 

40. So We seized him 

and his hosts" 

and hurled 12 them in the sea" 

and he was to blame. 14 

41. And in ‘Ad, 


1. Ljj. , wajadnd = we round, got (v ■ pi pal 
from wajada [h ujOd], to find See ai 43:22, p 
1587. n. 6). 

2. i. e„ the household of Lut, peace be on him 

3. i. e . in the rums as a result of the punishM : 
inflicted ; laraknd = wc left, abandoned, pit 
up. forsook (v. l. pi. past from laraka [tarij, to 
leave See at 37: 129. p. 1450. n. 9. 

4. JytA, yakhif&na = they fear, dread (v. iti nr 

pi impfet from khdfa [k/umf/ makhafah/ kMfakl. 
to fear. See at 24:50, p. I127.n. 3). 

5. 'alim = agonizing, anguishing 
excruciating, most painful (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa' il from alima ( a/am|, to he 
in pain, to feel pain) Sec at 48:25. p 1672, n. Il 

6. sultan = authority, power, mandate, rale, 
sanction Sec at 44 19. p. 1609. n 1 1 

7. Jr* mubln = all too clear, obvious, inaniltil. 

patent, explicit, open and clear, conspicuous, Ml 
who or that which makes clear (act. paiuapfc 
from abdna, form IV of bdnu (/smlxl. to be 
dear Sec at 46:32. p 1644, n. 8). 

8. jl y tawalla = he took over, undertook, time) 
away, lakes for a friend (v. iii. m. s. past in (am 
V of waliytt [vvu/ri'Avi/rivuAl. to be near, lobes 
friend Sec at 28:24. p 1239. n il). 

9. sahir ($.. pi suhurah/suhhar) - sorcetee, 
magician, enchanter (act participle from wtpn 
lirhr). to enchant Sec at 40:24, p. 1517, n. 12). 

10. majnun (s. ; pi. mujdnin) = posteued. 

insane, mad. one gone off his head ipsa 
participle from janna [junun], to cover, to hide 
Sec at 4414. p, 1608. n 10) 

11. •>>* junud (pi.; sing, jund) = troops, soldien. 
army, hosts. Sec at 48:4. p 1662, n 4). 

12 i. e.. drowned them ViJ nabadhna - m 

threw, hurled (v. i. pi. post from nabaiki 
\nabdh], to hurl See at 37: 145. p 1452. n. 9). ( 

13. yamm (s.; pi. yam&m) = open sea. met 
See at 28:40. p 1246. n 7. 

14. fj* mu lint = one deserving blame. 

balmcworthy. one who is to blame (pass 
participle from aluma. form IV of Idnui i 

maldm/ maldmah], to blame, to censure. Sec 
Id im at 5:54. p. 357. n. 9). 

SQrah 51 : Al-Dhdriydt [ Pari Uuz') 27 ] 


when We sent 1 against them 

the wind 2 most barren.' 

42. It spared 4 not anything 

that it came upon but 

made it as if decomposed.' 


43. And in Thamtid, 

•/ / w 


when it was said to them: 


"Enjoy yourselves 6 

till a time." 

! & 

44. But they hurled defiance 

[ & 

at the command 


of their Lord. 


So there seized" them 

the thunderbolt 9 

and they were gazing. 10 

45. And they were not able" 


to stand up 12 

nor could they 

help themselves. 13 

1 . U- jl 'analna = we sent out, sent, despatched, 
discharged (v. i. pi. past from 'arsala. form IV of 
rasilu | nun/ ), to be long and flowing. See at 
43:25. p 1 594, n. 2). 

2. rfh (s.; pi. riydlf ) = wind, smell, odour. 

See at 30:51, p. 1307. n. 6. 

3. i. e„ a dry and devastating wind. ^ ‘aqim = 
unavailing, barren, sterile, futile, unproductive, 
fruitless (active participle in the scale of fa'U 
from 'aqunui/aquma ( 'aqm/'uqm J, to be barren, 
sterile. See at 51:29. p. 1700. n. 13). 

4. jis ladharu = she or it leaves, lets alone, 
abandons, forsakes (v. iii. f. s. impfet from 
wadhara/ yadharu[wadhr] to leave. See at 7:127, 
p.Sll.n. 3). 

5. (rsj ramim = rotten, decayed, decomposed. 
Sec at 36:78. p 1428, n 3. 

6. \jt^i lamalta‘6 = you (all) enjoy, enjoy 
yourselves (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from tumatta'a. 
form V of mam'u [nuil'/mul'ah]. to carry away. 
Sec at 30:34, p. 1301. n. 5). 

7. 'alaw = they turned insolent, turned 
defiant, hurled defiance (v. iii. m pi. past from 
aid [ utuw/'utiy/'iliy]. to be insolent). 

8. o-U-t ’akhadhat = she look, seized ( v. iii. f. 

s. past from 'akhadliu ( akhdh], to lake. See at 
29:37. p. 1278. n. 2). 

9. sd'iqah (s.; pi. sawu'iq) = thunderbolt, 
bolt of lightning. See at 4 1 : 1 8. p. 1 5* 6. n. 2. 

10. Oyjmn yanzurdna - they look gaze, look 
expectantly, wait for, await (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. 
from nuzara ( nazr/manzur ], to see. view, look at. 
See at 43:66. p. 1599, n'. 9). 

11. islatd'u - they were able to, were 
capable of (v. iii. m pi. past from istatd'a, form X 
of Id'a [row'], to obey. Sec at 36:67. p. 1425, n. 
2 ).' 

12. fly qiyam =■ subsistence, means of support, 
standing, standing up. rising, existence. Sec at 
39:68. p. 1505. n. 4 

13. muntasirin (pi.; accV gen. of 

munlasirdn;*. mumasir ) = victorious, triumphant, 
those who help themselves (act. participle from 
intasaru. form VIII of nafura [ nofr/nusur ]. to 
help. toassisL Sec at 28:81. 1261. n. 10). 


Sirah SI: Al-Dhanyai | Pan (Juz‘) 27 J 

46. And in the people of Nflh 

Verily they were a people 
$ jji-i defiantly sinful. 1 

Section ( Ruku *) 3 

47. And the heaven. 

We have set 2 it up 
with power; 1 

and verily We are expanding. 4 

48. And the earth, 
l We have spread 5 it; 
^ and how excellent are 
We to spread out! 6 

$6$ Jljcfo' 


49. And of everything 
We have created pairs. 7 
Maybe that you take heed. 8 

50. So flee 9 to Allah. 

Verily I am to you 

from Him a warner 10 
open and clear. 

1. f&siqin (pi., acc/gen. of fasiqOn, »nf 
fasiq) = those that disobey, disobedient, dchw, 
defiantly sinful, (active paniciplc from fusaqc 
\fisq ), to stray from (he right course, to renounce 
obedience. See al 43:54 p 1596, n. 9). 

2. banayna = we built, set up, founded, 

constructed (v. i. pi. past from bund [bud'/ 
bunvdnj, to build. See ibni at 40:36. p 

3. a,t 'aydin (sing, yad) = hands, power, strength, 
control, authority Sec al 38:45, p 1471, n. 5. I 
4 This is a very significant tiyah in view of fa 
modem scientific discovery (hat the sky is ever it 
the process of expanding! y musi'un (pl;i 

musi') = those who expand, are in the proctuof 
expanding/extending, rich (act. participle from 
'unto 'a, form IV of wan a (uani'/i/ sa'A], lobe 
wide Sec wasi’la al 40:7, p 1511, n. 9). 

5. 'ci. / farashni = we spread . spread oul. paved 

(v. i. pi. past from farasha [fanh/fir&sh], In 
spread. See farsh al 6: 142, p 452, n. 3). 

6. jyX»L. mahidun (pi.; s. nuthul) = those wiw 

spread out. prepare bed (act participle from 
rnuhada \mahd], to prepare a cradle, bed See 
yumhaduna at 30:44, p, 1304, n. 12). 

7. This is another very significant 'ayah whidi 

modem science acknowledges. Mir/epi 

(accVgen/ of zuwjdn. s. any/) = both of t pur. i 
pair, male and female, any/ means one of i par 
and is applicable to cither the husband or die wife 
See at 23:27, p. 1082. n. 5. 

8. JjyS* jj tadhakkartina (original) 

latadhakkarQna ) = you bear in mind, recent 
admonition, take heed (v. ii. m pi. impfcl from 
ladhakluiru. form V of dhukara [ dhikr / tikftjUrj. 
to remember. See at 45:23. p 1625. n. II ). 

9. i. c„ from unbelief and disobedience and hence 
the punishment of Allah to His Mercy. fini 

= you (all) flee, run away (v. ii. m. pi impcmhe 
from farru [firar/mufarr], to flee, to ran my 
Sec faranum at 33.16, p 1340. n. 12). 

10. i. c . against Allah's displeasure ted 
retribution nadhir (pi nudhur ) = Warner, ate 

or that which gives warning (active participle ■ 
the scale of fa il from nadhura \tuidhrS nudkto\ 
to vow, to pledge) Sec at 48:8, p 1664. n. I). 1 

Surah 51: AlDhiriyil \ Pan {Jut) 27 ] 


\fer% 5 1 . And set not with Allah 


'}■ another god. 

Indeed I am to you from Him 
0 1 a wamer open and clear. 

JiI-jT 52. Likewise 
c/if jit there came not to those 
b'ji . before them any Messenger 
but they said: "A sorcerer 1 
0 or an insane." 2 

L\ ip# 

•>" tv 


53. Did they make a bequest 3 
of that? Nay, they are 

a people transgressing. 4 

54. So turn away 5 from them, 
and you are not to blame. 6 

55. And remind, 7 

for indeed the reminding 
does benefit 8 the believers. 

56. And I created not the jinn 
and mankind but 

1. sahir (s.; pi. saharah/suhhar ) = sorcerer. 

magician, enchanter (act participle from Sahara 
[sihr], to enchant See at 51:39. p. 1702, n. 9). 

2. ayj** majnun (s.; pi majanin) = possessed. 

insane, mad. one gone off his head (pass, 
participle from janna [junun], to cover, to hide. 
See at 51:39. p 1702. n. 10). 

3. i. c . did the previous generation of unbelievers 

make a behest to the succeeding generation of 
unbelievers to disbelieve and abuse the 
Messengers? lawdsaw = they made a 

bequesl/bchcst. enjoined (v. ill. m pi. past from 
lawtisa, form VI of ward (wary), to be joined, 
lightened, degraded See warjoynd at 46:15, p. 
1636. n 4). 

4. lighun (pi . s. lighin) = transgressors, 
oppressors, tyrants, those exceeding the bounds 
(act. participle from laghd [laghan/ lughydn], to 
exceed all bounds. See lighln at 38:55, 1473, n. 
2 ). 

5. i. c.. let them alone for sometime. J y lawalla = 

you turn away (v. ii. m s. imperative from 
laiawalla, form V of waliya, to be near. See at 
37:178. p 1457. n. 8). 

6. ff malum - blamed, censured. 

blameworthy, reproached, condemned (pass, 
participle from lima I lawm/ma Idm/maldmah J , to 
blame. See at 17:29, p. 885. n. 5). 

7. /"» dhakkir - remind, call to attention (v. m. s. 
imperative from dhakkura, form 11 of dhakara 
[dhikr/iadhkdr], to remember See at 50:45. p. 
1695. n. 10). 

8. (ku tanfa'u = she or it avails, benefits, is of 
use (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from nafa'a [naf], to be 
useful, be of use. See at 34:23, p. 1 376. n. 8). 


Surah 51 : Al-Dhdnydt [ Part (Juzl 27 ] 


that they should worship Me. 

57. 1 desire 1 not from them 

any provision 


nor do I wish that 


they should give Me food. 2 


58. Verily Allah is 

the All-Provider,’ 

the Owner of Power, 

$ feS 

Most Firm. 4 


59. So indeed there is 

for those who transgress 5 

a portion 6 like the portion 

of their comrades. 7 


So let them not 

ask Me to hasten.® 

60. Then woe to those who 



on account of their Day 9 

which they are promised. 10 


I Jjjl 'urtdu = 1 desire, intend (v. i. s. tmpfa 

form artida, form IV from rdda [ruwd |. to wig 
about. See at 28:28, p. 1241 . n. 4). 

2. yul'imQni (originally yut‘imunu+n!) 

yul'imQ = they feed, give food (v. tti. m p 
impfct. from af anw. form IV of (a'ima |ju «il 
to eat. to taste The terminal min it dropped 
because of the particle 'an coming before te 
verb. See ' at'ama at .16:47. p. 1420, n. 4). 

3. J’jj razzdq - All-Provider, feeder, one »hj 

provides/ gives food, means of subsistence net 
participle in the scale of fa"dl from raaqt 
[riz?], to provide with the means of subsistence 
Sec razaqnd at .15:29. p 1400. n. 5. 

4. jua matin = solid, firm. Most Finn Iki 

participle in the scale of fall from mm 
[ matdnah ), to be firm Sec at 7:183. p. 537, a )) 

5. i. e . SCI partners with Allah \yJb calami - 
they did wrong/injusticc. transgressed. commM 
shirk [note that at 31:13 shirk ( setting partmi 
with Allah ) is called a grave :ulm] (v. Iii m pi 
past from zalanui [ryilm/zulm], to do wrong. Seel 
46 :12, p 1635. n. 7). 

6. i. e.. of punishment dhaniih - portion. 

7. i. e , those like them of the preceding pcopfci. 

vU~t ’as-hdb (pi., sing, sahib ) = mmia, 

inhabitants, dwellers, companions, commta, 
associates, followers, owners See at 40:43, g 
1525. n. 6). 

8. i. e . to hasten the punishment (as they used B 
do by way of disbelief and challenge), U 
yasta jiltini (originally Id yastajilunl) = l r «^ 

11 Id yastaJilO = let them not ask to hasten. Iky 

must not seek to hasten (v. iii. m. pi, mipemne 
(prohibition) from isla’jala. form X of rtyk 
( ajal/ ’ajalah), to hasten Sec Id lasla'jS U 
46:35. p 1645. n .6). 

9. i. e . the Day of Resurrection and Judgement 

10. yd'aduna = they are piomisei 
assured, threatened, (v. iii m. pi. impfct panne 
from w’ada [wu’d], to make a promise Set M 
46:35. p. 1645. n. 8) 

52. Surat Al-TOr (The Mount) 
Makkan: 49 ’ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah which deals with the fundamentals of the faith, namely, tawbid, 
action. Judgement, rewards, punishment and the Messengership of Muhammad, peace and 
Nosings of Allah be on him. 

It starts with an abjuration by five things emphasizing the inevitability of Resurrection and 
aent. Then it refers to the condition of the unbelievers in the hereafter and the punishment that 
awaits them. In contrast, the condition of the believers and the righteous, and the rewards that await 
tan, are then mentioned. Next it speaks about the Messengership of Muhammad, peace and blessings 
of Allah be on him, and gives appropriate replies to the assumptions and allegations of the unbelievers 
taut it. The surah ends by denouncing the polytheists' worship of idols and imaginary gods and 
goddesses . their intransigence and the severity of their punishment in the hereafter. 

The surah is named Al-Tur (The Mount Sinai), which was the scene of the receipt of Allah's 
relation by Prophet Mush, peace be on him, and with an abjuration by which the surah starts. 

o By the Mount. 1 

2. By a Book written down 

0j^ jJj 3. In a parchment 4 unrolled. 5 

ylltj 4. By the House Populated. 6 


5. By the roof 7 elevated. 8 

6. By the sea fired up.'' 

'/j* oi 7. Verily the punishment 

1. i. e., the Mount Sinai on which Mflsa. peace be 
on him. received Allah's why. (Hr = mountain. 
Mount Sinai. Sec at 28:46. p. 1248. n. 2. 

2. i. c., the Qur an. 

3. . «!■ — ■ mastur = recorded, written down 

(passive participle from salara [ satr ], to draw 
lines, to write. Sec at 33:6, p. 1337, n. 5). 

4. Jj raqq = thin hide to write on, parchment. 

5. mamhur - spread out. unfolded, 
unrolled, opened, published (pass, participle from 
nashara [nashr], to spread out. to unroll See at 
17:13. p. 877. n. 6). 

6. al-Bayt al-Ma’mtir (House Populated) is a 
House in the heaven which is visited each day by 
a new group of 70 thousand angels. ma'mur 

= inhabited, populated (pass, participle from 
‘amara [ amr/ 'umr/ ‘amarah]. to inhabit, to 
populate, to build, to make prosperous). 

7. i. e.. the sky saqf (s.; pi. suq&f/ suquf/ 

'asquf) = roof, ceiling See at 21:32, p. 1021, n. 1. 

8. marfu ' = raised, elevated, made high 
(pass, participle from raja 'a \raf ). to raise, to lift 
up. Sec IH larfa‘H at 49:2, p 1676, n. 4). 

9. On the Day of Rcsuncction the seas will be 
transformed into oceans of fire (see 81:6). jy~— • 
may ur = flared up. fired up. ignited, heated (pass, 
participle from sajaru. to fire up. See yusjarina 
at 40:72. p 1535. n. 2.). 



Surah 52: Al-T6r | Pari (Juz~) 27 ] 

of your Lord 


shall surely take place. 1 

8. There is not for it 

anyone to ward off. 2 

9.The day the sky will swing’ 

to and fro. 

10. And the mountain will flow 1 * 

in a motion. 

1 1. So woe 5 that day 

to the disbelievers. 6 

12. Who are in a venture 7 

having fun.* 



13. That day 

/ & "A 

they shall be thrust 9 

to the fire of hell 

in a violent push. 

I jj'j waqi' = ihat which falls/befalls. is aho* 
lo fall, is going lo occur/takc place |xt 
participle from waqa'a ( uui/il'], |, hi 
Sec al 5 1:6, p 1697, n. 2) 

2. difi‘ (s.; pi. ddfi'On) = one or that which 
pushes, wards off. repels, defends, drives swij, 
repels: also one who pays, delivers, makes ova 
(act. participle from dufa'a ( daf). to push, pinh 
away See idfa at 41 34. p. 1551, n 1 1). 

3. jyJ tamuru = she swings, sways, moves to 
and fro (v. iii. f. s. impfcl. from mdra [munr].# 

swing, to move to and fro. to move side to side). 

4. On the Day of Resurrection the mountains will 
be set in motion and will flow in speed isce 
78:20 & 81:3). jr-; lasiru= she travels, flows, 

moves on. goes about (v. iii. f. s. impfet from 
sara [sayr /sayrurah /masir /masirah /ramie) lo 
move, to travel Sec yrntri at 47:10, p. 1650 l 

5. Jo wayl = woe. distress, the deepest depth of 
rum and degradation Sec at 43:65, p 1 599. a 6, 

6- mukadhdhihtn (acc /gen. of 

mukadhdhiburt. sing, mukadhdhib ) - those whs 

cry lies (to), disbelievers (active participle from 
kadhdhaba. form II of kadhiba \kidhb /kathU 

1588, n. II). 


to thrust, lo push violently ml 

SOrah 52: M Jur [ Fan (U a ) 27 ] 


14. This is the fire 

in which you used to 
disbelieve. 1 

15. Is it then a sorcery 2 
or that you see not? 3 


liJLif 16. Broil 4 in it; 

then whether you be patient 5 
or do not be patient, 


it is the same 6 on you. 

2l You are but requited 7 for 
1'. '- '<[' what you used to do. 


JjjiUffol 17- Verily the righteous 8 

will be in gardens and bliss.’ 


18. Enjoying 10 at all that 
there will give them their Lord; 
and there will protect them 
rrj their Lord 
v'j* from the punishment 
of the blazing fire. 

' I. i. e.. it will be said to them that this is the hell 
which you used to disbelieve. 

tukadhdhibdna = you (all) cry lies to. disbelieve, 
think untrue (v. ii. m. pi. impfct. from 
kadhdhaba, form II of kadhaha \kidhb /kadhib 
/kadhbah / kidhbah), to lie. See at 37:21. p. 
1433, n 10). 

2. This will be said by way of reproach because 
the unbelievers considered the Messengers, the 
miracles and the Qur'in as sorcery sihr (pi. 

ashdr) = sorcery, magic See at 46:8. p. 1633. n. 
6 . 

3. it) j**? tubsirdna = you see. see through, 
understand, (v. ii. m. pi. impfct. from absara. 
form IV of basura/basira [basar], to see. See at 
51:21. p. 1699! n. 5). 

4. ljL.1 islaw = you (all) bum. broil, enter into 

fire (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from said [salon/ 
sully/ siltV), to roast, to bum. to be exposed to the 
blaze. Sec at 36:64. p. 1424. n. 2). 

5. 'jyr-* 1 ifbirti = (you all) be patient, have 

patience, bear calmly, persevere, (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative from Sahara [sabr], to be patient, to 
bind. See at 38:6. p. 1460, n. 9). 

6. i. e.. the punishment will neither be mitigated 
nor terminated tSy* rated ’ = straight, even, 

equal, same, alike, on a par. See at 45:21, 
p.I624. n 10. 

7. OjytC lujzawna = you arc recompensed, 
requited, rewarded, repaid (v. ii. m. pi. impfct. 
passive from jaza \jazti’]. to recompense. See at 
46:20. p 1639, n. 4). 

8. muttaqin (acc /gen of muuaqdn: sing. 

muilaqtn ) = those who are on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e.. by carrying out the injunctions 
of the Qur'Sn and sunnah). godfearing, righteous 
(active participle from utaq d, form VIII of waqd 
[waqy/ wiqiyah], to guard, to protect. Sec at 
51:15. p. 1698. n. 4). 

9. f+j na’tm = bliss, felicity, comfort, 
happiness, delight. Sec at 37:43, p. 1437. n. 6. 

10. fdkihin (pi. acc ./gen of fakihun, s. 
fdkih) = those enjoying, cheerful, merry (act 
participle from fakihu [fakah/fakahah\, to be 
cheerful, meny, sportive See at 44:27, p. 1611, 
n. 3). 


Sdrah 52: Al-TOr ( Pan Uuz ) 27 ] 

\£Sj\jfc 19. "Eat and drink 

in ease and well-being 1 
LL. for what you used to do." 


/A&h&L 20. Reclining 2 on couches' 
ft arranged in rows. 4 

And We will marry 5 them 
jjc to hur b 

^,. 2 * with eyes attractively wide. 7 

21 . And those who believe, 
and there follow 8 them 
their progeny 9 in faith, 

^ iSiO We shall join 10 with them" 
their progeny 

and shall not detract 12 from 

them of their deed anything. 

jt Every person is 

L'.'& for what he earns 13 

• > 

responsible. 14 

Ij 22. And We shall provide 15 
them with fruit and meat 

1. Ijj hanV = case, well-being. Sec al 4:4, p 
238. n 5. 

2 muttaki’in (pi : ace /gen of mullaki'ti 

; s. mutlaki ') = those reclining, supporting, 
resting (act participle from illaka’a, form Vlli of 
h aka'a Sec at 38:51, p 1472, n. 7). 

3. Jj~ surur (pi ; s. fr - xartr) = hedsteadi, 
thrones, couches See at 43:34, p. 1591. n. 8 
4 tijla- masfufah (f ) = arranged in rows, lined 

up. set in ranks (pass, participle from uifju [m 0[ 
to set up in a row. to line up, classify, compost I 
See sdffun at 37:165, p 1455, n. 7). 

5. zawwajna = we coupled, paired, 

doubled, gave in marriage (v i. pi past front 
zawwaja. form II of ztija |iuw/|, to incite, to 
instigate. Sec al 44 54. p 1616. n. I 
6 jy~ hdr (I, pi.; s. huriyah ) = beautiful 
damsels of paradise See at 44:54, p 1616, n. 2 
7. 'in (f. pi;, s. 'aynd') = attractively wide 
eyed Sec at 44:54, p 1616. n 3 

8 ojJI utaba'at = she followed, pursued tv. id. 

f. s. past from iltaba'u. form VIII of lofa'a j 
[tabu ‘/tabu 'ah], to follow See itluba 'u at 47:21, 
p. 1657. n 4). 

9 >,jj dhurriyah (pi dhurriyat/ dhaririy) * 

offspring, progeny, children, descendants Sec n 
46:15. p 1637, n. 3) 

10. ’allyaqna = we attached, appended, 
joined, united (v i pi past from alhaqa, form 
IV of luhiqa \luhi//lal}dq\, to catch up with,*) 
join. See ulhaqium at 34:27. p 1378, n. I), 

I l i. e.. in the jannah 

12. tail 'alatna = we detracted, diminished, 

decreased, reduced (v i pi impfet. from alAu, 
form IV of Una [toy/), to diminish) 

13. s — S’ kasaba = he or it earned, acquired; 
gained (v. til m. s. past from kasb. to gain. See 
kasabat at 45:22. p 1625, n 3). 

14 j rahtn = held in pledge, mortgaged 
responsible (pass, participle in the scale of faH 
from raharui [ra/ui], to pawn, to mortgage. See 
nhdn al 2:283, p. 150. n. 3). 

15 tiao.1 'amdadna = we aided, helped, assisted, 

supported, provided, (v. i pi past from umadda, 
form IV of mudda \madd\. to extend See 
madudnd at 15:19, p 811, n. 4). 

Surah 52: Al-TQr [ Part {Juz') 27 ] 


/ >/' JV 


. *' l f / * > ^ * / 

$ Sj£T 






such as they long for. 1 

23. They will take over from 
one another therein a cup’ 
wherein is no talking nonsense 4 
nor any cause for sinning.' 

24. And there will go round 6 
them young servants 7 for 
them as if pearls" well-kcpt. g 

25. And they will turn 10 
one to another 
making enquiries." 

26. They will say: 

"Indeed we had been before 
amidst our families 

full of apprehension." 12 

27. "But Allah has graced 1 1 
on us and has saved us from 
the punishment of heat storm. 14 

1 . J yashtahdna = Ihcy desire, wish, covet, 

crave, long for (v. iii. m. pi. impfei. from 
hhtuhd. form VIII of shuhd/ shahiva [shahn/ 
thahy/ shahwuh], lo desire, to wish. See at 34:54, 
p. 1388, n. 5). 

2. Oj* jt=j yatanaza ‘Una = they dispute, wrangle, 

contest take over from one another (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. from landza'a, form VI of nuzau [ant'), 
to remove. See at 18:21. p. 918, n. 5). 

3. i. e.. full if a special kind of drink. 

4. i. e , will not intoxicate, yi laghw = loose 

talk, thoughtless utterance, vanity, nonsense, 
ineffectual Sec at 28:55, p. 1251. n. 9 

5. fjj ta’thtm = to cause sin. offence, sin. crime. 

6. <->jla < yatufu = he goes round, 
circumambulates, (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from tufa 
[ tow// lawdf/ tawfdn ] , to go about, to run around 
Secy u(dfu at 43:71, p 1600, n. 10). 

7. 0U li- ghilman (pi ; s. ghuldm ) = boys, youths, 
servants, waiters, See ghuldm at 37:101, p. 1446, 
n. 1. 

8. yljl lu’ lu' (s.; pi. la dll' ) = pearls. Sec at 
35:33, p 1402. n 2. 

9. i >£» maknun = covered, sheltered, hidden. 

well-kept (passive participle from kanna 
[kimn/kundn], to conceal, cover. See at 37:49, p. 
1438, n 6). 

10. Jal ‘aqbala = he turned to. approached, 

advanced (v. iii. m. s. past in from IV of qabila 
| qabul/qubul , ), to accept See at 37:50. p. 1438. 
n. 7). 

11. JjLL-q yatasd 'aluna = they ask one another. 

enquire of one another, make queries, make 
claims, demand (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
raid ala, form VI of sa 'ala [ su Vi/], lo ask. See 
at 37:50, p. 1438, n. 8 ). 

12. mushjiqin (pi.; acc/gen. of 

mushfiqun: s. mushftq ) = those who arc 
apprehensive, anxious, worried (act. participle 
from ashfaqa. form IV of shafaqa \shafaq], to 
fear, to pity. Sec at 42:22. p. 1569. n. 7). 

13. jr manna = he bestowed favour, graced. 

showed kindness (v iii. m s. past from maim . to 
be kind. Sec at 28:83. p. 1262. n. 1. 

14. i. e.. hell. samdm = heat storm, hot 
sand storm, hot wind 


SArah 52: Al-Tur ( Part Uui ) 27 ] 

1. i nad'u = we call, invoke, invite (v. i p| 

impfcl. from da 'fl [du’t }'], to call, to summon. 
See at 17:71. p 896. n. 6). 

2. jt barr (s.; pi. ‘ abriir ) = dutiful, uptight. knuL 
Most Kind. land. Sec at 30:42, n. I303.n. la 

3. The address is to the Prophet, peace ad 
blessings of Allah be on him. jfs dhakkir : 

remind, call to ancntion (v m. s imperative Ina 
dhakkara. form II of dhakara [ dhikr/iadhkir ], to 
remember See at 51:55. p 1705. n. 7). 

4. The Makkan unbelievers used to allege (hath 
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on la* 
was a soothsayer, one pssessed by jinn or s port 
This and the following ’Ayah gives a reply * 
such allegations. kahin (*.; pi. kuklutl 

kohonuh) = soothsayer, diviner, fortuneteller! 
participle from kahunu [kahdnah], to foretell) 

5. majnitn (».; p|. majanin) = posses vS 
by jinn, insane, mad. one gone off his head (pat 
participle from janna [junun ). to cover, to hade 
See at 51:52. p. 1705, n. 5) 

6. natarabbasu- we wait, lie in wail, 

and watch, await (v. i. pi. impfct.from larabbtft, 
form V of rabasa [rah*], to wail, to watch. S« 
la at 23:25, p 1081. n 7). 

7. ^ij rayb = doubt, suspicion, misgivings. See 
at 45:32 p 1628. n 9 

8 manun = fate, destiny, death rusk 

ul-manun is an idiom meaning: vicissitude of 

9 larabbafd = you (all) wait, lie in wait. 

wait and watch, await (v ii m. pi irapcahst j 
from See n 6 above), 

10. mularabbistn (pi uccJgaU of 
muturahhisun, s multi rabbis ) - those awiitiq, 
lying in wait (act. participle from tarubbtua. Set 
n. 6 above). 

11. ah l am (pi . ; s. hilm) - reason I 

intelligence, insight, gentleness, patience See* j 
21:5, p. 1013. n 8 

12. i. e., to saying that a person is mad, i i 
soothsayer and a poet at the same time’ 

13. taghun (pi,; s. iUghin) = transgressor!, ] 
oppressors, tyrants, those exceeding the hatnuk 
(act participle from rag/id {taghan/ ru.eAydn), to 
exceed all bounds. Sec at 5 1 :53, p. 1705, n 4) 

\Lk=n\l\ t 28. "Indeed we had been 

A •+ J # * 

afore invoking Him. 

Verily He is the Beneficent, 2 
the Most Merciful." 

Section (Ruku ') 2 
29. Therefore remind; 
for you are not 
by the grace of your Lord 
Cj&u any soothsayer 4 
("} J nor one possessed. 5 

>tl 30. Or do they say: "A poet, 
we await 6 for him 
Cy the vicissitude 7 of fate?" 8 

l^Jji 31. Say: "Await, 9 

jji indeed I am along with you 
jun of those awaiting." 10 


32. Or do there bid them 
farfuti their insights" to this 12 or are 
they a people transgressing? 13 

SHrah 52: AI-TOr [ Part (Jlu ) 27 ] 


33. Or do they say: 

"He has fabricated' it"? 
Nay; they believe not. 


34. Then let them come up 
with a discourse 2 like it, 

if they are truthful. 3 

35. Or were they created 4 
out of nothing 5 

or are they the creators? 6 


36. Or did they create 
sfftj.yj'' ~Jf the heavens and the earth? 
Nay, they are not sure. 7 

pjup 37. Or are there with them 
ilJJ the treasuries 8 of your Lord 
or are they the controllers? 9 


’fX-'pp 38. Or do they have a ladder 10 
they hear 1 1 in it? 
vfcfi Then let there come up 

1. taqawwala = he fabricated a lie. 

bargained, made a deal, pretended, spread 
rumours (v. iii. m. s past in form V of qdla 
[?«»'/]. to speak, to say. Sec qawl at 46:18, p. 
1638. n 7). 

2. hadlth (s.; pi. a,jut ' ahadith ) = speech, 

talk, narrative, report, discourse, account Sec at 
51:24. p. 1699. n. II 

3. i. e., if they are truthful in saying that the 

Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, 
has fabricated it. fadiqin (pi.; accVgcn. of 

sddiqun; s. uidiq) - truthful, those who speak the 
truth (active participle from .uidaqa [utdqi sidq], 
to speak the truth. See at 49: 17. p. 1684. n. 5). 

4. khuliqO - they were created, made. 

originated (v. iii. m. pi. past passive from 
khalaqa [ khalq ]. to create. Sec khaluqna at 
49:13. p. 1682. n. 1). 

5. i. e.. without any Creator. 

6. i. e., did they create themselves? 

7. Jyiji yuqinuna = they believe with certitude. 

have firm conviction, know for certain, are sure 
(v. iii. in pi., impfet form 'ayqana, form IV of 
yaqina [yaqn/yaqtn], to be sure, be certain See at 
45:20, p 1624, n.5). 

8. i. c . of the graces and provisions, so that they 
can bestow and distribute as they like. 

khaza’in (pi . s. khizdnah) = treasuries, vaults, 
coffers, stores. See at 38:9. p. 1461. n. 4. 

9. musaytirun (pi.: s. mufaytir ) = 
rulers, overlords, controllers, sovereigns (act. 
participle from saytara , to dominate, to control). 

10. (d— sullam (s.; pi. saUUim/saldlSm) = ladder, 
staircase, stairs, instrument to go up. 

1 1 . i. e.. wherewith they go up in the heaven and 
hear the conversation of the angels and what is 
communicated to them by Allah. Oy. - .-i 
yaslamt'Ona = they listen, hear, pay attention (v. 
iii. m pi. impfet. from isiama'a. form VIII of 
sami 'a [sum ' Annul ' Annul ah /rnusma ']. to hear. 
Sec at 46:29. p. 1643. n. 3). 


Surah 52: AI TUr ( Part (Juz') 27 ] 

their listener 1 

($1 iAJyiLj with an authority 2 quite clear.' 

££$&$ 39. Or has He the daughters 
and you have the sons? 

40. Or do you ask of them 
^££.1 a remuneration 4 so they are 

out of a liability 5 
weighed down? 6 

4 1 . Or is there with them 
43 the unseen, 7 

so they write down?® 

42. Or do they intend 9 
IaT a trick? 10 

But those who disbelieve will 
^ ojjSZjty be the ones caught in the trick. 11 

43. Or do they have a god 
c «jaf£ other than Allah? 

Sacrosanct 12 is Allah 

1. < muslami' (a.; pi. muslami'On ) = ok 
who hears, listens, listener (act participle from 
istama'a form VIII of sami'a [sum - /vmt 
/Simla ah /masnut ], to hear. See muslami in « 
25:15. p. 1165. n 4). 

2. i. e., in support of their beliefs in many godi 
and goddesses. otU- sultan = authority, power, 

mandate, rule, sanction See at 51:38. p. 1702,1 
6 . 

3. j-r mubtn = all too clear, obvious, manifest. 

patent, explicit, open and clear, conspicuous, be 
who or that which makes clear (act participle 
from abtina. form IV of btinu |/wydn|. to be 
dear See at 51:38, p. 1702, n. 7). 

4. i. e., for the work of calling them to the truth 
and the din of Allah. y»l ‘ajr (pi. j^.1 'ujir) x 

reward, recompense, remuneration, doc. See at 
49:3. p. 1677. n. 8). 

5. fjhr maghram (s.; pi. fjU. maghdrim) - fine. 

loss, damage, financial obligation See at 998. a 
619. n. 10. 

6. jjUi- muthqahin (pi.; s. nuilhgal) a 
burdened, weighed down, laden (pass pamcfle 
from ’athqala (to burden) form IV of Ihaqnlt 
(thufl/thaqalah). to be heavy Sec mulhyalak 1 

35:18, p. 13%, n. 10). 

7. i. e.. the knowledge of the unseen. v> kkajt 

(s.; pi. ghuyub) = unseen, invisible. liuUea, 
divine secret. See at 49:18. p. 1684. n. 6. 

8 i. e.. what is going to happen to men 

9. yuriddna - they (all) want, intend, 
desire, have in mind (v iii. m. pi. impfci from 
' arClda, form IV of rada \rawd], to walk abort. 
See at 33: 1 3. p. 1339, n 12). 

10. sS kayd = scheme, plot. plan, strange®, 
trick, contrivance Sec at 40:37, p 1 523. 1 7, 1 

11. makiddn (pi.; s. makid) m that 
caught in a trick, entrapped, schemed again 
(pass, participle from kudu | kayd). to contrive,® 
set a strategy See ktdnd at 1 2:76, p 750, 1 4). 

12. oU— Subhan is derived from sabbalu , 
form II of saba))u [sabh/sibdhah\. to swim in in 
form II the verb means to praise, to declare the 
sanctity, to sing the glory. Subhan is genenll} 
rendered as "Glory be to Him"; but ''Sactos*ct‘ 'l 
conveys the meaning better See at 43:81, p 
1603. n. 2. 

Surah 52: Al-T&r [ Pan (Jui ) 27 ) 


l^djipUc- from what they associate. 1 

44. And if they see pieces 2 
LCi&'Q from the sky falling down’ 
v^-ijiyu they will say: "Clouds 4 

piled up." 5 

45. So let them alone 6 
till they confront 7 

the day of theirs in which 
QjylSl they will be thunderstruck. 8 

gtifs 46. The day there shall avail 9 
jUj ‘Sjg. them not their plotting 
££ whatsoever 

nor shall they be helped. 10 

47. And verily there will be 
for those who trasngress" 
a punishment besides that; 
A** ' t&j but most of them 
do not know. 

1 . i. e., with Allah. yushrikina = they set 

partners, associate, give share to (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. from ashraka, form IV of sharika l 
shirk/ shankah], to share. Sec at 30:40. p. 1303. 
n. 8). 

2. ->—£ kisf (pi.; s. kisfah) = fragments, pieces 
See at 34:9. p. 1370. n. 12. 

3. i. e.. as a punishment, iiu u'lqii- that which 
falls, fallen (act participle from saqatal [suquf/ 
masqat). to fall See nusqila at 34:9, p. 1370. n. 

4. i. e.. out of their intense disbelief and 
disobedience sahib = clouds. See at 30:48. 
p. 1306. n. 7. 

5. y marktim = piled up. heaped up (pass, 
participle from rakamu | rakm], to pile up. See 
yarkumu at 8:37. p. 560, n. 1). 

6. ji dhar = shun, leave, let atone (v. ii. m. s. 

imperative from wadhara/vadharu, to leave. Sec 
at 43:83. 1603. n. 5). 

7. IjWi yulaqti ( na ) = they confront, meet one 

another (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from liqi, form III 
of laqiya [Uqi'Auqyan/luqyAuqyahAuqan], to 
meet, to encounter The terminal nun is dropped 
because of an implied ‘an in hand coming before 
the verb. See at 43:83. p. 1603. n. 8). 

8. t. e., on the Day of Resurrection and 
Judgement, uyi*-*, ytu'aqina = they are 
thunderstruck, made unconscious (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. passive from sa'iqa ( sa’aq/sa'qah], to 
be thunderstruck, lose consciousness. See sa'tqa 
at 39:68. p. 1505, n. 3. 

9. yughni = he suffices, makes free from 
want, enriches, makes rich, avails, helps (v. iii. m. 
s. impfet. from ‘aghni, form IV of ghaniya 
| ghinan / ghanA' ), to be flee from want, to be 
rich. See at 45: 10. p. 1620, n. 10). 

10. i. e . against the punishment of Allah. 

yunsar&na = they are helped, assisted (v. iii. m. 
pi impfet passive from nayara [nafr /nusur), to 
help See at 44:41, p. 1613. n. 12). 

11. i. e., set partners with Allah. zalamt 2 
= they did wrong/injustice. transgressed, 
committed shirk (note that at 3 1 : 1 3 shirk ( setting 
partners with Allah ) is called a grave zulm.] (v. 
iii. m. pi. past from zalanui ( mlm/zulm ]. to do 
wrong. Sec at 51:59, p. 1706, n. 5). 


Surah 52: AI-TDr [ Part (Juz ) 27 ) 

4 % 


48. And be patient' 

for the decree 2 of your Lord. 

So indeed you are 

before Our Eyes. 3 
And declare sanctity* 
with the praise of your Lord 
when you get up. 5 

49. Ancl * n part of the night 
proclaim His sanctity; 
and at the retreat 6 of the stars. 7 

1. i. e., against the allegations, opposition id 
enmity of the unbelievers and enemies of bias 
.r-* 1 isbir = be patient, have patience, bat 

calmly, persevere, (v. ii. m. s imperative (rot 
sabara \sabr], to be patient, to bind See ■ 
46:35. p. 1645. n. 4). 

2. hukm (p|. ahkam) - judgement, 

order, decree, command, authority, rale. li», 
decision. See at 42:10, p. 1562. n. 3. 

3. i. e.. under Our constant observation, anenuoa 
and care. ^,4 ’a‘yun (f. : pi ; s. 'oyvi) = eyes. Sa 
at 40:19. p. 1516, n. 2). 

4 £— tabbih = proclaim the sanctity, glorify, 
declare immunity from blemish (v. ii. i, 
imperative from sabbaha. form II of rabid 
Isabh/ sibahah] to swim, to float See at 50.39, p 
1694. n. 4). 

5. i. e.. for prayer and from sleep. (jS lat/im a 
= you stand, get up. take place (v. ii. m. s irapfct 
from i/dma [qiydm /qawmah). to get up. to iund 
up. to be erect. See at 45:27. p. 1627. n I 

6. idbar = retreat, turning one's back, to slip 

away (verbal noun in form IV of daban 
[dubur], to tun one's back. See mudhtrln * 
40:33. p 1521. n. 4) 

53. SOratal-Najm (The Star) 
Makkan: 62 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. It deals with wahy. risalah (Messengership of Muhammad, peace and 
I Hmmg t 0 f Allah be on him), Resurrection, Judgement, rewards and punishment. It starts with an 
I on the truth of the risalah and that what Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, 

pit out was no utterance out of his own imagination but wahy communicated to him by the angel Jibril. 
[)|ij further emphasized that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. once saw this angel in 
iBKlual form appearing in the horizon and again during the mi ‘raj near sidrat al-muniaha. which is 
f It farthest point in the heaven up to which anything or being can reach. 

Next the surah refers to the mistake and folly of worshipping the false and imaginary gods and 
goddesses and of the notion of Allah’s having daughters or sons. It is stressed that Allah is the Creator of 
everything and being and His is the absolute sovereignty and Lordship over the heavens, the earth and 
ill that exists. Mention is then made of the Resurrection and Judgement and that each person will be 
illy responsible and accountable for his deeds. 

The s&rah is named al-Najm (The Star) with reference to its first ayah in which an adjuration is 
aide by the star. 

1. najm (s. ; pi nujum/anjum) = star, 

celestial body, constellation. See at 16:16, p 832, 
n. 6. 

2. iSy» han d = he or it sunk, dropped (v. iii. m. 
s. past from huwty, to drop) 

3. J-» dalla = he got lost, lost way. went astray, 

strayed from (v. iii. m. s, past from daldl/daldlah. 
to loose one's way. See at 17:67, p 895, n. 1). 

4. i. c.. the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah 
be on him. The Makkan unbelievers thought that 
he had gone astray and that the Qur'tnic wahy 
was his talk out of his own mind. This and the 
succeeding ’Ayahs give reply to those allegations. 

5. isy ghawd = he went astray, erred (v. iii. m. s. 
past from ghayy/ghawayah, to go astray. See at 
20:121, p. 1006! n. 12). 

6. jki yanliqu = he speaks, talks, pronounces. 

articulates (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from nalaqa 
[ n utef/n u tuq/man //</]. to talk, speak, articulate. See 
at 45:29. p. 1627. n. 9). 

7. j>-ji yiihd = it is communicated (v. iii. m. s. 

impfet. passive from 'awhd, form IV of wal id 
(iwiAv). to communicate. See at 41:6. p. 1641, n. 9. 
Technically wahy means Allah's communication 
to His Prophets by various means. Some of these 
means are mentioned in 2:92, 16:2,16:102. 26:193 
and 42:5 1 . See also Bukhari, nos. 2-4). 

1 . By the star 1 

when it sinks. 2 


2. There has strayed not 

your companion 4 


nor has he erred.' 

3. Nor does he speak 6 

out of fancy. 


4. It is naught hut wahy 


communicated. 7 



S&rah 53: Al-Najm [ Part (Juz ) 27 ] 


5. There instructed 1 him 


the one strong in powers. 2 



6. Possessing 


mental and physical fitness. 3 

Then he became upright. 4 


7. And he was 

in the highest horizon. 5 



8. Then he came closer 6 


and descended. 7 

9. And was at 

a distance of two bow-lengths 8 

or nearer. 9 


10. So He communicated 10 

to His servant 

what He communicated. 

1 1. There lied" not 

the heart 12 what he saw. 

1. i. e., recited and communicated to him fit 

' allama = he taught, instructed, informed (v in 

m. s. past in form II of - alima [ itm j. to knot S a 
at 26:49. p 1171. n. II). 

2. i. e.. die angel JibriL peace be on him. 

3. •/ mirrah = mental and physical fitness, ship 
and strong intellect. 

4. i. e.. in the horizon, as staled in the next amt 
This and in the succeeding 'dyakt up to rival) II 
describe the Prophet's seeing the angel lilnl, 
peace be on him, in his actual form once in tie 
horizon an again during the mi'r&j. l£>~ n/a»l = 

he became even (i. e.. took position), straight, 
equal, upright (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of 
sawiya [siVrm), to be equal. See at 13:2, p. 761 

n. 7). 

5. >1 'ufuq (s.; pi. afaq) = horizon, range of 

6. jis danS = he came closer, drew nearer (v. iii 

m. s past from dunOw/danriwah, to come near, to 
be close See Jam yah at 6:99, p. 433. n. 4). 

7. jla; tadalla- he descended, beca* 

lowered/suspendcd. dangled (v. iii. m. s. past in 
form V from the root dalw. See ‘adUl at 12:19, n 
728. n. 3. 

qah qawsayn u in 

1357. n. 5. 

10. i. e.. thus Allah had the wahy delivered to Ik 

Surah 53: Al-Najm ( Pan Uuz') 27 ] 



12. Will you then argue 1 with 
him over what he saw? 

1 . 0 }J \*J tumaruna - you wrangle, dispute, argue 

(v. ii m pi. impfct. from m&r&, form III of marh 
[martin], to stroke the udder of the she camel. Sec 
yum&rUna at 42:18, p. 1567, n. 10). 

13. And indeed he saw him 
at another descent. 2 

2. i. e.. the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah 
be on him. saw Jibril, peace be on him, in his real 
form at his coming down again on the occasion of 
the mi ‘rdj. iiy najlah - descent, amval. slopping. 

3. • >Ju sidrah = lot tree, lotus tree. See sidr at 
34:16. p. 1574. n. 5. 

14. Near the Lot Tree’ 
at the utmost limit. 4 

15. Near it is the 
Garden of Abode. 5 

4. i. e.. the utmost limit in the seventh heaven 
which anything or being ascending from the earth 
is allowed to reach, muntahan = terminated. 

finished, highest degree, utmost limit (pass, 
participle from inlahd . form VUI of nahd 
[nahy/nah*]. to forbid. See nuhilu at 40:66. p. 
1532. n. 12). 

5. It is the name of a paradise. tS) t» ma’tran (s.; 
pi. ma'dwin) = habitation, abode, dwelling, shelter 
(adverb of place from ’awd [’awiy], to seek 
shelter. See at 45:34. p. 1629, n. 7). 

1 6. When there covered 6 
the Lot-Tree 

what covered it. 

17. The eye swereved 7 not 
nor did it transgress. 8 

18. He had indeed seen 
of the signs 9 of his Lord 
the greatest ones. 10 

6. i. e., Allah's Nur (see Ibn Kathlr, VII, p. 428). 

yaghshd = he covers, overcomes. 

overwhelms, casts the shade (v. iii. m. s impfct. 
from ghashiya, [ghashy/ ghishdwah], to cover. 
See at 44:1 1, p. 1608. n 3). 

7. i. e.. he did not look right and left 1 6gha = 
he swerved, deviated, turned aside (v. iii. m. s. 
past from z/iwgh/zawgMn, to deviate, swerve. 

8. i. e.. nor did he look beyond the permitted limit 
and objecL taghd = he transgressed, crossed 
all limits, exceeded proper bounds (v iii. m. s. 
past from laghan/tughydn. to exceed all bounds. 
See at 20:24, 981, n. 1). 

9. ol<! ’iydi (sing, ’ayah) = signs, miracles. 

marks, revelations, texts of the Qur'&n Sec at 
46:26. p. 1642. n. 3. 

10. \Sjf kuhra (f.; m. ’akbar) = greatest 
biggest, largest most enormous (elative of kabir. 
big, great. See 'akbar at 40: 10, p. 1512, n. 12). 


Surah S3: Al-Najm | Part (Jut ) 27 ) 

’j&yft 19. Do you see 

al-Lat' and al-‘Uzza? 

ijjuj 20. And Manat, 

$S>-V the third, the other one? 2 

2 1 . Are yours the males 3 
(jJcjiVfiJJ and His the females? 4 

22. That then is a division 5 
most unfair! 6 

23. These 7 are naught but 

l names you have designated, 8 
you and your fathers, 
iif Allah has not sent’ down 
about them any authority. 10 
They follow" naught 
but conjecture 12 
EUj a 11 ^ w bat the selves desire, 13 
though indeed 

,**&- there has come to them 14 

from their Lord the guidance. 

1. AILat, al-'Urzi and Mantit are the names of 
three goddesses that the Makkan and other Anh 
unbelievers used to worship and think that the; 
were Allah's daughters, though they themselves 
hated daughters This and the succeeding fov 
ayahs point out their mistake and folly us 
worshipping their imaginary gods and goddesses 

2. ifytt ’ukhri (f. m. dkhar. pi 
‘u khraydt/" ukhar ) = other, the other one 

3. i. e., you love to have male children only lid 
yet you attribute daughters to Allah? /a ihaker 

(s.. pi dhukur/dhukurah/dhukrdn) = male. See ■ 
49:13. p. 1682. n. 2. 

4. jA 'unlhd (s.; p|. inath/'andlhd) a female, 
feminine. See at 49:13. p. 1682, n. 3. 

5. t— » qismah = division, allotment, 
apportionment See at 4:8, p 240, n. 2. 

6. dtzd - unjust, most unfair 

7 i e.. the imaginary gods and goddesses 

8. sammaytum = you designated, named, 

called, nominated (v. ii. pi. past from .nmwl, 
form II of samik [sumuw/saimi '), to be high. See at 
12:40. p. 736. n. 8) 

9. J>! 'anznla = he sent down, brought down(v I 

iii m. s past in form IV ( inzdl) of nazala 
to come down, get down. Sec at 47:9. p 1650, a 

10. 0IU- sultan = authority, power, mandate, 
rule, sanction. Sec at 52:38. p 1714. n. 2. 

1 1 yaltabi'Qna = they follow, obey, puma 

(v. iii. m pi. impfet. from ittab'a, form VIII of 
tabt'a [tabaVtabu’uh], to follow See at 39:18, p 
1487, n. 12). 

12. Jr zann (s.; pi zuriun) = conjecture. surmut, 
supposition, assumption, view, idea, opinio* 
belief See at 49:12. p 1681. n 8). 

13, i e . what their selves like tahwi = da 
or it desires, fancies (v. iii. f s. impfet from 
hawiya lAuwan). to desire See at 5:70, p. 365.* J 

14 i. e.. through the Prophet Muhammad, pexe 
and blessings of Allah be on him 

Surah 53: At-Najm ( Pan (Jut') 27 ) 


24. Or is there for man 
what he wishes?' 

& 25. But to Allah belong 
jjV'jiJi&T the Last 2 and the First. 3 

Section (Ruku ‘) 2 

26. And how many an angel 4 
* n the heavens 
there avails not 5 

frl’ fty. their intercession 6 whatsoever 
except after that Allah gives 
{&/J leave 7 to whomsoever He will 
and is pleased with. 8 

27. Verily those who 
believe not in the hereafter 
do name 9 the angels 

the naming 10 of females. 

28. But they do not have 


about it any knowledge. 
jf£>dl They follow" naught 

1. i. e., expects from the intercession of the gods 
and goddesses they wrongly worship? yJ 
tamarind = he wished, desired, yearned, 
purposed, (v. iii. m. s. past in form V of mono 
[manw/ many], to put to test, tempt. See at 22:52, 
p. 1064. n. I). 

2. i. e., to Allah Alone belong all matters relating 
to the life in the hereafter and in this world. There 
is no partner of Him in any of the matters and 
affairs, including the act of intercession on behalf 
of anyone, i at- 'akhirah = the last, the end. 
the hereafter, the afterlife. See at 16:30, p. 836. n. 
10 . 

3. i. e., the worldly life. jljSlt at- ’did (f.; m. 
'awwal) = the first, the foremost. See awwaldn at 
37:71. p 1441, n. 9). 

4. ^JLL. malak (s.; pi. mald'ikah) = angel. See 
mala ikah at 4 1 : 1 4. p. 1 544, n. 7). 

5. ja tughnl = she or it suffices, makes free from 

want, makes rich, avails, helps (v. iii. f. s. impfet. 
from ‘aghnd, form IV of ghaniya [ghimrn / 
ghand' ). to be free from want, to be rich. See at 
10:101. p.673. n. 6). 

6. shafa’ah = intercession, advocacy, 
pleading. Sec at 43:86. p. 1604, n. 6. 

7. iiit* ya’dhanaUi ) = he gives leave, permits, 

allows (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from udhma [idhn], 
to allow, to listen The final letter takes fathah 
because of a hidden an in hand coming before 
the verb. Sec at 53:26. p. 1721, n. 7). 

8. yardd = he is happy, is satisfied, is 

pleased, agrees, approves, likes (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from radiya [riflan /ritfwdn /marddh], to 
agree, to be satisfied. See at 39:7. p. 1483, n. 6). 

9. — , yusammdna = they designate, name. 

call, nominate (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from sammd, 
form II of samd [sumdw/samd '], to be high. Sec 
s ammaytum at 53:23, p. 1720. n. 8). 

10 V— ; tasmiyah = naming, to name, to 
designate, to nominate (verbal noun in form II of 
samd. See n. 9 above). 

1 1 . djt-i yattabi'una = they follow, obey, pursue 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from ittaba'a, form VIII of 
laht 'a [laba'/labd'ah], to follow. See at 53:23, p. 
1720, n. II). 


Sirah 53: Al-Najm l Pan Uui) 27 ) 

4a ^ 

but conjecture; 1 
but indeed conjecture 
avails not 2 against the truth 

29. Therefore refrain 3 from 
dyj* anyone that turns away 4 

from Our Reminder 5 
fysjj and desires 6 not but 
the worldly life. 

30. That is their amount 7 
jy S& of knowledge. 

Your Lord is Best Aware 
of the one who strays away 8 
u* from His way, 9 

and He is Best Aware 
^ of the one 

who receives guidance. 10 

& 3 1 . And to Allah belongs 
all that is in the heavens 
Ly and all that is in the earth; 

1. Ji iann (».; pi. zonin') - conjecture, surmise, 
supposition, assumption, view, idea, opinion, 
belief See at 53:28. p. 1720. n. 12). 

2. yughnt = he suffices, mokes free frora 
want, enriches, mokes rich, avails, helps (v. iii. m 
s impfcL from aghna, form IV of ghamw 
| ghinan / ghanu ), to be free from want, to be 
rich. See at 52:46. p 1715. n. 9). 

3- Jr A a 'rid = avert, avoid, discard, turn away, 
refrain (v. ii. m. s. imperative from 'a'rada, fora 

IV of ‘arada /'aruifa [ ’ard], to be wide, M ] 
become visible. See at 32: 30. p 1 333. n. 2). 

4. Jy lawalld = he took over, undertook, turned 
away, takes for a friend (v. iii. m. s. past in form 

V of waliya ftvti/d'Aw/dyaA]. to be near, to be i 
friend. See at 51:39, p. 1702. n. 8). 

5. i. e.. from the Qur'an and its teachings He 
Qur'in is repeatedly referred to as ddhtkr. See far 
instance 15:6. 15:9, 16:44, 21:50. 23:71, 2529, 
26:5, 38:49. 38:87. 41:41. 54:25. 68:51-52 ami 
81:27. jfi dhikr m citation, recollection, 

remembrance, mention, reminder, also scripture, 
the Qur'in. Sec at 43:36. p. 1591, n. 14 

6. >ji yurid (yuridu) = he intends, desires, lias in 
mind (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from arAda. form IV 
from rdda [rawd], to walk about. The final letter 
is vowelless land so the medial yd' is dropped) 
because of the particle lam coming before lire 
verb. Sec at 22:25. p 1054, n. 4). 

7. jv mabtagh = amount, extent, range, scope, 
sum total. 

8- J - * dalla = he got lost, lost way, went astray, 

strayed from (v. iii. m. s. past from duluUdalMak. 
to loose one's way. See at 53:2. p. 1717. n. 3). 

9 Jr- sabil (pi. subul/asbilah) = way, path. toad, 
means, course. See at 49: 1 5. p. 1683. n. 6. 

10. ts^ ihtada = he received guidance, was on 
the right way (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of 
htidd [htdayah/hudan/hady\, to lead, to guide See 
at 39:41, p. 1495. n. 12). 

SHrah 53: At-Najm [ Part {Jut") 27 ] 


that He may requite 1 those 
who do evil 2 for what they do 
and reward those who 
do good deeds’ 
with the best. 4 

32. Those who refrain 5 from 
the enormities 6 of sin 

I. ) tajziya(zi) = he rewards, recompenses. 

requites, repays (v. Hi. m. s. impfet. from jazA 

1. 'y jazA '), to reward The final letter takes fat huh 
for a hidden 'an in li (of motivation) coming 
before the verb. See at 45:14, p. 1622, n. 4). 

2. ijJt-I ’aid’d = they did evil, committed 

foulness (v. ui. m. pi. past from 'asA'a, form IV 
of id ‘a [saw], to be bad/foul/evil. See 'asa’lum at 
30:10, p. 1293, n. 3). 

3. ’ahsanu - they did good, performed 
well, acted rightly (v. Hi m. pi past from ahsanu, 
form IV of hasuna [Aui/i], to be good, handsome. 
Sec at 39:10, p. 1485. n. 5). 

4. i. e.. paradise, j—*- husna (f.; m. ' ahum ) the 
best, most beautiful. See at 41:50, p. 1558. n. 7. 

and adulteries 7 
except the trivilaities.® 

Verily your Lord is 
All-Abounding 1 ' in forgiveness. 
He is Best Aware of you 
when He created 10 you 
from the earth and 
when you were embryos" 
in the wombs of 
your mothers. 

So declare not purity 12 about 

5. Ajr** yajtanibuna = they abstain, refrain, 

shun, keep away (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
ijlanaba. form Vlll of janaba \janb ], to avert. See 
at 53:32, p. 1723, n. 4). 

6. fS kabA'ir (pi.; s. kabirah ) major sins, 
atrocious crimes, enormities, monstrosities. See at 
42:37, p. 1574. n. II. 

7. J *-' > fawihish (pi.; s. fuhishuh > = vile 
deeds, atrocious sins, adulteries, fornication. See 
at 42:37, p. 1574, n. 12). 

8. lamam = trivilaities. minor sins . 

9. £«lj wdti’ = wide. vast, extensive, far-reaching, 

All-Reaching. All-Abounding (in mercy, grace); 
active participle from wasi'a/wasu'a [ward'nA]. 
to be wide. See at 24:32, p. 1 1 18. n. 8). 

10. tail 'ansha’a = he created, brought into being. 

caused to rise (v. Hi. s. past in form IV of nashu'a 
| nosh 7 nushi V nosh ah\. to rise, to emerge. See 
at 36:79. p. 1428. n. 4). 

It. ajinnah (pi.; s. janin) - embryos, 


He is Best Aware of 
anyone who is on his guard. 14 

12. } V fd tuzakku = do not declare purity, 
justify (v. ii. m. pi. imperauve (prohibition) from 

zakkA, form 11 of zakA (raid'], to grow. See 
lazakkA at 35:18. p. 1397. n. 5). 

13. ittaqa = he was on hts guard, protected 

himself, feared Allah (v. iii. m. s. past in form 
VIII of waqA [waqy/wiqayah], to guard. See at 
7:35, p. 477. n. 4). 


Surah 53: Al-Najm [ Part (Jut') 27 ] 

Section (Ruki 2‘) 3 

^ 9 

33. Do you see 

the one that turns away? 1 

"SUijLZlj 34. And gives 2 a little 
($) and cuts off? 3 

35. Does he have 
the knowledge of the unseen 4 
so he sees? 5 

36. Or is he not informed 6 
cjll of what is 7 in 

$ the scriptures 8 of Mflsa? 

'-£j& 37. And of Ibrahim 
who fulfilled? 9 

jjtf f 38. That there shall carry 10 not 
tOb any burdened" one 
($ the load 12 of another? 12 

JJj 39. And that there is not 

1. i. e.. from ihe troth and from obeying Allah ad 
His Messenger Jy lawalld = he took ova. 
undertook, turned away, takes for a friend (v. i 
m. s. past in form V of waliya [wald/wildyak), la 
be near, to be a friend. Sec at 53:29. p. 1722, a 

2. i. e. gives a little of his wealth in charity 

'a‘f& = he gave, bestowed, granted (v. iti, m 1 
past in form IV from the root 'atw. to give Sea 
yu ta at 9:59. p. 602. n. 3). 

3. is-ift 'akdd = he skimped, stinted, bccanc 
stingy, stops, cuts off (v.iii. m. s. past in fora IV 
of kadd (kady), to give little, to skimp). 

4 vi* ghayb (s.; pi. ghuy&b) - unseen. invisible, 
hidden, divine secret See at 52:41. p 1714. a 7 
5. i. e., what will happen to him and his property! 
6 yunabba * = he is informed, apprised, 
notified, advised (v. iii. s. impfcL passive fna 
nabba'a. form II of naba’a [ nab'/nubi ’ ], tote 
prominent. See y unabbi'u at 39:7, p. 1 483 a 
11 ). 

7. 1. e.. about the commandments of Allah, shoot 
individual accountability on the Day of 
Judgement and that everyone shall be rquited for 
what he acquires (see dyahs 38 and 39 below) 

8 *-**»-» ?“*“/ (pi-: s. saJjifah) = pages, papers, 
books, scriptures See at 20:133. p 1010, n II 

9. i. e.. his mission and what he was commarded. 
i/» *>affa = he paid in full, fulfilled (v. iii a 1 
irnpfct. in form II of wafd [wafdTwafy], » 
perfect, to fulfil See nuwaffi at 11:15. p 613. a 

10. Everyone will be individually responsible lor 
one s deeds and none will come to one s help. See 
also 17: 15. p. 877 and 39:7. p. 1483. jj> tadn » 

she carries, bears (v. iii. f. s impfet from muam 
[Wirt-], to carry See at 39:7. p. 1483. n. 7). 

1 1- •jJ’j wdzirah (f.; m. wdzir) = bearer, earner, 

one burdened (act. participle from wonmi) See 
n. 10 above, and at 39:7, p. 1483. n. 8. 

12. i. e.. the load of sins, jjy wizr (s.; pi annirl 
= burden, load, encumbrance, sin. See at 39:7, p 
1483. n. 9. See also ns 10 and 1 1 above. 

13. iSy * I ’ukhra (f. m , ukhar. p|. 

ukhraydt/'ukhar) = other, the other one. another 
See at 53:20, p. 1720. n. 2. 

Surah 53: Al-Najm { Part ( Jut ') 27 1 


for man aught but 
0JLSU what he strives 1 for. 

40. And that his effort 
0&. o>- shall be looked into. 2 

41 . Then he will be requited 3 
for it the fullest 4 requital. 

i&J jjolj 42. And that to your Lord 
$ u * s final destination. 5 

43. And that He it is Who 
causes to laugh 6 

Q&\j and causes to weep. 7 

44. And that it is He Who 
causes to die "and gives life. 9 

45. And that He creates 
both of a pair, 10 

0 the male" and the female. 12 

1. ^ sa'A = he ran, hurried, speeded, moved 
quickly, strove (v. iii. m. s. past from sa'y, to run. 
to move quickly. See at 17:19, p. 879, n. 4). 

2. i. e., in the hereafter and then requited 
accordingly, i yura = he or it is seen, looked 

into (v. iii. m. s. impfet. passive from ra'A 
[ra'y/ru'yah), to see. See yarawna at 46:35, p. 
1645, n. 7). 

3. ify * < yujzA = he is rewarded, recompensed, 

requited, repaid (v. iii m. s. impfet. passive from 
jazA U'y jazA'). to reward. Sec yajziya at 53:31, 
p. 1723. n. I). 

4. ’awfA - fuller, fullest, more faithful, most 

faithful ( dative of wAfm. act. participle from 
tvu/d \wafd' J. to be perfect, to live up to. See at 
9:1 1 1, p. 626, n. 3). 

5. j+o muntahan = terminated, finished, highest 

degree, utmost limit, the point where everything 
ends, final destination (pass, participle from 
intahA. form VIH of nalu’i [nahy/nahw], to 
forbid. See at 53: 14, p, 1719, n. 4). 

6. ’ad-haka = he caused to laugh, made 
someone laugh (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 
dahika [ dahk/ dilyk/ dtihik), to laugh. Sec 
yad-HakAna at 43:47, p. 1 594, n. 4). 10. 

7. i. e.. He creates and gives happiness and 
sorrow. jSyt 'abkS = he caused to weep, made 
someone cry (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of bakA 
[bukA’/bukan). to cry. See bakal at 44:29, p. 1611. 
n. 5). 

8. out 'amata = he caused to die, put to death 

(v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of mAta |m.nw], to 
die. See numttu at 50:43, p. 1695, n. 2). 

9. 'ahyd = he gave life, revivified, saved life, 
(v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of hayiya [AovaA], to 
live. See at 45:5, p 1619, n. 6). 

10. jj zawjayn (accigcn/ of zxiwjim: s. ztiwj) 

- both of a pair, a pair, male and female, zawj 
means one of a pair and is applicable to either the 
husband or the wife. See at 51 :49. p. 1704, n. 7. 

||. f s dhakar (s.; pi dhukur/dhukArah/dhukrAn ) 
= male. See at 53:21. p. 1720. n. 3. 

12. jA ’unthA (s.: pi ' inAih/'anAihA ) = female, 
feminine. Sec at 53:21. p 1720. n. 4. 


Surah 53: Al-Najm [ Part (Juz') 27 ] 

i&ji 46. From a drop 1 
when it is emitted. 2 

jlj 47. And that upon Him is 
hl2lf the other origination. 1 

48. And that He it is Who 
enriches 4 and makes happy. 5 

yuZ&j 49. And that He it is Who 
is the Lord of the Sirius. 6 

50. And that He destroyed 7 
the ‘Ad the first. 8 

\jjSj 5 1 . And the Thamfld 
j£) jffO and did not spare. 9 

52. And the people of Nflh 

Verily they it is who were 
Jiii the most unjust 10 
©Jitj and the most transgressing." 

1 . Uk nutfah (s.; pi nuta/) = drop, sperm. See 
at 40:67. p. 1533. n. 6. 

2. yu » turn nd = she or it is emitted, ejaculated, 
shed (v. iii. f. s. impfcl. passive from 'omnd. (arm 
IV of marni |manw/ many), to put to test, tempt 
See ram/ind at 53:24, p. 1721. n. 1). 

3. i. e . He will create again and resurrect u He 
creates in the first instance itii naih'ah - 
growing up, rise, birth, formation, onginauoa. 
genesis (verbal noun of itusha'a [ iuuh7 multi / 
nash'uh], to rise, to emerge. See anshaa a 
53:32, p 1723. n 10). 

4. ^ 'aghnd = he or it availed, became ol me. 

enriched, sufficed (v. iii. m s. past in form IV of 
ghuniya [ghinan / ghanii ' |, to be free from win. 
to be rich. See at 40:82, p 1538, n. 9). 

5. j-il ’aqna = he satisfies, makes happy, comctm 

(v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of qand |qW 
qunutt/ qunwah/ qunwan], to possess, to acquire). 

6. The name of a star which the pagan Arabs used 
to worship. 

7. «ili»t ’ahlaka = he destroyed, annihilated |v la 

m. s. past in from IV of halaka [halU hutkj halik 
Aahlukah], to perish Sec at 28:78. p. 1260, a 2). 

8. i. e., of antiquity, jl/fl al-’utd (f.; m '<nnra. r l 

= the first, the foremost. See 'awwalim at 37:71. 
p. 1441, n. 9). 

9. jit 'abqi = he made (somconc/somet!iig(> 
stay, retained, left over, spared (v. iii. m. s past in 
form IV of baqiya [haqd']. to remain, to continue 
to be See at 42:36, p 1574. n. 9). 

10. 'azlamu - morc/most unjust, mare 
iniquitous, more tyrannical, viler, gloomier, 
darker, worse transgressor (dative of zdluiLSet a 
39:32. p. 1492. n. 6). 

1 1 . 'atghd = more/most iransgressuig. 
oppressive, tyrannical (elative of Highlit, act 
participle of jit laghA [ taghanJ (ugfiydnj la 

exceed all bounds See taghd at S3: 17. p. 1719, 
n 8). 

Surah S3: Al-Najm [ Part (Juz) 27 1 


53. And the upturned lands' 
He did overthrow. 2 

54. So there covered’ them 
what did cover. 4 

55. Then in which bounties 5 
of your Lord you do doubt? 6 

56. This is a wamer 7 
of the wamers of old. 8 

v*j 57. There has drawn near 9 
$ii^i the Approaching One. 10 

! . i. e.. the land of Prophet Lut. peace be on him. 
iSuiy mu tafikat (pi.; s. mu'lafikah ) - the lands 

overturned, capsized (passive participle from 
i'lafaku. form VIII of ‘itfaka/afika ( ajkAfk ). to tell 
a lie. to overturn. See at 9:70, p. 607. n. 9). 

2. ijyA’ahwd - he overthrew, tumbled, dropped 

(v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of hawd (ftirw/yj. to 
drop. See hawd at 53:1. p. 1717, n. 2). 

3. ^ ghashshd = he or it covered, wrapped. 

enveloped (v. iii. m. s. post in form II of ghashiya 
[ghashdwah]. to cover. See ghashiya at 31:32, p. 
1322, n. 4). 

4. i. e.. of punishment and ruin. 

5. .Vi. ’a/d’ (pi.; s. ilan) = benefits, blessings, 
graces, bounties. 

6. iSjuas tatamard = you doubt, have misgivings. 

be sceptical (v. ii. m. s. impfet from lamdrd. form 
VI from miryah/ muryah, doubt, dispute. See 
lamlaruna at 44:50, p. 1615, n. 4). 

7. i. e., the Prophet Muhammad, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him jtki nadhir (pi. 

nudhur ) = wamer. one or that which gives 
warning (active participle in the scale of fall from 
nadhara ( nadhr / nudhur |. to vow. to pledge) See 
at 51:50. p. 1704. n. 10). 

8. i. e., belonging to the class of previous 
Messengers and Prophets, peace be on them. 

9. oijl 'azifat = she came near, approached (v. 
iii. f. s. past from 'azifa ['azaf/'uzAf\. to come 

10. i. c., the Day of Resurrection. 

11. I. e.. delay or avert it. Uilf kdshifah (f„ m. 
kdshif; pi. kdshifun/ kashafah ) = one who 
removes, discoverer, investigator ( active 
participle from kasha/a [kashf], to remove, to 
throw open). See kdshtf at 10:107, p. 675, n. 5. 

12. i. c., this Qur’an, hadiih (s.; pi. 

’ ahddilh ) = speech, talk, narrative, report, 
discourse, account. See at 52:34, p 1713. n. 2. 

13.>> tajabuna = you are amazed. 

astonished, express surprise, wonder (v. ii. in. pi. 
impfet. from 'ajiba ( ajab), to wonder, to be 
astonished. See 'ajibd at 50:2. p. 1685, n. 3). 
e.. in sarcasm and derision. 

tad-hakuna = you laugh, smile (v. ii. m. pi. 
impfet from dal/ika [dahk/dthk/dahik], to laugh. 
See at 23: 1 10. p. 1102. n. 4). 

58. There is not for it 
oloja # besides Allah 

anyone to remove. 11 

59. Is it then at this discourse 12 
you are astonished? 1 ’ 

I 60. And laugh 14 at 

14. i. 


Surah 53: Al-Najm [ Part (Jui) 27 ] 

1. \>j£j labkuna = you weep, cry (v. fi. m pi 
impfcl. from fcuU [bukd'/bukart], to cry. Set 
yabkina al 17:109. p. 909. n. I). 

2. ojaA- s&midun (pi.; a. sanud ) = those who 
raise their heads proudly, be negligent . unmindftl 
(act participle from samada {.tumid], to nut 
one's head proudly, to be unmindful) 

3. lyJU^t usjudu = (you all) prostrate 
yourselves, bow respectfully, pay obeisance (v. ii. 
rn pi. imperative from sajada [sujud], to prostrate 
oneself. See al 25:60, p. 1 156, n. 2). 

4. \yx*\ u'budu = you (all) worship (v. ii. m pi 
imperative from abada [ ibddah /' ubidah I 
’ubidiyah], to worship, to serve. See at 43:64, p. 
1599. n. 4) 

** one should prostrate oneself to Allah on 
reading this ’ayah. 

54. SOrat Al-Qamar (The Moon) 

I This is a Makkan surah which deals with the fundamentals of the faith, specially belief in the 
Resurrection, Judgement, rewards and punishments. It starts with a reference to the miracle of the 
splitting of the moon which Allah caused to happen as the unbelievers asked for a miracle. Then a 
reference is made to the attitude of the unbelievers and the horrible situation on the Day of Resurrection. 
It is then pointed out how many a nation of the past disbelieved and rejected the message of guidance 
delivered to them and how Allah's wrath and punishment befell them. This is interspersed with a call to 
I be benefited by the teachings and guidance of the Qur'an. 

The surah is named al-Qamar (The Moon) with reference to the miracle of the splitting of the moon 

which is mentioned in its first ‘a yah. 


1. Close has come 1 the Hour 
and split 2 was the moon. 

2. And if they see a sign 
they turn away 3 and say: 

" A sorcery persistent." 4 

3. And they disbelieve 
and follow 5 their whims; 
but every matter 
fiylLlJ will be settled. 6 

4. And indeed there has come 
t0 t * iem tidings 
wherein is a deterrent. 7 


1. c , jUt iqtarabat = she or it came near. 

approached, came close (v. iii. f. s. past in form 
VIII of qaruba [qurb/maqrabah], to be near See 
iqtaraba at 21:97, p. 1039, n. 5). 

2. The Makkan unbelievers asked for a miracle. 
So Allah caused the moon to be cleft asunder 
into Iwo parts for a while (See Bukhari, nos. 
3868-3871 and 4864-4868; Muslim, nos. 
2800-2803). JA» inshaqqa = he or it was split. 

cleft asunder (v. iii. m s. past in form VII of 
shaqqa l shaqq], to split, cleave. See tanshaqqu 
al 19:90. p. 973, n. 11). 

3. \yi rs* yu'ndu(na) = they turn away, avert. 

evade (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 'a'rat/a. form 
IV of 'arwfa [ 'ard], to be broad, wide, to appear, 
to show The terminal nun is dropped because 
the verb is conclusion of a conditional clause. 
See ’a 'radii al 42:48. p. 1 578. n. 7). 

4. - mustamirr = persistent, continuing, 
lasting, enduring, continuous, uninterrupted (act. 
participle from isUtmarra. form X of marra 
[marr/murur/mamarr], to pass. See lamurrUna 
at 37:137, p. 1451. n. 8). 

5. i^yi ittaba‘6 = they pursued, went after, 
followed, obeyed (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
iltaba’a. form VIII of labi'a [laba'/labd'ali], to 
follow. See at 47:28, p. 1657. n. 4). 

6. i. e., on the Day of Judgement 
mustaqirr = that which is settled, is firmly 
established, stable, stationary (act. participle 
from istaqarra, form X of qarra [ qurar). to 
settle down. See at 27:40. p. 1214. n. 3). 

7. muzdajar - deterrent, restraint, check 

(passive participle from izdajara. form VIII of 
J zajara [zajr], to drive away, to restrain, to deter). 


SQrah 54: Al-Qamar | Pan (/«*) 27 ) 


"One gone off his head", 1 
and he was forcibly prevented. 2 

iij ££ lO.Then he prayed His Lord: 
y&tf "Indeed I am overpowered, 3 
so help." 4 

1 1 . So We opened 5 
the gates of the heaven 

jix with water 

0 falling in torrential downpour. 6 

12. And We burst 7 the earth 
^ with springs 8 

JU and the water met 9 on 

a matter 10 already decreed. 1 

13. And We carried 12 him on 
a vessel of planks 13 and nails. 14 

14. Moving under Our Eyes 
as a reward for the one 
who had been disbelieved. 

t. majnun (s.; pi. majdntn) - possessed 

by jinn, insane, mad. one gone off his head (pass, 
participle from janna [junUn J. lo cover, to hide. 
See at 52:29. p. 1712, n 5). 

2. i. e., from preaching the turth.y»s ijl uzdujira - 

he was restrained, deterred, forcibly prevented 
(v. iii. m s. past passive from tzdajara. form VII! 
of wjara Izajrl, to drive away, to restrain. See 
muzdajar at 54:4, p. 1729, n. 7). 

3. v maghldb (s.; pi. maghlubun ) = 

overpowered, overwhelmed, defeated, vanquished, 
subdued (pass, participle from ghalaba 
[ghatb/ghalbah], to defeat, to subdue. See 
taghlibuna at 41:26. p. 1549. n. 4). 

4. y-c.1 intasir = help, give victory (v. ii. ro. s. 
imperative from intasara. form VIII of nasara 
[najr /nujur). to help. Sec intasara at 47:4. p. 
1648. n. 15). 

5. Ui fatahna = we opened, disclosed, gave 
victory (v. i. pi. past from fataha \fath\. to open. 
See at 48:1. p. 1661. n. 1). 

6. j~t-- munhamir = falling heavily, in torrential 

downpour (act. participle from inhamara. form 
VII of liamara [ hamr ]. to pour out). 

7. s** fajjarna = we burst, caused to break up. 
caused to flow, exploded (v. i. pi. past from 
Jajjara, form II of fajara [fajr], to cleave, break 
up. See at 36:34. p. 1417, n. 5). 

8. Hyp ‘uytin (pi.; s. uvn) = springs, fountains. 

eyes. See at 51:15, p. 1698. n. 5). 

9. i. e„ the water from the sky and the earth met. 
jidi iltaqa = he met, encountered, confronted (v. 
iii. m s. past in form VIII of laqtya [lit/d' 
/luqydn /luqy /luqyah /luqan], lo meet. See at 
8:41. p. 561. n. 10). 

10. i. e.. on the destruction of the people of Nfih, 

1 1. jJi qudira = he or it was ordained, decreed, 

decided (v. iii. m. s. past passive from qadara 
Iqadr], to decree, to ordain See qaddara at 
41:10. p. 1542. n. 12). 

12. U»*. hamalnd - we earned, bore, took the 

load (v. i. pi. past from hamala [hum/], to carry. 
See at 19:58, p. 965, n. 4). 

13. c'jf ’alwdh (pi.; s. lawh) * boards, tablets, 
planks. See at 7:154, p. 523, n. 3. 

14. dusur (pi.; s. dassar) = nails 


Surah 54: AI Qamar [ Part (Juz) 27 ) 

' } 15. And indeed We have left 
it as a sign. 1 So is there 
anyone to take heed? 2 

1 6. How then were 
jIuc My punishment 

$ and My warnings? 3 

1 7. And indeed 

We have made easy 4 the 
JoJJo'v^ Qur’an for remembrance. 5 
Jii So is there 

0/4* anyone to take heed? 

18. Disbelieved 6 the ’Ad . 

So how were My punishment 
and My warnings? 

\\ 19. Verily We sent 7 on them 
a wind 8 furiously roaring 9 
j on a day 

calamitous 10 in continuity." 

1. 1<V ’& yah (pi. ocs uydl) = sign, revelation, 
miracle. See at 26: 190, p. 1 195, n. 3. 

2. jTju muddakir ( mutadhakkir ) = one who lata 

heed, receives admonition, bears in mind, 
remembers, (act. participle from tadhakkara, font 
V of dhakara [dhikr/ ladhkdr], to remember See 
yatadhakkxiru at 39:9. p. 1485, n. 2). 

3. t. e„ how terrible were my punishment ad 
warnings for those who disblcived and disobeyed! 
jX nudhur (pi.; (. nadhtr) m wamers. vtimutgi 

(active participle in the scale of fall (ran 
nadhara ( ntidhr / nudhur], to vow, to pledge) Set 
at 46:21. p 1639, n. II). 

4. Hj-t yassami = we eased, made easy, 

smoothened. facilitated (v. i. pi past from 
yassara. form fl of yasira [yasar], to be easy See 
at 44:58, p. 1616. n. 14). 

5. i. e.. to understand and remember. /> dhikr: 

citation, recollection, remembrance, mention 
reminder, also scripture, the Qurin See at 
53:29. p. 1722, n. 5. 

6. o+iS" kadhdhabat = she disbelieved, cried lies 

to. regarded as false (v. iii. f. s. past in form II of 
kadhaba ( kidhb /kadhih /kadhbtih / kidhbah], to 
lie See at 38:12. p. 1462. n. I). 

7. UUjt ’arsalnd m we sent out, sent, despatched, 
discharged (v. i. pi. past from ‘arsalu, form IV of 
rasiln ( rasa ! ]. to be long and flowing See at 
51:41, p. 1703. o. 1). 

8. JNJ rfh (*.; pi. rtydfy ) « wind, smell, odow 
See at 51:41. p 1703. n. 3. 

9. ^ larsar = violently noisy and cold, 
furiously roaring 

10. ,j~<~ nahs = calamitous, disastrous, otniooos, 
ill-fated See nahisdl at 4 1 : 1 6, p. 1545, n. 7. 

11. — • mustamirr = persistent, conumaag. 

lasting, enduring, continuous, uninterrupted (ad 
participle from istamarra, form X of mam i 
[marr/murur/mamarr], to pass See at 54:2, f 
1729, n. 4). 

Siirah 54: Al-Qamar [ Pan (Juz ) 27 J 


20. Taking away 1 men 
as if they were stumps 2 of 

date palm 1 uprooted. 4 

2 1 . How then were 

My punishment 

and My warnings? 5 

3 J 

22. And indeed 

We have made easy 6 the 


Qur’an for remembrance. 7 

So is there 

anyone to take heed?® 

Section (RukH') 2 

23. Disbelieved 9 the ThamGd 

in the warnings. 


24. And they said: 


"Is it a man 10 from among us 

a lone one, 


whom we should follow?” 


We should then be 

1 . lanzi'u = she wrests, snatches, takes away, 
removes, divests, deprives (v. iii. f. s. impfct. from 
nam'd [noz‘], to take away. See at 3:26, p. 165, n. 

2. jUrft ’a ‘jaz (pi. s. 'ajuz ) = stumps, roots. 

3. J»v. nakhl = date palm. See at 50:10. p. 1687. 
n. 7. 

4. munqa'ir = uprooted, eradicated, weeded 

out. extracted, pulled up (act. paniciple from 
inqa'ara, form Vll of qa lira [qa'druh], to be 

5. i. e., how terrible were my punishment and 
warnings for those who disbelieved and 
disobeyed! nudhur (pi.; s nadhir) - wamers. 

warnings (active participle in the scale of fa'it 
from nadhara [nadhr/ nudhur ], to vow. to 
pledge). Sec at 54:15. p 1732, n. 3). 

6. Viy — i yassarnd = we eased, made easy, 
smoothened. facilitated (v. i. pi. post from 
yassara, form II of yasira ( vasar], to be easy. See 
at 54:17. p. 1732, n. 4). 

7. i. c„ to understand and remember, f i dhikr = 

citation, recollection, remembrance, mention, 
reminder, also scripture, the Qur'an See at 
54:17, p. 1732. n. 5. 

8. muddakir ( mutudhakktr ) = one who takes 

heed, receives admonition, bears in mind, 
remembers, (act participle from tadhakkara. form 
V of dhakara [dhikr/ uidhkdr], to remember See 
at 54:15. p 1732. n. 2). 

9. kadhdhabal - she disbelieved, cried lies 

to. regarded as false (v. iii. f. s. past in form II of 
kadhaba | kidhb /kadhib /kadhbah / kidhbah], to 
lie. See at 54:18. p. 1732. n. 6). 

10. jd* bashar = man. human being. See at 
42:51, p 1579. n. II. 

11. nattabi‘u= we follow, pursue (v. i pi 
impfet. from illaba'a, form VIII of tabi'a [tuba'/ 
labd'ah], to follow. See natlabi' at 48:15. p. 
1667. n. 6). 


Surah 54: Al-Qamar ( Part (Juz ) 27 ) 

indeed in error 1 

and madness. 2 


25. Has there been cast 3 

the reminder 4 

•»*# // 

on him of all of us? 

Nay, he is a liar, 5 an arrogant. 6 



26. They shall know 


tomorrow 7 

who is the liar, the arrogant. 


27. Verily We are going to 

send 8 the she-camel 

as a trial for them. 

So watch 9 them 

and persevere. 10 


28. And inform" them 


that the water is 

an allotment 12 between them. 


Each drinking is 

by turn. 13 

I . daldl = error, straying from the njh 
path, fl dalal = in error, astray, in vain. See * 
50:27, p. 1691. n. 4. 

2 />- ru'ur= madness, insanity, frenzy 

3. ’ulqiya = he was thrown, flung, cut 1 1 
iii m s. past passive from 'alqd. from IV cf 
laqiya [Itqd ' /luqydn /luqy fluqyahAuqm], % 
meet. See at 43:53. p. 1596, n. 4). 

4. i. e., the scripture. 

5. v'-iS” kadhdhab = a liar, untruthful (« 

participle in the intensive scale of fa"dl trm 
kadhaha ( kidhb /kadhib /kadhbah / kidhbak], * 
lie. See at 40:28. p. 1519. n. 10). 

6. 'ashirr = arrogant, insolent, exuberant 

7. i. on the day Allah's punishment befall 
them, a* ghad = tomorrow, the following dn, 
sometime in the future. 

8. The Thainfld people demanded of lira 
Prophet. $Slih. peace be on him. to produce i 
shc-camel out of the stone. So in response In hi 
prayer Allah produced a she-camel out of the 
stone ( Al-Tabari, pt. VIII. 226-227, Ibn KalMi, 
III. 436. and VII. p. 454. Sec also 7:73, p 494,1. 
8). ijU y munilti (it) = those who send, arc png 

to send, senders (act. participle from dnali, 
form IV of rasila ( rasa ! ]. to be long and flming. 
The terminal nun is dropped for the genitne 
construction. See mursilln 28:45, p. 1248. n I) 

9. vJU jl irtaqih = you be on the watch, armapafc, 
wait (v. ii. in pi imperative from tnaqaba, (cm 
VIII of raqaba [ ruqub/raqubtih], to watch. See a 
44:59. p. 1617. n. I). 

10. iftablr = persevere, be steadfast, codoe. 

be patient (v. ii. m. s. imperative from i£atw% 
form VIII of .tabara ( sabr ]. to be patient See* 
20:132. p. 1010. n. 5) 

II. nabbi’ = you inform, tell, notify, null 
known (v. ii. s imperative from rutbba a, fora I 
of naba'a I nab’/nubu '). to be prominent. See* 
15:49. p 817. n 10). 

12. U— » qismah = division, allotraeH 
apportionment See at 53:22. p. 1720. n. 5. 

13. muhtadar = one or that which a 

presented by turn (pass participle from ihia^sn. 
form VIII of hadara [ hudur\, to be present Set 
muhadarun at 37:158. p 1454. n. 7). 

Surah 54: Al-Qamar [ Part (Juz) 27 J 


!££ 29. But they called 1 
1^*4^ their companion 2 
and he took over 3 
{$)>■» and hamstrung. 4 

30. How then were 
cjUc My punishment 

and My warnings? 5 

31. Verily We sent 

on them a single thunderous 
i blast 6 and they became 
like the dry-stalks 7 
0^*^ of the hedge-maker. 8 

32. And indeed 

£2 We have made easy 9 the 
$1 Qur’an for remembrance. 10 
So is there 

0 j&j; anyone to take heed?" 

ojS' 33. Disbelieved 

Jylj? the people of Lflt 
0 jJlIL the warnings. 

1. IjjU nadaw = they summoned, called, called 

out. (v. iii. m pi. past from ndda, fonn 111 of 
nadd [nadw], to call. See yundddna at 49:4. p. 
1677. n. 10). 

2. i. e.. their slaughterer. v*-U» sahib (s.; pi. 

as hah/ sahb/ sahdbah/ suhbdn / suhbah)= 
companion, comrade, friend. See at 34:46. p. 
1386. n. I. 

3. i. e., he look over the camel and a knife. ,jU«J 
la ‘did = he look, took over, assumed, undertook, 
(v. iii. m. s. past in form VI from the root 'a(w. to 
give. See ‘a'ld at 53:34. p. 1724, n. 2). 

4. i. e.. slaughtered her; although they were asked 
not do any harm to her. So Allah punished them. 
jit- ‘aqara = he wounded, crippled by cutting the 

tendons at the back of the knees, hamstrung, 
(figuratively, slaughtered, for they used to 
hamstring the camel for slaughtering it) (v. iii. m. 
pi. post from uqr/aqr/'aqdrah, to be barren Sec 
‘aqaril ai 26:157. p. 1189. n. 7). 

5. i. e., how terrible were my punishment and 
warnings for those who disbelieved and 
disobeyed! jdi nudhur (pi.; s. nadhir) = wamers. 

warnings (active participle in the scale of fa 'll 
from nadhara [nadhr/ nudhur ]. to vow, to 
pledge). See at 54:15, p. 1732, n. 3). 

6. sayhah (s.; pi. saylfdl) = outcry, piercing 

sound, thunderous blast. See at 50:42, p. 1494. n. 

12 ). 

7. has him = frail, fragile, dry stalks, straw 
(act. participle on the scale of fa'il from hashama 
( hashm ), to destroy, to smash. See at 18:45, p. 
927. n. 12). 

8. muhtazir = hedge-maker, fence-maker 
(act.participlc from ifylafara, form VIII of hayiru 
[hofr >-), to fence in. to hedge, to prohibit. See 
mahzdr at 17:20, p. 879. n. 9). 

9. iiy-r yassarnd = we eased, made easy, 
smoothened, facilitated (v. i. pi past from 
yassara, form II of yasira [yasar ). to be easy. See 
at 54:22. p. 1733, n. 6). 

10. i. e„ to understand and remember. 

1 1 ■ / muddakir ( muuidhakkir ) = one who 

takes heed, receives admonition, bears in mind, 
remembers, (act. participle from tadhakkara. form 
V of dhakara [dhtkr/ ladhkdr], to remember. See 
at 54:15. p. 1732. n. 2). 


Sin ih 54: Al-Qamar | Pan (Juz) 27 J 

'^c. uLjtCl 34. Verily We sent on them 
£*£ a hail-storm, 1 

except the family of Lilt. 

We saved 2 them 
by the pre-dawn hour. 3 

1; i 35. As a garce from Us. 
o Thus do We reward 4 the one 
&P-J- who expresses gratitude. 5 

pjJjuIjiJj 36. He had indeed warned 6 
them of Our seizure 7 
but they entertained doubts 8 
about the warnings. 9 

jfij 37. And they had indeed 
iJ»X, sought to lure 10 him 
from his guests. 

-- !•* So We effaced 1 1 their eyes, 
qljc "Then taste 12 My punishment 

and My warnings." 

38. And indeed there befell 13 

1. h/iub = hail-storm. violcm tornado, 
devastating cyclone. See at 29:40, p. 1279, n 4. 

2. najjaynd = we rescued, saved, dehvrivd 

(v. i. pi. past from najji. form II of rwji |nap> 
/naja' /najdh), lo make for safety, to be raved. 
See at 44:30. p. I6ll.n.7). 

3. sahar (s.; pi. aihdr) = pre-dawn hour. 

4. i ffi najzS - we reward, recompense, requite 
repay, punish ( v. i. pi impfet. from jazi OuaTj. 
to recompense See at 37: i 3 1 . p, 1450. n. 10 ). J 
5 shakara = he expressed gratitude, pvt 

thanks, thanked (v. iii. m. s. past from iMr/ 
shukrdn, to thank, express gratitude Sec 
lashkuruna at 45: 12, p. 1621. n. 9). 

6. i. e„ Lflt. peace be on him. had warned J 

'andhara = he warned, cautioned (v. iii. ta t past 
in form IV of nadhara \ruidhr/ nudhiir|. to 
dedicate See at 46:21, p, 1639. n. 9) 

7. i. e.. severe punishment, lil* batskah * 
seizure, impact See bolsh at 50:36, p 1693. a 6 

8. tjjUr tam&raw = they entertained doubts, hid 

misgivings (v. iii. m. pi. past from tamiii. Ion 
VI from miryah/ muryah, doubt, dispute. See 
tatarndru at 53:55, p 1727. n. 5). 

9. jkj nudhur (pi.; s. nadhir ) = women, waranp 

(active participle in the scale of fall (ram 
nadhara \nadhr! nudhur ], to vow. to pledge) Set 
at 54:30. p. 1735. n. 5). 

10. i. e . they attempted to make him surrender hi 
guests to them for homosexual enjoyment, lyjlj 

round u = they sought to lure, tempt, sedate, 
entice, win (v. iii. m. pi past from riuada, form 
UI of rdda [rawd], to walk aboul See rOuadait 
12.26. p. 731. n. 3). 

11. i. e.. made them blind. lameani a «t 
obliterated, effaced, erased, wiped off. cradKated 
(v. i. pi. past from tamasa [uims/tum&s]. to be 
effaced, to efface. See at 36:66. p. 1424, a 9). * 

12. i. e.. it was said lo them. dhuqi a ym 

(all) taste, have the taste (v. ii m. pi. impcnmc 
from dhdqa [ dhawq / madhaq). to taste. Set I 
51:14, p. 1698, n. I). 

13. sabbaha = he or it came in the raoenmj. 
befell (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of jahah 
Isabh). lo offer a morning draught Sec tusbtki a 
49:6. p. 1678. n. 8). 

SO rah 54: Al-Qamar I Pan (■/«') 27 ) 



early in the momning 1 
a punishment to endure. 2 

<4upy»>ii 39."Then taste My punishment 

>r ' i 

and My warnings." 

-uJj 40. And indeed 
£2 We have made easy 4 the 
jjVStji ft Qur’an for remembrance. 5 
So is there 

J&.y anyone to take heed? 6 

Section ( Ruku ‘) 3 
41. And there indeed came 
to the people of Fir’aun 
(JjjxJ? the warnings. 

\yjis 42. They disbelieved 7 
liktiilL in Our signs 8 all of them. 
So We seized 9 them the 
seizure of an All-Mighty, 10 
$ jx£ All-Capable." 

1. i/, bukrah (s.: pi. bukar) = early morning, 
tomorrow. Sec at 33:42, p. 1335. n. 2. 

2. — ■ muslaqirr = that which is settled, is 
firmly established, stable, stationary, abiding, 
lasting, enduring (act participle from islaqarra, 
form X of qarra { qardr), to settle down. See at 
27:40. p. 1214. n. 3). 

3. ( nudhuri ; originally nudhuri) : jk nudhur (pi ; 
s. nadh!r) = waraers, warnings (active participle 
in the scale of fa'il from nadhara \nadhr/ 
nudhur], to vow. to pledge). See at 54:336. p. 
1736. n. 9). 

4 \ij~u yassarnd = we eased, made easy, 

smoothed, facilitated (v. i. pi past from yassara. 
form II of yasira lyasar], to be easy. See at 54:32, 
p 1735. n 9). 

5. i. e., to understand and remember. 

6. jfa* muddakir (mutadhakkir) = one who takes 

heed, receives admonition, bears in mind, 
remembers, (act, participle from tadhakkura. form 
V of dhakara [dhikr/ ladhkxir], to remember See 
at 54:32. p 1735. n. II). 

7. ijr-IS” kadhdhabi i = they cried lies, thought 
untrue, disbelieved (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
kadhdhaba, form II of kadhaba [ ktdhb /kadhib 
/kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. See at 50:5. p. 1686. 
n 2). 

8. i. e . the miracles that Allah caused to happen 
at thee hand of MQsl peace be on him. ot«1 '6yal 

(sing. 'dyah) = signs, miracles, marks, revelations, 
texts of the Qur'Sn See at 53:18, p. 1719. n. 9. 

9. i. e„ punished them by drowning them in the 
sea. UJUcf ' akhadhna = we took, received, 
seized (v. i. pi. past from 'akhadha [i»t 'akhdh), 
to take. See at 43:48, p. 1595. n. 2). 

10. 'azSz = All-Mighty. Invincibly Powerful 
before Wham everyone else is powerless; mighty, 
overwhelming; also respected, distinguished, 
dear, beloved, strong, mighty, difficult, hard. See 
at 48:3, p. 1661, n. 6. 

It. ytei» muqladir (s.; pi. muqiadirun ) = 
capable. All-Capable. All-Competent (act. 
participle from tqtadara, form VIII of qadara ( 
qadr/ qudart qudrah/ maqdurah ). to ordain, to 
measure, to have power. See muqiadirun at 43:42, 
p. 1593, n. 8). 


Surah 54: Al-Qamar ( Pan (Jui") 27 ] 

43. Are the unbelievers of you 
better than those Pe°P le ' 
or have you an exoneration 2 

I i. e . the people punished previously, 

2. j, bard 'ah = discharge, absolutm, 

acquittal, exoneration. See at 9:1. p. 576, n. I). , 

3. j j zubur (pL; s. zabur) = scriptures, boob. 
Sec at 26: 196. p 1 196. n 4. 

4. J -*-' rnuntasir - victorious, triumphant, or 

' 1 '.-s 




in the scriptures? 3 

44. Or do they say: 

"We shall in a body 
be victorious?" 4 

45. Routed shall be 5 
the multitude 6 

and they shall turn 7 the backs." 

46. Nay, the Hour 9 is 
their appointed time; 10 
and the Hour is more 
calamitious" and more bitter. 1 * 

who helps oneself (act. participle from mrofiira 
form VIII of nasara [tuur/nusur], to help Sal 
18:43. p. 927. n 3). 

5. (jti yuhzamu = he is routed, defeated, 

vanquished, (v. iii. m. s. impfet passive fm 
hazama \hazm], to put to flight. See malzim I 
38:1 1, p 1461. n. 10) 

6. This is a prophesy about the defeat of it 
Makkan unbelievers. £»» jam ‘ = amassment 

accumulation, gathering, collection, aggregation 
multitude. See at 42:7, p 1562, n. 4. 

7. OA# yuwalltlna = they turn, turn away (* iii 
m. pi. impfet. from walld. form II of wahya. lo in 
next. See at 33:15. p 1340. n. 8). 

8. j,} dubur (s.; pi. adbdr) = back, rat. 
backside, hmdpart. Sec at 12:26. p. 731,0.9. 

9. i. e.. the Hour of Resurrection . tsU sd'ebd, 
pi. sd'dt) = hour, time, clock, the How if 
Resurrection See at 47:18, p. 1653. n. 13. 

10. J*y maw'id (s.; pi. mawd'id) prorate 

pledge, appointment, appointed time/ place Sit 
at 20:97. p. 1000, n. 2. 

1 1. 'adhd = more calamitous, more grrevm 

more disastrous (elative of ddhin, act pamnpir 
of dahiya {ilahu '). to be clever, to strike, befall) 

12. yi ’amarr = more bitter, stronger (elaliveif 

47. Indeed the sinful 1 ' are 
in error and insanity. 14 

48. The day 

they shall be dragged 15 
into the fire on their faces. 

marir, act. participle in the scale of fa'll bn 
marra [mardrah], lo be bitter). 

13. jyytt mujrtmin <pl , acc /gen of mu/nnuk 
s. mujnrn ) - those who commit sms. nnnen. 
culprits, sinful (act. participle from ajraim. form 
IV of jaruma (/arm) . to commit a enme Sa I 
51:32. p. 1702. n. 5). 

14. />- su'ur = madness, insanity, frenzy Sa* 
54:24. p. 1734, n. 2. 

15. by-t yushabdna = they are dragged 

drawn, pulled, withdrawn (v. iii. m pi impfa 
passive from saJ/aba (.tuM>), to drag, to trail oat 
the ground See at 30:48. p, 1 306, n. 7). 

Surah 54: M-Qamar | Pan (Juz') 27 | 


'Taste 1 the touch 2 of saqar ", 3 

49. Verily everything 


We created 4 


according to measure. 5 


50. And Our Command is not 

but once, 

0 Arp 

like the twinkling 6 of an eye. 7 

51. And indeed 

We had destroyed 8 

the partisans 9 of yours. 


So is there 

anyone to take heed? 10 

52. And everything they do 

is in the books." 

53. And everything small 

and big is written down. 12 

54. Verily the righteous 11 

1. I. e , it was said to them dhuqu = you 
(all) tasle. have the laste (v. ii. m. pi. imperative 
from dhuqu [dhawq/ madhdq), to taste See at 
54:37. p. 1736. n. 12). 

2. i. e., the torment. 0 — • mass = touch, attack. 

3. y- saqar - name of a hell 

4. khalaqna = we created, made, originated 

(v. i. pi. past from khulaqa \khulq\, to create. See 
at 49:13. p. 1682. n. I). 

5. j-si qadar = measure, quantity, destiny. See at 
15:21. p. 81 l.n. 12. 

6. lamh = quick glance, twinkling. See at 
16:77. p 852. n 10. 

7. i. e.. when Allah intends to do or create 
anything He commands only once and it happens 
and comes into being at once. ^ basar (s.. pi. 

‘ abs&r ) = eye. eye-sight, vision, glance, look, 
insight. See at 50:22. p. 1690. n. 4 

8. ti£Ut ' ahtakni = we destroyed, annihilated (v. 

i. pi. past from 'ahlaku. form IV of halaka [hulk/ 
hulk/ haldk /tahluJuih], to perish See at 50:36, p 
1693. n. 3). 

9. i. e.. your likes in disbelief and disobedience, 
(^st 1 ashyd ' (p.; s. shi'ah ) = adherents. 

partisans, followers, sects See at 34:54. p. 1388. 
n. 6. 

10. /’ju muddakir ( mutadhaklur ) = one who 

takes heed, receives admonition, bears in mind, 
remembers, (act. participle from ladhakkara, form 
V of dhakara ( dhikr / tadhktlr], to remember See 
at 54:40. p. 1737. n. 6). 

11. i. e„ the books of deeds, zubur (pi.; s. 
zubur) = scriptures, books. Sec at 54:43. p. 1738. 
n. 3. 

12. mustalar = written down, recorded 

(pass.participle from istatara. form VII of saiara 
I salr], to draw lines, to wnte. See mastur at 52:2, 
p. 1607, n. 3). 

13. muUaqtn (accVgen. of mullaqun: sing. 

muitaqin ) = those who are on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e . by carrying out the injunctions 
of the Qur'An and sunnah ). godfearing, righteous 
(active participle from ittaqd. form VIII of waqd 
(waqy/ niquyah]. to guard, to protect. Sec at 
52:17. p. 1709. n. 8). 


SOrah 54: Al-Qamar | Part {Jut') 27 ] 

1 ' . 


j ***<£ 

will be in gardens' 
and rivers. 2 

55. In a position’ of 

near a King All-Competent. 5 

1. oU jannat (sing, jannah). orchards, garden, 

paradise. See at 36:34, p. 1417, n. 2. 

2. i. e.. in paradise, nahar (s.; pi unhurt axIM 
nuhur ) m river, stream. 

3. rnaq'ad (*.; pi. maqd'ld) = position, lea, 
place to settle down, sitting, staying (noon d 
place in the scale of maf al from qa'adu [i/u'ifl, 
to sit down. See at 9:81, p. 612, n. 8). 

4. Ja-* tidq = truth, truthfulness, veracity. Sad 
10:93, p 670, n 6 See at 39:32. p 1492. a 9 j 

5. jXif muqtadir («.; pi. muqladirun) = capable, 
All-Capable, All-Competent (act. participle Iron 
iqtadara. form VIII of qadara | quirt qaiat 
qudruht maqdurah ]. to ordain, to measure, *? 
have power See at 54:42, p. 1737, n II). 

55. SOratAl-Rahman (The Most Compassionate) 
Makkan: 78 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. It deals with the fundamentals of the faith, especially wahy and the Qur'an, 
AM's innumerable favours upon man and all His creatures, the hereafter. Judgement, rewards and 
(WBshtncm It starts with an emphasis that Allah has sent down and taught the Qur'an, which is His 
Dost important favour on man. It then draws attention to His creation and many other favours, 
mtmpcrscd with the challenge: 'Then which of the favours of your Lord you two (man and jinn ) deny?". 
Das challenge is repealed 31 times in the surah. It is named al-Rahman after the first ‘ayah which is 
AM' s most distinguished attribute and which is the main theme of the surah. 

1. al-Rahm&n and / at- Rahim are 

both derived from rahmah (mercy) and both the 
forms indicate emphasis and intensity. According 
to the commentators, however, the former has an 
element of universality whereas the latter indicates 
particularity. See 1:1, p. l.n. I. 

2. i. e„ by communicating it and by making it 
easy to understand and remember. Allah's most 
important mercy and favour is the sending down 
and teaching of the Qur'an for the guidance of 
man and jinn fit- • allama = he taught, instructed. 

informed (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of alima 
I'ilm], to know. Sec at 53:5. p. 1718. n. 1). 

3. He is the Creator of man and everything and 
being: there is no other creator. This in itself is a 
great mercy: and many other items of mercy are 
mentioned hereinafter, jl* khalaqa - he created. 

made, originated (v. iii. m s. past from khalq, to 
create. See at 41:21, p. 1547, n. 3). 

4. This is another important grace of Allah 
whereby man can express what comes into his 
mind. bayan = speech, expression, statement, 
declaration, commumqud See at 3:138. p. 209, n. 

5. i. e.. they are created by Allah and their 
functions are strictly in accordance with Allah's 
setting and computation. They are therefore never 
to be worshipped; but their Creator Alone is to be 
worshipped. oL~»- husbdn = reckoning. 

calculation computation. accounting, 
thunderbolts. See at 18:40. p. 926, n. I . 

6. najm (s. ; pi. nujim/anjum ) - star. 

celestial body, constellation. See at 53:1, p. 1717, 
n. 1. 

7. i. e.. they prostrate themselves to their Creator 
and Lord, Allah. So they must not be worshipped. 

1 . The Most Compassionate. 1 

2. He has taught 2 the Qur’an. 

3. He has created’ man. 


ill l 4. He has taught him 
speech. 4 

5. The sun and the moon 
are on computation. 5 

6. And the stars 6 and the 
trees prostrate themselves. 7 

' 0 



Surah 55: Al-Rahm&n ( Part (Jui) 27 ] 

7. And the sky He raised, 1 
and He set 2 the balance.' 


jj 8. That you transgess 4 not 
in the balance. 

9. And establish 5 weighing 6 
L.-ji f. with equity 7 

and cause no loss* 
in the balance. 

10. And the earth 

He has laid for the creatures.’ 

' 0 

1 1 Therein are fruits 
j iZfij and date palms 10 

having date-sheaths." 

12. And the corn 
with stalks and leaves 12 

and aromatic plants." 

U 13. Then which bounties 14 of 

1. i. e.. He created and raised (±j rafa'a - to 
raised, took up. lifted up. elevated (v tit. ra t 
past from raf. to raise, to lift up. See at 13:1} 
763. n. 5). 

2. wada‘a = he set. set up. set down. Ini. 
laid down, placed, erected, produced delivered, 
gave birth to (v. iii. m. s past from watj’. to lay,# 
put down. See warfa'ai at 46:15, p. 1636. n I) 

3. i. e.. balance in everything and being — in tha 
body and constitution, in all objects of nature. ■ 
the heavenly bodies and in their relations to oar 
another. jl>* m/jdn (s.; pi. mawitfn) - halsncc. 
scales, measure, weight, justice, rale, method 
(noun of instrument from wazana | hw/i/umH to 
balance, to weigh out. Sec at 42:17. p. 1 567, n 51 

4. lyW latghaw(na) = you (all) exceed tor 
limns, transgress (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from fiiftl 
[lughydn], to exceed the limits. The teraunal ah 
is dropped for the particle 'an coming before tor 
verb. See Ui lalghaw at 20:81. p. 995. n. 3). 

5. 1^-jI ’aqimu = you (all) properly perfona. A 
set up, establish (v. ii. m. pi. imperative Inn 

cuftima. form IV of qama. [^riwmuVfiydail. to 
stand up. See at 42: 1 3, p. 1 564, n. 8). 

6. Jj) wazn- weighing, weight, balanor, 

7. v_i qist = justice, equity, fairness. Sec to 
21:47. p. 1025. n 10). 

8. i. e„ give not less in weight and measure. 

'i Id tukhsird = cause no loss, do M 

reduce, do not make deficient, (v. ii. m [t 
imperative (prohibition) from akhsara, form IV 
of khasira 1 * khasdr Ahasdrah /Wantotl 
to suffer loss See at 40:85, p 1539, n. 10). 

9. ftil ’andm = creatures. 

10. Jr- nakhl = date palm See at 54:20, p. 1731, 
n. 3. 

11. (Ui"l 'akmam (pi.; s. kumm ) * coven, 
sheaths, date-sheaths. 

12. ‘off = stalks and leaves of pat. 
storming, blowing. 

13. These are all created and given by AI14 

ray ha n = aromatic plants 

14. .VW 'aid’ (pi . s. lion) = benefits, blemnp, 
graces, bounties Sec at 53:55. p. 1727, n. 5. 

Surah 55: Al-Rahmdn [ Part (Juz') 27 ] 


your Lord you two 1 deny? 2 


14. He created man 

I from clattering clay 3 

like the earthenware. 4 

15. And He created jinn s 
from the smokeless flame 

> of fire. 

16. Then which bounties 7 
OoCiSoL^Jj of your Lord you two deny? 

4y 17. Lord of 

the two rising places® 
vjj and Lord of 

the two setting places. 9 

,VC$ 18.Then in which bounties of 
your Lord you two disbelieve? 

L g, 19. He has let loose 10 the 

two seas" meeting each other. 12 

I. 1. e., you the two races of man and jinn. 

2. lukadhdhibSni - you (two) disbelieve, 
cry lies to, think untrue, disown, deny (v. tit. m 
pi. past from kadhdhaba. form II of kadhaba 
[kidhb /kadhib Auidhbah / kidhbah], to lie. See at 
30:16. p. I294.n.7). 

3. i. e., in the first instance. Jl-Ju* raised = dry or 
burnt clay that clatteis. clattering clay. Sec at 
15:32, p. 814. n. 3. 

4. jUi fakhkhdr = burnt clay, earthenware, 

5. Ob* jdnn = jinn. 

6. L c., in the fust instance. m&rij = rising 
flame, smokeless flame (act. participle from 
maraja [ marj/murtij], to let loose, to jumble See 
maraja at 25:53, p. 1154, n. 1). 

7. •MW ’old’ (pi.; s .Jk dan ) = benefits, blessings, 
graces, bounties. See at 55:13, p. 1742, n. 14 

8. i. e.. of the sun in summer and the winter, or 
with reference to the sun and the moon, 

mashnqayn (dual, accVgen. of mashriq&n. t. 
mashriq ; pi. mashdnq)) - tow rising places, two 
easts, the points of sun-rise ( noun of place from 
sharaqa [sharql shuruq], to rise, to radiate. See 
mashdriq at 26:60, p. 1 173, n. II). 

9. i. e.. of the summer and the winter; or with 
reference to the sun and the moon. jay* 
maghribayn (dual. acc7gen. of maghriban. s. 
maghnb: pi. maghdrib) - two setting places, two 
wests (noun of place and time from gharaba 
( ghurub ], to set. See maghrib at 18:86, p. 942. n. 
2 . 

10. £ /■ maraja = he let loose, jumbled (v. iii. m. 
s. past from marj/murHj, to let loose, to jumble. 
See at 25:53, p. Il54.n. 1). 

II. Such as the two seas near Bahrayn The 
description applies also to the rivers meeting the 
seas. See 25:53, p. 1154. bahrayn (dual; 
accVgen of bahrdn, t. bahr ; pi. bt^dr/ a b heir/ 
bufjiir/ abhur) = two seas. See at 27:61, p. 1221, 
n. I). 

12 Jiyki, yatlaqiy&ni = they (two) meet, meet 
each other, get together, confront v. iii. m dual 
impfet. from tllaqa form VIII of laqiya [ltqd‘ 
Auqyan Auqy Auqyah Auqan], to meet. Sec iltaqd 
at 54:12, p. 1731. n. 9). 


SOrah 55: Al-Rahmdn [ Part (Jut ) 27 ] 

20. Between the two is a 
barrier 1 they transgress 2 not. 

2 1 . Then which bounties 3 of 
your Lord you two deny? 4 

22. From the two come out 5 
if pearls 6 and corals. 7 


*Vl» iU 23. Then which bounties of 
(£)o£j>2C&> your Lord you two deny? 

JZiS'jj 24. And His are the ships* 
raised 9 in the sea 
0 like the mountains. 10 

25. Then which bounties of 
your Lord you two deny? 

Section ( RukiV ) 2 

(£■ 1 $ 26. Everyone of those on it" 
(J)gt shall persih. 12 

yZj 27. And there abides ever 13 

1 . i. e . an invisible banier. barzakh (s.; pi 
barazikh) - banier. bar. gap, partition. See a 
25:53. p. 1154. n. 6. 

2. i. e„ they do not get mingled — the sweet wstor 
of the one and the salty water of the other lemai 
apart Otyn yabgkiyini = they (two) tram pm. 
commit outrage, oppress, wrong (v. tit. m. dual 
impfct. from baghd [baghy ]. to wrong See 
bagl id at 38:22, p. 1464. n. 7). 

3. •VW 'aid’ (pi.; s.Ji ilan ) = benefits, blessap, 
graces, bounties Sec at 55:16, p 1743.0.7. 

4 tukadhdhibdni = you (two) disbelieve, 

cry lies to. think untrue, disowa deny (v. HI. a 
pi past from kadhdkaba, form II of kndkoka 
[ kidhb /kadhib /kadhbuh / kidhbah). to he. See it 
55:13. p. 1743. n. 2). 

5. j-yN yakhruju- he comes out. goes out. 
leaves, departs (v. iii. m s. impfct from than# 
[ khuruj ]. to go out to leave. See yukhrij at 47 37, 
p. 1660. n. 3). 

6. jlyl /it’ lu‘ (s.; pi. la'&tl' ) = pearls. See « 

52:24. p. 1711, a 8. 

7. marjan - corals, small pearls 

8. jawar (f. pi., s. jdriyah) = ships, those lint 

move on/flow (act. participle from yard (/ary), to 
Dow. A ship is called jdriyah because it (lows on 
the surface of the sea. See at 42:32. p. 1573. a 6l 

9. i. e . raised of sails high as mountains, exit* 
munsha'&t (f. pi.; s. muruhaak; m mumka )c 
those that are installed, instituted, established, let 
up. raised (pass, participle from anska'a, Iona 
IV of nasha a ( nask 7 nuski 7 nask ’a*], to me, 
to emerge. See 'anshaaM 53:32, p. 1723,0. 10) 

10. fTUl 'a'ldm (pi.; s. 'alam ) = signs, melts. 

signposts, distinguishing features. outsumia| 
personalities, flags, mountains See at 42:31 p 
1573. n. 7. 

1 1. i. e.. on the earth. 

12. oii fanin = that which passes away, ceases Id 

exist, perishes (act. participle from /and l/andl 
to pass away, to perish. 

1 3. u** yabqd = he remains, abides, continue! to 

exist (v. iii. m. s. impfct. from baqqtya Ihopd’). 
to remain, to stay. See 'abqi at 53:51, p. 1728, 

Surah 55: Al-Rahmdn [ Pan (Juz ) 27 ] 


the Countenance of your Lord 
i Full of Glory 1 and Majesty. 2 

28. Then which bounties 1 of 

$1 your Lord you two deny? 4 

29. There implores 5 Him 

whoever is there in 

the heavens and the earth. 

Everyday He is in State. 6 



30. Then which bounties of 

your Lord you two deny? 

f > 

3 1 . We shall attend 7 to you, 

0 you the two classes. 8 

, tVi. jL» 

32. Then which bounties of 

your Lord you two deny? 

33. 0 the assembly 9 of 

jinn and men, 

if you are able 10 


to pass through" 

1 . J7U jal&l = glory, splendour, sublimity. See 
tajalld at 7:143. p 518. n. 2. 

2. ^/’'ikrdm = Honour. Majesty 

3. »VU ’a/d’ (pi.; s. ilan) = benefits, blessings, 
graces, bounties. See at 55:21, p. 1744, n. 3. 

4. tukadhdhihdni = you (two) disbelieve, 

cry lies to. think untrue, disown, deny (v. iii. m. 
pi. past from kadhdhaha. form II of kadhaha 
\kidhb /kittlhib /kadhbah / kidhbah), to lie. See at 
55:21, p. 1744, n. 4). 

5. Everyone is in need of His grace and mercy. He 
Alone is Above want. J(— < yas'alu - he asks, 
enquires, implores, demands, claims (v. iii. m. s. 
impfcL from sa'ala ( su’dl/ mas'alah/tas'dl ], to 
ask. See at 36:21. p. 1414. n. 2). 

6. jL sha'n (s.; pi shu'un) = situation, 
condition, state, circumstances, affair, matter. See 
at 24:62. p. 1134, n. 9. 

7. i. e.. to take account of your deeds and conduct, 
jyi; nafrugu = we become empty, be 

vacant/unoccupicd (i. e„ free to attend to 
somebody/something), attend, apply ourselves (v. 
i. pi. impfcL from faragha/ farigha [furugh/ 
fardgh]. to be empty. See fdrigh at 28:10, p. 
1224, n. 3). 

8. i. e., man and jinn. «l>"5AAll' al-thaqaldn = the two 
classes, the two groups, man and jinn. 

9. ma'shar (s.; p|. ma'dshir) ~ 

assemblage, assembly, company, community, 
group. Sec at 6: 1 28, p. 445, n. 4, 

10 f s d» :- i is tala ‘turn = you were able to. capable 

of. you could (v. ii. m. pi past from istald'a. 
form X of fd'a [raw'), to obey. See at 11:13, p. 
682, n. 4) 

11. Ijjuks tanfudhd (no) = you pierce, penetrate, 
pass through, get through (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. 
from nafadha [naf&dh/nufddh], to pierce, to go or 
pass through. The terminal nd/i is dropped 
because of the particle 'an coming before the 


Surah 55: Al-Rahmm | Part (Jui ) 27 ) 

the zones' of the heavens and 
i the earth then pass through. 2 
You cannot pass through 
except with sanction. 1 

34. Then which bounties 4 of 
your Lord you two deny?* 

35. Discharged 6 on you 
shall be a flame 7 of fire 

Jluj and molten brass;® 

Sii and you shall not be able 
{$) to defend yourselves. 9 

36. Then which bounties of 

* - > 

($) your Lord you two deny? 

37. So when cleft asunder 10 
.H&ili'jt is the sky and it becomes 

rosy" like paint. 12 


38. Then which bounties of 
your Lord you two deny? 

1. jVW ‘aqtar (pi.; s. qulr) = region, quirtcn. 
zones, diameters, boundaries, outskirts See 4 
33:14. p. 1340, n. 2. 

2. lyiiii unfudhd - penetrate, pass through (v.i... 

m. pi. imperative from nafadha [nqfSdhduflH 
to pierce, to go or pass through. See lanfitdhi 4 
55:33. p. 1745, n. II). 

3. i. e.. by Allah. OtU- sultan = authonty, po*o, 
mandate, rule, sanction. See at 52:38, p. 1714, a. 
2 . 

4. .W 'aid' (pi.; s. dan) = benefits, bless*!, 
graces, bounties. Sec at 55:28, p. 1745. n. 3. 1 

5. tukadhdhihdm - you (two) dnbeboiB 

cry lies to. think untrue, disown, deny (v ili a 
pi. past from kadhdhaba. form II of kadlut t 
[ktdhb /kadhib /kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie See i 
55:28. p. 1745, n. 4). 

6. vursalu = he or it is dispatched, sent, 

released, discaharged. poured forth (v tit m t 
impfet. passive from 'arsala. form IV of nail 
[ratal], to be long and flowing. See anoint 4 
54:19, p 1732. n. 7. 

7. i'y. shuw&z = (liunc, fire 

8 y->~ nuhds - brass, molten brass, copper 

9. Ctjaxd tanlasirdni = you (two) defend 
yourselves, help yourselves, be helped, be 
victorious (v. ii. m. dual impfet. from iniqan, 
form VIU of nasara ]nasr /nusur], to help. See 
yanlasirOna at 42:39. p 1575. n. 7). 

10. i. e.. on the Day of Resurrection. o-Hi 

inshaqqat = she or it was split, was cleft annuls 
(v. iii. m. f. past from inshaqqa, form VII of 
shaqqu [ shaqq], to split, cleave. See I'trtaityoS 
54:1. p 1729. n. 2). 

1 1 . isjj wardah = rosy, reddish, rose hush. 

12. i. e„ because of heat ju> dlhan = pant, 
painting, varnish, cosmetic cream 

Surah 55: Al-Rahmdn [ Part (Jut) 27 ] 


Jyji 39. So on that day 
jliy interrogated 1 will not be 
about his sin 2 
any man or jinn. 

t VC^U 40. Then which bounties' of 
your Lord you two deny? 4 


41. Recognized 5 will be 
the sinful 6 by their marks" 
Jijj and will be seized* 

by the forelocks' 1 and the feet. 10 

t 0 

»Vi; 42. Then which bounties of 
your Lord you two deny? 

( 43. This is hell which 

the sinful cried lies to. 


44. They will run" between 
it and the hot water 12 boiling. 13 

45. Then which bounties of 

I Jt_i yus’alu = he is asked, questioned, 

interrogated (v. iii. m. s. impfet passive from 
sa 'ala (su'd!/ mas'alah], to ask, to enquire, to 
implore. See at 28:78. p. 1260. n. 6). 

2. dhanb (s.; pi. dhunub) = sin. offence, 
crime, wrong. See at 47:19, p 1654, n. 6. 

3. ’aid’ (pi., s. jl’ flan) = benefits, blessings, 
graces, bounties. See at 55:34, p. 1746, n. 4 

4. Ot+ifc tukadhdhibani = you (two) disbelieve, 

cry lies to. think untrue, disown, deny (v. iii, m 
pi. past from kadhdhaba. form II of kadhaba 
[kidhb fkudhtb /kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. Sec at 
55:34, p. 1746. n 4). 

5. viyv yu'rafu = he is recognized, known, (v. 
iii. m. s. impfet. passive from 'arafa ( mu' rtf ah / 
'irfdn], to know, to recognize. See la'drafQ at 
49:13. p. 1682, n. 7). 

6. Jy y~ mujnmun (pi.; s. mujrim ) = sinful, 
those committing sins, culprits, evildoers (act. 
participle from ajrama. form IV of jarama 
[/until, to commit a crime. Sec at 44:22, p. 1610, 
n 5) 

7. The faces of the sinful will be black (sec 3: 106). 
U-. rfmd = marks, distinguishing features, signs. 

8. yu'khadhu = he or it is taken, received, 
seized (v. iii. m. s. impfet. passive from ’akhadha 
l ukhdh], to take. Sec yu'khadh at 6:70, p. 419, n. 

9. nawdsi (pt.;s. nastyah) = forelocks, fore 

ports of heads. [' akhadha bi-ndsiyatihi is an 
idiom meaning "he tackles and deals properly with 
it. has complete mastery and control over it']. Sec 
nastyah at 1 1 :56, p. 698. n. 3. 

10. fUi' aqdarn (pi.; sing, qadam) = feet, steps. 
See at 47:7, p. 1649. n. 10. 

11. iijtjki yatufdna = they run. go round, 

circumambulate, (v. iii. m. pi. impfcL from tufa [ 
law// lawn// lawjdn], to go about, to run around. 
See yutdfu ai 52:24. p. 171 1 . n. 6). 

12. i~r^- hamim - hot water, close friend, 
intimate friend, (act. participle in the scale of fa'U 
from bamma [hamm\, to heat, make hot. See at 
44:46. p. 1614, n 8. 

13. 'anin - boiling, fierce (act. participle 
from 'and ('end'), to be time for something]. 


Surah 55: Al-Ruhman [ Part (Juz') 27 ] 

your Lord you two deny?' 


Section ( Ruku ' ) 3 

46. But for such as fears 2 
the Posit ion' of his Lord 
will be two gardens . 4 

47 . Then which bounties 5 of 

(§) your Lord you two deny? 

48. Posessing branches . 6 

49. Then which bounties of 
(£)gC.i2l32; your Lord you two deny? 

50. In the two will be 
oCl two springs 7 flowing . 8 

5 1 . Then which bounties of 
Sij your Lord you two deny? 

52. In the two will be of 
gWi> aJSjT every fruit 9 in pairs . 10 

1. CM& tukadhdhibant - you (Iwo) disbelieve,] 
cry lies lo. think untrue, disown, deny (v. m m 1 
pi past from kadhdhaba, form II of iadhkt ] 
\kidhb fkadhib /kadhbah / kidhluih |. to lie. Sot ■ 
55:40. p 1747. n. 4). 

2. Jl>- khafa - he feared, was afraid of (v. iii m 
s. past from khawf. See at 1 1 103. p 714. a. 13). 


3. i. e„ the Court of his Lord, or standing befoor 
Hun on the Day of Judgement pu> maqim is. ; 1 

pi. maqdmdl) = place, position, standing, statioa. j 
location, spot, habitat (noun of placc/time from 
qdma \qawnuih/ </<ydm). to stand up. to gel up, to 
rise Sec at 44:26, p 161 1. n. I). 

4. Otsw jannaidn (dual, s jannuh, pi jawM)* 
tow gardens 

5. «MW ’old’ (pi.; t. j* ilan) = benefits 
blessings, graces, bounties Sec at 55:40, p. 1747. 

6 i. e.. the trees of the gardens will have branches 
giving shades and fruits. Olit a/nan (pi.; |9 

fann ) = branches. varieties, divcruiiesjl 


7 oW- ' ayndn (dual; s. oyn; pi iiviiiV a nui) 1 
= two springs. fountains, eyes. See uywi a 
54:12. p 1731. n. 8) 

8 tajriydni = they (two. f.) Ilow, move, go 

on. stream, proceed (v. iii f dual impfcl from 
jard [jary], to flow Sec tajrl at 48:5, p. 1662. a i 

9. l*S"U fakihah (s.; pi fawukih) = fruit See 4 
44:55. p 1616. n. 5. 

10. uUjj zavjdn (dual of zawj; pi arwd/) • I 
both of a pair, a pair, male and female. :aw) 
means one of a pair and is applicable lo cither the 
husband or the wife. Sec zawjayn at 53:45, p 
1725. n 10 

Surah 55: Al-Ruhman ( Pan (Juz ) 27 ] 


Then which bounties 1 of 
your Lord you two deny? 2 

54. Reclining 1 on couches 4 
their linings 5 being 
of silk brocade; 
and the fruits 7 of the two 
gardens will be close by. 8 

♦Vl^U 55. Then which bounties of 
)o£p2 your Lord you two deny? 

56. Therein will be 
oi those restraining 9 of glance, 10 
oJiXj there having deflowered" 
them not any man before 

nor any jinn. 

57. Then which bounties of 
your Lord you two deny? 

58. As if they are rubies 12 
and coral. 13 

1. ’ala’ (pi.; s. j) 1 Hart ) = benefits, blessings, 
graces, bounties. Sec at 55:47, p. 1748. n. 5. 

2. tukadhdhibani = you (two) disbelieve, 
cry lies to, think untrue, disown, deny (v. iii. tn. 
pi. past from kadhdhaba, form II of kadhaba 
( kidhb /kadhib /kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. See at 
55:45, p. 1748, n. 1). 

3. muttaki’tn (pi ; acc /gen of mullah 'tin, 
s. muuaki') - those teclimng. supporting, resting 
(act. participle from illaka’a. form VIII of waka'a. 
See at 52:20. p 1710. n. 2). 

4. furush (pi.; s, finish) = couches, cushions, 
mattresses, beds. See fir Ash at 2:21, p. 1 1. n. 7. 

5. jhl* bald ’in (pi.; s. bifdnah ) ~ insides, inner 
sides, linings. See bitdnah at 3: 1 1 8, p. 202, n. 7 

6. djr - 1 istabraq = brocade, silk brocade. See at 
18:31, p. 923. n. 5. 

7. janan = fruits, harvest. 

8. Ob d&nin = near, close by, within easy reach, 
low (active participle from danA [duni iw/ 
dandwah], to be near, to be close. See ddniyah at 

6:99. p. 433, n. 4 

9. I. e„ wives. ol^U qdsirdt (f. pi.; s. qAurah) 
= restricted, confined, those restraining (act. 
participle from qasuraJ qafara ( qisar/ qasr/ 
qasdrah/ quftir] become short, to fall short. Sec at 
38:52. p. 1472, n. 9). 

10. i. e.. chaste and devoted to their husbands, not 
looking at others. larf = glance, look. eye. 
See at 42:45. p. 1577. n. 6. 

11. K yatmlth(u) = he deflowers, strips 
virginity (v. iii. m. s. impfcl from lamalha/ 
tamitha [lamih], to deflower ( a girt). to 
menstruate. The final letter is vowcllcss because 
of the particle lam coming before the verb). 

12. i. e.. in freshness, beauty and chastity. 
ydqdl - rubies. 

13. JW f marjdn = corals, small pearls. See at 
55:22. p. 1744, n. 7. 


Surah 55. Al-RahmOn [ Part ( Juz ') 27 ) 

59. Then which bounties 1 of 
l£) your Lord you two deny? 2 

60 the reward’ for good 

(y) )/l deeds 4 other than doing good ? 5 

♦V'»iU 61 . Then which bounties of 
your Lord you two deny? 


&fj*<y6 62. And besides the two 6 
will be two gardens. 7 

63. Then which bounties of 
3 l2o 5 your Lord you two deny? 


J^lStaJu 64. The two dark-green. 8 

65. Then which bounties of 
your Lord you two deny? 

tLj 66. In the two will be 


glil two springs 9 gushing forth. 10 


I . .VW 'aid' (pi.; s. ^ i/an) = benefits, ble 
graces, bounties See al 55:53, p. 1749. a I 

2. tukadhdhibani = you (two) dis 
cry lies to. think untrue, disown, deny (v. in t 
pi past from kadhdhaba. form II of ktidUk I 
[kidhb /kadhib / kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie See < 
35 s t. p . 1749. n. 2). 

3. >lj» yard' = retribution, penalty, rep 

recompense, requital, reward. See at 46:14. y 
1636. n. 3). 

4 i. e.. the doing of good deeds in this woddlj] 
life. CM — »-t ’ihs&n = doing good things. tao| 
good, charity, benevolence, righteousness (veital 
noun in form IV of husuna[husn), lo hr 
handsome, nice, good) Sec at 17:23. p. 880. n S. 

5. i. e., the doing of good to them in the berate 
in the form of rewarding them with an eternal life 
in paradise. 

6. i. e.. besides the two gardens dsenbed show j 
there will be two other gardens. 

7. jannatdn (dual; s. jatuuih; pi jumbt)* 
tow gardens. Sec at 55:46. p 1748. n 4 

8. 1. c.. these two other hgardem will bt 

dark-green rmuihdrnmalan ((. dual.! 

mudhamnuih. m. mudhamm ) = dark green, deep 
green, black ( passive participle from udumm, 
form XI of duhima [duhnuth], lo be black). 

9. ‘ayndn (dual; s. ’ayn; pi uviin/'a vmii 
= two springs, fountains, eyes. See at 55:50. y 
1748, n. 7). 

10. iMvUc naddakhatdn (f. dual, s 

nadddkhah, rn. nadddkh) = two that gush forth 
bursting out (act. participle in the scale of faU 
from najakha [nudkh\. to gush forth. coming ogi 

SOruh 55: Al-Ruhmdn ( Part iJuz) 27 J 


67. Then which bounties' of 
your Lord you two deny? 2 


68. In the two will be fruits 1 
J *.j and date palms 

and pommegranates. 5 


69. Then which bounties of 
your Lord you two deny? 

70. Therein will be chaste 
dames 6 of exquisite beauty. 7 

71. Then which bounties of 
your Lord you two deny? 

jf- 72. Hui* guarded 9 
in the pavillions. 10 

1 73. Then which bounties of 

your Lord you two deny? 


74.There deflowered"them not 

1. .W ‘aid’ (pi.; s. J* ilan) = benefits, blessings, 
graces, bounties. See at 55:59. p. 1750, n. I. 

2. sA,.iSj tukadhdhibani = you (two) disbelieve. 

cry lies to. think untrue, disown, deny (v. iii. m. 
pi. past from kadhdhaba, form II of kadbaba 
[ktdhb /kadhib / kadhbtih / kidhbah], to lie. See at 
55:59. p. 1750, n. 2). 

3. ktSli fdkihah (s., pi fawukih) = fruit. See at 
55:52. p. 1748. n 9. 

4. J*- nakhl = date palm. See at 55:1 1. p. 1742, 
n. 10. 

5. OUj rum man = pomegranates. See at 6:99, p. 
433, n. 8. 

6. i. e.. chaste wives, khayrdl (pi.; sing. 

•jr khuyrah) = good women, chaste dame, good 
things / deeds. Sec at 35:32, p. 1401. n. 10. 

7. 0t— »- hisan (f. pi.; s. hasnd ’ ) = beautiful 
woman, dames of exquisite beauty, beautiful. 

8. j y Mr (f. p|.; s. huriyah) = beautiful 
damsels of paradise. See at 52:20. p. 1710, n. 6. 

9. ol maqsurdt (f. pi.; s. null) surah: m. 

maqsur) - guarded, restricted, limited (pass, 
participle from qusuru ( qisar/qasr/qasdrah \ . to 
be short. See qdfir&t at 55:56, p. 1749, n. 9). 

10. ft,* khiydm (f. pi.; s. khimah ) = tents, 

11. o— I* yalmilh(u) - he deflowers , strips 

virginity (v. iii. m. s. impfcl from tamutha / 
tamilha (rnm/A). to deflower ( a girl), to 
menstruate The final letter is vowclless because 
of the particle lam coming before the verb See at 
55:56. p. 1749, n. II). 


Surah 55: Al-Ruhman ( Part Uuz ) 27 ] 

any man before them 
(«} ot-Vj nor any jinn. 

75. Then which bounties 1 of 
your Lord you two deny? 2 

76. Reclining 3 on 
cushons 4 green 5 

and carpets 6 most beautiful. 7 


sVil .jti 77. Then which bounties of 
your Lord you two deny? 

£2 78. Blessed be 8 
4r T the Name of your Lord 
Full of Glory 9 
anc * Majesty. 10 

I. tMW ’ala’ (pi ; s. jJi i/an) = benefits, hks 
graces, bounties Sec at 55:67, p. I. 

2. tukadhdhibdni = you (two) 

cry lies to. think untrue, disown, deny (v tit a' 
pt post from kadhdhaha. form II of iodMi 
\kidhb fkadhib /kadhbah / kidhhah\, to lie Sri 
55:67. p 1751, n. 2). 

3. multaki’ln (pi : acc /gcn of muiiati 

s. mullah') = those reclining, supporting m*| 
(act. participle from illaka'a, form Vlll of uotii 
See at 55:54. p 1749. n. 3). 

4 — > / j rafraf (s.; pi rafarif) = cushion, pad 

5. r**- khudr if. pi.; s. khudrah) = green pro 
vegetation See 'akhdar a{ 36:80. p 1478, a S 

6 . iSjh* ‘abqarty (*.; pi 'abqariyiiU ahaqmk 
)= colourful carpel, multicoloured, genius. 

7. jt— *■ hisdn (f. pi.; s. hasruV ) - beam 

woman, dames of exquisite beauty, beautiful Set 
at 55:70. p. 1751. n. 7. 

8 dljM tah&raka - he became blessed. |mi 
exalted (v. iii. m. s. past in form VI of haraU,* 
kneel down Sec at 40: 64. p. 1532, a 8). 

9. J7S* jalal - glory, splendour, sublimity. Sr 
at 55:27, p. 1745. n. I 

10. ftjS"! ikr&m = Honour. Majesty See It 55 II, 
p. 1745. n. 2. 

56. SCiratal-Waqi'ah (The Inevitable Event) 
Makkan: 96 'ayahs 

I This is a Makkan surah. Its main theme is the inevitability of the end of the universe, the 
Rauttection, Judgement, rewards and punishment. It starts with a reference to the terrible event of the 
end of the word and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement and then points out that the servants of 
Allah will on that Day be classified into three categories — those who will be given their records in their 
ngJu hands, those who will be given their records in their left hands and the foremost and earliest in 
KCtptmg Islam and in their faith and deeds. Mention is then made of the rewards and blissful life that 
mit respectively the first and the last groups of people. Next a mention is made of the punishment and 
turd life in the hereafter of the second group, the unbelievers and the sinful. Then attention is drawn to 
Allah’s creation of the universe and everything therein and His provision of the means of livelihood for 
[His creatures, together with an emphasis on the fact that He Who created in the first instance can destroy 
ad recreate at any time at will. The surah ends by stressing that this Qur'an is sent down by Him and by 
once again mentioning the three categories into which His servants will be classified on the Day of 

I The surah is named al-Waqi'ah (The Inevitable Event) with reference to its first 'ayah which 
I Mtbons this event. 



1. When there shall occur' 
the Inevitable Event. 2 

2. There shall not be 
about its occurrence 

t. cmj waqa'at = she or it occurred, happened, 
took place, came to pass. fell, fell down (v. iii. m. 
f. past from wuqi '. to fall. See waqa’a at 27:85, 
p. 1227, n 8). 

2. i. e„ the Resurrection. w&qi'ah (f. s.. pi. 

h Aqi'&r. m. wdqi') = occurrence, event, 
happening, that which takes piace/is going to take 
place, i. e, inevitable (act. participle from 
waqa'a. See n. I. above. 1). 

3. i. e., when it shall happen no one will be able 
to deny or disbelieve in it. VsU” kddhibah (f. s.; 

anyone to delude. 1 

pi. kddhibdl, m. kddhib) = liar, untruthful, 
deceptive, one or that which deludes ( act. 
participle from kadhaba [kidhb/ kadhib/ kadhbah/ 
kidhbah], to lie. See at 40:28, p. 1519, n. 4). 

iJ3Lh»u. 3. Lowering, 4 exalting. 5 


4- When convulsed 6 shall be 
0fcj#T the earth in a convulsion. 

4. i. c . it will humiliate the disbelievers, oil* 

khdfidah (f. s.) = she or that lowers, lessens, 
diminishes (act. participle from kahafada 
\khafd\. to lower, to lessen See ikhfid at 26:215, 
p. 1 199. n. 4). 

5. i. e„ exalting the position of the righteous. 
Udlj raft' ah (f. s.) = one or that which raises, 
exalts, lifts ((act. participle from rafa'a [raf ]. to 

raise. See rdfi' at 3:55, p. 177. n. 4). 



Surah 56: Al-Wadqiah [ Fait ( Juz ) 27 ] 

ci, ij 5. And crushed 1 will be 
0 the mountains 2 in particles. 5 

6. So they will be dust* 
0£ci scattered abroad. 5 

£$£<5 7. And you shall be in sorts 6 
0 4*ib three. 

* X ,'^ r 8. So there will be "Companions 7 
of the Right." 8 
What are the "Companions 
0i£3f of the Right"? 9 

9. And the "Companions of 
a£lif the Left". 10 

What are the "Companions 
0ju ; Vif of the Left"? 

10- And the Foremost 11 
0 < 's ’*.if will be the Foremost. 12 

1 1 . They will be the ones 

1 . c — i hussar - she or it was pounded, ground^ 
crushed into particles (v. iii. f. I. past passive fru 
bassa [ha.rj| to ground, crush into panicles), s 

2. jihal (pi.; s. jabal) = mouMan, 
mountain-like clouds. Sec at 35:27, p. 1 399. a 9, 

3. Sec 101:5 wherein it is stated that ike 
mountains will he made like fluffy wool. 

4. «L» haba' (s.; pi. ahbd) = fine dust parades 

floating in the air. fine dust. See at 25:23, f 
1 145, n. 6. 

5. munbalhth = scattered, scattered strati 

dispersed, disseminated (pass, participle froa 
mbathlha, form VII of barhtha [tar/irt]. Is 
spread, to scatter. See yabulhthu at 45:4, p. 1619, 
n. 1). 

6. ’azwSj (sing. ZJj zuwj) » hushsnh. 
wives, spouses, consorts, partners, pain, lush, 
sorts See at 43:70, p, 1600, n 8. 

7. 'as-hdb (pi.; sing, v-u suhih) = 
inmates, inhabitants, dwellers, companMM|] 
comrades, associates, followers, owners. See ■ 
51:59, p. 1706, n. 7). 

8. i. c„ those who will he given the record! of 
their deeds in their right hands ( see 17:71, 69:19, 
84:7). maymanah (f. s.; pi. mmdmlit ) * 
right side, right wing. 

9 The interrogative is for emphasis 

10. i c , those who will be given their reconbot 
deeds in their left hands (see Ayah 41 helow tod 
69:35). ula- mash 'amah- calamity, ill- luct 
misfortune, left hand. 

II l .e, those who were the earliest in embraciif < 
Islam and who outdo others in the faith and good 
deeds. Ciyv'— sdbiqdn (pi.; s. sdbiq) - (hole 

preceding, the previous ones, those getting ahead, 
outstnppcrs, forerunners, foremost ones (act. 
participle from sabaqa [sabq\. to be or get ahead 
or before). See at 9 : 100. p. 620, n. 7. 

12. i. e.. they will be the foremost in receiving 
Allah's rewards and distinguished positions in the 
hereafter Their status is further desenbed in the 
succeeding ayahs up to 'ayah 26 

Surah 56: Al-Wadqi'ah ( Part ( Jut") 27 ] 


(h}SJ placed near. 1 

12. In the gardens of bliss. 2 


13. A band' of 

the first generations. 4 

jiJij 14. And a few of 
0 the later generations. 5 

{JL fc. 1 5. On couches 6 

inlaid with precious stones. 

16. Reclining 8 thereon, 
facing one another. 9 

17. Going round 10 them 
will be youths 11 
rendered perpetual. 12 

1 8. With cups and jugs 1 ' 
and a tumbler 

0 ^ from a flowing spring. 14 

1. i. e.. near the Throne of Allah. 
muqarrahun = those placed near, brought near 
(pass, participle from qarraba, form II of quruba 
[qurb/maqrabah], to be near. Sec at 4:322, p. 173. 
n. 2. 

2. na'tm = bliss, felicity, comfort, 
happiness, delight. Sec at 52:17, p. 1709, n. 9. 

3. i. c., a select group. HI thullah (f. s.; pi. thulal) 
= band, group, detachment. 

4. i. e., of Muslims. Jj )jt "awwatOn (pi.; s. 
'awwal) = first ones, those of old. ancients, first 
generations. See at 27:68, p. 1223, n. 10. 

5. i. c.. of Muslims, ji >»W 'dkhirin (pi.; acc/gcn 
of ’dkhirun', s. akhir) = last ones, those coming 
later, later generations See at 43:56, p. 1597. n. 4. 

6. jj- rarer (pi.; s. >_r- sarir) = bedsteads, 
thrones, couches. See at 52:20. p. 1710. n. 3. 

7. Vjjty mawdCinah = inlaid, inlaid with 

gold/prccious stones (pass, participle from 
wadana[wa</n], to inlay, insert, to place some 
upon others). 

8. muttaki’in (pi.; acc /gcn of muitaki'On ; 
s. muttaki’) » those reclining, supporting, resting 
(act. participle from itluka ’a, form VIII of w aka ‘a. 
See at 55:76. p. 1752. n. 3). 

9. mutaqabilin (pi.; accVgen. of 

mutaqabilun: s. muiaqiibil) = facing one another, 
meeting one another (act. participle from 
taqdbalu, form VI of qubila [qabil/qubil]. to 
accept, to receive. See at 44:54. p. 1615. n. 10). 

10. eijlw yatufu - he goes round. 

circumambulates, (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from idfa [ 
tawf/ tawaf/ run fan], to go about, to run around. 
See at 52:24. p. 1711. n. 6). 

11. oUlj i Vildan (pi.; s. t valid) = newborns, 
youths, young men. sons. boys. See wultd at 
26:18. p 1165. n. 8. 

12. JyJU*. mukhalladun (pi,; s mukhallad) = 
those made eternal, rendered perpetual/everlasting 
(pass, participle from khallada, form 11 of 
khalada [ khulud ). to remain for ever. Sec 
lakhludiinu at 26: 1 29. p. 1 1 85, n. 2). 

13. 'abdrSq (pi ; s, ibriq) = jugs 

14. i. e., with drink from a flowing spring. ,>*• 
ma'in = spring, flowing spring, source of water. 
See at 37:45. p. 1437. n. 11. 


SOrah 56: MWadi/iah | Part ( Jut) 27 ] 

'ly 19. No headache will be 
i caused 1 to them from it 

nor will they be intoxicated.' 1 

20. And with fruit such as 
$ they choose. 1 

^ 21 . And with the meat of 
fowls 4 such as they desire. 5 

Js-j 22. And hur 6 
Qj* with attractively wide eyes. 7 

23. As the likes of pearls" 
("JyyScJf well-preserved 0 

t/3^ 24. As a reward 10 for what 
SjilliyK' they used to do. 

25. They will hear" not 
therein any vain talk 12 
Hj nor anything causing sin. 11 

I JjtJumt yuxadda'una - headache is closed fe 
them ( v. iii. tn pi impfct. passive from fadda't, 
form II of sada'a [ safd'], to split, io dent 
asunder. See vassadda’Qna at 30:43. p 1 30*. a 
10 ). 

2 - o>/i yunzifdna = they be exhausted, 

debilitated, intoxicated (v. iii. m. pi. impfct Iroa 
antafa. form IV of nazufa [not/]. Io drain. H 
exhaust See yunza/Qna al 37:47, p 1438. n 2) 

3. J jjuU, yatakhayyaruna = they chose, select, 

pick (v. iii. m. pi. impfct from lakhayyara . fom 
V of khdra (ikfajyr), to choose, to prefer See 
yukhldru at 28:69. p. 1256, n. 4). 

4. tayr ( coll, n.; pi. luyUr) = bird, be*, 
fowls See at 24:41, p. 1 123. n. 10. 

5. 6 yashtahuna = they desire, wish, cowl, 

crave, long for (v. iii. m. pi. impfct from iikiM. 
form VIII of xhuhiV .thahiya |.rfaito*/ duly 
.xhahwah], to desire, to wish. See at 52:22, p 
171 l.n. I). 

6. i. e„ there will be wives of fair, jy fair(f (1. 

a. hurivah ) = beautiful damsels of paradise Set 
at 55:72, p 1751. n. 8 

7. ‘in (f. pi., s. ay/tiT) = those wnh 
attractively wide eyes. See at 52:20, p. 1710. a 7, 

8. lu' lu’ (s.; pi la OIT ) = pearls See* 

55:22. p 1744, n 6. 

9. maknun - coveted, sheltered, hidden 
well-preserved (passive participle from him 
[kunn/kunun], to conceal, cover Sec at 52:24, p 
171 l.n. 9). 

10. t\yjazd’ m retnbution. penalty, repayment 
recompense, requital, reward See al 5540. p 
1750. n. 3). 

11. ay — i yasnuz'una = they listen, he*, pay 
.mention (v. iii. m. pi impfct from turn a |saa’ 
/sunut ’ /sumd 'ah /masmu '(.to hear Sec at 46 27, 
p. 1643, n. 3). 

12. yJ laghw = loose talk, thoughtless utterance, 

vanity, nonsense, ineffectual See al 52:23, p 
171 l.n. 3. 

1 3. ta '(him = to cause sin. offence, enme 
Sec at 52:23. p. 171 l.n. 5. 

Surah 56: Al-Waaqt ah | Pan ( Jut ) 27 | 


Mjtfi 26. Except the saying: 1 
OlH-llL "Peace . Peace." 2 

27. And the "Companions' 
iiwlf of the Right” 4 

What are the Companions 
wJf of the Right"? 5 

y-i-j 28. They will be amidst lot 
($) trees 6 stripped of thorns; 7 

a® 29. And banana trees, 8 
piled one above another; 9 

30. And shade 10 

outstretched; 11 

31. And water 
©yJCl: in constant flow; 12 

j&i&ij 32. And fruit in abundance; 

33. Neither cut-off 13 
yj nor out of reach. 14 

I Jj qtl = saying, address. 

2. i. e., greetings of peace and words free of 
faults and offence. 

3. ’aj-hdb (pi.; sing, sahib) = 

inmates, inhabitants, dwellers, companions, 
comrades, associates, followers, owners See at 
56:8, p. 1754. n 7). 

4. i. e„ those who will be given the record of 
their deeds in their right hands ( sec 1 7:7 1 ; 69: 1 9; 
84:7). Their position is described in the 
succeeding ayahs up lo 'dyah 40. jrs yamtn (s.; 
pi ’aymdn ) = right, right hand. See at 50:17, p. 
1689. n. 3. 

5. The interrogative is for emphasis. 

6. i. e.. in gardens of special type of lot trees 
without thorns, yi— ridr (s.; pi. siddr) - lot tree, 
lotus tree. See at 34:16. p. I"374, n. 5. 

7. makht/ud = that of which the thorns arc 

cut off. stripped of thorns (pass, participle from 
khadada ( kahdd], to cut of (thorns), break off). 

8. talk (s.; pi. tuluh) = banana, banana tree 

9. t. e„ with bananas piled one above another. 

mandud = arranged in layers, piled up. 

stacked (passive participle from nadada [nadd\. to 
pile up. See at 1 1 ;82, p, 707, n. 9). 

10. JW till (s.; pi. zilal/sulul/' azlal )= shade, 
shadow, shelter See at 35:21, p. 1397, n. II. 

11. mamdud = extended, outstretched, 
extensive, prolonged (pass, participle from nuidda 
[ madd). to extend. See matladnd at 50:7. p. 1686, 
a 9). 

12. rnaskub = poured out. spilled, made 

lo flow, in constant flow (pass, participle from 
sakaba [ s ukb], to pour out) 

13. i. e . cut off in supply. maqiu'ah if. 

s.; pi. maqludt: m. maqtu) = cut, cut off. severed 
(passive participle from quota | qat'). to cut off. 
Sec yaqta'una at 13:25. p. 774. n. 14). 

14. mamnO ah (f. s., pi. mamnd’dt; m. 

mamni' ) - that which is forbidden, prohibited, 
prevented, held back, barred, out of reach (pass, 
participle from mana'a [mruT], to prevent. Sec at 
20:92, p. 998, n. 8). 


Slirah 56: Al-Wu&qi'uh ( Pan ( Jui') 27 ] 

34. And couches' elevated. 2 

iiiliilci 35. Verily We created 1 them 4 
($)&! in a creation. 

36. And made 1 them virgins. 6 

{£)C $££. 37.Beloving, 7 of equal age. 8 

38. For the "Companions 9 
{$>y>3 of the Right". 10 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 2 

39. A band" of 

the first generations. 12 

40. And a band of 

i\ the later generations. 13 

■ 4 .w1 1' 4 1 . And the "Companions 
vjCilf of the Left". 14 

What are the "Compaions 
of the Left"? 

1. J^furush (pi.; s. fir&sh) = couches, cushion, 

mattresses, beds See at 55:54. p. 1749, n. 4. , 

2. Uyy marfu 'ah (s. f.; m. marfu') = nitcd, 
elevated, made high (pass, participle from rafa't 
I raTl. I» raise, to lift up. See marfu at 52:5. p 
1707, n 8). 

3. lily! ‘ansha'ni = we produced, brought ink 

being, raised, created (v. i. pi. past from 'ruutara. 
form IV of nasha'a [ nash 7 iiushfi V nash '«*]. b 
rise, to emerge See at 28:45. p 1247. n. 9). 

4. i. c , the wives of the righteous in paradise. 

5. ja'alna - we made. set. appointed, 

rendered (v. i. pi. past from ja ala [ja'l J, to mate, 
to set. See at 49: 13, p. 1682. n. 4). 

6. jti|t ’abkir (pi.; s. bikr) = virgin, 
first-borns, new Sec bikr at 2:68, p 32, n 9. 

7. vy 'll rub (p|. ; s. *, }J , ’arub) s bcloviag 

8. V 1 / 4 ’atrab(p\ . s. v ,i tarb) = females of equal 
age with those of their husbands 

9. i. e.. the above mentioned rewards will he 

given to them. ’as-hah (pi.; sing 

sahib) = inmates, inhabitants, dwellM 
companions, comrades, associates, followed, , 
owners. See at 56:27, p 1757, n. 3). 

10. i. e.. those who will be given the records of 
their deeds in their right hands ( sec 17:71,69:19, 
84:7). J-H yamln (s.; pi. ayrrUln) - nghl, nght 
hand See at 56:27, p 1757. n 8. 

11. i. e.. such Companions of the Right will 
consist of a select band from among the fmt 
generations and a band of the later genertaians of 
Muslims, id ihullah (f. *.; pi thulal) - hand 
group, detachment See at 56: 1 3, p 1755, n. 3. I 

12. i. e., of Muslims. J^ljt ’awwalSn (pi.; o. 

‘ an wal ) = first ones, those of old. ancients, Gnt 
generations. See at 56:13. p 1755, n 4 

13. i. c.. of Muslims. dkhirln <p|; 

acc ./gen. of akhinin. s dkhir) = last ones, those 
coming later, later generations. See at 56:14, p, 
1555, n. 5. 

14. i. e„ those who will be given their records of 
deeds in their left hands JUi shimil = north, 

left hand, left side, left Sec at 50:17, p 1689. ft. 

Surah 56: Al-Wuuqi ah [ Part ( Jut') 27 ] 


^ j 42. In heat storm 1 and 
A hot water. 2 

ojjfe 43. And in a shade 3 of 
hot and black smoke/ 

)jjA 44. Neither cool 3 
Qtfyj nor kind. 6 

iXrrl 45. Veri 'y they had been 


t&jj before that 

living in luxury and affluence. 7 

46. An£ * had been P ers * st ‘ n g S 
jftJ in the sin’ most enormous. 10 

I 0 

YjXj 47. And they used to say: 
dLCLT "Is it that when we die and 
become dust 1 1 and bones, 12 
j shall we be resurrected?" 13 

bjifol 48. "And also our fathers 
$J&Vl of old?" 

1. i. e., they will be in hell f sarnum = heat 
storm, hot sand storm, hot wind. Sec at 52:27. p. 
171 l.n. 14. 

2. j- hamim - hot water, close friend. 

intimate friend, (act. participle in the scale of fa'il 
from hamma \hamm], to heat, make hot. See at 
55:44.' p. 1747,'n. 12. 

3. JJ* liU (s.; pi ziUH/zulul/'azliil )= shade, 
shadow, shelter. Sec at 56:30, p.1757. n. 10. 

4. yahmum = hot and black smoke, 
intensely hot. intensely black 

5. jjW barid = cool. cold, chilly (act. participle 
from baradaJbaruda. to be cold, to cool. See at 
38:42. p. 1740. n. 7. 

6. i. e„ relentless. karim (s., pi. 

kiramAurami') = Most Noble, noble, generous, 
liberal, munificent, kind (act. participle in the 
scale of fa'il from karunui [ karam/karimah], to 
be noble/gencrous See at 33:44. p. 1353. n. 12). 

7. i. e.. they had been in their wordly life in luxury 
and riches disregarding the warnings of the 
Messengers of Allah jjj* mutrafin (pi.; 
acc./gcn. of mutrafun ; s mutraf) = those made to 
live in luxury and affluence, affluent ones, the 
opulent (pass, participle from ’utrafa. form IV of 
iarafa. to live in luxury, opulence). Sec mutrafu at 

43:23. p. 1588. n. 3). 

8. yusirrina = they persist, insist, (v. ui. m. 

s. impfet. from 'afarra. form IV of rarra 
[sarr/sarir], to creak, to tie up. See yusirru at 
45:8. p. 1620. n. 3). 

9. hinth (s. ’ahnalh ) - sin. See la lahnath at 
38:44. p. 1471. n. I. 

10. such as committing shirk, adultery, 
fornication and the like. fJi* ‘aztm = great, 
magnificent, splendid, big. stupendous, most 
grand, huge, immense, monstrous, enormous, 
grave. See at 48:10. p. 1664, n. 10. 

1 1. vV tur&b (s.; pi. alrtbah/ urban) = soil. dust, 
dirt, earth. See at 50:3, p. 1685. n. 6. 

12. ftiip ‘4dm (pi.; sing, ujm) = bones Sec at 
37:54. p 1439. n. 2. 

13. Hyy* mab'ithin = (pi.; s mabith ) = those 

resurrected, raised, raised up. sent out (passive 
participle from ba'atha [ba th], to send, to raise). 
See at 73:16. p. 1433. n. 3). 


Surah 56: Al-Wuiiqi ah \ Pan ( Jut) 27 | 

ZjiJi 49. Say: "Verily those of old 
(J) and those of later times." 

oy-^2 50. "Shall all be gathered 1 
o'L. ji towards the meeting-point 2 
on a Day Specified."’ 

j&JJ? 5 1 . "Then indeed you, 

O you the misguided 4 

jjOjklr 52. "Shall surely eat 6 of 
QfflyjS a Tree of Zaqqum;" 7 

1 53. "And then fill 8 therewith 
{SjoJJ the bellies;" 9 

54. "And shall drink 111 
on top of that 
from the hot water"; 11 

'J^r u 

55. "And you will drink like the 
drinking of thirsty camels." 12 

1. majmu'dn (pi ; s. mu/mi' ) s foe 
gathered, collected, assembled, herded, rmnacat 
((pass, participle from jama'a (/am'], to jutta 
Sec nxajmu' at 1 1:103, p. 714, n. 14. 

2. oli-. miq&t (sing .; pi mawdqil ) = appoori 
time/ term, meeting point, venue, deadix. 
timetable. See at 44:40, p 1613. n 8. 

3. i. c., the Day of Judgement. fjUr malum - 
known, determined, fixed, specified ipm 
participle from ‘a/ima [ ‘ifm). to know See t 
37:164. p. 1455. n. 6). 

4. Ojh~* dallun (sing, jd* tjdll)- those pi 

astray, misguided ones, those who go astray by 
abandoning monotheism and the "straight put' 
enunciated by Allah (active participle from dak 
[daldl/datdlah], to go astray, to stray, to en Seel 
15:56, p 819. n. 2). 

5. Oy j£- mukadhdhibun (pi . sing muicu/WU) 

= those who cry lies (to), disbelievers nxim 
participle from kadhdhaha. form II of iadMi 
[ kidhh /kadhib /kudhbah / kidhbah], to lie See 
mukadhdhibin at 52:1 1. p 1708. n. 6). 

6. 0ys\ ’SkUun (pi., s. dkil) = c 

eaters, devourers. those who arc going toeaelug 
participle from 'akl [‘akl/mukal], to eel See 
dkilin at 23:20. p. 1079, n 13). 

7. A specially vicious tree in hell, as desenbeda 
37:65, p 1440 Sec at 44:43. p. 1614. n. 2 

8. Oyk* mdliun (pi., s. malt') * those who fi, 

fillers, are going to fill (act participle from mil's 
[malV nud ah /mi/'u/t). to fill, to fill up Seel 
37:66, p 1441. n. I). 

9. Jjk hulun (pi.; sing. J* bain ) a nomxte, 

bellies, abdomens, wombs, inner ports See I 
44:45, p. 1614. n 7. 

10. 0# _,U shdnhun (pi.; s. thdnb) n those uto 

drink, arc going to drink, dnnkers (act. pamape 
from shariba ( shurb/mashrab ), to dnnk See 
tashrab&na at 23:33, p 1084. n 6) 

1 1. i. e . as their dnnk hamim a hot am. 
close friend, intimate friend, (act. participle in du 
scale of fa'll from hamma [hamm], to hell aril 
hot. See at 56:42. p 1759, n. 2. 

1 2 f-u him (pi ; s ‘ahyam )= thirsty camels. I 

Surah 56: Al-Wa&qt ah | Part ( Juz) 27 ) 





56. Such will be 
their entertainment 1 

on the Day of Judgement. 2 

57. We did create you; 

so why do you believe' not? 

58. Do you then see 
what you ejaculate? 4 

59. Is it you who create it 5 
or arc We the Creators? 

60. We have decreed 6 

as between you 7 death and 
We are not to be forestalled." 

61 . In that We may alter 9 
your images 10 and may create 11 
you into what you know not. 

62. And you already know the 
creation in the first instance; 

1. Jyl nuzul - hospitality, food and lodge 

prepared for guest, entertainment. Sec at 3:198, p. 
234. n. 4. 

2. jt> Jin = religion, creed, tailh. code. law. 

worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital Sec at 51:6, p. 1697, n. I. 

3. i. e., in My resurrecting you. O / u: 

tusaddiquna = you believe, confirm, accept as 
true (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from .r addaqa. form II of 
sadaqa [sadq / sidq], to speak the truth. See 
ftiddaqla at 37:105, p. 1446. n. 13). 

4. i c., of sperm tumnuna - you ejaculate. 

emit, shed (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 'umna, form 
IV of numd [many], to try. to tempt. See lumna 
at 53:46. p 1726. n. 2). 

5. i. e.. do you create the sperms or human beings 
out of these? 

6. qaddarna = destined, decreed, estimated. 

determined (v. i. pi. past from qaddara, form II of 
qadara \qadr\, to estimate, to decree, to have 
power. See at 34:18. p. 1374, n 14). 

7. i. e.. as commom to you all. irrespective of 
rich and poor, high and low. man and jinn, and 

8. i. e.. We arc not be frustrated, 

masbiiqin (pi.; accVgen. of musbiqun ; s. masbiiq) 
= those outstripped, outdistanced, forestalled, left 
behind (pass, participle from sabaqa [sabq] to be 
or get ahead/before. See sabaqal at 42:14. p. 
1565. n. 9). 

9. Jaj nubaddila(u) = we alter, change. 

exchange, substitute (v. i. pi. impfet. from 
baddala. form II of budala [ badal). to replace. 
The final letter takes fat-ljah for the particle 'an 
coming before the verb. See y ubaddllu at 50:29, 
p 1651. n 8). 

10. Jli»! r amthal (pi.; s. malhal/ mithl ) = 

likenesses, similarities, images, kinds, instances. 
See at 47:10. p. 1650, n. 8). 

11. ifiui nunshi'a (u) = we create, produce, 
raise, bring into being (v. t. pi. impfet. from 
urn ha' a form IV of nasha'a [ nashV nur/iti'/ 
nash’uh). to rise, to emerge The final letter takes 
far hah because the verb is conjunctive to the 
previous verb governed by the particle ’an See 
anshu'na at 56:35, p. 1758. n. 3). 


Surah 56: Al-Waaqi ah | Part ( Jut') 27 ] 

Then why do you not 
take heed? 1 

*Zjlt 63. Do you see 
(£} what you cultivate? 2 

64. Is it you who grow' it 
or are We the Growers? 4 

£C£jj 65. Were We to will, 
iiSiuij We could have made* it 
llii. broken pieces 6 
jiLU so you would cease not 7 
QdJ&JC being bewildered. 8 

66. "Indeed we are 
($}o££ 1J thrown into debt." 9 

{$} 67. "Nay, we are deprived." 10 

68. Do you then see 
oJ£3ijJkt3f the water that you drink?" 


69. Is it you who 

1. i. e.. of Allah’s Power of recreating ad 
resurrecting you. Oy/”-iu ladhakkarim 

(originally latadhakkaruna) = you bear in mini 
receive admonition, take heed (v. ii. m. pi irapfct 
from tudhakkuru. form V of dhakara |iftiW 
ludhkdr], to remember Sec at 51:49, p. 1704. i 
8 ). 

2. i. e . cultivate the ground for sowing Mali 
j y tahrulhuna = you cultivate, (ill (v. ii. m pi 
impfet. from huratha (/uirrA). to cultivate, to 111 

3. dypjj tazra'una = you sow, cultivate. plul 

grow, raise (v. ii. m. pi impfet. from junta 
(arr'l, to sow. to grow, to spread See al 1247, pi I 
719, n. 9). 

4. Ojtjlj jan‘iJ/i(pl . s. zdri’) = graven 
planters, sowers, spreaders (act participle from j 
zara'u. Sec n 3 above). 

5. Uo» ja'alna = we made, set. apponuel 

tendered (v. i, pi. past from ja'ula (/a 7), to malt, 
to set. See at 56:36. p. 1 758, n. 5). 

6. hutam = broken pieces, crumbled, detra 
Sec at 39:21. p. 1489. n. 3. 

7. ydb faltum = you continued, remained, cend 
not. were. (v. ii. m. pi. past from :uilu |uV 
zuiai], to be. to continue See \a;_lalna at 1 
1573. n. 9). 

8. o tafakkahdna (originally UiiafukkMM 
- you wonder, be amused, bewildered, itpet (i 
ii. m pi impfet from lafakkahti. form V of 
fakiha [ fakuh/fakdhah], to be merry, cheerful) 1 

9. i. e., saying: “We arc thrown into debt," iyp 
mughramun - those thrown in debt, made la 
suffer loss (pass participle from ughram, lien 
IV of ghurima [ghuntt/gluirdmuh/maghnm], n 
pay debt, to suffer loss. See maghram at 52:40, p 
1714. n. 5). 

10. dyjs** mahrumiin (pi ; s. mahrum ) - ihtnc 
deprived, precluded, excluded, divested, berated 
(pass participle from harmna [ hrinvMnaM tg 
deprive, to dispossess See nuihrum al 51 : 19. p 
1699. n. 3). 

1 1 . iiyjU tashrab&na = you (all) dnnk (v i 
m. pi. impfet. from shariba [shurldnuuhrvk], la 
drink Sec al 23:33. p, 1084, n. 6). 

Surah 56 Al-Wadqt'ah [ Part ( Jut ) 27 ] 


send' it down 

j jilfc* from the rain clouds 2 or are 
We Those Who send down?' 

itiijj 70. Were We to will 
anirr We could have made it 
££I salty. 4 

VjU Then why do you not 
express gratitude? 

71 . Do you see the fire 

■ ^ 

that you kindle? 5 

jLti 72. Is it you who have 
created 6 the tree 7 thereof 
j j‘\* \ \jl or are We the Creators?" 


73. We have made it v 

a reminder"’ and an article of 
($5,3i^ull, use" for the travellers. 12 

74. Then decalre sanctity 13 

of the Name of your Lord 
the Most Great. 

1. 'anzaltum = you sen! down, brought 
down, caused to descend (v. ii. m. s. past from 
anzula. form IV of nazala [nuzuf], to come down, 
to descend. Sec unwind at 44:3. p. 1606, n. 4). 

2. by main (pi.; s. muznah) = rain clouds. 

3. 0 yl>> munzilun = those who send down, drop. 

make (someone/ something) descend, receive 
guests, hosts (act. participle from anzula. form 
IV of nazala Inuzdl 1. to come down. See at 29:34. 
p 1277. n. 2). 

4. £t»l ‘ujaj = bitter, sally water. See at 35:12, 
p. 1 394. n. 8. 

5. i. e„ by obeying and worshipping Allah 
Alone. 6. dyjy turuna = you kindle, set fire (v. ii 

rn. pi. impfet. from 'awn J. from IV of Hard 
[wary], to kindle. Sec lawdrat at 38:32, p. 1468, 
n. 5). 

6. pAii! ’ ansha'lum = you created, brought into 
being, raised, caused to grow, produced (v. ii. m. 
pi. past from 'ansha'a. form IV of nasha'a [ 
nas/l'/ nushOV nash'ah), to rise, to emerge. Sec 
'unsha'nd at 56:35, p. 1758, n. 3). 

7. Trees not only provide fuel but are the only 
source through which the balance of oxygen is 
maintained which enable us to kindle fire, i y*± 

shajarah (pi. slmjardt) = tree. See at 31:27, p 
1320, n. 4 

8 oya_» munshi'un (pi . s. munshi ') = creators. 

producers, originators (act. participle from 
'ansha 'a. See n. 7 above), 

9. i. e., fire. 

10. i. e.. reminder of the fire of hell. • jS’dz 
tadhkirah = reminder. See at 20:3, p. 976, n. 4. 

11. maid ' (pi 'amti'ah) = goods, wares, 
baggage, equipment, gear, necessities of life, 
chattel, needs, article of use, enjoyment. Sec at 
43:35, p. 1591, n. II. 

12. jiy- muqw!n(pl. acc/gen. of muqwun: s. 
muqw ) = poor, deserted, travellers (act. participle 
from aqwd. form IV of quwiya [r/dwa/i], to be 

13. jv- sabbUf = proclaim the sanctity, glorify. 

declare immunity from blemish (v. ii. s. 
imperative from sabbalja. form II of sabaha 
[sahh/ sihuhah] to swim, to float. See at 52:48, p. 
1716. n. 4). 


Surah 56: /W- Watty t ah ( Part ( Juz ') 27 ] 

Section ( Kuku ' ) 3 

.i-— itSLi ft 75. So indeed I swear 1 

by the positions 2 of the stars.' 

jLliLaj]) 76. Verily it is an oath, 
if you knew, 
l .y,r very grave! 4 

77. Verily it is the Qur’an 

(«J Most Noble. 5 

78. In a Book 
(™) y_^3 well-preserved. 6 

r l 79. There shall touch 7 it none 

but those who be clean.® 

80. It is a sent-down 9 from 
the Lord of all beings. 10 

.i-jUuyit 8 1 . Is it about this discourse 
you be deceptive? 11 

1 la here it meant for emphasis (see 4 (Haw 
II. p. 467). Allah may swear by anything; hit Ht 
creatures can swear only by Him. r — !l uqtmt 

I swear, make an oath (v. i. s. impfet. iron 
aqsumu. form IV of qasama |</<num). to 
Sec aqsamd at 35:42, p. 1405, n. 10). 

2. mawaqi' (pi.; s. mtiHt/i ) = places what 
something falls, positions, sites, localities, ipos 
(noun of place from wui/aa | » u</ii ']. to faU See 
wuqa 'at at 56: 1 , p. 1 753. n. 2). 

3. aujum (pi.; s. najm ) = stars. See at 52 
p. 1716, n. 7. 

4. „ U- 'azim = great, magnificent, lplcrutd. 
stupendous, grand, huge, immense, \ 
enormous, grave. See at 56:46. p. 1759. it 10 

5. ft/ karim = Most Noble, noble, Ini 

generous, munificent, respectable, held in csicen, 
decent I act. participle in the scale of fa il Inn 
karuma [ kurum / karamah / kardmah], to be noble, 
to be generous Sec at 44 49, p. 161 5, n. 3). 1 

6. i. e . in al-Lawh al-Muhfu: oy£* moiaili < 
covered, sheltered, hidden, well 
(passive participle from kanna \kunn/kunix], 
conceal, cover. See at 56:23. p. 1756. n. 9). j 

7. The sense here is that of prohibition (If# 
al-JaUUayn, Tafstr al-Qurtubt ) — , ismunts 

he or it touches, feels (v. iii. m. s. impfet. ftm 
mas. ru [nuiss/masis], to feel, to touch. Set U 
35:35. p. 1402. n II). 

8. i. c.. of ceremonial impurity. 

mutahharun (pi.; s. mutahhar ) - those who at 
purified, arc made clean. pure ones (pm 
participle from tahluira. form II of laharAahM 
[tuhr/tahdrah], to be clean. Sec vuruMint a 
33:33! p 1348. n. 7). 

9. Jijj' tanzil = sending down, something ten 
down (verbal noun in form II of nazala (nidi/), to 
come down. Sec at 46:2, p 1631. n. 2. 

10. jji ‘alamin (acc /gen of o,JU 'aim in; 
sing ,A» 'Mam, ic. any being or object that pant 
to its Creator, sing ’Mam) = all beings, creams 
See at 43:46, p 1594, n, 9). 

11. i. e.. disbelieve. mudhin&n (pi.; t 

mudhtn ) = those who be deceptive, dissemble, hr 
pliant (act participle from 'adhana, form IV of 
dahana [duhn], to oil. to anoint). 

Surah 56: Al-Wauqiuh ( Pan ( Juz ) 27 ] 



—< /< 


pi* #(&dl 


T':> -c 


0 4£fe 

82. And make your provision 1 
that you disbelieve? 2 

83. Then why do you not/ 
when it reaches 4 the throat? 5 

84. And you at that time 
look on? 6 

85. And We are nearer 7 
to him than you are, 
but you see” not. 

86. Then why not, 

if you are not obligated 9 — 

87. Return it, 10 

if you are truthful?" 

88. So, if he be of 
those to be placed near; 12 

1. i. e., instead of expressing gratitude for the 
provision Allah gives you. you disbelieve in Him. 
Jjj rizq (pi. J’jj’ arzdq) = sustenance. 

subsistence, livelihood, means of livelihood, 
provision, boon. See at 42:12. p. 1564. n. 3. 

2. tukadhdhibuna = you (all) cry lies to. 

disbelieve, think untrue (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 
kadhdhaba. form II of kadhuba [kidhb /kadhtb 
/kadhbuh / kidhbah], to lie. Sec at 52: 14. p. 1709. 
n. I). 

3. i. e.. why do you not help? 

4. i. e.. when the breath of life of the dying person 
reaches his throat, c-ii, balaghal = she reached. 

attained, arrived at (v. iii. f. s. past from 
btdagaha [bulSgh], to reach, to attain See at 
33:10. p. 1338. n. 9). 

5. fjii*- liulqum (s.; pi. haldqim) = throat, 

6. And those of you who arc present near the 
dying person look on helplessly. 

7. i. e.. in knowledge. 

8. tubsiruna = you see. see through. 

understand, (v. ii. m pi impfet. from 'abjara, 
form IV of basura/hafira [hanjr], to see. See at 
52:15. p. 1 709.' n. 3). 

9. i. e.. if you are not accountable for your 
deeds, jrt-n- madSnin (pi. acc /gcn. of madinun. 

s. madin ) = those judged and requited, obligated, 
indebted (pass, participle from addnu, form IV of 
ddnu (dayn) to borrow, to take a loan. See 
midinun at 37:53. p. 1439, n. 3). 

10. i. e.. put life back to the dying person. 

tarji'una = you return, resume, revert, go back (v. 

11. m. pi. impfet. from raja a ( ru/d '). to return See 
yarji 'ina at 46:27, p. 1642, n. 9). 

11. i. e.. in your assertion that there will be no 

12. i. c., of the first category mentioned in ayahs 
10-11 above, jus* muqarrabin (occVgcn. of 
muqarrabun. sing, muqarrab ) those placed or 
posted near (passive participle from qarraha. 
form II of qaruba [ qurb / maqrabah). to be near. 
Sec muqarrabun at 56:1 1, p. 1755. n. 1). 

89.Then there will be repose" 

13. i. e.. he will have repose and mercy on death. 

raw!) = refreshment, repose, comfort, 
goodness, mercy. See at 12:87. p. 754, n. 8. 


Surah 56: Al-Wadqi'ah [ Part ( Jui ) 27 ] 

otejj an d a pleasing atmosphere 1 
and the Garden of Bliss. 2 

Oio 90. And if he be of the 

"Companions 3 of the Right"; 4 

9 1 . Then, peace 5 to you of the 
"Comapnions of the Right." 

92. And if he be of the 
disbelieving 6 misguided ones, 7 


93. Then the entertainment 8 
with hot water; 9 

0 94. And braosting l0 in hell-fire. 

95. Verily this is the truth of 
the certainty. 11 

^15 96. So declare sanctity 12 
of the Name of your Lord 
(Jjjpkiif the Most Great. 

1. ciU^ rayhdn - aromatic plants, (i c i 
pleasing atmosphere). Sec at 55:12, p 1742, a 
13 . 

2. na'irn = bliss, felicity . comfort, happmen. 
delight Sec at 56:12, p. 1755, n. 2. 

3 . 'as-h&b (pi.; sing, s 

inmates, inhabitants, dwellers. compmMK 
comrades, associates, followers, own crs. Sal 
56:38. p. 1758. n. 9). 

4. i. e., those who will be given the record! 
their deeds in their right hands ( see 17:71; M il; 
84:7). yamtn (s ; pi. aymtm) = right. nfk 
hand See at 56:38. p 1758, n 10 

5. t. e , it will be said to him; and he will hivei 
peaceful life in the hereafter. 

6. mukadhdhibtn (accVgen. el 
mukadhdhtbun, sing, mukadhdhih ) - those irta 
cry lies (to), disbelievers (active participle (ran 
kadlidhaba. form II of kadhiba \kidhh /bailee 
/kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie See at 52. II. p 1701, 
n. 6). 

7. jA-r ddltin (pi.; accVgen. of datlun) - lot 
gone astray, misguided ones, those who go astray 
by abandoning monotheism and the 'stnighi 
path* (active participle from ,V'j 
[daldl/dalulah\, to go astray, to stray, to err Sal 

37:69. p 141 l.n. 7). 

8. i. e.. such ones will liave the entertainment. J> 
nuzul = hospitality, food and lodge prepared far 
guest, entertainment Sec at 56:156, p. 1761, nl. 

9. i. e , as their drink. hamlm = hot who. 
close friend, intimate fnend (act. participle in the 
scale of fa'il from hanunu |/r«mm], to heat, make 
hot See at 56:54. p. 1760. nil. 

10. U-fc tasliyah = broasting. broiling, erpoaa 
to blazing fire. 

1 1. jJu yaqirt - certainty, certitude, convioa. 

certain, sure. See at 27:22. p. 1209, n. 5. 

12. jv- sabbih = proclaim the sanctity, gloifj, 
declare immunity from blemish (v. ii. i 
imperative front .tabbahu, form II of raMa sibdJiuh] to swim, to float. Sec at 56:74, p 
1763. n. 14). 

57. SOrat al-Had!d ( Iron ) 
Madinan: 29 'ayahs 

\ This is a Madinan surah. It deals with three main themes, (a) It emphasizes that the whole universe is 
Allah's creation. He is the Absolute Owner. Manager and Disposer of everything as He will, (b) It is the 
duty of every believer to strengthen and hold high the din of Allah with his person and property, (c) It 
dearly points out that this worldly life is only a fleeting enjoyment and perishable and that therefore 
Koe should be deluded by it and thus fall into the error of disobeying Allah. 

The surah starts by mentioning that everything in the heavens and the earth declares Allah's sanctity 
md glorifies Him. His is the Sovereignty over the heavens and the earth and He is the All-Powerful, the 
First without beginning and without any predecessor, and the Last and Everlasting without end, the 
Evident ( Zahir ) through His signs all over the universe, yet the All-Intrinsic ( Batin ) for none can see 
Him in this life and He is beyond the senses of His creatures. It then speaks about the three themes 
indicated above, together with a reference to the condition and characteristics of the believers and the 

The surah is named al-Hadid (Iron) with reference to its ’ayah 25 wherein mention is made of this 
metal which is one of Allah's special gifts and which is of immense importance and use to man. 

1. sabbih = he proclaimed the sanctity, 
glorified, declared immunity from blemish (v. iii. 
m. s. past from sabh/ sibahah, to swim, to float. 
Sec sabbih at 56:96, p. 1766, n. 12). 

2. jij* ’azh = All-Mighty, Invincibly Powerful 

before Whom everyone else is powerless; mighty, 
overwhelming; also respected, distinguished, 
dear, beloved, strong, mighty, difficult, hard Sec 
at 54:42. p. 1737. n. 10. 

3. i. e , in His deeds, commandments and 
dispensation. hakim (s.; pi. Iiukama j = 
All-Wise, judicious, full of wisdom (active 
participle in the scale of fa'il from hakama 
[AuAm], to pass judgement. See at 51:30, p. 1701, 
n I). 

4 i. e.. His is the absolute ownership, possession, 
sovereignty and power of dispensation. dJu mulk 

= dominion, kingship, monarchy, right of 
possession, ownership. See at 48: 14. p. 1666, n 8 

5. yuhyi = he gives life, revivifies, brings to 
life, enlivens, animates, vitalizes (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from oAyd. form IV of hayiya (AuyaA). to 
live. Sec at 45:26, p 1626, n. 8). 

6. c-m yumitu = he causes to die, puts to death 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet. from a mam. form IV of 
mala [mawt], to die. See at 45:26, p. 1626, n. 9). 


1 .There proclaims the sanctity 1 
of Allah 

all that is in the heavens 
4 >ji\ j and the earth. 

And He is the All-Mighty, 2 
$ '0S the All-Wise. 1 

d&S] 2. His is the dominion 4 

°f l hc heavens and the earth; 
«^e and He gives life 5 
c-jay and causes to die; 6 

and He is over everything 



Suruh 57: Al-Hadid [ Part (Jut ) 27 ) 

jjVTji 3. He is the First 1 
and the Last, 2 
and the All-Manifest 3 
and the All-Intrinsic; 4 
and He is of everything 
All-Knowing. 5 


| f 

| 5 -- <<-| ■" 


0 « 

4. He it is Who created 
the Heavens and the earth 
in six days; 
then He took position 6 
on the Thone. 7 
He knows whatever 
goes into 8 the earth and 
whatever comes out 9 of it, 
and whatever comes down 10 
from the sky and 
whatever ascends 11 into it; 
and He is with you 12 
wherever you be. 

And Allah is of what you do 

1 . i. c . He existed without beginning and befote 
everything. There was nothing before Him and He 
brought everything into being 

2. i. e. He will last for ever after everythin; a 
caused to die and come to an end 

3. i. e., through His creation and signs. liktr 

= manifest, distinct, visible, apparent, evidoli 
patent, obvious, conspicuous (acL participle frca 
laharu [zuhur], to be visible, perceptible. Seed 
30:7, p 1291. n. 8). 

4 i. e., beyond the senses of creatures. jK Mui 

= coven, hidden, secret, inner. inlnuK, 
All-Intrinsic (act. paniciple from hoMM) 
Ibaln/butun], to be hidden. See at 6:120, p. 4*1, 
n. 10 ). ' 

5. i. e, of all events, words, deeds and thoughts of 
His creatures, open or secret, past, preseat or 
future p-l* ‘ alim (s.; pi. ulamd") = well mfomxi 
erudite, learned, more knowing. All Knovutig 
Omniscient. See at 49:16, p 1683, n. 10. 

6 i. c . in the manner appropriate to His Gotyasl 
Majesty tif-^ istav/i = he became even (i t, 

took position), straight, equal, upright (v ill m i 
past in form VIII of sawiya [nwun], to be equal. 
See at 53:6, p 1718, n. 4) 

7. Jy ‘arsh = throne Sec at 43:82. p 1603,1 

8. jd, yaliju = he or it enters, penetrates, goci is 
(v. iii. m. s. impfct from walaja llijiMwuUj], a 
enter See at 34:2. p. 1368, n. 5. 

9. i. e„ of plants, water, minerals, lava, etc. -/>, 

yakhruju = he or it comes out, goes out. rmcrjn 
(v. iii. m. s. impfct. from kfutraja [khunyj, to 
come out, to go out See at 55:22, p 1744, a 5). 

10. i. c, of rains, hails, meteors, angels, etc 

y an: du = he comes down, descends (v. in. in s 
impfct from nazala [nuruf), to come down. Sa 
at 34:2. p 1368, n. 7). 

11. i. c . of angels and deeds of the creased 
beings. ya'ruju = he or it goes up. auenh, 

rises, mounts (v. iii. m. s. impfct from oral « 

[ uruj], to ascend. See at 34:2. p 1368, n. I). | 

12. i. e.. in His knowledge. 

13. jtr^t bastr = one who sees/ ohseno. 

All-Seeing (act participle in the scale of jbU Item 
bafura/basira [barar], to see) See al 49 IS. f 
1684, n. 7 

Surah 57: Al-Hadid l Pan (Juz') 27 | 


5. His is the dominion 1 of 
the heavens and the earth; 
and to Allah are returned 2 
0 all affairs. 3 


I ^ 


1 r 
j!MJ' y'ja 




6. He makes the night enter 4 
into the day 

and He makes the day enter 
into the night; 5 
and He is All-Knowing of 
the secrets of hearts. 6 

7. Believe 7 in Allah 
and His Messenger; 
and expend 8 out of what 
He has made’ you heirs 10 to. 
So those who believe of you 
and expend, 

they shall have a reward" 
most magnificent. 

8. And what plea have you 
that you believe not in Allah, 

1 . i. e.. His is the absolute ownership, possession, 
sovereignty and power of governance and 
dispensation. dU» mulk = dominion, kingship. 

monarchy, right of possession, ownership. See at 
57:2, p. 1767, n.4 

2. £»/turja'u= she is returned, sent back (v. 

iii, f. s. impfet passive from raja a ( rujO'] . to 
return). See at 35:4. p. 1390, n 11). 

3. i. e.. all affairs and deeds of His creatures are 
referred to Him for judgement and requital i3 A 
'umur (pi.; s. ji \ amr ) = affairs, matters, issues, 
concerns See at 42:53, p. 1581, n. 2. 

4. -J* yuliju = he inserts, makes enter, thrusts. 

interpolates (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'awluja, 
form IV of waluja [lijah/wuluj\. to enter, 
penetrate. See at 35:13, p. 1394, n, 15). 

5. i. e., the day and night are made gradually to 
yield place to each other. 

6. J)J— sudur (pi.; sing xadr) = breasts, 

chests, bosoms, hearts, front, beginning, dhdt 
al-fuddr = that which possesses the hearts, 
secrets of the hearts. See at 42:24, p. 1571, n. 1. 

7. ’aminu - you all believe, have faith (v. 

ii. m. pi. imperative from ’dmana. form IV of 
‘amina [ amn/'amun/'amdnah]. to be safe, feel 
safe. See at 4:47. p.262. n. 2). 

8. 'anfiqd a you (all) spend, expend, 

disburse, lay out (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 
'anfatja. form IV of ruifaqa/nufiqa | nafaq], to be 
used up. be spent. Sec at 36:47. p. 1420, n. 2). 

9. ja'ala = he made / set / put / placed / 
appointed (v. iii. s. past from ja’l. to make, to put. 
See at 48: 26. p. 1672, n. 9). 

10. i. e , of wealth and properties 

mustakhlafln (pi.; acc./gcn of mustakhlafun, s. 
muxtakhlaf) = those appointed heirs/ successors, 
those made to succeed (pass, participle from 
istakhlafa, form X of khalafu | khalf/khilafuh |. to 
come after, to follow, to succeed. See 
layastakhlifunna at 24:55, p 1 129, n. 2). 

1 1 ‘ajr (pi. jy' ’ujur) = reward, recompense, 
remuneration, due. See at 52:40. p. 1740, n. 4). 

while the Messenger 
ca '* s on 1 y° u that y ou believe 
in your Lord, 

£5 jij and He has already taken 
^iL your covenant, 2 

if you are believers? 

9. He it is Who sends down 5 
on His servant 4 

signs 5 quite clear 6 
that he may bring you out 7 
jji \ of the darkness 8 to the light; 9 

and verily Allah is to you 
Most Affectionate, 

O'?? Most Merciful. 

10. And what plea have you 
i jly' -jf that you expend 10 not 

in the way of Allah, 
iyxjb while Allah's is the heritage" 
of the heavens and the earth? 
W There equalize 12 not of you 
those who expended 

Surah 57: M-Hadxd [ Pan (Jui) 27 ] 


—-•II I ~ 



c£a!' lj 




before the victory 1 and fought. 2 
Such arc greater 1 in rank 
than those who expended 4 
afterwards and fought. 

But to all Allah has promised 
the best.' 

And Allah is of what you do 

Section (RukQ *) 2 
1 1 . Who is the one that 
will lend 6 to Allah 
a handsome 7 loan so 
He will redouble 8 it for him, 
and he will have a reward’ 
quite generous? 10 

Jj'~ 12. On the day you will see 
the believing men 
ci-iriij and the believing women, 
their light running 11 
pr.jfe in front of them 
jkQj and by their right hands. 

t. i. e., the conquest of Makka £» fath (s., pi. 
~yi fuiuh/^u-ji futuhul) = decision, opening, 
victory, final decree. See at 48:27. p.1674, n. 2. 

2. i. e.. fought the unbelievers. JA> qdtala = lie 

fought, battled, waged war (v. iii. in. s. past in 
form III of qatala Iqatf], to kill. Sec at 48:22, p. 
1670, n. 7). 

3 (Jitl 'a'zamu = greater, greatest, bigger. 

biggest, morc/most splendid, grand, immense, 
enormous, grave (elative of uzim ). See 'azfin at 
56:76. p. 1759. n. 4. 

4. lyuit ‘anfaqii = they spent, disbursed. 

expended (v. iii. m. pi. past from 'anfaqa. form IV 
of nafaqa \nafaq |, to be spent, used up. See at 
35:29. p. 1400. n. 4). 

5. i. e., paradise. *• husna (f.; m. ’ahum) the 
best, most beautiful. Sec at 1 8:88, p. 943. n. 1 . 

6. Lending to Allah means lo spend in "fighting 
in the way of Allah" and for all approved 
charitable purposes / yuqridu = he lends, 

loans (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from ’aqradu, to lend, 
form IV of qariufa ( qard ] , lo cut. lo sever See at 
2:245. p. 123, n. 4). 

7. Technically qard ha sun means a loan given 
without expecting any worldly benefit from it and 
without stipulating any dale of repayment. 

hasan = handsome, good. nice, beautiful It is 
handsome or good because it is given out of the 
goodness of heart, sec at 2:24S, p. 123, n. 5. 

8. i. e.. in merits and rewards . yuddHflu) 

= he doubles, redoubles, compounds, multiplies 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet. from dd'afa. form III of 
da’afa ( du f\, to double. See yudd'afu at 33:30, 
p 1346. n 1 1). 

9. ‘ajr (pi. ' ujur ) = reward, recompense, 

remuneration, due. See at 57:7. p. 1769, n. II). 

10. ft/’ karim = Most Noble, noble, kind, 
generous, munificent, respectable, held in esteem, 
decent ( act participle in the scale of fall from 
karuma [kuram/ karamah/ kardmah], to be noble, 
to be generous. See at 56:77, p. 1764. n. 5). 

11. i. e.. proceeding and showing the way. 
you'd - he runs, moves quickly, strives, 
endeavours (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from .fa '<9 ( sa'y), 
to move quickly. See at 28:20, p. 1208, n. 4). 


Surah 57: AlHadid [ Part (Juz ) 27 ] 


"Good news' for you today — 

Gardens flowing 

below them the rivers. 

abiding for ever’ therein." 

That is the success 4 

most magnificent. 5 


13. On the day there will say 


the hypocrite men 

and the hypocrite women 

p: pm 

to those who believe: 

"Wait 6 for us, 

that we may borrow 7 

some of your light." 


It will be said: 

" Go back 8 to your rear 9 

and seek for 10 a light." 

And there will be struck" 

between them a wall 17 

with a gate. 

Its inner side,' 1 

therein will be mercy. 

and its outside, by it 

I. i. e . they will be given the good oewi of 

flow See at 48:5. p 1662, n 8). 

3. Jt-A* khalidin (pi.; acc./gcn of khulidix i 
f) * living for ever, abiding for cm, I 
sting, eternal, immortals (active participle 
from khalada [khulud], to live for ever. Set i 
48:5. p. 1662. n. 10. 

4 jji fa wz = success, tnumph. vicioj, 
achievement Sec at 48:5. p 1662. n. 12. 

5. pjkt • azSm = great, magniricent. splendid, 
stupendous, grand, huge, immense, morutra* I 
cnonnous. grave See at 56:76. p 1764. a 4. ] 

6. ij>-' unzuru - you (all) sec. look at. obsent I 
wait (v. it. m pi imperative from navira [naarf 
rrnnzar), to sec Sec at 30:42. p 1304. a 3). 1 

7. v/ -du naqtahis (u) = we acquire, led H 
acquire, dense, adopt, take over, borrow (v. 1 pi 
impfet from tqtabasa. form VIII of </uhua | 
qabs\, to derive, to acquire The final letter h 
vowelless because the verb is conclusion of t 
conditional clause. Sec qahas at 27:7, p. 1201, g 

8. \yu*jUrji‘Q = you (all) come/go back, mura, 
(v. ii. in. pi. imperative from ruja'a (nyi'), u 
reiurn, go back See at 33:213, p. 1339. n. 8). i 

9. .Ijy ward ' = rear . after, back . behind, dial 
on (one's) heels. See at 49:4. p 1677. n. 1 1. 

10. It will be said to them scornfully, ij-d 

ilia mild = you look for. search, seek, solicit (v it 
m pi imperative from iltumaui, form VIDof 
lumasa (funtr], to touch, to feel. See lumaii a 
6:7. p. 394, n. 2). 

11. i. e., set up to separate them, v/* dunha = 

he or it was struck, hit. beaten (v. iil m s pul 
passive from durabu [darb], to beat Sa a 
43:57, p. 1597, n. 5. 

12. jy~ sur (s.; pi aswdr) = wall, fence, railing. 

13. bdlin = covert, hidden, secret. Inna. 

inner side, intrinsic. All-Intrinsic (act. participle 
from baianu [ bam/buiun ). to be hidden. See ■ 
57.3. p. 1768. n. 4). 

SOrah 57: Al-Hadtd [ Part ( Juz ') 27 1 


(jJ4,UjT will be the punishment. 

14. They will call out 1 to them: 


JS "Had we not been with you?" 

They will say: "O yes; 

^ but you beguiled 2 yourselves 

•)v //// . 

j and awaited and had doubts; 
and there deluded 5 you 
the fond hopes 6 till 

4 * < ^ - 

there came Allah's decree; 
and there deceived you 
(JjjjyJU it about Allah the deceiver." 8 

j£f£ 15. So today there 

shall not be taken from you 
if, any redemption,’ nor from 

those who disbelieved. 
jti’j&bjc. Your abode 10 is the fire; 

it is your friend-companion," 
and evil is the destination. 12 

16. Has not the time come" 
for those who believe 

1. i. e . the hypocrite men and women will coll 

out to the believers, u o'-, yunaduna = they call 

out. call, address, summon (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. 
from nddd, form III of nadd [ nadw], to call. See 
nddd at 49:4, p. 1677, n. 10). 

2. fS* fatantum - you tried, tested, tempted. 

seduced, allured, beguiled (v. ii. m pi. past 
passive from falana [fain ffutun). to put to trial, to 
tempt. See fatannd at 44:17. p. 1609. n. 4). 

3. i. e.. awaited for a bad turn for the Muslims. 

tarabbastum = you waited, lay in wail, 
waited and watched, awaited (v. i. pi. impfet. from 
lurabbasa. form V of rabasa [rubs], to wait, to 
watch. Sec tarabbasd at 52:31, p. 1712, n. 9). 

4 i. e„ about Resurrection and Judgement. y 
inablum = you (all) doubted, were in doubt, 
suspected, had misgivings (v. ii. m. pi. past from 
i rtiba (^vy irtiydb), form IV of rdba (rayb), to 
doubt, to suspect. Sec at 5:106, p. 382, n. 11). 

5. cj /■ gharrat = she or it deceived, deluded, 
misled, beguiled (v. iii, f. s. past from gharra 
Ighurdri, to deceive, delude See at 45:35. p. 
1629. nil). 

6. ,jiU arndniy (sing, umniyyah), vain desires. 

fond hopes, idle expectations Sec at 2:1 1 1, p. 53, 
n. 2. 

7. i. e.. death. 

8. i. e.. Satan, jyy gharur = one or that which 
deceives, deceptive, arch-deceiver (act. participle 
in the intensive scale of fa' at from gharra. See n. 

5 above. Sec also at 35:5, p. 191, n. 3). 

9. i. e . any atonement and excuse. Vat fidyah (pi. 

fidydl /fidan) = redemption, ransom. Sec at 2: 196. 
p. 94. n. 10). 

10. iSyU ma’wan (s.; pi rna dwin) = habitation. 

abode, dwelling, shelter (adverb of place from 
'awd I’awiy], to seek shelter. See at 53:15. p. 
1719. n. 5). 

11. i. e.. proper place. J y mawla * 

Patron-Protector. Guardian- Protector. Sovereign, 
friend, companion. Sec at 47:1 1, p. 1650. n. 9. 

1 2. yr— mafir = destination, place at which one 
arrives, destiny. See at 50:43. p. 1695, n. 3). 

13. Olr ya'ni = the lime comes, it is the time, he 

or it rests (v. iii. m. s. impfet from 'and ('any), to 
be time, to draw near. 


SHrah 57: Al-Hadid [ Part (Jut ) 27 ] 

£—* 0 ' 




that submissive becomes 1 
their hearts 

to the reminder 2 of Allah and 

to what has come down' 

of the truth, 

and that they be not 

like those who were given 

the Book before 4 

and long became 5 on them 

the span of time 6 

so hard became 7 their hearts? 

And many of them are 

defiantly sinful. 15 

17. Know that Allah 
gives life to the earth 


after its is dead. 

KlLs* We have indeed elucidated 9 
for you the signs, 

(£} maybe that you understand. 


t 1 8. Verily the charitable men" 

and the charitable women 

1. lakhsha’a (u) = she becomes hurrNe, 

submissive, drooped, low. faded (v. iii. f. i 
impfet. from kahsha'a ( khushu’], to te 
submissive, humble. The final letter takes fa tal) 
for the panicle 'an coming before the verb. Set 
khusha m 17:109. p. 909. n. 3). 

2. i. e., the Qur’Sn. The Qur'dn is repealed; 
referred to os ddliikr See for instance 15:6, 159. 
16:44. 21:50. 23:71. 25:29, 26:5. 38:49, 3*87, 
41:41. 54:25. 68:51-52 and 81:27. f>dhib-. 
citation, recollection, remembrance, mention, 
reminder, also scripture, the Qur'ln. See I 
54:25. p. 1734. n, 4. 

3. i. e.. what has been sent down in the Qur'ln of 
the truth. 

4. i. c., the Jews and the Christians. 

5. JU» (Ala = he or it became long, protracted, 

lengthened (v. iii. m. s. past from l awl, tobetong. 
See at 2 1:44. p 1024. n. 9). 

6. i. e.. after their receipt of the senptures. aJ 

'amad (pi. ' amad) = span or stretch of Maejj 
terminus. See at 18: 12. p. 913. n. 12, 

7. i. e.. they became neglectful of the teachmpel 
their scriptures and altered and tampered wilt 
them, c — i qasal = she or it became hard, I 

stem, relentless, inexorable (v. iii. f. s. pan Ira 
qasd [qaswah/ t/aumuh], to be harsh, stem Sec 
q&siyah at 39:22. p. 1489, n. 8). 

8. jj-Vi fasiqln (pi., occ/gcn. of fiittqtui. nd 

fdstq) = those that disobey, disobedient, defat 
defiantly sinful, (active participle from /any* 
\fisq\, to stray from the right course, to renounce 
obedience. See at 51:46 p. 1704, n. I) 

9. U, bayyannd = we made clear, elucidated (> I. 

pi past from bayyana, form II of banu /dowhlft 
be evident. See at 2: 1 59. p. 75, n. 5). 

10. ta'qilUna = you (all) undi 
realize, be reasonable, comprehend (v a m (l 
impfet. from 'aqalu ( ’aql), to be endowed »t* 
reason. See at 43:3. p. 1582. n 4). 

11. mussaddiqin [originally jkco 
mulataddiqm] (pi ; acc7gen. of majtaddiqin, i 
mussaddiq ) = charitable, generous, those i 
make charitable gifts (act. participle fra 
liL\uddaqu, form V of ( adaqa[sadq /(idqi B 
speak the truth See at 1 2:8. p. 755. n. 7). 

Sarah 57: Al-Hadid [ Part Out) 27 ] 


\j±% and they fend' Allah 
tf '"-l i a handsome 2 loan, 

.mJ it will be redoubled 3 for them 
and they shall have a reward 
0 most generous. 4 

\jXj& 19. And those who believe 
L in Allah and His Messenger, 
yi-i-ii'jUiyji they are the arch believers; 5 
and the martyrs 6 
in the sight of their Lord, 
they shall have their reward 


(iijjy and their light. 7 
[j^u^-jfj And those who disbelieve 
-LlL and cry lies 8 to Our signs, 9 

iUJjl such ones will be the 

inmates l0 of the blazing fire. 


Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 3 
tjllef 20. Know that 
Colfi^ifL^I the worldly life is but 

a play 11 and a diversion, 12 
and a grandeur 13 

1. i. e., spend in "fighting in the way of Allah" 
and for all approved charitable purposes. I y jh 

’aqriuju = he lent, gave a loan (v. iii. m. pi. past 
from 'aqrada. form IV of quratfa [qurd\, to cut. 
to sever Sec yuqntj at 57: 1 1 . p. 177 1 . n. 6). 

2. i. e., a loan given without expecting any 
worldly benefit from it and without stipulating 
any date of repayment j — «- has an = handsome, 
good. nice, beautiful. It is handsome or good 
because it is given out of the goodness of heart, 
see at 57:1 1, p. 1771. n. 5. 

3. i. e.. in merits and rewards yudd ‘afu 

= he or it is doubled, redoubled, compounded, 
multiplied (v. iii. m. s. impfet passive from 
iid ‘ afu. form III of tfaafa [ du'J], to double See 
at 33:30. p 1346. n. II). 

4. karim = Most Noble, noble, kind, 

generous, munificent, respectable, held in esteem, 
decent ( act. participle in the scale of fa'il from 
karuma [karam/ karamah/ karamah], to be noble, 
to be generous. Sec at 57:1 1. p. 1771, n. 8). 

5. jiddiqdn(p) , s. fiddiq ) - strictly 

veracious, unqucstiomngly believing ones, arch 
believers. See fiddiqin at 4:69, p. 271. n. 6. 

6. »U|_i shuhada’ (pi.: s. -s«a shahid) = 

witnesses, martyrs. See at 39:69, p. 1505. n. 9. 

7. i. e., in the hereafter, proceeding in front of 
them and by their right (see dyah 12 above}. 

8. kadhdhabd = they cried lies to. thought 

untrue, disbelieved (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
kadhdhaba. form II of kadhaha | kidhb /kail hi h 
/kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. See at 36:14, p. 
1412. n. 6). 

9. i. e.. the Qur'&n. 

10. 'as-hdb (pi.; sing. — c. sahib) = 

inmates, inhabitants, companions, associates, 
comrades, followers, owners. See at 56:90. p. 
1766, n. 3). 

11. lo'ib (s : pi. ’al'db) - play. gome, sport, 
fun, joke, jest. See at 47 :36, p. 1 659. nil. 

12. jii lahw = fun. play, diversion, distraction, 
pleasure, amusement. Sec at 47:36, p. 1659, n. IX 

13. kqj zinah s adornment, embellishment. 

ornament, finery, grandeur, decoration, beauty. 
See at 37:6. p. 1431. n. 4. 


Surah 57: Al-Hadid [ Pan {Jut) 27 1 

1 . ,u - U tafakhur = lo mutually vie in glory, to he 
proud, lo boast (verbal noun in form III o( 
fakhara [fakhrlfakhar/fakhdr] . to glory. It) he 
proud Sec Jakhurai 31:18. p. 1317. n. 6. 

2. ytfc lakalltur - to compete for molt, to 

outnumber, to vie in quantity (verbal noon n 
form III of kaihura [ kulhrah ]. to be much, lo he 
more Sec kulhurat at 8: 19. p. 553. n. 9). 

3. gkayth{x:. pt ghuyuth ) = ram. nun li 
profusion- See at 42:28. p. 1572. n, 5, 

4. . -*■ ! ’a'jaba = he impressed, plead, 

delighted, fascinated (v. iii. m. s. past in fora IV 
of ‘ ujiba ['ajab), to wonder, to be amazed Seta 
33:52. p. 1357. n. 12). 

5. jliS" kuffar (sing, kafir) = unbelievers, mfiddi. 

ungrateful ones, tillers (act participle (romiqfa* 
[kufr], to cover See at 47:34. p, 1659, n 4). j 

6. cAJ nabat = vegetation, plants. tcgentll 
organism See at 18:45, p 927. n II. 

7. ~.n yahSju — he or it becomes Mined 

up/agnated, withers (v. iii. m. s impfet fn 
haja | hayf/hayOj/hayajan\. to he stirred). 

yellow, turned yellow (pa 

pzfjjfcj and mutual boasting 1 amongst 
you and vying for more 2 
yV'j > n wealth and children, 

35 l * ie > nstance of a rain ’ 
that impresses 4 the tiller 4 
jcG its vegetation 6 
then it withers, 7 


‘J* so you see it turned yellow, 8 
then it becomes shreds.' 1 
And in the hereafter are 
punishment very severe 
ZiVj: and forgiveness of Allah 

and Pleasure; 

and the worldly life is naught 
but an enjoyment 10 
fh ./JJT of delusion." 

8. yuv musfarr 
participle from asfarra. form IX of safarafaftA 
\xafir/safur\, to whistle, lo be empty See « 3921c 
p. 1489. n. 2). 

9. flk» hul&m = broken pieces, shreds, cmnihu 
debris. Sec at 56:65, p. 1762. n 6. 

10. mala' (pl'umh'u/i) = goods, wan. 

necessities of life, chattel, article of ag 
enjoyment See at 56:73, p. 1763, n. 12. 

H j)/’ ghur&r = delusion, deception, drat 
conceit, vanities. Sec at 35:40. p 1405. n 6. t 

jl \~JiC 2 1 .Vie with one another 12 for 
the forgiveness of your Lord 

and a garden the width 1 ' of 

jcyuf which is like the width of 
.JlUi the heaven and the earth, 
prepared 14 for those who 

12. tyi|V- xdbiqd = you (all) race with « 

another, try to go ahead of one another, vie >4 
one another (v ii. m pi imperative from <u*up 
form III of uibaqa [1069]. lo be ahead of. It: 
precede Sec sabaqu at 46:1 1. p. SI 

13. y, f ard = breadth, display. crhibitiMfl 
proposition Sec at 18 1000. p 946. n 8 

14. oa*l 'u'iddat = prepared, made ready (1 a, 
f s. past passive from 'a’adda. form IV of odh 
\ 'add\, to count Sec at 3:131. p 207. n. 5). j 

Surah 57: Al-Hadid [ Part (Jui ) 27 ] 


tf > ./ / / 



believe in Allah 
and His Messengers. 

That 1 is the bounty 2 of Allah 
which He gives to 

1 . i. c., to be favoured with jamah. 

2. Jui fad I (pi. fudul ) = grace, favour, kindness. 

bounty; also surplus, excess, superiority, merit, 
excellence. See at 49:8. p. 1679. n. 7. 

3. it- 'a-im = great, magnificent, splendid, 

stupendous, grand, huge, immense, monstrous, 
enormous, grave. See at 57:1 1. p. 1772. n. 5. 

4. 'astiba = he or it afflicted, befell, hit. 





if, vCfc 

fji ' J 


whomsoever He will. 

And Allah is the 
Lord of immense' bounty. 

22. There befalls 4 not of 
any calamity 5 in the earth 
nor to yourselves 
but it is in a Book 6 
before that 

We bring it into being. 7 
That is on Allah's part 
quite easy. 8 

23. In order that you grieve^not 
over what slips off 10 you 
nor rejoice" 
at what comes to you. 

struck, reached, made (something) fall, bestowed, 
allotted, (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of silba . See 
at 42:39. p 1575. n 5) 

5. musibah (pi. masd'ib) = calamity, 
disaster, misfortune, affliction. Sec at 42:30. p. 
1572. n. 5. 

6. 1. e., al-Lawh al-Mahfuz. 

7. I > nabra’a ( u)= We create, bring into being 

(v. i. pi. impfet. from bara'a [bar'), to create. 
The final letter takes fat-hah because of the 
particle 'an coming before the verb). 

8. y-t yaslr = easy, gentle, simple, insignificant. 
See at 50:44, p. 1695. n. 7. 

9. 1 yJs la'sawina) = you grieve, be sad, distressed 
(v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from asiya ( 'man), to be 
sad. grieved. The terminal min is dropped 
because of the particle kay coming before the 

10. i. e., of the blessings of worldly life. oU f&ta 
- he slipped away, escaped, eluded (v. iii. m. s. 
past from fawtlfuwdl. to pass away, slip away. See 
at 3:153. p 215. n. 4) 

11. Sy y lafrahii (na) = rejoice, become happy, 
are delighted (v. ii. in. pi. impfet. from fariha 
\farah\. to be glad. The terminal min is dropped 
because the verb is conjunctive to the previous 
verb governed by the particle kay See lafrahuna 
at 40:75. p. 1535. n. 8). 

12. V la+yuhibhu = he docs not like, docs 

not love (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'ahabba. form 
IV of habha [hubb], to love. See at 42:40, p. 
1575. n! II). 

13. Ju«s. mukhtdl = self-conceited, vainglorious. 

And Allah likes not 12 
.jliie js' everyone self-conceited. 1 1 
arrogant. 14 

egotistic (act. participle from ikhtdla. form VIII of 
kh&ta [JWiayf]. to imagine, to suppose Sec at 
31:18. p. 1317. n. 5). 

14. jyi fakhur = arrogant, proud, boastful. Sec 
at 31:18. p. 1317. n. 6. 


24. Those who be miserly 1 
^\ji Zuffij and enjoin 2 on men 
to be miserly, 
and who turns away,' 
then Allah indeed is 
the One Above Want, 4 
(^jL^ the All-Praiseworthy. 

Y{) 25. Indeed We had sent 5 
Cxi/, Our Messengers 
^ with the clear evidences 6 

and had sent down with them 

uJlj ^C 'iT the Book and the balance 7 

J-liiy^Ll that man may establish 

L'-il t. justice. 

-lijiilJ -;U And We have sent down iron 9 


»>.- - 

$ 3 ^ 

wherein is intense strength 10 
and uses 11 for mankind; 
and that Allah may know 
who helps 12 Him 1 ' 
and His Messengers 
in the unseen. 

Verily Allah is All-Powerful, 

Surah 57: AlHadid [ Part ( Jui ) 27 1 


Section (Ruku ‘) 4 
26. And indeed We had sent 
Nuh and Ibrahim 1 
and set 2 in their progeny 3 
^ig=Ji 'vj 'ii prophethood 4 and the Book. 
Then some of them 
were in receipt of guidance 3 
but many of them were 
defiantly sinful. 6 



K Mf* 


27. Then We sent in 
succession 7 on their tracks 8 
Our Messengers and 
We followed up by sending 
‘Isa, son of Maryam, 
and gave him the Injil 
and set in the hearts 
of those who followed 9 him 
compassion 10 and mercy; 
but monasticism" 
they innovated 12 it. 

We did not impose 13 it 
on them, except the seeking 14 

1 . i. e„ as Messengers. 

2. bW ja'alnd = we made. set. appointed. 

rendered (v. i. pi. past from ja'ala to make, 
to set. See at 56:65. p. 1762. n 5). 

3. iiji dhurriyah (pi. dhurrtydt/ dhurdriy) = 

offspring, progeny, children, descendants. See at 
52:21. p 1710. n 9). 

4 iyi nubdwwah = Prophethood. prophecy 

5. l£-c+* muhtadin (s., pi. muhtadun) - rightly 
guided, those on the right way. in receipt of 
guidance (active participle from ihiudd. form VIII 
of hadd [ hiddyah/hudan/hady ] . to lead, to guide. 
See at 18:10. p. 1634, n II) 

6. 0yu.U fdsiqdn (pi . sing /titty) = disobedient. 

defiant, defiantly sinful, (active participle from 
fasaqu (/try], to stray from the right course, to 
renounce obedience. See at 46:35. p. 1646. n. 2). 

7. qaffaynd = we sent, sent in succession, 
despatched, followed up (v. i. pi past from yu//i 
form II of yti/tJ |y«/tv] to follow someone's tracks. 
See at 5:46. p. 352. n. 6). 

8. 'dlhar (p|.; s. / ' aihar ) - tracks, traces, 
footsteps, vestiges, antiquities, marks, remnants, 
effects, results. See at 43:22. p, 1587. n. 8. 

9. ittaba‘0 = they pursued, went after, 
followed, obeyed (v. iii. m. pi. past from illaba'a. 
form VIII of Uibi'a [taba/labdah], to follow. See 
at 34:20. p. 1375. n. II). 

10. til j ra’fah = compassion, mercy, pity, 
kindliness. See at 24:20. p. 1 1 12. n. 2. 

1 1 . iJW » j rahbdntyah = monasticism, monastic 
order ( established by the Christian monks) 

12. ibtada'u = they innovated, introduced, 
invented, devised ( v. iii m. pi. past from 
ibtada'a , form VIII of bada'a [ bad'), to 
introduce, innovate. Sec bid' at 46:9, p 1634, n. 

13. katabnd = we wrote, made incumbent. 

imposed, ordained, prescribed (v. iii. m. $. past 
from kaluba [kuib/kitdbah], to write See at 5:45, 
p. 351. n. 10). 

14. iblig hi’ = to seek, seeking, desire, for 
the purpose of (verbal noun in form VIII of baght I 
[bugluV], to desire. See at 30:23. p. 1296, n. 13). 


SHrah 57: AlHadid [ Pari </uz) 27 | 

of the Pleasure 1 of Allah. 

U J*> Li 


•*T ( 


A < *4 < 


But they did not observe 2 it 
as it ought to be observed.' 
So We gave to those who 
believed among them 
their reward; 4 
and many of them are 
defiantly sinful. 5 

28. O you who believe, 
beware 6 of Allah and 

'->J |»^=d S**.J 
* > 


believe in His Messenger, 
He will give you two portions 7 
of His Mercy 

and will set* for you a light 
you may proceed 9 by it; 
and He will forgive you. 
And Allah is Most Forgiving, 
Most Merciful. 

29. That there may 10 know 
■ A j ;i the People of the Book 
iiXi jfrj\ that they have no power 1 1 

1. j ridvdn = pleasure, good will, favour, 
approval. See al 9:109, p 625. n. 1. 

2. > jtj ra‘aw = they observed, look care. 

watched, guarded, heeded (v. iii. m. pi past from 
rod ( ra'y/ri'dyah/mar'an |. lo tend, to guard. to 
lake care. See rd'tin at 23:8. p 1076. n. 12. 

3. i c.. they overdid and exceeded the bounds. 

4. ‘ajr (pi. '« j6r) = reward, reemnpeme, 

remuneration, due. See at 57:1 1. p 1771. n 7). I 

5. 0 ji-li fdsiqun (pi : sing . Jasiq) = disobedient, 
defiant, defiantly sinful, (active participle from 
faiaqa Ifisq], lo stray from the right course, to 
renounce obedience. See at 57:26, p. 1779, n 6) 

6. I yA ittaqti - you (all) beware, be on your 

guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m pi imperative 
from ittaqd. form VIII of waqd ( waqyAnqiyek), 
to guard, safeguard. See at 39: 1 0. p. 1485. n 4) 

7. i. e.. twice the grace. jjjf ktflayn (dual, 
acc /gcn. of kijldn. s. kift ) = two shares/ portion/ 
parts/ equals Sec fa/7 at 4:85, p 279, n. 5. 

8. yaj'aUu ) = he sets, mokes, places, puts, 
appoints (v iii. m. s impfet. from ja'alu [/e f| to 
make, lo put. The last letter is vowclless because 
the verb is conclusion of a conditional clause Sa 
at 6:39, p.416. n. 7). 

9. i. e.. may receive guidance by it. iyU 
tamihtina = you go along, move along, walk, 
proceed (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from mashd | ji* 

mushy], lo go on foot, to walk. See iwiukfw 
32:26. p 1332. n 3). 

10. The expression 'an Id Callti) is additional 
here See AI-BayddwS, II. p. 472 

1 1 . yaqdiruna = they have power, ate able 

(v. iii. m pi impfet. from qadara [ qadr/qadar], 
to ordain, to measure, to have power See al 14:1, 
p. 793, n. 7). 

Surah 57: Al-Hadid | Part (Juz ) 27 ] 


1. i. e., particularly the bounty of Prophclhood, 
which the People of the Book wrongly claimed as 
their special prerogative J-»» fadl (pi. fudut) = 

grace, favour, kindness, bounty: also surplus, 
excess, superiority, merit, excellence. Sec at 
57:21. p. 1777. n. 2. 

2. 'azim = great, magnificent, splendid, 
stupendous, grand, huge, immense, monstrous, 
enormous, grave. See at 57:21, p. 1777, n. 3. 

58. SOrat al-Mujadilah (The Arguing Lady) 
Madinan: 22 'ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah which lays down a number of rules of shari ah . It starts by referring to the I 
jahili custom of divorcing a wife by zihar. i. e.. by the husband's saying to his wife: "Y ou are to me hit I 
the back (iahr) of my mother". The surah makes this bad custom unlawful and prescribes doe I 
atonement for divorcing by zihar The immediate occasion was the case of Khawlah bint ThaTabahfr. I 
a.) whom her husband divorced by zihar. So she made a complaint against her husband to the Prupte, I 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him. and as he made some argument with her she counter-argued I 
with him and directed her complaint to Allah. The surah was then revealed. It is named at-MujMkk I 
(The Arguing Lady) with reference to its first ’ayah which alludes to this incident. 

Next the surah speaks about the practice of secret scheming and consultations, which the hypocrita I 
and Jews used to indulge in for harming the Muslims. Then it refers to the practice of the Jews* I 
addressing the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, in equivocal and derogatory terms Thh I 
is followed by a disapproval of the conduct of the hypocrites' in taking the Jews and enemies of Ik I 
Muslims as friends and allies. The surah ends by emphasizing that a true believer will not befnend a I 
enemy of Allah and His Messenger, even if such persons were their fathers, sons or brothers. 

1 i c.. responded to sami'a = he haul I 
listened (v. iii m s. past from samV sami'l H 
sum&’ah/ masma' . See at 3 181. p 227, it. I). j 

2. i c . Khawlah bint Tha'labah (r a.) whom ha I 
husband divorced according to the jiihiti cuvlm I 
of zihar (saying you are to me like the hack at 1 
my mother") and she took her case to the Projiid. | 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him I 
complaining against her husband. 

3. JjWJ tuj&dilu = she argues, debates, I 

controverts (v in f s impfet. from jitdala. fora 1 
III of jadulu [ judl), to tighten. See at 16:111, I 
p. 865, n. 8) 

4 jSa-s; lashlaki = she complains (v. iii. f. a. 

impfet from ishiakd, form VIII of ilmU ] 
Ishakw/shakwd/shakdh/shMyah/shakiyah]. to I 

5 lahdwur = conversation, talk between 
two or more persons, discussion, debate i ratal I 
noun in form VI of Ijdra [hawr], to return, to 
recede. Sec yuhdwiru at 1 8:37, p 925, n. 2). 

6. ii yuzdhirOna = they do a hir I 

(pre-lslamic form of divorce, See n. 2 above), i] 
help, assist, support (v iii in pi impfet. from 
idhuru. form 111 of zuhara (ai/nlr). to be vtiibk. } 
The word zihdr is derived from zahr mcaaiag 
back. rear). 

'AV 1 . Allah has indeed heard 1 
the saying of her 2 who 
argues 3 with you 
lis&j about her husband 
juf J )£■ and complains 4 to Allah. 
And Allah hears 
the discussion 5 of you two. 
Verily Allah is All-Hearing, 

2. Those who do zihar b 
JC- from among you 


Surah 58: Al-Mujddiluh [Part (Juz') 28 J 


of their wives, 1 
they be not their mothers; 
their mothers are none 
except those 

% that gave them birth 2 to. 

^At^prlj And indeed they utter 

the disapproved’ of saying 

V *' 

1 ojj and a falsehood. 

At s „ 

** o)Jj And verily Allah is Most 
O’j^yd Excusing,’ Most Forgiving. 6 

3. And those who do zihar 1 
of their wives, 
then go back 8 on 
what they uttered, 
then to set free 9 a slave 10 
before that 

the two touch each other." 
This you are advised 12 of. 
And Allah is of what you do 

4. But he that finds" not, 

t. .l_J nisa’ (sing, imra'uh ) = women, wives. 
See at 40:25, p. 1518. n 3. 

2. OJ) waladna = she gave birth, begot, 
generated, procreated (v. iii. f. p|. past 
frunm uladu [wilAdah /Udah/ mawlid). to give 
birth, to beget). 

3. munkar (pi. munkarAl) = detested, 
disapproved, disavowed (passive participle from 
unkara. form IV of nakira [nakar/ nukr/ nukur/ 
nakir]. not to know, to deny. See at 31:17. 
p.1316. n. 12). 

4. The 'Ayah thus disapproves and forbids the 
prc-lslamic custom of divorcing a wife by rihar 
jyj zAr = lie, falsehood, untruth. See at 25:72, p. 
1159. n 10. 

5. yit- ‘afAw = Most Excusing (act, participle in 

the scale of fa'AI from afA | 'afw/afd ),to be 
effaced, to excuse. See at 22:60, p 1067, n. 5). 

6 jy* ghafur = Most forgiving (act. participle 
in the scale of fa ul from ghafara [ ghafr 
/maghfirah/ ghufrAn). to forgive. Sec gha/far 
40:42. p. 1524, n 14). 

7 . See n. 4 above and n. 2 on the previous page. 

8. i. e.. withdraw and desire to take back their 
wives. Ayiyn ya'AdAna = they go back, return, 
revert ( v. iii. m. pi. impfet from Ada 
I'awd/'awdah], to return See ya'Adu at 8:38. p 
560. n. 6). 

9. i. e.. as atonement tahrtr = to set free, to 
liberate, to manumit (verbal noun in form II of 
hurra [harr/ hararah), to be hot. See at 5:89, p. 
373. n. 15). 

10. kJj raqabah(s.\ pi. riqAb) = neck, slave. See 
riqAb at 9:60, p. 602. a. 11. 

1 1. UU* yalamassd(ni) - they two touch each 

other, be in mutual contact (v. iii. m. dual impfet. 
from tumAssa. form VI of [mau/masis], to 
feel, to touch. The terminal nun is dropped 
because of the particle an coming before the 
verb, See yamassu at 56:79, p, 1764, n. 7). 

12. i. e.. enjoined. tu'azuna = you arc 

advised, counselled, admonished, exhorted (v. ii. 
m. s. impfet passive from wu 'am [wu 'z/izxih\. to 
admonish, to exhort. Sec yuazunu at 4 66 p 
270. n. 8). 

13. i. e„ finds not a slave to set him free. 


Strah $8: Al-Mujadtluh [Pan (Juz) 28 J 

. i" ^ 


*rr> *>i 



then to fast two months 
consecutively 1 
before that 

the two touch each other. 

But he who is not able 2 to, then 

to feed 3 sixty 

poor persons. 4 This is so 

that you believe in Allah 
and His Messenger; 
and these arc 
the injunctions' of Allah; 
and for the unbelievers is 
a punishment most painful. 6 

j[ 5. Verily those who oppose 7 
%££& Allah and His Messenger, 
\j£ they shall be disgraced 8 
cJtT as were disgraced 
those before them. 
tJ/ta l> And We have sent down 9 
signs 10 most clear." 

) And for the disbelievers is 
(•) r ? « • Zi [ jx. a punishment most debasing . 12 

| mutatdbi'ayn (dual acc/gen o ( 

mutalilbi An: t mutatdbt') = Iwo in succetswo, 
one following (he other, two consecutive (ad 
participle from tatdba ‘a, form VI of labia [tain 
/ tabdah], to follow. Sec at 4:92 . p. 283, n. Ilf. 

2. jhc-t yas tali' (originally yasUifi'u I = he w» 

able (v. in m. s. impfet from blnfd a. form X of 
Iii a [/oh '), to obey. The final letter is vowttai 
because of the particle lum coming before die 
verb. See at 4:25, p. 250. n. 14). 

3. fUti it am = to feed, feeding, to give food 

(verbal noun in form IV of ta'ima [rum], toot, 
to taste See at 5:89. p. 373, n 10). 

4 mis kin (pi. manikin ) = poor, indigent 

See at 1:177. p 83. n. 8 

5. ay** hudtld (pi ; sing, hadd) = edges 
boundaries, limits. Allah's rulings/ injuncttead 
orders. See at 9:1 12. p. 627. n. 2. 

6. (Jl 'alim - agonizing, anguishing, 

excruciating, most painful (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa'il from 'ahma \'alam], lobe 
in pain, to feel pain). See at 51:37, p. 1702, n. J) 

7. OjjUn yuhddduna = they oppose, counlenck 

act contrary to (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from hadia. 
form III of hadda [hadd], to sharpen, to dclnw 
Sec yufyddid at 9:63. p. 604, n. 1). 

8. e— S’ kubita = he was disgraced, humiliated, 
put down, restrained (v. iii m. s. past passive 
from kabatii [fcihr]. to put down, to disgrace). I 

9. U>1 'anzatnS = we sent down (v. i pi pm 

from ‘anzata, form IV of nazala [nuiul], to conic 
down See at 41:39. p 1553. n. 6). 

10. i. e.. the 'ayahs of the Qur'dn ot,l 'fyk 

(sing, ayah) - signs, miracles, marks, revelations, 
texts of the Qur'an See at 57:9. p. 1770. n. 5. | 

11. oUj bayyin&t (pi.; sing, bayyinah) = clear, 
clear proofs, indisputable evidences. See at 57:25. 
p.1778, n. 6). 

12. muhin = humiliating, disgraceful. 

debasing, degrading, ignominious, (active 
participle from alidna. form IV of lu'ina [(luvn). 
to be of little importance. Sec at 45.9, p. 1620. n 
8 ). 

Surah 58: AIMujddilah (Part (Juz ) 28 ) 



6. On the day 

Allah will resurrect 1 them all 
and will apprise 2 them 
of what they did. 

Allah kept an account 3 of that 
while they forgot 4 that. 

And Allah is over everything 
All-Witnessing. 5 


Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 2 
7. Do you not see 6 
that Allah knows 
all that is in the heavens 
and all that is in the earth. 
There cannot be any 
secret conversation 7 of three 
but He is the fourth of them 
nor of five 

but He is the sixth of them; 
nor of less 8 than that 
nor of more 
but He is with them 
wherever they be. 

1. yab’athu = he raises, raises up, 
resurrects, revives, sends out (v. iii. m. s impfet. 
from ba'tha [ba’lh], to send out, to raise. See at 
22:7. p. 1047, n. 10). 

2. i. e . Allah will make them know their deeds 
and will requite them accordingly. yunabbi'u 

= he apprises, informs, notifies, advises, makes 
known (v. iii. in s. impfet. from nubbu'a. form II 
of naba'a [nab /nubu ], to be prominent. See at 
39:7, p. 1483. n. II). 

3. i. e.. in their books of deeds. ‘ahsa = he 

calculated, counted, kepi an account (v. iii. m. s. 
past in form IV from the root lia^y/hasan (pebbles, 
little stones). See at 19:94, p. 974, n. 5). 

4. ly— i nas6 ~ they forgot, become oblivious (v. 

iii. m. pi. past from nasiya | nasy/nisydn), to 
forget. Sec at 38:26. p. 1466, n. 8). 

5. shahid (s.; pi. shuhadd’) ~ on-looker. 

spectator, witness, heedful, martyr. All-Witnessing 
(act. participle in the scale of fa’ll from shahida 
[sliuhUd], to see. to witness. See at 50:38, p. 
1693, n 12). 

6. i. e„ realize./ tara ( j / ford) = you see. took 
at. think of, consider, know, realize (v. ii. in s. 
impfet from ru’d \ra’y/ru'yah], to see. The final 
yd’ is dropped because of the panicle lam coming 
before the verb. See at 2:243. p. 1 22, n. 5). 

7. najwd (s.; pi. if mr/dwd) = secret 

talk, secret conferring, confidential conversation. 
See at 43:80, p. 1602. n. 12. 

8. j/il 'adnd = nearer/nearest, closcr/closest. 
lower, less, more appropriate, better suited, nether, 
viler, vilest. Elative of diinin. See at 53:9, p. 
1718. n. 9. 


Surah 58: Al-Mujddilah (Part (Jui) 28 ) 

then He will apprise 1 them 

of what they did, 

on the Day of Resurrection. 

Verily Allah is of everythig 

All-Knowing. 2 

8. Do you not see those 

who were forbidden 1 from 


secret conferring, 4 

yet they revert 5 to what 


they were prohibited from 

^ ms /<// 

and they secretly confer 6 

about sinning 7 and enmity 8 


and disobedience' 1 

to the Messenger? 

And when they come to you 

they greet 10 you with that which 

Allah greets you not with. 

And they say 

• A ..\ . 

within themselves: 

"Why does Allah not punish" 

J fic 

us for what we say?" 

Sufficient 12 for them will be 

I i c . Allah will nuke them know Ihcir deeds 
and will requite them accordingly . yunabbt ' ■ 

= he apprises, informs, notifies, advises, mala 
known (v in s. impfet. from nabba'a, form II of 
naba’a \nab/nubu'\, to be prominent. See H 
58:6. p. 1785, n 2). 

2. i. e.. of all events, words, deeds and thoughtsof 
His creatures, open or secret, past, present or 
future, pj* ‘atim (s.; pi ularmV) = well informed, | 

erudite, learned, more knowing. All-Knowtaj, 
Omniscient. See at 57:3, p 1768, n 5. 

3. The allusion is to the Jews of Madina. I* 

nu/ui = they were prohibited, forbidden banned, j 
interdicted (v. in m. pi past passive from naU 1 
[nahy], to forbid See nuhltu 40:66, p. 
l2 > 

4. najxa (s.; pi. naj&wi) c stael I 

talk, secret conferring, confidcnual conversauo*. I 
See at 58:7. p. 1785. n. 7. 

5. d^y^ya'uduna - they go back, return, revert 1 
( v. iii. in. pi impfet from dda ['awd/awdah\, In 
return See at 58:3, p. 1783. n. 8). 

6. Oj*L=i yalndjawna = they whisper to ore • 

another, exchange secrets, secretly confer (v tit ] 

m. pi impfet. from landjd, form VI of ito/d ! 
[najw/najwun], to entrust a secret Sec nuyud « 

n. 4 above). 

7. (J> ilhm (pi. ' dihum ) = guilt, crime, offence, I 
sin, sinning. See at 33 58. p. 1361, n, 8. 

8. Olyas- ' udwan = hostility, hostile action, j 
aggression, enmity. See at 28:28, p 1241, n. 9. I 

9. ma'siyah a disobedience, I 
insubordination, rebellion, revolt Sec isyM x 
49:7. p. 1679. n. 5). 

10. lyt*" hayyd = they greeted, saluted, hailed ( v I 

iii. m pi past from htiyyd, form II of hapya | 
| ho vd/i | . to live Sec huyyttum at 4:86. p, 279. n 


1 1 . v-l* yu ‘adhdhihu - he punishes, chastises, 

torments (v. iii. m s. impfet. from 'adhdhuba, ] 
form II [la'dhib] of 'adhuba [ udhb). to impede, 
to obstruct. Sec at 48:14, p. 1666. n. II). 

12. v, — *■ hash - reckoning, calculation. I 
hasbuhum - it suffices them, it is sufficient for 
them. See at 8:62. p. 570, n. 3. 

SHrah 58: Al-Mujddilah [Hart (Juz) 28 J 





* / *<// «/ 

hell they shall broil 1 in; and 
bad will be the destination. 2 

9. O you who believe, 
if you confer secretly, 3 
then confer not for sinning 
and enmity and disobedience 
to the Messenger 

1 . JjL*i yaslawna = they bum. broil, be exposed 

lo fire (v. iii. m. pi. impfcl. from .jd/4 [,iatan/ 
fully/ /iUi'). lo roast, to bum. to be exposed to the 
blaze. See at 38:56. p. 1473. n. 5). 

2. ma/tr = destination, place at which one 
arrives, destiny. See at 57:15. p. 1773. n. 12). 

3. lanajaylum = you conferred secretly, had 
secret conversation, whispered to one another (v. 
ii. m. pi. past form tanajA, form VI of najd 
[najw/ na j wan ), to entrust a secret. See 

yalndjawna at 58:8. p. 1786, n. 6). 

4. ji birr = piety, righteousness, reverence, 
kindness, obedience, charitable gift. See 2:189, p 
91, n. 4. 

5. i Sy£ iaqwi = godliness, devoutness, piety. 

but confer 

for obedience 4 and piety; 5 
and beware 6 of Allah 
to Whom 

you shall all be rallied. 7 

righteousness, fear of Allah (verbal noun in form 
V/VII1 of waifd ( waqy/wiqdyah), to guard, 
beware, be on one's guard. See at 20:132, p. 1010. 
n. 8. 

6. itlaqii = you (all) beware, be on your 

guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m. pi. imperative 
from iltaqd. form VIII of waqd ( waqyMiqdyah), 
to guard, safeguard Sec at 49: 1 2. p. 1681 . n 12). 

7. i. e, on the Day of Resurrection and 
Judgement. i> tuhshardna - you arc 

10. Secret conferring 8 is but 

gathered, collected, assembled, mustered, herded, 
rallied (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. passive from hashara 
[Juu/ir], to gather. See at 23:79, p. 1094, n. 13). 

8 najwi (s.; pi. naj&wA) - secret talk. 

from Satan 

secret conferring, confidential conversation. See at 
58:8. p. 1786, n. 4 

that he may cause grief 9 to 
i those who believe; 

I but he cannot harm 10 them 

9. Ojm yahzuna (u) = he makes sad,, causes 

grief, grieves (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from hazana 
[hum), to make sad. lo grieve. The final letter 
lakes fat-hah because of a hidden an in Ii of 
motivation coming before the verb. Sec yahzunu 

at 21:103. p. 1040. n. 11). 

iLi whatsoever 

except by the leave of Allah. 

And on Allah 

should rely" the believers. 

10. jU 4&rr ($.; pi. ddrrun) = one who does 

harm, harmful, detrimental, injurious (act. 
participle from darra Idarr], to harm See 
yadurru at 25:55. p. 1 1 54. n. 14), 

11. Jfj^l Ii yalawakkal - let him/he must rely, 
depend, put his trust in. appoint as representative 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet. emphatic/impcrative from 
lawakkala. form V of wakaln [wakl/wukiil]. to 
entrust). Sec at 39:38. p. 1495. n. 3). 


Surah 58: Al-Mujudiluh [Part (Jut) 28 ] 

Sac UiKk 

11.0 you who believe, 

when it is said to you: 

f > 


"Make room 1 

in the assemblies", 2 


then make room. 


Allah will widen for you. 

And if it said: "Rise up", 3 


then rise up. 

Allah will exalt 4 

those who believe of you and 

those who were given 

knowledge in ranks.' 

And Allah is of what you do 

All-Aware. 6 

12. O you who believe, 

AM ^ ^ 

when you consult in private 7 

the Messenger, 

give in advance* before 

your private consultation 

43 -C, 

a charitable gift. 9 

This is the better 10 for you 

and purer. 11 

1 The 'd yah asks the believers lo make room for 
one another and to accommodate all in the 
assemblage. tafassahu = you all be wide. 

roomy, spacious, make room (v. ii. m pi 
imperative from tafassahu. form V of fasdmk 
l fushahJfasahah ). to be wide, spacious), 

2. ^plU- maj&lis (pi.; s. mujlis ) = seat, assembly. 

conference room, meeting place, gathenng moot 
of place from jalasa {/ulus ). to sit down). 

3. i. e. to get up from the assembly, or for my 
other purpose unshuzu = you (all) rise, rite 

up, be elevated (v. ii. m. pi. imperative fram 
nashaza[nashz], to be elevated, to rise) 

4. yarfa'lu ) = he raises, lifts, lifts op. 
elevates, exalts, makes high (v. iii. tn s, inipfd 
from rafa'a [ raf ). to raise, to lift The final lens 
is vowcllcss because the verb is conclusion of i 
conditional clause Sec yarfa'u at 35:10, p 139), 
n. 6). 

5 oU darajat (sing. darajah) = ranks, 

positions, grades, degrees, slate, stairs, flight «f 
steps. Sec at 46:19. p. 1638, n. 1 1). 

6. j-*- khabir = All-Aware. AII-ConvetsM 

All-Acquainted (active participle in the scale o( 
fall from khahara [ khubr t khibrah | lo he 
acquainted). Sec at 49: 1 3, p 1672, n. 10). 

7 p-v-u najaytum = you look into confide**] 
confidesd to. consulted privately (v. ii. in p|, past 
from nd/d. form III of rul/u [naji\/nupsan\, |o 
entrust a secret See tandjuytum at 58:9, p. 1717, * 
n. 3). 

8 yji qaddimii = you (all) send ahead, furwari, 
advance, give in advance (v. ii. m pi. iinpcratnr 
from quddanui. form II of i /adama / qadima | I 
i/udm /i/udum /i/idmdn /mot/dam] lo precede, la 
arrive See qaddamtu at 50:28. p. 1691, n. 7). * 

9 i. e.. to the deserving person, lie. tadru/ck 

(pl.cUe-. j udaqdl) = charitable gift, chanty, 

voluntary contribution, alms. Sec at 9 103. p. 621 
n. 7. 

10. khayr = good/bclter/ best, charity, wealth. : 
property, affluence See at 49: 10. p 1680. n. 10 j 

11. i.e.. for your hearts and minds, ’al-km 

= cleaner, purer, more unblemished (dative of 
tdhir ) Sec at 33:53. p. 1 357. n 3. 


Surah 58: Al-Mujadilah [Part (Att) 28 ) 

\ but if you find 1 not, 
iioU then indeed Allah is Most 
0 f l?*y '**■ Forgiving, Most Merciful. 

13. Are you worried 2 that 
you give in advance’ before 
your private consultation 

yJ-u. charitable gifts? 4 
[££ So if you do not, 

and Allah forgives 5 you, 
\pJ\J. & then properly perform 6 the 
prayer and pay zakah, 1 
itl \y Ltlj and obey 8 A 1 1 ah 


and His Messenger. 

And Allah is All-Aware 
of what you do. 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 3 

14. Do you not see those 
ijj> who take for friends 1 ' 

a people 

I Allah is wrathful lu on them? 

3^*1; They are neither of you 

I i. e.. find not anything to make a charitable gift 
of. lajid(u) = you find. get. obtain (v, ii. m. s. 
impfet. from wajadu [wujud], to find. The final 
letter is vowclless because of the particle lam 
coming before the verb. See tajidu at 1 7:75. p. 
898, n. I). 

2. , •" -t ’ ashfaqtum = you were afraid, 

concerned, apprehensive, anxious, worried, (v. ii. 
m. pi. past from ’ ashfaqa . form IV of shafaqa 
\shafaq], to fear, to pity. See 'ashfaqna at 33:72, 
p 1365, n. 12). 

3. i^.Juu tuqaddimu = you (all) advance/ give 

or send in advance/ push forward (v. ii. m. pi. 
impfet. from qaddama, form II of qaduma 
[qudum], to precede. See at 2:1 10, p. 52, n, 10). 

4. ciu- sadaqat (pi.; sing. sadaqah) = 
charitable gifts, alms, voluntary contributions, 
charities. See at 2:263, p. 137. n. 12, 

5. I6ba - he relumed, turned to. repented, 

forgave (v. iii m s. past [ from tawb/ uiwbah / 
mulab]) Technically tawbah means, in respect of 
man, to turn to Allah in penitence and with 
resolve to reform, and in respect of Allah, to turn 
in forgiveness. Sec at 28:67, p. 1236. n. I). 

6. ‘aqimu = you (all) properly perform, set. 

set up. establish (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 
aqdma. form IV of qdmu, [qawnuMqiydm], to 
stand up. See at 55:9, p. 1742, n. 5). 

7. •jS'j zakah = purity, growth. Technically it 

means the prescribed charitable contributions for 
specified purposes, of a certain percentage of 
surplus wealth held for a full year. It is so called 
because it purifies wealth and makes for its proper 
growth. See at 4 1 :7, p. 1 542, n. 2. 

8. ij»>l ’affli = you (all) obey, be obedient (v. ii. 

in pi. imperative from atda, form IV of id ‘a 
[wiv'). to obey. Sec at 47:33. p. 1658, n. 12). 

9 lawallaw = they turned away, withdrew, 

desisted, refrained, took over, look for friends (v. 
iii. m pi past from lawulld. form V of wuliyu, to 
be near. See at 44:14. p. 1608. n 8). 

10. ■_-»* ghadiba = he was angry, wrathful, 
furious (v. iii. m. s. past from ghadab. to be angry. 
See at 48:6, p. 1663. n. 7). 


S&rah 58: Al-Mujddilah [Pan (Jut ) 28 ] 

\j nor of them; 1 

-.jxJ'J c.'oy&j and they swear to a lie 
while they know.’ 



? r ' "■ 

15. Allah has got ready 4 for 
them a punishment very severe. 
Bad 5 indeed is 

what they use to do. 

16. They take 6 their oaths 7 
as a shield, 8 

then prevent 9 

from the way 10 of Allah. 

So for them is a punishment 
most humiliating." 

17. There shall not avail 12 
them their properties 
nor their children 

lip. against Allah whatsoever. 

They will be 

“qi, the inmates 1 ' of the fire. 

They in there 

{Qjj&L shall abide forever. 14 

I i. e . the hypocrites belong neither to the 
Muslims nor to the Jews. 

2. i. e., saying that they are Muslims, 
yahlifuna = they swear, make an oath (v in m 
pi impfcL from halufa [half/hilf], to swear Seen 
9:96, p. 619, n. I). 

3. i. e„ they know that they are telling a lie. 

4. a*! 'a 'adda = he prepared, made ready, got 

ready (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 'adda[ uddl 
to count. See at 48:6. p, 1663, n 9). 

5. ra ’a = he or it became foul, bod. evil (v m 

m. s. past from rfl'/W. to be bad. See at 37:177. 
p. 1457. n. 6) 

6. IjJUjI ittakhadhti = they took, took up. look lo 

themselves, assumed ( v. iii. m. pi. past from 
mukhudhu, form VIII of akhadhu [ 'uJA4A|. to 
take. See at 42:9. p 1562, n. 13). 

7. tW 'ayman (pi.; s. ytimin) = right hands, 
oaths. See at 35:42. p. 1405, n 12. 

8. i. e . against the wrath and retribution of the 
Muslims. *->• junnah ($.; pi. junun) s shield 
protection, shelter. 

9. i. e . prevent others. \yx* saddO = they turned 
away, deterred, dissuaded, repelled, prevailed, 
barred (v. iii. m. pi past from suddu [ uidd\ . to 
turn away Sec at 48:25, p 1671, n 8). 

10. i. e.. from Islam, and from spending and 

fighting in the cause of Islam. J— sabll ipl 

subuUusbilah) - way. path, road, means, count. 
Sec at 53:30, p. 1722. n. 9. 

11. muhtn = humiliating, disgraceful 

debasing, ignominious, (active participle from 
tiluinu. form IV of hunu (/iuwn), to be of link 
importance See at 58:5. p 1784. n. 12), 

12. ^ lughnt = she or it suffices, makes free 
from want, makes rich, avails, helps (v. iii f t 
impfet. from aghnd. fonn IV of ghaniya [gki/ua 
/ ghund ' ), to be rich. See at 53:26, p, 1721. a 5). 

13. 'as-hab (pi.; sing. ^-t-. uihtb) » 

inmates, inhabitants, companions, associates, 
comrades, followers, owners. See at 57:19, p 
1775. n. 10). 

14. o?aJU khatidun (sing, khuhd) = living or 

remaining for ever, everlasting, eternal (active 
participle from khaludn [khulud]. to live or 
remain forever Sec at 43:171. p 1601. n. 14). 

Surah 58: AI-MujAdilah |Part (Yu;') 28 ] 


ft Vf 

l %$k 



18. On the Day 

Allah will raise them up 1 all 
and they will swear 2 to Him 
as they swear to you; 
and they will think 1 
that they are on something. 4 
O yes, they indeed are 
the liars. 5 

19. There has gained mastery 6 
over them Satan. 

So he has made them forget 7 
the reminder 8 of Allah. 

They are the party ' of Satan. 
O yes, the party of Satan, 
they will be the losers."’ 

20. Indeed those who oppose" 
Allah and His Messenger, 
they will be 

among the meanest. 12 

21. Allah has decreed: 

1. yab'athu = he raises, raises up. 

resurrects, revives, sends out (v. iii. m. s. impfct. 
from ba'iha (tu rA|, to send out, to raise. See at 
58:6. p 1785. n. I). 

2. i. e.. the hypocrites will swear that they were 
Muslims. Oyd*Hyahli/una = they swear, make an 

oath (v. iii. m. pi. impfct. from luilafa [half/hilf]. 
to swear. See at 58:14, p, 1790, n. 1). 

3. yahsabQna = they think, consider, 
deem, suppose (v. iii. m. pi. impfct. from hasiba 
[lusban/ muhsabah/ mubsibah], to consider, to 
deem. See at 43:80, p. 1602, n. 10). 

4. i. e . they will think that their false swearing 
will be of some benefit to them 

5. Oyr'S" kddhibun (pi., sing. kAdhib ) = 

those that lie. liars, untruthful (active participle 
from kadhaba [ktdhb/ kudhib/ kadhbah/ kidhbah], 
to lie. See at 37:152, p. 1453. n. 10). 

6. istahwadha - he looked after, lorded 
over, gained mastery, overpowered (v. iii. m. s. 
past in form X of l/Adha [ tjm dh J, to urge on, to 
spur on. Sec ruisiahwidh at 4:141. p. 307. n 8). 

7. t/ — il ’ansi = he made (someone) forget (v. iii. 
m. s. past in form IV of nasiyu ( nasy/ nisyAn\, to 
forget. See at 18:63, p. 935, n. 6). 

8. i. c., the Qur'an and its teachings. The Qur'An 
is repeatedly referred to as dhikr. See for instance 
15:6, 15:9, 16:44. 21:50. 23:71, 25:29. 26:5, 
38:49, 38:87, 41:41. 54:25, 68:51-52 and 81:27 
f k dhikr = citation, recollection, remembrance. 

mention, reminder, also scripture, the Qur'an 
Sec at 53:29. p 1722, n 5. 

9. v-y hizb (s.. pi. — yl ah nib) = party, 
partisans, group, sect. Sec at 35:6. p. 1391. n. 7. 

10. khdsirun (pi.; s khAsir) = losers, 
those in loss, those doomed to loss (active 
participle from khu.uira [ /khasdr /khasArah 
t khusrAn | to lose. See at 29:52, p. 1284, n. 4). 

1 1 . vijsU, yuhaddAna - they oppose, counteract, 
act contrary to (v. iii. m s. impfct. from hAdda. 
form 111 of hadda [ hadd ], to sharpen, to delimit. 
See yuhAdid at 9:63, p. 604, n. I ). 

12. 'adlialKn (pi.; accVgen. of 'adhallun: s. 

' adhall ) = meanest, lowest, most despicable 
(clativc of dhalil. act participle from dhalla 
\dhull/dhull/dhillahl, to be low. Sec dhallalnA at 
J 36:72, p 1426. n. 6. 


Surah 58: AI Mujdditah (Pan Vui ) 28 ) 

"Surely 1 shall prevail, 1 
1 and My Messengers." 
Verily Allah is All-Powerful , 2 

// :>i 

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22. You shall find not 
any people who believe 
in Allah and the Last Day 
making friendship 4 with 
those who oppose 5 Allah 
and His Messenger, 
even if they were 
their fathers 
or their sons 
or their brothers 
or their kinsfolk. 6 
Such people. He has written 
in their hearts 7 faith 
and has strengthened 8 them 
with a spirit 9 from Him; 
and He will admit 10 them in 
gardens 11 flowing 12 below 
them the rivers; 1 ' 

1 . la 'aghlibanna = I shall surely preval 
be victorious, overcome, overpower, subdue, 
conquer, vanquish (v i. s impfct. emphatic (ran 
ghulaba [ghalb/ ghalbah], to conquer, to defeat 
See laghlibina at 41:26, p 1549, n. 4). 

2. cSyi qawiy (s.; pi aqwiyd’) = strong. mjhtY 
powerful, potent, All-Powerful (act partici(fc 
from qawiya (qtSwrr], to be strong, powerful See 
at 42:19. p. 1568. n 5). 

3. jtf ’aziz = All-Mighty. Invincibly PowerW 

before Whom everyone else is powerless, might), 
overwhelming; also respected, distinguished 
dear, beloved, strong, mighty, difficult, hard. See 
at 57:1. p 1767, n 2. 

4. dylji yuwdddiina = they make fnendihif 

become friends (v. iii. m pi. impfct from wiidfe, 
form III of wail tin [wadd/ wudd/ widd/ Undid/ 
muwadduh). to love, to like. See yamadM a 
33:20, p. 1 342, n. 9). 

5. aU hddda = he opposed, counteracted, Med 

contrary to (v. iii. m. s. past in form III of Mde 
[luidtl], to sharpen, to delimit. Sec yuluiddiua d. 
58:5, p. 1784, n. 7). 

6. • ashtrah (s.; pi. 'ashd’ir) = closest 
relatives, near relations, kinsfolk, clan, tnbe See 
at 26:214. p. 1199. n. 2. 

7. qul&b (sing. sJi qulb) = hearts, minds 
Sec at 48 18. p.!669, n. 3. 

8 a,t ’ayyada = he aided, strengthened, assiicd, 
helped (v. iii. s. past in form II of 'dda |V tiWl. 
to be strong Sec at 9:40. p 595. n. 2). 

9. i. c,. with His help and guidance j-y, ri* <s„ 
pi ’arwd(i) = breath of life. soul, spirit. Iilc-givn| 
spirit, wahy. Jibril Sec at 42:5 1 . p. 1 580. a. 7. 

10. Jaa, yudkliilu n he admits, makes enter, 

enters, puts in. inserts (v. iii. m. s impfct. (ran 
udkhala. form IV of dakhala ( dukhdl ). to cnler. 
to go in See at 47:12. p. 1650. n. 10). 

11. i. e„ paradise, ob. janndt (sing jaiuuk), 
orchards, gardens, paradise Sec at 54:54, p 1740, 
n. I. 

12. i ifi lajrt m she runs, goes on, flout. 

streams, proceeds (v. iii. f. s. impfct. from yard 
[jury], to flow Sec at 57: 1 1, p 1772, n. 2). 

13. jt*>' 'anhdr (sing nahr) - rivers, stream. 
- See at 29:58, p. 1286. n.3. 

Surah 58: Al-Mujddilah (Part ( Juz ) 28 ] 


abiding for ever 1 therein. 
Allah is pleased 2 with them 
and they are pleased with Him. 
They are the party* of Allah. 
O yes, the party of Allah, 
they will be 
the ones successful . 4 

1 . jijJU khalidin (pi.: acc/gcn of khtlhdun, s. 

khdlid) = living for ever, abiding for ever, 
everlasting, eternal, immortals (active participle 
from khalada [ khuluJ ]. to live for ever. See at 
57:11. p. 3. 

2. ^ j radiya = he was pleased, became happy 

(v. iii. in. s. past [from ndan/ ndwdn/ marddh. to 
be satisfied]. See at 48.18. p 1669. n. I). 

3. v/ hizb (s.; pi. v*/-' ahziib) = party, 
partisans, group, sect. Sec at 58:22. p. 1793, n. 3. 

4. i. c.. in the hereafter. mufhhun ( sing. 

muflih), successful ones, those who attain Allah's 
pleasure and reward; act. participle from 'a/1 aha, 
form IV of falaha [falh], to split, cleave. Sec at 
31:5, p. 1312. n l). 

59. SOratal-Hashr (The Gathering) 
Madinan: 24 'ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah. I( starts with an emphasis that all that is in the heavens and the earth 
declare the sanctity and glory of Allah. Its main theme is the expulsion of the Jewish tribe of Bah 
al-Nadtr from Madina in 4 H. because of their treachery, breach of the treaty with them and their 
conspiracy with the hypocrites and others for destroying the Muslims. They thought that their sircoj 
fortresses, their military strength and their secret alliance with the hypocrites who promised them help 
will protect them. But Allah frustrated all their calculations and machinations. In this connection the role 
of the hypocrites is mentioned and rules are laid down for the administration of booty. Reference is thn 
made to the merits and distinctions of the "Emigamls" (muhajirun) and the "Helpers” ( ’ansar). The simk 
then draws attention to the Day of Judgement and it ends by mcnitoning some of the beautiful Nam 
and Attibutes of Allah and by once again emphasizing that all that is in the heavens and the earth declare 

the sanctity and glory of Allah. 

The surah is named al-Hashr (The Gathering) with reference to its second ayah which mentions the 
coming of the unbelieving Jews of Band al-Nadir out of their fortresses at the first gathering of them for 

1. sabbih = he proclaimed the sanctity, 
glorified, declared immunity from blemish (v ia 
m. s. past from sabh/ sibahah, to swim, to floa 
See at 57:1. p. 1767. n I). 

2. jijt- ’azk = All-Mighty, Invincibly Powcifil 
before Whom everyone else is powerless, mighty, 
overwhelming, also respected, distinguished 
dear, beloved, strong, mighty, difficult, hard Sec 
at 58:21. p. 1792. n. 3. 

3. i. e., in His deeds, commandments ad 

4. The reference is to the Jewish tribe of Bail 
al-Nadir. £ ^ 'akhraja = he ousted, drove ool 
expelled, dislodged, brought out. produced (v in 
m. s past in form IV of kharaja { khuruj\ . to go 
out. to leave Sec at 48:29, p 1675, n.4). 

5. At* diy&r (sing. (Mr) = bouses, homes, 
habitations, lands, regions, countries. See it 
33:27, p. 1345. n. 9). 

6. i. e., the rallying of them for expulsion, f 

hashr = to gather, assemble, rally (verbal noun of 
hashara. Sec at 50:44. p 1695. n. 6. 

7. fsMi zananlum ~ you thought, assumed, 
conjectured, supposed, firmly believed (v it. m. 
pi. past from gunnel IrunnJ, to firmly believe, lo 
suppose. Sec at 48:12. p. 1666. n. 3). 

their expulsion. 


1 . There declare the sanctity 1 
of Allah 

oyl all that is in the heavens 
c and all that is in the earth; 

and He is the All-Mighty, 2 
$ the All-Wise. 3 

2. He it is Who brought out 4 
Oil those who disbelieve of the 

People of the Book 

from their homes 5 
at the first of the rallying. 6 
You thought 7 not 


Surah 59: Al-Hushr [Part (Jut') 28 ] 


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that they would come out; 1 
and they thought that 
there would protect 2 them 
their fortresses 1 
against Allah! 

But Allah came upon them 
in such a way 
they had not anticipated; 4 
and He cast 5 in their hearts 
panic, 6 so they destroyed 7 
their houses 8 with their hands 
and the hands of the believers. 
So learn a lesson,’ 

O you who have sights. 

3. And had it not been that 

Allah had decreed 10 on them 

exile" He would 

surely have punished 12 them 

in this world; 

and they shall have 

in the hereafter 

the punishment of the fire. 

1. The Muslims did not dunk lhai Ihe Jews of 

Band al-Na^ir would come out of their fortresses 
and surrender. yakhruju(na) ~ they 

go/come out. leave, depart (v. iii. m. pi impfct. 
The terminal min is dropped because of the 
particle an coming before the verb. See at 32:20, 
p. 1330. n. 3). 

2. vuU mdni'ah (f.; m. mini*) = she/or it that 

prevents, protects, foibids. bars, holds back ( act. 
participle from mana'a [ man'], to prevent. See 
nuinu'u at 38:75. p. 1477. n 1). 

3. huyun (pi.; s. him ) = fortresses, castles, 
citadels, strongholds. 

4 *j— yahlasibu (no) = they anticipate, lake 

into account, take into consideration (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfct. from ihtasaba, form VIII of lyasiba 
[hisbdn/ mahsabah/ malysibah]. to consider, to 
deem. The terminal n&n is dropped because of 
the particle lam coming before the verb See 
yahiasib&na at 39:47, p. 1498. n. 5). 

5. jai qadhafa = he launched, threw, flung, 

cast, hurled ( v. iii. m. s. past from qadhf. to 
throw, to cast. See at 33:26, p. 1345, n. 4). 

6. i~*jru'b = terror, panic, fright, alarm See at 
33:26. p. 1345. n. 5. 

7. They themselves destroyed their houses before 

surrendering yukhribuna = they destroy, 

devastate, demolish, ruin, shatter (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfct. from 'akhraba, form IV of kahraba 
[kahrb], to destroy, to demolish). 

8. o* buyiU (pi.; s. bay I) = houses, homes. See 
at 43:33. p 1591. n. 2. 

9. iyjr** i'labirH = you (all) consider, take into 

account, learn a lesson (v. ii. m pi. imperative 
from i labara. form VII of 'abara | abr/'ubur\. 
to cross, to transverse. See tu buruna at 12:43. p 
738. n. 13). 

10. kalaba = he wrote, decreed, ordained, 
made obligatory, imposed (v. iii. m. s. past from 
katb /kiiabah, to write. Sec at 6: 1 2, p. 395. n. 9). 

1 1 . jal& ’ = exile, evacuation, emigration, 
departure, clarification. 

12. udhdhaba = he punished, chastised, 
tormented (v. iii. m. s. past in form II [la'dhib] of 
adhaba [ ’adlib], to impede, to obstruct. See 

yu 'adhdhibu at 9:26. p. 587. n. 8). 


Siiruh 59: Al-Hashr [Pan (Jui ) 28 ] 

ptJjj'i 4. That is so because they 
ialiylS opposed 1 Allah 

and His Messenger; 
and whoever opposes Allah, 
then verily Allah is 
0 severe in retribution. 2 

5. What you cut down’ 
t—ksi of date palms 4 
<j j\ or left 5 them 

l*i _ && standing on their roots, 6 

that was by Allah's leave 
and that He might debase 7 

OujLyUll the defiantly sinful. 

Hj 6. And all that 
Sjfcuf Allah bestowed as booty 9 
on His Messenger from them, 
that you had not swept"’ on 
wi tli cavalry" 
nor with camelry; 12 
but Allah gives mastery 1 ' 

’J&j to His Messengers 

1. lyt-l shaqqti - Ihc turned against, turned 

hostile, opposed, broke away (v. iii. m. pi pat 
from shaqqa. form III of shaqqa [shtuql 
mashaqqah]. to be hard, also to split. See I 
47:32. p 1658. n. 8). 

2. sAU 'iqab = infliction of punishment, penalty, 
retribution. Sec at 41:43, p 1555. n I 

3. qata'lum = you cut, cut down, cut oil. 
severed, broke ofT (v. ii. m. pi. past from qau'a 
Iqal'], to cut off See laqla'&na at 29:29, p, ; 
1275, n. 3). 

4. i. e. of the besieged Jews of Band al Nadir i, 
linah (s., pi. liyan) = all sorts of dale palm. 

5. } laraktum = you (all) left, relinquished. 

abandoned (v. ii. m. pi. past from taraka |tori], 
to leave Sec al 6:94. p. 430, n. 5). 

6. J^*l ‘ufOl (pi.; s. ’or/) = roots. origint, 
sources See 'asl at 37:65, p 1440, n. 12) 

7. rfys yukhziya (tf) = he disgraces, humiliates, 
debases (v. iii. m. s. unpfet. from 'akhiH. form IV 
of khaziya [khizy/ khazan], to be base, ashamed. 
The final letter takes fat-hah because of a hidden 
‘an in Ii of motivation coming before the verb. 
See yukhzi at 39:40. p 1495, n. 6). 

8. fdsiqln (pi., occ/gen. of fasiqin, imj. 

/dairy) = those that disobey, disobedient, defiant, 
defiantly sinful, (active participle from ftuaqt 
[fisq]. to stray from the right course, to renounce 
obedience See at 57:16 p 1774. n. 8) 

9. »lit 'afa’a = he gave as booty, afforded, 

granted, bestowed (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 
/du lfay'\. to return, to shift from west to east). 
See at 33:50, p. 1355. n. 10). 

10. 'awjaftum = you drove hastily, swept. 

moved hurriedly, made an expedition, agitated (*. 

11. m. pi. post from 'awjafa. form IV of 
[wajf/nujtiJIwajiJ], to be agitated) 

11. khayl (s.; pi. J.*>- khuyul) = hotset, 
horsepower, cavalry Sec at 1 7:64. p 894, n. 2 

12. vdf j rik&b (s.. pi rukub) = nding camel, 
camelry, mount. 

13. Jd_( yusallilu = he gives maslcry/powa. 
establishes as ruler, imposes (v. iii. m. s impfct 
from sallala, form II if salila [ saluiah ], to be 

Surah 59: Al-Hashr [Pan (Jui ) 28 ] 


over whomsoever He will; 
jcfflj and Allah is over everything 

7. All that Allah bestowed as 
SsAy-j & booty 3 on His Messenger from 
the people of the townships' 
& that is for Allah 
s and the Messenger, 

and for the near relations 
£s3\j and the orphans 5 
b and the poor 6 

and the stranded traveller; 7 
o&yr so that it might not be 
'ju&Ji a rotation 8 among 
■fcjffi t the rich of you. 

’plV&j And whatever there gives 9 you 
the Messenger, take 10 it; 
and whatever he prohibits" 
you from, give up; 12 
Snj&J and beware 1 ' of Allah. 

Verily Allah is 
severe 14 in retribution. 15 

1. i qatfir - Omnipotcnl, All-Powerful Sec at 
42:50, p. 1579. n. 10. 

2. .lit ’afd'a = he gave as booty, afforded, 
granted, bestowed (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 
fa a l/ay'), to return, to shift from west to east). 
See at 59:6. p. 17%. n 9) 

3. ij } quran (pi . s. qaryali) = villages, towns, 
townships, habitations. See at 46:27, p. 1642, 

4 j, ^ill ij> dhi al-qurbd = near relations, those 
close by. Sec at 16:90, p. 857, n. 1 1. 

5. yat&md (sing, yatim) = orphans. See at 
2:220. p. 107, n. 12. 

6. masdktn (sing, misktn) = poor, humble, 
miserable. Sec at 18:79. p 939. n. I. 

7. J— J ibn al-sabit = wayfarer, traveller, 

stranded traveller. Sec at 30:38, p 1302, n. 7. 

8. dulah = rotation, in circulation, circuit, 
currency See nuddwilu at 3:140. p. 209, n 16 

9. i. e.. of properties or directives. Jh ’did = he 

gave, bestowed, granted (v. iii. m. s. past from 
'did. form IV of ‘aid [itydn/aty/ma'idh], to come. 
See at 2:251, p. 128. n. 3). 

10. i. e.. accept and abide by. lyi* khudhu = you 
(all) take, receive, accept, get, seize (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative from 'akhudha [ ’akhdh\. to take. See 
at 4:79, p. 281, n. 2). 

11. nahd = he forbade, prohibited, 

proscribed, prevented (v. iii. m. pi. tmpfet. from 
nahd, [nahw/nahy], to forbid. See at 7:20, p 471, 
n. I). 

12. <>fSl inlahd = you (all) refrain, desist, 
terminate, finish, give up. renounce (v. ii. in. pi. 
imperative from inlahd, form VIII of nahd 
[nahy/nahw], to foibid, prohibit. Sec at 4:171. p 
321, n. 6). 

13. ittaqd - you (all) beware, be on your 
guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m. pi. imperative 
from illaqd, form VIII of waqd ( waqyAviqdyah), 
to guard, safeguard. See at 58:9. p. 1787. n. 13). 
14 JjXl shadid (pi. .cut 'urhuidd'hoa. shiddd) 
= severe, most severe, stem, rigorous, hard, harsh, 
strong. Sec at 50:26. p. 1691. n. I ). 

15. ‘iqdb = infliction of punishment, 

penalty, retribution. See at 59:4. p. 17%. n 3. 


Surah 59: Al Hashr [Part Uuz) 28 ] 

8. For the poor 1 emigrants 
who were driven out 2 
from their homes’ 

and properties, 
oycZ they seeking' 1 

the bounty 5 of Allah 
and Pleasure; 6 
and they help 7 Allah 

t z 

and His Messenger. 

These people, 
they are the truthful. 8 

9. And those who had settled 
with the home and the faith 
before them, 

loving 10 those who 
migrated 1 1 to them, 
and they find not 
> n their hearts 
any concern 12 for 
'JijiHl what they" are given, 
and give precedence" 
over themselves, 

1. i. e.. the booty is also for the poor o ( the 

emigrants fuqard’ ( pi ; s. faqlr) x 

poor, indigent. See at 47:38. p 1660. n. 8. 

2. { yA ’ukhri/u = they were ousted, dnnt 
out. expelled, dislodged (v. iii. m pi past pass* 
from 'akhraja, form IV of kharaja (f/iuru/1. to p 
out. See at 22:40. p. 1060. n. I). 

3. jlii diy&r (sing. Mr) = houses, homes. 

habitations, lands, regions, countries. See a 59i 
p 1794. n. 5). 

4. Oyt, yabtaghuna = they seek, desire, irni*. 
aspire after, strive for (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. fro* 
iblaghd. form VIII of baghd Ihughd’l to icti 
desire. See at 4:139. p. 306. n. 5. 

5. J-** fadl (pi futful) = grace, favour, kindnta. 

bounty: also surplus, excess, superiority, mem. 
excellence. Sec at 57:29, p 1781, n. I. 

6 ridvan = pleasure, good will, fivoet. 

approval. See at 57:27, p. 1750, n I. 

7. i. e. His din. yunsuriina = they hrip. 

assist (v. iii. m pi. impfet, from nusam (*ur 
/nustir], to help See at 42:46, p. 1577. a. 12). 1 

8. i. e„ in their words and deeds. OjiaUuMpfe 
= truthful, those who speak the troth (act 
participle from sadaqa [ sadq / sjdq], to speak the 
truth. Sec at 49: 15. p 1683. n. 7). 

9. tabawwa ’ii = they provided, put ip. 

settled (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from labawmi 
form V of M 'a [fwtv’). to return, to be hack S« 
nalabawwa’u at 39:74, p 1507. n. 12). 

10. Jyr* yutjibbuna = they love, adore, like (» 

iii. m. pi. impfet. from hubba [hubb], to love, to 
like Sec at 24:19, p II II. n. 6). 

11. h&jard = they migrated. cinigreted («. 

iii. m. pi. past from hdjara. form III of lu/m 
[hijr/hijrdn], to emigrate See at 22:58. p 1066, a 

12. hdjah (s.; pi. hdjdt/luiwd’ij) x need. 

object, desire, concern Sec at 40:40, p, 1537, a 

13. i. e.. the emigrants. 

14. i. e.. give them precedence Ojsjiyv’thirim 
= they give precedence, prefer, choose, like (v. m 
pi. impfet. from 'dthara. form IV of 'lUhm 
[athr/’alhdrah], to transmit, report, relate See 
nu'lhira at 20:72, p. 992, n. 6 

Surah 59: Al-Hashr [Part (Juz ) 28 ) 


fro^J even if there is with them 
indigence . 1 

JJo'J And whoever is saved 2 
of the greed' of his self, 
piJHjti such people, they will be 
0 -'If'y -tffi the ones successful . 4 

10 . And those who come 5 
after them, 
saying: "Our Lord, 
forgive 6 us 

and our brethren 7 who 
preceded 8 us in the faith, 
and set not 9 

in our hearts any malice 10 
•CcyjJj towards those who believe. 
Our Lord, verily Your are 
Most Affectionate , 11 
Opt-j Most Merciful." 

Section ( Ruku' ) 2 

4^*11 . Do you not see those who 
ijiit turn hypocrites 12 

1. khas&sah = poverty, indigence, 
destitution, privation, want. 

2. yftqa (r/d) = he is saved, protected, 
preserved (v. iii. m. s. impfet. passive from waqd 
[waqy/ wiqdyah\, to guard, to preserve. The final 
yd" is vowel less and so dropped because the verb 
is in a conditional clause preceded by man. See 
waqd at 44: 56. p. 1616, n. 9). 

3. £4 shuhh = greed, avarice, stinginess, 
covetousness. See at 4: 1 28. p. 301 . n. 5. 

4. i. c., in the hereafter. OyU* muflihun ( sing. 

muflih), successful ones, those who attain Allah's 
pleasure and reward ( act. participle from 'aflufyt. 
form IV of falaha [falh], to split, cleave. See at 
58:22, p. 1793. n 4). 

5. i. e., join the fold of Islam. 

6- >*' ighfir - you forgive, pardon (v. ii. m. s. 
imperative from ghafara \ghufr /ghufran / 
nutghfirah], to forgive. Sec at 23:109. p. 1 101, n. 
10 ). 

7. 0»>*i ’ikhwin (pi.; sing. 'akh ) = brothers, 
brethren. See at 50:13, p. 1689, n. 1. 

8. I jir* sabaqO s they got ahead, outstripped, 

forestalled, preceded (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
sabaqa [subq J, to go or act before See at 46:1 1. 
p. 1635. n. I). 

9. J«~ V Id taj’al = do not put/ set 1 make (v. ii. 
m. s. imperative (prohibition) from ja 'ala (ja'f|. 
to make, to set. See at 23:94. p. 1098. n. 3). 

•0. Jhghill = malice, rancour, spite, hatred. See 
at 15:47. p. 817. n. 3. 

1 1. ra'6f = most kind, most compassionate. 

most affectionate (active participle in the scale of 
fa'01 from ra'afa /ra’ufa \ra'fah/ ra'dfah], to 
show mercy Sec at 24:20, p. 1 1 12. n. 2). 

12. ijiiki ndfaqd = they turned hypocrites, 
dissembled, dissimulated (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
ndfaqa. form III of nafaqa [nafaq/ nufuq ). to be 
used up. to perish. Sec mtmdfiqdl at 33:73. p. 
1366. n. 3). 


Surah 59: AlHashr (Part (Jui) 28 ] 



»->r > . ✓ 


•*r f> '<j 

saying to their brethren 
who disbelieve 1 
of the People of the Book: 
"If you are ousted 2 we will 
indeed come out with you 
and will not obey 1 about you 
anyone ever; 

and if you are fought with, 4 
we will certainly help 5 you." 
And Allah testifies 6 
that they are indeed liars. 7 

12. If those are ousted, they 

^y will not come out with them, 
jjjj and if those are fought with, 
Xy they will not help them; 
d j and even if they help those, 
j * j they shall turn* the backs, v 
then those will not be helped. 


lliV 13. You surely are 

severer 10 as a terror" 

in their hearts 

1 . The 'rJvri/i mentions how the hypocrites nudr 
it, sincere promises to their allies, the Jews. <j/f 

kafaru - they disbelieved, became ungratrfd, 
covered (v. iii. in. pi past from kafara [iufrj, » 
cover. See at 48:25. p 1661, n, 7). 

2. 'ukrijtum - you were ousted, down 

out. dislodged, explctted (v. ii. in pi pul 
passive from ’akhraja. form IV of tuihnjt 
l khuruj ], to go out. See ukliriju at 27:56, p 

3. gU- nutt'u m we obey, comply with (* i |t 

impfct from Vr(<2 a. form IV of fd'a a 
obey. Sec ai 47:26. p. 1656, n. 12). 

4 ftdty qutiltum m you were faughl with.bNW 

against (v. ii. m. pi. past passive from ifjutt, 
form III of qalalu [qall\. to kill. See \ uytilofal I 
at 22:39. p. 1059, n 12). 

5. 0 ,*-) la nansuranna = we shall ccttainly help, 
assist (v. i. pi. impfct emphatic from noun 
nasara [null /nu.jur], to help Set iwuurdMl 
59:8. p 1798. n. 7). 

6. a+4< yash-hadu = he bean wituco, 

witnesses, attests, testifies (v. iii. m. s. impfa. 
from shahidu. (j huhud], to witness See at 9:107, 
p. 624, n. 5). 

7. i. e.. in their promises to their allies J.rf 
kddhibun (pi . sing. kddhib) = those that he, 
liars, untruthful (active participle from iadMa 
{kidhb/ kadhib/ kadhbah/ kidhbah). to lie Sal 
58:18. p. 1591. n. 5). 

8. jl.*J la yuwallunna = they will certainly tm 

they shall tum, turn away (v iii. m. p|. impdet. 
passive from walla, form II of Huliyu, to It 
next See vuwalluna at 54:45, p. 1738, IL 7), J 

9. i. e„ they will retreat leaving their allies In lit 
lurch. ’adhar (pi , sing. /> dubr/ dubtfim 
backs, rear parts, rear, in the woke Sec at 5941 
p. 1694, n 8 

to. -Li 1 ashadd = morc/mosl intense, strongesf 

strongest, severer /severest, fiercer/ fierasl 
stcmer/stemcsl, tougher/ toughest. lelaOve i 
shadld). See at 43:8, p 1583, n. 9. 

I lie, you are more terrifying to the hypocm 
Xjs j rahbah = tenor, panic, fright, alann. m. 
See rahb at 28:32. p 1243, n 10. 

Suralt 59: Al-Hashr [Pan Uuz') 28 ) 


-i'S; than Allah is. 1 
f i’tW'j That is so because they are 

a people that understand 2 not. 


14. They will not fight 1 you 
in a body except being in 
Jj i habitations 4 fortified 1 
or from behind walls. 6 
Mfrs+X Their animosity ' among 
1 joS themselves is intense. 

You consider 8 them united 
but their hearts are divided. 9 
That is so because they are 
fji a people 

P that realize 10 not. 

I 15. Like the instance of 

i those who were before them 

& shortly." 
lyil They tasted 12 the evil 
I Jij consequences 11 of their deed. 
And they shall have a 
v& punishment most agonizing. 14 

1. i. e., they are more afraid of you than they are 
of Allah. 

2. ylj+ii* yafqahdna = they understand, 

comprehend (v. m m. pi. impfet. from faqilui 
[fqh], to understand. See at 48: 1 5. p. 1667, n. 9. 

3. i. e„ the Jews of BanO al-Nadtr will not fight. 

yuqdiiluna = they fight, wage war. battle 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from qdiala. form III of 
qalata [ qall ]. to kill. See at 9:1 1. p 626, n. 1). 

4. ts} (, 'ran (pi.; s qaryah ) = villages, towns, 
townships, habitations See ai 59:7, p. 1797. n.3. 

5. muhassanah (f. s.) = fortified. 

entrenched, made inaccessible (passive participle 
from hassana, form II of haquna [ haydnah ] . to 
be inaccessible, fortified. See husun at 59:2, p. 
1725. n. 3). 

6. judur (pi.; s. jid&r) = walls, ramparts. 

7. ba’s = might, strength, courage, 
intrepidity, prowess, fighting, enmity, animosity, 
punishment ( also, as verbal noun of ba \ta, hurt, 
harm, violence). See at 57:25. p. 1778, n. 10. 

8. v — *1 lahsabu = you think, suppose, 
consider (v. ii. m. s. impfet. from hasiba [!\isb6n/ 
mahsabah / mahsibah], lo consider, to deem. See 
at 25:44, p. 1 151. n. 7). 

9. jii shaltd (p|.; s. shatSt) = diverse, different. 

manifold, various, in variety, divided. Sec at 
20:54. p. 987. n. 5. 

10. ya'qil&na = they realize, understand. 

comprehend, exercise reason (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. 
from 'aqalu [ ’a qf], to understand, lo have 
intelligence. See at 49:4, p. 1677. n. 13). 

1 1 . i. e., the Jews of Band QaynuqaV } qarib 

= near, proximate, not far away, close by. shortly. 
Ever Near. See at 48:27. p. 1674, n 3. 

12. ij*l» dhdqu = they tasted (v. iii. m. pi. past 

from dhdqu [dhawq/ dhawdq/ mudhdq], to taste. 
Sec at 6: 148, p. 455. n. 8). 

13 wabdl = evil consequence, unhealthiness, 
evil. See at 5:96, p. 377, n. 8. 

14. 'altm = most painful, very agonizing. 

anguishing, excruciating (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa 7/ from ultma ( uUbn], to 
be in pain, to feel pain). See at 58:4. p. 1784, n. 
6 ). 


Surah 59: Al-Hashr [Pan (Juz) 28 ] 

16. Like the instance of Satan 
jliil when he says to man: 

>£=»T "Disbelieve". 1 

Then when he disbelieves 
he says: "I am exempt 2 
from you; I fear ’Allah. 

L° rcl °f all beings.' 


-'J& 1 7. So the end 5 of the two 6 

L-^1 will be that they will be 
in the fire, 

abiding for ever 7 therein. 

!5l And that is the requital 8 
$ os- AfiiiJf of the wrong-doers. 9 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 3 
18. O you who believe, 
beware 10 of Allah, 

J-* \j and let every person await 11 
what he has advanced 12 
jjJ for tomorrow. 

And beware of Allah; 
jji-iify Verily Allah is All-Aware 
0 of what you do. 

1. ukfur = you disbelieve, be ungrwftl 

cover (v. ii. m. 5 imperative from MurulMl I 

10 disbelieve, to cover. Sec kufaru at 59:11. g i 
1800. n. I). 

2. , hari’ (s.; pi abriydV burd'/ M)d 
innocent, guiltless, free, exempt, absolved. Sett 
26:216. p. 1 199. n. 8 

3. ciul 'akh&fu = I fear, am afraid. ied I 
apprehend (v. i s irnpfcl from kha/a [khawflt l 
fear See at 46:21, p 1640. n. 2). 

4. j-A* ‘alamin (acc/gcn of 'diinM 
sing. -x. 'alum, i.c., any being or object iha 
points to its Creator, sing alum) = all hanja 
creatures. See at 45:36, p 1630, n. I). 

5. UU ' aqibah (s.; pi. >jy ‘awiqib) = end, 
ultimate outcome, upshot, consequence. efl«i 
result. Sec at 47:10, p 1650. n 6. 

6 i c . Satan and his follower. 

7. ^alU- klialidin (pi.; acc /gcn of 

khdhti) = living for ever, abiding for evo, 
everlasting, eternal, immortals (active particgit 
from khalada [ khulud ]. to live for ever. See 8 
58:22. p. 1792. n. 1. 

8. «i jazA’ = retribution, penalty, repaymea, ] 

recompense, requital, reward See at 56:24. u 
1756, n. 10). 

9. crr-JUi zdlimln (acc./gcn of mlimin, ung 
pilim) = transgressors, wrong-doers, unjust 
persons, polytheists ( active participle froa 
zalama [,-u/m). to transgress, do wrong. See 8 
46:10. p 1634. n 12). 

10. ittaqu = you (all) beware, be on your J 
guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m. pi imperative 
from ituujd. form VIII of waqd ( vaqy/wiqiym 1 
to guard, safeguard Sec at 59:7. p, 1797, a 13). I 

1 1 jkd It tanzur = let her wail, wait and see. 
await, see. look, look expectantly (v, in, f i 
imperative from nazara [ nazr/manzar ] , to see, 
view, look at See yanzuruna at 51:44. p 1 

12. o-ai qaddama t - she sent ahead, 

forwarded, advanced (v. iii. f. s past frosi 
qaddama. form II of qadamu / qadtma | qadn 
/qudum /qidiruln /maqdam] lo precede, to arm*. 
Sec at 42:48. p. I579.n. I). 

Surah 59: Al-Hashr [Pan (Jut ) 28 1 




•>, '.fc 

«l — >u 

19. And be not like those 
who forgot 1 Allah 
so He made them forget 2 
themselves. 1 
They are the ones 
defiantly sinful. 4 





20. There equalize 5 not 
the inmates 6 of the fire and 
the inmates of the garden. 

The inmates of the garden 
are the ones successful. 7 

21. Had We sent down 8 this 
Qur’an on a mountain 9 

you would have surely seen it 

stooping in humility, 10 

cleft asunder" 

out of the dread 12 of Allah. 

And these instances 

We strike for men. 

Maybe that they reflect." 

l. !>-; nasd = they forgot, became oblivious (v. 

iii. tn pi past from nasiya [nasy/nisydn], to 
forget. See at 58:6. p. 1785, n. I). 

’ansi = he made (someone) forget (v. iii. 

m. s. past in form IV of nasiya ( nasy/ ni.rwin], 
to forget. See at 58:19. p. 1791, n. 7). 

3. i. e„ to neglect doing that which would 
benefit them in this worldly life and in the 

4. » fdsiqun (pi . sing, fdsiq) = disobedient. 

defiant, defiantly sinful, (active participle from 
fasaqa to stray from the right course, to 

renounce obedience. See at 57:27. p. 1780. n. 5). 

5. iSf— i yaslawt = he becomes equal, equalizes. 

becomes even, straight, regular, upright (v. iii m. 
s. impfet. from is/awd, form VIII of sawiya 
[siwan], to be equal. See at 13:16. p. 770. n. 13). 

6. vU-rt 'ay-hab (pi.; sing. sahib) = 

inmates, inhabitants, companions, associates, 
comrades, followers, owners. See at 58:17, p. 
1790. n. 13). 

7. fd'izun (pi.; s. fd'iz) = the successful 
ones, the victorious, the winners (active participle 
from fdzu \Jawz), to be successful. See at 24:52, 
p. 1128. n. 2). 

8. Ujll 'anzalnd = we sent down (v. i. pi. past 

from 'anzala, form IV of nazala [nuzul], to come 
down. Sec at 58:5, p. 1784. n. 9). 

9. Jj. jahal (s.; pi. jibdl) = mountain, mountain 
range. See jibdl at 56:5, p. 1754. n. 2. 

10. k has hr (*.; pi. khdshi'On ) = the 
submissive one. humble, stooping in humility 
(active participle from khasha'a [khushu '). to be 
submissive. Sec khdshi'&n at 23:2, p. 1075, n. 3). 

1 1. mutasaddi ‘ = that which gets split, is 

broken into pieces, gets cleft, cracked, tom 
asunder (act participle from lasadda'a, form V 
of soda' [sad"), to split, cleave. See 
yussadda'una at 56:19, p 1756. n. 1). 

12. Vjc khashyah = fear, dread. Sec at 23:57, p. 
1089, n. 9. 

13. Ojj&i* yatafakkaruna = they reflect, 

meditate, ponder, muse, speculate (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. from tafakkara. form V of fakara (/air], 
to reflect. Sec at 45: 13. p.l621,n. II). 


Surah 59: At-Hashr [Pari {Jut) 28 | 

22. He is Allah Who, 
there is no deity except He; 
the All-Knowing of 
•I'jJjfj . Iff the unseen and the seen; 1 

He is the All-Compassionate, 
(J) the Most Merciful. 

23. He is Allah Who; 
there is no deity except He, 
the King, the All- Holy, 2 
the All-Perfect,' 
the Giver of Security, 4 
the All-Supervising, 5 
the All-Mighty, 6 
the AU-Compeller, 7 
the All-Sublime. 8 
Sacrosnact 9 is Allah 
from what they associate. 




24. He is Allah the Creator, 
the Originator, 11 the 
Giver of shape and form. 12 
His are the Names 

1. iil+i shahadah = testimony. evidence, 
witness, visible, that which is open to the semaf 
is seen. See at 43; 19. p. 1 587. n. I . 

2. quddus = the All-Holy, Most Holy 

3. f*- saldm = peace, security, soundoea. 
perfection, perfect. al-Saldm - the All-Perfect 

j-y mu 'min = believer, one who mda 
safe, gives secunty (act participle from dnuu 
[ inum), from IV of amma | amn/'amin\ to hr 
safe. See nu'mina at 34::3I, p. 1379. n. 2 ). 

5. muhaymin - one who supenitet 

superintendent. controller. guardian (ad 
participle from haymana. to guard, to supermei 

6. »» 'aziz = All-Mighty. Invincibly Powott 

before Whom everyone else is powering 
mighty. overwhelming; also rcspectel 
distinguished, dear, beloved, strong nufkn 
difficult, hard. See at 59: 1 . p. 1 794, n. 2. 

7. jt* jabbar (s.; pi. jabbOrin/ jabliM 

jabdbirah) = of overwhelming power, tynn, 
oppressor, compcllcr, the All-Competler (ad 
participle in the scale of fa" it from jabm 
( jubr/jubur ], to set. to restore, to force. Set a 
50:45. p. 1695. n. 9). 

8 mutakabbir (*.; pi. mulukabbirini < 

proud, haughty, arrogant, one who bccom 
greal/sublimc. the All-Sublime (act. pamcqfc 
from lakabbara, from V of kabural kuban 
| kubr/ kibar/ kabdruh/kabrl. to become great » 
be older. See at 39:72. p. 1 507. n. 3). 

9. ol»— . Subhan means Free from and High 

above all kinds imperfection and blemish hi 
generally rendered as "Glory be to Him’; ha 
"Sacrosanct " conveys the meaning belter. Seed 
28:68. p. 1256, n 5. 

10. yushriktina = they set panned, 
associate, give share to (v. iii. m. pi impfet Inn 
‘ashraka. form IV of shariku | shirk/ thahkdk\ 

to share. See at 52:43. p. 1715, n. I). 

11. •c£jW ban ' s originator, creator tact 
participle from bara'a [W|, to create. See 
luibra'a at 57:22, p. 1777, n. 7). 

12. j y* musawwir = one who gives shape ad 
form, shaper, formulator. maker (act pamogk 
from fawwara, form II from the root fink, 
shape. See sawwura at 40:64, p 1532, n. 3). 


Surah 59: Al-Hushr [Pan (Vuz ) 28 ) 


y £% 


Most Beautiful . 1 

There declare His sanctity 2 

all that is in the heavens 

and the earth; 

and He is the All-Mighty, 

the All-Wise . 3 

1. j—*- husna (f.; m. ahum) ihe best, most 
beautiful. Sec at 53:31, p. 1723, n. 4. 

2. , yusabbihu - he proclaims the sanctity, 

glorifies, praises (v. iii. m s. impfet from 
uthbaha. form 11 of sahalui [sabli/sibaluth\, to 
swim. In its form II the verb means to praise, to 
sing the glory, to proclaim the sanctity See at 
24:41. p. 1123. n. 8). 

3. i. e.. in His deeds. commandments and 
dispensation. hakim (s.; pi. tfukama') = 

All-Wise, judicious, full of wisdom (active 
paniciplc in the scale of fa'll from liakama 
(AuJtmj. to pass judgement. See at 57:1, p. 1768. 
n. 3) 

60. SOrat al-Mumtahanah (The Woman to be examined) 

Madinan: 13 'ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah which, like the other Madinan surahs, lays down important rules of 
shari'ah. Its main theme is that love, friendship or hatred should be only for the sake of Allah and Us 
din and that no friendship and alliance should be made with the enemies of Allah and His din. In das 
connection it is reminded that on the Day of Judgement neither worldly friendship nor blood 
relationships will be of any avail to man. It is also pointed out that the best model is Prophet Ibrahim, 
peace be on him. and his believing followers who completely severed their connection with thett 
polytheist kinsmen and relatives for the sake of the din. The surah is named al-Mumiahanah (The 
woman to be examined) with reference to its ayahs 10-12 wherein it is asked to test the faith of the 
women who migrated from Makka to Madina shortly before its conquest, to lake their oaths of allegiacc 
and not to force them to return to their unbelieving husbands at Makka. The problems arising out of the 
new situation are dealt with and rules are laid down to deal with them. 

I V la lattakhidhu - you (all) do M 

take/ adopt (v. ii. m. pi. impermht 
(prohibition] from ttiukhudha. form V1H tf 
'akhadha ( akhdli], to lake Sec at 16:94, p. ] 
859. n. 7). 

2. t e. enemy of Allah's din and guidance, 
yas 'aduw (s.. pi. ,u»t a dd') = foe. enemy. ! 
adversary Sec at 43:67, p 1600. n. 2 

3. .Vjljl 'awliyd ' (pi.; sing. wuffy) i| 
friends, allies, patrons, legal guardian 
protectors. Sec at 46:32, p 1644. a 6. 

4 Ojid tulquna = you throw, fling, offer, ait 
(v ii. m pi impfet. from alqd, form IV of 
laqiya [Uqd‘ /luqy&n /luqy /luqyah /7ufan],|a I 
meet. See alqaynd at 50:7, p. 1686. n. 7). | 

5. isy mawaddah - love, affectum, j 
friendship Sec at 42:23. p 1570. n 5. 

6. U jif kafaru = they disbelieved, becaiw 
ungrateful, covered (v in m pi past from 
kafaru | ku/r], to cover Sec at 59:11, p. 180(1, 
n. I). 

7 The allusion is to the Makkan unbeliewn. | 
Jyj^yukhrijuna = they drive out, dislodge, 
expel, produce (v. tit. m pi impfet. from 
akhraja. form IV of kharaju [khltrSj], logo 
out Sec ukhrijtum at 59:1 1, p 1 800, a 2 

8 »U^i ihtighd ' = to seek, desire, for the 

purpose of (verbal noun in form VIII of bagki 
[hughd'l, to desire. See at 57:27, p 1779, n 
8 ). 

1 • ,4 tfr > 


1 . O you who believe, 
do not take 1 My enemy 2 
and your enemy as friends 3 
flinging 4 towards them love 5 
while they have disbelieved 6 
in what has come to you 
of the truth, 

driving out 7 the Messenger 

and yourselves, 

because you believe in Allah 

your Lord, 

if you have come out 

to fight in My way 

and to seek 8 My Pleasure. 


Surah 60: Al-Mumlahanuh | Pan (Jut’) 28 ) 


You confide 1 to them love 
though 1 am Best Aware 
of what you conceal 2 
and what you disclose.’ 

And whoever does that of you 
has indeed gone astray 4 
from the right way. 


2. If they get hold 5 of you 
CbiljSoijlJS they will be your enemies 6 
and will stretch 7 to you 
P their hands and tongues 
with the evil; 

\)>ju and they wish 
0°- v&jl if you would disbelieve. 


3. There shall profit 9 you not 
your blood relations 10 
nor your children 
on the Day of Resurrection. 
He will separate" between you. 
And Allah is of what you do 

1. itjjmt tusinUna - you conceal, secrete, hide, 
confide (v. ii. m. pi. impfct. from 'asarra. form 
IV of surra [xurur/tasirrah/masarrah). to 
gladden, to delight. See at 16:18, p. 832, n. 10. 

2. 'akhfaytum = you concealed, secreted, 

hid (v. ii. m. pi. past from akhfil, form IV of 
khafiya [ khafd '/ khifah/khufyah], to be hidden 
See tukh/Ona at 27:25. p. 1210. n. 3). 

3. ’a’lantum = you made known, declared, 
disclosed (v. ii. m. pi. past from ’a' lana. form IV 
of ‘altma/'alunu I’aldniyyah), to be known, 
evident. See yu’Unina at 36:76, p. 1427, n. 9). 

4. J-» dalla = he got lost, lost way. went astray. 

strayed from (v. iii. m s. past from jaUI/jaUilah. 
to loose one's way. See at 53:30, p. 1722, n. 8). 

5. i. e.. if they gain the upper hand over you 

yathqafu (no) = they get. get hold of. find, meet 
with (v. iii. m. pi. impfct. from thaqi/a [ thaqf] . 
to meet, be skilful). The terminal nun is dropped 
for the verb is in a conditional clause preceded by 
'in. See ihuqifu at 33:61. p 1362, n. 10). 

6. ’a‘d&‘ (pi.; s. yu ’aduw) = enemies, foes, 
adversaries. See at 46:6. p. 1632, n. 13. 

7. ljU-4 yabsutti(na) = they stretch, spread. 

spread out . expand, extend (v. iii m pi. impfct. 
from hasafa [barf], to spread. The terminal nun is 
dropped because Ihe verb is conclusion of a 
conditional clause. See at 5: 1 1 . p. 333. n. 7). 

8. iy > j vaddit = they wished, desired, loved, liked 
(v. iii. m. pi. post from wadda ( wudd /wudd 
/widd). to love. like. Sec at 4:89, p. 280. n. 10). 

9. yanfa’a (it)= he (or it) benefits, is of use. 

avails (v. iii. m. s. impfct. from nufa’u [nap], to 
be of use. The final lener takes fai-hah because of 
the particle Ian coming before the verb. See at 
43:39. p. 1592. n. 12). 

10. arham (pi ; sing rakfim/rthm) - 

wombs, uterus, kinship, blood relationships, 
kinsfolk Sec at 13:8. p 767. n. 3. 

1 1 . J~*i, yafstiu = he separates, disconnects, 
disjoins, detaches, divides, segregates, isolates, 
parts, sets apart, decide (v. iii. m. s. impfct. from 
fajala [/aj(], to separate, to divide. Sec fast at 
42:21. p 1569. n. 2). 


S&rah 60: Al-Mumtahanah [ Pan (Juz ) 28 ) 

4. Indeed there is for you 

an ideal 1 most excellent 

in Ibrahim 


and those with him 


when they said to their people: 


"We are exempt 2 from you 

and from what you worship' 


besides Allah. 

We renounce 4 you 


and there has come up* 

jfe CZ 

between us and you 

i izZ&ZZii 

enmity 6 and aversion 7 

forever* until 

you believe in Allah Alone"; 

except the saying of Ibrahim 

to his father, 9 



"I shall surely ask forgiveness 10 

for you, and I have no power 1 1 

for you against Allah 

c* * 

fi S“Ot 

over anything" — 

"Our Lord, on You we rely 12 

and to You 


we turn in repentance" 

and to You is the destination. 14 

I 'uswah = model. ideal, pactem. ojirgfc 
See at 33:21. p I343.n I 

2. •> / bur A' (pi.: s. ban’) = exempt (ret 
innocent. Sec lx in' at 43:26, p 1589, n. 1 

3. i. e.. of all that you worship of gods x3 
goddesses besides Allah, OjJUv la'huduna - )<a 

(all) worship, serve (v. ii. m. pi impfet (ran , 
abadu [ ibiiduh /ub&dah /'ubidiyah), * 
worship. Sec at 43:26, p. 1589, n. 2). 

4. ViyiS" kxifama = we disbelieved, Jaud, 

became ungrateful, covered, renounced ( v. t. 
past from kafara [ kufr), to cover See at 30:31. p 
1439. n 4) 

5. U badd = he or it came to view, bccin 

clear/obvious, came to light, came up. append 
(v. iii. m s. past from buddw/badA', to appear,* 
come to light See at 45:33. p. 1620, n I). 

6. ijU* ‘adawah = enmity, hostility, ammoiity, 
antagonism. See al4t:34. p. 1552, n. I. 

7. iLwm baghda’ = extreme hatred, dcIcsutK*. J 
animosity, antipathy, aversion See at 5:13, p 
335. n. 14. 

8. jyl abad = ever, forever, always, eternity Sa 
at 2:95. p. 45. n. 6. 

9. t. c . before it became clear to Ibrdhlin that hu 
father was an enemy of Allah. 

10. la ’astaghfiranna = I shall surely mi 

forgiveness, pray for pardon (v. i. s. impfcL 
emphatic from istaghfara, form X of ghitfam j 
[ghafr /magbfirah /ghufr&n), to forgive Set 
yastughfirilna at 5 1 : 1 8. p 1698. n II). 

1 1 . dJA-t ’amliku = I own. possess, have power 

over (v. i. s. impfcl from malaka [mu/i /milk 
/milk), to take in possession. Sec at 10:49, p. 65$, 
n. 2). 

12. US ' y lawakkalnd w we relied, depended, pul 
our trust, appointed as representative (v. i pi put 
from lawakkula, form V of wakula [wail/ 
wulAI), to entrust Sec at 7:89, p. 501. n. 3). 

13. Lit 'anabnA ■ we turned in rcpenlaice, 

deputed (v. i. pi past from andba, form IV ol 
naba Inawh/manab/niyAbah] to represent, lo 
return from time to time. Sec imdbu at 39:17, p. 
1487. n. 7). 

14. maylr = destination, place at which one 
arrives, destiny. See at 58:8. p. 1787. n. 2). 

Surah 60: Al-Mumlahanuh | Part (Juz') 28 ] 


5. "Our Lord, make 1 us not 
i Hi atrial 2 

for those who disbelieve; 
and forgive us, our Lord. 
Verily you are the 

0 All-Mighty, 3 the All-Wise. 4 

0 . 1^1 




6. Indeed you have in them 
an model 3 most excellent, 
for those that use to 
look forward to 6 Allah 
and the Last Day. 

And whoever turns away, 7 
then indeed Allah, 

He is the One Above Want, 8 
the AU--Praiseworthy. 

Section (Ruki 2 ‘) 2 

7. Maybe Allah will make 




» '.nt- 

between you and those of them 
whom you treat as enemy 9 
friendship. 10 

And Allah is Omnipotent; 11 

1. N IS taj'al - do no( pul. place, set. make 
(v ii. m. s. imperative { prohibition ) from ja 'ala 
[ja'I ) to make, to put. See at 7:47. p. 483. n. 9). 

2. i. e . by punishing us or by making tire 
unbelievers prevail over us. let fitnah (pi. ft tan) 

= trial, temptation, enticement, discord, sedition, 
plea (on trial). See at 51:14, p. 1698, n. 2. 

3. jiy ’aztz = All-Mighty, Invincibly Powerful 

before Whom everyone else is powerless; mighty, 
overwhelming; also respected, distinguished, 
dear, beloved, strong, mighty, difficult, hard See 
at 59:23. p 1804, n 6 

4. i. e.. in His deeds, commandments and 
dispensation. *X»- hakim (s.; pi. hukamd ’) = 
All-Wise, judicious, full of wisdom (active 
participle in the scale of fa'll from hakama 
(huJt/n), to pass judgement. Sec at 59:24, p. 1805, 

5. 'uswah = model, ideal, pattern, example. 
Sec at 60:4, p. 1 808, n. I . 

6. jt yarju = he hopes, expects, looks forward 

to (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from rajS ( rajS '/ rajSh / 
marjdh], to hope, to expect. See at 33:21. p. 1343, 
n. 3). 

7. i. e.. from His din and guidance. J y» 

yalawallaid) = he takes as friend-protector, turns 
away, desists, refrains (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
tawalld. form V of waliya [wald’/waly] to come 
near. The final yd’ is vowclless and hence 
dropped because the verb is in a conditional 
clause preceded by man. See at 57:24. p. 1778, 
n. 3). 

8. Allah is not in need of man's charity and 
worship; he is ever in need of Allah, yr- ghaniy 

(s.; pi. 'aghniyS') = above want, free from want, 
rich. See at 57:24, p. 1778, n. 4. 

9. ‘a&daytum = you treated as enemy, were 
at war with, acted in opposition (v. ii. m. pi past 
from ‘Add, form 111 of 'adu [ udw/ 'uduw/ 
'add'/ ’udwdn], to engage in hostility, to tie 
aggressive, to assail See 'udwdn at 58:8, p. 1786, 
n. 8). 

10. mawaddah - love. afTection, friendship. 
See at 60: 1 . p. 1 806, n. 5. 

1 1. j,x i qadir = Omnipotent. All-Powerful. See at 
59:6. p. 1797. n. I. 


Sirah 60: Al-Mumtahanah [ Part (Juz) 28 ) 

and Allah is Most Forgiving, 
0 ^-5 Most Merciful. 

8. Allah prohibits 1 you not 
about those that fought 2 you not 
Cjil'cj in the matter of the din* 
S-M nor did they drive you out 4 
J of your homes, 5 

from being kind 6 to them and 
acting justly 7 towards them. 
Verily Allah loves 
0 odu- the just. 8 

9. Allah but prohibits you 
about those that fought you 
in the matter of the din 
and drove you out 
of your homes, 
and assisted 9 

-M" t 



0o^iii r 


in driving you out, 

from taking them as friends. 10 

And whoever 

takes them for friends, 

then such people, 

they are the wrong-doers. 

1. Kj +-t yanhd = he forbids, prohibits, intenliin. 
proscribes (v. iii. m. s. impfci from uM 
[nahy/nahw], to forbid. See at 5:62. p. 360, a It. 

2. lyAi, yuqatild (na) - they Tight, wage rid 

battle (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from qdlala. form III of 
qalala Iqatl). to kill. The terminal min is dropped 
because of the particle lam coming before the 
verb. See at 9: 1 1. p. 626, n. I). 

3. i. e., lawhtd and Islam, ji* din = rrlipst 
creed, faith, code. law. worship, judgoaat,] 
awarding of reward and punishment, rcqihtaL See 
at 56:56. p. 1761. n. 2. 

4. yukhrijd(na) = they expel, dnve <*. 
dislodge (v. iii. m. pi impfet. from aUn p. 
form IV of kharaja [ khuruj ], to go oof Tie 
terminal min is dropped because of the parade 
lam coming before the verb. See at 17:76, p. 891, 
n. 4). 

5. jtra diydr (sing, ddr) = houses, noma 

habitations, lands, regions, countries. See at 551, 
p 1798. n. 3). 

6. I jjf tabarru (na) = you (all) be duaM. 

devoted, kind (v. ii. m pi. impfci. from ton 
[birr], to be dutiful. The terminal min is dropped 
because of the particle 'an coming before Ike 
verb. See at 2:224, p. 1 10, n. II). 

7. ' j l t-i : luqsi(l3(na) = you (all) do justice, urn 

equally, act justly (v. ii. m. pi impfet. tea 
aqsala. form IV of qasala [quf], to be fur. to H 
justly. See qisl at 3:21. p. 163, n 4). Theleimad 
min is dropped because of the particle m 
coming before the verb See at 4:3. p. 237. n 61 

8. muqsiltn - just, equitable, doen ef 
justice (active participle from ‘aqsafa, form IV rf 
qasala [qasl/qisl/qusui], to act justly. See a 7 
above and at 49:9, p. 1680. n. 5). 

9. zaharu = they helped, assisted, ridel 
supported (v. iii. m. pi past, from (uAnm, (era 
III of pihara [zuhUr], to be visible. See at 33:21 
p 1345, n 2). ' 

10. \j) y lawallaw ( originally lalawalUmihi. m 

id ' and the terminal min being dropped) - yat 
turn away, desist, refrain, take as frinds/allics It. 

11. m. pi. impfet. from lawulld. form V of saint 
to be near The terminal min is dropped because tf 
the particle 'an coming before the verb Sec ri 

1 1:3, p. 678. n. 6). 

Surah 60: Al-Mumiahanah [ Pan iJuz ) 28 ] 


10. 0 y° U Wh ° belieVe - 

if there come to you 
believing women 
y.^4* as emigrants, 1 

put them to test. 2 
j&faf Allah is Best Aware 
of their faith. 

Ijcjfr Then if you know them 
y4> to be believing women 
do not send them back 3 
to the unbelievers. 

~Ly Neither are these women 

* » 

lawful 4 for them 

nor do those men be lawful' 

for these women. 

1. oi y.i+. muhajirSt (f. pi.; s. muhajirah, m. 

mu hap r ) = female emigrants (act. participle from 
hdjara form HI of hajara [ hijr / hijrSn ], to 

emigrate. See muhiijtr at 29:25. p. p. 1274. n. 4. 

2. imtahinS = put to test, examine, try (v. 

ii. m. pi imperative from imlahana. form VIII of 
mahana [ mahn] . to try. to test. See imlahana at 
49:3. p 1677! n. 2). 

3. I V IS tarji’S = do not send back, return. 

revert (v. ii. m pi. imperative (prohibition) from 
raja a [rujii ]. to return. See larji'&na at 56:87. 
p. 1765, n. 10). 

4. hill = lawful, permissible, free. See at 5:5. 
p. 329. n.7. 

5. yaljilltina = they be lawful, permissible 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from holla ( Ijall/hitl ], to be 
allowed. See yahillu at 33:52, p. 1357, n. 9). 

6 i. c., they had given as mahr to such women. 
ijii*T ‘anfat/u = they spent, disbursed, expended 

(v. iii. m. pi. past from ‘anfaqa, form IV of ruifaqa 
[nafaq ). to be spent, used up. See at 57:10. p. 
1771. n 4). 

7. j-Lj, junSh = sin, misdemeanour, 
impropriety. See at 33:51. p. 1357. n. 4. 

8 tankihu(na) = you marry, get married 

(v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from nakalfa [nikSh], to 
many, to get married. The terminal nun is 
dropped because of the particle ‘an coming before 

And give those men 
what they had spent; 6 
and no sin 7 is on you that 
you marry 8 these women if 
you pay them their dowries. 9 
An do not hold on 10 to 
the marital bonds" 
with the unbelieving women, 12 

the verb. See at 33:56, p. 1459, n. 6. 

9. i. c„ mahr jyr\ 'ujur (pi.; s. ’ ajr ) = rewards, 
remunerations, dowries, bridal sums. See at 33:50. 
p. 1355. n. 9. 

10. t V IS tumsiku = you (all) do not detain, 

retain, hold, hold on. withhold (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative (prohibition) from a ms aka. form IV 
of masaka (mark), to grasp Sec at 2:231, p. 1 14, 
n. 13). 

11. f-mr ‘isam (pi.: s. ’ ismah ) = chastity, 
protection, purity, marital bonds. See ‘Ssim at 
40:33. p 1521. n. 5. 

12. jkf kawSJir (f. pi. ; s. kS/irah: m. kafir) = 

unbelieving women, women infidels (act. 
participle from kafara ( kufr], to cover. See 
kafaru at 60: 1 . p. 1 806. n. 6). 


SOrah 60: Al-Mumtuhanuh [ Part Uuz ' ) 28 ) 


and ask 1 for what 


you have expended, 2 

and let them 7 ask for 


what they have expended. 4 

This is Allah's decree; 5 

He decides** between you; 

and Allah is All-Knowing, 


1 1 . And if there has slipped 7 

away from you any of your 

wives to the unbelievers 

and you have retaliated, 8 

then pay to those 

• *** 

whose wives’ have gone 

the equivalent 10 of what 


they have spent." 

And beware 12 of Allah 

in Whom you are 

A -r > •> 



12. O Prophet, 


if there come to you 

1. L e.. ask from the unbelievers. iyUti 'old: 

you (all) ask. question, interrogate (v n ra (l 
imperative from sa ala \su ill/ mas ulah], to 
to enquire, to implore. See at 21 :63, p. 1 029, a ft 

2. i. e„ in respect of mahr 'anfaqtum - 

(all) spent, expended, laid out. disbursed (v. u 
pi. past from anfaqa. form IV of najaqa 
to be spent, be used up. See at 34:39. p 1 3*2 a 
12 ) 

3. L e., the unbelievers. 

4. i. e„ i. e., in respect of mahr 

5. hukrn (pi. ftS*.l ’ ahkrlm ) = iihicercxK, j 

order, decree, command, authority, rule Seel 
12:40, p. 737. n. 3. 

6. yahkumu = he or it adjudicales. judpi 

passes judgement, gives verdict, decides (v iu to 
s. impfet. from hakama |(iuim|, to Hg 
judgement. Sec at 22:69. p. 1070. n. I). 

S. i. e , after renouncing Islam and refused e 
return the mahr paid to her. oU fata = he slipped 

away, escaped, eluded (v. iti. m. s. post Iran 
fawt/fawdt, to pass away, slip away. See at 5722 
p. 1777. n 10). 

8. i. e„ you have defeated them and taken boat) 
from them ‘aqahlum = you retiliued, 

punished, took turns, (v. ii. m pi put Iren 
hqaba. form III of ‘aqaba [ ‘aqb\. to follow, to 
succeed Sec mu ‘uqqib at 13:41. p. 782. n. 8) 

gone over to the unbelievers. 

10. Js» mithl (s.; pi. Ju.' amihal) = like, sural*, 

II. i. e.. in respect of mahr paid to their 
wives ‘anfaqu = they spent, disbuned. 

12. ittaqt i = you (all) beware, be on your 

guard, rear, be afraid of (v. ii. m. pi imperative 
from ittaqa. form VIII of waqa ( mn/vAviijihuft, 

Surah 60: Al-Mumtahanah ( Pan ( Juz ') 28 ] 


ci-JIlf the believing women 

pledging allegiance 1 to you 
that they shall not associate 2 
with Allah anything 
jjiifij nor shall commit theft 3 

nor shall commit adultery 4 
nor shall kill their children 
Lrot % nor shall come up 

with a slander 3 they forge 6 
before their hands 
and their feet 

-'.n J nor shall disobey' you 
in any lawful matter, 8 
^i*L» then accept their pledge 9 and 
seek forgiveness for them. 

*“'<4 Verily Allah is Most 
0 Forgiving, Most Merciful. 



>' .. 

JLk axi ■ y^A _ . 

13. O you who believe, 

y , * 

take not for friends‘°a people 
on whom is Allah's wrath." 
\jLuj i They are despaired 12 of 
the hereafter as 

1 are despaired the unbelievers 

a »»v ,?*. of the inmates of the graves. 

I- yubd"na = they pledge allegiance, take 

oath of fealty, pay homage (v. iii. f. pi. impfet. 
from bdya’a, form III of bda [ bay'Anabi ']. to 
sell. See vubdyi Ona at 48: 18. p. 1669. n. 2). 

2. r-t yushrikna = they associate, set 

partners, give share (v. iii. f. pi. impfet. 
from 'ashraka form IV of sharika [ shirk / 
sharikuh], to share. Sec yushrikdrui at 59:23. p. 
1804, n. 10). 

3. ji j~i yasriqna = they commit theft, steal (v. 
iii. f. pi. impfet. from sariqa [ saraq / sariq / 
saraqah/ sariqah/surqdn], to steal. See yasriq at 
12:76. p. 750, n.9). 

4. yazntna = they commit adultery/ 
fornication (v. iii. f. pi. impfet. from zand 
{ztnan/zind‘], to commit adultery/fomication. See 
yoznunn at 25:68. p. 1 1 58. n. 1 2). 

5. ot* buhldn = slander, defamation, libel, 
calumny. See at 33:58. p. 1 361 . n. 7. 

6. jiyi . i yaftarina = they forge, fabricate, falsely 

make up (v. iii. f. pi. impfet. from iftaru, form 
VIII of fard (/ary), to cut lengthwise. See tftard 
at 46:9, p. 1633, n. 7). 

7. ya stna = they disobey, rebel, defy (v. 

iii. f. pi. impfet. from ‘asd. [ ’iyydn/ ma’fiyah], 
to disobey, defy. Sec 'asaylu at 39:13. p. 1486. n. 

8. ma'ruf = known, well-known. 

recognized, conventional, appropriate, fairness, 
equity, kindness, beneficence, approved by 
shuri'uh, lawful (pass, participle from arafa 
/'arifa [ ma'rifah / irfdn], to know, to recognize. 
See at 47:21, p. 1655. n. 7). 

9. bdyi' = lake oath of fealty, accept pledge of 

allegiance (v. ii. m. s. imperative from bdya'a, 
form III of bd ‘a. Sec n. I above). 

10. I^IjS V Id tatawallaw a do not turn away. 

desist, refrain, take for friends (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative (prohibition) from lawalld. form V of 
waliya. to be near. Sec at 1 1 :52. p. 696. n. 10). 

11. gharfiba = he was angry, wrathful. 

furious (v. iii. m. s. past from ghudab. to be angry 
Sec at 58.14. p 1789, n. 10). 

12. ya'isd - they despaired, gave up hope 
(v. iii. m. pi. past from ya’rro [ya's/ya ii.ia/i). to 
despair, to renounce. See at 29:23. p. 1272. n. 8). 

61 . SOratal-Saff (The Row) 

Madinan: 14 ’ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah. Its main theme is jihad and fighting for the cause and defence of Allah i 
din and making sacrifices for its sake. The surah starts by emphasizing that all that is in the heavens aid 
the earth declare the sanctity and glory of Allah. It then warns the believers against breach of promises. 
Next its is stated in 'ayah 4 that Allah loves those who wage jihad in His cause in a row (saff) as if the) 
are a solid structure. The surah is named al-saff (The Row) with reference to this 'ayah. In this cental 
reference is made to the dealings of the Jews with Prophets Mflsa and ‘Isa, peace be on them; and it is 
specifically mentioned that their scriptures contained the prophecy about the coming of the Propta 
Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. The surah ends by one once again pointing out tin 
to take part in jihad in the cause of Allah is the most profitable trade that a believer can make. 

1. sabbih = he proclaimed the sanebt), 

glorified, declared immunity from biernuh (v lii 
m. s. past from sabtf/ u ha hah. to swim, to Don 
See at 59:1, p. 1794. n I). 

2. jtjt 'adz = All-Mighty, Invincibly Powoftl 
before Whom everyone else is powerless; mighty 
overwhelming; also respected, distinguished 
dear, beloved, strong, mighty, difficult, hard See 
at 60:5, p. 1809, n. 3. 

3. i. e . in His deeds, commandments end 
dispensation ,*£»- hakim (s.; pi hukami") ■ 
All-Wise, judicious, full of wisdom lictnc 
participle in the scale of fa'il from ktkam 
|/tukm], lo pass judgement. See at 60:5, p. 1809. 
& 4). 

4. i. e.. why do you not keep your promise or in 
according to whal you say. 

5. fS" kabura = he or it became big. grave, henry 

(v. iii. m. s past from kubr/kibar/kabilrak, to be 
big Sec at 42:13, p 1565, n. I). 

6. maql = abomination, hateful, aversion, 
detestation, odious Sec at 40:35, p, 1522, n. 6 

7. v*n yuhibbu = he loves, likes, wishes (v iii 
m. s. impfet from habba [ hubb ]. to love See a 
3:32, p 168, n. 3). 


1 . There declare the sanctity' 
& of Allah 

all that is in the heavens 
and all that is in the earth; 
yfijAy and He is the All-Mighty, 2 

0 & the All-Wise. 5 

2. O you who believe, 
why do you say 
what you do not do? 4 

1 3. Gravely 5 odious 6 is 
IjSySJiaJjlJC* to Allah that you say 
what you do not do. 

44# 4. Verily Allah loves 7 


Surah 61 : Al-Saff I Part (Juz ) 28 ] 


Sg^gjjf those who fight' 

in His way 2 in rows 3 
W! as if they are a structure 
0&£? solidified. 5 



5. And when Mflsa said 
to his people: "O my people, 
why do you persecute 6 me 
while you indeed know 
that I am the Messenger of 
Allah to you?" 

So when they turned aside 1 
Allah diverted 8 their hearts. 
And Allah guides not 
the people defiantly sinful. 9 

6. And when there said 
’Isa, son of Mryam: 

"O Children of Isra’tl, 

I am indeed the Messenger 
of Allah to you, confirming 10 
what was before me 
of the Taw rah 

1 . J jiMi yuqdtiluna - they fight, wage war. battle 

(v. iii. in. pi. impfcl from qdiala. form III of 
qalala to kill. See at 59:14, p. 1801, n. 3). 

2. i. e.. in defence of His din, Isllm. J— - r abll 

(pi. subul/asbitah ) = way, path, road, means, 
course. See at 58:16, p. 1790, n. 10. 

3. raff (*.; pi. sufuj) = row. rank, line, file. 
See rdj (fun at 37:165. p. 1455, n. 7). 

4. bunyan = building, structure, edifice. See 
at 16:26. p. 834. n. 12. 

5. s mantis = solidified, compressed, 
pressed together (pass, participle from rarra 
( rays ) . to press together, to make solid). 

6. <x“pf tu'dhuna = you hurt, give trouble, 
annoy, make suffer, persecute (v. it. m. pi. impfet. 
from 'ddlui, form IV of 'adhiya ( ’adhun], to be 
harmed, to suffer. Sec tu’dhd at 33:53. p. 1338. n 

7. i. c„ from the truth and the guidance given 
them, 'yh'j zdghu = they swerved, deviated, turned 
aside (v. iii. m. pi. past from zAgha [ zawgh/ 
zawgluin]. to deviate, swerve. See zdgha at 53:17. 
p. 1719. n. 7). 

8 £tjl 'azdgha - he diverted, made 

dcviatc/swerve (v. iii. m. s past in form IV of 
zdgha. Sec n. 7 above). 

9. f&siqtn (pi., acc/gen. of fdsiq&n ; sing. 
fthiq) = those that disobey, disobedient, defiant, 
defiantly sinful, (active participle from fasaqa 
l/ir^). to stray from the right course, to renounce 
obedience. See at 59:5, p 1796, n. 8). 

10. musaddiq = one who or that which 
confirms, verifies, attests (active participle from 
saddaqa, form II of sadaqa | sadq/fidq]. to speak 
the truth. Sec at 46:30, p. 1643, n. 9). 


SOrah 61: Al-Saff | Part Uui) 28 | 






and giving the good news 1 
of a Messenger 
who shall come after me, 
his name being Ahmad. 

But when he came to them 
with the clear evidences 2 
they said: "This is a sorcery 3 
quite obvious.'" 1 


0 05J$p?ff 

} »<f- 

7. And who is 

a worse transgressor 5 
than the one who forges 6 
against Allah the lie 7 
and he is called 8 to Islam? 
And Allah guides not the 
people committing wrong. 17 

8. They intend to extinguish 10 
the light of Allah" 

with their mouths; 
but Allah will make full 12 
His light even though 
there detest 13 the unbelievers. 

I mubashshir (s.; pi mubshshnin) * 

deliverer of good tidings, he who gives good non 
(active participle from bashshura. form II of 
bashara/bashira [bishr/hushr). to rejoice, be 
happy See at 48:8, p 1663, n 12 

2. c-Lj bayyinai (pi., sing bayyinah) = dev, , 
clear proofs, indisputable evidences See at 515. 
p. 1784, n. II). 

3. The allusion is to what the Makkan unbelievts 
said, f w sihr (pi. ashar) = sorcery, magic See* 
43:30. p. 1589. n 13. 

4 mubtn - all too clear, obvious, manifest, 

patent, explicit, open and clear, conspicuous. I* 
who or (hat which makes clear (act. partacepit 
from abana, form IV of buna [fcoyunj, to be 
clear. Sec at 52:38, p. 1714. n, 3). 

5. ’ ’azlamu = tnorc/most unjust, mutt 

iniquitous, more tyrannical, viler, gloomier j 
darker, worse transgressor (dative of ni/im See* 
53:52. p. 1726, n. 10). 

6. Li y ± t iftarA = he fabnealed. invented (alsdy, 
trumped up. slandered, forged (v tii m. s. past ii 
form VIII of fara {fury), to cut lengthwise See* 
46:9, p. 1633, n. 7). 

7. i. c . saying that He has partners kadhib 

= lie. falsehood, untruth, deceit. Sec at 29:68, p 
1281. n. 8. 

8 jT-a, y ud'a = he is called, summoned, invoked! I 

invited (v. iii. m. s. impfet passive from dui ! 
[du‘A’\. to call Sec rin/'il at 45:25. p 1627, n 5). I 

9 i. e . the polytheists | see 31:131. 

10. lyul* yutfi'uuui) = they put out. extinguish, I 
blow out (v. iii. m. pi impfet. from atfa'a, (on* j 
IV of tafi a (■ yk tuju '). to be extinguished, lo the 
down The terminal nun is dropped because all I 
hidden an in ft (of motivation) coming before Die 
verb. See at 9:32, p. 590, n. 4). 

1 1. 1, e.. Islam. 

IZ rnulimm (s.; pi mulimmin ) ■ one who 

completes, makes full, give perfection (act. 
participle from alamma, form IV of lamm, * 
[uimam]. to be completed Sec yutimma at 482, I 
p. 1661. n. 5)., n. 2). 

13. • f kariha = he detested, disliked, abhoned 

(v. iii. m. s. past from karh/ kurh/ kurabahl 
karahiyah, to detest. Sec at 10 82, p. 666. n. 12). I 

Surah 61 : At Stiff [ Pan (Juz') 28 ] 



9. He it is Who sent 1 

His Messenger 

with the guidance 2 

and the religion of the truth 2 

to make it prevail' 1 

over all the religions, 

even though there detest 

the polytheists. 5 

Section (Ruku ‘) 2 

10. O you who believe. 

shall I point out 6 

to a trade that will save you 7 

from a punishment 

most painful? 8 

1 1. That you believe in Allah 

and His Messenger 

and fight'' in the way of Allah 10 

with your properties" 


and your lives. 12 

That is the best 11 for you 


if you are wont to know. 

1 ■ ’arsala = he sent, sent out, despatched 
discharged (v. iii. s. past in form IV of rasita 
[ ratal ]. to be long and flowing. See at 48:29, p. 
1674. n. 4). 

2. hudan = guidance, right way. true 
religion. See at 41 :44. p. 1555, n. 9. 

3. i. e„ Islam. 

4. yuzhira(u) s he makes prevail, grants 

victory, manifests, makes visible, exposes, 
demonstrates (v. iii. m. s. impfct. from azhara, 
form IV of zaharalzuhOr], to be visible. The final 
letter takes fat-hah because of a hidden 'on in li 
of motivation coming before the verb. See at 
48:28, p. 1674. n. 5). 

5. Jj f mushrikun (pi.; s. mushnk) = 

polytheists, those who set partners with Allah 
(active participle from asliraka. form IV of 
sharika [shirk/ shirkah/ sharikah], to share. See at 
16:100, p. 861, n. 8). 

6 Jst 'adullu = I show. lead, point out (v. i. s. 

impfct. from dalla [dalalah ], to show, to lead. 
See at 20:40, p 983. n. II) 

7. lunjt = she saves, rescues, brings to 

safety, delivers (v. iii. f. s. impfct from anjd, 
form IV of najaa [najw/ najd '/ najdh]. to be 
saved. Sec yunji at 39:61, p. 1502. n. 10). 

8 |jl 'altm = most painful, very agonizing, 
anguishing, excruciating (act. paniciplc in the 
intensive scale of fa'il from altma [ 'alum], to be 
in pain, to feel pain). See at 59:15, p. 1801, n. 14). 

9. tujdhiduna = you fight battle, 
struggle hard (v. ii. m. pi. impfct. from jdhada. 
form III of juhada \jahd], to strive. See jdhadu 
at 49: 15. p. 1683, n. 3). 

10. i. e„ for the defence, support and advancement 
of His din 

11. i. e„ help the cause of fighting in the way of 
Allah with their wealth. Jl yA ’amwdl (pi.; sing. 

mAl ) = riches, wealth, properties, goods. See at 
49:15, p. 1683, n. 4. 

12. i. c.. by personally taking part in the jihad in 
the way of Allah anfus (sing, nafs) = lives, 
persons, living beings, individuals, selves. Sec at 
49:15, p. 1683. n. 5. 

13. khayr = good/bettcr/ best, charity, wealth, 
property, affluence. See at 58:12, p. 1788. n. 10. 


Surah 61 : M Saff [ Part (Jui‘) 28 ) 

12. He will forgive you 
your sins' and 
will admit 2 you in gardens 
flowing 3 below them 
’j£i\ the rivers, 

<4> a °d > n dwellings 4 very good 5 
in the Gardens of Eternity. 
jjjjlJu-i That is the success 7 
most magnificent. 

(s)^> 13. And another* 
you will love 9 — 

*j£> help from Allah 

and a victory 10 quite near. 1 1 
And give glad tidings 12 
t0 the believers. 

14. O you who believe, 
ItijCA \$ be the helpers" of Allah, 
(Cu'cy)J^t JliCT as ‘tsS son of Maryam said 
OiSj£j) to the disciples: 14 
ftyCife "Who will be my helpers 
5*0', towards Allah?"' 5 

1. **>yi dhunQb (pi.; sing, dhanh) = ua. 
offences, crimes See at 46:31. p. ]644,n. I. 1 

2. yudkhil(u) = he admits, enlen (m da 
transitive sense), puts in. inserts (v. ui m t 
impfet. from ' adkhala , form IV of daUtk 
[dukhul], to enter. The final letter is vo«cHa 
because the verb is conclusion of a c 
sentence. See at 48:17. p. 1668, n. 12). 

3. cSyi tajri = she runs, goes on. flows, iinam 
proceeds (v. iii. f. s. impfet from jari (/my], a 
flow See at 58:22. p, 1792. n. 12). 

4. jS7 — ■ masakin (pi.; s. nxaskan) = dudluys 
abodes, habitats. See at 46:25. p. 1641, n 8. 

5. i> ( ayyibah (pi. tayyibdl ; mas wry*;. 

gixid. noble, virtuous, pleasant See at 2461, a 
1 134. n. 3). 

6. Oa* 'adn = Eden, eternity, paradise. ja» <a» 

janndl ‘adn is explained by Ibn Kathli at jmk 
where the inmates will abide for ever (Ibn Kadi, 
IV. 372). See at 40:8. p. 1512, n. 2. 

7. jji fawi = success, triumph, octay. 
achievement. Sec at 57: 1 1 . p. 1 772. n. 4. 

8. i. e.. another favour 

9. tuhibbdna = you (all) love (v u at yt 

impfet. from habba |/t«M>|. to love. See at 7 79. p 
497, n. I). 

10. ^3 fath (s.. pi. futuh/^-yi /uniMi), 

decision, opening, victory, final decree. See a 
48:27. p 1674. n. 2. 

11. qarib = near, proximate, not far nit 

close by. shortly. Ever Near. See at 59:15, a 
1801, n. II. 

12. i. e.. of Allah's help and victory in this wixld 
and of jannah in the hereafter. baiktkk » 

give glad tidings, announce good news (v. ii at i 
imperative from bashshara. form II of baihan 
/bashira ( bishr /bushr], to rejoice, be happy Set 
at 45:8, p 1620. n 5). 

13. jt-wl ‘antSr (pi.; s. ndfir) = helpers, param, 
friends See nAsir at 47:3, p 1651. n. 12 

14. bjtjly hawdriyyun (pi.; ». hawMy) t 
disciples, followers. 

15. i. e.. towards attaining the nearness and 
pleasure of Allah. 

Surah 61 : Al-faff I Pan (Jut ) 28 ] 


The disciples said: "We are 
alijCJ the helpers of Allah." 

Then there believed 1 a group 2 

of the Children of Isra’Tl 
and disbelieved' a group. 

So We gave support 4 to those 

1. * umanat = she believed, had faith (v. 

iii.f. s. past from Onuina, form IV of 'amina 
[ 'amaJ'amdnJ'amdnah] to be safe, feel safe. Sec 
'aminli al 57:7. p.1769, n. 7). 

2. 4iSU» la if ah (f. s.; pi. (ana'if) = pan. portion. 

party, group, band, number See at 33:13, p 
1339. n. 5. 

3. o yif kafarat = she turned ungrateful. 

disbelieved, denied (v iii. f s. past from kafara 
[kufr\, to disbelieve, to cover. See at 16:112. 
p.866. n. 3). 

4. Uajt 'dyyadnd = we aided, supported, backed. 

\jX who believed 
ije against their enemy.' 

So they became 6 victorious . 7 

confirmed, corroborated, strengthened (v. i. pi. 
past from ‘ayyada. form II from 'Ada I'ayd). to be 
strong. See at 2:253. p. 129. n. 6). 

5. yi* 'aduw (s.; pi. .u»l 'a dd') = foe. enemy, 
adversary. See al 60:1, p. 1806. n. 2. 

6. 'asbalfu = they became, became in the 

morning (v. ii. m. pi. past in form IV of sabaha 
\sabh\. to be in the morning. See at 46 25. p. 
1614. n. 7). 

7. zdhirin (pi.; accVgen. of tdhirun ; s. 
zdhir) = manifest, visible, patent, obvious, 
conspicuous, apparent, triumphant, victorious 
(act. participle from zahara [;uhur|. to be visible, 
to triumph. Sec at 40:29. p. 1519, n. 12). 

62. SOratal-Jumu'ah ( Friday ) 

Madinan: 1 1 'ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah. Its main theme is the Friday congregational prayer. It starts by staling thi 
all that is in the heavens and the earth declare the sanctity and glory of Allah. Next it mentions the 
risalah of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, for teaching men the Qur'an and tlx 
rules of shari ah ( hikmah ). Reference is then made to the Jews who, though they were given a scnpttn j 
which they carry, do not benefit from it by rightly following its teachings but think themselves to be tlx 
favoured ones of Allah. It is stressed that they shall be taken back to Allah and asked to account for to 
conduct and deeds. Finally in its 'ayahs 9-11 the believers arc called upon to hasten to the Fmiiy 
congregational prayer as soon as the call to it is made, and all types of business and worldly transactio*! 
arc prohibited after that till the completion of the prayer. The surah is named after these conclude 

I £—i yusabbihu = he proclaims the sax-tit), 
glorifies, praises (v. iii. m. s. impfet Iron 
sabbaha. form II of sabalfa lsabh/siMhth\. k 
swim. In its fonn II the veib means to prase, a 
sing the glory, to proclaim the sanctity Set a 
59:24. p. 1805. n. 2). 

2. ill* malik <*.; pi. mu/iU) = king, mouth 

3. quddus = the All-Holy, Most Holy Set 
at 59:23, p 1804, n. 2. 

4. >U| ba'atha ~ he sent, dispatched, ranch 

raised up (v. iii. m. s. past from ba’th, to send,* 
raise. Sec at 36:52. p 1421. n. 6). 

5. 'ummiyyin (accVgcn of 'ummtyyin, pt of 

ummy) = unscripturcd people, illiterate. See » 
3:76. p. 185. n. I). The reference here is to fa 
Arabs who had not yet received any senpture. 

6. yatlti = he recites, reads (v. iii. nv t 

impfet from Uilti [tilAwah], to recite, read Seel 
2:151, p. 72, n. 3). 

7. ot<l. ’&y&t (sing, ayah) = 

1 • There declare the sanctity 1 
«£ of Allah 

.y£li!i 4 U all that is in the heavens 
ufjVxjlij and all that is in the earth — 
the King, 2 the All-Holy, 3 
_£ili the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. 

2. He it is Who raised 4 
among the unlettered ones 5 
1^4 a Messenger from among them. 
fjiS reciting 6 to them His signs 7 
and purifying" them 
and teaching them the Book 
iSjSj and the wisdom. 9 

signs, miracles, 
revelations, evidences Sec at 3:108. p. 198, a. 4. 

8. i. e„ from the filth of shirk and sins Jy 

yuzakkt = he purifies, clears, declares jen, 
increases (v. iii. m. s. impfet from zakkA fomll 
of zakt 1 Izakd’l to grow, be pure, just See X 
2:174, p. 82. n. 4). 

9. kS- hikmah (pi, ^ hikam ) s wisdom, 
sagacity. Here it means sunnah and tlx 
understanding of the Qur'an and ils injunction! 
and prohibitions See at 2:269, p 141, n. 5). 

Surah 62: Al-Jumu'ah | Part (•/«') 28 ] 


Isty And indeed they had been 
previously in error 1 
quite obvious. 2 

3. And to others than they 3 
who have not yet joined 4 them. 
And He is the All-Mighty, 5 
the All-Wise. 6 

4. That is the grace 7 of Allah 
which He gives 
iuiji to whom He will. 
j» And Allah is the Lord of 
grace most magnificent. 8 

5. The instance of those 
ijli- who were given charge 9 
iijj-jf of the Tawrdh 

then they carried 10 it not, 
is like the instance 
of the donkey" carrying 
books. 12 

‘fit'' /-* 

tPcA Bad is the instance 

1. J - *-* fatal = error, straying from the right path 

/T fatal = in error, astray, in vain. See al 54:24. 
p 1734. n. I. 

2. mubin = all too clear, obvious, manifest. 

patent, explicit, open and clear, conspicuous, he 
who or that which makes clear (act. participle 
from 'abdna. form IV of Mna [bavdfl]. to be 
clear. See at 61:6, p. 1816. n. 4). 

3. i. e., the Messenger has been sent for others 
than the unlettered Arabs. 

4. yalhaqd(na) = they join, catch up with. 

adhere, cling (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from laljiqu 
| lahq/lahaq), to join. The terminal nun is dropped 
for the particle lam coming before the verb. See at 
3:170. p. 222. n. II. 

5. 'aziz = All-Mighty. Invincibly Powerful 

before Whom everyone else is powerless; mighty, 
overwhelming; also respected, distinguished, 
dear, beloved, strong, mighty, difficult, hard. See 
at 61:1. p. 1814. n. 2. 

6. i. e.. in His acts and dispensation. haktm 
(s.; pi. hukamA') = All-Wise, judicious, full of 
wisdom (active participle in the scale of fa'il from 
Aakumu [Aukm], to pass judgement. See at 61:1, 
p 1814, n. 3). 

7. i. e.. the grace of Prophcthood and scripture. 
J-u fadl (pi. fufit) = grace, favour, kindness, 
bounty; also surplus, excess, superiority, merit, 
excellence. Sec at 59:8. p. 1798, n. 5. 

8. fjm* 'adm = great, magnificent, splendid. 

stupendous, grand, huge, immense, monstrous, 
enormous, grave. See at 57:29, p. 1781, n. 2. 

9. iyUr hummilu = they were burdened, made to 

caryy. given the charge (v. iii. m. pi. past passive 
from bammala. form II of Ifttmalu [Arun/j. to 
cany. See fummilna at 20:87, p. 997. n. I). 

10. i. e„ did not act according it. 

yahmiH(na) = they carry, bear, take the load (v. 
iii. m. pi. impfcl from hamala [fyaml], to carry 
The terminal nun is dropped because of the 
particle lam coming before the verb. See al 16:25. 
p 834. n. 7). 

1 1. jUj- hirnar (s.. pi liamir/humur) = donkey, 
ass. Sec < 1 amir at 31:9. p. 829. n. 10. 

12. jU-t ‘asf&r (pi.; s. sifr) = books, scriptures. 


Surah 62: Al-Jumu'ah ( Part l Jut ) 28 | 

i/M tyti °f lhe people who 
4 »f cry lies'to the signs 2 of Allah. 
And Allah guides not the 
people committing wrongs. 

6. Say: "O you who 
tali profess Judaism,’ 

if you think 4 that you are 
friends 5 of Allah 
u-iatj o- in lieu of other men, 
ojil 'ylli then wish 6 for death 
if you are truthful." 7 

£££% 7. And they shall not wish 8 
for it ever because of what 
their hands have advanced. 9 
jtdciifj And Allah is All-Knowing 
of the transgressors. 

op’f oiJi 8 - Sa y ; " Veril y the death 

c _j( which you flee 10 from, 

that shall indeed meet" you; 
then y°u sba ii ^ sent back '* 

1 fyjS’ kadhdhabd - they cried lies, though 
untrue, disbelieved (v iii. m. pi. past (ran 
kadhdhaba. form II of kadhaba | kidhb Mbt 
/kadhbah / kidhbah), to lie. See at 54:42, p. 
1737. il 7). 

2. i. €.. the texts of the Qur'an. ot«t ’ayit (nog. 

Yiyah) = signs, miracles, revelations, statements of 
the Qur'an, evidences See at 46:8, p. 1633, a 3. 1 

3. iy>U hddu = they became Jews (v. iii. in pi 

past from hada, to embrace uihudiyyak. 
(Judaism), to seek forgiveness. See at 16:118. p. 
868, n. 5. 

4. za’amtum - you claimed, presumed, 
supposed, thought (v. ii m pi past from m am 
[ja'm], to claim, to pretend Sec at 34:22. p. I37S, 1 
n. 2). 

5. «Qy' ’awliya' (pi., sing. Jj wall)) = fnendi, I 
allies, patrons, legal guardians, protectors See it 
60:1. p. 1806, n. 3. 

6. Ijui tamannawu = you (all) long for. desire. 1 
wish, yearn (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from j 
tumannd, form V of mimtl [ ninny], to put to lest, 
tempt, try. Sec at 2:94. p. 45. n. 3). 

7. sddiqin (pi ; acc/gcn of j&diqtK I. fl 
sddiq) = truthful, those who speak the trutll 
(active participle from fadaqa Uadq/ jidg], to 1 
speak the truth See at 52:34. p. 1713. n. 3). 

8 Jja, y alamannawna = they wish, desire, long 
for, yearn (v. iii. m pi. impfet. from lumaitai 1 
See n 7 above and at 2:95. p 45. n, 5). 

9. i. c., of wrongs and sins, e^ai qaddamal - she 

sent ahead, forwarded, advanced (v. iii. f. s put 
from qaddama. form II of qadama / qadma | 
qadm /qudum /qidnuln /maqdam) to precede, la 
arrive. Sec at 22:10, p. 1048. n. 8), 

10. jj jii tafirruna = you flee, run away (v. il m 

pi impfet. form farra [firdr/mufarr], to (lee. to 
run away. Sec farartum at 33: 16. p. 1340. n. 12). | 

11. mulSqin (s.; pi. muldqdn) = one who 
meets, is going to meet (active participle from 
Idqa, form III of laqiya [ liqd'/ luqydn/ luq V 
luqyah/ luqan), to meet, to encounter. See rnul&qi 
at 11:29, p 688. n. 6). 

12. OjJ/' turadddna = you arc relumed, sent bud 
(v. ii. m. pi. impfet. passive from radda \radd).tt> 
send back Sec at 9:105, p. 623. n. 2). 

Surah 62: Al-Jumu 'ah ( Pan {Juz ') 28 ) 


to the One All-Knowing 
tljlljj. of the unseen and the seen; 1 

then He will apprise 2 you 
of what you use to do. 

Section (/?u/cu ‘) 2 
9. O you who believe, 
when the call is made * 
for the prayer 4 
on Friday, 
hurry 5 to 

the remembrance of the Allah 

and leave 6 the trading. 7 

That is the best for you, 
if you are wont to know. 


10- So when concluded 8 
ijUlf is the prayer, 

disperse 6 in the land 
iycTj and seek 11 ’ 

of the bounty" of Allah, 
and remember Allah much; 
maybe that you will succeed. 12 

■ *< 

bin ;P, 

1. i>44 shahadah = testimony, evidence, 

witness, visible, that which is open to the senses/ 
is seen. See at 59:22, p. 1804. n. 1. 

2. i. e., Allah will make them know their deeds 
and will requite them accordingly. yunabbi’u 
= he apprises, informs, notifies, advises, makes 
known (v. iii. s. impfet from nabba’a. form II of 
naba'a [ruib'Mubu'\, (o be prominent. See at 
58:7. p. 1786. n. I). 

3. t s>y nOdiya = he was addressed, called, 

summoned, announced (v. iii. m. s. post passive 
from ndda, form III of naiia [nrufw], to call. See at 
28:30. p. 1242, n. 6). 

4. ijjL* salih (s.; pi. salawdt ) = Islamic prayer 

(with all its formalities), benediction, blessings 
(from Allah). Sec saldwdt at 2:157. p. 74. n. 2). 

5. it ‘aw = you all hurry, go quickly, run. 
strive, endeavour (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 
ra'd | jci'y), to move quickly. See yas'S at 28:20. 
p. 1238. n. 4). 

6. 'jjj dharu = you (all) shun, give up, abandon. 

renounce, forsake, leave, let. let alone, cease (v. 

ii. m. pi imperative from yadharu [wadhr]. See 
at 48:15. p.1667. n. 5). 

7. £* bay' (pi. buyit '/buy ii at) = selling or buying, 
trading, bargain. See at 24:37, p. 1 121, n. 10. 

8. c,.<l qutfiyal = she or it is settled, decreed. 

passed, spent, concluded, adjudged, decided (v. 

iii. m. s. past passive from qadd [qadd'), to setde. 
to decide. See qutfiya at 46:29. p. 1643. n. 6). 

9. intashiril - you (all) disperse, spread 

out (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from intashara. form 
VIII of nashara [nashr], to spread out. See at 
33:53. p 1358. n. 9). 

10. ijhqi ibtaghu = you (all) seek, desire, aspire 
after, strive for (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 
ibtaghd, form VIII of baghd (bug/id‘1. to seek. 
See at 29: 17. p. 1270, n. 10). 

11. Jc>t fadl (pi. fut/ul) - grace, favour, 
kindness, bounty; also surplus, excess, supenonty, 
merit, excellence. See at 62:4, p. 1821. n. 7. 

12. Jydju tufUhuna = you (all) succeed, prosper 

(v. ii m. pi. impfet. from'a/la/ja, form IV of 
falaha {fall/), to split. See at 24:31, p. 1 1 18, n. 1). 


Surah 62: Al-Jumu 'ah | Part (Juz ) 28 ) 

1 1 • And when they 1 see 
a business 2 or an amusement 3 
they disperse 4 towards it 
and leave 5 you standing, 
jitceli ji Say: " What is with Allah 

is better 6 than the amusement 
and the business. 

<it> And Allah is 
0 the Best of Providers." 7 

1. i. e., some Muslims 

2. lijdrah = trade, commerce, buutea. 

3. Jil lahw = fun. play, diversion. distracM, 
pleasure, amusement See at 57:20. p. 1775. a 12 

4. infaddu = they dispersed, settled, 
broke up. disbanded (v. ill. m. pi past frog 
infadda. form VII of fadda [fadd], to break # 
scatter See at 3: 1 59, p 2 1 8. n. 7). 

5. Ijfjt taraku = they left, abandoned, pvt qt 
forsook (v. iii. pi. past from laraka (lor||, to 
leave. Sec laraknd at 5 1 37, p 1702, n 3. 

6. _B>- khayr = good/better/ best, charity, treal*, 
property, affluence See at 61:11. p, 1817, q. |1 fl 

7. jjjb r&ziqtn (m. pi. acc/gen of niacin i 
rdziq) = providers (act participle from raai^aB 
provide with the means of subsistence. See B 
34:39. p. 1 383. n. 3). 

63. SOratal-MunafiqOn (The Hypocrites) 
Madinan: 1 1 ’ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah. As its name indicates, it deals with the character and conduct of the 
hypocrites ( Munafiqun ) who outwardly professed Islam but in their heart of hearts were opposed to it 
■id secretly conspired to destroy Islam and the Muslims. They used their profession of Islam as a shield 
aid then did all that they could to prevent people from accepting Islam, discouraged financial help to the 
Muslims and conspired to oust the Muslims and the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. 
from Madina. Their plans and manoeuvres arc clearly exposed in the surah. It ends by reminding the 
Muslims not to be lured by wealth and children from the remembrance of Allah and to spend in the way 
of Allah before death overtakes them. 

1. munafiqun (pi.; s. mundfiq) = hypocrites, 
dissemblers (active participle from ndfaqa. form 111 
of nafaqa [ nafaq/nufOq ]. to be used up, to perish). 
See at 33:60, p. 1362, n. 3. 

2. S+Sj nash-hadu = wc testify, bear witness, 
witness (v. i. pi. impfet. from shahida [ihuhud/ 
shahddah], to witness, to testify. Sec tash-hudu at 
36:65. p. 1424. n. 7). 

3. i. e.. they say what is not in their minds and 

hearts. (Suits' kadhibun (pi. : sing. kddhib ) = 

those that lie, liars, untruthful (active participle 
from kadhaba [kidhb/ kadhib/ kadhbah/ kidhbah ]. 
to lie. Sec at 59:1 1, p. 1800. n. 7). 

4 Ijjuo ittakhadhu = they took, took up. took to 

themselves, assumed ( v. iii. m. pi. past from 
l uakhadha, form VIII of 'akhadhu [ iiklulh], to 
take. See at 58:16. p. 1790, n. 6). 

5. O'-/ 'aymin (pi.; s. jr* yamtn ) = right hands. 

oaths. Sec at 58:16, p. 1790, n. 7. 

6. i. e . against the wrath and retribution of the 
Muslims. junnah (s.. pi junan ) = shield, 
protection, shelter. See at 58:16, p 1790, n. 8. 

7. i. e., prevent others. lyJu* saddd = they turned 

away, deterred, dissuaded, repelled, prevented, 
barred (v. iii. m. pi. past from sadda \sudd\. to turn 
away. See at 58: 16. p. 1 790. n. 9). 

8. i. e.. from Islam, and from spending and fighting 
in the cause of Islam J— • mM (pi. subuUasbilah) 
= way. path. road, means, course. See at 61:4. p. 
1815. n. 2. 

AX i-i 1. When the hypocrites 1 come 
to you they say: "We testify 2 
tlfy that you indeed are 

the Messenger of Allah." 
d£i pZ&j And Allah knows that you 
indeed are His Messenger; 
and Allah testifies, indeed 
JjUaillh the hypocrites are liars. 3 
' "0 

2. They take 4 their oaths 5 
<£ as a shield; 6 

then they prevent 7 
difj jLjc. from the way 8 of Allah. 
Indeed bad is 
jyft; w hat they use to do. 



SGrah 63: Al-Munafiqun [ Pail (Juz ) 28 ] 

3. That is so because they 
believed, then disbelieved. 1 
So a seal has been set 2 
on their hearts. 

So they do not understand.' 

•>>\ * 
<• 4 - 1 —*' 




4. And when you see them 
there impress 4 you 
their appearances 5 
and if they speak 
you listen 6 to their words. 

As if they are dry wood pieces 7 
propped up; 8 
they think 9 every shout 10 
is against them." 

They are the enemy; 
so beware 12 of them. 

May Allah disgrace them. 
How are they eluded? 1 ' 

JjlilJ 5. And if it is said to them: 

\jiQ "Come on, there will seek 

forgiveness for you 
Messenger of Allah", 

1. ». e„ they express their belief but they 
disbelieve in their hearts. 

2. i. e., made impervious to undemanding vi 

lubi'a * he or it is scaled, imprinted, impressed, i 
seal was set (v. iii. m. s. past passive from fat .n 
impress, to set a seal Sec at 9:87, p 615, n 3) 

3. o yafqahdna m they understand. 

comprehend (v. iii. m. pi. impfet from fafk 
[fiqh], to understand. See at 59:13, p. 1801. n. I 

4. yaai tu‘jibu= she or it impresses, amarn. 

delights, pleases (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from a'jah, 
form IV of 'ajiba ( 'ttjab\. to wonder, to be 
amazed See tu jib at 9:85, p 614. n. 4). 

5. ft— 'ajsam (pi.: s. jism ) = bodies, form, 
shapes, figures, appearances. See jism at 2:247, p 
125. n. 6. 

6. i. e.. for thicr good manner of speech ■— 

tasma‘(u) = you hear, listen, pay ancntioii(v a 
m. $. impfet. from sami'a [sam' /samd' /tani. J 
/masma'], to hear. The final letter is vowlleu 
because die verb is conclusion of a condition^ 
clause Sec islami * at 50:4 1 . p 1694. n. 9). ] 

7. i. e.. they are lifeless objects, v 4 * khiahd 

(pi.; s. kbashab) = dry pieces of wood, timbers 

8. >>•..» musannadah (f ; m. murunnitfl > 

propped, up. supported, backed up (pm 
participle from sannada, form II of nmadi 
[sunud], to support, to rest). 

9. u r yahsabuna = they think, consider. 

deem, suppose (v. iii. m. pi impfet from hank 
[his ban/ mabsabah/ mahsibah], to consider, II 
deem. See at 18:104. p. 947. n. 9). 

10. sayhah (s.; pi. sayhdt) = shout, outcry, 
piercing sound, thunderous blast. See at 54:31. g 
1735. n. 6). 

11. i. e„ because of their cowardice rad 
consciousness of guilt 

12. A*- 1 ihdhar = beware, be on the alett. be 
cautious (v. ii. m. s. imperative from tyidktK 
[hidhr/badhar], to be cautious. See i hdhtui • 
5:91, p. 375. n 4). 

13. i. e.. from the truth to the untruth jfo 
yufakuna = they are beguiled, deluded, decened. 
turned away (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. passive fnm 
'afaka ['ijk/’afk/'afak/’ufQk], to lie, to decent 
See at 30:55, p. 1308, n. 12). 

Surah 63: Al-MunAfiq&n [ Pan (Jui) 28 ] 


they shake 1 their heads; 
and you see them turn away 2 
oxfclSfXj being arrogant. 1 

i 0 

6. It is the same on them 
whether you ask forgiveness 4 

J for them or do not 
ask forgiveness for them. 

ZjJ Allah will not forgive 5 them, 
if Verily Allah guides not 
the people defiantly sinful. 6 


7. They the ones who say: 
jely-iTy "Spend not 7 on 

Jujtjr* those who are with 
-oi'Jji/, the Messenger of Allah 
till they disperse." 8 
£{, But to Allah belong 

the treasuries 9 of the heavens 
and the earth; 
but the hypocrites 
do not understand. 10 

1. Ijjl lawwaw = they shake, bend. turn, twist, 
contort, curve (v. iii. ra. pi. past from lawwd. 
form II of lawd l layylluwty/layyAn/lawan ]. to flex, 
to curve, to twist. See ralnu at 4:135. p. 304. n. 

2. Oy-* yasudduna - they prevent, deter, turn 

away, reject, restrain, dissuade (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet from sadda | sadd/yudud ). to turn away. 
See at 43:37. p. 1592. n. 4). 

3. ajjSs — ■ muslakbiriin (pi.: mustakbir ) = 

arrogant, proud, haughty, boastful (act. participle 
from istakbara, form X of kaburaJkabara [kubr/ 
kibar/ kubarah/knbrl. to become great, to be 
older. See at 16:22, p. 833. n. 10). 

4. o istaghfarla - you asked forgiveness, 
prayed for pardon (v. ii. m. s. past from 
istaghfara, form X of ghafara ( [ghafr 
/maghfirah /ghufran], to forgive. See aslaghfiru at 
19:47. p. 962. n. 1 1). 

5. yaghfiriu ) = he forgives, pardons (v. iii. 
m. s. impfet. from ghafara. The final latter is 
vowclless because of the particle lan coming 
before the verb. See n. 4 above. 

6. jfiM f&slqtn (pi., acc/gen. of fdsiqOn, sing. 

fdsiq) = those that disobey, disobedient, defiant, 
defiantly sinful, (active participle from fasaqa 
[fisq], to stray from the nght course, to renounce 
obedience. See at 61:5, p. 1815. n. 2). 

7. L e . do not give any financial support. The 
allusion is specially to the emigrants, lyiia V la 
lunfiqO = you (all) do not spend, expend (v. ii m. 
pi. imperative (prohibition ) from anfaqa. form 
IV of nafaqa/nafiqa [ nafaq ]. to be used up. See 
anfaqu at 60:1 1. p. 1812. n. 9). 

8. yanfaddi2(na) = they disperse, scatter, go 

away (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from mfadda, form VII 
of fadda Ifadd], to break, to scatter. The terminal 
ndn is dropped because of a hidden ‘an in hall <3 
coming before the vetb. See infaddi at 62:11, p. 
1824. n. 4). 

9. J Ij* khaza'in (pi.; s. khtuinah) = treasuries, 
vaults, coffers, stores. See at 52:37. p. 1713. n. 8. 

10. yafqahOna - they understand, 
comprehend (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from faqiha 
[fiqh], to understand. See at 63:3, p. 1826, n. 3). 


SOrah 63: Al-Mundfiqun ( Pan {Juz ) 28 ] 

8. They say: "If we return' 
to Madina 

there shall surely drive out 2 
the more honourable ones’ 
from there the meaner ones." 4 





•iU 'j 

But to Allah belong 
honour and power,’ 
and to His Messenger 
and to the Believers; 
but the hyporites 
do not know. 

9. O you who believe, 
let there beguile 6 you not 
your properties 7 
nor your children 8 from 
the remembrance 9 of Allah. 
And those who do that, 10 
such people, they will be 
ones doomed to loss." 

10. And sepnd 12 out of what 
We have bestowed on you 

1. The allusion is to what the chief of the 
hypocrites of Madina. Abd Allah ibn ' Ubayy, said 
during the campaign against Band al-Mustaliq. 

raja'na = wc returned, came back (v. i ft 

past from raja’a |{_ y - j rujl 3') to come bad. 
return Sec lurja’u at 57:5, p 1769. n. 2). 

2. j* la yukrijanna = they will surely dnve 

out. expel, dislodge, bring out. produce (v iii. n 
pl. impfet. emphatic from 'akhraja. form IV of 
[khuruj], to go out See at 20: 1 17. p 1005, n 4), 

3. Meaning the hypocrites themselves ’«'«a 

= mightier, stronger, more powerful, nun 
esteemed, more honourable, more beloved 
(dative of mil) See at 18:34, p. 924. n. 5. 

4 Jil ’adhallu = meaner, meanest, lower, lowest. 

morc/most despicable (dative of dhattl, act 
participle from dluilla [dhall/dhull/dhdUihl. lobe 
low See udhallin at 58:20, p 1791. n 12 

5. ‘izzah = might, power, respect, ' 
self-respect, prestige, honour, fame. pnde. glay. 
See at 38:82. p. 1478. n. 3. 

6. di V fa lulhi = let not/therc must not beguile, 

divert, distracts, deflect (v. iii. f. s. impend* 
(prohibition) from idhii, form IV of lahd W 
to amuse, to trifle away. See lulhi at 24:37, p 
1121. n. 9). 

7. 'amwdl (pl : sing, mdl) - riches, wealth, 
properties, goods. See at 61:1 1. p 1817. mil. I 

8. sVy ’awldd (sing, naiad) = children, offspring, ' 

descendants. See at 2:233, p. 1 16. n. 5. 

9. i. e„ the Qur'Sn and its teachings The Qur'la 
is repeatedly referred to as ddhikr See for instance 
15:6. 15:9. 16:44. 21:50. 23:71. 25:29. 265, 
38:49, 38:87, 41:41. 54:25, 68:51-52 and 81:27. 
f > dhikr = citation, recollection, remembrance, 1 

mention, reminder, also scripture, the Qur'la 
Sec at 58:19. p. 1791, n. 8. 

10. i. e.. he who is so beguiled 

11. Ojs'l* khasirun (pl.: s. khdstr) = I men, 
those in loss, those doomed to loss (active 
participle from khasaru [khusr /kltasdr /khas&nh 
/khusrim] to lose. See at 58:19, p. 1791, n 10), • 

12. I jiiit 'anfiqd = you (all) spend, expend, 

disburse, lay out (v. ii. m pl imperative frau 
anfaqa. form IV of nafaqa/nafiqa ( nafaq ], to be 
used up. be spent. Sec at 57:7. p. 1 769. a 8). 

Siirah 63: Al-Mundftqun [ Part (Juz ) 28 ) 


before that there comes 
to anyone of you death 
yjjyl» and then he says: "My Lord, 
Zpsft JJ "Why not defer' me 
till a date 2 very near, 5 
so I can give in charity 4 
and be 

of the righteous". 5 

Sifek Jj 1 1. But Allah will not defer 6 
anyone when there comes 
£U his appointed time. 

And Allah is All-Aware 7 
of what you do. 8 

1 . 'akhkharla = you delayed, deferred, put 

off. postponed (v. ii. m. s. past from 'akhkhara, 
form II from the root ' akhr . See at 4:76. p. 275, 

n. 2). 

2. J»< ' ajal (pi. ’djdl) = appointed time, term, 
date. See at 46:3, p. 1631. n. 6. 

3. i. e.. for a short time. <-*} qarib = near, 
proximate, not far away, close by. shortly. Ever 
Near. Sec at 61:13. p. 1818. n. II. 

4. J-u»l 'assaddaqaut ) (originally 

'alasaddaqa ) = I give in charity, make charitable 
gifts,(v. i. s. impfet from tasuddaqa. form V. of 
sadaqa[sadq /sidq], to speak the troth. The final 
letter lakes fat-hah because of the causal fd' 
coming before the verb. Sec mussaddiqin at 
57:18. p. 1774. n. II), 

5. sdlihtn (pi.; accVgcn. of jdlth&n, s. 

ullilf) = righteous, virtuous, good ones, right and 
fit ones (act. participle from sulalja [saldh/ sulOb/ 
majlafyih], to be good, right, proper. Sec at 
37:100. p 1445. n. 13). 

6. jirjt yu’akhkhira (u) = he delays, postpones, 
puts off. defers (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
'akhkhara, form II from the root 'akhr. The final 
letter takes fat-hah because of the particle Ian 
coming before the verix Sec n. I above: and at 
14:10. p. 790. n. 5. 

7. js* khablr = All-Aware, All-Conversant. 
All-Acquainted (active participle in the scale of 
fa'll from khabara ( khubr /khibrah] to be 
acquainted). See at 58:1 1. p. 1788, n. 6). 

8 jy *, a ta'maldna = you all do. act. perform ( v. 

ii. m. pi. impfet. from 'amila ( 'amal\, to do. See 
at 43:72. p. 1601. n. 3). 

64. SOrat al-Taghabun (Mutual Gain and Loss) 
Madinan: 18 'ayahs 

This is an early Madinan surah which deals with the fundamentals of the faith, particularly risdlak, 
i. e.. Allah's having sent His Mcssnegers for the guidance of man. and Resurrection and the Day of 
Judgment. It draws attention to the fate of the previous peoples who disbelieved and wen in 
consequence punished. It calls upon man to believe in Allah and to obey Him and His Messenger, mi 
emphasies that those who believe and do the good deeds shall have their rewards on the Day of 
Judgement and those who disbleive and disobey Allah's commandments will have due punishment. 1: 
further calls upon the bleievers to spend in the way of Allah and not to be diverted by families and 
children from the remebrance of Allah. The surah is named al-Taghabun (Mutual gain and loss) with 
reference to its 'day ah 9 which speaks about the day of Rcsrrection and which is called yawn 
al-taghabun (the day of mutual gain and loss) because some people will gain and some people will lose 
on that day. 

1 .There declares the sanctity 
of Allah 

all that is in the heavens 
and all that is in the earth. 
His is the dominion 2 
llijiij \j and His is all the praise;' 
and He is over everything 
Omnipotent. 4 

2. He it is Who created 5 you; 

JC-i then some of you are 

j»J t==> unbelievers and some of you 
i * 

are believers. 

ojCs UjJuitJ And Allah is of what you do 
Qjyji All-Seeing 6 

1. £ — < yusabblhu = he proclaims the sanctity, 
glorifies, praises (v. iii. m. s. impfet (ton 
sabbaha. form II of sabaha Isabh/sibahah], to 
swim. In its form II the verb means to praise, to 
sing the glory, to proclaim the sanctity. See a 
62:1, p 1821. n. 2). 

2. i. e.. His is the absolute ownership, possession, 
sovereignty and power of governance ml 
dispensation mulk = dominion, kingship, 

monarchy, right of possession, ownership. See a 
57:5, p. 1769, n. I. 

3. a-*- harm I = praise with reverence and love 
hamd for Allah, i. c.. praising Him by a eremite ■ 

means expressing gratitude to Hun and 
worshipping Him. It is used generally in respect of 
Allots. See at 40:55, p. 1529. n. 2. 

4. ji-ri qadir = Omnipotent. All-Powerful. Sees! 
60:7. p 1809. n. II. 

5. He is the Creator of man and everything and 
being, there is no other creator. So to Him Alone 
is due all worship, jl* khalaqa = he created, 

made, originated (v. iii. m. s past from khalq. to 
create. Sec at 55:3. p. 1741, n. 3). 

6. jr-*< baylr = one who sees/ observes. All-Seefcg 
(act. participle in the scale of fa'll from 

basura/basira |/xuar|. to see). See at 57; 4. p, 
1768. n 13. 


Surah 64: Al-Taghdbun [ Part (Jut') 28 ) 



3. He has created the heavens 
and the earth with the truth, 1 
and has shaped 2 you and 
has perfected 3 your figures. 4 
And to Him is the destination. 5 




4. He knows all that is in 
the heavens and the earth; 
and He knows 
all that you conceal 6 and 
all that you disclose. 7 
And Allah is All-Knowing 
of the secrets of the hearts. 8 

1 5. Has there not come to you 
jM£, the information 9 of those 
who disbleived afore, 
iylji so they tasted 10 the evil 

consequences 1 'of their deed? 
And they will have 
a punishment most painful. 12 

6. That was so because 

I. i. e., for a just purpose and cause. j»- haqq = 

right, truth, liability, justice, just cause. hi 

al-haqq = truly, in truth, actually, rightly, 
properly, with the truth. Sec at 51:19, p. 1699. n. 


2. jy* $ aw war a = he shaped, gave form, formed, 
moulded, fashioned (v. iii. m. s. past in form II 
from the root }iirah. shape. See sawwamd at 
40:64, p. 1532, n. 3). 

3. 'ahsana = he made good, perfected, did 
favours, acted rightly, was charitable (v. iii. in s. 
past in form IV of hasuna 1/jurn], to be good. See 
at 46:16, p. 1337, n. 6). 

4. suwar (pi . s. surah ) = shapes, makes. 

forms, figures, pictures, images, copies. Sec at 
40:64. p 1532. n. 5. 

5. jr** maflr = destination, place at which one 
arrives, destiny. Sec at 60:4, p. 1808, n. 14). 

6. isjy-J tusirrCna = you conceal, secrete, hide. 

confide (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 'asarra, form 
IV of surra [surOr/tasirrah/masarrah]. to 
gladden, to delight. See at 60:1. p 1807, n. I. 

7. ayhu tu'linuna = you (all) declare, disclose, 
make known (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 'a'lwui, 
form IV of ’alana/'aluna [ aUiniyyah). to be or 
become known, evident. Sec at 28:69. p. 1256. n 

8. jyJ-» sudur (p|.; sing y— sadr ) = breasts. 

chests, bosoms, hearts, front, beginning, dhdt 
al-sudur = that which possesses the hearts, 
secrets of the hearts. Sec at 57:6, p. 1769, n. 6. 

9. L naba' (s.; pi ,'anW) = news, information, 
intelligence. See at 49:6, p 1678, n. 5. 

10. Ijils dhaqu = they tasted (v. iii. m. pi. past 

from dhdqa ( dha wq/dha uitq/nuidhdq ) . to taste. 
Sec at 59:15. p. 1801, n. 12). 

1 1 . Jw } wab&l = evil consequence, unhcalthincss. 
evil. See at 59:15. p. 1801, n. 13. 

12. i. e., in the hereafter fJ ’alim = most 
painful, very agonizing, anguishing, excruciating 
(act participle in the intensive scale of fa'll from 

'alima atom ). to be in pain, to feel pain). Sec at 
61:10. p. 1817. n. 8). 


SOrah 64: At-Taghdbun [ Part (Jut) 28 1 

there used to come to them 

their Messengers 

with the clear evidences' 

but they said: 


"Is it human beings 2 

that will guide’ us?" 


So they disbelieved 4 


and turned away. 5 



But Allah is in no need; 6 

and Allah is Above Want, 7 

All-Praiseworthy. 8 

7. There suppose 9 those 

who disbelieve that 


they shall not be resurrected. 10 


Say: "O yes, by My Lord; 

you shall surely be resurrected 

then shall indeed be apprised" 


of what you did. 

And this is on Allah's part 

0 ^- 

easy. 12 

8. So believe in Allah 

1. oL| bayy intit (pi.; sing, hayyinah) * dor. 
clear proofs, indisputable evidences. See at 61 6. 
p. 1816. n. 2). 

2. bashar = man. human being. See at 54 24. 
p. 1733. n. 10 

3- Oj-C* yahduna = they guide, show the way < «. 

iii. m pi. impfet. from hadd [had) / hudai t 
hiddvuh ]. to guide, to show. Sec at 32:24, p 
1331. n. 7). 

4. ')/& kafard = they disbelieved, became 

ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m. pi. past from kalun 
[kufr], to cover. See at 60: 1 . p 1 806. n. 6). 

5. i. e., from the truth and the guidance 

tawallaw = they turned away, withdrew, denned, 
refrained, took over, look for fnends (v. iii. ra (i 
past from lawallA form V of waliya. to be near 
See at 58:14. p. 1789. a 9). 

6. islaghnd = he became in no need, had no 

need, was able to spare, was able to do witl»«t(*, 
iii. m. s. past in form X of yhtmyt 
[ghinan/ghand ']. to be free from want. Sec nifW 
at 53:28. p. 1722. n.2). 

7. Allah is not in need of man's chanty ud 
worship; he is ever in need of Allah /half 

(».; pi. 'aghniyd') - above want, free from »ut 
rich. See at 60:6. p. 1809. n. 8. 

8. v-*- Hamid = praiseworthy, laudable. \ 
All-Praiseworthy, All-Laudable See at 35.15. p. 
1396, n. 3. 

9. f*j za'ama = he thought, supposed, darnel 
presumed, believed (v. iii. m. t past from am. 
to claim, to suppose. See za’amlum at 626. p. I 
1822. n. 5). 

10. yub'athu (na) = they are resuneclelJ 

raised, raised up. revived, sent out (v. iii, a pi 
impfet passive from bu'atha (ha'rt). to send at, 
to raise. The terminal nun is dropped became of 
the particle Ian coming before the vetb. Set * 
27:65. p. 1222. n 13). 

1 1 .jya la tunabba ’unna - you shall nut!) br 
apprised, informed., advised, notified (v ii nv |1 
impfet. passive emphatic from nabba'a, form U 
of naba'a | nab’/nubi '). to be prominent See 
yunabbi'u at 62:8, p. 1823, n. 2). 

12. jr-tyaslr = easy, gentle, simple, insignificant 
See at 57:22, p. 1777. n. 8 

Surah 64: Al-Taghdbun ( Pan (Jui) 28 ] 


0 # 


>"11 / 

and His Messenger, 
and the light 1 which 
We have sent down. 2 
And Allah is of what you do 

9. The day He will gather 4 you 
for the Day of Gathering. 
That will be the day 
of mutual gain and loss. 5 
And whoever believes in Allah 
and acts rightly 6 
He will efface 7 from him 
his sins 8 and 

will admit 9 him in gardens 
flowing below them 
the rivers, 

abiding 10 therein forever. 
That is the success" 
most magnificent. 

10. And those who 

1. i. e„ the Qur'&n and the guidance contained in 
it. jy rtOr (s.; pi. anwar) = light, illumination. 
Sec at 5:44. p. 350. n. 8. 

2. Uyl 'anialni - we sent down (v. i. pi. past 

from ‘anzala. form IV of nazala [nurii/]. to come 
down See at 59:21. p. 1803. n. 8). 

3. khablr - All-Aware. All-Conversant. 
All-Acquainted (active participle in the scale of 
fa'll from khabara [ kliubr /khibrah] to be 
acquainted). See at 63: 1 1, p. 1829. n. 7). 

4. yajma'u - he collects, gathers. 

accumulates, amasses, brings together (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from jama'a [jam'), to gather, to collect. 
See at 45:26, p. 1626. n. 10). 

5. This is so called because on that day some 
persons who had everthing in the world will be 
total losers, while some others, who had nothing 
in the world, will gain everything. jAX laghdbun 

= mutual gain and loss, mutual duping or 
overreaching (verbal noun in form VI of ghabana 
l ghabn ). to dupe, to overreach). 

6. i. e.. does deeds approved by the Qur'an and 
sunnah. jJU. salih = good, right, proper (act. 
participle from salalfa/saluha [xalalj/ sulul y 

maslahuh], to be good, right. Sec at 45:15. p. 
1622, n. 6). 

7. jiSn yukaffir(u) = he forgives, he pardons, 
grants remission, covers, effaces, hides, makes 
infidel (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from kaffaru, form II 
of kafara [kufr], to cover, to hide. The final letter 
is vowelless because the verb is conclusion of a 
conditional clause. Sec at 8:29, p. 556, n. 8) 

8. oW- sayyi’bl (pi.; s. ruvyi'aA) = evils, evil 
deeds, sins. See at 46:16, p. 1637, n. 8. 

9. J*j, yudkhiHu) = he admits, enters (in the 
transitive sense), puts in, inserts (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from 'adkhala. form IV of dukhala 
[dukhiil], to enter. The final letter is vowelless for 
the reason stated at n. 7 above. See at 61:12, p. 
1818. n. 2). 

10. ji-dU khalidin (pi.; accVgen. of khdhdun. s. 

khdlid) = living for ever, abiding, abiding for 
ever, everlasting, eternal, immortals (active 
participle from khaladu Ikbulud], to live for ever. 
See at 59:17. p 1802. n 7. 

11. jy fawz = success, triumph, victory. 

achievement. Sec at 61: 12. p. 1818, n. 7. 


SOrah 64: Al-TaghObun | Part (Juz') 28 ] 

1 . 1^1 if kadhdhabu = (bey cried lies, though 

untrue, disbelieved (v. lii. m. pi. past from 
kadhdhaba. form II of kadhaba [ kidhb /kadkt 
/kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. See at 62:5. p 1821 
n. I). 

2. i. e.. the tests of the Qur'in . oij 'iyit lung 
ayah) = signs, miracles, revelations, statement! of 
the Qur'an, evidences Sec at 62:5. p. 1622. n. 2 

and cry lies' 10 0ur si 8 ns ’ 
they will be 

jU Jf the inmates 3 of the fire, 


IfjOuUi- abiding for ever in there; 

and bad is the destination 

3. 'as-hab (pi.; sing, f Ufk) • 

inmates, inhabitants, companions, associin, 
comrades, followers, owners. See at 59:20. p 
1803. n. 6). 

4. ^ masSr = destination, place at whicli ore 
amves, destiny Sec at 64:3. p 1831. n. 5). 

5. v/U.t 'asiba = he or it afflicted, befell, hi 
struck, reached, made (something) fall, bestowed, 
allotted, (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of jdfw See 
at 57:22. p. 1777. n. 4). 

6. musibah (pi. masd tb) = calumny, 

disaster, misfortune, affliction See at 57:21 p 
1777. n. 5. 

7. ciil 'idhn (pi. udhun /cAiyi 'udh&nafls 
leave, permission. See at 40:78, p. 1537. n I). | 

8. 'alfi = you (all) obey, be obedient (v. n 

m. pi. imperative from afd'u, form IV of id'e 
[run'']. to obey See at 58:8. p 1789. n. 8). 

9. yjy tawallaytum = you (all) turned 

away/back; also took charge of. took possessie* 
of (v. ii. ro. pi. past from tawalld, form V of 
wuliya (wafy). to be near, to lie nest See It 
47:22. p. 1655. n il). 

10. £% balagh (pi. baldyhdl) = commumcadoa. 
proclamation. announcement, arnimuniqd. 

Section (/?«*« 0 2 
OCfc 1 1 . There befalls 5 not 
oi any calamity 6 

except by the leave 7 of Allah 
and whoever believes 
in Allah He guides his heart, 
j And Allah is of everything 
JLlc All-Knowing. 

12. And obey 8 Allah 
and obey the Messenger; 
but if you turn away, 9 
then upon Our Messenger is 
but to convey 10 openly." 

ifyVijiT 1 3. Allah, there is no deity 
except He. 

12. i. e„ none worthy to be worshipped. «> tUk 
(pi. ’ dhhah ) = deity, god. particularly oat 
deserving of worship Sec at 47:19, p. 1654. a 4 

Surah 64: Al-Taghabun [ Part Uuz’) 28 ] 


aitjcj And upon Allah 
should rely 1 

§£>££$ the believers. 

jjj c. 


14. O you who believe, 
verily among your spouses 2 
and your children 
are enemies 1 of yours. 

So beware 4 of them; 
but if you excuse 5 
and forbear 6 and forgive 7 
then verily Allah is Most 
Forgiving, Most Merciful. 

15. Verily your properties 
and your children are but 
a trial;® 

and Allah, with Him is 
a reward most magificent. 

16. So beware 9 of Allah 
as much as you are able to; 10 
and listen and obey; 

1. JSyJ U yatawakkal = let him/hc must rely, 
depend, put his trust m. appoint as representative 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet emphatic/imperative from 
lawakkulu, form V of t vakala [ wakUwukM ]. to 
entrust). See at 58:10. p. 1787. n. 1 1). 

2. ‘azwttj (sing, -jj zawj) = husbands. 

wives, spouses, consorts, partners, pairs, kinds, 
sorts . See at 56:7, p. 1754, n. 6. 

3. yJ* ’adtiw (s.; pi. .cut u'dii) = foe, enemy. 

adversary. Sec at 61:14, p. 1819. n. 5. 

4. i. e . be cautious against disobeying Allah and 
His Messenger for their sake. IjjJu-i ihdharu — 

you (all) beware, be on the alert, be cautious (v. 

ii. m. pi. imperative from hudhiru \hidhr/hadhar), 
to be cautious. See at 5:91. p. 375, n. 4). 

5. i. e., their faults and wrongs. ta‘fi(na) - 

you (all) waive, excuse, efface (v. ii. m. pi. 
impfet. from 'a/u ( 'afw/afd |,to be effaced. The 
terminal nin is dropped because the verb is in a 
conditional clause preceded by 'in. Sec at 4:149, 
p. 31 1. n. 3). 

6. tasfal}ti(nu) = you forbear, leave alone. 

overlook, pass over (v. ii. m. pi impfet. from 
safaha ( sajh ). to forbear, overlook, broaden, 
flatten. The terminal nun is dropped because the 
verb is conjunctive to the previous verb which is 
in a conditional clause. Sec isfah at 43:89, p. 
1605, n. 2). 

7. I }jOj laghfirH(na) = you forgive, pardon (v. 

iii. m. s. impfet. from ghafura [ghafr/ maghfiruh 
/ghufrdn]. to forgive. The terminal min is dropped 
for the reason stated in n.6 above. Sec yaghfir at 
63:6, p. 1827, n. 5. 

8. i. c.. in respect of whether you place obedience 
to Allah and His Messenger above your love for 
children and properties and observe the rights of 
others in the latter. fitnah (pi. ftutn) = trial, 

temptation, enticement, discord, sedition, plea 
(on trial). See at 60:5, p. 1809, n. 2. 

9. tjih ittaqu - you (all) beware, be on your 

guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m. pi. imperative 
from ttlaqd. form VIII of wuqd ( waqy/wiqdyalt), 
to guard, safeguard. See at 60:1 1, p. 1812. n. 10). 

10. f- wk -i istata'tum = you were able to, capable 

of, you could (v. ii. m. pi. past from islald a. 
form X of fa'a (row'], to obey. See at 55:33. p. 

1745. n. 10). 


Surah 64: Al-Taghabun [ Part (Juz‘) 28 ] 

and spend' for the good 


-i>V of yourselves. 

<3y Jlj And whoever is saved 2 
of the greed’ of his self, 
they will be the ones 
successful. 4 

iS 17. If you lend 5 Allah 

a handsome loan 

•pi \ He will redouble 6 it for you 
and will forgive you; and 
j&’&j Allah is Most Appreciative, 7 
(^J J-X Most Forbearing, 8 

18. The All-Knowing of 
fc . '-i t the unseen and the seen, 9 
the All-Mighty, 
the All-Wise. 10 

I i. e.. in the way of Allah, ifuil 'anfiqu = w» 
(all) spend, expend, disburse, lay out (v. it m (t 
imperative from 'anfaqa. form IV gy 
nafaqa/nafiqa [najaq], to be used up, be speaL 
Sec at 63:10. p I828.n. 12). 

2. Jji yuqa iqd) = he is saved, protected, 
preserved (v. iii. m. s. impfet passive from mql 
[waqy/ wiqdyah], to guard, to preserve The fol 
yd' is dropped because the verb is in a cundilicod 
clause preceded by man See at 59: 9. p. 1799 a 

3. jw ihuhl> = greed, avarice, stmginea. 
covetousness See at 59:9. p 1799, n. 3. 

4. i. e.. in the hereafter muflihun ( ting 

muflih), successful ones, those who attain Aliahi 
pleasure and reward; act. participle from afiakt, 
form IV of faluha [fall )]. to split, cleave. Set a 
59:9. p. 1799. n. 4) 

5. Giving loaas to Allah means to spend m Ha 
way. >' tuqridthna ) = you lend, give loam (i. 

ii. m pi. impfet- from aqraifa. to lend, form IV 
of qarada | qurtf], to cut. to sever. The ternxod 
nun is dropped because the verb is ta t 
conditional clause Sec yuqraju at 57211. p 
1771. n. 6) 

6. i. e.. in merits and rewards Ju-UA rnUlfi) 

= he doubles, redoubles, compounds, multtpha 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet. from dd'afa, form III ef 
da uf a | tfa’f]. to double The final letter k 
vowelless because the verb is conclusion of i 
conditional clause. Sec yudil 'ufu at 33:30, p 
1346. n. II). 

7. i. c.. of the good deeds of His servants jjSj 

shakuur - thankful, deeply grateful, gradj 
thankful. Most Appreciative (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa‘0l from t hakara (rtabf 
thukrtin], to thank Sec at 35:34, p. 1402, a 7). 

8. fJr- haltm = forbearing. Most Forbcantig. 
most clement. Sec at 37:101, p 1446, n. 2. 

9. int+a shahadah - testimony, evidence. 

witness, visible, that which is open to the trued 
is seen. Sec at 62:8, p. 1823, n. 1. 

10. i. e.. in His acts and dispensation. {£>■ keklm 
(s.; pi hukamd’) - All-Wtse. judicious, frill ed 
wisdom (active participle in the scale of fa'll frna 
luikama [ftiilm). to pass judgement. See at 611 
p. 1821. n. 6). 

65. SGratal-Talaq (Divorce) 
Madinan: 12 ’ ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah. As its name indicates, it lays down the mles regarding permissible and 
equitable method of divorce and deals with the questions of the waiting period ( 'iddah) for the divorced 
wife, her residence and cost of maintenance during that period, the suckling and maintenance of babies 
■ad other related matters. The surah warns against transgressing the rulings of Allah and ends by 
lemtnding the believers to be afraid of Allah in all circumstances. 

1 . O Prophet, 

J&i if you divorce' the wives, 
divorce them 

r / * ? 

or-uj for their prescribed period" 
ill'i and count' the period; 

and beware 4 of Allah, 
your Lord. 
iV Oust them not 5 
from their houses 
nor shall the go away 
jjjfcjtyi except in case they commit 
a scandal 6 quite obvious. 7 
And these are the rulings" 
of Allah; 

and whoever transgresses 9 
jitujji- the rulings of Allah 

| ( 

he indeed wrongs himslef. 

1 . p>U. tallaqtum = you (all) divorced, let loose. 

released, set free (v. ii. m. pi. past from lallaqa. 
form II of lalaqa [luluq/iaU j</]. to be free See at 
33:49. p. 1355. n. I). 

2. i. e.. before of the onset of monthly period. iJ * 
•iddah = number; legally prescribed waiting 
period. See at 33:49. p. 1355, n. 3. 

3. ahsii = you all count, keep an account 

(v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 'ahsfl, form IV from 
the root hafy/hasan (pebbles, little stones). See 
ahsd at 58:6. p. 1785, n. 3). 

4. lySl iltaqu = you (all) beware, be on your 
guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m. pi. imperative 
from iltaqA form VIII of waqd ( waqy/wiqtiyah), 
to guard, safeguard. See at 64: 16. p. 1835, n. 9). 

5. >>* yk I V la lukhriju = do not oust, drive out, 

dislodge, bring out (v. ii. m. pi. imperative 
(prohibition), from 'akhraja. form IV of kharuja 
\[khuruj). to go out. Sec yukhrijuna 60:1. p. 
1806. n. 7). 

6. fahishah s; (pi fawdJ)ish) = vile 
deed, monstrosity, atrocity, scandal, adultery, 
fornication. Sec at 33:30, p. 1346. n. 9. 

7. muhayyinah (f. pi. mubayymitl, m. 
mubayyin) = that which makes clear, evident, 
manifest, obvious (act participle from bayyana, 
form II of bdna ( buydn], to be clear. See at 
33:30, p. 1346. n. 9. 

8. syJ*- hudud (pi ; sing, luidd) - edges, 
boundaries, bounds, limits. Allah's rulings/ 
injunctions/ orders. See at 58:4, p. 1784. n 5. 

9. yata'addaUi) = he transgresses, oversteps, 
acts outrageously (v. iii. m. s. impfet from 
ta'addd. form V of 'add ( ' adw ). to run, to speed. 
The final yd' is vowelless and hence dropped for 
the verb is in a conditional clause. 



Surah 65: M-Talaq [ Pan (Jui‘) 28 ) 

You do not know, 1 


maybe Allah will bring about 2 

after that an event. 3 

■%\ '4 

2. Then when they reach 4 

their appointed term. 


retain 5 them 


in a good manner 6 


or part 7 with them 

. >•" 

in a good manner; 

and take as witnesses 8 

i-* . 1 • '' 


two impartial men 9 of you 

and tender the testimony 



for the sake of Allah. 

That is 

wherewith is exhorted 10 

he that is wont to believe 

in Allah and the Last Day. 

And whoever fears" Allah 


He will make for him 

a way out. 1 ’ 


3. And will give him provision 

1. i SjX tadri - you know, arc aware (v. u m t 

impfet. from darQ [ dirayah], to know S« » 
42:52. p. 1580. n. 8). 

2. yuhdithu = he or it causes to happa, 

generates, arouses, initiates, bnngs about (v til 
m. s. impfet. from aljdalha. form IV of hadah 
( hudulh ]. to happen, to occur. Sec at 20:113. p 
1004. n. 6). 

3. i. e.. a reconciliation and reunion. 

4. i. e.. about to finish, jik halagkna = iho 

(fern.) mature, bring to completion, anm 
majority, reach (v. iii. f. pi. past from balafk 
( bulOgli ). to reach. See at 2:232. p. 1 15, n. 8). j 

5. — •! 'amsikO * you (all) hold. keep, trua 

(v. ii. m. pi. imperative from amsaka. form IV 4 
masaka [mask], to grasp. Sec at 4:15, p. 245, a 

6. ma'rdf - known, well kaon 

recognized, conventional, appropnatc. faunas, 
equity, kindness, beneficence, good manna, 
approved by shari'ah, lawful (pass participle 
from ' arafaj 'arifa [ ma'rifah / ’irf&n), to boa, 
to recognize. See at 60: 1 2. p. 1 81 3. n. 8). 

7. ijS/i fdriqu = be separated, part with, leave 
quit ( v. ii. m. pi. imperative from jaraqa, font 
III of faraqa [fan/ /furqtin], to separate, divide, 
distinguish Sec farraqu at 30:32, p 1300, a 5), 

8. ‘ash-hidu = you (all) bear witness, all 

someone to witness, take as witnesses (v. ii, m p| 
imperative from ash hadu, form IV of shahti a 
[shuhud], to witness. Sec at 4:6, p. 239. n. 9) 1 

9. Ju* 'adl = impartiality, equity, justice, laimcis. 
equivalence, dhawd/dhaway ‘adl = two impnil 
men. Sec at 49:9. p. 1680. n. 3). 

10. i. e.. enjoined. yd 'apt = he is advued, 

counselled, admonished, exhorted (v. iii, m s 
impfet. passive from wa'aza (vwi'j/iruA], la 
admonish, to exhort See at 2:232. p. 1 15. n. 13). 

11. J* yattaqUD = he fears Allah, protect! 

himself, is on his guard, (v. iii. m. s. impfet fro* 
illaqd. form VIII of waqd [tvenjy/Vh/dvoAJ. to 
guard, to protect. Sec at 24:52. p. 1128, n. 1). 

12. £ makhraj (s.; pi makhdrij\= exit wij 

out. outlet, escape (noun of time/place (tod 
'akhraja. form IV of kharaja [ khuruj ]. to go out 
Sec mukhrij at 9:64, p. 604, n. 9). 

Surah 65: Al-Tuh'tq [ Pari (Juz ) 28 | 


*. /•/ < 

in such a manner 1 
he cannot anticipate. 2 
j* 1 j«j And whoever relies’on Allah 
He siffices 4 him. 
tuiljj Verily Allah attains 5 
\ S J\ His purpose. 

Indeed Allah has set 
for everything a measure. 





| >5 


.V " 


4. And those who have no 

hope 6 of menstruation 7 

of your women, 

if you have doubts,® 

then their prescribed period 9 

is three months, 

and for those who 

have not yet menstruated; 10 

and the pregnant wemen," 

their term is 

till they lay down 12 

their burden. 

And whoever fears Allah 
He will set for him 

1. c_*»- haylhu = as, since, where ( place and 

direction), min haylhu = whence, wherefrom, in 
such a manner See at 7:27. p. 474. n. I). 

2. s — =*s yahtasibu = he anticipates, lakes into 
account, takes into consideration (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from ihlasaba, form VIU of fyasiba 
[hisbin/ mahsabah/ mahsibah], to consider, to 
deem. Sec yahtasibina at 25:44, p. 1 151. n. 7). 

£ y* yalawakkaHu ) = he relies, depends, puts 

his trust in. appoints as representative (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from lawakJuilu. form V of » akala 
\wakl/*-uktil], to entrust). The final letter is 
vowelless because the verb is in a conditional 
clause preceded by man Sec at 8:49. p. 565, n. 
12 ). 

4. v, — *• hash = reckoning, calculation, hasbuhu 

= he or it suffices him, is sufficient for him. Sec at 
58:8. p. 1786. n 12. 

5. biligh = he who attains, reaches, major, 
intense (active participle from balagah [bulugh], 
to reach. Sec at 5:95, p. 377. n 4). 

6. j-h ya’isna = they despaired, had no hope. 

gave up hope ( v. iii. f. pi. past from ya'isa 
[yas/yadsah], to give up hope, to renounce. Sec 
ya'isu at 60:13, p. 1813, n. 12). 

7. mahiif = menstruation, monthly period. 
Sec at 2:222, p. 109. n. 5 

8. i. e.. about the rule in such a case, fiiji 
irtabtum = you (all) doubted, were in doubt, 
suspected, had misgivings (v. ii. m. pi. past from 
irtdba (wVy irtiydb), form IV of riba ( rayb ). to 
doubt, to suspect. See at 57: 14. p. 1773. n. 4). 

9. ‘iddah = number; legally prescribed waiting 
period. See at 33:49. p 1355. n. 3. 

10. yahidna = they (f.) menstruate, have a 
monthly period (v. iii. f. pi. impfet. from hidat 

to menstruate. See n, 7 


11. J'-j-I ah rtuil (p|.; s. himl/fyiml) = loads. 

burdens, 'ilat ul-'ahmil = carrying women, 
pregnant women. See himilal at 51:2, p. 1696, n. 

2 . 

12. i. e., deliver the babies, j*-*, yatfa'na - they 
pul down, lay down, place (v. iii. f. pi. impfet. 
from watfa'a [»«</']. to place, to put down. See at 
24:60. p 1 132. n 4). 


Surah 65: Al-Taldq l Part (Juz) 28 ] 

> n his affair ease. 

5. This is Allah's command 
which He has sent down 
?3j, to you. 

And whoever fears' Allah 
He will efface 2 from him 
his sins and will enlarge' 
^ £j,id for him in reward. 







6. Lodge 4 them 
in the manner you reside 
according to your means, 5 
and prejudice them not 6 
for making it hard 7 on them; 
and if they are pregnant 
spend 8 on them 
till they lay down 
their burden. 

Then if they suckle 9 for you 
then pay them 
their remunerations. 

And have consultations 10 

1 . j* yaUaqi(t) = he fears Allah, protects i, 
is on his guard, (v. iii. m s. impfct from uuqk 
form VUI of waqa [waqyAviqdyah], to goad, 
protect. The final yd’ is vowelless and 1 
dropped because the verb is in a c 
clause. Sec at 65:2. p. 1838. n. 12). 

2. >£( yukaffiriu) = he forgives, he pads*, 
grants remission, covers, effaces, hides, i 
infidel (v. iii. m. s. impfct. from kaffara. (oral 
of kafara \kufr], to cover, to hide See at 8 29, g 
556. n. 8) 

3. fiu, yu azzim (u) = he enlarges, nub 
big/hard, venerates, holds high in esteem (y. 
m. s. impfct from aujama, form II of apw 
I'izam/'ayimah]. to be big. large The final lot 
is vowelless for the reason stated in n. 3 ahmt 
See at 22:30. p 1056. n I). 

4 i>£-t ’askini = you lodge, provide imdoet 
settle, make (someone) inhabit (v ti m 
imperative from 'askana. form IV of • 

\ ‘lukun], to be calm, still. Sec vuskin at 423). 
1573. n. 8). 

5. -Uj wujd = means, material cueumstanco. 

6. i. c . in the matter of residence. IjjU: y U 
tudarru - do not harm, injure, damage, cocec, 
prejudice (v. ii. in. pi. imperative 
from ddrru, form III of darra [ darr], to ham. 
prejudice. See >• udiirru at 2:282. p. 149, n 10) 

7. ludayyiqu(na) = you make hard. nano*, 
straiten, constrain (v. ii. m pi impfct lea 
dayyaqa. form II of ddqa [dayq/tjlq], to In 
narrow The terminal nun is dropped became oft 
hidden ‘an in Ii of motivation coming before 
verb See yadiqu at 26:97, p. 826, n 8). 

8. Ijiil 'anfiqu = you (all) spend, eipnd, 

disburse, lay out (v. ii. m. pi imperative Iron 
anfaqa. form IV of nafaqa/nafiqa [ nafaq \ , to fct 
used up, be spent. See at 64: 16. p. 1836, n. I), 

9. i. e.. suckle the baby. 'arda'na a tfej 

breastfed, gave suck, suckled (v. iii. f p| pm 
from 'arda'a. from IV of naje'a 
( rad Vradd ‘ah/rujd ' | , to breast-feed See at 4 23. 
p 249, n. I). 

10. i'tamiru - have consultations, conlo. 
deliberate, lake counsel, plot (v. ii m p 
imperative from i'lamara. form VIII of iawu 
[ amr ). to order, command Sec ya iamirina I 
28:20. p. 1238. n. 6). 

Sarah 65: M-Talaq | Part (Juz’) 28 ] 



>■;> . *4'< 


*. >1 
.// > 






>«f4/ • /✓ 

A/*> .aP 

between you 1 
in the approved manner, 2 
and if you mutually find hard' 
then there shall suckle 4 for 
him another lady. 

7. Let there expend 4 
a person of affluence 5 
out of his affluence; 
and he on whom is limited'’ 
his provision, 7 
he shall spend 8 out of what 
Allah has given him. 

Allah burdens'* not anyone 
except as He has given him. 
Allah will set 
after difficulty 10 ease." 



Section (Rukti 0 2 
8. And how many a habitat" 
hurled defiance 1 ' 
at the command of its Lord 
and His Messengers; 

1 . i. e„ regarding the bieast-fcccding of the baby. 

2. ma'ruf = known, well-known. 

recognized, conventional, appropriate, fairness, 
equity, kindness, beneficence, good manner, 
approved by shari'ah. lawful (pass, participle 
from arafa/ ‘arifa [ma'rifah / irfin], to know, 
to recognize. See at 65:2. p. 1838. n. 7). 

3. ta'&sartum = you mutually find 

hard/difficult (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from tu'dsura. 
form VI of 'aiura [ ’usr/’usur). to be difficult, 
hard. See 'asir at 54:8. p. 1730, n. 12). 

4. turdi'u = she suckles, breast-feeds, gives 

suck (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from arfla a. from IV of 
rada'a ( rad /radii ah/rufa ' ) . to breast-feed. See 
’artfa'na at 65:6. p. 1840. n. 9). 

5. ^ sa'ah = wideness, spaciousness, 
profusion, abundance, plenitude, amplitude, 
affluence. See at 2:247. p. 125, n. 3. 

6. jJi qudira - he or it was limited, measured 

decreed, (v. iii. m. s. past passive from qadaru 
\qudrah/maqduruh/qudr], to have strength, to 
ordain. Sec at 54:12. p 1731, n. 1 1). 

7. Jjj rizq (pl.J’jjl arzaq) = provision, means of 
livelihood, food, sustenance. See at 51:22, p. 
1699. n.6). 

8. jxJ U junfiq = let him/he shall spend, expend. 

disburse (v. iii. m, s. imperative from anfaqa. 
form IV of nafaqa/nafiqa [nafaq], to be used up. 
be spent. See 'unfiqa at 65:6. p. 1840. n. 8). 

9. yukallifu = he burdens, charges, entrusts. 

commissions, assigns, bothers, imposes (v. iii. m. 
s. impfet. from kallafa, form II ( laklif) of kalifa 
[ kaluf ]. to be fond of. to be bent. See at 2:286. p. 
152, n. 6). 

10. j—t- ‘usr = hardship, difficulty, distress. See 
at 1 8:74. p 938. n. 2. 

11. j-t yusr = case, facility. Sec at 51:3, p. 1696. 
n. 5. 

12. qaryah (s.; pi. quran ) = habitation. 

habitat, town, village, hamlet. See at 47:13, p. 
1651. n. 7. 

13. alal = she or it turned insolent, turned 
defiant, hurled defiance (v. iii. f. s. post from ’ala 
( ’uliw/'uny/'aty], to be insolent. See 'alaw at 
51:44, p. 1703. n. 7). 


Surah 65: Al-Taldq | Part (Jin') 28 ) 


so We called it to account 1 
in a strict accounting 
and chastised them with a 

punishment unprecedented. 2 



' 0 ££ 




9. So it tasted 3 the evil 
consequence 4 of its affair; 
and the end-result 5 of its affair 
was loss. 6 

10. Allah has made ready 7 
for them a punishment 
very severe. 

So beware 8 of Allah, 

O possessors of intelligence 9 
who believe. 

Allah has indeed sent down 
to you a reminder. 10 

1 1. A Messenger reciting" to 
you the signs of Allah 
quite manifest, 12 
that he may bring out 13 

1 . Ur.U hdsahnd = we called to account, held 
responsible, made answerable (v. i. pi past (ran 
hdsaba, form III of hasuba [hash/ hisdb/ Ifnbir. 
husbdn], to count, to calculate. See yuhdsibu M 
2:284, p. IlSI.n 4). 

2. nukr = denial, disavowal, disagreeable, 

abominable, detestable, not recognized (i. t, 
unprecedented) Sec at 18:87. p 942. n. 11. 

3. oib dhaqat = she tasted (v. iii. f. s. past (ran 
dhdqa [ dhawq/dha w aq/mudhtiq ) . to taste See 
dhdqd at 64:5, p. 1831. n. 10). 

wabdl = evil consequence, unhealthtaea, 
evil. See at 64:5, p. 1831, n. II. 

5. UU ‘dqibah (s.; pi. ’awdqib) = end 

ultimate outcome, upshot, consequence, effect, 
end result. See at 59:16. p. 1802. n. 5. 

6. j-r- khusr - loss, damage. 

7. a*l ‘a'adda = he prepared, made 
ready (v. iii. m. s past in form IV of 'tidda | adil 
to count Sec at 58:15. p. 1790. n. 4). 

8. itlaqO = you (all) beware, be on yoar 

guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m. pi. imperative! 
from ittaqd. form VIII of waqd ( uaqyAniqiyakl \ 
to guard, safeguard See at 65: 1. p. 1837. n. 4). I 

9. 'albdb (pi.; sing. wJ lubb) = heart, 
acumen, intelligence, understanding See at 4051, 
p. 1528, n. 9). 

10. i. e„ the Qur’&n ( see for instance 15:6, 155, 
16:44. 21:50, 23:71, 25:29. 26:5, 38:49. 3817, 
41:41. 54:25, 68:51-52 and 81:27) /i dhib = 

citation, recollection, remembrance, rnentioa, 
reminder, also scripture, the Qur an See at 635, 
p 1828, n. 9. 

11. yatld = he recites, reads (v. iii. m i 
impfet. from laid [riUwaA], to recite, read Seed 
62:2, p. 1820. n. 6). 

12. i. e.. explaining everything. mu bay jink 

(pi.; s mubayyinah ) manifest, that which 
makes clear (active participle from bayyau 
form II of bdna [ baydn\. to be clear. See at 24:46, 
p. 1 125. n. 10). 

13. £j>u, yukhrijaiu ) = he expels, drives oat. 
brings out, ousts, produces, exposes (v. iii m s 
impfet. from 'akhraja, form IV of kharajt 
[ khuruj ]. to go out. Sec at 57:9, p 1770, n. 7. j 

Surah 65: Al faldq ( Part Uuz’) 28 ) 



c; / / 


f ;> 


* *// $ f 








those who believe 
and do the good deeds 1 
from the darkness 2 
to the light. 3 
And whoever believes 
in Allah and acts rightly 
He will admit 4 him in gardens 
flowing 3 below them 
the rivers, 6 

abiding 7 therein for ever. 
Indeed Allah has perfected" 
for him a provision. 9 

12. Allah is He Who created 
seven heavens and of the 
earth the equivalent 10 thereof. 
The Command descends" 
between them 
so that you may know 
that Allah is over everything 
Omnipotent and that Allah 
indeed encompasses 12 
everything in knowledge. 

1. oUJU. sdlih&t (f.; sing, sdlihah: m. salih) = 
good ones, good deeds/things ( approved by the 
Qur'an and surmah). See at 48:29, p. 1675. n. 13. 

2. i. e . of disbelief and ignorance. oUlt 
zulumal (pi.; s. zulmah) = darkness, layers of 
darkness See at 33:43. p. 1453. n. 7. 

3. i. e.. the light of imdn and Islam. 

4. yudkhit(u) = he admits, enters (in the 

transitive sense), puts in. inserts (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from 'adkhala, form IV of dakhala 
\dukhul). to enter. The final letter is vowcllcss for 
the verb is conclusion of a conditional clause. See 
at 64:9. p 1833. n. 9). 

5. i fj*: tajri - she runs, goes on. flows, streams. 

proceeds (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from jura [)ary], to 
flow. See at 61:12, p. 1818. n. 3). 

6. ’anhar (sing, nahr) = rivers, streams See 
at 58:22, p. 1792. n.13. 

7. jr-dU- kh&lidtn (pi.. accVgcn. of khdliddn, s. 

khdlid) = living for ever, abiding, abiding for 
ever, everlasting, eternal, immortals (active 
participle from khalada [khulud], to live for ever. 
See at 59:17. p. 1802. n 7. 

8. ^-*-1 ’ahsana - he made good, perfected, did 
favours, acted rightly, was charitable (v. iii. m. s. 
past in form IV of hasuna [hum], to be good. See 
at 64:3. p. 1831. n. 3). 

9. Jjj rizq (pi. Jljjt arzdij) - sustenance. 

subsistence, livelihood, means of livelihood, 
provision, boon. See at 56:82, p. 1765. n. I. 

10. i. c.. a similar number of earths. Jt* milhl (s.; 
pi. Ju.1 ' amlh&t) = like, similar, equivalent. See at 
60:1. p. 1812. n. 8. 

1 1. i. e.. for the running and management of all 
affairs of the heavens and the earth Jjs, 
yatanazzalu - he decscnds. gets down, lowers 
herself, gives up (v. iii. m. s. impfcL from 
lanazzala, form V of ruizula [nuzul], to come 
down, get down. See latanazzulu at 41:30. p. 
1550. n. 7). 

12. J»U-I ’ahata = he or it encompassed. 

surrounded, encircled, contained, comprehended 
(v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of lidta 

Ihawt/hUah/hiydtah). to guard, to encircle. See at 
18:29. p 922. n.2). 

66. SOratal-TahrIm (The Prohibition) 
Madinan: 12 'ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah. It relates to the household of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be 
on him, and his wives, the Mothers of the believers, may Allah be pleased with them. It refers to some 
matters that cropped up in his relationship with his wives that are likely to crop up in any Muslim 
household. The surah deals with these matters and thus provide guidance for the building up and 
continuance of healthy and happy families. The surah is named al-Tahrim (The Prohibition) with 

reference to its first ayah which alludes to the Prophet's having temporarily suspended his relationship 
with one of his wives. 

1. fj*i tuharrimu = you prohibit, forbid, 

proscribe, make unlawful, make inviolate, declare 
sacred, taboo, abstain, refrain (v. iit. m . s past a 
form II of haruma / luirinui, to be prohibited. See 
at 25:68. p. 1158, n. 10). 

2. jia; tahlaghl = you seek, desire, strive for (v. 
ii. m. s. impfet. from ibiughd. form VIII of bagU 
[bughd], to seek See labuighiya at 6 35. p 404. 
n. 12. 

3. ola y mardat = pleasure, satisfaction, 

gratification See at 2:265. p. 138. n. 12. 

4. j*} farada = he made incumbent, imposed, 
made obligatory, ordained, supposed, appointed 
(v. iii. rn. s. past from farrf, to decree, to appoint. 
See faradiui at 24: 1 . p. II 05. n. 3. 

5. lahillah = absolution, expiation 

^■jl 1 . O Prophet, 

w hy do you abstain 1 from 

JJfjlfc what Allah has made lawful 

for you, seeking 

the pleasure’ of your wives? 

And Allah is Most 

Forgiving, Most Merciful. 

>® f ~ 

2,Allah has indeed ordained 4 

^ for you the absolution' of 
your oaths. 6 
2if f And Allah is 


your Guardian-Protector, 
and He is the All-Knowing, 8 
the All-Wise. 9 

6. OLsI 'aymdn (pi.; s. yamin) - nght tundi, 
oaths. See at 63:2. p 1825, n. 5. 

7. Jy mould = Patron- ProtectM 
Guardian-Protector, Sovereign, companion 
friend. Sec at 57: 15. p 1773. n il. 

8. i. e.. of all events, words, deeds and thoughts id 
His creatures, open or secret, and of what is good 
and suitable for His creatures p-U 'otim Is . pi 

ii luma’) = well informed, erudite, teamed, more 
knowing. All-Knowing. Omniscient. See at 51:30. 
p 1701. n 2. 

9 i e . in His acts and dispensation. holla 

(s , pi hulamd ) = All- Wise, judicious, full id 
wisdom (active participle in the scale of fall Iron 
bolarno [bulml. to pass judgement See at 64 It, 
p 1836. n. 10). 


Surah 66: Al-Tahrim | Part (Juz') 28 ) 



“ -f ' 


3. And when the Prophet con- 
fided 1 to someone 
of his wives 2 a talk’ 
and then she made it known 4 
and Allah disclosed 5 it to him, 
he specified 5 part of it 
and evaded 6 part of it. 

Then when he told her of it, 
she said: 

"Who informed’you of this?" 
He said: 

"There has informed me the 




j@ JliJill All-Knowing, the All-Aware 




>\S' \ 


4. If you two turn in 
repentance*’ to Allah — 
and your hearts incline 10 — 
but if you help each other" 
against him, then verily Allah, 
He is his Guardian-Protector, 
and Jibril and the righteous 12 
of the believers, 
and the angels. 

1. ’asarra = he hid, concealed, secreted, 
suppressed, confided (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV 
of sarra [.lurtir / tasirrah / masarrah], to make 
happy. See at 13:10, p. 767, n. 10). 

2. i. e„ to Hafsah. may Allah be pleased with her. 

3. haittlh (s.; pi. ' ahAdith ) = speech, 

talk, narrative, report, discourse, account. See at 
53:59, p. 1727, n 11 

4. i. e., to 'A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with 
her. oL nabba'at = she made known, apprised, 
informed, notified, advised (v. iii. s. unpfet. from 
nabba'a, form II of naba'a [nab'/nubu']. to be 
prominent. See yunabbi’u at 62:8. p. 1823. n. 2). 

5. i. e„ to Hafsah. may Allah be pleased with her. 

6. i. e., in consideration to her. ' a'ratla = he 

turned away, averted, evaded (v. ii. m. pi. past 
from 'a'rada. form IV of 'aru4a ( <ir(/|. to be 
broad, wide, to appear, to show. See at 41:51. p. 
1558, n. 12). 

7. tJ 'anba’a = he informed, notified, told, made 

know, communicated (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV 
of naba'a. See n 3 above). 

8. jer* khabir * All-Aware. All-Conversant, 
All-Acquainted (active participle in the scale of 
fa'll from khabara [ khubr /khibrah ) to be 
acquainted). See at 64:8, p. 1833, n. 3). 

9. li>5 tatiibd = you (two f.) turn in repentance, 
seek forgiveness (v. ii. f. dual irnpfcL from tOba 
ltawb/la*bah / rnatub], to turn. Sec yatub at 
49.1 l.p. 1681. n. 6). 

10. i. e„ to mutually suppress the matter .a 

saghat = she inclined, leaned to (v. iii. f. s. past 
from sagha Ijaghw/ ju^/ium], to incline, to lean 
to. See tasghd at 6:1 13. p. 439. n. I). 

1 1 tazdhari (originally tatazdhardni ) - you 
two (f.) support each other, assist each other, help 
each other (v. ii. f. dual impfet. from la^ahara, 
form VI of yihuru [fuhQr], to be visible. See 
zaharu at 60:9, p. 1810. n. 9). 

12. salih = good, right, proper, righteous 
(act. participle from salaba/salulia {satuh/ sulu/f/ 
maslahah], to be good, right. See at 64:9, p. 
1833, n. 6). 


SOrah 66: Al-Tahrim [ Part (Juz’) 28 ] 

0-^ are helpers. 1 

1 5. Maybe his Lord, 

if he divorces you all, 
jibiy that He will give him instead 2 
i&fe- C&t wives better than you — 

/ •{ •'i •> 

Muslim women, believers. 

devoutly obedient, 3 contrite, 4 
worshipping, oft-fasting, 5 
previously married women 6 
and virgins. 7 

6. O you who believe, 
j» save* yourselves 
yl* JCiilj and your families from a fire 
lilyj of which the fuel 9 is 
men and stones, 10 


s J|/^ 

over it are angels" 
stem 12 and strict. 13 
They disobey 14 not Allah 

in what He commands them 
and they do 

what they are commanded. 

1 . j* 1* zahir = helper, assistant, one who backs, 
(act. participle in the scale of fail front total 
[zuhQr], to appear, to overcome. See at 34:2! 
p.1376, n. 7). 

2. Jx, yubdila(u) = he exchanges, replaces, 
substitutes, give instead (v. iii. in. s. impfet. from 
abdula. form IV of badala [badal], to replan. 
The final letter takes fal-hah because of the 
particle 'an coming before the verb. See 
yubaddilu at 50:29. p. 1651. n 8 ). 

3. citSU qanit&t (f. pi.; s. qdnitah. m <jrwu;)» 
constant in obedience, devoutly dutiful (actht 
participle from qanata [qu/iur), to be obedient) 
See at 4:35. p. 255. n.9). 

4. oUV: id’ibdl (f. pi.; s. I uibah, m. td'tb) = 
repentant, penitent, contrite (act. participle Iron 
taba [lawb/ taw bah / maldb\, to turn ia 
repentance/mercy. See id’ibuna at 9:1 12. p. 626. 

5. oUJV- sd’ihdl (f. pi.; s. sd'ihah, rn sdiAji 
oft-fasting, itinerant, sticking to mosques (act 
participle from s&ha [.iayft Isayhdn/ityAhah], to 
flow, to travel. See .id 'ihin at 9:112, 626, n il). 

6. ol_! thayyib&t (pi.; s. thayyib ) = previously 
married women, widows, divorcees. 

7. abkdr (pi.; s. bikr ) = virpn, 

first-borns, new See at 56:36. p. 1758. n. 6, 

8. qd =(you all) save, protect, guard (v. u ta 
pi. imperative form waqd (a aqytwiqdyah], » 
protect. See qi at 40:9, p. 1512. n. 6). 

9. ayj waqOd = fuel, that which keeps fire 
burning. See at 3:10, p. 158, n. I. 

10. hij&rah (sing, hajar) = stones See a 
51:33, p. 1702, n. 7. 

1 1 . i. e.. put in charge of these arc angels. 

12. ghilaz (pi.; s. ghatiz) = sacred, 

inviolable, solid, tough, harsh, severe, dire. See 
ghatiz at 41:50, p. 1558. n. 10. 

13. aUX shiddd (pi.; s. ihadtd) = strict, hard 

severe, stem, difficult. See r hadid at 12:47. 740. 
n. 12). 

14. ya'funa = they disobey, rebel, defy (v 
iii. m. pi. impfet. from ‘aid, [ 'iyvdn/mamtiJi!. 
to disobey, defy. See ya'rtna at60:l2.p 1813. is 

SUrah 66: M-Tahrim [ Part (Juz‘) 28 ] 







* -'*1 ' 


Vs". \ 4 ' 

L -yo^>u. 

7. O you who disbelieved, 1 
make no excuses 2 today. 
You are but requited 3 for 
what you used to do. 

8. O you who believe, 
turn in repentance 4 to Allah 
repenting sincerely 5 . 

Maybe that your Lord will 
efface 6 from you 

your sins 7 
and will admit 8 you 
into gardens flowing 
below them the rivers. 

On the day 

Allah will not disgrace' 7 
the Prophet and those who 
believe with him. 

Their light will run 10 
in front of them 
and by their right." 

They will say: "Our Lord, 
make full 12 for us our light 

1 . It will be said on the Day of Judgement. 

2. V Id ta'tadhird = you (all) do not make 

excuses, do not apologize (v. ii. m. pi. imperative 
(prohibition) from i’tadhara. from VIII of 
adhara (' udhr / ma'dhirah], to excuse, forgive. 
See at 9:94. p. 618. n. 1). 

3. tujzawna = you are recompensed. 

requited, rewarded, repaid (v. ii. m pi. impfet. 
passive from jazA (jazd). lo recompense See at 
52:16. p. 1709. n. 7). 

4. Ijiy ttibd = you (all) tum in repentance (v. ii. 
m. pi. imperative from taba [lawb, tawbah ]. to 
tum in repentance (when said of Allah it means 
to tum in forgiveness). See at 1 1 :90. p. 710. n. 9). 

5. nasiih = sincere, loyal, faithful. 

6. j&h yukaffiraUi ) = he forgives, he pardons, 
grants remission, covers, effaces, hides, makes 
infidel (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from kaffara, form II 
of kafara Ikufr], to cover, to hide The final letter 
takes fat-hah because of the particle ‘an coming 
before the verb. See yukaffir at 65:5, p. 1840. n. 

7. olv sayyi'&t (pi.; s. «r_. sayyi'ah ) = evils, evil 
deeds, sins. See at 64:9, p. 1833. n. 8. 

8. yudkhila(u) = he admits, enters (in the 
transitive sense), puls in. inserts (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from ' adkhala , form IV of dakhala 
I dukhul ), to enter. The final letter takes fat-hah 
because the verb is conjunctive to the previous 
verb governed by the particle ‘an. See \udkhil at 
64:9, p. 1833,0.9). 

9. (Sy>N yukhzS - he disgraces, humiliates, 
debases (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from akhzn. form IV 
of khaziya [ khizy/khazan ). to be base, ashamed. 
Sec at 39:40. p. 1495. n. 6). 

10. i. e., proceeding and showing the way. , 

yas'A = he runs, moves quickly, strives, 
endeavours (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from su'd ( sa‘y], 
to move quickly. See at 57:12, p. 1771, n. II). 

1 1 . AkJ ’ aym&n (pi.; s. ^ yamin) = right hands, 
right sides, oaths. See at 66:2, p. 1844, n. 6. 

12. f-J ’ atmim = make full, complete ( v. ii. m. s. 
imperative from 'atarnma, form IV of tumma 
[tamAm\. to be completed. See mutimm at 61:8. 
p. 1816. n. 12). 


Surah 66: Al-Tuhrim | Pan (Juz‘) 28 ) 

and forgive' us. 

Verily you are over everything 
Omnipotent. 2 


*> "j/'x 


9. 0 Prophet, 
fight 1 the unbelievers 
and the hypocrites 4 
and be strict 5 on them; 
and their abode 6 will be hell; 
and evil is the destination. 7 

10. Allah strikes 8 an instance 
for those who disbelieve 

1. >»' ighfir = you forgive (v. ii. m. i. imperatm 
from ghafara [ghafr /ghu/rin /maghfimh], b 
forgive. Sec al 28:17, p 1236, n. 10). 

2. >-d qadtr = Omnipotent, All-Powerful. See a 
64:1. p. 1830. n 4. 

3. o*U j&hid = fight, wage war, struggle had. 

strive (v. ii. m. s. imperative from jtihada form 
III of jahada [jahd], to strive. See at 25:52, p 
1 163. n. 12). 

4. jv><U* munajiqtn (m. pi. acc/gea. of 

mundftqun, s. muntlftq ) = hypocrites, dissembles, 
(active participle from n&faqa. form III of nafaqt 
( nufaq / nu/Qq], to be used up. to perish. See a 
48:6. p. 1663. n I). 

5. JkW ughluz = be stem, severe, strict, tough, 

harsh, rough, rude (v. ii. m. s. imperative frog 
ghaluza / ghalaza l g lu la:/ ghilzah/ ghilAwk], b 
be rough, rude See at 9:73, p 609. n. 5). 

6. sSyU ma’wan (s.; pi. nui ’ilwin) = habitation 
abode, dwelling, shelter (adverb of place from 
’awd ['erwiy], to seek shelter. Sec at 57:15, e 
1773, n. 5). 

7. masir = destination, place al which ore 
arrives, destiny See at 64: 10. p 1834, n. 4). 

8. daraba = he struck, hit, beat (v. in m s 

*. ' w 

gS^lr* 1 



of the wife of Nflh 
and the wife of LQt. 

The two had been under 
two of Our servants, 9 
two righteous ones; 10 
but they betrayed" the two; 
so the two availed 12 them not 
against Allah anything; and 
it was said: "Enter you two 
the fire with those entering." 

past from darb. to beat See al 43:17, p 1586.* 


9. 'ibid (sing, x^'abd) = servants (of AM). 

human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippen. See « 
44:18. p. 1609, n. 8). 

10. salihayn (dual, acc /gcn of sihlybi. i. 

silih) - two righteous/ virtuous ones (ad 
participle from solatia [salib/ sulth/ nuu(aJ)uA{, 
to be good, right, proper. See sililjln at 63:10. p. 
1829, n. 5). 

11. i. c., they disbelieved and disobeyed AM 
and His Messengers. liW khanald = the two (f ) 

betrayed, became disloyal/treachcrous (v ill. f 
dual past from khina 1 1 A<i« VJW ii wina*|. io 
betray. See la lakbunu at 8:26. p. 556. n I) 

12. Us yughniyi(ni) = they two avail, suffice. 

make free from want, enrich, help (v. iii. m dual 
impfet. from ’aghni. form IV of ghaiuya \gkum 
/ ghoni' |. to be free from want, to be rich. Tie 
terminal min is dropped for the particle l<m 
coming before the verb. See vughni at 51:6 p 
1832. n. 7). 

Surah 66: Al-Tahrim | Part (Juz') 28 ) 


1 1 • And Allah strikes' 

$3 an instance 2 

for those who believe 
ofcf of the wife of Fir'awn, 
vJiUli when she said: My Lord, 
JxcJJif build 3 for me near You 
a house in the garden 
and save 4 me from Fir'awn 
and his deed, 

»/« ,/ / 

and save me from the people 
0'OFuLlih that transgress. 5 

12. And of Mryam, daughter 
0>t of 'Imran, 

who guarded 6 her chastity; 
and We breathed 7 into it 
of Our spirit of life; 8 
and she believed 9 
in the Words of her Lord 
-4 and His Books; 

3&J and she was 

, 0 of those devoutly obedient. 10 

1. v _r» daraba = he struck, hit. beat (v. iii. m. s. 

past from darb, to beat See at 66:10. p. 1848, n. 

2. Js» malhal (pi. JisJ \ imthiil ) = simile, likeness, 
example, parable, instance, model, ideal See at 
43:56. p. 1597, n. 3. 

3. ibni = build, construct, erect, set up (v. ii. 
m. s. imperative from band [bind'/bunydn). to 
build, to erect. See at 40:36, p. 1522. n. 10. 

4. £> najji = you rescue, save, deliver (v. ii. m. s. 

imperative from najjd, form II of najd 
[najw/naji 37 najdh], to be saved, to escape. See 

at 28:21. p. 1238. n. 10). 

5. i. e . particularly the polytheists [note that at 

31:13 shirk or setting partners with Allah is called 
a grave zulm). fittmbi (acc./gen. of 

pllimun. sing. fdlim) = transgressors, 
wrong-doers, unjust persons, those committing 
wrongs, polytheists ( active participle from 
zalama [zu/m], to transgress, do wrong. Sec at 
59:17. p. 1802. n. 9). 

6. 'ahsanai = he guarded, fortified (v. iii. 
f. s. past from 'ahsana, form IV of Ijasuna 
[hasdnah], to be inaccessible, chaste. Sec luhfina 
at 21:91. p. 1037, n. 13). 

7. Caw nafakhnd = we breathed, blew, inflated 

(v. i. pi past from nakfakha nafakha [nafkh], to 
blow Sec at 21:91. p. 1037. n. 14). 

8. rtih (s.; pi. ’arwdh) = breath of life, soul, 
spirit, spirit of life, wn/jy, Jibrfl. See at 58:22, p. 
1792, n 9. 

9. c-iJ— saddaqat = she believed, he proved true, 

verified, substantiated, confirmed, accepted as 
true (v. iii. m. f. past in from saddaqa. form II of 
sadaqu \sadq/sidq). to speak the truth. Sec 
saddaqa at 39:33. p. 1493, n. 2). 

10. jr^i qdnitin (pi.; accusalive/gcnitive of 
qdnilun; s. qunit) = devoutly dutiful/obedient, 
submissive (active participle from qanata Iqundl], 
to be obedient, to be devout). See at 33:35, p. 
1849, n. 10). 

67. SOratal-Mulk (The Dominion) 
Makkan: 30 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. It deals with the fundamentals of the faith, mainly the Oneness, Power and 
Glory of Allah and the theme of Resurrection, Judgement, reward and punishment in the hereafter. It 
starts with an emphasis that Blessed is Allah in Whose Hand is the Dominion of the heavens and the 
earth. Life and death are His creation and He is over everything Omnipotent. The surali is named after 
this first 'ayah. Indeed the whole surah deals with Allah's Power and Dominion over everything, draws 
attention to His wonderful creation and how He provides for everything and being, and stresses the 
inevitability of the Resurrection, Judgement, reward and punishment. 


1. Blessed 1 is He 
•JU in Whose Hand is 

JUiif the dominion; 2 

and He is over everything 
QjJ* Omnipotent. 1 

2. He Who created 
ij^Lf death and life 

jgb that He might test 4 you 

as to who of you is the best 5 
in deed. 

And He is the All-Mighty, 6 
the Most Forgiving. 

3. He Who created 
seven heavens, 

1 aljU tab&raka = he became blessed, praised, 

exalted (v. iii m s. past in form VI of baraka, to 
kneel down. See at 55: 78. p 1752, n 8) 

2. i. e . His is the absolute ownership, possession ' 
sovereignty and power of governance and 
dispensation. dJd. mulk - dominion, kingships 
monarchy, right of possession, ownership. See * 
64:1, p. 1830. n. 2. 

3. jiJi qadir - Omnipotent, AII FowoW, 
All-Capable (act. participle in the intensive scale 
of fa’ll from qudura [ qadr/ qadar/ qudraU , 
maqdurah/ nuiqdarah/ nuiqdirah]. to ordain, to 
measure, to have power See at 66:8, p. 1848. a 
2 ). 

4. y* yabluwaOu) = he tests, tries, (v in. m t > 
impfcl. from balu [hatw / bald ’ |. to test, to try. 
The final letter takes fot-hah because of a hidden ( 
‘an in li ( him of motivation) coming before the 
verb. See at 47:4, p. 1649, n. I). 

5. Allah gives life and death not without purpose, j 
but to test His creatures by their deeds. 1 

’ahsan - better, fairer/fairest, monc/mMt J 
handsome, morc/most befitting, best. Elativc of 
hasan. good, beautiful. Sec at 17:53. p 889, n 10. 

6. ’aziz = All-Mighty, Invincibly Powerful 

before Whom everyone else is powerless; mighty, 
overwhelming; also respected, distinguished, j 
dear, beloved, strong, mighty, difficult, hard See 

at 62:3. p. 1821. n. 5. 


Surah 67: AlMulk [ Part (Juz‘) 29 ] 


liCL one above another. 1 

1; You cannot see in the creation 
of the All-Compassionate 
yi* a? any disharmony. 2 
Then turn’ the eye, 
can you see any fissures? 4 

j^^'c 4. Then turn the eye 
again and again; 5 
there will turn back 6 to you 
iLp^j'I the eye enfeebled" 

and it will be exhausted. 8 

iiJj 5. And We have indeed 
dll adorned 9 the nearest 10 heaven 

r. \~ l with lamps" 

(t&j and have set them 

as missiles 12 for Satans; 

6-ctij and We have prepared 1 ' 
vIjc pk for them the punishment 
of the blazing furnace. 14 

cfilj 6. And for those who 

1. JU» fibdq = in conformity with, corresponding 
to, one above another. 

2. ojU; lafSwut - disparity, dissimilarity, 
disharmony (verbal noun in form VI of fata 
\fawl/faw&l\, to pass away, to vanish. See fata at 
60:1 1. p. 1812. n. S. 

3. £» J irji ' - you go back, return, send back, turn 
(v. ii. m. s. imperative from raja a (rujQ‘). to 
return, go back. Sec at 32:12, p. 1327. n. 9). 

4 futur (pi.; s. fair) = fissures, cleavages, 

5 / karratayn (dual. accVgcn. of karraldn ; s. 

karrah ) = twice, again and again, two 
recurrences, two turns . See karrah at 26:102. p. 
1120. n. 6. 

6. yanqalib(u ) = he truns round, turns, turns 

about, turn back (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
mqalaba inqalaba, form VII of qalaba [qalb], to 
turn around. The final letter is vowettess ( sdkin ) 
because the verb is conclusion of a conditional 
clause. See at 3:144, p. 21 1. n. 4). 

7. khasi ' = feeble, enfeebled, weak, 
languid, outcast, rejected, driven away (act. 
participle from khasa’a | Wuit'], to chase away. 
See in at 7:166, p. 530, n. 7). 

8 jr-r- hasir = exhausted, weary, tired, fatigued 
(act. participle in the scale of fa'U from tjasara 
\hurur]. lobe tired. See yasluhsiruna at 21:19, p. 
1017. n. 5). 

9. Wj zayyannd = we adorned, embellished. 

decorated, ornamented, beautified (v. i. pi past 
from zayyana, form II of z&na [znyn], to decorate, 
adorn. Sec at 50:6. p. 1686, n. 7). 

10. V> dunyd (f.; m. adnu ) = nearer, nearest, 
lower, lowest, this world, earth. See at 37:6, p. 
1431, n. 3. 

11. i. e., stars. mas&bih (pi.: s. miybdh ) = 
lamps, lights. See at 4 1 : 1 2. p. 1 543. n. 12. 

1 2. f yrj rujum (pi. ; s. rajm ) = missiles. See 
rajm at 18:22, p. 919, n. I . 

13. Ua*t 'a 'tadnd = we prepared, got ready (v. t. 
pi. past in form IV of 'alada [ ulad], to be ready. 
See at 48:13. p. 1666. n. 6). 

14. i. e.. hell. sa'tr = burning blaze, blazing 
furnace, inferno. See at 48: 1 3, p. 1666. n. 7. 


Strait 67: AIMulk [ Pan (Juz‘) 29 ) 

•rZj&r disbelieve 1 in their Lord 
is the punishment of hell; 
$ and bad 2 is the destination. 2 

7. When they will be flung 4 
lirrili into it they will hear its sighs 5 
Qjjtj’j and it will be flaring up; 6 

8. Almost bursting 7 
out of rage. 8 

Every time there is flung 
into it a band 9 

its stewards 10 will ask them: 
"Did there not come to you 
any warner?" 11 



9. They will say: "O yes, 

there did come to us a warner, 

but we disbelieved l2 and said: 

Allah has not sent down 12 


you are naught but 

in an error 14 quite enormous." 

1. ly/tf" kafarl 2 = they disbelieved, became 

ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m pi. past from kafara 
[ kufr ). to cover. Sec at 64:6. p 1832, n. 4). 

2. ^ hi’t = evil, wretched, bad. Sec at 40:76, p 
1536. n. 4. 

3. j-** masir = destination, place at which ok 
arrives, destiny. See at 66:9, p. 1848. n. 7). 

4. ' _yilt 'ulqu = they were thrown, cast, flung, 
delivered, submitted (v. iii. m. pi. past passive 
from alqd, form IV of laqiya ( liqa ' Auqydn fluqj 
Auqyah /luqan], to meet. See at 25:13, p. 1141, a 

7 > 

5. shahiq = sobbing, sighing, inhalation, 
braying (of a donkey). See at 11.106, p 715, n 10. 

6. jyii lafuru = she flares up. boils, bubbles, 
gushes forth, bursts (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from /dra 
Ifowr/fawriin), to flare up. to boil. See fdra it 
23:27. p 1082. a I). 

7 tammayzu (originally lalamayyazu) b si* 
bursts, becomes separatcd/distinguishcd (v. iii. f 
s. impfet. from lamayyaza, form V of rabi 
[mrayz], to separate. See imldzu at 36:59, p. 1423. 
n. 2). 

8. Ji> ghayz = rage, wrath, anger, fury Set at 
33:25. p. 1344. n 9. 

9. £> fawj (s.; pi. ^tyl afwdj) = band, troop. 

group, detachment, regiment Sec at 38:59, p 
1473, n. 13. 

10. iij* khazanah (pi.; s. khdzin) = treasuren. 

stewards, keepers (act. participle from khttzau 
(Wuizn). to store. Sec at 40:49, p 1527. n I). 

1 1 . nadhtr (pi. nudhur) = warner, one or that 

which gives warning, warning (active participle in 
the scale of fa'tl from nadhara \nudhr/ nudhir\, 
to vow, to pledge). Sec at 53:56, p. 1727, n. 17). j 

1 2. WaT kadhdhabnd = we disbelieved, cried fin 

to. regarded os false (v. i. pi. post from 
kadhdhaba. form II of kadhaba [ktdhb /kadktb 
/kadhbah / ktdhbah ]. to lie. See kadhdhaba at 
57:19. p 1775. n. 8) 

13. nazzala = he sent down (v. iii. m. s. past 

in form II of nuzala ( nuzut ), to come down See at 
43:11. p. 1584. n. 6) 

14. JbL. <faldl = error, straying from the nghl 
path. See at 62:2, p. 1821. n. 1. 

Surah 67: Al-Mutk ( Part ( Jut ) 29 ] 


(Jl»j 10. And they will say: 

"Had we listened' 

Jiiijl or exercised reason, 2 
86 we would not have been 
among the inmates’ 
of the balzing furnace." 

1 1 • Thus will they confess 4 
.Jjjju their sin. 
llAli So away 5 with the 
j 5 ^lfy>J>V inmates of the blazing fire. 


12. Verily those who fear 6 

1. nasma'u = we hear, listen, pay attention 
(v. i. pi. iinpfct. from sami'a (ram' /sarnd ' 

/ uuna'ah /marma']. to hear. Sec forma ' at 63:4, 

p. 1826. n. 6). 

2. na'qilu = we exercise reason, understand. 

realize, comprehend (v. i. pi. impfet. from aqala 
( 'aqt], to understand, to have intelligence. .See 
laqtluna at 57:17, p. 1774. n. II). 

3. vl~»' 'ay-h&b (pi.; sing. u'lhih) = 

inmates, inhabitants, companions, associates, 
comrades, followers, owners. See at 64:10, p. 
1834, n. 3). 

4. 'y yp' i’taraju - they admitted, confessed. 

acknowledged, avowed, recognized (v. iii. m pi. 
past from i’turafa. form VIII of ' arafa 
[mu' rt fall/' irfiln], to know, to recognize. See at 
9:102. p. 621. n. 14). 

5. y — suhq = distance, remoteness, suhqan 
lahu = away with him. 

6. OySAf yakhshawna - they fear, ore afraid of. 

apprehend, dread (v. iii m. pi. impfet. from 
Idiashiya [khashy/ khashyah], to fear, to dread). 
See at 39:23, p. 1490. n. 3). 

7. ghayb (s.; pi ghuyOb) = unseen, invisible, 
hidden, divine secret. See at 53:35, p. 1724, n. 4. 


their Lord in the unseen' 
they will have forgiveness 8 
and a reward 9 very great. 10 

13. And whether you conceal" 
your saying or disclose 12 it, 
verily He is All-Knowing 
of the secrets of the hearts.” 

14. Should he not know 

8. • yk, maghfirah = forgiveness, pardon, 
remission. See at 35:7. p. 1391. n. 13. 

9 y»! * ajr (pi. jy' ’ ujiir ) = reward, recompense, 
remuneration, due. See at 57:27. p. 1780, n. 4). 

10. fS kabtr = big. great, enormous, grave thing. 
All-Great See at 35:7. p. 1391. n.14. 

11. \jjJ ’ asirru - you conceal, secrete, hide, 

keep confidential (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from 
asarru, form IV of surra [surfin' lasirrah/ 
masarrah], to make happy. See tusirruna at 64:4, 
p. 1831. n. 6). 

12. 1 ijhani = you shout/ make loud/ public, 
disclose (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from jahara [ 
jahr /jihdr), to declare publicly, to come out. See 
Ui tajharu at 49:2. p. 1677. n. 2). 

13. jjJ-» sudiir (pi.; sing, yc* sadr ) = breasts. 

chests, bosoms, hearts, front, beginning dhdi 
al-sudur = that which possesses the hearts, 
secrets of the hearts. See at 64:4. p. 1831. n. 8. 


Surah 67: Al-Mulk [ Part (Jut') 29 ) 

jU.y Who created, 

and He is the All-Subtle, 1 
0_*l£i’ the All-Aware? 2 


Section (Ruku ‘) 2 
15. He it is Who made for 
you the earth docile. 3 
So walk 4 through its flanks 5 
and eat of His provision. 6 
And to Him will be 
the resurrection. 7 


%s-a i 

16. Do you feel secure 8 of 
the One in the Heaven 
that He may sink 9 with you 
the earth and then 
it will quake? 10 

£ 4 $ 17. Or do you feel secure 
of the One in the Heaven 
that He may send down" 
li— on you a hail-storm 12 

so you shall know 
(£) how My warning is? 13 

1. latif - All-Graceful. All-Subtle, Kind. 

Gracious, fine, delicate, refined (active paitiapk 
in the scale of fa'll from latajad^m 
( lutf/lutdfah], to be kind and friendly, to be fine 
delicate See at 42: 19. p. 1568, n. 3). 

2. jr* khabtr = All-Aware, All -Con 

All-Acquainted (active participle in the idled 
fa’ll from khabara | khuhr /khibrah] Id In 
acquainted). Sec at 66:3, p 1 845, n. 8). 

3. J jh dhaliil (s.; pi. dhulal) = docile. Hindi 
trained, See at 2:71, p. 33, n. 7. 

4. ij^-*i imshd = you (all) go on. proceed, now 
along, walk (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from morM| 

mashy\, to go on fool, to walk. Sec at 38:6, 
p. 1460. n. 8). 

5. manakib (pi.; s. nutnkib ) » flanks, 
shoulders, uplands, highlands (noun of place fiat 
nakaba [ nukuh J. to deviate, to swerve. Sn 
ndkibin at 23:74. p. 1093. n 9.) 

6. Jjj rizq (pi. Jijj 1 “rzA q) = sustenance. 

subsistence, livelihood, means of livelihood, 
provision, boon Sec at 65: 1 1 . p. 1 843. n. 9. 

7. jjii nushdr m resurrection, restoration to life 
See at 35:9. p 1392. n 13. 

8. fsJ 'aminlum - you (all) became life. 

were/fclt secure (v. ii. m. pi. past from umm 
| amn/amdn |, to be safe. See at 2:196, p 94. n 

9. i. e . He may cause the earth to collapse ml 
sink with you. -a— a, yakhsifa(u) = he sudts, 

causes to sink, is eclipsed (v. iii. m. s. impfa 
from khasafa [ khmflkhusQf ). to sink, to be 
eclipsed. See at 16:45, p. 842. n. 10). 

10. lamuru = she moves to and fro. mova 

from side to side, quakes (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from 
mdra [mowr], to move from side to side). 

11. jt yunila(u) = he despatches, sends, lets 

flow (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'arsala, form IV of 
rasila [ rasal ], to be long and flowing. The final 
letter takes fat- hah for the particle ‘an comiH| 
before the verb. See at 30:46, p 1 305, n. 5). 

12. v-aU has tb = hail storm, violent tornado, 
devastating cyclone See at 54:34. p 1736. n. I. 

13. >4; nadhir (pi. nudhur ) = wamer, warning. 
See at 67:9. p. 1852, n. II. 

Surah 67: Al-Mulk 1 Pan Uuz') 29 ] 


18. And disbelieved' indeed 
those before them. 

ob -Ai Then how was 

vly disapproval ? 2 

19. Do they not see the birds’ 
above them unfolding wings 4 
and holding? 5 

£ There retains 6 them none 
but the All-Compassionate. 
Verily He is of everything 
($&-*! All-Seeing.' 

20. Or who is the one that is 
an army 8 for you 

that can help 9 you besides 
^lf the All-Compassionate? 

The disbelievers are 
0 IXfi in naught but delusion. 10 

21 . Or who is the one that 
can give you provision" 

if He withholds' : His provision? 

1 . S kadhdhaba - he cried lies lo. regarded os 

false, disbelieved (v. in in. s. past in form It of 
kadhuba ( kidhb /kadhib /kadhbah / ktdhbah], to 
lie. See at 50:15. p. 1688. n. 4). 

2. i. e.. My retribution, nakiri (originally imkin- 

I) : naktr = denial, disapproval, disavowal, 

disapprobation, rejection. Sec at 67:18, p. 1855. n. 
2 . 

3. layr ( coll, n.; pi. jjfr luyur) = bird, birds, 
fowls. See at 56:21, p. 1756. n. 4. 

4. otiU* tiffed (f. pi.; s. stiff ah: m. Stiff ) those 

ranged in ranks, those lined up. those unfodling 
their wings (act. participle from saffa l faff], to 
line up. lo set in a row). 

5. i. e., folding the wings. yaqbidna - they 
(0 hold, grasp, grip (v. iii. f. pi. mipfct. from 
qubada [qabd], to seize. Sec qabadnd at 25:46, p. 
1152. n. J).' 

6. i. e., in the sky. «il — t yumsiku = he retains, 
holds, withholds, grasps (v. iii. m. s. impfet from 
'a/nsaka, form IV of masaka |mu.vk], to hold, to 
grab. See at 39:42, p. 1496, n. 7). 

7. basis = one who sees/ observes, All-Seeing 

(act. participle in the scale of fa'll from 
btifura/basiro [imsar], to see). See at 64:2, p. 
1830. n. 6. 

8. Ja» jund (s.; pi. junud/ajnad ) = army. host. 
Sec at 44:24, p. 1610, n. 10. 

9. j-*-t yansuru = he helps, assists (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from nayara [nasr /nusur], to help. See 
vansuruna at 59:8, p. 1798. n, 7). 

10. jyjk ghurur = delusion, deception, deceit, 
conceit, vanities. Sec at 57:20, p. 1776, n. 1 1. 

• I <}jji yarzuqu = he provides, provides with 

the means of subsistence, bestows (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from razaqa [razq], to provide, bestow 
See at 42:19. p 1568, n. 4). 

12. di—J 'amsaka = he retained, held, withheld, 
grasped (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of masaka 
[mruk], to hold, to grab Sec n. 6 above). 


Surah 67: Al Mulk | pan (Juz ) 29 ] 

Nay, they persist 1 in insolence 2 
and aversion.’ 


22. Is the one who walks 4 
upside down 5 on his face 
the better guided 6 or 
the one who walks upright 7 
on a way straight and right?® 




23. Say: "He it is Who 
brought you into being 9 
and set for you 
the hearing and the sights 
and the hearts. 

Little is that 

you express gratitude." 10 

^ 24. Say: "He it is Who has 
scattered" you in the earth; 
and to Him 

you shall all be gathered." 12 

25. And they say: 

1. lyj tajjd = they persisted, became otntinaK/ 
stubborn/ unyielding, insisted (v. iii. m. pi put 
from lajja ( lajajAaj&j/lajdjah ] , to persist, to be 
stubborn. See at 23:75. p. 1093, n. 10). 

2. y» ‘utuw = recalcitrance, disobedience 
insolence, audacity See at 25:21. p 1144, n.2 U 

3. jyii nufiir - aversion, distaste, dislike. 

estrangement, bolting away (of animals). Sec a 
35:42. p 1406. n. 5 

4. yamshi = he or it moves, walks, goes at 
fool, proceeds (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from mtaU 
[ ^4- meir/iy), to go on foot, to walk. See it 25:7, 
p. 1139, n. II). 

5. yi- mukihb = one who throws oneself dove 
becomes upside down, bends down, leans (act. 
participle from akxibba. form IV of kdbha 
[kabb], to turn upside down, to prostrate See 
kubbal at 27:90. p. 1229. n. 5). 

6. if-ul ’alula = mote in the right, better guided, 

better guide (clative of hatitn) See at 35:42. f 
1406. n. 2. 

7. i fy~ sawiy (s.; pi. aswiya' ) = straighL 

upright, correct, proper, sound, even. See a 
20:135. p 1011. n. 9. 

8. muitaqim - straight, upright, era. 

correct, right, proper (active participle fraa 
tstaquma. form X of i/ama (i/<;unui/iA/ndni|. a 
stand up. to get up). Sec at 48:20, p. 1670, n. 3). 1 

9. liil ’am ha 'a - he created, brought into being, 

caused to rise (v. iii. s past in form IV of naika'i 
[ nash'/ mishit'/ nash'ah], to rise, to emerge. See 
at 53:32. p. 1723. n. 10). 

10. i. e.. by obeying and worshipping Him Alow. 
0)^1 lashkuruna = you (all) express gratitude, 

be thankful, be grateful (v. ii. m pi. impfet. from 
shakara [shukr/shukran], to thank, exprea 
gratitude See at 45: 12, p. 1621, n. 9). 

11. tji dhara'a = he created, scattered. gre» (». 
iii. m. s past from dhar'. to create, scatter, grow 
See at 23:79, p. 1094. n 12). 

12. i. e., on the Day of Resurrection ad 
judgement OjyOj*; tuhshar&na = yon ne 
gathered, collected, assembled, mustered, haded, 
rallied (v. ii, m pi impfet. passive from haskait 
[Aoj/ir). to gather Sec at 58:9, p 1787. n. T). I 

Surah 67: Al-Mulk [ Part Uuz ) 29 ] 


"When will this promise 1 be, 
if you are truthful?" 2 




> > "<f 

26. Say: "The knowledge 3 is 
but with Allah, 

and I am but a wamer 4 
open and clear." 5 

27. But when they will see it 

distressed 7 will be the faces 8 
of those who disbelieve 
and it will be said: 

"This is what you had been 
clamouring 9 for." 

28. Say: "Do you see, if 
Allah destroys 10 me 
and those with me, 

or bestows mercy 11 on us, 
then who is to protect 12 
the disbelievers from a 
punishment most painful?" 13 

1 . i. e., the promised thing, the Resurrection, a*-j 
wa‘d (s.; pi. wudd) = promise. See at 40:55. p. 
1528. n. 11. 

2. i. e . in what you say about the Resurrection. 

sddiqln (pi.; acc /gen of .jddiqun, s. sddii/) 

= truthful, those who speak the truth (active 
participle from adaqa [jadq/ jidq], to speak die 
truth. See at 62:6. p. 1 822. n. 7). 

3. i. e . the knowledge of its time of occurrence. 

4. jtb nadhir (pi. nudhur ) = wamer. one or that 
which gives warning, warning (active participle in 
the scale of fall from nadhara [nadhr/ nudhur], 
to vow, to pledge). See at 67:9, p. 1852, n. II). 

5. j-r mubtn = all too clear, obvious, manifest, 

patent, explicit, open and clear, conspicuous, he 
who or that which makes clear (act participle 
from ’abdna, form IV of bdna (baydn), to be 
clear. Sec at 64:12. p. 1834, n. II). 

6. Ulj zulfah = near, approaching. See uzlifat at 
50:31. p. 1178. n. 8. 

7. ■-■V' sVat = she was distressed, worried, 
saddened, made gloomy, (v. iii. f. s. past passive 
from »U sd a | sO'/saw"]. to be bad. See st'a at 
29:33, p. 1276. n. 9). 

8. wujdh (sing. wajh) = faces, 
countenances. See at 47:27, p. 1657, n. 3). 

9. JyM tadda'bna = you (all) ask for, claim, 
maintain, allege, clamour for (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. 
from idda'6. for VIII of dad ( dud to call, to 
summon. See at 41:31, p. 1551. n. 2). 

10. dUsf 'ahlaka = he destroyed, annihilated (v. 
iii. m. s. past in from IV of ludaka [ halk / hulk/ 
hal&k /luhlukah], to perish. Sec at 53:50, p. 1726, 
a 7). 

11. yj rahirna = he graced, had mercy on. 
bestowed mercy, spared, let off (v. iii. m. s. from 
rahmah/marhamah Sec at 6:16, p. 397, n. 5). 

12. yu yujiru s he gives protection, protects, 
shelters, grants asylum (v. iii. m s. impfet. from 
ajdra, form IV of jura [/rnvr] , to deviate, to 
oppress. See at 23:88. p. 1096, n. 5). 

13. (Jl ’altm = most painful, very agonizing. 

anguishing, excruciating (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa ’ll from altma ( dlam\, to be 
in pain, to feel pain). See at 64:5. p. 1831. n. 12). 


Surah 67: M-Mulk [ Part (Jui ) 29 ] 

yLji 29. Say: "He is 

the All-Compassionate, 
.ajlil* we believe in Him 
and on Him we rely. 1 
So you shall know 
who is in an error 2 
(£} yjJ quite obvious." 

30. Say: "Do you see, 
if your water becomes 5 
deeply underground, 4 
then who will bring you 
{£5 o}"j& water in flowing spring?" 5 

1 . US' y rawaktcalnd * we relied, depended, pi 
our trust, appointed as representative (v. i. pi p« 
from rawakkala, form V of wakala [kuC 1 
wukdl], to entrust See at 60:4. p 1808. n. 12). 

2. j7*-» dalal = error, straying from the right park 
See at 67:10. p 1852, n. 14 

3. jv-»l 'ashaha = he became, became in At 
morning (v. ii. m. S. past in form IV of :ahak 
\sahh\. to be in the morning. See at 28:11. p 
1237. n 4). 

4. i. c.. if it goes deeply underground, j/ ghnr 

(s.; pi. ’aghwdr)= deeply undeigianl 
subterranean, bottom, depression. Sec at 11:41, 
926. n 5. 

5. i. e.. who will bring water to run withiag par 
easy reach? ma‘ln = spring, flowing ipnng. 
source of water, tunning forth. See at 56:18, g 
1755. n. 14. 

68. Surat al-Qalam (The Pen) 

Makkan: 52 'ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah which brings home Ihe theme of risalah or Messengership of 
Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, and the truth of the Qur'an. It also deals with the 
attitude of the unbelievers to these two matters and illustrates their position by the instance of the owners 
of a garden which was destroyed because of their unbelief and disregard of Allah. It also points out that 
punishment for the unbelievers will be more severe in the hereafter while the believers and the righteous 
will be blessed with the paradise of bliss. The surah also asks the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah 
be on him, to go on preaching the truth disregarding the opposition and ridicule of the unbelievers. 

The surah is named al-Qalam (The Pen) with reference to its first 'ayah wherein Allah swears by 
the pen to emphasize that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, is not one gone off his 
head as the unbelievers alleged. 

1. Allah Alone knows the meaning and 
significance of these disjointed letters. Sec 2: 1 . p. 

4. n. I. 

2. Allah may swear by anything of His creation; 
but His servants may swear only by Him. 

3. i. e„ men and angels write for various 

purposes. yasturuna - they write, draw 

lines (v. iii. m. pi. itnpfct. from sa(ura [satr], to 
draw lines. See nuis[ur at 52:2, p. 1607, n. 3). 

4 ni’muh (*.; pi. ni'am) = blessing, grace, 

favour, benefaction. See at 39:49, p 1499. n. 2. 

5. This is a reply to the unbelievers' calling the 
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. 
mad on account of his giving out of the Qur!ln 

majnun (s.; pi. majunin ) = possessed by 
jinn, insane, mad, one gone off his head (pass, 
participle from janna (yu/ni/i), to cover, to hide. 
See at 54:9. p. 1731. n. I). 

6. i. e.. it will neither be exhausted nor stopped. 
mamn&n = cut off, ceased, obliged, grateful, 
weak (pass, participle from manna [ma/m], to be 
kind, to bestow favour, to cut off, to be weak. See 
at 41:8, p. 1542. n. 6) 

7. The address is to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. khuluqi s ; pi. 

' akhldq ) = character, nature, disposition, way See 
at 26: 1 37, p. I186.n. 4 

8. fji* ‘azim = great, most lofty, magnificent, 
splendid, stupendous, grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, enormous, grave Sec at 62:5, p 1821, 
n. 8. 

by the pen 2 

sCj and what they write.’ 

cl\Z 2. You are not, 

by the grace 4 of your Lord, 
one gone off his head.' 

3. And verily for you 
will be a reward 
without cessation. 6 

4. And indeed you are on 
a character 7 most lofty. 8 



Surah 68: At-Qalam [ Part (Juz') 29 ] 

5. So you will see 1 
0'o^Xj and they will see, 

6. Who of you is the insane. 2 

7. Verily your Lord, 

He is the Best Aware’ 
of w ho has gone astray 
from His way 4 

and He is the Best Aware of 
those in receipt of guidance. 5 

gj? - * 8. So obey not 6 
the disbelievers. 

9. They wish 7 if you be 
pliant 8 they will be pliant. 


10. And obey not every oft- 
swearer, 9 a despicable one; 1 

1 1 . A slanderer 1 1 going 
round 12 with a calumny; 13 

\.fAf lubsiru - you see. see through, undcrstad, 
(v. ii. m. s. impfct. from abjara, form IV 4 
basura/basira [bajur], to see. See lubsiriiu I 
56:85. p. 1765. n. 8). 

2. JjUa maftun = one tempted, fasc 
charmed, insane, maniac, mad (pass pamdffc 
from falana [fain /, fulin ). to put to trial, to lenpt 
See fatanlum at 57: 14. p. 1773, n. 2). 

3. ‘a'lamu = better-knowing, best a war 
(dative of 'a/tm. active participle from ’ulmt 
| ilm), to know. See at 50:45. p. 1695. n. 8), 

4. i. e., His din — tuwhid and IsISmJ— . saU 

(pi. subul/asbilah) = way. path, road. mean, 
course Sec at 63:2, p. 1825. n. 8. 

5. muhladin (acc. /gen. of muhladin 

sing muhladin ) = those in receipt of guidona; 
are guided aright, arc led on the right way (acme 
participle from ihtadA form VIII of hadi 
[hidayah/hudan/hudy], to lead, to guide. Set a 
28.57. p. 1252. n. I). 

6 tup' = do not obey, follow, abide by. 

comply with (v. ii. m. s. imperative (prohi 
front aid a, form IV of t&'u [raw'), to obey Set 
at 33:48. p. 1354. n. 9). 

7. l>»> waddA = they wished, desired, I oral, 
liked (v. iii. m. pi. past from wadda [wadd/w add 
A> idd], to love, like See at 60:2, p. 1807, n. !). 

8. i. e.. compromise in the matter of the din 

ludhinu = you oil, anoint, flatter, be pliant (v. a 
m. s. impfct. from adhana, form IV of datum 
[ dahn ], to oil, to anoint. See dihan at 5537, 
174. n. 11 

9. oV haltaf - oft- swearer, one »l» 

habitually makes promises (act. participle in (* 
intensive scale of fa ' '<3/ from tyilafa to 

swear. See xahhfunu at 58: 1 8. p 1 791 , n. 2). 

10. mahtn = despicable, weak. mean, paltry 

little. See at 43:52, p. 1596, n. 2. , 

11. jU* hamm&z - slanderer, backbiter im 

participle in the intensive scale of fa"<U fiw 
hamazu [hum: ). to goad on). 

12. mashsha ' = one who goes round,* alia 

(act. participle in the scale of fa' 'At from aunU 
(masAy], to walk, to go on foot). 

13. namim (s.; pi. namA’im ) = calumny, 
slander, defamation. 

surah 68: Al-Qalam | Pari (Juz') 29 ) 


12. A hinderer 1 of the good, 
££ a transgressor, 2 sinful. 3 

13. Relentless, 4 
moreover a base-born. 5 

oKjl 14. Because he is 

owner of wealth and sons. 

5. When recited 6 to him 
are Our signs he says: 

I "Legends 7 of the ancients." 

I 0 

X.'/. 16. We shall brand 8 him 
on nozzle. 9 

17. We have indeed tried 10 
EjUj them" as We tried 

the owners of the garden 

i^iii when they swore 12 that 

#£} they shall surely harvest 13 it 
rising in the morning; 

18. And they excepted not. 14 

1. manna ' - one who prevents. forbids. 

defends, resists, bars, hinders (act. participle in 
the scale of fa"dl from marui'a [ man'), to 
prevent. See at 50:25. p. 1690, n. II). 

2. -u»* mu'ladin (s.; pi. muludun ) = aggressor, 

transgressor, one who acts outrageously (act. 
participle from i tadd, form VIII of 'add [ 'adw/ 
'udtiw/ 'add'/ ' udwdn ], to attack, to assail. Sec 
’ddaytum at 60:8, p. 1809, n. 9). 

3. 'athim (s. ; pi. ulhamd’) = sinful, 

criminal, evil (active participle in the form of fa'll 
from 'alhima I'ilhm/'alhnm / ma'tham], to sin. 
See at 45:7. p. 1619. n. 13). 

4. J^'utull = cruel, relentless, stubborn. 

5 The allusion is to Al-Walid ibn Mughirah, one 
of the Makkan unbelieving leaders ( Tafsir 
at-Jaldlayn). fJj zanim = base-bom. bastard, of 
reputed father 

6. jts lulld = it (fem.) is recited, read out. read 
aloud (v. iii. f. s. irnpfct. passive from laid 
[ tildwah ), to recite. See at 23:105, p. 1 100, n. II). 

7. j&lJ ’ asalir (pi.; s. ‘ usturah ) = legends, 
myths, fables, tales. Sec at 46: 17, p. 1638. n. 4 

8. ; nasimti = we brand, stamp, mark (v. i. pi. 

impfet. from wasama [wasm/amah], to brand. 
See mulawasstmln at 15:75, p. 822, n. 13. 

9. ( })*/*■ k hurt urn (s.; pi. khardtim ) = trunk, 

10. Ujl< balawnd = we tried, put to test (v. i pi. 

past from bald [balw /bald'], to lest, to try. See 
at 7:168. p.53l.n.3). 

11. The allusion is to the unbelieving Makkans 

12. 'aqsarnu = they swore, took an oath 

(v. iii. m. pi. past from 'aqsama, form IV of 
qasama [qasam], to divide, to apportion. Sec at 
35:42. p. 1405. n 10). 

13. csr*} la yasrimunna = they shall surely cut 

off. sever, harvest (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. emphatic 
from sarama [sarm/surm], to cut off, to sever. 

14. i. c.. they did not say in shd ’ Allah, if Allah 

wills. < yastathndna = they make 

exception, except, exclude (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. 
from islalhnd, form X of thana [thuny], to 
double. See yathnuna at 1 1 :5. p. 678. n. 9). 


SQrah 68. Al-Qalam [ Part (Jui) 29 ] 

19. So there went round 1 it 
an itinerant 2 from your Lord 
while they were asleep. 

20. Hence it became 
OfyZl?' like a ground burnt black.' 

jjjQ 2 1 . Then they called one 
(£) another 4 rising in the morning.' 

\/ji\ Jl 22. That: "You proceed 6 early 
to your tilth 7 
if you are to reap the fruits." 8 

\y.\L% 23. So they set out’ 

{£) and they were whispering: 10 


24. That: "Let there enter not 
today on you any poor man.”" 

25. And they went early 
/s& with a resolve, 12 
having power. 1 ' 

1 . tafa = he went round, circu 
moved about (v. iii. m. s. past from fawfl 
lawfdn. to go about, to run around See yuiiflid 
56:17. p. 1755. n. 10). 

2. i. e.. a devastating hot wind wUU» ti'if (L. 

td’ifun) = an itinerant, a roving one. one nuka| 
circuit (act. participle from i&fa. See n. I above) 

3. sarim = a Held of which the fruits have 
been cut off and reaped, a ground covered If 
black sands, a ground burnt black. 

4 lyAJ tanadaw = they called one another. !hej 

assembled (v. iii. m. pi past from lanMi. Ida 
VI of nadi [ nadw \ . to call, to assemble. See a 
28:30. p. 1242. n. 6). 

5. musbihin (pi.: accVgcn. of muibibtc 
s. mustnh ) = those becoming/ rising in the 
morning (act. participle from afhal}a. fonn IV of 
sabaha [rarihl. to be in the morning See a 
37:137. p* 1451. n. 8). 

6. 1 jJ»i ughdu = you (all) proceed early, go cab 

in the morning (v. ii. m. pi imperative fra* 
ghadd [ghudOw/ ghadw/ ghadwah], to go/ coat/ 
be early in the morning). 

7. Ijarth = tillage, cultivation, tilth, crops 
Sec at 42:20. p. 1568. n. 8 

8. sdrimin (pi.; accVgcn. of .uinmin; i 
f irim ) = those who cut off. cutlers, thoie wto 
reap or harvest (acL participle from laniau 
[sarm/surm\, to cut off, to sever. See h 
yasrimunna at 68: 1 7. p 1 86 1 . n. 13). 

9. lyllri intalaqu = they set out. departed, set 

out. proceeded, burst out (shouting) (v. iii 
past from in[ataqa. form VII of Uihu/nAaliifi I 
[tiildq/taldqali] to be frcc/divorced, to be happy. 
See in(alaqlum at 48; 1 5, p. 1667. n 2). 

10. JyaU* yatakhafattina = they became I 

inaudible, mutter, whisper (v. iii. m pi. impfct 
from lakhdlafti. fonn VIII of khafaia (l/iu/ir), to 
become inaudible, to mutter Sec at 20:10.1. p 
1001. n. 12). 

1 1. i. c . to ask of the crops. 

12. iy hard = resolve, strong intention. 

13. jijAi qadirin (pi ; accVgcn of qddtrin, i 
qddir) = capable, those who have power, (act 
participle from qadara [ qadr / qadar ! qudrakl 
maqdurah). to ordain, to measure, to havt power. 
See at 23:95. p. 1098. n. 7). 

Sural i 68: Al-Qalum [ Pari (Jut') 29 ) 


&& U r 26. But when they saw it 
Cjyt they said: "Indeed we 
have lost our way." 1 

27. "Nay, we are deprived." 2 

pfcjtjS 28. The best 3 of them said: 
"Did I not tell you, 
why not glorify Allah?" 4 

$6 29. They said: 

"Sacrosanct 5 is our Lord. 
jfrfa Indeed we have been 
transgressors." 6 

30. So they turned 7 
o? one to another 

blaming one another. 8 

3 1 . They said: "Woe to us; 
we indeed have been disloyal." 9 

32. "Hopefully, our Lord will 

1. i. e . they could not al first recognize their 

garden by seeing its condition. dalltin 

(sing, jur (fail) - those gone astray, those that 
have lost way. misguided ones, those who go 
astray by abandoning monotheism and the 
’straight path’ enunciated by Allah (active 
participle from flalla [daldt/tfaldlah], to go astray, 
to stray, to err. See at 56:5 1 :56. p. 8 1 760, n. 4). 

2. mahrumun (pi.; s. mahrum ) = those 

deprived, precluded, excluded, divested, bereaved 
(pass, participle from hurumu \hirm/himum\. to 
deprive, to dispossess. See nuihr&m at 51:19, p. 
1699. n. 3). 

3. J*-jl ’awsaf (s.; pi. ' = middle, average. 

central [i. e.. best), (dative of waslfAvasat), See 
al 5:89. p. 373. n IZ 

4. — ' tusabbihuna = you declare sanctity of 

Allah, glorify Allah, declare immunity from 
blemish (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from sabbaha. form 
II of sabaha \sabh/ sihdhah] to swim, to float. Sec 
lusabbihu at 48:9, p. 1664, n. 4). 

5. i>U_» Subfydn is derived from sabbului. form 

II of sabaha Isabh/sibdhuh). to swim. In its form 
II the verb means to praise, to declare the sanctity, 
to sing the glory SubMn is generally rendered as 
’Glory be to Him"; but 'Sacrosanct ’ conveys the 
meaning better. See at 52:43. p. 1714. n. 12. 

6. zdlimin (accVgen. of pdltmun, sing. 
zAlim) = transgressors, wrong-doers, polytheists 
(note that al 31:13 shirk or setting partners with 
Allah is called a grave zufm) ( active participle 
from zaluma [ -u/m|. to transgress, do wrong. Sec 
at 42:21. p. 4). 

7. Jit ’aqbala = he turned to, approached, 

advanced (v. iii. m. s. past in from IV of qabila 
[qabuUqubdf). to accept. See at 52:25, p. 1711, 
n 10). 

8. oy'J-k yatalawamuna - they blame one 

another, mutually blamc/ccnsure/icbuke (v. iii. m. 
pi, impfet. from taliiwama form VI of luma 
[ lawm / maldm/ maldmuh], to blame, to censure. 
See Id tulumu at 14:22. p. 795. n. 5). 

9. tdghin (pi.; acc7gcn of idghun ; s. 
tdghin ) = transgressors, oppressors, tyrants, those 
exceeding the bounds, disloyal (act. participle 
from taghd [taghan/ tughydn], to exceed all 
bounds. See at 38:55. 1473, n. 2). 


Surah 68: Al-Qalam l Part (■/«') 29 J 

m give us in exchange 1 
one better 2 than it. 
Verily to our Lord 
we turn in hope." 


33. Such is the punishment; 
and indeed the punishment 
of the hereafter is graver; 4 
‘f they are wont to know. 

Section ‘) 2 

34. Verily for the righteous 5 
falx* are with their Lord 

$) gardens 6 of bliss. 7 

35. Shall We make 8 the 
Muslims like the sinful? 9 


^3li 36. What is the matter with 
you, how do you judge? 10 

ff 37. Or do you have a book 
wherein you learn: 11 

|. Jjl» yubdihuu) = he exchanges, replaces, 

substitutes, give instead (v. iii. m. s. impfet froa 
abdala, form IV of badala | badal], to replace. 
The final letter takes fai-huh because of the 
particle 'an coming before the verb. See at 66 S. 
p. 1846. n. 2). 

2. khayr = good/bettcr/ best, charity, weal*, 
property, affluence. See at 62: 1 1 , p. 1 824. n 6 

3. raghibun (pi ; s. rdghib) = desmn, 

those desiring, hoping, turning in hope. wnho| 
(act. participle from raghaba lraghbah/m/UU 
to desire, to wish. Sec at 9:59. p. 602, n 6). 

4. jS 1 akbar = bigger, greater, graver, mat 

serious, more enormous. Also, the Greacu 
Sublime (elative of kabir. big. great. See at 40 1* 
p. 1512. n. 12). 

5. jja. mutiaqin (acc./gen. of muilagin; ung 

niuttaqin) ~ those who arc on their guard, protctl 
themselves <i. e . by carrying out the injunctm 
of (he Qur'an and sunnah). godfearing, nghwtl 
(active participle from i/la^d. form VIII of 
[waqy/ wiqdyah], to guard, to protect. See » 
54:54. p. 1739, n. 13). 

6. i. e., paradise oU jannit (sing jwtwitt-' 
orchards. gardens, paradise. Sec at 58:22, p. 1711 
n. II. 

7. f +ina , lm= bliss, felicity, comfort, happuud 
delight. See at 56:89, p. 1766. n. 2. 

8. J—o naj'alu = we make. set. appoint (v i pi 

impfet. from ja'ala \ja'l], to make, to set Set 
naj'ula at 45:21, p 1624. n. 9). 

9. This is in reply to the unbelievers' 
that they shall get the same position of wealth ad 
influence in the hereafter as they have in thistle 

mujrimtn (pi.; accVgen. of mir/nmiiit 
mujrim ) = those who commit sins, man, 
culprits, sinful (act. participle from ajrama, fall 
IV of jarama (/ami), to commit a crime See a 
43:74. p. 1601. n. 7). 

10. lahkumuna = you (all) yodge. 
adjudge, pass judgement, decide (v ii m g 
impfet. from liakama [l)ukm\, to pass ji 
S ee at 37:154. p 1454. n. 2). 

1 1 . Of * jJC na = you (all) study, learn («. 
ii. m . pi impfet. from darasu [ dan), lo study. Set 
at 3:79. p. I87.n.3). 

Siirah 68: Al-Qalam [ Part )Juz) 29 ] 

1 865 



• & 




38. That you indeed have in it 
whatever you select? 1 

39. Or do you have oaths 2 
against Us perfect 5 till 
the Day of Resurrection 
that you indeed will have 
whatever you decide? 4 

40. Ask them: Who of them 
is for that a surety? 5 

4 1 . Or do they have partners? 6 
Then let them bring 

their partners, 
if they are truthful. 7 

42. The day uncovered will 
be" One Leg’and they will be 
called to 10 prostrate themselves 
but they shall not be able" to. 

43. Downcast 12 will be 
their eyes; 

1. lakhayyardna (originally 

latakhayyardna ) = you choose, select, elect, pick 
(v. ii. m pi. impfet from takhayyara , form V of 
khdra [khayr], to choose, to prefer. Sec 
yutakhayyaruna at 56:20. p. 1756, n. 3). 

2. ouj 'ayman (pi.; s. jr* y amin) = right hands, 
right sides, oaths. See at 66:8. p. 1847, n. 1 1. 

3. ulh hdlighah (f. ; m hdligh) = mature, perfect, 

major, intense, one who attains (active participle 
from Iralagah [ bulugh ). to reach See at 6:149. p. 
456, n. 2). 

4. o tahkumdna = you (all) judge, adjudge, 
pass judgement, decide (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 
hakama [ hukm\ . to pass judgement. See at 68:36, 
p. 1864, n 10). 

5. p-rjza'im (s.; pi. zu'amd') = leader, guarantor, 
surety (act. participle in the scale of fa'll from 
za'anui [zn’m], to allege, to maintain. See 
za'amium at 62:6. p. 1822, n. 5). 

6. i. e., their supposed gods and goddesses .1 f ji 

shuraka' (pi.; s. shank) partners, sharers, 
associates (act. participle in the scale of fa'll from 
shariaka ( shirk J, to share, to be a partner See at 
42:21. p. 1568, n. 10). 

7. i. e , in their claim that their gods and 
goddesses will help them, jis U» sadiqin (pi.; 

accVgcn. of sddiqun: s. }d diq) = truthful, those 
who speak the truth (active participle from sudaqa 
[sadq/ udq], to speak the truth. See at 67:25. p. 
1857. n. 2). 

8. yukshafu = he or it is uncovered, 

disclosed, exposed, removed (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
from kashafa [kashf], to remove. Sec yakshifu at 
27.62. p. 1221, n. 6). 

9. i. e., of Allah. Jt— sdq (s. ; pi. suq/siqdn ) = leg. 
side, thigh, trunk. 

10. iijtJq yud'awna = they are called, summoned, 

invited (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. passive from da’d 
[du'd'), to call. See at 3:23, p. 163, n. 10). 

1 1. 0j« , !■ :- < yastati'dna = they ore able to. ore 

capable of (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from islald’a, 
form X of [d'a [mu '], to obey. See at 36:75. p. 
1427. n. 3). 

12. usw khdshi'ah - submissive, humble, dry 
and barren, downcast (active participle from 
khasha'a [khushu ). to be submissive, humble, 
dry and barren Sec at 41:39, p. 1553, n. 5). 


SUralt 68: Al-Qulam [ Pan (Juz ) 29 ] 

there will overtake 1 them 




And indeed they used to be 
called to prostrate themselves 
0 while they were perfect. 5 

jjji 44. Then let Me Alone 4 
and those that disbelive' 
in this discourse. 

We shall gradually deal with 
them in such a manner 
they will not know. 

45. And I respite 8 them. 
Verily My plan 9 is firm. 


46. Or do you ask of them 
a remuneration" so they are 
■ts*#. out of an obligation 12 
(Jjjjiii: weighed down? 15 

(Uicfit 47. Or is there with them 
/.•H i the unseen 

so they write down? 14 

I j>/ tarhaqu = she or it overtakes, coma ova, 
(v. iii. f. s. impfet. from rahaqa \raluiq], to aw 
over, overtake. See at 10:27, p 647, n. 9). 

2. Oj dhillah = disgrace, ignominy, dcbuenw, 
lowness, depravity Sec at 10:26, p. 647, n. 3. 

3. Mill in tin (p|.; s. sdhm ) = safe, unblemuhed 
flawless, safe and sound, healthy, perfect, regal* 
(act. participle from salima [salumah/saldm ], fc 
be safe and sound). 

4. ji dhar - shun, leave, let alone (v. ii. m i 

imperative from wadharu/yadharu. to leave Sec 
at 52:45. 1715. n. 6) 

5. v-i£« yukadhdhibu = he ctia lies to, 
disbelieves, thinks false (v. iii. m s. impfet f™ 
kadhdhabu, form II of kadhaba [kidhb /la M 
/kadhbah / kidhhah], to lie See at 27:83, p. 122) 
n. 4). 

6. i. e.. the Qur'Sn hadith (s.; pi 

ahddith) = speech, talk, narrative, repot, 
discourse, account See at 66:3. p, 1845, n. 3, | 

7. nasiadriju = we proceed or dal 
gradually, promote by degrees (v. i. pi. unpfa. 
from istadraju. form X of daraja [dura)], te 
move, to approach gradually See at 7:182, p. 534, 
n. 10). 

8. 'until = I respite, give rein to, pit 
indulgence (v. i. s. impfet. from 'amid. form IV 
of maid Imalw). to race, to walk briskly. Sag 
7:183. p. 537. n. 2). 

9. kayd = scheme, plot, plan, stratagem Set a 
52:42. p. 1714. n 9. 

10. jj* matin = solid, firm (act. participle rate 

scale of fa'il horn matana [iruildnah], to te firm 
Sec at 51:58. p. 1706. n. 3). 

1 1. i. e.. for the work of calling them to the truth 
j "■* '“jr (pi. ujur) = reward, recompet*. 
remuneration, due Sec at 67: 1 2. p. 1853, a 9). 

12. f s' maghram (s.; pi. fjU. maghdnm) = fine, 

loss, damage, financial obligation. See at 52:40 f 
1714. n. 5. 

13. 1>J li* muthqalun (pi.; s. mui/iqal) > 
burdened, weighed down, laden (pass, pamcipk 
from 'athqala (to burden) form IV of th/iqdt 
Uhiql/thaqdlah), to be heavy See at 52 40, a 
1714. n. 6). 

14 i. e.. what is going to happen to men. 

Stirah 68: Al-Qalam [ Part {Juz‘) 29 1 


48. So have patience 1 
for the decree 2 of your Lord 
and be not like the Companion 

•Wiii of the Fish 2 - when he cried 
out and he was distressed. 4 

49. Had not there reached' 
him grace from his Lord 

JuJ he would have been cast 6 
in the wilderness 7 
being blamed. 8 





•*.' \ 
M pyytj 

50. Then his Lord selected’ 
him and made him 

of the righteous. 

51. And well-nigh would 
those who disbelieve 
dislodge 10 you with their looks 
when they hear the reminder 1 1 
and say: "He is indeed insane." 

52. But it is naught but 
(?),> >;' iff , a reminder for all beings. 

1. i. e., against the allegations, opposition and 
enmity of the unbelievers. ,-»! isbir = be patient, 
have patience, bear calmly, persevere, (v. ii. in. s. 
imperative from Sahara | sabr ]. to be patient, to 
bind. See at 52:48, p. 1716. n I). 

2. , S*- hukm (pi. rdUt ' uhkdm ) = judgement. 

order, decree, command, authority, rule. law. 
decision. See at 52:48. p. 1716, n. 2. 

3. 1. e., Prophet YQnus, peace be on him, when he 
cned out to his Lord impatiently asking for quick 
punishment of the unbelievers (see 21:87). ^ y 

hOt (s.; pi hUdn/ahwdt) = fish, whale. Pisces. Sec 
at 18:61. p.934. n. 10. 

4. makztim = distressed, full of angcr/gricf 

(pass, participle from kazama [kazjn/ku:um\. to 
suppress or conceal [one's anger/feclingsj. See 
kazim at 43:17, p. 1586, n 7). 

5. eljUi tadaraka = reached and seized one 
another, went on incessantly, made amends (v. iii. 
m. s. past in form VI of daraka [darak/ dark], to 
attain. See ludrika at 36:40. p. 1418. n. 8). 

6. i. e„ from the belly of the fish. Xf nubidha = 

he or it was thrown, hurled, cast (v. iii. m. s. past 
passive from nabadha [nabdh], to hurl. See 
nahadhnd at 51:40, p. 1702, n. 12). 

7. ‘ard’ - bate tract , open space, wilderness, 
nakedness. See at 37:145, p. 1452, n. 10. 

8. (ykr madhmum - censured, blamed. 

disparaged (pass, participle from dhamma 
[dhamm/ madhammah], to blame. Sec at 17:19, p, 
879. n. 2). 

9.. i. e., for Prophethood. ^->*1 ijtabd = he 

selected, chose, picked (v. iii. m. s. past in form 
VIU of jabd [/ibdvu/i], to collect, to raise. Sec at 
22:78. p. 1073, n 12). 

10. The address is to the Prophet Muhammad, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him. Ojilji 

yuzliquna = the dislodge, cause to slip (v. iii. m. 
pi. impfet. from 'azlaqa. form IV of zahqa/ 
zalaqa [zulaq/zalq j. to slip, to glide. See zalaq at 
18:40. p. 926. n. 4). 

H i e.. the Qur'in ( sec for instance 15:6, 15:9. 
16:44. 21:50. 23:71. 25:29. 26:5. 38:49. 38:87. 
41:41. 54:25. 68:51-52 and 81:27). /s dhikr = 
citation, recollection, remembrance, mention, 
reminder, also scripture, the Qur'Sn See at 
65:10. p 1842, n. 10. 

69. SOrat al-Haqqah (The Inevitable) 

Makkan: 52 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah which deals with the fundamentals of the faith. Its main emphasis is on three 
things : the truth of the risalah i. e.. Messengership of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be oa 
him. the truth of the Qur'an as a Book sent down by Allah and the inevitability of Resurrcctiai, 
Judgement, reward and punishment. These themes are brought home by drawing attention to the fate of 
the previous nations like the 'Ad, the Thamfld and others who disbelieved their respective Messcngnt 
and in the truth of Resurrection and Judgement and were destroyed on account of their unbelief and 
disobedience to Allah. Mention is then made of the horrors and circumstances of the end of the world 
and the Resurrection together with a reference to the sufferings and punishment of the sinful in the 
hereafter and. in contrast, of the reward and blissful life of the faithful and the righteous. The surah ends 
by once again emphasizing that the Qur’an is sent down by Allah, that it is neither a poet's composition I 
nor a soothsayer’s utterance, as the unbelievers allege, and further that if the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him, had himself made up anything and given it out as the Qur'an, he would 
have been severely punished by Allah and none could have saved him from His wrath. 

The surah is named al-Haqqah (The Inevitable), i. e., the Resurrection, with reference to its fin t 
'ayah which draws attention to it. 

1. i. e., the Resurrection and the Day of 
Judgement UU haqqah (f.; m. Jl>- hdqq)= lie 

inevitable, that which is sure to matcnaltzc, tie 
reality ( i. e . the Resurrection, because it it 
inevitable] (act participle from haqqa [iu<fy|. it 
be a fact, real, right. Sec fiaqqa at 50:14. p 168, 
n. 5). 

2. The repetition is for emphasizing Us importance 
and to draw attention to it. 

3. i s jsl 'adrd = he informed, let know, aotifitd, 
made (someone) know/understand (v. iii tn i 
past in form IV of dura | dirdvah], to know. See 
at 10:16, p.642. n. 2). 

4 After drawing attention to the inevitable event 
and before further describing it, mention is nude, 
by way of cautioning about it. of the fate of those 
who disbelieved in it. The description of de 
Resurrection is given at ayahs 13-16 below 
Cndf kadhdhabat - she disbelieved, cried lies to. 
regarded as false (v. iii. f. s. past in form II of 
kudliaba [kidhb /kadlub /kadlibah / kidhbahl D 
lie Sec at 38:12. p 1462. n I). 

5. i. e.. the Day of Judgement k* ft qan'ah (f. s. . 

pi. qawdri") = calamity, disaster, that which 
knocks/shocks/hits, the Day of Judgement (id 
participle from qara'a I qar '], to knock, hit See 
at 13:31, p. 778. n. I). 

^aiUf 1 ■ The Inevitable. 1 

2. What is the Inevitable. 2 

JkC'JZj 3. And what will make you 
know 3 what the Inevitable is? 

o-Sff 4. There did disbelieve 4 
%j the Thamfld and the ‘Ad 
in the calamity. 5 

5. Then as for the Thamfld, 


Sarah 69: Al-Hdqquh [ Part Out ) 29 ] 


they were destroyed 1 
by the thunderous blast. 2 

(ij 6. And as for the ‘Ad. 
they were destroyed by 
a wind 7 violent 4 and furious.' 


ijtl 7. He employed 6 it on them 
for seven nights and 
eight days continuously; 7 
so you could see the people 
in there felled to the ground 8 
as if they were stumps 9 
of date palm devastated. 10 

8. So do you see of them 
an y remnant?" 

oy-^fCJ 9. And there committed 
fej-j the Fir'awn and those before 
him and the upturned cities 12 
f the sinful deed. 

1 'uhlikti = they were destroyed. 

annihilated (v. iii. m. pi. past passive from 
’ahlaka. form IV of haluku [hulk/ hulk/ huhlk 
/tahlukah], to perish Sec 'uhluknd at 54:51. p. 
1739, n. 8). 

I. J>U» l dghiyah (f. s.; in. tdghin) = she that 

transgresses, exceeds the bounds, is disloyal, 
[here, thunderous blast](act. participle from taghd 
[tughun/ tughydn], to exceed all bounds. See at 
38:55. 1473. n. 2). 

3. rih (s.; pi. nyal) ) = wind, smell, odour. 
See at 54:19. p. 1732. n 8. 

4. sonar = violently noisy and cold, 
furiously roaring. See at 54:19, p. 1732, n. 9. 

5. ‘ dtiyah ((. s.; m. ‘alia ) = defiant, insolent. 

furious, (act. participle from aid [ uiuw/ utiy/ 
'il/yj. to be insolent. See atal at 65:7, p. 1841, n. 

6. sakhkhara = he brought to submission, 

subjected, subdued, reduced to service/order, 
employed (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of sakhira 
[j ukhr/ maskhar ]. to ridicule, deride. See at 
45:12, p. 1621, n. 5). 

7. (y-*- husum = fatal, gruelling, continuous (for 
days, months, years). 

8. sor'd (p|.; s. sari') = felled to the 

ground, insane, crazy (passive portciple in the 
scale of fa'il from sara'a [ sar'/sir'/masra ‘J. to 
throw down. fell). 

9. 'a'j&z (pi. s. 'ajuz ) = stumps, roots. See 
at 54:20, p. 1733, n. 2). 

10. VjU- khawiyah (f. s.. m khawin) = empty, 
desolate, completely devastated (act. participle 
from khawd [khawd’lkhawan], to be empty, 
hungry, desolate). 

II. yti b&qiyyah (f. s.; pi. bdqiyydl; m. bdqin ) 

= remaining, remnant, lasting, enduring, 
permanent (act. participle from baqiya [baqd'[. to 
stay. Sec at 43:28. p. 1589, n. 6). 

12. i. c . the lands of the people of Prophet LOt, 
peace be on him. ol Sjjy mu'tafikdl (pi.; s. 
mu'tafikah) = the lands overturned, capsized 
(passive participle from i'tafaka, form VIII of 
afaka/afika [afk/i/k). to tell a lie, to overturn. See 
at 9:70, p. 607. n. 9. 


Surah 69: Al Haqqah [ Part ( Juz ' ) 29 ) 

10. And they disobeyed 1 
the Messenger of their Lord. 
So He seized 2 them with a 
seizure exceedingly severe.' 

1 1. Verily We, when 
the water had overflowed, 4 
carried 5 you in the ship. 6 


liujj 12. That We might make it 
for you a reminder 7 
and that there might retain 8 it 
0 the ears that remember. 9 

13. So when blown 10 will be 
jyutij the trumpet" 

in a single blow; 

14. And carried away 
j£f\ will be the earth 
jlllij and the mountains 

C&i and the two will be crushed 12 
in a single crush; 

1. ' ‘asaw = they rebelled, defied, disobeyed 
(v. iii. m. pi. past from o;<j | 'isydn/ ma'siyah],* 
rebel, to oppose, to disobey, to defy. See a 
26:216. p. 1 199. n. 7). 

2. i. e., punished them. JUt 'akhadha = he toed, 
caught, got hold of. seized (v. iii. m. s. put (toa 
akhdh See at 40:22. p. 1517, n. 5). 

3. Vj rabiyah (f. pi. rawabin) = incrtann j 

exceedingly severe, hill (act. participle from raid 
[rabA'/rubu’], to increase, to grow Sec urbi t 
16:92. p. 858, n 13). 

4 jiV laghd = he transgressed, crossed all limn. 

overflowed (v. iii. m. s. past from UfW 
tughyan, to exceed all bounds. Sec at 33:17, p. 
1719, n. 8). 

5. The reference is to Prophet Nflh. peace I* n 

him. and all those who were saved in the Ait 
from the deluge. hamalnd = We camel 

bore, took the load (v. i. pi past from kamU 
[Aomf], to carry See at 54:13, p. 1731. n. 12). j| 

6. i. e.. the Ark. VjW j&riyah (f. i. p 
jaAnn/jariyai) = ship, that which moves on/flon 
(act. participle from jura [/'ary), to flow Aihpu 
called jAriyah because it flows on the surfaced 
the sea See at 55:24, p 1744, n. 8). 

7. i. e.. of Allah's punishment for disohednce 
• fk. tadhkirah = reminder See al 56:76, p 176), 

8. ra'f = she retains in memory, rememhm, 

knows by heart, holds (v. iii. f. s impfet fm 
wa'A [ wa'y], to hold, to retain in memory. Set 
‘aw'iyah at 12:76. p. 750, n 2). 

9. wa'iyah (f. *.; m. wA’in) = ihe dal 

remembers, the retaining one (act. participle fom 
wa'<3. See n 8 above). 

10. This will be the first blowing of the trumpet 
nufikha = it was blown, inflalcd, breathed (• 

iii. m. s. past passive from nafakha (nc||U|.* 
blow. See at 50:20, p 1689, n II). 

1 1. sAr = horn, bugle, trumpet See m 502H 
p. 1689. n. 12. 

12. cd"a dukkaia = the two (f.) were ousted 
pressed down, flattened, devastated (v. iii f dut 
post passive from dakka [ dakk). lo make flat 
demolish. Sec dakka' at 18:98, p. 945. n 12) 

Surah 69: Al-Hdqqah [ Pan (Jut ) 29 | 


15. Then on that day 

shall take place 1 the Event. 2 

16. And rent asunder 1 will be 
j&llLlf the sky so it will be 

0 on that day tottering. 4 

iP j 17. And the angels will be 
& on its fringes 5 

and there will carry 6 
the Throne 7 of your Lord 
above them on that day 
0 eight angels. 

xf y 18. On that day 
you will be put up 8 
JiicV and hidden will not remain 9 
of you any secret. 10 

19. So as for him who 
Ojt will be given his book 11 

1 K ^ 1 1 

in his right hand he will say: 

£ "Here it is, read 11 my book." 

1. c-mj h aqa'at = she or it occurred, happened, 

look place, came to pass. fell, fell down (v. iii. f. 
s. past from wuqO ', lo fall. See ai 56:1. p. 1753. n. 

2. i. e„ the Resurrection. Utj w&qi'ah (f. s„ pi. 

wuqi dr, m. wdqi 4 ) = occurrence, event, 
happening, that which takes placc/is going to lake 
place, i. e., inevitable (act. participle from 
waqa'a. See n. I. above). 

3. c imhaqqat - she or it was split, was 

eleft/rent asunder (v. iii. m. f. post from inshaqqa, 
form VII of shaqqa [ shaqq\, to split, cleave. Sec 
at 55:37, p 1746, n 10). 

4. wahiyah (f. s.; m. wdhin) - feeble, 
tottering, brittle, fragile (act participle from wahd 
[woAy], to be weak, feeble). 

5. «h*jt ’arjd’ (pi.; s. raj&') = sides, fringes, 
directions, regions. 

6. yahmilu = he bears, carries, takes the 

load (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from hamala [farm/], to 
carry. See at 20:1 1 1, p. 1003. n. II). 

7. J-/- ‘anh » throne. See at 57:4. p. 1768, n. 7. 

8. i. e.. for judgement tu'rad&na = you 

(all) are displayed, exposed, submitted, placed/scl 
before, laid, put up (v. iii. in. pi impfet. passive 
from ‘arada/'aruda ( ard], to become visible, to 
be wide. See yu'rtufuna at 42:45. p. 1577. n. 2). 

9. lakh fa - she or it hides, remains unseen 
or concealed (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from kluifiya 
( kJui/d ' /khifyah /khufyah], to be hidden. See 
yakhfd at 40: 16. p. 1515. n 1). 

10 kjhr- kh&fiyah ( f. s.; m. khdfin) = that which 

remains hidden, concealed, secret, invisible (act. 
participle from kluifiya. See n. 9 above). 

1 1 . i. e.. the record of his deeds. 

12. j** yamxn (s.; pi Yiy mdn) = right, right 
hand See at 56:90. p. 1766, n. 4. 

13. iqra’d = you all read, study, recite (v. li. 
m. pi. imperative from qara’a [ qird’ah], to read, 
recite. See qara'a at 26:199. p. 1196. n. 10). 


SArah 69: Al-Hdqqah [ Pari i Jui ) 29 ] 

20. "Indeed I believed 1 that 
I was going to encounter 2 
my account." 

21. So he will be in a life' 

(nj ££ most pleasant. 4 

22. In a garden quite lofty. 5 

23. Its pickings 6 in easy reach. 7 

CsjilJ 24. Eat and drink at pleasure 8 
'AYi for what you had advanced 9 
in days gone. 10 


Z&i 25. And as for him 
Z&J who will be given his book 
in his left hand" he will say: 
"Oh, I wish was not given 
my book!" 

yfej 26. "Nor do I know 12 

what will be my account." 

1 . cst zanantu - I thought, ass 
conjectured, supposed, firmly believed (v, l tj 
past from zanna \zunn], to firmly believe, k 
suppose. See zanantum at 59:2. p. 1794. n. 7) I 

2. c55t> mulaqin (s.; pi. mtddqun) - one she 

meets, is going to meet/cncounler lacuve 
participle from luqa. form III of laqiya [hfd/ 
luqydn/ luqy/ luqyah/ luqtm], to meet, k 
encounter See at 62:8, p. 822. n. 1 1). 

3. "tshah = to live, to be alive, life (vtrtd 

noun of thha See ma'lshah at 43:32, p 154(1 
n. 5) 

4. V»'j rijiyah ( f. s . m. rddin ) s umfai 

pleasant, agrrecable (act. participle from m 
[ridan/ ndwdn/ rnarddh], to be satisfied, 
yvirdd at 53:26. p. 1721, n. 8). 

5. ‘dtiyah (f. s.; m. aim ) = high tti 

outstanding, lofty, arrogant, self-exalting in 
participle from 'ala ['u/utt]. to go up. rise. 5a 
aim at 44:31. p. 161 1. n. 9). 

6. cjjkl quluf (pi ; s. qatf) = pickings, (am 


7. V J daniyahl f.s.; m . ddnin ) = near, dad 

within easy reach (act., panciplc from <bd 
[dunuw/ dandwah), to be near, to come dostSa 
duny rial 67:5. p 1851. n 10). 

8. hanC = ease, pleasure, well-being,. Set t 

52:19, p 1710, n I. 

9. (^iUl 'aslaftum = you advanced, nu& 

(something) go before (v. ii. m. pi. put (ran 
aslafa. form IV of salafa [ salaf], to be over. 5a 
aslafla at 10:30. p.648. n 12). 

10. tJl* kh&Uyah (f. s ; m khdlin ) = that whs) 

is past, passed away. over, gone, empty In 
participle from khald | khulu'/khald j. to be 
empty, to pass away. See khalat at 46:11, p 
1638. n. 9). 

1 1 . Juo. xhirndl = north, left hand, left side. Id 
Sec at 56:41. p. 1758. n 14 

12. ’adri(J) = I know, am aware (v. ii 

impfet. from dard [ dirdyah]. to know The fad 
yd' is dropped because of the particle /umcoaa| 
before the verb). See 'adri at 46:9. 1634, n 3) 

Surah 69: Al-Haqquh [ Part {Juz) 29 ] 


yiKtJdb 27. "Oh, would that it was 
($JC;U)f my end.” 1 

28. "Of no avail 2 has been 
to me my wealth!" 

<#■'&* 29. "Gone 1 from me is 
my power!" 4 

30. "Seize 5 him 
and fetter 6 him." 

3 1 . "Then in the blazing fire 
(njjjb, broil 7 him." 

^LJL j*; 32. "Then in a chain 8 
of which the length*' is 
seventy cubits 10 
insert" him." 

of jci 33. Verily he used 
Ziptyri not to believe in Allah 
($).~Lj 7 the All-Great. 12 

1. i. e.. the death that I died was the end. 

q&4iyah (f. s.; m. qui/m ) = one or that which 
concludes, terminates, ends, decrees, decides (act. 
participle from qadti [ qudd'\. to conclude See 
qadd at 41: 12. p. 1543. n. 8) 

2. ’aghnA = he or it availed, became of use, 

enriched, sufficed (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 
ghaniya \ghinan / glutnA ’ ]. to be free from want, 
to be rich. See at 53:48, p. 1726, n 4). 

3. dJl» halaka = he died, perished, was 

destroyed/gone (v. iii. m. s. past from hulk/ hulk / 
haldkj lahlukah. See at 40:34, p. 1521. n. II). 

4. jU»L. sultan = authority, power, mandate, 
rule, sanction. See at 55:33. p. 1746, n. 3. 

5. i. e„ it will be said to the angel sentinels, ij-i* 

khudhu = you all take, receive, seize (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative from 'akhadha ( akhdh], to take See 

at 44:47. p. 1614. n. 9). 

6. ghullO = insert, enter, put an iron collar, 
fetter, shackle (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from ghalla 
[ghall], to insert, to pul on iron collar. Sec 'aghlAl 
at 40:71, p. 1534. n. 11). 

7. sallu = broil, put in the fire, heal (v. ii. m. 

pi. imperative from satUi. form II of $alu 
[salon/ sully/ stld ), to roost, to bum. to be 
exposed to the blaze. Sec yaflawna at 58:8, p. 
1587. n. I). 

8 t — L. silsilah (s . pi saldstt) = chain, senes 

9 £ ji dhar‘ = length. 

10. dhirA' (s.; pi adhru'/dhurdn) = cubit, 
forearm, connecting rod. See dlurd'ay at 18:18, 
p. 916. n. 8. 

11. i. e., insert him in the chain. usIukA - 

you insert, enter {in the transitive sense), follow, 
behave, travel (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from salaka 
[salk/suluk], to insert to follow. See usluk at 
28:32. p. 1243. n. 4). 

12. 'apm - great, magnificent, splendid, big, 

stupendous, most grand, huge, immense, 
monstrous, grave. All-Great. Sec at 42:4. p. 
1561. n. 2). 


Surah 69: Al-Hdqquh | Part (Juz ) 29 ] 

34. Nor did he urge' on 

the food of the poor.' 

35. So there is not for him 
today here any close friend. 4 

V^uWj 36. Nor any food except 
of wash-waste. 5 

37. None will eat of it 
except the sinful. 6 

Section ( Ruku ' ) 2 

pjfou 38. But I swear 7 
by what you see. 8 

39. And by what you see not. 

40. That it is indeed a saying 
0>^y!ru °f a messenger most noble. 9 

jjLjLUj 41 . And it is not the saying 
of a poet. 10 

Little is that you believe. 

1. yahuddu - he urges, encourages, incurs, 
spurs on (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from hudifu | kaJil ' 
lo spur on. incite). 

2. i. e.. giving food to the poor ft*V la'dm is ,pl 
i— U al'imah) = food, diet, meal. See at 25:7. } 

1 139, n. 10. 

3. • miskin (pi. masdkin) = poor, indignt 

See at 58:4. p. 1784. n. 4 

4. hamim = hot water, close fnai 

intimate friend, (act. participle in the scale of Jit 
from luimma [tanm], lo heat, make hot See a 

56:93. p. 1766. n 9. 

5. jl-h ghisRn - body-secretion, wash- waned 

6. khdfi’un (pi.; s. khdti’) = those mom, 

sinners, sinful, those that arc mistaken. at M 
(act. participle from khalt a [khnia]. id b 
mistaken, to sin. See khdfi'in at 28:8. p. 1233,1 
10 ). 

7. Id here is for emphasis; or to negative whan* 
unbelievers say (See Al-Bahr, X. pp. 90-51, 
264). in which case the meaning is: "So no. I 

swear..." ,. > : ’uqsimu = I swear, make an Mb 

(v. i. s. impfet. from ‘aqsama, form IV of qamt 
Iqasam], to divide. See at 56:75. p. 1764, n. I) 

8. i> tuhsiruna = you see. see throng 
understand, (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from ohm, 
form IV of basura/basira [ basar |. to see Sera 
56:85. p. 1765. n 8) 

9. i. e.. this Qur’an is a saying of Allah delnntd 
by the most noble messenger Jibrfl. kaim - 

Most Noble, noble, kind, generous, munition 
respectable, held in esteem, decent ( ta 
participle in the scale of fa'll from iaram 
[ karam / karamuh / kardmah], lo be noble, lo h 
generous. See at 57:18. p. 1775, n. 4). 

10. As the unbelievers say. As shd'ir (s . p 
shu'ara ) = pocl Sec at 37:36, p. 1436, n, 4 I 

SSrah 69: AlHSqqah | Part (Jui ) 29 ] 


JyuVj 42. Nor the saying 
of a sooth-sayer. 1 
Little is that you take heed. 2 

43. It is a sent-down* from 
the Lord of all beings. 4 

j£i "jj 44. And if he fabricated 5 
against us some sayings, 6 


bj 2/ 45. We would surely have 
seized him by the right hand. 

46. And then would have cut 7 
of him the aorta.* 

47. Then there will be none 
of you for him preventing.’ 

48. And it is indeed a 

*.'ii reminder l0 for the righteous." 


49. And verily We know 

1. The Makkan unbelievers used lo allege that the 
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, 
was a soothsayer, one possessed by jinn or a poet. 
This and the previous Syah give a reply to such 
allegations kahin (s.; pi kuhhSn/ kahanah) 

= soothsayer, diviner, fortune-teller (act. participle 
from kahuna [kahdnah], to foretell. See at 52:29. 
p. 1712, n. 4). 

2. OjjSMu tadhakkaruna (originally 

tatadhukkarOna) ~ you bear in mind, receive 
admonition, take heed (v. ii. m pi. impfcl. from 
ladhakkara, form V of dhakara | dhikr / tadhkdr], 
to remember See at 56:62. p. 1762. n. I). 

3. J ijJ tanzil = sending down, something sent 

down (verbal noun in form II of nazala [nuzSI). to 
come down. Sec at 56:80, p. 1764, n. 9. 

4. j- Ju 7 j lamin (acc./gen of illumun, sing. 

'Slam. i.e.. any being or object that points to 
its Creator, sing. Slam) = all beings, creatures. 
See at 56:80. p. 1764. n. 10) 

5. J jit laqawwata = he fabricated a lie, 

bargained, pretended, spread rumours (v. iii. m. s. 
past in form V of qdla |<jatv(), to speak, to say. 
Sec at 52:33. p. 1713. n. I). 

6. Jijli' ' aqSwSI (pi.; s. qawl) = sayings, 
utterances. Sec qawl at 46:18, p. 1638, n. 7. 

7. U*Ki qata'na = we cut. severed, carved (v. i. 
pi past from qala'a [ qal‘], to cut. See qala'ium 
at 59:5. p. 1796. n 4). 

8. jo watinis., pi. wutun/awtinah ) = aorta, the 
main arterial vessel that carries blood from the 

9. i. c.. the punishment of Allah. hajizin 

(pi.; accigen of hSjizSn: s. hSjiz ) = those that 
prevent, resist, bar. hinder (act. participle from 
hajaza Uui/z], lo hold back, to restrain, to prevent. 
See hSjiz at 27:61, p. 1221. n. 2). 

10. i. e.. of Allah’s punishment . • tadhkirah 
= reminder. See at 69:12, p. 1870, n. 7. 

11. j*t» mullaqtn (accVgcn of muttaqSn: sing. 

mutlaqin) = those who are on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e.. by carrying out the injunctions 
of the Qur’&n and sunnah), godfearing, righteous 
(active participle from illaqS. form VIII of waqS 
[waqy/ wiqayah], to guard, to protect. See at 
68:34. p. 1864. n. 5). 


Surah 69: Al-Hdqqah [ Part Uuz') 29 ] 

that some of you are 
disbelievers. 1 

50. And that it will be 
ijvlij a distress 2 
> for the disbelievers. 

5 1 . And that it 5 is the truth 
of certitude. 4 

52. Therefore declare the 
gd[ sanctity 5 of the Name 
uEJ of your Lord the All-Great. 6 

1. mukadhdhibin (accVgen of 
mukadhdhib&n. sing, mukudhdhib) = those »ts 
cry lies (to), disbelievers (active participle fna 
kudhdhaba, form II of kadhiba [kidhb Aadhi 
/kudhbah / kidhbah]. to lie. See at 56.92, p 17(4 
n. 6). 

2. i. e . their disbelieving the Qur'an will be i 
matter of regret and grief for the disbelieved a 
the hereafter when they see the punishment •, 
hasrah (pi. ■zA r — lyisar&t) = regret, lamentiinoa 
grief, sorrow, distress. See at 19:39. p. 960, a 7) 

3. i. e . this Qur'an is the truth from Allah llii 
His words about which there is no doubt. 

4 jj* yaqin = certainty, certitude, conviction, | 

certain, sure. See at 56:95. p 1766, n il 

5. {v- sabbth = proclaim the sanctity, glonf), 
declare immunity from blemish (v. ii. i 
imperative from sabhaha, form II of inbdW 
[sabfi/ sibdhah) to swim, to float. See at 56.%,) 
1766. n. 12). 

6. fj** 'adm * great, magnificent, splendid, top 

stupendous, most grand, huge, immaae. 
monstrous, grave. All-Great. Sec at 69:33. p 
1873, n. 12). 

70. SOrat al-Ma ‘arij (The Ways of Ascent) 
Makkan: 44 ’ayahs 

This is another Makkan surah . Its main theme is Resurrection, its horror and life in the hereafter, 
together with a mention of the punishment of the unbelievers and the reward for the believers and the 
igneous. In this connection reference is made also to the attitude of the unbelievers to the life in the 
hereafter. The surah is named al-Ma' arij (Ways of Ascent) with reference to its third 'ayah wherein 
mention is made of Allah as the "Lord of the Ways of Ascent". 


'jf-jb 1 • There asks an enquirer 1 
about the punishment 
sure to 

Uj&ii 2. On the unbelievers. 
ylt&XSZ There is no defender 3 of it 

jif 3. Against Allah, 

Lord of the Ways of Ascent . 4 

4. There ascend 3 the angels' 
and JibrTl 7 to Him 
fy ^ in a day 

••jLLoK' the extent 8 of which is 
pJjicn— r- fifty thousand years. 


1. JR- si'U (*.; pi. sd'ilQn ) = beggar, petitioner. 

questioner, enquirer ( active participle from sa’ala 
[ su'dl/ mas'alah/las'dt). to ask. Sec at 51:19. p. 
1699. n. 2). 

2. » aqi‘ = that which falls/befalls, is about 
to fall, is going to occur/take place (act. participle 
from waqa'a | wuq& 'j. to fall. See at 52:7, 
p 1708. n. 1). 

3. daft' (s.: pi. dufi'iin) = one or that which 

pushes, wards off. repels, defends, drives away, 
repels; also one who pays, delivers, makes over 
(act. participle from dafa'a [daf ]. to push, push 
away. See at 52:8, p. 1708, n. 2). 

4. £ jU. ma'arij (pi.; s. mi'rdj ) = means/ 
instrumenls/ways of ascent. ladders, stairs, 
elevators (noun of instrument from 'araja [ ’urOj], 
to ascend, to go up. See at 34:2, p. 1368, n. 1). 

5. £ ys ta'ruju = she or it goes up, ascends, 
rises, mounts (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from 'araja 
[ ‘urujl, to ascend. Sec n. 4 above and ya'ruju at 
57:4. p. 1768, n. 11). 

6. i. c.. to receive Allah's commands and wahy. 

mald'ikah (sing, malak) = angels See at 
41:14. p. 1544. n 8. 

7. Ruh is another name for Jibril. He is mentioned 
separately to emphasize his importance as the 
carrier of wahy. rilf (s.; pi. ' arwdh ) - breath 
of life. soul, spint. spirit of life. wahy. Jibril. See 
at 66:12, p. I849.n. 8 

8. Here is a clear indication of the relativity of 
time and space. jUi- miqddr (s.: pi. maq&dir ) = 
measure, amount, scale, extent in space and time. 
See at 32:5. p. 1325. n 10. 



Sarah 70: Al-Madrij [ Part {Juz‘1 29 ] 

I. i. e., over the opposition and ridiculing of the 

5. So be patient, 1 
persevering decently. 2 

6. Verily they see it remote. 5 

7. But We see it near. 4 

unbelievers about the Resurrection, jr* 1 iritr = 

be patient, have patience, bear calmly, persevere 
(v. ii. m s. imperative from sabara [xubr], to be 
patient, to bind. See at 52:48, p. 1716, n. 1). , 

2. J-j. jamll - beautiful, handsome, comely, 

good, decent. See at 33:49, p. 1355, n. 7. 

3. i. e.. they think that the Resurrection mi 
punishment are remote and unlikely. -t+tba'Uz 
(s : pi. bu’adA' /buud /bu'dan /In ad) = far, f u 
away, far-reaching, distant, remote, unlikely. Ste 
at 50:31, p. 1652, n. 5). 

4. v-o* qarib = near, proximate, not far mi). 

8. That day the sky shall be 
£) like molten brass. 5 

jC IljJSj 9. And the mountains shall 
be like ruffled wool. 6 

dose by, shortly. Ever Near. See at 63:10, p 
1829, n 3. 

5. muhl - molten metal, molten brass See a 
44:45, p. 1514. n. 5. 

6. thn = wool, puffcd/ruflcd wool 

7. For everyone will be absorbed in one's affairs- 

Jt yai’alu = he asks, enquires, implore, 

demands, claims (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from id alt 
( su'd!/ mas'alah/ias'til ], to ask. Sec at 55:29, p 
1745, n. 5). 

8. hamim = hot water, close fnesd. 

intimate friend, (act. participle in the scale of/nll 

j 10. And there shall enquire 7 
JLf not any close friend 8 
about a close friend. 

£££ 1 1 .They will be made to see.' 

There will wish 10 the sinful" 
j if he could ransom himself 12 

from hamma [Ijamm], to heat, make hot See a 
69:35. p. 1874, n. 4. 

9. i. e„ the friends and relatives will all be made 
to see one another, but none will be able to hdp 
anyone, o js+i yubafiaruna = they are made t> 

see/ realize/ comprehend (v. iii. m. pi ttnpfct 
passive from bafsura. form II of basura/hum 
basar], to look, to sec. See yubsirinn g 
37:175. p 157. n. 2). 

10. a> yawaddu = he loves, likes, wishes (v i 
m. s. impfet. from wadda [wadd/wudd/widdlto 
love, to like. See at 15:2, p 807, n, 5. 

11. ay mujnmun (pi.; s. mujrim) s sinful 

from the punishment on that 
day by his sons. 

those committing sins, culprits, evildoers fact 
participle from 'ajrama. form IV of jatma 
\jarm], to commit a crime. Sec at 55:41. p 1747, 

it 6). 

1 2. iSJWii yaftadt = he ransoms himself, redeem 
himself, sacrifices (v. iii. m. s. impfet from 
ifladd. form VIII of fadu [fidan/fidA'). to redeem, 
ransom See ifiadaw at 39:47. p 1498. n. 3). - 

SArah 70: Al-Ma'drij | Part (Juz’) 29 ) 


12. And by his wife 1 
!$)**■!> and his brother; 

idL^J 13. And by his kinsmen 2 
who shelter 1 him. 

14- And by those in the earth 
one and all, then save 4 him. 

t sSktbah (f.; m s&hib) = companion, 

commie, wife, follower, owner (act participle 
from sahiba [suhbah/ sahdbah/ .yljbah). to be a 
companion Sec at 6:101 p. 434, n. 3). 

2 31— ai fastlah (s.; pi. fafd'il) = genus, species, 
group, detachment, kinsmen, blood relations. 

3. i. e.. in this world. cS_)>' lu ‘wt = she receives, 
gives shelter, accommodates (v. iii. f. s. impfet. 
from 73tv<3, form IV of 7m<3 [awyj, to seek 
shelter See ’ft waynA at 23:50. p. 1087. n. 1 1). 

4 yunji = he saves, rescues, brings to safety, 
delivers (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from ‘anjO. form IV 
of najaa [najw/ najti'/ ntijdh], to be saved. See at 
39:61. p. 1502. n. 10). 

5. i. e.. no ransoming will avail, nor will close 
relations or anyone else come forward to help the 
sinful. See 80:34-37. 

6. i. e., the punishment will be a blazing a firc.jkJ 
lazd = blazing fire, blaze, flame, a name for hell. 

| 7. i. e., by its severe heat. Mji nazzd'ah (f s.; m. 

nazzd') = one or that which pulls out. takes away, 
extracts, removes, snatches, inclines (act. 
participle in the intensive scale of fa"dl from 
naza'a [naz'). to take away, to extract. See 
lanzi'u at S4:20, p. 1733. n. I). 

8. <Syi shawd (pi.; s. shawah) = scalps. 

9. tyo; tad'u = she calls, asks, invokes, invites, 
summons (v. iii. f, s. impfet. from da' H [c/u'd'J, 
to call, to summon. See at 47:35. p. 1659. n. 7). 

10. i. e.. form the truth, I ’adbara - he turned 
back, (led, ran away (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV 
of dabara [dubur], to turn one's back. See 
mudbirin at 40:33. p 1521. n. 4). 

1 1 • sjy la walld = he took over, undertook, 
turned away, averted, took for a friend (v. iii. m. s. 
past in form V of waliya Iwald /wtldyah], to be 
near, to be a friend. Sec at 53:33, p. 1724, n. I). 

12. i. e.. amassed wealth and kept it without 
paying zakdh and the rights of ohters in it. 

'aw'i = he retained, preserved, kept, held ( v. iii. 
m. s. past in form IV of wa d ( wa’y], to hold, to 
retain in memory. See la'i at 69:12, p. 1870, n. 8). 

13. hold' = impatient, restless, anxious, 
uneasy, despaired (act. participle in the scale of 
fa' 61 from hali'a [hula ], to be impatient, to 

15. By no means. 5 

Verily it will be a blazing fire. 6 

16. Pulling off 7 the scalps. 8 

'J. \yjj 17. Summonning 9 all those 

who turned backhand averted." 

18. And amassed and held. 12 

19. Verily man 

has been created impatient. 13 

iilfy 20. If there afflicts him 


SOrah 70: AIMa'dnj | Part (Juz) 29 ] 

the evil he is worried. 1 

iiilit j 21 .And if there touches 2 him 
affluence 3 he is niggardly. 4 

v| 22. Except those who pray; 5 

23. Those who are on 
their prayers constant. 6 

ii 24. And those in whose wealth 

{$) is a right recognized 7 

Jjll| 25. For the beggar 8 
and the deprived. 9 

oyi 26. And those who believe 10 
in the Day of Requital." 

27. And who are of 

the punishment of their Lord 

worried. 12 

1. yozii' = restless, worried, apprehemhe, 
uneasy, concerned (act. participle in tic scale of 
fa' 01 from jav a \jaza'/juz0' 1, to tie womci 
concerned See jazi 'mi at 14:21. p. 794. n. 7), I 

2. j— massa = he touched. afTectcd. hit, .if (lied ^ 
(v. iii. m. s. past from mass/ mash, to fed. « 
touch Sec at 50:38. p 1693. n. 13). 

3. khayr ~ good/better/ best, chanty. meiUt 
property, affluence See at 68:32, p 1 864. n. 1 I 

4. manu' = niggardly, one who prevent 

prohibits (act. participle in the intensive scaled 
fa '01 from mana’a [ man'], to prevcnl &r 
mam 'ah at 59:2, p. 1795. n. 2). 

5. musallin (pi.; accJgcn of nuuofHr, t 
musallin ) = those who perform salah [lihmc 
prayer), those who pray (act participle from io!li 
to perform salah See yusalluna at 3 3 : 56 . j 
1360. n. 7). 

6. oy/ d&’imun = constant, incessant, pcrenaul, 

perpetual, enduring, lasting, continual, etersd 
(act. participle from d/ana ldawm/dawim[ If] 
Iasi. See ddim at 13:35. p 780, n. 3). 

7. ma'ltim = known, determined, fuel 
specified, recognized (pass participle from ohm 
I'ifmJ. to know Sec at 38:81, p. 1478, n. 2). 

8. JJl- id’f/(s.; pi. sO’HOn) = beggar, questioner 
enquirer ( active participle from sa'ala | raff 
mas alah/ias'ill). lo ask. See at 70:1, p.l877.a l| 

9. i. e . deprived of the means of livebhott l 

destitute. mahrum (s.; pi. mu/izvaiiiii) s 

deprived, precluded, excluded, divested, bereiiel 
(pass, participle from hararna ( ri j rm/Tn/mon). ■ 
deprive, to dispossess. See at 51:19, p. 1699, a Ji 

10. JjUoh yusaddiquna = they believe, cuafi* 

accept as true (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from sodJtfi 
form II of sadaqa [stulq/ sidq\. to speak Ihc trulk 
See lusaddiquna at 56:57. p. 1761, n. 3). 

11. i. e.. the Day of Judgement jc> do = 

religion, creed, faith, code, law, wonlqt 
judgement awarding of reward and punnhial ' 
requital. Sec at 60:8, p 810. n. 3. 

12. i> jij-. mushfiqun (pi.; s. mushfiq) : that 

who are apprehensive, anxious, wotmd 
concerned (act participle from 'ashfaqa. form fV 
of shafaqa [shafaq], lo fear, to pity. See al 4111 
p. 1567. n 9). 

Sarah 70: Al-Ma'dnj [ Part (Vic ) 29 1 


rrv^iJ»6i 28. Verily the punishment of 
their Lord is not safe.' 

‘XA\j 29. And those who are 

regarding their private parts 2 
($) on guard.' 

‘j+Sj) j^’i 30. Except for their consorts 4 
iujt or whom their right hands 5 own 
Then they are not to blame. 6 

31. But whoever seeks 7 
beyond 8 that, such people, 
they are the transgressors. 9 


32. And those who are of 

}■ their trusts 10 and covenants" 
keepres. 12 

33. And those who are 
in their testimony upright. 

34. And who are on their 
prayers constant. 

1. i. e., none can feel safe against it. dyl* 

mamun = safe, trustworthy, safeguarded, ensured, 
guaranteed (pass, participle from 'amina 
[ umd/ aman ], to be safe, to feel safe. See 
'ammium at 67:16. p. 1854, n. 8). 

2. This is a continuation of the exception started at 
’dyah 22 above, saying that punishment will not 
befall such people. £ furitj (pi.; s. farj) = 
private parts, openings, apertures. See at 33:35, p. 
1349. n. 12. 

3. Jjlkit*- hdfizun (pi.; s. hdfi{) = keepers, 

preservers, observers, upholders, those who take 
care, are on guard, protectors (act. participle from 
Ihiff), to preserve, to protect. Sec at 15:9, 
p. 809, n. 4). 

4. £'jjt 'azwaj (sing. zawj) = husbands, 

wives, spouses, consorts, partners, pairs, kinds, 
sorts . See at 64: 14, p. 1835, n. 2. 

5. i. e., slave maids. 0U<1 'aymdn (pi.; s. jrt 
yamin ) = right hands, nght sides, oaths. See at 
68:38. p. 1865, n. 2. 

6. malumin (pi.; accVgen. of malumun, s. 

malum) = those blamed, who are to blame 
censured, blameworthy, reproached, condemned 
(pass, participle from tuiiui [lawm/ malum/ 
maldmah). to blame. See at 23:6, p. 1076. n. 7). 

7. ibtaghd = he seeks, desires, wishes (v. 
iii. s. m. past in form VIII of baghd [bughd], to 
seek. See at 23:7, p. 1076, n. 8). 

8. .1 J} ward’ = rear , after, beyond, bock , 

behind, close on (one's) heels. See at 57:13, p. 
1772, n. 9. 

9. iSj>U ‘adult (pi.; s. 'a din) aggressors, 
disobedient ones, inimical, transgressors (act. 
participle from 'dda, form III of add [ ttdw], to 
speed. See at 26:166, p. 1 191, n. 3). 

10. oU.t amandl (pi.; s. amdnah ) = trusts, 

faithfulness, integrity Sec 'amdnah at 2:283, p. 
ISO. n. 8. 

11. a** 'ahd (s.. pi. uhud) = covenant, 
pledge, pact, vow. Sec at 20:86, p. 996, n. 10. 

12. rd'un (pi., s. rd'in) = keepers. 

protectors, guardians, patrons, custodians, pastors 
(act. participle from ra'd [ra y/ ri'dyah/ mar'an], 
to graze, to end. to guard See at 23:8, p. 1076, n. 


Surah 70: Al-Ma'irij [ Part Out) 29 ] 

4 $ 35. Such ones will be 
in the gardens honouned. 1 

Section (Ruku ‘) 2 

46 36. So what is the matter 
with those who disbelieve 
that towards 2 you they 
($J run protruding their necks ? 3 

37. By the right 4 

and by the left 3 in crowds? 6 

38. Do there crave 7 
every person 8 of them 

j£ji.J that he will be admitted 9 in 
the garden of bliss? 10 

'•#' 39. By no means. 

Indeed We have created 
{$}>!>££ & them of what they know. 

40. So I swear" by the Lord 

1. dy mukramun (pi . s. mukram) - dio* 
honoured (passive participle from aknma. fan 
IV of karuma | karam/ karamah/ kardmah], 10 be 
noble, generous. Sec at 51:24. p. 1699. n. 13). I 

2. The ayah refers to what the MaUui 
unbelievers used to do when they heard At 
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. 
reciting the Qur'Sn in order to scoff al him 
qibala = before, in the presence of. towards, in Ac 
direction of. 

3. muhti'ln ( pi.; accVgen. of muhin® 

s. muhfi ') = those who protrude their neeb In 
running, rushing, running in haste (act partiapk 
from ’ahfa'a. to protrude or outstretch the nett 
See at 54:8. p. 1730. n. II). 

4. jr*, yamin (s.; pi. ay man) = right, nght hand 
See at 69:19. p. 1871. n. 12. 

5. shimal = north, left hand, left side, left 
See at 69:25. p 1872, n II. 

6. ‘izin (pi occVgen of 'iriin, s. icai*|i 
crowds, throngs, multitudes. 

7. yatma'u - he fervently hopes, coved 
desires, (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from lama ‘a \iam\ 
to covet to desire See yatma'u at 33:32, p. 1347. 
n. 8). 

8. i. e„ of those unbelievers who thus crowded 
round the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be 
on him. and boasted that they too would he ■ 
paradise because of their social posibon in dm 
world. I y\ imra ' = a person, a man. human bung 
See at 19:28. p. 957, n. 9. 

9- Jujqyudkhala(u) = he is admitted, entered (■ 

the transitive sense), put in. inserted (v. iii m 1 
impfet. passive from 'adkhula, form IV nf 
dakhala [dukhul\. to enter. The final letter oka 
fal-hah because of the particle 'an coining bcfoR 
the verb. See yudkhila at 66:8, p. 1 847, it 8). 

10. f-A na'tm - bliss, felicity, comfort, 

happiness, delight. Sec al 68:34. p. 1 864. n. 7. ' 

1 1 . The Id here is for emphasis: or to negntnc 
what the unbelievers said (See AIBahr, X, pp 
90-9 1 , 264), in which case the meaning is: 'So no, 
I swear.. f—ti 'uqsirnu = I swear, make an nab 

(v. i. s. impfet. from 'aqsama, form IV of qasom 
[ifurum), to divide. See at 69:38. p. 1874. n. 7). 

Surah 70: Al-Ma'drij ( Part [Juz ) 29 ] 


the easts' and the wests 2 that 
We indeed are Omnipotent. 

4 1 . That We may substitute 5 
a better sort than they and 
We are not to be outsripped. 4 

42. So leave them 

be engrossed 5 and play 
till they confront 6 their day 
ugjf which they are promised. 7 

j5 43. The day 

they shall come out 
$£!$£* of the graves 8 
&& in all haste as if they are 
to an idol 9 rushing. 10 

44. Their eyes lowered in 
‘illy, humility, there will overtake" 
% them ignominy. 

That is the day which they 
used to be threatened with. 

l . J mash&riq (pi.; s. mashriq ) = the points 

of sun-rise ( noun of place from sharaqa 
[sharq/shurdq], to rise, to radiate. See at 37:5. p. 
1431. n. I). 

2. v /*• magharih (pL; s. rruighnb) = times or 
places of sunset, wests (noun of place and tune 
from gharaba Ighurub], to set Sec maghrib at 
18:86. p 942. n. 2. 

3. Jju nubaddila(u) = we alter, change. 

exchange, substitute (v. i. pi. impfct. from 
baddala, form II of badala [ badal ]. to replace. 
The final letter takes fut-huh for the particle ’an 
coming before the verb. See at 56:61. p. 1761, n. 

4. i. e.. not to be frustrated, jjy — • masbdqtn 

(pi.; accigen of masbuqun. s. masbuq) = those 
outstripped, outdistanced, forestalled, left behind, 
(pass, participle from sabaqa [sabq] to be or get 
ahcacVbefore. Sec at 56:60. p, 1761, n. 8). 

5. i. e., in their pursuits yakhud&lna ) = 

they go into, wade into, deal with, embark on. 
rush into, be absorbed in. be engrossed in. take up 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfct. from khtufa [khawd/ khiydd). 
to rush, dive into. The terminal min is dropped for 
a hidden an before the verb. Sec at 4:140, p. 
307. n. I). 

6. 'yV, yui&qu (no) = they confront, meet one 

another (v. iii. m. pi. impfct. from Idqd, form 111 
of laqiya [liqd'Auqydn/luqy/luqyah/luqan], to 
meet, to encounter. The terminal nun is dropped 
because of an implied ’tin in hand coming before 
the verb. See at 52:45, p. 1715. n. 7). 

7. yd ‘adOna = they are promised. 

assured, threatened, (v. iii. m. pi. impfct. passive 
from w’ada [wir’d], to make a promise Sec at 
51:60. p. 1706. n. 9). 

8. ’ajd&th (pi.; s.jadalh) = graves, tombs. 
See at 54.7. p. 14730. n 8. 

9. As they use to do in this world. nusub 
(pi. uns/ib) = idol, statue, image. 

10. j yufiduna = they dash forth, rush (v. iii. 

m. pi. impfct. from 'awfada. form IV of wafada 
\wafd\, to run. to hurry). 

H . tarhaqu = she or it overtakes, comes 

over. (v. iii. f. s. impfct. from rahuqa | rahaq\ , to 
come over, overtake. Sec at 68:43. p. 1866, n. I). 

7 1 . SOratNOh (NOh) 
Makkan: 28 ’ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah which, like the other Makkan surahs, deals with the fundamentals of the 
faith. Its main themes are risalah and tawl/id (monotheism). It points out that Allah has communicate! ] 
the same message of lawlyid through all His Messengers, and this is illustrated by mentioning how He 
has created everything and has provided for His creatures and how Prophet NOh, peace be on him. 
struggled to bring his people to the right path, how ultimately Allah's punishment befell his unbelieving I 
and disobedient people and how He saved the believers and His Messenger. The surah is named 
after its first 'ayah and the story of this Prophet which is dealt with in greater detail in it. 


/ • < 

1. Verily We sent 1 Nflh 
to his people that 
you warn 2 your people 
before there comes to them 
a punishment most painful. 

2. He said: O my people 
I am to you a warner 1 
0*-?^ open and clear. 4 

I. i. e.. appointed as Messenger. U-jl ‘anaJiU i 

we sent out, sent, despatched, discharged (v i ft 
pasl from ‘arsala. form IV of rasila [rata!], to be 
long and flowing. Sec at 57:125. p 1778. a I), j 

2. i. e . against the consequences of uorshippgi 
many gods and goddesses in lieu of Allah. /I 

’ andhir m worn, caution (v. ii. m. t. impawns 
from andhara. form IV of nadhat 
[nadhr/nudhur], to dedicate, to make a vow Stt 
at 40: 17. p. 1515. n. 7). 

3. j*ii nadhtr (pi. nudhur ) = warner, one or that 

which gives warning, warning (active participle n 
the scale of fa'il from nadhura [rmdhr/ 
to vow. to pledge). Sec at 67:26, p. 1857, n 4). f 

4. j-a mubin = all too clear, obvious, mam lot 

patent, explicit, open and clear, conspicuoas, be 
who or that which makes clear (ad. particiffe 
from 'ab&na, form IV of btl/ui to be 

clear. See at 67:26. p. 1857, n. 5). 

5. i. e.. Allah Alone 

6. lji.1 itlaqu = you (all) beware, be on yam 

iii !>i 12\J 3. "That you worship Allah 5 
and fear Him 6 and obey 7 me." 


>4/*" 4. "He will forgive you 

oi y°ur sins and will defer 8 you 

guard, fear, be afraid of (v. ii. m. pi impcnlbe 
from itlaqd, form VIII of waqil ( waqyAriqayak\ 
to guard, safeguard Sec at 65:10. p 1842. n. 8). 

7. I^t - you (all) obey, be ubcdicnllv u 
m pf imperative from 'a(d'a. form IV of ids 
[fuw'J. to obey. Sec at 58:8, p. 1789, n. 8). 

8. j*)i yu'akhkhir (u) = he delays, postpones 
puts off, defers (v. iii. m. s. impfet from 
'akhkhara. form II from the root akhr The fuul 
letter is vowclless because the verb is coocluucc 
of a conditional clause. Sec yu'akhkhir u * 
63:1 1, p. 1829, n. 6). 

Surah 71: Nuh [ Pan (Jui ) 29 ] 


till a term 1 specified. 2 
Indeed the term of Allah, 

'.foil when it comes 

*5 _ 

it shall not be deferred, 

0 . if you are wont to know. 


5. He said: "My Lord, 

I have called 4 my people 
day and night." 

>i/ai 6. "But there increased 5 them 
not my invitation 

0£& ^ in aught but running away." 6 

7. "And indeed whenever 1 
called them 

J+Sjiid that You might forgive 7 them 
jfcLfoVjfo. they put 8 their fingers'' 
in their ears 10 

\ < I- and covered themselves" 

j£C* with their clothes, 

IJilS and they turned obstinate 12 
anc * boasted 15 in arrogance." 

1. J»t ’ajal (pi. ’djdt) = appointed time. term, 
date. See at 63:10. p. 1829. n. 2. 

2. J- — • musamman (s.; pi. musammayal)- 

specified, stipulated, named, designated, defined 
(passive participle (m. s. ) from sammd (to 
name), form II of samd [.tumflw/ samd'], to be 
high. See at 46:3. p. 163 1 , n. 7). 

3. yu'akhkharu = he or it is delayed, 
postponed, put off. deferred (v. iii. m. s, impfet. 
passive from 'akhkhara, form II from the root 
‘akhr. See yu'akhkhir al71:4.p, 1884. n. 8). 

\ V oy-s foL'awVu =\ vmsseswis 

(v. i. s. past from da d ( du '& ’]. to call. Sec tad' it at 
70:17. p. 1879, n. 9). 

5. •>> yazid tyazidu) = he increases, augments. 

adds to. gives more ( v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
zdda [zayd/ziyddah], to be more. The final letter is 
vowleless (and hence the medial yd’ is dropped) 
because of the particle lam coming before the 
verb. Sec ytizidu See at 42:26, p. 1571, n. 8). 

6. i. e„ from the truth fir&r = to flee, fleeing, 
flight, running away. See at 33:13. p. 1339. n. 13. 

7. jiu taghfiraUt) = you forgive, pardon (v. ii. m. 
*. impfet. from gha/ara [ghafr /maghfirah 
ghufran], to forgive. The final letter takes fat-fuih 
for a hidden an in li of motivation coming before 
the verb. See taghftru at 64: 14, p.1835, n. 7). 

8. ja'alu - they set, appointed, placed, put, 

made (v. iii. m. pi. past from ja'ala [fa’ll to 
make, to put. See at 27:34. p, 1212, n. 4). 

9. ’asahi' (pi ; s. isba' = fingers. 

10. i. e.. they did not want to listen. 

11. Ijiki^l is lag hs haw = they wrapped 

themselves, covered themselves (v. iii. m. pi. past 
from istaghshd, form X of ghashiya [ghishAwah ). 
to cover. Sec yasiaghshurui at 1 1:5, p. 678. n. II). 

12. lj^»l 'asarrti = they persisted, insisted. 

turned obstinate (v. iii. m. pi past from ‘asarra, 
form IV of farra [sarr/sarir], to creak, to tie up. 
See yufirrUna at 56:46. p. 1759, n. 8). 

13. istakharu = they boasted, became 

proud, turned arrogant, haughty (v. iii. m pi. past 
from istakbara, form X of kabura/kabara ( kubr / 
kibar/ kabArah/kabrj. to become great, to be 
older. See at 41:38, p 1553, n. 1). 


Surah 7 1 : NQh [ Part (Jut') 29 1 

8. "Then indeed I called them 
openly." 1 

9. "Moreover I indeed 
publicised 2 to them 

A ar >d I confided 3 to them 

OdSi n confidence." 

,-.fc 10. "And I said: Seek 
forgiveness 4 of your Lord. 

$ Verily He is Most Forgiving." 5 

1 1 ."He will let flow 6 the sky 7 
on you in torrents." 8 

’Z'ixZ) 12. "And will bestow 9 on you 
wealth and children and will 
provide for you gardens 
and set for you rivers." 10 

jCSu 13. "What is the matter with 
you, you expect 1 ’not of Allah 
(£}$j Majesty and Dignity? 12 

1. yi6dr = publicity, publicness ]ihdrax-za 
public, openly. See lajhur at 20:7. p. 977, a. S 

2. i. e.. the message. oJ* I ’a'lantu = I mat 

known, declared, disclosed, publicised, ink 
public (v. i. s. past from 'a'lana, form IV if 
'alarui/'aluna I ’tMniyyah], to be known, cvulot 
See 'a'lanlum at 60:1, p. 1807, n. 3). 

3. i. e . I also preached lo them confidential);.) 
o ’asrartu = 1 hid. concealed, seemed 
suppressed, confided (v. iii. m. s. put (am 
'asarra. form IV of sarra ( surir/ mask' 
masarrah], to make happy Sec 'asarra at 66:3,; 
1845. n. I). 

4. tjyuu-i islaghfird = you all ask la 

forgiveness, seek forgiveness (v. it m pi 
imperative from isiughfaru. form X of glafm 
[ghafr /maghflrah /ghufrdn], to forgive. Seta 
41:6. p. 1541. n. II). 

5. jU* ghaffdr = Most Forgiving. Intend; 

Forgiving (act. participle in the intensive scaled 
fa ' dl from ghafara [ghafr /maghftruh /ghufth\ 
to forgive See at 40:42. p. 1524. n. 14). 

6- yursila(u) = he despatches, sends, la 

flow (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'arsala. form IV of 
rusila [rasal\, to be long and flowing The fail 
letter is vowelless because the vetb is cooclma 
of a conditional clause Sec yursila at 67:17, g 
1854, n. II). 

7. This is an idiomatic expression meaning Ik 
will send down rains. The word "sky" n 
figuratively used for "rains". 

8. jl j±- midr&r = showering abundantly, pomg 
forth, in torrents. 

9. sis yumdid (-u* yumiddu ) = he help, 

supplies, reinforces, extends, spreads, provides 
bestows (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'amadda, Inna 
IV of madda [madd], to extend, to prolong The 
final letter is vowclless for the reason staled ot a 
6 above. See amdadnd at 52:22, p. 1710, a. II 

10. jl+il 'anhdr (sing, nahr) = rivets, streams. See 

at 63: 1 1 . p. 1843. n.6. 

1 1 . Oyf tarjuna = you (all) expect, hope foe, 

look forward, from rajd (ruju'J. to hope. Seek 
4:104, p. 291. n. 5). 

12. i. e.. you do not have proper regard for cd 
fear of Allah's Majesty and Dignity. jU; maifSrz 
majesty, dignity, gravity. 

SHrah 71: N&h l Part (Jut) 29 ] 


&Ljij 14. "While He has created 1 
($)£($ you in stages?" 2 

15. "Do you not see how 
Allah has created seven 

$!& yjil heavens one above another?"’ 

1 6. "And has set the moon 
therein as a light 

and has made the sun a lamp ?" 4 


17. And Allah has caused 
ofjVfe you to grow 5 from the earth 

$lsG in a growth. 

juL/y 18. Then He will revert 6 you 
jefe, into it and will bring you out 7 
in a production. 8 

19 And Allah has made for 
you the earth an expanse. 9 

ijCLij 20. That you may travel 10 

therein by ways" and passes . 12 

1 . j!*- khalaqa = he created. made, originated (v. 
iii. m. s. past from khulq, to create. See at 64:2, p. 
1830. n. 5). 

2. i. e.. in the mother's womb. ’ atw&r (pi.; s. 
tawr) = stages, phases, degrees, states, conditions. 

3. JU» fibaq = in conformity with, corresponding 
to. one above another Sec at 67:3. p. 1 85 1 . n. I . 

4. sirSj (s.; pi. suruj ) = lamp, light, 
incandescent light. Sec at 33:46. p. 1354. n.5. 

5. c-J ’anbata = he caused to gorw/sprout. 

germinated, grew (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 
nabata [nobr]. to grow, to sprout. See anbalnd 
at 50:7. p. 1686. n. 9) 

6. a** yu'tdu = he repeats, causes to come back. 

brings back, returns, reverts, recreates (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet from 'a'dda, form IV of 'd da [‘and/ 
awdah). to return. Sec at 34:49. p. 1386. n. 13). 

7. yukhrija(u) = he brings out, produces, 
expels, drives out (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 

akhraja. form IV of kharaja [Muni/], to go out, 
to leave. Sec at 40:67. p. 1533, n. 8). 

8. £^1 'ikhrdj = = expulsion, ousting, ouster. 

driving out. bringing out. production (verbal noun 
in form IV of kharaja [khurtij], to go out. to come 
out. See at 2:240. p. 121. n. 8). 

9. -U-i bisdf (s.; pi ubsitah/busut) - carpet, 
rug. expanse, something spread out. 

10. taslukti (mi) = you insert, make enter, 
travel, go through (v. iii. m. pi impfet. from 
salaka [salk/suluk], to enter upon a course, to 
insert. The terminal nfi/i is dropped because of a 
hidden 'an in li of motivation coming before the 
berb Sec ustuku at 69:32, p. 73. n. II). 

1 1. J— subul (pl.; s. J*- sabil) = ways, paths, 
roads, routes, means. See at 20:53. p. 987. n. 2. 

12. j-Uo fijaj (pl.; s. fajj ) mountain passes. 

ravines, roads between mountains. Sec at 2 1 :3 1 . p. 
1020. n. 8. 


Surah 71: Mh\ Pan (Juz') 29 ] 

Section (Ruku ‘) 2 

V^jli 21. Nflh said: "My Lord, 

verily they have disobeyed 1 
.yijiyfj me and followed 2 such ones 
as there increased' them not 
liaise; their wealth and children in 
aught but loss." 4 

22. "And they plotted' 
a plot quite big." 

\)\ij 23. "And they said: 

OjiiV You shall not abandon 6 
h* yo ur gods 7 nor shall abandon 
Wadd nor Suwa' nor 
Yaghuth and Ka'A? 
andAfosr." 8 

ijuljiij 24."And they indeed misled 9 
a good many; 
and you increase not 
oUdif the trangressors 10 in aught 
but error." 

1. if** 'af aw = they rebelled, defied, disobeyed 
(v. iii. m pi past from '<ud [ ifyan/ ma siyah\,to 
rebel, to oppose, to disobey, to defy. See >t 69:10, 
p 1870. n. I). 

2. ittaha ‘|3 = they pursued, went after, 
followed, obeyed (v. iii. m. pi. past from ittaha'a, 
form VIII of tabi'a [tuba'/tabd'ah], to follow.Jcc 
at 54:3. p. 1729. n. 5). 

3. ■>> yazid ( yazidu ) = he increases, aogrncan, 
odds to. gives more ( v. iii. m. s. impfet hoi 
zuda [zayd/ziyddah). to be more. The final letter u 
vowlless (and hence the medial yd' is dropped 
because of the particle lam coming before te 
verb. See at 71:6, p. 1885. n. 5). 

4 I. e . they followed their leaders whose weiM 
and children made them all the more haughty mi 
disobedient, and hence more deserving of die 
punishment. khasSr = to incur loss, to lose 
See at 35:39. p. 1404. n. 8 

5. makaru = they schemed, plotted, planned, 
had recourse to a ruse, devised (v. iii m. pi put 
from makaru [makr\, to deceive, to delude. See 8 
40:45. p. 1525. n. 12). 

6. Jjks V Id ladharunna = you shall not 
abandon, must not leave (v. ii. m pi impend* 
(prohibition) emphatic from wadhara [n<aftr) 
See dharu at 62:9. p. 1823. n. 6). 

7. V|fW ' dlihah (pi.; s. ' tldh ) = gods, deities, 

objects of worship. See at 43 :58, p. 1597, n, 8 ’ 

8. These are names of their principal gods an! 

9. i. e„ those leaders of the people of NDh. pen 
be on him., misled many. ijU»l adallu - they led 

astray, misled, made go astray (v. iii. m. pL put 
from 'adulla, form IV of dalla [dulul/daldhh], to 
loose one's way. See at 7:38. p. 479, n. 96). 

10. i. e„ the polytheists (note that at 31:13 start 

or setting partners with Allah is called a pm 
zulm], zalimin (acc/gen. of zulimiti. tog 

zAlim ) - transgressors, wrong -doers. witus 
persons, polytheists ( active participle firm 
zalama (:u/m). to transgress, do wrong See ■ 
66:ll.p 1849. n. 5). 

Surah 71: Mi A [ Pan Uuz) 29 ] 


...» -il 


i • » ** -! ' ii ' x 

.i . 





if :* 



25. On account of their sins 1 
they were drowned 2 and 
were then entered into a fire; 
and they found 3 not for them 
besides Allah any helpers. 

26. And Nflh said: "My Lord, 
leave not 4 on the earth of the 
unbelievers a single one." 5 

1. cUjoi khati’at (pi. ; s. khan ' ah ) = sins, faults, 

mistakes, blunders Sec khatVah at 26:82, p. 
1177, n. 7). 

2. iy>! 'ughriqd = they were drowned, sunk (v. 

iii. m. pi. past from 'ughraqa. form IV of ghariqa 
[gharaq], to be drowned See 'aghraqnd at 43:55. 
p. 1596. n. 12). 

3. Iyju»i yajidd(na) = they find, get. come across 

(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from wajada [wujQd], to 
find. The terminal niin is dropped because of the 
particle lam coming before the verb. Sec at 
18:53. p. 931. n. 8). 

4. jjl V Id ladhar = do not leave, abandon. 

forsake (v. ii. m. s. imperative (prohibition) from 
wadhara/ \adharu [wadhr] to leave. See at 
21:89. p. 1037. n. 2). 

5. jV dayydr s inhabitant, one. 

27. "Verily if you leave them 
they will lead astray* 1 

Your servants 7 

and shall not procreate 8 

except a sinful 9 unbeliever." 

28. "My Lord, forgive me 
and my parents 

and such as enter my house 

as a believer, 

and the believing men 
and the believing women; 
and You increase not 10 the 
transgressors in aught 
but ruin." 

6. IjL* yudilUKna) = they lead astray, mislead, 

misguide, make go astray (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. 
from 'adalla, form IV of tfalla [dnlhUtlalalah], to 
go astray. The terminal nun is dropped because 
the verb is conclusion of a conditional clause.. See 
at 10:88. p. 668. n. 7). 

7. >1* ' ibdd (sing x»'ubd) = servants (of Allah), 

human beings, slaves, serfs, worshippers. See at 
66:10, p. 1848. n. 9). 

8. Iy4i yalidd(na) = they procreate, beget. 

generate, give birth (v. iii. in pi. impfet. from 
walada ( wildduh Aidah/ mawlid], to give birth, to 
beget. The terminal nin is dropped for the reason 
stated at n. 6 above. See watadna at 58:2, p. 
1783. n. 2). 

9. /»u fSjir (s.; pi. fujjdr) = immoral one, 
depraved, libertine, licentious, sinful (act. 
participle from fajara \fujur\, to act immorally, 
to commit adultery, sin. See fujjdr at 38:28. p. 
1467, n. 4). 

10. aji V Id lazid = do not increase, augment, give 

more (v. ii. m. s. imperative (prohibition) from 
zuda \ztiydJ ziyddah], to be more. Sec yazid at 
71:21, p. 1888. n. 3). 

1 1 . jU labor = ruin, destruction. See labbarnd at 
25:39. p. 1149. n. 12. 

72. SOratal-Jinn ( The Jinn) 
Makkan: 28 ’d\ahs 

This is a Makkan surah. It deals with the fundamentals of the faith, namely, tawlyid (monotheism), 
risalah. i. e., Mcssengcrship of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. Resurrection. 
Judgement, reward and punishment. These themes are brought home by a reference to the incident, 
mentioned in its first 'ayah, of a group of jinn's listening to the recitation of the Qur'an by the Prophet, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him. and their having believed and their preaching the message of 
tawhid to the other jinn so some of them became Muslims while others did not. The surah is named 
after this fact. In this connection mention is made of the folly of attributing a son or a wife to Allah. It is 
also mentioned that the higher heavens are protected by Allah by means of stem guards and flaming 
fires. It is further stressed that Allah does not have any partner, that He Alone is to be worshipped, that 
the duty of the Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. is to convey the message and that 
whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger for him will be the fire of hell wherein he shall dwell fix 


ji 1. Say: 

"It has been communicated 1 

to me that there listened* 
a party' of jinn and they said: 
We indeed heard a Qur'an 
0Ce quite wonderful." 4 

cJl^Ar- 2. "It guides to the right path. 5 
So we have believed in it 
\j and we shall never associate 6 
with our Lord anyone." 

3."And that Exalted 7 is 

1. ’uhiya = he or it was communicated, (v., 
iii. m. s. past passive from ‘awHA. form IV of 
Kuifti Iwa/iy). to communicate See at 43 43, p 

1 593. n. 10). Technically wat)y means Allah's 
communication to His Prophets and Mcssengot 
by various means. Some of these means at 
mentioned at 2:92, 16:2. 16:102, 26:193 ad 
42:51. Sec also BukhAri, nos 2-4). 

2. istama'a - he listened, heard, paf 

attention (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of lanu't 
[suin' /sarnA ' /samA'ah /masma']. to hear. See 
istami ' at 50:4 1 . p. 1 694. n. 9). 

3. jii nafar - band, party, troops, man-pmra 
Sec at 46:29. p. 1643. n 2. 

4 ‘ajab (s.; pi. 'a jab) = wonder, sutphte, 

astonishment, marvel. Sec al 18:63, p. 935, a. 9. ] 

5. JlSj rushd = right and sensible conduct. ngk 

path, good sense, maturity of the mind, guidance 
See at 7:146, p. 519, n. 9. 

6. Ajts nushrikaiu ) - we associate, set patina, 

give a share (v. i. pi impfet. from ushruka. font 
IV of sharika [shirk / sharikah], to share. The 
final letter takes fat-hah because of the particle 
Ian coming before the verb. See at 12:38, p 736, 
n 3). 

7. Jte la 'ala = He is High. Exalted. Sublime (i, 

iii. m. s. post in form VI of 'ala ( ufia), to be 
high. Sec at 30:40. p 1303. n. 7). 


Sirah 72: Al-Jinn | Part (Jut) 29 ) 


££ jw. the Majesty 1 of our Lord. 

He takes 2 neither a wife 1 
nor a son." 

& 4. "And that there use to say 

the fool 4 of us against Allah 
$iU‘. an atrocious lie." 5 

ElhQj 5. "And that we think 6 
t rffij&joi ^at there shall not say man 
or jinn against Allah a lie." 7 

oKXtj 6. "And that there are 
individuals 8 of men 
seeking refuge 9 

$j* with individuals of jinn 
and they increase 10 them 
in sin and ignorance." 11 

7. "And that they think 
as you think that 

iii IZjj Allah shall not resurrect 12 
063 anyone." 

1. a» jadd - majesty, glory, sublimity, greatness, 

2. ittakhadha = he took . took for him. took 
up. assumed (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of 
'akhadha [ ’akhdh), to take. Sec at 45:23. p. 1625. 
n. 4). 

3. xdhibah (f.; m. sdtyb) = companion. 

comrade, wife, follower, owner (act. participle 
from stdfiba [suhbah/ sah&bah/ sihbuh], to be a 
companion. See at 70:12, p. 1879, n. I). 

4. vt- safih (pi. sufahd’) = incompetent, foolish, 
stupid, silly, insolent. Sec at 2:282. p. 1 48, n. I ). 

5. Saying that He has taken a wife or son or that 
He has partners. -laVs shatat - excessive, 

outrageous, atrocious lie. inroaid. infringement 
See at 18:14, p 914, n. 5. 

6. tab zananna - we thought, assumed, 
conjectured, supposed, firmly believed <v. i. pi. 
past from pmnu [zann], to firmly believe, to 
suppose. See wnantum at 59:2, p. 1794. n. 7). 

7. v-if kadhib - lie, falsehood, untruth, deceit. 
See at 61:7. p. 1816. n. 7. 

8. Ju - j njdl (p|.; s. rajul ) — men, persons, 
individuals, personalities. 

9. oysyv ya'udhuna - they seek refuge, shelter. 

protection (v. iii. m. pi impfcl. from ttdha 
( awdh/ "iyddh/ ma'ddh), to take refuge, to seek 
protection. See 'udhtu at 44:20, p. 1610, n. I). 

10. lyslj z&dfi - they increased, augmented, 
grew, became more, added (v. iii. m pi. past from 
zdda ( taydJ ziyddah). to be more. See at 11:101, 
p. 714, n. 5). 

1 1 . rahaq = sin. ignorance, folly. 

12. C-jtj yab'athaiu ) = he raises, raises up, 

resurrects, revives, sends out (v. iii. m s. impfet. 
from ba'tha [ ba'lh ]. to send out. to raise. The 
final letter takes fat-hah because of the particle 
Ian coming before the verb See at 40:34. p. 
1521. n. 12). 


Surah 72: Al-Jinn [ Part (Jut) 29 ] 

8. "And that we approached 1 
the heaven and found it 

lixLl filled 2 with guards J very strict 
Oa; and blazing missiles." 4 

9. "And that we used to sit 3 
at seats 6 of it 

for hearing; 7 

,>•-> but whoever listens 8 now 
will find for him blazing 
missiles lying in wait.’ 

10. "And that we know 10 not 
oy'^i whether evil is intended 

for those in the earth 
fttXj fjl or there intetnds for them 
their Lord guidance." 1 ' 

1 1 . "And that from among us 

\L^ are the righteous 12 and of us 

k0 ^ 

eU;jo/j are other than that. 

We are on ways” diverse." 14 

I L_J lamas na = wc Couched, buried 
perceived, searched, sought, approached (v. hi.* 
pi past from lamasa [lams). Co couch See bwf 
at 6:7, p. 394, n. 2) 

2. ol. muli'at = she or il was filled, occupied ft 

iii f s. past passive from mala'a [mn/’/nWW 
nul’ah), to fill Sec mutt tin al 56 53, p, 1760, i 
8 ). 

haras (pi.; s. hdris ) = guards, keeps* 

sentinels (act. participle from Ijarasa |W 
hirdsah], to guard, to watch) 

4 shuhub <pl ; s shihdb) = flames, bias* 
blazing missiles, shooting stars See duUb g 
37:10. p. 1432. a 3. 

5. naq'udu = wc sit. remain, abide. May ft, 

i pi impfet. from qaada \qu 'ud], to sit 
remain See taq udu at 1 7:29, p 882. n. 7), 

6. ar-li* maqd'id (pi.; sing, nutq'ad) - positt* 

seals, places to settle down (adverb of place utik 
scale of nutf'al from qa'ada Iqu'lid). to sit dova. 
See at 3:121. p 204. n 4). 

7 i e . hearing the news of the high heavens. 

8 i. e„ attempts to listen. , yaslamt‘(u)zk 

listens, hears, pays attention (v iii m s unpin, 
from islama'a. form VIII of sand' a (ram' /turf 
/samd'uh /masma'j. to hear. The final letter k 
vowclless for the verb is in a conditional dam. 
See isranw a at 72: 1. p 1 890, n 2). 

9 o-»j rasad = lying in wait, in ambush, my. 
watchdog See irsdd at 9: 107, p 624. n. 2. 

1 0. tSjX nadri = wc know, arc aware (v. L d 

impfet from dart 1 | dirdyah], to know See t 
45:32. 1628. n il). 

1 1 rushd = nght and sensible conduct, ng!» I 

path, good sense, maturity of the mind, guidance I 
See at 72:2. p, 1890. n. 5 

12. jyJL. sdlihun (pi.; i. jJU sallh) 4 1 
righteous, virtuous, good (active participle front 1 
salaha Isaiah/ sultih/ maflaliah], to be good. ] 
nght, proper. See at 21:105. p 1041, n. II). 

• 3. lard ‘iq (pi ; s lariqah) = ways, means. 

ncthods, systems, procedures. Sec at 23:15, pul 
1078. n il. 

14 i. c . various groups and factions. tJiqiM 
(pi., s. qtdah) = different, diverse, divergent 

Surah 72: Al-Jmn [ Part (Juz ) 29 ) 


Cjilitj 12. "And that we believe 1 
that we cannot baffle 2 Allah 
>jV'j in the earth 


nor can we baffle Him 
by running away." 7 

13."And that when we heard 4 
Jjjuii the guidance 5 we believed in it. 
So whoever believes in his 
Lord he will not fear 
Lli any reduction 7 
0 nor any injustice." 8 


14. "And that among us are 
the Muslims 

and of us are the deviants. 9 
So those who have surrendered, 
such ones have adopted 10 
the right course." 11 

• ^t? 15. "And as for the deviants, 

they will be for hell 
the fuel." 12 

1. LJ* zananna = wc thought, assumed, 
conjectured, supposed, firmly believed (v. i. pi. 
past from zanna [zarm], to firmly believe, to 
suppose. See at 72:5, p 1891. n. 6). 

2. i. e.. escape Allah's punishment. nu'jizaiu ) 

= we frustrate, baffle, disable, incapacitate (v. i. 
pi. impfcl. from 'ajaza . form IV of ajaza/ajiza 
( 'ujz), to be weak, incapable. The final letter lakes 
fai-hah for the particle lan coming before the 
verb, See yu'jiza at 35:44. p. 1407. n. 4). 

3 . v/ harab = flight, tanning away, escape, 
desertion (verbal noun of haraba, to flee, to run 

4. sami'na = wc listened, heard, paid 

attention (v. i. pi. past from sami'a [ram' /samd ' 
/samd'ah /masnui], to hear See at 24:51, p. 1 127, 
n. 8). 

5. i. c„ the Qur'&n. Note that at 2:2 (sural 
alBaqarah) the Qur'Sn has been described as 
"guidance" ( hudan ) for the godfearing, i 
hudan = guidance. Sec at 45: 1 1 . p. 1621. n. I. 

6. ju, yakhafu = he fears, dreads, is afraid (v. 
iii. nt. s. itnpfct. from khdfa [khawf/ makhdfuh / 
khifahj, to fear. See at 50:45, p. 1695, n. II). 

7. i. e„ in his good deeds and rewards. 
bakhs = reduction, decrease, diminishing, too 
little, very low. (verbal noun of bakhasa. to 
decrease. Sec at 12:20. p. 728. n. 8 

8. rahaq = sin. ignorance, folly, overtaking, 
injustice. See at 72:6. p. 1891. n. II. 

9. q&situn (pi.; s. qdsil) m deviants, those 
who act unjustly (act. participle from qasa(a 
(V«fl. to act justly/unjustly, to deviate. Sec 
muqsitin at 60:8. p. 1810, n. 8). 

10. ij taharraw = they pursued, adopted, 
sought, attended (v. iii. m. pi. past from laharrd, 
form V of hard | furry), to decrease, to be angry, to 

11. xi j r as had - right and proper 

conduct/coursc. integrity of conduct. See at 
18:24. p. 920, n. 2. 

12. Ju- halah (s.. pi 'ah lab) - firewood, fuel. 


Sarah 72: Al-Jinn { Pan (Juz) 29 ) 

Jij 1 6. And that if 
they stood upright 1 
on the way, 2 

We would surely have given 
them water 3 in abundance. 14 

jfciS 17. That We might try 5 them 
j*j Lj therewith. And whoever 
u» turns away 6 from the 
reminder 7 of his Lord 
He will enter 8 him 

QlZiZtiZ. in a punishment very severe. 9 

1 8. And that the mosques 
are for Allah. So invoke not 10 

4if^ with Allah anyone. 

19. And that when 

the servant of Allah stood up 
iy-Z invoking Him 

they were about to be 
on him crowding." 

1 . i. e.. if they believed and followed the guidtna 

given (hem istaqdmd = (hey straigluned 

up. stood upright, became straight, tot 
right/ proper (v. iii. m pi. past from mafia* 
form X of qdma [qawmah/qiydm\. to gel up. It 
stand up. See at 46:1 3. p. 1635. n. 9). 

2. W> tariqah (s.; p. turuq/tar&'iq ) * an, 
mode, manner, conduct, method. See at 20HX 
1002, n. 2. 

3. L*L.t 'asqayni = we gave to drink, gave wan. 
watered, irrigated (v. i. pi. past from Vufd. fen 
IV of saqd [nu/v], to give a drink. See at 1 5 22. p 
812. n. 3). 

4. i. e . would have given them provision h ] 
profusion. Ja> ghadaq = abundance, profusia* 
ample, extensive 

5. y- U naftina (nu) - we try, test, put to lest (* t 
pi. impfet. from fatana [fain/futdn\, to put t" uni 
to tempt The final letter takes fat huh became <( 
a hidden 'an in li of motivation coming brim 
Ihc verb. See faumtum at 57:14. p 1 773. n. 2X 1 

6. Jt/*yu‘rtf{u)= he turns away, averts, evader 

(v. iii. m. s. impfet. from a 'rtuia. form IV 4 
'aruda ( ‘art/], to be broad, wide, to appear, a 
show. The final letter is vowcllcss because the 
verb is in a conditional clause. See yu Wii I 
54:2, p.1729, n. 3). 

7. i. e„ the Qur’Sn ( see for instance 15b. 151, 
16:44. 21:50. 23:71. 25:29. 26:5, 38:49, 3887 . 
41:41. 54:25, 68:51-52 and 81:27). />dktkr. 

citation, recollection, remembrance, inosuoa, 
reminder, also scripture, the Qur'Sn. See a 
68:51, p. 1867, n. II. 

8. dU— i yailuk(u) = he enters, inserts, charnels 
make enter, travel, go through (v. iii. m. s. tmpfct 
from salaku [ salk/suluk ), to enter upon a coon* 
to insert. The final letter is vowelless because hr 
verb is conclusion of a conditional clause. Set 
lasluku at 71:20, p. 1887, n. 10). 

9 -u-» sa'ad = very hard, very severe 

10. tj*JV V Id fad'd - you (all) do not pm. 
invoke, call, implore (v. ii. m. pi. impend!* 
(prohibition) from da'd [du 'u ’), to call, to 
summon. See at 47:35, p 1659, n 7). 

1 1. i. e . the jinn were coming to him tn crowd* 
almost one on another ad libad = one upoa 
another, crowd. 

Sarah 72: Al-Jmn [ Part (Juz) 29 ] 


Section ( Ruku *) 2 

20. Say: "I but invoke 1 my 
Lord and do not associate 2 
with Him anyone." 

21. Say: "Indeed I have no 
power 3 of doing you any harm 
nor to get you go aright." 4 

22. Say: "Indeed 

there shall not protect 5 me 
3% against Allah anyone 

nor shall I find besides Him 
(Jlijucil any asylum." 6 

23. "Except to convey 7 from 
iciljj Allah and His messages." 8 
And whoever disobeys’ 
Allah and His Messenger 
he shall indeed have 
the fire of hell, 

QfyjJr&J- abiding 10 therein for ever. 


1. tyal Vid'fi = I pray. call, invoke, beseech, 
invite (v. i. s. impfet. from dad [du‘d‘ ]. to call, to 
summon. See at 40:41. p. 1524, n. 10). 

2. il yit ‘ushriku = 1 set a partner, associate, give 

a share (v. i. s. impfet. from "ashraka. form IV of 
sharika [shirk / shurikah], to share. See 'ushrika 
at 18:38. p. 925. n 9). 

3. CiL> r ’amliku = I own, possess, have power 

over (v. i. s. impfet. from malaka [ malk /mulk 
/milk], to take in possession. Sec at 60:4, p. 1808. 
n II). 

4. aij rashad = right and proper conduct/course, 
integrity of conduct. Sec at 18:24, p. 920, n. 2. 

5. yufira(u) = he gives protection, protects. 

shelters, grants asylum (v iii. m. s. impfet. from 
ajdra. form IV of jura (yuwr] , to deviate, to 
oppress. The final letter lakes fut-hah because of 
the particle Ian coming before the verb. See at 

23:88, p. 1096, n. 5). 

6. a>cU multahad = place or person to lean to. 

refuge, asylum (pass participle from iUahada, 
form VIII of lahada | lalid |, to dig a grave, to 
deviate from the right course. Sec at 18:27. p. 
921, n. I). 

7. i. e., I have no power etc. except to convey the 
messages from Allah. £> i balagh (pi. balaghut) 
= to convey, communication, proclamation, 
announcement, communique, information, 
notification. See at 42:48, p. 1578, n. 9. 

8. oVUj risaldi (pi.; s. risdlah ) = messages, 
missions. See at 33:39, p. 1352. n. 5. 

9. ya 'si(si) = he disobeys, defies (v. iii. m. 

s. impfet. from "usd ( asy /ma'siyah /‘isydn], to 
disobey. The last letter yd' is vowcllcss and hence 
dropped for the verb is in a conditional clause 
preceded by man. See at 33:36, p. 1350. n. 7). 

10. jtJk* khalidin (pi.; acc/gcn of khdltdun, s. 
khdlid) = living for ever, abiding, abiding for 
ever, everlasting, eternal, immortals (active 
participle from khalada ( khulud J, to live for ever. 
See at 65:1 l.p 1843. n 7 


Sarah 72: Al-Jirw ( Part (Juz ) 29 ] 

24. Till when they see 
6 jj what they are promised 1 
ir* they will know who is the 

weaker 2 in respect of helper’ 
and fewer 4 in number. 


ojJcj u 

25. Say: "I know 5 not 
whether close by 6 is 
what you are promised 

or there sets 7 for it my Lord 
a span of time." 8 

26. The All-Knowing 
of the unseen; 

and He discloses 9 not 
His unseen to anyone. 


. «" r 

27. Except to him whom He 

is pleased 10 with 

of a Messenger; 

and then He sends" 

in front of him 

and behind him sentinels. 12 

1. i. e . of punishment. Jyu-y yu'aduna s thes 
are promised, assured, threatened, (v. hi. m pi 
impfet. passive from w'ada (wa d), to nukei 
promise. See at 70:42, p. 1883, n. 7), 

2. ’ad ‘af = weaker, weakest ( elattve of 
da ’if. See at 19:75. p 970. n. 12). 

3. s*'* nasir = helper, assistant (act partiapk 
from nasru [nasrlniuOr], to help, to assist). See 
•«nrdrat‘6I :14. p 1818. n. 13). 

4. Jil 'aqall = less, fewer, smaller (dative of 

qalil. few, meagre, small. See at 18:39. p. 92S. • 

> 1 ). 

5. kS jit 'adri = I know, am aware (v. i. I. impfet 

from dard [ dtrdyah], to know. See at 469, fcj 
1634. n. 3). 

6. >— <> qarib = near, proximate, not far map, 

close by. shortly. Ever Near See at 70-7. p IJ71 
n. 4. 

7. J—r yaj’alu = he sets, makes, places, pats, 
appoints (v. iii. m. pi. impfet from ja 'ala [)a7|fe 
make, to pul Sec at 19:96. p. 975. n. 2). 

8. juI 'amad (pi. Amdd) a span or stmdi «f 
lime, terminus. See at 57:16, p 1774, n. 7. 

9. jik, yuzhira(u) = he makes prevail, pan 
victory, manifests, makes visible, export 
discloses (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'afhiira, font 
IV of zaharalzuhUr], to be visible. See vadkira 
at 61:9. p 1817. n. 4). 

10. ^AJjl irtadd = he was pleased with, wa 
satisfied, approved (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII 
of radiya | ridan/ ndwdn/ mardah) to hi 
satisfied. See at 24:55. p 1 129, n. 5). 

11. yasluku= he enters, inserts, charnels, 
makcs/enter/travcl/ go through, sends (v in m l 
impfet from salaka [sulk/suluk], to enter upon a 
course, to insert Sec vasluk at 72:18. p. 1 894. a 

12. i. e.. of angels to keep guard on him 

ra\ad = lying in wait, in ambush, spy, tailind. 
watchdog See at 72:9. p. 1892, n. 9. 

Sarah 72: AI Jirm ( Part (Jut 1 ) 29 1 


j£5 28. That He may know 1 that 
ij they indeed have conveyed 2 
c&Lj the messages of their Lord; 
iC-tj and He encompasses 1 
what is with them 
and keeps an account 4 
jjf' of everything by number. 5 

1. i. e.. He may make known: for He knows 
everything, open and secret. ^ ya'lomaUi) = he 

knows, is aware of. is cognizant of (v. iii. m. s. 
impfct from 'almui [Vim], to know. The final 
letter takes fal-hah because of a hidden an in li 
of motivation coming before the verb. See at 
26: 1 97, p. 1 196, n. 6). 

2. lyV ’ahlagha = they delivered, conveyed, 
informed, notified (v. iii. m. pi. post from 
'ahlagha, form IV of balagha [butugh], to reach. 
Sec ’ablaghlu at 1 1 :57, p. 698. n. 7). 

3. i. e.. in knowledge 'ahata = he or it 

encompassed, surrounded, encircled, contained, 
comprehended (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of hata 
[lyiwl/htlah/hiydtah], to guard, to encircle. Sec at 
65:12. p.' 1843, n. 1 2). 

4. 'ahu i = he calculated, counted, kept an 

account (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV from the root 
has\/ha\an (pebbles, little stones). See at 58:6. p. 
1785. n. 3). 

5. so* 'adad ($.; pi. ' a'ddd) = number. See at 
23: II 2. p. 1 102. n. 9. 

73. SOratal-Muzzammil [The Enwrapprd] 
Makkan: 20 'ayahs 

This is one of ihc earliest Makkan surahs. It is named al-Muzzammil with reference to its first ‘ 070 ! 
wherein the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, is affectionately addressed as the one 
enwrapped in clothes. The main themes of the surah are lawhid (monotheism), risdlah (Mcssengei 
wahy and the Qur'an, and the Resurrection. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, a 
asked to get up and to engage himself in prayers at night and to have patience over the unbelie 
opposition and ridicule. It is emphasized that Allah is the Lord of the east and west, there is no Jot) 
except He ( ‘ayah 9); that on the day of Resurrection the earth and the mountains will be in viok# 
commotion and the sky will be cleft asunder (‘ayahs 14 and 18). that a Messenger (i. e . Muhammad, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him) has been sent to be a witness over you ( 'ayah IS) and that if y 
disbelieve you shall not be able to protect yourself on the day of which the horrors will make the 
children grey-headed ( 'ayah 17) and that this Qur'Sn is a reminder ( 'ayah 19). 

1. O you the enwrapped. 1 

JJfJ 2. Stand 2 up by night 
except for a little while. 

T iu i 3. A half 3 of it 

0 fyl or make it less 4 by a little. 

4. Or increase 5 on it 
and recite 6 the Qur’an 

0'h; in distinct recitation. 

5. Verily We shall cast 7 

0 on you a word quite heavy. 8 


I y /■ muzzammil (originally mulazammil) = k 
who covers himself in garments, the enwnppd 
(act. participle from tazammala. loan V gf 
zamala ( zaml/zamlan], to raise and cany. • 
follow. This is an affectionate address made b) 
Allah to His Messenger, peace an blessings o I 
Allah be on him. because, as the authentic repot 
has it, he had himself covered with garments «u 
of fear on coming hack home from mount Hoi 
after the receipt of the first wahy (see BukhH 
no. 3). The address is appropriate also for oae 
who is in a relaxed state from his work. 

2. i. e,. stand up in saldh (prayer). 

3. nisf (pi. nusuf) = half, middle. See m 
4 :176. p. 324. n. 6. 

4. unqus = make less, decrease, reduce 
diminish (v. ii. m. s. imperative from naqqt 
[naqafa [naqsl nuqiun], to decrease, dimwit 
See lanqasu at 50:4. p. 1685. n. 9). 

5. s j zid - increase, augment, make mote (v j. 

pi. m. s. imperative from zdda \zayd/ email*], 
to increase. See 38:61. p. 1474, n. 4). 

6 Jlj rattil = recite, phrase (v. ii. m. i 

imperative from ratlala. form II of ralila |W], 
to be regular, well-ordered. See raltalni ■ 
25:32. p 1 147, n. II). 

7. jU. nulqt = We throw, cast, fling, pliitye. 
deliver (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from alq d , form IV 
of laqiya ( liqd' /luqyan/luqy/luqyahAuqm], It 
meet. See at 3:151, p.213. n. 8). 

8 i. e.. the text and injunctions of the Qur'an 


Surah 73: Al-Muzzammil | Part Urn') 29 ) 


6. Verily the rising up 1 by 
night is the more effective 2 
and the more proper 3 a say. 4 

0 j&k 







7. Verily you have in the day 
a moving on 5 for long. 6 

8. And remember 

the Name of your Lord and 
devote yourself 7 to Him 
in true devotion. 8 

9. Lord of the east 
and the west. 

There is no deity except He. 
So take 9 Him 
as Guardian-Protector. 10 

10. And have patience" over 
what they say 12 

and avoid 13 them 
in graceful avoidance. 

1. i. e., the rising up for prayer at night. Hiti 
n as hi 'ah (f. ; m. ndsht ) = that which grows, 
rises, rising one (act. panciplc from nashaa 
[nashV nushu’/ nosh ’ah], to rise, to emerge Sec 
am ha turn at 56:72. p. 1763, n. 7) 

2. jl»j wal' = effect, insertion, to tread, to 
trample. See tala' & at 48:25. p. 1672. n. 2. 

3. fjit 'aqwamu = tightest, most proper/ 

upright/ correct/ true/authentic (dative of <jfowtm. 
act. participle in the scale of fa'll from qdma 
[qaKmah/qiyam ] , to gel up. to stand erect. Sec at 
17:9. p. 875. n. 9). 

4. i. e.. prayer, for concentration is better and 
devotion more intense at night. J«> qll = saying. 

say. address. Se at 56:26. p. 1757, n. 1. 

5. i. e„ activities, jv- sabh = swimming, to float, 
to move on. to speed up. Sec sabbaha at 6 1 ; I , p. 
1814. n. 1. 

6. So the night time is more suitable for additional 
prayer. Jyb tawtl = long. tall, high (act. participle 

in the sacalc of fa'U from /d/a( row/], to be long. 
Sec tala at 57:16. p. 1774. n 6) * 

7. Ja< tabatlal = devote yourself, retire (v. ii. m s. 

imperative from tabatlala, form V of batala 
(bar/], to cut off. to sever). 

8. JfJ tabtit = devotion, retirement (verbal noun 
in form II of batata. See n. 7 above). 

9. -U? ittakhidh - take. . take for you, take up. 

assume (v. ii. m. s. imperative from ittakhadha. 
form VIII of akhadlia (' akhdh ]. to take. See 
ittakhadha at 72:3, p. 1891. n. 2). 

10. wakll (s.; pi. wukald') = an authorized 

agent, deputy, care-taker, trustee, guardian, 
custodian. Guardian-Protector (act. participle in 
the scale of fa'il from wakala [wakl Avuiii/|. to 
entrust. Sec at 42:6, p. 1561. n. II). 

1 1 . jr * I isbir = be patient, have patience, bear 
calmly, persevere, (v. ii. m. s. imperative from 
Sahara [sabr], to be patient, to bind. See at 
68 48. p. 1 867, n. I). 

12. i. e„ in derision and ridicule. 

13. uhjur = emigrate, leave, abandon. 

avoid, go away (v. ii. m. s. imperative from hajara 
[hajar /hijrdn]. to emigrate. See at 19:46, p. 962, 
n. 9). 


Surah 73: Al-Muzzammil [ Part (Juz') 29 ] 

^3'ij 11. And leave 1 Me 
2i\j and the Disbelievers, 2 
pssessors of affluence,' 

>i^j and respite 4 them 
for a little while. 

12. Verily We have with Us 

0 fetters 5 and a blazing Fire 6 

1 3. And a food 7 that chokes 8 
(wjQlCijij and punishment very painful. 

Ji Ujfi 14. On a day there will qake 9 
the earth and the mountains; 
and the mountains shall be a 
a dune 10 adrift." 

Z&jlty 15. Verily We have sent 12 
to you a Messenger 
&\ as a witness" over you 

as We had sent to Fir'awn 
a Messenger. 

1 . i. e , leave Me lo deal with (he disbelieved y 
dAor = shun, leave, lei alone (v. u m i 
imperative from Hudharu/yudharu. lo leave Sec 
al 68:44, p. 1866, n. 4). 

2. mukadhdhibtn (acc/gen. of 
mukadhdhibun, sing, mukadhdhtb ) ~ those »fu 
cry lies (lo), disbelievers (active participle (no 
kudhdhaba. form II of kadhiba | kidhb /hklhb 
/kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. See al 69:49, p 1 876, 
n. I). 

3. na'mah = comfort, case, life of rue. 
prosperity, affluence, amenity. See at 44:27. p 
161 1. n. 2. 

4. mahhil = respite, give lime, delm. 

proceed slowly and deliberately (v. i. is 
imperative from mahhala. form II of nuhik 
[mahl/muhlah\, to be slow, to tarry) 

5. J&t 'ankdl (pi.; s. nikl) = fetters, shackles, 

6. fj— jatfim - hcllfire. hell, blazing fire See a 
44:56, p. 1616, n. 10. 

7. fl*J» la 'dm (s.; pi. u«id at'imah ) = food, diel 
meal. See at 69:34, p. 1874, n. 2. 

8. La* ghuffah ($.; pi. ghussdl) = that which 

chokes/ jams/congests, a lump in the thro*, 
mortal distress. 

9. Jar j tarjufu = she or it quakes, is shakes, 
convulses, trembles, agitates (v. tii. f. s impfct 
from rajafa {rajf/ra]afdn\. lo be convulsed, la 
quake. See murjifun at 33:60, p. 1 362, n. 5). 

10. kalhtb (*.; pi. akthibah) = sandhill, 

1 1 . J*. rnahil (originally mahyOl) = shifting. 

sliding, adrift, collapsing (pass, participle froo 
halo [Any/], to pour, lo spnnklc). 

12. VA»jl ' arralna = we sent out. Ml 
despatched, discharged (v. i. pi. past from urmk. 
form IV of rasila (rain/], to be long and (1owia|. 
See at 71:1, p. 1884, n. 1). 

13. i. e„ to testify that the message has beet 
delivered to you. a*U \ ha hid (s., pL 
.rhuhid/'ashhdd/shawdhid) = witness ( active 
participle from shahida | shuhud/shahddak |. id 

witness, to testify). Sec at 48:8, p. 1663, n. |3. 

Surah 73: Al-Muzzummil | Part (Jui) 29 ] 


<->&.&* 16. But Fir'awn disobeyed 1 
the Messenger; 

\ so We seized 2 him 
Ox-jll-t a siezure very disastrous.’ 

£& 17. Then how will you 
jjcs protect yourselves, 4 
fj&o[ 'f you disbelieve, 
fecCy on a day that will make 5 
the children grey-haired? 4 

5'*\ \ 18. The sky shall 
split up 7 thereby. 

His promise 8 is bound to be 
carried out.’ 

19. Verily this is a reminder. 10 
So whoever wills, 

\'J \ he may take" 

towards his Lord a way. 12 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 2 

20. Verily your Lord knows 
that you stand" for a little less 

1. 'aft ! = he disobeyed, rebelled, defied (v. 
iii. m s past from 'ifydn/ mu \tiyah, to disobey, 
to defy Sec at 20:121. p 1006, nil) 

2. i. e., punished him and his followers by 

drowning them in the sea 'akhadltnd - wc 

took, received, seized (v. i. pi. past from akhadha 
[i*1 akhdli]. to take See at 54:42. p. 1737, n. 9). 

3. Juy wabfl = disastrous, calnmitious. of evil 

consequences (act. participle in the intensive 
scale of fa'll from wabala \wabaU wabdU 
wabdlah], to be noxious, unhealthy. See wabdl at 
65:9. p. 1842. n. 4). 

4. 0 yd lattaquna = you arc on your guard. 

protect yourselves, fear Allah, fear (v. ii. m. pi. 
impfet. from tliai/d. form VIII of waqd 
[waqy/Hiqayah]. to guard, to protect. Sec at 
37:124. p. 1449. n. 9). 

5. yaj'alu = he sets, makes, places, puts. 

appoints (v. iii. in. s. impfet. from ja'ula [fa't] to 
make, to put. See at 42:50, p. 1579. n 8). 

6. i. e.. its horrors will make. — ~ shib = 

greyness or whiteness of the hair, old age Sec 
shayb at 19:4. p. 95 1 . n. 1 ). 

7. jki> munfalir = that which splits up. breaks 

into pieces, is rent asunder, is cleft (act. participle 
from infafara, form VII of falara Ifafr], to split, 
to cleave. See falara at 43:27. p. 1 589, n. 3). 

8. i. e.. the promise of Resurrection and 
Judgement a*j wa‘d (s,: pi. Mt’Od) = promise. 
See at 67:25. p. 1857. n. I. 

9. J yaA maf'ul — that which is done, acted upon, 
performed, carried, object (passive participle from 
faula [fa l/fi l ]. to do See at 33:37. p. 1351. n. 
10 ). 

10. i/Ju tadhkirah = reminder. See at 69:748, p. 
1875. n. 10. 

11. JUa ittakhadha = he took, took for him. look 
up. assumed (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of 
'akhadha ( akhdh], to take. Sec at 72:3, p. 1891, 
n. 2). 

12. i. c . accept His din — lan hid and Isliim. J—* 

sabil (pi. subuUashilah) = way. path, road, means, 
course. See at 68:7. p. 1 860. n. 4. 

13. i. e., stand in prayer. 


SOrah 73: Al-Muzzummil [ Part (Jut') 29 ] 

ij. than two thirds' of the night, 
and a half 2 of it and a third of it, 
iijUy and a group 5 of those 
~AZ with you — 

and Allah determines 4 

> £ 



f >-:r 


C / 


oj»jSl' 40 >>u 





the night and the day. 

He knows that 
you cannot calculate 5 it, 
so He forgives 6 you. 
Therefore recite 7 
what becomes easy* 
of the Qur’an. 

He knows that there will be 
some of you sick , 9 
and others will be 
on travel 10 

of the bounty of Allah, 
and others will be fighting 
in the way of Allah. 

So recite 

what becomes easy of it; 
and perform regularly 

1. jC thululhy(n) (dual, acc_/gcn/ of thulul 

s. ihuluth) = two thirds. The terminal nun a 
dropped because of the gemttve construction). 1 

2. nisf (pi. = half, middle. See at 

73:3. p. 1898. n. 3. 

3. uiU» (a ’if ah (pi. towa' if) = section of 
people, sect, group See at 9:123, , p. 632, n. I). 

4. >U| yaqaddiru = he determines, decrees. 

assesses, estimates (v. iii. pi. m s. impfet from 
qaddura, form II of qadara | qadr). to estimate, to 
decree, to have power. Sec qaddamd at 56:60, 
p. 1761. n. 7). 

5. i. e„ cannot be precise about the period of 

prayer dunng the night. lulfjO (no) = you 

enumerate, compute, calculate (v. ii. m pi impfer. 
from idfs/i, form IV from the root Hasy/hafM 
(pebbles, little stones) to count The terminal ain 
is dropped because of the particle Ian coming 
before the verb. Sec at 16:18, p. 832, n.9 ). 

6. •r'b Idha = relumed, turned in repentance, 

turned in forgiveness (v. iii. m. s. past from rawM 
lawbah / nuudh Technically uiba means, m 
respect of Allah, to turn in forgiveness and 
mercy; and in respect of man, to tum in 
repentance and resolve to reform. Sec tuba a 
58:13. p. 1 789. n. 5). 

7. i. e.. recite the Qur’Sn in prayer, iqra'i 

= you all lead, study, recite (v. ii. m. pL 
imperative from qura'a [ qird'ah], to read, recite. 
See at 69:19, p. 1871. n. 13). 

8. j—i tayassara = he or it became easy, was 

facilitated, was possible (v. iii. m. s. past in form 
V of yasira lyasar], to be easy. See yassarnd at 
54:40, p. 1737. n. 4). 

9. ^ y marda (pi.; s. marld) = unwell, ill. 

sick, diseased, indisposed, patients. See at 9:91. p 
616. n. 7). 

10. cixr*< yadribuna = they strike, beat, hit ( v. 

iii m. pi impfet. from daraba ( darb], to beat. 
daraba fi al- ‘ard is an idiom meaning "to travel". 
Sec yadribuna at 47:27. p. 1657, n. 2. 

II. u yablaghdna - they seek, desire . wish 
(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from ihtaghd, form VIII of 
baghd [hugfid'], to seek, desire. See at 48:29. p. 
1674. n. II). 

Surah 73: Al-Muzzamnul ( Pari (Jut ) 29 1 


ijlill the prayer 1 
ipi'J and pay zakdh ; J 
and lend 1 Allah 
a handsome 4 loan. 

[yuilij And all that you advance' 
for yourselves of good 6 
jilxc you shall find it with Allah, 
<£ys it being better and greater 
£5 as a reward. 8 

And seek forgiveness 9 
£1 of Allah. 

Verily Allah is 
££ Most Forgiving. 

Most Merciful. 

1. ijL» saldh = Islamic prayer, prayer; blessings. 

grace (of Allah); benedictions (of men). See 
falaw&t at 9:99. p. 620. n. 5. 

2. ijfj zakSh = purity, growth Technically it 
means the prescribed charitable contributions for 
specified purposes, of a certain percentage of 
surplus wealth held for a full year. It is so called 
because it purifies wealth and makes for its proper 
growth. See at 58:13. p. 1789, n 7. 

3. I. e„ spend in the cause of ’fighting in the 
way of Allah" and for all approved charitable 
purposes f 'aqrUfH = you (all) lend, give a 

loan (v. ii. m. pi. imperative from aqrada. form 
IV of qarada [qard\, to cut. to sever Sec ’aqradu 
at 57:18. p.1775. n. I). 

4. i. e„ a loan given without expecting any 
worldly benefit from it and without stipulating 
any date of repayment, j — *■ Aaron = handsome. 

good. nice, beautiful. It is handsome or good 
because it is given out of the goodness of heart 
see at 57:18. p. 1775. n. 2. 

5. lyJJS tuqaddimu (rut) = you advance, send 

forward, push forward (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 
qaddanui, form II of qadama [ qudum ], to 
precede. The terminal ruin is dropped because the 
verb is in a conditional clause Sec tuqaddimu at 
58:13, p. 1789. n. 3). 

6. i. e.. of good deeds and wealth spent in the way 
of Allah. 

7. 'a'zamu = greater, greatest, bigger, 
biggest, morc/most splendid, grand, immense, 
enormous, grave (elative of 'azim ). Sec azim at 
57:10, p. 1771. n. 3. 

8. ‘ajr (pi. jyl 'ujur) = reward, recompense, 
remuneration, due. Sec at 68:46. p. 1866. n. II). 

9. ijyUa-i istaghfiru = you all ask for 

forgiveness, seek forgiveness (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative from istaghfara. form X of ghufuru 
[ghafr /maghftrah /ghufriin], to forgive. See at 
71:10. p. I886.n 4). 

74. SOratal-Muddaththir (The One Shrouded) 
Makkan: 56 ‘ayahs 

Like the previous one. this is also an early Makkan surah, and it similarly addresses the Propi— 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him. with the affectionate term al-Muddathihir, L e., the one 
shrouded in garments. The surah is named after this first ayah. Its main themes are risalah, i. c., the 
Messcngership of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. the Qur’an. mwlS 
(monotheism) and the Resurrection and the Judgement. It asks the Prophet to gel up and preach the 
message of lawhid and warn about the Day of Resurrection and Judgement, disregarding the opposi 
and ridicule of the unbelieving leaders of Makka to whom pointed allusions are made. It also emphasi 
the doctrine of individual accountability on the Day of Judgement: "Every individual is responsible for 
what he cams" (' ayah 38); and mentions that the righteous will have a blissful life in paradise while the 
unbelievers and sinful will suffer in hell. It ends by drawing attention to the life in the hereafter and by, 
once again stressing that this Qur’an is a reminder {‘ayah 54). 

1. O you the covered one! 1 

CLStJ 2. Get up and warn. 7 

3. And your Lord, glorify. 

0^ kiity 4. And your garments, purify. 4 

5. And the filth,' abandon. 

ju.'ij 6. And bestow no favour 6 
Qy&l seeking to get more. 7 

I This is also an affectionate address made to tit 
Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be ot 
him muddaththir (originally mutadathlhfy 
= one who covers himself in clothes (act 
participle from ladathlhara. form V of daikon 

[duthOr], to be forgotten, effaced, be dusty). 

2. i. e., against the consequences of worshippioj 
many gods and goddesses in lieu of Allah, jii 

'andhir = warn, caution (v. ii. m. s. mi perm vt 
from ’andhara, form IV of nadkan 
( nadhr/nudhur ], to dedicate, to make a vow. See 
at 71:1, p 1884. n. 2). 

3. i. e , say: Allahu Akbar and that He has neither 
any equal nor any partner. 

4. jiU tahhir = purify, render pure, cleanse (v ii 

m. s. imperative from lahhara, form II of lahartf 
lahura [tuhr/lahdrah]. to be clean, pure See at 
22:27. p.' 1 054. n. 19) 

5. i. e„ the filth of polytheism. ruji = dm. 

filth, polytheism, punishment. See at 34:5, p 
1369. n. 4. 

6. cr" 14 tamnun = do not bestow favour/ grace 

(v. ii. m. s. imperative (prohibition! from manna 
\mann). to be kind. See manna at 52:27. p. 1711, 

n. 13. 

7. tastaklhirlu ) = you seek to gel mote, 

desire to multiply (v. ii. m. s. impfet from 
islakthara. form X of kalhura ( kathrah ), to be 
much. Sec istakthanu at 7:188. p. 539, n. 2). 


Surah 74: Al-Muddaththir ( Fart ( Juz ) 29) 


7. And for the sake of your 
Lord be patient.' 


8. Then when blown 2 will 
the trumpet, 1 

9. That day then will be 
a day very hard, 4 


O j ** * 
6 * 

10. On the unbelievers, 
not easy. 5 

1 1 . Leave 6 Me and the one 
I created a lone figure; 7 

12. And set 8 for him 
wealth quite extensive;’ 

13. And sons in attendance. 10 

14. And arranged" for him 
all the arrangement. 

ol 15. Yet he covets 12 that 
I give more. 

I. i. e., over ihe opposition and enmity of the 

unbelievers isbir = be patient, have 

patience, bear calmly, persevere, (v. ii. m. s. 
imperative from Sahara Isabr], to be patient, to 
bind. See at 73:10. p. 1899. n II). 

Z L e.. on the Day of Resurrection, yv nuqira = 

be or it was blown, sounded (v. iii. m. s. post 
passive from naqara [naqr], to search, to sound, 
to beat, to blow). 

3. jyRi n&q&r (s.; pi. nawdqir ) = trumpet. 

4. jr-* ‘astr = very difficult, hard, harsh, tough 
(act. participle in the intensive scale of fa’ll from 
'asura/’asira [ 'usr/'usur/'asar], to be difficult, 
hard. Sec at 25:26. p. 1146. n. I). 

5. jr-iyastr= cosy, gentle, simple, insignificant 
See at 64:7, p. 1832. n. 12. 

6. i. e., leave Me to deal with . j> dhar = shun. 

leave, let alone (v. ii. m. s. imperative from 
wadhara /yadharu. to leave. Sec at 73:1 1. 1900, 
n. I). 

7. i. e , in the womb of his mother, without 
followers and supporters. The immediate allusion 
is to al-Walid ibn al-Mughirah. an unbelieving 
Makkan leader and an arch opponent of Islam ; 
but it applies to any such person, -v-y valu'd = 
alone, lone, singular, unique, sole, lonely, only 

8. i. e . granted to him. ja’altu - 1 made. 

set. appointed, rendered (v. i. s. post from ja'ala 
l/a'fl. to make, to scL Sec ja ulna at 57:26, p. 
1779. n. 2). 

9. i. e.. in abundance mamdud = 

extended, outstretched, extensive, prolonged, great 
(pass, participle from muddu [ niadd], to extend 
See at 56:30, p. 1757. n. II). 

10. shuhud (pi.: s. shahid) - witnesses. 

those who attend and sec. are in attendance (act. 
participle from shahidu [shuhud/ shahadah), to 
witness, to testify). See at 10:61. p. 659, n. 7. 

II. c/iy mahhadtu = I spread out. prepared, 
arranged, faciltatcd, settled, set in order (v. i. s. 
past from mahhada, form II of mahada [ mahd ], 
to prepare a cradle, bed. See yamhaduna at 30:44. 
p 1304. n. 12). 

12. yatma’u - he fervently hopes, covets, 
desires, (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from lama’a [ lama ']. 
to covet, to desire. See at 70:38, p. 1882, n. 7). 


Sarah 74: Al-Muddalhthir ( Part (7 m') 29) 

o&jfa 16. Never. Verily he is to 

Our signs' obstinately hostile . 2 

>***& 17. 1 shall inflict on 1 him 
O'j a crushing punishment. 4 

jZM i 18. Verily he contemplated 5 
and formulated. 6 

19. So woe to him, 

("JJJiiJiS' how he formulated! 

jj> ; 20. Again, woe to him, 
0'/s,3£ how he formulated! 

0 21. Then he looked. 7 

22. Then he frowned 8 
and eyed malevolently. 9 

23. Then he turned back 10 
and became proud." 

1. i. c„ ihc lexis of the Qur'an . ol<! 'ayat (sing. 

'<3ya7>) = signs, miracles, revelations, statements of 
the Qur'an, evidences. See at 64:10, p. 1834. n. 2. 

2. Ju* ‘antd - obstinate, stubborn, resisting 
stubbornly, stubbornly defiant (act participle in 
the scale of fa'il from 'anada [ unud], to deviate, 
to resist stubbornly. Sec at 50:24. p. 1690. n. 10). 

3. 'urhiqu = I inflict on. bring down on. 

make suffer, bear down (v. i. s. impfet. from 
arhaqa. form IV of rahaqa [ruhaq J, to come over, 
overtake. See yurhiqa at 18:80. p. 940, n. 7). 

4 ta‘0d = steep hill, hardship, crusahing 

punishment, rising, ascending. See yas'adu at 
35:10. p. 1393. n 4). 

5. ,£» fakkara = he thought, thought over, 
contemplated (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of 
fakara \fakr], to reflect, to think over. See 
yaiafakkarilna at 59:21, p. 1803, p. 13). 

6. i. e , prepared the forms and lines of 
mal propaganda against the Qur'an and the 
Prophet, peace and blessings fo Allah be on him. 
jJi qaddara = he determined, decreed, assessed, 
estimated, evaluated, enabled, formulated (v. iii. 
m. s. post in form 11 of qadara [qadr). to estimate, 
to decree, to have power. See at 41:10, p. 1542 n. 
12 ). 

7. J* nazara - he glanced, looked, viewed, saw 

(v. iii. m. s. past from napir. See at 37:88. p. 
1444. n. 2). 

8. j-r- ‘abasa = he frowned, looked sternly. 

scowled (v. iii. m. s. past from 'abs/'ubOs. to 
frown, to scowl). 

9. j-t basara - he eyed malevolently, frowned, 

scowled (v. iii. m. s. past from bushr. to scowl, to 

10. i. e.. form the truth. ji » I ’adbara = he turned 

back. fled, ran away (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV 
of dabara [dubur], to turn one's back See at 
70:17. p. 1879. n 10). 

1 1. iitakbara = he turned arrogant, became 

proud/ haughty, boasted, was puffed up ( v. iii. in 
s. past in form X of kabura [ kubr/ ktbUr/ kabdrah] 
to become big, large, great. See at 38:74. p. 
1476, n. 9). 

SQrah 74: Al-Muddalhlhir [ Part (7uz) 29) 


jl a 24. Then he said: 

"This is naught but sorcery 1 
related." 2 

25. "This is naught but 
the saying a human being." 3 

aJb 26. 1 shall make him bum 4 
1 $[£■ in hell-fire. 3 

27. And what will inform 6 
you what hell-fire is? 

28. It neither spares 7 
nor leaves alone. 8 

(£} pti&cj 29. Scorching 9 to the skin. 

Q 30. Over it are nineteen. 10 

31. And We appoint" not 
plzA the sentinels 12 of the fire 


anyone but angels; 13 

1. j * — sihr (pi. ashdr ) = sorcery, inagic. See at 
43:30. p. 1589, n 13. 

2. i. e.. front those of the olden tiroes. Jji 

yu’lharu = it is transmitted, related, preferred, 
chosen, liked, adored (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
'dlhara. form IV of 'athara ( 'alhr/’athdmh], to 
transmit, report, relate. Sec vu tlurunu at 59:9. p. 
1798, n. 14). 

3. jJ* hashar = man. human being, skin. Sec at 
64:6. p. 1832. n. 2. 

4. ’niff = 1 fry, broil, roast set on fire, make 
[someone] burn (v. i. pi. impfet. from 'asld. form 
IV of i aid [salon/ iuliy/ sjld'). to roast See nusli 
at 4:56, p. 265, n. 5). 

5. saqar = hell, hell-rue. 

6. ifjd ' adrd - he informed, let know, notify (v. 

iii. m. s. past in form IV of dura ( dirdyah], to 
know. Sec at 10:16.642, n. 2). 

7. yV tubq! - she or it lets stay, spares, retains, 
leaves over (v. iii. m. s. impfet from 'abqd. form 
IV of baqtya [baqd’], to remain, to continue to be. 
See 'ubqd at 53:51. p. 1726, n. 9). 

8. i. c., it will not rtnish one off by burning nor 
will let anyone alone, ji ladharu = she or it 
leaves, lets alone, abandons, forsakes (v. iii. f. s. 
impfet. from wadhara/ yadharu[wadhr] to leave. 
See at 51:42, p. 1703, n. 8). 

9. V»-iy lawwdhah (f.; m. lawwdlfi = parching. 

scorching, withering (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa"dl from Idha [ luh ] . to 
appear, to loom, to patch, to scorch, to tan). 

10. i. e.. nineteen sentinels. 

11. Ik Ja'alnd = we made, set appointed. 

tendered (v. i. pi. past from ja'ala [/o'/], to make, 
to set. See at 57:26, p. 1779, n. 2). 

12. 'as-hdb (pi.; sing. —►u. sdhib) = 

inmates, inhabitants, companions, associates, 
comrades, followers, owners, sentinels See at 
58:17, p. 1790, n. 13). 

13. Sec 66:6. i£?5k» matd’ikah (sing, malak) = 
angels. See at 70:4, p. 1877, n. 6. 


Surah 74: Al-Muddaththir ( Part (Juz‘) 29] 

nor do We set their number 1 
iiiA\ except as a trial 2 
LryiSojij for those who disbelieve, 

that sure may be 3 those who 
vl&Jiiyji were given the Book 

and that there may increase 4 
in faith those who believe, 
and there doubt 5 not those 
'J & who were given the Book, and the believers; 
jjilj and in order that there say 
those in whose hearts 
is a disease 6 
and the disbelievers, 

"What does Allah intend 7 
by this as an instance ?” 8 
ZfjJtdSjX Suchwise Allah lets stray 9 
“SZJ. whomsoever He will 


'&J. ar >d guides whom He will; 
•feC, and none knows 

the hosts 10 of your Lord 
except He. And it is naught 
($ but a reminder" for man. 

1. Ut ‘iddah - number, legally prescribed 
wailing period. See at 65:4, p. 1839, n. 9. 

2. Js* Jilnah (pi. fitan) = trial, temptation, 
enticement, discord, sedition, plea (on trial). See 
at 64:15. p. I83S. n. 8. 

3. jir—t yastayqina (u) = he becomes sure/ 

certain, convinced: ascertains, (v. iii. m. t. 
impfet from islayqana, from X 6f yaqina 
lyaqn/yaqan). to be sure, to know for certain. The 
final letter takes fal-hah because of a hidden an 
in li of motivation coming before the verb. See 
mustayqinln at 45:32, p. 1628. n. 12). 

4. sbj, yazdada (u) = he increases, grows, 

compounds (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from izdOda. 
form VIII of zdda [ziyddah). to increase. The final 
letter takes fal-hah for the reason stated at n. 3 
above. See yazMdA at 3:178, p. 225, n. 5). 

5. w-Uji yart&ba (u) - he entertains doubts, 
doubts, is sceptical, suspects, has misgivings (v. 
iii m. s. impfet. from inaba (^vv iniydb), form 
VIII of r&ba (rayb), to doubt, to suspect. The final 
letter takes fal-hah because the verb is 
conjunctive to a previous verb governed by a 
hidden ’an See r rtabium at 65:4. p. 1839, n. 8). 

6. i. e., the disease of doubt and hypocrisy, jn? 
marad (pi. ' amrad) = disease, sickness, ailment, 
illness, malady. See at 47:20, p. 1655. n. 2. 

7. atjl "ar&da = he intended, desired, had in 

mind, willed (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of rtida 
[rawd], to walk about. See at 36:82. p. 1429. n. 

8. Ji- mathal (pi. Ju.< 'ami hill) = simile, likeness, 

example, parable, instance, model, ideal. See at 
66:1 l.p. 1849. n. 2. 

9. i. e , because of his doubts and unbelief. 

yudillu = he makes go astray, misguides, deludes 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'adalla, form IV of dalla 
IdaldU daldlah), to go astray. See at 40:34, 1522. 
n I). 

10. junud (pi.; sing, jund) - troops, soldiers, 
army, hosts. Sec at 51:40. p. 1702, n. 11). 

11. tSjTs dhikra = recollection, remembrance, 
memory, reminder. Sec at 29:52. p. 1283. n. 6. 

Surah 74: Al-Muddathlhir ] Pan (Juz') 29] 


Section (Ruku ‘) 2 

<$*35 & 32. Never. 1 By the moon. 

${ 33. And by the night 
when it retreats. 2 

34. And by the dawn 
(^>;1iSi when it brightens up.’ 

35. Verily it is 4 

one of the most calamitous.' 

( 36. A warning 6 to mankind. 7 

'XLJj 37. For anyone who wills 
(•oiLol^L of you to go forward 8 
or to lag behind. 9 

up* $ 38. Every individual 10 is 

for what it earns" a pledge. 12 

39. Except the companions 
of the right. 1 ’ 

1. i. e.. the Qur’fin and the affair of the 
Resurrection and Judgement arc never as the 
unbelievers say and think. 

2. ji * I ’adhara = he turned back, fled, ran away, 
retreated (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of dabaru 
| dubur). to turn one's back. See at 74:23, p. 1906, 
n. 10). 

3. 'asfara - he or it brightens up, shines, 
glows, unveils, discloses, results (v. iii. m s. past 
in form IV of safara [safr/sufSr], to shine, to 
remove the veil). 

4. i. e.. the hell-fue. .r aqar. 

5. jS kubar = most calamitous, disastrous. 

6. >ii nadhir (pi. nudhur) = wamcr, one or that 

which gives warning, warning (active participle in 
the scale of fa'il from nadhara [nadhr/ nudhur], 
to vow. to pledge). See at 67:26. p. 1 857, n. 4). 

7. bashar = man. human being, skin. See at 
74:25, p. 1907, n. 3. 

8. i. e„ with belief and good deeds towards Allah 
f-iik yataqaddama(u) = he goes forward/ 

beforc/ahead. proceeds (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
taquddama, form V of qadama | qadm/qudQm ]. to 
precede. The final letter lakes fat-hah because of 
the particle 'an coming before the verb. See 
taqadduma at 48:2, p. 1661, n. 3). 

9. yata’akhkhara (u) = he delays, lags 

behind . comes later, (v. iii. in s. impfet. from 
ta'akhkhara, form V from the root akhr. The 
final letter takes fat-hah because verb is 
conjunctive to a prevouis verb governed by ' an 

See ta’akhkhara at 48:2, p. 1661. n. 4). 

10. This is an emphasis on individual 
respoasibility and accountability. nafs (s.. pi 
nufus/'anfus) = living being, person, individual, 
nature, self, life, soul. Sec at 39:6. p 1482, n. 8. 

11. i. e., of merits and demerits . -z—f kasabat = 

she or it earned, acquired, gained (v. iii. f. s. past 
from kasaba [ hash], to gain. See at 45:22, p. 
1625, n. 3). 

12. i. e„ responsible and accountable. j 

rahtnah (f. m. rahln ) = held in pledge, 
pledge, mortgaged, responsible (pass, participle in 
the scale of fa'il from rahana [ rahn ], to pawn, to 
mortgage. See rahin at 52:21, p. 1710, n. 1 4>k 

13. i. e.. those who will be given their record of 
deeds in their tight hands. See 17:71, 69:19 and 


Surah 74: Al-Muddalhthir [ Pari (Jut') 29] 


40. In gardens 1 

they will ask one another 2 

41. About the sinful. 

42. "What has passed 3 you 

into the hell-fire?" 4 

43. They will say: 

"We were not of the 

performers of prayers." 5 

44. "Nor were we 

feeding 6 the poor." 7 

1 1L~J 

45. "And we used to 


yy 1 

rush into idle talks 8 

with the idle talkers." 9 

46."And we used to disbelieve 10 

in the Day of Requital."" 

47. "Till there came on us 

the certitude. 12 

I i. e.. in paradise »i Aa» jannat (sing, junnah), 
orchards, gardens, paradise. See at 68:34. p. 1864, 
n. 6. 

2. oy«X— i yatas&'aluna = they ask one another. 

enquire of one another, make queries, make 
claims, demand (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. Iron 
laut'ula, form VI of sa’ala ( ru'd/], to ask. See at 
52:25. p. 171 l.n. 11). 

3. cii- salaka = he channelled, threaded, passed, 
inserted, went the way (v. iii. m. s. past from 
salk/suluk to insert. See at 39:21. p. 1488. n. 10). 

4. yu. saqar = hell, hell-fire. See at 74:26. p 
1907. n. 5. 

5. j}-** musallin (pi.; acc /gen. of msalldn; t, 

muuithn) = those who perform sal&h (Islamic 
prayer], those who pray (act. participle from satli, 
to perform saUih. See at 70:22, p. 1 880. n. 5). 

6. {*•)» nul'imu = we feed, give food, provide 

sustenance (v. I. pi. impfet. from ‘al'ama. fora 
IV of ta'ima (Ca'm), to eat, to taste. See yu/'imu at 
36:47." p. 1420, n. 3). 

7. miskin (pi. masdkin) = poor, indigent. 

See at 69.34. p 1874. n. 3. 

8. i. e., used to talk about the vain and false 

things. nakhddu = we wade into, embait 

on, rush into, be absorbed in (idle talks), take up 
joke (v. i. m. pi. impfet. from khdda \khaw<j/ 
khiydd], to rush, dive into. Sec at 9:65. p. 605, a 
1 ). 

9. jr-IW khd’idin ( pi. acc./gcnitive of khd'idin; 

s. khd'id ) = those who rush into idle talks (act. 
participle from khdda. See n. 9 above). 

10. va& nukadhdhibu - we disbelieve, regard 

as false, cry lies to (v. i. pi. impfet. from 
kadhdhaha, form II of kadhaba [ kidhb /kadhih 
/kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. Sec mukadhdhtbln at 
73:1 1, p. 1900, n. 2). 

11. i. e„ the Day of Judgement. din = 

religion, creed, faith, code, law, worship 
judgement, awarding of reward and punishment, 
requital. See at 70:26. p. 1880. n. 1 1. 

12. i. e„ death, jvv yaqin = certainty, certitude, 
conviction, certain, sure. See at 69:51, p. 1876, a 

Surah 74: Al-Muddalhthir [ Pan {Juz ) 29) 


48. So there will not benefit 1 
iiiS them the intercession 2 
of the intercessors. 3 

fiQ 49. Then what is the matter 
with them that from the 
reminder 4 they turn away? 5 

50. As if they are donkeys 6 
f-1 frightened, 7 

51. Fleeing 8 from a lion. 9 

52. Nay. There desires 10 
rr^^r *' $ every person of them 

that he be given pages 11 
$1 spread out. 12 

iylJcVj*'*' 53. Never. Rather they fear 13 
not the hereafter. 

54. Not at all. 

Verily it is a reminder. 

1 . tanfa'u = she or it avails, bencnis, is of use 

(v. iii, f. s, impfet. from nafa'a [naf], lo be 
useful, be of use. See al 51:55, p. 1705, n. 8). 

2. l*UA shafa'ah = intercession, advocacy, 
pleading. See at 53:26. p. 1721, n. 6. 

3. shdfi’ln (pi.; acc /gen of shaft' un. s. 

shaft' ) = intercessors, advocates, mediators (act. 
participle from shafa'a \shaf ), to double, 
subjoin, add, enclose . See at 26:100, p. 1800, n. 

4 i. e.. the Qur'an i^T-c tadhkirah - reminder 
Sec at 73:19. p 1901, n 10. 

5- mu'rupn (acc/gcn of mu'ritfun, sing. 

mu 'rid ) = those turning away, averting, falling 
back (active participle from 'uratfa, form IV of 
'aruda ( fU rd] , to be broad, wide, to appear. 

See at 36:46, p. 1420, n. I). 

6. humur (pi. ; s. {itnutr ) = donkeys, asses. 
See (fi/ndr at 62:5, p. 1 82 1 . n. II. 

7. mustanfirah (s. f.; m musumfr ) = 

frightened away, called out to go to war (act. 
partciplc from istanfara, form X of 
nafara [na/ar/ nufur ), to flee, lo run away, to 
stampede. Sec nufur al 67:21 . p 1 856, n. 3). 

8. <sj/farrat =■ she fled, ran way. escaped (v. iii. 
f. S. past from farm [firdr/mafurr], to flee, to run 
away. See tafirrina at 62:8, p. 1822, n. II). 

9. ijj-i qaswarah = lion, band of hunters. 

10. Mjt yuridu = he intends, desires (v. iii. m. s. 

impfet. form 'ardda. form IV of rdda ( rawd ]. to 
walk about. Sec at 42:20. p. 1568. n. 7). 

11. i. e., a book _i~~» suhuf (pi.; s. sahifah ) = 

pages, papers, books, scriptures See at 53:36, p. 
1724, n. 8. 

12. munashsharah (s.f.; m munashshar ) 

= that which is spread out. unfolded (pass, 
participle from nashshara, form II of nashara 
[nashr], to spread out. to open. See muntashir at 
54:7, p. 1730. n. 10). 

13. 0jiU«i yakhdfuna = they fear, dread (v. iii. m. 

pi. impfet. from khdfa [khawf/ makhdfah/ khifahj, 
to fear. Sec at 51:37, p. 1702, n. 4). 


Surah 74: M-Muddalhthir [ Part (Jut') 29) 

$1 »54» 

55. So whoever wills, 
let him bear it in mind. 1 

56. And they will not bear in 
mind except that Allah wills. 
He is Deserving of fear 2 
and the Lord of forgiveness.' 

1. /> dhakara - he bore in mind, remembered, 
recalled, mentioned (v. iii. m. s. past from 
dhikr/iadhkdr, to remember, to mention. See 
yadhkuru at 21:60. p. 1028. n. II). 

2. i. e„ He Alone is to be feared taqvA = 
godliness, devoutness, piety, righteousness, fear of 
Allah (verbal noun tn form V/Vllt of wuqd ( 
waqy/Miqdyah). lo guard, beware, be on one's 
guard. See at 58:9. p. 1787. n. 5. 

3. i. e„ He Alone may forgive sins of His 
servants. • /is- maghfirah = forgiveness, pardon, 
remission. See at 67:12. p. 1853. n. 8. 

75. SOrat al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) 
Makkan: 40 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. Its main themes arc the Resurrection. Judgement, reward and punishment, 
together with the theme of wal/y. Its first fifteen ayahs describe the inevitability of the Resurrection and 
the circumstances and horrors that will attend its occurrence. Next in its 'ayahs 16-18 a reference is 
made to the receipt of the Qur'anic wahy by the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. and 
how he used to move his longue to repeat the recitation of the Qur’an made to him by the angel Jibril. 
He is asked not to do so and is assured that Allah will enable him to remember what was delivered to 
him. These ayahs very clearly show that what was communicated to the Prophet, peace and blessings 
of Allah be on him. was in the form of texts, not thoughts or ideas. The remaining ayahs resume the 
themes of death and Resurrection, pointing out that on the Day of Judgement the servants of Allah will 
be divided into two groups, one fortunate and happy, having a view of their Lord, and the other 
unfortunate and unhappy, awaiting the punishment for their deeds. 

The surah is named al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) with reference to its first "ayah and its main 

1. The la at the beginning of ayahs I and 2 is 
additional or is for emphasis or to negative what 
the unbelievers said (See Al-Bahr, X. pp. 90-91, 
264). f — •' ’uqsimu = I swear, make an oath (v. i. 
s. irnpfcL from 'aqsama. form IV of qusama 
| qasum). to divide. See at 70:40. p. 1882, n. II). 

2. k*U qiy&mah = Resurrection. 

3. I. e„ the self that reproaches its owner for 
disobedience to Allah, y lawwdmah (f. s.; m. 

lawwdm ) = one or that which reproaches, 
rebukes, blames, censures (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa' Al from Idmu [lawm/ 
malam/malamah], to blame, to censure. See 
yataldwamuna at 68:30, p 1863. n. 8). 

4. yahsabu = he thinks, considers, deems, 
regards, supposes (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from l/asiba 
Ihisbdn/ mahsabah], to deem, to regard. See at 
24:39. p. 1 122. n. 8). 

5. fUi* ’izdm (pi.; sing. ' azm ) = bones. See at 
56:47, p. 1759. n. 12. 

6. ijj-i nusawwiya(yf) = we perfectly shape, 
make up, smoothe, level, equalize, put in order (v. 
i. pi. impfet. from saw wd. form II of sawiya . to 
be equal. The final letter lakes fal-hah because of 
the particle "an coming before the verb. 

7. 01* bandn (pi.; s. tit* baruinah ) = fingertips. 
Sec at 8:12, p. 551. n. 4. 


pjtV 1. 1 swear 1 

by the Day of Resurrection. 2 

pjl Vj 2. And I swear 

by the self that reproaches. 3 

4*Lkl 3. Does man think 4 
£* that We shall not assemble 
his bones? 5 

Cyoij; 4. O yes; We are All-Capable 
* , 

'ss£>d<& of putting in perfect order 6 
his fingertips. 7 



S6rah 75: Al-Qiydmah ( Part (Juz') 29 ] 

'i-’t'-V S 5. Nay; but man desires' to 
commit sin 2 onward.’ 

6. He asks: "When will the 
Day of Resurrection be?" 

SjfS 7. So, when dazzled 4 shall be 
$ ’Jib the eye; 5 

sSILj 8. And eclipsed 6 will be 
the moon; 

9. And merged 7 will be 
the sun and the moon; 

J 10. Man will say that day: 
"Whither to flee?” 8 

^ 11. Not at all. 

There will be no sanctuary. 9 

12. To your Lord will be 
that Day the abode. 10 

1 . Mji yuridu = he intends, desires (v. iii. m. s 
impfct form ardda. form IV of r&da [ rawd ], to 
walk about. See at 74:52, p. 191 1, n. 10). 

2. yafjura(u) = he commits sin, acts 
immorally (v. iii. m. s. impfct. from fajara 
[fujdr], to act immorally, to commit adultery, sin. 
The final letter takes fal-hah because of a hidden 
'an in li of motivation coming before the verb. 

See flljir at 71:27, p. 1889, n. 9). 

3. i. e„ in continuance. fl*t 'a mam = in front of, 
in the presence of, onward, forward, ahead. 

4. This and the succeeding 'ayahs till 'ayah 13 
give some indication of the horrors of the Day of 
Resurrection. jy bariqa = dazzled, dazzled by 
lightning, perplexed, frightened, terrified (v. iii. 
m. s. past from baraq, to be dazzled, frightened). 

5. r* boyar (s.; pi. ubsdr) = eye, eye-sight, 
vision, glance, look, insight. See at 54:50, p. 
1739, n. 7. 

6. *>— * khasafa = he sunk, caused to sink, 
eclipsed (v. iii. m. s. past from khasflkhusuf, to 
sink, to be eclipsed. See at 28:82, p. 1262, n. 2). 

7. jumi'a = he was collected, gathered, 
assembled, joined, merged (v. iii. m. s. past 
passive from jam', to gather Sec yajma'u at 64:9, 
1833, n. 4). 

8. yU mafarr = flight, escape, to run away, place 
to escape or flee to. refuge (verbal noun of farm. 
to flee: and also noun of place from farra See 
farral at 74:51. p. 1911, n, 8). 

9. jjj wazar = sanctuary, refuge, shelter, place 
of protection. 

10. mustaqarr = time or place to settle. 

appointed time, resting place, abode (adverb of 
place/timc from istaqarra. form X of qarra 
[quriir], to settle down, to abide. See at 36:38, p. 
1418, n. 2). 

Surah 75: Al-Qiwmah | Part {Juz) 29 | 


13. Apprised' will be man 
that day 

fjili of what he had advanced 2 
and left behind.’ 

14. Nay; but man will be 
against himself an evidence. 4 

15. Though he will offer 5 
his excuses. 6 

16. Move not 7 with it 

$ bO your tongue to hasten 8 with it. 

17. Verily upon Us is 

its collection and recitation. 

i-itjil 1 8. So when We recite it 
follow 9 its recitation. 

f 19. Then verily upon Us is 
its elucidation. 

L* yunabba' = he is informed, apprised, 

notified, advised (v. iii. s. impfet. passive from 
nabba'a. form II of naba'u [ nab'/nubu ’]. to be 
prominent. See at 53:36. p. 1724, n. 6). 

2. i. e.. for himself of good or bad deeds and 
merits. fOi qaddama = he sent ahead, forwarded, 

advanced (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of qadama / 
qadima ( qadm /quddm /qidmdn / maqdam ) to 
precede, to arrive. Sec yataqaddama at 74:37. p. 
1909. n. 8). 

3. Such as sadaqah jdriyah or a bad custom or 

institution, 'akhkhara - he delayed, 

deferred, put off, postponed, left behind (v. iii. m. 
s. past in form II from the root 'akhr. Sec 
akhkharta at 63: 10. p. 1 829. n. I ). 

4. Because his limbs will bear witness against him 
(see 36:65). •.*«•< baslrahil s.; pi. basd'ir, 
btfdr) = perception, insight, discernment, 
understanding, evidence, watcher See at 12:108, 
p. 761, n. 4. 

5. jilt 'alqa = he cast, flung, threw, posed, set 

forth, offered (v. iii. m. s. past, in from IV of 
laqiya [tiqb' Auqy&n Auqy AuqyuhAuqan], to 
meet. See at 50:37, p. 1693, n. II). 

6. ma'&dhlr (pi.; s. ma'dhirah ) = excuses, 

See ma'dhirah at 40:52. p. 1528, n. 3). 

7. The address is here to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. asking him not to 
move his tongue in order to hastily memorize 
what was communicated to him. This is a positive 
evidence that what was communicated to him of 
the Qur’an was in the form of specific texts. r)/-J 

M la tuharrik - do not move, set in motion (v. ii. 

m. s. imperative (prohibition) from harraka. 
from II of haraka [ /jar*], to move). 

8. la'jala(u) = you hurry/ make haste/ 

hasten (v. ii. m. s. impfet. from 'ajila I'ajal/ 
ujalah), to hasten. The final letter takes fal-hah 
because of a hidden 'an in Ii of motivation 
coming before the verb. See Id tastajilu at 51:59, 
p. 1706. n. 7). 

9. iliabi ' = follow, obey (v. ii. m. s. 

imperative from ittlaba'a, form VIII of r abi'a 
[luba 7 tuba 'ah], to follow. See at 45:18. p. 1623, 

n. 9). 


Surah 75: Al-Qiyamah [ Pan (Jui‘) 29 ] 

1. i. e., it is not at all what you think of the 
Resurrection. The address is to the unbelievers. 

2. tuhibbuna = you (all) love, (v. ii. m. pi. 

impfet. from habba Ifiubb], to love. See at 61:13. 
p. 1818. n. 9). 

3. 'iijilah (f.; m. ’ajit) = life in this world, 
the fleebng/transient thing, that which passes 
quickly (act. participle from 'ajila ['ajaV 
ajalah], to harry. Sec at 17:18. p. 878. n. II). 

4. 0 jj-i: tadharCna - you (all) leave, leave alone, 
leave aside, abandon (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 
wadhr. See at 37: 1 25. p. 1450, n. I). 

5. ‘yr} wujuh (sing. •») wajh) = faces, 
countenances. Sec at 67:27, p. 1857, n. 8). 

6. iyM nadirah (f.; m nddir) = radiant. 

glowing, rcsplendant. brilliant, gleaming (act. 
participle from natural mujira/ nadura [ nadrah/ 
nudur/ naddrah], to be fresh, brilliant, shining). 

7. ijHi nazirah (f.; s, ndztr, pi ndzirun) = one 

who secs, casts glance, looks, waits, waits and 
secs (act. participle from rutfxira [nazr/ manzur], 
to sec. view, look at. See at 27:35, p. 1212. n. 8). 

8. bdsirah (f. s.: m. bthir ) = frowning, 
scowling, sad, gloomy, dejected (act. participle 
from basara [ busdr ). to scowl, to frown. See 
basara at 74:22. p. 1906, n. 9). 

9. Ju tazunnu = she thinks, supposes, 
conjectures; also, firmly believes, is convinced, 
deems, considers (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from zpnna 
liana], to firmly believe. to suppose. See 
nazunnu at :45. p. 1 628. n. II). 

10. iJH faqirah (f s.; m. faqir ) - that which 

bores, piercing, spine- breaking calamity (act. 
participle from faqara \fi iqr), to bore, to pierce). 

11. i c., by no means be cneamourd of the 
present life . leaving aside the hereafter. 

12. i. e., when the breath of life of the dying 

person reaches his throat. balaghai = she 

reached, attained, arrived at (v. iii. f. s. past from 
batagaha [ huligh ]. to reach, to attain See at 
56:83, p. 1765. n 4). 

13. J'y tardqin (pi.; s. turquwah) = collarbones. 

20. Not at all; 1 rather you love 2 
the immediate life; 5 

Zt&ij 21. And leave aside 4 
the hereafter. 

yviw 22. Faces 5 that day will be 
'r*i resplendant, 6 

Liydl 23. To their Lord 
casting the glance. 7 

fc&Sao 24.And faces that day will be 
gloomy. 8 

$£ 25. Being convinced 9 that 
Qli to them will be done some 
$v»t' spine-breaking calamity. 10 

26. No, by no means." 
v^i '4 When it will reach 12 
the collarbones. 15 

Surah 75: Al-Qiyamah ( Pan (Juz) 29 1 


j4j 27. And it will be said:' 
"Who can cure?" 2 

28. And he will be sure 3 
that it is the parting. 4 

/•'■i f ' f 29. And interwined 5 will be 
jlilf the leg with the leg. 

30. To your Lord that day 
$odi will be the driving. 6 

Section ( Ruku 0 2 

31. So he did not believe 7 
nor did he pray. 

32. But he cried lies to 8 
and turned away.’ 

33. Then he went to 

his family self-exulting. 10 

34. Woe to you, 
then woe to you! 

1 . i. e.. by those who will be near him. 

2. d'j riqin ~ physician, one who cutes (act. 

participle from raqd [ rvqiy/ruqyah ). to acscnd. to 
charm. See li yartaqO at 38: 10. p. 1461, n. 7). 

3. Jh zanna = he thought, supposed, believed, 
presumed, firmly believed, was sure (v. iii. m. s. 
past from > zann. to think, to suppose. See at 
38:24. p. 1465, n. 6). 

4. i. e.. from this worldly life. fir&q = 

parting, separation, farewell, departure. See fariq, 
at 18:78, p. 939. n. 9. 

5. i. e., because of the pangs of death, c-idl iltaffat 
= she got enwrapped, twisted, intcrwined, tangled, 
gathered (v. iii. f. s. past from illaffa, form VIII 
of laffa [luff], to wrap up. to roll up. See tajlf at 
17:104, p. 907, n. 10). 

6. mas&q = driving, conveying, 

transporting (verbal noun of sdqa. to drive, to 
urge on. See stqa at 39:73, p. 1507. n. 4). 

7. I. e., the disbeliever did not believe. Ja«. 

saddaqa = he proved true, verified, substantiated, 
confirmed, accepted as true, believed (v. iii. m. s. 
past in form II of sadaqa \sadq/sidq\. to speak 
the truth. Sec at 39:33, p. 1493. n. 2). 

8. i. e.. to the Prophet, peace and blessings of 
Allah be on him. and to the Qur’Sn. •v-if 
kadhdhaba = he cried lies to. regarded as false, 
disbelieved (v. iii, m. s. past in form II of 
kadhaha \kidhh /kadhib /kadhhah / kidhbah], to 
lie. See at 67:18. p. 1855. n. I). 

9. Jy la walla = he look over, undertook, turned 

away, averted, took for a friend (v. iii. m. s. post 
in form V of waliya [wald'/wildyah]. to be near, 
to be a friend. Sec at 70:17. p. 1879. n. II). 

10. jh-j, yatamattd = he walks, proudly. 

becomes self-exulting (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
lum<ir(ii, form V of maid (nurrw). to walk fast, to 

1 1. jlyl 'awld = destruction, ruin. woe. 


Surah 75: Al-Qiydmah [ Part (Juz') 29 ) 

ill dj\y 35. Again woe to you 
and woe to you! 

36. Does man think 1 
JjjifJ that he will be left 2 
to no purpose? 1 

il 37. Was he not a drop 4 of 
sperm 5 emitted. 6 

38. Then he was a sticky clot 7 

and He created 

and perfectly shaped. 8 

iij4- 39. Then he made of it 
the pair, 9 

male 10 and female." 

40. Is He not All -Capable 12 
°f giving life 11 to the dead? 

1 . yahsabu = he thinks. considers, deems, 
regards, supposes (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from hasiha 
[hisbdn/ mahsabah], lo deem, to regard. See at 
75:3. p. 1913. n. 4). 

2. -!)>i yutrakaiu) - he is left, left alone. 

abandoned, forsaken (v. iii. m. s. impfet. passive 
from taraka (tar*], to leave. The final letter takes 
fal-hah because of the particle ’an coming before 
the verb. Sec yutraku at 29:2, p. 1265. n. 3). 

3. i. c . without accountability, judgement, 
reward and punishment. tfJ- Sudan = in vain, 
useless, futile, to no purpose. 

4. tiW nuifah (s.; pi. nulaf) = drop, sperm. See 
at 53:46. p 1726. n. 1. 

5. maniy = sperm, semen. 

6. j— , yumnd = he or it is emitted, ejaculated, 
shed (v. iii. f. s. impfet. passive form ' umnd , form 
IV of mand [rtuinw/ many), to put to test, tempt. 
See lumnd at 53:46. p. 1726. n. 2), 

7. i. e . as the next stage in the development. Ul* 

‘ala (/ah = sticking dot. See at 40:67, p. 1533, n. 


8 . iSy- sawwa = he made up. made even. 

smoothed down, equalized, put on the same level, 
put in order, perfectly shaped (v. iii. m. s. past in 
form II of sawiya [siwan], to be equal. See 
nusawwiya at 75:4, p. 1913. n 6). 

9. zawjayn (acc7gen/ of zawjdn, s. zawj) 
= both of a pair, a pair, male and female, zaw; 
means one of a pair and is applicable to cither the 
husband or the wife. See at 53:45. p. 1725. n. 10. 

10. dhakar (*.; pi. dhukur/ dhukurM 
dhukrun) - male. See at 53:21. p. 1720, n. 3. 

11. 'unthd (s.; pi. indth/’andlha) = female, 
feminine. See at 53:45, p. 1725, n. 12. 

12. qadir - capable, one who has power, 
All-Capable (act. participle from qadara 
[qadr/qadar], lo ordain, to measure, to have 
power. See at 36:81, p. 1428. n. 1 1). 

13. yuhyiya (yf)= he gives life, revivifies. 

brings to life. (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'ahyd, 
form IV of hayiya (AayaAJ, to live The final letter 
takes fal-hah because of the particle 'an coming 
before the verb Sec yuhyi at 30:19, p. 1295, n. 

76. SOratal- 'Insan (Man) 
Madinan: 3 1 'ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah. It deals with the life in the hereafter, particularly the rewards and blessings 
that await for the righteous, and the Qur'an, emphasizing that Allah sent it down on the Prophet, peace 
and blessings of Allah be on him ('ayah 23) and that it is a reminder, so whoever wills he may take 
towards his Lord a way (’ayah 29). The surah is named al-lnsan (Man) with reference to its first 'ayah 
which mentions that there was a long time ( dahr ) when he was non-existent. Is is also called sural 
al-Dahr (Time) after the same ayah. 

Ji 1 . Has there come 1 over man 
a period 2 of ages 1 
1*1*. J3i) he was not a thing 
mentioned? 4 

2. Verily We created man 
from a drop 5 mingled 6 

tr&t that We may put him to test. 7 
So We made him hearing 8 
and seeing. 9 

3. Indeed We have shown 
him the way; 10 

whether he be grateful 
$!j y&fy) or be ungrateful. 

4. Verily We have prepared" 

1. i. e., there has passed before the creation of 

2. jr htn (s,; pi. ’ahyan) = time, period. Sec at 
21:1 1 1. p. 1043, n. 6. 

3. j»s dahr (s.p; pi. duhdr/adhur) — long lime, 
epoch, ages. 

A jjS’i* madhkur = mentioned, remembered 
(pass, participle from dhakara\dhikr/tadhkar). to 
remember, to mention. See ladhukkaruna at 
69:42, p. 1875. n. 2). 

5. lit nutjah (s.; pi. nutaf) - drop, sperm. See 
at 75:37. p. 1918. n. 4. 

6- gh&J ‘amshdj (pi.; s. mashij ) = mixed, 
mingled ( pass, participle in the scale of fa'll 
from mashaja | rruishj], to mingle, to mix), 

7. *Ji i nabtatt = we put to test, try (v. i. pi. 

impfet. from ibtald. form VIII of bald | halw / 
bald'], to try. See ubluliya at 33:1 1. p. 1388. n. 
12 ). 

8. somf‘ = one who hears. All-Hearing 
(active participle in the scale of fa'll from sami'a 
[jam ' /samd ' /soma 'ah /masma ' |. to hear. Sec at 
44:6. p. 1607, n. 4. 

9. j-*, bastr = one who secs/ observes. All-Seeing 
(act participle in the scale of fa'U from 
bafura/basira [hasar], to sec). See at 49: 18. p. 
1684. n. 7. 

10. i. e., the right way of life, the din of Islam 
Jtr- sabtl (pi. subul/asbilah) = way, path. road, 
means, course. Sec at 53:30. p. 1722. n. 9. 

11. tijbal 'a'ladnd = we prepared, got ready (v. i. 

pi. past in form IV of 'alada [’uldd]. to be ready. 
See at 67:5, p. 1851, n. 13). 



Surah 76: Al- Insdn [ Part (Juz‘) 29 ] 

for the unbelievers 
chains' and fetters 2 
$!/>»-> and a blazing fire. 3 

jbiVf 5. Verily the righteous'* 

shall drink 5 of a cup 
of which the blend 6 will be 
$ of camphor. 7 

6. A spring 8 
whereat will drink 
the servants of Allah, 

." >- 

causing it to gush forth 
in an eruption. 10 

jiltoyjj 7. They fulfil" their vows 12 

t *J» and they fear 1 ’a day of which 

the evil will be widespread. 14 

fCii fcjL£j 8. And they give food 15 
out of His love 
to the poor and the orphan 
0CJ; and the captive. 16 

1. J-'*- sal&sil (pi.; s. silsilah ) = chains. See 
silsitah at 69:32, p. 1873. n. 7. 

2. J7t*! ’ aghl&l (pi.; s. ghull) = fetters, shackles, 
manacles, iron collars. See at 13:5. p. 765, n. II. 

3. i. e., hell. ra‘fr = burning blaze, blazing 
furnace, inferno. See at 67:5. p. 1851, n. 14. 

4. jljil 'abrar (pi.; s. barr/bdrr) a virtuous, pious. 

righteous, upright, dutiful, kind, benevolent. See 
at 3:198. p. 234, n. 6. 

5. dxr* yashrabuna = they drink (v. iii. m. pi. 

impfet from shariba ( shurb/mashrab ]. to drink. 
Sec larhrubdna at 56:68. p 1762, n. II). 

6. £<>■ miitj = mixture, blend, temper. 

7. jyli' kafur = camphor ; or the name of a 
spring in paradise. 

8 ‘ayn (pi. "uydn. a ’run) = spring, fountain, 
eye, source, scout. See at 34:12. p. 1371, n 14. 

9. 0j jxJu yufajjirdna = they cause to gush forth, 
burst, cause to break up. cause to flow, explode 

(v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from fajjara, form II of 
fajura [fajr], to cleave, break up. Sec fajjamd at 
54:12. p I731.n.7). 

10. tajjir = explosion, eruption, bursting 
(verbal noun in form II of f ajar a See n. 9 above). 

1 1. 0y> yufuna = they fulfil, give in full (v. iii. 
m. pi. impfet. from awfd. form IV of wafd 
\wafd'], to fulfil. Sec at 13:20. p. 773. n. 4). 

12. jii nadhr ( s. . nutihu r/n udhurdt) = vow, 

solemn pledge, offerings. See at 2:270, p. 141, n. 


13. OyU* yakhafuna = they fear, dread (v. iii. m. 

pi impfet. from khdfa [khawf/ makhafah/ khlfah /, 
to fear. See at 74:53, p. 191 1, n. 13). 

14 mustadr = scattered, widespread, 

impending (act. participle from isiaidra, form X 
of (lira [ta\rttn\. to fly. See yatiru at 6:38. p. 
415, n. II). 

15. yuVimuna = they feed, give food (v. iii. 
m. pi. impfet. from 'al'ama, form IV of la’ima 
(to m), to eat, to taste. See yui'imu at 51:57. p. 
1706, n. 2). 

16. jr-t Vw£r (s.; pi. 'usard 7'anrd) = captive, 
prisoner of war. See ‘usard at 2:85, p. 40, n. 4. 

Surah 76: Al- 'Insert ( Pari (Juz ) 29 ] 


9. "We but feed 1 you 
aStai-S! for the Countenance of Allah. 
We desire 2 not from you 
0 any reward,' nor gratitude." 4 

JiUliJ 10. "Indeed we fear 5 
from our Lord a day 
dismal 6 and distressful." 7 

1 1 . So Allah saved 8 them 
from the evil of that day 
and granted 9 them 
radiance 10 and happiness. 11 

(4^ 12. And rewarded them 
because they persevered 12 
with a garden 1 'and silk. 

l^i 'j& 13. Reclining 14 therein 
on couches. 15 
They will not see therein 
\Lli sun-heat 

nor biting chill. 16 

1. jutk nut’imu = we feed, give food, provide 

sustenance (v. L pi. impfct. from 'af'ama, form 
IV of la'ima [ra'm), to cat. to taste. Sec at 74:44. 
p. 1910, n. 6).' 

2. Ms nuridu = we desite. intend (v. i. pi. 

impfct form ‘ardda, form IV from rdda [rawd], 
to walk about. Sec at 28:5, p. 1 232, n. 7). 

3. jazd' = retribution, penalty, repayment, 
recompense, requital, reward See at 59:17, p. 
1802. n. 8). 

4. jjSLs shukOr = thankfulness, gratefulness, to 
be grateful, gratitude. Sec at 25:62. p. 1157, n. 4). 

5. >JUi nakhaju = we fear, are afraid, dread. 

apprehend, (v. i. pi. impfct. from khdfa [ khawj ]. 
to fear. Sec at 20:45. p. 985, n. I). 

6. ^sjJ- ‘abds = dismal, gloomy, stem , dreary, 

severe (act. participle in the scale of fa' HI from 
‘abasa [ ‘abs//‘ubus), to frown, to look sternly. See 
'abasa at 74:22, p. 1906, n. 8). 

7. sJ^ qamtarir = distressful, extremely trying. 

8. j) waqd = he saved, protected, guarded (v. iii. 
m. s. past from waqy/wiquyah. to guard, to 
preserve. See at 44: 56. p. 1616, n. 9). 

9. jD laqq& = he granted, caused to meel/receive, 

allotted (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of laqiya 
[hqd/ luqydn/ luqy /luqyah/ luqan] to meet See 
y ulaqqd at 41:35, p. 1552, n. 4). 

10. ij. Mi nadrah = splendour, resplendence, 

radiance. Sec nadir ah 75:22, p. 1916. n. 6. 

1 1 . j surdr = happiness, joy. delight. 

12. i. e„ bore with patience all the hardships and 
sufferings for the sake of Islam, sabarti = 
they bore with patience, persevered (v. iii. m. pi. 
past from sabara Isabr], to be patient. See at 
49:5, p 1678, n I). 

13. i. c . paradise and silken apparels. 

14. muttaki'in (pi; acc./gen. of 
mullaki'dn ; s. multaki) = those reclining, 
supporting, resting (act. participle from iilaka'a. 
form VIII of h aka’ a. See al 56:16, p. 1755, n. 8). 

15. Ciiljl 'ard’ik (pi.; s. arikah) = raised 

thrones, canopied couches, sofas. See at 36:56. p. 
I422.n. II. 

16. sAr j zamharir = biting chill, severe frost. 


Surah 76: M-'lnsdn | Pari (Jui) 29 ) 

14. And close 1 over them 
liiil will be its shades;' 

viiKj and lowered 3 will be 

its pickings 4 in a lowering. 5 

15. And taken round 6 them 
ajlL will be vessels 7 of silver 

and tumblers* crystal clear; 9 

ijij* 16. Crystals of silver. 

They will measure 10 them 
1$)!^ according to measure. 

17. And they will be given to 
drink" therein a cup 

of which the blend 12 will be 
{$)^j ginger. 

18. Of a spirng therein 
($) •ju.ll.'l £1 named ''Salsabil. 

19. And there will go round 
ojj&j'jij them youths made eternal. 14 

Zetlii When you will see them 

1. V b ddniyah ((. ; m damn ) = close, near, 
proximate, close by (active participle from dand 
[dunuw/ danuwah], to be near, to be close See at 

6:99, p. 433. it 4. 

2. Jyl» zlldl (pi.; s. ill/) = shadows, shades. See at 
36:56. p. 1422. n. 10. 

3. cJii dhulUlat = she or it was lowered, brought 
down, subdued, tamed (v. iii. f. s. past passive 
from dhallala. form II of dhalla ( dhalU dhulll 
dhaldlah / dhillahJ mudhatluh ], to be low, 
humble. See dhallalnd at 36:72, p. 1426 n. 6). 

4. qutuf (pi.; s. tfatf) = pickings, fruits, 
(lowers. See at 69:23, p. 1872, n. 6. 

5. JJi: ladhttl = lowering, bringing down (verbal 
noun in form 11 of dhalla. See n. 3 above). 

6. «-»0* yufdfu = he or it is taken round (v. iii. m. 
s. impfet. passive from tufa ( tuwf/ tawdf/ 
tuwfun], to go about, to run around. See at 43:71, 
p. 1600. n. 10). 

7 M» ’ dniyah (f. s.; pi. awdnm) = vessel, 

container, dish. 

8. 'akwdb (pi.; s. kuh) = tumblers, drinking 
glasses, cups). 

9. jtf f> qawdrir (pi.; s. q&rurah) = long-ncked 
vessels, crystals. 

10. lyj-ii qaddaru = they measured, estimated, 

determined, evaluated, enabled, formulated (v. iii. 
m. pi past from qaddaru, form II of qadara 
[ qadr ]. to estimate, to decree, to have power. See 
qaddaru 74:18, p. 1906, n. 6). 

11. hji—, yusqawna = they are given to drink. 

watered, irrigated (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. passive 
from saqd [saqy\. to give a drink. See yusqd at 
13:4. p. 765. n. 5). 

12. glj« mizdj = mixture, blend, temper See at 
76:5, p. 1920. n. 6 

13. : turammd = she is named, called (v. iii. 
f. s. impfet. passive from sammd, form II of 
samd [sumdw/samd'), to be high. See yusammOna 

at 53:27, p 1721. n. 9). 

14 ojAijo mukhatladdn (pi.; s. mukhallad) = 

those made eternal, rendered pcipctual/cvcrlasting 
(pass, participle from khallada. form II of 
khalada ( khuliitf ]. to remain for ever. See at 
56:17. p. 1755. n. 12). 

Surah 76: Al-'lrudn ( Part (Jut") 29 | 


1 . you will think 1 them 
{£) pearls 2 scattered.' 

c£ii^ 20. And when you look 
thereat you will see bliss 4 
and a realm most grand. 

21 . Over them* will be 
garments of fine silk 6 green 7 
and brocade; 8 
and they will be adorned 9 
with bracelets 10 of silver;" 
and their Lord will give them 
to drink 12 a beverage most pure. 

s **- ltu— V L 


•Arj — A) 

' •>, C" 

0k£ f££ 

1. hasibta = thought, deemed, regarded. 

supposed (v. ii. m. s. past from hasiha [hisban/ 
mahsabah], to deem, to regard. See at 18:9, p. 
912. n. 9). 

2. )ljl lu" lu‘ (s.; pi. la' dti ) = pearls. Sec at 
56:23. p. 1756. n. 8 

3. manthur = scattered, cast abroad, 

dispersed (passive participle from nalhara 
( nuihr/mihdr ], to scatter, disperse See at 25:23, 
p. 1145, n. 7). 

4. na'tm = bliss, felicity, comfort, 
happiness, delight. Sec at 70:38, p. 1882, n. 10. 

5. Jw '£lin= lofty, high, that which is above/ 

over/ on top. tyrant, self-exalting (act. participle 
from 'aid [ 'u/Uw]. to go up. rise. Sec at 10:83, 
p. 667, n. 4). 

6. ^r i —‘ fundus = fine silk. See at 18:31, p. 923, 

olfaiSl 22. Verily this will be 
li>jC3 for you a reward 

and your effort" will be 
appreciated. 14 

Section (Ruku ‘) 2 

\ 23. Verily We, We 

have sent down" on you the 
Qur’an in a sending down. 

7. s**- khudr (f. pi.; s. khudrah ) = green, green 
vegetation. See at 55:76, p. 1752, n. 5. 

8. <3 istabraq = brocade. Sec at 55:54. p. 
1749, n. 6. 

9. 1 _/*■ hullu = they were adorned, ornamented 

decorated (v. iii. m. pi. past from luilld, form II of 
haliya [ holy / hilyah ). to be adorned. Sec 
yuhallawna at 35:33, p. 1401. n. 13). 

10 jjUt asdwir (pi.; s. siwdr) = bracelets, 
bangles, armlets Sec at 35:33, p. 1402, n. 1. 

11. ui fiddult - silver. Sec at 43:33. p. 1591. n. 

1 2. U- saqd = he gave to drink, watered, irrigated 
(v. iii. m s. past from saqy. to give a drink. See 
yusqawna at 76:17, p. 1922, n 1 1). 

13. sa'y = to move speedily, to run. to 
proceed hurriedly, to strive/ endeavour/ attempt/ 
effort See at 37:102, p. 1446. n. 4). 

14 i. e.. duly recognized and rewarded, j/a, 
mashkur = appreciated, thanked (pass, participle 
from shakara ( shukr / shukr&n], to thank. See at 
17:19, p 879, n. 5). 

15. VJji nazzalnd = We sent down (v. i. pi. from 
nazzala, form 11 of nazula [nuiuf]. to come down. 
Sec at 26:198, p. 1196.n.8). 


Surah 76: Al- ‘Insdn [ Fart (Juz ) 29 ] 


24. So have patience 1 for 
the decree of your Lord 
and obey 2 not of them 
any sinful 2 or infidel. 4 

25. And call to mind 
the Name of your Lord 5 
at the break of day 6 
and in the evening. 7 

j 26. And at part the night 
prostrate yourself to Him 
and proclaim His sanctity 8 
by night for long. 9 

27. Verily these people 
love 10 the present life" 
and leave 12 behind them 
a day very heavy. 11 

i\l ji. 28. We have created them 
toiSj and strengthened 14 
their build; 1 ' 

1. i. c., over the unbelievers' opposition and 
enmity. ^ isbir = be patient, have patience. 

bear calmly, persevere, (v. ii. m. s. imperative 
from sabara ( sabr J. to be patient, to bind. See at 
73: lo] p. 1899, n. II). 

2. ria V Id tu(i‘ = do not obey, follow, abide by. 

comply with (v. ii. m. s. imperative (prohibition) 
from ‘atd'a, form IV of rd'u (mm '), to obey. Sec 
at 68:8, p. I860, n. 7). 

3. fX ’dthim (pi. ' uihamd ) = sinful, sinner. 

criminal, wicked, evil (active participle from 
'alhima ( 'ilhm/nui thorn], to sin. See at 2:283. p. 
ISO, n. 10). 

4. jyif kafir = extremely ungrateful, wantonly 

unbelieving, arch infidel (act. participle in the 
scale of fa ul from kafara \kufr ). to cover, to be 
on infidel. Sec at 34:17, p. 1374, n. 8). 

5. i. e.. perform prayer, sat&h. 

6. ■/, bukrah (s., pi. bukar ) = early morning, 
tomorrow. See at 54:38. p. 1737. a 1. 

7. ’off/ (s.; pi. 'asal) = late afternoon, 
evening. Sec at 33:42, p. 1353, n. 3. 

8. £— sabbih = proclaim the sanctity, glorify. 

declare immunity from blemish (v. ii. s.. 
imperative from sabbaha. form II of sabaha 
\sabh/ sibahuh] to swim, to float. Sec at 69:52. p. 
1876. n. 5). 

9. lawtl = long, tall, high . Sec at 73:7. p, 
1899, n. 6. 

10. Ojjm yuhibbina = they love, adore, like (v. 

iii. m. pi. impfet. from habba | hubb). to love, to 
like. See al 59:9. p. 1798. n. 10). 

11. JUU •djilah (f.; m. ‘djil) = life in this world. 

the fleeting/transicnt thing, that which passes 
quickly (act. participle from ‘ajila (' ajat/ 
’ajalah], to harry. See at 75:20, p. 1916. n. 3). 

1 2. iijj-it yadharuna = they leave , leave behind. 

leave alone (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from wadhr See 
ladhar&na at 75:21, p. 1916. n. 4). 

13. i. e.. the Day of Resurrection and Judgement. 

14. Usxl shadadnd = we strengthened, made 
firm (v. i. p! past from shadda [shadd], to make 
firm. Sec nashuddu at 28:35, p. 1244, n. 17). 

15. ‘asr = strap, binding, bond, build. 

Surah 76: Al- 'Insdn [ Part (Juz'1 29 ] 


and when We will 
We shall replace 1 their likes 
in a replacement. 2 


29. Verily this is a reminder. 
So whoever wills 

.wjjjljjti may take 4 towards his Lord 
away. 5 

SjiCLSlij 30. And you cannot will 
except that Allah wills. 
lL£olfSj»fol Verily Allah is All-Knowing, 
$££ All-Wise. 6 

31. He admits 7 
tliijy whomsoever He will 
' n His mercy. 8 

Jwklilfj And the transgressors, 9 

He has made ready'°for them 
a punishment most painful." 

1. bJa, haddalna - we replaced, substituted. 

changed, exchanged, gave in exchange (v. i. pi. 
past from baddala. form II of badala [bad I], to 
replace. See at 34:17, p. 1374. n. 1). 

2. J labdil = to vary, to change, exchange, 
alteration, replacement (verbal noun in form II of 
badala, to replace. See n. I above and at 48:23. 
p. 1671. n. I). 

3. i. e., this Qur'an is a reminder, i/'x ladhkirali 
= reminder. See at 74:49, p. 191 1. n. 4. 

4. oaP ittakhadha = he took , took for him, took 
up. assumed (v. Hi. m. s. past in form VIII of 
akhadha \akhdh], to lake. See at 73:19, p. 1901, 
n II). 

5. i. e., accept His din — tawhid and Islam J— - 

sabll (pi. subul/asbilah) = way. path, road, means, 
course. See at 73:19, p. 1901, n. 12. 

6. i. e.. in His acts, decrees and dispensation. 

hakim (s.; pi. fyukanu 5') = All- Wise, 
judicious, full of wisdom (active participle in the 
scale of fa 'll from hakamti [/iukm]. to pass 
judgement Sec al 66:2, p. 1844, n. 9). 

7. yudkhitu = he admits, makes enter, 
enters, puts in, inserts (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 

adkhala, form IV of dakhala ( dukhul ). to enter, 
to go in. See at 58:22, p. 1792, n. 10) 

8. t. e„ mercy of guidance to the right way. Islam, 
and forgiveness and jannah. 

9. j*JU. zdlimin (accVgen of zdlimOn, sing. 
zdlim) = transgressors, wrong-doers, polytheists 
[note that at 31:13 shirk or setting partners with 
Allah is called a grave zulm] ( active participle 
from zalama (zulm). to transgress, do wrong. See 
at 68:29. p. 1863, n. 6). 

10. a»l 'a’adda = he prepared, made ready, got 
ready (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 'adda ( 'add], 
to count. See at 65: 10, p. 1 842, n. 7). 

11. pJ 'alim = most painful, very agonizing, 
anguishing, excruciating (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa'il from alima [ alum], to be 
in pain, to feel pain). See at 67:28, p. 1857. n. 13). 

77. SOrat al-Mursalat (Those Despatched) 
Makkan: 50 ’ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. It main themes are the Resurrection. Judgement, reward and punishment. It 
starts by Allah's swearing by five of His creations to emphasize that the Resurrection is bound to take 
place. Then it mentions some of the circumstances that will attend its occurrence, followed by a mention 
of Allah's power and creation by way of bring home the fact that He is All-Capable of recreating and 
resurrecting. It ends by mentioning the punishment and rewards that await respectively the disbelievers 
and the righteous. 

The surah is named al-Mursaldi (The Ones Despatched) with reference to its first ayah which 
mentions them. 

1 . By those despatched 1 
in succession. 2 

2. Then the tempests’ 
blowing violently. 

3. By the scatterers 4 
scattering abroad. 

4. Then the distinguishes 5 
making distinction. 

v>ub'I» 5. Then those that deliver 6 
O'j % a reminder. 7 

1. Allah swears by the winds that He despatches in 
succession, particularly the winds of punishment 
and destruction oV— ^ mursalal (f. pi.; s. 

mursalah. m. mursal ) = those despatched, sent 
out. released (pass, participle from 'ursalu, from 
IV of ratila (mra/). to be long and flowing. See 
mursatin at 37:133, p. 1452, n. 2). 

2. /■ ‘urf = custom, habit, tradition, 
beneficence, one after another, in succession 

3. • isifah (*.; pi. awdjif ) = that which 
blows violently, violent wind, storm, gale, 
tempest, hurricane (act. participle from asafa 
I'asf/'utf/], to rage, to blow violendy. See at 
21:81. p. 1034. n. 10). 

4. i. e„ the angels scattering clouds and rams by 
Allah's command. ol^U ndshirat (f. pi.; s 
nashirah; m. n&shir) = those that scatter, spread, 
unfold, publish ( act. participle from nashara 
| nashr/nushur ), to spread out. to resurrect. See 
munushshrah at 74:52, p. 1911, n.12). 

5. i. c . angels who make distinction between the 
lawful and the unlawful cdljU fdriq&t (f. pi.; $. 
fariqah, m. fdriq) = distinguishes, separators, 
dividers (act. participle from faraqa 
[furq/furqun], to separate, to divide. See yufraqu 
at 44:4. p. 1606. n. 7). 

6. i. e„ the angels who deliver wahy by Allah's 

command. mulqiyai (f. pi.; s. mulqtyah, 

m. mulqm ) = those that hurl, deliver, cast, fling, 
throwers (act, participle from 'alqtt. form IV of 
laqiya [Itqa' Auqytm /luqy Auqyah/ luqan |. to 
meet. Sec mulqtn at 7:1 15. p. 50S, n. 6. 

7. i. e„ the scripture, the Qur'Sn 


Surah Tt: Al-Mursal&t [ Part (Juz‘) 29 ] 


\j& 6. By way of a plea 1 
ObjAil or by way of warning. 2 

£j\ 7. Verily that which you are 
promised' is inevitable. 4 

8. So when the stars 5 
will be effaced, 6 

9. And when the sky 
will be cleft asunder; 7 

10. And the mountains will 
{JjcJiJi be crushed and scattered; 8 

1 1 • And when the Messengers 
{«) £»\ will be scheduled.'' 

12. For which day 
^ ci.1 were they deferred? 10 

13. For the Day 
of Decision. 11 

1. i. e.. that it may not be said that Allah has not 
provided any guidance or given any warning (see 
4:165, p. 318), jSt- 'udhr ( s.; pi. 'a'dh&r) = 

excuse, plea, apology, reason See at 18:76, p, 
938. n. IZ 

2. i. e.. against the consequences of unbelief and 
disobedience ji nudhr = wanting. See nudhur 
at 54:39, p 1737, n. 3. 

3. i. e., of Resurrection and Judgement. dyst-y 

nJ aduna = you are promised, assured, threatened, 
(v. ii. m. pi. impfet passive from wa'ada (also 
from 'awada. form IV of wa'ada) | wa’d ], to 
promise. See at 5I:2Z p. 1699. n. 7). 

4. wdqi‘ = that which falls/bcfalls, is about to 
fall, is going to occur/takc place, inevitable (act. 
participle from waqa'a ( wuqQ'), to fall. See 
at 70:1. p. 1877, n. 2). 

5. nujum (p|.; s. najm ) = stars. Sec at 56:75, 
p. 1764, n. 3. 

6. i. e„ extinguished. U — tamasni - we 

obliterated, effaced, erased, wiped off, eradicated 
(v. i. pi. past from (omasa [tams/iumds]. to be 
effaced, to efface. Sec at 36:66, p. 1424. n. 9). 

7. Jurijat - she or it was cleft, cleft 

asunder, split, opened (v. iii. f. s. past passive 
from faraja Ifarj). to open, to separate. Sec furuj 
at 70:29. p 1881, n. 2). 

8. nusifat = she or it was scattered, 
demolished, crushed, blown away (v. iii. f. s. past 
passive from nasufa ( nos] ]. to scatter, spray, 
blow up. See yansifu at 20: 105, p. 1002, n. 4). 

9. i. e.. they will be brought in the set time for 
bearing witnesses against their respective peoples 
(see 5:109, p. 384). ocit ’uqqilal = she or it was 

scheduled, assigned time, timed (v. iii. f. s. past 
passive from waqqala, from II from wuqutu 
[woqr). to set a time). 

10. c-L»l 'ujjilat = she or it was delayed, 
postponed, deferred (v. iii. f. s. past passive from 
'ajjala, from II of ajala ( 'ajaf\. to tarry, to linger. 
Sec ajjalta at 6: 1 28, p. 445, n. 9). 

1 1. i. c„ the Day of Judgement. fast = 

parting, section, decision. Sec at 44:40. p. 1630, 
n. 7. 


SSrah 77: M-Mursaldl | Part (Juz‘) 29 ) 

Zj 14. And what 
ibjSl will make you realize' 

\f},Z what the Day of Decision is? 

itjUSp 15. Woe that day 
to the disbelievers. 2 

16. Did We not destroy 3 
those of old? 4 

1 7. Then We caused to 
follow 5 them the others? 

18. Suchwise shall We do 
with the sinful. 6 

Juyjjy 19. Woe that day 
to the disbelievers. 

20. Did We not create 7 you 
Qy&tZji out of a water despicable? 8 

21. Then We set 9 it 

1 . ifjd 'atlra = he informed. Icl know, notify, 
make (someone) know/understand (v. iii. m s. 
past in form IV of dard | dirdyah), to know. See 
at 69:3. p. 1 868. n. 3). 

2. i _ rf o£. mukadhdhibin (acc/gen of 

mukadhdhibun: sing, mukadhdhib) = those who 
cry lies (to), disbelievers (active participle from 
kadhdliaba, form II of kadhiba [kidhb /kudhib 
/kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. See at 52: 1 1 . p. 1708, 
n. 6). 

3. dU* nuhlik(u)= we destroy, annihilate (v. i. pi. 

impfet. form 'ahlaka. form IV of halaka ( hulk / 
hulk/holdk / tahlukah |. to perish. The final letter is 
vowellcss because of the particle lam coming 
before the verb. See nuhlika at 17:16. p. 877. n. 
2 ). 

4. i. c., because of their unbelief and disobedience, 
jjyt ’ awwalin (pi.; acc./gcn. of 'awwaldn: 

s.'tm wal) = first ones, foremost, those of old, 
ancients. See at 46:17, p. 1638. n. 5. 

5. i. e.. We made others of their successors go the 
same way in retribution and destruction ebcause 
of their peisistent unbelief. nuttbi‘- we cause 

to follow, pursue (v. I. pi. impfet. from 'alba'a, 
form IV of labi'a [tuba/ labdah], to follow. See 
‘atba'u at 37:10. p. 1432. n 2). 

6. j? mujrimin (pi.; acc./gcn of mujnmdn: 
s. mujrim) - those who commit sins, sinners, 
culprits, sinful (act. participle from ajrama, form 
IV of jaruma [jarm] . to commit a crime. See at 
54:47, p. 1738, n. 13). 

7. i. e . originate. jJuci nakhluq(u) = we create. 

make, originate (v. i. pi. impfet. from khalaqa 
[ kha /</) , to create. The final letter is vowellcss 
because of the particle lam coming before the 
verb. Sec at 7:1 1, p, 468. n. 2). 

8. jr** mahln = despicable, weak, mean, paltry, 
little. See at 68:10. p. I860.n. 10. 

9. i. e.. in the mother's womb. U»» ja'alnd = we 

made, set. appointed, rendered (v. i. pi. past from 
ja'ala [/'a'/), to make, to set See at 74:31, p. 
1907. n. II). 

Surah 77: Al-Mursalat [ Pari (Juz ) 29 ] 


in an abode secure. 

22. Till a measure 1 known. 

23. Then We determined; 4 
■UNr'U* and Best Determiners We are. 

;Vi>j 24. Woe that day 5 
$J^<a53jl to the disbelievers. 6 

25. Did We not make 
the earth a receptacle 7 

iiJ.1 26. Of the living 8 
( and the dead? 9 

27. And set therein 
or& mountains 10 very high" 

and gave you to drink 12 
(3}6>iU water sweet and tasty? 13 

28. Woe that day 14 
to the disbelievers. 

I. j'ji ?nrdr = stability, steadiness, firmness, 

solidity, to settle down, to rest, place of rest, 
abode. See at 40:64. p. 1532, n. I . 

2- rnakin (s.; pi. mukima ') = firmly 

established, secure, distinguished, of rank, 
influential (act. participle in the scale of fa’tl from 
makuna [ makunuh], to be strong. See makknnnd 
at 7:21. p. 729. n. 2 ). 

3. i. e. measure of time and growth. jJi qadar = 

measure, quantity, destiny. See at 54:49. p. 1739, 
n. 5. 

4. i. e.. the shape, physical dimensions, 
capabilities, destiny, etc. UjJi qaddarna = 

destined, decreed, estimated, determined (v. i. pi. 
past from qaddara, form II of qadara [ qadrj , to 
estimate, to decree, to have power. See at 56:60, 
p 1761. n. 6). 

5. i. e.. the Day of Resurrection and Judgement. 

6- JU&* mukadhdhihin (acc/gen of 
mukadhdhibtin, sing, mukadhdluh) = those who 
cry lies (to), disbelievers (active participle from 
kadhdhabu, form II of kadhibu | kidhb fkadhib 
/kadhbah / kidhbah), to lie. Sec at 77:15, p. 1928, 
n. 2). 

7. olif kifat - container, holder, receptacle. 

8. 'ahyd ' (pi.; s. hayy ) = living beings, 

9. &\y\ 'amw&t (p|.; sing, mavyil) = dead, 
lifeless. See at 3:169, p. 222. n. 6. 

10. rawdsin (pi.; s. rdsin/rdsiyah ) = firm, 

anchored, fixed, towering mountains. See at 50:7. 
p. 1686. n. 8. 

II. shdmikhdt (f. pi.; s. .ihdmikJuih, in. 
sluimikh) = tall, towering, lofty, bery high, proud 
(act. participle from shamkha ( ihamkh/shumukh ) 

. to be high. tall). 

12. 'asqaynS = we gave to drink,, gave 

water, watered, irrigated (v. i. pi. past from a.tqd, 
form IV of suqd [.«;</)•]. to give a drink. See at 
72:16. p. 1894, n. 3). 

13. ol j furdl = tasty, sweet. Sec at 35:12. p. 
1394. n. 6. 

14. i. e., the Day of Resurrection and Judgement. 


SCirah 77: AlMursaldt [ Part ( Jui ) 29 ] 

29. "Proceed 1 to what 
you used to cry lies to." 2 

JJfjl'jluLt 30. "Proceed to a shadow 3 


of three prongs. 

Jiky 3 1 . "Neither giving shade 5 
nor availing 6 against flame." 7 

J-sQl 32.Verily it will shoot 8 
(£j j sparks 9 like castles. 10 

33. As if it were camels" 
of yellow colour. 12 

34. Woe that day 13 
to the disbelievers. 

35. This is a day 
(Qbyisj they shall speak not. 14 

oijJSfJ 36. Nor shall leave be given 15 
^ to them 

(^r t > so they can make excuses. 16 

1. i. e„ il will be said lo the unbelievers. ijiika 
intaliq u = proceed, set out. depart, move off (v. 
ii. m. pi. imperative from inialaqa. form VII of 
lalaqa/laluqa llaldq/laldqah] to be frcc/divorced. 
to be happy. See inlalaqu at 68:23. p. 1 862. n. 9). 

2. i. e.. the punishment of hell, i )# ifc 

tukadhdhibuna = you (all) cry lies to. disbelieve, 
think untrue (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from kadhdhuha, 
form II of kadhaba [ kidhb /kadhib /kadhbah / 
kidhbuh ]. to lie. Sec at 56:82. p. 1765, n. 2). 

3. i. e„ to a thtec-prong smoke of hell. JW pU (s.; 

pi. tildl/zulOl/'azIdl )= shade, shadow, shelter. 
See at 56:30. p. 1757. n. 10. 

4. v *- 1 shu'ab (pi., s. rhu'bah) = branches, 
shoots, off-shoots, prongs 

5. J,lb z alii = shade-giving, ever-shading (act. 
participle in the scale of fa'U from zalla 
Ipill/zulul], to be. to continue. Sec zallalnd at 
7:160. p 527. n. 9 ). 

6. yughni = he suffices, makes free from 
want, ennehes, makes rich, avails, helps (v. iii. m. 
s. impfet. from ’aghnd. form IV of ghamya 
[ghirum / ghand' ), to be free from want, lo be 
rich. See at 53:28, p, 1722, n. 2). 

7. v* 1 lahab = flame, blaze. 

8. larmt = she shoots, throws, hurls, accuses 
(v. iii. f. s. impfet. from ramd [ramy/ nmdyah), ;o 
throw. See yartnuna 24:23. p. 1 1 13. n. 7). 

9. jji sharar = sparks. 

10. qasr (s.; pi. qus&r ) = palace, castle. 

11. ofto. jimdldt (f. pi.; s. jimdlah) = camels. 

12. fufr = yellow colour, yellow. 

1 3. i. e.. the Day of Resurrection and Judgement. 

14. djibn yantiqdna = they speak, talk, 
pronounce, articulate (v. iii. m. pi impfet. from 
nataqa \nulq/nutdq/muntiq\, to talk, speak, 
articulate. Sec at 27:85, p. 1227. n. 10). 

15. yu'dhanu = he is given leave/ permission 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet. passive from 'adhina [ tdhn J, 
to allow, to listen. Sec at 16:84. p. 855. n. 8). 

16. ojj-Cju ya'ladhirunu = they make excuses, 
apologize (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from I'ladhara. 
form VIII of ’adhara I'udlir/ ma'dhirah ]. to 
excuse. Sec Id la 'tadhiru at 9:66, p. 605. n. 5). 

Surah TJ: AI Mursalat | Pari (Juz ) 29 | 


37. Woe that day 
to the disbelievers. 1 

j 38.This is the Day of Decision. 

We have assembled 2 you 
and those of old. 5 

j&£j 39. So if you have any plot 4 
then plot against Me. 5 

40. Woe that day 
to the disbelievers. 

Section (Ruku‘) 2 

u^'5| 41. Verily the righteous 6 will 
s4 be amidst shades 7 and springs; 8 

42. And fruits’ 

Qj£L\L. such as they will desire. 10 

\%iXj\jjt 43. "Eat and drink" 
at ease 12 

1. jrfJSL. mukadhdhibin (acc./gcn of 

mukadhdhibun; sing mukadhdhib) = those who 
cry lies (to), disbelievers (active participle from 
kadhdhaba, form II of kadhibu [kidhb /kadhih 
/kudhbah / kidhbah], to lie. Sec at 77:24. p. 1929, 
n. 6). 

2. jama na - we gathered, collected, got 

together, assembled (v. i. pi. past from jama'a 
[jam ' ). to gather. See at 18:99. p. 946. n. 5). 

3. ’awwa/fn (pi.; accVgen. of 'awwal&n; 

t.’awwal) - first ones, foremost, those of old. 
ancients. See at 77: 16, p. 1928. n. 4. 

4. uS kayd = scheme, plot, plan, stratagem. See 
at 68:45. p. 1 866. n. 9. 

5. i. e.. if you can escape the judgement and 
punishment by any stratagem you can do; but you 
cannot, ktdtini (originally kidu +nt) ; \yiS kidu 

= you (all) conspire, plot, contrive (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative from kdda \knyd\, to contrive, to set a 
strategy. Sec kayd at 1 1 :55. p. 697, n. 7). 

6. multaqin (accigcn. of mullaqdn: sing. 

muiluqin ) = those who arc on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e . by carrying out the injunctions 
of the Qur'&n and surmah), godfearing, righteous 
(active participle from ittaqa. form VIII of waqd 
[w aqy/ wiqdyah], to guard, to protect. See at 
69:48, p. 1875, n il). 

7. JVi zit&l (pi. . s. lilt) = shadows, shades. See at 
76:14. p. 1922. n. 2. 

8. i. e„ in the gardens and springs of paradise. 
0 y* ‘uyun (pi.; s. ayn) = springs, fountains, eyes. 

See at 54:12, p. 1731. n. 8). 

9. *S"(y fawakih (pi.; s. fdkihuh) = fruits. See at 
43:73, p. 1601. n 4 

10. yashlahuna = they desire, wish, covet. 

crave, long for (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from irhtahu, 
form VIII of shahd/ shahiya [shahw/ shuhy/ 
ihaliwah], to desire, to wish See at 56:21. p. 
1556, n. 5). 

11. Lx-r 11 ishrabu = you (all) drink (v. ii. m. pi. 
imperative from shariba [ shurb , mashrab ). to 
drink, sip. Sec at 2:60. p. 28. n. 8).). 

12. it/* hanV = ease, pleasure, well-being. See 
at 69:24. p. 1872. n. 8. 

for what you used to do. 


Surah 77: Al-Mursalai [ Pan (Juz) 29 ) 

44. Verily suchwise We do 
reward 1 the righteous. 2 

45. Woe that day 3 
to the disbelievers. 

46. Eat 4 and enjoy 5 a little. 
You indeed are 

Qjsj* committing sins. 6 

47. Woe that day 
1$'^-? to the Disbelievers. 

Jiljjj 48. And when it is said to 
fjJSjf ii them: "Bow in prayer", 7 
the y bow not. 

W*. %) 49. Woe that day 
c*.iS3i to the disbelievers. 

50. So in what discousre 8 
ISUZ after it 9 will they believe? 10 

’ 0 

1 ■ najzS = we reward, recompense, requite, 

repay, punish ( v. i. pi. impfct. from jau 1 Ijazii']. 
to recompense. Sec at 46:25. p. 1651, n. 9). 

2 muhsinin = (pi ; acc /gen of 
muhtinUn; sing, muhsin) - those who do good/ 
right things, righteous, virtuous, charitable, 
generous (active paniciplc from ‘ahsana, form IV 
of l/asunu (hum), to be good. See at 51:16, p 
1698. n. 8). 

3. i. e., the Day of Resurrection an Judgement 

4 The address is to the unbelievers. ijlT kulu = 

you (all) eat (v. ii. m. pl imperative from akala 
[ «*/], local. See at 23:51. p. 1088, n. 4). 

5. tamatla ti = you (all) enjoy, enjoy 
yourselves (v. ii. m pl, imperative from lamalta'a, 
form V of nuila 'a [ nun '/mu f ah ], to carry away. 
Sec at 51:43, p. 1703, n. 6). 

6. mujnrnun (pl.; s. mujnm ) = sinful. 

those committing sins, culprits, evildoers (act. 
paniciplc from 'ajrama. form IV of jarama 
[jarm). to commit a crime. See at 70: 1 1 . p 1878 
n. II). 

7. •j'd " J irka‘6 = you (all) bow, bend the body (in 

prayer) (v. ii. m. pl. imperative from raka'a 
\euku '], to bow. See at 2:43, p. 22, n. 3). 

8. haclith ($.; pl. ' ah&dilh ) = speech. 

talk, narrative, report, discourse, account Sec at 
68:44, p. 1866. n 6. 

9. i. e„ this Qur’fln. 

10. yu’mmuna = they believe, have faith 

(v, iii. m. pl. impfct. from anuinu (7mdn), from 
IV of amma. to be safe. Sec at 28:3. p. 1231 n 

78. SOratal-Naba’ ( The News) 

Makkan: 40 ’ayahs 

It is an early Makkan surah. Its main themes arc lawhid (monotheism). Resurrection, Judgement, 
reward and punishment in the hereafter. It starts by calling attention to the Qur'an and the Resurrection 
which is termed "the Great News". al-Naba' al-Azim, because it appeared as a new and unheard-of thing 
to the unbelievers who started asking one another about it and expressed their surprise and ridicule at it. 
The surah is named after these initial 'ayahs and the main theme. It then draws attention to Allah's 
power in creating the earth, the heaven, the sun. the moon, male and female, day and night, sleep and 
wakefulness, clouds and rains, plants and corns and everything else by way of emphasizing His 
Lordship ( rububiyyah ) and that He can recreate and resurrect at will. It then points out that the Day of 
Judgement is an appointed lime ( miqat . ' ayah 17) when the trumpet will be blown and all will be 
resurrected and gathered for Judgement. Then mention is made of the punishment that awaits the 
unbelievers and transgressors and the rewards that will be given to the righteous and believers. The 
surah ends by reminding all that on the Day of Judgement none will have power to speak out except the 
one whom Allah will give permission to do so and that the unbelievers will wish that they had better 
remained reduced into dust. 

1. fJ- ‘amma (j* 'an ♦ u mri = w»/ f* 
umrnu/umnui) = about what? 

2. Ojkf—i yatasd'aluna = they ask one another. 

enquire of one another, make queries, make 
claims, demand (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
lasa'ala, form VI of sa 'ala ( ju'df), to ask. See at 
74:40. p 1910. n. 2). 

3. L naba' (s.; pl.'unW) = news, information. 

intelligence. See at 64:5, p. 1831. n. 9. 

4. i. e.. the Qur’an and what it gave out about the 

Resurrection and Judgement which was quite 
unheard of to the unbelievers who started 
expressing surprise at it and divergent views 
about it. ’aztm = great, magnificent. 

splendid, big, stupendous, most grand, huge, 
immense, monstrous, grave. All-Great. See at 
69:52, p. 1877. n. 6). 

5. j mukhtalifun (pi.; s. mukhlalif) = those 

who hold different views, are in disagreement, 
differ from one another (act. participle from 
ikhuilafa. form VIII of khalafu IklutlJ], to come 
after. See mukhtalifln at 1 1:1 18. p. 720. n. 2). 

6. i. e.. there is no need for doubting and 
expressing different opinions about the 
Resurrection and Judgement which is bound to 
take place. 

7. i. e.. they shall know the certainty of it and 
also the consequences of their unbelief and 


1. About what 1 

are they asking one a 


2. About the news 1 

0 ^ 

very grave/ 

3. Which they are in 


disagreement? 5 


4. Not at all; 6 

Oj j ■ ' . 

they shall know. 7 

5. Again, not at all; 

they shall know. 



Surah 78: M-NalxT [ Part (Juz ) 30) 

6. Have We not made 1 

the earth a cradle? 2 

7. And the mountains 

as pegs? 3 

8. And We created you 

in couples. 4 

9. And We made your sleep 


as rest. 3 

10. And We set the night 

as a covering. 6 

1 1 . And We made the day 

for living. 7 

1 2. And We built* above you 

seven strong ones. 9 

13. And We have set 

a lamp 10 incandescent." 

1. This and (he succeeding 'Ayahs describe some 
of Allah's power of wonderful creation by way of 
pointing out that He can destroy and recreate at 
any time at will J»~ naj'al(u) = we lay. make, 
set. put. place, appoint, assign (v. i. pi. irnpfct 
from ja'ulu [/u 7], to make. The final letter is 
vowcllcss because of the particle lam coming 
before the verb. Sec naj'ulu at 68:35. p. 1864. n. 
8 ). 

2. i. c., habitable by making the earth's crust solid 
with plains. A** mih&d = bed. place of rest, fold 

that holds something, cradle See at 38:56, p. 
1473. n. 7. 

3. Modem scientists recognise the function of hills 
and mountains in stabilizing the earth's crust. sti> I 

'awlSd (pi.; s. wulad ) = pegs, poles, stakes. Sec at 
38:12, p. 1462, n. 2. 

4. 'azwdj (sing, -u uiwj) = husbands, 
wives, spouses, consorts, partners, pairs, couples, 
kinds, sorts See at 70:30. p. 1881. n. 4. 

5. «i/t_» suhat = lethargy, slumber, inactivity, 
sleep, cessation, pause, rest. See at 25:47,. p. 
Il52.n. 7. 

6. The night is called a clothing or covering 
because its darkness covers all within its scope. 
jAJ lihas (pi. albisah) = clothing, apparel. 

costume, garment, dress, covering. Sec at 35:33. 
p. 1402. n. 3. 

7. i. e„ to be active as opposed to being asleep, 
and to enjoy living and to earn the necessities of 
life. jAk. ma'&slt = to live, to be alive, living. 

(verbal noun of ‘us ha. to live. Sec mu "tshah at 
43:32. p. 1590. n. 5. 

8. Ua hanaynd = we built, set up. founded. 

constructed (v. i. pi. past from band | bind '/ 
bunydn\. to build. See at 51:47. p. 1704, n. 2. 

9. i. e.. the seven heavens, skies. aUi shidad (pi.; 
s. shudid) = strong, strict, hard, severe, stem, 
difficult. Sec at 66:6. 1846. n 13). 

10. i. e., the sun. sirSj (s.. pi suruj) = lamp. 

light, incandescent light. See at 71:16. p. 1887. n. 


1 1 . -U) wahhAj = that which bums, is ablaze 

(act. participle in the intensive scale of fa"AI 
from wahaja ( wahj/wahjun\. to bum. to be 
ablaze, to be incandescent). 

SOrah 78; AINaM ' | Pan (Juz ) 30] 


\3'j 14. And We send down 1 
from the rain-laden clouds 2 
QCfrZ water flowing in profusion.. 1 

\ 15. That We may produce 4 
therewith grain 5 and plants. 6 

1 6. And gardens 
l$HiU' dense and luxuriant. 7 

17. Verily the Day of Decision* 
is an appointed time. 9 

Cf-i'cs. 18. That day blown will be 10 
the trampet 

and you will be coming 
in groups. 12 

lj 19. And opened 1 'will be 
the sky and it will become 
gateways. 14 

20. And set in motion 15 will be 

1. Ul>l ’anzalnd = we scnl down (v. i. pi. past 

from ’ anzjala . form IV of nazalu [ nuzul ]. lo come 
down. See al 64:8. p. 1833. n. 2). 

2. ol mu’sirit (pi.; s. mu'sirah) = 
rain-laden clouds. 

3. i. c., rains in torrents. ^UJ thajjaj = that which 

flows in profusion, copiously, abundantly (act. 
participle in the scale of fa ‘ ’al from thajju, to 
flow in profusion. 

4. ^ nukhrijai u i- we bring out. produce, 
drive out. expel (v. i. pi. impfet. from 'akhraja. 
form IV of kaharaja [khuruj]. to go out. to leave. 
The final letter takes fal-hah because of a hidden 
'an in li of motivation coming before the verb. 
Sec nukhriju at 32:27. p. 1332. n. 8) 

5. y» habb (*.; pi. hubdb) - grain, com, seed, 
cereal. See at 36:33. p. 1416, n il. 

6. ot nabat = vegetation, plants, vegetable 
organism . See at 57:20, p. 1776, n. 6. 

7. «jull 'alfdf (pi.; s. tiff) = densely growing trees, 
of luxuriant growth, thicket. 

8. i. e.. the Day of Judgement J-o /off (s.; pi. 
fusulj = parting, discharge, decision, decree, 
section, chapter. See at 42:21. p. 1569. n. 2. 

9. otv mtqdl (sing.; pi. mawdqil ) = appointed 

time/ term, meeting point, venue, deadline, 
timetable. Sec at 56:50. p. 1760, n. 2. 

10. yunfakhu = he or it is blown, breathed, 
inflated (v. iii. m. s. impfet passive from nafakha 
\nafkh], to blow. See at 27:87. p 1228, n. 5). 

1 1. j sur = horn, bugle, trumpet. See at 69:13, 
p. 1870. n. II. 

12. j-ly! 'afw&j (pi.; s. fawj) = bands, troops, 
groups. See fawj at 67:9. p. 1852. n 9. 

13. fulihal = she was opened, released. 

unleashed, conquered (v. iii. f. past from faiaha 
\futh\. to open. Sec 39:71. p. 1506. n. 3). 

14. i. e . for the coming down of the angels. v'jrt 

'abwib (sing, Mb) = doors, gates, gateways, 
sections. See at 43:34. p. 1591. n. 7. 

15 suyyiral = she or it was set in motion, 
moved (v. iii. f. s. past passive from sayyara. 
formll of idra f tayr /say rd rah / masfr 
/masirah/tasytir\ to move, to travel See at 13: 31. 
p. 777. n. 5) 


Surah 78: Al-Naba ' | Part (Jut) 30] 

jClf the mountains, 1 
Q’Cfc'll&i so they shall be a mirage. 2 

21. Verily hell shall be 
QG&S' an ambush 3 — 

ct. ^) 22. For the transgressors 4 
a place of return. 3 

jcJ 23. They shall abide 6 
therein for ages. 7 

oyjj/y' 24. They shall not taste" 
therein coolness 9 
$ nor any drink; 10 

CLJ-VJ 25. Except hot water 11 
("Jlillij and body secretion. 12 

26. As a recompense 13 
in accord. 14 

27. Verily they used 

1. JV» jib&l (pi.: s. jabat) = mountains, 
mountain- like clouds. See at S6:5, p. 1754. n. 2. 

2. vV* J ardb= mirage, phantom. Sec at 24:39. 
p. 1 122, n. 5. 

3. i. c., they will be in readiness and lying in wait 
to engulf the sinful, mini id = ambush, 
observation post. 

4. (aghin (pi.; acc/gen. of tughun. s. 
Idghin) — transgressors, oppressors, tyrants, those 
exceeding the bounds, disloyal (act. participle 
from laghd [laghan/ lughydn), to exceed all 
bounds. See at 68:31. 1863. n. 9). 

5. i. e . a destination and abode. ma’db= 

place to which one returns, return . See at 38:55. 
p. 1473. n 4 

6. jeVf Idbilhtn (pi.; acc/gcn of lahuhOn , s. 

Idbith ) = those staying, abiding, living, tarrying, 
lingering (act. participle from lalbilha 
llabih/lublMubalh], to remain. See lubithaM 
37:144. p 1452. n 8). 

7. vU»t ’ahqab (pi.; s. huqb) = ages, long 
periods, epochs. Sec huqub at 18:60. p. 934. n. 9. 

8. Jjiji, yadhuquna = they taste (v. iii. m pi. 
impfet. from dhdqa [dhawq/ dhawdq/nuidhaq], to 
taste. See at 44:56. p. 1616, n. 7). 

9. i. c . anything cool, s > bard = cold, coolness. 
Sec at 21:69. p. 1030. n. 9. 

10. sharab (s,; pi. ' ashribah )= drink, 
beverage. See yiuhrabunu at 76:5. p. 1920, n. 5. 

1 1 . hamirn = hot water, close friend, 
intimate friend, (act. participle in the scale of fa'il 
from luimmu [luimm], to heat, make hot Sec at 
70:10. p. 1878. n. 8 

12. Jt — i ghassdq = secretion of the body, pus. 
Sec at 38:57, p. 1473. n. 10. 

13. »lj» jazd ’ = retribution, penalty, repayment. 

recompense, requital, reward Sec at 76:9. p. 
1921. n. 3). 

14. i. e , in accord with their deeds in the worldly 
life. Jtij wifdq = accordance, conformity. 

agreement, concord. wifdqan= in conformity, in 
accord, appropriate, befitting. 

Surah 78: Al-Nabd ' [ Pan ( Juz ') 30] 


not to look forward 1 to 
any accounting. 2 

' 28. And they cried lies’ to 
Our signs 4 in rejection. 

29. And everything 
We have computed 5 
($)Ci==» in a book. 

'yjli 30. So have the taste; 6 

and We shall increase 7 you not 
but in punishment. 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 2 

oJiliijl 31. Verily the righteous* will 
($'j£ have a success. 9 

32.0rchards K> and vines;" 

33 And youthful wives 12 
of equal age; 13 

1. dy* j, yarj&na = they hope, expect, have hope 

for, look forward to (v. iii. m pi. impfet. from 
raja [rajd'/rajdh/marjdh], to hope, to expect. See 
at 45:14, p 1622. n 2). 

2. ► hisab (pi. ow— hisabut)= calculation. 

reckoning, accounting, taking of account. Sec at 
38:26. p. 1466, it 9 

3. ly-if kadhdhabu = they cned lies, thought 
untrue, disbelieved (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
kadhdhaba, form II of kadhuha \kidhb Aadhib 
/kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. Sec at 64:10. p. 
1834. n. I). 

4. i. c„ the texts of the Qur'an ol*l ‘dydl (sing 

'ayah) = signs, miracles, revelations, statements of 
the Qur’an, evidences. See at 74:16. p. 1906. n. I. 

5. ’ahsaynd = we computed, calculated, 
counted, reckoned, took into account (v. i. pi. 
past from 'ajtsd. form IV from the root 
hasy/hasan. Sec at 36:12. p. 141 1. n. 10). 

6. i. e.. of the punishment dhiiqu = you (all) 

taste, have the taste (v. ii. rn. pi. imperative from 
dhtiqa [dhawq/ madhdq], to taste See at 54:48. p. 
1739, n. I). 

7. M? naztda(u) = we increase, enhance, give 

more (v. i. pi impfet. from zdda [zjyddah]. to 
grow, to increase. The final letter takes fat-hah 
because of the particle Ian coming before the 
verb. Sec nuzidu at 7:161. p. 528. n. 5). 

8. j-ii* muuaqtn (acc /gcn of muilaqun ; sing. 

muitaqin) = those who are on their guard, protect 
themselves (i. e„ by carrying out the injunctions 
of the Qur'an and sunnah). godfearing, righteous 
(active participle from itlaqd. form VIII of waqd 
[waqy/ wiqSyah], to guard, to protect. See at 
77:41. p 1931. n. 6). 

9. ijU- mafazah = success, escape, to run away, 
to slip away. See at 39:61, p. 1502, n. 12. 

10. Jju»- had&'iq (pi.; s. hadiquh) = gardens, 
orchards, parks. See at 27:60. p. 1220, n. 7. 

11. 'a'n&b (pi.; sing. ' inah ) = grapes, vines. 
Sec at 36:34, p. 1417, n. 4. 

12. kawdi'b (pi.; s. kd'ib) = youthful 

13. 'arr<SA(pl , s. tarb) = females of equal 

age with those of their husbands. See at 56:37, 
1758, n. 8 


Surah 78: Al-Nabii' [ Part (Jut ) 30] 

□y 34. And a tumbler 1 
full to the brim. 2 

35. They shall hear 1 not 
therein any vain talk 4 
(3 nor any lying. 5 

V* - 

36. As a reward 6 
from your Lord — 
a gift 7 on consideration. 8 

vyLilfyj 37. The Lord of the heavens 
and the earth and all that is 
Lji in between the two, 9 

A* ^ 

^9' the All-Compassionate. 
They shall have no power 10 
iii in His Presence 
OCli** of making an address." 

38. That day 

q ) there will stand up Jibril 12 

tf, ^ ^ 

and the angels 15 in rows. 14 
d>y?££y There shall speak 15 not 

1. JS ka's < 1 .; pt. kuus/kids/ka'sdt) = cup. 
tumbler, drinking glass. See at 37:45. p. 1437, n. 
10 . 

2. i. e , with the most salutary drink. JUj dih&q a 
full to the brim. 

3. vasma'una = they listen, hear, pay 

attention (v. iii. m. pi. impfet from sami’a (sum’ 
/samd ' / samA’ah /masnui'\. to hear. Sec at 10:67, 
p. 661. n. 10). 

4. yd laghw = loose talk, thoughtless utterance. 

vanity, nonsense, ineffectual. See at 56:25, p. 
1756, n. 12. 

5. v'-iT kidhdhab = denial, rejection, lying. 

6. «iyr jazS' = retribution, penalty, repayment. 

recompense, requital, reward Sec at 78:26. p. 
1936. n. 13). 

7. .U«* ‘aid’ (s.; pi. a'liyah) = gift, present, 
offer See at 38:39. p. 1469. nil. 

8. i. e.. on consideration of the deeds and merits. 

Vi— *- hisab (pi. hisubdt)= calculation, 

reckoning, accounting, taking of account, 
consideration. See at 38:26, p. 1466. n. 9. 

9. This is an emphatic statement of monotheism, 
particularly monotheism in respect of Allah as 
the Sole Creator and Lord (iwhld ulrububtyah). 

10. yamlikdna = they possess, hold. 

dominate, own. have power over (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. from malaka | malk/mulk/milk ). to lake in 
possession. See at 35:13, p. 1376, n. 3). 

11. v'tW khitab (s.; pi. kfulMli/'akhiibah ) = 

speech, public address, oration, letter Sec at 
38:24. p 1465. n. I. 

12. R6h is another name for Jibril. He is 
mentioned specifically for his distinguished 
poisition among the angels. £_yj ruh (s.; pi. 

unviih) = breath of life, soul, spirit, spirit of life. 
wahy. Jibril See at 70:4, p. 1877. n. 7. 

13. mali'ikah (sing, malak) = angels. Sec 
at 41:14, p. 1544, n. 8 

14. saff (s.; pi. su/Of) = row. rank. line, 
file. See at 61:4. p. 1815. n. 3). 

15. yatakaJlamOna = they speak, talk. 

discuss, converse (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
takallamu form V of kalanui ( katm ). to wound. 
See yutakullamu at 30:35, p. 1301, n. 8) 

SQruh 78: Al-Nuha ’ ( Pari Uuz ) 30] 


anyone except the one 
aioji for whom there gives leave' 
the All-Compassionate; 
and he shall speak 
that which is right. 2 

39. That is the Day 
jil Most True.' 

So whoever wills may take 
towards his Lord 
a destination. 5 

40. Verily We warn 6 you of 
a punishment not far away. 7 

>> That day a person will see 8 
what have there advanced 9 
*\jt his two hands; 

and the unbeliever will say: 
eg*? 8 *- "Woe to me, 

would that I were dust!" 10 

1. i. e.. noi even the angels will speak and 
intercede for anyone unless Allah gives leave to 
do so (See also 2:255. 21:28. 34:22 and 53:26) 
jit 'adhina - he permitted, gave leave, allowed 

(v. iii. m. s. past from idhn, to allow, to permit, to 
listen. See at 34:22. p. 1376. n. 10). 

2. v*y* sawdb = that which is right, correct, 

3. i. e„ there is no doubt about its occurrence. 

4. ittakhadha ~ he took . took for him. took 

up. assumed (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of 
'akhadha [’akhdh], to take. See at 76:29. p. 1925. 
n. 4). 

5. ma‘ab= place to which one returns, 
destination, return . See at 78:22, p. 1936, n. 5. 

6. kijjit andharna = we warned, cautioned, (v. i. 

pi past from 'andliara, form IV of nudhara 
[nttdhr / nudhur ]. to dedicate, to vow. In its form 
IV Cindhdr ) the verb means to warn with a 
mention of the consequences of disregarding the 
warning. See andhara at 54:36. p. 1736. n. 6). 

7. ■— qarib = near, proximate, not far away. 

dose by, shortly. Ever Near. See at 72:25. p. 
1896, n. 6. 

8. jki yanzuru = he looks, sees, views, glances, 
looks expectantly, awaits, waits for (v. iii m. s 
impfcL from napura [ nuzaru Iruizr/manzar], to 
see. view, look at. Sec at 38:15, p. 1462. n, 9). 

9 i c . of good and bad deeds. a— Ji qaddamat - 
she sent ahead, forwarded, advanced (v. iii. f. s. 
past from qaddtwui, form II of qadamu / qadimu [ 
qadm /qudum /qidnuin /muqdtim\ to precede, to 
arrive. See at 62:7, p. 1822. n. 9). 

10. i. e.. not resurrected, and the death was the 
end of everything (sec 69:27, p. 1873). 

lurdb (s.; pi. alribah/ tirbun) = soil, dust. dirt, 
earth Sec at 56:47, p. 1759. nil. 

79. SOratal-Nazi' At (TheDivesters) 
Makkan: 46 ’ayahs 

This is also an early Makkan surah and, like the previous surah, its main themes arc monotheism 
(lawhid), the Messcngcrship ( nsalah ) of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, the 
Resurrection, Judgement, reward and punishment in the hereafter. It is named after its first 'ayah 
wherein Allah swears by those agncls who take away the lives of Allah's creatures by Allah's command. 
It then refers to the Reusrrcction and the situation on that day of those who diebclicve in it and to their 
doubts about it. Then it is pointed that there will be only a single blast and all will be resurrected. Next a 
reference is made to how Fir'awn disbelieved and disobeyed the Messenger of Allah, Musa, peace be on 
him. and how Allah punished him and his followers. This is done by way of reminding the unbelievers 
of the consequences of disbeliving and rejecting the message and the guidance delivered by the 
Messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. The surah ends by once again drawing 
attention to the Day of Resurrection and the rewards and punishments that await respectively the 
believers and the unbelievers. 

1. By those who divest 1 
0£ in a plunge. 2 

.yly'J U 2. By those who draw' 

Q&Z in a mild draw. 

.-.'l.v-j fj 3. By those who swim across 4 
^ in a swim. 

4. Then the outstripped 5 
who go ahead. 

5. And those who carry out 6 
Q\'Ji a command. 

1. i. e . the angels who divest the life-spirit (rub) 
of the unbelievers al death. Allah may swear by 
anything or being of His creation, but His 
servants may swear only by Him. o/Ujti nazi'at 

(f. pf; s. nuz ah, m. nun' ) = those that take 
with force, wrest, divest, remove, deprive (act. 
participle from nuzu'a (ruir'I. to take away. 
tanzi'u at 54:20. p. 1733, n. 1). 

2. gharq = drowning, sinking, immersion, 
plunge. See mughruqun at 44:24. p. 1610. n II, 

3. i. e , the angels who lake away mildly the ruh 
of believers al death, otksu ndshitdl (f. pi.; s. 
ndshitah; m. mishit) = those who draw/ pull 
/attract gcntly(act participle from naslwta 
|niu/tr). to draw/ attract mildly.). 

4. i. e.. for carrying out Allah's commands. 

sabih&t (f. pi.; s .uibthuh, m. s&bih ) - 

swimmers, those who float (act. participle from 
sabaha {subh/stbuhuh], to swim. Sec subbih at 
76:26. p. 1924. n 8) 

5. i. c the angels. e,U|L sabtqdt = those that go 

ahead, oulrslnppers (act. participle from 
sabaqu [ruby), to be or gel ahead or before. 
See sdbiq at 36:40, p. 1418. n. 9). 

6. ol j/Sa mudabbirat (f. pi.; s. mudabbirah, m 

mdubbir ) = those that arrange, organize, 
regulate, direct, conduct, carry out (act 
participle from dabbura, form II of dubaru 
[dubur], to turn one's bock, to pass. Sec 
vudabbiru at 32:5. p. 1325. n. 7) 


Surah 79: AINdn'dt ( Pan (Jut/) 30 ) 


6. On that day there will 
0 i 'tJ)\ convulse 1 the convulsion. 2 

7. There shall follow’ it 

0 *' * X A 

the succeeding one. 

8. Hearts shall that day be 
0 in commotion. 5 

9. Their eyes shall be 
downcast. 6 

10. They say: 

"Shall we indeed be reverted 7 
0ij(tij to the original state?"® 

1 l."Will that be when we are 
bones’ rotten to dust?" 10 

12. They say: 'That then 
($) will be a return" in loss." 12 

13. But it will only be 

t. The conclusion of the swearing is that the 
Resurrection shall take place and that on that day 
the first blowing of the trumpet will cause the 
death of every living being and convulse the earth 
and the mountains. tarjufu - she or it 

quakes, is shaken, convulses, trembles, agitates (v. 
iii. f. s. impfet. from rajafa [rujJ/rajaJdn), to be 
convulsed, to quake. See at 73:14, p. 1900. n. 9). 

2. i. e„ the first blowing of the trumpet. U»i_, 

rajifah (f. s.; m. rajif ) = that which convulses, 
shakes, agitates (act participle from rajafa. Sec n 
I above). 

3. £.3 tatba'u = she or it follows, comes after (v. 

iii. f. s. impfet. from labi'a [laha'/laba ah], to 
follow. Sec inaba'6 at 71:21, p. 1888, n. 2). 

4. i. e.. the second blowing of the trumpet for the 
Resurrection. Uatj radifah (f. s.; m. rudif)- that 
which comes next, the succeeding one (act 
participle from radifa [ radf\. to come next. 
See radifa at 27:72, p. 1224, n. 5). 

5. Wj w&jifah ( f. s.; m. wdjif) = agitated, 

excited, in commotion (act participle from wajafa 
[wajf / wujuf I wajtf J, to be agitated Sec 
‘awjaflum at 59:6. p. 1796. n. II). 

6. khashi ah = submissive, humble, dry 

and barren, downcast (active participle from 
khasha'a \khushu ']. to be submissive, humble, 
dry and barren. Sec at 68:43. p. 1865. n. 12). 

7. i. e., the unbelievers say. OjSyv mardudun 

(pi.; s. mardud ) = those reverted, returned, sent 
back, repulsed, resisted, warded off, repelled 
(passive participle from raddu [radd\. to send 
back See mardud at 1 1 :76. p. 705, n. 3). 

8. ijkt- h&firah - original condilion/stale. 

9. fit* ‘iiam (pi.; sing, avn) = bones. See at 
75:3. p. 1913. n. 5. 

10. ijiui nakhirah = rotten, rotten to dust, 
worm-eaten, decayed. 

11. if karrah (s.; pi. karrdl) = a return, 
recurrence, comeback, once. 

12. i. e . because they will be punished, i^l*- 
khdsirah( f. s.; m. khdsir ) = she or that which is 
in loss, loser, is doomed to loss (active participle 
from khasara [ /khasdrah /khu.irdn] 
to lose. See khdstrdn at 63:9, p, 1828, n. II). 


Surah 79: Al-N/U'&t I Part (Juz) 30 ] 


a blast 1 for once. 



14. And lo, they shall be 
on the earth's surface! 2 

15. Has there come to you 
the account' of Musa? 

16. When his Lord called out 4 
to him in the valley 5 sanctified,' 1 
Tuwa? 7 

17. "Go to Fir'awn. 

Verily he has trangressed." 8 

ji 1 8. "And say to him: 

Ju'ji Are you willing to proceed 
®£y to purifying yourself?"’ 

JLuT; 19. "And I guide 10 you 
towards your Lord, 
so you be afraid?" 11 

1. • j»j zajrah = blast, piercing sound. See at 
37:19. p. 1433. n. 6. 

2. i. e , they shall all be resurrected, i /U sdhirah 

= surface of the earth (The Arabs call the open 
space on rhe earth's surface sdhirah because they 
use 10 pass night over such a place. 

3. The account of MfisS. peace be on him. is 
recalled in order lo remind the unbelievers of the 
consequences of their unbelief and to encourage 
the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on 
him. in the face of the unbelief and opposition of 
his people. .i+s*- hadith (s.; pi. ahddith ) s 

speech, talk, narrative, report, discourse, account 
See at 77:50. p. 1932, n. 8. 

4 i$su nadu = he called out. called, summoned. 

cried out (v. iii. m. s. past in form III of naM 
[nadw], to call. Sec at 43:51. p. 1595, n. 10). 

5. siy w&din (s.; pi ' awdiyah ) = ravine, river bed, 
valley, vale, gorge. See at 27:18. p. 1207, n 8. 

6. muqaddas = sanctified, sacred, holy. 

consecrated ( passive participle from qaddasa, 
form If of qadusa Iquds/qudus], 10 be holy, be 
pure. See al 20:12, p. 978, n. 8. 

7. The Tuwa valley on the Mount Sinai 

8 i. e„ corsscd all limits in unbelief and defiance 
of Allah. tanka = he transgressed, crossed 
all limits, overflowed (v. iii. m. s. past from 
lughan/ tughydn. to exceed all bounds. See al 
69:11. p. 1870. n. 4) 

9. i. c„ from the filth of sin and unbelief, } 

tazakkd (originally tatazjakkd ) = he purifies 

himself, gets purified (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
tazakkd, form V of zukd [mU'|, to grow, be 
pure, just. Sec tazakkd (iii.m s past) al 35:18. p. 
1397. n. 5). 

10. iS-ut 'ahdiya(dt) = I guide, show the way, 

lead (v. i. s. impfet. from hadd [hady/ hudan J 
hiddyah], to guide, lo lead. The final letter takes 
fal-hah because the verb is conclusion of the 
conditional sentence of the previous 'dyah. See 
ahdi at 40:29. p. 1520. n. 5). 

1 1. i. e., of Allah, takhshd = you be afraid. 

fear, dread, apprehend (v. ii m. s. impfet. from 
khashtya [khashy/khashmh], to fear, to dread). 
See at 33:37. p. 1351. n. 3) 

Surah 79: Al-Nauut [ Part (Jut) 30 ) 


iyfc 20. Then he showed 1 him 
the sign 2 most great. 

21. But he disbelieved 1 
{$).>>*> and defied. 4 

22. Then he turned back 5 
making an effort. 6 

'JZti 23. And assembled 7 
and proclaimed: 8 

tijl u 24. 'Then he said, I am the 
C$1 Lord of you, the most high." 

liiuii 25. So Allah seized 9 him in 
j& an exemplary punishment 10 
fj?> I' of the hereafter 
0 djihj and the first." 

jjj'i jji 26. Verily in that is a 
lesson 12 

for anyone that fears. 11 

1. } ’arS = He showed, made (someone) see 

(v. iii. s. past in form IV of ru'd Ira'y/ru’yah], to 
see. to see in dream. See 'aravnd at 47:30, p 
1657. n. 12). 

2. i. e.. the miracle of his stick turning a serpent 
and devouring the magic of Fir'awn's magicians 

’ayah (pi. ov, aval) = sign, test of the 

Qur’fin, miracle, evidence. Sec at 48:20, p 1670. 
n. I 

3. wuf kadhdhaha = he cried lies to. regarded as 
false, disbelieved (v iii. m. s. past in form II of 
kadhaba \ktdhb /kiuthib Aadhbah / kidhbah], to 
lie. See at 75:32, p. 1917. n. 8). 

4. 'aid - he disobeyed, rebelled, defied (v. 

iii. m. s. past from tsydn/ ma .uyah, to disobey, 
to defy Sec at 73:16. p. 1901, n. I). 

5. ji> t ’adbara = he turned back, (led, ran away. 

retreated (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of dabara 
[dubur\, to turn one's back. Sec at 74:33. p. 1909. 
n. 2). 

6. i. e„ for opposing and counteracting Musa, 
i yas ‘6 = he runs, strives, endeavours, makes 

an effort (v. iii. tn. s. impfcl. from su'd | su’y). to 
move quickly. Sec at 66:8, p. 1847. n. 10). 

7. i. e.. the people of his kingdom. has ham 

= he assembled, gathered, mustered, collected, 
rallied, herded (v. iii. in. s. past from hashr, to 
gather. Sec hushira at 46:6, p. 1632. n. 12). 

8. ndda = he called out, called, summoned, 
cried out, proclaimed (v. iii. m. s past in fo m 111 
of nadd Imtdw], to call. See at 79:16, p 1912, n. 

9. ‘akhadha = he took, caught, got hold of. 
seized (v. iii. m. s past from akhrlh See at 69:10, 
p. 1870. n. 2). 

10. J& nakdl = exemplary punishment, warning 
example. Sec tank U at 4:84. p. 278, n. 10. 

1 1. i. c . life of this world. 

12. • j* ‘ibrah (pi. ^ ibar) = lesson, example. 

warning, advice. Sec at 24:44. p. 1125. n. 2. 

13. i. c„ fears Allah and the consequences of 
disobeying Him and His Messenger. 
vakhshd = he fears, is afraid of. apprehends, 
dreads (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from khashiva 
[khashv/khushyah], to fear, to dread). See at 
35:18. p. 1399. n. 16). 


Surah 79: Ai-Ndzi at ( Part Uuz ) 30 J 

Section ( Ruku ‘ ) 2 

llKit 27. Are you the harder 
i&tfuL. to create' or the sky? 

($1 lj£ He has built 2 it. 

28. He has raised' its height 4 
($)£p and has put it in order.' 

Jli\j 29. And He has made dark 6 
liB its night 

and produced 7 its day-time." 

J’j/ij 30. And the earth 
isIIjIjZ besides that 
$ He shaped like an egg. 9 

3 1 . And produced out of it 
its water and its pastures. 10 

jCifJ 32. And the mountains" 

He firmly fixed. 12 

33. As provision" for you 
and f° r y° ur livestock. 14 

1. i. e., lo recreate and resurrect- jl* khalq = 
creation, to create, origination, making; also 
creatures, shape, constitution. See at 35:1, p. 
1389, n. 6. 

2. ,>( band = he made, built, set up. founded, 
constructed (v. iii. m. s. past from bind'/ bunydn, 
to build. See banyna at 78:12. p. 1934, n. 8). 

3. £»j rafa'a = he raised, took up. lifted up. 
elevated (v. iii. m. s. past from raf. to raise, to lift 
up. See at 55:7, p. 1742, n. I). 

4. jJ U- samk = height, elevation, roof. 

5. <. iy* sawwd = he straightened, duly shaped, 
made equal, made good, put in order, smoothed 
(v. iii. m. s. past in form II of satviya (jmon|, to 
be equal. See at 32:9. p. 1326, n. 9). 

6. 1 ’aghtasha = he made dark, darkened (v. 
iii. m. s. past in form IV of ghatasha (g/uiuSt), to 
be dark) 

7. jr 'akhraja = he ousted, drove out, 

expelled, dislodged, brought out. produced (v. iii. 
m. s past in form IV of kharaju [khuruj], lo go 
out. to leave. Sec at 59:2, p. 1 794. n. 4). 

8. duhan = forenoon, day-time. Sec at 
20:59. p 988. n. 10. 

9. dahd = he shaped like an egg (v. iii. m. s. 
past from dahiyah) 

10. y mar 'an = pasture, grazing land, 

11. jibdt (pi.; s. jabat) = mountains, 
mountain-like clouds. See at 78:20, p. 1754, n. 2. 

12. i. c . lo make the earth's crust stable. sr-J 'and 
= he firmly fixed, made fast, anchored (v. iii. m. s. 
past in form IV of raw [ra.twj. lo be firm, to 
anchor. Sec rdsiydi at 34:13, p 1372, n. II). 

13. i. e . all these He did for making provision for 
your living. maid' (pi amii ab) = goods. 

wares, necessities of life, provision, chattel, 
article of use. enjoyment. Sec at 57:20, p. 1776. n. 
10 . 

14. fWt 'an'dm (pi.; s. na' am) - grazing 

livestock (sheep, cattle, camels, goats), animals 
See at 47:12. p. 1651. n. 5. 

Surah 79: Al-Ndzidi ( Pori (Juz') 30 1 


34. So when there shall come 
i-t&f the disaster' most monstrous. 2 

35. That day man shall recall 5 
all that he strove for. 4 

36. And exposed 5 will be hell 
Qisjpi for anyone that sees. 

o-Cft 37. So as to those 
$ cA that transgress 6 

y\lj 38. And prefer 7 
($}Gji;j^lT the worldy life, 

39. Verily hell. 

that shall be the abode. 8 

40. And as for those who fear 9 
tG the Position 10 of their Lord, 

an(J prevents" the self 
$ from whims, 12 

1. i. c., (he Resurrection i>U» lammah = disaster, 
catastrophe, overwhelming calamity. 

2. iSjf kubrd = biggest, most huge, gravest, most 
monstrous ( f. of ’akbar. dative of kabSr. big). 

3. yS'i, yatadhakkaru = he takes heed, bears in 

mind, remembers, recalls, receives admonition (v. 
iii. m. s. irnpfct. from tadhakkura, form V of 
dhakaru [dhikr/ tudhkdr ], to remember. Sec at 
40:13. p. 1514, n. 5). 

4. i. e.. what he did of good and bad deeds, 
sa‘6 = he ran, hurried, speeded, moved quickly, 
strove (v. iii. m. s. past from sa'y, to run. to move 
quickly. See at 53:39. p. 1725. n I) 

5. ji burrizat = she or it was made visible, 
brought to view, exposed (v. iii. f. s. past passive 
from barraza. form II of baraza [buruz], to come 
to view. See at 26:91, p. 1 178, n 10) 

6. jiV taghd = he transgressed, crossed all limits. 

overflowed <v. iii. m. s. past from taghun / 
tughydn, to exceed all bounds Sec at 79:16, p 
1942. n. 8). 

7. Jb 'athara = he preferred, chose, liked (v. iii. 

m. s. past in form IV of 'athara [ 'athr/athdrah], 
to transmit, report, relate. Sec at 12:91, p. 756. n. 

8. i. e.. of theirs ma’wan (s.; pi. ma'dwin) 

= habitation, abode, dwelling, shelter (adverb of 
place from awd Cowry). to seek shelter. See at 
66:9. p 1848. n 6). 

9. jU khafa = he feared, was afraid of (v. iii. m, 
s. past from khawf. See at 55:46, p. 1748. n. 2). 

10. i. e„ the Court of his Lord, or standing before 
Him on the Day of Judgement fli. maq&m (s. ; 

pi. muqdmdl) = place, position, standing, station, 
location, spot, habitat (noun of place/timc from 
i/dma Iqawmah/ qiydm], to stand up. to get up, to 
rise Sec at 55:46. p. 1748, n. 3). 

11. u* naha = he forbade, prohibited, 

proscribed, prevented (v. iii. m. pi. impfcL from 
nahd. Inahw/nahv}, to forbid. See at 59:17, p. 
1797, n. II). 

12. cfj» hawan (s.; pi. ahud) = affection, 

desire, craving, whims. See at 45:23, p 1625. n. 


Surah 79: M N&a Ot [ Part (Jut ) 30 ) 

41. Verily the garden, 
that shall be the abode.' 

42. They ask 2 you 
about the Hour:' 

($) "When will its arrival 4 be?" 

43. About which you are not 
in awareness 5 of. 

44. To your Lord is 
its final destination. 6 

45. You are but a wamer 7 
for anyone that fears 8 it. 

PV - 46. As if they will be, 

'Qxtfc on the day they see it, 

that they had not tarried’’ 
but for an evening 111 
or its forenoon." 

1. i. e . of (heirs. ma 'van (*.; pi ma’dwin) = 
habitation, abode, dwelling, shelter (adverb of 
place from 'awd ['awry], to seek shelter. See at 
79:39. p 1945. n. 8). 

2. Jjft—, yas ’aluna - the ask. enquire (v. iii. m 

pi impfet. from .to ala | su'd!/ nun’alah/uis’dl], 
to ask. See at 8:1, p. 546. n. I). 

3. i. e.. the Hour of Resurrection W- id'ali (s.; 
pi. sil'dl) = hour, time, clock, the Hour of 
Resurrection. Sec at 54:46, p. 1738. n. 9. 

4 s murid = anchorage, amval. See at 1 1 :4I , 
p. 691 n. 10. 

5. > dhikrd = recollection, remembering. 

memory, awareness, reminder. See at 47:18. p. 
1645, n 3. 

6. i. e . its ultimate knowledge. munlahan - 
terminated, finished, highest degree, utmost limit, 
the point where everything ends, final destination 
(pass, participle from mlahd, form VIII of nahd 
[nahy/nahw], to forbid. See at 53:42. p 1725. n 

7. i. e„ about it. jJL. mundhir = warner. one who 

warns (act. participle from 'andhara. to warn, 
form IV of nadhara, [ruullir /nudhdr]. to dedicate, 
to make a vow. See at 50:2, p. 1 685, n. 4). 

8. yakhsha = he fears, is afraid of, 

apprehends, dreads (v. iii. m s. impfet. from 
khashiya ( khashy/khashyah ], to fear, to dread). 
See at 79:26, p 1943. n. 13). 

9. t^J, yalbalhd (rnr) = they stayed, remained, 

lingered, persisted, tarried (v. iii. m. pi. impfet 
from lahilha | iabth. lubth/lubalh ] , to remain The 
terminal nirn is dropped for the particle lam 
coming before the verb. See at 46:35. p. 1645. n. 

10. ‘ashiyah (s.; pi. 'aihdyd ) = (late) 
evening, night. Sec at 19:1 1. p. 953. n. 6. 

11. duhan = forenoon, day-time See at 
79:29. p. 1944. n. 8 

80 . SOrat ‘Abasa (He Frowned) 
Makkan: 42 ‘ayahs 

It is an early Makkan surah which deals with the themes of lawl/id (monotheism), risdlah 
(Messengership of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him), the Qur’an and the 
Resurrection. It starts with Allah's affectionate reproof of His Messenger as he frowned at a blind man 
('Abd Allah ibn 'Umm Maktum) who approached him for guidance when he was busy in speaking about 
his mission to a number of leading men of Makka. The surah is named 'Abasa (He frowned) with 
reference to this first 'ayah of it. The surah then points out that this Qur'an is noble and exalted and 
that it has been delivered by a dutiful and upright angel messenger. Next the theme of Allah as the Sole 
and Only Creator and Lord ( tawliid al-rububiyah ) is brought home by drawing attention to His having 
created man and every being and thing and His having made all the provisions for His creatures' 
livelihood and well-being. It is also pointed out that He causes them to die and that He will resurrect 
them when He wills. The surah ends by once again drawing attention to the Resurrection and by 
pointing out that on that day a man will be so engrossed in his own affair that he will flee even from his 
sons, wife, parents and brothers. 

1. See introductory note above. ,_ r J- ‘abasa = he 

frowned, looked sternly, scowled (v. iii. m. s. 
past from 'abs/'ubus, to frown, to scowl. See at 
74:22. p. 1906. n 8). 

2. Jy in walla = he look over, undertook, turned 

away, averted, took for a friend (v. iii. m. s. past 
in form V of waliya [watd'/wildyah], to be near, 
to be a friend See at 75:32, p. 1917. n. 9). 

3. ^->1 ’a ‘mb (s.: pi. *« my) = blind, blind 
person. See at 48: 17, p. 1668. n. 8. 

4. tfjS, yudrt = he or it makes (someone) realize. 

informs, lets know, notifies (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
from 'adra, form IV of data [ dirdyah), to 
know. See at 42:17, p. 1567, n. 6). 

5. i. e.. from the filth of polytheism, 
yazzakkd (originally yalazakkd ) = he purifies 
himself, gets purified (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
tazukkii, form V of zakd \zakd'\, to grow, be 
pure. just. See tazakka at 79:18. p. 1942, n. 9). 

6. jS’jj yadhdhakkaru (originally jTJl, 
yaladhukkuru ) = he bears in mind, learns a 
lesson, lakes heed (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
ladhakkara. form V of dhakara [dhikr/iadhkdr\, 
to remember See yadhdhakkaru at 25:62, p. 

1157, n. 37. 

7. £& tanfa'u = she or it avails, benefits (v. iii. f. 

s. impfet. from nafa'a [naf], to be useful, be of 
use. See at 74:48. p. 1919. n. 1). 


J 1*. 1 . He frowned 1 

Qdyj and turned away. 2 

.'ij 2. That there came to him 
the blind person.* 

3. And what will make you 
Aft realize'* that perhaps 
he will purify himself? 5 

"j\ 4. Or will take heed 6 
Zjl* and there will benefit 7 him 
the admonition. 


1948 Surah 80: 'Abasa | Pari {Jut") 30 ] 

I xj du~\ istaghna = he became in no need, had no 
need, fell himself in no need, was able to do 
without (v. iii. m. s. past in form X of ghaniya 
[ghiruin/ghand'], to be free from want. See at 
64:6. p 1832. n.6). 

2. tasadda (originally lalofaddd) - you 

apply yourself, pay attention, undenake (v. ii. m. 
s. impfcl. from lasaddd. form V of uidiya 
Ifudan], to be thirsty). 

3. i. e.. from the filth of polytheism and unbelief. 
>' lazakka (originally tatazakka) = he 

purifies himself, gels purified (v. iii m. s. impfet. 
from lazakkd. form V of zakd | zjikA to grow, 
be pure, just. See 79:18. p. 1942, n. 9). 

4 i. e„ to get the truth. < yas'i = he runs, 
moves quickly, strives, endeavours (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from sa ‘d [ ta'y], to move quickly. See at 
79:22, p 1943. n. 6). 

5. i. e.. fears Allah, yakhshd = he fears, is 

afraid of, apprehends, dreads (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
from khashiya ( khashy/khashyah ] . to fear, to 
dread). See at 79:45. p. 1946, n. 8). 

6. j+u lalahha (originally talalahhd) = you are 

distracted, tum away attention (v. ii. m. s. impfet. 
from talahhil. form V of luhii [/a/m], to amuse, 
to trifle away. See Id in I hi at 63:9. p. 1828. n. 6). 

7. i. c.. never do so. 

8. i. e., this Qur'.in is a reminder, %/ii tadhkirah 

= reminder. See at 76:29. p 1925. n. 3. 

9. i. e. this Qur'an is in pages — is a book, with 

Allah suhuf (pi.; s. sahtfah) = pages, 

books, scriptures. See at 74:52, p. 191 1, n. II. 

10. k, mkarramah (f. s., m. mukarram ) = 

venerated, honoured, revered, treated with 
deference (passive parliciplc from karrama, form 

II of karuma [ karam/karumah/karumah], to be 
noble See mukarmdn at 70:35. p. 1882, n. 1). 

11. marfu'ah (s. f. m murfu') = raised, 
elevated, mode high, exalted (pass, participle from 
raja'a [ raf ] . to raise, to lift up. See at 56:34, p. 
1758. n. 2). 

1 2. • mulahharah ( f. mas. mutahhar) = 

rendered pure, pure, immaculate, unblemished 
(passive participle from ( ahhuru , form II of 
tahara /(ahum [ tuhr/iahdrah ]. to be pure, clean. 
See at 3:15, p. 160, n. 7). 

5. As to the one who 
thinks himself in no need, 1 

6. To him you pay attention. 2 

SaZCj 7. And what is against you 
that he purifies himself 3 not? 

8. And as to the one who 
came to you striving;' 1 

9. And he fears. 5 

10- From him you 
^ ju; turn away your attention. 6 

11. Never. 7 

Verily it is a reminder.® 

£j> 12. So let anyone who wills 
keep it in mind. 

13. In pages 9 venerated. 10 

14 . Exalted, "rendered pure. 12 

Surah 80: A bar a ( Pan (Juz) 30 ) 


15. In the hands of scribes, 1 

16. Noble 2 and dutiful.’ 

17. Woe to man! 

How ungrateful 4 he is! 

1 8. From what material 
did He create him? 

''f‘5 c 

19. From a drop 
He created him and 

qJJ’*-’- 4 " formulated him . 

j_^Jt p 20. Then the way 7 
Cjjjlji He made it easy 8 for him. 

xi\p 2 1 . Then He makes him die 9 
and causes him to be buried. 10 

22. Then when He wills 
!" t»pi1 He will resurrect" him. 

1. i. e., angels who write out the texts from the 
pages in al-Luwh al-Muhfuz. •>- safarah (pi.; 
s. saftr) = scribes, writers. 

2. fljf kirSm (pi , s. karim ) = nobles, dignified 

persons, distinguished ones. See 25:72. p. 1 160, n. 

3. i ,jt bararah (pi.; s. barr/bdrr ) - dutiful. 

devoted, reverent, upright righteous. 

4. Because he does not believe in his 
Creator-Lord. Who created him and provided for 
his living and gave him guidance.ytfl l* ma 
'akfara is a verb of wonder {fi'l al-ta'ajjub ) 
meaning "how ungrateful!" 

5. i. e. . of sperm. LtW nuifah (s.; pi. nuiaf) = 
drop, sperm. Sec at 76:2. p. 1919, n, 5. 

6. i. e.. developed him through stages giving final 
form and capabilities. >d = he determined, 

decreed, assessed, estimated, evaluated, enabled, 
formulated (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of qadara 
\qadr\. to estimate, to decree, to have power. See 
at 74: 1 8. p. 1906 n. 6). 

7. i. e„ the right way of life — lawhtd and IslSm. 
J— - sabtl (pi. subul/asbiluh) = way. path. road, 
means, course. See at 76:29, p. 1925. n. 5. 

8. j-i yassara - he eased, made easy. 

smoothened, facilitated (v. iii. m. s. past in form 
II of yasira [yaror], to be easy. See yossamd at 
54:40. p. 1737. n. 4). 

9. out ’amaia = he caused to die. put to death 

(v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of mala [nuiwr]. to 
die. See at 53:44, p. 1725. n. 8). 

10. yjl ‘aqbara - he caused to be 

buned/entombed (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 
qabara ( qabar/maqbar ). to bury. See qubiir at 
35:22, p. 1 398. n. 3). 

1 1 The emphasis is on the fact that as Allah has 
created and developed man and causes him to die. 
so He con and will, when he intends, resurrect 
lum ,-lJ ‘ anshara = he resurrected (v. iii. m. s. 

past in form IV of nusharu [ nashr/nushir ]. to 
spread out. to unfold, to publish. Sec 
munashsharah at 74:52, p. 1911. n. 12. 


Surah 80: 'Ahasa [ Part Uui ) 30 ) 

^ 23. No indeed. 

J?>. U He has not carried out' 

what He commanded 2 him. 

24. Let then man look 3 
at his food. 4 

25. We indeed do pour 5 

{£} water in a downpour. 6 

26. Then We crack 7 the earth 
|$iiiS in cracks. 

(JjLijli 27. Then We grow 8 therein 
!$&. com.’ 

CtJ 28. And grapes"’ and 
edible herbs." 

29. And olives 12 
and date palms. 13 

30. And orchards 14 
of luxuriant growth. 15 

1. yaqdi(l) = he spends, settles, concludes, 
decides, decrees, carries out. performs (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet from qa^d [qa4d\. to settle, to decide, to 
cany out. The final yd' is dropped because of (he 
panicle lam coming before the verb. See yaqdi at 
45:17. p. 1623. n. 5). 

2. i. e.. to believe in Him. to obey His directives 
and to worship Him Alone ’amara - he 

commanded, ordered, bid. asked (v. iii. m. s. past 
from amr. order, command See at 12:68. p.747, 
n. 6). 

3. i. e.. think about how Allah provides his food. 
jkJ li yanzur = let him look. see. consider, look 

expectantly (v. iii. m. s. imperative from nazara 
[nafr/manzar], to see. view, look at. See li lunair 

at 59:18. p. 1802. n. II). 

4. fU* la ‘dm (s.; pi. u-U af'inuih ) = food. diet, 
meal. See at 69:34, p. 1874, n. 2. 

5. lir-* sababnA = we poured, poured forth. 

imposed (v. i. pi. impfet. past from .uibba [raM>], 
to pour, pour forth. See yusabbu at 22:19, p. 
1052. n. 5). 

6. i. e. rains in abundance. 

7. i. e . for trees and plants to grow. LwLS 

shaqaqnd = we cracked, split, ripped, cleft (v. i. 
pi past from shaqqa [shaqq ). to split.. See ihiqdq 
at 41:52, p. 1559. n. 3). 

8. tail 'anbatnd = we grew, germinated, caused to 
sprout (v. i. pi. past from 'unbala. form IV of 
nabaia [ nabi J. to grow, to sprout. Sec at 50:7. 
1686, n 9). 

9. habb (s.; pi. hubub ) - groin, com. seed, 
cereal. Sec at 78: IS, p. 1935. n. 5. 

10. v* ‘inob (s.; pi. ’a'ndb) = grape See at 
17:91. p. 902. n. 8. 

1 1 . qadh = edible herbs. 

12. aytj zay tun = olives, olive tree. See at 6:99. 
p. 433. n. 7. 

13. J*i nakhl = date palm. Sec at 55:68. p. 
1751. n. 4. 

14. jSU»- had&’iq (pi.; s. l/adiqah) = gardens, 
orchards, parks. See at 78:32. 1937, n. 10. 

15. wJi ghulb (pi.; s. ghalbd ) = dense trees, 
trees of luxuriant growth. 

Surah 80: Abasa | Part (Juz‘) 30 ] 


31. And fruits' and pasture. 2 

j3ii 1; 32. As provision' for you 

and your grazing livestock. 4 

33. Then when there shall 
$aiu!> come the deafening blast. 5 

34. That day shall flee 6 a 
person from his brother. 

.A, 35. And his mother 
j^ajj and his father; 

36. And his wife 7 
and his children. 8 

37. Every person of them 
that day shall have a state'* 
that will suffice 10 him. 

ttvfrs 38. Some faces" that day 
shall be gleaming. 12 

1. lyS\i fakihah <s.; pi. faw&kih) = fruit. See at 
55:568. p. 1751. n. 3. 

2. v' 'abb = gross, plants, herbage, pasture. 

3. £ U» maid’ (pi ami: ah) = goods, wares, 

necessities of life, provision, chattel, article of 
use. enjoyment. See at 79:33, p. 1944. n. 13. 

4. fUit 'an '6m (pi.; s. .— nu'am) = grazing 
livestock (sheep, cattle, camels, goals), animals. 
See at 79:33. p. 1944. n. 14. 

5. i. e., of the Resurrection. sakhkhah = 

deafening blast/sound. 

6. i. c , because he will be fully occupied with his 
own situation and will not core for his near ones, 
os stated clearly in ‘ Ayah 37 below.yu yafirru - he 

flees, escapes, runs away (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
farra [firar/mafarr ]. to flee, to run away. Sec 
/omrr at 74:51. p. 191 l.n. 8). 

7. sahibah (f.; m. stlljib) = companion. 

comrade, wife, consort, follower, owner (act. 
participle from uihiba l.r uhbah/ uihabah/ 
sihhah]. to be a companion. Sec at 72:3, p. 1891. 
n. 3). 

8. (^Kr 1 bant(n) (pi.; accusativc/genitive of 

banSn; s ibn) = sons, descendants, offspring, 
children (the final min is dropped because of the 
genitive construction). Sec bantn at 26:133. p. 
1185. n. 9. 

9. oU sha’n (s.: pi. shu un) = situation, 
condition, state, circumstances, affair, matter. Sec 
at 55:29. p. 1745, n. 6. 

10. i. e.. he will be so preoccupied with his 
position that he will have neither time nor any 
inclination towards attending to any one clse’s 
affair, even if that person is his near one. 

yughnS = he suffices, makes free from want, 
enriches, makes rich, avails, helps (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from ughna, form IV of ghaniya [ ghinan 
/ ghana ’ ), to be free from want, to be rich. Sec at 
53:28. p 1722. n. 2). 

1 1 . tyry wujuh (sing. i vajh) = faces, 

countenances. Sec at 75:22. p. 1916. n. 5). 

12. • y — • musfirah - gleaming, shining, 
beaming, radiant (act. participle from <n jura. 
form IV of safara [ra/r], to shine. See 'asfara at 
74:34. p. 1909. n. 3). 


Surah 80: [ Port ( Juz ' ) 30 | 

i$S 39. Smiling 1 and rejoicing. 2 

wj 40. And some faces will 
Xfx have that day 
$?£££ on them dust.’ 

l £*} 41. There will overtake'* them 
($3 »>i gloom. 5 

Ji’jji 42. Such ones, 

they are the unbelievers, 6 
the sinful. 7 

1 . t£»-L» dahikah (f.; m. duhik) - ,iU-t_» dahik = 

one who laughs, laughing, smiling (act. participle 
from tfahika ( if ah k/di hkJdah i 1 1 , to laugh. Sec 
4d>)‘k at 27:19. p 1207, n. 14). 

2. ij~—r muslabshirah (f . m. muMabshir ) = 

rejoicing, happy (act. participle from istabshara. 
form X of bathara /bashira ( btshr / bushr /. to be 
happy. See yaslabshirina at 39:45. p. 1497. n. 6). 

3. i ghabarah = dust. 

4. jmJ tarhaqu - she or it overtakes, comes 

over. (v. iii. f. s. impfct. from rahuqa [ruhuq], to 
come over, overtake See at 70:44. p. 1883, n. 1 1). 

5. iji qatarah = gloom, ignominy. 

6. i/if ka/arah (pi.; s. kdfir ) = unbelievers. 

disbelievers, ungorteful. infidel (act. partciple 
from kafara [ kufr\. to disbelieve, to cover. See 
kafir at 76:24. p. 1924, n. 4). 

7. fajarah (pi ; s. fOjir) - immoral one, 

depraved, libertine, licentious, sinful (act. 
participle from fajara [ fujur J. to act immorally, to 
commit adultery, sin. See f&jir at 71:27, p. 1889, 
n. 9). 


8 1 . SOratal-TakwIr (The Rolling up) 
Makkan: 29 'ayahs 

This is also an early Makkan surah. Its main themes are the Resurrection, the risdlah 
(Messcngcrship of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and the Qur'an. It starts by 
referring to some of the horrible events that will take place on the eve of the Resurrection, beginning 
h the rolling up of the sun (al-Takwir). The surah is named after this initial 'ayah. It then emphasizes 
risdlah and points out that the Qur'an was delivered by the noble angel messenger Jibril ('ayahs 
21). Next it is pointed out that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, saw 
angel Jibril in his actual form appearing in the clear horizon. Finally it is emphasized that the Qur'an 
is a reminder ( dhikr ) for all beings calling them to the straight path. 

1 . When the sun 
shall be rolled up 

fyhwAj 2. And when the stars 2 shall 
Qljj&i be dispersed. 5 

j 3. And when the mountains - 
shall be set in motion; 5 

lilj 4. And when the ten-month 
ILLJi pregnant she-camels 6 
iiii shall be neglected; 7 

Ji^lu ^ 5. And when the wild animals" 
^ shall be assembled; 9 

1. i. e„ extinguished and removed. This and the 
succeeding 12 'dyahs describe some of the 
dreadful events that will usher in the Resurrection 

and the day of Judgement. Oj^f kuwwirat = she 
or it was rolled, rolled up, coiled, rolled into a 
ball, made round, rounded (v. iii. f. s. past passive 
from kawwara. form II of kora [kuwr], to hurry ). 

2. { nujum (pi.; s. rutjm ) = stars. See at 77:8, 
p. 1927, n. 5. See at 77:8, p. 1927. n. 5. 

3. Ojii' inkadarat = she became dispersed, 

scattered (v. iii. f. s. past from inkadara, form 
VII of kadura [kadar], to be turbid, dreary). 

4. Jt» jibdl (pi.; s. jabal) = mountains, 
mountain-like clouds. See at 79:32, p. 1944, n. 1 1. 

5. Ojr, suyyirat = she or it was set in motion, 

moved (v. iii. f. s. past passive from sayyara, form 
II of s&ra [jayr /sayruruh / masir/ masirah/ 
lasydr] to move, to travel. Sec at 78: 20, p. 1955, 

n. 15). 

6. jUj. ‘ishar (pi.; s. ashrd') = ten-month 
pregnant she camels. 

7. cJJu. •ulfjlat = she was abandoned, neglected. 

deserted (passive participle from 'atiala. form II 
of ’afila I ' ami ). to be destitute, idle. See 
mu aflulah at 22:45, p. 1062, n. 5). 

8 ^ y; wuhdsh (pi.; s. watfsh ) = wild animals, 

9. hushira t = she was assembled. 

gathered, mustered, collected, rallied, herded (v. 
iii. f. s post passive from fyashara [hashr], to 
gather. See hushiru at 27:17, p 1207, n. 5). 



Surah 8 1 : Al-Takwlr [ Part (Vuz ') 30 ) 

jCJlliJj 6. And when the seas' 
shall be overflowed; 2 

J-yclify 7. And when the souls 1 
QcSr-jj shall be coupled; 4 

8. And when the 
female babes buried alive 5 

QcVlL shall be questioned 6 

9. For what sin 7 
QcJii were they killed? 

iij 10. And when the pages" 
^ shall be spread out; 9 

ilrtfiip 1 1 • And when the sky 
shall be taken off, 10 

12. And when the hell 
t«J shall be set ablaze;" 

13. And when the paradise 
0,:.^ shall be brought near; 12 

1 . jl~ bihar (pi.; s. bahr) = seas. 

2. i. c . because of the commotion of the earth and 
the boiling of the water, o sujjiral = she was 

caused to overflow, overflowed (v. iii. f. s. past 
passive from sajjara. form II of .» ajara. to fire 
up, to heat. See masj&r at 52:6, p. 1707, n. 9. 

3. nufus (pi.; s. nafs) - animate beings. 

persons, human beings selves, spirit, souls. See 
nafs at 74:38. p. 1909,. n. 10. 

4. i. e„ with (heir respective bodies. c-*jj 
zuwwijal = she was coupled, paired, given in 
marriage (v. iii. f. s. past passive from zawwaja, 
form II of zdja [zinvy]. to incite, to instigate See 
zawwajnA at 52:20, p. 1710. n. 5. 

5. This has reference to the pagan Arab's custom 

of burying alive nebom female babes due to a 
supersition. maw'udah - new-born female 

baby buned alive (passive participle, from 
wu uda, to bury alive a newborn female baby). 

6. cj I s- su’ilal = she was asked, questioned, 
imleggogatcd (v. iii. f. s. past passive from sit ala 
( su'd!/ mas'atah/ ras'dl). to ask. See ysu'alina 
at 79:42. p. 1946, n. 2). 

7. dhanb (s.; pi. dliunub ) = sin, offence, 
crime, wrong. See at 55:39, p. 1747. n. 2. 

8. i. e.. of the books of deeds. suhuf (pi.; 

s. sahifah) = pages, books, scriptures. See at 
80:1*2, p 1948, n. 9. 

9. o yj nushirat = she was spread out, unfolded, 

published (v. iii. f. s. past passive from ruishara 
\nushr], to spread out. See yanshuru at 42:28, p. 
1572. n.7). 

10. c-h.- f kushital = she or it was removed, taken 

off. erased, scraped off (v. iii. f. s. past passive 
from kashala (fcasAf), to take off) 

1 1. o j * — su"iral - she or it is set ablaze, ignited, 

fired up. enkindled, kindled (v. iii. f. s. past 
passive from sa"ara. form II of sa'ara (sa'r), to 
kindle See su'ur at 54:24, p. 1734. n. 2). 

12. c-Ujl 'uzlifal = she or it was brought near, 
advanced (v. iii. f. s. past passive from 'azlafa, 
form IV of zalafu [zulf/zulaf/zatij). to go near, 
approach, advance. See at 50:31, p. 1692, n. 3). 

Surah 81 : Al-Takwir [ Pari (Juz') 30 ] 


14. Then shall know a person 
w hat it had brought. 1 

1 5. So I indeed swear 2 
by the moving planets.’ 

/JS 1 6. And the stars 4 

that appear and dsiappear. 5 

17. And by the night 
^ it becomes dark; 6 

\\j 18. And by the dawn 
as it brightens. 7 

19. Verily it is a saying 
of a messenger 8 most noble. 9 

•j ><Ji 20. Possessing power, 
Jss&ftx* near the Lord of the Throne 10 
in distinguished rank." 

21. Obeyed, 12 
moreover trustworthy.” 

1. i. e„ of good and bad deeds. o r *»-t 'ahdarat 

= she brought, set, supplied (v. tii. f. s. past from 
'a>i4aru, form IV of hadara [hutjur}. to be 
present. See mutujardn at 37:158, p. 1454, n. 7). 

2. Id is here for emphasis. f — it uqsimu = I 

swear, make an oath (v. i. s. impfet. 
from ’aqsama . form IV of qasama [t/tstam], to 
divide. See at 75:1. p. 1013. n. I). 

3. khunnas (pi.; s khunis)= planets moving 

and disappearing (act. participle from khanasa 
[kahns/ khunus/ khins], to disappear, delay). 

4. jl yrjawdr (f. pi.; s.jdnyah) - ships, those that 
move on/flow, maids, planets (act. participle from 
jura [jary], to flow. See at 55:24, p. 1744, n. 8). 

5. kunnas = stars that appear and disappear 

6. »■ as 'as a = he or it became dark, receded 
(v. iii. m. s. past). 

7. ,j-m 1 tanaffasa = he or it breathed, sighed, 
brightened (v. iii. m. s. past in form V of 
nafusa/nafisa [nafas], to be precious, to be 

8. Jj-j rasul (s.; pi. rusul) = messenger, envoy, 
emissary, delegate . See at 12:50, p. 740, n. 9. 

9. i. e., this Qur'8n is a saying of Allah delivered 
by the most noble messenger Jibril. karim * 
Most Noble, noble, kind, generous, munificent, 
respectable, held in esteem, decent ( act 
participle in the scale of fall from karuma 
[karam/ karamah/ karamuh ), to be noble, to be 
generous. See at 69:40, p. 1 874, n. 9). 

10. J-/- 'anh = throne. See at 69:17, p. 1871. n. 

11. makln (s.; pi. mukarui’) = firmly 
established, secure, distinguished, of rank, 
influential (act participle in the scale of fa'it from 
mukuna [nukd/tuA]. to be strong. See makkannd 
at 77:21. p. 1929. n. 2). 

12. multi’ = obeyed one (pass, participle 

from id’a, form IV of i/i‘altaw‘]. to obey. See 
yard' at 40:18. p. 1515. n. 12). 

13. ,>*1 'amtn = faithful, trustworthy, loyal, 
honest, trustee (active participle in the scale of 
fa'll from 'amuna [’amd/mh], to be faithful. See 
at 7:68. p 492. n. 3) 


Surah 81 : Al-Takwir ( Part (Juzj 30 ) 

22. And your companion 1 is 
not one gone off his head. 2 

iCJjiJj 23. And indeed he saw him* 
in the horizon 4 most clear. 5 

jilij 24. And he is not 

of the unseen any niggardly. 6 

jjyLUj 25. Nor is it the saying of 
Satan accursed. 7 

26. Then whither 
shall you go? 

'Jljiol 27. It is naught but 

a reminder 8 for all beings.’ 

28. For whoever that wills 
of you to be upright." 1 

jjt&Cj 29. And you may not will 
4»T;T2JV^1 except that there wills Allah," 
Q Lord of all beings. 

1 . i. e., ibc Prophei, peace and blessings of Allah 

be on him. tihib (s.; pi. as hob/ sahb/ 

sahahah/ fufybdn/ suhhah)- companion, comrade, 
friend. See al 54:29. p. 1735. n. 2. 

2. This is a reply to the unbelievers' calling the 
Prophei. peace and blessings of Allah be on him, 
mad on account of his giving out of the Qur'in 
ii/aw majnun (s.; pi. majdnin) = possessed by 

jinn, insane, mad, one gone off his head (pass, 
participle from janna (yunibi). to cover, to hide. 
See at 68:2. p. 1859. n. 5). 

3. i. e.. the angel Jibril in his real form 

4. ’ufuq (s.: pi. afdq) = horizon, range of 
vision See at 53:7, p. 1718, n. 5. 

5. j-r muhtn = all too clear, obvious, manifest. 

patent, explicit, open and clear, conspicuous, he 
who or that which makes clear (act. participle 
from absina. form IV of bana (buiun], to be 
clear. Sec at 71:2, p. 1884. a 4). 

6. i. e . withholding anything. danin = 

niggardly, stingy (act. participle in the scale of 
fa'il from donna \dann], to be niggardly, to keep 

7 f,*j rajim = accursed, damned, stoned (pass, 
participle in the scale of fa 7/ from rajama {rajm\. 
to stone, to curse. See at 38:77, p. 1477, n. 7). 

8. f * dhikr = citation, mention, recollection, 
remembrance, reminder, also scripture, the 
Qur'in (The Qur'in is repeatedly mentioned as 
dhikr See for instance 15:6, 15:9, 16:44. 21:50. 
23:71. 25:29. 26:5, 38:49. 38:87. 41:41. 54:25, 
68:51-52 and 81:27). See at 72:17. p. 1894. n. 7. 

9. 'alamin (occ./gen. of 'diamun . sing. 

Ju Warn. i.e.. any being or object that points to 
its Creator; sing. ’61am) = all beings, creatures. 
See at 69:44, p. 1875, n. 410. i. e.. to take the 
straight path of Islam. f -j — i yaslaqtma(u) = he 
stands upright, straightens up. becomes straight/ 
right/ proper (v. iii. m. s. impfcl. from islaqdma, 
form X of qdnui [ qawmah/qiydm ], to gel up, to 
stand up. The Anal letter takes fat-hah because of 
the particle ‘an coming before the verb. See 
istaqanui at 72: 16. p 1894, n. I). 

1 1 . Guidance is bestowed only by Allah out of His 

82. SOrat al-Infitar (The Cleaving Asunder) 
Makkan: 19 ’ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah and like its previous surah deals with the themes of the 
Resurrection. Judgement, reward and punishment in the hereafter. It starts by drawing attention to the 
terrible events that will herald the Day of Resurrection, mentioning first the cleaving asunder of the sky 
(al-Infitar). The surah is named after this first 'ayah. Next it points out how man is deceived about Allah 
in spite of the fact that He creates him and gives him form and shape. He is then reminded that he cannot 
escape by disbelieving in the Day of Judgement; for over each individual are appointed angel watchers 
to keep a record of his deeds and that the righteous shall in the hereafter be in a blissful life while the 
sinful unbelievers will be in hell. It ends by reminding that on the Day of Judgement none will have any 
power whatsoever and that the command will be Allah's Alone. 


illilfljJ 1 . When the sky 

shall be cleft asunder. 1 

2. And when the stars 2 
shall scatter and disappear. ' 

ItSulfc 3. And when the seas 4 
shall be exploded. 5 

4. And when the graves shall 
be upturned and exposed. 5 

5. Then shall know a person 

what it had advanced 7 
and left behind. 8 

I ■ infataral = she or it became split up. 

was cleft asunder, was broken imo pieces (v. iii. f. 
s. past in form VII of fataru [fatr], to split, lo 
cleave. See munfatir at 73:21 8. p 1901, n. 7). 

2. nujtim (pi.; s. nujm ) = stars. Sec al 77:8, 
p 1927, n. 5. Sec at 81 X p 1953. n 2. 

3 'Z'jm intatharat = she or it was scattered, cast 

abroad, dispersed (v. iii. f. s. past in form VIII of 
nathara (naihr/nithdr). to scatter, disperse. See 
manlhir al 25:23, p 1 145. n. 7). 

4. bO}&r (pi.; s. hahr) = seas. See at 8 1 :6, p 
1954. n. I. 

5- fujjirat = she or it was burst, exploded 

(v. iii. f. s. past passive from fajjara, form 11 of 
\fajara \fajr], to cleave, break up. See yufajjirina 
76:6. p. 1920, n. 9). 

6. i. e., they will be tom and their contents 
brought out. oys* bu'thirat - she or it was 

exposed, upturned (v. iii. f. s. past passive from 
ba'tlutra [ba tharah], to upturn and expose). 

7. i. e., of good and bad deeds. o-jJ qaddamal = 
she sent ahead, forwarded, advanced (v. iii. f. s. 
past from qaddama, form II of qudamu / 
qadimalqadm /qud&m /q id man / maqdam ] to 
precede, to arrive Sec at 78:40. p. 1939. n. 9) 

8. i. c.. of continuous charity or good custom. 
0^1 'aklikharat = she delayed, deferred, put 

off. postponed, left behind (v. iii. f. s. past 
from "akhkhara. form II from the root 'akhr 
Sec ‘ukhkhara at 75:13, p. 1915, n 3). 



Surah 82: At-lnfudr [ Part {Juz') 30 ) 

o£>^*T($S 6. O man, 

ipU what has deluded 1 you 
il p. about your Lord 

the Most Beneficent? 2 

iUi-tfjSi 7. He Who created you, 
JbA then duly shaped’ you 
and balanced 4 you? 

8. In whatever shape' He 
willed He constituted 6 you. 

9. Not at all. Nay, 
you disbelieve 7 

in the Judgement. 8 

10. But verily over you 
are guards. 9 

1 1. Noble ones 10 
{JjSA writing down. 11 

jp* 12. They know 
all that you do. 

1. i. e . deluded you rroin believing in the words, 
of your Lord and in the Resurrection /- gharra = 

he or it deceived, deluded, misled, beguiled (v. iii. 

m. s. past from ghurSr, la mislead, to deceive. 
Sec at 8:49. p 565, n. 10). 

2. karim = Most Noble. Most Beneficent. 

noble, kind, generous, munificent, respectable, 
held in esteem, decent ( act participle in the scale 
of fa'il from kurumu [kuram/ karamnhS karamah], 
lo be noble, to be generous. Sec at 69:40, p. 1 874, 

n. 9). 

3. tSy- saw wS = he straightened, duly shaped, 
made equal, made good, pul in order, smoothed 
(v. iii. m s. past in form II of saw iya \siwan], to 
be equal. See at 79:28, p. 1944, n. 5). 

4. 'adala = he balanced, made equal, acted 
justly, levelled (v. iii. m s. post from 'adl/'addlah. 
lo be just/equal See al ‘a'dila at 42:15, p. 1565. 
n. 7). 

5. *jy* surah = (f. s.. pi. suwar ) = shape, make, 
form, figure, picture, statue, copy See suwar at 
40:64. p. 1532, n. 5 

6. <— T j rakkaha = he constituted, constructed, 
built, assembled, mounted, set up (v. iii. m. s. past 
in form II of rakiba [rukub], to mount, to ride. 
Sec larkabdna at 42:12, p. 1585, n. I). 

7. Jjfi is lukadhdhibuna = you (all) cry lies to. 

disbelieve, think untrue (v. ii m pi. impfet. from 
kadhdhaba, form II of kudhuba \kidhb /kudhib 
/kadhbah / kidhbah). to lie. See at 77:29, p. 1939. 
n. 2). 

8. jis din = religion, creed, faith, code. law. 
worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital. See at 74:46. p. 1910. n. 12. 

9. i. e., angel-guards. hdftyn (pi.; acc./gcn/ 

of hdfuin; s. hdfii) - keepers, preservers, 
observers, those who take care, guards, protectors 
(act. participle from (/ afiza \htfz\, to preserve, to 
protect. Sec at 70:29. p 1881, n. 3). 

10. kiram (pi.; s. karim ) = nobles. 

dignified/ distinguished persons. See 80:16. p. 
1949. n. 2 

H i. e.. keeping a record of deeds ^Jt S kdlibin 
(pi.; acc/gen of kali bun, s. kzilib) = writers, 
scribes, recorders (act. participle from kataba [ 
kalb /kiidbah], to write. See kataba at 59:3, p. 
1795. n. 10). 

Sural, 82: Al lnfitdr | Part Uuz') 30 ] 


13. Verily the righteous 1 
0^^ shall be in bliss. 2 

juifi 14. And verily the sinful 
0^^ shall be in hell. 

15 They shall enter 4 it 
0^}y. on the Day of Requital/ 

16. And they cannot 
from it absent themselves. 6 

libjjlUj 17. And what will inform 7 you 
what the day of Requital is? 

kilijjVUjr 18. Again, what will iform you 
0^'^fj‘S' what the day of Rquital is? 

19. That day there will not 

■***’ > . « 

have power anyone 

for anyone whatsoever, 9 

and the command 10 that day 

shall be Allah’s. 

1. 'abrdr (pi.; s. barr/Mrr) = virtuous, pious. 

righteous, upright, dutiful, kind, benevolent. Sec 
at 76:5, p. 1920, n. 4. 

2. 1 . e . in paradise ^ na'im - bliss, felicity. 

comfort, happiness, delight. See at 76:20. p. 
1923. n. 4 

3. jU J fujjdr (p|.; s. fdjir) = immoral ones. 

depraved, libertine, licentious, sinful (act. 
participle from fajara l/ujur). to act immorally, 
to commit adultery, sin. Sec at 38:28. p. 1467. n. 

4. OjLt, yaslawna = they bum. broil, be exposed 

to fire, enter into fire (v. iii. m pi impfet. from 
fata (solan/ sully/ fild'). to roast, to bum. to be 
exposed to fire. See at 58:8. p. 1587. n. I). 

5. ji> din = religion, creed, faith, code, law. 

worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital See at 82:9. p. 1958, n. 8. 

6. i. c , they shall not be able to keep away from it. 

ghd'ibin (pi.; acc./gcn. of glia' bun) = those 

absenting themselves, absentees, unseen ones 
(act. participle from ghdba [ ghayb /ghaybah 
/ghiydb /ghaybubah/ magbib] to be absent, 
unseen. See at 27:20, p. 1208. n. 9). 

7. tj jjt 'adrd = he informed, let know, notify (v. 
iii. m. s. past in form IV of dart 3 ( dirdyah], to 
know Sec at 74:27. 1907. n. 6). 

8. dlu; tamliku = she possess. holds, 
dominates, owns, has power (v. iii. f. s. impfet. 
from maluka ( mulk/mulk/milk ], to take in 
possession. Sec yumhkunu at 78:37, p. 1938. n. 
10 ). 

9. i. e., in giving any help or in interceding for 

10. y*f ‘amr (s.; pi /•} ‘awamir / ,yi ' urndr ) = 

order, command, decree / matter, issue, affair. 
See at 51:4. p. 1969. n. 7. 

83. SOratal-MujaffifIn (The Defrauders) 

Makkan: 36 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. Its main emphasis is on honesty and fairness in business dealings, the 
inevitability of the Day of Judgement and accountability for all our deeds, the truth of the Qur'an and the 
messengership of Muljammad. peace and blessings of Allah be on him. the attitude of the unbelievers to 
these, and the rewards and punishments in the hereafter respectively for the believers and the righteous 
on the one hand, and the unbelievers and the sinful on the other. The surah starts with a denunciation of 
those who defraud others in the process of giving them by measure or by weight ( al-Mutaffifun ) and is 

named after this initial 'ayah. 

^iL-ii jT. 1 . Woe to the defrauders.' 

” 0 

<0 2. Who, when they 

receive by measure 2 from 
men take in full. 3 

3. And when they give them 

by measure 4 or weigh 5 for them 

Qjir?* they cause a loss. 6 

4. Do there not believe 7 
such people that they 
shall be resurrected," 

5. For a day very grave? 

1. The meaning is explained in the next two 
'dyulu. ,>**!*■ mutaffifin (pi.; acc./gen. of 
mutaffifun-, s. mutaffif) = defrauders, small 
cheaters (act. participle from taffafa. form II of 
laffa. to make deficient, scanty). 

2. I jits - ' iktdlu = they received by measure (v. iii 

m. pi. past from iktdla, form VIII of kdla 
[luiyl/maluU/mukil\. to measure, to weigh. See 
nakial at 12:63. p. 745. n. 4). 

3. iij»j ■—! yastawfuna = they take in full, receive 
in full, give in full, complete (v. iii. m. pi impfet 
from istawfd. form X of wafd ( tva/d'), to fulfil. 
See yufunu at 76:7. p. 1920. n. II). 

4. ijXT kdtu = they measure, give by measure (v. 
iii. m. pi. past from kdlu Sec n. 2 above. 

5. tjijj wazand = they weighed, (v. iii. rn. pi. 

past from w aiana [wazn/zumh], to weigh. See 
zind at 26:182. p. 1 193. n. 7). 

6. i. e., by giving less than due through some 
device in the process of weighing. Ojj-js 

yukhsirdna = they cause a loss, make less, 
reduce, make deficient, (v iii. m. pi. impfet from 
'akhsura. form IV of khasiru [khusr/ khasOr 
/khasdrah /khusrdn], to suffer loss. See la 
tukhsird at 55:9. p. 1742. n. 8). 

7. jtu yapinnu = he thinks, supposes, 

conjectures; also, firmly believes, deems, 
considers (v iii. s impfet from yinna l^inn], to 
firmly believe, to suppose Sec at 22:15. p. 
1050. n. 5). 


Surah 83: AIMu/affifin [ Part (Jut') 30 ) 


(£ 6. The day 

mankind shall stand before 
the Lord of all beings. 1 

7. Never. 2 Verily the record 3 
of the sinful shall be in sijjin .* 

iiijilCj 8. And what will inform 5 you 
what the sijjin is? 

Qffc 9. A book imprinted. 6 

j^>Jy 10. Woe on that day 
t0 the disbelievers; 7 

1 1. Who disbelieve 
0$Cx., ' n the Day of Judgement. 8 

viSC.j 12. And there disbelieves not 
in it anyone but every 
transgressor, 9 sinful. 10 

idf-jifol 13. When recited" are to him 

1. i. e . for judgement, reward and punishment. 
j-JU 'alamin (acc /gen of 'Ataman, sing. 

'alum. i.e.. any being or object that points to 
its Creator; sing. ‘Atom) = all beings, creatures. 
Sec at 81:27. p. 1956. n. 8). 

2. i. e.. never defraud anyone in the process of 
measuring or weighing and never think that you 
shall not be accountable on the Day of Judgement. 

3. i. e.. the book of deeds. kit&b = writing, 
writ, prescript, book, document, record, contract. 
Sec at 39:69, p. I505.n. 8. 

4. sijjin = a very narrow and tight place. 

5. iSjJ 'adra = he informed, let know, notify (v. 

iii. m. s. past in form IV of dura [ dirayah], to 
know. Sec at 82:17. p. 1969. n. 7). 

6. So the writing shall not be faded or wiped off. 

marqum - imprinted, branded, provided 

with points, striped, numbered (pass, participle 
from raqama [ raqm J. to write, imprint, number 
See raqtm at 18:9. p. 912. n. 10). 

7. mukadhdhihin (acc/gen of 

mukadhdhibun: sing, mukudhdhib ) = those who 
cry lies (to), disbelievers (active participle from 
kadhdhaba, form II of kadhiba \kidhb /kadhib 
/kudhbah /kidhbah), to lie. Sec at 73: 1 1 . p. 1900, 
n. 2). 

8. ji s din = religion, creed, faith, code. law. 
worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital. See at 82:15. p. 1959. n. 5. 

9. mu'tadin (s. ; pi mu ludun ) = aggressor, 
transgressor, one who acts outrageously (act. 
participle from I'lada, form VIII of W<5 | adw/ 
'uduw/ 'ad A '/ udwAn], to attack, to assail. See at 
68: 1 2. p. 1861. n. 2). 

10. ‘ athirn (s. ; pi. ’uihamA ) = sinful, 
criminal, evil (active participle in the form of fa’U 
from 'athima [ 'ilhm/’ulham / ma'iluwi], to sin. 
See at 68:12. p. 1861. n. 3). 

11. jis lullA = it (fcm.) is recited, read out, read 

aloud (v. iii. f. s. impfet passive from lalA 
I tilAwah ). to recite. Sec at 46:8. p. 1633. n. 2). 


SOrah 83: AI-MulaffifOn | Part [Juz) 30 ) 

JSt £& Our signs' he says: 

"Legends 2 of the ancients."’ 

14. Not at all. Nay, 
soiled 4 on their hearts are 
all that they use to acquire. 5 

15. Not at all. Verily they 
(irjjt shall from their Lord 

on that day be screened. 6 

16. Then indeed they shall 
enter 7 the hellfire. 

17. Then it will be said: 
"This is what 

you used to disbelieve* in." 

18. Not at all. 1 ' Verily the 
record 10 of the righteous" 

$ w ‘" ' n 'Uiiyyun ' 2 

Jbjffiij 19. What will inform 11 you 

1. i. c , the Qur an oA,l ’ayai (sing, ayah) = 
signs, miracles, revelations, texts of the Qur'an, 
evidences. See at 78:28, p. 1937. n. 4. 

2. 'asatfr (pi.; s. ’ uslurah) = legends, myths, 
fables, tales. See at 68: 1 5. p. 1 86 1 . n. 7. 

3. jJjt ’awwatin (pi.; accJgcn of ’awwalun; 

s.'awwal) = first ones, foremost, those of old, 
ancients. Sec at 77:38, p. 1931, n. 3. 

4. 01 J rana = he or it soiled, stained, encrusted. 

covered, took possession, prevailed (v. iii. m. s. 
past from rayn. to take possession, to overcome). 

5. i. e.. of sins. dj-S, yakslbina - they (all) 

acquire, earn, gain, attain, achieve (v. iii. m. pi 
impfcl. from kasabu [Jau/r], to gain, to acquire 
See at 45:814. p. 1622. n. 5). 

5. i. e , secluded and not allowed to sec their 
Lord. 0 xr**'*' mahjuhdn (pi ; s. mahjuh ) = 

screened, veiled, covered, secluded (pass, 
participle from fyajaba [ hajb ), to veil, to cover. 
See f/ijdb at 42:51. p. 1580. n. 3. 

7. (j)^lL» saltHn) ( pi.; s. fAUn) = those who 
become exposed to the blaze, enter helirue. are 
broiled (act. participle from fata \salun / \utt\/ 
fifiT). to roast, to bum. to be exposed to the blaze. 
The terminal min is dropped because of the 
genitive construction. See sdlin at 37:163, p. 
1455. n. 3). 

8. tukadhdhibdna = you (all) cry lies to. 

disbelieve, think untrue (v. ii. m. pi impfet. from 
ktidhdhaba, form II of kadhaba [kidhb /kadhih 
/kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. See at 82:9. p. 1958. 
n. 7). 

9. i. e . the Qur’an is not at all legends of the 

10. i. e.. the book of deeds. 

U. Jjf 'abr&r (pi.; s. barr/bdrr) = virtuous. 

pious, righteous, upright, dutiful, kind, 
benevolent. Sec at 82:13, p. 1959, n. I. 

12. A respectable place in paradise. 

13. ijjJ ’adrd = he informed, let know, notify 
(v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of durd [ dirayah], to 
know. Sec at 82:17, p. 1959, n. 7). 

Surah 83: AI-MulaffifOn ( Pan (Jui ) 30 ] 


QjJicC what ‘illiyyun is? 

20. A book imprinted. 1 

’.j^L 21. There will witness 2 it 
$ those placed near. 3 

jj/Vfy 22. Verily the righteous 4 
shall be in bliss. 5 

elj'OViJe 23. Upon the couches 6 
they will be viewing. 7 

Jyi 24. You will recognize 8 

• q 

j in their countenances 
QjJ&v.'jZ) the glow l0 of bliss. 

jyu j 25. They will be given to 
drink" of a nectar 12 
kept sealed. 13 

ill* . 26. The sealing thereof 

3 AIa. is of musk; 14 and 

for this let there compete 15 

(nl/. / the competitors. 

1. fjiy- marqim = imprinted. branded, provided 
with points, striped, numbered (pass participle 
from raqama ( raqm ]. to write, imprint, number 
See at 83:9. p. 1961, n. 6). 

2. yash-hadu = he bears witness, witnesses, 
attests, testifies (v. iii. m. s. impfet from shahida, 
[sliuhud], to witness. See at 59: 1 1 . p. 1 800. n. 6). 

3. i. e.. the angels near the Throne of Allah. 
Sy ji* muqarrubun - those placed near, brought 

near (pass, participle from qarraba. form II of 
tjaruba [qurb/maqrabah], to be near See at 
56:1 l.p. 1763. n. 3. 

4. jlyt ’abrar (p|.; s. barr/bdrr) = virtuous, pious, 

righteous, upright, dutiful, kind, benevolent. Sec 
at 83:18. p. 1962, n. II. 

5. i. e., paradise. p+i na'im = bliss, felicity. 

comfort, happiness, delight. See at 82:13, p. 
1959. n. 2. 

6. distjl "ara’ik (pi.; s. } ' urikah ) = raised 

thrones, canopied couches, sofas. See at 76:13. p 

1921. n. 15. 

7. i. e.. the blessings given them. 
yaniurdna = they look. gaze, look expectantly, 
wait for, await (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from naiara 
[nuzr/manzur]. to see. view, look at. See at 43:66. 
p. 1599, n.*9). 

8. la'rifu = you know, recognize (v. ii. m. s. 

impfet. from arifa [ ma'rifah/'irfdn ]. to know. 
See at 22:72, p. 1071. n. 4). 

9. •fry wujuh (sing. wajh) = faces, 
countenances. See at 80:38, p. 1 95 1 , n. II). 

10. ij~* natfrah = splendour, tesplendcncc. 
radiance, glow See at 76:1 1. p. 1921. n. 10. 

11. iiyi—, yusqawna = they are given to drink. 

watered, irrigated (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. passive 
from saq& {suqy\. to give a drink. Sec at 76: 16. p. 

1922. n. II). 

12- iis " J rahiq = nectar. 

13. makhtum = scaled, closed (passive 

participle from khatama from | khalm/khitdm], to 
seal See khatama at 45:23, p. 1625. n. 7). 

14. dJ — • mink - musk. 

15. U yatan&fas = let him compete. 

contend, vie (v. iii. m. s. imperative from 
tandfasa, form VI of nafua [nafusah], to envy). 


Surah 83: AI Mu(affi/un | Part (Vui ) 30 ) 

27. And its blend 1 is 
of tasnim 2 — 

28. A spring,’ whereof do 
drink those placed near. 4 

29. Verily those who sinned' 
had been at those who 
believed laughing. 6 

30.And when they passed by 
(£) them, had been winking. 8 

3 1 . And when they returned 9 
to their own people 

(n) they returned in exultation. 10 

32. And when they saw them 
they said: "Verily these 
people have gone astray." 11 

33. But they were not sent i: 
over them as wathchers! 1 ' 

1. r mizaj = mixture, blend, temper. See at 
76:17. p 1922. n. 12. 

2. The name of a spring in paradise. 

3. ‘ayn (pi. ‘uyiin. a'yun) = spnng. fountain. 

eye, source, scout. See at 76:6. p. 1920. n. 8. 

4. i. c„ the angels near the Throne of Allah. 
oy ji* muqarrahun = those placed near, brought 
near (pass, participle from qarraba, form II of 
qaruba ( qurb/maqrabah ) , to be near See at 
83:21. p 1963. n 3). 

5. ’ajramil = they committed sins, crimes. 

sinned (v. iii. m pi past from ‘ajrama, form IV 
of jaranui (/arm), to commit a crime. Sec at 
30:47, p 1306. n. 2). 

6. o £-*-*, yad-hakuna = they laugh, smile (v. 
iii. m pi. impfcl. from datfika (dahk/dihk/datiik\. 
to laugh See at 43:47. p. 1594. n. 10). 

7. 'yy marru = they passed by, walked (v. iii. m. 

pi. post from marru [marr/muriir/mamrr]. to pass, 
to walk, march past). 

8. yatagh&mazdna = they wink at one 

another, signal one another with eyes (v. iii m. pi. 
impfet. from taghdmaza, form VI of ghamaza 
Igliumz). to feel, to moke a sign). 

9. IjJSt inqalabu = they (all) returned, turned 
round, turned, retreated (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
inqalabu, form VII of qalaba [qalb], to turn, to 
turn about. See at 12:62. p. 744. n. 14). 

10. jeiSa fakihin (pi.: accVgcn of fakihun: s. 
fakih) = cheerful, gay, in exultation. 

11. OjlU» da l lit n (sing. ju» </«//)= those gone 
astray, misguided ones, those who go astray by 
abandoning monotheism and the "straight path" 
enunciated by Allah (active participle from ifalla 
[tfuUU/duldlah |, to go astray, to stray, to err. See at 
56:51. p 1760. n. 4) 

12. 'urulu = they were sent out. 

despatched, discharged (v. iii. m pi past passive 
from 'arsala, form IV of rasila | raxal\, to be long 
and flowing. See at ursilnd at 51:32. p. 1702. n. 

13. ^Ik «6- hdfiztn (pi.; accVgcn/ of huft^un; s. 

Ifufiz) = keepers, preservers, observers, watchers, 
those who take care, guards, protectors (act. 
participle from lyiftzu Ujift], to preserve, to 
protect. Sec at 82:10, p. 1958, n. 9). 

Surah 83: Al-Mulaffifun | Fart (Juz") 30 ] 


34. So today, 
those who believe will 
jU&Jlo; at the unbelievers 
be laughing; 1 

35. Upon the couches 2 
viewing. 2 

oyji 36.Have there been requited 4 
jliSJf the unbelievers 

for what they had been 

1. o /rr . a, yatt-hakuna = they laugh, smile (v. 

iii. m pi. impfct. from dahika [ dtihk/rjtlfJr/duhik | . 
to laugh. See at 83:29, p. 1964, n. 6). 

2. 'ard’Uc (pi.; s. arikah ) = raised 

thrones, canopied couches, sofas. Sec at 83:23. p. 
1963. n. 6. 

3. i. c.. the blessings given them, o j Jo^yanzuruna 

= they look, gaze, look expectantly, wait for. 
await (v. iii. m. pi. impfct. from tuifaru 
[ nazr/numiur ), to see, view, look at. See at 83:23. 
p. 1963. n." 7). 

4 ^>y thuwwiba = he was requited, reworded, 
repaid (v. iii. m. s. past passive from thawwaba. 
from II of ihdba (rAnwh], to come back. 
See’ullidba at 48: 18. p. 1669, n. 5). 

84. SOrat al-Inshiqaq (The Splitting) 
Makkan: 25 'ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah. Us main themes arc the Resurrection, the inevitability of the 
Judgement, reward and punishment, the truth of the Qur'iin and the attitude of the unbelievers to it. It 
refers to some of the terrible events that will signal the coming of the Resurrection, beginning with the 
splitting ( irtshiqaq ) of the sky. The surah is named after this initial ‘ayah. The positions respectively of 
the righteous and the sinful on the Day of Judgement arc mentioned. The surah ends by emphasizing 
that all will have to meet the Judgement and that the believers and the unbelievers shall be duly 
rewarded and punished respectively. 

1. ’ayahs 1-5 describe some of the horrible events 
on the eve of the Day of Resurrection. 

inshaqqat = she or it was split, wa» cleft/ rent 
asunder (v. iii. m f. past from inshaqqa. form VII 
of shuqqa [ shaqq], to split, cleave. See at 69:16, 
p. 1871. 0.3). 

2. i. e.. it shall listen to the commands of Allah 
and shall abide by them, c-til 'adhinat = she 

listened, allowed, permitted (v. iii. f. s. past from 
’adhina . to listen, to allow. See ya'dhan at 53:26, 
p. 1721, n. 7. 

3. cJlp- huqqal = she or it was obliged, made 

incumbent, confirmed (v. iii. f. s past passive from 
haqqa. to be true. nght. necessary. Sec haqqa at 
50:14. p 1688, n. 5). 

4. ox. muddat - she or it was extended, 
flattened, laid out, stretched, spread out, 
lengthened, prolonged (v. iii. f. s. past passive 
from madd. to extend. Sec madda at 25:45, p. 
1151. n. II). 

5. c-ill ’alqal = she cast, flung, threw, posed, set 

forth, offered (v. iii. f. 5 . past, from 'alq< 3, from 
IV of laqiya lliqd' Auqydn fluqy /luqyah/luqan], 
to meet See alqd at 75:15, p. 1915. n. 5). 

6. oUc lakhallat - she or it gave up. abandoned, 

laid down, became empty (v. iii. f. s. past from 
takhalld. from V of kfuild [khuldw/khald], to be 
empty, vacant. See khulal at 46: 18. p. 1638. n. 9). 

7. i. e . doing good or bod deeds only to meet 
Allah for judgement ^stf kadih = one who toils, 
labours, exerts (act participle from kadaha 
| kadh], to exert, to toil). 

1 . When the sky shall be split. 1 

2. And it shall listen 2 to its 
Lord, and will be obliged.’ 

jiHty 3. And when the earth 
{£) shall be flattened. 4 

.’-'-ti j 4. And it shall throw up 5 all 
that is in it and get emptied. 6 

ililj 5. And it shall listen to its 
Lord, and will be obliged. 

6. O mankind, verily you are 
exert ' n g 7 towards your Lord 


SCirah 84: Al-lnshiqdq ( Part (7uz) 30 ] 


C& in an exertion, and 

you shall encounter 1 Him. 

7. Then as for the one who 
will be given his book 2 
in his right hand, 1 

•Ll&Sy-s 8. He will be called to account 2 

in an easy 5 accounting. 

9. And he will return 6 to 
his family 7 delighted. 8 

10. And as for the one who 
will be given his book 
behind 9 his back, 10 

1 1. He will call" for 
destruction. 12 

12. And will enter 11 
a blazing fire. 14 

13. Indeed he had been 

1. mulaqin (s.. pi muldqun) = one who 

meets, is going to mcet/cncountcr (active 
participle from Idqd, form 111 of laqiya [ItqdV 
luqydn/ luqy/ luqyuh/ luqan J, to meet, to 
encounter. Sec at 69:20. p. 1872. n. 2). 

2. i. c., the book of deeds. 

3- yam in (s.; pi ’aymdn) = right, right hand 

See at 70:37. p. 1882. n 4. 

4. — • u* yuhdsabu = he is called to account, held 
responsible, made answerable (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
passive from bdsaba, form 111 of hasaha [ hash t 
>)<.\<lh/hisbdn/l)usbdn\. to count, to calculate. See 
yuljdsibu at 2:284. p. 151, n. 4). 

5. jt-i yastr = easy, gentle, simple, insignificant 
See at 74: 10. p 1905. n. 5. 

6. «, l« i yanqalibu = he turns round, turns about. 

returns (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from inqalaba, form 
VII of qulaba Iqalb). to turn around. See 
yanqalibu at 48:12, p. 1665, n. 12) 

7. 'ahl (s.; pi. ‘uA/iJn/Jut uhilitn) - 
family, wife, relatives, kinsfolk, inhabitants, 
followers, inmates, owner, author, worthy. Sec at 
48:25. p 1673. n. 4. 

8. jj/— • masr&r = delighted, happy, gladdened. 

pleased (pass, participle from sarra [surdr / 
tasirrah masrrah], to be happy See sunir at 
76:1 l.p. 1921. n. II). 

9. »ljj ward' = rear, after, beyond. back. 

behind, close on (one's) heels Sec at 70:31. p. 
1881. n. 8. 

10. j 4 r» zahiii.; pi. zuhur) = back, rear. loin, 
spine, surface. Sec at 42:33. p. 1573. n. II). 

1 1. yad'tl = he calls, calls upon, invites, 
invokes (v. iii. m. s. iinpfct. from da'd \du'd' ], to 
call See at 57:9. p 1770. n. I). 

12. i. e.. he will ask for being destroyed and 
annihilated rather than suffering the intolerable 
punishment, jyd ihubur = destruction, ruin. See 
at 25:13. p. 1141, n. II. 

13. J . -w yasld = he bums, broils, enters fire (v. 

iii. m. s. impfet. from said [falan/ sully/ sild‘). to 
roast, to bum. to be exposed to the blaze. See at 
17:19. p 879. n. I). 

14. i. e.. hell. sa’ir = burning blaze, blazing 
furnace, inferno. Sec at 76:4, p. 1920. n 3. 


Surah 84: Al-lnshiq &q [ Part (.Jut') 30 ) 

among his people happy. 1 

14. Indeed he thought 2 that 
be w 'b never return. 3 

& 15. Yes indeed! 

Verily his Lord is of him 
All-Seeing. 4 

* 16. So I indeed swear 3 

by the sunset-glow; 6 

jjtj 17. And by the night and all 
that it engulfs. 7 

jOKj 18. And by the moon 

when it attains fullness. 8 

jSj] 19. You shall surely embark 9 
on stage 10 after stage. 

pa 20. So what is the matter with 
them that they believe not? 

1. jjy— • masrur = delighted, happy, gladdened, 
pleased (pass, participle from surra [suriir/ 
tasirrah masrrah], lo be happy. Sec at 84:9, p. 
1967. n. 8). 

2. J* &tnna = he thought, supposed, believed, 
presumed, firmly believed, was sure (v. iii. m. s. 
past from > tann , lo think, lo suppose. See at 
75:28. p 1916. n. 3). 

3. jjth yahura (a) = he returns, recedes. 

diminishes (v. iii. m. s. impfet from hura |/uiht), 
to return. The final letter takes fut-hah ebcause of 
the particle tun coming before the verb. See 
luhawur m 58:1. p. 1782. n. 5). 

4. jr + 1 bastr = one who secs/ observes. All-Seeing 

(act. participle in the scale of fa'U from 
bayura/baqira [ basar ]. to see). See at 76:2, p. 
1919. n. I). 

5. lH at the beginning of the ayah is for 
emphasis. p—il 'uqsimu = I swear, make an oath 

(v. i. s. impfet. from 'aqsamu. form IV of qasama 
[qusam], lo divide. See at 81:14. p 1955. n. 2). 

6. jAi shafaq - sun-set glow in the sky. 

7. i. e.. in darkness, j-j wasaqa = he or it 

engulfs, gathers and lakes in its fold, lakes the 
load (v. iii. m. s. past from wasq, to engulf, lo 
take the laod). 

8. j— i ittasaqa = it becomes well-ordered, attains 
fullness (v. iii. m. s. post in form VI of wasaqa. 
See n. 7 above). 

9. i. e . different stages of life from conception in 
the mother's womb till the resurrection. yi 
latarkahunna = you shall surely ride, mount, 
board, climb, pursue, travel, embark (v. ii. in. pi. 
impfet cmptaic from rakiba (ruki/h). to nde. 
mount. Sec tarkabuna at 42:13. p. 1585, n. I). 

10. tabaq (s.. pi 'a(baq) = layer, tier, 
stratum, stage, tray. dish, cover 

Surah 84: Al-tnshiqaq | Pan (Juz‘) 30 J 


21. And when recited 1 to 
them is the Qur’an, they 
0^ prostrate themselves 2 not.* 

22. Nay, but those who 
disbelieve cry lies to. J 


23. And Allah is Best Aware 
&&£££/ of what they harbour. 4 

24. So give them the good 
^.tju> news 5 of a punishment 

0J very painful. 6 

25. But not those who 

and do the good deeds. 7 
They shall have a reward 8 9 
without cessation.’ 

1. nj } quri’a = it was read, recited, studied (v. 

iii. m. s. past from qara'a [ qirti ah}, to read, 
recite. See iqra'i at 73:20. p. 1902. n. 7). 

2. oy»~-, yasjuduna = they prostrate themselves, 
bow respectfully, pay obeisance (v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. from sajada [rujud], to prostrate oneself. 
See at 27:24. p 1209. n. 9). 

One should prostrate oneself to Allah on 
reading this ’ayah. 

3. i. e.. to the Qur'4n. yukadbdhibuna = 

they cry lies, disbelieve, think as false (v. iii. m. 
pi. impfet from kadhdluibu. form II of kadhaba 
[kidhb /kadhib /kadhbab / kidhhah], to lie. Sec at 
28:34. p 1 244. n. 5). 

4. i.e.. in their hearts of obstinacy and opposition. 

vd 'ana = they retain in memory, harbour/ 
hold in mind, remember (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
‘aw'd, form IV of wo a [wo'y], to retain in 
memory, to hold in mind. See 'ow'd at 70:18. p. 
1879. n 12. 

5. ji* bashshir - give glad tidings, announce 

good news (v. ii. m. s. imperative from bashshara, 
form II of bashara /bashira ( bishr /hushr], to 
rejoice, be happy. Sec at 61:13, p 1818, n. 12). 

6. p-rt ’alim = most painful, very agonizing, 

anguishing, excruciating (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa 7/ from ’alima ( ’alum], to be 
in pain, to feel pain). See at 76:31. p. 1925. n. 11). 

7. oUJl_» s&lihit (f. ; sing, itlil/uh: m. idhh) = 

good ones, good decds/things ( approved by the 
Qur'an and sunnuh). See at 65: 1 1 , p. 1 843. n. I . 

8. y! ‘ajr (pi. ' ujQr ) = reward, recompense, 

remuneration, due. See at 68:46. p. 1866, n. 1 1). 

9. i. e„ it will neither be exhausted nor stopped. 
dy-s mamnun = cut off, ceased, obliged, 

grateful, weak (pass, participle from manna 
[mann]. to be kind, to bestow favour, to cut off, 
to be weak. Sec at 68:3, p. 1859. n. 6), 

85. SOratal-BurOj (The Constellations) 

Makkan: 23 ‘ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. Its main themes are the Qur'an, the risdlah (Messcngership of Muhammad, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Judgement, rewards and punishment, and the opposition and 
enmity of the unbelievers to these. It refers to an instance of persecution upon the believers by their 
unbelieving tyrants in the past. Those believers were thrown into a trench filled with fire and were thus 
killed because they refused to recant and return to unbelief. This is cited as an encouragement to the 
Muslims to bear with patience the opposition and enmity of the unbelievers, and as a threat to the latter 
of Allah's due punishment for them, recalling the instances of punishment of the unbelieving Thamud 
people and the hosts of Fir'awn. It also mentions the ultimate rewards and punishments in the hereafter 
respectively for the righteous and the sinful. The surah ends by emphasizing that the Qur'an is a 
guidance given by Allah and that it is preserved in al-Lawh al-Mahfuz. 

The siirah is named after its first 'ayah wherein Allah swears by the sky possessing constellations 


ifj 1. By the sky 1 
QgjijftoU possessing constellations. 2 

0 2. By the Day Promised. 1 

3. And by the witness 4 
0 and the witnessed. 5 

4. Damned are the 
owners 6 of the trench 7 — 

5. The fire, having the fuel. 8 

1. Allah may swear by anything of His creation, 
but His servants may swear only by Him. 

2. buruj (pi.; s. burj ) = lowers, castles. 

signs of zodiac, constellations. See at 25:61, p. 
1 156. n. 8. 

3. i. e.. the Day of Resurrection, spy maw'ud = 
that which is promised, assured, threatened (pass, 
participle from wa'udu ( wa‘d \ , to make a 
promise. See yii 'adOna at 72:24, p. 1896, n. I). 

4. jl»U shahid (s.; pi. shuhOd/' ushh&d/shavj&hid) 
= witness ( active participle from shahida 
[shuhud!shahAdah\. to witness, to testify). See at 
73:15. p 1900. n 13. 

5. i. e.. the witness and ihe witnessed on the day 

of Judgement. mash-hud = witnessed, 

attended by witnesses or spectators (pass, 
participle from shahida [shuhiid], to witness. Sec 
at 17:78. p. 899. n. I). 

6. The reference is to some tyrannical rulers or 
leaders in the past who persecuted to death the 
believers of their people by fire in a trench. 

'ay-hdb (pi.; sing. c. sdljib) = inmates, 
inhabitants, companions, associates, comrades, 
followers, owners, sentinels See at 74:31. p. 1907, 
n. 12). 

7. ’ukhdiid (s.; pi akhddid ) = trench 

8. ajiy waqdd = fuel. Sec at 3:10. p. 158. n. I. 


Surah 85: At-Buruj [ Pan ( Juz ) 30 ] 


6. As they were over it 
sitting. 1 

7. And they were over what 
Ojiliu they were doing 

to the believers witnessing. 2 

8. And they took not revenge* 
on them for aught but 

that they believed in Allah, 
y^\ the All-Mighty/ 

the All-Praiseworthy. 5 

9. He to Whom belongs 

itii the dominion 6 of the heavens 
and the earth; 

and Allah is over everything 

10. Verily those who 
aoffHjS persecute 7 the believing men 

and the believing women and 
Ij l ^ en not tum ' n repentance, 8 

1. i. e.. they were sitting on a high place beside it. 

qu'Od (pi.; s. qd id) = those silling, seated 

(act. participle from q'tuiu [qu id], to sit down, 
to stay. See at 9:83, p. 613. n. II). 

2. shuhud (pi.; s. shahid) = witnesses, those 

who attend and see. arc in attendance (act. 
participle from shahida [ shuhud/ shuliddah]. to 
witness, to testify). See at 74:13, p. 1905. n. 10). 

3. I>»i> naqamu - they retaliated, avenged 
themselves, look revenge (v. iii m. pi. past from 
naqama lnuqm\, to take revenge See at 9:74. p 
609. n. 2). 

4. jy* ’aziz = All-Mighty. Invincibly Powerful 

before Whom everyone else is powerless; mighty, 
overwhelming; also respected, distinguished, 
dear, beloved, strong, mighty, difficult, hard. Sec 
at 67:2, p. 1850. n. 6. 

5. -V-*- hamtd = praiseworthy, laudable. 
All-Praiseworthy. All-Laudable See at 64:6. p. 
1832. n. 8. 

6. i. c.. His is the absolute ownership, possession, 
sovereignty and power of governance and 
dispensation. ill* mu Ik = dominion, kingship. 

monarchy, right of possession, ownership. See at 
67:1. p 1850. n.2. 

7. lyai falanO = they tried, put to test, persecuted 

(v. iii. m. pi. past from falanu [fatn/fulOn ], to 
tum away, to put to trial, to persecute. Sec 
yuftununa at 51:13. p. 1 697. n. 10). 

8. i. e., repent and seek forgiveness of Allah, )yyq 
yatubu (na) = they turn in repentance, seek 
forgiveness. Technically r Aha means, in respect of 
Allah, to turn in forgiveness and mercy; and in 
respect of man. to turn in repentance and resolve 
to reform, (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from tabu 
[knih/tawbah / maldb]. to tum. The final min is 
dropped because of the particle lam coming before 
the verb. See Idbd at 73:20, p. 1902, n. 5). 


Surah 85: AI-BurQj [ Part ( Jut ) 30 ] 

/.rJjyi'r they shall have the punishment 
'y&r of hell and they shall have 
the punishment 
of the blazing fire. 1 

1 1. Verily those who believe 
and do the good deeds 2 
they shall have gardens 1 
flowing 4 below 5 them 

the rivers. 6 

That is the success 7 most great. 

12. Verily the strike* 

of your Lord is very severe. 9 

'¥*\ 13. Verily He it is Who 

originates 10 and He will repeat." 

14. And He is 
jy-jt the Most Forgiving, 
the Most Affectionate. 12 

IVi 15. The Lord of the Thone, 15 

1. j tJ r- hariq (s.; pi. jv- hard ’iq)= fire, 
conflagration, blazing flic, burning ( active 
participle in the scale of fa‘U from haraqa [harq], 
to bum. Sec at 22:9, p. 1048, n. 7). 

2. salihdl <f.; sing, tdlihah. m. rdhh) = 

good ones, good deeds/things ( approved by the 
Qur'fin and runnah) See at 84 25. p 1969, n. 7. 

3. i. e., in paradise. cA* janndt (sing, junnah), 
orchards, gardens, paradise. See at 74:40, p. 1910, 
n. I. 

4. i syJ lajii = she runs, goes on. flows, streams, 
proceeds (v. iii. f. s. impfct. from jur& \jary], to 
flow. See at 65:1 1, p. 1843, n. 5). 

5. c-~ laht = under, below, beneath, underneath. 
See at 48:5. p 1662. n. 9. 

6. 'anhdr (sing, nahr ) - rivers, streams. See 
at 71:12, p 1886, n.10. 

7. jy /« nvz = success, triumph, victory, 
achievement. See at 64:9, p. 1833, nil, 

8. L e . retribution and punishment. batsh a 

power, might, strength, force, valour, to hit. to 
strike, to bear down on. Sec at 50:36. p. 1693. n. 

9. j<jlS shadid (pi. .uil ashiddd shiddd) ~ 

severe, most severe, stem, rigorous, hard, harsh, 
strong See at 59:7, p. 1797, n. 14). 

10. I. e., the creation yubdi’u = he 

originates, brings forth for the first lime, begins, 
starts (v. iii. m. s. impfct. from 'abda'a. form IV 
of bada'a [bad ] to start. See at 34:49. p. 1386. 
n. 12). 

11. i. e., He will resurrect. -Vv yu'idu = be 

repeats, causes to come back, brings back, returns, 
reverts, recreates (v. iii. m. s. impfct from 
'a'dda, form IV of 'ddu [ awd/ awdah], to 
return. Sec at 71:18, p. 1887, n. 16). 

12. »yj wadud = Most Loving. Most 
Affectionate . Sec at 1 1:90. p. 710. n. 10. 

13. J’J- 'arsh = throne. See at 81:20. p. 1955, n. 

Surah 85: Al-Buruj | Pari ( Juz ) 30 ) 


the All-Glorious. 1 

16. The All- Accomplishing 2 
$va of whatever He wills. 5 

17. Has there come to you 
the account 4 of the hosts 5 - 

($1 18. Fir'awn and the ThamQd. 

19. Nay, but those who 
I ijS disbelieve are in 

Qipj&j the habit of crying lies to. 6 

20. And Allah is 
prjjj close on their heels 7 

All-Encompassing. 8 

oC&ijJ 2 1 . Nay; it is the Qur’an 
most glorious. 

22. In a Tablet’ Protected. 10 

1. majtd - glorious, illustrious, splendid, 
exalted. All-Glorious (act. participle in the 
intensive scale of fa 7/ from majada/majuda 
| majd/ nuijddah \ . to be glorious, illustrious. See at 
11:73. p. 704. n. 5). 

2. JUi fa ‘ ‘&l m AU-Accomplishing, one who 

definitely does ( intensive form of fd II, active 
participle from fu'ala [fa'I/fi'l], to do. See at 
11:107. p. 716. n. I). 

3. yuridu = he intends, desires, wills (v. iii. 
m. s. impfet. form ardda. form IV of rdda 
[rand], to walk about. See at 75:5, p. 1914. n. 1). 

4. hadtlh (s.; pi. ' ahtldUh ) = speech. 

talk, narrative, report, discourse, account. See at 
79:15. p. 1942. n 3. 

5. iy^jundd (p|.; sing, jund) = troops, soldiers, 
army, hosts. See at 74:31, p. 1908. n. 10). 

6. takdhib - to cry lies to. to disbelieve, to 

think os untrue (verbal noun in form 11 of [kidhb 
/kadhih /kudlihah / ludhbah], to lie. See 
lukadhdhibuna at 83: 17. p. 1962, n. 8). 

7. »l jy ward' = rear, after, beyond. back, 

behind, close on (one's) heels. See at 84:10, p. 
1967. n. 9. 

8. i. e . in knowledge. muhit = one who or 
that which closes in on all sides, surrounds, 
encompasses, comprehensive. All-Encompassing 
(active participle from uhdta. form IV of hdia 
[ huwt/hilah/hiydtah ] , to encircle, enclose, guard. 
See at 41:54, p I559.n 13). 

9. lawh (s. ; pi. ’aldh) = board, tablet, plank. 
See dlwdh at 54:13. p. 1731, n. 12. 

10. mahfdz = protected, preserved, safe. 

guarded, secured (passive participle from hafiza 
[liifz], to preserve, to protect. See at 21:32, p. 
1021. n. 2). 

86. SOratal-Tariq (The Nocturnal Visitor) 
Makkan: 17 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. Its main themes are lawhid (monotheism), the Resurrection, Judgement, 
individual responsibility and the truth of the Qur'an. It emphasizes that Allah is the Sole Lord and 
Creator, that as He is the Creator, He will recreate and resurrect, that very person has over him an 
angel-watcher to keep a record of his deeds, that on the Day of Judgement all secrets will be exposed and 
that none shall have any power to defend himself nor any helper against any wrong he commits, that the 
Qur'an is the true guidance distinguishing between the right and the wrong and that the machinations of 
the unbelievers will be of no avail against Allah's justice. 

The surah is named after its first ayah in which Allah swears by the Nocturnal Visitor ( al-Tariq ) to 
stress that everyone has over him a watcher. 

1 . Allah may swear by whatever He likes of His 
creation; but His creature may swear only by Him. 

2. The object meant by "the nocturnal visitor' is 
explained in Ayah 3 below. Jjlh (driq = that 

which knocks, bangs, nocturnal visitor (act. 
participle from taraqa [larq\, to knock). 

3. iSjjt 'adrd = he informed, let know, notify (v. 
iii. m. s. post in form IV of dard [ dirdyah], to 
know Sec at 83:19. 1962. n. 13). 

4. najm (s. ; pi. nujum/iwjum) = star. 

celestial body, constellation See at 55: 1. p. 1741, 

n. 6. 

5. — Mi thdqib = piercing, piercing lustre, 
penetrating, sharp (act. participle from lhaqaba 
\ihuqb\, to bore, to drill. See at 37:10, p. 1432, n. 
4 ). 

6. i. e.. to keep a record of his deeds. This is the 
conclusion of the swearing of the previous dyahs 
( see also 82:10-11, p. 1958) Jut*. hdjty ( s.; p. 

hd/ifun ) = guard, watcher, keeper, preserver, 
observer, those who take care, protector (act. 
participle from hq/ipi Ihifz). to preserve, to 
protect. See hdfitfn at 83:33, p. 1964. n. 13). 

7. i. e.. think about how Allah has created him. 
Then he will realize that Allah is All-Capable of 
resurrecting him and bringing him to account his 
food. li yantfir = let him look. sec. consider. 

look expectantly (v. iii. m. s. imperative from 
nazura lnair/man;ur], to see. view, look aL See li 
lanzur at 59:18. p. 1802. n. II). 


1. By the sky 1 

0&di\, and the nocturnal visitor. 2 

ibjjl 2. And what will inform’ you 
OXlilfU what the nocturnal visitor is? 

3.The star 4 of piercing lustre. 5 

jji jfy 4. There is not a person that 
has not over him a guard. 6 

5. Let then man see 7 
^5}^ of what he is created. 


SQruh 86: Al-Tdnq [ Pan Uuzj 30 ) 


6. He is created 

0^ i&j; of a water gushing forth; 1 

7. Coming out 2 from between 
the backbone 1 and the ribs. 4 

dMii 8. Verily He is over his 
0Ji&ar-j bringing back' All-Capable. 6 

9. On that day 

examined 7 will be all secrets. 8 

10. And he shall have no 
power nor any helper. 9 

1 1 . By the sky 

full of recurrence. 10 

12. And by the earth 
full of fissures." 

1 3. Verily it is the word 
most decisive. 12 

1. dafiq = he or that which gushes forth, flows 

with force, spouts (act paniciple from dufaqa 
[dafy 1. to pour out. yo gush forth). 

2. yakhruju = he or it comes out. goes out. 
emerges (v. iii m. s. impfet from kharaja 
\khuruj], to come out. to go out. See at 57:4, p. 
1768. n. 9). 

3. sulb (s.; pl ’asluh/'usjdb) - spinal 
column, backbone, loins. 

4. s-iy kwd 'ib (pl.; s. taribah ) = ribs. 

5. i. e . recreation and resurrection. £» j raj' = 
return, coming back, bringing back. See yurja'una 
at 45:15. p. 1622, n. 8. 

6. jj(i qddir = capable, one who has power. 
All-Capable (act. participle from qaduru 
[qadr/qadar], to ordain, to measure, to have 
power. See at 36:81, p. 1428. n. II). 

7. i. e„ all secrets will be exposed and judgcd.yu' 

lubld = she or it is assayed, tested, examined, put 
to lest (v. iii. f. s. impfet. passive from bald [balw 
/ bald’]. to test, to try. See balawnd at 68:17, p. 
1861. n. 10). 

8. Ss* sard’ir (pl.; s. sarirah ) = secrets, secret 
thoughts. Sec asranu at 71:9. p 1886, n. 3. 

9. i. e.. man shall have no power or helper against 
Allah's justice. ndsir = helper, assistant (act 

participle from nayra [nuyr/nufur], to help, to 
assist]. See at 72:24, p. 1896. n. 3). 

10. i. e.. productive of recurring rains 

11. i. e„ for trees and plants to sprout and grow 

sad' (s.; pl. sudu') = fissure, cracks, rift. 

12. i. e., this Qur'an is the most decisive, 
distinguishing between the right and the wrong 
J-»> /aj/ (s.; pl. fufdl) = parting, discharge, 
decision, final decision, decree, section, chapter 
See at 78:17. p. 1935, n. 8, 


Surah 86: Al-fOriq ( Part (Jut ) 30 ) 

($}>£££ 14. And it is not a fun.' 

QCSZojSZ $ 15. Verily they plot 2 a plot.' 

16. And I plot a plot. 4 

17. So respite 5 the 
jf unbelievers 

Q:\ and proceed slowly 6 with 
them for a while. 7 

1. i. c . (here is nothing in the Qur'an which is 
vain and to he taken lightly. Jy> hail = fun. 

2. i. e.. the unbelievers and enemies of Islam plot 
to frustrate Islam and the Qur'an. oyx$~, yakiduna 

they hatch a plot. plot, conspire, contrive (v. iii. 
m pi. tmpfct. from kudu | kayd J. to contrive, to set 
a strategy. See yukiydu at 1 2:3. p. 723. n. 7). 

3. ->S kayd = scheme, plot, plan, stratagem See 
at 77;39. p. 1931. n 4. 

4. i. e , Allah has His Own Plan to deal with His 

5. This is a directive to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. and the Muslims, 
and also a threat that Allah will deal properly with 
the unbelievers. mahhil - respite, give lime, 

delay, proceed slowly and deliberately (v. ii. m. s. 
imperative from muhhula . form II of mahala 
[nuihU muhlali], to be slow, to tarry. See at 73: 1 1, 
p. 1900. n. 4). 

6. ’amhil = give lime, delay, proceed slowly 

(v. ii. m. s. imperative from ’amhalu, form IV of 
muhula. Sec n. S above. 

7. Wjj ruwaydan = gently, at lcasure. for a 

87. Surat al- ’A ‘la ( The Most Exalted) 

Makkan: 19 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah which deals in a nutshell with the themes of tawhid (monotheism), wahy and 
the Qur'an, risalah. i. c„ messengership of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. and 
assures him that the Qur’Sn would be made easy for him and asks him to propagate it. It also speaks 
about the hereafter, reward for the believers and punishment for the unbelievers; and it ends by 
emphasizing that Islam and the message of the Qur'an is the same message which has been 
communicated through all the previous Messengers of Allah like Ibrahim and MflsS, peace be on them. 

The surah is named after its first 'ayah wherein mention is made of one of the Beautiful Names of 
Allah, al- ‘A 'la. the Most Exalted. 


gf- 1. Proclaim the sanctity 1 
of the Name of your Lord, 
the Most Exalted. 2 


2. He Who creates 
and perfects the make. 5 

sfo 3. And He Who 
0 formulates 4 and guides. 

4. And He Who 
produces 5 the pasture. 6 

5. And makes it dry, 7 
dark brown. 8 

1. sabbih = proclaim the sanctity, glorify. 

declare immunity from blemish (v. ii. s. 
imperative from sabbahu. form II of sabaha 
Isahh/ sib&hah) to swim, to float See at 76:26. p. 
1924, n. 8). 

2. 'a ‘Id (s.; pi. ' a'lawna ) = higher one, 
superior, victor. Most High. Most Exalted (elauve 
of Wfy). See at 20:68. p. 990. n. 13. 

3. sawwd = he straightened, duly shaped, 

made equal, made good, put in order, smoothed, 
perfected the make (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of 
sawiya (rttvan], to be equal. Sec at 82:7. p. 1958. 
n. 3). 

4. i. e.. develops through stages giving final form 
and capabilities. jJ J qaddara = he determined, 

decreed, assessed, estimated, evaluated, enabled, 
formulated (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of qadara 
[qudr j. to esuntate. to decree, to have power. See 
at 80:1 9. p. 1949, n. 6). 

5. £ ‘akhraja — he ousted, drove out. 

expelled, dislodged, brought out. produced (v. iii. 
m. s. past in form IV of kharaja [khuruj], to go 
out. to leave. See al 79:29. p 1944. n. 7). 

6. j* / mar'an = pasture, pasturage, grazing land, 
grassland. See at 79:31. p. 1949. n. 10. 

7. tSsk ghuthd' = dry. scum, froth. See at 23:41, 
p. 1085. n. 12. 

8. 'ahwd - dark, dark brown because of 



Sirali 87: At- A la | Pari (Jut') 30 ] 

6. We shall make you recite; 1 
so you shall not froget. 2 

7. Except what Allah wills, 
iu-ol Verily He knows 

'•A* i 

.**•' overt 

and all that remains hidden. 4 

8. And we shall make easy 5 
0^-^. for you the easy way. 6 

9. So remind. 7 
If there benefits 
the reminding. 

JJuH 10. There will take heed 9 
those that fear; 10 

1 1 And there will avoid 11 it 
the most wretched, 12 

12. Who will enter the fire 
(ftjCij&ji most gigantic. 

l. The address is lo the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. hj / nuqri’u = we 

make (someone) read/rccile. leach how (o read (v. 

1. pi. unpfcl from aqraa, form IV of qara’a [ 
qira'ah]. lo read, recite. Sec iqra'H at 73:20. p. 
1902. n. 7). 

2. y-s tansd = you forget, become oblivious (v. 

ii. m, s. impfcL from nasiya [nasy/ nisydn], to 
forget Sec muilum at 45:34. p. 1629. n. 6). 

3. jahr = open, public, oven, explicit. See at 
21:110. p. 1043. n. I. 

4. yakhfa - he or it hides, remains hidden or 
concealed (v. iii. m s. impfet. from khafiya 
I khafd ' Ahifyah Ahufvah). lo be hidden. See at 
40:16. p 1515, n. 1). 

5. nuyassint - we make easy., ease, 
facilitate (v. i. pi. impfet. from yaisara, form II of 
vasira (yarar), to be easy. See yassamd at 54:40, 
p. 1737. n. 4). 

6. i. e . the risdlah and Qur'&n. iSj-t yusrd = 
cosiness, easy way. left hand 

7. /* dhakkir = remind, call to attention (v m s. 

imperative from dhakkara. form II of dhakara 
[dhikr/tadhkdr], to remember See al 52:29. p. 
1712, n. 3). 

8. ojuU nafa'ai = she benented. profiled, availed 

(v. iii. f. s past from nafa'a \naf ), to be useful, 
be of use. See lanfa 'u at 80:4, p. 1 947. n. 7). 

9. /it yadhdhakkaru [originally yaladhakkaru] 

= he remembers, bears in mind, takes heed (v. iii. 

m. s. impfet. tudhakkara, form V of dhukara 
[dhtkr /tadhkdr], to remember, to mention. Sec 
yadhdhakkaru at 80:4, p. 1947, n. 6). 

10. i. e.. fears Allah. Lr u~ < yakhshd = he fears, is 

afraid of, apprehends, dreads (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
from khashiya | khushyAhashyah ] . to fear, to 
dread) See at 80:9, p. 1948. n. 5). 

11. i. e„ avoid the Qur’an and its teachings, 
I slim y •» , } yatajannabu - he avoids, shuns, 

remains aloof (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
lajannaba. form V of janaba \Janb), to avert. 
See at 53:32, p. 1723. n. 5). 

12. jyLlt ’ashqd - the most wretched, miserable, 

unlucky ( dative of shaqiy, act. participle in the 
scale of fall from shaqd/shaqiya. to be unhappy, 
miserable. See shaqiy at 19:49, p. 963, n. 3). 

Surah 87: At- A 'U [ Part (Jut) 30 ] 


tiytfe 1 3. Therefater he will not die 
therein nor live. 1 

jJiUi 14. Successful indeed shall 
y be : the one 

that purifies oneself.’ 

pi 3 15. And remembers 4 the 
($) Name of his Lord and prays. 5 

16. Nay, you perfer* 
the life of this world. 

1 7. While the hereafter is 
the best 7 and most enduring. 8 

18. Verily this is in 
(£) 'JjVLkAirf the scriptures 9 of old, 

1 9. The scriptures of Ibrahim 
and Musa. 10 

1 . yahya = he gives lives (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 

from t/ayiya |/juvuA|, (o live. See yuhyiya al 
75:40. p 1918, n. 13). 

2. i. e„ in the hereafter ‘ajtaha = he 

succeeded, became successful, prospered (v. iii. 
m. s. past in form IV of fataha [ falh ). to split. 
See at 23:1. p. 1075. n. I). 

3. i. e.. from the Tilth of polytheism and unbelief. 
jS " / tazakkS = he purified himself, got purified 

(v. iii. m. s. past in form V of raid [raid'], to 
grow, to be pure, just See al 80:7, p. 1948. n. 3). 

4. i. e.. bears in mind that Allah Alone is 
deserving of worship. /"* dhakara = he 

remembered, bore in mind, mentioned (v. iii. m. s. 
post from dhikr/ ladhkdr, to remember, to 
mention. Sec ladhakkarOna at 56:62. p. 1762. n. 
1 ) 

5. J-* falls = he performed faldh (Islamic 

worship), prayed, worshipped, bestowed blessings, 
sought blessings (v. iii. m. s. past from falSh. to 
pray, to worship. See yasalli at 33:43, p. 1353. n. 


6. iiy/f tu'thirima = you give precedence, prefer, 

choose, like (v. ii. pi. impfet. from Sthara, form 
IV of atharu [ ’alhr/'aihdrah), to transmit, report, 
relate. See yu 'thirOna at 59:9. p. 1798. n. 14. 

7. j*- khayr = good/better/ best, charity, wealth, 
property, affluence. See at 70:21. p. 1880, n. 3. 

8. ^ ’abqS = more lasting, everlasting, more 

enduring, more permanent (elative of bSqin. act 
participle from buqiya [hu</d’|. to remain, to 
continue to be. See al 42:36, p. 1574, n. 9). 

9. juw suhuf (pi.; s. fallifuh) = pages, books, 
scriptures. Sec at 81:10. p. I9S4. n. 8. 

10. The emphasis is on the Tact that lawljid and 
Islflm. with belief in the Resurrection. Judgement 
and life in the hereafter, are the same message 
which Allah has communicated through all His 

88. SOratal-Ghashiyah ( The Overwhelming Event) 
Makkan: 26 'ayahs 

This Makkan surah deals with a number of important themes. It first mentions the Resurrection 
and the overwhelming events that will usher it in. Then it highlights the fact of the Judgement, rewards 
and punishments for the believers and unbelievers respectively. Then it stresses lawhid (monotheism), 
i. e., the fact of Allah being the Sole Creator and Lord, by drawing attention to some of His wonderful 
creations. Then it refers to risdlah. i. e., the messengership of Muhammad, peace and blessings of 
Allah be on him. and asks him to propagate the message, reminding him that he is only to admonish. 
Finally, the surah ends by reminding that everyone will have to return to Allah and to render an 
account of one’s deeds. 

The surah is named after its first 'ayah which caharactcrizcs the Resurrection as the 
"Overwhelming Event" (al-Ghashiyah). 

4&&P* j 

itii jj* I . Has there come to you 
1m theaccountof 

the Overwhelming Event? 1 

2. Some faces that day shall 
O**^ 1 *- be downcast in humility. 2 

O f/ '•»' „ 

3. Labouring/ exhausted. 

4. Entering 5 in a fire 
extremely hot. 6 

JLj 5. They will be given to drink 7 
OM'*** 6 ^ of a fountain fully boiling. 8 

1. ghdshiyah (f. s.; pi. ghawish) = that 
which covers/overwhelms, overwhelming event, 
stupor (act. participle from ghashiya 
[ ghishdwah / ghashydn / ghishydn], to cover, to 
overwhelm See at 12:107, p.760. n. 10). 

2. khdshi'ah = submissive, humble, dry 

and barren, downcast (active participle from 
khasha'a \khushu ], to be submissive, humble, 
dry and barren. Sec at 79:9. p. 1 94 1 . n. 6). 

3. U.U ‘amilah (f. s.. m. until) = worker. 

labourer, labouring, active (act. participle from 
'amila I'amal]. to do. to act. See uimaldna at 
63:11. 1829, n. 8). 

4 ndsihah (f. s.; m. ndsib ) = fatigued. 

exhausted, tired, tiring (act. participle from 
nasaba [naib], to exhausl. fatigue, wear out). 

5. J-mS las Id = she bums, broils, enters fire (v. 

iii. f. s. impfet. from said [sulanj fully/ sild ), 
to roast, to bum. to be exposed to die blaze. See 
al 17:19. p. 879, n I). 

6. h&miyah ((. s.; m. (fd min) = extremely 

hot. most scorching (act. participle from hamiya 
[hamy/ hamw], to be hot). 

7. (ji-l lusqd = she or it is watered, given to 
drink (v. iii. f. s. impfet. passive from saqd 
[saqy 1. to give a drink. See yusqd at 12:41, p. 
737. n. 6). 

8. JJV ’dniyah ((. s.; m. 'dnm ) ~ extremely hot, 
fully boiling (acl participle from 'and (’ind'J. to 
be mature. See 'dnm al 55:44. p 1747. n. 13). 


Surah 88: Al-Ghdshiyah [ Part (Juz ) 30 ] 


*L tpi 6. They shall have no food 1 
except of thorny plants. 2 

7. It will neither nourish 3 
nor avail 4 against hunger. 5 

8. Some faces 6 that day 
QU will be delighted; 7 

9. For their efforts 8 
well pleased. 9 

10. In a paradise quite lofty. 10 

1 1 . They will not hear 1 1 
therein any vain talk. 12 

jlcljj 12. Therein will be a spring 
in continuous flow. 

12. Therein will be couches 13 
elevated; 14 

1. fUV ta'am (s.; pi. ut'imah) = food, diet, 
meal. See at 80:24. p. 1950. n. 4 

2. ruj~» dart' ~ a kind of thorny plant in hell. 

3. yusminu = he or it fattens, nourishes (v. 

iii. m. s. impfct from ’ asmanu , form IV of 
samina | simun/samunah ). to be fat, to put on 

4. ^ yughnt = he suffices, makes free from 

want, enriches, makes rich, avails, helps (v. iii. 
m. s. impfct. from aghnu, form IV of ghaniya 
Ighintm / ghaml' ]. to be free from want, to be 
rich. See at 80:37. p. 1951. n. 10). 

5 ■ t_yr jti‘ = hunger, starvation See at 16:112. 
p. 866. n. 6. 

6. ‘yy uujiih (sing. ; wajh ) = faces, 
countenances. See at 83:24, p. 1963, n. 9). 

7. na'muh = youthful, cheerful, delighted 

(act. participle from na ima [mi ‘mah/man ’am). 
to be in luxury, delighted. Sec na'muh at 73: 1 1 , 
p. 1900. n. 3). 

8. i. e.. deeds. sa‘y a to move speedily, to 

run, to proceed hurriedly, to strive/ endeavour/ 
attempt/ effort. See at 76:22, p. 1923. n 13). 

9. r&diyah (f. s.; m. rudin) = pleased. 

satisfied, happy, pleasant (act. participle from 
radiya [ ridan / ridwdn / marduh), to be satisfied. 
See at 69:22. p. 1872. n 4).’ 

10. • Aliyah (f. s.; m. 'd/in ) = high, tall, 
outstanding, lofty (act. participle from 'aid 
I'ulQw], to go up. Sec at 69:22, p. 1 872. n. 5). 

11. i lasma'u = she listens, hears, pays 

attention (v. iii. f. s. impfct. from sami'a [sum’ 
/ramu ' /uima ah /mar mu ], to hear. Sec 
yastami'ina at 52:38, p. 1713, n. II). 

12. hfi Idghiyah = vain talk, thoughtless 
utterance. See laghiv at 78:35, p 1938, n. 4 

13. jy surur (p|.; s. > j- sarir ) = bedsteads, 
thrones, couches. See at 56:15, p. 1755, n. 6. 

14. marfu'ah (s. f; m nuirfu) = raised, 
elevated, made high, exalted (pass, participle 
from rafa'a [raf\. to raise, to lift up. See at 
80:13, p 1948, n. II). 


Surah 88: Al-Chdshiyah | Part (Jut ) 30 ) 

14. And cups' set ready. 2 

i^Uj 15. And cushions' 
arranged in rows. 4 

iijjj 16. And decorated carpets 5 
spread out. 6 


17. Do they not look 7 
at the camels,* 
how they are created? 

18. And at the sky, 

3 $ how it is made high. 9 

4^4' at the mountains, 10 
-* ■ 3 '■:< how they are pitched." 

20. And at the earth, 
how it is surfaced? 12 

21. So remind, 1 ’ 

you are but one to remind. 


1 . akwdb (pi.; s. kub ) = cups, tumblers. 

2. i. e. with drink. mavdu'ah (f. s.; m. 

mawdu ' ) = that which is set, set ready, placed, 
laid down (pass, participle from watfa'a 
(» atfa'a (hoc/']. to place, to put down. See 
yada na 65:4, 1 839. n. 12). 

3. J jU. namariqu (pi.; s. numruq/nuruquh) = 
cushions, pillows. 

4 masfufah (f.) = arranged in rows, lined 

up. set in ranks (pass, participle from saffa 
[saff] , to set up in a row. to line up. classify, 
compose. See at $2:20, p. 1710, n. 4). 

5- Jjj zarabiy (pi.; s. zarbiyah ) = decorated 

6. mabthuthah (f. s„ m. nuibthuth ) = 
spread, spread out. unfolded, laid out. scattered, 
disseminated (pass participle from baththu 
[baihiha], to spread, to unroll, to scatter. Sec 
munbalhih at 56:6. p. 1754, n. 5). 

7. byjkq yanzuruna = they look. gaze, look 

expectantly, wail for. await (v. iii. m pi impfcL 
from nazara [naz.r/numzar]. to see. view, look 
at. See at 83:35. p. 1965. n. 3). 

8. J,i ’ibil - camels. 

9. tfaij rufi'at - she or it was raised, made 

high, lifted, elevated (v. iii f. s. past passive 
from rafa'a [rqf], to raise, to lift up. See 
marfd' at 52:5. p. 1707. n. 8). 

10. Jt* jibal (pi.; s. jabat) = mountains, 
mountain-like clouds. Sec at 81 :3. p. 1953. n. 4. 

11. nusibai = she or it was pitched. 

erected, set up. put up. planted, installed (v. iii. 
f. s past passive from nusaba [nusb], to raise, to 

erect, to pitch). 

12. Do they not see all these wonderful creations 

of Allah's and be convinced that He can recreate 
and resurrect? sulihat = she or it was 

surfaced, planed, made smooth, spread out (v. 
iii. f. s. past from solatia [slah], to surface, to 
plane, to spread out). 

13. i. c . remind about the life in the hereafter 
and the need to abide by Allah's directives. /» 
dhakkir - remind, call to attention (v. m. s. 
imperative from dluikkara, form II of dhakaru 
[dhikr/iadhkdr], to remember. Sec at 87:9. p. 
1973. n. 7). 

Surah 88: Al-Ghdshiyah | Pari (Jui ) 30 ) 


- A'c..'- *1 22. You are not over them 
a controller.' 

23. Except the one who 
turns away 2 and disbelieves. ? 

24. Then him Allah will punish 4 
C/jJ\ with the punishment 

most enormous.’ 

25. Verily to Us 
shall be their return. 6 

i- y 26. Then upon Us will be the 
bringing them to account. 7 

•» mtuaytir( pi. masaytirun ) = ruler, 

overlord, conlroller. sovereign (act participle 
from saytara, (o dominate, to control. Sec 
mu. rayti run at 52:37, p. 1713. n. 9). 

2. Jy lawalld = he took over, undertook. 

turned away, averted, took for a friend (v. iii. m. 
s. past in form V of waliya [wal&’AviUlyah], to 
be near, to be a friend. See at 80:1. p. 1947. n. 

3. >r kafara = he disbelieved, denied, turned 
ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m. s. past from kufr. 
to disbelieve, to cover. See at 35:39. p 1404. n. 

4. —'Sa, yu'adhdhibu = he punishes, chastises. 

torments (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from adhdhaha, 
form II [la'dhib] of 'adhaba I'adhb], to impede, 
to obstruct Sec at 58:8. p. 1786, n. II). 

5. i. c.. in hell. 

6. vV 'iyab = return, to return. 

7. These two 'uydhas arc very clear warnings 
that there shall be Resurrection and Judgment. 

*• his&b (pi. tysdbdt)- calculation. 

reckoning, accounting, taking of account, 
consideration. Sec at 78:36. p. 1938. n. 8. 

89. SOratal-Fajr (The Daybreak) 
Makkan: 30 'tiyahs 

This is a Makkan surah which deals with three matters. It first alludes to the risala (Mcssengcrship 
or Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and the opposition and enmity of the 
unbelievers by mentioning the fate of the three powerful peoples of the past, the 'Ad, the ThamOd and 
Fir'awn and his hosts, all of whom were signally punished for their rejection of the trutth and the 
Messengers sent respectively to them. Then the surah speaks about man's engrossment with wealth and 
property, given by Allah to test him. and his neglect of his duty to the orphan and the poor and his 
unlawful aiTogation to himself of the shares of his co-inheritors. Finally it reminds man of his ultimate 
accountability to Allah on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement and the reward or punishment that 
awaits him. 

The surah is named al-Fajr (The Daybreak) with reference to its first 'ayah wherein Allah swears 

1. By the daybreak. 1 

0^jGj 2. By the ten nights. 2 

£}j\j 3. And by the even' 
0 j'J\j and the odd. 4 

jdfj 4. And by the night 
$ when it departs/ 

jji 5. Is there in these an oath 6 
0y^^G for the one having acumen? 7 

J 6. Do you not see how 

1 . Allah may swear by anything of His creation; 
but a creature may swear only by Him. fajr = 

daybreak, dawn, morning twilight, beginning, 

2. i. e„ the first ten night of the month of DhO 

3. shop - even, even number, eithet pan of a 
pair. See shafa'ah at 74:48. p. 191 1, n. 2. 

4. J} watar = odd. uneven (number). See yatira 
at 47:35. p 1659. n. 10. 

5. j—i yasri = he or it travels by night, sets out, 

departs (v. iii. m. s. impfet from sard 
[suran/suryah], to travel by night. See 'ash at 
44:23, p. 1610, n. 6). 

6. i. c , an oath to convince. f — i qasam (s., pi. 
’aqsdm) = oath. 

7. The conclusion of the oaths is kept silent. It is 
that Allah shall duly punish the unbelievers and 
opponents of the Messengers sent to them This is 
clear from the next ’Ayah which draws attention to 
how Allah punished the powerful Ad and the 
Thamud people and Fir'awn because of their 
unbelief and disobedience to the Messengers sent 
to them. hijr = intelligence, acumen. 


Suruh 89: Al-Fajr | Part (Jut) 30 ] 


^ your Lord did with the ‘Ad? 

7. Of Iram , 1 

0 owners of the columns ? 2 

Jliepjjit 8 .Which there was not made 3 
(ji. the like of them 
0 ?cU '4 in all the lands . 4 

9. And the Thamfld who 
hewed' the rocks 6 

0 *$ in the valley ? 7 

10. And Fir'awn, 

01 $^} the owner of stakes ? 8 

1 1. All who transgressed 9 
O^j'4 in the lands; 

ijjft 12. And made excessive 10 
therein the mischief." 

]^c. 13. So there poured l2 on them 

1. The name of the ancestor of the A'd people 
which was given to the locality where they lived 
in southern Arabia. 

2. i. e.. tall buildings with columns. su* ‘imad (s.; 

pi. amad/umud ) = column, pole, pillar, post, 

3. jU( yukhlaq (u) - he or it is created, made. 

originated (v. iii. m. s. impfet passive from 
khalaqa | khalq |, to create. The final letter is 
vowelless because of the particle lam coming 
before the verb See nakhluq at 77:20, p. 1928. n 


4. >'Ji bilad (pi.; s. baldah) = countries, lands, 
cities, towns, townships. See baldah at 25:49, p. 
1 152, n. 17. 

5. They made their dwelling places by hewing the 
hills of which the remains are still visible at Widi 
al-Qura in northern Arabia. lj|W jdhu = they cut, 

pierced, bored, hewed, travelled (v. iii. m. pi. past 
from jdba [jawb], to travel, to explore, to pierce. 
Sec 'ajtbO at 46:31. p. 1643. n. 10). 

6. sakhr (s.; pi. sukhur) = rocks, boulders. 
See sakhrah at 31:16, p. 1316. n. 7. 

7. s'j vSdin (s ; pi ’ awdiyah ) = ravine, river bed. 
valley, vale, gorge. See at 79:16, p. 1942, n. 5. 

8 i. e., a large army who pitched tents with 
numerous stakes. sUyl 'a hind (pi . s. waiad) ~ 
pegs, poles, stakes. See at 78:17. p. 1934. n. 3. 

9. i. e., by disbelieving in Allah, oppressing the 
people and committing sins. I>1* laghaw - they 

transgressed, crossed all limits, overflowed (v. iii. 
m. pi. past from laghd [taghanj tughydn], to 
exceed all bounds. Sec laghd at 79:16, p. 1942, 
a 8). 

10. aklharu they increased, made much. 

mode excessive, did frequently (v. iii. m. pi. past 
from 'aklhara, form IV of kaihura [ kathrah ], to 
be much, to be numerous). 

11. st—i fasid s mischief-making, mischief, 
decay, corruption, depravity See at 28:83, p. 
1262. n. 8. 

12. sabba = he poured, poured forth. 

imposed (v. iii. m. s. past from $abb, to pour, 
pour forth. See sababnd at 80:25. p. 1950, n. 5). 


SSrati 89: Al Fajr [ Part (Juz ) 30 ) 

your Lord 

ijc-ip the scourge 1 of punishment. 

14. Verily your Lord is 
ever on the watch. 2 

cAT C& 15. So as for man, 

%j4jZ\Cti\ when his Lord tries' him 
and is generous 4 to him 
and makes life easj^for him , 
jyli he says: "My Lord 
Q has been generous to me." 

16. But when He tries him 
and restricts 6 on him 

jyLiMij^ his provision 7 he says: 

"My Lord has disgraced" me." 

17. Not at all. Nay, 
you are not generous 9 
to the orphan. 

1 8. Nor urge one another 10 
00 feeding" the poor. 

V " Q 

1 . saw! (s.; pi. ’asudf) = scourge, whip. flog. 

2. y mirsad - ambush, observation post, on 
the watch. Sec at 78:21, p. 1936, n. 3. 

3. ibtala m he tested, put to test, tried. 

afflicted (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of bald 
[balw / bald'], to test, to try. See at 2:124, p. 58. 
n. 12). 

4. f/"I 'akrama = he honoured, gives honour, is 
generous to (v. iii. m. s. past in from IV of karuma 
[karam / karumah / kardmah], to be noble, to be 
generous. See mukramun at 70:35. p. 1882. n. 1). 

5. na"ama = made life easy, made smooth, 

softened (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of 
rui 'amulna tmu[ [ na'mah/mun'am], to be happy, 
to be in case. See 'an'ama at 33:37, p. 1350. n. 
10 . 

6. jJk qadara - he measured, restricted, decreed, 

(v. iii. m. s. past from qadr. to decree, to 
measure, to have power See qaddara 87:3. p. 
1977. n 4). 

7. Jjj rizq (pi. Jijjt urzdq) = sustenance, 

subsistence, livelihood, means of livelihood, 
provision, boon. See at 65: 1 1 , p. 1 843. n. 9. 

8. OUl 'ahdna * he disgraced, humiliated, 

debased (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of hdna 
[/until). to be of little importance. Sec muhin at 
58:16. p. 1790, n. 11). 

9. i)y£ tukrimilna- you are generous, give 

honour (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 'akrama See n. 
4 above). 

10. lahadddna = you urge one another. 

encourage one another (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 
hiidiia. form III of Ijuddu [ hadd ), to spur on. 
incite. See yahuddu at 69:34, p. 1874, n. 1). 

11. fUl» la ‘dm (s.; pi. t— at'imah) = food, diet, 
meal. See at 88:6. p. 1981, n. I . 

Surah 89: Al-Fajr [ Pan (Jut ) 30 ] 


19. And you consume 1 
the inheritance 2 

a consumption in toto. 3 

20. And love 4 wealth 

in a love all abosrbing. 5 


21. Never indeed. 6 
When crushed 7 shall be 
the earth in total devastation. 

22. And your Lord will come* 
while the angels’ shall be 
in row'°after row. 

23. And brought up that day 
will be hell. 

That day 

there will remember" man; 
but of what avail to him will 
be the remebrance? 12 

24. He will say: "Alas to me! 

1 . i. c.. arrogate to yourscllves the rights of other 
sharers in the inhentnnee. Cijtf t; ta'kuluna = you 

(all) cat. consume (v. ii. in. pi. impfcl. from ’aknla 
[ ukUmu'kal], to eat. See at 51:27, p. 1700. n. 7). 

2. dj'j turath = inheritance, legacy: also to 

inherit, to be heir. Sec awruthnu at 44:28, p. 
161 l.n. 4). 

3. fJ lamm = in toto. total, whole. 

4 Jju-J tuhibbuna = you (all) love. (v. ii. m. pi. 

impfcl. from habba [hubb], to love. See at 75:20. 
p 1916 n. 2). 

5 jamm - all absorbing. 

6. i. c , never be so absorbed in the love of wealth 
forgetting Allah. 

7. oTj dukkm - she or it was crushed, pressed 
down, flattened, devastated (v. iii. f. s. past 
passive from dakka ( dakk ] . to make flat, to 
demolish. Sec dukkutd at 69:14. p. 1870, n. 12). 

8. i. e., Allah will appear to judge and take 
account of the deeds of His servants. 

9. malak (s.; pi. mald'ikah ) = angel. Sec at 
54:26. p 1721, n 4). 

10. saff (s.; pi. sufuf) = row. rank, line, 
file See at 78:38. p. 1938. n 14). 

1 1. i. e„ man will remember his deeds and will 
wish to repent and seek forgiveness. jSU* 
yatadhakkaru - he takes heed, bears in mind, 
remembers, recalls, receives admonition (v. iii. m 
s. impfet. from ladhakkara. form V of dhakura 
[dhikr/ ladhkdr], to remember See at 40:13. p. 
1514. n. 5). 

12. For no repentance or redemption will be 
accepted at that time. id dhikra = 
recollection, remembrance, memory, reminder. 
Sec at 50:37. p. 1693. n. 9 


Surah 89: Al-Fajr ( Part (Juz ) 30 ] 

had I sent in advance 1 
($)4CL for the sake of my life!" 2 



25. So on that day, 
there will punish' not 

like His punishing anyone. 

26. Nor will there bind 4 
like His binding anyone. 

27. "O you the the person 5 
in complete contentment", 6 

28. "Come back 7 to your Lord 
well pleased 8 and pleasing." 9 

29. "Then enter among 
My servants." 10 

30. " And enter 
{£) Jf- into My Paradise." 

I . i. e., sent good deeds, o— u» qaddamtu = 1 sent 
ahead, forwarded, advanced, given in advance (v. 

1. s. post from qaddama. form II of qadama / 
qadima [ qadm /qudim /qidmdn /maqdam] to 
precede, to arrive. See at 50:28. p 1691. n. 7). 

2. i. c., for the eternal life in the hereafter. 

3. i. c, the sinful, v'-vs yu'adhdhibu = he 
punishes, chastises, torments (v. iii. m. s. impfet. 
from 'adhdhaba. form II [la'dhib] of 'adhaba 
I'adhb], to impede, to obstruct. See at 88:24. p. 
1983, n 4). 

4. i. c., the sinful, jlj, ytithiqu = he binds. 

fastens, ties up. fetters (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
'awlhaqa, form IV of walhuqu lwuihdquh\, to be 
firm, solid, sure). 

5. This will be said to the righteous. nafs (s.: 
pi. nufus/’anfus) = living being, person, 
individual, nature, self. life. soul. See at 74:38. p. 
1909. it 10. 

6. i. c . completely contented with the rewards 

given by Allah. muima’innah (f.. m. 

mutma'inn ) = content, contented, at rest (act. 
participle from inna'anna. Sec at 16:112, p. 
866. n. I). 

7. W* = you (f.) go back, come back, 
return, send back, turn (v. ii. f. s. imperative from 

raja'u ( ruj&'j . to return, go back. See irji' at 
67:3, p. 1851. n. 3). 

8. r&diyah ( f. s.. m. rildm ) = satisfied. 

pleased, pleasant, agreeable (act participle from 
ra4iyu ( ritjan / rujwdn/ mirdiih], to be satisfied 
Sec at 69:21. p. 1872. n. 4) 

9. tJ " y mardiyyah (f. s.; m. mardiyy ) = 

pleasing, approved (pass, participle from radiya. 
See n. 8 above). 

10. i. c.. My righteous servants, st* 'ib&d (sing. 
m'iiWI = servants (of Allah), human beings, 
staves, serfs, worshippers. See at 71:27, p. 1889. 
n. 7). 

90. SCjrat al-Balad (The City) 
Makkan: 20 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. Its main themes are risalah (Mcsscngcrship of Muhammad, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him). Judgement, reward and punishment. It alludes to the opposition and 
enmity of the unbelievers to the message, their spending of wealth for honour, glory and for opposing 
the truth. They are reminded that they shall have to face Allah's Judgement and that they cannot cross the 
hurdle unless they believe, spend their wealth in setting slaves free and feeding the poor and orphan 
relatives, and advise one another for patience and kindness. Such ones shall be dwellers of paradise in 
the hereafter while the unbelievers will abide in the fire of hell. The surah is named after its first 'ayah 
wherein Allah swears by the city ( al-Balad ), i. c. Makka. 

1. Indeed swear 1 
by this city. 2 

2. And you are a resident 5 
0 in this city. 

yl'JJ 3. And by the porgenitor 4 
0 j&j and what he begot. 5 

LiJi-IaJ 4. We have indeed created 
man in hardship. 6 

jl 5. Does he think 7 that 

j*uj there cannot have power 8 
over him anyone? 

jyb 6. He says; "I have destroyed 9 

1. lit at the beginning of the dyah is for 
emphasis. Allah may swear by anything of His 
creation, but His creatures may swear only by 
Him 'uqsimu - I swear, make an oath (v. i. 

s. impfet. from uqsama. form IV of qasama 
[qusum], to divide. See at 84:16. p. 1968, n. S). 

2. i. e„ Makka. a* balad (s.; pi. btlud) = country. 

town, city, place, land. Sec at 35:9, p. 1392, nil. 

3. The address is to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings fo Allah be on him. J>- hill - lawful, 
permissible, free, resident. Sec at 5:5, p. 329. n.7. 

4. i. e., ‘Adam, peace be on him. ally valid - 
progenitor, procreator, father, parent (act. 
participle from w alada [wilddah I lidah / mawlid], 
to give birth, to beget. See yalidd at 71:27, p. 
1889, n. 8). 

5. i. e.. the children of 'Adam, mankind. 

6. i. e.. the hardships of worldly life. sS kabad = 
hardship, difficulty. 

7. >. — pn yahsabu = he thinks, considers, deems, 
regards, supposes (v. iii. m. s. impfet from h“siba 
[hishurj mahsabah], to deem, to regard. See at 
75:36. p. 1918, n. I). 

8. jJJq yaqdira(u) = he measures out. ordains, is 

able to. has power (v. iii. m s. impfet from 
i/adara ( qadr/qadar], to ordain, to measure, to 
have power. Sec at 39:52, p. 1500, n. 3). 

9. 1. e„ spent c^Ul ’ ahlaktu = 1 destroyed, 
annihilated (v. I. s. post from 'ahlaka. form IV of 

hulaka ( halk / hulk J haldk /lahlukah], to perish. 
Sec ahlaknd at 54:5 1 . p. 1739. n. 8). 



Sdrah 90: Al-Balad ( Part Witt') 30 ] 

wealth in plenty." 1 

7. Does he think that 

0 there sees him none? 

8. Have We not made 2 for 
00 ^ 4 *.^ him two eyes? 3 

9. And a tongue 4 
and two lips? 5 

i£uj 10. And shown 6 him 
the two broad ways? 7 

1 1 . But he has not defied 8 
the difficult track. 9 

12. And what will inform 10 
you what the difficult track is? 

13. It is to set free 1 'a slave. 12 

14. Or to feed 13 on a day 

I The reference is lo the person who is puffed up 
with his wealth and power, denies the 
Resurrection and Judgement, opposes the truth of 
the Qur’an and spends his wealth in an attempt to 
frustrate its message, -U lubad = immense 
wealth, plenty of wealth. 

2. J»~ naj'at(u) = we lay. make. set. put. place, 
appoint, assign (v. i. pi impfet. from ja 'ala [/a'f], 
to make. The final letter is vowelless because of 
the particle lam coming before the verb. See at 
78:6. p. 1934. n. I). 

3. ' aynayn (dual; accVgen. of 'ayndn ; s. 

'ayn; 'uydn/'a 'yun ) = two eyes, two spnngs. two 
fountains. See 'ayndn at 55:66. p. 1750. n. 9). 

4. 01—1 lisan ( s.; m 4 f.; pi. I— it/j-jt 
' ulsinuh r alsun ) = tongue, language. See at 
26:195. p. 1196, n. I. 

5. Jfi- 1 shafatayn (dual, acc /gen of shufaldn; s. 

shafuh ; pi. shifdh/shafawdl ) = two lips, rims, 

6. C,a> hadaynd = we showed, guided, gave 
guidance (v. i. pi. past from hadd [hady/hiddyah], 
to guide. Sec at 37:1 18. p. 1449, n. I). 

7. i. e„ good and evil. ,>■**“ najdayn (dual; 

acc7gen. of najddn: s. najd ; pi. nijddJnujdd ) = 
two high lands, broad ways. 

8. iqtahama = he stormed, rushed, broke 
into, embarked on, defied (v. iii. m. s. past in form 
VIII of qahama [ quhdm], lo throw oneself, to 
come near. Sec muqtuhm at 38:59. p. 1473. n. 

9. ‘aqabah (s.; pi. ‘iqdb) = steep road, 
difficult truck, mountain road. pass. 

10. iSjs! adrd = he informed, let know, notify (v. 

iii. m. s. past in form IV of dard ( dirdyah], lo 
know. See at 86:2, p. 1974, n. 3). 

1 1 . «iJL» fakk - to separate, disjoin, tear, unbind, 
untie, redeem, liberate, emancipate, release, set 

12. kij raqabahl s.;pl. riqdb) = neck, slave See 
at 58:3. p. 1783. n. 10. 

13. (UW 'it 'dm = to feed, feeding, to give food 
(verbal noun in form IV of la'ima [fa’m], lo eat, 
to taste. See at 58:3. p. 1784. n. 3). 

Surah 90: M-BuUul | Part (Juz) 30 ] 


of scarcity 1 

15. An orphan near of kin, 

1 6. Or a poor in misery. 4 


& 1 7. Moreover he is of those 
!>-'♦ who believe 

It-lyj and mutually counsel patience 
and mutually counsel 
kindness. 7 

.."tMj t 18. Such ones shall be the 
Q i-'A'/rf companions* of the right. 9 

u%' 3 1 9. And those who 
&& \ 3j & disbelieve 10 in Our signs," 
they shall be the companions 
of the left. 12 

20. Over them shall be fire 

O ft / s 9 ^ I 1 

ix-yi closed on all sides. 

1 . U — ■ masghabah = scarcity, hunger, famine. 

2. maqrabah = nearness, proximity, 
closeness. <//»! maqrubah: near of kin. near 

3. • misktn (pi. musilkin) = poor, indigent. 
See at 74:44. p 1910. n. 8. 

4. malrabah = poverty, misery, destitution. 

5. tawdsaw = they made a bequesl/behcst, 

enjoined one another, mutually counselled (v. iii. 
m pi. past from lawdsix. form V! of word [wary], 
to be joined, lightened, degraded See at 31:53, p. 
1703, n. 3). 

6. sr* sabr = patience, forbearance, perseverance, 
endurance. See at 2:45, p. p. 22. nil. 

7. y marhamah a mercy, kindness, 
compassion, to be kind, to have mercy (vrebal 
noun of rahima, to have mercy. See lurhamOna 
at 49: 10. p. 1680, n. 8). 

8. t-A**-*! ' as-hab (pi.; sing. saljib) a 

inmates, inhabitants, companions, associates, 
comrades, followers, owners, sentinels Sec at 
85:4. p. 1970, n. 6). 

9. i. e.. they will have their book of deeds in their 
right hands and their accounting will be easy(sec 
84:7-8. p. 1967). maymanah (f. s.; pi. 

mayamin ) = right, right side, right wing. See at 
56:8. p. 1754. n. 8. 

10. 'j/iS - kafaru - they disbelieved, became 

ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m. pi. post from kafara 
| kufr ] . to cover. See at 67:7, p. 1852, n. 1). 

11. i. e„ the Qur'an . o'/ ’ay at (sing, dyah) — 
signs, miracles, revelations, texts of the Qur'&n. 
evidences. See at 83:13. p. 1962. n. I. 

12. i. e.. they will be given their books of deeds in 
their left hands and will be the inmates of 
hcll.Utx. mash'amah = misfortune, calamity, ill 
luck. left. 

13. mu'sadah (f. s.. m mu '.fad ) = closed 
all round, closed on all sides (pass, participle from 
'<2 soda, form IV of 'asudti . to close, to shut). 

91 . SOratal-Shams (The Sun) 
Makkan: 15 'ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah which calls attention to lawhid (monotheism) and risalah 
(Messengership of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him). It stresses that whoever 
abandons shirk and purifies himself by adhering to lawhid will have the ultimate success, and whoever 
corrupts himself with shirk will be a failure. It also points out that Allah gives guidance through His 
Messengers and warns about the consequence of unbelief and disobedience by citing the instance of the 
Thamud people who were duly punished for their unbelief and disobedience. The surah is named after 
its first 'ayah wherein Allah swears by the sun ( al-Shams ). 

1. Allah may swear by anything of His creation, 
but His creatures may swear only by Him. 

2. duhan = forenoon, day-time, brightness 
of the sun. See at 79:46, p. 1975, n. II. 

3. T>U laid = he followed, succeeded (v. iii. m. s. past 
from talw. to follow, to succeed). 

4. Note that it is the day which brings the sun to 
view, not that the sun moves and comes into view. 
jU jalld = brought to light, disclosed, revealed 

(v. iii. m. s. past in form II of jaU J ( jalw/Jaly], to 
throw light, to make clear. See lajulld at 7:143, p. 
518. n. 2. 

5. yaghshd = he covets, overcomes, 
overwhelms (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from ghashiya 
[ghashy/ghishdwah], to cover. See at 29:55, p. 
1285, n 1). 

6. band = he made, built, set up. founded, 
constructed (v. iii. m. s. past from bind V bunydn, 
to build. See at 79:27, p. 1944. n. 2). 

^^ij 1. By the sun 1 

and its brightness. 2 

2. By the moon 
when it follows 1 her. 

jffiy 3. By the day 

when it discloses her. 4 

4. By the night 
when it covers 5 her. 

.LPfJ 5. By the sky 

and Him Who built 6 it. 

6. By the earth and Him 


Surah 91 : Al-Shams [ Part (Jui') 30 1 


0 Who threw it as as ball. 1 

7. By the living self 
and Him Who 

0$£ perfected its make. 2 

8. Then He enlightened 1 it 
l 'h/X of its immorality 4 

and its righteousness. 5 

ji 9. Successful 6 indeed will be 
he who purifies 7 it. 

vti-jij 10. And a failure" indeed will 
be he who corrupts 9 it. 

c-aS 1 1 . There did disbelieve 
ajll the Thamud 

0'i'>^i by their transgression. 10 

12. When delegated" was 
0L*U-i1 their most wretched one. 

1. talid = he threw like a ball, removed, 
spread, spread out (v. iii. m. s. past from tahw. 
to throw as a ball, to remove). 

2. i ty* sawwi - he straightened, duly shaped. 

made equal, made good, put in order, perfected the 
make, smoothed, levelled (v. iii m. s. past in form 
II of sawtya [sitvun]. to be equal. See at 82:7, p. 
1958. n. 3). 

3. 'athama = he enlightened, inspired, made 

(someone) swallow (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 
lahima [tahm/Iaham], to swallow, to consume). 

4 jya fujur - to act immorally, immorality, 
dissolute life, adultery (verbal noun of fajaru , to 
act immorally. SeefujjAr at 82: 14, p. 1959. n. 3). 

5. i. e. has given guidance about the good and bad 
ways of life, is yi taqwi = godliness, devoutness, 
piety, righteousness, fear of Allah (verbal noun in 
form V/VIII of »a</d ( wuqyAuqdyah). to guard, 
be on one's guard See at 74:55, p. 1912, n. 2. 

6. i. e., on the Day of Judgement 'aflaha = 

he succeeded, became successful, prospered (v. iii. 
m. s. past in form IV of falaha l falh). to split. 
Sec at 87: 14. p 1973, n. 2). 

7. i. c., from the filth of polytheism zakkd = 

he purified, cleansed, vindicated, declared just, 
increased (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of zukA 
[zukA'\, to grow, be pure. just. See yazzakkA at 
80:3. p. 1947, n. 5). 

8. khaba = he failed, became unsuccessful. 

became disappointed, was frustrated (v. iii. m. s. 
post from khaybah. to fail, to be disappointed. Sec 
at 20: 1 1 1 , p. 1003. n. 10). 

9. dassa (originally dassasa. The final .tin is 

changed into ' ulif ) = he buried, inserted, infused, 
interpolated, corrupted (v. iii. m s past in form II 
of dasasa, to bury, to corrupt). 

10. iSydf taghwan = transgression, crossing the 
limit. See laghatv at 89:11. p. 1985. n. 9. 

1 1. i. e . was sent out to kill the shc-camel which 
Allah had given as a miracle to the Messenger 
Silih, peace be on him. inba'atha = he was 
delegated, despatched, sent out. provoked (v. iii. 
m. s. past in form VU of ba’athu [ba'ih\, to 
send, to resurrect Sec mab'Alhuna at 83:4. p 
1969. n 8) 


Stirah 91 : Al-Shams [ Part Uu : ') 30 ] 

zijui 1 3. So the Messenger of 
«3tl jySj Allah said to them: 

<jiuiu "The she-camel of Allah 
and her drinking water." 1 

14. But they disbelieved 2 him 
and hamstrung 3 her. 
ajJj So there inflicted punishment 4 
on them their Lord 
for their sin 3 
and levelled 6 them. 

1 5. And He feared 7 not 

jyQ'-ic. the consequences 8 thereof. 

1. suqyd = drinking water, drink See 
yusqawna at 76:17. p. 1992, n. II. 

2. tji-iS" kadhdhabil = they cried lies, thought 

untrue, disbelieved (v. iii. m. pi past from 
kudhdhuba. form II of kudhaba [ kidhb /ktidhth 
/kadhbuh / kidhbah ]. to lie. See at 78:28. p. 
1937. n. 3). 

3. i. e.. they slaughtered her. tj>» ‘aqarti = they 
wounded, cnppled by cutting the tendons at the 
bock of the knees, hamstrung, (figuratively, 
slaughtered, for they used to hamstring the camel 
for slaughtering it) (v. iii. m pi. past from aqaru 
[ uqr/'aqr/' aqarah), to be barren Sec at 26:157. 
p. 1189. n. 7). 

4. fXo damdama = he inflicted punishment, 
punished, destroyed, muttered (v. iii. m. s. past). 

5. v'i dhanb (s.; pi. dhunub ) = sin. offence, 
crime, wrong. See at 81:9, p. 1954, n. 7. 

6. i. e., completely destroyed them irrespective of 
the high and low. rich and poor. <Sy* sawwA m 
he straighlened. duly shaped, made equal, made 
good, put in order, perfected the make, smoothed, 
levelled (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of satviya 
Isiwan). to be equal. See at 91:7, p. 1993. n I). 

7. yakh&fu = he fears, dreads, is afraid (v, 
iii. m. s. impfet. from kh&fa [khawf/ makhdfah/ 
khifuhl. to fear. Sec at 72:13, p. 1893. n. 6). 

8. ‘uqba = end, outcome, result. 

consequences, ultimate, the hereafter or return to 
Allah, reward. See at 13:42. p. 783, n. I . 

92. Surat al-Layl ( The Night) 
Makkan:21 'ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah. It is named after the first ayah wherein Allah swears by the night 
{al-Layl). It deals with the themes of risalah (Messengership of Muhammad, peace and blessings of 
Allah be on himO, the Qur'an and reward and punishment respectively for the believers and unbelievers 
in the hereafter. . The surah states that Allah provides guidance through the Qur'an and that those who 
disbelieve and turn away from it will have the punishment of hellfire in the hereafter but those who 
believe and spend their wealth in charity and for the pleasure of Allah shall be saved from it and will 
have a happy life in paradise. 

jJfJ 1. By the night 1 
when it covers. 2 

2. By the day 

$ when it shines forth. 2 

3. And by Him Who creates 
'he male 4 and the female. 5 

4. Verily your efforts 6 
CD'lii are diverse. 7 

5. So as for him who 
gives 8 and is on his guard, 9 

6 And believes in the Best, 1 

1. Allah may swear by anything of His creation; 
but a creature may swear only by Him. 

2. i. e„ with darkness, yaghshd = he covers, 
overcomes, overwhelms (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
ghashiva \ghushWghishawuh\. to cover. See at 
29:55. p. 1285. n. I). 

3. J~i lajalld = he cast his light, revealed 
himself, shone forth (v. iii. m. s. past in form V of 
jald [ jalw/jaly], to throw light, to make clear. Sec 
at 7:143. p. 518. n. 2). 

4. jfi dhakar {%.; pi. dhukur/ dhukOrah/ 
dhukrdn ) = male. See at 7S:39. p. 1918. n. 10. 

5. jsl 'unthd (s.; pi. ' indlh/'andlhd ) = female, 
feminine. See at 75:39, p. 1918, n il. 

6. j»- ia‘y = to move speedily, to run. to 

proceed hurriedly, to strive/ endeavour/ attempt, 
effort. See at 88:9. p. 1981. n. 8). 

7. i. e„ your deeds are diverse : some making 
efforts to attain prosperity and happiness in this 
world, and some doing so for happiness and 
prosperity in the hereafter, jii shatta (pi.; s. 

shaiit) = diverse, different, manifold, various, in 
variety. See at 20:54. 987, n. 5 

8. i. e , gives his wealth in approved charity and in 
the way of Allah. 'a ‘Id = he gave, offered, 
granted, accorded, bestowed (v. iii. m. s. past in 
form IV of 'aid | unv). to give). 

9. i. e., against sin and disobedience to Allah. JA 
ittaqd = he was on his guard, protected himself, 
feared Allah (v. iii. m. s. past in form VIII of 
waqd [waqy/wiqdyah], to guard. See at 53:32, p. 
1723, n. 13). 

10. i. e , the Qur'an and lawhiil. 



Sdrah 92: Al-Layl ( Pan (Juz) 30 ) 

7. We shall make easy 1 for 
Q&Q him the easy thing. 2 

8. But as for the one who 
Jic is niggardly 3 and 

Q&LJj deems himself in no need; 4 

9. And disbelieves 
0 £2$ in the Best. 

10. We shall make easy for 
him the slip into difficulty. 5 

1 1 . And there shall not avail 6 
him his wealth 

0Sv>i^ when he gets the fall. 7 

llioj 12. Verily upon Us is 
to give guidance.® 

13. And to Us belong 

the hereafter 9 and the first. 10 

14. So 1 have warned" you 
^ of a fire burning ablaze. 12 

1. j~, nuyassiru = wc make easy, facilitate (v. 

L pi. impfet. from yassara. form II of ytutra 
\yasar), to be easy. See at 87:8. p. 1978. n. 5). 

2. i. e., the doing of good deeds and careying out 
the injunctions of the Qur'ttn tSj-t yuiri = 
easiness, easy way. left hand See at 87:8. p. 1978, 
n. 6. 

3. bakhila = he became niggardly, stingy (v. 

iii. m. s. past from bakhal /bukhl. to be niggardly. 
Sec yabkhaldna at 57.24, p. 1778, n. I ). 

4. istaghnd = he became in no need, had 
no need, deemed himself in no need, was able to 
do without (v. iii. m s. past in form X of ghaniya 
Ighirum/ghand ' ], to be free from want. See at 
64:6, p 1832. n 6). 

5. i. c„ he will be made easily amenable to 
disobedience and the consequent punishment. 
lSj-l 'usra = difficulty, hard situation. 

6 ^ yughni =» he suffices, makes free from 

want, enriches, makes rich, avails, helps (v. iii. m. 
s. impfet. from ’aghna, form IV of ghaniya 
[ghinan / ghand’ ), to be free from want, to be 
rich. See at 88:7. p. 1981, n. 4). 

7. i. e . into the punishment of hell, i s>j larddd 
= he fell, got the fall, tumbled, deteriorated, 
clothed himself (v. iii. m. s. post in form V of 
radiya radon), to perish, be destroyed. See 
malaraddiyah at 5:3, p 327, n. 6). 

8. ijjm hudan = to guide, to give guidance. 

guidance, right way, true religion. See at 61:9, p. 
1817. n. 2. 

9. al-'dkhirah = the hereafter, the 
after-life. Sec at 16:30. p. 836, n. 10. 

10. i. e„ this first life in the present world. ^IjV l 

al- ’did (f; m. awH'a/) = the first, the foremost. 
See at 53:50. p. 1726, n. 8). 

11. OjJil 'and harm = I warned, cautioned (v. i. 

s. past from 'andhara. form IV of nudhura ( nadhr 
/nudhur], to dedicate, to vow. In its form IV 
( ' indhur ) the vetb means to warn with a mention 
of the consequences of disregarding the warning 
Seeat4l:l3.p. 1544. n. 2). 

12. JhX lalazzd (originally lalalazzd. One 0' is 

omitted) = she bums, is ablaze, gels enkindled (v. 
iii. f. s. impfet. from lalazzd, form V of lazd 
llazan ], to bum. to flare, to blaze). 

Slirah 92: Al-Layl [ Pan (Jin') 30 1 


15. There will enter 1 it none 
but the most wretched, 2 

16. Who disbelieves' 
and turns back. 4 

17. And there will be spared' 
it the most rihgteous 6 

1 8. Who gives his wealth 

$) purifying himself. 7 

jJjCj 19. And none has 
ili to him an y favour 

Q&yZ to be recompensed. 8 

20. Except the seeking 9 of 
the Countenance of his Lord 

(frjjJs/f the Most Exalted. 

2 1 . And surely he shall 
be satisfied. 10 

1. { J-a t yasla = he bums, broils, enters fire (v. iii. 

m. s. impfet. from sal A [solan/ salty/ slid’), to 
roast, to bum. to be exposed to the blaze. See at 
84:12, p 1967.0. 13). 

2. 'ashqa = the most wretched, miserable. 

unlucky ( elative of shaqiy. act. participle in the 
scale of fa'll from shuqd/.ihaqiya, to be unhappy, 
miserable. See at 91:12. p. 1993. n. II). 

3. i. e. disbelieves in the Messengershtp of 
Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on 
him, and the Qur'in. ■v-'f kadhdhaba = he cried 
lies to, regarded as false, disbelieved (v. iii. m. s. 
past in form II of kadhaba [kidlib / kadhih 
/kadhbah / kidhbah], to lie. Sec at 38:14. p. 
1462, n. 6). 

4 i. e.. from the truth, jly tawatla = he took 
over, undertook, turned away, averted, took for a 
friend (v. iii. m. s. past in form V of waliya 
[wald'/wilayah], to be near, to be a friend See at 
88:23. p. 1983. n. 2). 

5. yujannabu = he is spared, kept away, 

averted, (v. iii. m s. impfet. passive from 
jannaba. form II of janaba [janb). to avert. See 
yatajimnabu at 87:1 1, p. 1978. n. II). 

6. jk/ 'atqS = more/most righteous, godfearing. 

pious (elative of taqiy). Sec at 49:13, p 1682. n. 

7. jT f yatazakkd = he purifies himself, gets 

purified (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from tazukkd, form 
V of zakd [:akd], to grow, be pure, just. See 
yazzakkd at 80:3. p. 1947. n. 5). 

8. i. e . he gives his wealth not to return a favour 

done to him. tujzd - she is requited. 

rewarded, recompensed, rewarded, repaid (v. iii. f. 
s. impfet. passive from jazd [jazd'\, to 
recompense. Sec at 45:22. p. 1625, n. 2). 

9. i. e . he spends his wealth only for the pleasure 
of Allah. •Uui l ibtighd ’ = to seek, desire, for the 

purpose of (verbal noun in form VIII of baghd 
fbughd'], to desire. See at 13:17. p. 771. n. II). 

10. i. e„ with the reward given him by Allah. 
^j, yardd = he is happy, is satisfied, is pleased. 

agrees, approves, likes (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 
rai/iya [ntfan /rujwan /manfuh], to agree, to be 
satisfied. See at 53:26, p. 1721. n. 8). 

93. SOrat al-Duha (The Forenoon) 
Makkan: 1 1 'ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah. Its main theme is risalah (Messengership of Muhammad, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him) and the Qur’anic wahy. It negatives the supposition of the unbelievers 
who, in view of a temporary pause in the coming of wahy to him, started taunting him that his Lord had 
forsaken him. It is stated that this was not at all so. He is also reminded of Allah's past favours on him 
and is encouraged to carry on his mission and work and is assured of ultimate success and happiness. 

The surah is named after the first 'ayah in which Allah swears by the forenoon ( al-Duha ) and the 

1 . Allah may swear by anything of His creation; 
but the creatures may swear only by Him. 

duhan = forenoon, day-time, brightness of the 
sun. See at 91:1. p. 1992. n. 1. 

2. i. e,. it is dense and tranquil sajd - he or 
it become tranquil, calm (v. iii. m. s. post from 
sajw. to be quiet, tranquil). 

3. The address is to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. It negatives the 
supposition of the unbelievers about him because 
of a temporary pause in the coming of wahy. 

wadda'a = he took leave, bade farewell, saw off 
(v. iii. m. s. past in form II of wada’a [ »<«/'], to 
put down, to leave off). 

4 jJi gala = he became displeased, detested (v. 
iii. m. s. past from galw/galy. to roast, to detest). 

5. •/‘■V al-’dkhirah = the hereafter, the 
after-life. See at 92:12, p. 1996. n. 9. 

6. i. e.. this first life in the present world. 

7. i. e„ success, merits and rewards The address 
is to the Prophet, peace and blessings fo Allah be 
on him. yu'tt = he gives, bestows, grants (v. 

iii. m. s. impfet. from ’a 'Id, IV of 'old I'arw). to 
give. See 'o'/d at 92:6. p. 1995. n. 8). 

8. tarda = you like, are pleased, are satisfied. 

agree, approve (v. ii. m s. impfet from radiya 
| ndan/ridwiln/marddh\. to be satisfied See at 
46:15. p 1637, n. I). 


1. By the forenoon. 1 

2. And by the night 
{£)JtSi;i when it becomes tranquil. 2 

ekSjlI 3. There has not taken leave' 
4j of you your Lord 
££) nor is He displeased. 4 

iJz-jtij 4. And indeed the after-life 5 
shall be better for you 
0 than the first. 6 

5. And surely there will 
g' ve7 y°u your Lord 
so you will be pleased. 8 


Sdrah 93: Al-Duhd [ Part ( Jui ') 30 1 


6. Did He not find' you an 
orphan 2 then gave shelter? 5 

ii oijj 7. And He found you 
VU» away from the way 4 
{£) then showed you the way? 5 

8. And He found you poor 6 
and made you rich? 7 

9. So as for the orphan 

(£) do not treat harshly. 8 

JjCjtGlj 10. And as for the beggar/' 
^ do not drive away. 10 

0 * 

1 1 . And as for the grace 
of your Lord, relate." 

1. yajid(u) = he finds, gets, comes across (v. 

iii. m s. past from wajadu [h ujud], to find The 
last letter is vowel less because of the particle lam 
coming before the verb. See at 24:39, p. 1 122, n. 

2. (srL yattm (s. ; pi. ayldm/ yaldmd) = orphan 
Sec yaldmd at 59:7, p. 1797, n. 5. 

3. ’dwd = he gave shelter, lodged, 
accommodated ( v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of 
’and ['awy], to seek shelter. Sec at 12:99. p. 758. 

4. JU> dill (s.; pi. ddllun ) gone astray, away 
from the way. erring (active participle from dalla 
[daldl/daldlah], to go astray, to err. See ddllO at 
83:32. p. 1964. n. II). 

5. hadd = he guided, gave guidance, showed 
the way (v. iii. m. s. past from had >•/ hudan/ 
hiddyah. to guide, to lead. See at 49: 17. p. 1684, 
n. 4). 

6. JJV* ‘d ’it = poor, needy, indigent (act. 
participle from 'ala ( aylah). to be poor See 
'uylah at 9:28, p. 588. n. 6. 

7. 'aghnd = he or it availed, became of use, 
enriched, made rich, sufficed (v. iii, m. s. past in 
form IV of ghaniya [ghman / ghand ' ]. to be free 
from want, to be rich. Sec at 69:28, p. 1873. n. 2). 

8. j+n ~i Id taqhar = do not treat harshly, 
persecute, ooverpower, subdue (v. ii. m. s. 
imperative (prohibition) from quhara to 
overpower, subjugate, vanquish. Sec qahhdr at 
40:16. p. 1515. n, 3). 

9. Jh— sd’il (s.; pi. sd’il&n) = beggar, questioner, 
enquirer ( active participle from su 'ala ( su'dl/ 
mat alahJtns dl\, to ask. See at 70:25, p. 1 880, n. 
8 ). 

10. V Id tanhar = do not drive awayAum 
away with angry words/ scold/ reproach (v. ii. m. 
s. imperative (prohibition) from nahura [nahr], 
to flow, to scold, to drive away. See at 17:23. p. 
880. n. 9). 

H i e . remeber. mention and express gratitude. 
haddith = speak, report, relate (v. ii. m. s. 

imperative from haddatha, form II of hadaiha/ 
liaduiha ( hudulli / hudulhah], to happen, to be 
new. See hadiih at 88:1, p. 1980. n. I). 

94. SOrat al-Sharh (The Exposition) 

Makkan: 8 'ayahs 

This is another early Makkan surah which refers to risalah (Messengcrship of Muhammad, peace 
and blessings of Allah be on him. mentioning Allah's special favour of opening his heart to the truth and 
removing from him the burden of faults. He is also reminded that Allah has raised high his reputation 
and that with every difficulty is ease, so he should not be discouarged by the temporary difficulties that 

His having opened ( al-sharh ) his heart. 

1. 1. e.. opened for the light of Islam (see 6:125. 
p. 444). nashrah(u) = we open, cut to 

slices, explain, expose, elucidate (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from sharaha [sharh], to cut, to open. 
The final letter is vowelless because of the 
particle lam coming before the verb See yashrah 
at 6: 125. p 444, n. 2). 

2. jJl* sadr (s.; pi. sudOr) = breast, chest, 
bosom, heart, front. See at 39:22. p. 1489, n. 6. 

3. Uij wada'nd - we laid, laid down, placed, 
set. set up, put down, erected, delivered (v. i. pi. 
past from wada'a [wad']. to lay. to put down. See 
wada'a at 55:7, p. 1752 n. 2). 

4 i. e . the burden of faults and sins, thus making 
him free from those (see Al-Bahr, X. 500). jjj 
wizr (s.; pi. awzdr) = burden, load, encumbrance, 
sin. See at 53:38, p. 1724. n. 12. 

5. JtjJ ’anqada = he or it weighed down (v. iii. 

m. s. past in form IV of nat/ada [naqd\, to break, 
to violate. Sec naqadal at 16:92. p.858. n. 9). 

6. zahr (s . pi. pihdr) = back, rear, loin, 
spine, surface. Sec at 84:10, p. 1967, n. 10). 

7. U ij rafa'nd = we raised, raised high, lifted 
up. elevated, (v. i. pi. past from rafa’a [raf\. to 
raise, to lift up. Sec at 43:32. p. 1590. n. 6). 

8. ft dhikr = citation, recollection. 

remembrance, mention, reminder, reputation, 
renown, also scripture, the Qur'&n. See at 81 :27, 
p. 1956. n. 7. 

9. j-p ‘rur = hardship, difficulty, distress. See at 
65:7, p. 1841, n. 10. 

10. j-t yusr = case, facility. See at 65:7. p. 1841, 

n. II. 

come in the way of his mission. 

It is named after its first 'ayah wherein Allah refers to 

EM 1. Have We not opened 1 
for you your heart? 2 

< i 2. And put down 1 from you 

0 your burden 4 

if xd\ 3. Which weighed down 5 
your back? 6 

Adjj 4. And raised high 7 for you 
04% your reputation?* 

So indeed with difficulty 9 
is ease. 


^>1 6. Indeed with difficulty 
is ease. 


Surah 94: Al-Sharh | Part (Jin ') 30 ) 


7. So when you be off your 
work, 1 get ready. 2 

8. And to your Lord 
turn in hope.’ 

1. f faraghta = you became empty/ vacant/ 

unoccupied, be off work, finished work, (v. ii. m 
s. past from faragha \fur&ghJfar&gh\, to be 
empty, vacant. Sec nufrughu at 55:31. p. 1745, n 


2. i. e.. for prayers and devotion, insab = 

erect, set up. pitch, raise, hoist, gel ready, prepare 
(v. ii. m. s. imperative from nasaba [nasb\, yo 
erect, to get ready. See nusibat at 88:19, p. 1982, 
n. II) 

3. i. e, wish for the graces of your Lord. 
irghab = turn in hope, be desirous, wish (v. ii. m. 
s. imperative from raghaba [raghbah/ rughab], 
to desire, to wish. Sec rilghibun at 68:32. p 1864, 
n. 3). 

95. SOratal-TIn (The Fig) 
Makkan: 8 'ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah. Il is named after its first 'ayah in which Allah swears by the fig (Tin), 
the olive and the Mount Sinai and Makka and reminds man that He is his Creator and Lord (lawhid) and 
that obedience to Him and doing the good deeds will determine his real position. It is further reminded 
that he has to face judgement on the Day of Judgement and that Allah is the Justest of Judges. 

1. By the Fig 1 and the olive. 2 

lj 2. By the Mount' Blessed. 4 

iliftjij 3. And by this city 5 

most secure and peaceful. 6 

tfLZs 4. We have indeed created 
man in the best of shape. 7 

iussjjZ 5. Then We revert 8 him 
0 odjcljiLl to the lowest 9 of the low. 

6. Except those who believe 
and do the good deeds. 10 
Then they will have a reward 
without cessation." 

t. Allah may swear by anything of His creation: 
but the creatures may swear only by Him. ji tin = 


2. i)ytj zaylDn = olives, olive tree. See at 80:29. 
p. 1950. n. 12. 

3. i. e.. the Mount Sinai. j> lur = mountain. 
Mount Sinai. See at 52:1. p. 1707. n. I. 

4. js-, stntn - blessed. 

5. I. e.. Makka. M* halad (*.; pi. bilad) * 

country, town. city, place, land See at 90:1. p. 
1989, n. 2. 

6. 'amin - Faithful, trustworthy, trusted. 

trustee, loyal, safe, secure (active participle in the 
scale of fa’ll from umuna { umanah], to be 
faithful. See at 44:51, p. 1615, n. 7). 

7. piyu taqwlm s setting up. raising, reformation, 
reorganization. reshaping. modification, 
assessment, to shape, to form, to set upright 
(verbal noun in form II of q&ma 
[qawmah/qiytim], to get up. to stand up. See 
yastaqim at 81:28. p. 1956, n. 10). 

8. i. e.. because of his unbelief and sins. Uss j 

radadna s we returned, gave back, put back, 
reverted, restored, resisted, replied (v. i. pi past 
from radda [ radd ) . to return, to put back. Sec at 
28:13. p. 1235. n. 3). 

9. i. e.. in rank and punishment. Ji-I ’asfal = 

lowest, at the bottom, deepest, also (as 
preposition) below, under Elativc of s&fil 
(low/basc/mcan. See at 4:145. p. 309, n. 9). 

10. sdlthat (f.; sing, sdlihah; m. ftllih) = 
good ones, good decds/things ( approved by the 
Qur'an and sunnah ). Sec at 85:12, p. 1972. n. I . 

11. i. e., it will neither be exhausted nor slopped. 

rnamnun = cut off. ceased, obliged. 

grateful, weak (pass, participle from manna 
[mri/mj, to be kind, to bestow favour, to cut off, 
to be weak. See at 84:25, p. 1969. n. 9). 


Surah 95 AI-TIn [ Part ( Jut ') 30 ) 


& 7. Then what 

-ou^iljSw makes you disbelieve still 
in the Judgement? 2 

8. Is not Allah 

$ the Justest' of Judges? 4 

1. yukadhdhibu = he cries lies to, 

disbelieves, thinks false, causes to disbelieve (v. 
iii. m. s. impfet. from kadhdhaba, form 11 of 
kadhaha [kid lib / kadhib /kadhbali / kidhbah], to 
lie. See at 68:44, p. 1866. n. 5). 

2. L e . after the Resurrection and on the Day of 
Judgement, jii din = religion, creed, faith, code, 

law. worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital. See at 83:11. p. 1961, n. 8. 

3. 'ahkamu = justest. the best judge, better 
judge (elative of hdJum, act. partticiple of hukamu 
[hukm], to pass judgement. Sec at 60:10, p. 1812. 
n. 4). 

4 js-SV hdkimln (pi. accVgcn of luiktmun,, s. 
hdkint. See n. 3 above) 

96. SOratal-'Aiaq (The sticking clot) 
Makkan: 19 ’ayahs 

The first five 'ayahs of this surah was the passage of the Qur'an which was delivered to the Prophet, 
peace and blessings of Allah be on him, at the cave of the mount tfirii' by the angel Jibril, thus marking 
the beginning of his risalah and the coming down of the Qur’an. The siirah is named after the second 
'ayah which mentions Allah's creation of man from a sticking clot (ai-'alaq). These first five ' ayahs also 
mention Allah's most important grace on man, i. c„ imparting him knowledge and teaching him what he 
did not know. The rest of the surah was sent down a little later. It refers to the beginning of the 
preaching of the truth and the opposition to it by the Makkan leaders, particularly by 'AbO Jahl. He and 
all such persons are reminded of Allah's retribution and that all shall have to return to Him. The 
Messenger of Allah is asked to pay no heed to such opposition and to continue preaching and 
worshipping Allah. 

1. i. e , of the Qur'Hn which is sent down. This 
and the following four 'ayahs were the passage of 
the Qur ln which was delivered first to the 
Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah 
be on him, by the angel Jibril on mount HirS'. lyi 

iqrd’ - read, recite, study (v. ii. m. s. imperative 
from qara'a [ qird'ah), to read, recite. Sec 
iqra'u at 73:20, p. 1902. n. 7). 

2. jk* ' alaq = medicinal leech, blood clot, 
slicking . See 'alaqah at 75:38, p 1918. n. 7). 

3. f/1 ’akram = more/most honourable, 
esteemed, noble, generous. Most Beneficent 
(elalive of kurim, ( act. participle in the scale of 
fa'il from karuma [karam/ karamah/ kardmah], to 
be noble, to be generous See at 49: 13. p. 1682, n. 

4. i. c . taught writing by the pen and acquiring 
knowledge thereby fJ* ‘allama = he taught, 

instructed, informed (v. iii. m. s. past in form II of 
'ahma ( to know. See at 55:2, p 1741, n. 2). 

5. Knowledge is the most important and 
distinguishing grace of Allah on man fM 

ya’lamlu ) = he knows, is aware of, is cognizant of 
(v. iii. m. s. impfet. from 'ahma film], to know. 
The final letter is vowclless because of the particle 
lam coming before the verb. See at 8:72. p. 573. 
n. 2). 

* ^ 

1 • Read, 1 in the name 
of your Lord Who created. 

2. Created man 
from a sticking clot. 2 

3. Read. And your Lord 
Orl&i is the Most Beneficent. 1 

4. Who taught 4 by the pen. 

jhsjSk 5. Taught man 
what knew not. 5 


Sarah 96: Al- Alai/ [ Part (Jut) JO | 


6. Not at all. Indeed 
Qzs&'j-rf man does transgress. 1 

•lyjl 7. Because he thinks he 
Q&-.\ is in no need. 2 

8. Verily to your Lord 
shall be the return. 3 

9. Do you see the one who 
forbids 4 

10. A servant' when he prays? 6 

1 1 . Do you see, if he is 
on the right path? 7 

12. Or he enjoins 

13. Do you see, 
if he disbelieves 9 

1 Q&yj and truns away?" 

1. i. c.. in disobedience to Allah. This and the 

remaining 'Ayahs of the surah relate to the 
opposition to the risalah by the leading men of 
Makka. of whom 'Abu Jahl was the most 
prominent yatgha = he transgresses, 

exceeds all bounds, becomes tyrannical (v. iii m. 
s. impfet. from taghA [ laghan / mghydn], to 
exceed all bounds. See at 20:45. p. 985. n. 3). 

2. i. e.. of Allah and His grace. istaghnd = 
he became in no need, had no need, deemed 
himself in no need, was able to do without (v. iii. 

m. s. post in form X of ghaniya [ghmun/ghund ’], 
to be free from want. See at 92:10. p. 1996, n.6). 

3. But everyone should remember that he shall 
have to return to Allah for judgement and requital 

ruj'd = return, reply, reaction. See raj' at 
86:8. p. 1975. n. 5. 

4. The immediate allusion is to 'Abu Jahl who 
used to prevent the Messenger of Allah from 
performing saldh (Islamic form of worship) at 
the Ka'ba. j*-, yanhi = he forbids, prohibits. 

interdicts, proscribes (v. iii. m s. impfet. from 
naha [nahy/nahw\, to forbid. See at 60:8, p. 1810. 

n. I). 

5. i. e.. the Messenger of Allah, peace and 
blessings fof Allah be on him. 

6. /alia = he performed salah (Islamic 
worship) prayed, worshipped, bestowed blessings, 
sought blessings (v. iii. m. s. past from saldh. to 
pray, to worship. See al 87:15. p. 1979. n. 5). 

7. i. e . how could he be prevented from praying 

while he is on the right path? hudan = 

guidance, right path. Sec at 72: 13. p. 1893. n. 5. 

8. isyu taqwd = godliness, devoutness, piety, 
righteousness, fear of Allah (verbal noun in form 
V/Vlll of wat/d ( waqyAviqdyah), to guard, be on 
one’s guard. Sec at9l:8, p. 1993. n. 4 

9. i. e.. the one who disbelieves in the rtsiilah and 
prevents worshipping Allah al the Ka'ba. 
kadhdhaba - he cried lies to. regarded as false, 
disbelieved (v. iii. in. s. past in form II of 
kadhaha [kidhb /kadhib /kadhbah / kidhbah], to 
lie. Sec at 79:21. p. 1943. n. 3). 

10. i. e.. from the truth. Jy tawalla = he took 
over, undertook, turned away, averted, took for a 
friend (v. iii. m. s. past in form V of waliya 
Iwala'Avildyah). to be near, to be a friend. See at 
92:16. p. 1997. n. 4). 


Sarah 96: AI-'Alaq [ Part (Juz) 30 ] 


14. Does he not know 

that Allah sees? 1 


15. No, never. 

If he desists 2 not. 

We will seize and drag 5 him 

by the forelock. 4 

16. A forelock lying, 3 

sinful. 6 

17. So let him summon 7 

his council. 8 



18. We will summon 

the sentinels of hell. 9 


19. Not at all. 10 


Never obey 11 him; 

• % • 

and prostrate yourself 12 

and come near. 15 ** 

1 . i. e.. He sees all that HU creatures do 

2. at, yantahiti ) - he desists, ceases, refrains. 

terminates (v. iii. m. s. impfet from Mil, form 
VIII of nuhd [nahy/nahw], to forbid, prohibit. The 
final yd' is dropped for the particle lam coming 
before the verb, Sec at 33:60, p. 1 362, n. 2). 

3. J la nasfa'an = we will seize and drag (v. 
i. pi. impfet. emphatic from mfa’a | .t of ). to 
seize and drag). 

4. ndsiyah (s., pi nawasin) = forelock, fore 
part of the head. Sec at 11:56, p. 698, n. 3). 

5. i. e„ forelock of a lying and sinful person. MS' 

kadhibah (f. s . pi. kddhihdt: m. kiidiuh) = liar, 
lying, untruthful, deceptive! act. participle from 
kadhabu [ kidhb / kadhib/ kadhbah/ kidhbah], to 
lie. See at 56:2, p. 1753, n. 3). 

6. khan' ah (f. s.; m khan ) = sinful, erring, 
mistaken, at fault (act. participle from khu(i'o 
[khula ' ], to be mistaken, to sin. Sec khilli un at 
69:37, p. 1874, n. 6). 

7. It yad‘u (d) = let him call/ pray, invoke. 

invite, summon (v. iii. m. s. imperative from da ' d 
[du'ii'], to call. See at 40:126, p. 1518, n. 7). 

8. i. e . the Makkan council of ciders jU nadin 
(s.: pi, 'undiyah/nuwddm) = club, council, 
clubhouse, circle, assembly, association. See at 
29:29, p 1275. n. 5. 

9 Mo zabaniyah = angels in charge of thrusting 
the sinful in hell, sentinels of hell. 

10. i. e. the matter is not at all like what 'AbG 
Jahl and his sort think. 

11. The instruction is to the Prophet, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. with the implied 
assurance that 'Abu Jahl cannot do him any harm 
and that he should continue to carry out his 
mission. V to tuti' = do not obey, follow, 
abide by, comply with (v. ii. m. s. imperative 
(prohibition) from 'ald'a, form IV of rd'a [raw'], 
to obey. See at 76:24, p. 1924, n. II). 

12. i. e.. continue praying. 

13. i. e„ near to Allah in prayer, devotion and 

obedience. iqtarib = come near, place 

yourself near (v. ii. m. s. imperative from 
iqtaraba. formVIll of qaruba [qurb/ maqrabah), 
to be near. Sec iqtaraba at 21:1, p. 1012. n. I). 

** One should prostrate oneself to Allah on 
reading this ‘Ayah. 

97. SOratal-Qadr ( Decree) 

Makkan: 5 'ayahs 

This Makkan surah speaks about Allah's sending down of the Qur'an in the Night of Decree (Qadr) 
and it is named after this first 'aayh. The merit of this night is more than that of a thousand months. The 
angels and fibril come down during this night by Allah's leave with every one of His command. 

1 .Verily We have sent it down' 
Q in the Night of Decree. 2 

2. And what will inform 3 you 
Q/j&fy'C. what the Night of Decree is? 

3. The Night of Decree is 
better' 1 than 
a thousand months. 5 

4. There descend 6 the angels 
^r? and Jibril 7 in it 

by the leave of their Lord, 
for every command. 9 

JC 5. Peace; 

that is till the emergence 
of the daybreak. 12 

1. i. e„ sent down the Qur'an (see 44:3-4). Upl 

'anzalnd = we sent down (v. i. pi. past from 
'anzala. form IV of nazala (nwi/J, 10 come down 
See at 78:14. p. 1935. n. I). 

2. jJi qadr = measure, quantity, extent, amount, 
worth, degree, grade, rank, divine decree. 

3. ifjat ’adrt i = he informed, let know, notify (v 
iii m. s. past in form IV of dard ( dirdyah). to 
know. Sec at 90:12. 1990. n. 10). 

4. i. e.. belter in merits for good deeds done during 
it. j?- khayr - good/bcttcr/ best, charity, wealth, 
property, affluence. See at 87: 17, p 1979, n. 7. 

5. shahr (s.; pi. ash hur/shuhur ) t month 
See ash-hur at 2:226, p. 1 1 1, n. 4. 

6. J>t tanazzalu (originally tatanauulu) - she 
comes down, descends (v. iii. f. s. impfet 
from lanazzala. form V of nazala [ nuzul ), to 
come down, get down. See at 26:221. p. 1200. n. 

7. Rtih is another name for fibril. He is 
mentioned specifically for hts distinguished 
poisition among the angels , rtih (s.; pi 
arwdh) = breath of life. soul, spirit, spirit of life. 
wahy. fibril. Sec at 78:38, p. 1938, n 12. 

8. dal 'idhn (pi. oyt udhun /cMyi 'udhundt) = 
leave, permission. See at 42:51. p. 1580. n. 6). 

9. /I 'amr ($.; pi 'awdmir / umur) = 

order, command, decree / matter, issue, affair 
See at 82: 1 8. p. 1959. n. 10 

10. i. c , peace and blessings of Allah throughout 
that night 

1 1. matin' a to rise, appear, come into view. 

emerge (verbal noun of lala’a, to rise, to appear 
Sec matli ' at 1 8:90. p. 943, n 5. 

12. fajr - daybreak, dawn, morning twilight, 
beginning, outset. See at 89:1. p. 1984. n. I. 


98. SCjratal-Ba yyinah (The Clear Evidence) 
Madinan: 8 'ayahs 

This is a Madinan surah. It describes the attitude of the People of the Book and the polytheists to the 
Qur’an and the risdlah (Mcssengcrship of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. It also 
deals with tawhid (monotheism ) and the absolute need to devote our worship and prayers exclusively 
and sincerely to Allah, the Judgement and reward and punishment for the believers and unbelievers 
respectively in the hereafter. The surah is named after its first 'ayah which makes mention of the "Clear 
Evidence" ( al-bayyinah ). i. c., the Qur'an. 

1. 'j/S" kafarti - they disbelieved, became 
ungrateful, covered (v. iii. m. pi past from kafara 
[kufr], to cover. Sec at 90:19. p. 1991, n. 10). 

2. ji* mushrikln (pi.; accusative (genitive of 

mushnkdn. sing, mushrtk) « polytheists, those 
who set partners with Allah (active participle from 
'ashraka, form IV of sharika [shirk/ shirkah/ 
sharikah], to share. Sec at 30:31. p. 1300. n. 4). 

3. i. e., from their unbelief and old habits and 

practices. munfakktn (pi.; acc/gen of 

munfakkun: s. muhfakk) - those that disjoin/ 
separate/ unfasten/ untie/ disengage/ detach/ rid 
themselves, break off (act participle from 
mfakka, form VII of fakka [/«**), to separate, to 
open. See fakk at 90: 1 3, 1 990. n. II). 

4. i. e.. A messenger from Allah, as mentioned in 
the next dyuh. bayyinah ( f. s.; pi. bayyindt ) 

= clear, clear proof, clear evidence, obvious, 
manifest See at 47:14. p. I6SI. n. 13. 

5. i. e . Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah 
be on him. 

6. tjl* yatlu = he recites, reads (v. iii. m. s. impfet 
from laid [lildwah], to recite, read Sec at 65:1 1, 
p 1 842. n. II). 

7. i. e„ the Qur'an mulahharah ( f„ mas 

mutahhar ) = rendered pure, pure, 
immaculate, unblemished (passive participle from 
lahhura. form II of tahara /lahura [luhr/iuhdrah], 
to be pure, clean. See at 80: 1 3, p. 1948. n. 12). 

8. UJ qayyimahif.; m. qayyim) = right, straight, 
precious. See qayyim at 30:30. p. 1299, n. 13. 

9. J/C lafarraqa = he became separated. 

divided, disunited (v. iii. m. s. post in from V of 
faraqa [farq/furqdn ). to separate, divide See Id 
latafarraqd at 42:13. p. 1564, n. 9). 

1 . There were not those who 
\£& disbelieve 1 of 

the People of the Book 
and the polytheists 2 
to break off 5 
till there came to them 
L-Ji the clear evidence. 

A Messenger from Allah 5 
UXjii, reciting pages made pure. 


3. Therein are edicts 
right and precious. 8 

4. And divided’ were not those 
who were given the Book 


Surah 98 Al-Bayyinah [ Part (Juz') 30 1 





3 ^ 

except after 

that there had come to them 
the clear evidence. 1 

5. And they were not enjoined 3 
for aught but 
that they worship Allah 
making exclusive 3 for Him 

1. i. e.. the Qur'Sn. This refers to those of the 
People of the Book who started disbelieving in 
the risdlah of Muhammad, peace and blessings of 
Allah be on him. although previously they had 
been sure about his coming according to what is 
written in their scripture. 

2. 'umirit = they were ordered, commanded, 
bidden, enjoined (v. iii. m. pi. past passive from 
umara I'amr], to order. Sec at 9: 31. p. 589, n. 

3. i. e , not associating any other being with Allah 

in their worship. mukhtisin (pi.; accVgcn 

of mukhhsun: sing, mukhlis ) = those who make 
(something) exclusive and pure, sincere, loyal, 
faithful (act. participle from ' akhlaya . form IV of 
khalasa [Miufus], to be pure. Sec at 39:2, p. 1480, 
n. 5). 



the worship, 4 
as true monotheists, 5 
and perform 6 the prayer 
and pay zakah, 1 
and this is 

the religion of the upright. 8 


6. Verily those who disbelieve 
of the People of the Book 
and the polytheists 
shall be in the fire of hell 
abiding for ever 9 therein. 
Such ones are 
the worst 10 of creatures." 

4. din = religion, creed, faith, code, law. 

worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital. See at 95:7. p. 2003, n. 2. 

5. »Ui»- hunafa’a (pi . s. hanif ) = those who 
shun the false religions and follow the true 
religion, true, sincere and absolute monotheists. 
See hanif at 22:31 , p. 1056. n 9). 

6. yuqlmO(na) = they set up. straighten out, 

perform correctly and properly ( v. iii. m. pi. 
impfet. from 'uqama, form IV of qilma [qtydm 
/qawmah], to get up. to stand up. to be erect. Sec 
yuqimuna at 9:71, p. 608, n. 6). 

7. •jS'j zakah - purity, growth. Technically it 
means the prescribed charitable contributions for 
specified purposes, of a certain percentage of 
surplus wealth held for a full year. It is so called 
because it purifies wealth and makes for its proper 
growth. See at 73:20. p. 1902, n. 2. 

8. i-j qayyimahd:, m. t/ayyim) = right, straight, 
upright, precious Sec at 98:3. p. 2008. n. 8. 

9. jfJJU khalidin (pi.; accVgen of kMtlidun, s. 

kh&lid) = living for ever, abiding, abiding for 
ever, everlasting, eternal, immortals (active 
participle from khalada [khutud], to live for ever. 
See at 72:23. p. 1895. n. 10. 

10. /■ than- (pi. aslirdr) = bad. worse, 
worst, evil, wicked. See at 38:55. p. 1473. n. 3. 

11. \j< bariyyah (s.; pi. bardya) = creation. 



Surah 98 Al-Bavyinah [ Pari (7i« ') 30 ] 

^,\ 7. Verily those who believe 
and do the good deeds, 1 
such ones, they are 
the best 2 of creatures. 

8. Their reward’ 
with their Lord will be 

^4 ail'j 

0 ^ 

Gardens of Eternity, 4 
flowing 5 below 6 them 
the rivers, 7 

they abiding therein for ever. 
Allah will be pleased 8 
with them 

and they will be pleased 9 
with Him. 

Such will be for the one 
who fears'°his Lord. 

1. oUJC* sdlihdt (f.; sing .ullihah; m. rd/iA) = 
good ones, good deeds/things ( approved by the 
Qur’Sn and sunnah). See ai 95:6. p. 2002. n. 10. 

2. je- khayr = good/betlcr/ best, charity, wealth, 
property, affluence See at 97:3, p. 2007, n. 4. 

3. dj ~ jazA’ = retribution, penalty, repayment. 

recompense, requital, reward. See at 78:36. p 
1938. n. 6). 

4. CM* ‘adn = Eden, eternity, paradise. CM* oU 

jann&t ‘adn is explained by Ibn Kathir as junndi 
where the inmates will abide for ever (Ibn Kathir. 
IV. 372). See at 61:12, p. 1818. n. 6 

5. iSj** lajrf = she runs, goes on. flows, streams, 

proceeds (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from yard (yarv). to 
flow See at 85:12. p. 1972. n. 3). 

6. cjC tahl = under, below, beneath, underneath 
See at 85:12, p. 1972. n 4. 

7. 'anhar (sing, nahr ) = rivers, streams See 
at 85:12. p. 1972, n.5. 

8. radiya = he was pleased, became happy 

(v. iii. m. s. past [from ridan/ ridwdn/ nuirifuh. to 
be satisfied). Sec at 58:22, p. 1793. n. 2). 

9. radO = they were pleased, became 
satisfied, happy, content (v. iii. m. pi. past from 
radiya [ ridan/ ridwdn/ nutrddh | to be satisfied 
See at 9: 100. p. 621. n. 3). 

10. khathiya = he feared, was afraid of. 
apprehended (v. iii. m. s. past from khashy 
/k/uuhyah. to fear See at 50:33, p. 1692. n. 9). 

99. SOrat al-Zilzal (The Earthquake) 
Makkan: 8 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. Il describes some of Ihe terrible events that will mark the coming of the 
Resurrection and the Day of Judgement; and it very clearly points out that whoever docs an atom-weight 
of good or evil shall be accountable for it. The surah is named after its first 'ayah which mentions about 
the Earthquake (zizal ) of the Resurrection. 

1. cJjlj lukzilat = she was convulsed, shaken, 
trembled, rocked, quaked (v in m. s. past passive 
from zulutla [zaUulah/zilzdl]. to shake, to 
convulse. Sec zulzilii at 33; 1 1 . p. 1 339. n. I ). 

2. See 84:3-4 (p. 1966). 'akhrajal - she 

drove out. expelled, dislodged, brought out, 
ousted, threw out, produced (v. iii. f. s past 
fmm'akhraja. form IV of kharuja [khuruj], to go 
out. to leave. See at 47:13. p. I56t, n.10 ). 

3. Jlil 'athqal (pi.; s. J* thaqal) loads, baggage, 
burdens. See at 29:13, p. 1269, n. S. 

4. tuhaddithu - she relates, reports, 

narrates, speaks (v. iii. f. s. impfet. from 
haddulha. form II of hadulhu/hadulhu ( huduih / 
huddthuh], to happen, to be new Sec haddilh at 
93:1 l.p. 1992. n. II). 

5. i. c.. all that happened on her surface of the 
deeds and events of the creatures .A*! 'akhb&r 
(pi.; s. khabar) = news, information, stories, 

6. i. e., Allah will give her speaking power and ask 
her to speak out. 'awhd = he communicated. 

ordered (v. iii. m. s. past, in form IV of wahd 
fwuAy], to communicate Sec at 53:10, p. 1718. n. 
10 ).' 

7. i. e.. they will be resurrected and they will 
come out of their last resting places. jX-w yusduru 

= he goes out, comes out. proceeds (v. iii. m. s. 
impfet. from sadara [sudur] to go out, to 
proceed. See yusdira at 28:23, p. 1239, n. 9). 

1. When convulsed 1 will be 
0 the earth by its convulsion. 

v^->lj 2. And there will throw out 2 
liJU the earth its loads.' 


3. And man will say: 

"What has happened to it?" 

4. That day she will relate 
Ql her stories. 5 

SijlX 5- For your Lord 

will give her the orders. 6 

\ ' y 6. That day 

man will come out 7 



Surah 99: Al-Zilzdl [ Part (Jut ) 30 ) 

1. i. e„ according lo (heir deeds and records (see 
17:71). otil 'ashtdt (pi ,; s. shall) ~ separate, 

scallcrcd. diverse, different groups Sec at 24:61, 
p. 1133, n. II. 

2. *j ji yuraw(na) = they are shown (v. iii. m. pi. 
intpfet. passive from ora; form IV of ra d 
[ra'y/ru'yah], to see. The terminal nin is dropped 
because of a hidden 'an in U of motivation 
coming before the verb. See y urd at 53:40, p 
1725. n. 2). 

3. i. e„ the record of their deeds and will be 
requite them accordingly. Jl»*t 'a'mdl (pi.; s. 

amal ) = deeds, works, acts, actions. See n. 4 

4. J~»< ya'mat (u) = he docs, acts, works (v. iii. 
m. s. impfet. from 'anula | ‘amal |, to do, to act. 
The final letter is vowcllcss because the vetb is in 
a conditinal clause preceded by man See 
to maluna at 63: 1 1 . p. 1 829, n. 8). 

5. Jli!» mithqal (s.; pl v yu- malhdqlt) = weight 
See at 34:22. p 1376, n. 4 

6. ijs dharrah (s.; pi. wi > dharrdt ) = atom, tiny 

particle, dust speck, the measure of a small ant. 
See 34:22. p. 1376, n. 5. 

7. khayr = good/better/ best, chanty, wealth, 
property, affluence. Sec at 98:3, p. 2010. n. 2. 

8. i. e.. everyone shall be requited for the minutest 
of good or evil he docs. 

9. ,1 sharr (pi, ashrdr ) = bad, worse, worst, 

evil, wicked. See at 98:7. p. 2009, n. 10. 

100. SOratal- ' Adiyat ( The Galloping Studs) 
Makkan: 1 1 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. It emphasizes man's ingratitude to Allah and his engrossment with wealth 
and property, reminding him of the inevitability of the Resurrection and the Judgement. It is named after 
its first 'ayah wherein Allah swears by the running studs ( ‘adiyat). 

4^0^ -j 

1 .By the galloping studs' 
snorting, 2 

oVjjliw 2. And causing sparks’ 
by hoop-strikes. 4 

3. And by the raiding 
0 steeds’ in the early dawn. 

4. Raising 6 thereby 
Qdu dust-clouds. 7 

5. And penetrating 8 

0 CL*.* therewith in the crowd . 9 

6. Verily man is to his 
L° r d ungrateful. 10 

1. ot^U ‘adiyat (pi.; s. ' ddiyah ) = galloping studs, 

speedily running horses (specially used for fighting) 
(act. participle from add ( Ww). to run, to speed, to 
dash, to overstep. See mu 'tadin at 83: 1 3. p. 1 % 1 . n. 9). 

2. £r> dabh = snorting (of horse). 

3. mtiriydt (f. pi.; smunyah. m. murin') = those 
that kindle Tire, strike Tire, cause sparks (act participle 
from awrd. form IV of ward [wary], to kindle, to 
strike fire. See idrdna at 56:71. p. 1763, n 6). 

4. £oi qadh = to bore, to pierce, to kindle fire by 
striking stone (here . horse's hoop-strikes). 

5. ol mughirat (f. pi ; s. mughirah, m. mughir) = 

raiding horscs/studs, female raiders/ invaders (act. 
participle from 'aghdra. form IV of ghdra Igfcatvr). to 
penetrate deeply, to ooze away, to dry up. See maghdrdt 
at 9:57. p. 601. n. 9). 

6. O/l 'atharna = they (f.) agitated. excited. 

stimulated, aroused, stirred up. awakened, raised (v. iii. 
f. pi. past from 'athdra. form IV of Ihdra ( lhawr ). to be 
stirred, roused. See lulldru at 2:71. p. 33, n 8). 

7. i. e.. by the galloping of the raiding cavalry. naq' 
(s ; pi. niqd'/niuqd') = dust, dust clouds. 

8. wasatna = they (f.) penetrated, thrust inside (v. 

iii. f. pi. past from wasaia [war;], to be inside, in the 
middle See 'awsaf at 68:28. p. 1863, n. 3. 

9. jam ‘ = amassment, accumulation, gathering. 

collection, aggregation, multitude, crowd. See at 54:45, 
p. 1738. n. 6 

10. Because, in spite of Allah's countless graces on man 
he sets partners with Him. worships other gods and 
goddesses, disbelives in His Messengers and messages 
and disobeys His injunctions. sy£ kanud - ungrateful 
(act. participle in the scale of fa'&l from kanada 
| tumid), to be ungrateful, to deny). 



Surah 100. Al- Adi yd/ [ Part (Jin') 30 ) 

7. And indeed he is on that 
a witness. 1 

8. And indeed he is 
J£i.T C-SJ in the love of wealth 2 
Q ijuJ most intense. 3 

9. Does he then not know 
when upturned 4 will be 
all that is the graves, 5 

10. And exposed 6 will be 
all that is in the hearts. 7 

1 1 • Verily their Lord will be about them on that day 
All-Aware. 8 

1. i. e.. because he will not be able lo deny his 

ingratitude. shahid (s.; pi. shuhada) = 

on-looker. spectator. witness. martyr. 

All-Witnessing (act. participle in the scale of fa'll 
from shahida [shuhud], to see. lo witness See al 
46:9. p 1633, n. II). 

2. jr- khayr = good/better/ best, charity, wealth, 
property, affluence. See at 99:7, p. 2012, n. 7. 

3. So he accumulates it and dislikes to spend it in 
the way of Allah. Ajli shadid (pi. .ust 
’ashiddd 7»cu shiddd) = severe, most severe, stem, 
rigorous, hard, harsh, strong, intense See al 
85:13. p. I972 .il 7). 

4. i. e., when the dead will be resurrected and 
brought out.^ bu’thira = he or it was exposed, 
upturned (v. iii. m. s. past passive from ba iharu 
Iba'tharah), to upturn and expose. See bu'thiral 
at 82:4, p 1957. n. 6). 

5. J} i quhur (pi.; s. qabr ) - graves, tombs. See at 
35:22. p. 1398. n. 2. 

6. Jau- hussita = he or it was made known, 

exposed, attained, obtained (v. iii. m. s. past 
passive from hassula. form II of hasala []. 
to set in. to happen). 

7. i. e.. the secrets in the hearts jyi-» sudur (pi ; 
sing, jj- sadr) = breasts, chests, bosoms, hearts, 
front, beginning. Sec at 64:4. p. 1831. n. 8. 

8. i. e.. On that day they will realize that Allah is 
All-Aware of their deeds, open and secret: for they 
will be brought to account for all their deeds. 

khahtr = All-Aware. All-Acquainted (active 
participle in the scale of fa’ll from khabara 
[khubr /khibrah] to be acquainted). See at 67:14, 
p. 1854. n. 2). 

101. Surat al-Qari'ah (The Calamity) 

Makkan: 1 1 'ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah. It mentions some of the terrible events that will mark the 
Resurrection and the coming of the Day of Judgement. It ends by calling attention to the Judgement and 
to the fact that the one whose scale of merit will be heavy shall have a life of happiness and the one 
whose scale of merit will be light shall have a life in hell. The surah is named after its first 'ayah. 


*c. 1 . The Calamity ! 1 
0 icjlJiilC 2. What is the Calamity? 

3. And what will inform 2 you 
llhC what the Calamity is? 

4. On that day 
mankind will be 
like moths 1 
scattered. 4 

5. And the mountains 5 shall 
c>+j\kz=> become like wool 6 

ruffled. 7 

^ ft? 6. So as to the one of whom 
heavy will be" the scales, 9 


1. i e.. the Day of Resurrection and Judgement. 
I*. jli qari’ah (f.; s. , pi qawdri') = calamity, 
disaster, that which knocks/shocks/hits, the Day 
of Judgement (act. participle from qara'a [ 411 '''], 
to knock, hit. See at 69:4, p. 1868, n S). 

2. The repetition is for emphasis and drawing 
attention. iSj > I 'adrS = he informed, let know. 

notified (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of dard [ 
dirdyah). to know. See at 97:2, p. 2007. n. 3). 

3. JSj far&sh = moths, butterflies 

4. maluhuth = scattered, spread abroad. 

disseminated (pass, participle from balhtha 
(httrhih], to scatter. See munbathth at 56:6. p. 
1754. n. 5). 

5. jibdl (pi.; s. jabul) - mountains, 
mountain-like clouds. See at 88:19. p. 1982. n. 10. 

6 . ‘ihn - wool, coloured wool. 

7. J-y i-» manfush = ruffled, puffed up, 
dishevelled (pass, participle from rut fas ha 
[], to tease, to ruffle). 

8 . cJuil thaqulat - she or it became heavy, 

weighed heavy (v. iii. f. s. past from thuqula 
[thiql/thaqalah], to be heavy. See at 23:102, p. 
1100 . n I). 

9. i. e.. the scales of good deeds outweigh that of 
bad deeds, jtj^y mawdzin (pi.; s. nu;dn) = 
balances, scales. See at 23:102. p. 1 100, n. 2. 


Surah 101 : Al-Q&ri'ah ( Part (•/«') 30 ] 

. / . 'X 

7. He will be in a life' 
very pleasant. 2 


8. And as to the one of 
whom light will become 3 
his scales, 4 

9. His abode 5 will be 
0 the Abyss. 6 

Qj’fc' 10. And what will inform 7 
you what it is? 

11. It is a fire 
extremely scorching. 8 

1. i. e., in paradise. • is hah - to live, to be 

alive, life (verbal noun of ‘thha Sec at 69:21. p. 
1872. n. 3) 

2. rSdiyah ( f. *., m. radm ) = satisfied 

pleasant, agreeable (act. participle from radiya 
[ndan/ ndw&n/ marddh], to be satisfied. See at 
89:28. p. 1988. n. 8).’ 

3. cji* khaffat = she or it became light. 

insignificant (v. iii. f. s. past from khaffu. See at 
23:102, p. 1 100. n. 4). 

4. i. e.. the scales of bad deeds overweigh the 

scales of his good deeds mawazin (pi.; s. 

mi yin ) = balances, scales. See at 101:6, p. 2015, 
n. 9. 

5. The word ’umm (mother) is used to mean 
abode and destination because a child turns to his 
mother for abode and shelter r ’umm (pi. 
ummuhut) = mother, source, basis, essence. See 

at 3:7, p. 156. n. 4). 

6. tiyU hdwiyah (f. s.; in hdwin ) - chasm, abyss. 

7. is j * t ’adrd = he informed, let know, notify (v. 

iii. m. s. past in form IV of t lard [ dirdyah], to 
know. Sec at 101:3. p 2015, n. 2). 

8. hdmiyah (f. s.; m Admin) = extremely 
hot. most scorching (act. participle from furmrya 
[humy/ humw), to be hot. See at 88:4, p. 1980. n. 

6 ). 


SOrah 102: Al-Takathur [ Part ( Jut') 30 ] 

102: SOrat al-Takathur (The Vying for More) 

Makkan: 8 'ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah. It warns man agaunst bcguilement with vying with one another for 
acquiring more of the worldly things till death negelciing the life in the hereafter and reminds him of 
the inevitable Resurrection and his accountability on the Day of Judgement. The surah is named after its 

1 i. c., from the remembrance of and obedience lo 
Allah and from the reality of ihc hereafter. 

'alhd = he or it beguiled, diverted, distracted, 
deflected (v. iii. m. s. past in form IV of luhi} 
llahw). to nmuse. to trifle away. Sec Hi lulhi at 
63:9. p. 1828. n. 6). 

2. i. e.. for more of wealth, children, influence 
and power. /is takdthur = to compete for more, 

vying for more/ in quantity, to outnumber (verbal 
noun in form til of kuihura | kathrah ]. to be 
much, to be mote. Sec at 57:20. p. 1776, n. 2). 

3. fijj zurtum = you visited, you met (v. ii. m. 

pi. past from zara [ztyaruh). to pay a visit, to 

4. /I* maqabir (pi.; s. / muqbarmaqbarah ) = 

graveyards, byrying places, tombs, graves (noun 
of place from qabara \qabr/maqbar\. to bury. 
See qub&r at 1000:9, p. 2014, n. 5). 

5. i. e.. never be engrossed in the vying for 
wordly possessions neglecting obedience lo 

6. i. e.. the consequences of your engrossment in 
the wordly things to the neglect of your duty to 
Allah. bjALu ta'lamtina = you (all) know, are 

aware of (v. ii. m. pi. impfet. from 'alimu I'ilm ]. 
to know. See at 23:84, p. 1095. n. 12). 

7. The conclusion of the condition is kept silent 
for more emphasis and effect. The contusion is: 
"You would surely have not engrossed yourselves 
in vying for more of the worldly things", 
yaqin = certainty, certitude, conviction, certain, 
sure See at 74:47. p. 1910, n. 12. 

8. /-A** jahim = hellftre. hell, blazing fire. See at 
73:12. p. 1900. n. 6. 

first 'ayah. 


1 . There beguiles 1 you 
the vying for more, 2 

2. Till you meet' the graves. 4 


3. Never. 5 You shall know. 6 


yfp 4. Again, never. 

(p You shall know. 

5 . Never. If you had known 
0 the knowing of certitude. 7 

6. You will surely see 

0 the hellfire. 8 

7 . Again, you shall surely see it 


Surah 102: Al-Takdlhur | Part ( Juz ) 30 ] 

with the eye of certitude. 

2 8. Then 

you shall surely be asked 1 
xS-y on that day 
^ about the blessings. 2 

1 . j>lt— J la lus ’alunna = you will surely be asked/ 
queslioncd/inlerrogaied/ enquired (v. ii. m. pi. 
impfcl. emphalic from sa'ala [su'HI/ mas'alah], 
to ask. to enquire, to implore. See at 16:93, p. 859. 
n. 6). 

2. i. e , all types of blessings of Allah on you. ^ 

na'im = blessings, bliss, felicity, comfort, 
happiness, delight. See at 83:22, p. 1963. n. 5. 

Surah 103: Al-'Asr | Part (Jui‘) 30 ] 


103. Surat al-‘Asr (The Time) 

Makkan: 3 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah which very tersely points out that life is time and that he who does not make 
use of it by believing and doing the good deeds is in total loss. 

1. By the time. 1 

I Allah may swear by anything of His creation; 
but the creatures may swear only by Him. 

‘afr (s.; pi ufur/'a sur/" a'sar) = time, period, 
age. era. epoch 

2. Verily man is in loss. 


3. Except those who believe 
and do 1 the good deeds; 4 

i and counsel 5 one another 
for the truth 6 
and counsel one another 
for patience. 7 

2. For life is but for a specified time, and every 
moment passed is a diminishing of that lime and 
if not utilised in belief and in accordance with the 
guidance and directives of Allah it is a sheer loss. 
j-* khusr = loss, damage. See at 65:9, p. 1842, 
n. 6. 

3. t jU* ‘amil 0 - they did. performed, acted. ( v. 

iii. m. pi. past from "amila ( uniat], to do. See 
la'malina at 63:1 1, p. 1829. n. 8). 

4. oUX. salih&t (f.; sing, sali/jah; rn. falilf) = 

good ones, good deeds/things ( approved by the 
Qur'Sn and sunnah). See at 98:7, p.20IO,n. 1. 

5. 'y-*V fmediaw = they made a bequest/behest. 
enjoined one another, counselled one another (v. 
iii. m. pi. past from tawdsd, form VI of tvafrj 
[wary], to be joined, lightened, degraded. See at 
90:17, p. 1991. n. S). 

6. i. e.. for the truth, right and just cause and for 
obedience to Allah. ,>*■ hiujq = right, truth, 

liability, justice, just cause. See at 64:3, p. 1831. 
n. I. 

7. i. c . in the matter of doing the nght thing and 
in weal and woe. sabr = patience. 

forbearance, perseverance, endurance Sec at 
90:17. p. 1991. n. 6). 


Surah 104: Al-Humazah ( Part (Juz ) 30 ] 

104. SOratal-Humazah (The Slanderer) 

Makkan: 9 ‘ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. It condemns and prohibits slandering and backbiting. Further, it warns 
against being a slave to materialism, devoting solely to the accumulation of worldly wealth forgetting the 
life in the hereafter and punishment of hell. The emphasis is on the Resurrection, Judgement, reward and 

1. i>* humazah 3 sladcicr. backbiter (act. 

participle in the scale of fu'alah (indicative of 
habit } from hamaza | ham: ], 10 goad on. Sec 
hammdz at 68:1 1, p. I860,n 12). 

2. ij-1 lumazah = calumniator, detainer, 
slanderer, vilificr (act. participle m the scale of 
fu'alah from lamaza ( lamz |. to vilify, slander 
See to lulmizu at 49: 1 1 . p. 1681, n. I). 

3. is* adtiada * he enumerated, made numerous. 

multiplied, compounded (v. iii. m. s. past in form 
II of adda (' add ], to count, to number. Sec 
'a'adda at 76:31. p. 1925. n. 10). 

4. s — *n yahsabu = he thinks, considers, deems, 
regards, supposes (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from hasiba 
( hisban / mahsabah], to deem. 10 regard. See at 
90:5, p. 1989, n. 7). 

5. -tl»d 'akhlada = he perpetuated, eternalized. 

made (someone) live for ever, made immortal (v. 
iii. m. s. past in form IV of khalada | khulud ). to 
remain for ever. Sec khdlidin at 7:20, p. 471. n. 

6. i. e., he shall surely die and will ihcn be 
resurrected and punished dirJ la yunhadhanna 
= he shall surely be hurled, thrown, cast (v. iii. m 
s. impfet. emphatic from nabadha [nabdh ), to 
hurl. See nubidha at 68:49, p. 1867, n. 6). 

7. hulamah - devourer, cater who is 
never satisfied, hell (figuratively). 

8. if jsl ’adri = he informed, let know, notify (v. 
iii. m. s. past in form IV of dura [ dirdyah]. to 
know. See at 101:1 1, p. 2016, n. 7). 

9. isiy muqadah (f. s., m muqud ) = that which 

is enkindled, kindled, ignited, fired (pass, 
participle from 'awqada, from IV of waqadu 
| waqd./ waqady wuqud\, to lake fire, lo bum. See 
iQqidina at 36:80, p 1428. n. 10). 

1 . Woe to every slanderer, 1 
Qi^ calumniator. 

jjf 2. He who accumulates 
wealth and enumerates' it. 

loJLjliiJljc 3. He thinks 4 that his wealth 
will make him live forever. 5 

y? 4. Never, he shall surely 
be hurled 6 into the devourer. 7 


eijjjitrj 5. And what will inform 8 you 

0 >" /• . 

4 JuL.lL what the devourer is? 

6. The fire of Allah 
enkindled. 9 

SOrah 104: Al-Humtuah | Part (Juz ) 30 ] 



7. Which will leap 1 

up to the hearts. 2 


8. Verily it shall be 

^ f/x •> 

on them tightly closed. 5 

9. In pillars 4 stretched out. 

1. tattali '« = she ascends, rises, is on 

(something), leaps, is acquainted (v. iii. f s. 
implct from iltala'u, form VIII of tala a (tu/'|. 
to rise. See at 5:13, p. 335, n. 7 ). 

2. i-uil 'afidah (pi.; s fu'Ctd) = hearts 

3. mu'sadahlf s.; m. mu sad) = closed. 

firmly closed, shut (pass, participle from ’awsada. 
fonn IV of wasada (nusod). to be firm. See 
wusid at 18:8. p. 916. n. 9). 

4. -u* ‘ amad (pi.; s. 7 mdd) = pillars, posts, 
support, props. See at 3 1 : 10. p. 1 3 1 3. n. 6. 

5. isxw mumaddadah (f. s.; m. mumaddad ) = 

reinforced, supported, extended, stretched (pass 
participle from umadda, from IV of maddu 
( nwdd ]. to extend, to prolong. Sec yumdid at 
71:12. p 1886. n. 9). 


Surah 105: Al-Fil [ Part tfie') 30 1 

1 05 . SOrat al-FIl (The Elephant) 
Makkan: 5 ’ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah. It refers to the invasion of the Ka'ba by the Christian ruler of 
Yaman, Abrahah al-Ashram, who. with a huge army of infantry and riding on an elephant came for the 
purpose of destroying it. Allah foiled the attempt and annihilated the invading army by sending 
successive flights of birds throwing sijjil stones on them. Incidentally, that very year Muhammad, peace 
and blessings of Allah be on him. was bom. The emphasis is on the duty to worship Allah Alone. 

1. Do you not see 1 

iljJ how did your Lord do with 
the owners 2 of the elephant? 3 

2. Did He not make 4 

JoiJ j their plot 5 go astray? 6 

~ ’e 

3. And He sent against them 
O4C'0. birds 7 in successive flights* 

4. Shooting 9 them 

j with stones 10 of baked clay." 

5. And He thus made them 
like stalks 12 devoured? 13 

1 . i. e.. do you not know and reflect over? 

2. The allusion is to the Yaman! ruler Abrahah 

al-Ashram's invading army. 'as-hdb (pi . 

sing. sahib) = inmates, inhabitants, 

companions, associates, comrades, followers, 
owners. See at 74:31. p. 1907, n 12). 

3. J>)T/( s.; pi. filah/fuyuUafyU) = elephant. 

4. Juh yaj’aUu ) = he sets, makes, places, puts. 

appoints (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from ja ala [ja 7] to 
make, to pul. The final letter is vowclless because 
of the panicle lam coming before the verb. See ai 
24:40. p 1 123. n. 7). 

5. i. e.. of destroying the Ka'ba xf kayd = 
scheme, plot. plan, stratagem. Sec at 86:15. p. 
1996. n. 3 

6. ladlil = misleading, delusion, deception. 

to lead astray, to make go astray (verbal noun in 
form II of ijatla [daldl/<jalAtah\, to go astray. See 
dalla at 68:7, p. 1 860, n. 4). 

7. j > layr ( coll, n.; pi. .,*> luyOr ) = bird, birds, 
fowls. See at67:I9, p. 1855, n. 3. 

8. ’abdbil = successive groups, flights. 

9. larmi = she shoots, throws, hurls, accuses 

(V. iii. f. s. impfet. from rami) [ramy/ rimtivah). to 
throw Sec at 77:32. p. 1930. n 5). 

10. hij&rah (pi.; sing, hajar ) = stones. Sec 
at 66:6. p. 1846. n. 10. 

11. J»»~ sijjil = stones of baked clay, brimstone. 
See at 15:74. p. 822. n. 12. 

12. •_*-«* ‘<uf = stalks and leaves of grain, 
storming, blowing. See at 55:12, p. 1742, n. 12. 

13. Jjfl* ma'kttl = eaten, devoured, consumed 

(pass, paniciple from akala | 'ukl/rmi'kal]. to eat. 
See la kulina at 89:19. p. 1987. n. I). 

Surah 106: Quraysh [ Part ( Jut ) 30 ] 


106. SOrat Quraysh (Quraysh) 

Makkan: 4 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. Its main theme is lawhid (monotheism). It refers to the blessings bestowed 
by Allah on the Quraysh inhabitants of Makka in making the city, by virtue of the Ka'ba. a centre of 
trade and a place of peace and security enabling them to make two yearly trade journeys, one to Yaman 
during the winter and the other to Syria during the summer, and calls upon them to worship Allah Alone, 
Lord of the Ka'ba, giving up the imaginary gods and goddesses. 

, A. 'j 1 . For accustoming 1 
0 Quraysh. 2 

2. Accustoming them to 
tlLiJ' the journey’ of the winter 4 

0 <-*^3 and of the summer. 5 

3. So let them worship 6 
vpU-cioj the Lord of this House, 7 


4. Who gives them food 8 
against hunger 9 

and makes them secure 10 
against fear." 

I W = to habituate, to accustom, to tame, 

to domesticate (verbal noun in form IV of ah fa 
I’alf), to be acquainted, familiar). 

2. The Quraysh tribe who inhabited Makka. and to 
whom the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah 
be on him, belonged. 

3. i. e.. their trade journeys, one during the winter 

to Yaman, and other during the summer to Syria. 
The emphasis is on the special favour of Allah 
upon Quraysh in enabling them to carry on a 
profitable international trade leading two yearly 
trade caravans for the purpose. rihlah = 

travel, journey. See rihdl at 12:62. p. 744, n. 12. 

4. shili’ = winter, winter season. 

5. _*_* sayf = summer. 

6. '>c«J II ya ‘hudu = let them worship, they must 

worship (v. iii. in pi. imperative from 'ahada 
| tbudah /'ubudah /ubudiyah). to worship. See 
la'budUna at 60:4. p. 1808, n. 3). 

7. i. e., to the exclusion of all imaginary gods and 

8. i. c . provides all the facilities for trade and 
commerce and for earning livelihhod. »al4 

'atfama - he fed, gave food (v. iii. m. s. past in 
form IV of la imu [la m], to cat. to taste. See at 
36:47. p. 1420, n. 4).’ 

9. jd‘= hunger, starvation. 

10. ’amana = he made safe, secure (v. iii. m. 
s. past in from IV of 'amirui ( 'anxn/' aman], to be 
safe. See ma rnun at 70:28, p. 1881, n. 1 ). 

1 1. 1, e.. in their trade travels and against foreign 
invaders. This grace was granted in response to 
the prayers of their ancestor Ibrihim. peace be on 
him (see 2: 1 26, p. 60). khawf = fear, dread, 
threat, apprehension. See at 33:4, p. 2023. n. 10. 


Sirah 107: Al-Ma 'On ( Part (Juz ) 30 ) 

107. SOrat al-Ma 'On (Petty Things) 
Makkan: 7 'ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. Its emphasis is on the Day of Judgement and it refers to the characteristics 
of those who do not believe in it and who are insincere in their worship and unhelpful to neighbours. 
The surah is named after its last 'ayah wherein mention is made of the petty articles of use (al-Ma'un) 
in respect of which people often become unhelpful to their neighbours. 


l. Do you see the one 
who disbelievs 1 in the 
{£) Judgement and Requital? 2 

\\ 'W 2. And that is the one who 
drives away 1 the orphan. 

Jalc'jj 3. And encourages 4 not 
on feeding 5 the poor. 


4. Then woe to 
(£) U those performers of prayers 6 

1 . w,j^i yukadhdhibu = he cries lies to. 

disbelieves, thinks false, causes to disbelieve (v. 
iii. in. s. impfet. from kadhdhaba. form II of 
kaiihaba [kidhb /kadhib /kadhbah / kidhbah], to 
lie. Sec at 95:7, p. 2003. n. 1). 

2. i. e.. in the Resurrection. Judgement and 
requital, ji* din = religion, creed, faith, code, 
law. worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital Sec at 98:5. p. 2009. n. 4 

3. i. e . such a person is not kind to the orphan and 
the poor. £-9 yadu ‘ 'u = he rebuffs, pushes away, 
drives away (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from da' ’a. to 
rebuff, to turn down). 

4. yahuddu = he urges, encourages, incites, 
spurs on (v. iii. m. s. impfet from hudda \hndd\. 
to spur on. incite. See at 69:34. p. 1874, n. I j. 

5. fUfc ta'6m (s.; pi. uJ.t at'imah) = food. diet, 
meal. See at 89:18. p. 1986, n. 1 1 . 

6. jti-*' musalttn (pi.: acc/gen. of musultin; i. 
musallu i) = those who perform salah (Islamic 
prayer], those who pray (act participle from solid. 
to perform saldh. See at 74:43, p. 1910. n. 5). 

7. sdhdn (pi.; s. sdhin) = unmindful, 
forgetful, oblivious, inattentive, absent-minded, 
negligent (act. participle from sahd [sahw/ 
suhuw], to be inattentive, absent-minded) 

lUS-ah 5. Who are 

of their prayers unmindful. 7 


^ 6. Those that make a show. 


jyd'S yi '-'j And refuse 9 petty things. 10 


8. o>ly yura'una = they show off. make a 
show, act ostentatiously (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
rd'd. form III of ru’d [ra'y/ru'yah], to sec. notice. 
Sec 'ardka at 4:105. p. 291, n. 10). 

9. .< yamna'dna = they refuse, prevent. 

forbid, bar. obstruct (v. iii. m. pi. impfet. from 
mana'u [man'], to prevent. See lamna'd at 21:43, 
p. 1024. n. 4). 

10. md'dn (s.; pi. mawd'in ) = utensil, 
implement, instrument, vessel, small things). 

SOrah 108: Al-Kawthar [ Pan (Juz ) 30 ] 


108 . SOrat al-Kawthar (Abundance) 

Makkan: 3 'dyahs 

This is a Makkan surah. Its main theme is risalah. i. e.. the Mcsscngership of Muhammad, peace 
and blessings of Allah be on him, pointing out the abundant graces of Allah on him! including the 
bestowal of the special spring in paradise. al-Kawthar, and asking him to continue making prayers and 
sacrifices to Allah. The surah is named after its first 'ayah. 

1. i. e., abundant good in this world and in the 
hereafter. /jO al-Kawthar = a spring in 
paradise, abundant good, plenty, many. 

2. J-* salti = perform suldh (Islamic form of 

worship), pray, worship, bestow blessings, seek 
blessings (v. ii. m. s. imperative from sal la 
Isaiah], to pray, to worship. Sec sulla at 96:10, p 
2005. n. 6). 

3. i. c.. worship Allah Alone and offer sacrifices to 
Him Alone. inhar = slaughter, sacrifice (v. 

ii. m. s. imperative from natuiru [nuhr], to 
slaughter, to saenftee). 

shfini’ = hater, adversary, ill-wisher (act. 
participle from shana'a [ shun tin/shunu '(in | , to 
hate. Sec shun an at 5:8. p. 326. n. 10). 

5. abtar (s.; pi. butur)= cut off/ trimmed/ 
clipped of all good, without offspring. 

•SiALSlad UJ 1 . Verily We have given you 

2. So perform salah 2 
«XQ to your Lord 

and sacrifice. 3 

3. Verily your ill-wisher 4 is 
the one clipped of all good. 5 


Sdrah 109: Al-Kdfirun [ Part (Jui ') 30 ] 

109. SOratal-KafirOn (The Unbelievers) 

Makkan: 6 ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. Its main theme is lawhid (monotheism) and refusal to compromise with 
polytheism and the untruth. It unequivocally rejects the offer made by the unbelievers to be relenting in 
their opposition and enmity if some consideration was shown to their gods and goddesses and to their 

1. iij /£ kafiriin = unbelievers, disbelievers, 
infidels, ungrateful (active participle from kafara 
\kufr fkujrdn / kufur), to disbelieve, to cover. Sec 
at 43:24. p. 1588. n. 7). 

2. -l*I 'a'budu = I worship, serve, adore (v. i. s. 

impfcl. from ‘ubada | tb&duh /ubudah 
/’ubudiyah). to worship, serve. See at 10: 104. p. 
674. n. 4). 

3. i. e.. of all that you worship of gods and 
goddesses besides Allah. jyJUC ta'buduna = you 

(all) worship, serve (v. ii. m. pi impfet. from 
'abada | ' ibddah / ubudah / ubudiyah], to 
worship. See at 60:4. p. 1808, n. 3). 

4. OjJjU ' dbidun (sing. 7 ibid) = worshippers, 
adorers, those who are worshipping (act. participle 
from 'abada . See n. 3 above and at 9: 1 1 2. p. 
626, n. 9. 

5. i. e„ of gods and goddesses besides Allah, pixt 

'aha, hum ~ you worshipped, adored, served (v. ii. 
m. pi. past from abada See n 3 above) 

6. din - religion, creed, faith, code. law. 

worship, judgement, awarding of reward and 
punishment, requital. See at 107:1. 2024. n. 2). 

way of life. 

| J* 1- Say: 

0)1^= J'Citi "O you the unbelievers." 1 


2. 1 worship 2 not 
what you worship. 3 

3. Nor are you worshipping 4 
$ -£ciU what I worship. 

4. Nor shall I be worshipping 
what you worship. 5 

5. Nor are you going to 
worship what I worship. 


6. For you is your religion; 6 
$0^3) and for me is my religion. 

Surah I 10: Al-Nasr { Pan {Juz) 30 ) 


1 1 0. Surat al-Nasr (The Help) 

Madinan: 3 'ayahs 

This Madinan surah was the last whole surah to be sent down to the Messenger of Allah, peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him. It alludes to the impending "conquest of Makka" and the completion of his 
mission with Allah's help. It is named after the its First 'ayah wherein mention is made of Allah's help 

1. fti nasr = help, to help, support, victory, 
triumph. See at 30:47. p. 1 306. n 3. 

2. i. e . the conquest of Makka. Jath (s.. pi. 
- fi fuiuh/^a- fi fuluhdl ) = decision, opening, 
victory, final decree. See at 57:10. p.1771, n. I. 

3. ajjra’ayla - you saw. noticed, observed (v. ii. 

m. s. past from ru'd [ra'y /ru'yah], to sec. See at 
4:61. p. 268. n. 3). 

4. o yadkhuliina = they enter, go in (v. hi. 
m. pi. impfet. from dakhala [ dukhul ], lo enter. Sec 
at 40:40. p. 1 7). 

5. i. e.. Islam. 

6. jlyt 'afwdj (pi.; s. fawj) = bands, troops, 
groups, crowds. See at 78:18. p. 1935. n. 12. 

7. jv- sabbih = proclaim the sanctity, glorify, 

declare immunity from blemish (v. ii. s. 
imperative from sabbahu, form II of sabaha 
[sabh/ sibdhah] to swim, to float Sec at 87:1. p. 
1977. n. I). 

8. hamd = praise with reverence and love. 
hamd for Allah, i. e.. praising Him by a creature 
means expressing gratitude to Him and 
worshipping Him. Il is used generally in respect of 
Allah. See at 64:1, p. 1830, n. 3. 

9. istaghfir = ask/seek forgiveness, pray 

for pardon (v. ii. m. s. imperative from istaghfara, 
form X of ghafara (ghufr /mughftrah /ghufrdn], 
to forgive. See at 48:1 1, p. 1665. n. 4) 

10. v'y lawwib = Most Forgiving. Ever 
Pardoning (act participle in the intensive form of 
/il "d/ from Idba [ta*b. luwbuh / matab], lo turn 
Technically Idba means, in respect of man. to turn 
lo Allah in penitence and with resolve to reform, 
and in respect of Allah, lo turn in forgiveness. Sec 
at 4:64. p. 269. n. 7). 

(nasr) and victory. 

1 . When there comes 
JtX * y . the help 1 of Allah 

0 and victory; 2 

2. And you see 3 people 
entering 4 

j in the religion of Allah 5 
0 £-|yt in crowds. 6 

3. Then proclaim the sanctity 7 
with the praise 8 of your Lord 


and seek His forgiveness.’ 
Verily He ever is 
0C>'> Most Forgiving. 10 


Surah ill: Al-Masad | Part Uuz ) 30 J 

111. SO rat al-Masad (The Palm Fibres) 

Makkan: 5 ’ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah which refers to the opposition and enmity of 'Abu Lahab and his wife 
to the risalah (Mcsscngcrship of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and forebodes 
their doom in the hereafter. It is generally named al-Masad (palm fibres) which is mentioned in last 
'ayah. It is also called Surat al-Lahab or Sural Tabbal. 

1. Doomed' are the 

two hands of ’Abfl Lahab 

and he is doomed. 

2. There shall avail 2 him 
not his wealth and all that 
he has acquired.’ 

" 3. He shall enter 4 a fire 
Oli of blazing flame; 5 

rvuu nia wiit aiian u 

^.£LY\ I n: C carrying 7 the fire-wood. 

1. c-; tabbal = she perished, was doomed, ruined. 

destroyed ( v. iii. f. s. past from labba [tubb/tuhdb]. 
to be destroyed, to perish See tubdb at 40:37, p. 
1523. n. 8) 

2. 'aghnd = he or it availed, became of use, 

enriched, made rich, sufficed (v. iii. m. s past in 
form IV of ghaniya [ghtnun / ghutui ' J. to be free 
from wont, to be rich. See al 93:8, p. 1999, n. 7). 

3. s — i kasaba = he or it earned, acquired, gained 

(v. iii. m. s. pasl from kusb, lo gain. Sec kasubat at 
52:21. p. 1710. n. 13). 

4. (jL* yasld = he bums, broils, enters fire (v. iii. m. 

s. irnpfcl. from said [salon/ sully/ sild ’). to roast, to 
bum. to be exposed to the blaze. See at 92:15. p. 
1997, n. I). 

5. 4J lahab = flame, blaze. See al 77:31, p. 1930, 
n. 7. 

6. ot y\ 'irnra'ah = wife, woman Sec at 29:32. p. 
1276. n. 7. 

7. dUj- hammalah (f. m. ft animal) = she thal 

carries, carrier, bearer, porter (act. participle in the 
scale of fa"dl from luimala [ haml], lo carry, to bear. 
See yahmituU 69:17, p. 1871. n. 6). 

8. Ju- ha(ah = firewood, fuel. See at 72:14. p. 
1893. n. 12. 

9 -V* fid (s.; pi. ajydd/juyud) = neck. 

10. Jr>- habl (pi. Ijtbdl/'uhbul/'uhbdt/hubul) = rope. 

cord, string, vein, sinew. Sec al 50:16. p 1688. n. 

1 1. i. e. she will be lied with that, a— masad (s.. pi. 
misdd/amsdd ) = palm fibres. 

Surat al-lkhtlis [ Part (Juz') 30 ] 


1 12. SOrat al-1khl\$ (Sincerity) 

Makkan: 4 'Ayahs 

This is a Makkan surah. It is a short but succinct statement of lawliid (monotheism) rebutting the 
assumptions of all those who set partners with Allah or with His Attributes or assumes for Him a son or 
daughter. There is no equal to Him, neither in self, nor in names and attributes. 

1 . jl»-T 'ahad = one, alone. 

2. samad = eternal, absolute, the Universally 
Besought (epithet of Allah). 

3. A yalidlu ) = he begets, procreates, gives birth , 
generates (v. iii. m. s. impfet. from walada 
Iwilddah /lidah/ nutwlid]. to give birth, to beget. 
Thc final letter is vowellcss because of the 
particle lam coming before the verb. See yulidd 

at 71:27. p I889,n. 8). 

4. aJji ydladut) = he is begotten, procreated, 
generated (v. iii. m. s. impfet. passive from 
walada. See n. 3 above. The final letter is 
vowelless for the reason stated at n. 3 above). 

5. tyiS kufu' = equal, comparable 


Surh 1 13: Al-Falaq ( Pan ( Juz ' ) 30 1 

1 1 3. SOrat al-Falaq (The Daybreak) 
Makkan: 5 'ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah. It inculcates tawhid (monotheism) and leaches man to take Allah as 
the Only Protector and to seek refuge with Him against the power, evil and harm of any of His creations. 
It is named after its first 'ayah wherein mention is made of al-falaq (the daybreak). 

1. Say: I seek refuge 1 with 

| ^ the Lord of the daybreak. 2 

2. From the evil' of all that 

$ He has created. 4 

-r 3. And from the evil of 

night 5 as it becomes dark. 6 

4. And from the evil of 

'&\ the witches blowing 7 


j in the knots. 

5. And from the evil of 
xjC~ the envious 9 
as he envies. 

l iyt 'audhu = I take refuge, seek protection (v. 

1. s. iinpfct. from udha ['uwdh/ 'iy&dh/ ma'ddh], 
to take refuge, to seek protection See at 23:97. p. 
1098. n. 10). 

2. jii falaq = daybreak, dawn. See mfalaqa at 
26:63. p 1 174. n. 6. 

3. sharr (pi. jt^sl ushrdr ) = bad. worse, worst, 
evil, wicked. Sec at 99:8. p, 2012. n. 9. 

4 jl* khalaqa = he created, made, originated (v. 
iii. m. s. past from khalq, to create. See at 71:14. 
p. 1887, n. I). 

5. j-U ghasiq = darkness, that which covers 

with darkness, night (act. participle from ghasaqa 
[ghasq], to be dark. See ghasaq at 17:78. p. 898, 
n 12). 

6. waqaba = he or it became dark, gloomy. 

sunken (v. iii. m. s. past from waqb, to be 

7. otJtii naffdthdt (f. pi.; s. naffdlhah ) = 

witches, women spitting/cxhaling/blowing (act. 
participle in the scale of fa' 'at from nafulha 
[nafth], to spit, to exhale). 

8. i. e.. in exercise of witchcraft, sit ‘uqad (pi.; s. 
’uqdah) = knots, joints. See 'uqduh at 20:27, p. 
981. n. 6. 

9. juU- has id (%., pi. hussdd/hasaduh) = envious 
(act. participle from husada [ hasad ]. to envy. See 
luhsud&nu at 48: IS. p. 1667. n. 8). 

Surah 1 14: Al-NOs ( Pan (Jut') 30 | 


1 14. SOratal-Nas (Mankind) 
Makkan: 6 'ayahs 

This is an early Makkan surah . It also inculcates tawhid (monotheism) and teaches man that Allah is 
his Only Lord and God (ilah)\ and asks him to seek refuge with Him against the evil of the instigation of 
any evil man or jinn. It is named al-nas (Man) with reference to its first 'ayah wherein Allah is 
mentioned as the Lord ( rabb ) of mankind (al-nas). 

1. Say: I seek refuge' 

$ with the Lord of mankind. 2 

^ 2. The King’ of mankind. 

0 ajJ) 3. The God 4 of mankind. 

4. From the evil 5 of 
the evil one 6 

0 4 ,* * a 

ajUJ-t who withdraws. 

jS 5. Who instigates evil 8 

in the hearts 9 
of men; 

6. Of jinn' 0 
$ and men. 

I. jyl 'a'udhu = I lake refuge, seek protection (v. 

1. s. impfet. from 'Odha [’awdh/ 'iyddh/ ma'ddh], 
to take refuge, to seek protection Sec at 1 13:1. p. 
2030, n. 1). 

2. nSs (s.; pi. ’undt) = people, man. 

3. malik (s.: pi. muluk) = king, monarch, 
sovereign. See at 62:1. p. 1820. n. 2. 

4. i. e.. the Only One worthy to be worshipped. 
Jl 'il&h (pi. cilihah) = deity, god. particularly one 
deserving of worship. Sec at 64: 1 3, p. 1 834. n. 12. 

5. jS sharr (pi. j\ji\ ashrdr) = bad. worse, worst, 
evil, wicked. See at 1 13:2, p. 2030, n. 3. 

6. wasw&s = tempter, evil one, Satan. 

7. i. e.. when Allah is remembered jk* khann&s 

= one who withdraws, falls hack (epithet of 
SalanJ(act. participle in the scale of fa"dl from 
khunusu [khans/khunus/khinds], to delay, to fall 

8. i yuwaswisu = he whispers, tempts with 
wicked suggestions, instigates evil thoughts ( v. 
iii. m. s. impfet. from waswusu [tvruwds], to 
whisper, to tempt with evil suggestions. Sec 
luwaswisu at 30:16. p. 1688. n. II). 

9. sudur (pi.; sing sadr) = breasts, 

chests, bosoms, hearts, front, beginning. Sec at 
100:10. p 2014. n. 7. 

10. jinnah = jinn. 



(The First two numbers refer to the surah and its Ayah respectively; 
the numbers in square brackcsts refer to the page ) 

'Abd Allah ibn 'Umm Maktdm, allusion to, 80:1-2 

Ablution, see Wadu 

Abrahoh al- Ashram. Allah's foiling of the invasion of the 
Ka'ba (q.v.) by. 105:1-5 [2022]. Sec also 'As- hub 

Abrogation, of previous revelations by Allah. 2:106 
[50); 13:39 [781]; 16:101 [861-862], 

'Abd Bakr (al-$iddiq), allusion to his accompanying the 
Messenger (q.v.) in the lujrah (q.v.), 9:40 [594-595]. 

'Abd Jahl. reference to (he opposition of. to the 
Messenger (q.v.), 96:1-13 [2005]; Allah's threat of 
punishment for. 96:14-18 [2006]; command not to 
obey. 96:19 [2006] 

'Abd Lahab. heilfire for. and for the wife of. 111:1-5 

Abyssinia, allusion to the Negus of. 5:83 [371], 

Account. Allah is Prompt in taking. 2:202 [98]; 3:19 
[162]; 3:199 [234]; 5:4 [329]; 6:62 [416]; 13:41 
[782]; 14:51 [804]; 24:39 [1 122]; 40:17 [1515], 

Accountability, for both open and secret deeds. 2:284 
[151]; 16:93 (859); 102:3-5 [2017]; 102:8 [2018]; 
emphasis on. 88:26 [1983]; 99:6 [2012]; 21:23 
[1018]; emphasis on individual. 2:134 [63]; 2:139 
[65]; 2:141 [66]; 2:281 [146-146]; 3:30 [167]; 3:161 
[219]; 4:111 [293]; 6:164 [463], 10:30 [648]; 10:41 
[652]; 10:108 [675-676]; 14:51 [804]; 17:15 [877]; 
19:95 [974]; 24:11 [1109]; 27:92 (1230); 30:44-45 
[1304-1305]; 31:33 [1322-1323]; 34:25 [1377]; 34:50 
[1387]; 35:18 [1396-1397]; 35:39 [1404]; 39:7 
[1483]; 39:41 [1495-1496]; 41:46 [1556]; 42:15 
(1566); of all. 1593]; 45:15 [1622]; 45:25 [1625); 
52:21 (1710); 53:38-39 [1724-1725]; 74:38 [1909]; 
78:40 (1939); 81:14 (1955); 82:5 [1957]; of both man 
(q.v.) and jinn (q.v.). 55:31 [1745]; 58:6 [1785]; 
59:18 [I802|; 62:8 [1823]; 75:13-15 [1915]; 90:5 
[1989]; 90:7 [1990] 

Accounting, men arc indifferent to their, 21:1 [1012]; 
the transgressors (q.v.) do not look forward to. 78:27 

Accusation, legal punishment for making false, against 
chaste women (q.v.), 24:4 [1106-1107]; legal 
proceedings regarding false, against wives (q.v.) by 
husbands. 24:6-9 [1107-1108] 

‘Ad. the people of, Hdd's (q.v.) preaching of lawhid 
(q.v.) to. 7:65-70 [491-492]; II: 50-52 [695-696]; 
26:124-135 [1184-1185]; 41:14 (1544); 46:21 
[1639-1640]; rejection of the message of HOd by. 

1 1:53-57 (697-698); 26:136-138 [1186]; 41:14 

[1544]; 46:22-23 [1640]; disbelieved before. 22:42 
[1061]; 38:12 [1462]; 54:18 [1732]; 69:4 [1868; 
punishment and destruction of. 7:71-72 [493-494]; 
9:70 [607]; 11:58-60 [698-699], 14:9-15 [787-791]; 
25:38-39 [1149]; 26:139 [1186]; 29:38 [1278]; 40:31 
[1520]; 41:13-16 [1544-1545]; 46:24-26 [1640- 
1642]; 51:41-42 [1702-1703]; 53:50 [1726]; 54:19-21 
[1732-1733]; 69:6-8 [1868-1869]; 89:6-8 


Adam, creation of. 2:30 [16-17]; 38:71 [1476]: Allah's 
teaching him names of everything. 2:31-33 [17-18); 
Allah's asking the angels to prostrate themselves to. 
2:34 [18]; 7:11 [468]; 1761 [892]; 18:50 [929); 
20:116 [!005];38:72-73 [1476], eating of the 
forbidden tree by. 20:115-121 [1004-1006]; SatSn's 
deception of. 7:20-22 [470-471]; 20:120 [1006]; 
ousting of, from jannah (q.v.) 2:35-36 [18-19]; 7:24 
[472]; 20:123 [1006-1007], forgiving of. by Allah. 
2:37 [19]; 7:23 [472]; 20:122 [1006]; Allah's selction 
of. as a Prophet. 3:33 [168]; 20:122 (1006); creation 
of 'Isd (q.v.) is comparaed with the creation of. 3:59 
[178-179]; about the two sons of. 5:27-29 [341-343]; 
covenant about lawhid (q.v.) taken from the Children 
of. 7:172-173 [532-533]; Allah has honoured and 
favoured the children of. 17:70 [8%]; Prophets from 
the progeny of. 19:58); Allah's swearing by, and his 
progeny. 90:3 [1989], 

Adhan, ridiculed by some of the AM ul-Kaub (q.v.). 
5:58 [359]. 

Adjudication, command to do. with justice (q.v.) and 
impartiality (q.v ), 4:58 [266]; 5:42 [350]; command 
to do. according to the Qur'an (q.v.) and the sunnah 
(q.v ). 4:59 [266-267]; 4:65 [269-70]; 4:105 [291]; 
5:48.49 [353, 554]; 42:10 [1563]. 

Adopted sons, arc not to be regarded as sons. 33:4-5 
[1335-1336]; no restriction on motiving the ex-wives 
of. 33:37 [1350-1351], 

Adulterer, shall not marry except an aduntress. and vice 
versa. 24:3. 

Adultery (sec also fdhishahlvWe deed, fornication), 
prohibition to commit. 6:151 [457]; 7:33 (476); 16:90 
[857]; 25:68 [1158]; 42:37 [1574]; 53:32 [1723]; 
60:12 [1813]; prohibition to apporach. 17:32 [883]; a 
believer (q.v.VMuslim (q.v. (/servant of Allah (q.v.) 
does not commit. 25:68 [1158]; 42:37 [1574]; reward 
for refraining from. 53:31-32 [1723]; legal 

punishment for. 4:15 [244-245]; 4:25 [251]; 24:2-3 




Advocacy, meat for good and demerit for bod. 4:8$ 

Affairs, to Allah tire relumed all. 22:76 ( 1073]; 42:53 
[1581]; 57:5 [1769] 

Age. Allah reverts some to the most despicable of. 16:70 
[849]; is not prolonged or reduced except it is written 
in a book ( al-Lawh al-Mahfii), 35: 1 1 (1 393- 1 394). 

Aggressors, prohibition to be. 2:190 [91). 

Ahl al-Kilub (see also Bant) IsrSil. Jews. Christians); 
disbelief of a group of. in the Messenger of Allah 
Muhammad (q v.). 2:101 [47]; 3:23 [163-164]; 
Muahmmad (q,v.) meant as Messenger to. 5:19 
[338-339]; attitude of. towards the Messenger of 
Allah. 2:105 [50]; 4:54 [264]; desire of. to bring back 
Muslims to unbelief, 2:109 [51-52]; 3:69 [182]; 3:44 
(260); manoeuvre of. to mislead the believers; 3:72-73 
[183-184]; attribution of a son to Allah by. 2:116 
[55]; 4:171 [321]; belief in the Qur'Sn (q.v.) and the 
Messenger by some of. 2:121 [57]; 2:253 [129]; 3:1 10 
[199]; 3:113-114 [200-201]: 3:199 [234]; 4:55 
[264-265]; 13:36 [780]; 17:107-108 [908-909]; 
28:52-53 [1250-1251]; 29:47 [1282]; would not 
follow the Muslims' qiblah (q.v.). 2:144-145 [69]; 
concealment of the truth/part of the Book by a section 
of. 2.146 [70]; 3:70-71 [182-183]; 3:187-188 
[229-230]; 5:15 [336]; differed about the truth after 
the coming of evidcnces/knowlcdge to. 2:213 [102]; 
2:253 [129]; 3 19 [161-162]; 3:105 [197]; 10:93 
[670]; 45:17 [1623]; 98:1 [2008]; 98:4 [2008-2009]; 
ignominy and poverty were struck on, 3:112-113 
[199-200]; invitation to Islam (q.v.) made to. 3:20 
[162]; 4:47 [262]; 5:65 [362]; killing of the Prophets 
by. 2:61 [29]; 2:87 [41]; 2:91 [43-44]; 3:21 [I<i3]: 
3:1 12 (199-200); 4:155 [314]; claim of. that hcllfire 
shall not touch litem except for a number of days. 3:24 
[164]; called upon to agree on a common formula of 
lawhid (q.v.). 3:64 [180]; 29:46 [1281]; untenability 
of the claim of affinity with IbrShim (q.v.) by. 3:65-67 
[181]; trustworthiness of some and untrustworthiness 
of some of. 3:75 [184; the 'ummiyyun (q.v.) 
considered to be without any legal right by. 3:75 
(184-185); disbelief in Allah's revelations and 
deterring others from the way of Allah by. 3:98-99 
[194-195]: 4:55 [265]; believers (q.v.) not to obey the 
unbelieving group of, 3:100 [195]; covenant taken 
from, not to conceal anything of the Book. 3:187 
[229]; 4:154 |313];7:I69 [531]; breach of the 
covenant by, 4:155 [314]; belief in the false god by 
some of. 4:51 [263); vain desires of, 4:123 (298); 
commanded to beware of Allah. 4:131 (302); 
commanded to worship Allah Alone. 98:5 [2009]; 
demand of. to bring down a book on them, 4:153 
[312]; demand of, to see Allah, 4:153 [312]; worship 
of the calf by. 4 153 [313]; forbidden to transgress the 

Sabbath (q.v.): calumny against Maryam (q.v.) by, 
4:156 [314]; claim to have killed isft(q.v.) made by. 
4:157 [314); on the Day of Resurrection (q.v.) ‘!sl 
(q.v.) will be a witness against. 4:159 [316]; 
commanded to believe in the Mcsscngcrship of 'ls4 
(q.v.). 4:171 [320-321]; cornandcd not to believe in 
the Trinity (q.v.). 4:171 [321]; permission to marry 
the chaste women of. 5:5 [329); the call to prayer 
ridiculed by. 5:58 [359]; Allah's curse and anger upon 
some of. 5:60 [359-360]; rushing into sinning and 
hostility by. 5:61-63 (360-361); colled on to act 
according to the Tawruh (q.v.) and the InjU (q.v.). 
5:66 [362-363]; 5:68 (363-364); forbidden to overdo 
in the matter of religion, 5:77 [368], that the Qur'ln 
(q.v.) is sent down by Allah is known to, 6: 1 14 [439]; 
command to argue with, with what is the best. 29:46 
[1281]; defiantly sinful (q.v.) are many of. 57:16 
[17741. 57:26 [1779]; 57:27 [1780]; have no power 
over Allah's bounty of Prophcthood, 57:29 
[1780-1781]; false promises of the munifiqun (q.v.) to 
the disbelievers of ( Band al-Nadir (q.v.)). 59:11-12 
[1799-1800]; were commanded to worship Allah 
Alone. 98:8 |20O9]. 

Ahmad, prophecy of 'isd (q.v.) about the coming of the 
Messenger. 61:6 [1815-1816). 

Afaib. ul ■ (the Parties), sOrat, [1334-1366]; the 
disbelieving. 38:11.13 (1461-1462): 40:5 [1510]; 
40:30-31 [1520]; the disagreement among, after 'isi 
(q.v.). 43:65 [1599], 

Al-Alu/af (The Winding Sandy Tracts), sural. 
[1631-1646]; as the habitat of the 'Ad (q.v.). 46:21 

Al- A 'rdf. men of. greeting the inmates of jannuh (q.v.) 
by, 7:46 [482-483]; address to the inmates of hell by. 
7:47-48 1483484], 

'A'ishah. 'Vmm al-Mu minin. reference to the calumny 
(q.v ) against. 24:1 1-20 [1 108-1 112]. 

Allah, all the praise is for. 1:2 (1). 6:1 [391]; 6:45 
[408]; 14:39 (8001; 16:75 (851); 17:111 [909], 18:1 
[910]; 23:28 [1082]; 27:15 [1206]; 27:59 [12191; 
27:93 [1230]; 28:70 [1256]; 29:63 [12871; 30:18 
[1295]; 34:1 113647], 35:1 [q389]; 35:34 [1402): 
37:182 [1458]; 39:29 [1492], 39:74 [1507]; 39:75 
[1508]; 40:65 [1532]; 45:36 [1629-1630]; 64:1 
[1830]; is the Lord or all beings. 1:2 [1]; 10:10 
[639];6:45 [408]; 26:77 [1176); 26:98 [1179); 26:127 
[1 184). 26:145 [1 1871; 26:164 [1 190); 26:180 [1 193]; 
26:8 [1204); 27:44 |I216); 37:67 [1444]; 37:182 
(1458); 39:75 [1508]; 40:64 [1532]; 40:65 [1532]; 
40:66 [1533]; 41:9 [1542]; 45:36 [1630); 69:43 
[1875]; 83:6 [1961]; is Lord of the heavens and the 
earth, 6:3 [392]; 13:16 [770]; 18:14 (914); 19:65 
[967); 20:6 [977]; 21:56 [1027-1028]; 23:86-87 
[1096]; 26:24 [1167); 37:5 [1430-1431); 38:27 



(1466): 38:66 (I475J; 43:82 (16031; 44:7 |I607|; 
44:38 (16131: 45:36 [1630]; 78:37 (1938); Lx the 
Lord of two rising places and two setting places, 
55: 17 (1743); is the Lord of the Ways of Ascent, 70:3 
(1877); is Lord of the east and the west, 73:9 
(18991; Sacrosanct is. 2:32 (17); 2:116 (55J; 3:119 
(2311. 4 171 (321]; 5:116 [388]; 6:100 [4331. 7143 
(518); 9:31 (590]; 10:10 (639); 10:68 (661); 10:80 
[6431; 12:108 1761]; 16:1 (827); 16:57 [8451; 17:1 
[8721; 17:43 (886], 17:93 |903); 17:108 [908); 19:35 
(959); 21:22 (1018); 21:26 [1019]; 21:87 [1036]; 
23:91 [1097]; 24:16 [1111]: 25:18 (1 143); 27:8 
(1204); 28:68 [1256); 30:17 [1295]; 30:40 [1303]; 
34:41 [1383]; 36:36 [1417]; 36:83 [1429]; 37:159 
[14541; 37:180 [1457]; 39:4 [1481]; 39:67 [1504]; 
43:13 [1585]; 43:82 [1603]; 52:43 (1714); 59:23 
[1804]; 68:29 [1863]; All-Exalted is, 6:100 [433]; 
7:190 [540]; 10:18 [643]; 16:1 [827]; 16:3 [828]; 
17:43 [886]; 20:114 [1004]; 23:92 ]I097]; 23:116 
[1103]: 27:63 [1222]; 28:68 [1256], 30:40 [1303]; 
39:67 [1504]; 72:3 [1890-1891]; Blessed is, 23:14 
(1078); 25:1 [1137]; 25:10 [1140]; 40:64 [1532); 
43:85 [1603]; dies not. 25:58 |II55]: 25:61 [II56J: 
27:63 [1222]; 67:1 [1850]; His is the Majesty, 45:37 
[1630]; 55:78 [1752]; Everlasting is the 

Countenance of, 55:27 [ 1744- 1 745); Everyday He is 
in State, 55:29 [1745]; the seven heavens and the 
earth and all those in them glorify, 17:44 (886); 
24:41 [1123]; all those in the heavens and the earth 
implores/ prostrate themeslves/are obedient to, 
13:15 [770], 15:49 ( 843); 22:18 [1051]: 30:26 [1298]; 
55:29 [1745], all those in the heavens and the earth 
are servants to, 19:93 [974]; all that is/all those 
who are in the heavens and the earth renders 
obeisance/ surrenders/ belongs to/dcclarc the 
sanctity of, 59 1 [1794];, 2:1 16 [55]; 3:83 [188]; 14:2 
[784]; 20:6 [977]; 21:19 [1017]; 22:64 [1068]; 
23:84-85 (1095-1096]; 34:1 [1367], 59:24 [1805]; 
61:1 [1814]; 62:1 [1820]; 64:1 [1830); creations of. 
6:1 [39 1], 6:73 [420-421]; 6:95-99 [431-433]; 
6:141-144 [451-453]; 7:54 [486-487]; 7:57-58 
[487-488]; 7:185 [537]; 10:3 [636]; 10:5-6 [637-638]; 
11:7 [679]; 13:2-4 [763-765]; 13:12 [768); 14:19 
[792]; 16:3-5 [828]; 16:48 [843]; 20:4 (976); 
21:30-33 [1020-1021); 22:5 [1045-1047); 23:12-22 
[1077-1080]; 23:78-80 [1094-1095]; 24:45 [1125]; 
25:2 [1138]; 25:45-54 [1151-1154]; 27:60-61 

[1220-1221]; 28:71-73 [1257-1258]; 30:8 

[1291-1292], 30:20-26 11295-1297]; 30:54 [1308]: 
31:10-1 1 [1313-1314]; 32:4-9 [1325-1326], 35:1 
1 1389); 35:27-28 [1399-1400], 36:77 [14271; 

36:80-81 [1428]; 39:5-6 [1482-1483]; 40:61-62 
[1531; 40:64 [1531-532]; 41:9-12 [1542-1543]; 41:37 
[15521; 42:1 1 [1563]; 43:9-12 [1583-1584]; 44:38-39 

[1613]; 46:33 [1644); 51 47-49 [1704]; 54 49 [1739], 
55:10-12 [1742]; 56:57-73 [1761-1763]; 57:4 [1768]; 
64:2-3 [11830-1831]; 67:2-5 [1850-1851]; 67:15 
[1854]; 67:23-24 [1856], 71:14-20 [1887]; 77:20-27 
[1928-1929], 78:6-16 [1934-1935]; 79:27-33 [1944], 
87:2-5 [1977]; 88:17-20 [1982], 90:8-9 [1990]; there 
is no disharmony or fissures in the creation of, 
67:3-4 [1851]; initiates the creation and will repeat 
it, 10:4 [636]; 10:34 [650]; 21:104 [1041]; 22:66 
[1069]; 27:64 [1222]; 29:19-20 [1271]; 30:11 [1293], 
30:27 [1298]; 36:79,81 [141428-1429]; 85:13 [1972], 
creates whatever He will, 24:45 [1125]; 28:68 
[1256]; 30:54 [1308], 35:1 [1389); 42:49 [1579], 
when He decrees a matter He but says "Be" and it 
becomes, 19:35 [959]; 36:82 [1429]; 40:68 (1534); 
54:50 [1739]; does what He will, 22:14 [1050]; 
22:18 [1052]; 85:16 [1973]; thunder sings the 
praises of, 13:13 [768], command to worship Hint 
Alone. 2:21 [II]; 6:102 [434]; 15:99 [826]; 19:36 
[959]; 19:65 [967], 20:14 [978]; 21:92 [1038]; 22:77 
[1073]; 23:23 [1080]; 2332 [10831; 27:91 [1229]; 
29:16,17 [1270]; 29:56 [1285); 36:61 [1423]; 39:2 
[1480]; 39:11 [1485], 39:14 [I486]; 39:64 [1503], 
39:66 [1504], 40:14 [1514]; 98:5 [2009]; 106:3-4 
[2023); emphasis on the rububiyah of, 2:21-22 
[11-12] . 2:28-29 [1-16]; 4:36 [256]; 10:3 [636]; 
11:123 [721]; 12:40 [737]; 13:36 [780]; 16:65-72 
[847-850); 16:78-81 [853-854]; 19:36 [959]; 19:65 
[967]; 22:63-66 [1068-1069]; 23:12-22 [1077-1080]; 
23:84-89 [1095-1096]; 24:43-44 [1124-1125]; 24:64 
[1136]; 25:45-54 [1151-1154]; 26:24,28 [1167]; 
26:77-82 [1176-1177]; 27.62-64 [1221-1222]; 

29:61-63 [1286-1287]; 30:20-27 [1295-1298]; 30:46 
[1305]; 30:48-50 [1306-1307]; 32:5 [1325]; 32:27 
[1332], 35:1-3 [1389-1390]; 35:9 [1392]; 35:27 
[1399]; 35:39-41 [1404-1405], 36:33-44 

[1416-1418]; 36:71-73 [1426]; 37:5 [1430-1431]; 
39:5-6 [1482-1483); 40:61-68 [1531-1534]; 40:79-80 
[1537]; 42:11 [1463]; 42:15 [1566]; 43:9-13 

[1584-1585); 43:82 [1603]; 44 7-8 [1607]; 45:12-13 
[1621]; 50:6-1 1 [1686-1687]; 67:30 [1858]; 71:1 1-13 
[1886];77:20-27 [1928-1929]; 78:6-16 [1934-1935], 
79:27-33 [1944], 80:24-32 [1950-1951]; 87:2-5 
( 1977]; there is not the like of Him anything, 42:1 1 
[1563]; there is none comparable to, 1 12:4 [2029]; 
dominion/rcins of the heavens and earth 
bclongs/bclung to, 2:107 [51]; 2:255 [131]; 2:284 
[151], 3:26 [165]; 3:109 [198]; 3 129 [206); 3:189 
[230]; 4 126 [299], 4:131-132 [302-303]; 4: 170-171 
[320-321]; 5:17 [337); 5:18 [338], 5:120 [390]; 6:12 
[395], 7:158 [526]; 9:116 [628];I0:55 [657]; 10:66 
[660], 23:84-85 [1095-1096], 24:42 [1124]; 24:64 
[1136]; 25:2 [1137]: 35:13 [1395]; .36:83 [1429]; 39:6 
[1483]; 39:44 [1497]; 39:63 [1503]; 42:49 (1579); 



43:85 (1604); 45:27 [1626]; 48:14 [1666]; 57:2 
[1767]; 57:5 [1769]; 67:1 [1850]: 85:9 [1971]; 
everything belongs to. 27:91 [1229]; 53:25 [1721]; 
all that is in the heavens and the earth (q.v.) 
belongs to. 22:64 [1068]; 23:84-85 [1095-1096]; 
24:64 [1136]; 31:26 [1319-1320], 34:1 [1367]; 42:4 
[1560): 42:53 [1581]: 53:31 [1722]; His is the 
dominion. 64:1 [1830]; there is no partner or Him 
in the dominion 17:111 [909]: 23:91 [I097];25:2 
[ 1137); does not associate anyone in His rule. 18:26 
(920); is Best Aware of those who are in the 
heavens and the earth, 17:55 [890]; Allah knows all 
that is in/thc unsecn/secrets of the heavens and the 
earth (q.v.), 22:70 [1070]; 25:6 [1139]; 34:3 [1368]; 
35:38 [1403-1404); 49:16 [1683]; 49:18 [1684]; 58:7 
[1785); 64:4 [1831], the unseen/keys of the heavens 
and the earth helongs/bclong to, 11:123 [721); 
16:77 [852); 42 12 [1564]; keys of the unseen 
belong to, 6:59 [414]; nothing can hide from, 3:5 
[155]; 3:29 [166]; 34:3 [1368]; knows what is 
concealed and what is disclosed, 11:5 (679); 16:19 
[832-833); 16:23 [833-834] 20:7 [977]; 21:28 [1019]: 
21:110 [1042-1043]; 22:76 (1073); 23:92 [1097]; 
24:29 [1116]; 27:25 [1209-1210], 27:74 [1224]; 
28:69 [1256]; 33:54 (1359); 36:76 [1427], 40.19 
[1516]; 58:7 [1785]; 60:1 [1807], 64:4 [1831]; 67:13 
[1853]; 87:7 [1978]; hears what is kept secret, 43:80 
[1602]; nothing in the heavens and the earth, 
however small, slips from, 10:61 (659); the unseen 
is known only to, 27:65 1 1222); prohibition to 
worship anyone but, 10:106 [674-675]; 11:2 
[677]; 17:23 [880]; 40:66 [1532-1533]; 41:14 [1544]; 
46:21 [1640]; 72:18 ( 1894]; command to believe in. 
57:7 [1769]; 57:8 [1769-1770); command to pray to. 
22:67 [1069]; 28:87 [1264]; 40:60 [1530]; command 
to pray humbly and secretly to, 7:55 [487]; 
command to pray in true devotion to, 73:8 [1899]; 
command to pray with fear and hope to, 7:56 
[487]; 94:7-8 [201]; command to rely on, 3:159 
[218]; 3:160 [219]; 9:51 (599); 11:123 [721]; 25:58 
[11551,26:217 [1199]; 27:79 [1225); 33:3 [1335]: 
33:48 [1354]; 58:10 [1787], 64:13 [1835]; command 
to express gratitude to, 39:66 [1504]; command not 
to set any equal to/partner with, 2:22 [12]; 4:36 
(256); 6:14 [396): 6.56 [413]; 6:151 [457]; 7:33 
[476]; 10:105 [674]; 13:36 [780]; 17:22 [880]; 17:39 
[885]: 18:110 [949]; 22:26 [1054); 30:31 [1300]; 
31:13 [1314-1315]; 39:65 [1503-1504]; 41:9 [1542]; 
51:51 [1705); command not to invoke any god 
along with, 26:213 [1198]: command to fear/ 
beware of. 3:200 [235], 4:1 [236]; 5:2 [326]; 5:8 
[332]; 5:1 1 [333]; 5:35 [345]: 5:57 [559]; 5:88 [373); 
5:93 [375-376]; 5 96 [378]; 5:100(379], 5:108 [384]; 
5:112 [386]; 8 1 [546]; 9:119 [630]; 16:2 [828]; 22:1 

(1044); 23:52 (1088): 24:63 [1135], 26:108 [1181); 
26:126 [1184]; 26:131-132 [1185]; 26:144 [1187]; 
26:150 [188]; 26:163 [1190]; 26:179 (1193); 29:16 
[1270]: 30:31 [1300]: 31:33 [1322]; 33:1 (1334); 
33:5S [1360]; 33:70 [1365]; 39:10 [1485]; 39:16 
[1487); 43:63 [1599]; 49:1 [1676]; 49:10 [1680]; 
49:12 [1681]; 57:28 [1780]; 58:9 [1787]; 59:18 
[1802]; 60:11 [1812); 64:16 [1835]; 65:10 [1842]; 
cummand to flee to, 51:50 [1704], command to seek 
the forgiveness (q.v.) of, 11:3 [678]; 23:118 (1104); 
24:31 [1117]; 40:55 [1528], 41:6 [1541]; 47:19 
[1654]; 73:20 [1903]; 110:3 [2027]; command to 
proclaim the sanctity of, 15:98 [826]; 20:130 
(1009); 30:17 [1295], 33:42 [1353]; 40:55 [1529]; 
48:9 [1664]; 50:39 [1694]; 52:48-49 (1716); 56:74 
[1763); 56:96 [1766], 69:52 [1876]; 87:1 [1977]; 
1 10:3 [2027]; command to glorify, 25:58 [1155]; 
74:3 [1904], command to declare the Greatness of, 
17:1 1 1 [909]; command to submit/respond to, 22:34 
[1057]; 42:47 [1578]; command to obey, 24:54 
[ 1 1 28). command to seek refuge with, 40:56 [1529); 
41:36 [1552]; 113:1-5(2030]; 114:1-6 [2031]; man's 
covenant (q.v.) with, 2:27 [14]; 57:8 [1770], gives 
life and causes death. 2:28 [151; 3:156 [217], 7:158 
[526]; 9:116 [628]; 10:56 [657]; 10:104 [674], 15:23 
[811]; 16:70 [849); 22:66 [1069); 23:80 [1095]; 26:81 
[1177]; 30:40 [1303]; 40:68 (1534); 44:8 [1607]; 
50:43 [1695]; 53:44 [1725]; 57:2 [1767] gives life to 
the dead, 22:6 [1047], 36:12 [141 1). 42.9 [1563]; 
46:33 [1644]; 80:21 [1949); brings out the living 
from the lifeless and the lifeless from the living, 
3:27 [265]; 6:95 [431]; 10:31 [649]; 30:19 [1295]; 
makes the night and the day enter into each other, 
3:27 [165], 22:61 [1067]; 31 29 [1320-13211; 35:13 
[1394-1395]; 57:6 [1769]; makes the night wrap the 
day, 13:3 [764]; gives provision, 27:64 [1222]; 29:60 
[1286]; 30:40 [1303]; 34:24 [1377]; 40:13 [1514]; 
40:64 [1532]; 43.32 (1590); 51:58 [1706]; 67:15 
[1854]; 67:21 [1855-1856]; 79:31-33 |I944); 

80:24-32 [1950-1951]; 106:4 (2023); gives provision 
as He wills, 42:19 [1568]; 42:27 [1571-572]; meaas 
of living provided by, 7:10 [467-468]; no creature Is 
there but its sustenance is on, 11:6 [679]; .gives 
provision without calculation to whom He will, 
3:27 [165-166]; 24:38 [1122]; stretches out the 
provision for whom He will, 13:26 [775]; 3:37 
[170]; 17:30 [882]; 28:82 [1261]; 29:62 [1287]; 30:37 
[1302]; 34:39 [1382]; 39:52 [1499-1500], 42:12 
[1564]; Best of Providers is, 34:39 [1383]; no one 
dies except by the leave of, 3:145 [211]; 2:259 
[134-135]; 3:27 [165], 34:36 [1381], guidance to 
man (q.v.) given by, 2:38 [20]; 2:213 [103]; 2:272 
[142]; 3:4 [154); 5:16 [336], 6:39 [406]; 6:104 [435], 
7:43 (481]; 7:186 [537]; 10:35 [650]; 76:3 [1919]; 



90:10 1 1990); 91:91:8 (1993); guides whom He will. 
10:25 (646); 1.7:97 (904); 18:17 [9I5J; 22:16 (1050); 
24:46 (1125); 28:56 (1251); 35:22 [1397-1398). 
39:23 (1490); 42:13 (1565); 42:52 (1580); 48:20 
[I670|; 74:31 [1908); 76:31 [1925); helps whom He 
will, 30:5 (I291|; 35:8 [1392); forgives whom He 
will. 48:14 [1666]; punishes whom He will, 29:21 
[1272), 48:14 (1666), can send down punishment at 
any time, 67:16-17 ( 1 854] ; sending of Messengers 
(q.v.) by, [see under Messengers), bestows the grace 
of Prophcthood ( q.\.)/risdlah on whomsoever He 
likes, 3:73:74 (183-184); 14:11 [789]; 16:2 

[827-828]; 40:15 [1514; 43:32 (1590); 57:21 [1777]; 
57:29 [1781); 62:4 [1821); guides not those who 
disbelieve after having believed. 3:86 (189-190); 
cautions against Himself, 3:28 |166); 3:30 [167]; 
gives warning of a punishment (q.v.) not far away, 
78:40 [1939); east and west belong to, 2:115 [55); 
2:142 [67); demand of the unbelievers (q.v.) to be 
spoken to by, 2:118 [56]; demand of Banu Isra'il 
(q.v.) to see, 2:55 [25-26]; responds to the prayer of 
His servants, 2:186 [88-89], 3:195 (232); 27:62 
(1221); 40:60 [1530); inevitability of meeting 
with/return to, 2:223 [110]; 3:28 [166]; 3:55 (177); 
3:158 (2181; 518 [338]; 5:48 [354); 6:164 [453]; 
10:4 [636); 10:23 (645); 10:46 (654); 10:56 [657); 
10:70 [662); 11 4 (678]; 19:38-40 [959-960); 21:93 
[1038); 22:48 [1063]; 24:64 [1136]; 28:70 [1257]; 
28:88 [1264); 29:5 (1266); 29:8 (1267); 29:17 [1271]; 
29:21 [1272); 29:57 [1285); 30:11 (1293); 31:14 
[131 5); 31:15 (1316); 32:11 [1327]; 35:18 [1397]; 
36:83 [1429); 39:7 [1483); 39:44 (1497); 40:3 [1510); 
40:43 (1525); 40:77 [1536]; 41:21 [1547); 42:15 
[1566); 43:14 [15851; 43:85 |1604]; 45:15 (1622); 
50:43 [1695]; 58:9 [1787]; 60:4 [1808); 62:8 
[I822-1823];64:3 [1831]; 67:24 [1856]; 75:12 
(1914); 75:30 (1917); 84:6 (1966-1967); 86:8 [1975]; 
96:8 [ 2005]; losers are those who disbelieve in the 
meeting with, 10:45 [653-654]; encompasses 
everything in knowledge, 65:12 [1843); 72:28 
[1897); breaks not His promise, 3:9 (157); 3:194 
(232); 13:31 (778); 14:47 [803]; 30:6 (1291); 39:20 
[1488], His promise is true, 4:122 (298): 10:4 [636|; 
10:55 [657); 11:45 [694]; 16:38 (840); 17:108 [908]; 
18:21 [918]; 18.98 [945]; 19:61 (966); 28:13 (1235); 
30:60 [1310]; 31:9 [1313); 31:33 (1323); 35:5 
[1390-1391]; 40:55 (1528); 40:77 (1536); 45:32 
[1628]; 46:17 [1638], ills promise is bound to be 
carried out, 73:18 ( 1 901 ]; does no wrong or 
injustice, 4:40 [258); 4:49 [263): 4:77 [275): 4:124 
(299); 8:51 (566); 10:44 (653); 22:10 [1048], 41:46 
[1556]; 43:76 [1601); 46:19 [1638]; 50:29 (1691); is 
the Justcst of Judges, 95:8 [2003); altered shall not 
be the sentence of, 50:29 [1691); there Is no 

variation in the words of, 10:64 [660]; lets not go 
in vain the deed of any male or female, 3:195 (232); 
4:32 (254); rewards of the world and the hereafter 
lie with, 4:134 [303); honour/prestige belongs in 
toto to, 4:139 [306); 10:65 [660]; 35:10 [13931; 
power and prestige belong to, and His Messenger 
and the believers, 63:8 [1828], has/takes no son, 
4:171 [321]; 6:101 [434); 17:111 |909); 18:5 [91 1); 
19:35 [959], 19:92 [974]; 23:91 [1097); 25:2 [1137]; 
39:4 [1481]; 43:81 (1603]: 72:3 (1891); takes no 
wife, 72:3 (1891); the polytheists' (q.v.) attribution 
of sons and daughters to, 6:100 [433]; IO;68 (661); 
17:40 [885); 18:4-5 (911); 19:88-91 |973-974); 21:26 
[ 1019); 37:151-154 (r453-1454); 43:16-19 

[1585-1586]; begets not nor is begotten, 37:152 
[1453); 1 12:3 [2029]; victorious will be the party of, 
5:56 (358); losers will be those who disbelieve in 
the meeting with, 6:31 [402-403]; has 

ordained/writlen mercy on Himself. 6:12 (395); 
6:54 [412); eyes reach Him not, 6:103 [434]; there 
is none to change the Words of, 6:115 [440); 18:27 
(920); ten commandments (q.v.) of, 6:151-153 
[456-458); 17:23-38 (880-885); prohibition to say 
what you know not against, 7:33 [476], parable of 
the people who cry lies to the signs of, 7:175-177 
[533-535]; makes full His Light even though the 
polytheists detest, 9:32-33 [590]; Sufficient as a 
witness is, 10:29 [648]; 48:28 [1674); Sufficient as 
Account Taker Lx, 21:47 [1025); 33:39 [1352); 
Sufficient as a Guardian-Trustee is, 33:1335); 
33:48 [1354); the polytheists' (q.v.) recognition of 
the rub&biyyah of, 10:31 [649]; 29:61 [1286-1287); 
29:63 [1287]: successful shall not be those who 
fabricate a lie against 10:69 [662]; 16:116 [868]; 
none can believe except by the leave of, 10:99-100 
(672-673); none can remove harm or hold back 
good except, 10:107 [675]; none but the misguided 
ones despair of the mercy of, 15:56 [818); 
embargoed is not the bounty of, 17:20 [879J; there 
can be no hclper/protection against the punishment 
of, 17:68-69 (895); 21:42-43 [1023-1024]; 23:88 
[1096]; 34:51 [1387]; there is no refuge from/none 
can frustrate, 18:28 [921]: 29:22 1 1272); 72:22 
[1895]; hell (q.v.) for those who turn away 
arrogantly from worshipping. 40:60 [ 1 530]; oceans 
as ink would be exhausted before that exhausted 
would be the words of, 18:109 [948]; 31:27 [1320]; 
the end result of all affairs belongs to, 22:41 
[1061]; all affairs shall be returned to, 22:76 
[1073]; 42:53 [1581]; 57:5 [1769); the final outcome 
of all afTairs Is to, 31:22 (1318); 35:4 [1390); the 
decision of whatever you differ in is to, 42:10 
[1563]; everything shall perish except the 
Countenance of, 28:88 (1264); there is no change in 



Ihc sunnah of, 33:62 (1363); 35:43 [1406): severe Is 
the striking of, 85:12 [1972); the best names and 
attributes of: 7:180 (536); 17:1 10 [909]; 20:8 [977]; 
59:22-24 [1804-1805]: 

•A had (One Alone). 112:1 [2029] 

•AfUww (Most Excusing), 4:43 [260], 4:99 [287], 
4:149 [31 11; 22:60 [1067]; 58:2 [1783] 

'Ahkam al-llakimin (The Justcst of judges). 11:45 
[694); 95:8 [2003], 

’Akhir, al-. (the Everlasting). 57:3 [1768] 

’Akram, al • (the Most Beneficent). 96:3 [2004] 

’A 74, al- (the Most Exalted). 87:1 [1977]; 92:20 [199]. 
■Alim, (All-Knowing/All-Aware). 2:29 [16]: 2:32 [17]; 
2:95 [45], 2:115 [55]; 2:127 [601; 2:137 [65]; 2:158 
[75]; 2:181 [86]; 2:215 [104]; 2:224 [1101; 2:227 
[III]; 2:231 [115]: 2:244 [123]; 2:246 [124]; 2:247 
[125]; 2:256 [132]; 2:261 [136]; 2:268 [141]; 2:273 
[143]; 2:282,283 [1501; 3:34-35 [167-168], 3:63 
[180]; 3:73 [184]; 3:92 [192]; 3:115 [201]; 3:119 
[203]; 3:121 (204); 3:154 [216]; 4:11 [242]; 4:12 
[244], 4:17 [246]; 4 24 [250]; 4:26 [252]; 4:32 [254]; 
4:35 [256]; 4:39 [238]; 4:70 [271]; 4:92 [283]; 4:104 
[291]; 4:111 [293]; 4:127 [300); 4:147 [310]: 4:148 
[310]; 4:170 [320], 4:176 [324]; 5:7 [332]; 5:54 
[357]; 5:76 [368]; 5:97 [378]; 6:13 [396]; 6:83 [425]: 
6:96 [431]; 6:101 [4341; 6:115 [440]; 6:128 [445]; 
6:139 [451]; 7:200 [ 543]: 8:17 (552): 8:42 [562]; 
8:43 [563|; 8:53 [567]; 8:61 [569]; 8:71 [573]; 8:74 
[575]; 9:15 [582]; 9:28 [588]; 9:44 [596], 9:47 [598]; 
9:60 [603); 9:97 [619]; 9 98 [620]; 9:103 [6221; 
9:106 [623]; 9:110 [625]; 10:36 [651]; 10:60 [660); 
10:65 [660]; 11:5 (678|: 12:6 [724); 12:19 [728], 
12:34 [734); 12:50 (741); 12:83 [753]; 12:100 [759] 
15:25 [811]; 15 86 [824]; 16:28 [836]: 16:70 [849]; 
21:4 [1013]; 22:52 [1064]; 22:59 [I066|. 23:51 
[1088]; 24:18 [1111]; 24:21 [1112]; 24:28 [1115], 
24:32 [1118]; 24:35 [1121]; 24:41 [1 123); 24:58 
[1131]; 24:59 [1131]; 24:60 [1132]; 24:64 [1136]; 
26:220 [ 1 199]; 27:6 [1203]; 27:78 [1225]; 29:5 
[1266], 29:60 [1286]; 29:62 [1287]; 30:54 [1308]; 
31:23 [1319]; 31:34 [1323]: 33:1 [1334], 33:40 
[1352]; 33:54 [1359]; 34:26 [1377]; 35:8 [1392]; 
35:38 [1404]; 35:44 11407]; 36:38 [1418]; 36:79 
11428); 36:81 [1429); 39:7 [1483]; 40:2 [1509]; 41:12 
[1543]; 41:36 [1552]; 42:12 [1564], 42:24 [1571]; 
42:50 [1579]; 43:9 [1584]; 43:84 [1603]; 44:6 (1607); 
46.2 [1631], 48 4 [1662]; 48:26 [1773]; 49:1 [1676]; 
49:8 [1679], 49:13 [1682]: 49:16 [1683]; 51:30 
17011; 57:3 [1768]; 57:6 [1769]; 58:7 [17861; 60:10 
[1812]; 62.7 [1822]; 64:4 [1831]; 64:11 [1834); 66:2 
[1844], 66:3 [1845]; 67:13 [1853]; 76:30 [1925]. 

•Alim at- Ghayb wa al-Shah&dah (All-Knowing of the 
unseen and the seen), 6:73 [421]; 9:94 [618]; 9:105 
[623]; 13:9 [767]; 23:92 [1097]; 32:6 [1325]; 34:3 

[1368]: 35:38 [1403]; 39:46 [14971; 59:22 (1804); 
62:8 [18231; 64:18 [1836]; 72:26 [1896], 

•Aliyy (All-Exalted). 2:255 [131], 4:34 [256]; 22:62 
[1067]; 31:30 [1321]; 34:23 [1376]; 40:12 |I5!3); 
42:4 [15611; 42:51 [1580] 

•AU&m al-GhuyOb (Supremely Aware of All Secrets). 
5:109 [384]; 5:1 16 [389J; 9:78 (611); 34:48 [1386], 
Arham al-Rahimin (Most Merciful of the merciful); 
7:151 [522]; 12:64 [745]; 12.92 [756); 21:83 [1035]. 
’Awwal, al-, (the First Without Beginning). 57:3 

•Adm (All-Great/Sublimc). 2:255 (131); 42:4 [1561]; 
56:74 [1763]; 56:96 [1766]; 69:33 [1873]; 69:52 

■Adz (All-Mighty). 2:129 [61]; 2:209 [100]; 2:220 
[108]: 2:228 [112]; 2:240 [121; 2:26 [136]; 3:4.6 
[155]; 3:18 [161]; 3:62 [180]; 3:126 [205], 4:56 
[265]; 4:158 [315]; 4:165 [319]; 5:38 [347]; 5:95 
[377]; 5:118 [390]; 6:96 [431]; 8:10 [550]; 8:49 
[5651; 8:63 [570], 8:67 [572]; 9:40 [595]; 9:71 [608]; 
11:66 [702); 14:1 [7841; 14:4 [785): 14:47 [803]; 
16:60 [846], 22:40 (1060); 22:74 11072]; 26:9 [1 164]; 
26:68 [1175]; 26:104 ( 1 180]: 26:122 [1183]; 26:140 
[1186]; 26.159 [1189]; 26:175 [1 192]; 26:191 [1195]; 
26:217 [1199]; 27:9 [1204]; 27:78 [1225); 29:26 
[1274); 29:42 [1280]; 30:5( 1291]; 30:27 [1298]; 31:9 
[1313]; 31:27 [1320]; 32:6 [1325]; 33:25 [1345]: 34:6 
[1369); 34:27 [1378]; 35:2 [1390]: 35:28 [1400]; 36:5 
[1409]; 36:38 [1418]; 38:9 [1461]: 38:66 [1475]; 39:1 
[1480]; 39:5 [1482]; 39:37 [1494], 40:2 1 1509); 40:8 
[1512]; 40:42 [1524]; 41:12 [1543); 42:3 [1560]; 42:4 
[ 1 56 1 ] ; 42: 1 9 [ 1 568]; 43:9 [ 1 584] ; 44:42 ( 1 6 14]; 45:2 
[1618); 45:37 [1630]; 46:2 [1631]; 48:7 [1 663); 48: 19 
[1669]; 54:42 [1737]: 57:1 [ 1767]; 57:25 [1778]; 
58:21 [1792); 59:1 [1794], 59:23 [1804]; 59:24 
[1805], 60:5 [1809); 61:1 [1814]; 62:1 [1820]; 62 3 
[1821]; 64:18 [1836], 67:2 [1850]; 85:8 [1971], 

Radi', (the Originator). 2:117 [55]; 6:101 [434]. 
BSri’, al- (ihc Originator). 2:54 [25]; 59:24 [1804], 
Barr, al- (the Beneficcnt).52:28 [1712]. 

Bastr, (All-Sccing).2:96 [46]; 2: 1 10 [52]; 2:233 [117]; 
2:237 [120]; 2:265 [139]; 3:15 [160]; 3:20 [162]; 
3:156 [217]; 3:163 [220); 4:58 [266], 4:134 [303); 
5:71 [365]; 8:39 [560]; 8:72 [574]; 11:112 [7181; 
17:1 [872]; 17:17 (878); 17:30 [882]; 17:96 [904]; 
20:35 [982]; 22:61 [1067]; 22:75 [1072); 25:20 
[1144]; 31:28 [13201; 33:9 [1338]; 34:11 [1371]; 
35:31 11401]; 35:45 [1408], 40:20 [1516]; 40:44 
[1525]; 40:56 [1529]; 41:40 [1554]; 42:11 [1564]; 
42:27 [1572];48:24 [1671]; 49:18 [1684]; 57:4 
[1768]; 58:1 [1782]; 60:3 [1807]; 64:2 [1830]; 67:19 
[1855]; 84:15 [1968], 

Bilin, al- (the All-Intrinsic), 57:3 [1768]. 



Uhu al-Jaldl m a al-lkrdm (Full of Glory and Majesty). 
55:2711745); 55:78 |I752|. 

Fifir (Onginalor). 6:14 (396). 12:101 [759); 14:10 
(789); 35:1 (1389); 39:46 [1497]; 42:1 1 (1563). 
Faim. al-. 34:26 [1377], 

Ghaffdr (Oft-Forgiving). 20:82 (995); 38:66 [1475]; 
39:5 [1482); 40:42 (1524); 71:10 [1886]. 

Gh&fir (Forgtver), 40:3 [1509). 

Ghaftir (Most Forgiving). 2:173 [[81]; 2:182 (86); 
2: 192 [92); 2:21 8 1 106); 2: 199 [97); 2:225-226 (III); 
2:235 [119]; 3:31 (167); 3:89 [191); 3:129 [2061; 
3:155 [2171; 4:16 [245); 4:23 (249); 4:25 [252J; 4:43 
[260); 4:64 [269]; 4:96 [286); 4:99 [287]; 4:100 
(288); 4:105 [291]; 4:106 [291]; 4:110 [293]; 4:129 
[302]; 4:152 [312]; 5:3 [328]; 5:34 [345]; 5:39 [347]. 
5:74 [377]; 5:98 [379]; 5:101 [380]; 6:54 [412]; 
6:145 [454]; 6:165 [464]; 7:153 [523]; 7:167 [530]; 
8:69 [572]; 8:70 [573]; 9:5 [578]; 9:27 [5871; 9:91 
[6161; 9:99 [620]; 10:107 [675]; 11:41 [692]; 12:53 
[742J; 12:98 (757); 14:36 [799];!5:49 [816]; 16:18 
[832|; 16:110 [865]; 16:115 (867|; 16:119 [869]; 
17:25 [881]; 17 44 (887); 18:58 [933]; 22:60 [1067); 
24:5 [1107]; 24:22 [1113); 24:33 [1119], 24:62 
[1135]; 25:6 [1139]; 25:70 [1159]; 27:11 [1205]; 
28:16 [1236]; 33:5 [1336]; 33:24 [1344]; 33:50 
[1356]; 33:59 [1362]; 33:73 [1366]; 34:2 [1368]; 
34:15 [1373]; 35:28 [1400]; 35:30 [1400]; 35:34 
[1402]; 35:41 [1405]; 39:53 [1500]; 40:42 [1524]; 
41:32 [1551]; 42:5 [15611; 42:23 [1570]; 46:8 [1633]; 
48:14 [1666]; 49:5 [1678]; 49:14 [1683]; 57:28 
[1780]; 58:2 [1783]; 58:12 [1789]; 60:7 [18101; 60:12 
[1813]; 64:14 |I835|;66:I [1844]; 67:2 [1850]; 73:20 
[1903]; 85:14 [1972] 

Ghaniyy (All-Sufficicnt/Above Want). 2:263 [137]; 
2.267 [140]; 3:97 [194]; 4:131 [302); 6:133 (447); 
10:68 [661];14:8 [787]; 22:64 [1068]; 27:40 [1214); 
29:6 [1266]; 31:12 [13141, 31:26 [1320]; 35:15 
[1396]; 39:7 1 1483]; 47:38 [1660]; 57:24 [1778]; 60:6 
[1809]; 64:6 (1832). 

Hadin/Hddi (Tbc One Who guides), 22:54 [1065]; 
25:31 [1147], 

Hafiz (All-Attentive/Guord/Walchful). 11:57 [698]; 
34:21 [1375]; 42:6 [1561] 

Hafiz (Protector). 12:64 [745]; 15:9 [808]; 21:82 

Hakim (All-Wise). 2:32 [ 17]; 2:129 [61); 2:209 [100]; 
2:220 [108]; 2:228 [112]; 2:240 [121]; 2:260 [136]; 
3:6 [155); 3:18 (161); 3:62 (180); 3:126 (205); 4:11 
[242J; 4: 17 (246); 4:24 [250); 4:26 [252], 4:56 [265]; 
4:92 [283]; 4:104 [291]; 4:111 [293]; 4:130 [302]: 
4:158 [315]; 4:165 [319|; 4:170 [320]; 5:38 [ 347]; 
5:118 (390); 6:18 [397); 6:73 [421]; 6:83 [425]; 
6:128 [445); 6:139 [450]; 8:10 [550]; 8:49 [565]; 
8:63 [570]. 8:67 [572]; 8:71 [573); 9:15 [582]; 9:28 

[588]; 9:40 [595]: 9:60 [603]: 9:71 [608]; 9:97 [619); 
9:106 (623); 9:110 [625]; 11:1 [677]; 12:6 [724]; 
12:83 [753]: 12:100 [759]; 14:4 [785]; 15:25 [811]; 
16:60 [846], 22:52 [1064]; 22:59 [1066]; 24:10 
[11081; 2418 [1111]; 24:58 [1131]; 24:59 [1131); 
27:6 1 1 203]; 27:9 [1204]; 29:26 [1274]; 29:42 [1280]; 
30:27 [1298]; 31:9 [1313]; 31:27 [1320]; 33:1 (1334); 
34:1 [1367]; 34:27 [1378]; 35:2 [1390]; 39:1 [1480]; 
40:8 [15 12]; 4 1:42 [1 554]; 42:3 [1560]; 42:51 [1580]; 
43:84 [1603]; 45:2 [1618]; 45:37 [1630]; 46:2 [1631]; 
48:4 [1662); 48:7 [1663); 48:19 [1669]; 49:8 [1679]; 
57:1 [1767]; 51:30 [1701]; 59:1 [1794]; 59:24 [1805); 
60:5 [1809]; 60:10 [1812]; 61:1 [1814], 62:1 [18201; 
62:3 [1821]; 64:18 [1836]; 66:2 [1844); 76:30 [1925], 
Halim (Most Forbearing), 2:225 [III]; 2:235 [119]; 
2:263 [137]; 3:155 [217]; 4:12 [244]. 5:101 [380]; 
17.44 [887]; 22:59 [1066); 33:51 [1357]; 35:41 
[1405); 64:17 [1836]; 

Hamid (All-Praiseworthy), 2:267 1140]; 4:131 [303]; 
11:73 |704); 14:1 [784], 14:8 [787]; 22:24 [1053]; 
22:64 [10681.31:12 [1314], 31:26 [1320]; 34:6 
[1369]; 35:15 [1396]; 41:42 [1554], 42:28 [1572]; 
57:24 [1778], 60:6 [1809], 64:6 [1832]; 85:8 11971], 
Haqq, al- (the True), 6:62 [416]; 10:30 [648]; 10:32 
i649]; 20:114 [1004]; 22:6 [1047]; 22:62 [1067]; 
23: 1 16 [ 1 103]; 24:25 [ 1 1 14]; 31:30 (3 121 1. 

Hasib (Account Taker). 4:6 [239]; 4 86 [279]; 33:39 

liayy, al- (the Ever-Living), 2:255 [130], 3:2 [154]; 
20:1 1 1 (1003); 25:58 [1155]; 40:65 [ 1 5321. 

Jabb&r, al- (the All-Compeller). 59:23 [1804] 

Jdrni', al- (the One Who musters/gathers), 3:9 [157]; 
4:140 [307]. 

Kabir, al- (The All-Great). 4:34 (2S6|; 13 :9 [767]; 
22:62 [1067]; 31:30 [1321); 34:23 [1376]; 40:12 

Karim (all-Bountiful/Most Beneficent), 27:40 [1214]; 
82:6 [1958]. 

Khabir (All-Aware). 2:234 (118); 2:171 (142); 3:153 
[215]; 3:180 [226]; 4:35 [256]; 4:94 [285]; 4:128 
[301]; 4:135 [304]; 5:8 [332], 6:18 [397]; 6:73 [421], 
6:103 [435]; [279]; 9:16 [583]; 11:1 [677], 11:111 
[717]; 17:17 [878]; 17:30 [882]; 17:96 [904]; 22:63 
[1068]; 24:30 [1116]; 24:53 [1128]; 25:58 [1155]; 
25:59 [1156]; 27:88 [1229], 31:16 [1316]; 31:29 
[1 32 1); 3 1:34 [1323]; 33:2 [1335]; 33:34 [1348]; 34:1 
[1367]; 35:14 [1395]; 35:31 [14011; 42:27 [1572]; 
48:11 [1665]; 49:13 [1682]; 57:10 [1771]; 58:3 
[1783]; 58:11 [1788); 58:13 [1789], 59:18 [1802]; 
63:11 (1829); 64:8 [1833], 66:3 [1845]; 67:14 
[1854]; 100:11 [2014). 

Kh&liq, al- ( theCrealor). 6:102 [434]; 13.16 [771]; 
15:28 [8I2|; 23:14 [1078]; 35:3 [1390]; 38:71 [1476]; 



39:62 [1503]; 40:62 [1531]; 56:59 [1761]; 59:24 

Klmlldq. al- (the Supreme Creator). 15:86 [824]; 36:81 

Khayr al-Hakimin (The Best of judges). 7:87 [500]; 
10:109(676]; 12:80(752], 

Khayr al-Rahimin (Best of those who have mercy). 
23:109(1101]; 23:1 18 [1104]; 

Khayr al-RSziqin (Best of Providers), 5:114 [387]; 
22:58 [I066|; 23:72 [1093]; 34:39 [1383]; 62:11 

/.off/ (All-Graceful/Most Ftnc/Kind). 6:103 [435]; 
12:100 [758]: 22:63 [1068]; 31:16 [1316]; 33:34 
[1348]. 42: 19 (1568); 67:14 [1854], 

Majid, at- (the All-Glorious). 11:73 [704]; 85:15 

Malik, al-. (the King). 20:114 [1004]; 23:116 [1103]. 
59:23 [1804]; 62:1 [1820]; 1 14:2 [203 1 ]. 

Malik (Sovereign). 1:4 [1]; 3:26 [165). 

Malik (King), 54:55 [1740], 

Matin, al- (the Most Firm), 51:58 1 1706], 

Mawla, al- (the Guardian-Protector). 2:286 [153]; 
3:150 [213]; 6:62 [416]; 8:40 [561]; 9:51 [599]; 
10:30 [648]; 22:78 [1074]; 47:11 [1650]; 66:2 [1844]; 
66:4 [1845]. 

Muhaymin, al- (the All-Supervising). 59:23 [1804]; 
MubS( (All-Encompassing in knowledge). 2:19 [10]; 
3:120 (204); 4:108 [292]; 4:126 [299]; 8:47 [564]: 
41:54 [1559]; 85:20 [1973]. 

Muhyt, al- (the Giver of life/the One Who brings to 
life). 30:50(1307]; 41:39(1553], 

Mujib (All-Responsive). 11:61 [700]; 37:75 [1442], 
Mu' min, al- (the Giver of Security). 59:23 [1804], 
Muntaqim, at- (The Avengcr/thc One Who inflicts 
retribution), 32:22 [1331]; 43:41 [1593]; 44:16 

Muqil (Omnipotent). 4:85 [279], 

Muqtadir (All-Prevailing), 18:45 [927]; 43:42 [1593]; 
54:42 [1737] ;54:55 [1740], 

Musawwir, al- (the Giver of shape). 59:24 [1804], 
Muta ‘Mi, al- (the All-Exalted), 13:9 [767], 
Mutakabbir, al- (the All-Sublime), 59:23 [1804], 
Nasir (Helper). 4:45 [261]; 4:123 [298]; 4:173 [323]; 
8:40 [561]; 9:116 [628]; 22:78 [1074]; 25:31 [1 147]; 
29:22 11272]; 33:17 [1341]; 42:31 [1573], 

NUr, al- (the Light). 24:35 [1120], 

Qadir (All-Powcrful/Oinnipolcnt). 2:20 [II]; 2:106 
[50]; 2:109 [52]; 2:148 [70]; 2:259 [135]; 2:284 
[151]; 3:26 [165]; 3:29 [167]; 3:165 [220]; 3:189 
[230]; 4:133 [303]; 4:149 [311]; 5:17 [337]; 5:19 
[339]; 540 (348|; 5:120 [390];6:I7 [397]; 8 41 [561]; 
9:39 [5941; 114 [678]; 16:70 [849]; 16:77 [852]; 
22:6 [1047]; 22:39 [1059]; 24:45 [1125]; 25:54 
[1154]; 29:20 [1272], 30:50 [1307]; 30:54 [1308]; 

35:1 [1389]; 33:27 [1345]; 35:44 [1407]; 41:39 
[I553J. 42:9 [1563]; 42:29 [1572], 42:50 [1579]; 
46:33 [1644]. 48:21 [1670]; 57:2 [1767]: 59:6 [1797]; 
60:7 [1809]; 64:1 [1830]; 65:12 [1843]: 66:8 1 1848). 
67:1 [1850], 

Qddir (All-Capable/Omnipotent). 6:37 [405]; 6:65 
[416]; 8:41 [561); 16:77 [852]; 17:99 [90S]. 23:18 
[1079]; 23:95 [1098]; 24:45 [1125]; 25:54 [1154]; 
33:25 [1345]; 35:1 [1389]; 36:81 [1428], 41:39 
[1553]; 42:50 [ 1579); 46:33 [ 1644]; 57:2 [1767], 64: 1 
[1830]. 65:12 [1843]; 68:25 [1862]; 70:40 [1883]; 
75:4 [1913]; 75:40 [1918]; 77:23 [1929]; 86:8 [1975], 
Qahhar at- < the All-Mighty], 12:39 [736); 13:16 
(771); 14:48 [804]; 38:65 [1475]; 39:4 (1481); 40:16 

Q&hir, at- (the Irrcsitiblc). 6:18 [397]; 6:61 [415], 
Qarib (Close by). 2:186 [88]; 11:61 [700]; 34:50 

Qawiyy, (All-Slrong).8:S2 (566); 11:66 [702]; 22:40 
[1060], 22:74 [1072); 33:25 [1345]; 40:22 [1517]; 
42:19 [1568]; 57:25 [1778]; 58:21 [1792], 

QayyUm, al- (Ever-Alert/Sustaining). 2:255 [131]; 3:2 
[154]; 20:1 1 1 [1003], 

Quddus, at- (the All-Holy). 59:23 [1804]; 62:1(1820] 
Raji' at-l)arjat (Exalted in Stale), 40:15 (1514). 

Rahim (Most Merciful). 1:1.3 [1]; 2:37 [19]; 2:43 
[68]; 2:54 [25]; 2:128 [61]; 2:143 [68]; 2:160 [75], 
2:163 [76]; 2:173 [811; 2:182 [86]; 2:192 [92];2:199 
[97]; 2:218 (106); 2:226 [III]; 3:31 [167]; 3:89 
[191]; 3:129 [206]; 4:16 [245]; 4:23 [ 249]; 4:25 
[252]; 4:29 [253]; 4:64 [269]; 4:96 [286]; 4:100 
(288); 4:106 [29l|: 4:110 [293]; 4:129 [302]; 4:153 
[312]; 5:3 [328]; 5:34 [345]; 5:39 [347]; 5:74 [367]; 
5:98 [379|; 6:54 [412]; 6:145 [454]; 6:165 [464]; 
7:153 [523]; 7:167 [530]; 8:69 [5721; 8:70 [573]; 9:5 
[578]; 9:27 [587]; 9:91 [616]; 9 99 [620]; 9:102 
[622]; 9:104 [623], 9:117 [629); 9:118 [630]; 9:128 
[634]; 10:107 [675]; 11:41 [692]. 11:90(710]; 12:53 
[742]; 12:98 [757); 14:36 [799]; 15:49 [8161; 16 7 
[8291; 16:18 [832]; 16:47 [843]; 16:110 [865]; 
16:115 [867]; 16:119 [869]; 17:66 [894]; 22:65 
[10691; 24:5 [1107]; 24:20 [1112]; 24:22 [1113); 
24:33 [1119]; 24:62 [1135]; 25:6 [1139]; 25:70 
[1159]; 26:9 (11641; 26:68 [1175]; 26:104 (1180); 
26:122 [1 183]; 26:140 [1 186]; 26:159 [1189]. 26:175 
[1192]; 26:191 [1 195], 26:217 [1 199); 27:1 1 [1205]; 
27:30 [1211]; 28:16 [1236); 30:5 [1291]; 32:6 [13251; 
33:5 [1336]; 33:24 [1344], 33:43 [1353]; 33:50 
[1356]; 33:59 [1360]; 33:73 [1366]. 34:2 [1368]; 36:5 
[1410], 36:23 [14I4];36:58 [1423]; 39:53 [1500]; 
41:2 [1540]; 41:32 [1551]; 42:5 [1561]; 44:42 [1614]; 
46:8 [1633]; 48:14 [1666]; 49:5 [1678]; 49:12 [1682]; 
49:14 [1683]; 52:28 [1712); 57:9 [1770]; 57:28 
[1780]; 58:12 [1789] 59:10 [1799]; 59:22 [1804). 



60:7 (1810); 60:12 [1813]: 64:14 [1835]; 66:1 [1844]; 
73:20 [1903], 

Rahman, al- (the All-Compassionate). 1:1,3 (I); 2:163 
[76); 13:30 [777]; 17:110 |909]; 19:18 [954]; 19:26 
[957]; 19:44 (961); 19:45 [962); 19:58 [965]; 19:61 
[966]; 19:69 [968]; 19:75 [970]; 19:78 [971]: 19:85 
[972]; 19:87.88 [973]; 19:91.92.93 [974]; 19:96 
[975); 20:5 (977); 20:90 [998] 20:108 [1002]; 20:109 
[1003]; 21:26 [1019]; 21:36 [1022]; 21:42 [1023]; 
21:112 [1043]; 25:26 [1145]: 25:59.60 [1 156); 25:63 
[1157]; 26:5 [1163]; 27:30 [1211]; 36:11 [1411]; 
36:15 [1412]; 36:23 [1414]; 36:52 [1421]; 41:2 
[1540]; 43:17.19 [1586]; 43:20 [1587]; 43:33 [I591|; 
43:36 [1592]; 43:45 [1594]; 43:81 [1603]; 50:33 
[1692]; 55:1 [1741]; 59:22 [1804]; 67:3 [1851]; 
67.19. 20 [1855]; 67:29 [1858]; 78:37 [1938], 78:38 

Raqib (Evcr-Watchful), 4:1 [237]; 5:117 [389]; 33:52 

Ra'uf (Most BeneOcent/Most Gracious/Most Kind). 
2:143 [68]; 2:207 [100]; 3.30 [1671: 9:117 [629]; 
16:7 [829]; 16:47 [843]; 22:65 [1069]; 24:20 [1112]; 
57:9 [1770); 59: 10 [1799], 

Razzdq, o/-, 51:58 [1706], 

Saldm, al- (the All-Perfect), 59:23 [1804], 

Samad, al- (the Universally Besought). 1 12:2 [2029], 
SamV (All-Hearing). 2:127 [60]; 2:137 [65]; 2:181 
(86); 2:224(110); 2:227 [111]; 2:244 [123]; 2:256 
(132); 3:34-35 (167-168); 3:38 [170); 3:121 [204]; 
4:58 (266); 4:134 [303]; 4:148 [310]; 5:76 [368]; 
6:13 [396]; 6:115 [440]; 7:200 [543]; 8:17 [552); 
8 42 [562]; 8:53 [567]; 8:61 (569); 9:98 [620]; 9:103 
[622]; 10:65 [660]; 12:34 [734]; 14:39 [801]; 17:1 
[872]; 21:4 [1013); 22:61 [1067]; 22:75 [1072]; 24:21 
[1112]; 24:60 [ 1132]; 26:220 [1199]; 29:5 [1266]; 
29:60 [1286]; 31:28 [1320]; 34:50 [1387]; 40:20 
[1516]; 40:56 (1529); 41:36 [1552]; 42:11 [1564]; 
44:6 [1607], 49:1 [1676); 58: 1 [1782], 

Shahid (All-Witnessing). 3:98 [194]; 4:33 [255]; 4:79 
[276]; 4:166 [319]; 5:117 [389], 6:19 [398]; 10:29 
[648]; 10:46 [654]; 13:43 [783]; 17:96 [904]. 22:17 
[105 1 1; 29:52 [1283]; 33:55 [1360]; 34:47 [1386]; 
41:53 [1559]; 46:8 [1633]. 48:28 [1674]; 58:6 [1785]; 
85:9 [1971], 

Shakir (Most/Ever Appreciative). 2:158 [75); 4:147 

Shakur, 35:30 [1400]; 35:34 [1402); 42:23 [1570]; 

Tawwdb (Most Forgiving), 2:37 [19J; 2:54 [25]; 2:128 
[61]; 2:160 [75]; 4:16 [245]; 4:64 [269]. 9:104 [623]: 
9:118 (630): 24:10 [1108]; 49:12 (1682): 110:3 


Wadud (Most Loving). 1 1:90 [710], 85:14 [1972] 

Wahhdh, a!-, 3:8 [157]; 38:9 [1461]; 38:35 [1469], 
W&hid a/-(lhc One). 12:39 [736]; 13:16 [771]; 14:48 
[804]: 39:4 [1 481]; 40:16 [1515], 

Wakil (Guanlian-Trustee/Protector). 3:173 [223]; 4:81 
[277]; 4:132 [303]; 4:171 [321]; 6:102 [434]; 11:12 
[682]; 12:66 [746]; 17:2 [873]; 17:65 [894], 28:28 
[1241]; 33:3 [1335]; 33:48 [1354]; 39:62 [1503]. 73:9 

Wallyy, al- (Guardian-Protector), 2:107 [51]; 2:257 
[132]: 3:68 [182); 3:149 [2I3J; 4:45 [260], 6:51 
[410]; 6:70 (419), 9:16 [628], 18:26 [920]; 29:22 
[1272]; 32:4 [1325]; 42:9 [1562]; 42:28 [1572]; 42:31 
[ 1 573] ; 42:44 [ 1 576]; 46:19 (1 624] 

Wdq(al-Wdqi), 40:21 [1517], 

Wdrith, al- (The Inheritor). 15:23 [811]; 21:89 [1037]; 

W&si’ (All-Reaching) . 2:1 15 [55]; 2:247 [125]; 2:261 
[136]; 2:268 [141]; 3:73 [184]; 4 130 [302]; 5:54 
[3571; 24:32 [1118]; 53:32 [1723], 

Zdhir, al- (the All-Manifest), 57:3 [1768], 

Amdiuih. sec Trust. 

Anbiyd', al-, rural. [1012-1043]. 

Angels, the. Allah's asking them to prostrate themselves 
to Adam (q.v.)/man (q.v.). 2:34 [18]; 15:28-30 [812]; 
17:61 [892]; 38:72-73 [1476]; position of, on the Day 
of Judgement (q.v.). 2:210 [101]; 69 17 [1871]; on the 
Day of Judgement sent down will be. 25:25 [1 145]; on 
the Day of Judgement there will will stand up in rows 
Jibrfl (q.v.) and. 78:38 [1938]; will be brought up as 
witnesses on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 39:69 
[1505); will throng around al-‘Arsh (q.v.) on die Day 
of Judgement (q.v.). 39:75 [1508]; command to 
believe in, 2:285 [151]; 4:136 [305], the curse of. lies 
on the apostate (q.v ); 3:87 [190]; Allah's help at the 
battle of Badr (q.v.) with. 3:124-126 [205]; 8:12 
[550]; 8:50 [566J; bear witness about die 

Mcsscngctship of Muhammad (q.v.), 4:166 [319]; 
appointed as custodians over man (q.v.), 6:61 [415]; 
13:11 [767-768]; 43:80 [1602]: 50:17-18 [1689], 
keep a record of die deeds of man (q.v.). 82:11-12 
[1958]; take souls at death. 6:93 [429]; 16:28 
[835-836]; 16:32 [837]; 47:27 [1656-1657]; 79.1-2 
[1940]; carry out Allah's command,16:50 [843]; 
79:3-5 [1940]; demand of the unbelievers (q.v.) to 
make appear to them, 6:111 [437-438]; 6:158 [461]; 
15:7-8 [807-808]; 23:24 [1081]; 25:21-22 

[1 144-1 145]: the ‘Ad (q.v.) unbelievers' demand to be 
sent to tliem . 41:14 [1544]; do not turn away from 
worshipping Allah. 7:206 [545], 21:19 [1017]; 
worship and glorify Allah. 21:19-20 [1017]; 
37:164-166 (1455); 40:7 [1511]; proclaim the sanctity 
of Allah. 41:38 [1553]; 42:5 [1561], write down the 
deeds of man, 10:21 [644]; sing the praise of Allah. 
13:13 [768]; are sent down with wahy (q.v.). 16:2 



[827-828]; Allah selects as messengers from among, 
22:75 |I072); 35:1 (1389); prostrate themselves to 
Allah. 16:49 [843|: considered by the polytheists as 
females/ Allah's daughters, 17:40 [885]; 37:149-150 
[1453); 43:19 [1586]; 53:27 [1721]; cannot intercede 
except by Allah's leave. 53:26 [1721], the righteous 
(q.v.) will be welcomed on the Day of Resurrection 
(q.v.) by. 21:103 [1040-1041); will greet the greetings 
of peace on the believers the day they meet Allah. 
33:44 [1353]: offer blessings on the Messenger of 
Allah (q.v.) 33:56 [1360]; will deny having been 
worshipped by polytheists on the Day of Judgement. 
34:40-41 [1383]; Allah’s oath by, 37:1-3 [1430]; 51:4 
[1696]; 77:3-5 [ 1 926]:79: 1 -5 [1940]; seek Allah’s 
forgiveness for the believers (q.v.), 40:7-9 

[1511-1512]; seek Allah’s forgiveness for those on the 
earth, 42:5 [1561]; good tidings of jannah (q.v.) to 
the believers (q.v.) will be given by. 41:30-32 
[1550-1551]; demand of Fir'awn (q.v.) to bring down, 
as associates of Mdsfi (q.v.), 43:53 [1596]; if Allah 
willed He could have mode, instead of man as 
successors in the earth (q.v.), 43:60 [1598]; are the 
helpers of the Messenger (q.v.), 66:4 [1845-1846]; in 
charge of hell (q.v), 66:6 [1846]; 74:30-31 
[1907-1908]; ascend to Allah in day (q.v.) equivalent 
to fifty thousand years, 70:4 [1877]; descent of, by 
Allah's command in the Night of Decree (q.v.), 

Anger, a charactcnstistic of the righteous (q.v.) is the 
control of. 3:134 [207]. 

Anfdr, see Helpers. 

Apostate ( murtadd ), the, the curse of Allah, the angels 
and of mankind is on. 3:87 [190]; repentance 
(tuwbah) will not be accepted of, 3:90 [191]. 

Apparels, Allah provides the. 16:81 [854], 

Appointed term, for every being there is an. 6:2 [392]; 
7:34 [476-477]; 6:60 [414-415]; no one can delay or 
bring forward the. 7:34 [477]; 23:43 [1086); the 
sinners ore given respite for on, 11:1 10 [717]; 35:45 
[1407]; 42:14 [1565); no habitation is destroyed 
without an, 15:4 [807]; no umrnuh (q.v.) con forestal 
its. 15:5 (807). Allah will not defer when there comes 
the. 63:11 [1829]; 71:4 [1885], 

Approved, the, sec Ma'r&f, a/-. 

'Aqabah, al-. allusion to the Covenant (q.v.) made at. 
5:7 [331-332] 

'ArafSt. emerging from, on Hajj (q.v.), 2:198 [96-97]. 

Arguing Lady. the. the case of, 58: 1 [1782], 

Ark, the. saving of Nuly (q.v.) and his followers in. 7:64 
[490]; 11:37-41 [691-692]; 11:44-48 [693-695]; 

23:26-29 [1081-10831; 26:119 [1183]; 29:15 

[1269-1270]; 36:41 [1418); 54:13-14 [1731]; 


Arrogance, prohibition to walk with. 17:37 [884]: 
31:18-19 [1317]; the abode or the hereafter will be 
assigned to those who do not have. 28:83 [1262); 
those who dispute about Allah's signs have in their 
hearts. 40:56 [1529); the unbelievers', 46:9 [ 1634). 

Arrogant, the, Allah docs not like, 4:36 [257]; 16:23 
[834]; 31:18 [1317]; 57:23 [1777]; those who do not 
believe in the hereafter (q.v.) ore, 16:22 (833); 
believers do not turn. 32:15 [1328]; hell will be the 
abode of, 39:60 [1502]: 40:60 (1530); bad will be the 
abode of, 39:72 [1507]; 40:76 [1536]; Allah puts a 
seal on the heart of, 40:35 [1522]; the ‘Ad (q.v.) 
turned. 41: 15 [1544-1545], 

Anh. al-. Allah is the Lord of. 9:129 [634]; 21:22 
[1018]; 23:86-87 [1096]; 23:116 [1103]; 40:15 
[1514]; 43:82 [1603); Allah took position on. 103 
[636]; 13:2 [763]: 20:5 [977]; 25:59 [1155-1156]; 
27:26 [1210]; 32:4 [1325]: 57:4 (1768]: 85:15 [1972]; 
was initially over water. 1 1 :7 [679]: on the day of 
Judgement (q.v.) angels (q.v.) will throng around. 
39:75 [1508]; angels (q.v.) bear. 40:7 [1511]; on the 
Day pf Judgement eight angels (q.v.) will bear. 69:17 

As-hdb al-'Aykah. preaching of Shu'ayb (q.v.) to. 
177-184 [1192-1194); rejection of the message by. 
26:185-188 [1194]; there disbelieved. 38:13 1 1462]: 
50:14 [I688|; destruction of. 15:78-79 [822]; 26:189 

’AyhAb al-Fil (Owners of the Elephant), Allah's foiling 
of tire invasion of the Ka’ba (q.v.) by, 105:1-5 [2022] 
Sec also Abrahah al-Ashram. 

Ay hub al-Kahf. see People of the Cave. 

Aylyib ul-Rass, the, destruction of, 25:38-39 |||49|; 
there disbelieved before. 50:12 [1687]. 

‘Asr prayer (sec also Saldh); command to be particular 
about. 2:238(120]. 

Assemblies, rules of etiquette (q.v.) for, 58:1 1 [1788], 

Astral religion, exposure of the fallacy of, by Ibrfihim 
(q.v.), 6:78 [422-423] 

Ayal al-Kuniyy. 2:255 [130-131], 

'Ayytlb. Allah’s wahy (q.v.) to. 4:163 [318]; removal of 
distress from and mercy to, 21:83-84 [1035]; 38:41-44 

’Azor. preaching of monotheism by Ibrilhtm (q.v.) to, 
6:74 [421 1: 

Babylon (B4bel). Hinlt and Miirtit (q.v.) at. 2:102 [48]; 
argument of the King of, with Ibrahim (q.v.), 2:258 

Backbiting, prohibition of. 49:12 [1681]. 

Bod. the, there equalise not the good (q.v.) and. 41:34 

Bad deeds, requital for. 28:84 [1262-1264], 

Bad word, a similic for. 14:26 [796], 



Badr, the Baltic of. allusion to. 3:12-13 [158-159); 
3:165 (220); 8:5-8 [548-5491; Allah's help at. 
3:123-126 [204-205), 8:9-12 [549-551); 8:17-19 
(552-553); 8:42-44 (861-863); 8:50 [566); allusion to 
the Makkan unbelievers' mentality while marching to. 
8:47-48 [564-565), attitude of the Munifiqun (q.v.) 
regarding. 8:49 [565). 

Bahimh (a pagan practice). 5:103 (380); 

Bohrayn, al- (see Seas, the two). 

Ba'I. worship of. by the people of Prophet llyfls (q.v.), 
37:125 [1449-1450). 

Balance, the. Allah has set. 55:7 [1742]; prohibition to 
transgress. 55:8 |I742|. 

Banana Trees, in jtmnah (q.v.). 56:29 [ 1757). 

Band al-Na^ir, reference to the expulsion of, 59:2-5 
(1794-1796); animosity and disunity among, 59:14 
[1801); punishment of hcllfire in the hereafter for. 
59:3 (1795); cutting down of the date-palms of. was 
by Allah's leave. 59:5 (1796); false promises of the 
munafiqun (q.v.) to. 59-11-12 (1799-1800); 

distribution of the booty (q.v.) from and from 
townships [gamed without fighting), 59:6-8 

Bond Isra'il (sec also 'AM ul Knab, Jews), reminded of 
Allah's graces on, 2:40, [20); 2:47 [23); 2:122 (58); 
called upon to believe in the Qur'an and not to 
conceal the truth. 2:4-42 (21-22); persecution of, by 
Fir'awn (q.v.). 2:49 (23-24): 7:123-129 (510-512); 
7:141 (516-517); 14:6 (786-787); 28:3-4 

[1231-1232); Allah's sending of MflsS (q.v.) and 
HSrdn (q.v.) to rescue. 20:47 [985]; 26:10-17 
[1164-1165]; 44:17-22 (1609-1610); Allah's rescuing 
of. from Fir'awn (q.v.), 2:49-50 ( 23-24); 

7:134-138.141 [514-515. 516-517); 10:89-92 

[669-670); 14 :6 [786); 20:77-80 (993-994); 26:52-66 
(1172-1174); 44:23-31 [1610-1611); worship of the 
calf by, 2:51 [241; 2:92-93 (44); 7:138 [516); 7:148 
[520); 7:152 (522); 20:85-91 [996-998); Hdrun (q.v.) 
in charge of. 7:142 [517); 20:92-94 [998-999). Musi's 
(q.v.) anger with, 20:86 [996); Allah's forgiving of. 
2:52 [24); 2:54 [251; 5:71 (365); demand of, to see 
Allah openly. 2:55 [25-26]; making of mischief in the 
land by. 17:3 [873]; punishment and regeneration of. 
2:55-56 [26);l7:5-8 [873-8751; entry of. into Bayt 
ul-Maqdis (q.v ). 2:58 [26-27); 5:20-25 [339-341); 
7:161 (527-528; trasgression and changing of Allah's 
word by. 2:59 [27); 2:75 [35]; 5:13 (335); 7:162 
(528). twelve springs given to. 2:60 [27-28]; 7:160 
(527). demand for various kinds of food inode by. 
2:61 (28-29; Allah's wrath on. 2:61 [29); 290 [43); 
killing of the Prophets by. 2:61 (29); 2:87 [41]; 2:91 
(43-44); 3:21 (163); 5:70 [365). covenant taken from. 
2:63 [30); 2:83-84 [38-39); 2:93 (44); 5:12 [333-334]; 
5:70 [364); 7:169 (531); 20:80 [994); violations of the 

covenant by. 2:85 [39-40]; 2:100 [4 7); 5:13 (334); 
violation of the Sabbath (q.v.) by some of. 2:65 [31]; 
7:163-166 [528-530]; killing of a person by, 2:72 
(34); asked to slaughter a cow (q v.) to identify the 
killer of the person. 2:67 [32]; insistence of, on MQsa 
(q.v.) to specify the cow to be slaughtered. 2:68-71 
[32-34]; altering of the word of Allah by. 'ummiiv 
(q.v.) people among. 2:78 (36); Allah gave Mdsd 
(q.v.) the Book for the guidance of. 32:23 (1331); 
40:53-54 (1528); writing of the Book with their hands 
by. and then giving it out as Allah's. 2:79 [37]; claim 
by. that hcllfire shall not touch them except for some 
days, 2:80 [37); 3:24 (164); the claim negatived. 
2:81-82 [38]; disbelief of, in the Qur'dn (q.v.) inspitc 
of knowledge of its truth. 2:89-90 (42-43); 
supposition of. that paradise wilt lie exclusively for, 
2:97 [45), the greediest of men for living ore. 2:96 
[45); as enemy of Jibril (q.v ). 2:97-98 [46); 

misconception of. about Sulaymdn (q.v.), 2:102 [48]; 
the twelve tribes (q.v.) of. 2:136 (64); signs (miracles) 
given to. 2:21 1 [ 101); unwillingness of. to fight in the 
way of Allah. 2:246 [124); 5:23 [340-341); and Talut 
(q.v.). 2:247-249 (124-127); isS (q.v.) was sent as 
Messenger to. 3:49 (174); 43:59 (1597); 61:6 (1815); 
worship of Allah enjoined by 'isd (q.v.) on. 5:72 
[366]; all food except what they themselves tabooded 
was lawful for. 3:93 (192); twelve chiefs raised from. 
5:12 (333); murder (q.v.) pohibited on. 5:32 

(343-344); cursed by the tongue of Da dd (q.v.) and 
'isd (q.v.) were those who disbelieved of, 5:78 (368); 
disbelievers taken as friends by many of. 5:80-81 
[369-370]; miracles advanced by isa (q.v.) rejected 
by, 5:1 10 (385-386); righteous and not so among the 
nations of. 7:168 (531); lifting of (he Mount Sinai 
(q.v.) above the. 2:63 (30); 2:93 (44| 4 154 (313); 

7:171 [532]; a domicile of dignity and good 

provisions given to, 10:93 (670); 17:104 [907). 
Mcsscngcrship of Mflsi (q.v.) to. 17:2-3 [873]; 17:101 
[906]: coming of the Qur'an (q.v.) and of the 
Messenger (q.v.) was known to the scholars of, 26: 197 
1 1 196); the Qur'an (q.v.) relates most of that which 
there differ in. 27:76 [1225]; Allah's raising of leaders 
[Prophets] from among. 32:24 [133l);44:32 [1612); 
Allah's giving of the Book and Prophcthood to. 45:16 
[1622); disagreed after knowledge had come to the. 
45:17 [1623]; on the Day of Rcsurrection/Judgcment 
(q.v.) Allah will judge about the disagreement among. 
32:25 [1.3311: 45:17 (1623); believing in the 
Messenger and the Qur'an by a. 46:10 [1634]; there 
believed a group of. 61:14 [1819]. 

Band Qayniqd', allusion to the expulsion of. 59: IS 

Barren. Allah makes, whomsoever He wills. 42:50 



Barzukh (bor/barrier), for the dead there is n. 23:100 

Bath, injunction to take full, after bcinj^ in a state of 
impurity (q.v.), 4:43 (259). 

Battle, believers (q v.) advised to stand firm in. 8:45 

Bay 'ah. of the believing women. 60:12 [1812-1813]: 

Bay 'at al-Ritfwdn. allusion to. at Hudaybiyah (q.v.). 
48:10 [1664]; 48:18 [1669], 

Bayt al-'Ath/. al-, sec Ka'ba. 

Baytal- Haram. al-. see Masjid al- Haram. AI-. 

Bayt al-Mu'mur, al-. Allah’s oath by, 52:4 [ 1707]. 

Bayt al-Maqdis. entry of Band IsrS'il (q.v.) into, 2:58 
(26-27); 5:20-25 [ 339-341]; 7:161 [527-528]; 
reference to Bukhlnasr's (q.v.) destruction of. 2:259 
[134-135]; forbidden for forty years to Band Isrl'tl 
(q.v ). 5:26 [341] 

Beasts, the. prostrate themselves to Allah. 22:18 [1051]; 
Allah makes, of diverse colours. 35:28 [1399], 

Bedouins, the, apology of. for not joining the jihild 
(q.v ) . 9:90 [616); 48:11-12 [1665-1666], the more 
obstinate in unbelief and hypocrisy are. 9:9798 [619]; 
the believers among, 9:99 [620]; the hypocrites 
among. 9: 101 (62 1 ]. no valid reason for. in not joining 
jthdd, 9:120 [630-631]; notification to, for figting a 
people possessing intrepcdity, 48:16 [1667-1668]; 
lack of fmri/i (q.v.) among. 49:14 [1682]. 

Bees. the. sitrai concerning, (827-871); arc Allah's 
special creation. 16:68 [848]: Allah's provision of 
honey (q.v.) as cure for man from, 16:68-69 

Beggars, alms lo, enjoined. 2:177 [83]; the mutlaqun 
(q.v.) pay up the right of the deprived and. 51:19 
(1698-1699); jannah (q.v.) for those who recognize in 
their wealth the rights of the depprived and. 
70:24-25.35 [1880,1882]; command not to drive 
away. 93.10 [1999], 

Belief, see '/man 

Believers, the, characteristics of, 8:2-4 [547]; 8:74 
[575); 9:71 [608]: 22:41 [1060-1061]; 23:1-9 

[1075-1077]; 24:37 [1121]; 24:62 [1134]; 27:3 
[1203]; 42:36-39 [1574-1575]; good news for, 2:25 
[13: 2:82 [381; 2:97 [46]; 2:223 [110]; 9:112 [627]; 
10:64 [660]; 17.9 [875]; 18:2 [911]; 24:51 [1127]; 
24:55 [11291; 25:63-74 (1157-1160): 28:55 [1251]; 
30:15 [1294], 32:15-16 [1328-1329]; 36:11 [1411]; 
48:29 [1674-1675]; 49:15 |I683]; Allah endeared the 
faith and adorned it to. 49:7-9 [1678-1679]; advised 
about the manner of addressing the Messenger of 
Allah. 2:104 [49]; rules of etiquette (q.v.) for, in 
visiting the houses of the Messenger of Allah (q.v.). 
33:53 (1358-1359): enjoined to take haltll food (q.v.), 
2:172 (80-81); 5:87-88 [372-373]; 6:118-119 

[440-441]; 16:114 [866-967]; asked to express 

gratitude lo Allah. 16:114 [867]: commanded lo 
remember Allah. 33:41 1 1352-1353]; enjoined not to 
be beguiled by their pcopertries and children. 63:9 
[1828]: commanded to beware of/fear Allah. 39:10 
[1485]; 57:28 [1780]; 59:18 [1802]; enjoined to spend 
in the way of Allah before death. 63:10 [1828-1829]; 
forbidden to cat that on which Allah’s name has not 
been uttered. 6:121 [442]; Allah is the 

Guardian-Protector of. 2:257 [132); 3:149 [213]; 4:45 
[260]; 5:55 [357]; 9:51 [599]; 22:38 [1059]; 47:11 
[1650]; 66:2 [1844); Allah's promise to. 24:55 [1129], 
on the Day of Resurrection Allah will have love and 
afTection for. 19:96 [974-97SJ; forbidden lo lake 
unbelievers as friends/helpcrs. 2:28 [166]; 3:118 
[202]: 4:89 [280-281]; 4:144 [309], 5:57 [558]; 
commanded not to obey the unbelievers. 68:9-16 
[1860-1861]; forbidden to take Jews (q.v.) and 
Christians (q.v.) as friends; 5:51 [355]; 5:57 [558]; 
forbidden to take as friends the opponents of Allah 
and His Messenger (q.v.) even if they be sons, 
relatives or kinsmen. 58:22 [1792]; forbidden to lake 
as friends the enemies of Allah and His din (q.v.). 
60:1-2 [1806-1807], 60:9 [1810]; forbidden to take as 
friends those on whom is Allah’s wrath, 60:13 [1813]; 
have an excellent model in Ibrim (q.v.) and his 
followers. 60:4 [1808]; 60:6 [1809]; asked not to 
follow the footsteps of Satan (q.v.); 24:21 [1112]; 
rewards for. 3:57 [178]; 4:57 [265-266]; 4:122 
[298]; 4:146 [310]; 4:152 (312); 4 162 [317]; 4.173 
[322]; 4:175 [323]; 5:9 [332]; 7:43 [481]; 7:49 [484, 
7:4 [548], 8:28-29 (556): 8:74 [ 575], 9:72 [608-609]; 
10:9-10 [638-639]; 11:23 [686]; 12:57 [743); 
13:23-24 [774]; 13:29 (776); 14:23 [794-795], 17:9 
|875], 18:30-31 [922-923]; 18:107-108 [948]; 22:14 
11040-1050); 22:23-24 [1053]; 22:50 [1063]; 22:56 
[1065]; 23:10-11 [1077); 23:107 [1101); 24.38 
[1122]; 25:75-76 [1 160-1 161 ]: 28:54 [1251]; 28:80 
[1261]; 29:7 (1266-1267]; 29:9 [1267]; 29:58 
[1285-1286]; 31:8-9 [1313]; 32:17.19 [1329]; 33:35 
[1349-1350]; 33:44 [1353]; 33:47 [1354]; 33:73 
11366]; 34:4 (1368-13691; 34:37 [1381-1382]; 35:7 
[1391]; 35:33-35 [1401-1402]; 37:40-49 

[1437-1438]; 37:58-60 [1439-1440], 40:40 [1524]; 
41:8 [1542]; 42:22 [1569]; 43:68-73 [1600-1601]; 
45:30 [1627-1628]; 47:12 1650-1651]; 47:36 [1659]; 
48:5 (1662); 48:29 [1675]; 52:21-28 [1710-1712]; 
56:10-40 [1754-1758]; 56:88-91 [1755-1766]; 57:7 
[1769]; 57:12 [1771-1772]; 57:19 [1775]; 57:21 
[1776-1777]; 57:28 [1780]; 58:22 [1792-1993]; 64:9 
[1833]; 65:11 [1843); 66:8 [1847]; 84:25 [1969]; 
85:1 1 [1972]: 95:6 [2002]; 98:7-8 [2010]; on the Day 
of Judgement their light will run in front and by the 
right of. 66:8 [1847-1848]; Allah's promise of victory 
(q.v.) for. 61:13-14 [1818-1819]; the unbelieving 



group of Ahl ill- Kiltll) (q.v.) nol to be obeyed by. 
3:100 (195); not to die except as Muslims (q.v.), 
3:102 (195-196); commanded not to obcy/follow the 
disbelievers (q v.]/munafu/un (q.v.). 3:149 (213J; 
25:52 (1153); 29:12 (1268-1269); 33:1 (1334); 33:48 
(1354); 42:15 (1566); 45:18 (1623); asked not to 
follow the majority in disregard of the guidance given 
by Allah. 6: 1 16 (440); asked to hold fast to the "rope" 
of Allah and nol to he divided. 3:103. 105 (196, 197); 
on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) white will tum the 
faces of, 3:107 (198); attitude of the munafiqun (q.v.) 
towards, 3:1 19-120 (203-204); Allah is Full of Grace 
to. 3:152 |2I4); asked to rely on Allah (q.v.). 
3:159-160 (218-219): 5:11 (333); 14:11 (790); 64.13 
(1835); the Messenger (q.v.) is a grace of Allah to. 
3:164 (220): the Messenger of Allah is closer to. than 
their selves. 33:6 1 1 336); the wives of the Mcssnger of 
Allah are mothers of. 33:6 (1336); forbidden to many 
the wives of the Messenger (q.v.) after him. 33:53 
(1359): will be tned in their properties and lives. 
3:186 (229); will be put to test. 29:2 (1265): tested 
were before. 29:3 (1265-1266); asked to be patient 
(q.v.). 3:200 (235); forbidden to cat up properties 
illegitimately. 4:29-30 (253): prohibition to kill. 4:92 
(282); 494 (284-285); advised not to ask about certain 
things. 5:101 (379-80); on the Day of Judgement 
(q.v.) no fear and grief will be for. 6:48 (409): 7:35 
(477); 7:49 (484); 10:62-63 (659-660); 20:112 
(1003). advised to shun those who take their religion 
for sport. 6:70 (418); the Qur'an (q.v.) is a 
reminder/mercy for. 7:1 (465); 29:51 (1283); the 
Qur'4n is guidance and mercy for. 7:52 (485): 27:2 
(1202); 45:20 (1624): the Qur'an is a healing and 
mercy for. 17:82 (900); adornment and good things 
ore meant for. 7:32 (475-476); command not to tum 
back in the face of attack. 8:15 (551-552); 8:45 (563): 
commanded to obey Allah and the Messenger (q.v.), 
8:20 (553); 47:33 (1658-1659); when Allah and His 
Messenger decree a matter there is no option for. 
33:36 (1350); Allah's graces upon. 8:26 (555); 
8:62-63 (570); commanded not to betray the 
Messenger (q.v.). 8:27 (555-556); encouragement to. 
for Ogling in the way of Allah (q.v.). 8:65-66 
(570-571); 22:40 (1060); 47:7 (1649); are 
patron-friends of one another. 8:72 (573-574); 9:71 
(608); forbidden to take unbelieving fathers and 
brothers as patrons. 9:23 (585); Allah and His 
Messenger and fighting in His way should be dearer 
than all relations and worldly possessions to, 9:24 
(586); are called upon to spend in the way of Allah 
(q.v.), 47:38 (1660). the munufujuns (q.v.) riches and 
children should not impress. 9:55-57 (600-601); 9:85 
(614); Allah and His Messenger will see the deeds of. 
9:105 (6231; it is not necessary to go to fluid (q.v.) 

for all. 9:122 (631-632); the Messenger (q.v.) is most 
affectionate and kind to. 9:128 (634); Allah’s promise 
to deliver the Messengers (q v.) and. 10:103 
(673-674); Allah delivered the Messengers (q.v.) and, 
41:18 (1546); simile of the unbelievers (q.v.) and. 
11:24 (686); the tidings of the Messengers are given 
as admonition and reminder for. 1 1:120 (720); Allah 
makes firm the. 14:27 (796); command to, not to say 
anything except with: "Allah willing". 18:23-24 
(919-920): commanded not to admire/ stretch eyes to 
what some of the unbelievers (q.v.) are furnished with, 
15:88 (824); 20:131 (1009-1010); on the Day of 
Judgement (q.v.) Allah will judge between the Jews 
(q.v.), Sabians (q.v.), Majlis (q.v.), the polytheists 
(q.v ) and. 22:17 (1050-1051; Allah guides. 22:54 
(1064-1065): the unbelievers' ridiculing of. 
23:109-110 (1101-1102); commanded to guard their 
private parts and lower their glances from women 
(q.v.). 24:30 (1116); victory of. foretold. 30:4-5 
(1291); it is due on Allah to help. 30:40 (1306); 
prostrate themselves when reminded of the signs of 
Allah, 32:15 (1328); the angels’ (q.v.) greetings of 
peace on. 33:43-44 (1353): the angels (q.v.) seek 
Allah's forgiveness (q.v.) for. 40:7-9 [151 1-I5I2|; the 
angels (q.v.) will give good tidings of junnah (q.v.) to, 
41:30-32 (1550-151); commanded to offer greetings 
of peace on the Messenger of Allah (q.v.), 33:56 
(1360); sin of those who hurt, 33:58 (1361); ore asked 
not to be like those who gave trouble to Musfi (q.v.), 
33:69 (1364); commanded not be divided about the 
din (q.v.), 42:13 |I564|; are apprehensive of the 
Resurrection (q.v.). 42:18 (1567); what lies with Allah 
is better than the enjoyment of worldly life for, 42:36 
(1574); the unbelievers (q.v.) will not be of avail 
against Allah for. 45:19 (1623): the unbelievers' 
ridiculing of, 83:29-32 (1964); there equalise nol the 
doers of evil deeds (q.v.) and, 45:21 (1624); there 
equalise not the disbelievers and. 47:14 (1651-1652); 
are forbodden to push forward in the presence of the 
Messenger (q.v.) 49:1 (1676); arc forbidden to raise 
their voices above the voice of the Messenger (q.v.), 
49:2-3 (1676-1677); are forbidden to coll the 
Messenger (q.v.) from behind his chambers. 49:4-5 
(1677-1678); ore enjoined to make peace (q.v.) and 
reconciliation (q.v.) between their two fighting groups, 
49:9-10 (1669-1680); are brethren (q.v ). 49:190 
(1680); 59:10 (1799; enjoyment of junnah (q.v.) for 
the foremost (q.v.) of. 56:10-26 (1754-1757); 
subrnissivcncss enjoined upon. 57:16 (1773-1774); 
enjoined not send back to their unbelieving husbands 
the believing women (q.v.) coming as emigrants 
(q.v.), 60:10 (1811); enjoined nol to hold on to the 
marital bonds with unbelieving women (q.v.). 60:10 
(1811-1812); among their spouses and children are 



enemies for. 64:14 (1835); children and properties are 
a (rial for. 64:15 [ I83S]; are ihc helpers of the 
Messenger (qv.), 66:4 [1845-1846); commanded lo 
svave themselves and their families from hell-fire. 
66:6 [1846); punishment of hell for those who 
persecute, 85:10 [1971-1972) 

Bcnevolcnt/right-doers. the. Allah loves. 5:13 [3351; 
Allah's mercy is close by. 7:56 [487). 

Bequest, the making of. 2:180 (85); changing the 
provisions of, by a successor. 2:181-182 [85-86): to 
take testimony at the time of making. 5:106-108 

Birds, the. Allah holds in the sky. 16:79 [8531; 67:19 
[1855); glorify Allah. 24:41 [11231; Sulayman (q.v.) 
was taught the speech of. 27:16 [1206-I207J: the 
inmates of junnah (q.v.) will be entertained with the 
meat of fowls and. 56:21 [1756]. 

Blessed Night, the. see Laylat al-Qadr. 

Blind, the. you cannot guide, 27:81 (1226); 30:53 
[1307]; there equalize not the seeing one and. 35:19 
[1397]; 40:58 [1530]; there is no sin for, in not 
joining jihad (q.v ), 48:17 [1668). 

Blood Money, injunction to pay. for killing (q.v.) a 
believer. 4:92 [2831. 

Blood relations, are closer to one another in respect of 
inheritance (q.v.). 33:6 [1336-1337]. 

Book, the (see also Law!) al-MahfOz. al-). everything is 
recorded in. 22:70 [1070]. 

Book/books of deed, on the Day of Judgement no wrong 
will befall him who will be given in his right hand his. 
17:71 [896); everything they do is recorded in their, 
54:52-53 (1739); on the Day of Resurrection 
/Judgement evety person will encounter his. 17:13-14 
[877]; 18:49 1929); 50:23 [1690]; on the Day of 
Judgement spread out will be the pages of. 81:10 
[1954]; will speak of the truth, 23:62 [1090], 45:29 
[ 1627]; on the Day of Judgement every people will be 
called to their. 45:28 [ 1627]; on the Day of Judgement 
(q.v.) some persosn will be given in the right hands 
and some persons in their left hands their. 56:8-9 
[1754]; rewards of those given in their right hands 
their. 56:27-40 [1757-1758]; 56:90-91 [1766); 

69:19-24 11871-1872]; 84:7-9 [1967); punishment in 
hell of those given in their left hands/behind his back 
their. 56:41-44 [1758-1759); 56:51-56 (1760-1761); 
56:92-95 [1766]; 69:25-37 [1872-1874], 84:10-12 

Books, (sent down by Allah), command to believe in all 
previous. 2:285 1 1 5 1 ]; 4: 1 36 [305]. 

Booty, the, it is not for a Prophet to pinch, 3:161 [219); 
with Allah lies an abundance of, 4:94 [284]; rules 
regarding the distribution of. 8:1 [546]; 8:41 [561]; 
8:69 [572); the mundfiqun's (q.v.) attitude regarding 
the distribution of, 9:58-59 [601-602); role of the 

mundfiqun (q.v.) regarding the. of Khaybor (q.v.). 
48:15 [1667]. Allah's promise regarding, of Khaybar 
(q.v.), 48:19-20 [1669]; Allah's promise for the 
believers of other victory and, 48:21-22 [1670]; 
distribution of, from Band al-Nadtr (q.v ). 59:6-8 

Bounds, set by Allah, see Hudud 

Bounties, you cannot deny any of Allah's. 53:55 [1727]; 
55:13 [1742-1743]; 55:16.18 [17431; 55:21, 23. 25 
[I744|; 55:28. 30. 32 [1745); 55:34. 36. 38 [1746]; 
55:40, 42, 45 [1747-1748]; 55:47. 49, 51. 53. 55. 57 
11748-1749]; 55:59. 61. 63. 65. 67. 69. 71. 73.75. 77 
(1750-1752); Allah is the Lord of immense. 57:21 
[1777]; 57:29 [1781], 62:4 [1821]; permission to seek 
Allah's, after the conclusion of the Jumu'ah (q.v.) 
prayer, 62:10 11823]; command to. express gratitude 
for Allah's. 93:11 [1999]; on the day of Judgement 
(q.v.) you shall be asked about Allah's. 102:8 [2018]. 

Brother, share of. in the inheritance (q.v.), 4:12 [243], 

Brethren, the believers are, 49:9-10 [1679-1680]; 59:10 

Buklil, see Stinginess. 

Bukhtnasr [Nebuchadnezzar], allusion to the destruction 
of Bnyt al-Maqdis (q.v.) by . 2:259 [134-1 35]. 

Buying and Selling, agreement regarding, to be written 
down and witnessed. 2:282 [149], 

Calamity, there is written in al-Lawh al-Muhfuz (q.v.) 
every. 57:22 [1777]; there befalls not any. except by 
Allah's leave. 64: 1 1 (1834). 

Calumniator, woe lo evety, 45:7 [1619]; 104:1 (2020); 
his wealth will not avail him and he will be hurled into 
hcllfire (q.v ). 104:2-9 [2020-2021], 

Calumny (sec also slander), is an offence and sin. 4:112 
[293-294]; gravity of the offence of. 24:15 [1110]; 
reference to the, made against Umm al-Mu minin 
•A'ishah (q.v ). 24:1 1-20 (1 108-1 1 12]. 

Camel, the she. given os a sign to the ThamQd (q.v.), 
7:73 [494]; slaughtering of. by the TharnOd, 7:77 
[496]; rules of sacrificing. 22:36-37 (1058-1059); is 
Allah's wonderful creation. 88: 17 [1982], 

Captive, the. the righteous feed. 76:8-9 [ 1920-1921], 

Cattle, see Livestock. 

Celestial sphere, the. the sun (q.v ). the moon (q.v.) and 
all arc swimming in. 21:33 [1021]. 

Charitable, the. Allah rewards, 12:88 [755]; Allah's 
forgiveness and reward for. 33:35 [1349-1350]. 

Charity, the objects of. 2:215 [104]; 2:273 [143]; the 
pari of wealth lo be spent in. 2:219 [107]; not to be 
followed by a flaunt of favour, 2:263-264 [137-138]; 
Satan (q.v.) discourages giving in. 2:268 [140-141]; 
Allah gives more to the person who gives in. 2:276 
[145]; rewards for those who spend in, 35:29-30 
[ 1 400] ;92:5-7 [1995-1996] 



Chaste, the, Allah's forgiveness and reward for, 33:35 

Chastity (see also Private ports), rules for. 24:30-31 
{1 1 16-1 1 18]; 24:33 {1 18-1 19]; 

Children (sec also Female babes), prohibition to kill. 
6:151 (4S7];60:12 (1813] prohibition to kill, fearing 
poverty (q.v.), 17:31 {882-883], 

Christians, the, 2:62 [30]; supposition that Paradise will 
be exclusively for. 2:111 [53]; denunciation of the 
lews (q.v.) by. 2: 1 13 [53-54]; will never be happy 
unless ihey follow their religion. 2:120 [56-57]; 
covenant (q.v.) token from. 5:14 [335-335]; saying of. 
that they ore sons of Allah. 5: 18 [338]; called upon to 
adjudicate by the Injil (q.v.), 5:47 [353]; and tews 
(q.v.) are friends of each other. 5:51 [355]; no fear for 
those who believe of, 5:69 [364]; friendship of, for the 
believers. 5:82 [370]; isA (q.v.) called son of Allah 
by. 9:30 [589], rabbis and monks token as lords by, 
9:3 1 [589]; arc in doubt about the dtn. 42: 14 ( 1 565). 

Churches, the. if Allah holds not some by others 
demolished would be, 22:40 [1060], 

Cleanliness, Allah loves those who practise. 2:222 [109). 

Clouds, Allah produces the heavy. 13:12 [768); Allah 
drives the. 24 43 [1124]; 30:48 [1306]; 35:9 [1392]; 
on the Day of Resurrection (q.v.) mountains (q.v.) will 
pass by like the passing of. 27:88 [1228]: Allah sends 
down water (q.v.) from. 1768-70 [1762-1763]; 78:14 

Colours. Allah has created all that is in the earth of 
different. 16:13 (831); there arc signs in the diversity 
of man's tongues and. 30:22 [1296]. 

Commandments, the ten. of Allah (q.v.). 6:151-153 

Community (see also unvruth). all Prophets (q.v.) and 
Messengers (q.v.) bclopng to the same. 21:92 (1038). 

Communities, animals and birds arc. 6:38 [405]. 

Companion, duty to be good to the. 4:36 [257], Satan 
(q.v.) is an evil, 4:38 [258], 

Companions of the Left. the. 56:9 [1754]; punishment 
and sufferings of. 56:41-44 [1758-1759]; 56:51-56 
[1760-1761]; 56:92-95 [1766]; 69:25-37 

[1872-1874); 90:20 (1991); those who disbelieve in 
the Qur'an (q.v ) shall be, 90: 19 [1991]. 

Companions of the Right, the, 56:8 [1754); rewards and 
enjoyment in janiuih (q.v.) for, 56:27-40 [1757-1758]; 
56:90-91 (1766); 69:19-24 [1871-1872]; 74:39-40 
[1909-1910]; 84:7-9 [1967]; those who believe, 
mutually counsel patience (q.v.) and kindness (q.v.) 
and feed the orphan (q.v.) and the poor (q.v.) shall be. 
90:14-19 (1990-1991). 

Compensation ( Wf). not to be accepted for sin on the 
Day of Judgement (q.v.), 2:123 (58). 

Conciliation, between men enjoined. 4:114 [295); 
between husband and wife preferred. 4:128 [300-301]; 

Confederates, the. sec Khandaq. the battle of. 

Conference, rules of etiquette (q.v.) for. 24:62 

Conjecture (see also Surmise), the polytheists follow 
nought but. 6:148 [455]; 10:36 [650-651]; 10:66 
[661); 53:23 [1720]; 53:28 [1721-1722]; avails not 
against the truth (q.v.) 53:28 [1722]. 

Conspicuous Victory, the, sec Hudaybiyah. the treaty of. 

Constellations. Allah has set in the sky (q.v.), 25:61 
[1156]; sHral named after. 85 11970-1973); Allah 
swears by the sky (q.v.) having. 85: 1 [1970], 

Consultation, surah named. [1560-1581]; believers 
conduct their affair by mutual. 42:38 [1575). 

Contracts, command to fulfil. 5:1 [325]; 6:152 [458]; 
61:2 [1814); men of understanding do not violate. 
13:20 [773]. 

Corals, there come out of the two seas (q.v.) pearls (q.v.) 
and. 55.22(1744). 

Com. is Allah's creation. 80:27 [1950]; 

Corn-fields. Allah causes to grow, of diverse hue. 39.21 

Courtship, rales regarding. 2:235 [1 18-1 19). 

Cow. Band Isrfi'il asked to slaughter a, 2:67-71 [32-34]; 

Covenant, of man (q.v.) with Allah, 2:27 [14); 57:8 
[1770]; taken from Band Isra'il (q.v ). 2:63. 2:83-84 
[30. 38-39]; 2:93 (44); 5:12 [333-334]; violations of. 
by Band IsrSil, 2:85 [39-40]; taken from AM al-Kuuh 
(q.v.). 3:187 [229]; 4:154 [313]; there reaches not the 
trangressors Allah’s. 2:124 (59); fulfilment of. 
enjoined. 2:177 (83); 5:7 [331-332]; 6:152 [458]; 
16:91-92 |858); 17:34 [883-884]; rewards for 
fulfilling a. 48: 10 [ 1664]; jannah (q.v.) for those who 
fulfil their. 70:33.35 [1881.1882]; the consequence of 
violating a. 48:10 [1664]; believers (q.v.) keep their. 
23:8 [1076]: prohibition to violate. 16:95 (860): men 
of understanding do not violate, 13:20 [773]; 
punishment for those who violate the. 3:77 (185-186): 
evil of abode will be for those who violate. 13:25 
[774-775]; taken by Allah from the Prophets to 
believe in the Last Messenger. 2:81-82 (187-188); 
taken from the Christians (q.v.), 5:14 [335]; 
prohibition to give help against a people with whom 
there is a. 8:72 [574). 

Creature. Allah has spread in the earth (q.v.) every 
moving. 31:10 [1313); there is a sign (q.v.) in Allah's 
spreading of the moving, 42:29 [1572]; 45:4 [1619]; 

Crops. Allah produces all types of, 14:32 [798]; 16:11 
[830]; 16:67 [848], 56:63-65 [1762], 

Cultivation. Allah grows plants and crops (q.v.) out of. 

Darkness, there equalize not light and. 35:20 [1397], 

Date-palm, the, is Allah's creation. 6:99 [433]; 16:67 
[848); 23:19 [1079]; 36:34 [1417]; 50:10 [1687); 



55:1 1 (1742); 80:29 (1950]; there will be in jannah 
(q.v.). 55:68(17511. 

Dates and crops, are Allah's creation. 6: 14 1 (45 1 ]; 23: 19 
(I079]:36:33 (I4I6J; 50:9 116871 

Daud. lulling of Goliath (q.v.) by. 2:251 (128]; Zabur 
(q.v.) given to. 4:163 (318); 17:55 (890): was ever 
penitent. 38:17 (1463); mountains and birds made 
subservient along with, 38:18-19 (1463); given 
kingdom and wisdom. 38:20 (1463); those who 
disbelieved of Banfl IsrS'il (q.v.) were cursed by the 
tongue of. 5:78 (368); was a Prophet. 6:84 (425); 
27:15 [1206]; adjudication about the tillage by. and 
other graces to. 21:78-80 (1033-1034); 34:10-11 
[1371]; adjudication btcwccn two litigants by. 
38:21-26 [1464-1466]; Allah's gift of Sulayman (q.v.) 
to. 38:30(1467). 

Daughters (see also Female babes), the polytheists' 
attribution of. to Allah (q.v.). 17:40 (885]; the 
polytheists' dislike of, 43:16-18 [1585-1586]; the 
polytheisms' burying alive of newly bom. 6: 137 (449); 
6:140 (450-451). 16:59 (846];I6:59 [846], Allah 
bestows on whomsoever He wills, 42:49-50 (1579). 

Dawn. the. Allah's oath by. 74:34 ( 1909); 81:18 (1955); 

Day. the, Allah has made the night (q.v.) and, 21:33 
(1021): 79:29-30 (1944); is a sign (q.v.) of Allah, 
41:37 (1552); there are sure signs in the alternation of 
the night (q.v.) and. 3:190 [230-231; 10:6 (638); 
10:67 [66 1 1; 1 7: 1 2 (876); 24:44 1 1 1 25); 27:86 ( 1 2281; 
45:5 (1619); Allah causes the alternation of the night 
and. 23:80 (1095); Allah makes the night (q.v.) enter 
into. 3:27 (165); 22:61 (1067); 31:29 (1320-1321); 
35:13 (1394-1395); 57:6 (1769); Allah makes the 
night wrap/roll over, 13:3 (764); 24:44 (11251; 39:5 
(1482); Allah has set in succession the night (q.v.) 
and. 25:62 (1157); Allah strips, off the night (q.v.). 
36:37 (1417); Allah determines the night (q.v.) and. 
73:20 (1902); Allah has made serviceable. 14:33 
(798): 16:12 [830); it is Allah's mercy that He has set 
night and. 28:71-73 (1257-1258); Allah has made, a 
restoration to life. 25:47 (1152); Allah has made, to 
give visibility, 27:86 (1228): Allah has made, for 
living. 78:1 1 (1934); and night are meant for seeking 
Allah's grace and for reckoning years. 17:12 (876); 
28:73 (1257-1258); with Allah a thousand years of 
our counting is the span of a, 22:47 (1062); 32:5 
(1325); fifty thousand years is the extent of a. in 
which angels ami Jibril (q.v.) ascend to Allah. 70:4 
(1877); the night (q.v.) is not to outstrip. 36:40 
(1418); Allah's swearing by. 91:3 (1992); 92:2 (1995). 

Day of Judgement, the. 1:4 ( 1 ]; is called the Day of 
Requital ( Yawm al-Din), 1.4 (I); 70:26 (1880); 74:46 
[1910]: 82:17-18 (1959); 83:11 (1961); is called the 
Day of Meeting. 40:15 (1514); is called the Day of 
Reckoning. 40:27 (1518); is colled the Day of Mutual 

Calling. 40:32 (1521); is called the Day of Gathering. 
42:7 (1562); 64:9 (1833); is called the Day of 
Decision, 44:40 (1613); 77:13-14 (1927-1928); 77:38 
(1931); 78:17 [ 1935]; is called the Day of Mutual 
Gain and Loss. 64:9 (1833); is the appointed time for 
all. 44:40 (1613); none will be of avail to anyone on. 
2:48 (231; 2:123 (58); 31:33 (1322-1323); 82:19 
1 1959); none will have any power or helper on. 86:10 
(1975); the Command shall be Allah's Alone on. 
82:19 (1959); no friend will be of any avail to any 
friend on. 44:41 (1613); 69:35 (1874); no friend will 
enquire about a fnend on. 70:10-11 (1878); wealth 
and power will not be of any avail on. 69:28-29 
(1873); leaders of unbelief will disavow their 
followers on. 2:166 (78); 34:31-33 (1379-1380); 
simile of. 2:171 (80); leaders of unbelief will be of no 
avail to the unbelievers on. 14:21 (793); 40:47-48 
|I526); Satan (q.v.) will disavow reponsibility for the 
unbelievers (q.v.) on. 14:22 (793-794); inevitability 
of. 2:202 (98); 6:15-16 ( 397): 6:134 |447-448); 
19:38-40 (959-960); 21:1 (1012); 29:5 (1266); 
37:18-21 (1433); 45:26 (1626); 50.22 (1690); 51:23 
(1699); 51:60 (1706); 56:49-50 (1760], 64:9 (1833); 
78:4-5 (1933; 78:17 (1935); 78:39 (1939); 81:14 
(1955); 83:5-6 (1960-19611; is the Day Most True. 
78:39 (1939); there is no repulsion for. 30:43 (1304); 
42:47 (1578); there is no doubt about. 3:9 (157); 3:25 
|I64); 6:12 (396). 40:59 (1530); 41:40 (1554); 42:7 
(1562); none can advance or delay. 34:30 (1378); the 
earth (q.v.) will radiate with the Light of its Lord on. 
39:69 (1505): the Book (q.v.) will be brought up on. 
39:69 (15050); Prophets (q.v.) will be brought up on. 
39:69 (1505); Messengers (q.v.) will be asked about 
their missions on. 5:109 |384); Messengers (q.v.) will 
be scheduled on. 77:11 (1927); Allah's will be the 
dominion on. 40:16 (1515); fully paid/requiled will be 
every individual on. 16: 1 1 1 (865); 24:25 (1114); 39:70 
(1505); 40:17 (1515); 99:7-8 (2012); everybody will 
be exposed on. 40:16 (1514-1515); 69:18 (1871); all 
secrets of the hearts (q.v.) will be exposed on, 100:10 
(2014); all secrets will be examined on. 86:9 (1975); 
position of the angels (q.v.) on. 2:210 1 101 ]; 39:69 
(1505); 69:17 (1871); the angels (q.v.) shall be in 
rows on. 89:22 (1987); no intercession without Allah's 
permission on. 2:254 |I30); 2:255 (131); 20:109 
(1003); inevitable return of all to Allah on, 2:281 
(146); 5:105 1381); 6:12 (395); 6:36 (405): 10:46 
(6541; 10:56 (657); 19:38-40 (959-960); 36:53 
(1421-1422); 41:21 (1547); 75:12 (1914); 83:6 
(1961); voices will be faded on. 20:108 (1002); some 
faces will be humbled on. 20:111 (1003); 88:2-3 
(1980); somme faces will be delighted and pleased on. 
88:8-9 (1981); hearts will be by the throats on. 40:18 
(1515), hearts and eyes shall be overturned on. 24:37 



[1121]; while and black will turn the faces 
respectively of the believers (q.v.) and disbelievers 
(q.v.) on, 3:106-107 (197-198); 39:60 [1502]; a group 
will be in jannah (q.v.) and a group will be in the 
bazing fire on. 42:7 |I362|; 88:2-4 [1980]; 88:8-10 
[1981]; every Prophet will be a witness against his 
people on, 4:41 [258-259); stale of the disbelievers 
(q.v.) on. 4:42 [259); 25:27-29 [1146); the 
disbelievers' (q.v.) unbelief in. 83:1 1 [1961): position 
of the polytheists (q.v.) /unbelievers (q.v.) on. 6:22-24 
[399-400); 6:27-28 [4011; 6:30 (402); 7:38-39 
(478-479); 14:42-43 (801-802); 40:10-11 

(1512-1513); 78:40 [1939); 83:29-36 (1964-1965); 
their ears, eyes and skins will testify against the 
disbelievers/poly thcisls on. 41:20-22 [1546-1547); 
there will testify everyone's tongues, hands and legs 
on, 24:24 (1 1 13-1 14); the disbelievers (q.v.) 

/polytheists (q.v.) will not be allowed to appease on. 
41:24 (1548); the disbelievers will confess their sins 
on. 40:11 (1513): 74 41-47 (1910); the disbelievers 
(q.v.) will be conducted in groups towards hell (q.v.) 
on, 39:71-72 [1506-1507); no ransom will be 
accepted from disbelievers on. 5:36 [346]; the 
disbelievers will not be allowed to speak or moke 
excuses on. 77:35-36 (1930); 78:37 [1938]; there shall 
not speak anyone except with Allah's leave on. 78:38 
[1938-1939); woe to the disbelievers (q.v.) on, 77:15. 
19 (1928); 77:24. 28 (1929); 77:34 [1930); 77:37. 40 
[1931); 77:45. 47. 49 [1932]; 83:10 [1961); 
transgressors (q.v.V polytheists (q.v.) /sinful will be 
ready to redeem themselves with sons. wife, brother 
and all that is in the earth on. 10:54 [656-657); 
39:47-48 ( 14981; 70: 1 1 - 1 4 [ 1 878- 1 879] ; transgressors 
/polytheists (q.v.) shall have neither any friend nor any 
intercessor on, 40: 1 8 [ 1 5 1 5); there will not benefit the 
intercession of intercessor! on. 74:48 (1911); their 
excuse will be of no avail to the disbelievers/ 
transgressors/polytheists on. 40:52 [1528]; 66:7 
[1847]; repentance and redemption will not be 
accepted on. 89:23-24 (1987-1988): the unbelievers 
(q.v.)/ polytheists (q.v.) will be asked about their 
replies to the Messengers (q.v.) on. 28:65-66 (1255); 
reward of the truthful (q.v.) on, 5:1 19 [390]; warning 
given lo mankind (q.v.) of. 14:44 [802); their 
supposed deities will disavow the polytheists (q.v.) on. 
16 86 (856); 28:62-64 (125-4-12551: the supposed 
deities will not be of any avail lo the polytheists (q.v.) 
on. 6:94 [430); 16:87 [856); 28:74-75 [12581; 
disbelievers (q.v.) will testify against themselves on. 
6:130 [446); 7:37 (478); weighing (q.v.) on. 7:8-9 
[467]; 23:103-104 (1100); a pleasant life will be for 
the one whose scales (q.v.) become heavy on, 101:6-7 
[2015-2016); hell will be the abode for the one whose 
scales (q.v.) become light on, 101:8-11 [2016]; 

warning against the torment of, 11:3 [678]; 39:13 
[I486): all mankind (q.v.) will be mustered on. 1 1:103 
[714-715]; 45:26 [1626]; none will speak out except 
by Allah's leave on. 11:105 [715]; the miserable and 
happy ones on, 1 1:105-108 [715-716]; neither trading 
nor friendship will be on. 14:31 (797); friends will be 
enemies to one another on. 43:67 (1600): the sinners 
(q.v.) will be yoked together and fire will wrap up 
their faces on. 14:49-50 [804]; a witness will be 
rasised from every nation on. 16:84 [855]; the 
disbelievers will not be given any leave on. 16:84 
[855]; woe to those who disbelieve in, 19:37 
[959-960], punishment for the disbelievers in. 32:14 
[1328); 74:46 [1910]; the unbelievers' asking about 
the time of. 32:28 (1332); 51:12 [1697]; there will not 
avail the disbelievers' (q.v.) believing on. 32:29 
[1332-1333): 34:52-54 [1387-1388], suddenness of. 
21:40 [1023]; 22:55 [1065]; 43:66 [15991; the 
righteous (q.v.) shall be kept away from the terror of. 
21:101-103 [1040-1041); Allah will judge about your 
disagreement on. 22:69 (1070); Allah will judge 
between the believers (q.v.). the Jews (q.v.). the Majus 
(q.v.) the polytheists (q.v.) and (he Sdbians (q.v.) on. 
22:17 (1050-1051); 22:56 (1065); Allah will decide 
about the disagreement among the Ahl al-Kitab (q.v.) 
/BanO Isra'II (q.v.) on, 45:17 (1623); every matter will 
be sealed on. 54:3 [1 729); those who do the good 
deeds (q.v.) will be safe and secure from the horror of, 
27:89 [1229); believers (q.v.) and Muslims (q.v.) will 
have no fear on. 43:68 [1600]; the believers will be 
separated from the unbelievers on. 30:14 [1294]; the 
sinful (q.v.) will wish to be sent back to the worldly 
life (q.v.) on. 32:12 [1327]; no injustice will be done 
to any person on. 36:54 [1422]; 40:17 [1515); state of 
the sinful (q.v.) on. 36:59-67 (1423-1425); man (q.v.) 
will quarrel before his Lord on. 39:31 [1492]; the 
munaqun (q.v.) will be conducted in groups into 
jannah (q.v.) on. 39:73 [1507]; jannah (q.v.) for those 
who believe in. 70:26,35 [1880.1882]: the unbelievers 
will have no defenders against Allah on. 40:33 [1521); 
42:46 (1577); losers will be the transgressors 
(q.v.yfollowcrs of falsehood (q.v.) on. 42:45 [1577]; 
45:27 [1627]; down on their kness will be every 
'ummah (q.v.) on. 45:28 [1627); the inbelievers/sinful 
will think on. that they had not lived but for an 
evening or a foremoon of a day. 78:46 [ 1946); every 
person will be accompanied by an angel driver and an 
angel witness on. 50:21 [1689); a flame of fire and 
molten brass will be discharged on man (q.v.) and 
jinn (q.v.) on. 55:35 [1746): hell will be brought up 
on. 89:23 [1987); no man (q.v.) or jinn (q.v.) will be 
interrogated on. 55:39 [1747]; the sinful (q.v.) will be 
recognized by their marks on. 55:41 [1747): people 
will be divided into three sorts on. 56:7-10 [1754); 



56:88-85 (1765-1766]; punishment of the 

Companions of the Left (q.v.) on, 56:41-44 
(1758-1759; 56:52-56 (1760-1761]; accountability 
(q.v.) of man on. 75:13-15 [1915]; some faces will be 
rcsplendant and casting glance to their Lord on. 
75:22-23 (1916); 80:38-39 (1951-1952); some faces 
will be gloomy and convinced of the punishment on. 
75:24-25 (1916); the righteous (q.v.) fear. 76:7 
(1921); 80:40-42 (1952): the unbelievers are careless 
about. 27 (1924): a person will not care for his 
brothers, parents, wife and children on. 80:34-37 
(1951); the disbelievers (q.v.) will be screened from 
Allah on. 83:15 (1962); Allah's swearing by the 
witness and witnessed on. 85:3 ( 1970], 

Day of Resurrection (see also Resurrection) the. belief 
in. an element of Piety (q.v.). 2:177 (83]; position of 
the multaqun on . 2:212 [102]; punishment for 
stinginess on. 3: 180 (226); everyone will be given full 
recompense on, 3:185 (228]; 10:4 (637]: 45:22 
(1625); individual acountability (q.v.) on. 3:161 
(219); 58:6 (1785]; 58:7 (1786); 64:7 (1832); 
everyone will come to Allah individually on, 19:95 
(974): there is no doubt about/lncvitabilitv of, 4:87 
(279-280]; 22:5 (1045); 22:7 (1047); 23:16 (1078]; 
29:5 (1266); 30:19 (1295); 36:49-53 (1420-1422); 
40:59 (1530); 50 20 (1689); 50:42 [16941; 51:23 
(1699]; 56:49-50 (1760]; 58:6 (1785); 64:9 (1933]; 
69:1-3 (1868|; 75:3-4 (I913];78:4-S (1933]; 79:1-6 
(1040-19411: 79:13-14 (1941-1942); 100:9-10 

[2014]; there is no averting of. 53:58 (1727). 56:1-3 
( 1 753); 64:7 [ 1 832]; is a promise on the part of Allah, 
21:104 (1041); 30:25 (1297]; 51:60 [17061; 70:42 
(1883; 80:33 (1951); is called "the Day Promised”, 
85:2 (1970); is called “the Calamity". 101 :l-2 (2015); 
is called "the Day of Coming out”. 50:42 (1694); 
Allah's swearing by. 75:1 (1913); 85:2 (1970); there 
has drawn near. 53:57 (1727); 54:1 [1729]; none can 
plead with Allah on. 4:109 (293); 'IsS (q.v.) will be a 
witness against 'Ahl ul-Kiidb (q.v.) on. 4:159 [314]; 
Allah will make clear your disagreement on. 16:92 
(858-859); Allah will judge about the lews' 
disagreement about Sabbath (q.v.) on, 16:124 [870]; 
Allah will judge about the disagreement of Band 
lsrS’fl (q.v.) on. 32:25 [1331]; every man will 
encounter his book of deeds on. 17:17:13-14 (877); 
the terrible cvents/horrors of, 18:47-49 (928-929]; 
20:105-109 (1002-1003); 22:2 [1044-45]; 52:6 
[1707]; 52:9-10 (1708); 56:4-6 [1753-1754]; 

69:13-16 [1870-1871]; 70:8-9 [18781; 73:14 (1900]; 
73:17-18 [1901]; 75:7-10 [1914]; 77:8-10 (1927]; 
79:6-9 [19411; 81 1-13 (1953-1954); 82:1-4 (19571; 
84:1-5 (19661; 89:21 [1987]; 99:1-6 (2011-1012); 
100:9-10 ( 2014); 101:4-5 [2015]; the eye shall be 
dazzled on, 75:7 (1914); mankind will be like moths 

scattered on. 101:4 [2015]; the children shall turn 
grey-haird on. 73:17 [1901]; the earthquake of. 22:1 
[1044]; 56:4 (I753J; 73:14 (1900]; 79:6 (1941); 99:1 
[2011]; the earth (q.v.) will throw out its loads on, 
99:2 [2011]; the earth will speak out its stories on. 
99:4-5 (2011); the sky (q.v.) shall be rolled up on. 
21 : 104 [1041]; the heavens (q.v.) shall be folded up 
on. 39:1504]; the sky shall be rent asunder on, 25:25 
[1145]; 55:37 (1746); 73:18 (1901); 77:9 (1927]; the 
sky shall be gateways on. 78:19 [1935); the moon 
(q.v.) shall be eclipsed on. 75:8 (1914]; the sun and 
the moon shall be merged on. 75:9 (1914): the stars 
(q.v.) will be effaced on, 77:8 (1927); the mountains 
(q.v.) will pass by like the passing of clouds (q.v.) on. 
27:88 (1228); the mountains (q.v.) shall be a dune 
odnfl on. 73:14 (1900); the mountains (q.v.) will be 
scattered/set in motion on, 77:10 (1927); 78:20 
[1935-1936]; the mountains (q.v.) will be like wool 
ruffled on, 101:5 [2015]; the earth (q.v.) will be 
entirely in Allah's grasp on. 39:67 ( 1 504); the earth 
(q.v.) will be rent asunder on, 50:44 (1695); the earth 
will be crushed on. 89:21 [1987]; those who turn away 
from the Qur'Sn (q.v.) shall bear a burden on. 
20:100-101 [1001]: those who turn away from the 
Qur'&n (q.v.) will be raised blind on. 20:124-127 
[1007-1008], blowing of the trumpet (q.v.) on. 
20:102 [1001]; 23:101 |I099); 36:51 (1421); 50:20 
[1689]; 69:13 [1870]; 74:8 [1905]; 78:18 (1935); 
79:13 (1941-1942); 80:33 (1951); the first and second 
blowing of the trumpet on, 39:68 [1505]; 79:6-7 
[1941 1; the scales of justice will be set up on, 21:47 
(1025); the muttuqun (q.v.)/ believers (q.v.) are 
apprehensive of, 21:49 [1026]; 42:18 ( 1 567]; 
approach of, and the condition of the disbelievers 
(q.v.) on. 21:97 [1039], 70:43-44 [1883]; the 
disbelievers (q.v.) will continue to be in doubt nil. 
22:55 [1065]. for the dead there is a barzakh (q.v.) 
till. 23:100 [1099]; hellfire for the disbelievers on. 
25:1 1-14 [1140-1141]; accountability of the 

disbelievers (q.v.) on. 29:13 [1269]; difficult for the 
unbeliever will be, 25:26 [1146); the unbelievers' 
(q.v.) disbelief in, 6:29 (402]; 11:7 (679-680): 
17:49-51 [888-889]; 23:82-83 [1095]; 25:40(1150]; 
27:67-68 [12231; 36:48 [1420]; 45:14 [1622]; 
56:47-48 [1759]; 64:7 [1832]; 79:10-12 [19411; 
neither wealth nor sons, but an unblemished heart will 
avail on, 26:87-89 (1178); blood relations and 
children will not be of avail on. 60:3 ( 1 807 ) ; a sign of 
the approach of, 27:82 (1226); punishment for 
Fir'awn (q.v.) and his followers on. 28:41-42 [1246); 
the polytheists (q.v.) will disown one another on. 
29:25 [1273]; dumbstruck will be the sinful (q.v.) on. 
30:12 [1293]; the sinful (q.v.) will swear on. that they 
had lived only for an hour, 30:55 (1308); neither 


205 1 

excuse nor amends will avail the transgressors (q.v.) 
on. 30:57 (1309); the unbelievers ask about the time 
of. 75:6 [1914]: with Allah lies the knowledge of. 
31:34 |I323); 33:63 [I363J; 43:1604); their supposed 
deities will disclaim the polytheists (q.v.) on, 35:14 
(1395); losers will be the polytheists (q.v.) on. 39:15 
(I486); the coming of ‘is4 (q.v.) will be an indication 
of the approach of, 53:61 (1598); suddenness of. 16:77 
(852); 12:107 (761); 43:66 (1599); woe to the 
disbelievers (q.v.) on. 52:11-12 (1708); all will come 
out of their graves like locusts on. 54:7 (1730); for the 
unbelievers (q.v) more calomitious will be. 54:46 
(1738); hard on the unbelievers (q.v.) will be, 74:9-10 
(1905); man will come out in different groups on. 99:6 
( 2011 - 2012 ). 

Daybreak, the. Allah's oath by. 89. 1 [ 1984); Allah is the 
Lord of, 1 13:1 (2030). 

Dead, the, you cannot make listen. 27:80 (1226); 30:52 
(1307); os Allah enlivens the earth (q.v.) with 
vegetation so will He bnng to life. 30:50 (1307); 
there equalize not the living and. 35:22 (1397); Allah 
is All-Capable of giving life to. 46:33 (1644). 

Deaf. the. you cannot make listen. 27:80 (1226); 30:52 
(1307); 43:40 (1592). 

Death, every living being is to taste. 3:185 (228); 21:35 
(1021); 29:57 [1285); 50:19 (1689); 56:60 (1761); 
56:83-87 (1765); will catch you wherever you be. 4:78 
(275); there is no fleeing from. 62:8 (1822); Allah 
causes. 2:28 [IS]; 3:156 (217); 7:158 (526); 9:116 
(628); 10:56 (657); 10:104 (674); 15:23 (8111; 16:70 
(849); 22:66 (1069); 23:80 (1095); 33:16 (1340); 
Allah lakes lives at. 39:42 1 1496); there is no coming 
back to worldly life after. 23:99-100 (1099); man uses 
to tum away from. 50:19 (1689); in jannah (q.v.) 
there will be no. 44:56 [ 1616); Allah created life and. 
to test you. 67:2 (1850); pangs of. 75:26-29 

Debtor, to give respite to the, 2:280 (146): zukAh (q.v.) 
may be given to a. 9:60 (602). 

Defamation, prohibition of, by one another. 49: 1 1 

Deity/god. good news for those who abstain from 
worshipping false, 39:17 (1487). 

Destitute, the. zakAh (q.v.) should be given to. 9:60 

Devout, the. Allah's forgiveness and reward for. 33:35 

Dhuu al-Hijjah. Allah's oath by the first ten nights of. 

Dhu al-Kifl. was persevering and righteous. 21(85-86 
(1035-1036); 38:48 (1471) 

Dhu al-Nun, see YOnus. 

DhO al-Qarnayn, story of. 18:83-99 (941-946). 

Difficulty, with case (q.v.) is. 94:5-6 (2000). 

Din (worship), to fight till there becomes for Allah 
Alone. 2:193 (92); 8:39 (560); command to make 
exclusive for Allah the. 7:29 (474); 40:14 (1514): 

Din (Judgemcnt/requital). 95:7 (2003); 107:1 (20241. 
(see also Ymnt ui-Din). 

Din (Religion), Islam is the. to Allah. 3:19 (161); 
nothing will be acceptable to Allah except Isl&m (q.v.) 
as. 3:85 (189); Islam (q.v.) is the perfected and 
approved, 5:3 (328); prohibition to create divisions in. 
6:159 [461 ]; Allah will make prevail the. 9:33 |590). 
Allah sent the Messenger Muhammad (q.v.) to make 
die religion of the truth (Islam) prevail over all. 48:28 
(1674); 61:9 (1817); there is no compulsion in the 
matter of, 2:256 (132): Allah has not set any difficulty 
in the matter of. 22:78 (1073); Allah has 
communicated through all the Messengers (q.v.) the 
same. 42:13 (1564); the Jews and the Christians (q.v.) 
are in doubt about. 42:14 (1565). command to call to. 
42:15 (1566); invalid will be the plea of those who 
dispute about Allah's. 42:16 (1566-1567); the 
supposed deities did not enact for the polytheists (q v.) 
any. 42:21 (1568); Allah docs not need to be 
informed of your. 49:16 (1683); prohibition to take as 
friends the enemies of Allah and His. 60:1-2 
(1806-1807); 60:9 (1810); Allah docs not prohibit to 
be kind to those who fought not the believers in the 
matter of. 60:8 (1810). 

Disbelief. Allah forgives not those who repeatedly 
relapse into. 4:137 (305). 

Disbelievers, the (see also KAfir), Allah puts a seal/vcils 
on the hearts and cars/sights of. 2:6 (6); 16:108 
(864); 18:57 (933); 30:59 (1310); 45:23 (1625); 
panishmcnt/hellfire for. 2:39 [20]: 2:90 (43); 
3:176-178 (224-225); 3:196-197 (233); 4:56 (265); 
4:140 (307); 4:169 (3201; 4:173 (322; 5:10 (333); 
5:73 |366); 5:86 (372); 6:49 (409-410); 6:70 (419); 
7:36 (477); 7:40-41 (480); 11:17 (684): 13:34 (779); 
16:29 (835); 16:106 (863-864); 17:97 (90S); 

18:100-106 (946-948), 19:68-71 (968-969); 22:8-10 
(1047-1048); 22:19-22 (1052); 24:57 (1130); 

25:11-14 (1140-1141); 27:85 (1227); 29:23 

(1272-1273); 29:68 (1289); 30:16 (1294); 33:8 
(1337); 33:64-66 (1363-1364); 35:7 (1391); 35:36-37 
(1402-1403); 40:46 (1526). 40 70-76 11534-1536); 
41:19 (1546); 41:27-28 [IS49];4I:50 (1558); 42:16 
(1567); 43:29 (1589); 45:33-34 [ 1629); 46:20 (1639); 
48:13 (16661; 51:13-14 (1697-1698); 52:13-16 
(1708-1709); 56:41-44 (1758-1759); 56:51-56 

(1760-1761); 56:92-95 (1766); 58:4-5 (1784); 65:10 
(1842); 67:10-11 (1853); 70:15 18 (1679); 77:29-33 
(1930); 83:16-17 [1962]: 92:14-16 (1996-1997); 98:6 
(2009); respite given by Allah to. 16:47 (842-843); 
19:75 (970); 20:129 (1009); 20:135 (1011); 22:44 



[1061]; 22:48 [1063]; 31:24 [1319]; 41:45 [1556]; 
68:44-45 [1866]; there is an appointed lime for the 
punishment of. 18:58-59 [933-934]; in the hereafter 
(q.v.) no help against Allah's punishment will be 
available to. 41:16 [1545]; 45:34 [1629]; on the Day 
of Judgement (q.v.) conducted in groups towards hell 
(q.v.) will be. 39:71-72 [1506-1507]; woe to. on the 
Day of Judgement (q.v.). 77:15, 19 [1928]; 77:24. 28 
(1929); 77:34 [1930]; 77:37. 40 [19311; 77:45. 47. 49 
[1932); 83:10 [1961]; unbelief of. in the Day of 
Judgment (q.v.), 83:11-12 [1961]; 84:14 [1967]; 
unbelief of, in resurrection, [see Rcsuurcction]; on the 
Day of Judgement (q.v.) there will disavow their 
followers the leaders of, 2:166 [78); 34:31-33 
[1379-1380]; 37:27-32 [1434-1435]; will be partners 
with their leaders in the punishment, 43:38-39 [1592]; 
simile of. 2:171 [80]; simile of the deeds of. 24:39-40 
[1122-1123; worldly life deceived/ was embellished 
to. 2:212 [101); 41:25 [1548]; 45:35 [1529], their 
wealth and childrcn/power will not avail them against 
Allah. 3:10 [157-158]; 3:116-17 [201-202]; 69:28-29 
[1873]; on the day of Judgement (q.v.) no ransom will 
be accepted of. 3:91 [191-192]; 5:36 [346]: 6:70 
[419]; will not be allowed to appease on the Day of 
Judgement (q.v.). 4|:24 (1548); will not be allowed to 
speak or make excuses on the Day of Judgement 
(q.v.). 77:35-36 [1930]; 78:37 [1938]; stale of. on the 
Day of Judgement (q.v.). 3:106 [197-198]; 4:42 [259]; 
25:27-29 [1146], 33:67-68 [1364]: 34:51-54 

[1387-1388]; 40:10-11 [1512-1513]; 54:6-8 [1730]; 
will confess their sins on the Day of Judgement (q.v.). 
40:11 [1513]; 67 9-11 [1852-1853]; stale of. on the 
Day of Resurrection (q.v.) 21:97 [1030]: 70:43-44 
[1883]; believers (q.v.) are commanded not to 
obey/follow. 3:149 [213): 29:12 [1268-1269]; 33:48 
[1354]; 68:7-16 [1860-1861]: desire compromise in 
the din, 68:9 (I860); will carry the loads of their sins 
and of the sin of misleading others. 29:13 |I269]: 
believers (q.v.) forbidden to take as friends. 4:144 
[309]; those who believe in pari and disbelieve in part 
are indeed. 4:150-151 [311-312]; will testify against 
themselves on the Day of Judgement (q.v.). 6:130 
[446]; 7:37 |478]; on the Day of Judgement there will 
testify against them the ears, eyes and skins of. 
41:20-22 [1546-1547]; arc patron-friends of one 
another. 8:73 [574-575]; signs and warnings avail not. 
10:101 [673]; 54:2 [1729]; 54:5 [1730]; their 
believing in the face of death will not avail. 16:28 
[835-836]; their believing on the Day of Judgement 
(q.v.) will not avail. 32.29 [1332-1333]; 34:52-54 
11387-1388]; will think on the Day of Judgement 
(q.v.) that they had not lived but for an evening or a 
forcmoon of a day. 79:46 [1946]; losers in the 
hereafter (q.v.) will be, 16:109 [864-865]; seek to 

refute the truth (q.v.) by falsehood. 18:56 [932]; 
ridiculing of the believers by. 19:73 (969); altitude of. 
to the Qur'an (q.v.) and the Messenger (q.v.). 21 :2-3,5 
[1012-1013]; 41:26 [1549]; 45:31 [16281; allegations 
against the Messenger by, 25:5-6 [1 138-1 139); 46:7-8 
[1633]; 61:6 [1816]; divergent opinions expressed 
about the Qur’an (q.v.) and the Messenger (q.v.) by. 
51:8-9 [1697]; ridiculing of the Messenger (q.v.) by. 
25:41-42 [1 150-1 151]; demand of miracles from the 
Messenger made by. 25:8 [1140]; will continue to be 
in doubt. 22:55 [1065]; are inacapable of frustrating 
Allah's plans. 24.57 [1130]: 46:32 [1644]; there 
equalise not the believers (q.v.) and. 47.14 
[1651-1652]; will be caught in their own trick, 52:42 
[1714]; follow their whims (q.v.), 54:3 [1729]; wish to 
make you disbelieve. 60:2 [1807]; intend to 
extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths. 9:32 
[590|; 61:8 [1816]; are in delusion. 67:20 [1855]; will 
be screened from Allah on the day of Judgement (q.v.) 

Disciples, the. of 'isi (q.v.). were Muslims (q.v.). 
3:52-53, (176); 5:111 [386]; were helpers (q.v.) of 
Allah. 61:14 [1819]; demand of. for a table from 
heaven. 5:1 12-1 13 (386-387). 

Disjointed letters, the. 2: 1 [4]; 3:1 [154]; 7:1 [465]; 10:1 
[635]; 11:1 [677); 12:1 [722]; 13:1 [763]; 14:1 [784]. 
15:1 [806]: 19 I [950]; 20:1 [976]; 26:1 [1162]; 27:1 
[1202]; 28:1 [1231]; 29:1 [1265); 30:1 [1290); 31:1 
[1311]; 32:1 [1324); 36:1 [1409]; 38:1 |I459]; 40:1 
[1509]; 41:1 [1540]: 42:1-2 (1560); 43:1 [1582]; 44:1 
[1606); 45:1 [1618]: 50:1 [1685]; 68:1 [1859], 

Disobedience, to Allah and His Messenger, prohibition 
against, 60: 1 2 [ 1 8 1 3], 

Ditch, the battle of. See Khandaq. 

Divining by arrows, prohibition of. 5:90-91 [374-375]. 

Divorce, rules regarding. 2:229-232 (1 12-1 16]; 

2:2360237 [119-120]; 65:1-2 [1837-1838]; rules 
regarding the suckling of babies in case of, 2:233 
[1 16-1 17); zihdr (q.v.) docs not comstitiute. 33:4 

Divorced women, presen bed penod of wailing for. 
2:228 [1 1 1-112]: 33:49 [1354-1355]; waiting period 
for those, who have not menstruated/have no hope of 
menstruation. 65:4 [1839; waiting period for the 
pregnant. 65:4 [ 1 839); rules of providing residence 
and maintenance for, 2:241 [121]; 65:65:6-7 

[18340-1841]; rules of suckling babies by. 65:6 

Du Vi’. see Prayer. 

Donkey, the. is Allah's grace for man's benefit. 16:8 

Dowry, see Muhr. 

Dwellers of the Wood/ Forests, see 'Aj-hdh ul- Aykah 



Ears. Allah has given you, 16:78 [853J: 23:78 [1094]; 
32:9 [1326]; questioned shall be about, 17:36 [884|; 
will testify agaisnl the disbclievcrs/polytheists (q.v.) 
their, 41:20-22 [1546-1547], 

Earth, the. punishment for making mischief in, S:33 
[344-345); command not to cause troublc/miscluef in. 
7:56 [487], 7:85 [499]; initially clogged were the 
heavens (q.v.) and, 21:30 [1020]: stands by Allah's 
command. 30:25 [1297]; Allah holds the sky (q.v.) 
and. 35:41 (1405]; Allah made, in two days. 41:9 
[1542); Allah has set mountains and rivers in. 13:3 
[764]; 15:19 [810]; 21:31 [1020]; 27:61 [1220]; 31:10 
( 1 31 3); 4 1 : 10 [ 1 542); 50:7 [1686]; 77:27 [1929]; 78:7 
[1934]; 79:32 [1944]; Allah assigned in four days the 
nutriments of, 41:10 [1542]; Allah has set mountain 
passes in. 21:31 [ 1020]; Allah has made all that is on 
it for the decoration of. 18:7 [912]; Allah has made 
serviceable all that is in. 22:65 [1068): Allah has 
made, as a resting place. 40:64 [1531-1532]; Allah 
has made, a cradle. 43(1584); 78:6 [1934]; Allah has 
made, a receptacle, 77:25-26, [1919); Allah has 
spread out. 50:7 [1686]; 51:48 [1704]; Allah has 
made, an expanse, 71:19 [1887]: Allah has surfaced. 
88:20 [1982]; Allah has shaped, like an egg. 79:30 
[1944]; Allah threw, as a ball. 91:6 [1992-1993]; 
Allah has set routes (q.v.) in. 43:10 [1584]; 71:20 
[1887]: Allah has produced the water and pastures of, 
79:31 [1944]; for the creatures (q.v.) Allah has laid. 
55:10 [1742]; Allah diminishes the extremities of. 
13:41 [782]; 21.44 [1024]; is full of assures. 86:12 
[1975]; Allah has made or. the equivalent of seven 
heavens (q.v.), 65:12 [1843]; Allah knows what of the 
dead bodies are diminished by. 50:4 [1685-1686]; 
Allah knows whatever goes into and conies out of. 
34:2 11367]; 57:4 [1768]; on the Day of Judgement 
changed will be. into another. 14:48 |803); on the Day 
of Resurrection (q.v.) exposed will be. 18:47 [928]; on 
the Day of Resurrection plane and desolate will be. 
20:106-107 [1002]; on the Day of Resurrection (q.v.) 
flattened and emptied will be. 84:3-4 [1966); on the 
Day of Resurrection entirely in Allah's grasp will be. 
39:67 [1504]; on the Day of Resurrection (q.v.) rent 
asunder will be. 50:44 [1695]; on the Day of 
Resurrection (q.v.) carried away and crashed will be. 
69:14 [1870]; on the Day of Resurrection there will 
quake. 73:14 [1900]; 99:1 [2011]; will throw out its 
loads on the day of Resurrection (q.v.). 99:2 [2011]; 
will speak out its stones on the Day of Resurrection 
(q.v.) 99:4-5 [201 1]; will radiate with the Light of its 
Lord on the Day of Judgemcnml (q.v.). 39:69 [1505]; 
the righteous (q.v.) shall inherit. 21:105 [1041]; Allah 
sends down water and gives life/greenness to. 22:63 
[1068]; 29:63 [1287]: 30:24 [1297]; 30:50 [1307]; 
35:9 [1392]; 41:39 [IS53|; 43:12 [1584]; 50:11 

[1687]; 57LI7 [1774]; there arc Allah's signs (q.v.) in. 
51:20 [1699]; there ore signs in Allah's giving life to. 
45:5 [1619]; Allah creates trees, plants and fruits in. 
22:5 [1046-1047]; 26:7 [1163]; 31:10 [1313]; 50:7 
[1686]; 55:11 [1742], 80:26-32 [1950-1951]; Allah 
has scattered man in. 23:79 ( 1094); Allah has made 
man (q.v.) from. 53:32 [1723]; Allah has caused man 
to grow from. 71:17 [1887], Allah reverts man into. 
71:18 [1887); Allah has made man (q.v.) successors 
in. 35:39 [1404); Allah has spread every moving 
creature in, 31:10 [1313]; 45:4 [1619]; Allah has 
scattered man in. 67:24 [1856); Allah creates pairs in 
what there produces, 36:36 [1417); if Allah willed He 
could have made angels (q.v.) as successors in, 43:60 
[1598]. disbelievers (q.v.) cannot frustrate Allah's 
plans/punishment in. 46:32 [1644]; there shall perish 
everyone of those on. 55:26 [1744]; Allah's swearing 
by. 86: 12 [1975]; 91:6 [1992-1993] 

Earthquake, the, of the day of Resurrection (q.v.), 22: 1 
1 1044]; 56:4 (1753); 73: 14 [1900]; 79:6 (1941); 99:1 
[ 2011 ] 

Ease, with difficulty (q.v.) is. 94:506 |2000]. 

East. the. and west. the. Allah is the Lord of. 26:28 

Elisa, was a Prophet. 6:86 [426] . 

Emigrants, the. (sec also hijruh). reward for. 3:195 
[233], Allah is pleased with the foremost and first 
ones of. 9:100 [620-621]; command not to swear for 
personal reason against giving sudaqah (q.v.) to. 
24:22 [1113]; blood relations are closer to one another 
than, in respect of inheritance (q.v.). 33:6 

(I336-I337|; distribution of the booty from Band 
al-Nadir (q.v.) to. 59:8 [1798]; believers (q.v.) 
enjoined not to send back to their unbelieving 
husbands believing women coming as. 60:10 [181 1], 

Enormities of sin. believers (q.b.) abstain from. 42 :37 

Envious, the. command to seek refuge with Allah from 
the evil of. 113:1.5 [2030], 

Equity, believers (q.v.) are enjoined to deal with justice 
(q.v.) and. 49:9 [1680], 

Etiquette, rules of, 24:27-29 [1 1 15-1 1 16]; for servants, 
children and minors. 24:58-59 [1 130-1 131]; rules of, 
for eating from the houses of relatives and friends. 
24:61 [1132-1134]; rules of. for meetings (q.v.) and 
conferences (q.v.)/assemblies. 24:62 [1134-1135); 
58:1 1 [1788]; rales of. in calling the Messenger (q.v ), 
24:63 [1135]; rales of. in the presence of the 
Messenger. 49:1-3 [1676-1677]; rules of, in visiting 
the houses of the Messenger (q.v.). 33:53 


Even and the odd. the. Allah's oath by. 89:3 [1984], 

Evidence (sec also Testimony); concealing of, 
prohibited. 2:283 [150]; command to give, even agiast 



yourselves, parents and relatives. 4:135 (304); 5:8 
(332); believers (q.v.yMuslims (q v i/servants of 
Allah (q.v.) do not give false. 25:72 (1 159). 

Evil/evils. command to ward off with that which is 
better the. 23:96 [1098]; those who do. cannot forcstal 
Allah. 29:4 ( 1266]; the end of those who do, is more. 
30:10 [1293]; the unbelievers' plotting of, 35:43 
[1406]; there equalise not those who believe and do 
good deeds and those who do, 40:58 [1530]; 45:21 
[1624]; command to repel with what is better the. 
41:34 [1551-1552]; whoever docs an. shall be 
accountable for it. 45: 1 5 [ 1622]; requited will be those 
who do. 53:31 [1723]. 

Evil deeds, the. recompense for doing. 10:27 [647]; very 
severe punishment for those who plot. 35: 10 [1393]. 

Extravagance, prohibition of. 7:31 |475]; 17:26-29 

Extravagant, the. Allah does not like, 6:141 [451]; 7:31 

Eyes, the, Allah has created for you. 23:78 [1094]; 32:9 
[1326]; 90:8 [1990]; will testify against the 
disbelievers/polylheists (q.v.) their. 41:20-22 
[1546-1547]; on the Day of Resurrection (q.v.) 
dazzled shall be, 75:7 [1914]; on the Day of 
Resurrection downcast will be. 79:9 [1941], 

Fact, believers are enjoined to acsertain the. before 
acting upon an information. 49:6 [1678], 

Fdhishah/FahsliA adultery (q.v.) is . 17:32 [883]; Allah 
forbids. 6: i 5 1 [457]; 7:33 [476]; 16:90 [8571: 42:37 
[1574]; 53:32 [1723]; Satan (q.v.) bids to commit. 
2:169 [79]; 2:268 [140]; 24.21 [1112]; Lflfs (q.v.) 
people committed. 7:80 [497]; 27:54 [1218]; 
punishment for. 33:30 [1346]; punishment for 
spreading, 24:19 [1 1 1 1]. 

Fairness (see also Justice), Allah enjoins. 7:29 [474]. 

Faith, sec 7mdn. 

False accusation, is an offence and sin. 4:1 12 [293-294]; 

Falsehood, neither originates nor recreates. 34:49 
[1386]; Allah establishes the truth (q.v.) and effaces. 
42:24 [1570-1571]; on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 
losers will be the followers of, 45:27 [1627]; those 
who disbelieve follow. 47:3 [1648], 

Fasiq/Fustqun (the dcfionl/wantonly sinful), those who 
do not adjudicate by what Allah has sent down ore, 
5:47 (353); believers do not equalize with. 32:18 
[1329; punishment of hellfire for, 32:20 (1330); 
believers arc enjoined to ascertain the fact (q.v.) 
before acting upon an information given by a, 49:6 

Fasting, made incumbent, 2:183-185 [86-88]; going in 
to wives made lawful during the night of. 2:187 [89]; 
for inability to make sacrifice in Hujj (q.v.), 2:196 
[95]; as atonement for killing (q.v.) a believer by 
mistake. 4:92 [283]; as atonement for breach of oath 

(q.v ). 5:89 [374]; os expiation for hunting (q.v.) in 
the state of ' thrum (qv.).5:95 |377); Allah's 
forgiveness and reward for, 33:35 [1349-1350]; 
expiation for the sin of zihdr (q.v.) is two months' 
consecutive. 58:4 [1784]. 

Faiihuh. al- (the Opcning/Opcncr), jurat. [1-2]; called 
the "seven oft-repeted". 15:87 [824], 

Fufir (sec also Allah, names and otributes of), sural. 

Favours (sec also graces, ni’miih). you cannot count 
Allah's. 14:34 [798-799]; prohibition to bestow, 
seeking to get more. 74:6 [1904], 

Female, the. Allah knows what there carries and gives 
birth to. 35:11 [1393]; 41:47 [1556-1557]; mankind 
are created from male and. 49:13 [1682]: Allah creates 
the pair (q.v.) of male (q.v.) and. 53:45 [1725]; 92:3 

Female babes, prohibition to kill. 6:151 [457]; the 
polytheism' burying alive of. 6:137 [449]; 6:140 
|450-45l|; 16:59 [846], 16:59 [846]; the polytheists' 
dislike of. 16-18 [1585-1586); Allah billows on 
whomsoever He wills. 42:49-50 [1579]; on the Day of 
Judgement(q.v ) questioned will be the. burred alive. 
81:8-9 [1954], 

Fig, the, Allah's swearing by. 95:1 [202]; 

Fight, in the Way of Allah (q.v.). command to. (sec also 
Jihad) . 2:190-191 [91-92]; 2:216 [104]. 4:71-76 
[271-2741; 4:84 [278); 5:35 [346]; 22:78 [1073); 
those who are wronged arc given permission to. 
22:39-40 [1059-1060], attitude of the mun&fiqun 
(q.v.) and some Muslims to the command to. 4:77 
[274-275]; 47:20-22 [1654-1655]; prohibition to. by 
the Sacred Mosque (q.v.), 2:191 [92]; command to 
spend in. 2:194 [93]; rule regarding, in the Sacred 
Month (q.v ). 2:194 [93]; 2:217 [105]; encouragement 
to. 3:145-148 [211-212], command to. till the worship 
becomes entirely for Allah, 8:39 [560], rules of 
prparation for. 8:60 [569]; command to. against those 
who violate a treaty (q.v.). 9:5 [578); 9:12-15 
[581-582); greater status and reword for those who. 
9:20-22 [584-584]; rules regarding. 47:4 [1648]; 
merits and rewards for those who are killed in, 47:4-6 
[I648-I649],lhc saving trade is to, 61:10-11 [1817]; 
rewards for those who do,, 61:12-13 [1818]; believers 
ore enjoined not to feel small when confronting the 
enemy in. 47:37 [1659]; believers do. with their 
wealth and persons. 49:15 (1683); Allah loves those 
whodo. 61:4 [1814-1815]. 

Ftr'awn, persecution of Band Isra'il (q.v.) by. 2:49 
[23-24]; 14:6 [786-787], 28:3-5 [1231-1232]; rearing 
of MusS (q.v.) at the household of, 20:37-40 
(982-983); Allah's rescuing of Band Isrd'il (q.v.) from, 
2:49 [23-24]: 20:77-80 [993-994]; 37:115 [1448]; 
44:23-31 [1610-1611]: punishment/drowning of, by 



Allah. 2:50 (241; 8 54 (5671; 17:103 (907); 44:24 
(1610]; 69:9-10 (1869-1870); 89:10-13 (1985-1986); 
the people of. punished for iheir unbelief. 3:1 1 (158); 
8:52-54 (566-567); 40:45 (1525); Allah sent His 
Messenger to. 73:15 (1900): Mcsscngership of Musi 
(q.v ) and his showing of miracles to. 7:103-108 
(505-507); 10:75-77 (664-665); 11:96-97 (712); 
17:101-102 (906-907); 20:42-57 (984-988); 23:45-46 
(1086-1087); 26:10-17 |1I64-1165); 27:12-14 

(1205-1206); 28:32-37 (1243-1245); 29:1278-1279); 
43:46-48 (1594-1595); 54:41 (1737). disbelief of. 
38:12 (1462); 40:23-27 (1517-1518); 44:17-22 
(1609-1610): 50:13 (1688): 51:38 (1702); 54:42 
(1737); 79:17-20 (1942-1943); rejection of the 
miracles and gathering of the sorcerers by, 7:109-114 
(507-508); 10:78-82 (665-666); 20:58-69 (988-991); 
23:46-48 (1087); 26:18-45 (1165-1171); 28:38-39 
(1245-1246); 43:49-54. 1595-1596); 51:39 (1702); 
79:21-24 (1943); plan of. to ascend into the heavens. 
40:36-37 (1522-1523); defeat of and believing by the 
sorcerers of. 7:115-122 (508-509); 20:70-73 

(991-992); 26:46-51 (1171-1172); believing by a 
progeny of the people of. 10:83 (666-667); instnacc of 
the wife of. who believed. 66:1 1 (1849); persecution 
upon his believing people by, 7:123-127 (510-511); 
40:25-26 (1518); a believer among the people of, and 
his advice to his people. 40:28-33 (1519-1521); 
40:38-45 (1523-1525); trials, punishment and 
drowning of the people of. 2:50 (24) 7:130-137 
(512-515); 8:54 (567); 10:89-92 (669-670); 17:103 
(907); 23:48 (1087); 28:40 (1246); 29:40 (1279); 
43:55-56 (1595-1596); 51:40 (1702); 54:42 (1737); 
73:16 (1901); 79:25 (1943): 85:18 ( 1973);89: 10- 13 
(1985-1986); puinishment for, and his followers on 
the Day of Resurrection (q.v.) 28:41-42 (1246); 40:46 
(1526); will conduct his people to hell on the Day 
Resurrection (q.v.), 1 1 :98-99 (713). 

Firdaws (jannah ). believers will inherit the. 23:11 

Fire. Allah has made trees for enkindling. 56:71-72 
(1763); Allah has made, os a reminder of the fire of 
hell. 56:73 (1763). 

Filnah (see also Persecution), worse than killing. 2:191 
(92); 2:217 [105] 

Forbearance (see also Paticnce/Patienl), beleivers are 
advised of. 64: 14 (1835). 

Foremost, of the believers (q.v.), enjoyment of jannah 
(q.v.) for. 56:10-26 (1754-1757); 56:88-89 

(1765-1766); Allah is pleased with, and they are 
pleased with Allah. 58:22 (1793); 98:8 (2010) 

Forenoon. Allah's swearing by the, 93: 1 (1998). 

Forgiveness, command to seek Allah's. 3:133 (207); 

1 1:3 (678); 23:118 (1104); 24:31 [II 17-1 1 18); 40:55 
(1528); 47:19 (1654); 73:20 (1903): 110:3 (2027); 

command to vie with one another for Allah's, 57:21 
(1776); reward for the seekers of Allah's. 3:135-136 
(208); conditions for the grant of. 4:17-18 (245-246); 
for the believers and doers of good deeds (q.v.) is 
Allah's. 33:73 (1366); 34:4 (1368-1369); 35:7 (1391); 
36:11 (1411); Allah promises for the believers a 
magnificent reward and His. 48:29 (1675); angels 
(q.v.) seek for the believers (q.v.) Allah's. 40:7-9 
[1511-1512]; angels seek for those on the earth 
Allah's, 42:5 (1561); Allah is the Owner of, 41:43 
(1555); 74:56 (1912); Allah is All-Abounding in. 
53:32 (1723); the munufiqun (q.v.) turn away when 
asked to seek Allah's. 63:5 (1826-1827); for those 
who fear Allah in the unseen is His. 67:12 (1853). 

Fornication (sec also adultery), prohibition of. 5:5 (330). 

Fomicator/fomicalrcss (sec also adultery/odullerer). legal 
punishment for, 4:15 (244-245); 4:25 (251); 24:2-3 

Friday, see Jumu'ah. 

Fruits, arc Allah's creation. 6:99 (433); 23:19 (1079); 
55:11 (1742); 80:31 (1951); Allah has made pairs in 
twos of every. 13:3 (764); Allah makes, of diverse 
colours. 35:27 [ 1 399); with Allah's knowledge come 
out from their covers the, 41:47 (1556); in jannah 
(q.v.) there will be. 55:52 (1748): 55:68 (1751); 56:20 
(1756); 56:32-33 (1757). 

Furqiin. given to MOsS (q.v.), sOral at-. [1137-1161], 
2:53 [25]; 21:48 (1026); the Qur'an (q.v.) is called. 
2:185 (87); 3:3 (155); 25:1 (1137). 

Gambling, grave sin in. 2:219 (107); prohibition of. 
5:90-91 (374-375). 

Gardens. Allah grows, 50:9 (1687). 

Gardens of Bliss, sec JannAt al-Nu'im. 

Garments (clothes), command to purify. 74:4 1 1904); 

Generous, the (see also Muhsin), Allah loves. 2:194 

Ghayb, belief in. a characteristic of the muttaqun (q.v,), 
2:3 (5); Allah Alone knows, 2765 (1222); Allah 
knows the. of the heavens and the earth (q.v.). 49:18 
(1684); Allah is All-Knowing of. 72:26 (1896); Allah 
may communicate to His chosen Messenger some of. 
72:27 (1896). 

Ginger, the inmates of jannah will be given a drink 
blended with, 76:17(1922). 

Gog and Magog, building of a barrier by Dhfl 
al-Qomayn (q.v.) against. 18:94-99 (944-946); 
unleashing of. 21:96 (1039). 

Gold and silver, very painful punishment for those who 
hoard and do not pay zakah (q.v.) on. 9:34-35 

Goliath, fight of TaiQt (q.v.) with. 2:249-250 (127-128). 

Good, the, there equalise not the bad and, 41:34 (1551). 

Good deeds, the, reward for those who believe and do. 
10:26(646-647); 11:11 (681); 14:23(794-795); 16:97 



1860-861); 18:2 |9IIJ; 18:46 )928); 18:107-108 
(948); 19:76 (970); 22:14 (1049-1050); 22:50 (1063), 
22:56 (1065); 28:80 (1261); 28:84 (I262);29:7 
(1266-1267); 29:9 (1267); 29:58 (1285-1286); 30:15 
(1294); 31:8-9 (1313); 34:4 (1368-1369); 39:10 
|1485); 40:40 (1524); 41:8 (1542); 42:22-23 (1569); 
46:13-14 (1635-1636); 48:29 (1675); 84:25 (1969); 
85:11 (1972); 98:7-8 12010); Allah enjoins. 16:90 
(857); 35:7 (1391). there will be no covering up of, 
21 94 ( 1038); on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) safe and 
secure will be those who do. 27:89 (1229); good word 
(q.v.) raises to Allah. 35:10 (1393); there equalise not 
those who do evil (q.v) and those who believe and do. 
40:58 (1530); 45:21 (16241; Allah responds to those 
who believe and do. 42:26 (1571); whoever does, shall 
get the ment thereof. 45:15 (1622); 53:31-32 (1723); 
Allah obliterates the sins of those who believe and do. 
47:2 (1647); good is the reward for. 55:60 (1750); 
those who believe and gives in charity Allah makes 
easy for them the doing of. 92:6-7 ( 1995- 1996) 

Good word, the. ( Kuhmah layyibah). a simile for. 
14:24-25 (795); raises good deed (q.v.) to Allah. 

Gospel, the. sending down of. by Allah. 3:2 (154). 

Graces, you cannot count Allah's. 14:34 (798-799). 
Grapes, orchards of. arc Allah's creation. 6:99 (433); 
16:11 (830); 16:67 (848). 23:1079); 36:34 (1417); 

Grateful, the. Allah will reward. 3:144, 145 |21 1). 
Graves, the. you cannot make hear those who are in. 
35:22 (1398); on the Day of Resurrection upturned 
will be. 82:4 (1957); 100:9 12014); on the Day of 
Resurrection (q.v.) people will issue forth from their. 
36:51 (1421). 

Greetings, the. command to return. 4:86 (279). 

Guidance ( hudan) ; Allah (q.v.) gives guidance to man 
(q.v ). 2:38 (20); 48:20 (1670); 53:23 (1720); 76:3 
(1919); 90:10 (1990); 91:91:8 (1993); Allah's 
guidance is the only real. 2:120 (57); 3:73 (183); 6:71 
(420); is given by Allah Alone, 2:272 (142); 16:9 
(829-830); 16:37 (839-840); 39:36-37 (1494); 45:23 
(1625); 81:29 (1956); 92:12 (1996); all the Prophets 
(q.v.) were given the same. 6:83-90 (425-427); 
whoever receives, he rccives it for himself, 27:92 
(1230); Allah increases in guidance for those who 
receive, 47:17 (1653); Allah knows best those who 
receive. 53:30 1 1722); 68:7 (I860). 

Hflbil, (see also Adam, the two sons of), killing of. by 
Qabil(q v ). 5:27-31 (341-343). 
Habitation/habitations, instance of a, that turned 
ungrateful. 16:112 (865-866); punishment of the 
desbelieving people of the. 16: 1 13 (866); 18:59 (934); 
22:45 (1061-1062; 22:48 (1063); 46:27 11642); 
Allah's destruction of many an ungrateful. 28:58 

(1252-1253); Allah punishes a. when its affluent ones 
turn disobedient. 17:16 (878); before the Resurrection 
Allah will punish or destroy every. 17:58 (891); if 
Allah willed Allah could have sent a wamcr to every. 
25:51 (1153); Allah destroys not any. before sending a 
wamer/Messengcr, 26:208 -209 (1 198); 28:59 (1253); 
the instance of an unbelieving, to whom were sent 
Messengers. 36:13-29 (1411-1415); distribution of 
booty (q.v.) gamed without fighting from some. 

Hady, see Sacrifice. 

Hail. Allah strikes whom He will with. 24:43 (1 124). 

Hail-storm. Allah had sent against the people of Lilt 
(q.v ). 54:34 (1736). 

HSjar, settling of. at Makka (q.v.). 14:37 (799-800). 

Hujj, sural al-. (1044-1074); lawtif (q.v.) for, 2:158 
(74); new moons (q.v.) for. 2:189 (91); command to 
perform/ perform fully. 2:196 (94); 22:27 

11054-1055); rules of performing. 197*203 (95-98); 
22:30 (1055-1056). made incumbent to the Ka'ba 
(q.v,), 3:97 (194); to sacrifice livestock during. 
22:33-34 (1057); 22:36-37 (1058-1059). 

Haliil food, man (q.v.) enjoined to take. 2:168 (79); 
believers (q.v.) enjoined to lake, 2:172 (80-81); 
5:87-88 (372-373); 6:118-119 |440-441); 

specification of. 5:1 (325); 5:4-5 (328-329); 6:145 
(453-454; game of the sea is. 5:96 (377); 

Haldl meat, see Huldl food. 

Haitian, as collaborator with Fir'awn (q v.). 28:6 

(1232); 28:8 (1233); 40:24 (1517); 40:36 (1521); 
arrogance and destruction of. 29:39040 (1278-1279); 

Hamm (a pagan practice). 5: 103 (380). 

Ijunlf (true monotheist), IbrftMm (q.v.) was a, 2:135 
(64); 3:95 (193); 6:78 (4231; 6:161 (462); command 
to be. 10:105 (674); 22:31 (1056); 30:30:30-31 
(1299-1230); command to follow the millah of 
Ibrahim (q.v.) as a. 16:123 (870); Ahl ul-Kiiab (q.b.) 
commanded to be. 98:5 (2009). 

Happiness and sorrow. Allah gives. 53:43 (1725); 53:48 

HarOm food. 2:173 (81); 5:3 (327-328); 6:119 (441); 

H&rQn. relic of the progeny of, 2:248 (126); Allah's wahy 
(q.v.) to. 4:163 (318); was a Prophet. 6:84 (425); 
19:53 (964); 37:114-122 (1448-1449); appointed an 
assistant to Misa (q.v.). 20:25-36 (981-982); 23:45 
(1086); 25:35 (1148); 26:13 (1164); 28:34-35 (1244); 
al the court of Fir'awn (q.v.). 7:122 (509); 10:75 
1664). 20:42-70 (984-991); 23:47 (1087); 26:16 

(1165); left in charge of Banu IsrS’il (q.v.). 7:142 
(517); anger of Musa (q.v.) with. 7:150-151 
(521-522); 20:92-94 (998-999); Maryam (q.v.) 
descended from the family of, 19:28 (957); along with 



Mflsa (q.v.) Ihe hun/tln (q.v.) was given to, 21:48 

HSrfll and Marut (two angels), at Babylon (q.v.). 2:102 

Hashr, (see also Day of Resurrection/ Judgement), 
inevitability of, 2:202 (98]; 3:25 [164]; 3:158 [218]; 
4:87 |4:77 [279-280]; 4:172 [322); 5:96 [378|; 6:22 
[399]; 6:38 (406); 6:51 [410]; 6:72 [420]; 6:128 
(445); 10:28 [648]; 10:45 (653); 15:25 [811]; 18:47 
[928]; 19:68 [968]; 23:79 [1094]; 25:17 [1 142]; 27:87 
[1228]; 34:26 [1377]; 41:19 [1546]; 42:15 [1566); 
42:29 [1572]; 45:26 [1626]; 46:6 [1632]; 50:44 
[1695]; 58:9 [1787]; 67:24 [1856]: 77:38 [1931], 
ffawdnyyun. see Disciples. 

Hdv/iyah (abyss of hell), 101:9-11 [2016], 

Hearing. Allah gives. 32:9 [1326]: 67:23 [1856); 76:2 

Hearts, the. Allah is All-Knowing of the secrets of. 
31:23 [I3I9];39:7 [1483]; 40:19 (1516); 57:6 [1769]; 
64:4 [1831]; 67:13 [1853]; Allah creates/gives. 16:78 
[853|; 23:78 [1094]; 32:9 [1326); 67:23 [1856]; sin is 
incurred not by mistake but by what there purpose. 
33:5 (1336); questioned shall be about, 17:36 [884|; 
those who dispute about Allah's signs (q.v.) have 
arrogance (q.v.) in their, 40:56 (1529); on Ihe Day of 
Resurrection (q.v.) in commotion will be the. 79:8 
[1941]; on the Day of Resurrection/Judgcment (q.v.) 
exposed will be all that is in. 100: 10 [2014], 

Heavenly bodies, all the. are each floating in an orbit, 
36:40 [1418] 

Hcaven/heavcns. Allah has raised/created without 
pillars. 1 3:2 [763]; 31:10 [1313]; on the Day of 
Judgement changed will be. into other. 14:48 [803): 
on the day of Resurrection (q.v.) folded will be. 39:67 
[1504]; are created as seven ways. 23:17 [1078]; 
Allah has beautified and set towers in. 15:6 [809); 
Allah has created seven. 65:1843]; 78:12 [1934]; 
Allah has created seven, one above another. 67:3 
[1850-1851]; 71:15 [1887]; are filled with strict 
guards/ blazing missiles, 72:8-9 ( 1892]. 

Heavens, the, and Earth, the. there are clear signs about 
lawhid (q.v.) in the creation of. 3:190-191 [231]; 10:6 
[638]; 30:22 [1296]; 42:29 [1572); are the creations 
of Allah (q.v ). 6:1 (391); 6:73 [420]; 14:19 [792]; 
14:32 [797]; 17:99 [905]; 20:4 [976]; 27:60 [1220]; 
29:44 [1280]; 29:61 [1286]; 31:25 [1319]: 39:5 
[1482]: 39:46 (1497); 40:57 [1529]; 42:11 [1563]; 
43:9 [1584]; Allah has not created for fun/in vain, 
21:16-17 [1016]; 38:27 [1466]: Allah is the Lord of. 
6:3 [392]; 13:16 [770]; 18:14 [914]; 19:65 [967]; 
20:6 [977]; 21:56 [1027-1028]; 23:86-87 [1096]; 
26:24 (1167); 37:5 [1430-1431]; 38:27 [1466]; 38.66 
[1475); 43:82 [1603]; 44:7 [1607]; 44:38 [16131; 
45:36 [1630): 78:37 [1938]; to Allah belongs the 

dominion of. 25:2 [1137]; 39:44 [1497]; 42:49 
[1579]; 43:85 [1604]; 48:14 [1666]; 57:2 [1767]; 85:9 
[1971]; to Allah belongs all that is/those arc in. 22:64 
[1068]; 23:84-85 [1095-10%]; 24:64 [1136]; 30:26 
[1298]; 31:26 (1319-1320); 34:1 [1367]: 42:4 [1560]; 
43:85 [1604]; 53:31 [1722]; to Allah belong the 
treasuries of. 63:7 [1817]; Allah created, and ail that is 
between them, in "six" days. 7:54 [486-487]; 10:3 
[636]: 11:7 [679]; 25:59 [1155]; 32:4 |I325); 50:38 
[1693]; 57:4 [1768]: there touched not Allah any 
weariness because of the creation of. and all that is 
between them. 50:38 [1693-1694], are created for just 
cause/in truth, 15:85 [823]; 16:3 [828];30:8 

[1291-1292]; 44:39 [1613]; 45:22 [1624-1625]; 46:3 
[1631]; 64:3 [1831]; Allah has reduced to service all 
that is in. 45:13 [1621]; are created for a term 
specified, 45:3 [1631]; initially clogged were. 21:30 
[1020]; there prostrate themselves to Allah whoever 
are there in. 13:15 [770]; there glorify Allah all those 
in, 1744 [886]; 16:49 [843]; there proclaim the 
sanctity of Allah all that is in. 57:1 [1767]: 59:1 
[1794]; 59:24 (1805); 62:1 [1820]; there implore 
Allah oil those in. 55:29 [1745]; Allah is Best Aware 
of those who are in, 17:55 [890]; Allah knows all that 
is in. 22:70 [1070]: 34:3 [1368]; 49:16 [I683);64:4 
[1831]; there hides not from Allah anything in, 14:38 
[800]; to Allah belongs/Allah knows the unseen of, 
16:77 (852|; 35:38 [1403-1404], 49:18 (I684J. to 
Allah belong the keys of, 42:12 (1564); Allah has 
reduced to service for man all that is in. 31:20 [1317]; 
dicrc cannot baffle Allah anything in. 35:44 [1407]; 
Allah will bring forth all that is in. 31:16 [1316; Allah 
has secured against Satan (q.v.), 15:17 [809]; die 
imaginary deities are incapable of giving any 
provision from. 16:73 [850-851]. Allah is the NUr 
(qv.) of. 24:35 [1 120-1 121); on the Day of 
Resurrection (q.v.) terrified will be all those in. 27:87 
[1228]; declined the trust offered by Allah. 33:72 
[1365); there are signs (q.v.) for the believers in die 
creation of, 45:3 [1618]; to Allah belong Ihe hosts of. 
48:4 [1662]; 48:7 [1663]; without Allah's sanction 
man (q.v.) and jinn (q.v.) cannot pass through the 
zones of. 55:33 [1745-1746] 

Hell, many of men and jinn arc created for. 7:179 [535]; 
Allah will fill with men and jinn. 1 1:1 19 [720]; 72:15 
[1893]; has seven gates. 15:44 [815]; the abode of the 
disbelievers (q.v.) will be. 17:97 [905]: the abode of 
the arrogant will be. 39:60 [1502]; is the abode of 
those who turn away arrogantly from worshipping 
Allah. 40:60 [1530]; evil as an abode is. 25:66 [1 158]; 
on the Day of Judgement exposed to the view of the 
misguided ones will be. 26:91 [1178], 79:36 [1945]; 
the punishment of the sinful (q.v ) will be. 36:63-64 
[1424]; 43:74-77 [1601-1602]; punishment of Satans 



(q.v.) will be. 67:5 [1851]; punishment of the 
disbelievers/unbelievers will be. 77:29-33 [1930]; 
83:16-17 [1962]; the abode of the transgressor; (q.v.) 
will be. 78:21-26 (1936]; those who disobey the 
Messenger (q.v.) shall have. 72:23-24 [1895-1896]; 
dreadfulness of. 67 7-8 [1852] mutual recrimination 
of the inmates of. 38:60-64 [1474); 40:47-48 1 1526]; 
there equalize not the inmates of jimnah (q.v.) and the 
inmates of. 39:24 [1490]; 59:20 [1803]; on the Day of 
Judgement (q.v.) the disbelievers (q.v.) will be 
conducted in groups towards, 39:71-72 [1506-1507]; 
the inmates of. will pray for lightening of the 
punishment for a day. 40:49-50 (1527); those who 
take the Qur'an (q.v.) in jest shall have the 
punishment of. 45:9-10 [1620]; for the mundftqun 
(q.v.) will be the punishment of. 48:6 [1662-1663]; 
will be the destination of the Jewish conspirators 
against the Messenger (q.v.). 58:8 [1786-1787]; on the 
Day of Judgement more inmates will be wanted by. 
50:30 [1691-1692]: is bad as the destination. 64:10 
[1834]; angels in charge of, 66:6 [1846]; angels as 
sentinels over, 74:30-31 [1907-1908]; man and 
stones will be fuel of. 2:24 (12-13); 66:6 [1846]; some 
description of. 74:27-29 (1907]; 74:35 [1909], 88:5-7 
[1980-1981]; shall be the abode of those that 
transgress and prefer the worldly life (q.v). 79:36-39 
|I945]; on the Day of Resurrection set ablaze will be. 
81:12 (1954]; those who avoid the Qur'an (q.v.) shall 
enter, 87:11-13 [ 1978-1979); will be the abode for 
those whose scales (q.v.) become light on the Day of 
Judgement (q.v.), 101:8-11]; man will certainly see. 
102:6 [ 201 7 ). 

Hcllfire, men and stones as fuel for, 2:24 [12-13]; 66:6 
[1846); punishment of the sinful in. 44:43-50 
[1614-1615], the calumniator (q.v.) and the slanderer 
(q.v.) shall be hurled into, 104:2-9 [2020-2021 ]. 

Helpers. Allah is pleased with the foremost and first 
ones of. 9:100 [620-621]; love and selflessness of. in 
respect of the emigrants (q.v.), 59:9 [1798-1799]; 
believers enjoined to be. of Allah. 61:14 [1818-1819], 

Hereafter, the. a characteristic of the muiiaqun 
(q.v.ybelievers/righteous (q.v.) is belief In. 2:4 [5]; 
27:3 [1203]; 31:4 [1311]; reflection about, advised, 
2:219-220 [107]; is better for the muiiaqun (q.v.), 
4:77 [275]; 7:169-170 [531-532]; 43:35 [1591]; best 
will be the abode for the muiluqun (q.v.) in, 16:30-32 
[836-837]; those who believe not in, set partners with 
Allah. 6:150 [455], the polytheists'/unbelievers' (q.v.) 
disbelief in. 36:4S-46 (1419-1420); 41:7 [1542); 
45:24-25 ( 1625-1626]; 74:53 (1911); those who 
believe not in. refuse to acknowledge tawhld (q.v.). 
16:22 [833]; those who believe not in, stray away 
from the way, 23:74 [1093]; the transgressors (q.v.) 
arc unbelievers in, 7:45 [482]; their deeds will be in 

vain who do not believe in. 7:147 [520]; Allah 
increases the tilth for him who is wont to desire the 
tilth of. 42:20 (1568); those who desire only the 
worldly life (q.v.) shall have nothing for them in. 
11:15-16 [682-683]; 42:20 |I568]; there is a sign in 
the destruction of the previous unbelieving nations for 
those who fear the retribution in, II: 103 |7 14); for the 
believers the best is the reward of. 12:57 [743]; 
sevcrcr/more disgraceful for the disbelievers (q.v.) will 
be the punishment of. 13:34 (779); 20:127 [1008]; 
39:26 (1491); 41:16 [1545]; 68:33 [1864]; the 
unbelievers (q.v.) prefer wordly life (q.v.) to, 14:3 
(785); 16:107 ( 864); the unbelievers' neglect of, 
75:21 [1916]; evil will be for those who do not believe 
in, 16:60 [846]; painful punishment for those who do 
not believe in. 17:10 (875-876); 27:4-5 [1203], losers 
will be the disbelievers (q.v.) in. 16:109 (864-865); 
their striving will be appreciated who desire. 17:19 
[879]; greater in ranks is, 17:21 [879]; is the life, 
29:64 [1288]; whoever is blind (to Allah's guidance) 
in this world will be blind in. 17:72 [896-897]. man's 
knowledge fails to comprehend, 27:66 [1223]; man 
(q.v.) is heedless about. 30:7 (1291); is the abode of 
stability. 40:39 [1523]; angels (q.v.) are friends of the 
believers (q.v.) in. 41:31 [1550-1551]; is better than 
the enjoyment and ornament of the worldly life (q.v.) 
43:35 [1591]; is the best and most enduring. 87:17 
[1979]; there is punishment and Allah's forgiveness 
in. 57:20 (1776); to Allah belong the wordly life and. 

Hijr. al- (see also $:ilih and Thamud). sural. [806-826]; 
disbelief in the Messengers by the people of. 15:80-82 
[822-823]; destruction of the people of, 15.83-84 

Hijdb. waiver of the restriction of. in respect of the 
blind (q.v.), 24:61 [1132]; injunction about, 33:53 
[1359]; 33:59 [1361-1362]; rules of. 33:55 


Hijrah. hope for Allah's mercy for those who make. 
2:218 [106]; reward for those who make, 3:195 (233]; 
4:100 [287-288); 16:41 [84 1 ); rewards for those who 
make, and die or ore killed in the way. 22:58-59 
[I066|; punishment for wilful defaulters in making. 
4:97 (286-287]; exception for those who are unable to 
make. 4:98-99 [287); those who make, are 
patron- friends of one another. 8:72 [573-574]; greater 
status of those who make, in the way of Allah (q.v.), 
9:20 [584-585]; command given to the Messenger of 
Allah (q.v.) for, 17:80 (899); reference to the 
Messenger's (q.v.) stay in the cave of Thawr mountain 
during the. 9:40 [594-595]; Allah's forgiveness for 
those who made. 16:1 10 [865]; to moke, if prevented 
from worshipping Allah, 29:56 [1285]; 

encouragement for, 29:60 [1286). 



fjikmah. the Messenger (q.v.) laught. 62:2 [1820]; 

Homes, prohibition of the prc-lslamic practice of 
entering by the back-doors of. 2:189 [91], 

Homosexuality, indulgence of the people of Lit (q.v.) in, 
26:165-167]; 27:54-55]; 1218], 29:28-29 [ 1 274- 

Honey, is Allah's provision of cure for man from bees 
(q.v.), 16:68-69 [848-849]; in the jannah (q.v.) there 
will be rvers of. 47:15 [1652]. 

Horse, the. is Allah's grace for man's benefit. 16:8 [829]; 

Hosts, the. account of, 85:17-18 [1973]. 

Hour, the. see Resurrection. 

House, prohibition to enter without permission other's, 

Hud. sural. [677-721]; messengership of, to the 'Ad 
(q.v.) people. 7:65-72 [491-493]; preaching of lawhid 
by, 11:50-52 [695-696], 26:124-135 [1184-1185]; 
46:21 [1639-1640]; rescuing of, and his followers, 
7:72 [493-494]; 11:58 [698; punishment and 

destruction of the people of. 7:71-72 [493-494]; 9:70 
[607]; 11:58-60 (698-699); 26:136-139 [1186); the 
Madyan (q.v.) people reminded of the fate of the 
people of. 11:89 [7101. 

Hudaybiyah, allusion to the Covenant (q.v.) made at. 5:7 
(331-332); reference to the treaty of. 48:1 [1661]; 48:4 
[ 1662]; 48:25-26 [1671-1673]; reference to the bay'al 
al-Ridudn (q.v.) at. 48:10 (1664); the bedouin (q.v.) 
Arabs' plea for not joining the campaign to. 48: 1 1 

Hudud. of Allah, not to trangress, 2:187 [90]; 2:229-230 
[1 13-1 14); a characteristic of the believers is to 
uphold. 9:112 [526-627]; he wrongs himself who 
transgresses. 65:1 [1837]. 

Hud&d (legal punishment); for adultery (q.v.). 4:15 
[244-245]; 4:25 [251]; 24:2-4 [1105-1106]; for 
making false accusation (q.v.) against chaste women 
(q.v ). 24:4 [1106-1107]; for nhdr (q.v ), 58:3-4 

Humble, the. Allah’s forgiveness and reward for. 33:35 

Hunayn. Allah's help at the battle of. 9:25-26 [586-587]; 

Hunting, forbibben in the state of Ihrdm (q.v.), 5:1 
[325-326]; 5:96 [378]; expiation for. in the stale of 
jhrtbn, 5:95 [376-377]; of sea animals permitted. 
5:96 [377], 

f/ir. in jannah (q.v.) the muttaqun (q.v.) will be 
paircd/married with. 44:55 [1616]; 52:20 (1710); 
55:72. 74 (1751-1752); 56:22-23 [1756] 

Huruf. al-, ul-muqatlo'ah. see Disjointed letters. 

Husband, shares of. in the inheritance (q.v.). 4:12 [242]; 
reconciliation between wife (q.v.) and. 4:35 [256], 
4:128 [300-301]; prohibited to keep a wife (q.v.) 
suspended. 4:129 [301], 

Hulamah ( a special hell), the calumniator (q.v.) and the 
slanderer (q.v.) shall be hurled into the. 104:2-9 

Hypocrites, the. see Mundfujun 

Iblis, declines to prostrate himself to Adam (q.v.Vman 
(q.v ). 2.34 [18]; 7:1-12 [468]; 15:31-33 [813]; 17:61 
[893]; 18:50 [930]; 20:116 (1005); 38:74 [1476]; 
banishment from heaven of. 7:13 [468-469]; 7:18 
[470]; 15:34-35 (813-814); 38:75-78 [1477]; 

promises to lead astray man. 7:14-17 [469-470]; 
15:36-40 (814); 17:62 [893]; 38:79-83 [1477-1478]; 
is an enemy of man, 18:50 [930], 20:1 17 [1005]; hell 
will be the appointed place for those who follow. 
15:42-43 (815); 17:63 [893]; 26:95 [1179]; 38:84-85 
[1478]; the people of Saba' (q.v.) were deluded by. 
34:20 [1375]. 

Ibrahim, sural. [784-805]; fulfilment of Allah's words 
by. 2:124 [58-59J; given commission to punfy the 
Ka'ba (q.v.), 2:125 [59]; 22:26 [1054]; raising of the 
foundations of the Ka'ba (q.v.) by. 2:127 [60]; prayer 
of. to be a Muslim (q.v.). 2:128 [61]; prayer of, to 
raise a Messenger from among his progeny at Makka 
(q.v.). 2:128 [61]; Prophets from the progeny of, 
19:58 [965]; 57:26 [1779]; Allah's raising of Prophets 
from among the family of, 3:33 [168]; 4:54 (264); 
6:84-90 [425-427]; 19:49-50 [963]; 29:27 [1274); 
millah (religion) of. 2:130 [62]; 2:135 (64); 6:161 
|462]; Islam is the millah/din (q.v.) of. 22:78 [1073], 
42:13 [1564]; command to follow the millah of. 2:130 
[62]; 3:95 [193]; 4:125 [299]; 16:123 [870]; is a 
friend of Allah. 4:125 [299]; was a Muslim (q.v.), 
2:131 [62]. 2:133 [63]; 2;I36 [64]; 3:67 [181]; was a 
hanif( q.v.), 2:135 [64); 3:95 [193]; 6:78 [423); 6:161 
[462]; 16:120 [869]; was a model leader. 16:120 
[869]; is an excellent model for the believers. 60:4 
[1808]; 60:6 [1809]; was a Messenger, 16:121-122 
[869]; 21:51 ( 1026]; 37:83 [1443]; 38:45-47 [1471]; 
57:26 [1779], enjoining of Islim (q.v.) to his sons by. 
2:132 [62-63]; was neither a Jew nor a Christian. 
2:140 [66]; 3:67 [182]; was most forbearing, most 
submissive. 11:75 [704]; argument of the long 
INamrudh] about Allah with. 2:258 [133-134]; shown 
how Allah gives life to the dead. 2:260 [135-136]; 
unreliability of the claim by Ahl ul-Kiidb (q.v.) of 
affinity with. 3:65-67 [181]; those who are closest to. 
3:68 [182]; Muslims must believe in what was sent 
down to. 3:84 1188-189; Allah's wahy (q.v.) to, 4:163 
[317]; preaching of tawhid (q.v.) to his father 'A Mr 
(q.v.)/people by. 6:74 [421]; 19:41-45 [960-962]; 
29:16-17 [1270-1271]; 37:85-87 [1443-1444], 

43:26-27 [1588-1589]; prayers of. 26:83-87 

[1177-1178], 21:52-56 [1027-1028]; 26:77-82 

1 1 176- 1 177]; 60:4 [1808]; severance of relationship 
with his people by, for their polytheism. 60:4 [1808]; 



exposure of the fallacy of idol worship by. 21:57-64 
11028-1029], 26:69-77 (1175-1176]; 29:25 

11273-1274]; 37:91-96 [1444-1445]; rejection of the 
message by the father/peoplc of, 19:46 (962); 
exposure of the fallacy of Astral religion (qv) by. 
6:76-78 (422-423); 37:88-89 (1444]; disputation of 
his people about Allah with. 6:79-83 (423-425); 
attempt of his people to bum. 21:65-68 [1029-1030; 
29:24 (1273); 37:97-98 [1445]; Allah's saving of. 
from fire. 21:69-71 (1030-1031]; 29:24 (1273); 
disbelieved the people of. 22:43 (1061]: punishment 
of the people of. 9:70 1607]; asking of forgiveness for 
his father by. 9:1 14 [627]; 19:47 [962]; 26:86 [1178); 
60:4 [1808], good tidings of Ishaq (q.v.) and Ya'qdb 
(q.v.) to be bom given to. 1 1:69-73 [702-704); 37:1 12 
[1447]; Allah’s gift of Ishaq and Ya’qflb to, 21:72 
[1031]; 29:27 [1274]; Allah's gift of Ismiil (q v.) and 
IshSq (q.v.) to. 14:39 [800-801); good tidings of a son 
to be bom given to, 15:51-56 [816-818; 37:100-101 
[1445-1446], 51: 28- 30 1 1 700- 1 70 1 ] ; socn ficing of his 
son by. 37:102-109 [1446-1447]; story/argument of. 
with the angel messengers sent to the people of Lut 
(q.v.). 11:1 1:74-76 [704-705]; 29:31-32 [1275-1276], 
51:24-36 [1699-1702]; a forefather of Yfisuf (q.v.); 
12:6 [724]; Yusuf (q.v.) followed the nulluh of. 12:38 
[736]; prayer for Makka made by. 14:35 [799]; 14:37 
[799-800]; settlement of his progeny at Makka (q.v.) 
by, 14:37 [799-800|; attention drawn to the scriptures 
given to MQs& (q.v ) and. 53:36 [1724]; the message 
of Islam (q.v.) is in the scripture of. 87: 18-19 [ 1979]; 
Iddah (see also Divorced women), prescribed period of. 
for divorced women (q.v.), 2:228 [111-112]; for 
widow, 2:234 [117-118]; for those who have not 
menstruated/have no hope of menstruation. 65:4 
[1839]; for pregnant women, 65:4 [1839], 

Idols, prohibition of the worship of, 5:90 [374]; 
Ibrahim's prayer to Allah to keep him and his sons 
away from. 14:35 [799]; have been the cause of 
misleading many, 14:36 [799]; command to avoid the 
filth of the. 22:30(1056] 

Idris, was a Prophet, 19:56-57 (965); was persevering 
and righteous, 21:85-86 [1035-1036): 

Ihram, hunting (q.v.) forebiddcn in the slate of. 5:1 
[325]: 5:96 [378]; expiation for hunting in the state of. 

7/1, see Calumny/’A’ishoh. 

Ikhtas, til- (Sincerity), sural. 112(2029]; 

//«’, see Oath. 

Illiterate, the, see 'lunmfy. 

■lUiyyOn. 83:18-19 [1962-1963]. 

IlyHs, was a Prophet/Messenger, 6:85 [425); 37:123 
[1449]; preaching of tawhSd (q.v.) by. 37:124-132 

Images, see Idols. 

I man, Allah endeared and adorned, to the believers 
(q.v.), 49:7-8 [1678-1679]; bad is fun) after. 49:11 
[1681]; lock of, among the bedouins (q.v.). 49:14 
[1682]: is Allah's favour and ni'muh (q.v.). 49:8 
[1679]; 49:17 [1684]; emphasis on. 90:17 [1991], 

Impartiality, command to adjudicate with. 4:58 [266], 

Impurity, injunction to take full bath [q.v.] on being in a 
slate of. 4:43 [259] 

Imran. Allah's selection of Prophets from among the 
family of. 3:33 {168]; prayer of the wife of. 3:35-36 

Individual, creation and resurrection (q.v.) is os one, 

Individual accountability, see Accountability. 

Inheritance, rules of, 4:7-12 [239-244]; 4:176 

[323-324]; blood relations are closer to one another in 
respect of. 33:6 [1336-1337]; not to arrogate to 
oneself the nghts of others in, 89: 19 ( 1987). 

Injil, sending down of. by Allah. 3:2 [154], knowledge 
given lo ’ls3 (q.v.) of. 3:48 [174]; given to ’1st) (q.v.). 
57:27 (1779); confirmed what was before it of the 
Tuwrdh (q.v.). 5:46 [352]; Christians (q.v.) asked to 
ujudicalc by what is in. 5:47 [353]; Ahl nl-Kndb (q.v.) 
called upon to act according to, 5:66 [362]; 
Prophethood of Muhammad (q.v.) foretold in. 7:157 
[525]; reward for jtlidtl (q.v.) in. 9:111 [625-626]; 
model of the believers in. 48:29 [1775]. 

Injunctions of Allah, the. see Hud&d. 

Insult, prohibition to. by calling nicknames (q.v.), 49:1 1 

Intelligence, there but take heed the possessors of, 39:9 
[1485]; those who follow the Qur'an (q.v.) and 
sunnah have. 39: 1 8 { 1487]; there is in the withering of 
the corn-fields a reminder for those who have. 39:21 

Intercession, on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) there shall 
not avail anyone's. 2:123 [58]: 74:48 [1911]; on the 
Day of Judgement there shall not avail anyone’s, 
except with Allah's leave. 20:109 [1003]; 53:26 
[1721]; lo Allah belongs altogether. 39:44 [1497]; 
53:25 [1721]; the imaginary deities have no power of, 
43:86 [1604]; 53:24 [1721], 

Intercessor, there con be no. except with Allah’s 
permission. 10:3 [636]; 19:87 [973); 21:28 [1019], 
26:100 |I180]; 34:23 [1376], the polytheists’ (q.v.) 
supposed deities shall not/cannot be, 30:13 
[1293-1294]; 36:23 (1414): 39:43 [1496]; there is no. 
besides Allah. 32:4 [1325]; 

Intoxication, prohibition to approach saldh (q.v.) in a 
state of. 4:43 [259]; 

Iron. Allah has sent down, for the uses of mankind. 

isi (ibn Maryam), giving of clear signs to, 2:87 [41]; 
2:253 [129]; was a Muslim. 2:136 [64]; 3:52 [176]; 



Islam is the din (q.v.) of, 42:13 (1564); aided with 
Ruh al-Quds (q.v ), 2:87 (41); 2:253 (129); 5:110 
(384-385); good lidings given lo Mryam (q.v.) of. 
3:45-46 (173-174); 19:16-21 [954-9S5J; birth of. 
19:22-28 (956-957); speaking while in the cradle by. 
19:29-33. (957-958); knowledge of the TawnVt (q.v.) 
and Injil given to. 3:48 (174); 5:46 (352); 5:110 
[385]; was given the Book. 19:30 (958) was but a 
Messengcr/Prophet. 5:75 (367); 6:85 (425); 19:30 
(958); 43:63 (1598-1599); 57:27 (1779); 61:6 (1815); 
covenant taken by Allah from, 33:7 1337); was a 
servant of Allah. 19:30 (958); 43:57 (1597); was a 
sign for all beings. 21:91 (1037); 23:50 (1087-1088). 
saldh and zukdh enjoined on. 19:31 (958); was sent as 
Messenger to Band lsrd'il (q.v.). 3.49 (174); 
4:171-172 (321-322); 43:59 (1597); miracles caused 
lo happen at the hands of. 3:49 (174-175); 5:110 
(385). confirmation of the previous Books by. 3:50 
(175); 61:6 (1815); preaching of tawhid (q.v.) and 
worship of Allah Alone by. 3:51 (176); 5:72 (366); 
9:31 (589-590); 43:64 (1599); conspiracy against, 
3:54 (177); falsity of the claim of Ahl al-Kitdb (q.v.) 
to have killed. 4:155 (315); raising of. to the heaven. 
3:55 (177); 4:156 (315); 5:117 (389); the creation of. 
is like the creation of 'Adam (q.v.); 3:59 (I78-I79J; 
Muslims must belivc in what was sent down to, 3:84 
(188-189); Allah's waliy (q.v.) to. 4:163 (318); they 
are kafirs (q.v.) who deify, 5:17 (337); 5:72 (365); 
cursed were those who disbelieved of Band lsrd'il 
(q.v.) by the tongue of. 5:78 (368); prayer of, for a 
table from heaven (q.v.), 5: 1 14 (387); denial of. to 
have asked anyone to lake him and his mother as two 
gods. 5:116-117 (388-389); the Christian's (q.v.) 
calling him son of Allah. 9:30 (589): the Makkon 
unbelievers’ disputation with the Messenger of Allah 
(q.v.) about. 43:57-58 (1597); is an indication of the 
Hour of Resurrection (q.v.). 43:63 (1598); 

monasticism (q.v.) was an innovation made by the 
followers of. 57:27 (1779); prophecy of. about the 
coming of the Messenger Ahmad (q.v.), 61.6 

Ishaq, was a Muslim. 2:133 (63): 2:136 (64); was 
neither a Jew nor a Christian. 2:140 (66); Muslims 
must belive in what was sent down to. 3:84 (188-189); 
Allah’s wahy (q.v.) to, 4:163 (318); was a Prophet, 
6:84 (425); 19:49 (963); 21:73 (1031); 37:113 
(1448); 38:45-47 (1471); good tidings given to 
Ibrfihim (q.v.) of. 11:69-73 (702-704); was a 
forefather of Ydsuf (q.v.) 12:6 (724); Ydsuf (q.v.) 
followed the nullah of. 12:38 (736); Allah’s gift of. to 
Ibrdhim (q.v.) inspitc of his old age. 14:39 (800-801); 
29:27 (1274); 21:1031). 

Islftm. of Ibrdhim (q.v.), 2:131 (62); is the din (q.v.) of 
Ndh (q.v.). Ibrdhim (q.v.), Musd (q.v.) and 'isd (q.v.), 

42:13 (1564); 87:19-19 (1979); enjoining of, by 
Ibrdhim and Ya'ub (q.v) to their sons. 2:132 (62-63); 
the religion of all the Prophets was. 2:136 (64); 4:26 
(252); is the continuation ami completion of the 
messages delivered to all previous Prophets, 4:26 
(252); paternal religion as plea for not accepting. 
2:170 (80); 5:104 (381); 7:70 (492-493); 31:21 
(1318); 43:20-24 (15877-15881; fear of the 
unbelievers of Makka (q.v.) for not accepting, 28:57 
(1252); command to enter in toto into. 2:208 (1000); 
is the din (q.v.) to Allah. 3:19 [161); 3:83 (188); is the 
best din (religion). 4.125 (299): is the perfected and 
approved din . 5:3 (328); is the i tin (q.v.) of the truth. 
61:9 1 1817): he who accepts, gels hold of the most 
reliable support. 31:22 (1318); Ahl al-Kildb (q.v.) and 
'ummtyydn (q.v.) invited lo. 3:20 (162); 4:47 (262); 
no religion will be accepted by Allah other than, 3:85 
[I89|: Allah opens the heart of whomsoever He wills 
for. 6:125 (444); he whose heart is opened to. is on a 
light from his Lord, 39:22 (1489); command lo adopt 
and follow. 6:153 (458); 39:54 (1500); 40:66 (1533); 
is the millah of Ibrdhim (q.v ). 6:161 (462); worst 
trangressor (q.v.) is he who forges a lie against Allah 
when called to, 61:7 (1816); the unbelievers' plot 
against. 86:15 (1976). 

Ismd'il, commission to purify the Ka’ba (q.v.) given lo. 
2:125 (59); raising of the foundations of the Ka'ba 
(q.v.) by. 2:127 (60); prayer of. to raise a Messenger 
from among his progeny at Makka (q.v.), 2:128 (61); 
was a Muslim (q.v.), 2:133 [63]; 2:136 (64); was 
neither a Jew nor a Christian. 2:140 (66); Muslims 
must belive in what was sent down to, 3:84 ( 1 88- 1 89); 
Allah's wahy (q.v.) lo. 4:163 (317): was a Messenger 
/Prophet. 6:86 (426): 19:54-55 (964); 38:48 (1471); 
settling of. at Makka. 14:37 (799-800); Allah's gift of, 
to Ibrdhim (q.v.) inspite of his old age. 14:39 
(800-801); was persevering and righteous, 21:85-86 
(1035-1036); Ibrdhim's (q.v.) sacrificing of. 

Isril '. al-, sural, (872-909); of the Messenger (q.v.). 17: 1 

lsrd'il. Children of. Sec Bond lsrd'il. 

Vlikdf, going in to wives not lawful while in the stole of, 
2:187 (901. 

Jdhiliyah. the custom of setting apart crops for Allah 
and the imaginary deities during. 6:135 |448-449); 
killing of female children during. 6:137 (449): 6:140 
(450-451); tabooing of certain livestock (q.v.) during. 
5:103 (380); 6:138-139 (449-450); 6:143-144 

(452-453); allusion to the heat of. in connection with 
the treaty of Hudaybiyah (q.v.). 48:26 (1672). 

Jdlflt, see Goliath. 

Jannuh (sec also, believers, rewinds for), good news of. 
for the believers (q.v.), 2:25 [13]; 41:30-32 



[ 1 550- 1 55 1 ): 42:23 |IS70); ousting of Adam (q.v.) 
from. 2:35-36 ( 18-19); struggles and sacrifices 
required to attain. 2:214 [103]: inmates of hell will be 
asked about their position by the inmates of. 7:44 
[482]; 74:40-42 [1910]; the men of ul-'a'rdf (q.v.) 
will greet the ininales of. 7:46 [482-483]; prayer for 
food and drink made by the inmates of hell to the 
inmates of. 7:50-51 [484-485]; description of. 19:62 
[966-967); 29:58 [1285-1286]; 35:35 [1402], 47:15 
[1652); 55:46. 48. 50. 52. 54. 56. 58, [1748-1749]; 
55:62. 64, 66. 68, 70. 72, 74. 76 [1750-1752]; 
88:11-16 [1981-1982]; best in abode will be the 
inmates of. 25:24 [1145]; on the Day of Judgement 
brought near for the muttaqun (q.v.) will be. 26:90 
[1 178); 81:13 [1954]; rewards and enjoyment for the 
muttaqun (q.v.ythose who fear their Lord in, 44:51-57 
[1615-1616]; 50:31-35 [1692-1693]; 51:15-16 

[1698]; 52:17-20 [1709-1710]; 54:54-55 

1 1739-17401; 55:46. 48. 50. 52.54. 56. 58 

[ 1 748- 1 749];5S:62. 64. 66. 68, 70. 72. 74. 76 
[1750-1752]; 77:41-44 [1931-1932]; 78:31-36 

[1937-1938]; rewards and enjoyment for the foremost 
(q.v.) of the believers (q.v.) in. 56:10-26 
[1754-1757]; 56 88-89 [1765-1766]; rewards and 
enjoyment for the Companions of the Right (q.v.) in. 
56.27-40 [1757-1758]; 56:90-91 [1766]; 69:19-24 
[1871- 1872]; rewards and enjoyment of the righteous 
(q.v.) in, 76:5-6 [1920]; 76:11-18 [1921-1922]; 
89:27-30 (1988); rewards of. for those who participate 
in jihad (q.v.), 61:12-13 [1818]; those who are killed 
in jihdd (q.v.) in the way of Allah shall have. 47:4-6 
[1649]; those who believe and do the good deeds 
(q.v ) shall have. 29:58 [1285-1286]; 40:40 [1524]; 
42:22 [1569]; 43:69-70 [1600); 46:13-14 

[1635-1636]; 47:12 [1650-1651]; 48:5 [1662], 98:7-8 
[2010); enjoyment of the bclievets/ inmates of, 
36:55-58 [1422-1423]; 37:40-50 [1437-1438]; 

38:49-54 [1472-1473]; 43:71-73 [1600-1601]; 

52:21-28 [1710-1712]; 57:12 [1771-1772]; 64:9 
[1833]; 65:11 [1843]; those who are constant in their 
saldh (q.v.) shall have, 70:20-23.34.35 [1880.1882]; 
those who recognize in their wealth the right of the 
baggarfq.v.) and the depnved shall have. 70:24-25.35 

[1880.1882] ; those who believe in the Day of 

Judgement (q.v.) and fear Allah's punishment shall 
have. 70:26-27. 35 [1880.1882]; those who guard 
their private parts shall have. 70:29-30. 35 

[1881.1882] ; those who fulfil their trusts (q.v.) and 
covenant (q.v.) shall have, 70:32. 35 [1881.1882]; 
those who are upright in their testimony (q.v.) shall 
have. 70:33,35 11881-1882); there equalize not the 
inmates of hell (q.v.) and the inmates of, 39:24 
[1490]; 59:20 [1803]; on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 
the muttaqun (q.v.) will be conducted in groups into. 

39:73 [1507); on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) a group 
will be in the blazing fire and a group will be in. 42:7 
[1562], command to vie with one another for. 57:21 
[ 1 776]; shall be the abode of those who fear the day of 
Judgement and prevent their selves from whims. 
79:40-41 [1945-1946]. 

Jatmat Adn (Gardens of Eternity), for those who arc 
fearful of Allah and are repentant (q.v.), 19:6-63 
[966967]; for those who participate in jihdd (q.v.), 
61:12 [1818]: for those who believe and do the good 
deeds (q.v.). 98:7-8 (2010). 

JanntU a! Na im (the Gardens of Bliss), the foremost 
(q.v.) of the believers (q.v.) will be in. 56:10-26 
[1754-1757]; 56:88-89 [1765-1766]; for the Muttaqdn 
(q.v.) will be. 68:34(1864] 

Jews, the (see also 'Ahl ul-Kttdb, Band Isri'il), 2:62 
(30); supposition of, that Paradise will be exclusively 
for. 2:97 [45]; 2: 1 1 1 [53]; saying of. that they are sons 
of Allah. 5:18 [338]; wrong assumption of. that they 
are the friends of Allah, 62:67 [1822]; disrespectful 
address to the Messenger of Allah by. 2:104 [49]; 4:46 
[261]; denunciation of the Christians (q.v.) by. 2:1 13 
[53-54]; will never be happy unless their religion is 
followed, 2:120 [56-57]; a tnal for, 2:243 [122]; 
tampering with the Book of Allah by some of. 3:78 
[186]; 4:46 (261)^:41.43 [348.350]; improper 
remarks about Allah made by. 3:181 [227]; 5:64 
[361]: killing of the Prophets (q.v.) by, 2:61 [29]; 2:87 
[41); 2:91 |43-44|; 3:21 [163]; 3:112 [199-200]; 
3:181,183 [227.228]; the curse of Allah is on some of. 
4:46 [261]; 4:52 (264]: self-vindication by. 4:49-50 
[263]; belief in the false god by some. 4:51 [263]; 
preventing others from the way of Allah by. 4:160 
[316]. taking of usury (q.v.) by. 4:161 {316]: rules of 
ifisds (q.v.) in the Taw rah (q.v.) for, 5:45 [351-352]; 
and Christians (q.v.) are friends of one another. 5:51 
[355]; making mischief in the land by. 5:64 (362); no 
fear for those who believe of, 5:69 [364]; fiercest in 
hostility to the believers are, 5:82 (370); foods 
unlawful for. 6:146 [454]; 16:1 18 (868); 'Uzayr (q.v.) 
called son of Allah by. 9:30 [589]: rabbis and monks 
taken as lords by. 9:31 (589); disagreement about the 
Sabbath (q.v.) among. 16:124 [870]; on the day of 
Judgement Allah will judge between the believers, 
(q.v.), the SDbians (q.v.). the Majfls (q.v.), the 
polytheists (q.v.) and. 22:17 [1050-1051; are in doubt 
about the din. 42:14 [1565]; relationship of the 
Munufiqun (q.v.) with. 47:26 [ 1656); secret conferring 
and enmity against the Messenger (q.v.) by the 
Madinan, 58:8 [1786-1787]; breach of covenant and 
treachery by the Madinan, 8:57-58 [568]. 

Jibril. antipathy of Banu IsrS'tl (q.v.) towards. 2:97-98 
[46]; comes down by Allah’s command. 19:64 [967]; 
wahy (q.b.) to the Messenger (q.v.) was brought by. 



53:3-5,10 [1717-1718]; (he Qur'an was 

taught/broughi by, 53:5-6 [1718]; 69:40 [1874]; 
81:19-21 [1955]; was seen in his aclual form by the 
Messenger (q.v.), 53:6-13 [1718-1719]; 81:23 [1956]; 
was seen in his aclual form for a second time near 
sidral al-muntuha (q.v.). 53:13-18 [1719]; is the 
helper of the Messenger (q.v.). 66:4 [1845], acscnds to 
Allah in a day (q.v.) equivalent lo fifty thousand years. 
70:4 [ 1 877); on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) there will 
stand up in tows the angels (q.v.) and. 78:38 [1938]; 
descent of. by Allah's command in the Night of 
Decree (q.v ). 97:4 [2007], 

Jihad, command for, against aggressors/in the way of 
Allah (q.v.) 2:190-191 [91-92]; 2:247 [122]; 4:71-76 
[271-274]; 4:84 [278]; 5:35 [346]; 9:73 [609]; 9:123 
[632]; 22:78 [1073]; permission given for those who 
are wronged to wage. 22:39-40 [1059-1060]; hope for 
Allah's mercy for the participants in, 2:218 [106]; 
16:110 [865]; spending in the cause of. 2:245 [123]; 
believers (q.v.) are called upon to spend in, 47:38 
(1660); different ranks for participants and 
non-participants in. 4:95-96 [ 285-286]; those who 
make, are patron- friends of one another. 8:72 
[573-574]; encouragement lo go forth in, 9:38-39 
[593-594]; 47:7 [1649]; 61:14 1818-1819]; the saving 
trade is. 61 : 10-1 1 [1817]; jannah (q.v.) for those who 
are killed in, 47:4-6 [1649]; the evaders of. 9:90 
|616], those exempt from participating in. 9:91-92 
[616-617]; 48:17 [1668]; rewards for participating in. 
9:88-89 [615]; 9:1 1 1 [625-626); 61:12-13 [1818]; not 
neccessary for all believers (q.v.) to go for, 9:122 
[631-632]; rules for confronting the enemy in. 47:4 
(1648); attitude of the Mundfiqin (q.v.) to the 
command for. 47:20-22 [1654-1655], Allah loves 
those who take pan in, as a structure solidified. 61:4 
[1814-1815]: command to wage, against unbelievers 
and mundftqun (q.v.) 66:9 1 1848). 

Jinn, .nirar a!-. [1890-1897]; arc Allah's creation, 6:100 
[433]; Salons (q.v.) of. 6:112 1438]: hellfire will be 
the punishment for the polytheists of men and. 
7:38-39 [478-479]; 32:13 [1328]; many of. are created 
for hell. 7:179 [535]; the deviants of, will be fuel for 
hell. 72:15 [1893]; there arc the righteous and the 
unnghteous among. 72:11 [1892]: there are Muslims 
(q.v.) and deviants among. 72:14 [1893]; are created 
of fire of hot wind, 15:27 [812); are created from 
smokeless flame of fire. 55:15 [1743]; the polytheists' 
worship of. 34:40-41 [1383]; the polytheists' (q.v.) 
setting of. as panners of Allah. 37:158 [1454]; many 
of men seek refuge with. 72:6 [1891]; punishment 
became due on may who passed before of. 41:25 
[1548]; 46:18 [1638]: there led astray many of. 41:29 
[1550]; 72:6 [1891]; listening to the Qur'&n (q.v.). 
believing and preaching lo their people by a group of. 

46:29-32 [1643-44]; 72:1-11 [1890-1893]; 72:13-14 
( 1 893]; Allah created not, but to worship Him. 
51:56-7 [1705-1706]; are accountable to Allah. 55:31 
[1745]; without Allah's sanction cannot pass through 
the zones of the heavens and the earth (q.v.), 55:33 
[1745-1746]; on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) a flame 
of fire and molten brass will be discharged on. 5:35 
(1746); on the Day of Judgement interrogated will not 
be any man or. 55:39 [1747]; can neither baffle nor 
run away from Allah. 72:12 [1893]; command to seek 
refuge with Allah from the evil of. 114:1,6 [2031], 

Jizyah. command to fight the unbelievers till they pay, 
9:29 |588|. 

Judges, prohibition to offer illegal gratification to, 2:188 

Judgement, (see also Day of Judgement), inevitability of. 
39:46 [1497]; 39:69 | ISOS]; 39:75 [1508]; 51:6 
[1697]; 51:23 [1699). 

Judlyy. the. settling of NOh's Ark (q.v.) on, 1 1 :44 [693]; 

Jumu'uh. al- (Friday), .t unit. 1 1820-1824], believers are 
commanded lo hurry lo the congregational prayer of. 
62:9 [1823); trade and business transactions 
prohibited after the coll lo the prayer of, and until its 
conclusion. 62:9-10 [1823): allusion lo someone's 
leaving the prayer of. 62: 1 1 (1 824). 

Just. Allah loves the. 60:8 ( 1810). 

Justice, command to adjudicate with, 4:58 [266]: 5:42 
[349-350]; 7:181 [536]; 38:26 |I466]; 42:15 [1566], 
49:9 [ 1680); command to do, even against yourselves, 
parents and relatives. 4:135 [304]; 5:8 (332); 
command to speak with, 6:152 (458): 33:70 [1365]; a 
similitude for the one who enjoins. 16:76 [851-852]; 
Allah enjoins. 16:90 [857]; 57:25 [1778); Allah 
decrees with, 40:20 [1516]; Allah will judge with. 
39:69 [1505]; 39:75 [1508]: 40:78 [I537|. 

Ka'ba. the. injustice of preventing people from 
worshipping Allah at. 2:1 14 [54], painful punishment 
for preventing from. 22:25 [1053-1054]; IbrShim 
(q.v.) and Ismfi'fl (q.v.) given commission lo purify. 
2:125. 59: 22:26 1 1054]: Ibrdhim's (q.v.) and Ismi'U's 
(q.v.) raising of the foundations of. 2:27 [60]; 
rcfixing of the qiblah (q.v) towards. 2:142-145. 
148-150 [67-71]: fighting (q.v.) prohibited by. 2:191 
[92]; different rule of sacrifice for the dwellers near, 
2:1% [95): the first house (of worship) for mankind. 
3:96 1 193]; MaqOm Ibrahim (q.v ) at. 2: 1 25 [59]; 3:97 

[193] ; pilgrimage (hujj) made incumbent to. 3:97 

(194] ; to sacrifice livestock during hajj (q.v.) near, 
22:33-34 [1057]; command to circumambulate, 
dunng b ujj (q.v.). 22:28 [1055]: is mode 
inviolatc/sccure and a prop for mankind. 5:97 [378]; 
106:4 [2023); nature of the prayers of the unbelievers 
near. 8:35 [558-559]; polytheists (q.v.) arc prohibited 
from attending to. 9:17 [583]; polytheists arc not 



entitled to maintain, 9:19 [584]; Allah’s foiling of the 
invasion of. by As-hiib al-Ftt (q.v.), 105:1-5 [2022), 
command to worship the Lord of, 106:3-4 [2023], 

KSfir (see also Disbelievers/Unbelievers), the. Allah puts 
a seal/coverings on the hearts and ears of. 2:6 [6J; 
17:46 [887); 18:57 [933); punishment of hcllfue for, 
2:39 [20); 2:162 176]; 3:10 [158); 3:196-197 [2331; 
4:169 [320]; 5:10 [333], 5:37 [346); 5:86 [372]; 7:36 
[477); 8:14 [551]; 13:5 (766); 13:35 [780); 14:17 
[791-792]; 16:29 [836]; 17:8 [875); 17:97 [905]; 
18:29 [922]; 18:100-106 [946-948]; 22:51 [1063]; 
22:72 [1071]; 24:57 [1130]; 29:54 [1284]; 29:68 
11289]; 30:16 [1294], 35:36 [1402-1403], 38:27 
11466); 38:27 [1466]; 39:32 [1493]; 40:6 [1511]; 
41:28 [1549]; 45:33-34 [1629]; 46:20 [1639]; 46:34 
[1645); 47:12 [1651]; 48:13 [1666]; 51:13-14 
[1697-1698], 57:19 [1775]; 64:10 [1833-1834]; 66:9 
(1848); 67:6-9 [1851-8152]; 76:4 [1919-1920], 98:6 
(2009); agonizing/ severe/ debasing punishment for, 
2:104 [49]; 3:4 [155]; 3:21 [163]; 3:56 [178]; 3:91 
[191-192]; 4:37 [ 257]; 4:102 [290]; 4:151 [312]; 
4:161 [316]; 4:173 [322]; 5:36 [346]; 5:73 [366]; 
6:70 [419]; 9:3 [577]; 10:4 [637]; 13 34 [779]; 14:2 
[785]; 16:85 [855]; 16:88 [856-857]; 19:79 [971]; 
22:57 [1066]; 29:23 [1272-1273], 33:8 [1337]; 
33:64-66 [1363-1364]; 35:7 [1391]; 37:67-68 [1441]; 
41:27 (1549); 41 50 [1558]; 42:26 [157l];56:4l-44 
[1758-1759]; 56:51-56 [1760-1761); 58:4 [1784]; 
58:5 [1784]; 67:28 [1857]; on the Day of Judgement 
(q.v.) conducted in groups towards hell (q.v.) will be. 
39:71-72 [1506-1507]; Allah's curse is on those who 
die as, 2:161 [75-76); simile of. 2:171 [80]; 14:18 
[792]; simile of the deeds of. 24:39-40 [1122-1123]; 
25:23 [1 145]; worldly life dcceivcd/was embellished 
to. 2:212 [101 1; 45:35 [1629]; embellished is their 
wiliness to, 13:33 [779]; state of. on the Day of 
Resurrection (q.v ), 70:43-44 [1883]; the Day of 
Resurrection (q.v ) will be hard on. 74:9-10 [19051; 
state of. on the Day of Judgement (q.v.), 3:106 
[197-198], 4:42 [259]; 29:55 [1285]; 33:67-68 
[1364]; 34:31-33 [1379-1380]; 83:29-36 

[1964-1965]; their wealth and children/friends will 
not avail them against Allah, 3:10 [157-158]; 
3:116-117 [201-202]; 7:48 [483-484], 69:28-29 
[1873]; 69:35 [1874]; on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 
no ransom will be accepted of, 3:91 [191-192]; 5:36 
[346); 13:18 [772]; on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 
their excuses will not be of avail to, 66:7 [1847]; will 
not be allowed to make any amends, 45:35 [1629]; 
will not get any help against Allah’s punishment in the 
herefater (q.v.), 41:16 [1545]; 45:34 [1629]; 67:20 
[1855]; 67:28 [1857]; 70:2-3 [1877]; will wish to be 
dust on the day of Judgement (q.v.). 78:40 [1939]; he 
who believes in part and disbelieves in part is indeed 

a, 4:150-151 [311-312]; those who deify ’IsS (q.v.) 
are, 5:17 [337); 5:72 [365J; those who do not judge 
according to what Allah has sent down are. 5:44 
[351]; those who believe in the Trinity (q.v.) are, 5:73 
[366]; will testify against themselves on the Day of 
Judgement (q.v.), 6:130 [446]; 7:37 [478); ndiculing 
of the Messenger (q.v.) by, 21:36 [1022], allegations 
against the Messenger (q.v.) made by, 25:4-5 
[1138-1139]; 34:43 [1384]; 46:7-8 [1633], conduct 
of. towards itve Messenger (q.v.), 70:36-38 [1882]; 
demand for a miracle/ miracles (q.v.) from die 
Messenger made by. 25:8 [1140]; 13:27 [775-776], no 
miracle will convince, 15:14-15 [809]; 30:58 
[1309-1310]; 54:2 [1729]; conspiracy of. to kill or 
expel the Messenger (q.v.), 8:30 1557]; demand of. for 
immediate/ hastening punishment. 8:32 [557-558]; 
22:47 [1062); 29:53-54 [12841; 46:22 [1640]; 51:14 
[1698]; 51:59 [1706); nature of the prayers of. near 
the Ka'ba (q.v.). 8:35 [558-559); spending of wealth 
by. for preventing others from the Way of Allah (q.v.) 
8:36 [559]; prevents otficrs from the way of Allah, 
14:3 [785]; command to fight the treaty violating 
leaders of. 9:12-15 [581-582]; command to Tight. 66:9 
(1848), respite given by Allah to, 16:47 [842-843]; 
19:75 [970]; 20:129 [1009]; 20:135 [1011]; 22:44 
[1061]; 22:48 (1063; 31:24 [1319); 41:45 [1556]; 
43:29 [1589]; 70:42 11883]; 86:17 [1976]; there is an 
appointed lime for the punishment of, 18:58-59 
[933-934]; 20:129 [1009]; disbelief in the 

Resurrection (q.v.) by, 17:49-51 [888-8891; 18:36 
[924]; 23:33-38 [1083-1085]; 34:3 [1368]; 34:7 
[1369-13701. 34:29 [1378], .37:16-17 [1433]; 

45:24-25 [1625-1626]; 45:31-32 [1628]; 64:7 [1832]; 
67:25 [1856-1857]; arrogance of, 19:77-78 [971]; 
34:35 [1381]; 35:43 [1406]; 38:2 [1459]; 39:59 
[1502]; 46:10 [1634]; 46:20 (1639); 56:47-48 [1759]; 
attitude of, to the recitation of the Qur’an (q.v.), 22:72 
[1071]; 41:26 [1549]; 45:31 [1628]; disblief of. in the 
Qur’Sn (q.v.) and other scriptures, 34:31 [1379]; 38:2 
[1459]; allegations of, against the Qur’in (q.v.), 46:1 1 
[1635]; 69:41-47 [1874-1875]; disbelief in the Qur'Dn 
(q.v.) will he a distress for. 69:50 1 1 876); successful 
shall not be. 23:117 [1103]; losers will be. 29:52 
(1284); cannot frustrate/ouslrip Allah's plans/ 
punishment (q.v.), 24:57 [1130]; 42:31 [1573]; 42:35 
|I574]; 46:32 [1644]; 70:41 [1883], command not to 
obey. 25:52 [1 153]; those who reject the Book/Qur'Sn 
(q.v.) are. 29:47 [1282]; there will not avail, their 
believing on the Day of Judgement (q.v.), 32:29 
[1332-1333]; 34:52-54 [1387-1388]; on the day of 
Judgement (q.v.) overtaken with gloom will be the 
faces of, 80:40-42 [1952]; their unbelief increases 
them in naught but loss. 35:39 [1404]; Allah makes go 
in vain the deeds of, 47:8-9 [1649-1650]; disputing 



about Allah's signs (q.v.) by. 40:4 (1510); 40:35 
(1522]; will desire on the Day of Judgement to punish 
those who led them astray. 41:29 (1550); turn away 
from what they arc warned of. 45:3 [1631]; when they 
sec the punishment it will seem to them that they had 
not lived except an hour of a day/for an evening or 
forenoon of a day, 46:35 [1645]; 79:46 [1946]; their 
believing on the day of resurrection will not avail. 
47:18 [1654]; will be caught in their own trick. 52:42 
[1714]; prophecy about the defeat and routing of the 
Makkan. 54:43-45 [1738]; intend to extinguish the 
light of Allah with their mouths. :32 [590]; 61:8 
[1816]; are in delusion. 67:20 (1855); persist in 
insolence. 67:21 [1856]; ridiculing of the believers 
(q.v.) by. 83:20-32 [1964]; arc in the habit of 
disbelieving, 85:19(1973]; 

Kuhf. a!-. siral. (910-949) 

Khandaq. the battle of. reference to. 33:9-20 
[1338-1342); Allah" sending of wind and troops 
during. 33:9 [1338]; the role of the munafiqun during. 
33:12-20 [1339-1342]; altitude and role of the 
believers during. 33:22-23 [1343-1344]; repulsion of 
the confederates at. 33:25 [ 1 344) 

Khawlah bint Tha'labah. allusion to the case of. sec 
Arguing Lady. 

Khaybar. foretelling of the conquest of. 33:27 [1345): 
role of the munfifiqun (q.v.) to the expedition to and 
regarding the booties of. 48:15 [1667]; 48:20 [1669]; 
conquest and capture of the booty (q.v.) of, 48:18-20 

Khujr, story of the journey of MQs3 (q.v.) with. 18:60-82 

Killing, (see also murder), atonement for. a believer by 
mistake. 4:92 [282-283]; punishment for deliberate, of 
a believer. 4:93 [284]; the sin of killing a man without 
just cause. 5:32 (343-344). 

Kindness, mutual counselling of, enjoined. 90:17 

Kinship, command not to sever the tics of, 2:27 [14-15]; 
4:1 [236], men of understanding keep the tics of. 
13:21 [773]; evil of abode will be for those who sever 
the ties of, 13:25 [774-775]; on the Day of 
Resurrection (q.v.) there shall avail not the tics of. 
23:101 [1099], 

Kinsmen. Allah enjoins giving in charity to. 16:90 
[857]; command to give their due to. 17:26 [881 1. 

Kitah (Book of Deed), every deeds and events in the 
heavens and the earth is recorded in a. 10:61 [659]; 
11:6 (679); 27.75 [1225]; 34:3 [1368]; 36:12 [1411]; 
50:4 [1686], 78:29 [1937], 

KilAb, al-, (See also Qur'Sn), no doubt is there in. 2:2 
[3]: 32:2 [1324]; is guidance for the muiiaqun 
(q.v.Vbelievers. 2:2 [3]; 3:138 [209]; 7:52 [485]: 
16:64 [847]; is most distinguished. 41:41 [1554]: is 

guidance and mercy for the righteous (q.v.) 31:3 
[1311], is good news for the righteous (q.v.) 46:12 
[1635]; sending down of. by Allah. 5:15-16 
[336-337]; 6:91-92(427-428]: 6 114 [439]; 6:156 
[459); 7:1 [465]; 7:52 [485]; 7.196 [542]; 10:94 
[671]; 13:1 [763]; 14:1 [784]; 16:64 [ 847]; 18:1 
[910]; 29:47 [1282]; 29:51 [1873]; 32:2 [1324]; 38:29 
[1467]; 39:1-2 [1480]; 39:41 [1495]; 40:2 [1509]; 
40:70 [1534]; 41:2 [1540]; 4142 [1554]; 42:15 
[ 1566]: 42: 17 [1567); 45:2 [1618]; 46:2 [1631]; 56:80 
[I764[; 57:25 [1778]; sending down of. by Allah in a 
blessed night. 44:43 [1606]; 97:1 [2007]; was 
communicated by wahy (q.v). 35:31 [1400]; 

falsehood cannot approach. 41:42 [1554]; has been 
sent down with the truth. 42:17 [1567]; challenge to 
produce a surah like that of, 2:23 [12]; confirms what 
is before it. 2:89 [42]; 3:3 [154]; 5 48 [353]; 6:92 
[428]; 35:31 [1401]; 46:12 [16351. Allah's curse is on 
those who conceal, 2:159 [75]; punishment for those 
who conceal part of, 2:174-175 [81-82]; the 
Messenger of Allah (q.v.) taught. 3:164 [220); 62:2 
[1820]; command to believe in. 4:136 (305]: 
command to shun the company of those who scoff at, 
4: 140 [306]; the hereafter (q.v.) is belter for those who 
hold fast by. 7:170 [532]; is full of wisdom, 10:1 
[635|; 31:2 [1311]; perfect and set in detail are the 
Ayahs of, 11:1 [677]; open and clear is. 15:1 [806]; 
26:3 [1162]; 28:8 [1231]: 43:2 [1582]; 44:2 [1606]; 
elucidated are the 'Ayahs of, 41:3 [1540]; there is no 
crookedness in, 18:1 [910]; is in Arabic, 46:12 
[1635]; Allah has sent down, as the best of speech. 
39:23 [ 1489]; the Messenger of Allah (q.v.) did not 
expect to receive, 28:86 [1263]; the Messenger of 
Allah (q.v.) commanded to read out. 29:45 [1281]; 
96:1 [2004], the unbelievers' (q.v.) allegation of the 
Messenger's (q.v.) having fabricated. 32:3 [1324]; 
reward for those who recite, 35:29 (1400); is a great 
grace of Allah to the Muslims (q.v.). 35:32 [1401]; 
Allah swears by. 43:2 [ 1 582]: 44:2 [ 1606], 

Lame, waiver of the requirement of hijdb (q.v.) in 
respect of, 24:61 [1132]; there is no sin for, in not 
joining jihtld (q.v.), 48: 1 7 1 1668], 

Land and sea. mischief appears in the, because of man's 
deeds. 30:42(1303-1304] 

Landmarks. Allah has set, for man's guidance. 16:16 

Last Day (see also Day of Resurrection) the. belief 
incumbent in. 2:126 [60]; 2:177 [83]; 2:228 [112]; 
2:232 [I15J: 2:264 [138], 3:114 [200]; 4:38-39 

[257-258], 4:59 [267]; 4:136 [305]; 9:18 [583]; 9:19 
[584]; 9:44 [596]; 9:45 [597]; 24:2 (1106): 29:36 
[1277); 33:21 [1343]; 58:22 [1792); 60:6 [1809]; 65:2 
[1838]; command to fight thgosc who do not believe 
in Allah and. 9:29 [588]; the munfifiquns' (q.v.) 



assertion of belief in. 2:8 [6); reward for the believers 
in. 2:62 (30];4:I62 [317); 5:69 [364|; 9:99 [620). 

Ut. id; 53:19 [1720). 

Lawh at-Mahfuz. at-. everything is recorded in, 22:70 
[1070]; no prolongation or reduction is made in the 
age (q.v.) of anyone except it is recorded in, 35:11 
[1393-1394]; the Qur’£n (q.v.) is/is preserved in. 43:4 
[15831; 56:78 [1764]; 85:21-22 [1973]; every 
calamity (q.v.) is written in, 57:22 [1777]. 

Lawful food, see Halat food. 

Laylat al-Qadr (sec also Night of Decree). Allah's 
sending down of the Book/Qur’dn (q.v.) in, 44:3 
[1606]; every matter of wisdom is decreed in, 44:4-5 

Leaders of unbelief, will disavow their followers on the 
Day of Judgement (q.v.), 2:166 [78]. 

Learned, the. fear Allah. 35:28 [1 399). 

Lies, prohibition to tell, 22:30 [1056], 

Life. Allah gives. 2:28 [15]; 3:156 [217]; 7:158 [526]; 
9:116 [628]; 10:56 [657]; 10.104 [674]; 15:23 [811]; 
16:70 [849]; 22:66 [1069]; 23:80 [ 1095] 

Light. Allah created darkness and. 6:1 [391]: there 
equalize not the darkness and.l3:16 [770]; 35:20 
[1397]; Allah is the, of the heavens and the earth 
(q.v.), 24:35 [1120-1121], Allah brings out the 
believers from darkness to, 2:257 [132]; 5:16 [336]; 
33:43 [1353]; 57:9 [1770]; anyone for whom Allah 
sets not. cannot have any. 24:40 [1 123]; the Qur'an is 
the, 5:15 [336]; 7:57 [525]; 42:52 [1580]; 64:8 
[1833]; the Messenger (q.v.) was sent to bring 
mankind out of darkness to. 14:1 [782]; 65:11 [1842]. 

Lightning, Allah shows you the, 13:12 [768]; 30:24 
[1297]; Allah causes. 24:43 [1124] 

Lips. Allah has created, 90:9 [1990] 

Livestock, Allah's creation of, 6:142 [452]; 16:5 [828]; 
23:21 (1079-1080); 36.71 [1426]; 39:6 [1482); 40:79 
[1537]; 43:12 [1584]; Allah makes, of diverse colours, 
35:28 [1399]; benefits of. 16.5-8 [828-829]; 16:66 
[847-848]; 16:80 [853-854], 23:21-22 [1079-1080]; 
36:72-73 [1426]; 40:79-80 [1537]; 43:12-13 

[1584-1585]; the polytheists' (q.v.) tabooing of 
certain. 6:138-139 |449-450); 6:143-144 [452-453]; 
Allah has made lawful the. 22:30 [1056]; to sacrifice 
during hajj (q.v.) the, 22:33-34 [1057; Allah has 
created pairs (q.v.) of. 42:11 [1563]; Allah produces 
water and pastures for the. 79:31-33 [1944]; 80:27-32 

Loan, contract of. to be written down and witnessed. 

Lot Tree, the, at the utmost limit, 53:13 [1719]; 53:16 

Lot trees, thorn-less, in jannah (q.v.), 56:28 [1757. 

Luqm&n. sural [131 1-1323]; given wisdom and asked to 
be grateful to Allah. 31:12 [1314); exhortations to his 

son about lawhid (q.v.) and obedience to parents (q.v.) 
by. 31:13-19 11314-1317). 

Lilt, was a Prophet, 6:86 [426]; believing in Ibrihim 
(q.v.) by, 29:26 [1274]; preaching to his people by, 
7:80-81 [497]; 26:161-166 (1 190-1 191]; 27:54-55 
[1218]; 29:28-29 [1274-1275]; rejection of his 
message by the people of. 7:82 [497); 26:167 [1191]; 
27:27:56 [1219]; 29:29 [1275]; disbelieved the people 
of. 22:43 [1061]; 38:13 [1462]; 50:13 [1688]; 54:33 
(1735); 69:9 [1869]; instance of the disbelief of the 
wife of. 66:10 [1848]; indulgence in homosexuality by 
the people of. 26:165-167]; 27:54-55]; 1218); 
29:28-29 [1274-1275]; rescuing of. 7:83 [498]; 21:71 
[1031): 21:74-75 [1032); 26:169-170 [1191]; 

29:32-33 [1276-1277]; angel-messengers of 

destruction sent to the people of. 1 1 :69-70, (702-703); 
15:57-66 [818-820]; 29:31 [1275-1276]; 51:24-34 
[1699-1701]; 54:37 [1736]; argument of Ibrikhim 
(q.v.) with the angel-messengers sent to, 11:74-76 
[704-705]; 29:32 [1276]; insistence on die evil deed 
by the people of, 15:67-72 [820-821]; destruction of 
the people of. 7:84 [498); 9:70 [607]; 11:74-83 
[704-707]; 15:73-77 [821-822]: 26:171-173 

(1191-1 192]; 27:57 [1219]; 29:33-34 [1276-1277]; 
51:35-37 [1701-1702]; 53:53-54 [1727]; 54:34-39 
[1736-1737]; 69:10 [1870], the Madyan (q.v.) people 
reminded of the fate of the peoples of, 11:89 [710]. 

Madina, allusion to (he mun&fuf&n (q.v.) of. 9:101-102 

Madyan. Shu'ayb's (q.v.) messengershrp and preaching 
of lawhid (q.v.) and other reforms to the people of. 
7:85-87 [498-500]; 11:84-90 [707-710]; 29:36 

[1277]; Allah's signs recited on the people of. 28:45 
[1247]; rejection of the message by the leaders of. 
7:88-90 [500-501]; 11:91-95 [710-712]; disbelieved 
the people of. 22:44 (1061); destruction of the 
unbelieving people of, 7:91-93 [501-502]; 9:70 [607]: 
29:37 [1278]; stay of MOsS (q.v.) in. 20:40 [984]; 

Majus, the, on the day of Judgement Allah will judge 
between the believers (q.v ), the Jews (q.v.), the 
Sabians (q.v.). the polytheists (q.v.) and. 22:17 

Mahr. command to give. 4:4 [238]; 4.24 [250]; 4:25 
[2511; 5:5 [330]; 33:50 [1355]; 60:10 (1811); 
prohibition to take back anything of, in case of 
divorce (q.v.). 2:229 1112-113]; 4:20-21 [247-248]; 
rules regarding, in case of divorce [q.v.] before 
consummation: 2:236-237 [119-120]; rule regarding 
retrieval of, in respect of wives going over to the 
unbelievers, 60:11 [1812], 

Makka. Ibrahim's (q.v.) prayer for, 2 : 126, 128 [60-61]; 
14:35 [799]; 14:37 [800]; Ibrahim’s settlement of his 
progeny ( Ism.Vil and HJijar) at. 14:37 (799-800): the 



first house (of worship) set up for mankind at. 3:96 
[193]; Allah has made mviolalc/sccure, 27:91 [1229]; 
29:67 [1288-1289]; 95:3 [2002]; fear of the 
unbrelievers of. in not accepting Islam (q.v.), 28:57 
[1252]; reference to die conquest of, 48:24-25 
[1671-1672]; dream of the Messenger of Allah (q.v.) 
about the conquest of. 48:27 [1673-1674]; grclaer 
staus of those who fought and spent in the way of 
Allah (q.v.) before the conquest of. 57:10 
[1770-1771]; Allah's swearing by, 90:1-2 [1989]; 95:3 
[ 2002 ], 

Male/tnale babes. Allah bestows on whomsoever He 
wills, 42:49-50 [1579]; mankind (q.v.) are created 
from female and. 49:13 [1682]; Allah has created the 
female and the. 92:3 [1995], 

Malik, the angel in chare of hell. 43:77 [ 1602). 

Man. there passed ages before the creation of, 76:1 
[1919]; covenant of. with Allah (q.v.). 2:27 ( 14]; 
inevitable return to Allah (q.v.) of; 2:28 [15]; 2:46 
[22]; 2:148 [70]; 2:156 (73-74): 2:223 [110]; 2:245 
[123); 2:281 [146); 2:285 [152]; 3:9 [157]; 3:83 
[188]; 5:48 [354]; 5:105 [381]; 6:12 [395]; 6:60 
[415]; 6:62 [415-16]; 6:108 (436); 6:164 [463]; 7:29 
[474-475]; 10:4 [636]; 10:23 [645]; 10:46 [654]; 
10:56 [657]; 10:70 [662]; 11:4 [678]; 19:68 [9681; 
21:35 [1021]; 21:93 [1038]; 23:79 [1094]; 23:115 
11103]; 24:64 ( 1 136); 28:88 1 1264); 30:11 [1293); 
31:23 (1319); 32:11 [1327); 35:18 [1397]; 36:32 
[1416]; 36:83 [1429]; 39:7 [1483]; 39:44 [1497], 40:3 
[1510]; 40:43 [1525); 40:77 [1536]; 41:21 [1547]; 
42:15 [1566]; 43:14 [1585]; 50:43 [1695]; 53:42 
11725]; 60:4 [1808]; 62:8 11822-1823]; 64:3 [1831]; 
67:24 [1856]; 75:12 (1914); 75:30 [1917]; 84:6 
[1966-1967]; 86:8 [1975); 88:25 [1983]; 96:8 [2005]; 
has to return to Allah singly, 6:94 [430); 19:80 [9701; 
19:95 [974]; is not immortal. 21:35 [10211; death 
shall come to. 50:19 [1689]; shall perish 55:26 
[1744]; Allah has created. 50:16 [1688]; 55:3 [1741]; 
56:57 [1761); 64:2 (1830); 67:23 [1856]; 76:2 [1919); 
76:28 [1924]; 82:7 [1958]; Allah has given shape to, 
64:3 [1831]; 82:7-8 [1958]; Allah has perfected the 
make of. 40:64 [1532]; 95:4 [2002]; Allah has taught 
him speech, 55:4 [1741); is created of clay/dust/earth, 
6:2 [391]; 15:26.28 [812]; 22:5 [1045]; 23:12 [1077]; 
32:7 [1326]; 35:11 [1393]; 37:11 [1432]; 38:71 
[1476]; 40:67 [1533); 53:32 [1723]; 55:14 [1743]; 
71:17 [1887]; is created of a drop. 16:4 [828]; 18:37 
[925]; 22:5 [1046]; 23:13 [1077]; 30:20 [1295]; 

35:11 [1393]; 36:77 [1427); 40:67 [1533]; 53:46 
[1726]; 56:58-59 [1761 ]; 75:37 |I9I8]; 76:2 [1919]; 
80:19 [1949); is created of a despicable water. 77:20 
[1928]; Allah creates the progeny of, out of a 
despicable fluid, 32:8 [1326]; 56:58-59 [1761]; is 
created of water gushing forth, 86:5-7 [ 1974-19751; is 

created from a sticking clot. 22:5 [1046]; 23:14 
[1077]; 40:67 [1533]; 75:38 [1918]; 96:2 [2004]; is 
created from water (q.v.). 25:54 [1154]; stages in the 
creation of. 22:5 [1046]; 23:12-14 [1077-1078]; 32:9 
[1326]; 39:6 [1482-14831.40:67 [1533]; 53:32 
[1723]; 71:14 [18871; 75:37-39 [1918]; 77:20-23 
[1928-1929]; 80:19-20 [1949]; is created weak. 4.28 
[253]; is created impatient. 70:19-20. [1879-1880]; is 
created of haste. 21:37 [1022]; is created in hardship. 
90:4 [1989]; is niggardly, 70:21 [1880]; is created 
from a single individual, 39:6 [1482]; Allah reverts, 
to the lowest of the low. 95:5 [2002], guidance given 
by Allah (q.v.) to. 2:38. [20]. 2:185 [87]; 3:4 [154]; 
80:20 [1949]; piety (q.v.) is the best attire of. 7:26 
[473]; is tested by Allah with fear, hunger and loss of 
lives and properties, 2:155 [73]; is tested by weal and 
woe, 21:35 [1021]; 89:15-16 [1986]; if adversity 
afflicts him despondent becomes. 41:49 [1557]; 89:16 
[1986]; enjoined to lake haldl food (q.v.), 2:168 [79]; 
the story of a, who was made to die for one hundred 
years. 2:259 [134-135]; is not created in vain. 23:115 
[1103]; accountability (q.v.) of, 21:23 [1018]; 41:50 
[1558]; 55:31 [1745]; 58:6 [1785]; 58:7 [1786]; 59:18 
[1802]; 62:8 [1823]; 75:13-15 [1915]; 75:36 [1918]; 
88:26 [1983]; 90:5 [1989]; 90:7 [1990); 99:6 [2012]; 
102:3-5 [2017]; 102:8 [2018]; is accountable for both 
open and secret deeds, 2:284 [151]; will be an 
evidence against himself. 75:14 [1915], not a word is 
uttered by. but there is an overseer by, 50:18 [1689]; 
82:10 [1958]; angels (q.v.) keep a record of the deeds 
of, 82:1 1-12 [1958]; angels (q.v.) as custodians over, 
6:61 [415]; 13:11 [768]; 43:80 [1602]: 50:17-18 
(1689); there is a guard over every, 86:4 [1974]; Allah 
knows what there prompts the self of. 50:16 [1688]; is 
not burdened except to his capacity, 2:286 [152]; 
23:62 [1090]; love of passions, women, offspring and 
wealth embellished for. 3:14 [159-160); shall have 
reward for his deed. 4:32 [254]; is custodian over 
woman, 4:34 [255]: commanded to beware of Allah. 
4:131 [302]; 22:1 [1044], from the wombs of mothers 
Allah brings out. 16:78 [853]; Allah has created 
spouses/pairs Tor, 16:72 [850]; 30:21 [12%]; 35:11 
[1393]; 36:36 (14171; 39:6 [1482]; 42:1 1 [1563]; 
75:39 [1918]; 78:8 [1934]; Allah has made sleep 
(q.v.) as rest for, 78:9 [ 1934]; Allah makes, of diverse 
colours. 35:28 [1399]; Allah has made, successors in 
the cath (q.v.), 35:39 [1404]; a term is set for, 6:2 
[392], 7:34 [476-477]; 6:60 [414-415]; 7:34 [476]; 
10:19 [643]; 17:99 [90S]; 18:37 [925]; 35:45 [1407]; 
39:42 [1496]; 40:67 [1533]; is to die. 23:15 [1078; 
39:30 [1492]; 56:60 [1761]; 56:83-87 [1765]; Satans 
(q.v.) of. 6:1 12 [438]; Satan (q.v.) is an arch betrayer 
for. 25:29 [1146]; forbidden to worship Satan (q.v.), 
36:1423]; Allah has raised some of, above the others. 



6:165 1464); 16:71 (849-850); 17.21 (879); 43.32 
(1590); Allah gives warning against Satan (q.v.) to. 
7:27 (473-474); Allah hastens not evil as He hastencs 
the good for. 10:11 (639): ingratitude of. 10:12 (6401; 
10:21-23 (844-645); 10:59-60 (658); 11:10 

(680-681); 14.34 (799); 16:54-55 (844-845); 17:67 
(895); 17:83 (900). 22:66 (1069); 23:78 (1094); 23: 
78 (1094); 27:73 (1224); 30:33-34,36 (1300-1301); 
31:20 (1317-1318). 39:8 (1484); 39:49 (1498-1499); 
40:61 (1531); 41:50 (1558|; 41.51 (1558); 42:48 
(1578-1579); 43:15 (1585); 56:81-82 (1764-1765); 
67:23 (1856); 80:17 (1949); 80:23 (1950); 89:16 
(1986); 100:6-7 (2013-2014); is engrossed in the love 
of wealth (q.v.). 89:20 (1987): 100:8 (2014); deluded 
about Allah is. 82:6 (1958): is beguiled by the vying 
for more (q.v.). 102:1-2 (2017); disbelieves in 
judgement. 82:9 (1858); persistence of. in 

transgression/ insolence. 23:75-77 (1093-1094); 67:21 
(1856); miserliness of, 17:100 (906); is mast 
contentious, 18:54 (931); many of. seek refuge with 
jinn (q.v.), 72:6 (1891); Allah's ordering the angels 
(q.v.) to prostrate themselves to. 15:28-30 (812); 
Allah's graces on. 31:20 1 1317); 40:61 (1531); is rash, 
17:11 (876); shall be resurrected. 23:16 (1078); will 
encounter his book of deeds on the Day of 
Resurrection (q.v.). 17:13-14 (877); 18:49 (929); 
killing of. prohibited except by way of justice. 17:33 
(883); given precedence over many living beings. 
17:70 (896); is disbeliever in the Resurrection (q.v.), 
19:66 (968); 41:50 (1558); is heedless about the 
hereafter (q.v.). 30:7 (1291); is in doubt about 
meeting his Lord. 41:54 (1559); loser is the. who 
worships Allah being on the fcnch, 22:11 
(1048-1049); punishment becomes due on many of. 
22:18 (1051); punishment became due on many who 
passed before of, 41:25 (1548); Allah selects 
Messengers from among. 22:75 (1072); Allah has 
scattered, in the earth (q.v.), 23:79 (1094): good 
woman for good, and bad woman for bad. 24:26 
(1114); knows not what he will earn tomorrow or 
where he will dic.3l:34 (1323); Allah has not set two 
hearts for any. 33:4 (1335): is utterly ignorant and 
unjust to himself, 33:72 (1365); Allah retracts in the 
constitution of whoever He prolongs the life of. 36:68 
(1425); Allah has given every kind of instance in the 
Qur'an (q.v.) for. 39:27 (1491); will quarrel before 
their Lord on the Day of Judgement (q.v.). 39:31 
(1492); Allah is sufficient for. 39:36 (1493-1494); the 
creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than 
the creation of. 40:57 (1529); Allah responds to the 
prayer of. 40:60 (1530); Allah created not, but to 
worship Htin, 51:56-57 (1705-1706); without Allah’s 
sanction cannot pass through the zones of the heavens 
and the earth (q.v.). 55:33 (1745-1746); on the Day of 

Judgement a flame of fire and molten brass will be 
discharged on. 55:35 (1746); on the Day of Judgement 
(q.v.) interrogated will not be any jinn or. 55:39 
( 1747); desires to commit sin, 75:5 [1914]; shall recall 
on the Day of Resurrection all that he strove for. 79:35 
(1945); will come out in different groups on the Day 
of Resurrection (q.v.), 99:6 (201 1-2012); diverse are 
the efforts of, 92:4 (1995); is prone to trangress. 
96:6-7 (2005); is in loss, except those who believe and 
do the good deeds (q.v.), 103:2-3 (2019). command to 
seek refuge with Allah from evil ones of, 114:1-6 

MnnAl. 53:20 1 1720). 

Mankind. Allah is the Lord of, 114:1 (2031): created 
from one individual, 4:1 (236); 6:98 (432); 7:189 
(539); Allah may eliminate, and produce others, 4:133 
[3031; whoever killed a man without just cause is as if 
he killed the whole, 5:32 (343-344); Muhammad 
(q.v.) was Messenger to all. 7:158 (526); 34:28 
(1378); many of, arc created for hell. 7:179 (535); was 
originally a single community. 10:10 (643); the 
Qur'an (q.v.) is for all. 10:57 (657); 14:1 (784); the 
Qur'an (q.v.) is a communique to. 14:52 (804-805); 
the Qur'an is clighlcnment for. 45:20 (1624); Allah 
has given every kind of example in the Qur'an (q.v.) 
for. 30:58 (1309); on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 
mustered will be all. 11:103 (714-715); 18:47-48 
(928); command to. to fear Allah and the Day of 
Judgement (q.v.). 31:33 (31:33 ( 1322-1323); if Allah 
willed He would have made one ummah (q.v.) of . 
11:118 (719); 16:93 1859); 42:8 (1562); warning of 
the Day of Judgement (q.v.) given to. 14:44 (802); 
Muslims (q.v.) will be witnesses against. 22:78 
(1074); warned against the deception of the worldly 
life (q.v.) 35:5 (1390- 1 391 ); are poor unto Allah. 
35:15 (1396); 47:38 (1660); if Allah wils He may 
destroy, and bring a new creation. 35: 16 (1396); 47:38 
(1660); are created from male and female. 49:13 
(1682); ore made into peoples (q.v.) and tnbes (q.v.) 
for knowing one another. 49:13 (1682), Allah has sent 
down iron (q.v.) for the uses of. 57:25 (1778); 
inevitable return to Allah of. 84:6 (1966-1967): will 
be like moths scattered on the day of Resurrection 
(q.v.). 101:4(2015). 

Mann. the. and Sulwd. die. bestowed on Band Isrd’il 
(q.v.). 2:57 (26); 7: 160 (527); 20:80-81 (994-995). 
Manumission of slaves, is an element of piety (q.v.). 

Maqdm Ibrahim, to lake up os a prayer place. 2:125 
(59): at the Ka ba (q.v.). 3:97 (193). 

Maqam malimud. given to the Messenger of Allah (q.v.). 
17:79 (899). 

Male. Allah creates the pair (q.v.) of female (q.v.) and, 



Marriage, with polytheist (q.v.) men and women 
prohibited. 2:221 (108); rotes regarding courtship 
(q.v.) before. 2:235 (1 18-1 19); prohibited persons for. 
4:22-24 (248-250); lawful women (q.v.) for. 4:25 
(250-252); 5:5 (329-330); 24:32 (II 18] 

Martyrs, not to be considered dead. 2:154 (73); 
3:169-171 (222-223); rewards for. 3:195 (2331; 
47:4-6 (1649); 57:19 (1775). 

Mu'ruf. al- (the approved), command to enjoin. 3:104 
(196-197); 3:110 (199); 4:114 (295); 7:199 (542); 
31:17 (1316); some of the Ahl ul-Kililh (q.v.) 
enjoined. 3:1 14 (200); a characteristic of the believers 
(q.v.) is to enjoin, 9:71 (608); 9:1 12 (626-627); 22:41 

Marwah. tawttf between Soft (q.v.) and. 2: 1 58 (74) 

Mary, see Maryam. 

Maryam (mother of 'isd). 2:87 (41); 5:17 (337): birth of. 
3:36 (168); under the care of Zakariyyfi (q.v.). 3:37 
(169-170); Allah's special favour and purification of. 
3:42-43 (172); 21:91 (1037): 66:12 (1849); the 
casting of lots for taking charge of, 3:44 (172-173; 
good tidings of 'Isd (q.v.) given to. 3:45-46 [173-1741; 
19:16-21 (954-955); birth of '!sd to. 4:171 (321); 
19:22-28 (956-957); was righteous. 5:75 (367); was 
made a sign. 23:50 (1087-1088). 

Mush 'ar al-Huram. ul-, to remember Allah al. 2:198 

Masih, ul-, see 'fsi. 

Musjid ul-Aqtu. al-, the Messenger's (q.v.) Night 
Journey (q.v.) to. 17:1 (872). 

Musjid ul-Hurum. al- (sec also Ka'ba. Sacred Mosque, 
the), rc fixing of the qiblu h (q.v.) towards. 

2:142-145.148-150 (67-71); different rale regarding 
sacrifice by the dwellers near. 2:1% (95); sin of 
preventing people from. 2:217 (105); painful 
punishment for preventing from. 22:25 (1053-1054); 
prohibition to violate. 5:2 (326); nature of the 

unbelievers' (q.v.) prayers at. 8:35 (558-559); 
polytheists (q.v.) arc not entitled to maintain. 9:19 
(584); polytheists prohibited from approaching. 9:28 
(588); the Messenger's (q.v.) Night Journey (q.v.) 
from. 17:1 (872); the Makkan unbelievers' preventing 
the Muslims from, in the year Hudaybiyah (q.v ). 
48:25 (1671); dream of the Messenger of Allah (q.v.) 
about entering safely. 48:27 (1673-15741: 

Musjid Dirar, see Mosque in detriment. 

Means of living. Allah has set in the earth (q.v.). 15:20 

Measure, see Weight and measure. 

Meetings (see also conference), rules of etiquette (q.v.) 
for. 24:62 (1 134-1 135);' 

Men of the elevations, the (sec Al- 'A 'rdf). 

Menstruation, rale regarding women in. 2:222 (109); 

Mercy, those who disbelieve do despair of Allah’s, 29:23 
(1272-1273); there is none to withold or release 
Allah's. 35:2 (1389-1390); 39:38 (1494-14951; 
command not to be despaired of Allah's. 39:53 ( 1500); 
Allah admits whom He wills to His. 42:8 (1562); 
Allah's, is better than the worldly wealth. 43:32 
(1590); the sending of Messengers and scriptures is 
Allah's. 44:6 (1607); 

Messenger of Allah, see Muhammad, the Mcsscmgcr of 

Messengers of Allah, the. some above others in ranks. 
2:253 (129); some arc mentioned and some are not, 
4:164 (318); 40:78 (1536); not to differentiate 
between. 2:285 (151-152); command to believe in, 
4:136 (305); never claimed to be worshipped. 3:79 
1186-187); there passed away many, before the 
coming of the last Messenger. 3:144 (210-211); 
disbelieved before were. 3:184 (228); 6:34 (404); 
26:105 (1181); 26:123 (1 184); 26:141 (1186); 26:160 
(1190); 26:176 (1192); 34:34 (1381); 34:45 (1385); 
35:25 (1398); 40:5 (15 10); ridiculed before were. 
21:41 (1023); 35:4 (1390); 36:14-19 (1411-1412); 
36:30 (1416); 38:14 (1462); 40:22 (1517); 50:14 
(1688); 51:52 (1705); 69:10 (1870); mocked were the 
previous. 6: 10 (395); 13:32(778); 15:11 (808); 64:5-6 
(1831-1832); 65:8 (1841); abused were the previous. 
41:43 (1554); there were wives and offspring for the 
previous. 13:38 (781); sending of, by Allah, 2:87 
(41); 4:163-165 (317-319); 5:46 (352); 6:42 (407); 
6:48 (409); 6:130 (446-447); 7:35 (477); 7:43 (481); 
7:53 (485-486); 7:59 (489); 7:65-67 (491); 7:73.75 
(494.495); 7:101 (505): 9:33 (590); 9:70 (607); 9:128 
(634); 10:13 (640); 10:74 (664); 11:25 (686); 11:50 
(695-6%); 14:9-12 (787-790); 15:10 (808); 16:36 
(839); 16:63 (847); 16:1 13 (866); 17:77 (898); 20:134 
[ 1010- 101 1); 23:23 |I080); 23:32 (1083); 23:44 
(1086); 28:59 (1253); 30:9 (1292); 30:47 (1305); 
35:24.25 (1398); 36:13-16 (1411-1412); 37:72 
(1441); 40:22 (1517); 40:50 (1527); 40:70 (1534). 
40:78 ( 1 536);4 1 : 14 (1544); 41:42 (1554); 43:45 
(1594); 44:5 |I607); 46:21 (1639); 57:8 (1770); 57:25 
(1778); 57:26-27 (1779); 64:6 (1831-1832); 65:8 
(1841); 67:9-10 (1852); 69:10 (1870); 73:15 (1900); 
91:13 (1994); sent to Band IsrS'll (q.v.). 5:70 (365); 
covenant taken from Bond Isrd'il (q v.) to believe in, 
5:12 (333-334); on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 
questioned about their missions will be, 5:109 (384); 
7:6-7 (466-467); on the Day of Judgement scheduled 
will be. 77:1 1 (1927); on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 
the unbelievers (q v.ypolytheisls (q.v.) will be asked 
about their replies to, 28:65-66 (1255); for every 
ummuh (q.v.) there was a. 10:47 |654); were sent 
with clear evidences and scriptures. 16:44 (842); were 
sent as conveyers of good tidings and as wnmers. 



18:56 (932); Ihe message of tawhid (q.v.yisldm (q.v.) 
was preached by all. 16:36 (839); 21:25 11018); 23:32 
(1083); 87:18-19 [1979); all. belong lo Ihe same 
community. 21:92 [1038; 23:51-52 (1088); Allah's 
promise to dclivcr/help the believers and. 10:103 
[673-674); 37:171-173 [1456); 40:51 (1527); 58:21 
[1791-1792). Allah rescued all. 21:9 1 1014): men 
were all, 12:109 (761); 13:38 (781); 14:11 [789); 
16:43 [841); 21:7-8 [1014]; 25:20 [1143-1 144); 41:18 
[1546); there is a lesson for intelligent persons in the 
narratives of. 12:111 [7621; no Messenger was sent 
except with the tongue of his own people. 14 4 (785); 
Allah breaks not His promise to. 14:47 [803]; Allah 
does not punish until He has sent a, 17:15 [877); 
Satan (q.v.) attempted to interfere with and divert the 
propagation of all. 22:52-53 (1063-1064); peace be 
on. 37:181 [1457); Allah has communicated the same 
din (q.v.) through all the. 42:13 [1564); patient and 
persevering were all. 46:35 ( 1645). 

Migration, see Hijrah. 

Mikiil. 2:98 (46) 

Milk, is Allah's special creation. 16:66 (848); in the 
jannah (q.v.) there will be rivers of. 47: 1 5 ( 1652). 

Milluk (Dfn/Rcligion). command to follow Ibrahim's 
(q.v ). 3:95 [193). 

Minora, the. command to take care of the properties of. 
4:5 [238). 

Miracle/miraclcs. demand of the unbelievers (q.v.) for. 
2:118 (56); 6:35.37 [404. 405): 6:109 [437]; 7:106 
[506); 7:203 [543); 10:20 [643]; 13:7 [706]; 13:27 
[775); 20:133 [1010]; 21:5 (1013); 25:8 (1140); 26:4 
[1162-1163); 26:154 [1188]; 29:50 [1283); no 
Messenger can cause, except by Allah's leave. 13:38 
[781]; 40:78 [1536-1537): Allah is All-Capable of 
sending a. 6:37 [405]: unbelievers will not believe 
even if they see all, 6:25 [400]; 6:124 [443); Allah 
sends not any but by way of frightening. 17:59 
[891-892); of the splitting of the moon (q.v.). 54:1 

Mi 'raj (sec also 'Isrd', id-), 17:60 (892); reference to. 
53:13-18 [1719], 

Miserliness, effect of. 47:38 [1660]: deprecation of. 

Mischief, because of man’s deeds there appear in the 
land and sea (q.v.). 30:42 [1303-1304). 

Mischief-makers, the. Allah does not like. 28:77 (1259); 

Misfortune, is due to what your hands acquire, 42:30 

Mocking, prohibition of, by one people at another, 49: 1 1 

Modesty, a characteristic of Muslims (q.v.ybelicvers 
(q.v.yservants of Allah (q.v.) is. 25:63 (1157). 

Monasticism. was an innovation made by the followers 
of 'isS (q.v ). 57:2711779). 

Moon. the. Allah has made the sun (q.v.) and. 21:33 
[1021]; is set for reckoning. 6:96 [431], 10:5 [637]; is 
made subservient by Allah. 7:54 [487); 13:2 (764); 
14:33 [798); 16:12 [830); 29:61 [1286]; 31:29 
(1320-1321); 35:13 [1395); 39:5 (1482); is made a 
light. 10:5 [6371; 25:61 [1 156); 71:16 [1887); runs for 
a term specified. 13:2 [764]; 31:29 [1320-1321]; 
35:13 [1395); 39:5 (1482); is floating in the celestial 
sphere (q.v.). 21:33 [1021); Allah has ordained stages 
for. 36:39 1 1418); is floating in an orbit. 36:40 [141 8); 
is on computation. 55:5 [1741); prostrates itself to 
Allah. 22:18 (1051); prohibition to make prostration 
to. 41:37 [1552]; miracle (q.v.) of Ihe splitting of. 
54:1 (1729); Alla's swearing by. 74:32 (1909];84:I8 
(1968); 91:2 [1992); on the day of Resurrection (q.v.) 
eclipsed shall be. 75:8 [1914]; on the Day of 
Resurrection (q.b.) merged shall he the sun (q.v.) and. 

Mosque in detriment, the case of those who took a. 
9:107-108 [623-624); 9:1 10 [625] 

Mosques (see also Ka'ba). injustice of preventing people 
from worshipping Allah at. 2:114 [54]; i'tikdf (q.v.) 
in, 2:187 (90); command lo take adornment to. 7:31 
[475); polytheists (q.v.) are prohibited from attending 
lo and practising polytheism in. 9:17 [583]; if Allah 
holds not some by others demolished would be. 22:40 
[1060]: Allah's nur (q.v.) prevails in, 24:36-37 
(1121); are for the worship of Allah Alone. 72:18 

Mother of Book, sec Lawk ul-Mukfuz. al -. 

Mount Sinai, raised high over Band Isri'il lAhl ul-Kitdb 
(q.v.). 2:63 [30); 2.93 [44J; 4:154 |3I3);7:I7I [532); 
covenant taken from Band Isra'il (q.v.) al the right 
side of. 20:80 (994); Allah's creation of olive tree out 
of. 23:20 [1079J; Allah's calling out to Mds4 (q.v.) at. 
28:46 [I248);7:I43 (517-518); 19:52 [9641; 20:9-18 
[977-980]; 27:7-12 (1203-5); 28:28-30 [1241-1242]; 
Allah's swearing by. 52:1 [1707]; 95:2 (2002). 

Mountain passes. Allah has set m the earth. 21:31 

Mountains, the. Allah has set in the earth flrm/high. 13:3 
[764]; 15:19 [810); 16:15 (832); 21:31 [1020], 27:61 
[1220]; 31:1313); 41:10 [1542]; 50:7 [16861; 77:27 
(1929); 88:19 (1982); Allah makes, of diverse colours. 
35:27 (1399); Allah provides shelters out of. 16:81 
(854); on the Day of Resurrection (q.v.) set in 
motion/scattcred will be the, 18:47 [928]; 20:105 
[1002]; 56:5-6 [1754]; 77:10 [1927); 81:3 [1953); on 
the Day of Resurrection (q.v.) carried away and 
crushed will be. 69:14 [1870); on the day of 
Resurrection a dune adrift will be. 73:14 [1900); will 
be like wool ruffled on the Day of Resurrection (q.v.), 
101:5 (201 5). prostrate themselves lo Allah. 22:18 
[1051]; will pass by like the clouds (q.v.) on the Day 



of Resurrection (q.v.), 27:88 (I228J; declined the trust 
offered by Allah, 33:72 (1365): would have been cleft 
asunder out of the dread of Allah if the Qur'&n (q v.) 
was sent down on. 59:21 [I803J; Allah drives in the 
sea (q.v ) ships (q.v.) like, 42:32 (1573). 

Muhdjirs. sec Emigrants. 

Muhammad, is the Messenger of Allah (peace and 
blessings of Allah be on him), 3:114 [ 210); 33:40 
(1532); 48:29 (1674); sural (1647-1660); disbelief of 
a group of Ahal al-Ktiab (q.v.) in , 2:101 (47); 
Messcngcnship of, 2:119 (56); 2:151 (72J; 2:252 
(128); 3:101 |I95(; 3:144 (210-211); 3:193 

(231-232); 4:79 (276); 5:19 (338-339); 7:158 (526); 
13:30 (776); 16:123 (870); 17:93 (903); 23:72-73 
(1093); 36:3 (1409); 43:29 (1589); 44: 13 ( 1608); 48:8 
(1663); 48:28-29 (1674); 57:8 (1770); 61:9 |I817); 
62:2 (1820); 63:1 (1825); 65.11 (1842-1843); 73:15 
(1900); 98:2-3 (2008); was addressed as "the 
Enwrapped" (al-Muzzammil). 73:1 (1898); was 
addressed as "the One Shrouded' ( al-Muddaihihir ) . 
74:1 (1904); was no novelty of the Messengers. 46:9 
(1634); Allah and the angels bear witness about the 
Mcsscngcrshtp of, 4:166 (319); commanded to convey 
the message. 5:67 (363); 5:92 (375); 5:99 (379); 
13:40 (782); 16:35 (839); 42:48 (1578); 72:23 (1895); 
commanded to warn, 6:51 (410); 74:2 (1904); 
commanded to stand up in nightly prayer, 73:2-4 
(1898); Allah knows of the nightly prayer of. and a 
group of those with him. 73:20 (1901-1902): 
commanded to warn against the Day of Judgement 
(q.v.) 19:39 (960); 40:18 (1515); 42:7 (1562); 
commanded to warn his near relatives. 26:214 ( 1 199); 
commanded to remind. 51:55 (1705); 52:29 (1712); 
88:88:21 (1982); Allah's communication of the 
Qur’an (q.v.) to, 42:7 (1561-1562); 73:5 (1898); 
96:1-6 (2004); the Qur'an (q.v.) was communicated 
by wahy (q.v.) to. 35:31 (1400); 42:52 (1580); 
53:4-5,10 (1717-1718); the Qur’an/Xr/db (q.v.) was 
sent down on. 39:41 (1495); 57:9 (1770); 76:23 
(1923); was enabled to receive the Qur'an (q.v.). 27:6 
(1203); was taught the Qur'an (q.v.) by Jibril (q.v.), 
53:5 (1718); Allah's wahy (q.v.) to. 4:163 (317); 
28:45-46 (1247-1248). 34:50 (1387); 41:6 (1541); 
42:3 (1560); 53:3-5 (1717-1718); 72:1 (1890); saw 
Jibril (q.v.) in his actual form. 53:6-12 (1718-1719); 
81:23 (1956): commanded not to hasten with the 
Qur'an (q.v.) before the conclusion of its 
communication. 20:114 (1004); commanded not to 
move his tongue to hasten with the communication of 
the Qur'an to. 75:16-19 (1915); Allah made, 
remember the Qur'an (q.v.), 87:6 (1978); Allah made 
the Qur'an (q.v.) easy for. 87:8 ( 1978); commanded to 
follow what was communicated to him. 6:106 (435); 
33:2 (1334); command to hold fast to what was 

communicated to. 43:43 (1593); followed what was 
communicated to him. 6:50 (410); 7:203 (543-544); 
10:15 (641); 46:9 (1634); commanded to 

preach/convey openly. 15:94 (825); 10:109 

(676); 16:82 (854-855); 24:54 (1128); 29:18 (1271); 
64:12 (1834); commanded to read out what was 
communicated to. 18:27 (920); 27:92 (1230); 29:45 
(1281), commanded to remind. 87:9 (1978); is sent os 
a witness. 33:45 (1353); 48:8 (1663); will be an 
witness against his ummah. 2:143 (67); 16:89 (857); 
4:41 (159); 22:78 (1074); 73:15 (1900); will be a 
witness against all nations. 16:89 (857); 2:143 (67); 
4:41 (258-259); 22:78 (1074); command given for 
hijrah (q.v ) to. 17:80 (899); AM ul-Kutib (q.v.) know, 
as they know their sons. 2:146 (70); 6:20 (398); 
command to believe in. 4:136 (304-305). 4:170 (320); 
57:7 (1769); 57:28 (1780). 64:8 (1832-1833); 
command to love and obey. 3:31-32 (167-168); 3:132 
(207); 4:59 (266); 4:64 (269); 4:80 (276); 5:92 (375); 
7:1 (547); 8:20-24 (553-555); 8:46 ( 564); 24:54 
(I I28|; 24:56 (1130); 43:61 (1598); 47:33 

(2658-1659); 64:12 (1834); the believers (q.v.) have 
no option when a matter is decreed by Allah and. 
33:36 (1350); command to take whatever there gives, 
and to give up whatever there prohibits. 59:7 (1797); 
believers are fortndden to take as friends the 
opponents of Allah and. 58:22 (1792), reward for 
those who obey Allah and. 4:69 (271): 48:17 (1668); 
successful will be those who obey Allah and His, 
24:52 (1127-1 128); Allah will not discount from your 
deeds if you obey Allah and. 49:14 (1682-1683); 
punishment/disgracc for those who oppose/disobey. 
4:115 (295); 9:63 (604); 48:17 (1668). 58:5 (1784); 
58:8 (1786-1787); 58:20 (1791 1; 72:23-24 

(1895-1896); punishment for those who hurt. 33:57 
(1360-1361); reward for obedience and punishment 
for disobedience to Allah and. 4:13-14 (244); Allah 
makes go in vain die deeds of those who oppose, 
47:32 (1658); knowledge of some of the unseen 
communicated to. 3:44 (172-173); 3:179 (225-226); 
covenant taken by Allah from, 33:7 (1337): covenant 
taken by Allah from the Prophets (q.v.) to believe in. 
3:81-82 (187-188); Allah guides not those who 
disbelieve after having known the truth of the 
Mcssengership of. 3:86 (189-190); at the battle of 
'Uhud (q.v.). 3:154 (214-215); moderation of. towards 
the archers at 'Uhud (q.v.), 3:159 [218; is a 
grace/mercy of Allah to the believers (q.v.). 3:164 
(220); 9:61 (603); is a mercy for all beings, 21:108 
(1042); guided to the straight way. 42:52-53 
(1580-1581); is on the most conspicuous truth, 27:79 
(1225). Allah gave guidance to. 93:7 1 1999); was a 
lamp spreading light. 33:46 (1354); was on a guidance 
straight and proper. 22:67 (1069); was on a way 



straight and nghl. 36:4 ( 1409]; 43:43 [1593); 48:2 
[1661]; was sent with guidance and the religion of the 
truth. 48:28 [16741; 61:9 [1817]; Allah made him 
rich, 93:8 [1999); Allah opened his heart to the truth. 
94:1 (2000). Allah made him free from faults and sins. 
94:2-3 [2000); Allah raised high the reputation of. 
94:4 [2000]; neither starycd nor erred nor spoke out 
of fancy. 52:2-3 [1717]; was on the most lofty 
character. 68:4 [1859]; assured of a reward without 
cessation. 68:3 [1859]; commanded not to obey any 
sinful or infidel. 76:24 [1924]; 73:10 [1899]; 74.7 
[1905); 76:24 [1924]; consolation to. 3:184 [228]; 
20:2 [976], 25:10 [1140]; 25: 43-44 [1151]; 27:70 
[1223-1224]; 27:80-81 [1226]; 28:44-46 

[1247-1248]; 35:8 [1392); 35:25 [1398]; 36:76 
[1427]; 38:17 [1463]; 40:4-5 [1510]; 41:13 [1544]; 
41:43 [1554]; 43:6-8 [1583]; 43:41-42 [1593]; 
43:88-89 [1605]; 44:59 [1617]; 50:39 [1694]; 50:45 
[1695]: 51:52-54 [1705]; 52:29-31 [1712]. 68:5-7 
[I860]; 68:48 [1867]; 73:10-13 [1899-1900]; 

86:15-17 [1976]. Allah's consolation and promise of 
help to, 6:33-35 [403-404]; 20:2 [976]; 35:4 [1390]; 
37:171-173 (1456); 40:55 [1528]; 40:77 [1536]; 
47:13 [1651]; 48:2-3 (1661); 58:5 [1784]; 58:21 
[1791-1792); 61:8-9 [1816-1817]; 67:29 [1858]; 
68:44-45 [1866]; 74:11-17 (1905-1906); 93:3-5 
[1998]; was under Allah's constant observation and 
care. 52:48 (1716]; commanded to have patience 
(q.v.). 3:186 [229); 10:109 (676); 1 1:49 [695]; 16:127 
[871]; 18:28 [921]; 20:130 [1009]; 30:60 [1310); 
38:17 [1463]; 40:55 11528]; 40:77 |I536); 46:35 
[1645]; 50:39 [1694); 52:48 [1716]; 68:48 [1867], 
70:5 [1878] 73:18 [1899]; 76:24 [1924]; Allah did not 
forsake. 93:3 (1998); Allah's assurance of return to 
Makka given to, 28:85 [1263]; 48:27 [1673]; success 
for whoever obeys Allah and His. 33:71 [1365]: 
shuri'uh (q.v.) given to. 45:18 [1623]; command to 
refer cases for judgement to. 4:65 [269-270]; .wnnuh 
(q.v.) of. communicated by Allah, 2:269 (144): 3:164 
[220]; 4:113 [ 294]; punishment for those who war 
against, 5:33 [344-345]; mockcd/disbclicved were the 
Messengers (q.v.) before. 6:10 [395]; 13:32 [778]; 
15:11 [808); 35:25 [1398]; Allah is the greatest 
witness for. 6:19 [398J; 46:9 [1633]; Allah is a 
sufficient witness between the unbelievers and. 13:43 
[783]; 29:53 [1283]; 46:8 [1633]; Allah suffices him 
against the ridiculcrs (q.v.) 15:95 [825], illiteracy of, 
6:3 [392]; 7:157 [525]; 7:158 (526); 13:16 [770]; 
18:14 [914]; 19.65 [967]; 20:6 [977]; 21:56 
11027-1028], 23:86-87 [1096]; 26:24 [1167]; 29:48 
[1282]; 37:5 [1430-1431 J; 38:27 [1466|; 38:66 
[1475]; 42.52 [1580]; 43:82 [1603]; 44:7 [1607]; 
44:38 [1613]; mistaken is he who thinks that Allah 
will not help. 22:15 [1050], asked not to banish poor 

believers from his company. 6:52-54 [411-412]; 18:28 
[92IJ; commanded to be kind and caring to his 
believing followers. 26:215 [1199]; was to warn 
'Umm al-Qura (q.v.) and those around it. 6:92 [428]. 
was not a guard over his people. 6:104 [435J; 6:107 
[436]; 42:48 [1578]; was not a guardian-trustee over 
his people. 10:108 (676); 17:54 [8901; 39 41 [1496]; 
42:6 [1561]; was not a compcllcr, 50:45 [1695]; 88:22 
[1983]; the unbelievers' allegations against. 6:105 
[435]; 7:184 [537]; 10:2 [636]; 11:35 [690]; 15:6 
[807]; 16:101 [862]; 16:103 [ 862-863]; 21:3-5 
[1013]; 23 70 [1092]; 25:4-5 [1138-1139]; 32:3 
[1324]; 34:8 [1370]; 34.43 [1384]; 34:46 [1386]; 
37:36 [1436]; 38:4 [1460]; 42:24 [1570]; 43:30-31 
[1589-1590]; 44:14 [1608]; 46:7-8 [1633]; 51:52-53 
[1705]; 52:29-31 [1712]; 61:6 [1816]; 68:2 [1859], 
68:51 [1867], 69:41-48 [1874-1875]; the unbelievers' 
denial of live Messcngcrshtp of, 13:43 [783]; 25:7 
[1139]; the Makkan unbelievers' attitude to. 50:2 
[1685]; 68:51 [18671; 75:31-33 [1917]; a Makkan 
unbeliever’s opposition and enmity to. 68:9-16 
[1860-1861]; 74:11-25 [1905-1907]; 96:1-13 [2005]; 
the Makkan unbelievers' crowding on. when he stood 
up to pray, 72:19 [1894]; the Makkan unbelievers 
conspired to confine or to kill or to drive out. 8:30 
[557]; 17:76 [898]; the Makkan unbelievers drove 
out. 2:191 [92); 3:195 [233]; 22:40 (1060); 47:13 
[1651]; 59:8 [1798]; 60:1 [1806]; the attitude of the 
mundftqun (q.v.) to, 63:5-8 [1826-1828]; divergent 
opinions of the unbclievcrs/disbclievers (q.v.) about. 
51:8-9 [1697); did not expect to receive the Book 
(q.v.). 28:86 [1263]; the unbelievers' demand of 
miracles from. [ see Miracles]; 29:50 [1283]; the 
unbelievers' (q.v.) ridiculing of. 21:36 [1022]; 
25:41-42 [1 150]; mentioned in the Tawrdh (q.v.) and 
the Injtl (q.v.). 7:157 [525]; prophecy of ls4 (q.v ) 
about the coming of, 61:6 [1815-1816]; motioned in 
the previous scriptures, 26:196 |I196], was no more 
than a human being. 7:188 [538-539]; 10:2 [635]; 
17:93 [903]; 18:110 [949]; 41:6 [1541], was not 
taught poetry nor was it meet for. 36:69 [ 1425]; was 
neither a soothsayer, nor one possessed, nor a poet. 
52:29-31 [1712]; 68:2 [1859]; 81:22 [1956]; believers 
(q.v.) commanded not to betray. 8:27 [555-556]; 
conspiracy of the unbelievers (q.v.) to kill or expel. 
8:30 [557]; reference to the hijrah (q.v.) of. 9:40 
[594-595]; unseemly behaviour and remarks of the 
rnuruifujun (q.v.) in respect of, 9:61-66 [603-605]: is 
most affectionate and kind to the believers (q.v ), 
9: 128 [634]; is an excellent model for believers. 33:21 
[1343]; conduct of the unvbclicvers (q.v.) towards. 
10:42-43 [653]; 23:69-70 [1092]; 28:47-48 

[1248-1249]: worshipped not what the polytheists 
worship, 10:104 [674]; 109:1-4 ( 2026); refusal of, to 



make compromise wilh the polytheists. 109:5-6 
(2026]; was a wamcr and harbinger of good tidings. 
11:2 |677|; 13:7 [766]; 15:89 [824]; 17:105 (908); 
2145 [1025); 22:49 [1063]; 25:1 [1137]; 25:56 
[1155]; 26:194 [1195]; 27:92 [1230]: 28:46 [1248], 
29:50 [1283]; 33:45 [1354); 34:28 [1378]; 34 46 
[1386]; 35:23-24 [1398]; 36:6 [1410]; 36:70 
[1425-1426]; 38:4 [1560]; 38:65 [1475]; 38:70 
[1475-1476]; 46:9 [1634]; 46:12 [1635]; 48 8 
[1663-1664]; 50:2 [1685]; 51:51-52 [1704-1705] 
53:56 (1727); 67:26 [1857]; 79:45 [1946]; did not 
know the hour of the Resurrection (q.v.), 79:43 
[1946]; power and prestige belong to Allah and. 63:8 
[1828]; did not ask any remuneration. 25:57 [II55J- 
34:47 [1386); 38:86 (1478-1479); 42:23 [1570]; 
52:40 [ 1 714], 68:46 (1866); al-hrtY (Night Journey) 
of. 17:1 [872]; Ui'rtj (q.v.) of. 17:60 [892]; made 
fimi against the unbelievers' (q.v.) efforts to tempt. 
17:74 [897], maijiim mahmud (q.v.) given to. 17:79 
[899]; Allah's grace is immense on. 17:87 [901]; grief 
of. for the Makkans' unbelief. 18:6 [912]; 35:8 [1392]; 
asked not to be sad over people's disbelief. 31:23 
[1319]; the Qur An (q.v.) was not sent down as a cause 
of distress to. 20:2-3 [976]; was not aware of the 
unseen. 38:69 [1475]; had no power to do any harm, 
72:21 [1895]; rule of etiquette (q.v.) for calling. 24:63 
[1135]; wives of. are mothers of the believers (q.v ). 
33:6 [1336]; allusion to the the relationship of, with 
his wives. 33:30-33 [1345-147]; temporary 

suspension of his relationship with his wives by. 
66:1-5 [1844-1846]; reproof of. for his having 
frowned at a blind man who approached him for 
guidance. 80:1-10 (1947-1948); marraige of. with the 
ex-wife of Zayd (q.v.) was by Allah's command, 
33.37-38 [1350-1352]; Allah's instructions to. about 
his wives. 33:49-50 [1355-1358]; is the Seal of the 
Prophets. 33:40 [1352]; was Messenger to all 
mankind (q.v ), 7:158 [526]; 34:28 [1378]; was 
Messenger to Arabs and non- Arabs. 62:3 [1821]; is to 
be called Messenger of Allah and not Father of 
so-and-so. 33:40 [1352]; rules of etiquette (q.v.) for 
visiting the houses of. 33:53 (1358-1359); rules of 
etiquette (q.v.) in the presence of. 49:1-5 [1676-1678]; 
Allah and the angels offer blessings on. 33:56 [1360); 
delivered the same din (q.v.) as was delivered by the 
previous Messengers (q.v ), 42:13 (1564); Allah made 
the Qur'an (q.v.) easy in the tongue of. 44:58 [1616]; 
Allah's signs were recited to. 45:6 [1619]; Allah 
completed His favour on, 48:2 [1661]; dream of. 
about the conquest of Makka (q.v.). 48:27 
[1673-1674]; secret conferring and enmity of the 
Madinan Jews (q.v.) against. 58:8 [1786-1787]; 
prohibition of secret conferring (q.v.) for sinning and 
enmity to. 58:9 [1787]; making a charitable gift 

enjoined before private consultation with, 58:12-13 
[1788-1789]; Allah is the Guardian-Protector of, 66:4 
[1845]; Jibbril (q.v.), the angels (q.v.) and the 
believers are the helpers of. 66:4 [1845-1846]; 
reference to the orphanhood of. 93:6 [1999]; reference 
to 'AbO Jahl's (q.v.) opposition to. 96:9-13 [2005]; 
commanded not to obey 'Abu Jahl (q.v.). 96:19 
[2006|; Allah gave al-Kawthiir (q.v.) to. 108:1 
(2025): Allah's help and victory to, 1 10:1-2 [2027], 
Mulfsin ( See also Generous); Allah loves the, 2:195 
[94]; good tidings for. 22:37 [ 1059). 

Mule. the. is Allah's grace for man's benefit. 16:8 [829], 
Mu'minun, at- (sec also Believers). ,r Brat, [[1075-1 104] 
MunSfiqtin. al- (the hypocrites), sural [1825-1829]; 
characteristics of. 2:8-16 [6-9]; 2:204-206 [99]' 
4:60-64 [267-269]; 4:81 [276-277]; 4:139-140 [306];' 
4:141-143 [307-309); 5:41-42 [348-349]; 5:52-53 
[356-357]; 9:75-77 [610-611]; 24 47-50 [1 125-1 1261; 
29:10 [1268]; 47:16 [1653]; 59:13 [1800-1801], 
63:1-5 (1825-1827); take their oaths as a shield, 58:16 
[1790]; 63:2 [1825]: are liars, 58:18 [1791]; 59 :|| 
[1800]; Allah testifies that they are liars, 63:1 (1825); 
a seal has been set on the hearts of. 63:3 [1826], 
impressive appearances and talks of. 63:4 [ 1826]; they 
think that every shout is against them, 63:4 [1826]; 
turn away when asked to seek Allah's forgiveness! 
6.3:5 [1826-1827]; Allah will not forgive. 63:6 [I827J- 
they are the enemy. 63:4 [1826]; ask not to give 
financial support to the Messenger (q.v.) and the 
believers. 63:7 [1827]; arc the party of Satan (q.v.), 
58:19 [1791]; Allah knows. 29:11 [1268); similies 
about. 2:17-20 [9-11]; attitude of, towards the 
believers (q.v.). 3:1 19-120 [203-204]; role of. relating 
to the battle of 'Uhud (q.v.). 3:122 [204]; 3:154-156 
1215-217); 3:156 [217]; 3:167-168 [221-222); the 
Muslims' attitude towards, on the eve of the Battle of 
Uhud (q.v.), 4:88 [280]; command not to obey. 33; I 
[1334]; 33:48 (1354); command to fight, 4:89 
[280-281]; 4:91 [282]; 66:9 [1848]; attitude of, to the 
command to jihdd (q.v.)/ fighting in the Way of Allah 
(qv). 477 [274-175]; 47:20-22 [1654-1655]; 

punishment for. 4:138.140 (306.307); 4:145 [ 309 ]; 
33.73 [1366], 58:15 [1790]; Allah's promise of 
hellfire for. 9:68-69 [606-607]; punishment of hellfire 
for. 48:6 [1662-1663]; 57:15 [1773]; 58:17 [1790]; 
their wealth and children shall not avail them against 
Allah. 58:17 [1790]; attitude of. regarding the Battle 
of Badr (q.v.). 8 49 (565): role of. regarding the 
expedition to Tabuk (q.v.), 9 42-54 [595-600]; 
9:81-87 1612-615], 9:93-96 [617-619; altitude of. 
regarding the distribution of booty (q.v.) and zakiili 
(q.v.), 5:58-59 [601-602]; role of. regarding the 
expedition to and booties (q.v.) of Khaybar (q.v ). 
48:15 [1667]; 48:20 [1669]; unseemly behaviour and 



remarks of. in rcspccl of the Messenger (q.v.), 9:61-66 
(603-605); 9:74 (609-610); turning away of. from 
spending in the way of Allah (q.v.), 9:75-76 (610); 
9:79 (61 1); prohibition to pray over the dead of. 9:84 
(613-614); among the bedouins (q.v.) are. 9:101 
(621); confessing of their sins by some of. 9:102 
(621-622); altitude of. to the Qur'an (q.v.), 9.125-127 
(633-634); the machination of Salon (q.v.) is a lest 
for, 22:53 (1064), role of. during the battle of 
Khandaq (q.v.). 33:12-20 (1339-1342); 33:24 (1344). 
warnings against, 33:60-62 (1362-1363); relationship 
of. with the Jews (q.v.). 47:26 (1656); friendship of. 
with the Jews. 58:14 (1789-1790); Allah nullifies the 
deeds of. 47:28 (1657); conceal their rancour. 47:29 
(1757); ore known by the tone of their talks. 47:30 
(1657); on the Day of Judgement some light from the 
believers will be sought by., 57:13 (1772); on the Day 
of Judgement a wall will be struck between the 
believers and. 57:13-14 (1772-1773); are deluded by 
Satan (q.v.). 57:14 (1773); on the Day of Judgement 
no redemption will be token from. 57:15 (1773); false 
promises to Bant) al-Nndir (q.v.) by. 59:11-12 
(1799-1800); the false promises of Satan (q.v.) 
comapcrd with the false promises of. 59:16 (1802). 

Munkur. al- (the disapproved), command to prohibit. 
3:104 (196-197); 3:110 (199); 31:17 (1316); some of 
the Ahl al-Kitdb prohibited. 3:114 (200); a 
characteristic of the believers (q.v.) is to forbid. 9:71 
(608). 9:112 (626-627); 22:41 (1061); Allah forbids. 
16:90 (8S7); saluh (q.v.) holds back from. 29:45 

Murder, the sin of. 5:32 (343-344); prohibition lo 
commit. 6:151 (457); 17:33 (883); a believer 
(q.v.)/Muslim (q.v.Vscrvant of Allah (q.v.) does not 
commit. 25:68 (1158). 

Mdsfi. the account of. 20:9-99 (977-100); 28:20-10 
(1231-1246); thrown into the river and reared in the 
house of Fir'awn (q.v.), 20:37-40 (982-983); 28:7-13 
(1233-1235); slaying of a person by. 20:40 (984); 
26:14 (1164-1165); 28:15 (1235-1236); Allah 

forgave. 28:16-19 (1236-1238): staying for years in 
Madyan (q.v.) by. 20:40 (9841; 28:20-28 

(1238-1241); Allah's appointment of forty nights for: 
2:51 (24); 7:142 (517); was a Messenger/a Prophet. 
19:51 (963); 37:114-122 [1448-1449); 61:5 (1815); 
covenant taken by Allah from. 33:7 (1337): giving of 
the Book (q.v.) and Furqdn (q.v.) to, 2:53 (25); 2:87 
(41); 6:91 (428): 6:154 (459); 7:144-146 (518-520); 
11:17 (683); 11:110 (717); 17:2 (873); 23:49 (1087); 
25:35 (1148); 28:43 (1247). 32:23 (1331); 37:117 
(1448); 40:53-54 (1528); 46:12 (1635); attention 
drawn to the scriptures given to Ibriihim (q.v.) and. 
53:36 (1724); disagreement arose about the Book 
given to. 41:45 (1555-1556); the tablets given to. 

7:145 (518-519); 7:154 (523); miracles caused to 
happen at the hands of. 20:18-23 (979-980); 27:10-12 
(1204-1205); 28:31-32 (1242-1243); 44:33 (1612); 
nine signs given to. 17:101 (906); taking of the calf 
for worship by the people of. 7:148-149 (520-521): 
anger of, with his brother and people. 7:150 
(521-522); censure of Band Isra'il (q.v.) by. for their 
worshipping the calf. 2:54 [25]; 7:150 (521); 20:86-97 
(996-1000); demand lo sec Allah made by Bond 
IsrS'il/Pcople of the Book to. 2:55 (25-26); 2:108 
(51); 4:153 (312-313): striking of the rock by. and the 
bursting out of Twelve Springs (q.v.) for the people of. 
2:60 (27-28); 7:160 (527); demand of Band Isril'il 
(q.v.) for various kinds of food made lo. 2:61 (28-29); 
specification of the cow (q.v.) lo be slaughtered 
demanded of. 2:68-71 (32-324); was a Muslim (q.v.). 
2:136 (64); was a Prophet. 6:84 (425); conduct of 
Band Isrd'fl (q.v.) after, 2:246 (123). relic of the 
progeny of. 2:248 (126); conversation of Allah with. 
4:164 (318); 7:143 (517-518); 19:52 [964]; 20:9-18 
(977-980); 27:7-12 (1203-5); 28:28-30 (1241-1242): 
28:44 |I247); 28:46 [I248|; 79:16 (1942): entery into 
Bayl ol-Maqdis (q.v.) with Bond Isra'il (q.v.) by. 
5:20-25 (339-341); sent as Messenger and showing of 
miracles to Fir'awn (q.v.). 7:103-108 (505-507); 
10:75-77 (664-665), 11:96-97 (712); 17:101-102 
(906-7); 20:24-36 (981-982): 20:42-57 (984-988); 
23:45-46 (1086-1087); 25:36 (1148): 26:10-35 
(1164-1169); 27:12 (1205); 28:32-37 (1242-1245); 
40:23-27 (1517-15181; 43:46-48 (1594-1595); 

51:38-40 (1702); 79:17-20 (1942-1943): encounter 
of. with the sorcerers of Fir'awn. 7:109-122 
(507-508): 10:82 (665-667); 20:58-73 (988-992); 
26:36-51 (1169-1172); 79:21-24 (1943); Allah's 
rescuing of the people of. 2:49 (23-24); 20:77-80 
(993-994): 37:1 15 (1-148); 37:1 15 (1448); advice of. 
to his people. 7.128-129 [51 1-512); 10:84 (667); 
14:5-8 (786-787), Allah's wahy to his brother and to, 
10:87 (668); prayer of. against Fir'awn (q.v.). 10 88 
(668): disbelieved the people of. 22:44 [ 1061); prayer 
for forgiveness for his people made by, 7:151-156 
(522-524); just community among the people of. 
7:159 (526). twcleve tribes of the people of. 7:160 
(527); story of the journey with a knowledgeable 
servant of Allah (Khi<)r) by. 18:60-82 (934-941); 
QSrdn (q.v.) was of the people of. 28:76 (1259); was 
sent with evidences to Qdrtin (q.v.). Fir'awn (q.v.) and (q.v.). 29:39 (1278); believers (q.v.) are asked 
not to be like those who gave trouble to. 33:69 (1364); 
Islam is the din (q.v.) of. 42:13 (1564); the same 
message of Islam (q.v.) is in the scripture of. 87: 18-19 

Mushrik, see Polytheist. 



Musltm/Muslims, (see also Believers). Allah designated 
you. 22:78 (1073- 1074); Ibrahim (q.v.) and Ya'qflb 
(q.v.) designated themselves as. 2: 132-133 [62-63]; all 
the Prophets were. 2:136 [64]; are an equitable 
umnuih (q.v.). 2:143 [67]; are the best umtmh. 3:1 10 
[198-199); 2:28 [166]; 3:118 [202]; rewards for. 3:57 
[178]; 33:35 [1349-1350]; qiblah (q.v.) of. 2:143-144 
(67-68); 43:68-73 [1600-1601]; worshippers of Allah 
Alone are, 3:64 [180]: belief in all the Prophets and 
Books sent by Allah incumbent on, 3:84 [188-189]: 
believers to die as. 3:102 [195-196]; believers are. 
29:46 [ 1 282): ore forbidden to take non-Muslims and 
hypocrites as friends. 2:28 [166]; 3:118 [202]; 
command to be. 6:71 [420]; 27:91 [1229-1230]; 39:12 
[I486]; N0h (q.v ) was a. 10:72 [663]; on the Day of 
Judgement the unbelievers will wish they were. 15:2 
[806); the Qur'an (q.v.) is a guidance and mercy/good 
tidings for. 16:89 [857]; 16:102 [862]: 22:34 [1057]; 
characteristics of. 22:35 [1058]; 25:63-74 [1157- 
1160]; will be witnesses against mankind. 22:78 
[1074]; Allah is the Friend-Protector of. 22:78 [1074); 
ore amenable to listening to Allah's words. 27:81 
( 1 226]; 30:53 [ 1 307- 1308]; some of the AW al-Kitdh 
(q.v.) became. 28:53 [1250-1251]: the QoT &nJKitab 
(q.v.) is a great grace of Allah to. 35:32 [1401]; the 
best in speech (q.v.) is the one who calls to Allah and 
says he is a, 41:33 [1551]; junnah (q.v.) for the one 
who turns in repentance and is a. 46:15-16 [1637]; 
among the people of LOt (q.v.) there was a household 
of. 51:36 [1702]; do not equate with the sinful (q.v.), 
68:35-36 [1864]; among Jinn (q.v.) there are deviants 
and. 72:14(1893). 

Mu 'tufikuh, at-, (the upturned lands), see LOt. 

Mulawukkildn, see Relying ones. the. 

MultaqCn, [3]; description of. 2:3-5 [5]; characteristics 
of. 2:177 [83-84]; 3:16-17 [160-161]; 3:134 [134 
[207-208], 2149 [1026]; 23:57-61 [1089-1090]; 
39:33 [1493]; 51:16-19 [1698-1699]; Allah is with 
the. 2:194 (93); 9:36 [592]; 9:123 [632]; 16:128 
[871]; position of. on the day of Resurrection (q.v.). 
2:212 [102]; 19:85 [972]; rewards for. 3:15 [160]; 
3:198 [234]; 13:34 [779-780]; 15:45-48 [815-816]; 
25:15-16 [II4I-II42J: 39:20 [1488]; 39:34-35 

[1493]; 43:67 [1600]; 44:51-57 [I6IS-I6I6]: 47:36 
[1659]; 50:31-35 [1692-1693]; 51:15-16 [1698]; 
68:34 [1864]; Allah loves the. 3:76 (I85];9:4 [578]; 
9:7 [579]; 38:49-54 [1472-1473]; 52:17-20 

[1709-1710]; 54:54-55 [1739-1740]; 77:41-44 

[1931-1932]; 78:31-36 [1937-1938]; Allah is the 
Guardian-Protector of. 45:19 [1624]; Allah is 

All-Awarc/Besl Aware of. 3:115 [201]; 9:44 [596]; 
53:32 [1723]; the width of the paradise prepared for. 
3:133 [207]; description of the jannah (q.v.) promised 
for. 47:15 [1652); the Hereafter (q.v.) will be 

better/best for. 4:77 [275]; 7:169-170 [531-532]; 
16:30-32 [836-837]; 43:35 [1591]; are not 

accountable for the unbelievers, 6:67 [418); the 
end/ultimatc outcome will be in favour of. 1 1 49 
[695]; 28:83 [1262]: the abode of the Hereafter (q.v.) 
is the best for, 12:109 [761-762]; Allah will save the, 
19:72 [969]; 39:61 [1502-1503]; 44:56 [1616]; 52:18 
[1709]; 92:17 [1997]; the Qur'4n (q.v.) is good news 
for, 19:97 [975]: the Qur'in is an admonition for, 
24:34 [1 1 19-1 120); the Qur'an (q.v.) is a reminder 
for. 69:48 [1875]; on the Day of Judgement the 
junnah (q.v.) will be brought near for, 26:90 [1 178), 
50:31 (1692); on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 
conducted in groups into junnah (q.v.) will be, 39:73 
[1507]; will praise Allah for the truth of His promise. 
39:74 [1507); are not like the immoral ones. 38:28 

Nokhlah. allusion to the expedition to. 2:217 1 105). 

NamrDdh, King, argument of. with Ibrahim (q.v.) about 
Allah. 2:258[I33-134], 

Nasr ( name of an imaginary god of Nflh's people). 

Near relalioin (see also Kinsmen l. command to give his 
due to. 17:26 [881], 

Neighbours, duty to be good to. 4:36 [256-257). 

Neutral, prohibition to Tight against a people remaining. 
4:90 [281], 

New Moons, the. for time-tables and for Hajj (q.v.). 
2:189 [91]. 

Nicknames, prohibition to insult by calling. 49: 1 1 

Niggardliness, disapproval of. 70:21 [1880]; 92:8 

Night, the. Allah has made the day and. 21:33 [1021 J: is 
set / made for repose/ rest therein. 6:96 [431]; 
27:1228); 28:73 [1257-1258]; 28:73 [1257-1258]; 
40:61 [1531); Allah causes the alternation of the day 
and. 23:80 [1095]; is a sign (q.v.) of Allah, 41:37 
[1552]; there are sure signs in the alternation of the 
day (q.v.) and. 3:190 [230-231); 10:6 [638]; 10:67 
(661); 17:12 [876]; 24.44 [1125]; 27.86 [1228]; Allah 
mokes the day (q.v.) enter intu/roll over, 3:27 [165]; 
22:61 [1067]; 24:44 [1125]; 31:29 [1320-1321]; 
35:13 (1394-1395); 39:5 [1482]; 57:6 [1769]; Allah 
has set in succession the day and. 25:62 (1 157], Allah 
stnps the day (q.v.) off. 36:37 [1417]; Allah 
determines the day (q.v.) and. 73:20 [ 1902]; Allah has 
made serviceable. 14:33 [798]; 16:12 [830]; it is 
Allah's mercy that He has set the day and. 28:71-73 
[1257-1258]; Allah has made, as a covering, 
25:1152]; 78:10 [1934); Allah has made dark. 79:29 
[1944]; and day are meant for seeking Allah's grace 
and for reckoning years. 17:12 [876); is not to outstrip 
the day (q.v.) 36:40 [1418]; Allah's swearing by. 



74:33 (1909); 81:17 [ 1955}; 84:17 ( 1968); 89:4 
[1984]; 91:4 [1992]; 92:1 [1995]; 93:2 [1998]; 
command lo seek refuge with Allah from the evil of. 
1 13:3 [2030]. 

Night Journey, the (see Isn S', al-). 

Night of Decree, the. sending down of the Qur'kn (q.v.) 
in. 97:1 [2007]: position of. 2-3 [2007]; descending of 
the angels (q.v.) and Jibrfl (q.v.) by Allah's command 
in. 97:4-5 [2007], 

Nightly prayers, the (see also Tahajjud ). a characteristic 
of the believers (q v.VMuslims (q.v.Vservants of Allah 
(q.v.) is, 25:64-66 [1157-1158], 

Ni'nuil i. you cannoi count Allah's. 14:34 [798-799]; 
16:18 [832]; Allah makes full on you His. 16:80-81 
[853-854); the unbelievers (q.v.) knowingly disavow 
Allah's, 16:83 [855], inUin (q.v.) is Allah's. 49:8 
[1679]; 49:17 [1684] 

Nflh, sural, 71 [1884-1889]; Allah's selection of, os a 
ProphetfMcsscngcr. 3:33 [168]; 6:84 [425]; 57:26 
[1779]; 71:1 [1884]; Allah's wahy (q.v.) to. 4:163 
[317]; covenant taken by Allah from. 33:7 |I337|; 
preaching of lawliid (q.v.) lo his people by. 7:59-63 
[489-490]; 10:71-72, [662-663]; 11:26-34 [686-690]; 
23:23 [1080); 26:106-110 [1181]; 71:2-20 

[1884-1887]; stayed among his people for nine 
hundred and fifty years, 29:14 [1269]; rejection of the 
meassage by the chiefs of the people of. 23:24-25 
[1080-1081); 71:21-24 [1888]; 26:1 1 1-1 16 

[1181-11 82], there disbelieved the people of. 22:42 
[1061]; 26:105 [1180-1181]; 38:12 [1462]; 40:5 
(1510); 50:12 [1687]; 54:9 [1730-1731]; instance of 
the disbelief of the wife of. 66:10 (1848): punishment 
and drowning of the disbelieving people of. 7:64 
[490); 9:70 [607]; 10:73 [663-664]; 11:36 [690]; 
11:42-43 [692-693]; 14:9-15 [787-791]: 21:77 

[1032-1033]: 23:27 [1082]; 25:37 [1149]; 26:1 17-120 
[1182-1183]; 29:14 [1269]; 37:82 [1443]; 51:46 
[17041; 53:52 |I726); 54:10-12 [1731]; 71:25 [1 889|; 
prayers of, 71:26-28 |I889]; saving in the Ark (q.v.) 
of. and his followers, 11:37-41 [691-692]; 11:44-48 
[693-695]; 17:3 [873]; 21:76 [1032]; 23:26-29 
[1081-10831. 26 119 [1183; 29:15 [1269-1270]; 
37:75-81 [1442-1443]; 40:31 [1520]; 54:13-14 

[1731]; 69:11-12 (1870); the Ad (q.v.) were 
successors lo (he people of, 7:69 [492]; the people of 
Madyan (q.v) reminded of the fate of the people of. 
11:89 [7 10]; many unbelieving generations destroyed 
by Allah after, 17 17 [878); Prophets from the progeny 
of, 19:58 [965]; 57:27 [1779]; Islam is the din (q.v.) 
of. 42:13 [1564]. 

Nur. al- (Light); sural, |l 105-1136]; Allah is (he, of the 
heavens and the earth (q.v.), 24:35 [1 120-1 121]; none 
can have, unless Allah sets for him. 24:40 ( 1123). 

Oath, prohibition of making of, by Allah for not doing a 
good deed, 2:224-225 (1 10-11 1]; rule regarding, to 
abstain from wife (q.v.), 2:226 [111]; punishment for 
the violators of, 3:77 [185-186]; expiation for the 
breach of. 5:89 (373-374); counter-oaths in reply to 
an. 5:108 [384); Allah prohibits the break of an. 
16:91-92 1858]; Allah prohibits making deception of 
an. 16:94 [859]; Allah makes, by Himself. 51:23 
[1699]; 70:40 [1882-1883]: 91:5-7 [1992-1993]; 92:3 
[1995]: Allah makes, by the living self. 91:7 [1993]; 
Allah ordains for the absolution of, 66:2 [1844] 

Obedience, to parents (q.v.) enjoined. 2:81 [38]; 
17:23-24 1880-881]; 29:8 [1267]; to those in 
authority. 4:59 [266]; reward for. to Allah and His 
Messenger (q.v.). 4:69 (271). 

Obscenities, believers (q.v.) abstain from the, 42:37 

Olives, are Allah's creation. 6:99 [433]; 6:141 [451]; 
16:11 [830]; 23:20 [1079); 80:29 [1950]; Allah's 
swearing by, 95: 1 [2002). 

Oppression. Allah forbids. 161857]. 

Orphans, duly lo be good lo. 2:83 [39]; 2:177 [83]: 4:36 
[256]; charily to be bestowed on, 2:215 [104]; 
enjoined to improve and take care of the property of. 
2:220 [107-108], 4:6 [238-239]; 17:34 [883]; 
prohibition to eat up the properties of. 4:2 [237]; 4: 10 
[2401; 4:127 [300]; 6:152 [457]; 17:34 [833]; 
distribution of the booty from Bond al-Nadir (q.v.) to, 
59:7 (1797); the righteous (q.v.) feed the, 76:8-9 
[1920-1921]; emphasis on generosity to. 89:17 
[1986]; emphasis on feeding, 90:14-15 [1990-1991]; 
command not to treat harshly, 93:9 [ 1999]; those who 
disbelieve in the Resurrection and Judgement drive 
away. 107:1-2 [2024). 

Outraged/wronged. Allah helps the. 22:60 1 1066-1067); 

Pact, see Treaty. 

Pagan Arabs (see also Polytheists); dislike of female 
child by. 16:58 (845-846); burying alive of female 
child by. 16:59 [846], 

Pairs, the. Allah creates. 36:36 [1417]; 42:11 [1563]; 
43:12 11584]; 63:45 [1725]; Allah has created of 
everything, 51:49 [1704]. 

Palms, are Allah's creation. 16:11 [830], 

Paradise, sec jamah 

Paramours, prohibition to take. 4:25 [252]; 5:5 [330); 

Parents, command to be obedient and good lo. 2:81 
[38]; 4:36 [256]; 6:151 [457]; 17:23-24 [880-881]; 
29:8 [1267]; 31:14 [1315]; 46:46:15 [1636-1637]; 
punishment and loss for those who disbelieve in the 
resurrection (q.v.) and hurt their. 46:17-18 
[1637-1638]; not to obey, in committing shirk. 29:8 
[1 267); 31:15 [1315]; charity to. 2:215 [104]; share 
of, in the inheriutnee (q.v.), 4:7 (239); 4:1 1 [241-242]: 
YahyS (q.v.) was dutiful to. 19: 14 [953], 



Parties, the. see Ahzub. al-. 

Party of Allah, successful will be the. 58:22 [1793]; 
Pasture, is Allah's creation. 80:31 (1951); 87:4-5 (1977); 
Paternal religion, the unbelievers' plea of. for not 
accepting Islam (q.v.). 2:170 [80); 31:21 (1318); 34 
:43 |I384). 

Patience (see also Patient), command to seek Allah's 
help with. 2:45 [22); 2:152 [72); is an element of piety 
(q.v.). 2:177 (84); 3:17 [160); command to have. 
3:200 [235]; 3:186 (229); 7:87 [500]; 7:128 (511); 
8:46 [564); 10:109 |676); 11:49 [695], 11:115 [718); 
16:126-127 [871]; 20:130 [1009]; 38:7 [1463); 40:55 
[1528); 40:77 [1536); 50:39 [1694); 68:48 [1867]; 
76:24 [1924]; reward for those who havc/bcar with. 
3:17 [160-161]; 8:66 [571]; 11:11 [681); 12:90 [755); 
13:24 (774); 16:42 [841]; 16.96 [860]; 16:110 [865]; 
23:111 1102); 25:75 [1I60];[ 28:54 (1251); 28:80 
(1261); 29:58-59 [1285-1286); 32:24 (1331); 33:35 
1 1 349); 39: 10 [ 14851; 41:35 [1 552); 76: 1 2 [ 192 1 ]; the 
previous messengers bore with. 6:34 [404; 46:35 
[1645); mutual counselling of. enjoined. 90:17 
[1991]; 103:3 [2019]. 

Pauent/ Persevering, the, Allah is with. 2:153 |73); 
2:249 [127); 8:46 [564); 8:66 [571]; good tidings for. 
2:155-157 [73-74). 22:35 [1058]; Allah loves the. 
3:146 [21 2); command to be. 3:200 (235); 4:25 [252); 
30:60 [1310); 31:17 (1316); 46:35 (1645); 52:48 
[1716); 70:5 (1878); 73:10 [1899); 74:7 [1905); the 
Messengers (q.v.) were, 21:85 (1935); 46:35 [1645]; 
men of understanding be. 13:22 (773); reward for, 
28:80 [12611; 33:35 [1349-1350]; 39:10 (1485); 

Peace, instructions regarding the making of. 8:61-62 
[569-570]; 47:35 [1659]; believers are enjoined to 
make, between themselves. 49-9-10 (1679-1680). 
Pearls, there come out of the two seas (q.v.) corals and. 

Pen. the. Allah's oath by. 68:1 [1859); Allah taught man 
by, 96:4 [2004). 

Penitence. Allah accepts. 40:3 (1509). 

Penitents, the. Allah is Most Forgiving to, 17:25 [881); 

Allah guides towards Him. 42:13 [1565). 
Peoplc/pcoplcs (see also qawm. ' ummuh ). duty to speak 
what is good to, 2:83 [39|; Allah docs not change His 
grace upon a. unless they change what is with 
themselves. 8:53 (567); no Messenger was sent except 
with the tongue of his own. 14:4 (785); Allah guides 
not the disbelieving. 16:107 [864); Allah gudes not 
the trangressing. 28:50 [1249-12501; Allah punishes 
not any. before sending a Messenger. 20:134 
[1010-1011); Allah has set a ceremony/ritua! for 
every, 22:34 [1057); 22:67 [1069); there cannot 
advance or delay its appointed term (q.v.) any. 23:43 
[1086]; prohibition of mocking (q.v.) by one people at 

another. 49:11 [1680): mankind are made into tribes 
(q.v.) and. for identification. 49:13 [1682], 

People of the Book, see 'AM ut-Kuub 

People of the Cave, the. story of. 18:9-26 [912-920); the 
number of. 18:22 [918-919); period in the cave spent 
by. 18:25 [9201. 

Persecution (see also Filnuh). worse than killing. 2:191 
[92); 2:217 [105]. 

Petty things (of necessity), woe to those who refuse. 
107:4.7 [2024], 

Pharaoh, the. see Fir'awn. 

Piety, constituent elements of. 2:177 (83-84); cannot be 
attained by one unless one spends in the way of Allah 
(q.v.) what one loves. 3:92 [192]; command to 
cooperate in, 5:2 (326); the best attire of man (q.v.) is. 
7:26 [473). 

Planets, the. Allah's oath by. 81:15 [1955]. 

Plants and tress, sec vegetation. 

Poet/poets, the. say what they do not do, 26:223-226 
[1200]; the unbelievers' (q.v.) allegation of the 
Messenger of Allah (q.v.) being a, 37:36 (1436). 

Polytheism, unreasonableness of. 7:190-195 (540-541); 
7:197-198 [542); 16:72-73 [850-851); 21:24 (1018); 
34:27 (1377-1378); command to abandon the filth of, 
74:5 [1904]; successful shall be he who purifies 
himself from unbelief and. 87:14 [1979]; 91:9 [1993]; 
failure will be he who corrupts himself with. 91:10 

Polylheisi, the instance of a poor believer and an 
affluent, 18:32-43 [923-928]. 

Polytheists, the, prohibition of marriage with. 2:221 
[108]; fiercest in hostility to the believers ore. 5:82 
(370); command not to be, 6:14 (396); 30:31 [1300); 
position of. on the Day of Judgement (q.v.), 6:22-23 
(399); 28:65-66 [1255); 68:42-43 (1865-1866); on the 
Day of Judgement frustrated will be, 20:111 ( 1003); 
command not to rely on, 11:113 [718); 7:38-39 
[478-479]; 11:109 [716); attitude of, to the truth and 
the Qur'Sn, 6:25-26 (400-401); on the Day of 
Judgement (q.v.) their supposed deities will not be of 
any availAvill turn hostile to/ will disavow. 6:94 [430J; 
7:37 [478]; 7:53 [486]; 10:28-29 (648): 16:86-87 
[856] 18:52 (930-931): 19:81-82 [971-972); 25:17-18 
(1142-1143); 26:92-93 (1178-1179); 28:62-64 

[1254-1255]; 28:74-75 (1258); 45:10 [1620); 46:6 
[1532-1633]; 68:41 [1865). on the day of 

Resurrection/ Judgement there will disown, one 
another. 29:25 [1273); on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 
their ears, eyes and skins will testify against. 41 :20-22 
(1546-1547); on the Day of Judgement there shall not 
avail their plotting. 52:46); names of some supposed 
goddesses of. 53:19-20 [1720); impotence of the 
deities worshipped by, 10:34-35 [650]; 13:16 
[770-771); 16:17 (832): 16:20-21 [833); 16:72-73 



[850-851]; 17:56-57 [890-891]; 21:21 [1017]; 

21:21:43 (1024); 21:66-67 [1030]; 22:12-13 [1049]; 
22:73 [1071-1072]; 25:3 [1138]; 25:55 [1154]; 29:17 
[12701; 29 41 [1279-1280); 30:40 [1303]; 31:11 
[1314]; 34:22 [376]; 34:49 [1386]; 35:13 [1395]; 
35:40 [1404-1405]; 36:23 [1414]; 36:74-75 

[1426-14271; 39:38 [1494-1495]; 39:43 [1496]; 40:20 
[1516]; 46:4 [1632]; 46:28 [1642); 68:41 [1865]; 
false arc the deities worshipped by. 22:62 (1067); 
31:30 [1321]; 46:28 [1642]; there respond not the 
deities invoked by. 13:14 |769|; 17:67 [894-895]; 
35:14 [1395]; 46:5 [1632); on the Day of Resurrection 
(q v ) their supposed deities will disclaim. 35:14 
[1395]; have no authority to worship the imaginary 
deities, 22:71 [1070]: 23:117 [1103]; 30:35 [1301]; 
35:40 1405]; 37:156-157 [1454]; 43:21 [1587]; 46:4 
[1532]; 52:38 [1713-1714]; 53:23 [1720]; 68:37-40 
[1864-1865]; unreasonableness of, 7:190-195 
[540-541]; 7:197-198 [542); 16:72-73 [850-851]; 
21:24 [1018]; 52:32-41 [1712-1714]; 68:37-40 

(1864-1865); 68:47 [1866]; paternal religion as plea 
advanced by. 2 170 (80); 5:104 [381]; 7:70 
[492-493]; 31:21 [1318]: 43:20-24 [15877-1588]; 
plea in support of polytheism advanced by. 6:148 
[455]; 7:70 [492-493J; 10:18 [642]; 16:35 [838-839); 
31:2! [1318]; 39:39:3 [1481]; 46:28 [1642]; their 
deeds embellished to them by the associates of. 41:25 
[1548]; no power of intercession (q.v.) have the 
imaginary deities worshipped by. 43:86 [1604]; on 
the Day of Judgement questioned about their replies to 
the Messengers (q.v.) will be. 28:65-66 [1255]; on the 
Day of Judgement (q.v.) neither any friend/hclper nor 
any intercessor wll there be for. 40:18 [1515]; 42:46 
[1577]; 52.46 |1715]; on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 
no excuse will be of avail to, 40:52 [ 1 528]; on the Day 
of Resurrection thunderstruck will be. 52:45 [1715]; 
will disbelieve in/disavow their deities on the Day of 
Judgement. 30:13 [1293-12941; 41:47 [1557]; setting 
of jinns (q.v.) as partners of Allah by. 6:100 [433]; 
34:40-41 [1383]; 37:158 (1454); setting of angels 
(q.v.) as Allah's daughters by, 17:40 [885]; 
37:149-150 [1454], attribution of sons and daughters 
to Allah by. 6:100 [433]; 16:57 [845]; 18:4-5 [91 1); 
19:88-91 [973-974]; 21:26 [1019]; 37:149-158 

[1453-1454], 43:15 [1585]; 52:39 [1714]; 53:21 
[1720]; recognition of the Allah's rububiwah by. 
10:31 [649]; 29:61 [1286-1287]; 29:63 [1287]; 31:25 
(1319); 39:38 [1494]; 43:9 [1584]; 43:81 [1603]: 
43:87 [1604]; setting apart of crops for Allah and the 
imaginary deities by, 6:135 [448-449]; setting apart a 
portion of their wealth for their deities by. 16:56 
[845], follow naught but conjecture. 6:148 [455]; 
10.36 [650-651]; 10:66 [661]; 53:23 [1720]; 53:28 
[1721-22]; dislike of female chtld/daughtcrs by, 16:58 

[845-846]; 52:39 [1714]; 53:21-22 [1720]; killing/ 
burying alive of female babes (q.v.) by. 6:137 [449], 
6:140 [450-451]; 16:59 (846];I6:59 [846]; tabooing 
of certain livestock (q.v.) by. 6:138-139 |449-450): 
6:143-144 [452-453]; 6: 148 [455]. 10:59 [658); 16:35 
[838-839; duly to observe the treaty (q.v.) with. 9:4 
[577-578]: 9:7 [579]; command to give shelter to 
anyone seeking shelter from among, 9:6 [578-579]; 
command to fight those who violate a treaty from 
amomg. 9:5 [576); 9:12-15 [581-582]; are prohibited 
from attending to and practising polytheism in 
mosques (q.v.). 9:17 [583]: not entitled to maintain 
al-Masjid al-Haram (q.v.). 9: 19 [584]; are prohibited 
from approaching al-Masjid ul-Huram. 9:28 (588); 
Allah will make prevail the Din (q.v )/His light even 
though there detest. 9:33 [590]; 61:8-9 [1816-1817]; 
the Messenger is not to seek forgiveness for, 9: 1 1 3 
[627]; the Messenger (q.v.) worships not what is 
worshipped by. 10:104 (674); hcllftrc is the 
destination of. 14:30 [797]; 16:62 [846-847]; 17:39 
(885): 21:29 [1019-1020]; 29:25 1 1274]; 41:24 
|I548]; 42:45 (1577); 48:6 [1662-1663); 50:24-26 
[1690-1691]: intense disbelief and disobedience of. 
52:44 [1715]: hellftrc for. and for the deities 
worshipped by. 21:98-100 [1039-1040; 26:92-99 
[1178-1180]; 36:75 [1427]; 37:22-26 (1434); 39:8 
[1484]; 39:16 [1486-1487]; 39:24 (1490): 40:43 
[1525]; 98:6 [20091; punishment for. 33:73 [1366]; 
34:42 (1383-1384); 37:38-39 [1436-1437]; 37:67-68 
(1441); 41:6 115411; 42:21 (1569); 51:59-60 [1706]; 
52:47 [1715]: 76:31 [1925]. on the Day of 
Resurrection losers will be. 39:15 [I486]; on the Day 
of Judgement (q.v.) will wish to ransom themselves 
with all that is in the heavens and Ihc earth together 
with its equivalent. 39:47-48 [1498]; on Ihc Day of 
Judgement will wish for a return to worldly life, 42:44 
[1576-1577]; on the Day of Judgement their supposed 
deities will be lost to. 40:74 [1535]; 41:48 [15571; on 
the Day of Judgement their Satan will quarrel with and 
disclaim responsibility for. 50:27 [1691]: their 
believing on sccng the punishment will be of no 
benefit to. 40:84-185 [1539]; will not be allowed to 
appease on the Day of Judgement (q.v.). 41:24 ( 1548); 
the Messenger (q.v.) commanded to turn away from. 
15:94 [825]; 1 7:40 [885], respite given by Allah to. 
16.61 [846]; 42:14 [1565]; 42:21 [1569]; 43:83 
[1603]; 68:44-45 [1866]; turn away/lum arrogant 
when called to worship Allah Alone. 17:46 [ 887]; 
37:35-36 [1436], 39:45 [1497]. on the Day of 
Judgement (q.v.) Allah will judge between the 
believers (q.v.), the Jews (q.v.). the Majlis (q.v ). the 
Sabtans (q.v.) and, 22:17 [1050-1051]; shall have no 
protcctor/hclpcr. 22:71 (1070); 26:100-101); 1180; 
42:8 [1562]; do not appraise Allah His due 



appraisement. 22:74 ( 1072]; 39:67 (1504): 

ungratefulness of. 29:65-68 (1288-1289); worst 
trangrcssors (q.v.) are, 29:68 (1289); 39:32 (1492); 
are in obvious error. 31:11 (1314); an instance for. 
30:28-29 (1298-1299); 39:29 (1491-1492); most of 
the previously destroyed nations were, 30:42 (1304); 
inconsistent conduct of the Makkan. 35:42 
(1405-1406); 37:168-170 (1455-1456); cannot 

frustrate/escape Allah's punishment. 39:51 (1499); 
41:48 ( 1557); believe in Allah while setting partners 
with Him. 40:12 (1513); Allah is guard over, 42:6 
(1561); lawhid (q.v.) is heavy on. 42:13 (1565); were 
divided after knowledge/evidcncc had come to them. 
42:14 (1565); 98:1 (2008); 98:4 (2008-2009); were 
omtnandcd to worship Allah Alone and pay zakdh 
(q.v.). 98:5 (2009); their supposed deities did not 
enact any din for. 42:21 (1568); are friends one to 
another. 45: 19 1 1624); refusal of the Messenger (q.v.) 
to make any compromise with. 109:1-6 (2026). 

Pomegranates, are Allah's creation. 6:99 (433); 6:141 
(451); there will be in jannuh (q.v.), 55:68 (1751); 

Poor, the, duty to do good to. 2:83 (39); 2: 177 (83); 4:36 
(256); 17:26 (881); chanty to be bestowed on. 2:215 
(104). the nghtcous (q.v.) feed. 76:8-9 (1920-1921); 
emphasis on feeding. 89:18 (1986); 90:16 (1991); 
feeding of. as expiation for breach of an oath (q.v.), 
5:89 (373); feeding of. os expiation for hunting(q.v.) 
in the state of Ihrdm (q.v.), 5:95 (377); zakdh (q.v.) 
to be given to. 9:60 (602); command not to swear for 
personal reason against giving sadaqah (q.v.) to. 
24:22 (1113): command to give their due to, 30:38 
(1302); expiation for the sin of zihdr (q.v.) is to feed 
sixty of. 58:4 (1784). distnbution of the booty of 
Bam) ol-Nadir (q.v.) to. 59:7 (1797); punishment for 
not feeding. 74:44 (1910); those who disbelieve in the 
Resurrection and Judgement do not encourage the 
feeding of. 107:1.3 (2024). 

Poverty, prohibition to kill children (q.v.) for fear of. 
17:31 (882-883). 

Prayer, (sec also Saldh). Allah (q.v.) responds to His 
servants'. 2:186 (88). 

Privacy, hours of. 24:58 ( 1 1 30- 1 1 3 1 ); 

Private consultation, believers enjoined to make a 
charitable gift before having a. with the Messenger 
(q.v.). 58:12-13 (1788-1789). 

Private ports, command to guard one's. 24:30-31 (II 16); 
70:31 1 1881); the believers (q.v.) guard thicr. 23:5-7 
(1076); jannuh (q.v.) for those who guard their. 

Prohibited food, see Hardm food. 

Prohibited meat, 5:3 (327-328). 

Promise, fulfilment of. enjoined, 61:2 (1814); gravely 
odious to Allah is the breach of. 61:3 (1814). 

Prophet, the. Sec Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. 

Prophets, the, Muslims (q.v.) must not differentiate 
between. 2:136 (64); 3:84 (188-189). belief in. a 
condition of piety (q.v.), 2:177 (83); sending of. by 
Allah. 2:213 (102); covenant taken by Allah from, to 
believe in the Last Messenger, 3:81-82 ( 1 87- 1 88); 
killing of, by the Ahl al-Kudh / Jews (q.v.). 2:61 (29); 
2:87 (41); 2:91 (43-44); 3:21 (163); 3:1 12 (199-200); 
3:181.183 (227.228); 4:155 (314); 5:5:70 1365; will 
be witnesses against their respective peoples. 4:41 
(258); will be brought up on the Day of Judgement 
(q.v.), 39:69 (1505); Allah's wahy (q.v.) to. 4:163 
(317); were Muslims. 5:44 (350); the same message 
and guidance to all. 6:83-90 [425-427]; 21:92 (1038); 
differences and sects were made by the followers of. 
23:53 (1088); enemies of Satans (q.v.) from among 
men and jinn (q.v.) set for every, 6:112-113 
(438-439); some above others in ranks. 17:55 (890); 
Satan (q.v.) attempted to interfere with and divert the 
propagation of all. 22:52-53 (1063-1064); Allah sent 
many. 43:6 (1583); mocked were before. 43:7 (1583) 

Prophcthood, is a special grace of Allah (q.v.), 3:73-74 

Prostration, Shahs of. 7:206 (5451; 13:15 (770); 16:50 
|843); 19:58 (965); 22:18 (1052). 22:77 (1073); 25:60 
(1156); 27:26 (1210); 32:15 (1328); 38:24 (1465); 
41:38 (1553); 53:62 (1728); 84:21 (1969); 96:19 

Provision. Allah gives. 15:20-21 (810): 16:72 (850); 
30:40 |I303); 50:11 (1687); Allah stretches out. and 
measures out. for whom He will. 13:26 (775); 3:37 
(170); 17:30 (882); 28:82 (1261): 29:62 (1287); 30:37 
(1302): on Allah is every creature's. 11:6 (679); 
15:20-21 (810); Allah sends down from the sky (q.v.), 
40:13 (1514); 51:22 (1699). 

Punishincnt/retribulion. command to follow the Qur'4n 
before the sudden coming of Allah’s. 39:55-58 
(1501-1502); there is no escape from/defence against 
Allah's. 42:31 (1573); 42:35 (1574); 52:8 (1708); 
67:20 (1855); 67:28 (1857); 70:2-3 (1877); shall take 
place. 52:7 (1707-1708); 701 (1877); Allah can at 
any lime send down. 67:16-17 (1854); Allah Alone 
knows the time of, 72:25-26 (1896); Allah gives 
warning of a. not far away. 78:40 (1939); on the Day 
of Judgement Allah's punishment will be unlike 
anyone elsc's. 89:25-26 ( 1988): wealth shall not avail 
the unbeliever against Allah's, 92:11 (1996); Allah is 
the Owner of. 41:43 (1555); Allah is severe in, 2:165 
(78); 2:196 (95); 2:211 [1011: 3:11 (158); 5:2 (326); 
5:98 (379); 8:13 (550); 8:25 (555); 8:48 (565); 8:52 
(566); 13:6 (766); 40:3 (1509); 40:22 (1517); 59:4 
(1796); 59:7 (1797); Allah is quick in. 6:165 (464); 
7:167 (530); (See also under Disbelievers. Kafir, 
Munadfiqdn. Unbelievers). 

Pursuit, of the enemy after battle. 4. 104 (291). 



Qdbil, (see also 'Adam, the two sons of), killing of Habit 
(q.v.) by, 5:27-31 [341-343]. 

Qadr, a sural. 97 [2007]. 

Qadar ( meosure/spccification). Allah has created 
everything according to. 54:49 [1739], 

QirOn, arrogance and destruction of, 28:76-82 
[1258-1262]; 29:39-40 [1278-1279]; as collaborator 
of Fir'awn (q.v.). 40:24 [1517]. 

Qaryah. sec Habitation. 

Qawm (see also 'umnuih). there was a guide (Messenger) 
for every. 13:7 [767]; Allah changes not what is with 
a. unless they change what is with themselves. 13:1 1 

Qibtah, the, tefixing of. towards the Ka'ba (q.v.). 
2:142-145,148-150 [67-71]; prayers made towards the 
previous, will not go in vain, 2:143 [68]; ah I ul-Kitub 
will not follow your, even if given all miracles (q.v.), 
2:145 (69). 

Qis&s, prescribed in respect of the murdered, 2:178-179 
[84-85]; fighting hack agrecssors in the Sacred 
Month (q.v) is a kind of. 2:194 [93]; the rules in the 
Tawrdh (q.v.) about, 5.45 [351-352], 

Qiytimah. al • ( sec also the Resurrection), sural. 

Quba’ Mosque, was founded on piety. 9:108-109 

Qur’dn, the, no doubt is there in, 2:2 [3]; 10:37 [651]; is 
guidance/mcrcy for the multaqun (q.v.ybclievers 
(q.v.). 2:2 [3]; 3:138 [209]; 7:52 [485]; 10:57 
[657];7:52 [485]; 7:203 [544]; 12:111 [762]; 16:64 
[847]; 16:89 [857]; 16:102 [862]; 27:2 [1202]; 27:77 
[1225]: 41:44 [1555]; 45:11 [1621]; 45:20 [1624]; is 
good news for the righteous (q.v.). 46:12 [1635]; is a 
healing and mercy to the believers (q.v.) 17:82 [900]; 
41:44 [1555]; guides to that which is the nghtesl/lo 
the right path. 17:9 [875]; 72:2 [1890]; is full of 
wisdom. 36:1 [1409); 43:4 (1583). 54:5 [1730]; is 
exalted. 43:4 [1583]; 80:13 [1948]; is glorious, 85:21 
[1973]; is in the Mother of Book (q.v.), 43:4 [1583]; 
is in the hands of noble and dutiful scribes, 80:15-16 
[1949]; is full of reminding. 38:2 [1459); is a 
reminder for all beings/peoplc. 38:87 [1479]; 43:44 
[1593); 68:52 |I867|; 73:19 [1901]; 74:31 [1908]; 
74:54 [1911]; 76:29 (1025); 80:11-12 [1948], 81:27 
[1956]; command to remind by. 50:45 [1695]; is a 
momentous/greal intelligence. 38:67 [1475); 78:2 
[1933); is most distinguished. 41:41 [1554]; is 
glorious. 50:1 [1685); is most noble. 56:77 [1764); is 
called Rih (q.v ). 42:52 [1580]; is called dhikr. 3:58 
[178]; 15.6 [807|; 15:9 [808]; 16:44 [842; 21:50 
[1926]; 23:71 [1092); 25:29 [1146]; 26:5 [1163], 
38:49 [1472]; 38 87 [1479]; 41:41 [1554]; 43:5 

|1583); 43:36 [1591]; 53:29 [1722]; 54:25 [13741; 
57:16 [1774], 58 19 [1791]; 65:10 [1842]; 68:51-52 

[1867]; 72:17 [1894]; 77:5 [1926]; 81:27: is called 
hudilh. 77:50 [1932]; is the word most decisive. 96: 1 3 
[1975]; is called Light. 4:174 [323]; 5:15 [336]; 
42:52 [1580]; 64:8 [1833]; is called Allah's 
Signs( rlvaAr), 2:99 [47]; 2:151 [72]; 2:252 [128]; 
3:58 [178]; 6:33 1403]; 8:31 [557]; 10:15 [641]; 13:1 
[763]; 15:1 [806); 16:104.105 [863]; 19:58 [965]; 
19:73 [969]; 20:126 [1008); 22;16 [1050]; 22:72 
[1071]: 24:34 [II 19]; 24:46 [1 125]; 26:2 [1 162]; 27:1 
( 1 202]; 28:2 [ 1 23 1 ]; 28:87 [ 1 264]; 31:7 [1312]; 33:34 
[1348]; 34:43 [1384]; 45:6 [1619]; 45:8 [1620]; 45:31 
[1628]; 45:35 |I629]; 46:7 [1633]: 57:9 [1770]; 62:5 
[1821-1822]; 65:11 [1842]; 68:15 [1861]; 74:16 
[1905]; 78:28 [1937]; 83:13 [1961-1962]; is 
preserved in al-Lnwh al-Mah/Qz (q.v.), 56:78. 56:78 
[1764]; 85:22 [1973]; none but the one who be clean 
should touch. 56:79 [1764); Allah's oath by, 50:1 
[1685]; 52:2 [1707]; conveys good tidings and gives 
warning. 41:4 (1541); sending down of, by Allah, 
2:23 [12]; 2:90-91 [43]; 2:97 [46]; 2:99 [47]; 2:213 
[102]; 2:231 [115); 3:3-4 [154-155]; 3:7 [156]; 4:82 
[277); 4:105 [291]; 4:113 [294]; 4:136 [305]; 4:166 
[319]; 4:174 [323]; 5:15-16 1336-337]; 6:19 [398]; 
6:91 [427-4281; 6:114 [439]; 6:155-157 [459-460]; 
7:1 [465]; 10:37 [651]; 10 94 [671]; 11:14 1682]; 
12:2 [722]; 15:9 [808]; 15:87 [824]; 16:44 [842]; 
16:64 [847]; 16:89 [857]; 16:102 [862]; 20:2-4 [976]; 
20:99 [1000]; 21:10 [10151; 21:50 [1026]; 25:1 
[1137]; 25:6 [1139]; 26:192 [-194 (1195); 28.51 
[1250]; 28:85 [1263]; 28:87 [1264]; 29:47 [1282); 
29:51 [1283]; 32:2 [1324]; 36:6 [1409]; 41:42 [1554]; 
47:2 [1647]; 57:9 [1770]: 69 43 [1875]; 75:16-19 
[1915]; 76:23 [1923]; sending down of, during the 
month of Ramadan (q.v.), 2:185 [87]; sending down 
of. in a Blessed night (q.v ), 44:3 1 1606]; 97:1 [2007]; 
Allah's communication of, 42:7 [1561-1562]; 53:3-4 
[1717]; Jibril (q.v.) taught the Messenger (q.v.). 
53:5-6 [1718]; 69:40 [1874]; Jibril brought down. 
81:19-21 [1955]; command to rcad/rccite,73:20 

[1902]; 96:1.3 (2004); was sent down/commumcaled 
in Arabic. 12:2 [722]; 19:97 [975]; 20:113 [1004]; 
26:195 [1196]; 41:2 [1540]; 42:7 [1561-1562]; 42:52 
[1580]; was sent down as a law in Arabic. 13:37 
[780-781]; is in Arabic. 39:28 [1491]; 41:3 [1540]; 
46:12 [1635]; Allah has made it/made it easy in 
Arabic. 43:3 [1582], 44:58 [1616); Allah has made it 
easy for remembrance. 54:17 [1732]; 54:22 [1733]; 
54:32 [1735]; 54:40 [1737]; 87:8 [1978]; Allah 
taught. 55:2 [1741]; 97:6-7 [1978]; the reason for its 
having been sent down in Arabic. 41;44 [1555]; was 
sent down with the truth (q.v.). 17:105 [907]; 35:31 
[1400]: is called "the truth". 34:43 [1384]; 46:7 
[1633]: is the truth (q.v.), 35:31 [1400); 41:53 [1559]; 
47:2 [1747]; 69:51 [1876]; was sent down as clear 



signs. 22:16 [1050]; 24:34 [II 19]: 24:46 [1 125]: 27:1 
[1202]; there is no crookedness in, 39:28 [1491); open 
and clear is the. IS: I [806); 28:2 (1231); 36:69 
[1425]; 18:54 [931); 44:2 [1606]; 46:8 [1633]; 
everything set out in detail in, 17:41 [885); 17:89 
[902]; 41:3 [1540]; was sent down at intervals. 17:106 
[908]; 25:32 [1147]; falsehood cannot approach. 
41:42 [1554], was communicated by wahy (q.v.), 
35:31 [1400]; is not the saying of a poet or of a 
sooth sayer. 69:41-42 [1874-1875]; the Messenger 
(q.v.) was enabled by Allah to receive. 27:6 (1203); 
the previois scriptures fortcll the coming down of. 
26:196-197 (1196); the Messenger (q.v.) asked not to 
hasten with, before the conclusion of its 
communication. 20:114 [1004]; 75:16-19 [1915); 
reciting of. by the Messenger (q.v.). 98:2-3 [2008); the 
allegation of the Messenger's having fabricated. 1 1 35 
[690]; 16:101 [862); 16:103 [862-863]; 21:5 [1013]; 
25:4-5 [1138-1139]; 32:3 [1324]; 34:43 [1384]; 38:7 
[1460]; 42:24 [1570]; 46:8 [1633]; 46:11 [1635]; 
52:33 [1713]; 68:15 [1861]; 69:41-43 [1874-1875]; 
74:24-25 [1907], rebuttal of the allegation of the 
fabrication of. 16:103-105 [862-863]; 25:6 [1139]; 
46:9 [1633]; 69:44-48 [1875); the unbelievers/ 
disbelievers express divergeni opinions about. 51:8-9 
[1697]; challenge to produce a surah like that of. 2:23 
[12]; 10:37 |65l|; challenge to produce ten surahs 
like those of. 1 1: 13 [682); challenge to the unbelievers 
to come up with a discourse like, 52:34 [1713]; men 
and jinn combinedly cannot produce the like of. 17:88 
[901-902]; Band Isri’il (q.v.^W ul-Kitdb (q.v.) 
called upon to believe in. 2:41 [21]; 4:47 [262; 
disbelief of Bond Isri'il in. inspite of knowledge of its 
truth and out of envy 2:89-90 [42-43); confirms what 
is before it. 2:89 [42]; 2:91 [43]; 2:97 (46); 3:3 [154]; 
5:48 [353]; 6:92 [428; 10:37 (651); 12:111 [762]; 
35:31 [1401]; 46:12 [1635]; overrides what is before 
it of the Book (q.v.). 5:48 [353]; some of Ahl al-Kilub 
(q.v.) believed in. 2.121 [57]: 17:107-108 1908-909]; 
command to adjudicate according to. 4:59 
[266-267];4:65 [269-70): 4:105 [291]; 5:48.49 [353. 
554], command to shun the company of those who 
scoff at. 4:140 [306); 6:68 (417-418); command to 
follow. 7:2 [466]; 39:55 [1501]; command to listen 
with attention when recited is, 7:204 [544]; the 
unbelievers' (q.v.) allegations against, 8:31 [557]; 
16:24 [834]; 21:3 [1013): 43:30 [1589]; 46:1 1 [1635]; 
68:15 [1861]; 74:24-25 [1907): 81:25 [1956]; 83:13 
[1962]; the unbelievers ask why it was not sent down 
on a great man of the two habitations. 43:31 [1590]; 
altitude of the munafujun (q.v.) to. 9:125-127 
(633-634); attitude of the Jews and Christians to. 
15:91 [824]; demand of the unbelievers (q.v.) for a 
different. 10:15 [641]; demand of the unbelievers to 

cause miracles by. 13:31 [777]; demand of the 
unbelievers to bring down in one instalment the 
whole, 25:32 [1147]; kdfir's/ unbelievers' attitude to/ 
to the recitation of, 22:72 [1071]; 23:66-68 [1091]; 
23:105 [1100]; 25:30 [1146-1147]; 26:5-6 [1163]; 
41:4-5 [1541]; 41:26 [1549]; 45:7-9 [1619-1620]; 
53:59-61 [1727-1728]; 68:15 [1861]; 68:51 [1867]; 
74:49-52 [1911]; 75:31-33 [1917]; 83:13 

(1961-1962); 84:20-21 [1968-1969]; the unbelievers' 
disbelief in. and other scriptures, 34:31 [1379); 78:28 
[1937]; the unbelievers' plot against. 86:15 [1976]; is 
a great grace of Allah to the Muslims (q.v.). 35:32 
[1401]; is a communique to mankind (q.v.), 14:52 
[804-805]; 28:47-48 [1248-1249]; Allah has given 
every kind of example for mankind (q.v.) in. 30:58 
[1309]; 39:27 [1491]; some of the threats spelt out in. 
20:113 [1004]; command to seek refuge with Allah 
against Satan (q.v.) while reciting, 16:98 (861); 
inability of the unbelievers(q.v.) to understand. 
17:45-46 [887]: there shall bear a burden on the Day 
of Resurrection (q.v.) those who turn away from. 
20:100-101 [1001]; the unbelievers turn away from. 
21:42 [1024]; 21:45 [10251; 23:71 [1092]; 41:4 
(1541); command to avoid those who turn away from. 
53:29 [1722]; Satan (q.v.) becomes the comrade of the 
one who becomes blind to. 43:36-37 [1591-1592]; on 
the Day of Resurrection raised as blind will be those 
who tum away from, 20:124-127 [1007-1008]; most 
painful punishment for those who arrogantly turn 
away from Ihc recitation of/disbelieve in. 31:7 
[1312-1313; 45:8-10 [1620]; 45:11 [1621]; worst 
astray is the one who disbelieves in. 41:52 [1559]; 
relates most of what Bond Isri'il (q.v.) differ in, 
27:756 [1225]; intelligent are those who follow. 39:18 
[1487]; they are in error whose hearts are hard to, 
39:22 [1489]; those who fear their Lord shiver at. 
39:23 [1490]; a group of jinn's (q.v.) listening to. 
46:29-30 [1643]; those whose hcrats are locked do not 
reflect about. 47:24 [1656]: a mountain would have 
been cleft asunder if sent down on it was, 59:21 
[1803]; very severe punishment for the one who turns 
away from. 72:17 [1894]; those who fear Allah take 
heed of, 87 : 1 0 ( 1 978] . the most wretched avoid, 87: 1 1 
[1978]; Allah makes easy the doing of goods deeds 
(q.v.) for those who believe in. 92:6-7 [1995-1996]; 
difficulty for those who are niggardly and disbelieve 
in. 92:8-10(1996]. 

Quraysh, the winter and summer trade journeys of. 
106:1-2 [2023], 

Quraysh. Band, reference to the defeat and expulsion 
of. 33:26-27 [1345], 

Rabbis and monks, taken os lords by Christian (q.v.) and 
Jews (q.v.). 9:31 [589]; devouring of men’s properties 
falsely by. 9:34(591], 



Rains, the (see also Water), Allah sends down. 6:99 
(432); 7:57 (487-488); 15:22 (811): 16:10 (830), 
16:65 (847); 22:63 (1068); 24:43 (1124); 25:48-49 
(1152-1153); 30:48 (1306); 31:34 (1323); 42:28 
(1572); 78:14 (1935). 

Ramadan, the month of. fasting (q.v.) made incumbent 
for. 2: 183- 1 85 [86 88); the Qur an (q.v.) sent down 
during. 2:185 (87); 

Reconciliation, believers are enjoined to make between 
their two fighting groups peace and. 49:9-10 

Relatives, near, duty to do good to, 2:83 (38); 2:177 
(83); 4:36 (256); charity to be bestowed on, 2:215 
(104); command not to swear for personal reason 
against giving sadnqah (q.v.) to. 24:22 (1113); 
command to give their due to. 30:38 (1302); 
distribution of the booty from Bnnu al-Nadir (q.v.) to, 

Religion (Din), no compulsion in the matter of. 2:256 
(132); 10:99 (672|; nothing will be acceptable to 
Allah other than Islam (q.v.) as, 3:85 (189); command 
not to be of those wlm split their. 30:32 (1300); 
command to set your face for the straight. 30:43 

Rely on Allah, command to, 4:81. (277); 58:10 (1787); 
believers (q.v.) do. 42:36 (1574). 

Relying ones (mulawakkilitn), the. Allah loves, 3:159 
(218); on Allah should rely, 12:67 (747); 14:12 (790); 
reward for. 16:42 |84l); 29:58-59 (1285-12861; Satan 
(q.v.) has no authoirty over. 16:99 (861); Allah 
suffices for. 65:3(1839). 

Repentance, sec lawbah. 

Repentant, the. Allah loves the. 2:222 (109); Allah is 
Most Forgiving to. 17:25 (881); 20:82 (995); Gardens 
of Eternity for those who are fearful of Allah and. 
19:60-63 [966-967). 

Reprisal, sec Quits 

Requital, every individual will have his. 45:22 (1625; 
45 28 (1627); 46: 19 ( 1638); 53:39-41 (1724-1725); 

Resurrection, the. the unbelievers' denial of/disbelief 
in. 6:29 (402); 11:7 [679-680; 16:38 (840); 17:49-51 
(888-889); 17:98 (905); 23:82-83 (1095): 25:40 
(1150); 27:67-68 (1223); 32:10 (1326-13271; 34:3 
(1368); 34:7 (1369-1370); 34:29 (1378); 36:77-78 
11427-1428); 37:16-17 (1433); 37:52-53 

(1438-14391; 41:50 (1558); 42 :18 (1567); 44:34-36 
(1612); 45:24-25 (1625-1626); 45:32 (1628); 50:2-3 
(1685); 56:47-48] 64:7 (1832): 67:25 (1856-1858); 
79:10-12 (1941); 84:14 (1968); the unbelievers' 
demand to have their forefathers brought back to life 
if true is. 44:36:1612); 45:25 (1626); the unbelievers/ 
disbelievers think remote is. 70:6 (1878); the 
unbelievers' (q.v.) demand to hasten. 42:17 (1567); 
the unbelievers' (q.v.) demand to know the time of. 

10:48 (654-655); 17:51 (888-889); 21:38 (1022); 
27:71 (1224); 34:29 (1378); 36:48 (1420); 67:25 
(1856-1857); 75:6 (1914); 79:42 (1946); the 
Messenger of Allah is not aware of the time of, 79:43 
1 1946); the disbelievers ore in confusion about, 50: 15 
(1688); amazing is the unbelievers' disbelief in. 13:3 
(765); many of jinn's (q.v.) disbelief in. 72:7 (1891); 
inevitability/ certainty of, 6:36 (405); 7:24 

(472);6:I34 (447-447); 16:1 (827); 17:50-51 

[888-889); 18:21 (918); 19:68 (968]; 20:15-16 (9791; 
30:25 (1297); 30:40 (1303); 30:50 (1307). 32:11 
(1327); 34:3 |I368); 42:18 (1567); 43:61 (1598); 
45:26 (1626); 51:5 (1696); 51:23 (1699); 56:1-6 
(1753-1754); 56:49-50 (1760); 58:6 (17851; 58:7 
11786); 58:18 (1791); 64:7 (1832); 67:15 (1854); 
69:1-3 (1868); 69:1-3 (1868); 69:15 (1871); 75:3-4 
(1913); 75:40 (1918); 78:4-5 (1933); 79; 1-9 
(1940-19411; 83:4 (19601; 8419 (19681; 100:9-10 
(2014); is called the Inevitable Event. 56:1 (1753); 
69:1 (1868); 69:15 (1871); 77:7 (1927); is called " the 
Most Monstrous Disaster". 79:34 (1945); is called “the 
Overwhelming Event”. 88:1 (1980); the believers 
(q v.) are apprehensive of. 42:18 (1567); the first and 
second blowing of the trumpet (q.v.) for, 39:68 
(1505); 79:6-7 (1941); 79:13 (1941-1942); as Allah 
grows plants out of the earth, so will He cause. 35:9 
(13921; 41:39 (1553); 43:11 (1584). 50:11 (1687); 
71:18 (1887); is a promise on Allah's part in truth. 
16:38-39 (840); Allah is All-Capable of causing. 
46:33 (1644); 53:47 (1726); 86:8 (19751; Allah will 
cause. 80:22 (1949); suddenness of. 16:77 

|852);I2:107 (761). 43:66 (1599); 46:17 (1638); 
47:18 (1653); there have already come some of the 
portents of. 47:18 (1654); as Allah initialed the 
creation, so He will cause. 10:4 [636);I5:85 (823); 
17:51-52 (889); 17:99 (905); 36:79.81 (1428-1429); 
everyone shall have to invoke Allah on. 6:49-41 
(406-407) ; there shall not avail anyone his believing 
on, 6:158 (461); 47:18 (1654); adornment and good 
things will be exclusively for the believers (q.v.) on. 
7:32 (476); Allah Alone has the knowledge of the 
Hour of. 7:186 (538); 16:21 (833); 41:47 [15561; 
67:26 |I857); 79:44 (1946); distressed will be the 
unbelievers when they see the approach of. 67:27 
(1857); Allah will decide about the differences among 
Band IsrS'll (q.v.) on. 10:93 (670); Fir'awn (q.v.) will 
conduct his followers to hell on. 11:98-99 (713); the 
unbelievers will bear their loads and of those whom 
they mislead on. 16:25 (834); the unbelievers will be 
mustered on their faces, dumb and blind on. 17:97 
1904-905); creation and. is as one individual (q.v.), 
31:28 (1320); punishment and toss for those who hurt 
their parents (q.v.) and disbelieve in. 46:17-18 



Retaliation, should be commensurate with the wrong 
suffered. 16:126 [871]; 22:60 (1066-1067); 42:40 
[1575): in case of murder (q.v.) the next-of- kin has 
the right of. 17:33 [883]. 

Retribution, see Punishment. 

Reward, fully paid will be everyone his. 39:70 [1505]; 
how excellent will be the practising ones', 39:74 
[1507]; those who believe and spend in the way of 
Allah shall have a magnificent, 57:7 [1769]; (See also 
believers, muttuqun, righteous, good deeds). 

Riches. Allah gives, 53:48 1 1726], 

Ridiculrcs. the. Allah suffices the Messenger (q.v.) 
against. 15:95 [825]. 

Righteous (see also mutiaqun ). the. Allah loves. 3: 148 
[212]; 5:93 [376]; Allah is with. 16:128 [871]; 29:69 
[1289]; Allah rewards. 28:14 [1235]; rewards for, 
5:84 [372]; 39:34-35 [1493]; 76:5-6 [1920; 76:11-18 
[1921-1922]; 78:31-36 11937-1938]; 82:13 [1959); 
83:18-28 [1962-19641; 89:27-30 1 1988]; Allah is the 
Guardian-Friend of. 7:196 [542]; Allah does not 
frustrate the reword of, 9:120-121 (631); 11:115 
[718-719; 12:56 [743]; 12:90 (755); the terror of the 
Resurrection (q.v.) shall not grieve. 21:101-103 
[1040-1041]; the earth (q.v.) shall be inherited by. 
21:105 [1041]: Allah will admit those who believe 
and do good deeds (q.v.) among. 29:9 [1267]; the 
Afiluh/Qur'in (q.v.) is guidance and tneney for. 31:3 
[1311]; the Kitdb/ Qur'ftn is good news for. 46:12 
[1635] characteristics of. 31:4-5 [1312]; successful 
will be. 31:5 [1312]; the most honourable in the sight 
of Allah is the most. 49:13 [1682]; fear the Day of 
Judgement (q.v.). 76:7 [1920]; 76:10 [1922]; feed the 
poor (q.v). the orphan (q.v.) and the captive (q.v.). 

Risuluh (Messcngcrship/Prophethood). Allah bestows on 
whomsoever He likes. 3:73:74 [183-184]; 14:11 
[789], 16:2 [827-828], 40:15 (15I4];43:32 [1590], 
57:21 [1777]; 57:29 [1781]; 62:4 [1821], 

Rivers, the. Allah has set in the earth. 132:3 [764]; 
16:15 [832]; 27:61 [1220]; 71:12 (1886); Allah has 
made serviceable. 14:32 [798). 

Riuf, See provision. 

Romans, the. defeat of, 30:2 [1290]; victory of, foretold. 
30:3-4 [1290-1291], 

Routes. Allah has set in the earth (q.v.). 43:10 [1584]. 

Ru>) (breath/spirit of life). 66:12 [1849); Allah blows 
into man (q.v.). 32:9 [1326). 

Ruh (withy/Qur an), is by the command of Allah. 17:85 
[900-901]; 42:52 [1580); Allah casts, on whomsoever 
He wills. 40:15(1514]. 

Ruh (help and guidance). Allah strengthens the believers 
with His. 58:22(1792]. 

Ruh/Rul/ al-'Amin. ul- (see also Jibril). bnnginging 
down of the Qur'Sn (q.v.) by. 1 195); on the day of 

Judgement there will stand up m rows the angels (q.v.) 
and. 78:38 ( 1938]; descent of, by Allah's command in 
the Night of Decree (q.v.). 97:4 [2007], 

Ruh ul-Quds (see also Jibril). aiding of 'isfl (q.v.) with. 
2:87 [41]; 2:253 [129]; 5:1 10 [385], bringing down or 
the Qur'Sn (q.v.) by, 16: 102 [862], 

Rumour, believers arc enjoined to ascertain the fact 
before acting upon a. 49:6 [1678], 

Sabbath, the. violation of. by some of Banu Isra'il (q.v.). 
2:65 [31); 4:47 [262]; 7:163-166 [528-530); Ahl 
al-Kildb (q.v.) forbidden to transgress, 4:154 [313]; 
disagreement of the Jews (q.v.) about. 15:124 (870). 

Saba', rural, [1367-1388); encounter of the Queen of, 
with Sulayman (q.v.) and her acceptance of Islam. 
27:20-44 [12008-1216]; sun-worship by the people 
of. 27:24 [1209]; prosperity given by Allah to the 
people of. 34:15 [1373]; 34:18 [1374]: bursting of the 
dam of. 34:16-17 [1373-1374]; destruction of the 
people of. 34:19-21 [1375]. 

SUbians. the. 2:62 [30]: no fear for those who believe of. 
5:69 [364]; on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) Allah will 
judge between the believers (q.v.), the Jews (q.v ). the 
Majlis (q.v.). the polytheists (q.v.) and. 22:17 

Sacred House/ Mosque, the, see al-Masjid ul-Hardm 
and Ka ba . 

Sacred months, the. pcmission to fight back oggresors 
in. 2:194 [93]; about fighting (q.v.) in. 2:217 |I05|; 
prohibition to violate, 5:2 [326]; 5:97 [378]; 9:36 
[592]; prohibition to fight during, 9:5 [578]; four 
months are. 9:36 [592]; it is an excess in unbelief to 
postpone. 9:37 [592-593], 

Sacrifice, rules of. in connection with tfujj (q.v.), 2:196 
[94-95]; 22:33-34 [1057]: 22:36 [1058]; 22:36-37 
[1058-1059], different rule of. for the dwellers near 
the Ka'ba (q.v.). 2:196 [95]; as expiation for hunting 
(q.v.) in the state of 'Ihrdm (q.v.), 5:95 [377]; 
command to offer, to Allah Alone, 108:2 [2025], 

Sacrificial animal, the. prohibition to violate. 5:2 [326]; 
5:97 [378). 

Sacrifice, of his son by Ibrlhirn (q.v.). 37:100-110 

Sudtfuh, (sec also Charity), not to be followed by insult 
or flaunt of favour, 2:263-264 [137-138]; to give good 
things in. 2:267 [140]; Satan (q.v ) threatens poverty 
to prevent giving in, 2:268 ( 140- 1 41 J; better to give 
secretly in. 2:271 [142]; Allah gives mote to the one 
who gives in. 2:276 [145); command not to swear for 
personal reason against giving. 24:22 [II 13]; rewards 
for giving in, 28:54 [ 1 25 1 ] . 

$ofa. luwuf (q.v.) between Marwoh (q.v.) and, 2:158 

[74] ’ 

Sd'ibah (a pagan practice); 5:103 [380]. 



Sti'ir (blazing fire), on (he day of Judegement (q.v.) a 

group will be in jannah (q.v.) and a group will be in, 


$al&h (Islamic prayer), performance of. a characteristic 
of muliaqin (q.v.), 2:3 [5]; 2:177 [83]: a characteristic 
of believers (q.v.Vnghtcous (q.v.) is to perform, 5:55 
(3581; 13:22 (773), 22:41 (1060), 24:37 (1121); 27:3 
(1203). 31:4 (1311); 42:38 (1575); believers (q.v.) ore 
submissive in, 23:2 (1075); believers arc constant in 
their, 23:9 (1076-1077); command to perform, 2:43 
(22). 2:83 (39); 2:1 10 (52); 2:238 (1 20). 4:77 (274); 
4 103 (290). 6:72 (420); 10:87 [668], 11:114 (718); 
14:31 (797); 17:78 (898); 19:31 (958); 19:55 (964); 
20:14 (979); 20:132 (1010); 21:73 (1031); 22:78 
(1074); 24:56 11129); 29:45 (1281); 30:31 (1300); 
31:17 (1316); 33:33 (1348); 58:13 (1789). 73:20 
11902-19031; 76:25 (1924); 98:5 ( 2009); 108:2 
(2025); to seek Allah's help with. 2:45 (22); 2:153 
(73); command to keep up, 2:238 (120); 2:277 (277); 
command to perform, in time, 4:102 (290); command 
not to make too loud the voice m. 17:110 (909); the 
times of. 7:205 (544); 11:114 (718); 17:78 (898), 
20:130 (1009); 30:17-18 (1295); 40:55 |I529); 
50:39-40 (1694); 52:48-49 (1716); 76:25-26 (1924); 
rules for, in times of fear, 2:239 (120-121); 4:102 
(289-290); shortening of. during travel (q.v.), 4:101 
(288); nature of the mundfiq&n's (q.v.), 9:54 (600); the 
mundfiqun\ performance of, for showing off (q.v.), 
4:142 (308); command to make wadi i (q.v.) or 
Tayammum (q.v.) for. 5:6 (330-331); covenant taken 
from Banu IsrS'il (q.v.) to perform, 5:12 (333-334); 
the hereafter (q.v.) will be better for those who 
properly perform. 7:170 (532): reward for those who 
perform. 35:29-30 [I400J; successful shall be lie who 
performs, 87:15 (1979); punisment for those who do 
not perform. 74:43 (1910); prayer of Ibrahim (q.v.) to 
Allah for making him and his progeny performers of, 
14:37 [800; 14:40 (801); 'isa (q.v.) was enjoined to 
perform, 19:31 (958); IsmS'll (q.v.) enjoined the 
performance of. 19:55 (964J; good tidings for the 
performers of, 22:35 (1058); jannah (q.v.) for those 
who are constant in their. 70:22-23. 34 

(1880.1881,1882); woe to those who are unmindful of 
and make a show of their. 107:4-7 (2024). 

Sale, agreement regarding, to be written down and 
witnessed, 2:282 (149). 

Sdlih (see also al-Hijr), messengership of and pitching 
of lawljid (q.v.) to the Thairiud (q.v.) by, 7:73-79 
(494-497); 1 1 : 61,63-64 [699-701; 26:142-152 

(1187-1188); 27:45-47 (1216-1217); rejection of the 
message by the people of. 11:62 |700); 26:153-157 
[1188-1189], 27:48-50 (1217); rescuing of. 11:66 
[70l-702];27:53 (1218); punishment and destruction 
of the unbelieving people of. 7:78 (496); 9:70 (607); 

11:66-68 (701-702); 26:158 (1189); 27:51-52 
(1217-1218); the Madyan (q.v.) people reminded of 
the fate of the people of. 1 1 :89 (710). 

Sahabil, a spring in jannah (q.v.) named. 76: 18 (1922). 

Salwu. the, sec Mann, the. and — . 

S&miriy, al-, misleading of Bonu Isra'il (q.v.) by, 
20:85-88 (996-997), Mds5's (q.v.) anger with. 
20:95-97 (999-1000). 

Saqur (hell), the sinful (q.v.) will be in, 54:48-49 

Satan/Satans (sec also Iblis, Shayditn ). deceiving of 
Adam (q.v.) by. 2:36 (19); 7:20-22 (470-471); is 
potent enemy of man, 2:168-169 (79-80); 2:208 (100); 
6:142 (452); 7:22 (472); 17:53 (889); 35:6 (1391); 
36:60 (1423); 43:62 (1598); is an arch betrayer, 25:29 
(1146); discourages charity by threatening poverty, 
2:268 (140-141); discouraged pursuit of the Makkans 
after the battle of 'Uhud (q.v.). 3:175 (224); is an evil 
companion (q.v.). 4:38 (258); the munafiqun (q.v.) 
deluded by. 4 60 (267); 57:14 (1773); 58:19 (1791); 
Allah's curse is on. 4:118 (296); promise of. to 
mislead man. 4:118-120 (296-297); 7:14-17 (469); 
hell for those who follow, 4: 1 21 (297); 22:3-4 ( 1045); 
hcllfire for. and the followers of. 59:17 (1802); 67:5 
[1851); evil intentions of. 5:91 (374-375); bids to the 
vile deeds, 24:21 (1112); evil deeds are mode 
charming by, 6:43 (407); Allah warns man (q.v.) 
against, 7:27 (473-474);35:5 (1391); command to 
seek refuge with Allah from, 7:200-202 (543); 
command to seek refuge with Allah against the 
prompting of, 41:36 (1552); deceptiom of. to the 
Makkon unbleievcrs on (he eve of the Bottle of Badr 
(q.v.), 8:48 (564-565); will disavow any responsibilty 
for the unbelievers (q.v.) on the Day of ludgcmenl 
(q.v.), 14:22 (793-794); Allah has secured the heavens 
(q.v.) against. 15:17 (809); 37:7-10 (1431-1432); 
embellished to the unbelievers were made their deeds 
by. 16:63 (847); 29:38 (1278); command to seek 
refuge with Allah while reciting the Qur'an (q.v.) 
against. 16:98 (861 ). has authority over those who set 
partners with Allah. 16:100 (861); promises naught 
but deceit. 17:64 (894); is defiantly disobedient to 
Allah, 19:44 |96l). attempted to interfere with and 
divert the propagation of all Prophets (q.v.) and 
Messengers (q.v.), 22:52-53 [1063-1064], man (q.v.) 
forbidden to worship. 36:1423); misleads many, 36:62 
(1423); becomes the comrade of the one who is blind 
to the Qur'4n (q.v.), 43:38 (1591-1592); Allah has set 
the stars (q.v.) as missiles against. 67:5 (1851); those 
who relapse into unbelief (q.v.) ore enticed and 
dictated by. 47:25 (1656); secret conferring (q.v.) for 
sinning and disobedience is from. 58:10 11787); losers 
will be the party of, 58:19 (1791); false promises of 



Ihc munufiqun (q v.) compared with the promises of. 

Scales, the. successful will be those of whom heavy 
become. 23:102 (1100]; in hell will abide those of 
whom light become. 23:103 104 (1 100];I01:8-I I 
(2016) pleasant life for those of whom heavy become, 
on the Day of Judgement (q.v.), 101 :6-7 (2015-2016). 

Scandal, the. most painful punishment for the one who 
spreads, 24:19(1111]. 

Scriptures, see Books 

Sea, the. cleaving of. by Allah to rescue Band lsrS'li 
(q.v ). 2:50 (24); 26:63 (1174); Allah has made 
serviceable. 16:14 (831); 45:12 (1621); Allah drives 
the ships in. 17:66 (894); 35:12 (1394); there are 
signs in Allah's driving of ships (q.v.) in, 42:32-33 
(1573); Allah shows the way in the darkness of the 
land and, 27:63 (1221); Allah provides flesh for food 
and ornaments out of. 35:12 (1394); Allah's oath by 
the fired up. 52:6 (1707); will be fired up on the Day 
of Resurrection (q.v.), 52:6 (1707); on the Day of 
Resurrection (q.v.) overflowed will be, 81:6 (1954); 
on the Day of Resurrection exploded will be, 82:3 

Seas, the two. Allah has set a bamcr bteween. 25:53 
(1154); 27:61 (1221); 55:19-20 (1743-44); pearls and 
corals come out of. 55:22 (1744). 

Secret convcrsationAronfemng. Allah knows all, 58:7 
(1785-1786); prohibition against, for sinning and 
disobedience. 58:9 (1787); is from Satan (q.v.). 58:10 

Sects, disapproval of falling into, 6:159 (461); the 
followers of the Prophets (q.v.) made. 23:53 ( 1088); 
command not to be of those who formed. 30:32 

Selling/trading, believers (q.v.) ore not distracted from 
saldh (q.v.) by. 24:37 (1 121] 

Servants of Allah, characteristics of the true. 25:63-74 
11157-1160); peace be on the chosen. 27:59 (1219). 

Shades. Allah provides. 16:81 (854); Allah stretches the. 
25:45 (1151-1152); there equalize not the sun-heat 
and. 35:21 (13971; 

Shahid, see Martyrs 

Shari'ah, Allah makes light the rules of. 4:28 (252); 
given to the Messenger (q.v.) 45: 18 ( 1623); 

Shaydtin. of the mundfiqdn (q.v.). 2:14 (8); 

ill-conception of. against Sulaymdn (q.v.), 2:102 (48); 
of jinn and men. 6:112 (438); prompt their friends. 
6:121 (442); ore friend-patrons of the unbelievers 
(q.v.), 7:27 (474); instigate the unbelievers. 19:83 
(972); are brethren of the extravagant, 17:26 (881); 
will be musterd on the Day of Resurrection (q.v.). 
19:68 (968); command to seek refuge with Allah 
against. 23:97-98 (1098-1099); the Qur'an could not 
have been brought down by, 26:2 1 0-212 [ 1 198); 

Ships, the. Allah makes serviceable, 14:32 (798); 40:80 
(1537); 43:12 (1584); traverse the sea by Alah's 
grace/command. 16:14 (831); 23:22 (1080); 30:46 
(1305); 31:31 (1321-1322); 36 43-44 (1419); 45:12 
(1621); 55:24 (1744); Allah drives in the sea. 17:66 
(894); 22:65 (1068); 35:12 (1394); there are signs 
(q.v.) in Allah's driving of. in the sea (q.v.), 42:32-33 
(1573); Allah's oath by. 51:2-3 (1696) 

Shirk (setting partners with Allah), prohibition against 
committing. 4:36 ( 256 ); 5:72 (366); 60:12 (1813); 
Allah forgives not the sin of. 4:48 (262); 4:1 16 (296); 
26:213 (1198); 28:87-88 (1264); gravity of the sin of. 
22:31 (1056); is a grave transgression. 31:13 (1315); a 
believer (q.v I/Muslim (q v i/servant of Allah (q.v.) 
docs not commit. 25:68 (1158); good news for those 
who abstain from, 39:17 (1487); futile will be the 
deeds of those who commit. 65:65 (1504); the skies 
(q.v.) are about to be rent asunder for the sin of. 42:5 
(1561); worst astray is the one who commits, 46:5 

Showing off. the likeness of the one who gives in charity 
(q.v.) for. 2:264 (138); 2:266 (139-140); punishment 
for those who spend wealth for. 4:38 (257); Ihc 
mumifiqun (q.v.) perform saldh (q.v.) for. 4:142 
(308); woe to those who perform salQh for, 107:406 

Shu art } '. al- (sec also Poets, the), rural. ( 1 1 62- 1201). 

Shu'ayb. messengership and preaching of. to the people 
of 'Madyan (q.v.). 7:85-87 (498-500); 11:84-90 
(707-710); 29:36 (1277); the Madyan leaders' 
rejection of the message delivered by, 7:88-90 
(500-501); II: 91-93 (710-711); punishment and 
destruction of the unbelieving people of. 7:91-93 
(501-5021; 11:94-95 (712); 29:37 (1278); 

messengership and preaching of. to Arhiib at- Aykah 
(q.v ). 26:177-184(1192-1194); 

Sick, waiver of the restriction of hij&b (q.v.) in respect 
of the. 24:61 (1 132); there is no sin for, in not joining 
jihad (q.v.), 48:17(1668); 

Sidral ul-muntuhda. sec Lot Tree. the. 

Sights. Allah gives, 16:78 (853); 67:23 (1856); 76:2 
(1919); questioned shall be about. 17:36 (884); 

Sign/signs. Allah makes firm His. 22:52 (1064); there is 
in Allah's growing of the vegetation (q.v.) a. 26:7-8 
(1 163); there is in Allah's giving life to the earth and 
producing com a, 36:33 (1416); 41:39 (1553); there is 
in the drowning of Fir'awn (q v.| and his people a. 
26:67 1 1 175); there is in the drowning of Nflh's (q.v.) 
disbelieving people a. 26:121 (1183). 29:15 (1270); 
54:15 (1732); there is in Allah's carrying the progeny 
of men in the Ark (q.v.) a, 36:41 (1418); the 'Ad's 
(q v.) rejection of Allah's. 41:15 [ 1 5451; punishment 
of the Ad (q.v.) for rejecting Allah's. 46:26 (1642); 
there is in the destruction of ihc 'Ad (q.v.) people a. 



26:139 |ll 86); there is in the destruction of the 
Thamud (q.v.) people a. 26:158 1 1189]; there is in the 
destruction of the people of Lfit (q.v.) a. 174 (1192); 
29:35 [1277]; 51:37 (1702). there is in the destruction 
of Ash&b at- 'Aykah (q.v.) a. 26:190 [1195]; there 
are. in Allah’s saving of Ibrahim (q.v.) from fire, 29:24 
[1273]; Allah will show His, 27:93 [1230); 41:53 
[1559]: Allah shows His. 40:81 [1538]: Allah has 
elucidated His. 57:17 [1774]: there is in the creation 
of the heavens and the earth (q.v.) a, 29:44 [1280]; 
34:9 [1370]; 42:29 [1572]; 45:3 [1618]; in the earth 
(q.v.) there are Allah's. 51:20 (1699); in yourselves 
there are Allah's. 51:21 [1699); in the creation of 
man. of spouses, of the heavens and the earth, of the 
diversity of tongues and colours, of sleep by night and 
day. and in lightning and the sending down of water 
from the sky. etc., there arc. 30:20-25 (1295-1297); 
40:13 [1514;45:3-5 [1618-1619]; there are. in Allah's 
stretching out/measuring out provision (q.v.) 30:37 
[1302]: 39:52 [1500]; there are. in Allah's sending of 
winds (q.v.) and driving the ships (q.v.). 30:46 [1305); 
31:31 [1321-1322]; 42:32-33 [1573]; 45:12-13 
[1621]; there tire, in Allah's reducing to servive all that 
is in the heavens and the earth (q.v.), 45:13 [1621]; 
there is in Allah's stripping the day (q.v.) off the the 
night (q.v.) a. 36:37 [1417]; the day. the night, the 
sun and the moon are Allah's. 41:37 [1552]; the 
deceitful and the infidel deny Allah's. 31:32 [1322]; 
the unbelievers (q.v.) turn away from/ridicule Allah's. 
36:46 [1419-1420]; 37:12-15 [1432]; the disbelievers 
dispute about Allah's. 40:4 [1510]; those who have 
arrogance (q.v.) in their hearts (q.v.) dispute about 
Allah's. 40:56 [1529]; punishment for those who 
strive to frustrate Allah's. 34:5 [1369]; 34:38 [1382]; 
punishment of hcllfire for those who distort Allah's, 
41:40 [1553); losers will be those who disbelieve in 
Allah's, 39:63 [1503]; gravity of the sin of disputing 
about Allah's. 40:35 [1522]: deluded are those who 
reject Allah's. 40:63 [1531]; deluded are those who 
dispute about Allah's. 40:69 [1534]; hcllfire for those 
who deny Allah's. 41:28 [1549]; the Messenger (q.v.) 
saw during the mi raj (q.v.) Allah's greatest. 53:18 
[1719); bad is the instance of the people who cry lies 
to Allah's. 62:5 [1821-1822]; the Messenger (q.v.) 
recited Allah's, 65: 1 1 (1842). 

Sijjlt (stones of baked clay). Allah's raining of. upon the 
people of LOt (q.v ), 11:82 [707]; Allah's destruction 
of the Vis-Wit al-Fil (q.v.) by. 105:3-5 [2022]. 

Sijjin, 83:7-9 (1961). 

Sin, command not to cooperate in. 5:2 [326]; command 
to shun the overt and covert of , 6:120 [441]; best 
reward for those who refrain from the enormities of. 
53:32 1 1723). 

Smful/Sinneres. the. on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) 
yoked together will be, 14:49 [804]; fire will wrap up 
the faces of. 14:50 [ 804]; on the Day of Resurrection 
driven as a thirsty herd will be. 19:86 [973]; on the 
Day of Resurrection (q.v.) mustered will be. 20.102 
[1001]; on the Day of Resurrection worldly life will 
seem to be of a day/an hour or so to. 20:103-104 
[1001-1002]; 30.55-56 [1308-1309]; 46:35 [1645]; 
79;46 [1946]; on the Day of Resurrection dumbstruck 
will be. 30:12 (1293); Satans come down on. 
26:221-223 [ 1 200); on the Day of Judgement neither 
excuse nor any amends will be accepted of . 30:57 
[1309); on the Day of Judgement there will pray, to be 
sent bock to the worldly life. 32:12 [1327]; Allah will 
inflict retribution on, 32:22 [1331]; punishment of 
hell for. 43:74-6 [1601]; 44:43-50 [1614-1615]; 
54:47-48 11738-1739]; 55:43-44 [1747]; 74:42 
(1910); 82 14-16 [1959]. will ask the angel in charge 
of hell for death. 43:77 [1602): state of. on the Day of 
Judgement (q.v ). 36:59-64 [1423-1425]; 83:29-36 
[1964-1965], on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) Allah 
will put a seal on the mouths of. and their hands and 
feet will testify against. 36:65 [1425]; destroyed will 
be the defiantly. 46:35 [1646): on the Day of 
Judgement recognized will be by their marks. 55:41 
[1747]; on the Day of Judgement overtaken with dust 
and gloom will be the faces of. 80:40-42 (1952); many 
of the AW al-Kudh (q.v.) were defiantly, 57:16 
[1774]; 57:26 [1779]; 57:27 [1780]; Allah guides not 
the defiantly. 61:5 [1815]; 63:6 [1827]; Muslims 
(q.v.) do not equate with. 68:35-36 [1864], will 
confess their sms, 74:43-47 [1910]; Allah's threat of 
destruction of. 77:18 [1928]; in sijjin (q.v.) will be the 
record of 83:7-9 [1961]; disbelief in the Day of 
Judgement (q.v.) by. 83: 1 1 - 1 2 [ 1961 ]. 

Sirius (star), the. Allah is the Lord of. 1726], 

Sister, shore of. in the inheritance (q.v.). 4:12 [243]. 

Skins, will testify against the disbelievers/polythcisls 
(q.v.) their. 4 1 :20-22 [1546-1 547]. 

Sky/skics, the. Allah has made, as a roof protected. 
21:32 [1020-1021]; was initially smoke. 41:11 
[1543]; Allah has mode, as a setup. 40:64 [1532], 
Allah has set up. 50:6 [1686]; Allah has set up. with 
power. 51:47 [I704J; Allah has raised. 55:7 [1742]; 
79:27-28 [1944]; 88:18 (19821; Allah is expanding. 
51:47 [1704]: Allah decreed in two days the seven. 
41:12 [1543]; Allah has made seven strong, 78:12 
|I934]; Allah decreed its affair in every, 41:12 [1543]; 
stands by Allah's command. 30:25 [1297]; is full of 
routes. 51:7 [1697]; is full of ’‘recurrence". 86:11 
[1975]; is called the "the roof elevated ". 52:5 [1707], 
on the Day of Resurrection (q.v.) rolled up shall be. 
21:104 [1041]; on the Day of Resurrection (q.v.) will 
flow in a motion. 52:9 (1708); on the Day of 



Resurrection (q.v.) rent asunder will be. 69:16 [1871]; 
77:9 (1927); 82:1 [1957]; 84:1-2 [1966]; on the Day 
of Resurrection (q.v.) taken off will be. 81:1 1 [1954]; 
on the Day of Resdunection (q v ) gateways will be. 
78:19 [1935]; Allah sends down water (q.v. grains 
(q.v.) from. 22:63 [1068], 25:48 [1152]; 29:63 
[1287]; 30:24 [1297]; 31:10 [1313]; 35:27 [1399]; 
39:21 [1488]; 43:11 [1584]; 50 :9 [1687]; 71:11 
[1886]; Allah sends down provision (q.v.) from, 40:13 
[1514); 45:5 [1619]; 51:22 [1699]; there are signs tn 
Allah’s sending down provision/watcr (q.v.) from. 
45:5 [1619]; Allah holds. 22:65 [1068]; 35:41 (1405); 
Allah has set constellations (q.v.) in. 25:1 156]; Allah 
has adorned the nearset. with the stars (q.v.), 37:6 
[1431]; 41:12 [1543]; 50:5 [1686]; Allah has 
protected against Satan (q.v.), 37:7-10 [1431-1432]; 
67:5 1851]; Allah knows what comes down from and 
ascends into, 34:2 [1367-1368]; 57:4 [1768]; are 
about to be rent asunder for enormity of the sin of 
shirk (q.v.), 42:5 [1561]; Allah's swearing by, 51:7 
[1697]; 52:5 1 1707); 85:1 [1970]; 86:1 [1974]; 86:11 
[1975]; 91:5 [1992]; Allah has made dark the night of 
and has produced the day time of. 79:29-30 [1944], 
Slander (see also calumny); Allah's curse on and grave 
punishment for those who do. against chaste women 
(q.v.), 24:23 [1113]; prohibition against. 60:12 

Slanderer, woe to every. 104:1 [2020]; his wealth will 
not avail him and he will be hurled into hellfire (q.v.), 

Slave-maids, lawful to marry, 24:32 (1 1 18]; prohibition 
to compel into prostitution the. 24:33 (1 1 19] 
Slave/slavcs, piety (q v.) consists in manumission of, 
2:177 [83]: manumission of, enjoined, 90:11-13 
[1990]: duty to be good to. 4:36 [ 257]; injunction to 
manumit a. as atonement for killing (q.v.) a believer 
by mistake. 4:92 [283]; manumission of a. as 
expiation for breach of an oath (q.v.), 5:89 [373-374]; 
manumission of a, as expiation for the sin of zihdr 
(q.v,), 58:3 [1783]; zukiih (q.v.) to be given for 
manumitting. 9:60 [602]; a deed for emancipation to 
be given, if sought by the, 24:33 (1 1 18-1 1 19). 

Sleep; Allah has made, os a pause/rest. 25:47 [1142]: 
78:9 [1934]: Allah takes lives at. 39:42 (1496): there 
arc signs in man’s, 30:23 [1296-1297]; 39:42 [1496], 
Sons and descendants. Allah gives. 16:72 [850]. 

Speech, exhortation to lower the voice in. 31:19 [1317]; 
Allah will give, to ears, eyes and skins on the Day of 
Judgement (q.v.), 41:21 [1547]: he who calls to Allah 
and says he is a Muslim (q.v.) is the best in, 41:33 
[1551]; Allah has taught man (q.v.), 55:4 [1741], 
Speaking ill, of others, Allah likes not, 4:148 [310]. 
Spending, a Muslim(q.v.ybeliever (q v (/servant of Allah 
(q.v is balanced in. 25:67 [1 158] 

Spider, the, the polythists’ (q.v.) taking of imaginary 
dicties as protectors is like the taking of its house for 
protection by . 29:41 [1279-1280], 

Spoils of war. the. see Booty. 

Spying, prohibition to do. by some of you on the others. 

Star/stars, the. Ibrahim's (q.v.) denunciation of the 
worship of. 6:78 [422-423J; are made helpful to find 
the way, 6:97 [43I-432];I6:I6 [832]; are made 
subservient by Allah, 7:54 [486-487); 16: 1 2 [831]; are 
floating in the celestial sphere (q.v.), 21:33 [1021); 
prostrate themselves to Allah. 22:18 [1051; 55:6 
[ 1 74 1 ]; Allah has adorned the sky (q.v.) with. 37:6 
[1431]; 67:5 [1851]; Allah’s oath by. 53:1 [1717]; 
81:16 [1955]: 86:1-3 [1974]; Allah’s oath by the 
positions of, 56:75-76 [1764]; on the Day of 
Resurrection effaced/dispersed will be, 77:8 [1927]; 
81:2 [1953]; 82:2 [1957] 

Stealing, see Thefit. 

Stingincss, punishment for. 3:180 [226]; 4:37 [257]; 
prohibition against. 17:29 [88 1 1. 

Straight and right way, the. see Way. straight and right. 

Striving, whoever strives, he strives for himself. 29:6 
[1266]; Allah shows His ways to him who strives in 
His cause. 29:69(1289). 

Studs. Allah’s swearing by the galloping and raiding. 

Submissive ones, the (see also Muslim), good tidings 
for. 22:34 [ 1057]; characteristics of. 22:35 [1058]; are 
not equal with the infidel, 39:9 [1484-1485]. 

Submissiveness, enjoined upon the believers (q.v.), 

Success, to be saved and forgiven by Allah is the most 
magnificent. 40:9 [1512], 

Suckling, of babies in case of divorce (q.v.); 2:233 

Suhayb ibn Si nan (r.a.). allusion to, 2:207 [100], 

Suit, there lies not any, for acts of self defence against a 
wrong, 42:41 [1575-1576]; there lies a, aginst a wrong 
done without right. 42:42 [1576], 

Su layman (Solomon), misconception of Ahl al-Kit&b 
(q.v.) about, 2:102 [48]: Allah's withy (q.v.) to, 4:163 
[318]; was a Prophet, 6:84 [425]; adjudication about 
the tillage by, and authorities given to, 21:78-79 
[1033-1034], 21:81-82 [1034-1035]; inherited from 
Dadd (q.v), 27:16 [1206]; was taught the speech of 
birds and was given troops of jinn, men and birds, 
27:16-17 [1206-1207]; 34:12-13 [1371-1372]; 

experience of, at the valley of ants (q.v.): 27:18-19 
[1207-1208]; and the story of the Queen of Saba’ 
(q.v ). 27:20-44 [1208-1216]; incident of the death of. 
34:14 [1372-1373]; was ever penitent, 38:30 [1467]; 
and the display of his horses. 38:31-33 [1467-1468]; a 



test for. 38:34 (1468); subjection of the wind and the 
devils and other graces to, 38:35-40 1468-1469). 

Sun, the, Allah has created the moon and, 21:33 (1021); 
is set for reckoning, 6:96 (431); 10:5 (637); is made 
subservient by Allah, 7:54 (486-487); 13:2 (764); 
14:33 (798); 16:12 (830); 29:61 [1286]; 31:29 
(1320-1321); 35:13 (1395); 39:5 [14821 prostrates 
itself to Allah. 22:18 (1051); is a sign (q.v.) of Allah. 
41:37 (1552); prohibition to make prostration to. 
41:37 (1552); is made os on incandescent lighl/lamp. 
10:5 (637); 25:61 [1 156); 71:16 (1887); 78:13 (1934); 
runs for a term specified, 13:2 (764); 31:29 
(1320-1321); 35:1395); 39:5 (1482); is floating in the 
celestial sphere (q.v.), 21:33 (1021); runs on to a 
resting place.. 36:38 (1418); is floating in an orbit. 
36:40 (1418); is on computation. 55:5 (1741), on the 
Day of Resurrection (q.v.) merged shall be the moon 
(q.v.) and. 75:9 ( 1914]; on the Day of Resurrection 
rolled up will be, 81:1 (1953); Allah's swearing by the 
glow of the setting. 84: 16 (1968); Allah's swearing by. 
91:1 (1992). 

Sunnah (of the Prophet), the. rales of. communicated by 
Allah to His Messenger (q.v.), 2:269 1144); 3:164 
(220); 4:113 (294); command to adjudicate 
according to. 4:59 (266-267); 4:65 (269-270); 
intelligent are those who follow the Qur'an (q.v.) and. 
39:18 (1487); there is no alteration in Allah's. 48:23 

Surmising, command to refrain from, 49:12 (1681); 

Sustenance, see Rui) 

Table from heaven, a, grant of, to the Disciples (q.v.). 
5:1 12-1 15 (386-388). 

Tabuk, allusion to the expedition to. 9:38 (593); 9:41 
(595); role of the munafitfun (q.v.) regarding the 
expedition to. 9:42-54 [595-600];9:8l-87 (612-615); 
9:93-% (617-619; the case of those Muslims who held 
back from going on the expedition to. 9:106 (623); 
9:1 18 (629-630); Allah forgave those who participated 
in the expedition to. 9: 1 17 (628-629). 

Tdbut, of-, as a sign to King Tfilul (q.v.), 2:248 

Til-Ha. juror. (976-1011). 

Tuhujjud prayer, is supererogatory. 17:79 (899), merits 
of, 73:6(1899). 

faltlii. at- (Divorce), sural, 1837-1843); Sec Divorce. 

Tfildt, King, and Band Isrii'il (q.v.), 2:246-249 
(123-127); fight of. with Goliath (q.v.), 2:249-250 

Tai/wd, manumission of slaves (q.v.) is an element of. 
2:177 (83-84); the ultimate outcome is for. 20:132 
(1010); veneration of the rites of Allah is of, 22:32 
(1057); there reaches not Allah the blood and flesh of 
the animals of sacrifice (q.v.) but. 22:37 (1059). 

Tasnim, 83:27 (1964). 

fawfif. between Safa (q.v.) and Morwoh (q.v.), 2:158 

Tawbah (sec also Forgiveness), sura! at-, (576-634), 
conditions for the acceptance of, 4:16-17 (245-246), 
Allah acccples His servant's, 9:104 (622); 40:3 
(1509); 42:25 ( 1 57 1 ): Allah is Forgioving and 
Merciful to those who make, 16:1 19 (868-869); 20:82 
(995); Allah will exchange their sins for good things 
for those who make, 25:70-71 (1159); jannah (q.v.) 
for the one who is a Muslim (q.v.) and mokes. 
46:15-16 (1637); transgressors (q.v.) are those who do 
not perform, after committing prohibited acts, 49:11 
(1681); believers arc enjoined to make. 66:88 (1 847). 
Tawhid. emphasis on. 2:21-22 (11-12); 2:107 (51); 
2:163-164 (76-7); 3:2 (154); 3.6 (155); 3:18 (161); 
3:62 (179-180; 4:36 (256). 4:87 (279); 4:171 [321]; 
5:73 (366); 5:76 (367); 6:14 (396); 6:19 (398); 
6:40-41 1406-407); 6:46 (408-409); 6:51 1410-411); 
6:63-64 (416); 6:71 (419-420); 6:102 (434); 6:106 
(435); 6 162-164 (462-463); 7:54 (486-487); 7:158 
(526); 9:31 (589-590); 9:129 (634); 10:3 (636); 
10:10:18 (643); 10:104-105 (674); 11:14 (682); 
13:30 (777); 13:36 (780); 14:52 |8051;16:2 (828); 
16:22 (833); 16:36 (839); 16:51-53 (844); 17:42 
(886); 18:14-15 (914); 18:26 (920); 18:38 (925); 
18:44 (927); 18:110 (949); 20:8 (977); 20:14 (978); 
20:98 (1000); 21:22 (1017-1018); 21:87 (1036; 
21:108 (1042); 22:34 (1057); 23:91-92 (1097); 
23:116-117 (1103); 27:26 (1210); 27:60-65 

(1220-1222); 27:91 [1229]; 28:70-73 (1256-1258); 
28:88 (1264); 29:46 (1281-1282); 30:27 (1298); 
34:22 [13761; 35:3 (1390): 35:1395); 36:22-25 
(1414-1415); 36:22-25 (1414-1415); 37:4-5 

(1430-1431); 37:35 11436); 38:65-66 (1475); 39:3-4 
(1481); 39:6 (1483); 39:11 (1485); 39:17 (1487); 
39:45-46 [1497]; 39:64-66 (1503-1504); 40:3 (1509); 
40:42-43 (1524-1525); 40:40:62 (1531); 40:65 
(1532); 41:6 11541); 41:37 (1552); 42:4-5 

(1560-1561); 42:9 (1562-1563); 42:11 (1563): 42:15 
(1566); 43:84 (1603); 44:8 (1607); 47:19 (1654); 
51:51 |I705); 51:56-57 (1705-1706); 52:43 

(1714-1715); 59:22-23 |1804); 64:13 (1834); 72:18 
(1894); 72:20 |1895); 73:9 (1899); 98:5 (2009); 
106:3-4 (2023); 112:1-4 (2029); covenant of. taken 
from Band Isrd'll (q.v.). 2:83 (38); death-bed 
enjoining by Ya'qdb (q.v.) to his sons about, 2:133 
(63); invitation to A hi al-Kildb (q.v.) to agree on a 
common formula of. 3:64 (180); there arc clear signs 
in the creation of the heavens and the earth (q.v.) 
about. 3:190-191 (230-231); 'IsS’s (q.v.) preaching of. 
5:72 (366); 43:64 (1599); Ndh's (q.v.) preaching of. 
7:59-63 [489-4901; 11:25-31 (686-689); 23:23 

(1080); 26:106-110 (1181); 71:2-20 (1884-1887); 
Ibrdhiin's (q.v.) preaching of, 19:45 (960-%2); 



26:69-82 (1175-1177]; 29:16-17 (1270-1271 1; 

43:26-28 (I588-IS89]: 60:4 (1808]; Hod's (q.v.) 
preaching of. 7:65-70 (491-493); 11:50-52 (695-696); 
26:124-135 (1184-1185); 37:85-87 (1443-1444); 
41:14 (1544); 46:21 [1639-1640); §4lihs (q.v ) 
preaching of. 7:73 (494); 26:142-150 (1187-1188); 
27:45 (1216); Shu'ayb's (q.v.) preaching of. 7:85 
(498); 26:177-179 (1192-1193); 29:36 (12771; Lilts 
(q.v.) preaching of, 26:160-164 (1190); Yusuf's (q.v ) 
preaching of. 12:37-40 (735-737); MOsa's (q.v.) 
preaching of, 17:2 (873); 26:23-24 (1166-1167); 
Ily0s's (q.v.) preching of, 37:124-126 (1449-1450); all 
the Messengers preached. 16:36 (839); 21:25 (1018); 
23:32 (1083); 43:45 (1594); covenant taken from the 
Children of Adam (q.v.) on. 7:172-173 (532-533); is 
heavy on the polytheists. 42:13 (1565). 

Tawrdh, sending down of. by Allah, 3:2 (154); 3:93 
(192); 5:44 ( 350); knowledge given to 'tsS (q.v.) of. 
3:48 (174); confirmation of. by isfl (q.v.). 61:6 
(1815); rules of qisds (q.v.) in. 5:45 (351-352); 
confirmed by the Injit (q.v.), 5:46 (352); AM at-Kuab 
(q.v.) called upon to act according to. 5:66 (362-363); 
Prophethood of Muhammad (q.v.) mentioned in, 
7:157); reward for jthdd (q.v.) in. 9:111 (625-626); 
given to MOsi (q.v ). 17:2 (873); given to Band Isrfi’il 
(q.v ). 45:16 (1622); model of the believers in. 48:29 
( 1675); the instance of those who were given, but did 
not act accordinbg to. 62:5 (1821-1822). 

Tuvmmum, conditions of and procedure for. 4:43 (260); 
5:6 (330-331). 

Term (Sec also Appointed term). Allah has created the 
heavens and the earth and all that is between them for 
a specified. 30:8 ( 1 2921 ; 45:3 ( 1 63 1 ] . 

Testimony (see also Evidence), injustice and sin of 
concealing a. 2:140 (66); forbidden to conceal. 2:159 
|75): 2:283 (150); command to bear, with justice 
(q.v.). 5:8 (332); 5:108 (383-384); taking of. at the 
time of making a will (q.v.). 5:106-7 (382-383; 
believers (q.vVMuslims (q.v, Vscrv ants of Allah (q.v.) 
do not give false. 25:72 (1159); jannah (q.v.) for those 
who are upright in their, 70:33, 35 ( 1 881 . 1 882). 
Thamfld, the people of. Sdlih's (q.v.) Mcssengership and 
preaching of tawhid (q.v.) and the giving of she 
camel as a sign to. 7:73 (494); II: 61.63-64 (699-701; 
17:59 (891-892); 26:142-156 11187-1189); 27:45-47 
(1216-1217); 54:26-28 (1734); rejection/disbelieving 
of the message by. 11:62 (700); 26:153-154 (1188); 
27:48-49 (12171; 51.43-44 (1703); 54:23-25 

(1733-1734); 91:11 (1993); were successors to the 
'Ad (q.v.); 7:74 (495); the believers among. 7:75 

(495) ; slaughtering of the she camel (q.v.) by, 7:77 

(496) ; 1 1;65 (701); 17:59 (892); 26:157 (1189); 
54:29 (1735); 91:12-14 (1993-1994); disbelieved 
before. 22:42 (1061); 38:13 (1462); 50:12 11687); 

69:4 (1868): punishment and destruction of. 7:78 
(496); 9:70 (607); 11:66-68 (701-702); 14:9-15 
(787-791); 25:38-39 (1149); 26:158 (1 189); 27:50-53 
(1217-1218); 29:38 (1278); 40:31 (1520); 41:17 
(1545-15461: 51:44-45 (1703); 53:50 (1726); 

54:30-31 (1735); 69:5 |I868-I869); 85:18 (1973); 
89:9 (1985); 91:14-15 (1994); destruction of the 
Madyan (q.v.) people was like the destruction of. 

Thawr mountain, allusion to the Messenger’s (q.v.) stay 
during hijrah (q.v.) in the cave of. 9:40 (594-595). 

Throne, the. see 'Arsh. at-. 

Theft, prohibition of. 60:12 (1813); punishment for, 
5:38 [347) 

Thunder, the praise of Allah is sung by. 1 3: 1 3 (768). 

Thunderbolts. Allah sends the. 13:13 (769); Allah sent 
against the 'Ad (q.v.) and the Tharnud (q.v.) the. 
41:13 (1544); 41:17 (1546); 51:44 (1703). 

Time. Allah’s swearing by, 103:1 (2019), 

Tongue (organ). Allah has created. 90:9 (1990). 

Tongues (languages), there are signs in the diversity of 
man's colours (q.v.) and, 30:22 ( 1 296). 

Torah, the. sec Tawrdh. 

Trade /business, allusion to the Makkans'. 40:4 (1510); 
73:20 (1902); what is with Allah is better than. 62:1 1 
(1824); the winter and summer journeys of Quraysh 
(q.v.) for. 106:1-2(2023] 

Traitor, prohibition to advocate for a, 4:105-109 

Transgressors/ wrong-doers ( zdlimunl mu'tadun), the, 
Allah loves not. 3:57 (178); 3 140 (210); 7:55 (487); 
42:40 (1575); Allah guides not, 3:85 (190); 5:51 
(356); 6:144 (453); 46:10 (1634); 61:7 (1816); 62:5 
(1822); fabricators/speakers of a lie against Allah are. 
3:94 (192-193); 6:21(399); 6:93 (429-430); 7:37 
(477-478); 11:18 (684); 18:18 (914); 29:68 (1289); 
39:32 (1492); 61:7 (1816); those who tum away from 
the signs of Allah are, 32:22 (1330); hetlfire will be 
the habitation of. 3:151 (213); 7:41 (480); 18 29 
(922); 19:72 (969); 21:29 (1020); 38:55-59 (1473); 
39:24 (1490); 40:43 (1525); 42:45 (1577); 78:21-26 
(1936); shall have punishment/ a very painful 
punishment, 42:21-22 (1569); 43:65 (1599); 51:59-60 
(1706); 52:47 (1715); 76:31 (1925); shall have no 
helper, 35:37 (1403); 42:46 |I577); 52:46 (1715); 
those who judge not by what Allah has sent down are, 
5:45 (352); Allah likes not. 5:87 (373); the curse of 
Allah is on, 7:44 |482); 11:18 (684); arc unbelievers 
in the hereafter (q.v.), 7:45 (482); will be ready to 
redeem these Ives with all that is in the earth. 10:54 
(656); on the Day of Resurrcction/Judgcmcnt (q.v.) 
neither excuse nor amends will avail, 30:57 (1309); 
40:52 (1528); Allah lets go astray. 14:27 (796): Allah 
is not unmindful of the deeds of. 14:42 (801); arc in a 



discord far away from the truth. 22:53 1 1064]: state of. 
on the Day of Judgement (q.v.), 25:27-29 ( 1 146]; on 
the Day of Judgement (q.v ) neither any friend nor any 
intercessor will there be for. 40:18 1 1515); will soon 
know their destiny. 26:227 [1201]; successful shall 
not be. 28:37 (1245); are in obvious error, 31:11 
[1314]; promise one another only deception. 35:40 
(1405); on the Day of Judgement will wish for a return 
to the worldly life, 42:44 [1576-1577]; arc friends one 
to anotlicr. 45:19 [1624]; those who do not perform 
tuwbah (q.v.) after doing prohibited deeds are. 49:1 1 
[1681]; Allah is All-Knowing of, 62:7 [1822]: do not 
look forward to accounting (q.v.). 78:27 [1936-1937]; 
cry lies to the Qur’an (q.v.) 78:28 [1937]; disbelief in 
the Day of Judgement (q.v.) by, 83:1 1-12 [1961]; 

Travel, shortening of to/dJi (q.v.) during. 4:101 [288]; 

Traveller, see wayfarer. 

Treaty, prohibition to fight against a people with whom 
there is a. 4:90 [281]: 9:4 [577]; prohibition to give 
help against a people with whom there is a. 8:72 
[574); discharge for those who violate a. 9:1-3 
[576-577]; command to fulfil a, 9:4 [578]; 9:7 |579); 
16:91-92 [858];I7:34 [883-884]; men of 

undertsanding do not violate a. 13:20 [773]; evil of 
abode will be for those who violate a. 13:25 
[774-775]; command to fight those of the polytheists 
(q.v.) who violate a. 9:5 [578]; 9:12-15 [581-582] 

Trees, the. prostrate themselves to Allah. 22:18 [1051]; 
55:6 [ 1 74 1 ]. 

Trench, the. account of the owners of. 85:4-9 

Tribes, mankind arc made into peoples (q.v ) and, for 
indcntification. 49: 1 3 [ 1682). 

Tribes, the twelve, of Band Isrd'fi (q.v.) were Muslims 
(q.v.), 2:136 [64]; 3:84 [189]; were neither Jews nor 
Christians. 2:140 [66]; Allah's wa/iy (q.v.) to, 4:163 

Trinity, the, command to the AMal-Kudb (q.v.) not to 
believe in, 4:171 [321]; they are kdfirs (q.v.) who 
believe in, 5:73 [366], 

Trumpet, the, blowing of. 6:73 [421]; 38:15 [1462]; 
blowing of. on the Day of Resurrection (q.v.), 20:102 
[1001]; 23:101 [1099]; 27:87 [1228]; 50:20 [1689]; 
50:41-42 [1694]; 78:18 [1935]; 79:13 [1941-1942]; 
the first and second blowing of, on the Day of 
Resurrection (q.v.); 39:68 [1505]; 79:6-7 (1941). 

Trusts, command to discharge fully the. 2:283 [150]; 
4:58 [266]; the believers keep their. 23:8 [1076]; 
junnah (q.v.) for those who keep their. 70:32,35 

Truth, the, a similie of falsehood and. 13:17 [771-772]; 
command to speak. 17:53 [889]; command not to 
conceal. 2:42 [21]; shall prevail, 17:81 [899); is from 
Allah. 18:29 [921]; 28:48 [1249]; 28:53 [1250]; 34:6 

[1369]; 34:48-49 [1386]; 47:3 [1648]; 50:5 [1686]: 
57:16 [1774]; the disbelievers are confused about. 
50:5 [1686]; the Qur'Sn (q.v.) is. 35:31 [1400]; 41:53 
[1559]: 43:78 [1602]; 47:2 [1647]; 69:51 [1876]; the 
Qur'an is sent down with. 39:2 (1480): to Allah 
belongs, 28:75 [1258]; the disbelievers seek to refute 
with falsehood. 18:56 [932]; 40:5 (1510); Allah 
nullifies the untruth by. 21:18 [1016-1017]; Allah 
effaces falsehood and establishes. 42:24 [1570]; a 
transgressor (q.v.) is he who disbelieves in. 39:32 
(1492); the sinful are disdainful of. 43:78 [1602]; the 
believers follow. 47:3 [1648]; conjecture avails not 
against. 53:28 [1722]; Islam (q.v.) is the din (q.v.) of, 
61:9 [1817]; mutual conselling for. enjoined, 103 :3 

Truthful, the. command to be. 9:119 [630]; reward for, 
3:17 [160-161]; 5:1 19 [390]; 33:24 [1344]; 33:35 

Tubba', the people of. Allah's destruction of. 44:37 
[1612-1613); there disbelieved before. 50:14 [1688], 

Twelve Sprtngs. the, given to Band IsrS'il (q.v.). 2:60 
[27-28]; 7:160(527). 

Two gods, prohibition to take. 16:51 [844], 

Tir, the. see Mount Sinai 

Tuwa vclley. Musa (q.v.) at. 20:12-13 [978]; 79:16 

'Uhud. the battle of. reference to. 3:121-122 [204]; 
8:36-38 [559-560]; allusion to the discomfiture of the 
Muslims at. 3:140-143 [209-210]; 3:152-152 

(214-215); 3:165-166 [220-221); moderation of the 
Prophet towards the archers at. 3:159 [218); pursuit 
of the Makkans after. 3:172-175 [223-224]; 4:104 

'Umm al-Qura. the Messenger of Allah (q.v.) was to 
warn, and those around it. 6:92 [428]; the Qur'an 
(q.v.) was sent down to worn, and those around it. 

Ummah, Muslims ore made an equitable. 2:143 (67); 
Muslims are the best, 3:110 [198-199]; mankind (q.v.) 
was originally one, 10:10 [643]; there was a 
Messenger (q.v.) for every. 10:47 (654); 13:7 [767]; 
16:36 (839J; 35:24 [1398]: there is an appointed time 
for every. 10:49 [655]; there cannot forestal/dclay its 
appointed term (q.v.) any. 15:5 [807]; 23:43 [1086]; if 
Allah willed Allah would have mode mankind (q.v.) 
one. 11:118 [719]; 16:93 [859]; 42:8 (1562); on the 
Day of Judgement (q.v.) a witness will be raised from 
every, 16:84 [855]; 16:89 (857); 28:75 [1258]; on the 
Day of Judgement (q.v.) Allah will muster a band of 
disbelievers from every. 27:83-85 [1227]; on the Day 
of Judgement there will be down on thdr knees every. 
45:28 [1627]; all Prophets (q.v.) and Messengers 
(q.v.) belong to the same. 21:92 [1038]; Allah has set 
a ceremony for every. 22:34 ( 1057). 



Ummuhdt al-Mu'mmin. the. Ihe wives of the Messnger 
of Allah are. 33:6 [1336]: reference to the temporary 
suspension of the Messenger's (q.v.) relationship with. 
66:1-5 [1 844- 1846] 

' Ummly/'Ummiyun. among Bant) Israil (q.v ). 2:78 [36]: 
call to Islam (q.v.) made to, 3: 20 [162]: considered to 
be without legal right by 'Ahl ul-Kitab (q.v ), 3:75 
[184-186]: the Messenger (q.v.) was an. 7:157 [525]: 
7:158 [526); the Messenger (q.v.) was among the. 
62:2 [1820). 

Umrah. 2:158 [74]; till Hujj (q.v ). 2:196 [94-95]. 

Unbelief. Satan (q.v.) entices and dictates to those who 
relapse into. 47:25 ( 1656). 

Unbelievers, the. (see also Disbelievers. Kdfir) , demand 
for a miracle (q.v.) or Allah's speaking to them made 
by. 2:118 [56]; 6:35.37 [404.405]; 6:109 [437]: 6:124 
[443]; 6:158 [561]; 7:203 [543]; 10:20 [643]; 13:7 
[766], 13:27 [775-776]; 13:31 [777]: 17:90-93 
[902-903]; 20:133 (1010); 21:5 [1013]; 25:21 [1144]; 
26:4 (1162-1163); 40:82-85 [1538-1539], wonder 
how a human being could be Allah's Messenger. 17:94 
[903]; 21:3 [I0I3);25:7 [1139]; demand for angels 
being sent to them or the dead speaking to them made 
by. 6:8-9 [394); 6:111 (437-438); 6:158 [461]; 11:12 
[681]; 15:7-8 [807-808]; 17:92 [903]; 17:94-95 
[903-904], 25:21-22 [1144-1145]; no miracle will 
convince. 15:14-15 [809], 30:58 [1309-1310]; Allah's 
curse is on those who die as. 2:161 [75-76); Allah's 
way of dealing with, 3:137 [208-209); 17:76-77 
[898]: 35:43 [1406]; Allah guides not. 5:67 (363); 
attitude of, to the Qur'&n (q.v.) and the irath/the 
Messenger. 6:4-5 [392-393]: 6:25 [400-401); 21:2-5 
[1012-1013]; 25:30 (1146-1147); 26:5-6 [1163]; 
28:47-48 [1248-1249]; 32:3 [1324]; 34:8 (1370); 
34:43 [1384]; 38:4-8 [1560-1561], 41:4-5 [1541]; 
41:26 [1549]; 45:7-9 [1619-1620]; 46:8 |I633];46:9 
[1634]; 46:11 [1634-1635]; 74:49-51 [191 1], demand 
of, for a book in parchment to be sent down. 6:7 
[393-394]; 17:93 [902]: demand of. for each to be 
given pages (a scripture) spread out. 74:52 [1911]; 
demand for a different Qur’Sn (q.v.) made by. 10:15 
[641 ); position of, on the Day of Judgement (q.v.), 
6:27-28 [401]; 6:30-31 [402-403]; 7.53 (485-486); 
14:42-43 [801-802]; 19:68-71 [968-969], 23:105-108 
[1100-1101]; 25:34 [1148]; 34:31-33 [1379-1380]. 
34:51-54 [1387- 1388]; 40:10-11 [1512-1513]; 

83:29-36 [1964-1965]; on the Day of Judgement 
questioned about their replies to the Messengers (q.v.) 
will be. 28:6S-66 [1255]: denial of/disbclief in the 
Resunection (q.v.) by, [see Resurrection); think 
Resurrection (q.v.) to be remote. 70:6 (1878); demand 
of. for hastening the Resurrection (q.v.). 42:18 [1567]; 
demand to know the time of the Resurrection (q.v.) 
made by. [see Resurrection]; the Day of Resurrection 

(q.v.) will be hard on, 74:9-10 [1905]; allegations of, 
against the Messenger of Allah (q.v.), 6:105 [435]; 
7:184 [537]; 10:2 [636]; 15:6 [807]; 17:47 [887-888]; 
23:70 ( 1 092]; 34:8 [ 1 370]: 34:43 [ 1 384); 6 1 :6 ( 1 8 1 6]; 
conduct of. towards the Messenger (q.v.). 10:42-43 
[653]; 23:69-70 [1092]; allegations of. against the 
Qur'an (q.v.). 8:31 [557]; 16:24 [8341; 32:3 1324]; 
34:43 [1384]; 46:7-8 [1633]; 46:11 [1634-1635]; 
attempts to tempt away the Messenger (q.v.) of Allah 
made by. 17:73 [897]; the simile of. 6:122 [442]; the 
leaders of. trick not but themselves. 6:123 [443); the 
leaders of. will disavow responsibility on the Day of 
Judgement. 34:31-33 [1379-1380]; forefathers' 

practice as plea for committing vile deeds (q.v.) 
advanced by. 7:28 [474]. Satnns (q.v.) are 

friend-patrons of. 7.29-30 [474-475]; conspiracy of. to 
kill or expel the Messenger (q.v.), 8:30 [557]; demand 
for immediate/hastening punishment made by. 
8:32-34 [557-558]; 11:8 [6801. 11:32 [689]; 13:6 
(766); 18:55 (931-932); 21:37-38 [1022], 22 47 
[1062]: 26:31 [1168); 26:187 [ 1 194); 26:204 [1197]; 
27:71-72 [1224]; 29:29 [1275]; 37:176 [1457], 38 16 
[1463]; 46:22 (1640); 51:14 [1698]; 51:59 [1706]; 
reply to the demand for immediate punishment made 
by. 6:57-58 [413-414]; 10:50-52 1655-656); 37:177 
[1457]; nature of the prayers of. near the Ka'ba (q.v.). 
8:35 [558-559]; spending of wealth by. for preventing 
others from the way of Allah. 8:36 [559]; 90:6 
[1989-1990]; intention of, to put out the Light of 
Allah with their mouths. 9:32 [ 590]; 61:8 [1816); 
tabooing of certain livestock (q.v.) by. 6:138-139 
[449-450]; 6:143-144 [452-453); 6:148 [455]: 10 59 
[658]; simile of the believers (q.v.) and. 11:24 [686]; 
on the Day of Judgement (q v.) no ransom will be 
accepted of. . 3:91 [191-192]; 5:36 (346); 13:18 
[772]; on the Day of Judgement no help or defence 
from punishment will be available to. 21:39-40 
[1022-1023]; 34:51 [1387]; 41:16 [1545]; 44 41 
[1613]; 45:34 [1529]; punishment of hell (q.v.) for. 
77:29-33 [1930]; denial of the Messengcrship of 
Muahammod (q.v.) by, 13:43 [783]; preference to 
wordly life (q.v.) given by. 14:3 [785]; 16:107 [864; 
35:37 [1403]; 75:20 [1916); 76:27 [ 1924]; on the Day 
of Judgement (q.v.) their leaders will be of no avail to. 
14:21 [793]; Satan will disavow any responsibility for, 
14:22 [793-794]; believers arc asked not to admire 
what was given to some of. 15:88 [824]: 20:131 
[1009-1010); on the Day of Resurrection (q v.) 
disgraced will be, 16:27 [835]; their believing in the 
face of death will not avail, 16:28 [835-836); their 
believing on the Day of Judgement (q.v ) will not 
avail. 34:52-54 [1387-1388]; Allah may punish, at 
any time. 16:45-47 [842-843]; 34:9 (1370); wealth 
and manpower/friend shall not avail, against Allah's 



punishment. 26:205-207 [1197); 69:28-29 [1873]; 
69:35 [1874); 92:1 1 [1996]; will be partners with their 
leaders in punishment. 43:38-39 (1592); most of those 
who knowingly disavow Allah's graces ore. 16:83 
[855); inability to undertsond the Qur'an (q.v.) on the 
part of. 17:45-46 (887); there is an appointed time for 
the punishment of. 18:58-59 (933-934); the Day of 
Judgment is the appointed time for all, 44:40 [1613]; 
78:17 [1935]; respite given by Allah to, 16:47 
[842-843); 19:75 [970); 20:129 [1009]; 20:135 
[1011); 22:44 [1061); 22:48 [1063; 31:24 [1319]; 
41:45 (1556); 43:29 (1589); 43:83 [1603); Satans 
(q.v.) instigate. 19:83 [972]; the machination of Satan 
(q.v.) is a test for. 22:53 [1064]; recognition of Allah's 
rububiyyah by. 23:84-89 [1095- 1096). successful 
shall not be. 23:117 [1103]; 28:72 (1262); command 
not to obey, 25:52 (1 153); 33:1 [1334); challenged to 
bring a book better than the Qur'&n and the Tawruh. 
28.49 [1249]; inconsistent conduct of the Makkan. 
35:42 [1405-1406); 37:167-170 [1455-1456]; stale of 
the Makkan. 36:7-9 [1410-1411]; turning away 
frorn/ridiculing of Allah's signs (q.v.) by. 36:46 
[14 19- 1-420]; 37:12-15 [1432]; 45:31 [1628]; 

prophecy about the defeat of the Makkan. 38:11 
[1461]; 54:43-45 [1738]; will confess their sins on the 
Day of Judgement. 40:11 [1513]; allusion to the 
punishment of draught and smoke on the Makkan, 
44:10-13 [1607-1608); threat of punishment for the 
Makkan. 44:16 (1609); will not avail the believers 
(q.v.) against Allah. 45:19 { 1623); the Day of 
Resurrection (q.v.) will be more calumnious for. 54:46 
[1738]; comparison of the Makkan. with the 
unbelieving owners of a garden. 68:17-32 
[1861-1864], will think on the Day of Judgement 
(q.v.) that they hod not lived but for an evening or a 
forenoon of a day. 79:46 (1946); Satan (q.v.) 

embellished their deeds to. 16:63 [847]. 

Unbelieving nations (see also 'Ad. Thamfld, Fir'awn, 
Madyan) the. punishment and destruction of the 
previous. 3:137 [208-209]; 6:6 [393]; 6:11 [395]; 
6:43-45 [407-408]; 7:4-5 [466]; 9:70 [607], 10:13 
[640-641]; 10:39 [652]; 1 1:100-102 [713-714]; 16:26 
[834-835]; 16:33-34 [837-838]; 16:36 (839). 17:17 
[878]; 18:59 [934]; 19:74 [970]; 19:98 [975]; 20:128 
[1008]: 21:6 [1013-1014]; 21:11-15 [1015-1016]; 
21:95 [1038], 22:44-46 [1061-1062]; 22:48 [1043]; 
22:48 [1063]; 23:39-41 [1085]; 23:44 [1086]; 
25:35-40 (1148-1150); 28:58 [1252-1253]; 28:78 
[1260]; 29:49 [1279); 30:9 [1292-1293]; 30:42 
[1304]; 30:47 [1306]; 32:26 [1332]; 34:45 [1385]; 
35:26 [1399]; 35:44 [1407]; 36:28-31 [1415-1416]; 
39:Z5-26 [1490-1491]; 39:50-51 [1499]; 40:5 

[1510-1511]: 40:21-22 [1516-1517); 41:13-18 

[1544-1546]; 41:25 [1548]; 43:8 [1583]; 43:ZS 

[1588]; 46:18 [1638]: 46:27 [1642]; 47:10 [1650]; 
47:13 [1651); 50:36-37 [1693]; 54:51 (1739); 65:8-9 
[1841-1842]; 67:18 [1855]; 77:16 [1928]; Allah's 
way of dealing with the past. 7:94-99 [502-504]; 
35:43 [1406]; 37:73 [1442]; 40:85 [1539]; 48:23 
[1670]; Allah's warning to. 7:100-102 [504-505]; 
there ore sure signs in the destruction of. 20:128 
1 1008]; 32.26 [1332], 

Unseen, the. sec ghayb. 

Untruth, the. shall vanish, 17:81 (899). 

Upturned lands, the. see U)t. 

Usury, prohibition of. 2:275-276. 278 [144-146]; 3:130 
[206-207]; 4:161 [316); what is given tn. does not 
augment in Allah's sight, 30:39 [1302]. 

'Uzayr. die Jews' (q.v.) calling him son of Allah. 9:30 

•Una. al-. 53: 19 [1720). 

Vain dceds/vanily. die believers (q.v.) turn away from. 

Vain talks, believers (q.v.) turn away from. 28:55 
(1251); debasing punishment for those who buy. 31:6 
[1312]; in the jannuh (q.v.) there will be no. 56:25 
[1756]; 78:35 [1938]; 88 1 1 [1981]. punishment for 
those who rash into. 74:45 [1910] 

Vegetation. Allah causes to grow, 6:99 [431]; 7:57-58 
[487-488]; 16:10 [830]; 22:63 [1068]; 22:5 

[1046-1047); 23:18-20 [1079]; 25:48-49 (1 152]; 26:7 
[1163]; 27:60 [1220]; 31:10 [1313); 32:27 [1332]; 
39:21 [1488]; 78:15 [1935] 

Victory, Allah's promise of. for the believers (q.v.) 
61:13-14 [1818-1819], 

Vile deeds (sec also Adultcray, fahishuh Fornication), 
forefathers' practice as plea for committing. 7:28 
[474], Allah forbids. 7:33 [476]; 16:90 [857); taldl i 
(q.v.) holds back from. 29:45 [1281], 

Voice, exhortation to speak in low. 31:19 [1317). 

Vows, the righteous fulfil their. 76:1 [1920]. 

Vying for more, man (q.v.) is beguiled by the. 102:1-2 

Wadu, obligation of and procedure for. 5:6 [330). 

Wahy. to the Prophets (q.v.), 4:163 [317]; 42:3 [1560|; 
to the Messenger of Allah. 4:163 [317]; 6:50 [410); 
28:45-46 [1247-1248]; 34:50 [1387], 42:3 [1560|; 
533-5,10 [1717-1718]; the Kiidb (q.v.) /Qur'an (q.v.) 
was communicated by. 35:31 [1400], angels (q.v.) are 
sent down with. 16:2 [827-828]; the Messenger (q.v.) 
warned in occordnace with . 21:1025]; some methods 
of. 42:51 [1579-1580], 

Waiting penod. for divorced/widowed women, see 
'/dda/t/Divorccd women. 

Walid ibn Mughirah. al-. allusion to his opposition to 
the Mcssnger (q.v ). 68:9-15 [1860-1861]; 74:11-25 
[1905-1907], indication about his punishment. 68:16 
[1861]; 74:17 [1906]; 74:26-27 [1907] 



War, rules of. 8:57 [568); 8:60 [569]: instructions 
regarding the captives of. 8:67 [572]; 8:70-71 [573]. 

Wamcr/Wamers. Allah sent. 67:9-10 [1852], 

Wusilah (a pagan practice). 5:103 [380]. 

Wuriyyah, see Bequest and Will 

Wasteful (see also Extravagant), a believer (q.v.y 
Muslim (q.v.y servant of Allah (q.v.) is not. 25:67 

Water, every living being was created out of, 21:30 
(1020); 24:45 [1125]; Allah created the human being 
from. 25:54 [1154]; Allah sends down from the sky 
(q.v ). 22:63 [1068]; 23:18 [1079]; 25:48 [1152]; 
27:60 [1220]; 30:24 [1297], 31:10 [1313]; 39:21 
11488]; 43:1 1 [1584], 56:68-70 [1762-1763]; 80:25 
[1950]; there are signs (q.v.) in Allah's sending down 
from the sky. 45:5 [1619]; Allah bnngs the flowing 
spring of. 67:30 [1858]; Allah gives drinking. 77:27 
[1929); Allah sends down from the clouds. 78:14 
[1935); Allah produces out of the earth (q.v.), 79:31 


Way, the straight and right ( al-sinii ul muslaiiim), 
prayer to be guided to. 1:6 [2]; to believe in the 
Resurrection and to follow the Messenger (q.v.) is. 
43:61 [1598]; to worship Allah Alone and to follow 
His Messenger is. 3:51 1 176]; 19:36 [959], 36:61 
[1423]; 43:64 [1599]; Islam is. 6:126 [444]; 6:153 
[458]; the Messenger called to. 23:73 [1093]; 42:52 
[1580]; 43:61 [1598]; Allah guided the Messenger to. 
6:161 [462]; 48:2 [1661]; the Messenger (q.v.) was, 
22:67 [1069]; 36:4 [1409]; 43:43 [1593]; Allah 
guided the Messengers to. 6:87 [426]: 16:121 [869], 
37:118 [1449]; Allah guides to. 2:142 [67]; 2:213 
[103]: 4:68 [271]; 4:175 [323]; 5:16 [336-337];6:39 
[406]; 10:25 [646]; 22:54 [1065]; 24:46 [1125]; 48:20 
[1670]; the Qur'an shows, 46:30 [1643]. 

Ways, he who strives in Allah's cause is shown Allah's. 
29:69 [1289], 

Way of Allah, the, (sec also Jihdd). 42:53 [1581]; 
spending enjoined in, 2:254 [130]; 2:195 [93]; 2:265 
[138-139]. 4:39 [258]; 47:38 [1660]; 57.7 [1769]; 
57:10 [1770]; 64:16 [1836], 73:20 [1903); the 
likeness of those who spend in, 2:261 [136]; 2:265 
[138-139; reward for spending in. 2:262 [137]; 2:272 
[142-143]; 2:274 (143-144). redoubled will be reward 
for spending in. 57:11 [17711; 57:18 [1774-1775]; 
64:17 [1836]; Allah compensates for whatever is spent 
in. 34:39 [1382-1383]; painful punishment for those 
who do not spend in. 9:34 [591]; to spend good things 
in. 2:267 1 140]; piety (q.v.) cannot be attained unless 
one spends what one loves in, 3:92 [192]; deterring by 
AM ul-Kit&b/iem (q.v.) from, 3:99 [194]; 4:160 
[316], command to fight (q.v.) in. 2:190-191 [91-92]; 
2:216 [104]; 4:71-76 [271-274]; 4:84 [278]; 5:35 
[346); 9:41 [595]; reference to the Muslims' fighting 

in. 73:20 [1903]; the saving irade is jihddllo fight in. 
61:10-11 [1817]; encourage mnent to fight in. 5:54 
[357]; 9:38-39 [593-594]; 47:7 [1649]; reward for 
jr/urd/fighting in. 61:12-13 [1718]; attitude of the 
munufufun (q.v.) and some Muslims to the command 
to fighting in. 4:77 [274-275]; command to follow, 
6:153 [458]; the unbelievers' (q.v.) spending of wealth 
to prevent others from. 8:36 [559); 90:6 [1989-1*190]; 
the unbelievers prevent others from. 14:3 [785|; in 
vain are the deeds of those who disbelieve and prevent 
from. 47:1 [1647); they are patron-friends of one 
another who believe, migrate and fight in. 8:72 
[573-574]; they are the true believers (q.v.) who 
believe, migrate and fight in. 8:74 [575]; greater status 
of and reword for those who fight and migrate in. 
9:20-22 (584-585); 9:111 (625-626); greater status of 
those who fought and spent, before the conquest of 
Makka (q.v ). 57:10 [1770-1771]; Allah loves those 
who fight in, 61:4 [1814-1815); rewards for those who 
migrate and die in. 22:58-59 [ 1066): ?akith (q.v.) may 
be spent in. 9:60 [603]; the mundfiqdn's (q.v.) turning 
away from spending in. 9:75-76 [610]; 9:79-80 
[611-612]: worst in loss in the hereafter will be those 
who prevent from. 1 1 : 19-22 [684-685; a similitude for 
the one who spends in. 16:75 [851]; punishment for 
preventing from. 16:94 (859); 22:25 [1053-1054]; 
Allah makes go in vain the deeds of those who 
disbelieve, oppose the Messenger (q.v.) and prevent 
from. 47:32 [1658]: Allah will not forgive those who 
disbelieve and prevent from. 47:34 [1659]; debasing 
punishment for those who lead astray from. 31:6 
[1312]; command to call with wisdom, good 
exhortation and argument to. 16:125 [870]: 

punishment for those who go astray from. 38:26 
[1466]; a characteristic of the believers is that they 
fight with their wealth and persons in. 49:15 (1683]; 
Allah knows best those who strays away from, 53:30 
[1722]: the mundfu/un (q.v.) prevent from. 58:16 
[1790]; 63:2 [1825], 

Wayfareres, alms to. enjoined. 2:177 [83]; 2:215 [104]; 
17:26 [881]; 30:38 [1302]; duly to be good to. 4:36 
[257]; distribution of the booty from BonO al-Nadir 
(q.v.) to the stranded, 59:7 [1797], 

Wealth, prohibition to devour unlawfully. 2:188 [90]; 
4:29 [253]; the part of. which is to be spent in charity 
(q.v.). 2:219 [107]; man is absorbed in the love of. 
89:20 [1987]: 100:8 [2014], reward for those who 
gives his. exclusively for the sake of Allah. 92:18-21 

Wealth and children. Allah bestows. 71:12 [1886]. 

Weariness, the creation of the heavens and the earth 
(q.v.) and alt that is between them did not cause to 
Allah any, 50:38 [1693-16941. 



Weighing, ihc, on the Day of Judgement (q.v.), 7:8-9 
[4671: 21:47 [1025); 23:102-103 [1100]; 101:6-11 

Weigh! and measure, the. command to make full, 6:152 
(458); 7:85 [498-499); 17:35 [8841. 55:9 [1742]; the 
Madyan q.v.) people advised to give full, 1 1 :84-85 
[707-708]; Ashub al-'Aykah (q.v.) advised to give 
full. 26:181-183 [1193]; woe to the defrauders in. 

Whims, worst astray are those who follow their. 28:50 
[1249-1250], disbelievers follow their. 54:3 (1729); 

Widow, waiting period for, 2:234 [117-1 1 8] 

Wife, rule regarding oath (q.v.) to abstain from. 2:226 
[III]; reconciliation between husband (q.v.) and. 4:35 
(256); 4:128 [300-301]; prohibition to keep 

suspended a. 4:129 [301], 

Will (see also Bequest), the making of. 2:180 [85]; 
changing the provision of. by a successor. 2:181-182 
[85-85: for wives. 2:240 [121]; to have witnesses at 
the time of making. 5:105-108 [382-384], 

Wind/winds. Allah despatches the. 7:57 [487-488]; 
15:22 [81 1); 25:48 [1152]; 27:63 [1221-1222]; 30:40 
[1305]; 30:48 [1306]; 35:9 [1392); there arc signs 
(q.v.) in Allah's despatching of. 45:5 (1619): Allah 
may make still the. 42:33 [1573]; subjection of, to 
Sulaymftn (q.v.), 38:36 [1469]; Allah had sent against 
the 'Ad (q.v.) a very cold and furious/barrcn. 41:16 
[IS45];46:24-25 (1640-1641); 51:41-42 (1702-1703); 
54:19-20 [1732-1733]; Allah's oath by Ihc 

scaltcring/dcslroying. 51:1 [1696]: 77:1-2 [1926], 

Wine, grave sin in the drinking of. 2:219 [107]; 
prohibition of the drinking of. 5:90-91 [374-375]; in 
the jannah (q.v.) there will be rivcrs/sprmgs of, 47:15 
(1652); neither headache nor intoxication will be 
caused by drinking from the springs of, in jannah 
(q.v ). 56:19 [1756] 

Witches, command to seek refuge with Allah from the 
evil of. 1 13:1.4 |20301. 

Wives, the. restriction on the number of. 4:3 (237J; to 
marry only one. if unable to treat equally, 4:3 [237]; 
command to give nuihr (q.v.) to. 4:4 [238]; shares of, 
in the inheritance (q.v.). 4:12 [242-243]; prohibition 
to make false accusation against. 4:20-21 [247-248]; 
legal proceedings regarding false accusation (q.v.) by 
husbands against. 24:6-9 [1 107-1108]; the Messenger 
of Allah's, are mothers of the believers (q.v.) 33:6 
[1336]; believers forbidden to marry the the 
Messenger's (q.v.). after him. 33:53 [1359]; 

exhortations to the Messenger's (q.v.), 33:28-34 

Womb. Allah knows what conics and shnnks the. 13:8 
[767]; 31:34 [1323]; 35:11 [1393], Allah brings out 
man (q.v.) from mother's. 16:78 (853); Allah is Best 

Aware of you when you were in your mothers'. 53:32 

Women, abolition of the pre-lslamic practice of 
inheriting, as chattels. 4:19 [246-247). lawful, for 
marriage (q.v ). 4:25 [250-252]; 5:5 [329-330]; 24:32 
[1 1 18): 33:50 [1355-1356]: shall have reward for their 
deeds. 4:32 [254]; men ore custodians over, 4:34 
[255 J; given the right of inheritance (q.v.), 4:127 
[300]; legal punishment for making false accusation 
(q.v.) against chatstc. 24:4 [1 106-1107], Allah's curse 
on and grave punishment for those who slander (q.v.) 
chaste. 24:23 [1113); bad men are for bad. and good 
men are for good. 24:26 [1114]; lawful are not for 
unbelieving men believing. 60: 1 0 [ 1 8 1 1 ) ; commanded 
to guard their pnvate parts and to lower their glances 
from men. 24:31 [1116-1118]; rules of Ijijah (q.v.) 
for. 33:53,55 [1358-1360]; injunction about hij&b 
(q.v.) for. 33:59 [1361-1362], no sin in putting down 
their apparels by those who ore past child-bearing age 
of. 24:60 [1131]; prohibition to display their beauties 
by. 33:33 (1347-1348); prohibition of mocking (q.v.) 
at one another by. 49:11 [1680-1681]; believers 
enjoined not to return to their unbelieving husbands 
believing. 60:10 [181 1], believers enjoined not to hold 
on to the marital bonds with unbelieving. 60:10 
[1811-1812]: conditions of the bay'ah (q.v.) made by 
the believing. 60: 1 2 ( 1 8 1 2- 1 8 1 3], 

Words of Allah, oceans as ink would be exhausted 
before that exhausted would be the. 18:109 [948-949); 
oceans as ink and trees as pens would be exhausted 
before that exhausted would be. 31:27 (1320). 

Worldly life, the. is but a delight of delusion. 3:185 
[229]; enjoyment of. is insignificant. 4:77 [275]; is a 
game and a fun, 6:32 [403]: 47:36 [1659]; is an 
enjoyment. 13:26 [775); 40:39 [1523], is a diversion 
and play/dclusion. 29:64 [1287-1288); 57:20 

11775-1776]; let there not deceive you. 35:5 [1391]; 
the simile of. 10:24 [645-646]; 18:45 [927]; 57:20 
[1776); wealth and offspring are the adornment of. 
18:46 [928]; Allah bestows the enjoyment and 
ornament of. 43:35 [1590-1591]; those who do not 
look forward to meeting Allah are happy with. 10:7 
(638). ihc disbelievers lake away their good things in 
their. 46:20 [1639]; they shall have nothing for them 
in the hereafter (q.v.) who desire only. 11:15-16 
[682-683); 42:20 [1568]; command to avoid those 
who desire only. 53:29 ( 1722]; die unbelievers prefer. 
14:3 [785]; 16:107 [864]; 75:20 [1916); Kafir/ 
unbelievers deceived by. 45:35 [1629); hell will be for 
those who desire only. 17:18 [878]; is of very shon 
duration. 23:112-114 [1102-1103]: what is with 
Alllah is better than the chattcl/enjoymcnt of. 
28:60-61 [1253-1254]; 42:36 [1574]; 43:35 [1591]; 
seek the abode of the hereafter but do not forget your 



share of, 28:77 [1259]; man (q.v.) knows ihc 
ostensible of. 30:7 [1291]; let there not deceive you. 
31:33 [1323]; on the Day of Judgement (q.v.) the 
sinful (q.v.) will pray to be sent back to, 32:12 [1327]; 
angels (q.v.) are friends of the believers (q.v.) in, 
41:31 |I550-I55I|; hell (q.v.) shall be the abode of 
those that transgress and prefer. 79:36-39 [1945]; man 
prefers, 87:16 [1979]. 

Wrong, great merit for forgiveness of, 42:43 (1576). 

Yaghuih (name of an imaginary goddess of Nuh's 
people). 7 1:23 [1 888] 

Yahyi birth and Prophclhood of. 3:39-41 [170-172); 
6:84 [425], Zakoriyyfi (q.v.) given the good tidings of 
the birth of, 19:7-9 [951-952]; gift to Zakariyyd (q.v.) 
of, 21:90 [1037]; discernment, purity and piety given 
to, 19:12-15 [953-954], 

Ya'qub (see also YOsuf). enjoining of Islam (q.v.) upon 
his sons by. 2:132 [62-63]; death-time enjoining of 
tawbid (q.v.) to his sons by, 2:133 [63]; was a 
Muslim, 2: 136 [64]; was neither a Jew nor a Christian. 
2:140 [66]; Muslims must bclivc in what was sent 
down to. 3:84 [188-189], Allah's wu/iy (q.v.) to. 4:163 
[318]; was a Prophet. 6:84 [425]; 19:49 [963|; 21:73 
[1031]; 38:45-47 (1471); good tidings given to 
Ibriihim (q.v.) of. 11:69-73 [702-704]; Allah's gift to 
Ibrahim (q b.) of. 21:72 [1031]; 29:27 [1274]; was 
father of YOsuf (q.v.). 12:6 [724]; YOsuf (q.v.) 
followed the nullah of. 12:38 [736]; reunion with 
YOsuf of, 12:68-101 [748-759]; Yahya (q.v.) was 
meant to inherit from the family of. 19:6 (951). 

Yasa'.al . 38:48 [1471], 

Ya'Hq (name of an imaginary goddess of Nuh's people), 

YOnus. .i ural, [635-676]; Allah's wahy (q.v.) to, 4:163 
[318]; was a Prophet/Messenger. 6:86 [426]; 37:139 
[1451]: the story of. 37:140-148 [1452-1453]; 
68:48-50 [1867]; believing by and removal of 
punishment from the people of. 10:98 [672]; saving 
of, from the trials, 21:87-88 [ 1036]. 

YOsuf. sural. [722-762]; was a Prophet, 6:84 [425]. 
40:34 [1521]; the story of. 12:4-101 [723-759]; the 
dream seen by. 12:4-6 [723-724); conspiracy of his 
borthers against. 12:8-10 [724-725]; taken by his 
brothers to play and thrown into the depth of a well. 
12: 11-15 [725-726]; false report of his having been 
eaten by an wolf given to the father of, 12:18 [727]; 
found and taken by a trade caravan to Egypt and sold 
there. 12:19-21 [728-729]; and there sought to lure 
him she (Aziz's wife) in whose house he was. 
12:23-29 [729-732]; reaction of the women of the city 
to the deed of Aziz's wife. 12:30-32 [732-733]; thrown 
into prison. 12:33-35 [734]; dream seen by the two 
prison-mates of. 12:36 [734-735; preaching of lawhid 
to the two prison-mates by. 12:37-40 [735-737]; 

interpretation of the dreams of the two prison-mates 
by, 12:41-42 [737-738]; interpretation of the King's 
dream by. 12:43-49 [738-740]; confession of her guilt 
by 'Aziz's wife and vindication of the innocence of. 
l2:SO-53 [740-742]: released from prison and 
appointed the King's trusted minister, 12:54-56 
[742-743]; rcnioun of, with his father and brothers. 
12:101 [743-759] 

Yawm ul-Din. see Day of Judgement. 

Zabur, the, given to D&fld (q.v ), 4:163 [318]; 17:55 
[890); inheritance of the earth (q.v.) according to, 
21:105 [1041). 

Zakdh. command to pay, 2:43 [22]; 2:83 [39]; 2:110 
[52); 2:277 [145]; 4:77 [274]; 14:31 [797]; 19:31 
[958], 19:55 [964]; 21:73 [1031]; 22:78 [1074]; 24:56 
[1129); 30:31 [1300); 57:7 [1769); 58:13 [1789]; 
73:20 |I903); 98:5 [2009]: a characteristic of 
ul-Mutiaqdn tq.v.X believers (q.v.J/nghteous (q.v.) is 
the payment of, 2:177 [83-84]; 5:55 [358]; 13:22 
[773]; 22:35 [1058]: 22:41 [1060]; 23:4 [1075-1076]; 
24:37 [1 121]; 27:3 [1203]: 31:4 (131 1]; 42:38 (1575); 
51:19 [1698-1699]; reward for the givers of, 4:162 
[317]; 28:54 [1251]; 35:29-30 [1400]; 92:18-21 
[1997]: covenant taken from Band Isra’il (q.v.) to pay, 
5:12 [333-334]; Allah's mercy for those who pay. 
7:156 [525]; jannah (q.v.) for those who pay, 
70:24-25.35 [1880.1882]; very painful punishment/ 
hellfire for those who do not pay, 9:34-35 (591-592); 
70:15-18 [1879]; Ihc munafiqiln's attitude regarding 
the distribuuon of. 9:58-59 [601-602]; objects of. 9:60 
[601-602); enjoined on 'Isd (q.v.), 19:31 [958]; 
Ismd'il (q.v.) enjoined the payment of. 19:55 [964]; 
what is given in, augments in Allah's sight 30:39 
(1302-1303); polytheists (q.v.) /unbelievers (q.v.) do 
not pay. 41:7 (1542). 

Zakariyyl rearing up of Maryam (q.v.) by. 3:37 
(169-170); prayer for offspring made by, 3:38 [170]; 
19:2-6 [950-951]; 21:89 [I037|; good tidings of 
Yahyfi (q.v.) given to, 19:7-9 (951-952; a sign given 
to. 19:10 [952|; birth/gift of Yahyi (q.v.) to. 3:39-41 
[170-172]; 21:90 [1037]; was a Prophet. 6:8S [425] 

Zaqqiim. Tree of. description of the. 37:62-65 [1440]; 
the polytheists/sinful shall eat of, 37:66 [1440-1441]; 
44:43-46 [1614]; 56:52-53 [1760] 

Zayd. reference to the marriage of the Messenger (q.v.) 
with the ex-wife of. 33:38 [1350-13521. 

Zihilr. nullification of Ihc pre-lslamic custom of 
divorcing by. 33:4 (1335). 58:2 [1782-1783]; 
atonement for the sin of, 58:3-4 [1783-1784]. 

Zimin lal-zlna). sec Adultery. 

Zubur (previous scripturesj.thc. coming of the 
Messenger and the Qur’an foretold in, 26:196-197 
[1196]; given to the previous Messengers (q.v.). 35:25 




Zu/m, setting partners with Allah is a grave, 31:13 
[1315]; command not to commit. 2:279 [146]; Allah 
does not intend any, to the creatures/His servants. 
3:108 [198]; 40:3 [1520], Allah does not do any. 4:40 
[258]; 10:44 [653]; 18:49 [929]; there will be no. on 
the Day of Judgement (q.v.), 2:281 [147]; 3:161 
[219]; 4:49 [263]; 4.77 [275]; 4:124 [299]; 6:160 
[462]; 8:60 [569]; 10:47 [654]; 10:54 [657J; 16:111 
[856]; 17:71 [896]; 19:60 [966]; 23:62 [1090]; 39:69 
[1505]; 40:17 [1515]; 45:22 [1625]; 46:19 [I638J; 
Allah is All-Aware of those who commit. 2:95 (45]; 
2:246 [124]; 6:58 [414]; 9:47 (598); 62:7 [1822]; 
Allah docs not like those who commit. 3:57 [178]; 
3:140 [210]; 42:40 [1575]; Allah does not guide a 
people committing. 2:258 [134]; 3:86 [190]; 5:51 
[356]; 6:144 [453]; 9:19 [584]; 9:109 [625]; 28:50 
[1250]; 46:10 [1634]; 61:7 [1816]; 62:5 [1822]; 
punishment for those who commit. 3:151 [213]; 5:29 
[343]; 7:41 (480); 14:22 [794]; 18:29 [922]; 21:29 
[1020); 25:19 [1143]; 25:37 [1149]; 39:24 [1490]; 
40:52 [1528]; 42:21 [1569]; 42:45 [1577]; 59:17 
[1802]; 76:31 [1925]; Allah's curse is on the people 
committing. 7 44 [482]; 11:18 [684]; 40:52 [1528], 

A Word for Word Meaning of the Qur'an places one or a couple of 
words of the 'ayah in one line of a column and gives their meanings 
side by side in another column, taking care to see that the flow and 
intelligibility of the English meanings are not thereby lost. This method 
enables the reader to identify which English words or phrases represent 
the meaning of which words in the Arabic text. It has the additional 
advantage of keeping the meaning strictly to the wording of the text and 
it militates against omitting the meaning of any word of the text or 
importing in the meaning any word or expression that has no 
correspondence with anything in the text. 

To further facilitate the understanding of the text, the meanings of 
almost all important words in the text have been given separately. To do 
this a number has been placed on the English word which represents the 
meaning of the particular word in the text and then the meanings of that 
word have been given under that number in another column by the side 
of the general meaning of the text. The numbering has been kept 
individual for each page. Also grammatical notes, particularly verb 
forms and verbal nouns, have been given as far as possible. As the 
words recur at different pages, so their meanings and grammatical notes 
also have been repeated, giving cross reference to at least one previous 
occurrence of the word, indicating the page on which and the number 
under which the word has been explained before. The aim has been to 
enable a non-Arab reader to understand the Qur’an as well as to 
improve his knowledge of Arabic, particularly the Qur’anic Arabic. 


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